Programs & Examples On #Cglayer

Measuring elapsed time with the Time module

For a longer period.

import time
start_time = time.time()
e = int(time.time() - start_time)
print('{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(e // 3600, (e % 3600 // 60), e % 60))

would print


if more than 24 hours


That is inspired by Rutger Hofste's answer. Thank you Rutger!

Pass Model To Controller using Jquery/Ajax

Looks like your IndexPartial action method has an argument which is a complex object. If you are passing a a lot of data (complex object), It might be a good idea to convert your action method to a HttpPost action method and use jQuery post to post data to that. GET has limitation on the query string value.

public PartialViewResult IndexPartial(DashboardViewModel m)
   //May be you want to pass the posted model to the parial view?
   return PartialView("_IndexPartial");

Your script should be

var url = "@Url.Action("IndexPartial","YourControllerName")";

var model = { Name :"Shyju", Location:"Detroit"};

$.post(url, model, function(res){
   //res contains the markup returned by the partial view
   //You probably want to set that to some Div.

Assuming Name and Location are properties of your DashboardViewModel class and SomeDivToShowTheResult is the id of a div in your page where you want to load the content coming from the partialview.

Sending complex objects?

You can build more complex object in js if you want. Model binding will work as long as your structure matches with the viewmodel class

var model = { Name :"Shyju", 
              Interests : ["Code","Coffee","Stackoverflow"]

    type: "POST",
    data: JSON.stringify(model),
    url: url,
    contentType: "application/json"
}).done(function (res) {

For the above js model to be transformed to your method parameter, Your View Model should be like this.

public class DashboardViewModel
  public string Name {set;get;}
  public string Location {set;get;}
  public List<string> Interests {set;get;}

And in your action method, specify [FromBody]

public PartialViewResult IndexPartial([FromBody] DashboardViewModel m)
    return PartialView("_IndexPartial",m);

Spring @ContextConfiguration how to put the right location for the xml

That's the reason not to put configuration into webapp.

As far as I know, there are no good ways to access files in webapp folder from the unit tests. You can put your configuration into src/main/resources instead, so that you can access it from your unit tests (as described in the docs), as well as from the webapp (using classpath: prefix in contextConfigLocation).

See also:

Declaring variable workbook / Worksheet vba

Third solution: I would set ws to a sheet of workbook wb as the use of Sheet("name") always refers to the active workbook, which might change as your code develops.

sub kl() 

    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    'be aware as this might produce an error, if Shet "name" does not exist
    Set ws = wb.Sheets("name")
    ' if wb is other than the active workbook

End Sub

How to remove "Server name" items from history of SQL Server Management Studio

Here is an easy way.

Open the connection window, click on the Server name dropdown, and hover over the connection string you want to delete, then press delete.

Updating state on props change in React Form

Apparently things are changing.... getDerivedStateFromProps() is now the preferred function.

class Component extends React.Component {_x000D_
  static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, current_state) {_x000D_
    if (current_state.value !== props.value) {_x000D_
      return {_x000D_
        value: props.value,_x000D_
        computed_prop: heavy_computation(props.value)_x000D_
    return null_x000D_

(above code by danburzo @ github )

Implement division with bit-wise operator

The standard way to do division is by implementing binary long-division. This involves subtraction, so as long as you don't discount this as not a bit-wise operation, then this is what you should do. (Note that you can of course implement subtraction, very tediously, using bitwise logical operations.)

In essence, if you're doing Q = N/D:

  1. Align the most-significant ones of N and D.
  2. Compute t = (N - D);.
  3. If (t >= 0), then set the least significant bit of Q to 1, and set N = t.
  4. Left-shift N by 1.
  5. Left-shift Q by 1.
  6. Go to step 2.

Loop for as many output bits (including fractional) as you require, then apply a final shift to undo what you did in Step 1.

Set UIButton title UILabel font size programmatically

I hope it will be help to you

[_button.titleLabel setFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:15]];  

good luck

Run java jar file on a server as background process

If you're using Ubuntu and have "Upstart" ( you can try this:

Create /var/init/yourservice.conf

with the following content

description "Your Java Service"  
author "You"  

start on runlevel [3]  
stop on shutdown  

expect fork  

    cd /web 
    java -jar server.jar >/var/log/yourservice.log 2>&1  
    emit yourservice_running  
end script  

Now you can issue the service yourservice start and service yourservice stop commands. You can tail /var/log/yourservice.log to verify that it's working.

If you just want to run your jar from the console without it hogging the console window, you can just do:

java -jar /web/server.jar > /var/log/yourservice.log 2>&1

How to delete parent element using jQuery

Delete parent:

$(document).on("click", ".remove", function() {

Delete all parents:

$(document).on("click", ".remove", function() { 

SQL server stored procedure return a table

create procedure PSaleCForms
@b varchar(9),
@c nvarchar(500),
@q nvarchar(max)
declare @T table(FY nvarchar(9),Qtr int,title nvarchar    (max),invoicenumber     nvarchar(max),invoicedate datetime,sp decimal    18,2),grandtotal decimal(18,2))
declare @data cursor
set @data= Cursor
forward_only static
select x.DBTitle,y.CurrentFinancialYear from [Accounts     Manager].dbo.DBManager x inner join [Accounts Manager].dbo.Accounts y on        y.DBID=x.DBID where x.cfy=1
open @data
fetch next from @data
into @c,@b
while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
set @q=N'Select '''+@b+''' [fy], case cast(month(i.invoicedate)/3.1 as int)     when 0 then 4 else cast(month(i.invoicedate)/3.1 as int) end [Qtr],     l.title,i.invoicenumber,i.invoicedate,i.sp,i.grandtotal from     ['+@c+'].dbo.invoicemain i inner join  ['+@c+'].dbo.ledgermain l on     l.ledgerid=i.ledgerid where (sp=0 or stocktype=''x'') and invoicetype=''DS'''

insert into @T exec [master].dbo.sp_executesql @q fetch next from @data into @c,@b end close @data deallocate @data select * from @T return end

How can I get enum possible values in a MySQL database?

I get enum values in this way:

FROM information_schema.`COLUMNS` 
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'tableName' 
     AND COLUMN_NAME = 'columnName';

Running this sql I have get : enum('BDBL','AB Bank')

then I have filtered just value using following code :

preg_match("/^enum\(\'(.*)\'\)$/", $type, $matches);
$enum = explode("','", $matches[1]);
var_dump($enum) ;

Out put :

array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "BDBL" [1]=> string(7) "AB Bank" }

How can I see function arguments in IPython Notebook Server 3?

Adding screen shots(examples) and some more context for the answer of @Thomas G.

if its not working please make sure if you have executed code properly. In this case make sure import pandas as pd is ran properly before checking below shortcut.

Place the cursor in middle of parenthesis () before you use shortcut.

shift + tab

Display short document and few params

enter image description here

shift + tab + tab

Expands document with scroll bar

enter image description here

shift + tab + tab + tab

Provides document with a Tooltip: "will linger for 10secs while you type". which means it allows you write params and waits for 10secs.

enter image description here

shift + tab + tab + tab + tab

It opens a small window in bottom with option(top righ corner of small window) to open full documentation in new browser tab.

enter image description here

ant warning: "'includeantruntime' was not set"

Use <property name="build.sysclasspath" value="last"/> in your build.xml file

For more details search includeAntRuntime in Ant javac

Other possible values could be found here

Returning Arrays in Java

You have a couple of basic misconceptions about Java:

I want it to return the array without having to explicitly tell the console to print.

1) Java does not work that way. Nothing ever gets printed implicitly. (Java does not support an interactive interpreter with a "repl" loop ... like Python, Ruby, etc.)

2) The "main" doesn't "return" anything. The method signature is:

  public static void main(String[] args)

and the void means "no value is returned". (And, sorry, no you can't replace the void with something else. If you do then the java command won't recognize the "main" method.)

3) If (hypothetically) you did want your "main" method to return something, and you altered the declaration to allow that, then you still would need to use a return statement to tell it what value to return. Unlike some language, Java does not treat the value of the last statement of a method as the return value for the method. You have to use a return statement ...

Return sql rows where field contains ONLY non-alphanumeric characters

If you have short strings you should be able to create a few LIKE patterns ('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '[^a-zA-Z0-9][^a-zA-Z0-9]', ...) to match strings of different length. Otherwise you should use CLR user defined function and a proper regular expression - Regular Expressions Make Pattern Matching And Data Extraction Easier.

DropDownList in MVC 4 with Razor

Using an array would be a little more efficient than creating a list.

@Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.Tipo, new SelectListItem[]{
                new SelectListItem() {Text = "Exemplo1", Value="Exemplo1"},
                new SelectListItem() {Text = "Exemplo2", Value="Exemplo2"},
                new SelectListItem() {Text = "Exemplo3", Value="Exemplo3"}})

python dictionary sorting in descending order based on values

A short example to sort dictionary is desending order for Python3.

a1 = {'a':1, 'b':13, 'd':4, 'c':2, 'e':30}
a1_sorted_keys = sorted(a1, key=a1.get, reverse=True)
for r in a1_sorted_keys:
    print(r, a1[r])

Following will be the output

e 30
b 13
d 4
c 2
a 1

Print a list of all installed node.js modules

Generally, there are two ways to list out installed packages - through the Command Line Interface (CLI) or in your application using the API.

Both commands will print to stdout all the versions of packages that are installed, as well as their dependencies, in a tree-structure.


npm list

Use the -g (global) flag to list out all globally-installed packages. Use the --depth=0 flag to list out only the top packages and not their dependencies.


In your case, you want to run this within your script, so you'd need to use the API. From the docs:, [silent,] callback)

In addition to printing to stdout, the data will also be passed into the callback.

c#: getter/setter

That is an auto-property and it is the shorthand notation for this:

private string type;
public string Type
  get { return this.type; }
  set { this.type = value; }

jQuery set checkbox checked

Dude try below code :

$("div.row-form input[type='checkbox']").attr('checked','checked')


$("div.row-form #estado_cat").attr("checked","checked");


$("div.row-form #estado_cat").attr("checked",true);

Error in MySQL when setting default value for DATE or DATETIME


How to serialize an Object into a list of URL query parameters?

If you use jQuery, this is what it uses for parameterizing the options of a GET XHR request:

$.param( obj )

How can I convert this one line of ActionScript to C#?

There is collection of Func<...> classes - Func that is probably what you are looking for:

 void MyMethod(Func<int> param1 = null) 

This defines method that have parameter param1 with default value null (similar to AS), and a function that returns int. Unlike AS in C# you need to specify type of the function's arguments.

So if you AS usage was

MyMethod(function(intArg, stringArg) { return true; }) 

Than in C# it would require param1 to be of type Func<int, siring, bool> and usage like

MyMethod( (intArg, stringArg) => { return true;} ); 

Amazon S3 upload file and get URL

You can work it out for yourself given the bucket and the file name you specify in the upload request.

e.g. if your bucket is mybucket and your file is named myfilename:

The s3 bit will be different depending on which region your bucket is in. For example, I use the south-east asia region so my urls are like:

How to dynamically build a JSON object with Python?

There is already a solution provided which allows building a dictionary, (or nested dictionary for more complex data), but if you wish to build an object, then perhaps try 'ObjDict'. This gives much more control over the json to be created, for example retaining order, and allows building as an object which may be a preferred representation of your concept.

pip install objdict first.

from objdict import ObjDict

data = ObjDict()
data.key = 'value'
json_data = data.dumps()

How do you run a js file using npm scripts?

You should use npm run-script build or npm build <project_folder>. More info here:

Define an alias in fish shell

  1. if there is not in ~/.config/fish/, make it.
  2. there you can write your function .function name; command; end

jQuery get an element by its data-id

This worked for me, in my case I had a button with a data-id attribute:



Changing the JFrame title

If your class extends JFrame then use this.setTitle(newTitle.getText());

If not and it contains a JFrame let's say named myFrame, then use myFrame.setTitle(newTitle.getText());

Now that you have posted your program, it is obvious that you need only one JTextField to get the new title. These changes will do the trick:

JTextField poolLengthText, poolWidthText, poolDepthText, poolVolumeText, hotTub,
        hotTubLengthText, hotTubWidthText, hotTubDepthText, hotTubVolumeText, temp, results,


    public void createOptions()
        options = new JPanel();
        JLabel labelOptions = new JLabel("Change Company Name:");
        labelOptions.setBounds(120, 10, 150, 20);
        newTitle = new JTextField("Some Title");
        newTitle.setBounds(80, 40, 225, 20);
//        myTitle = new JTextField("My Title...");
//        myTitle.setBounds(80, 40, 225, 20);
//        myTitle.add(labelOptions);
        JButton newName = new JButton("Set New Name");
        newName.setBounds(60, 80, 150, 20);
        JButton Exit = new JButton("Exit");
        Exit.setBounds(250, 80, 80, 20);


private void New_Name()

Android/Java - Date Difference in days

        Date userDob = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(dob);
        Date today = new Date();
        long diff =  today.getTime() - userDob.getTime();
        int numOfDays = (int) (diff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
        int hours = (int) (diff / (1000 * 60 * 60));
        int minutes = (int) (diff / (1000 * 60));
        int seconds = (int) (diff / (1000));

Git command to show which specific files are ignored by .gitignore


Also interesting (mentioned in qwertymk's answer), you can also use the git check-ignore -v command, at least on Unix (doesn't work in a CMD Windows session)

git check-ignore *
git check-ignore -v *

The second one displays the actual rule of the .gitignore which makes a file to be ignored in your git repo.
On Unix, using "What expands to all files in current directory recursively?" and a bash4+:

git check-ignore **/*

(or a find -exec command)

Note: B. suggests in the comments to avoid the (risky) globstar:

git check-ignore -v $(find . -type f -print)

Make sure to exclude the files from the .git/ subfolder though.

Original answer 42009)

git ls-files -i

should work, except its source code indicates:

if (show_ignored && !exc_given) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s: --ignored needs some exclude pattern\n",

exc_given ?

It turns out it need one more parameter after the -i to actually list anything:


git ls-files -i --exclude-from=[Path_To_Your_Global].gitignore

(but that would only list your cached (non-ignored) object, with a filter, so that is not quite what you want)


$ cat .git/ignore
# ignore objects and archives, anywhere in the tree.
$ cat Documentation/.gitignore
# ignore generated html files,
# except foo.html which is maintained by hand
$ git ls-files --ignored \
    --exclude='Documentation/*.[0-9]' \
    --exclude-from=.git/ignore \

Actually, in my 'gitignore' file (called 'exclude'), I find a command line that could help you:

F:\prog\git\test\.git\info>type exclude
# git ls-files --others --exclude-from=.git/info/exclude
# Lines that start with '#' are comments.
# For a project mostly in C, the following would be a good set of
# exclude patterns (uncomment them if you want to use them):
# *.[oa]
# *~


git ls-files --ignored --exclude-from=.git/info/exclude
git ls-files -i --exclude-from=.git/info/exclude

git ls-files --others --ignored --exclude-standard
git ls-files -o -i --exclude-standard

should do the trick.

(Thanks to honzajde pointing out in the comments that git ls-files -o -i --exclude-from... does not include cached files: only git ls-files -i --exclude-from... (without -o) does.)

As mentioned in the ls-files man page, --others is the important part, in order to show you non-cached, non-committed, normally-ignored files.

--exclude_standard is not just a shortcut, but a way to include all standard "ignored patterns" settings.

Add the standard git exclusions: .git/info/exclude, .gitignore in each directory, and the user's global exclusion file.

Display text on MouseOver for image in html

You can use CSS hover
Link to jsfiddle here:


<a><img src=''></a>


div {
    display: none;
    border:1px solid #000;

a:hover + div {
    display: block;

Why there is no ConcurrentHashSet against ConcurrentHashMap

There's no built in type for ConcurrentHashSet because you can always derive a set from a map. Since there are many types of maps, you use a method to produce a set from a given map (or map class).

Prior to Java 8, you produce a concurrent hash set backed by a concurrent hash map, by using Collections.newSetFromMap(map)

In Java 8 (pointed out by @Matt), you can get a concurrent hash set view via ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet(). This is a bit simpler than the old newSetFromMap which required you to pass in an empty map object. But it is specific to ConcurrentHashMap.

Anyway, the Java designers could have created a new set interface every time a new map interface was created, but that pattern would be impossible to enforce when third parties create their own maps. It is better to have the static methods that derive new sets; that approach always works, even when you create your own map implementations.

Send email by using codeigniter library via localhost

$insert = $this->db->insert('email_notification', $data);
                $this->session->set_flashdata("msg", "<div class='alert alert-success'> Cafe has been added Successfully.</div>");

                //require ("plugins/mailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php");
                $mail = new PHPMailer;
                $mail->SMTPOptions = array(
                    'ssl' => array(
                    'verify_peer' => false,
                    'verify_peer_name' => false,
                    'allow_self_signed' => true,

                     Your Account Has beed created successfully by Admin:
                    Username: ".$this->input->post('username')." <br><br>
                    Email: ".$this->input->post('sender_email')." <br><br>
                    <div class='background-color:#666;color:#fff;padding:6px;
                         Bookly Admin.
                $mail->isSMTP(); // Set mailer to use SMTP
                $mail->Host = ''; // Specify main and backup SMTP servers
                $mail->SMTPAuth = true; 
                $subject = "Hello  ".$this->input->post('username');
                $email = $this->input->post('sender_email'); //this email is user email
                $from_label = "Account Creation";
                $mail->Username = 'your email'; // SMTP username
                $mail->Password = 'password'; // SMTP password
                $mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; // Enable TLS encryption, `ssl` also accepted
                $mail->Port = 465;
                $mail->addAddress($email, 'Bookly Admin');
                $mail->Subject = $subject;
                $mail->Body = $message;
                $mail->AltBody = 'This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients';


$.browser is undefined error

The .browser call has been removed in jquery 1.9 have a look at for more details.

jQuery selector to get form by name

For detecting if the form is present, I'm using

if($('form[name="frmSave"]').length > 0) {
    //do something

How to update Identity Column in SQL Server?

Complete solution for C# programmers using command builder

First of all, you have to know this facts:

  • In any case, you cannot modify an identity column, so you have to delete the row and re-add with new identity.
  • You cannot remove the identity property from the column (you would have to remove to column)
  • The custom command builder from .net always skips the identity column, so you cannot use it for this purpose.

So, once knowing that, what you have to do is. Either program your own SQL Insert statement, or program you own insert command builder. Or use this one that I'be programmed for you. Given a DataTable, generates the SQL Insert script:

public static string BuildInsertSQLText ( DataTable table )
    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(1000,5000000);
    StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder ( "VALUES (" );
    bool bFirst = true;
    bool bIdentity = false;
    string identityType = null;

    foreach(DataRow myRow in table.Rows) 
        sql.Append( "\r\nINSERT INTO " + table.TableName + " (" );

        foreach ( DataColumn column in table.Columns )
            if ( column.AutoIncrement )
                bIdentity = true;

                switch ( column.DataType.Name )
                    case "Int16":
                        identityType = "smallint";
                    case "SByte":
                        identityType = "tinyint";
                    case "Int64":
                        identityType = "bigint";
                    case "Decimal":
                        identityType = "decimal";
                        identityType = "int";
                if ( bFirst )
                    bFirst = false;
                    sql.Append ( ", " );
                    values.Append ( ", " );
                sql.Append ("[");
                sql.Append ( column.ColumnName );
                sql.Append ("]");

                //values.Append (myRow[column.ColumnName].ToString() );

                if (myRow[column.ColumnName].ToString() == "True")
                else if (myRow[column.ColumnName].ToString() == "False")
                else if(myRow[column.ColumnName] == System.DBNull.Value)    
                    values.Append ("NULL");
                else if(column.DataType.ToString().Equals("System.String"))
                    values.Append (myRow[column.ColumnName].ToString());
                    //values.Append (column.DataType.ToString() );
        sql.Append ( ") " );
        sql.Append ( values.ToString () );
        sql.Append ( ")" );

        if ( bIdentity )
            sql.Append ( "; SELECT CAST(scope_identity() AS " );
            sql.Append ( identityType );
            sql.Append ( ")" );
        bFirst = true;
        values = new StringBuilder ( "VALUES (" );
    } //fin foreach
    return sql.ToString ();

How to get ERD diagram for an existing database?

postgresql_autodoc is a cli for doing this. Doesnt do cardinality, but none of the above mentioned GUI tools do as well.

Display a message in Visual Studio's output window when not debug mode?

For me this was the fact that debug.writeline shows in the Immediate window, not the Output. My installation of VS2013 by default doesn't even show an option to open the Immediate window, so you have to do the following:

Select Tools -> Customize 
Commands Tab
View | Other Windows menu bar dropdown
Add Command...
The Immediate option is in the Debug section.

Once you have Ok'd that, you can go to View -> Other Windows and select the Immediate Window and hey presto all of the debug output can be seen.

Unfortunately for me it also showed about 50 errors that I wasn't aware of in my project... maybe I'll just turn it off again :-)

AWS S3: how do I see how much disk space is using

On linux box that have python (with pip installer), grep and awk, install AWS CLI (command line tools for EC2, S3 and many other services)

sudo pip install awscli

then create a .awssecret file in your home folder with content as below (adjust key, secret and region as needed):


Make this file read-write to your user only:

sudo chmod 600 .awssecret

and export it to your environment

 export AWS_CONFIG_FILE=/home/<your_name>/.awssecret

then run in the terminal (this is a single line command, separated by \ for easy reading here):

aws s3 ls s3://<bucket_name>/foo/bar | \
grep -v -E "(Bucket: |Prefix: |LastWriteTime|^$|--)" | \
awk 'BEGIN {total=0}{total+=$3}END{print total/1024/1024" MB"}'
  • the aws part lists the bucket (or optionally a 'sub-folder')
  • the grep part removes (using -v) the lines that match the Regular Expression (using -E). ^$ is for blank line, -- is for the separator lines in the output of aws s3 ls
  • the last awk simply add to total the 3rd colum of the resulting output (the size in KB) then display it at the end

NOTE this command works for the current bucket or 'folder', not recursively

How do I find the length (or dimensions, size) of a numpy matrix in python?

matrix.size according to the numpy docs returns the Number of elements in the array. Hope that helps.

Selenium Webdriver submit() vs click()

There is a difference between click() and submit().

submit() submits the form and executes the url that is given by the "action" attribute. If you have any javascript-function or jquery-plugin running to submit the form e.g. via ajax, submit() will ignore it. With click() the javascript-functions will be executed.

How can I start and check my MySQL log?

Its given on OFFICIAL MYSQL website.

SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON';

You can also use custom path:

# Set Slow Query Log
long_query_time = 1
slow_query_log = 1
slow_query_log_file = "C:/slowquery.log"

#Set General Log
log = "C:/genquery.log"

How to delete history of last 10 commands in shell?

With Bash 5 you can now do a range...Hooray!:

history -d 511-520

or counting backwards 10:

history -d -10--1

Excerpt from Bash 5 Man Page:


Options, if supplied, have the following meanings:

'-d OFFSET' Delete the history entry at position OFFSET. If OFFSET is positive, it should be specified as it appears when the history is displayed. If OFFSET is negative, it is interpreted as relative to one greater than the last history position, so negative indices count back from the end of the history, and an index of '-1' refers to the current 'history -d' command.

'-d START-END' Delete the history entries between positions START and END, inclusive. Positive and negative values for START and END are interpreted as described above.

Here is my solution for Bash 4. It iteratively deletes a single entry or a range of history starting with lowest index.

delHistory () {
    count=$(( ${2:-$1} - $1 ))
    while [[ $count -ge 0 ]]; do
        history -d "$1"

delHistory 511 520

Ansible: Set variable to file content

lookup only works on localhost. If you want to retrieve variables from a variables file you made remotely use include_vars: {{ varfile }} . Contents of {{ varfile }} should be a dictionary of the form {"key":"value"}, you will find ansible gives you trouble if you include a space after the colon.

Best way to encode text data for XML

In the past I have used HttpUtility.HtmlEncode to encode text for xml. It performs the same task, really. I havent ran into any issues with it yet, but that's not to say I won't in the future. As the name implies, it was made for HTML, not XML.

You've probably already read it, but here is an article on xml encoding and decoding.

EDIT: Of course, if you use an xmlwriter or one of the new XElement classes, this encoding is done for you. In fact, you could just take the text, place it in a new XElement instance, then return the string (.tostring) version of the element. I've heard that SecurityElement.Escape will perform the same task as your utility method as well, but havent read much about it or used it.

EDIT2: Disregard my comment about XElement, since you're still on 2.0

Code coverage for Jest built on top of Jasmine

UPDATE: 7/20/2018 - Added links and updated name for coverageReporters.

UPDATE: 8/14/2017 - This answer is totally outdated. Just look at the Jest docs now. They have official support and documentation about how to do this.

@hankhsiao has got a forked repo where Istanbul is working with Jest. Add this to your dev dependencies

 "devDependencies": {
     "jest-cli": "git://"

Also make sure coverage is enabled in your package.json jest entry and you can also specify formats you want. (The html is pretty bad ass).

 "jest": {
     "collectCoverage": true,
     "coverageReporters": ["json", "html"],

See Jest documentation for coverageReporters (default is ["json", "lcov", "text"])

Or add --coverage when you invoke jest.

SQL ORDER BY multiple columns

It depends on the size of your database.

SQL is based on the SET theory: there is no order inherently used when querying a table.

So if you were to run the first query, it would first order by product price and then product name, IF there were any duplicates in the price category, say $20 for example, it would then order those duplicates by their names, therefore always maintaining that when you run your query it will always return the same set of result in the same order.

If you were to run the second query, it would only order by the name, so if there were two products with the same name (for some odd reason) then they wouldn't have a guaranteed order after you run the query.

Https Connection Android

For some reason the solution mentioned for httpClient above didn't worked for me. At the end I was able to make it work by correctly overriding the method when implementing the custom SSLSocketFactory class.

public Socket createSocket(Socket socket, String host, int port, boolean autoClose) 
                              throws IOException, UnknownHostException 
    return sslFactory.createSocket(socket, host, port, autoClose);

public Socket createSocket() throws IOException {
    return sslFactory.createSocket();

This is how it worked perfectly for me. You can see the full custom class and implementing on the following thread:

Concrete Javascript Regex for Accented Characters (Diacritics)



  • \pL - matches any kind of letter from any language
  • \pM - atches a character intended to be combined with another character (e.g. accents, umlauts, enclosing boxes, etc.)
  • \p{Zs} - matches a whitespace character that is invisible, but does take up space
  • u - Pattern and subject strings are treated as UTF-8

Unlike other proposed regex (such as [A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ]), this will work with all language specific characters, e.g. Šš is matched by this rule, but not matched by others on this page.

Unfortunately, natively JavaScript does not support these classes. However, you can use xregexp, e.g.

const XRegExp = require('xregexp');

const isInputRealHumanName = (input: string): boolean => {
  return XRegExp('^[\\pL\\pM-]+ [\\pL\\pM-]+$', 'u').test(input);

jQuery not working with IE 11

For me the issue turned out to be I was using es6's right arrow functions => as opposed to function ().

Replacing => with function () resolved for me.

I had assumed it was a jQuery issue.

"android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window" on

android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window"

Problem :

This exception occurs when the app is trying to notify the user from the background thread (AsyncTask) by opening a Dialog.

If you are trying to modify the UI from background thread (usually from onPostExecute() of AsyncTask) and if the activity enters finishing stage i.e.) explicitly calling finish(), user pressing home or back button or activity clean up made by Android then you get this error.

Reason :

The reason for this exception is that, as the exception message says, the activity has finished but you are trying to display a dialog with a context of the finished activity. Since there is no window for the dialog to display the android runtime throws this exception.


Use isFinishing() method which is called by Android to check whether this activity is in the process of finishing: be it explicit finish() call or activity clean up made by Android. By using this method it is very easy to avoid opening dialog from background thread when activity is finishing.

Also maintain a weak reference for the activity (and not a strong reference so that activity can be destroyed once not needed) and check if the activity is not finishing before performing any UI using this activity reference (i.e. showing a dialog).


private class chkSubscription extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String>{

  private final WeakReference<login> loginActivityWeakRef;

  public chkSubscription (login loginActivity) {
    this.loginActivityWeakRef= new WeakReference<login >(loginActivity)

  protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
    //web service call

  protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
    if(page.contains("error")) //when not subscribed
      if (loginActivityWeakRef.get() != null && !loginActivityWeakRef.get().isFinishing()) {
        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(login.this);

        builder.setNeutralButton("Ok",new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
          public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton){

Update :

Window Tokens:

As its name implies, a window token is a special type of Binder token that the window manager uses to uniquely identify a window in the system. Window tokens are important for security because they make it impossible for malicious applications to draw on top of the windows of other applications. The window manager protects against this by requiring applications to pass their application's window token as part of each request to add or remove a window. If the tokens don't match, the window manager rejects the request and throws a BadTokenException. Without window tokens, this necessary identification step wouldn't be possible and the window manager wouldn't be able to protect itself from malicious applications.

 A real-world scenario:

When an application starts up for the first time, the ActivityManagerService creates a special kind of window token called an application window token, which uniquely identifies the application's top-level container window. The activity manager gives this token to both the application and the window manager, and the application sends the token to the window manager each time it wants to add a new window to the screen. This ensures secure interaction between the application and the window manager (by making it impossible to add windows on top of other applications), and also makes it easy for the activity manager to make direct requests to the window manager.

Set Font Color, Font Face and Font Size in PHPExcel

I recommend you start reading the documentation (4.6.18. Formatting cells). When applying a lot of formatting it's better to use applyFromArray() According to the documentation this method is also suppose to be faster when you're setting many style properties. There's an annex where you can find all the possible keys for this function.

This will work for you:

$phpExcel = new PHPExcel();

$styleArray = array(
    'font'  => array(
        'bold'  => true,
        'color' => array('rgb' => 'FF0000'),
        'size'  => 15,
        'name'  => 'Verdana'

$phpExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell('A1')->setValue('Some text');

To apply font style to complete excel document:

 $styleArray = array(
   'font'  => array(
        'bold'  => true,
        'color' => array('rgb' => 'FF0000'),
        'size'  => 15,
        'name'  => 'Verdana'

How do I find the location of my Python site-packages directory?

An additional note to the get_python_lib function mentioned already: on some platforms different directories are used for platform specific modules (eg: modules that require compilation). If you pass plat_specific=True to the function you get the site packages for platform specific packages.

Can two Java methods have same name with different return types?

Even if it is an old thread, maybe some is interested.

If it is an option to you to use the same method inside the same class and archive different return types, use generics: Oracle Lesson Generics

Simple example for generic value holder class:

class GenericValue<T> {
  private T myValue;

  public GenericValue(T myValue) { this.myValue = myValue; }

  public T getVal() { return myValue; }

And use it like this:

public class ExampleGenericValue {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    GenericValue<Integer> intVal = new GenericValue<Integer>(10);
    GenericValue<String> strVal = new GenericValue<String>("go on ...");

    System.out.format("I: %d\nS: %s\n", intVal.getVal(), strVal.getVal());

... will result in the following output:

I: 10
S: go on ...

JQuery Number Formatting

I wrote a JavaScript analogue of a PHP function number_format on a base of Abe Miessler addCommas function. Could be usefull.

number_format = function (number, decimals, dec_point, thousands_sep) {
        number = number.toFixed(decimals);

        var nstr = number.toString();
        nstr += '';
        x = nstr.split('.');
        x1 = x[0];
        x2 = x.length > 1 ? dec_point + x[1] : '';
        var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;

        while (rgx.test(x1))
            x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + thousands_sep + '$2');

        return x1 + x2;

For example:

var some_number = number_format(42661.55556, 2, ',', ' '); //gives 42 661,56

How to find length of a string array?

Since car has not been initialized, it has no length, its value is null. However, the compiler won't even allow you to compile that code as is, throwing the following error: variable car might not have been initialized.

You need to initialize it first, and then you can use .length:

String car[] = new String[] { "BMW", "Bentley" };

If you need to initialize an empty array, you can use the following:

String car[] = new String[] { }; // or simply String car[] = { };

If you need to initialize it with a specific size, in order to fill certain positions, you can use the following:

String car[] = new String[3]; // initialize a String[] with length 3
System.out.println(car.length); // 3
car[0] = "BMW";
System.out.println(car.length); // 3

However, I'd recommend that you use a List instead, if you intend to add elements to it:

List<String> cars = new ArrayList<String>();
System.out.println(cars.size()); // 0
System.out.println(cars.size()); // 1

How to execute a java .class from the command line

My situation was a little complicated. I had to do three steps since I was using a .dll in the resources directory, for JNI code. My files were


My code contained the following line


First, I had to move to the classpath directory

cd /D "S:\Accessibility\tools\src\test\java"

Next, I had to change the classpath to point to the current directory so that my class would be loaded and I had to change the classpath to point to he resources directory so my dll would be loaded.

set classpath=%classpath%;.;..\..\..\src\main\resources; 

Then, I had to run java using the classname.

java com.accessibility.HelloWorld 

How to get the nvidia driver version from the command line?

To expand on ccc's answer, if you want to incorporate querying the card with a script, here is information on Nvidia site on how to do so:

Also, I found this thread researching powershell. Here is an example command that runs the utility to get the true memory available on the GPU to get you started.

# get gpu metrics
$cmd = "& 'C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\nvidia-smi' --query-gpu=name,utilization.memory,driver_version --format=csv"
$gpuinfo = invoke-expression $cmd | ConvertFrom-CSV
$gpuname = $
$gpuutil = $gpuinfo.'utilization.memory [%]'.Split(' ')[0]
$gpuDriver = $gpuinfo.driver_version

javascript, is there an isObject function like isArray?

You can use typeof operator.

if( (typeof A === "object" || typeof A === 'function') && (A !== null) )
    alert("A is object");

Note that because typeof new Number(1) === 'object' while typeof Number(1) === 'number'; the first syntax should be avoided.


Q&A Style

Well, after researching and fighting with the problem for hours, I found out that there are two ways to accomplish this, depending on the structure of your table and if you have foreign keys restrictions activated to maintain integrity. I'd like to share this in a clean format to save some time to the people that may be in my situation.

Option 1: You can afford deleting the row

In other words, you don't have foreign key, or if you have them, your SQLite engine is configured so that there no are integrity exceptions. The way to go is INSERT OR REPLACE. If you are trying to insert/update a player whose ID already exists, the SQLite engine will delete that row and insert the data you are providing. Now the question comes: what to do to keep the old ID associated?

Let's say we want to UPSERT with the data user_name='steven' and age=32.

Look at this code:

INSERT INTO players (id, name, age)

    coalesce((select id from players where user_name='steven'),
             (select max(id) from drawings) + 1),

The trick is in coalesce. It returns the id of the user 'steven' if any, and otherwise, it returns a new fresh id.

Option 2: You cannot afford deleting the row

After monkeying around with the previous solution, I realized that in my case that could end up destroying data, since this ID works as a foreign key for other table. Besides, I created the table with the clause ON DELETE CASCADE, which would mean that it'd delete data silently. Dangerous.

So, I first thought of a IF clause, but SQLite only has CASE. And this CASE can't be used (or at least I did not manage it) to perform one UPDATE query if EXISTS(select id from players where user_name='steven'), and INSERT if it didn't. No go.

And then, finally I used the brute force, with success. The logic is, for each UPSERT that you want to perform, first execute a INSERT OR IGNORE to make sure there is a row with our user, and then execute an UPDATE query with exactly the same data you tried to insert.

Same data as before: user_name='steven' and age=32.

-- make sure it exists
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO players (user_name, age) VALUES ('steven', 32); 

-- make sure it has the right data
UPDATE players SET user_name='steven', age=32 WHERE user_name='steven'; 

And that's all!


As Andy has commented, trying to insert first and then update may lead to firing triggers more often than expected. This is not in my opinion a data safety issue, but it is true that firing unnecessary events makes little sense. Therefore, a improved solution would be:

-- Try to update any existing row
UPDATE players SET age=32 WHERE user_name='steven';

-- Make sure it exists
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO players (user_name, age) VALUES ('steven', 32); 

Clear ComboBox selected text

The only way I could get it to work:

comboBox1.Text = "";

For some reason ionden's solution didn't work for me.

Read large files in Java

Unless you accidentally read in the whole input file instead of reading it line by line, then your primary limitation will be disk speed. You may want to try starting with a file containing 100 lines and write it to 100 different files one line in each and make the triggering mechanism work on the number of lines written to the current file. That program will be easily scalable to your situation.

How to have a transparent ImageButton: Android

DON'T USE A TRANSAPENT OR NULL LAYOUT because then the button (or the generic view) will no more highlight at click!!!

I had the same problem and finally I found the correct attribute from Android API to solve the problem. It can apply to any view.

Use this in the button specifications:


AngularJS - Access to child scope

One possible workaround is inject the child controller in the parent controller using a init function.

Possible implementation:

<div ng-controller="ParentController as parentCtrl">

    <div ng-controller="ChildController as childCtrl" 

Where in ChildController you have :

    ['$scope', '$rootScope', function ($scope, $rootScope) {
    this.init = function() {
         $scope.parentCtrl.childCtrl = $scope.childCtrl;
         $scope.childCtrl.test = 'aaaa';


So now in the ParentController you can use :

    ['$scope', '$rootScope', 'service', function ($scope, $rootScope, service) { = function() {{
            a:  $scope.parentCtrl.ChildCtrl.test


To work properly you have to use the directive ng-controller and rename each controller using as like i did in the html eg.

Use the chrome plugin ng-inspector during the process. It's going to help you to understand the tree.

phpmyadmin #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server. after installing mysql command line client

Go to phpMyAdmin Directory of your Localhost Software Like Xampp, Mamp or others. Then change the host from localhost to and change the port to 3307 . After that go to your data directory and delete all error log files except ibdata1 which is important file to hold your created database table link. Finaly restart mysql.I think your problem will be solved.

Reading large text files with streams in C#

If you read the performance and benchmark stats on this website, you'll see that the fastest way to read (because reading, writing, and processing are all different) a text file is the following snippet of code:

using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(fileName))
    string s = String.Empty;
    while ((s = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
        //do your stuff here

All up about 9 different methods were bench marked, but that one seem to come out ahead the majority of the time, even out performing the buffered reader as other readers have mentioned.

Is there a way to provide named parameters in a function call in JavaScript?

Contrary to what is commonly believed, named parameters can be implemented in standard, old-school JavaScript (for boolean parameters only) by means of a simple, neat coding convention, as shown below.

function f(p1=true, p2=false) {

f(!!"p1"==false, !!"p2"==true); // call f(p1=false, p2=true)


  • Ordering of arguments must be preserved - but the pattern is still useful, since it makes it obvious which actual argument is meant for which formal parameter without having to grep for the function signature or use an IDE.

  • This only works for booleans. However, I'm sure a similar pattern could be developed for other types using JavaScript's unique type coercion semantics.

JavaScript CSS how to add and remove multiple CSS classes to an element

You can add and remove multiple classes in same way with different in-built methods:

const myElem = document.getElementById('element-id');
//add multiple classes
myElem.classList.add('class-one', 'class-two', 'class-three');
//remove multiple classes
myElem.classList.remove('class-one', 'class-two', 'class-three');

How can I get a list of all classes within current module in Python?

What about

g = globals().copy()
for name, obj in g.iteritems():


What does <value optimized out> mean in gdb?

You need to turn off the compiler optimisation.

If you are interested in a particular variable in gdb, you can delare the variable as "volatile" and recompile the code. This will make the compiler turn off compiler optimization for that variable.

volatile int quantity = 0;

Bigger Glyphicons

The .btn-lg class has the following CSS in Bootstrap 3 (link):

.btn-lg {
  padding: 10px 16px;
  font-size: 18px;
  line-height: 1.33;
  border-radius: 6px;

If you apply the same font-size and line-height to your span (either .glyphicon-link or a newly created .glyphicons-lg if you're going to use this effect in more than one instance), you'll get a Glyphicon the same size as the large button.

How to resolve "could not execute statement; SQL [n/a]; constraint [numbering];"?

Future readers.

I have had the best luck figuring out these issues....using this method:

private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyDaoObject.class);

public void save(MyObject item) {

    try {
         /* this is whatever code you have already...this is just an example */
    catch(Exception ex)
        /* below works in conjunction with concrete logging framework */
        logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        throw ex;

Now, slf4j is just a fascade (interfaces, adapter)..... you need a concrete.

When picking log4j2, you want to persist the


So you are not flying blind, you can see %throwable at the below URL (on how you defined %throwable so it shows up in the logging. If you're not using log4j2 as the concrete, you'll have to figure out your logging framework's version of %throwable)

That %throwable, when logged, will have the actual SQL exception in it.

if throwable is giving you a fuss, you can do this (the below is NOT great since it does recursive log calls)

public void save(MyObject item) {

    try {
         /* this is whatever code you have already...this is just an example */
    catch(Exception ex)
        logger.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
        //throw ex;
        Throwable thr = ex;
        /* recursive logging warning !!! could perform very poorly, not for production....alternate idea is to use Stringbuilder and log the stringbuilder result */
        while (null != thr) {
            logger.error(thr.getMessage(), thr);
            thr = thr.getCause();

Git will not init/sync/update new submodules

According to the answer from Dave James Miller I can confirm that it worked for me. The important thing here was to commit the subprojects commit ID. Just to have the entry in .gitmodules was not enough.

Here is an appropriate commit:

Set Encoding of File to UTF8 With BOM in Sublime Text 3

I can't set "UTF-8 with BOM" in the corner button either, but I can change it from the menu bar.

"File"->"Save with encoding"->"UTF-8 with BOM"

How to stop and restart memcached server?

This worked for me:

brew services stop memcached

Method Call Chaining; returning a pointer vs a reference?

Very interesting question.

I don't see any difference w.r.t safety or versatility, since you can do the same thing with pointer or reference. I also don't think there is any visible difference in performance since references are implemented by pointers.

But I think using reference is better because it is consistent with the standard library. For example, chaining in iostream is done by reference rather than pointer.

ValueError: Wrong number of items passed - Meaning and suggestions?

Not sure if this is relevant to your question but it might be relevant to someone else in the future: I had a similar error. Turned out that the df was empty (had zero rows) and that is what was causing the error in my command.

Quickest way to clear all sheet contents VBA

The .Cells range isn't limited to ones that are being used, so your code is clearing the content of 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns - 17,179,869,184 total cells. That's going to take a while. Just clear the UsedRange instead:


Alternately, you can delete the sheet and re-add it:

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Set sheet = Sheets.Add
sheet.Name = "Zeros"

How to get share counts using graph API

when i used FQL I found the problem (but it is still problem) the documentation says that the number shown is the sum of:

  • number of likes of this URL
  • number of shares of this URL (this includes copy/pasting a link back to Facebook)
  • number of likes and comments on stories on Facebook about this URL
  • number of inbox messages containing this URL as an attachment.

but on my website the shown number is sum of these 4 counts + number of shares (again)

Argparse: Required arguments listed under "optional arguments"?

Since I prefer to list required arguments before optional, I hack around it via:

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    required = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments')
    optional = parser.add_argument_group('optional arguments')
    required.add_argument('--required_arg', required=True)
    return parser.parse_args()

and this outputs:

usage: [-h] [--required_arg REQUIRED_ARG]
               [--optional_arg OPTIONAL_ARG]

required arguments:
  --required_arg REQUIRED_ARG

optional arguments:
  --optional_arg OPTIONAL_ARG

I can live without 'help' showing up in the optional arguments group.

Return index of highest value in an array

Other answers may have shorter code but this one should be the most efficient and is easy to understand.

 * Get key of the max value
 * @var array $array
 * @return mixed
function array_key_max_value($array)
    $max = null;
    $result = null;
    foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
        if ($max === null || $value > $max) {
            $result = $key;
            $max = $value;

    return $result;

Grant Select on a view not base table when base table is in a different database

You can grant permissions on a view and not the base table. This is one of the reasons people like using views.

Have a look here: GRANT Object Permissions (Transact-SQL)

generate random string for div id

I also needed a random id, I went with using base64 encoding:


Pick however many characters you want, the result is usually at least 24 characters.

The network adapter could not establish the connection - Oracle 11g

I had the similar issue. its resolved for me with a simple command.

lsnrctl start

The Network Adapter exception is caused because:

  1. The database host name or port number is wrong (OR)
  2. The database TNSListener has not been started. The TNSListener may be started with the lsnrctl utility.

Try to start the listener using the command prompt:

  1. Click Start, type cmd in the search field, and when cmd shows up in the list of options, right click it and select ‘Run as Administrator’.
  2. At the Command Prompt window, type lsnrctl start without the quotes and press Enter.
  3. Type Exit and press Enter.

Hope it helps.

Shrinking navigation bar when scrolling down (bootstrap3)

I am using this code for my project

$(window).scroll ( function() {
    if ($(document).scrollTop() > 50) {
        document.getElementById('your-div').style.height = '100px'; //For eg
    } else {
        document.getElementById('your-div').style.height = '150px';

Probably this will help

Listing contents of a bucket with boto3

A more parsimonious way, rather than iterating through via a for loop you could also just print the original object containing all files inside your S3 bucket:

session = Session(aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id,aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key)
s3 = session.resource('s3')
bucket = s3.Bucket('bucket_name')

files_in_s3 = bucket.objects.all() 
#you can print this iterable with print(list(files_in_s3))

How to destroy JWT Tokens on logout?

The JWT is stored on browser, so remove the token deleting the cookie at client side

If you need also to invalidate the token from server side before its expiration time, for example account deleted/blocked/suspended, password changed, permissions changed, user logged out by admin, take a look at Invalidating JSON Web Tokens for some commons techniques like creating a blacklist or rotating tokens

How to reset form body in bootstrap modal box?

Just find your form and clear before it opens!

    $modal = $('#modal');

Is it possible to print a variable's type in standard C++?

A more generic solution without function overloading than my previous one:

template<typename T>
std::string TypeOf(T){
    std::string Type="unknown";
    if(std::is_same<T,int>::value) Type="int";
    if(std::is_same<T,std::string>::value) Type="String";
    if(std::is_same<T,MyClass>::value) Type="MyClass";

    return Type;}

Here MyClass is user defined class. More conditions can be added here as well.


#include <iostream>

class MyClass{};

template<typename T>
std::string TypeOf(T){
    std::string Type="unknown";
    if(std::is_same<T,int>::value) Type="int";
    if(std::is_same<T,std::string>::value) Type="String";
    if(std::is_same<T,MyClass>::value) Type="MyClass";
    return Type;}

int main(){;
    int a=0;
    std::string s="";
    MyClass my;

    return 0;}



Convert int to string?

using System.ComponentModel;

TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(int));
string s = (string)converter.ConvertTo(i, typeof(string));

Appending to an existing string

Here's another way:

fist_segment = "hello,"
second_segment = "world."
complete_string = "#{first_segment} #{second_segment}"

What is the main difference between Inheritance and Polymorphism?

Inheritance refers to using the structure and behavior of a super class in a subclass.

Polymorphism refers to changing the behavior of a super class in the subclass.

What is a Y-combinator?

If you're ready for a long read, Mike Vanier has a great explanation. Long story short, it allows you to implement recursion in a language that doesn't necessarily support it natively.

What is the difference/usage of homebrew, macports or other package installation tools?

MacPorts is the way to go.

  1. Like @user475443 pointed, MacPorts has many many more packages. With brew you'll find yourself trapped soon because the formula you need doesn't exist.

  2. MacPorts is a native application: C + TCL. You don't need Ruby at all. To install Ruby on Mac OS X you might need MacPorts, so just go with MacPorts and you'll be happy.

  3. MacPorts is really stable, in 8 years I never had a problem with it, and my entire Unix ecosystem relay on it.

  4. If you are a PHP developer you can install the last version of Apache (Mac OS X uses 2.2), PHP and all the extensions you need, then upgrade all with one command. Forget to do the same with Homebrew.

  5. MacPorts support groups.

    foo@macpro:~/ port select --summary
    Name        Selected      Options
    ====        ========      =======
    db          none          db46 none
    gcc         none          gcc42 llvm-gcc42 mp-gcc48 none
    llvm        none          mp-llvm-3.3 none
    mysql       mysql56       mysql56 none
    php         php55         php55 php56 none
    postgresql  postgresql94  postgresql93 postgresql94 none
    python      none          python24 python25-apple python26-apple python27 python27-apple none

    If you have both PHP55 and PHP56 installed (with many different extensions), you can swap between them with just one command. All the relative extensions are part of the group and they will be activated within the chosen group: php55 or php56. I'm not sure Homebrew has this feature.

  6. Rubists like to rewrite everything in Ruby, because the only thing they are at ease is Ruby itself.

How to enable Logger.debug() in Log4j

This is probably happening because your log4j configuration is set to ERROR. Look for a file with contents like the following:

log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, CONSOLE

# console logging
log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %-5p %-20.20t %-24c{1}: %m%n

The rootLogger is set to ERROR level here using a CONSOLE appender.

Note that some appenders like the console appender also have a Threshold property that can be used to overrule the rootLoggers level. You need to check both in this case.

Create mysql table directly from CSV file using the CSV Storage engine?

MySQL for excel plugin can help you.

Open your CSV file in excel. You can use this plugin to export excel data into a new table of remote or local mysql server. It will analyze your data (top 100 to 1000 rows) and create a corresponding table schema.

Find directory name with wildcard or similar to "like"

find supports wildcard matches, just add a *:

find / -type d -name "ora10*"

Removing viewcontrollers from navigation stack

Swift 5, Xcode 11.3

I found this approach simple by specifying which view controller(s) you want to remove from the navigation stack.

extension UINavigationController {

    func removeViewController(_ controller: UIViewController.Type) {
        if let viewController = viewControllers.first(where: { $0.isKind(of: controller.self) }) {

Example use:


Counting the occurrences / frequency of array elements

You can simplify this a bit by extending your arrays with a count function. It works similar to Ruby’s Array#count, if you’re familiar with it.

Array.prototype.count = function(obj){
  var count = this.length;
  if(typeof(obj) !== "undefined"){
    var array = this.slice(0), count = 0; // clone array and reset count
    for(i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
      if(array[i] == obj){ count++ }
  return count;


let array = ['a', 'b', 'd', 'a', 'c'];
array.count('a'); // => 2
array.count('b'); // => 1
array.count('e'); // => 0
array.count(); // => 5



You can then get your first array, with each occurred item, using Array#filter:

let occurred = [];
array.filter(function(item) {
  if (!occurred.includes(item)) {
    return true;
}); // => ["a", "b", "d", "c"]

And your second array, with the number of occurrences, using Array#count into Array#map:; // => [2, 1, 1, 1]

Alternatively, if order is irrelevant, you can just return it as a key-value pair:

let occurrences = {}
occurred.forEach(function(item) { occurrences[item] = array.count(item) });
occurences; // => {2: 5, 4: 1, 5: 3, 9: 1}

How to disable editing of elements in combobox for c#?

Use the ComboStyle property:

comboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;

How can I add reflection to a C++ application?

If you declare a pointer to a function like this:

int (*func)(int a, int b);

You can assign a place in memory to that function like this (requires libdl and dlopen)

#include <dlfcn.h>

int main(void)
    void *handle;
    char *func_name = "bla_bla_bla";
    handle = dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY);
    *(void **)(&func) = dlsym(handle, func_name);
    return func(1,2);

To load a local symbol using indirection, you can use dlopen on the calling binary (argv[0]).

The only requirement for this (other than dlopen(), libdl, and dlfcn.h) is knowing the arguments and type of the function.

Is it possible to set transparency in CSS3 box-shadow?

I suppose rgba() would work here. After all, browser support for both box-shadow and rgba() is roughly the same.

/* 50% black box shadow */
box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

div {_x000D_
    width: 200px;_x000D_
    height: 50px;_x000D_
    line-height: 50px;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    color: white;_x000D_
    background-color: red;_x000D_
    margin: 10px;_x000D_
div.a {_x000D_
  box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px #000;_x000D_
div.b {_x000D_
  box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);_x000D_
<div class="a">100% black shadow</div>_x000D_
<div class="b">50% black shadow</div>

Check if item is in an array / list

I'm also going to assume that you mean "list" when you say "array." Sven Marnach's solution is good. If you are going to be doing repeated checks on the list, then it might be worth converting it to a set or frozenset, which can be faster for each check. Assuming your list of strs is called subjects:

subject_set = frozenset(subjects)
if query in subject_set:
    # whatever

Return the characters after Nth character in a string

Another formula option is to use REPLACE function to replace the first n characters with nothing, e.g. if n = 4


How can I extract the folder path from file path in Python?

You were almost there with your use of the split function. You just needed to join the strings, like follows.

>>> import os
>>> '\\'.join(existGDBPath.split('\\')[0:-1])

Although, I would recommend using the os.path.dirname function to do this, you just need to pass the string, and it'll do the work for you. Since, you seem to be on windows, consider using the abspath function too. An example:

>>> import os
>>> os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(existGDBPath))

If you want both the file name and the directory path after being split, you can use the os.path.split function which returns a tuple, as follows.

>>> import os
>>> os.path.split(os.path.abspath(existGDBPath))
('T:\\Data\\DBDesign', 'DBDesign_93_v141b.mdb')

How to make overlay control above all other controls?

If you are using a Canvas or Grid in your layout, give the control to be put on top a higher ZIndex.

From MSDN:

<Page xmlns="" WindowTitle="ZIndex Sample">
    <Rectangle Canvas.ZIndex="3" Width="100" Height="100" Canvas.Top="100" Canvas.Left="100" Fill="blue"/>
    <Rectangle Canvas.ZIndex="1" Width="100" Height="100" Canvas.Top="150" Canvas.Left="150" Fill="yellow"/>
    <Rectangle Canvas.ZIndex="2" Width="100" Height="100" Canvas.Top="200" Canvas.Left="200" Fill="green"/>

    <!-- Reverse the order to illustrate z-index property -->

    <Rectangle Canvas.ZIndex="1" Width="100" Height="100" Canvas.Top="300" Canvas.Left="200" Fill="green"/>
    <Rectangle Canvas.ZIndex="3" Width="100" Height="100" Canvas.Top="350" Canvas.Left="150" Fill="yellow"/>
    <Rectangle Canvas.ZIndex="2" Width="100" Height="100" Canvas.Top="400" Canvas.Left="100" Fill="blue"/>

If you don't specify ZIndex, the children of a panel are rendered in the order they are specified (i.e. last one on top).

If you are looking to do something more complicated, you can look at how ChildWindow is implemented in Silverlight. It overlays a semitransparent background and popup over your entire RootVisual.

Create a global variable in TypeScript

I found a way that works if I use JavaScript combined with TypeScript.


declare var log: log4javascript.Logger;


log = null;


import './log-declaration.js';

// Call stuff to actually setup log.  
// Similar to this:
log = functionToSetupLog();

This puts it in the global scope and TypeScript knows about it. So I can use it in all my files.

NOTE: I think this only works because I have the allowJs TypeScript option set to true.

If someone posts an pure TypeScript solution, I will accept that.

Java, Check if integer is multiple of a number

//More Efficiently
public class Multiples {
    public static void main(String[]args) {

        int j = 5;

        System.out.println(j % 4 == 0);


How does DateTime.Now.Ticks exactly work?

You can get the milliseconds since 1/1/1970 using such code:

private static DateTime JanFirst1970 = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
public static long getTime()
    return (long)((DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime() - JanFirst1970).TotalMilliseconds + 0.5);

Compute a confidence interval from sample data

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats

def mean_confidence_interval(data, confidence=0.95):
    a = 1.0 * np.array(data)
    n = len(a)
    m, se = np.mean(a), scipy.stats.sem(a)
    h = se * scipy.stats.t.ppf((1 + confidence) / 2., n-1)
    return m, m-h, m+h

you can calculate like this way.

Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android

On your form elements use input type="time". It will save you all the hassle of trying to use a data picker library.

Hibernate: How to fix "identifier of an instance altered from X to Y"?

In my case, I solved it changing the @Id field type from long to Long.

python list by value not by reference

I would recommend the following solution:

b = []
b[:] = a

This will copy all the elements from a to b. The copy will be value copy, not reference copy.

JavaScript: Alert.Show(message) From ASP.NET Code-behind

This message show the alert message directly

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this,GetType(),"showalert","alert('Only alert Message');",true);

This message show alert message from JavaScript function

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "displayalertmessage", "Showalert();", true);

These are two ways to display alert messages in c# code behind

Deserialize json object into dynamic object using

If you just deserialize to dynamic you will get a JObject back. You can get what you want by using an ExpandoObject.

var converter = new ExpandoObjectConverter();    
dynamic message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ExpandoObject>(jsonString, converter);

Eliminating NAs from a ggplot

From my point of view this error "Error: Aesthetics must either be length one, or the same length as the data" refers to the argument aes(x,y) I tried the na.omit() and worked just fine to me.

Javascript search inside a JSON object

If your question is, is there some built-in thing that will do the search for you, then no, there isn't. You basically loop through the array using either String#indexOf or a regular expression to test the strings.

For the loop, you have at least three choices:

  1. A boring old for loop.

  2. On ES5-enabled environments (or with a shim), Array#filter.

  3. Because you're using jQuery,

Boring old for loop example:

function search(source, name) {
    var results = [];
    var index;
    var entry;

    name = name.toUpperCase();
    for (index = 0; index < source.length; ++index) {
        entry = source[index];
        if (entry && && !== -1) {

    return results;

Where you'd call that with obj.list as source and the desired name fragment as name.

Or if there's any chance there are blank entries or entries without names, change the if to:

        if (entry && && !== -1) {

Array#filter example:

function search(source, name) {
    var results;

    name = name.toUpperCase();
    results = source.filter(function(entry) {
        return !== -1;
    return results;

And again, if any chance that there are blank entries (e.g., undefined, as opposed to missing; filter will skip missing entries), change the inner return to:

        return entry && && !== -1; example (here I'm assuming jQuery = $ as is usually the case; change $ to jQuery if you're using noConflict):

function search(source, name) {
    var results;

    name = name.toUpperCase();
    results = $.map(source, function(entry) {
        var match = !== -1;
        return match ? entry : null;
    return results;

(And again, add entry && && in there if necessary.)

Tomcat 7 is not running on browser(http://localhost:8080/ )

I had the same issue and for me, I tried changing the options in

  • Server Locations

    and it worked.

    1. Double click on the Tomcat Server under the Servers tab in Eclipse
    2. Doing that opens a window in the editor with the top heading being Overview opens (there are 2 tabs-Overview and Modules).
    3. In that change the options under Server Locations, and give Ctrl+S (Save configurations) For me, Use Tomcat installation (takes control of Tomcat installation) worked
    4. Try starting the server and checking if localhost opens in the browser. Else select a different option.

I do not understand why that issue came up. I did search but did not find a relevant answer(Maybe I didn't use the right keywords). If someone knows why that worked, kindly share.


Dynamically create and submit form

Yes, it is possible. One of the solutions is below (jsfiddle as a proof).


<a id="fire" href="#" title="submit form">Submit form</a>

(see, above there is no form)


    var newForm = jQuery('<form>', {
        'action': '',
        'target': '_top'
    }).append(jQuery('<input>', {
        'name': 'q',
        'value': 'stack overflow',
        'type': 'hidden'

The above example shows you how to create form, how to add inputs and how to submit. Sometimes display of the result is forbidden by X-Frame-Options, so I have set target to _top, which replaces the main window's content. Alternatively if you set _blank, it can show within new window / tab.

jQuery multiple events to trigger the same function

As of jQuery 1.7, the .on() method is the preferred method for attaching event handlers to a document. For earlier versions, the .bind() method is used for attaching an event handler directly to elements.

$(document).on('mouseover mouseout',".brand", function () {

Deny all, allow only one IP through htaccess

I wasn't able to use the 403 method because I wanted the maintenance page and page images in a sub folder on my server, so used the following approach to redirect to a 'maintenance page' for everyone but a single IP*

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} !**.**.**.*
RewriteRule !^maintenance/ [R=302,L]

Source: Creating a holding page to hide your WordPress blog

Simple function to sort an array of objects

I modified @Geuis 's answer by using lambda and convert it upper case first:

people.sort((a, b) => a.toLocaleUpperCase() < b.toLocaleUpperCase() ? -1 : 1);

Add Favicon to Website

  1. This is not done in PHP. It's part of the <head> tags in a HTML page.
  2. That icon is called a favicon. According to Wikipedia:

    A favicon (short for favorites icon), also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon is a 16×16 or 32×32 pixel square icon associated with a particular website or webpage.

  3. Adding it is easy. Just add an .ico image file that is either 16x16 pixels or 32x32 pixels. Then, in the web pages, add <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"> to the <head> element.
  4. You can easily generate favicons here.

Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method

There are some good answers already with explanations of why the mixture of the non-static Context method getText() can't be used with your static final String.

A good question to ask is: why do you want to do this? You are attempting to load a String from your strings resource, and populate its value into a public static field. I assume that this is so that some of your other classes can access it? If so, there is no need to do this. Instead pass a Context into your other classes and call context.getText(R.string.TTT) from within them.

public class NonActivity {

    public static void doStuff(Context context) {
        String TTT = context.getText(R.string.TTT);

And to call this from your Activity:


This will allow you to access your String resource without needing to use a public static field.

Where does this come from: -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

In PyCharm, I'd leave it out. It turns off the UTF-8 indicator at the bottom with a warning that the encoding is hard-coded. Don't think you need the PyCharm comment mentioned above.

Can I get the name of the current controller in the view?

#to get controller name:
<%= controller.controller_name %>
#=> 'users'

#to get action name, it is the method:
<%= controller.action_name %>
#=> 'show'

#to get id information:
<%= ActionController::Routing::Routes.recognize_path(request.url)[:id] %>
#=> '23'

# or display nicely
<%= debug Rails.application.routes.recognize_path(request.url) %>


Extract a single (unsigned) integer from a string

If you don't know which format the number is? int or floating, then use this :

$string = '$125.22';

$string2 = '$125';

preg_match_all('/(\d+.?\d+)/',$string,$matches); // $matches[1] = 125.22

preg_match_all('/(\d+.?\d+)/',$string2,$matches); // $matches[1] = 125

View contents of database file in Android Studio

With the release of Android Studio 4.1 Canary and Dev preview , you can use a new tool called

Database Inspector

DB inspector

Install AS 4.1+, run the app, open database inspector, now you can view your database files on the left side of the database inspector panel then select the table to view the content.

Live Queries

Either you can run you queries using Run SQL option or if you are using Room then open database inspector and run the app then, you can run the DAO queries in your interface by clicking on the run button on left of @Query annotation.

live queries

Is there a way to iterate over a range of integers?

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    nums := []int{2, 3, 4}
    for _, num := range nums {
       fmt.Println(num, sum)    

CORS Access-Control-Allow-Headers wildcard being ignored?

Those CORS headers do not support * as value, the only way is to replace * with this:

Accept, Accept-CH, Accept-Charset, Accept-Datetime, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Ext, Accept-Features, Accept-Language, Accept-Params, Accept-Ranges, Access-Control-Allow-Credentials, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Expose-Headers, Access-Control-Max-Age, Access-Control-Request-Headers, Access-Control-Request-Method, Age, Allow, Alternates, Authentication-Info, Authorization, C-Ext, C-Man, C-Opt, C-PEP, C-PEP-Info, CONNECT, Cache-Control, Compliance, Connection, Content-Base, Content-Disposition, Content-Encoding, Content-ID, Content-Language, Content-Length, Content-Location, Content-MD5, Content-Range, Content-Script-Type, Content-Security-Policy, Content-Style-Type, Content-Transfer-Encoding, Content-Type, Content-Version, Cookie, Cost, DAV, DELETE, DNT, DPR, Date, Default-Style, Delta-Base, Depth, Derived-From, Destination, Differential-ID, Digest, ETag, Expect, Expires, Ext, From, GET, GetProfile, HEAD, HTTP-date, Host, IM, If, If-Match, If-Modified-Since, If-None-Match, If-Range, If-Unmodified-Since, Keep-Alive, Label, Last-Event-ID, Last-Modified, Link, Location, Lock-Token, MIME-Version, Man, Max-Forwards, Media-Range, Message-ID, Meter, Negotiate, Non-Compliance, OPTION, OPTIONS, OWS, Opt, Optional, Ordering-Type, Origin, Overwrite, P3P, PEP, PICS-Label, POST, PUT, Pep-Info, Permanent, Position, Pragma, ProfileObject, Protocol, Protocol-Query, Protocol-Request, Proxy-Authenticate, Proxy-Authentication-Info, Proxy-Authorization, Proxy-Features, Proxy-Instruction, Public, RWS, Range, Referer, Refresh, Resolution-Hint, Resolver-Location, Retry-After, Safe, Sec-Websocket-Extensions, Sec-Websocket-Key, Sec-Websocket-Origin, Sec-Websocket-Protocol, Sec-Websocket-Version, Security-Scheme, Server, Set-Cookie, Set-Cookie2, SetProfile, SoapAction, Status, Status-URI, Strict-Transport-Security, SubOK, Subst, Surrogate-Capability, Surrogate-Control, TCN, TE, TRACE, Timeout, Title, Trailer, Transfer-Encoding, UA-Color, UA-Media, UA-Pixels, UA-Resolution, UA-Windowpixels, URI, Upgrade, User-Agent, Variant-Vary, Vary, Version, Via, Viewport-Width, WWW-Authenticate, Want-Digest, Warning, Width, X-Content-Duration, X-Content-Security-Policy, X-Content-Type-Options, X-CustomHeader, X-DNSPrefetch-Control, X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Port, X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Frame-Options, X-Modified, X-OTHER, X-PING, X-PINGOTHER, X-Powered-By, X-Requested-With

.htaccess Example (CORS Included):

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
  Header unset Connection
  Header unset Time-Zone
  Header unset Keep-Alive
  Header unset Access-Control-Allow-Origin
  Header unset Access-Control-Allow-Headers
  Header unset Access-Control-Expose-Headers
  Header unset Access-Control-Allow-Methods
  Header unset Access-Control-Allow-Credentials

  Header set   Connection                         keep-alive
  Header set   Time-Zone                          "Asia/Jerusalem"
  Header set   Keep-Alive                         timeout=100,max=500
  Header set   Access-Control-Allow-Origin        "*"
  Header set   Access-Control-Allow-Headers       "Accept, Accept-CH, Accept-Charset, Accept-Datetime, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Ext, Accept-Features, Accept-Language, Accept-Params, Accept-Ranges, Access-Control-Allow-Credentials, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Expose-Headers, Access-Control-Max-Age, Access-Control-Request-Headers, Access-Control-Request-Method, Age, Allow, Alternates, Authentication-Info, Authorization, C-Ext, C-Man, C-Opt, C-PEP, C-PEP-Info, CONNECT, Cache-Control, Compliance, Connection, Content-Base, Content-Disposition, Content-Encoding, Content-ID, Content-Language, Content-Length, Content-Location, Content-MD5, Content-Range, Content-Script-Type, Content-Security-Policy, Content-Style-Type, Content-Transfer-Encoding, Content-Type, Content-Version, Cookie, Cost, DAV, DELETE, DNT, DPR, Date, Default-Style, Delta-Base, Depth, Derived-From, Destination, Differential-ID, Digest, ETag, Expect, Expires, Ext, From, GET, GetProfile, HEAD, HTTP-date, Host, IM, If, If-Match, If-Modified-Since, If-None-Match, If-Range, If-Unmodified-Since, Keep-Alive, Label, Last-Event-ID, Last-Modified, Link, Location, Lock-Token, MIME-Version, Man, Max-Forwards, Media-Range, Message-ID, Meter, Negotiate, Non-Compliance, OPTION, OPTIONS, OWS, Opt, Optional, Ordering-Type, Origin, Overwrite, P3P, PEP, PICS-Label, POST, PUT, Pep-Info, Permanent, Position, Pragma, ProfileObject, Protocol, Protocol-Query, Protocol-Request, Proxy-Authenticate, Proxy-Authentication-Info, Proxy-Authorization, Proxy-Features, Proxy-Instruction, Public, RWS, Range, Referer, Refresh, Resolution-Hint, Resolver-Location, Retry-After, Safe, Sec-Websocket-Extensions, Sec-Websocket-Key, Sec-Websocket-Origin, Sec-Websocket-Protocol, Sec-Websocket-Version, Security-Scheme, Server, Set-Cookie, Set-Cookie2, SetProfile, SoapAction, Status, Status-URI, Strict-Transport-Security, SubOK, Subst, Surrogate-Capability, Surrogate-Control, TCN, TE, TRACE, Timeout, Title, Trailer, Transfer-Encoding, UA-Color, UA-Media, UA-Pixels, UA-Resolution, UA-Windowpixels, URI, Upgrade, User-Agent, Variant-Vary, Vary, Version, Via, Viewport-Width, WWW-Authenticate, Want-Digest, Warning, Width, X-Content-Duration, X-Content-Security-Policy, X-Content-Type-Options, X-CustomHeader, X-DNSPrefetch-Control, X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Port, X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Frame-Options, X-Modified, X-OTHER, X-PING, X-PINGOTHER, X-Powered-By, X-Requested-With"
  Header set   Access-Control-Expose-Headers      "Accept, Accept-CH, Accept-Charset, Accept-Datetime, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Ext, Accept-Features, Accept-Language, Accept-Params, Accept-Ranges, Access-Control-Allow-Credentials, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Expose-Headers, Access-Control-Max-Age, Access-Control-Request-Headers, Access-Control-Request-Method, Age, Allow, Alternates, Authentication-Info, Authorization, C-Ext, C-Man, C-Opt, C-PEP, C-PEP-Info, CONNECT, Cache-Control, Compliance, Connection, Content-Base, Content-Disposition, Content-Encoding, Content-ID, Content-Language, Content-Length, Content-Location, Content-MD5, Content-Range, Content-Script-Type, Content-Security-Policy, Content-Style-Type, Content-Transfer-Encoding, Content-Type, Content-Version, Cookie, Cost, DAV, DELETE, DNT, DPR, Date, Default-Style, Delta-Base, Depth, Derived-From, Destination, Differential-ID, Digest, ETag, Expect, Expires, Ext, From, GET, GetProfile, HEAD, HTTP-date, Host, IM, If, If-Match, If-Modified-Since, If-None-Match, If-Range, If-Unmodified-Since, Keep-Alive, Label, Last-Event-ID, Last-Modified, Link, Location, Lock-Token, MIME-Version, Man, Max-Forwards, Media-Range, Message-ID, Meter, Negotiate, Non-Compliance, OPTION, OPTIONS, OWS, Opt, Optional, Ordering-Type, Origin, Overwrite, P3P, PEP, PICS-Label, POST, PUT, Pep-Info, Permanent, Position, Pragma, ProfileObject, Protocol, Protocol-Query, Protocol-Request, Proxy-Authenticate, Proxy-Authentication-Info, Proxy-Authorization, Proxy-Features, Proxy-Instruction, Public, RWS, Range, Referer, Refresh, Resolution-Hint, Resolver-Location, Retry-After, Safe, Sec-Websocket-Extensions, Sec-Websocket-Key, Sec-Websocket-Origin, Sec-Websocket-Protocol, Sec-Websocket-Version, Security-Scheme, Server, Set-Cookie, Set-Cookie2, SetProfile, SoapAction, Status, Status-URI, Strict-Transport-Security, SubOK, Subst, Surrogate-Capability, Surrogate-Control, TCN, TE, TRACE, Timeout, Title, Trailer, Transfer-Encoding, UA-Color, UA-Media, UA-Pixels, UA-Resolution, UA-Windowpixels, URI, Upgrade, User-Agent, Variant-Vary, Vary, Version, Via, Viewport-Width, WWW-Authenticate, Want-Digest, Warning, Width, X-Content-Duration, X-Content-Security-Policy, X-Content-Type-Options, X-CustomHeader, X-DNSPrefetch-Control, X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Port, X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Frame-Options, X-Modified, X-OTHER, X-PING, X-PINGOTHER, X-Powered-By, X-Requested-With"
  Header set   Access-Control-Allow-Credentials   "true"

  Header set DNT "0"
  Header set Accept-Ranges "bytes"
  Header set Vary "Accept-Encoding"
  Header set X-UA-Compatible "IE=edge,chrome=1"
  Header set X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
  Header set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
  Header set X-Xss-Protection "1; mode=block"


  • Why Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Access-Control-Expose-Headers, Access-Control-Allow-Methods values are super long?

    Those do not support the * syntax, so I've collected the most common (and exotic) headers from around the web, in various formats #1 #2 #3 (and I will update the list from time to time)

  • Why do you use Header unset ______ syntax?

    GoDaddy servers (which my website is hosted on..) have a weird bug where if the headers are already set, the previous value will join the existing one.. (instead of replacing it) this way I "pre-clean" existing values (really just a a quick && dirty solution)

  • Is it safe for me to use 'as-is'?

    Well.. mostly the answer would be YES since the .htaccess is limiting the headers to the scripts (PHP, HTML, ...) and resources (.JPG, .JS, .CSS) served from the following "folder"-location. You optionally might want to remove the Access-Control-Allow-Methods lines. Also Connection, Time-Zone, Keep-Alive and DNT, Accept-Ranges, Vary, X-UA-Compatible, X-Frame-Options, X-Content-Type-Options and X-Xss-Protection are just a suggestion I'm using for my online-service.. feel free to remove those too...

taken from my comment above

Gradle build without tests

In The Java Plugin:

$ gradle tasks

Build tasks
assemble - Assembles the outputs of this project.
build - Assembles and tests this project.
testClasses - Assembles test classes.

Verification tasks
test - Runs the unit tests.

Gradle build without test you have two options:

$ gradle assemble
$ gradle build -x test

but if you want compile test:

$ gradle assemble testClasses
$ gradle testClasses

Using cut command to remove multiple columns

You should be able to continue the sequences directly in your existing -f specification.

To skip both 5 and 7, try:

cut -d, -f-4,6-6,8-

As you're skipping a single sequential column, this can also be written as:

cut -d, -f-4,6,8-

To keep it going, if you wanted to skip 5, 7, and 11, you would use:

cut -d, -f-4,6-6,8-10,12-

To put it into a more-clear perspective, it is easier to visualize when you use starting/ending columns which go on the beginning/end of the sequence list, respectively. For instance, the following will print columns 2 through 20, skipping columns 5 and 11:

cut -d, -f2-4,6-10,12-20

So, this will print "2 through 4", skip 5, "6 through 10", skip 11, and then "12 through 20".

What is the difference between MOV and LEA?

If you only specify a literal, there is no difference. LEA has more abilities, though, and you can read about them here:

How to change Toolbar Navigation and Overflow Menu icons (appcompat v7)?

For right menu you can do it:

public static Drawable setTintDrawable(Drawable drawable, @ColorInt int color) {
            drawable.setColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN);
            Drawable wrapDrawable = DrawableCompat.wrap(drawable).mutate();
            DrawableCompat.setTint(wrapDrawable, color);
            return wrapDrawable;

And in your activity

 public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
        Drawable send = menu.findItem(;
        Drawable msg = menu.findItem(;
        DrawableUtils.setTintDrawable(send.getIcon(), Color.WHITE);
        DrawableUtils.setTintDrawable(msg.getIcon(), Color.WHITE);
        return true;

This is the result:

enter image description here

combining results of two select statements

While it is possible to combine the results, I would advise against doing so.

You have two fundamentally different types of queries that return a different number of rows, a different number of columns and different types of data. It would be best to leave it as it is - two separate queries.

How to read connection string in .NET Core?

See link for more info:


      "ConnectionStrings": {
        "BloggingDatabase": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=EFGetStarted.ConsoleApp.NewDb;Trusted_Connection=True;"

C# Startup.cs

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddDbContext<BloggingContext>(options =>

EDIT: aspnetcore, starting 3.1:

Rebuild or regenerate 'ic_launcher.png' from images in Android Studio

I can confirm that in Android Studio 1.x (here AS) on Windows also the right sequence is:

  • File -> New
  • AS opens a list where you must click on Image Asset
  • AS opens a dialog where the app\src\main\res Directory Structure is automatically selected (the right choice)
  • Clicking on the OK button, AS opens the Asset Studio dialog where you can find all the tools and options we had on the past Eclipse ADT

This can be done absolutely in any moments after creation of the project.

Android Studio warns you that it will overwrite the current ic_launcer, but this is exactly what we expect to do.

What do >> and << mean in Python?

I think it is important question and it is not answered yet (the OP seems to already know about shift operators). Let me try to answer, the >> operator in your example is used for two different purposes. In c++ terms this operator is overloaded. In the first example it is used as bitwise operator (left shift), while in the second scenario it is merely used as output redirection. i.e.

2 << 5 # shift to left by 5 bits
2 >> 5 # shift to right by 5 bits
print >> obj, "Hello world" # redirect the output to obj, 


with open('foo.txt', 'w') as obj:
    print >> obj, "Hello world" # hello world now saved in foo.txt


In python 3 it is possible to give the file argument directly as follows:

print("Hello world", file=open("foo.txt", "a")) # hello world now saved in foo.txt

Bash: Strip trailing linebreak from output

printf already crops the trailing newline for you:

$ printf '%s' $(wc -l < log.txt)


  • printf will print your content in place of the %s string place holder.
  • If you do not tell it to print a newline (%s\n), it won't.

"PKIX path building failed" and "unable to find valid certification path to requested target"

For me, certificate error popped up because I had fiddler running in background and that messes up with certificate. It acts as a proxy so close that and restart eclipse.

How to do a subquery in LINQ?

There is no subquery needed with this statement, which is better written as

select u.* 
from Users u, CompanyRolesToUsers c
where u.Id = c.UserId        --join just specified here, perfectly fine
and u.lastname like '%fra%'
and c.CompanyRoleId in (2,3,4)


select u.* 
from Users u inner join CompanyRolesToUsers c
             on u.Id = c.UserId    --explicit "join" statement, no diff from above, just preference
where u.lastname like '%fra%'
  and c.CompanyRoleId in (2,3,4)

That being said, in LINQ it would be

from u in Users
from c in CompanyRolesToUsers 
where u.Id == c.UserId &&
      u.LastName.Contains("fra") &&
select u


from u in Users
join c in CompanyRolesToUsers 
       on u.Id equals c.UserId
where u.LastName.Contains("fra") &&
select u

Which again, are both respectable ways to represent this. I prefer the explicit "join" syntax in both cases myself, but there it is...

LINQ to Entities how to update a record

In most cases @tster's answer will suffice. However, I had a scenario where I wanted to update a row without first retrieving it.

My situation is this: I've got a table where I want to "lock" a row so that only a single user at a time will be able to edit it in my app. I'm achieving this by saying

update items set status = 'in use', lastuser = @lastuser, lastupdate = @updatetime where ID = @rowtolock and @status = 'free'

The reason being, if I were to simply retrieve the row by ID, change the properties and then save, I could end up with two people accessing the same row simultaneously. This way, I simply send and update claiming this row as mine, then I try to retrieve the row which has the same properties I just updated with. If that row exists, great. If, for some reason it doesn't (someone else's "lock" command got there first), I simply return FALSE from my method.

I do this by using context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand which accepts a string command and an array of parameters.

Just wanted to add this answer to point out that there will be scenarios in which retrieving a row, updating it, and saving it back to the DB won't suffice and that there are ways of running a straight update statement when necessary.

How to disable registration new users in Laravel

For Laravel 5.3 and 5.4, here is the proper way to do it:

You have to change:

public function __construct()


public function __construct()

in app/Http/Controller/Auth/RegisterController.php

How to find an object in an ArrayList by property

For finding objects which are meaningfully equal, you need to override equals and hashcode methods for the class. You can find a good tutorial here.

Difference between final and effectively final

I find the simplest way to explain "effectively final" is to imagine adding the final modifier to a variable declaration. If, with this change, the program continues to behave in the same way, both at compile time and at run time, then that variable is effectively final.

Is it possible to create a temporary table in a View and drop it after select?

Not possible but if you try CTE, this would be the code:

ALTER VIEW [dbo].[VW_PuntosDeControlDeExpediente]
    WITH TEMP (RefLocal, IdPuntoControl, Descripcion) 
            , PV.IdPuntoControl
            , PV.Descripcion
        FROM [dbo].[PuntosDeControl] AS PV
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[Vertidos] AS VR ON VR.IdVertido = PV.IdVertido
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[ExpedientesMF] AS MF ON MF.IdExpedienteMF = VR.IdExpedienteMF
        INNER JOIN [dbo].[Expedientes] AS EX ON EX.IdExpediente = MF.IdExpediente
        ,    [IdPuntoControl] = ( SELECT MAX(IdPuntoControl) FROM TEMP WHERE [RefLocal] = Q1.[RefLocal] AND [Descripcion] = Q1.[Descripcion] )
        , Q1.[Descripcion]
    GROUP BY Q1.[RefLocal], Q1.[Descripcion]

How do I restrict a float value to only two places after the decimal point in C?

Always use the printf family of functions for this. Even if you want to get the value as a float, you're best off using snprintf to get the rounded value as a string and then parsing it back with atof:

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

double dround(double val, int dp) {
    int charsNeeded = 1 + snprintf(NULL, 0, "%.*f", dp, val);
    char *buffer = malloc(charsNeeded);
    snprintf(buffer, charsNeeded, "%.*f", dp, val);
    double result = atof(buffer);
    return result;

I say this because the approach shown by the currently top-voted answer and several others here - multiplying by 100, rounding to the nearest integer, and then dividing by 100 again - is flawed in two ways:

  • For some values, it will round in the wrong direction because the multiplication by 100 changes the decimal digit determining the rounding direction from a 4 to a 5 or vice versa, due to the imprecision of floating point numbers
  • For some values, multiplying and then dividing by 100 doesn't round-trip, meaning that even if no rounding takes place the end result will be wrong

To illustrate the first kind of error - the rounding direction sometimes being wrong - try running this program:

int main(void) {
    // This number is EXACTLY representable as a double
    double x = 0.01499999999999999944488848768742172978818416595458984375;

    printf("x: %.50f\n", x);

    double res1 = dround(x, 2);
    double res2 = round(100 * x) / 100;

    printf("Rounded with snprintf: %.50f\n", res1);
    printf("Rounded with round, then divided: %.50f\n", res2);

You'll see this output:

x: 0.01499999999999999944488848768742172978818416595459
Rounded with snprintf: 0.01000000000000000020816681711721685132943093776703
Rounded with round, then divided: 0.02000000000000000041633363423443370265886187553406

Note that the value we started with was less than 0.015, and so the mathematically correct answer when rounding it to 2 decimal places is 0.01. Of course, 0.01 is not exactly representable as a double, but we expect our result to be the double nearest to 0.01. Using snprintf gives us that result, but using round(100 * x) / 100 gives us 0.02, which is wrong. Why? Because 100 * x gives us exactly 1.5 as the result. Multiplying by 100 thus changes the correct direction to round in.

To illustrate the second kind of error - the result sometimes being wrong due to * 100 and / 100 not truly being inverses of each other - we can do a similar exercise with a very big number:

int main(void) {
    double x = 8631192423766613.0;

    printf("x: %.1f\n", x);

    double res1 = dround(x, 2);
    double res2 = round(100 * x) / 100;

    printf("Rounded with snprintf: %.1f\n", res1);
    printf("Rounded with round, then divided: %.1f\n", res2);

Our number now doesn't even have a fractional part; it's an integer value, just stored with type double. So the result after rounding it should be the same number we started with, right?

If you run the program above, you'll see:

x: 8631192423766613.0
Rounded with snprintf: 8631192423766613.0
Rounded with round, then divided: 8631192423766612.0

Oops. Our snprintf method returns the right result again, but the multiply-then-round-then-divide approach fails. That's because the mathematically correct value of 8631192423766613.0 * 100, 863119242376661300.0, is not exactly representable as a double; the closest value is 863119242376661248.0. When you divide that back by 100, you get 8631192423766612.0 - a different number to the one you started with.

Hopefully that's a sufficient demonstration that using roundf for rounding to a number of decimal places is broken, and that you should use snprintf instead. If that feels like a horrible hack to you, perhaps you'll be reassured by the knowledge that it's basically what CPython does.

how to realize countifs function (excel) in R

Easy peasy. Your data frame will look like this:

df <- data.frame(sex=c('M','F','M'),

You can then do the equivalent of a COUNTIF by first specifying the IF part, like so:

df$sex == 'M'

This will give you a boolean vector, i.e. a vector of TRUE and FALSE. What you want is to count the observations for which the condition is TRUE. Since in R TRUE and FALSE double as 1 and 0 you can simply sum() over the boolean vector. The equivalent of COUNTIF(sex='M') is therefore

sum(df$sex == 'M')

Should there be rows in which the sex is not specified the above will give back NA. In that case, if you just want to ignore the missing observations use

sum(df$sex == 'M', na.rm=TRUE)

Error when using scp command "bash: scp: command not found"

Check if scp is installed or not on from where you want want to copy check using which scp

If it's already installed, it will print you a path like /usr/bin/scp Else, install scp using:

yum -y install openssh-clients

Then copy command

scp -r [email protected]:/var/www/html/database_backup/restore_fullbackup/backup_20140308-023002.sql  /var/www/html/db_bkp/

How to get the filename without the extension in Java?

If you don't like to import the full apache.commons, I've extracted the same functionality:

public class StringUtils {
    public static String getBaseName(String filename) {
        return removeExtension(getName(filename));

    public static int indexOfLastSeparator(String filename) {
        if(filename == null) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            int lastUnixPos = filename.lastIndexOf(47);
            int lastWindowsPos = filename.lastIndexOf(92);
            return Math.max(lastUnixPos, lastWindowsPos);

    public static String getName(String filename) {
        if(filename == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            int index = indexOfLastSeparator(filename);
            return filename.substring(index + 1);

    public static String removeExtension(String filename) {
        if(filename == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            int index = indexOfExtension(filename);
            return index == -1?filename:filename.substring(0, index);

    public static int indexOfExtension(String filename) {
        if(filename == null) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            int extensionPos = filename.lastIndexOf(46);
            int lastSeparator = indexOfLastSeparator(filename);
            return lastSeparator > extensionPos?-1:extensionPos;

How to redirect on another page and pass parameter in url from table?

Here is a general solution that doesn't rely on JQuery. Simply modify the definition of window.location.

         function loadNewDoc(){ 
            var loc = window.location;
            window.location = loc.hostname + loc.port + loc.pathname +; 
   <body onLoad="loadNewDoc()">

How to center Font Awesome icons horizontally?

Give a class to your cell containing the icon

<td class="icon"><i class="icon-ok"></i></td>

and then

    text-align: center;

How to use npm with node.exe?

When Node.js is not installed using the msi installer, npm needs to be setup manually.

setting up npm

First, let's say we have the node.exe file located in the folder c:\nodejs. Now to setup npm-

  1. Download the latest npm release from GitHub (
  2. Create folders c:\nodejs\node_modules and c:\nodejs\node_modules\npm
  3. Unzip the downloaded zip file in c:\nodejs\node_modules\npm folder
  4. Copy npm and npm.cmd files from c:\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin to c:\nodejs folder

In order to test npm, open cmd.exe change working directory to c:\nodejs and type npm --version. You will see the version of npm if it is setup correctly.

Once setup is done, it can be used to install/uninstall packages locally or globally. For more information on using npm visit

As the final step you can add node's folder path c:\nodejs to the path environment variable so that you don't have to specify full path when running node.exe and npm at command prompt.

ActiveRecord OR query

Rails has recently added this into ActiveRecord. It looks to be released in Rails 5. Committed to master already:

Post.where(column: 'something').or(Post.where(other: 'else'))

# => SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (column = 'something') OR (other = 'else)

Convert from lowercase to uppercase all values in all character variables in dataframe

Another alternative is to use a combination of mutate_if() and str_to_uper() function, both from the tidyverse package:

df %>% mutate_if(is.character, str_to_upper) -> df

This will convert all string variables in the data frame to upper case. str_to_lower() do the opposite.

Find all zero-byte files in directory and subdirectories

To print the names of all files in and below $dir of size 0:

find "$dir" -size 0

Note that not all implementations of find will produce output by default, so you may need to do:

find "$dir" -size 0 -print

Two comments on the final loop in the question:

Rather than iterating over every other word in a string and seeing if the alternate values are zero, you can partially eliminate the issue you're having with whitespace by iterating over lines. eg:

printf '1 f1\n0 f 2\n10 f3\n' | while read size path; do
    test "$size" -eq 0 && echo "$path"; done

Note that this will fail in your case if any of the paths output by ls contain newlines, and this reinforces 2 points: don't parse ls, and have a sane naming policy that doesn't allow whitespace in paths.

Secondly, to output the data from the loop, there is no need to store the output in a variable just to echo it. If you simply let the loop write its output to stdout, you accomplish the same thing but avoid storing it.

What is private bytes, virtual bytes, working set?

The definition of the perfmon counters has been broken since the beginning and for some reason appears to be too hard to correct.

A good overview of Windows memory management is available in the video "Mysteries of Memory Management Revealed" on MSDN: It covers more topics than needed to track memory leaks (eg working set management) but gives enough detail in the relevant topics.

To give you a hint of the problem with the perfmon counter descriptions, here is the inside story about private bytes from "Private Bytes Performance Counter -- Beware!" on MSDN:

Q: When is a Private Byte not a Private Byte?

A: When it isn't resident.

The Private Bytes counter reports the commit charge of the process. That is to say, the amount of space that has been allocated in the swap file to hold the contents of the private memory in the event that it is swapped out. Note: I'm avoiding the word "reserved" because of possible confusion with virtual memory in the reserved state which is not committed.

From "Performance Planning" on MSDN:

3.3 Private Bytes

3.3.1 Description

Private memory, is defined as memory allocated for a process which cannot be shared by other processes. This memory is more expensive than shared memory when multiple such processes execute on a machine. Private memory in (traditional) unmanaged dlls usually constitutes of C++ statics and is of the order of 5% of the total working set of the dll.

How to select all elements with a particular ID in jQuery?

I would use Different IDs but assign each DIV the same class.

<div id="c-1" class="countdown"></div>
<div id="c-2" class="countdown"></div>

This also has the added benefit of being able to reconstruct the IDs based off of the return of jQuery('.countdown').length

Ok what about adding multiple classes to each countdown timer. IE:

<div class="countdown c-1"></div>
<div class="countdown c-2"></div>
<div class="countdown c-1"></div>

That way you get the best of both worlds. It even allows repeat 'IDS'

Can't start hostednetwork

Let alone enabling the network adapter under Device Manager may not help. The following helped me resolved the issue.

I tried Disabling and Enabling the Wifi Adapter (i.e. the actual Wifi device adapter not the virtual adapters) in Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network Connections altogether worked for me. The same can be done from the Device Manager too. This surely resets the adapter settings and for the Wifi Adapter and the Virtual Miniport adapters.

However, please make sure that the mode is set to allow as in the below example before you run the start command.

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=ssidOfUrChoice key=keyOfUrChoice

and after that run the command netsh wlan start hostednetwork.

Also once the usage is over with the Miniport adapter connection, it is a good practice to stop it using the following command.

netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

Hope it helps.

Why does my Spring Boot App always shutdown immediately after starting?

If you have a circular spring injected dependency it will fail without warning, depending on the level of logging, and a few other factors.

Class A injects Class B, and Class B injects Class A. Via constructor, in this particular case.

Getting "A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (&)"

I have faced this type of error. to call a function from the razor.

public ActionResult EditorAjax(int id, int? jobId, string type = ""){}

solved that by changing the line


<a href="/ScreeningQuestion/EditorAjax/5&jobId=2&type=additional" /> 


<a href="/ScreeningQuestion/EditorAjax/?id=5&jobId=2&type=additional" />

where my route.config is

            "Default", // Route name
            "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
            new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new string[] { "RPMS.Controllers" } // Parameter defaults

How do I truncate a .NET string?

A similar variant with C# 6's Null propagation operator

public static string Truncate(this string value, int maxLength)
    return value?.Length <= maxLength ? value : value?.Substring(0, maxLength);

Please note, we are essentially checking if value is null twice here.

How comment a JSP expression?

My Suggestion best way use comments in JSP page <%-- Comment --%> . Because It will not displayed (will not rendered in HTML pages) in client browsers.

Download File Using Javascript/jQuery

2019 modern browsers update

This is the approach I'd now recommend with a few caveats:

  • A relatively modern browser is required
  • If the file is expected to be very large you should likely do something similar to the original approach (iframe and cookie) because some of the below operations could likely consume system memory at least as large as the file being downloaded and/or other interesting CPU side effects.

  .then(resp => resp.blob())_x000D_
  .then(blob => {_x000D_
    const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);_x000D_
    const a = document.createElement('a');_x000D_ = 'none';_x000D_
    a.href = url;_x000D_
    // the filename you want_x000D_ = 'todo-1.json';_x000D_
    alert('your file has downloaded!'); // or you know, something with better UX..._x000D_
  .catch(() => alert('oh no!'));

2012 original jQuery/iframe/cookie based approach

I have created the jQuery File Download plugin (Demo) (GitHub) which could also help with your situation. It works pretty similarly with an iframe but has some cool features that I have found quite handy:

  • Very easy to setup with nice visuals (jQuery UI Dialog, but not required), everything is tested too

  • User never leaves the same page they initiated a file download from. This feature is becoming crucial for modern web applications

  • successCallback and failCallback functions allow for you to be explicit about what the user sees in either situation

  • In conjunction with jQuery UI a developer can easily show a modal telling the user that a file download is occurring, disband the modal after the download starts or even inform the user in a friendly manner that an error has occurred. See the Demo for an example of this. Hope this helps someone!

Here is a simple use case demo using the plugin source with promises. The demo page includes many other, 'better UX' examples as well.

    .done(function () { alert('File download a success!'); })
    .fail(function () { alert('File download failed!'); });

Insert a new row into DataTable

// create table
var dt = new System.Data.DataTable("tableName");

// create fields
dt.Columns.Add("field1", typeof(int));
dt.Columns.Add("field2", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("field3", typeof(DateTime));

// insert row values
dt.Rows.Add(new Object[]{

Refresh Page and Keep Scroll Position

I modified Sanoj Dushmantha's answer to use sessionStorage instead of localStorage. However, despite the documentation, browsers will still store this data even after the browser is closed. To fix this issue, I am removing the scroll position after it is reset.

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
        var scrollpos = sessionStorage.getItem('scrollpos');
        if (scrollpos) {
            window.scrollTo(0, scrollpos);

    window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function (e) {
        sessionStorage.setItem('scrollpos', window.scrollY);

NameError: global name 'xrange' is not defined in Python 3

I solved the issue by adding this import
More info

from past.builtins import xrange

When to use React "componentDidUpdate" method?

I have used componentDidUpdate() in highchart.

Here is a simple example of this component.

import React, { PropTypes, Component } from 'react';
window.Highcharts = require('highcharts');

export default class Chartline extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      chart: ''

  public componentDidUpdate() {
    // console.log(this.props.candidate, 'this.props.candidate')
    if (this.props.category) {
      const category = this.props.category ? this.props.category : {};
      console.log('category', category);
      window.Highcharts.chart('jobcontainer_' + category._id, {
        title: {
          text: ''
        plotOptions: {
          series: {
            cursor: 'pointer'
        chart: {
          defaultSeriesType: 'spline'
        xAxis: {
          // categories: candidate.dateArr,
          categories: ['Day1', 'Day2', 'Day3', 'Day4', 'Day5', 'Day6', 'Day7'],
          showEmpty: true
        labels: {
          style: {
            color: 'white',
            fontSize: '25px',
            fontFamily: 'SF UI Text'
        series: [
            name: 'Low',
            color: '#9B260A',
            data: category.lowcount
            name: 'High',
            color: '#0E5AAB',
            data: category.highcount
            name: 'Average',
            color: '#12B499',
            data: category.averagecount
  public render() {
    const category = this.props.category ? this.props.category : {};
    console.log('render category', category);
    return <div id={'jobcontainer_' + category._id} style={{ maxWidth: '400px', height: '180px' }} />;

How to launch another aspx web page upon button click?

This button post to the current page while at the same time opens OtherPage.aspx in a new browser window. I think this is what you mean with ...the original page and the newly launched page should both be launched.

<asp:Button ID="myBtn" runat="server" Text="Click me" 
     onclick="myBtn_Click" OnClientClick="'OtherPage.aspx', 'OtherPage');" />

Finding Variable Type in JavaScript

Using type:

// Numbers
typeof 37                === 'number';
typeof 3.14              === 'number';
typeof Math.LN2          === 'number';
typeof Infinity          === 'number';
typeof NaN               === 'number'; // Despite being "Not-A-Number"
typeof Number(1)         === 'number'; // but never use this form!

// Strings
typeof ""                === 'string';
typeof "bla"             === 'string';
typeof (typeof 1)        === 'string'; // typeof always return a string
typeof String("abc")     === 'string'; // but never use this form!

// Booleans
typeof true              === 'boolean';
typeof false             === 'boolean';
typeof Boolean(true)     === 'boolean'; // but never use this form!

// Undefined
typeof undefined         === 'undefined';
typeof blabla            === 'undefined'; // an undefined variable

// Objects
typeof {a:1}             === 'object';
typeof [1, 2, 4]         === 'object'; // use Array.isArray or to differentiate regular objects from arrays
typeof new Date()        === 'object';
typeof new Boolean(true) === 'object'; // this is confusing. Don't use!
typeof new Number(1)     === 'object'; // this is confusing. Don't use!
typeof new String("abc") === 'object';  // this is confusing. Don't use!

// Functions
typeof function(){}      === 'function';
typeof Math.sin          === 'function';

How are Anonymous inner classes used in Java?

Anonymous inner classes are effectively closures, so they can be used to emulate lambda expressions or "delegates". For example, take this interface:

public interface F<A, B> {
   B f(A a);

You can use this anonymously to create a first-class function in Java. Let's say you have the following method that returns the first number larger than i in the given list, or i if no number is larger:

public static int larger(final List<Integer> ns, final int i) {
  for (Integer n : ns)
     if (n > i)
        return n;
  return i;

And then you have another method that returns the first number smaller than i in the given list, or i if no number is smaller:

public static int smaller(final List<Integer> ns, final int i) {
   for (Integer n : ns)
      if (n < i)
         return n;
   return i;

These methods are almost identical. Using the first-class function type F, we can rewrite these into one method as follows:

public static <T> T firstMatch(final List<T> ts, final F<T, Boolean> f, T z) {
   for (T t : ts)
      if (f.f(t))
         return t;
   return z;

You can use an anonymous class to use the firstMatch method:

F<Integer, Boolean> greaterThanTen = new F<Integer, Boolean> {
   Boolean f(final Integer n) {
      return n > 10;
int moreThanMyFingersCanCount = firstMatch(xs, greaterThanTen, x);

This is a really contrived example, but its easy to see that being able to pass functions around as if they were values is a pretty useful feature. See "Can Your Programming Language Do This" by Joel himself.

A nice library for programming Java in this style: Functional Java.

Convert unix time stamp to date in java

You can use SimlpeDateFormat to format your date like this:

long unixSeconds = 1372339860;
// convert seconds to milliseconds
Date date = new java.util.Date(unixSeconds*1000L); 
// the format of your date
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z"); 
// give a timezone reference for formatting (see comment at the bottom)
String formattedDate = sdf.format(date);

The pattern that SimpleDateFormat takes if very flexible, you can check in the javadocs all the variations you can use to produce different formatting based on the patterns you write given a specific Date.

  • Because a Date provides a getTime() method that returns the milliseconds since EPOC, it is required that you give to SimpleDateFormat a timezone to format the date properly acording to your timezone, otherwise it will use the default timezone of the JVM (which if well configured will anyways be right)

Correct way to initialize HashMap and can HashMap hold different value types?

In answer to your second question: Yes a HashMap can hold different types of objects. Whether that's a good idea or not depends on the problem you're trying to solve.

That said, your example won't work. The int value is not an Object. You have to use the Integer wrapper class to store an int value in a HashMap

javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: failed to connect, no password specified?

Turn On "Access for less secure apps" in Security setting for the gmail account.(from mail), see the below link for references

Integer.valueOf() vs. Integer.parseInt()

Actually, valueOf uses parseInt internally. The difference is parseInt returns an int primitive while valueOf returns an Integer object. Consider from the Integer.class source:

public static int parseInt(String s) throws NumberFormatException {
    return parseInt(s, 10);

public static Integer valueOf(String s, int radix) throws NumberFormatException {
    return Integer.valueOf(parseInt(s, radix));

public static Integer valueOf(String s) throws NumberFormatException {
    return Integer.valueOf(parseInt(s, 10));

As for parsing with a comma, I'm not familiar with one. I would sanitize them.

int million = Integer.parseInt("1,000,000".replace(",", ""));

What does "Use of unassigned local variable" mean?

If you declare the variable "annualRate" like

class Program {

**static double annualRate;**

public static void Main() {

Try it..

When a 'blur' event occurs, how can I find out which element focus went *to*?

You could make it like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
function myFunction(thisElement) 
<input type="text" name="txtInput1" onBlur="myFunction("/>

How to run a program without an operating system?

How do you run a program all by itself without an operating system running?

You place your binary code to a place where processor looks for after rebooting (e.g. address 0 on ARM).

Can you create assembly programs that the computer can load and run at startup ( e.g. boot the computer from a flash drive and it runs the program that is on the drive)?

General answer to the question: it can be done. It's often referred to as "bare metal programming". To read from flash drive, you want to know what's USB, and you want to have some driver to work with this USB. The program on this drive would also have to be in some particular format, on some particular filesystem... This is something that boot loaders usually do, but your program could include its own bootloader so it's self-contained, if the firmware will only load a small block of code.

Many ARM boards let you do some of those things. Some have boot loaders to help you with basic setup.

Here you may find a great tutorial on how to do a basic operating system on a Raspberry Pi.

Edit: This article, and the whole will anwer most of your questions

Also, if you don't want to experiment directly on hardware, you can run it as a virtual machine using hypervisors like qemu. See how to run "hello world" directly on virtualized ARM hardware here.

How do I get an element to scroll into view, using jQuery?

Here's a quick jQuery plugin to map the built in browser functionality nicely:

$.fn.ensureVisible = function () { $(this).each(function () { $(this)[0].scrollIntoView(); }); };



SQL like search string starts with

Aside from using %, age of empires III to lower case is age of empires iii so your query should be:

select *
from games
where lower(title) like 'age of empires iii%'

iOS 8 removed "minimal-ui" viewport property, are there other "soft fullscreen" solutions?

Since there is no programmatic way to mimic minimal-ui, we have come up with a different workaround, using calc() and known iOS address bar height to our advantage:

The following demo page (also available on gist, more technical details there) will prompt user to scroll, which then triggers a soft-fullscreen (hide address bar/menu), where header and content fills the new viewport.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Scroll Test</title>

        html, body {
            height: 100%;

        html {
            background-color: red;

        body {
            background-color: blue;
            margin: 0;

        div.header {
            width: 100%;
            height: 40px;
            background-color: green;
            overflow: hidden;

        div.content {
            height: 100%;
            height: calc(100% - 40px);
            width: 100%;
            background-color: purple;
            overflow: hidden;

        div.cover {
            position: absolute;
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            z-index: 100;
            width: 100%;
            height: 100%;
            overflow: hidden;
            background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
            color: #fff;
            display: none;

        @media screen and (width: 320px) {
            html {
                height: calc(100% + 72px);

            div.cover {
                display: block;
        var timeout;

        window.addEventListener('scroll', function(ev) {

            if (timeout) {

            timeout = setTimeout(function() {

                if (window.scrollY > 0) {
                    var cover = document.querySelector('div.cover');
           = 'none';

            }, 200);


    <div class="header">
    <div class="content">
    <div class="cover">
        <p>scroll to soft fullscreen</p>


Get latitude and longitude automatically using php, API

I think allow_url_fopen on your apache server is disabled. you need to trun it on.

kindly change allow_url_fopen = 0 to allow_url_fopen = 1

Don't forget to restart your Apache server after changing it.

How can I find the location of origin/master in git, and how do I change it?

[ Solution ]

$ git push origin

^ this solved it for me. What it did, it synchronized my master (on laptop) with "origin" that's on the remote server.

Nested jQuery.each() - continue/break

I've used a "breakout" pattern for this:

$(sentences).each(function() {
    var breakout;
    var s = this;
    $(words).each(function(i) {
        if (s.indexOf(this) > -1)
            alert('found ' + this);
            return breakout = false;
    return breakout;

This works nicely to any nesting depth. breakout is a simple flag. It will stay undefined unless and until you set it to false (as I do in my return statement as illustrated above). All you have to do is:

  1. declare it in your outermost closure: var breakout;
  2. add it to your return false statement(s): return breakout = false
  3. return breakout in your outer closure(s).

Not too inelegant, right? for me anyway.

How to check not in array element

$array1 = "Orange";
$array2 = array("Apple","Grapes","Orange","Pineapple");
    echo $array1.' exists in array2';
    echo $array1.'does not exists in array2';

How to fetch Java version using single line command in Linux

You can use --version and in that case it's not required to redirect to stdout

java --version | head -1 | cut -f2 -d' '

From java help

-version      print product version to the error stream and exit
--version     print product version to the output stream and exit

Nested attributes unpermitted parameters

From the docs

To whitelist an entire hash of parameters, the permit! method can be used


Nested attributes are in the form of a hash. In my app, I have a Question.rb model accept nested attributes for an Answer.rb model (where the user creates answer choices for a question he creates). In the questions_controller, I do this

  def question_params



Everything in the question hash is permitted, including the nested answer attributes. This also works if the nested attributes are in the form of an array.

Having said that, I wonder if there's a security concern with this approach because it basically permits anything that's inside the hash without specifying exactly what it is, which seems contrary to the purpose of strong parameters.

How to remove/ignore :hover css style on touch devices

This is also a possible workaround, but you will have to go through your css and add a .no-touch class before your hover styles.


if (!("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement)) {
document.documentElement.className += " no-touch";

CSS Example:

p span {
    display: none;

.no-touch p:hover span {
    display: inline;
<p><a href="/">Tap me</a><span>You tapped!</span></p>


P.s. But we should remember, there are coming more and more touch-devices to the market, which are also supporting mouse input at the same time.

What is N-Tier architecture?

An N-tier application is an application which has more than three components involved. What are those components?

  • Cache
  • Message queues for asynchronous behaviour
  • Load balancers
  • Search servers for searching through massive amounts of data
  • Components involved in processing massive amounts of data
  • Components running heterogeneous tech commonly known as web services etc.

All the social applications like Instagram, Facebook, large scale industry services like Uber, Airbnb, online massive multiplayer games like Pokemon Go, applications with fancy features are n-tier applications.

How do I get multiple subplots in matplotlib?

Iterating through all subplots sequentially:

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols)

for ax in axes.flatten():

Accessing a specific index:

for row in range(nrows):
    for col in range(ncols):
        axes[row,col].plot(x[row], y[col])

Why is "using namespace std;" considered bad practice?

This is not related to performance at all. But consider this: you are using two libraries called Foo and Bar:

using namespace foo;
using namespace bar;

Everything works fine, and you can call Blah() from Foo and Quux() from Bar without problems. But one day you upgrade to a new version of Foo 2.0, which now offers a function called Quux(). Now you've got a conflict: Both Foo 2.0 and Bar import Quux() into your global namespace. This is going to take some effort to fix, especially if the function parameters happen to match.

If you had used foo::Blah() and bar::Quux(), then the introduction of foo::Quux() would have been a non-event.

onclick="location.href='link.html'" does not load page in Safari


<select onchange="location=this.value">_x000D_
    <option value="unit_01.htm">Unit 1</option>_x000D_
    <option value="#5.2" selected >Bookmark 2</option>_x000D_

Openstreetmap: embedding map in webpage (like Google Maps)

If you just want to embed an OSM map on a webpage, the easiest way is to get the iframe code directly from the OSM website:

  1. Navigate to the map you want on
  2. On the right side, click the "Share" icon, then click "HTML"
  3. Copy the resulting iframe code directly into your webpage. It should look like this:

<iframe width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" _x000D_
src=";layer=mapnik" _x000D_
style="border: 1px solid black"></iframe>_x000D_
<br/><small><a href="">View Larger Map</a></small>

If you want to do something more elaborate, see OSM wiki "Deploying your own Slippy Map".

HTML: How to make a submit button with text + image in it?

Let's say your image is a 16x16 .png icon called icon.png Use the power of CSS!


    background: #ccc url('icon.png') no-repeat top left;
    padding-left: 16px;
    height: 16px;


<input type="submit" id="image-button" value="Text"></input>

This will put the image to the left of the text.