[javascript] Simple function to sort an array of objects

I would like to create a (non-anonymous) function that sorts an array of objects alphabetically by the key name. I only code straight-out JavaScript so frameworks don't help me in the least.

var people = [
    {'name': 'a75', 'item1': false, 'item2': false},
    {'name': 'z32', 'item1': true,  'item2': false},
    {'name': 'e77', 'item1': false, 'item2': false}

This question is related to javascript sorting

The answer is

I modified @Geuis 's answer by using lambda and convert it upper case first:

people.sort((a, b) => a.toLocaleUpperCase() < b.toLocaleUpperCase() ? -1 : 1);

var data = [ 1, 2, 5, 3, 1]; data.sort(function(a,b) { return a-b });

With a small compartor and using sort, we can do it

var library = [_x000D_
        {name: 'Steve', course:'WAP', courseID: 'cs452'}, _x000D_
        {name: 'Rakesh', course:'WAA', courseID: 'cs545'},_x000D_
        {name: 'Asad', course:'SWE', courseID: 'cs542'},_x000D_
const sorted_by_name = library.sort( (a,b) => a.name > b.name );_x000D_
for(let k in sorted_by_name){_x000D_

This isn't a JSON question, per se. Its a javascript array question.

Try this:

    var x = a.name < b.name? -1:1; 
    return x; 

My solution for similar sort problem using ECMA 6

var library = [_x000D_
        {name: 'Steve', course:'WAP', courseID: 'cs452'}, _x000D_
        {name: 'Rakesh', course:'WAA', courseID: 'cs545'},_x000D_
        {name: 'Asad', course:'SWE', courseID: 'cs542'},_x000D_
const sorted_by_name = library.sort( (a,b) => a.name > b.name );_x000D_
for(let k in sorted_by_name){_x000D_

You can sort an array ([...]) with the .sort function:

var people = [
    {'name': 'a75', 'item1': false, 'item2': false},
    {'name': 'z32', 'item1': true,  'item2': false},
    {'name': 'e77', 'item1': false, 'item2': false},

var sorted = people.sort(function IHaveAName(a, b) { // non-anonymous as you ordered...
    return b.name < a.name ?  1 // if b should come earlier, push a to end
         : b.name > a.name ? -1 // if b should come later, push a to begin
         : 0;                   // a and b are equal

Array.prototype.sort_by = function(key_func, reverse=false){
    return this.sort( (a, b) => ( key_func(b) - key_func(a) ) * (reverse ? 1 : -1) ) 

Then for example if we have

var arr = [ {id: 0, balls: {red: 8,  blue: 10}},
            {id: 2, balls: {red: 6 , blue: 11}},
            {id: 1, balls: {red: 4 , blue: 15}} ]

arr.sort_by(el => el.id, reverse=true)
/* would result in
[ { id: 2, balls: {red: 6 , blue: 11 }},
  { id: 1, balls: {red: 4 , blue: 15 }},
  { id: 0, balls: {red: 8 , blue: 10 }} ]


arr.sort_by(el => el.balls.red + el.balls.blue)
/* would result in
[ { id: 2, balls: {red: 6 , blue: 11 }},    // red + blue= 17
  { id: 0, balls: {red: 8 , blue: 10 }},    // red + blue= 18
  { id: 1, balls: {red: 4 , blue: 15 }} ]   // red + blue= 19

var people = 
[{"name": 'a75',"item1": "false","item2":"false"}, 
{"name": 'z32',"item1": "true","item2":  "false"}, 
{"name": 'e77',"item1": "false","item2": "false"}]; 

function mycomparator(a,b) {   return parseInt(a.name) - parseInt(b.name);  } 

something along the lines of this maybe (or as we used to say, this should work).

This is how simply I sort from previous examples:

if my array is items:

0: {id: 14, auctionID: 76, userID: 1, amount: 39}
1: {id: 1086, auctionID: 76, userID: 1, amount: 55}
2: {id: 1087, auctionID: 76, userID: 1, amount: 55}

I thought simply calling items.sort() would sort it it, but there was two problems: 1. Was sorting them strings 2. Was sorting them first key

This is how I modified the sort function:

for(amount in items){

i.sort((a, b) => a.amount - b.amount);