Programs & Examples On #Yui menu

Check whether number is even or odd

Works for positive or negative numbers

int start = -3;
int end = 6;

for (int val = start; val < end; val++)
    // Condition to Check Even, Not condition (!) will give Odd number
    if (val % 2 == 0) 
        System.out.println("Even" + val);
        System.out.println("Odd" + val);

How to resize Twitter Bootstrap modal dynamically based on the content

A simple CSS solution that will vertically and horizontally center the modal: {
  display: flex !important;
  justify-content: center;

.modal-dialog {
  align-self: center;

How to read xml file contents in jQuery and display in html elements?

 $.get("/folder_name/filename.xml", function (xml) {_x000D_
 var xmlInnerhtml = xml.documentElement.innerHTML;_x000D_

What is the best way to update the entity in JPA

That depends on what you want to do, but as you said, getting an entity reference using find() and then just updating that entity is the easiest way to do that.

I'd not bother about performance differences of the various methods unless you have strong indications that this really matters.

Why use 'virtual' for class properties in Entity Framework model definitions?

In the context of EF, marking a property as virtual allows EF to use lazy loading to load it. For lazy loading to work EF has to create a proxy object that overrides your virtual properties with an implementation that loads the referenced entity when it is first accessed. If you don't mark the property as virtual then lazy loading won't work with it.

How do you automatically set text box to Uppercase?

The issue with CSS Styling is that it's not changing the data, and if you don't want to have a JS function then try...

<input onkeyup="this.value = this.value.toUpperCase()" />

on it's own you'll see the field capitalise on keyup, so it might be desirable to combine this with the style='text-transform:uppercase' others have suggested.

How to chain scope queries with OR instead of AND?

Use ARel

t = Person.arel_table

results = Person.where(

What are the differences between .gitignore and .gitkeep?

Many people prefer to use just .keep since the convention has nothing to do with git.

Read large files in Java

To save memory, do not unnecessarily store/duplicate the data in memory (i.e. do not assign them to variables outside the loop). Just process the output immediately as soon as the input comes in.

It really doesn't matter whether you're using BufferedReader or not. It will not cost significantly much more memory as some implicitly seem to suggest. It will at highest only hit a few % from performance. The same applies on using NIO. It will only improve scalability, not memory use. It will only become interesting when you've hundreds of threads running on the same file.

Just loop through the file, write every line immediately to other file as you read in, count the lines and if it reaches 100, then switch to next file, etcetera.

Kickoff example:

String encoding = "UTF-8";
int maxlines = 100;
BufferedReader reader = null;
BufferedWriter writer = null;

try {
    reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("/bigfile.txt"), encoding));
    int count = 0;
    for (String line; (line = reader.readLine()) != null;) {
        if (count++ % maxlines == 0) {
            writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("/smallfile" + (count / maxlines) + ".txt"), encoding));
} finally {

How to customize the back button on ActionBar

I have checked the question. Here is the steps that I follow. The source code is hosted on GitHub:

Override the actual style for the pre-v11 devices.

Copy and paste the follow code in the file styles.xml of the default values folder.

    <style name="MyCustomTheme" parent="Theme.Sherlock.Light">
    <item name="homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/ic_home_up</item>

Note that the parent could be changed to any Sherlock theme.

Override the actual style for the v11+ devices.

On the same folder where the folder values is, create a new folder called values-v11. Android will automatically look for the content of this folder for devices with API or above.

Create a new file called styles.xml and paste the follow code into the file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <style name="MyCustomTheme" parent="Theme.Sherlock.Light">
    <item name="android:homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/ic_home_up</item>

Note tha the name of the style must be the same as the file in the default values folder and instead of the item homeAsUpIndicator, it is called android:homeAsUpIndicator.

The item issue is because for devices with API 11 or above, Sherlock Action Bar use the default Action Bar which comes with Android, which the key name is android:homeAsUpIndicator. But for the devices with API 10 or lower, Sherlock Action Bar uses its own ActionBar, which the home as up indicator is called simple "homeAsUpIndicator".

Use the new theme in the manifest

Replace the theme for the application/activity in the AndroidManifest file:

    android:theme="@style/MyCustomTheme" >

Git - Pushing code to two remotes

In recent versions of Git you can add multiple pushurls for a given remote. Use the following to add two pushurls to your origin:

git remote set-url --add --push origin git://original/repo.git
git remote set-url --add --push origin git://another/repo.git

So when you push to origin, it will push to both repositories.

UPDATE 1: Git and 1.8.1 (and possibly other versions) seem to have a bug that causes --add to replace the original URL the first time you use it, so you need to re-add the original URL using the same command. Doing git remote -v should reveal the current URLs for each remote.

UPDATE 2: Junio C. Hamano, the Git maintainer, explained it's how it was designed. Doing git remote set-url --add --push <remote_name> <url> adds a pushurl for a given remote, which overrides the default URL for pushes. However, you may add multiple pushurls for a given remote, which then allows you to push to multiple remotes using a single git push. You can verify this behavior below:

$ git clone git://original/repo.git
$ git remote -v
origin  git://original/repo.git (fetch)
origin  git://original/repo.git (push)
$ git config -l | grep '^remote\.'

Now, if you want to push to two or more repositories using a single command, you may create a new remote named all (as suggested by @Adam Nelson in comments), or keep using the origin, though the latter name is less descriptive for this purpose. If you still want to use origin, skip the following step, and use origin instead of all in all other steps.

So let's add a new remote called all that we'll reference later when pushing to multiple repositories:

$ git remote add all git://original/repo.git
$ git remote -v
all git://original/repo.git (fetch)               <-- ADDED
all git://original/repo.git (push)                <-- ADDED
origin  git://original/repo.git (fetch)
origin  git://original/repo.git (push)
$ git config -l | grep '^remote\.all'
remote.all.url=git://original/repo.git            <-- ADDED
remote.all.fetch=+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/all/* <-- ADDED

Then let's add a pushurl to the all remote, pointing to another repository:

$ git remote set-url --add --push all git://another/repo.git
$ git remote -v
all git://original/repo.git (fetch)
all git://another/repo.git (push)                 <-- CHANGED
origin  git://original/repo.git (fetch)
origin  git://original/repo.git (push)
$ git config -l | grep '^remote\.all'
remote.all.pushurl=git://another/repo.git         <-- ADDED

Here git remote -v shows the new pushurl for push, so if you do git push all master, it will push the master branch to git://another/repo.git only. This shows how pushurl overrides the default url (remote.all.url).

Now let's add another pushurl pointing to the original repository:

$ git remote set-url --add --push all git://original/repo.git
$ git remote -v
all git://original/repo.git (fetch)
all git://another/repo.git (push)
all git://original/repo.git (push)                <-- ADDED
origin  git://original/repo.git (fetch)
origin  git://original/repo.git (push)
$ git config -l | grep '^remote\.all'
remote.all.pushurl=git://original/repo.git        <-- ADDED

You see both pushurls we added are kept. Now a single git push all master will push the master branch to both git://another/repo.git and git://original/repo.git.

Counting repeated characters in a string in Python

Below code worked for me without looking for any other Python libraries.

def count_repeated_letter(string1):

    for letter in string1:
        if string1.count(letter)>=2:
            if letter not in list1:

    for item in list1:
        if item!= " ":

count_repeated_letter('letter has 1 e and 2 e and 1 t and two t')


e 4
t 5
a 4
1 2
n 3
d 3

How to verify element present or visible in selenium 2 (Selenium WebDriver)

Here is my Java code for Selenium WebDriver. Write the following method and call it during assertion:

protected boolean isElementPresent(By by){
            return true;
        catch(NoSuchElementException e){
            return false;

How to compare character ignoring case in primitive types

You can't actually do the job quite right with toLowerCase, either on a string or in a character. The problem is that there are variant glyphs in either upper or lower case, and depending on whether you uppercase or lowercase your glyphs may or may not be preserved. It's not even clear what you mean when you say that two variants of a lower-case glyph are compared ignoring case: are they or are they not the same? (Note that there are also mixed-case glyphs: \u01c5, \u01c8, \u01cb, \u01f2 or ?, ?, ?, ?, but any method suggested here will work on those as long as they should count as the same as their fully upper or full lower case variants.)

There is an additional problem with using Char: there are some 80 code points not representable with a single Char that are upper/lower case variants (40 of each), at least as detected by Java's code point upper/lower casing. You therefore need to get the code points and change the case on these.

But code points don't help with the variant glyphs.

Anyway, here's a complete list of the glyphs that are problematic due to variants, showing how they fare against 6 variant methods:

  1. Character toLowerCase
  2. Character toUpperCase
  3. String toLowerCase
  4. String toUpperCase
  5. String equalsIgnoreCase
  6. Character toLowerCase(toUpperCase) (or vice versa)

For these methods, S means that the variants are treated the same as each other, D means the variants are treated as different from each other.

Behavior     Unicode                             Glyphs
===========  ==================================  =========
1 2 3 4 5 6  Upper  Lower  Var Up Var Lo Vr Lo2  U L u l l2
- - - - - -  ------ ------ ------ ------ ------  - - - - -
D D D D S S  \u0049 \u0069 \u0130 \u0131         I i I i   
S D S D S S  \u004b \u006b \u212a                K k K     
D S D S S S  \u0053 \u0073        \u017f         S s   ?   
D S D S S S  \u039c \u03bc        \u00b5         ? µ   µ   
S D S D S S  \u00c5 \u00e5 \u212b                Å å Å     
D S D S S S  \u0399 \u03b9        \u0345 \u1fbe  ? ?   ? ? 
D S D S S S  \u0392 \u03b2        \u03d0         ? ß   ?   
D S D S S S  \u0395 \u03b5        \u03f5         ? e   ?   
D D D D S S  \u0398 \u03b8 \u03f4 \u03d1         T ? ? ?   
D S D S S S  \u039a \u03ba        \u03f0         ? ?   ?   
D S D S S S  \u03a0 \u03c0        \u03d6         ? p   ?   
D S D S S S  \u03a1 \u03c1        \u03f1         ? ?   ?   
D S D S S S  \u03a3 \u03c3        \u03c2         S s   ?   
D S D S S S  \u03a6 \u03c6        \u03d5         F f   ?   
S D S D S S  \u03a9 \u03c9 \u2126                O ? ?     
D S D S S S  \u1e60 \u1e61        \u1e9b         ? ?   ?   

Complicating this still further is that there is no way to get the Turkish I's right (i.e. the dotted versions are different than the undotted versions) unless you know you're in Turkish; none of these methods give correct behavior and cannot unless you know the locale (i.e. non-Turkish: i and I are the same ignoring case; Turkish, not).

Overall, using toUpperCase gives you the closest approximation, since you have only five uppercase variants (or four, not counting Turkish).

You can also try to specifically intercept those five troublesome cases and call toUpperCase(toLowerCase(c)) on them alone. If you choose your guards carefully (just toUpperCase if c < 0x130 || c > 0x212B, then work through the other alternatives) you can get only a ~20% speed penalty for characters in the low range (as compared to ~4x if you convert single characters to strings and equalsIgnoreCase them) and only about a 2x penalty if you have a lot in the danger zone. You still have the locale problem with dotted I, but otherwise you're in decent shape. Of course if you can use equalsIgnoreCase on a larger string, you're better off doing that.

Here is sample Scala code that does the job:

def elevateCase(c: Char): Char = {
  if (c < 0x130 || c > 0x212B) Character.toUpperCase(c)
  else if (c == 0x130 || c == 0x3F4 || c == 0x2126 || c >= 0x212A)
  else Character.toUpperCase(c)

Get all files modified in last 30 days in a directory

A couple of issues

  • You're not limiting it to files, so when it finds a matching directory it will list every file within it.
  • You can't use > in -exec without something like bash -c '... > ...'. Though the > will overwrite the file, so you want to redirect the entire find anyway rather than each -exec.
  • +30 is older than 30 days, -30 would be modified in last 30 days.
  • -exec really isn't needed, you could list everything with various -printf options.

Something like below should work

find . -type f -mtime -30 -exec ls -l {} \; > last30days.txt

Example with -printf

find . -type f -mtime -30 -printf "%M %u %g %TR %TD %p\n" > last30days.txt

This will list files in format "permissions owner group time date filename". -printf is generally preferable to -exec in cases where you don't have to do anything complicated. This is because it will run faster as a result of not having to execute subshells for each -exec. Depending on the version of find, you may also be able to use -ls, which has a similar format to above.

How do I implement JQuery.noConflict() ?

<script src="JavascriptLibrary/jquery-1.4.2.js"></script>
         var $i = jQuery.noConflict();
      // alert($i.fn.jquery);
    <script src="JavascriptLibrary/jquery-1.8.3.js"></script>
        var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
    <script src="JavascriptLibrary/jquery.colorbox.js"></script>

    <script src="Js/jquery-1.12.3.js"></script>
        var $NJS = jQuery.noConflict();

You can do it like this:

   $i.alert('hi i am jquery-1.4.2.js alert function');
   $j.alert('hi i am jquery-1.8.3.js alert function');

powershell 2.0 try catch how to access the exception

Try something like this:

try {
    $w = New-Object net.WebClient
    $d = $w.downloadString('http://foo')
catch [Net.WebException] {
    Write-Host $_.Exception.ToString()

The exception is in the $_ variable. You might explore $_ like this:

try {
    $w = New-Object net.WebClient
    $d = $w.downloadString('http://foo')
catch [Net.WebException] {
    $_ | fl * -Force

I think it will give you all the info you need.

My rule: if there is some data that is not displayed, try to use -force.

How to justify navbar-nav in Bootstrap 3

To justify the bootstrap 3 navbar-nav justify menu to 100% width you can use this code:

@media (min-width: 768px){
    .navbar-nav {
        margin: 0 auto;
        display: table;
        table-layout: auto;
        float: none;
        width: 100%;
    .navbar-nav>li {
        display: table-cell;
        float: none;
        text-align: center;

Remove element of a regular array

First step
You need to convert the array into a list, you could write an extension method like this

// Convert An array of string  to a list of string
public static List<string> ConnvertArrayToList(this string [] array) {

    // DECLARE a list of string and add all element of the array into it

    List<string> myList = new List<string>();
    foreach( string s in array){
    return myList;

Second step
Write an extension method to convert back the list into an array

// convert a list of string to an array 
public static string[] ConvertListToArray(this List<string> list) {

    string[] array = new string[list.Capacity];
    array = list.Select(i => i.ToString()).ToArray();
    return array;

Last steps
Write your final method, but remember to remove the element at index before converting back to an array like the code show

public static string[] removeAt(string[] array, int index) {

    List<string> myList = array.ConnvertArrayToList();
    return myList.ConvertListToArray();

examples codes could be find on my blog, keep tracking.

Setting Windows PowerShell environment variables

Open PowerShell and run:

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "$ENV:PATH;<path to exe>", "USER")

Command Line Tools not working - OS X El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave

I tried the solution xcode-select --install but it don't help me, I update from Sierra to High and happened this, my solution:

sudo xcode-select --reset

Blue and Purple Default links, how to remove?

REMOVE DEFAULT LINK SOLVED that :visited thing is css.... you just go to your HTML and add a simple

< a href="" style="text-decoration: none" > < /a>

... thats the way html pages used to be

How to find the 'sizeof' (a pointer pointing to an array)?

The answer is, "No."

What C programmers do is store the size of the array somewhere. It can be part of a structure, or the programmer can cheat a bit and malloc() more memory than requested in order to store a length value before the start of the array.

npm install -g less does not work: EACCES: permission denied

sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local/lib/node_modules This command will work

How does OAuth 2 protect against things like replay attacks using the Security Token?

Figure 1, lifted from RFC6750:

     +--------+                               +---------------+
     |        |--(A)- Authorization Request ->|   Resource    |
     |        |                               |     Owner     |
     |        |<-(B)-- Authorization Grant ---|               |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |--(C)-- Authorization Grant -->| Authorization |
     | Client |                               |     Server    |
     |        |<-(D)----- Access Token -------|               |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |--(E)----- Access Token ------>|    Resource   |
     |        |                               |     Server    |
     |        |<-(F)--- Protected Resource ---|               |
     +--------+                               +---------------+

NSDictionary - Need to check whether dictionary contains key-value pair or not

With literal syntax you can check as follows

static const NSString* kKeyToCheck = @"yourKey"
if (xyz[kKeyToCheck])
  NSLog(@"Key: %@, has Value: %@", kKeyToCheck, xyz[kKeyToCheck]);
 NSLog(@"Key pair do not exits for key: %@", kKeyToCheck); 

Difference between OData and REST web services

REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer which is a resource based architectural style. Resource based means that data and functionalities are considered as resources.

OData is a web based protocol that defines a set of best practices for building and consuming RESTful web services. OData is a way to create RESTful web services thus an implementation of REST.

How do I close a tkinter window?

def quit1():

Button(root, text="Quit", command=quit1).pack()

How can I add items to an empty set in python

When you assign a variable to empty curly braces {} eg: new_set = {}, it becomes a dictionary. To create an empty set, assign the variable to a 'set()' ie: new_set = set()

Java using enum with switch statement

If whichView is an object of the GuideView Enum, following works well. Please note that there is no qualifier for the constant after case.

switch (whichView) {
    case SEVEN_DAY:
    case NOW_SHOWING:

SQL: set existing column as Primary Key in MySQL

If you want to do it with phpmyadmin interface:

Select the table -> Go to structure tab -> On the row corresponding to the column you want, click on the icon with a key

SQL Server, How to set auto increment after creating a table without data loss?

No, you can not add an auto increment option to an existing column with data, I think the option which you mentioned is the best.

Have a look here.

What does the fpermissive flag do?

Right from the docs:

Downgrade some diagnostics about nonconformant code from errors to warnings. Thus, using -fpermissive will allow some nonconforming code to compile.

Bottom line: don't use it unless you know what you are doing!

How to insert values in table with foreign key using MySQL?

For case1:

INSERT INTO TAB_STUDENT(name_student, id_teacher_fk)
SELECT 'Joe The Student', id_teacher
 WHERE name_teacher = 'Professor Jack'

For case2 you just have to do 2 separate insert statements

UTF-8 problems while reading CSV file with fgetcsv

In my case the source file has windows-1250 encoding and iconv prints tons of notices about illegal characters in input string...

So this solution helped me a lot:

 * getting CSV array with UTF-8 encoding
 * @param   resource    &$handle
 * @param   integer     $length
 * @param   string      $separator
 * @return  array|false
private function fgetcsvUTF8(&$handle, $length, $separator = ';')
    if (($buffer = fgets($handle, $length)) !== false)
        $buffer = $this->autoUTF($buffer);
        return str_getcsv($buffer, $separator);
    return false;

 * automatic convertion windows-1250 and iso-8859-2 info utf-8 string
 * @param   string  $s
 * @return  string
private function autoUTF($s)
    // detect UTF-8
    if (preg_match('#[\x80-\x{1FF}\x{2000}-\x{3FFF}]#u', $s))
        return $s;

    // detect WINDOWS-1250
    if (preg_match('#[\x7F-\x9F\xBC]#', $s))
        return iconv('WINDOWS-1250', 'UTF-8', $s);

    // assume ISO-8859-2
    return iconv('ISO-8859-2', 'UTF-8', $s);

Response to @manvel's answer - use str_getcsv instead of explode - because of cases like this:


explode will explode string into parts:


but str_getcsv will explode string into parts:


Countdown timer using Moment js

You're not using react native or react so forgive me this isn't a solution for you. - since this is a 7 year old post I'm pretty sure you figured it out by now ;)

But I was looking for something similar for react-native and it led me to this SO question. Incase anyone else winds up down the same road I thought I'd share my use-moment-countdown hook for react or react native:

For example you can make a 10 minute timer like so:

import React from 'react'

import  { useCountdown } from 'use-moment-countdown'

const App = () => {
  const {start, time} = useCountdown({m: 10})
  return (
    <div onClick={start}>

export default App

Read and write a text file in typescript

import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';

fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, "filename.txt"), (err, data) => {
    if (err) throw err;


consider the project structure:

+-- filename.txt
+-- src
    +-- index.js
    +-- index.ts

consider the index.ts:

import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';

function lookFilesInDirectory(path_directory) {
    fs.stat(path_directory, (err, stat) => {
        if (!err) {
            if (stat.isDirectory()) {
                fs.readdirSync(path_directory).forEach(file => {

let path_view = './';
lookFilesInDirectory(path.join(__dirname, path_view));

if you have in the readfile folder and run tsc src/index.ts && node src/index.js, the output will be:



that is, it depends on where you run the node.

the __dirname is directory name of the current module.

Re-order columns of table in Oracle

It's sad that Oracle doesn't allow this, I get asked to do this by developers all the time..

Here's a slightly dangerous, somewhat quick and dirty method:

  1. Ensure you have enough space to copy the Table
  2. Note any Constraints, Grants, Indexes, Synonyms, Triggers, um.. maybe some other stuff - that belongs to a Table - that I haven't thought about?
  3. CREATE TABLE table_right_columns AS SELECT column1 column3, column2 FROM table_wrong_columns; -- Notice how we correct the position of the columns :)
  4. DROP TABLE table_wrong_columns;
  5. 'ALTER TABLE table_right_columns RENAME TO table_wrong_columns;`
  6. Now the yucky part: recreate all those items you noted in step 2 above
  7. Check what code is now invalid, and recompile to check for errors

And next time you create a table, please consider the future requirements! ;)

Change icon on click (toggle)

If your icon is based on the text in the block (ligatures) rather the class of the block then the following will work. This example uses the Google Material Icons '+' and '-' icons as part of MaterializeCSS.

<a class="btn-class"><i class="material-icons">add</i></a>

    if ($(this).find('i').text() == 'add'){
    } else {

Edit: Added missing ); needed for this to function properly.

It also works for JQuery post 1.9 where toggling of functions was deprecated.

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource - Resteasy

After facing a similar issue, below is what I did :

  • Created a class extending and added a Cors Filter to it.

To the CORS filter, I added corsFilter.getAllowedOrigins().add("http://localhost:4200");.

Basically, you should add the URL which you want to allow Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. Ans you can also use "*" instead of any specific URL to allow any URL.

public class RestApplication
    extends Application
    private Set<Object> singletons = new HashSet<Object>();

    public MessageApplication()
        singletons.add(new CalculatorService()); //CalculatorService is your specific service you want to add/use.
        CorsFilter corsFilter = new CorsFilter();
        // To allow all origins for CORS add following, otherwise add only specific urls.
        // corsFilter.getAllowedOrigins().add("*");
        System.out.println("To only allow restrcited urls ");
        singletons = new LinkedHashSet<Object>();

    public Set<Object> getSingletons()
        return singletons;
  • And here is my web.xml:
<web-app id="WebApp_ID" version="2.4"
    <display-name>Restful Web Application</display-name>

    <!-- Auto scan rest service -->






The most important code which I was missing when I was getting this issue was, I was not adding my class extending i.e RestApplication to the init-param of <servlet-name>resteasy-servlet</servlet-name>


And therefore my Filter was not able to execute and thus the application was not allowing CORS from the URL specified.

CSS Resize/Zoom-In effect on Image while keeping Dimensions

You could achieve that simply by wrapping the image by a <div> and adding overflow: hidden to that element:

<div class="img-wrapper">
    <img src="..." />
.img-wrapper {
    display: inline-block; /* change the default display type to inline-block */
    overflow: hidden;      /* hide the overflow */


Also it's worth noting that <img> element (like the other inline elements) sits on its baseline by default. And there would be a 4~5px gap at the bottom of the image.

That vertical gap belongs to the reserved space of descenders like: g j p q y. You could fix the alignment issue by adding vertical-align property to the image with a value other than baseline.

Additionally for a better user experience, you could add transition to the images.

Thus we'll end up with the following:

.img-wrapper img {
    transition: all .2s ease;
    vertical-align: middle;


How to install Android SDK on Ubuntu?

install the android SDK for me was not the problem, having the right JRE and JDK was the problem.

To solve this install the JVM 8 (the last fully compatible, for now):

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre

Next use update-alternative to switch to the jre-8 version:

sudo update-alternatives --config java

You can revert JVM version when you want with the same update-alternatives command

Note that you problably have to do the same after this with javac also (now you have only java command at version 8)

first do:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk


sudo update-alternatives --config javac

After this you can install android SDK that require this specific Java version

What is the correct syntax for 'else if'?

def function(a):
    if a == '1':
        print ('1a')
    else if a == '2'
        print ('2a')
    else print ('3a')

Should be corrected to:

def function(a):
    if a == '1':
    elif a == '2':

As you can see, else if should be changed to elif, there should be colons after '2' and else, there should be a new line after the else statement, and close the space between print and the parentheses.

Iterating over dictionaries using 'for' loops

If you are looking for a clear and visual example:

cat  = {'name': 'Snowy', 'color': 'White' ,'age': 14}
for key , value in cat.items():
   print(key, ': ', value)


name:  Snowy
color:  White
age:  14

Installing mcrypt extension for PHP on OSX Mountain Lion

I tend to use Homebrew on Mac. It will install and configure all the stuff for you.

Then you should be able to install it with brew install mcrypt php53-mcrypt and it'll Just Work (tm).

You can replace the 53 with whatever version of PHP you're using, such as php56-mcrypt or php70-mcrypt. If you're not sure, use brew search php.

Do also remember that if you are using the built in Mac PHP it's installed into /usr/bin you can see which php you are using with which php at the terminal and it'll return the path.

How to do a Postgresql subquery in select clause with join in from clause like SQL Server?

I am just answering here with the formatted version of the final sql I needed based on Bob Jarvis answer as posted in my comment above:

select, n1.author_id, cast(count_1 as numeric)/total_count
  from (select id, name, author_id, count(1) as count_1
          from names
          group by id, name, author_id) n1
inner join (select author_id, count(1) as total_count
              from names
              group by author_id) n2
  on (n2.author_id = n1.author_id)

NOW() function in PHP

Use strftime:

strftime("%F %T");
  • %F is the same as %Y-%m-%d.

  • %T is the same as %H:%M:%S.

Here's a demo on ideone.

Switch case in C# - a constant value is expected

Now you can use nameof:

public static void Output<T>(IEnumerable<T> dataSource) where T : class
    string dataSourceName = typeof(T).Name;
    switch (dataSourceName)
        case nameof(CustomerDetails):
            var t = 123;

nameof(CustomerDetails) is basically identical to the string literal "CustomerDetails", but with a compile-time check that it refers to some symbol (to prevent a typo).

nameof appeared in C# 6.0, so after this question was asked.

MySQL: is a SELECT statement case sensitive?

The default is case insensitive, but the next most important thing you should take a look at is how the table was created in the first place, because you can specify case sensitivity when you create the table.

The script below creates a table. Notice down at the bottom it says "COLLATE latin1_general_cs". That cs at the end means case sensitive. If you wanted your table to be case insensitive you would either leave that part out or use "COLLATE latin1_general_ci".






    COLLATE latin1_general_cs AUTO_INCREMENT=0;

If your project is such that you can create your own table, then it makes sense to specify your case sensitivity preference when you create the table.

change figure size and figure format in matplotlib

You can change the size of the plot by adding this before you create the figure.

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [16,9]

Can you require two form fields to match with HTML5?

JavaScript will be required, but the amount of code can be kept to a minimum by using an intermediary <output> element and an oninput form handler to perform the comparison (patterns and validation could augment this solution, but aren't shown here for sake of simplicity):

<form oninput="result.value=!!p2.value&&(p1.value==p2.value)?'Match!':'Nope!'">
  <input type="password" name="p1" value="" required />
  <input type="password" name="p2" value="" required />
  <output name="result"></output>

Which are more performant, CTE or temporary tables?

CTE won't take any physical space. It is just a result set we can use join.

Temp tables are temporary. We can create indexes, constrains as like normal tables for that we need to define all variables.

Temp table's scope only within the session. EX: Open two SQL query window

create table #temp(empid int,empname varchar)
insert into #temp 
select 101,'xxx'

select * from #temp

Run this query in first window then run the below query in second window you can find the difference.

select * from #temp

Execute external program

borrowed this shamely from here

Process process = new ProcessBuilder("C:\\PathToExe\\MyExe.exe","param1","param2").start();
InputStream is = process.getInputStream();
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String line;

System.out.printf("Output of running %s is:", Arrays.toString(args));

while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

More information here

Other issues on how to pass commands here and here

Iterate over the lines of a string

You can iterate over "a file", which produces lines, including the trailing newline character. To make a "virtual file" out of a string, you can use StringIO:

import io  # for Py2.7 that would be import cStringIO as io

for line in io.StringIO(foo):

How to print React component on click of a button?

If you're looking to print specific data that you already have access to, whether it's from a Store, AJAX, or available elsewhere, you can leverage my library react-print.

It makes creating print templates much easier (assuming you already have a dependency on react). You just need to tag your HTML appropriately.

This ID should be added higher up in your actual DOM tree to exclude everything except the "print mount" below.

<div id="react-no-print"> 

This is where your react-print component will mount and wrap your template that you create:

<div id="print-mount"></div>

An example looks something like this:

var PrintTemplate = require('react-print');
var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
var React = require('react');

var MyTemplate = React.createClass({
    render() {
        return (
                <p>Your custom</p>
                <span>print stuff goes</span>

ReactDOM.render(<MyTemplate/>, document.getElementById('print-mount'));

It's worth noting that you can create new or utilize existing child components inside of your template, and everything should render fine for printing.

How to customize message box

MessageBox::Show uses function from user32.dll, and its style is dependent on Windows, so you cannot change it like that, you have to create your own form

Rename all files in directory from $filename_h to $filename_half?

Use the rename utility:

rc@bvm3:/tmp/foo $ touch 05_h.png 06_h.png
rc@bvm3:/tmp/foo $ rename 's/_h/_half/' * 
rc@bvm3:/tmp/foo $ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 rc rc 0 2011-09-17 00:15 05_half.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 rc rc 0 2011-09-17 00:15 06_half.png

Linker Error C++ "undefined reference "

This error tells you everything:

undefined reference toHash::insert(int, char)

You're not linking with the implementations of functions defined in Hash.h. Don't you have a Hash.cpp to also compile and link?

What is the meaning of CTOR?

It's just shorthand for "constructor" - and it's what the constructor is called in IL, too. For example, open up Reflector and look at a type and you'll see members called .ctor for the various constructors.

WARNING: Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt

I was having the problem as a beginner..........

There was issue in the path of the xml file I have saved.

Vertically align text next to an image?

Basically, you'll have to get down to CSS3.

-moz-box-align: center;
-webkit-box-align: center;

How can I check whether a radio button is selected with JavaScript?

Note this behavior wit jQuery when getting radio input values:

$('input[name="myRadio"]').change(function(e) { // Select the radio input group

    // This returns the value of the checked radio button
    // which triggered the event.
    console.log( $(this).val() ); 

    // but this will return the first radio button's value,
    // regardless of checked state of the radio group.
    console.log( $('input[name="myRadio"]').val() ); 


So $('input[name="myRadio"]').val() does not return the checked value of the radio input, as you might expect -- it returns the first radio button's value.

Docker - a way to give access to a host USB or serial device?

With current versions of Docker, you can use the --device flag to achieve what you want, without needing to give access to all USB devices.

For example, if you wanted to make only /dev/ttyUSB0 accessible within your Docker container, you could do something like:

docker run -t -i --device=/dev/ttyUSB0 ubuntu bash

Understanding PrimeFaces process/update and JSF f:ajax execute/render attributes

By process (in the JSF specification it's called execute) you tell JSF to limit the processing to component that are specified every thing else is just ignored.

update indicates which element will be updated when the server respond back to you request.

@all : Every component is processed/rendered.

@this: The requesting component with the execute attribute is processed/rendered.

@form : The form that contains the requesting component is processed/rendered.

@parent: The parent that contains the requesting component is processed/rendered.

With Primefaces you can even use JQuery selectors, check out this blog:

what does mysql_real_escape_string() really do?

The mysql_real_escape_string() helps you escape special characters such as single quote etc that users may submit to your script. You need to escape such characters because that comes in handy when you want to avoid SQL Injection.

I would sugggest you to check out:

mysql_real_escape_string() versus Prepared Statements

To be on much safer side, you need to go for Prepared Statements instead as demonstrated through above article.

Angular 6: How to set response type as text while making http call

To get rid of error:

Type '"text"' is not assignable to type '"json"'.


responseType: 'text' as 'json'

import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http';
 return this.http
            this.baseUrl + '/Tickets/getTicket',
        { headers, responseType: 'text' as 'json' }
        .map(res => {
            return res;

How do I implement charts in Bootstrap?

Update 2018

Here's a simple example using Bootstrap 4 with ChartJs. Use an HTML5 Canvas element for the chart...

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-6">
            <div class="card">
                <div class="card-body">
                    <canvas id="chLine"></canvas>

And then the appropriate JS to populate the chart...

var colors = ['#007bff','#28a745'];
var chLine = document.getElementById("chLine");
var chartData = {
  labels: ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"],
  datasets: [{
    data: [589, 445, 483, 503, 689, 692, 634],
    borderColor: colors[0],
    borderWidth: 4,
    pointBackgroundColor: colors[0]
    data: [639, 465, 493, 478, 589, 632, 674],
    borderColor: colors[1],
    borderWidth: 4,
    pointBackgroundColor: colors[1]
if (chLine) {
  new Chart(chLine, {
  type: 'line',
  data: chartData,
  options: {
    scales: {
      yAxes: [{
        ticks: {
          beginAtZero: false
    legend: {
      display: false

Bootstrap 4 Charts Demo

push multiple elements to array

Now in ECMAScript2015 (a.k.a. ES6), you can use the spread operator to append multiple items at once:

var arr = [1];_x000D_
var newItems = [2, 3];_x000D_

See Kangax's ES6 compatibility table to see what browsers are compatible

Basic authentication for REST API using spring restTemplate

Reference Spring Boot's TestRestTemplate implementation as follows:

Especially, see the addAuthentication() method as follows:

private void addAuthentication(String username, String password) {
    if (username == null) {
    List<ClientHttpRequestInterceptor> interceptors = Collections
            .<ClientHttpRequestInterceptor> singletonList(new BasicAuthorizationInterceptor(
                    username, password));
    setRequestFactory(new InterceptingClientHttpRequestFactory(getRequestFactory(),

Similarly, you can make your own RestTemplate easily

by inheritance like TestRestTemplate as follows:

How to run specific test cases in GoogleTest

You could use advanced options to run Google tests.

To run only some unit tests you could use --gtest_filter=Test_Cases1* command line option with value that accepts the * and ? wildcards for matching with multiple tests. I think it will solve your problem.


Well, the question was how to run specific test cases. Integration of gtest with your GUI is another thing, which I can't really comment, because you didn't provide details of your approach. However I believe the following approach might be a good start:

  1. Get all testcases by running tests with --gtest_list_tests
  2. Parse this data into your GUI
  3. Select test cases you want ro run
  4. Run test executable with option --gtest_filter

How do you set the Content-Type header for an HttpClient request?

try to use TryAddWithoutValidation

  var client = new HttpClient();
  client.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");

Adding Http Headers to HttpClient

To set custom headers ON A REQUEST, build a request with the custom header before passing it to httpclient to send to http server. eg:

HttpClient client = HttpClients.custom().build();
HttpUriRequest request = RequestBuilder.get()
  .setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json")

Default header is SET ON HTTPCLIENT to send on every request to the server.

How to keep the console window open in Visual C++?

Had the same problem. I am using _getch() just before the return statement. It works.

How are people unit testing with Entity Framework 6, should you bother?

I have fumbled around sometime to reach these considerations:

1- If my application access the database, why the test should not? What if there is something wrong with data access? The tests must know it beforehand and alert myself about the problem.

2- The Repository Pattern is somewhat hard and time consuming.

So I came up with this approach, that I don't think is the best, but fulfilled my expectations:

Use TransactionScope in the tests methods to avoid changes in the database.

To do it it's necessary:

1- Install the EntityFramework into the Test Project. 2- Put the connection string into the app.config file of Test Project. 3- Reference the dll System.Transactions in Test Project.

The unique side effect is that identity seed will increment when trying to insert, even when the transaction is aborted. But since the tests are made against a development database, this should be no problem.

Sample code:

public class NameValueTest
    public void Edit()
        NameValueController controller = new NameValueController();

        using(var ts = new TransactionScope()) {
            Assert.IsNotNull(controller.Edit(new Models.NameValue()
                NameValueId = 1,
                name1 = "1",
                name2 = "2",
                name3 = "3",
                name4 = "4"

            //no complete, automatically abort

    public void Create()
        NameValueController controller = new NameValueController();

        using (var ts = new TransactionScope())
            Assert.IsNotNull(controller.Create(new Models.NameValue()
                name1 = "1",
                name2 = "2",
                name3 = "3",
                name4 = "4"

            //no complete, automatically abort

List method to delete last element in list as well as all elements

To delete the last element of the lists, you could use:

def deleteLast(self):
    if self.Ans:
        del self.Ans[-1]
    if self.masses:
        del self.masses[-1]

MySQL JOIN the most recent row only?

Presuming the autoincrement column in customer_data is named Id, you can do:

SELECT CONCAT(title,' ',forename,' ',surname) AS name *
FROM customer c
    INNER JOIN customer_data d 
        ON c.customer_id=d.customer_id
WHERE name LIKE '%Smith%'
    AND d.ID = (
                Select Max(D2.Id)
                From customer_data As D2
                Where D2.customer_id = D.customer_id
LIMIT 10, 20 no protocol

Try instead of db.parse(xml):

Document doc = db.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(**xml**)));

How to find elements by class

This should work:

soup = BeautifulSoup(sdata)
mydivs = soup.findAll('div')
for div in mydivs: 
    if (div.find(class_ == "stylelistrow"):
        print div

Loop through an array of strings in Bash?

Single line looping,

 declare -a listOfNames=('db_a' 'db_b' 'db_c')
 for databaseName in ${listOfNames[@]}; do echo $databaseName; done;

you will get an output like this,


How to set ID using javascript?

Do you mean like this?

var hello1 = document.getElementById('hello1'); = btoa(;

To further the example, say you wanted to get all elements with the class 'abc'. We can use querySelectorAll() to accomplish this:


<div class="abc"></div>
<div class="abc"></div>


var abcElements = document.querySelectorAll('.abc');

// Set their ids
for (var i = 0; i < abcElements.length; i++)
    abcElements[i].id = 'abc-' + i;

This will assign the ID 'abc-<index number>' to each element. So it would come out like this:

<div class="abc" id="abc-0"></div>
<div class="abc" id="abc-1"></div>

To create an element and assign an id we can use document.createElement() and then appendChild().

var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'hello1';

var body = document.querySelector('body');


You can set the id on your element like this if your script is in your HTML file.

<input id="{{str(product["avt"]["fto"])}}" >
<span>New price :</span>
<span class="assign-me">

<script type="text/javascript">
    var s = document.getElementsByClassName('assign-me')[0]; = btoa({{str(produit["avt"]["fto"])}});

Your requirements still aren't 100% clear though.

How to redirect the output of a PowerShell to a file during its execution

I take it you can modify MyScript.ps1. Then try to change it like so:

    Here is your current script
) *>&1 > output.txt

I just tried this with PowerShell 3. You can use all the redirect options as in Nathan Hartley's answer.

Eclipse Build Path Nesting Errors

Here is a simple solution:

  1. Right click the project >> properties >> build path;
  2. In Source tab, Select all the source folders;
  3. Remove them;
  4. Right click on project, Maven >> Update the project.

Is there a way to access an iteration-counter in Java's for-each loop?

If you need a counter in an for-each loop you have to count yourself. There is no built in counter as far as I know.

Proper way of checking if row exists in table in PL/SQL block

Select 'YOU WILL SEE ME' as ANSWER from dual
where exists (select 1 from dual where 1 = 1);

Select 'YOU CAN NOT SEE ME' as ANSWER from dual
where exists (select 1 from dual where 1 = 0);

Select 'YOU WILL SEE ME, TOO' as ANSWER from dual
where not exists (select 1 from dual where 1 = 0);

How to easily map c++ enums to strings

I have spent more time researching this topic that I'd like to admit. Luckily there are great open source solutions in the wild.

These are two great approaches, even if not well known enough (yet),


  • Standalone smart enum library for C++11/14/17. It supports all of the standard functionality that you would expect from a smart enum class in C++.
  • Limitations: requires at least C++11.

Better Enums

  • Reflective compile-time enum library with clean syntax, in a single header file, and without dependencies.
  • Limitations: based on macros, can't be used inside a class.

python paramiko ssh

The code of @ThePracticalOne is great for showing the usage except for one thing: Somtimes the output would be incomplete.(session.recv_ready() turns true after the if session.recv_ready(): while session.recv_stderr_ready() and session.exit_status_ready() turned true before entering next loop)

so my thinking is to retrieving the data when it is ready to exit the session.

while True:
if session.exit_status_ready():
while True:
    while True:
        print "try to recv stdout..."
        ret = session.recv(nbytes)
        if len(ret) == 0:

    while True:
        print "try to recv stderr..."
        ret = session.recv_stderr(nbytes)
        if len(ret) == 0:

Hook up Raspberry Pi via Ethernet to laptop without router?

configure static ip on the raspberry pi:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

and then add:

iface eth0 inet static

then you can acces your raspberry via ssh

ssh [email protected]

How do I manually create a file with a . (dot) prefix in Windows? For example, .htaccess

If you start Notepad and then File -> Save As -> Write .htaccess and choose "All Files" as the type - then it will create the .htaccess file for you.

Notepad save as .htaccess

java : convert float to String and String to float

If you're looking for, say two decimal places.. Float f = (float)12.34; String s = new DecimalFormat ("#.00").format (f);

How to get response status code from jQuery.ajax?

jqxhr is a json object:

complete returns:
The jqXHR (in jQuery 1.4.x, XMLHTTPRequest) object and a string categorizing the status of the request ("success", "notmodified", "error", "timeout", "abort", or "parsererror").

see: jQuery ajax

so you would do:

jqxhr.status to get the status

How to use su command over adb shell?

Well, if your phone is rooted you can run commands with the su -c command.

Here is an example of a cat command on the build.prop file to get a phone's product information.

adb shell "su -c 'cat /system/build.prop |grep "product"'"

This invokes root permission and runs the command inside the ' '.

Notice the 5 end quotes, that is required that you close ALL your end quotes or you will get an error.

For clarification the format is like this.

adb shell "su -c '[your command goes here]'"

Make sure you enter the command EXACTLY the way that you normally would when running it in shell.

How can I pad a value with leading zeros?

This is an angular provider that I wrote, which makes use of @profitehlolz 's answer but employs memoization so that commonly used pad length-pad character combinations will not invoke the array build join needlessly:

angular.module('stringUtilities', [])
    .service('stringFunctions', [function() {
        this.padMemo={ };
        this.padLeft=function(inputString,padSize,padCharacter) {

            var memoKey=padSize+""+padCharacter;

            if(!this.padMemo[memoKey]) {

                this.padMemo[memoKey]= new Array(1 + padSize).join(padCharacter);

           var pad=this.padMemo[memoKey];
           return (pad + inputString).slice(-pad.length);

How to use UIScrollView in Storyboard

i wanna put my 5 cents to accepted answer: i've been researching topic for 2 days and finally found a solution that i will be using always from now on

go up to item 4 in accepted answer and forget about adding attributes of frames and contentsizes and so on

to make everything automatic just use solution from this link

everything is clear, easy, elegant and works like a charm on ios 7. i'm pretty glad with all that lol

How do I do an initial push to a remote repository with Git?

I am aware there are existing answers which solves the problem. For those who are new to git, As of 02/11/2021, The default branch in git is "main" not "master" branch, The command will be

git push -u origin main

Access all Environment properties as a Map or Properties object

For Spring Boot, the accepted answer will overwrite duplicate properties with lower priority ones. This solution will collect the properties into a SortedMap and take only the highest priority duplicate properties.

final SortedMap<String, String> sortedMap = new TreeMap<>();
for (final PropertySource<?> propertySource : env.getPropertySources()) {
    if (!(propertySource instanceof EnumerablePropertySource))
    for (final String name : ((EnumerablePropertySource<?>) propertySource).getPropertyNames())
        sortedMap.computeIfAbsent(name, propertySource::getProperty);

How to use Spring Boot with MySQL database and JPA?

For Jpa based application: base package scan @EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = "repository") You can try it once!!!
Project Structure

 +- stack
     +- app
     |   +-
     +- controller
     |   +-
     +- service
     |   +-
     +- repository
     |   +-
     +- model
     |   +-
    mysql, lombok, data-jpa

#Data source :

#Jpa/Hibernate : = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = update

@Table (name = "employee")
public class Employee {

    @GeneratedValue (strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;

    @Column (name = "first_name")
    private String firstName;
    @Column (name = "last_name")
    private String lastName;
    @Column (name = "email")
    private String email;
    @Column (name = "phone_number")
    private String phoneNumber;
    @Column (name = "emp_desg")
    private String desgination;

public interface EmployeeRepository extends JpaRepository<Employee, Long> {

public class EmployeeController {

    private EmployeeService empService;

    @GetMapping (value = "/employees")
    public List<Employee> getAllEmployee(){
        return empService.getAllEmployees();

    @PostMapping (value = "/employee")
    public ResponseEntity<Employee> addEmp(@RequestBody Employee emp, HttpServletRequest 
                                         request) throws URISyntaxException {
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        headers.setLocation(new URI(request.getRequestURI() + "/" + emp.getId()));
        return new ResponseEntity<Employee>(emp, headers, HttpStatus.CREATED);

public interface EmployeeService {
    public List<Employee> getAllEmployees();
    public Employee saveEmployee(Employee emp);

public class EmployeeServiceImpl implements EmployeeService {

    private EmployeeRepository empRepository;

    public List<Employee> getAllEmployees() {
        return empRepository.findAll();

    public Employee saveEmployee(Employee emp) {

@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = "repository")
public class EmployeeApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Fetch the row which has the Max value for a column

SELECT a.userid,a.values1, 
FROM table_name a,(SELECT userid,Max(date1)AS mm FROM table_name GROUP BY userid) b
WHERE a.userid=b.userid AND;

Write / add data in JSON file using Node.js

I agree with above answers, Here is a complete read and write sample for anyone who needs it.'/', function(req, res, next) {

        var id = Math.floor((Math.random()*100)+1);

        var tital = req.body.title;
        var description = req.body.description;
        var mynotes = {"Id": id, "Title":tital, "Description": description};
        fs.readFile('db.json','utf8', function(err,data){
            var obj = JSON.parse(data);
            var strNotes = JSON.stringify(obj);
            fs.writeFile('db.json',strNotes, function(err){
                if(err) return console.log(err);
                console.log('Note added');



What does {0} mean when found in a string in C#?

It's a placeholder for a parameter much like the %s format specifier acts within printf.

You can start adding extra things in there to determine the format too, though that makes more sense with a numeric variable (examples here).

failed to push some refs to [email protected]

It would appear that you are not fully up-to-date. You would need to do a git pull and either "--rebase" or let it merge into your set.

After this, you should then be able to push, since it would be a 'fast-forward' change that wouldn't remove history.

Edit: example command list

git pull
git push

pandas dataframe convert column type to string or categorical

You need astype:

df['zipcode'] = df.zipcode.astype(str)
#df.zipcode = df.zipcode.astype(str)

For converting to categorical:

df['zipcode'] = df.zipcode.astype('category')
#df.zipcode = df.zipcode.astype('category')

Another solution is Categorical:

df['zipcode'] = pd.Categorical(df.zipcode)

Sample with data:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'zipcode': {17384: 98125, 2680: 98107, 722: 98005, 18754: 98109, 14554: 98155}, 'bathrooms': {17384: 1.5, 2680: 0.75, 722: 3.25, 18754: 1.0, 14554: 2.5}, 'sqft_lot': {17384: 1650, 2680: 3700, 722: 51836, 18754: 2640, 14554: 9603}, 'bedrooms': {17384: 2, 2680: 2, 722: 4, 18754: 2, 14554: 4}, 'sqft_living': {17384: 1430, 2680: 1440, 722: 4670, 18754: 1130, 14554: 3180}, 'floors': {17384: 3.0, 2680: 1.0, 722: 2.0, 18754: 1.0, 14554: 2.0}})
print (df)
       bathrooms  bedrooms  floors  sqft_living  sqft_lot  zipcode
722         3.25         4     2.0         4670     51836    98005
2680        0.75         2     1.0         1440      3700    98107
14554       2.50         4     2.0         3180      9603    98155
17384       1.50         2     3.0         1430      1650    98125
18754       1.00         2     1.0         1130      2640    98109

print (df.dtypes)
bathrooms      float64
bedrooms         int64
floors         float64
sqft_living      int64
sqft_lot         int64
zipcode          int64
dtype: object

df['zipcode'] = df.zipcode.astype('category')

print (df)
       bathrooms  bedrooms  floors  sqft_living  sqft_lot zipcode
722         3.25         4     2.0         4670     51836   98005
2680        0.75         2     1.0         1440      3700   98107
14554       2.50         4     2.0         3180      9603   98155
17384       1.50         2     3.0         1430      1650   98125
18754       1.00         2     1.0         1130      2640   98109

print (df.dtypes)
bathrooms       float64
bedrooms          int64
floors          float64
sqft_living       int64
sqft_lot          int64
zipcode        category
dtype: object

SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

There are some cases can lead to this issue, if it occered in the middle of the code it will be "IndentationError: expected an indented block" or "SyntaxError: invalid syntax", if it at the last line it may "SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing":

Missing the body of "if","while"and"for" statement-->

root@nest:~/workplace# cat
l = [1,2,3]
for i in l:
root@nest:~/workplace# python3
  File "", line 3

SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

Unclosed parentheses (Especially in complex nested states)-->

root@nest:~/workplace# cat
l = [1,2,3]
print( l
root@nest:~/workplace# python3
  File "", line 3

SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

How to align td elements in center

What worked for me is the following (in view of the confusion in other answers):

<td style="text-align:center;">
    <input type="radio" name="ageneral" value="male">

The proposed solution (text-align) works but must be used in a style attribute.

Class has no initializers Swift

Quick fix - make sure all variables which do not get initialized when they are created (eg var num : Int? vs var num = 5) have either a ? or !.

Long answer (reccomended) - read the doc as per mprivat suggests...

How to remove a newline from a string in Bash

echo "|$COMMAND|"|tr '\n' ' '

will replace the newline (in POSIX/Unix it's not a carriage return) with a space.

To be honest I would think about switching away from bash to something more sane though. Or avoiding generating this malformed data in the first place.

Hmmm, this seems like it could be a horrible security hole as well, depending on where the data is coming from.

What's the difference between struct and class in .NET?

There is one interesting case of "class vs struct" puzzle - situation when you need to return several results from the method: choose which to use. If you know the ValueTuple story - you know that ValueTuple (struct) was added because it should be more effective then Tuple (class). But what does it mean in numbers? Two tests: one is struct/class that have 2 fields, other with struct/class that have 8 fields (with dimension more then 4 - class should become more effective then struct in terms processor ticks, but of course GC load also should be considered).

P.S. Another benchmark for specific case 'sturct or class with collections' is there:

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.10.10, OS=Windows 10 Redstone 2 [1703, Creators Update] (10.0.15063.726)
Processor=Intel Core i5-2500K CPU 3.30GHz (Sandy Bridge), ProcessorCount=4
Frequency=3233540 Hz, Resolution=309.2586 ns, Timer=TSC
.NET Core SDK=2.0.3
  [Host] : .NET Core 2.0.3 (Framework 4.6.25815.02), 64bit RyuJIT
  Clr    : .NET Framework 4.7 (CLR 4.0.30319.42000), 64bit RyuJIT-v4.7.2115.0
  Core   : .NET Core 2.0.3 (Framework 4.6.25815.02), 64bit RyuJIT

            Method |  Job | Runtime |     Mean |     Error |    StdDev |      Min |      Max |   Median | Rank |  Gen 0 | Allocated |
------------------ |----- |-------- |---------:|----------:|----------:|---------:|---------:|---------:|-----:|-------:|----------:|
  TestStructReturn |  Clr |     Clr | 17.57 ns | 0.1960 ns | 0.1834 ns | 17.25 ns | 17.89 ns | 17.55 ns |    4 | 0.0127 |      40 B |
   TestClassReturn |  Clr |     Clr | 21.93 ns | 0.4554 ns | 0.5244 ns | 21.17 ns | 23.26 ns | 21.86 ns |    5 | 0.0229 |      72 B |
 TestStructReturn8 |  Clr |     Clr | 38.99 ns | 0.8302 ns | 1.4097 ns | 37.36 ns | 42.35 ns | 38.50 ns |    8 | 0.0127 |      40 B |
  TestClassReturn8 |  Clr |     Clr | 23.69 ns | 0.5373 ns | 0.6987 ns | 22.70 ns | 25.24 ns | 23.37 ns |    6 | 0.0305 |      96 B |
  TestStructReturn | Core |    Core | 12.28 ns | 0.1882 ns | 0.1760 ns | 11.92 ns | 12.57 ns | 12.30 ns |    1 | 0.0127 |      40 B |
   TestClassReturn | Core |    Core | 15.33 ns | 0.4343 ns | 0.4063 ns | 14.83 ns | 16.44 ns | 15.31 ns |    2 | 0.0229 |      72 B |
 TestStructReturn8 | Core |    Core | 34.11 ns | 0.7089 ns | 1.4954 ns | 31.52 ns | 36.81 ns | 34.03 ns |    7 | 0.0127 |      40 B |
  TestClassReturn8 | Core |    Core | 17.04 ns | 0.2299 ns | 0.2150 ns | 16.68 ns | 17.41 ns | 16.98 ns |    3 | 0.0305 |      96 B |

Code test:

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes.Columns;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes.Exporters;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes.Jobs;
using DashboardCode.Routines.Json;

namespace Benchmark
    [RankColumn, MinColumn, MaxColumn, StdDevColumn, MedianColumn]
    [ClrJob, CoreJob]
    [HtmlExporter, MarkdownExporter]
    public class BenchmarkStructOrClass
        static TestStruct testStruct = new TestStruct();
        static TestClass testClass = new TestClass();
        static TestStruct8 testStruct8 = new TestStruct8();
        static TestClass8 testClass8 = new TestClass8();
        public void TestStructReturn()

        public void TestClassReturn()

        public void TestStructReturn8()

        public void TestClassReturn8()

        public class TestStruct
            public int Number = 5;
            public struct StructType<T>
                public T Instance;
                public List<string> List;

            public int TestMethod()
                var s = Method1(1);
                return s.Instance;

            private StructType<int> Method1(int i)
                return Method2(++i);

            private StructType<int> Method2(int i)
                return Method3(++i);

            private StructType<int> Method3(int i)
                return Method4(++i);

            private StructType<int> Method4(int i)
                var x = new StructType<int>();
                x.List = new List<string>();
                x.Instance = ++i;
                return x;

        public class TestClass
            public int Number = 5;
            public class ClassType<T>
                public T Instance;
                public List<string> List;

            public int TestMethod()
                var s = Method1(1);
                return s.Instance;

            private ClassType<int> Method1(int i)
                return Method2(++i);

            private ClassType<int> Method2(int i)
                return Method3(++i);

            private ClassType<int> Method3(int i)
                return Method4(++i);

            private ClassType<int> Method4(int i)
                var x = new ClassType<int>();
                x.List = new List<string>();
                x.Instance = ++i;
                return x;

        public class TestStruct8
            public int Number = 5;
            public struct StructType<T>
                public T Instance1;
                public T Instance2;
                public T Instance3;
                public T Instance4;
                public T Instance5;
                public T Instance6;
                public T Instance7;
                public List<string> List;

            public int TestMethod()
                var s = Method1(1);
                return s.Instance1;

            private StructType<int> Method1(int i)
                return Method2(++i);

            private StructType<int> Method2(int i)
                return Method3(++i);

            private StructType<int> Method3(int i)
                return Method4(++i);

            private StructType<int> Method4(int i)
                var x = new StructType<int>();
                x.List = new List<string>();
                x.Instance1 = ++i;
                return x;

        public class TestClass8
            public int Number = 5;
            public class ClassType<T>
                public T Instance1;
                public T Instance2;
                public T Instance3;
                public T Instance4;
                public T Instance5;
                public T Instance6;
                public T Instance7;
                public List<string> List;

            public int TestMethod()
                var s = Method1(1);
                return s.Instance1;

            private ClassType<int> Method1(int i)
                return Method2(++i);

            private ClassType<int> Method2(int i)
                return Method3(++i);

            private ClassType<int> Method3(int i)
                return Method4(++i);

            private ClassType<int> Method4(int i)
                var x = new ClassType<int>();
                x.List = new List<string>();
                x.Instance1 = ++i;
                return x;

"Could not find a part of the path" error message

I had the same error, although in my case the problem was with the formatting of the DESTINATION path. The comments above are correct with respect to debugging the path string formatting, but there seems to be a bug in the File.Copy exception reporting where it still throws back the SOURCE path instead of the DESTINATION path. So don't forget to look here as well.


JavaScript Number Split into individual digits

I am posting this answer to introduce the use of unshift which is a modern solution. With push, you add to the end of an array while unshift adds to the beginning. This makes the mathematical approach more powerful as you won't need to reverse anymore.

let num = 278;
let digits = [];
while (num > 0) {
    digits.unshift(num % 10);
    num = parseInt(num / 10);

Declare Variable for a Query String

I will point out that in the article linked in the top rated answer The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL the author states that the answer is not to use dynamic SQL. Scroll almost to the end to see this.

From the article: "The correct method is to unpack the list into a table with a user-defined function or a stored procedure."

Of course, once the list is in a table you can use a join. I could not comment directly on the top rated answer, so I just added this comment.

ViewBag, ViewData and TempData

ViewBag, ViewData, TempData and View State in MVC

ASP.NET MVC offers us three options ViewData, VieBag and TempData for passing data from controller to view and in next request. ViewData and ViewBag are almost similar and TempData performs additional responsibility.

Similarities between ViewBag & ViewData :

Helps to maintain data when you move from controller to view. Used to pass data from controller to corresponding view. Short life means value becomes null when redirection occurs. This is because their goal is to provide a way to communicate between controllers and views. It’s a communication mechanism within the server call.

Difference between ViewBag & ViewData:

ViewData is a dictionary of objects that is derived from ViewDataDictionary class and accessible using strings as keys. ViewBag is a dynamic property that takes advantage of the new dynamic features in C# 4.0. ViewData requires typecasting for complex data type and check for null values to avoid error. ViewBag doesn’t require typecasting for complex data type.

ViewBag & ViewData Example:

public ActionResult Index()

    ViewBag.Name = "Arun Prakash";
    return View();    

public ActionResult Index()  
    ViewData["Name"] = "Arun Prakash";
    return View(); 

In View, we call like below:



Helps to maintain data when you move from one controller to other controller or from one action to other action. In other words when you redirect, “Tempdata” helps to maintain data between those redirects. It internally uses session variables. TempData is meant to be a very short-lived instance, and you should only use it during the current and the subsequent requests only

The only scenario where using TempData will reliably work is when you are redirecting. This is because a redirect kills the current request (and sends HTTP status code 302 Object Moved to the client), then creates a new request on the server to serve the redirected view.

It requires typecasting for complex data type and check for null values to avoid error.

public ActionResult Index()
   var model = new Review()  
      Body = "Start",  

    TempData["ModelName"] = model;    
    return RedirectToAction("About");   

public ActionResult About()       
    var model= TempData["ModelName"];  
    return View(model);   

jQuery form input select by id

Why not just:

$('#b').click(function () {
    var val = $(this).val(); 

Or if you don't click it (and I guess you won't) and you will use submit button, you can use prev() function either.

Android M Permissions: onRequestPermissionsResult() not being called

This will work..

    public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults) {
        super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);

Django, creating a custom 500/404 error page

Add these lines in

from django.conf.urls import (
handler400, handler403, handler404, handler500

handler400 = 'my_app.views.bad_request'
handler403 = 'my_app.views.permission_denied'
handler404 = 'my_app.views.page_not_found'
handler500 = 'my_app.views.server_error'

# ...

and implement our custom views in

from django.shortcuts import (
from django.template import RequestContext

# HTTP Error 400
def bad_request(request):
    response = render_to_response(

        response.status_code = 400

        return response

# ...

XAMPP permissions on Mac OS X?

Tried the above but the option to amend the permission was not available for the htdocs folder,

My solution was:

  1. Open applications folder
  2. Locate XAMPP folder
  3. Right click, get info (as described above)
  4. In pop-up window locate the 'sharing & permission' section
  5. Click the 'locked' padlock symbol
  6. Enter admin password
  7. Change 'Everyone' permissions to read & write
  8. In the get info window still, select the 'cog' icon' drop down option at the very bottom and select 'Apply to enclosed items' this will adjust the permission across all sub-folders as well.
  9. Re-lock the padlock symbol
  10. Close the 'Get Info' window.

Task complete, this will now allow you to populate sub-folders within the htdocs folder as needed to populate your website(s).

Python DNS module import error

ok to resolve this First install dns for python by cmd using pip install dnspython
(if you use conda first type activate and then you will go in base (in cmd) and then type above code) it will install it in anaconda site package ,copy the location of that site package folder from cmd, and open it . Now copy all dns folders and paste them in python site package folder. it will resolve it .

actually the thing is our code is not able to find the specified package in python\site package bcz it is in anaconda\site package. so you have to COPY IT (not cut).

Global variables in Javascript across multiple files

OK, guys, here's my little test too. I had a similar problem, so I decided to test out 3 situations:

  1. One HTML file, one external JS file... does it work at all - can functions communicate via a global var?
  2. Two HTML files, one external JS file, one browser, two tabs: will they interfere via the global var?
  3. One HTML file, open by 2 browsers, will it work and will they interfere?

All the results were as expected.

  1. It works. Functions f1() and f2() communicate via global var (var is in the external JS file, not in HTML file).
  2. They do not interfere. Apparently distinct copies of JS file have been made for each browser tab, each HTML page.
  3. All works independently, as expected.

Instead of browsing tutorials, I found it easier to try it out, so I did. My conclusion: whenever you include an external JS file in your HTML page, the contents of the external JS gets "copy/pasted" into your HTML page before the page is rendered. Or into your PHP page if you will. Please correct me if I'm wrong here. Thanx.

My example files follow:


var global = 0;

function f1()
    alert('fired: f1');
    global = 1;
    alert('global changed to 1');

function f2()
    alert('fired f2');
    alert('value of global: '+global);


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<script type="text/javascript" src="external.js"></script>
<title>External JS Globals - index.php</title>
<button type="button" id="button1" onclick="f1();"> fire f1 </button>
<br />
<button type="button" id="button2" onclick="f2();"> fire f2 </button>
<br />


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<script type="text/javascript" src="external.js"></script>
<title>External JS Globals - index2.php</title>
<button type="button" id="button1" onclick="f1();"> fire f1 </button>
<br />
<button type="button" id="button2" onclick="f2();"> fire f2 </button>
<br />

Run / Open VSCode from Mac Terminal

I simply created a file called code:


open /Applications/Visual\ Studio\ $1

Make it executable:

$ chmod 755 code

Then put that in /usr/local/bin

$ sudo mv code /usr/local/bin

As long as the file sits someplace that is in your path you can open a file by just typing: code

Delete entire row if cell contains the string X

  1. Delete rows 1 and 2 so that your headings are on row 1

    Columns("E:E").Select Selection.AutoFilter ActiveSheet.Range("$E$1:$E$75000").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="none" Range("E2:E75000").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Select Selection.EntireRow.Delete ActiveSheet.Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False ActiveSheet.Range("$E$1:$E$75000").AutoFilter Field:=1 Columns("E:E").Select Selection.AutoFilter Range("E2").Select Range("A1").Select

Getting value GET OR POST variable using JavaScript?

This is my first Answer in stackoverflow and my english is not good. so I can't talk good about this problem:)

I think you might need the following code to get the value of your or tags.

this is what you might need:


<input id="input_id" type="checkbox/text/radio" value="mehrad" />

<div id="writeSomething"></div>


function checkvalue(input , Write) {
  var inputValue = document.getElementById(input).value;
  if(inputValue !="" && inputValue !=null) { 
    document.getElementById(Write).innerHTML = inputValue;
  } else { 
    document.getElementById(Write).innerHTML = "Value is empty";

also, you can use other codes or other if in this function like this:

function checkvalue(input , Write) {
  var inputValue = document.getElementById(input).value;
  if(inputValue !="" && inputValue !=null) { 
    document.getElementById(Write).innerHTML = inputValue;
    document.getElementById(Write).style.color = "#000";
  } else {
    document.getElementById(Write).innerHTML = "Value is empty";

and you can use this function in your page by events like this:

<div onclick="checkvalue('input_id','writeSomthing')"></div>

I hope my code will be useful for you

Write by <Mehrad Karampour>

Calling a class method raises a TypeError in Python

Every function inside a class, and every class variable must take the self argument as pointed.

class mystuff:
    def average(a,b,c): #get the average of three numbers
            return result
    def sum(self,a,b):
            return a+b

print mystuff.average(9,18,27) # should raise error
print mystuff.sum(18,27) # should be ok

If class variables are involved:

 class mystuff:
    def setVariables(self,a,b):
            self.x = a
            self.y = b
            return a+b
    def mult(self):
            return x * y  # This line will raise an error
    def sum(self):
            return self.x + self.y

 print mystuff.setVariables(9,18) # Setting mystuff.x and mystuff.y
 print mystuff.mult() # should raise error
 print mystuff.sum()  # should be ok

javascript check for not null

It is possibly because the value of val is actually the string "null" rather than the value null.

How to create a file in a directory in java?

Surprisingly, many of the answers don't give complete working code. Here it is:

public static void createFile(String fullPath) throws IOException {
    File file = new File(fullPath);

public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception {
    String path = "C:/donkey/bray.txt";

'namespace' but is used like a 'type'

I suspect you've got the same problem at least twice.


namespace TimeTest
    class TimeTest

... you're declaring a type with the same name as the namespace it's in. Don't do that.

Now you apparently have the same problem with Time2. I suspect if you add:

using Time2;

to your list of using directives, your code will compile. But please, please, please fix the bigger problem: the problematic choice of names. (Follow the link above to find out more details of why it's a bad idea.)

(Additionally, unless you're really interested in writing time-based types, I'd advise you not to do so... and I say that as someone who does do exactly that. Use the built-in capabilities, or a third party library such as, um, mine. Working with dates and times correctly is surprisingly hairy. :)

Curl error: Operation timed out

In curl request add time out 0 so its infinite time set like CURLOPT_TIMEOUT set 0

Java - Convert String to valid URI object

I ended up using the httpclient-4.3.6:

import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;
public static void main (String [] args) {
    URIBuilder uri = new URIBuilder();
    .setParameter("username", "Hello Günter")
    .setParameter("p1", "parameter 1");

Output will be:

How to solve static declaration follows non-static declaration in GCC C code?

I have had this issue in a case where the static function was called before it was declared. Moving the function declaration to anywhere above the call solved my problem.

Length of a JavaScript object

Simple solution:

  var myObject = {};      // ... your object goes here.

  var length = 0;

  for (var property in myObject) {
    if (myObject.hasOwnProperty(property)){
      length += 1;

  console.log(length);    // logs 0 in my example.

How to use the unsigned Integer in Java 8 and Java 9?

Per the documentation you posted, and this blog post - there's no difference when declaring the primitive between an unsigned int/long and a signed one. The "new support" is the addition of the static methods in the Integer and Long classes, e.g. Integer.divideUnsigned. If you're not using those methods, your "unsigned" long above 2^63-1 is just a plain old long with a negative value.

From a quick skim, it doesn't look like there's a way to declare integer constants in the range outside of +/- 2^31-1, or +/- 2^63-1 for longs. You would have to manually compute the negative value corresponding to your out-of-range positive value.

Table row and column number in jQuery

Off the top of my head, one way would be to grab all previous elements and count them.

    var colIndex = $(this).prevAll().length;
    var rowIndex = $(this).parent('tr').prevAll().length;

How to change column datatype in SQL database without losing data

In compact edition will take size automatically for datetime data type i.e. (8) so no need to set size of field and generate error for this operation...

How to solve error message: "Failed to map the path '/'."

Executing the command iisreset (cmd with elevated rights) fixed this issue for me.

Reading JSON from a file?

You can use pandas library to read the JSON file.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_json('strings.json',lines=True)

How to create an infinite loop in Windows batch file?

A really infinite loop, counting from 1 to 10 with increment of 0.
You need infinite or more increments to reach the 10.

for /L %%n in (1,0,10) do (
  echo do stuff
  rem ** can't be leaved with a goto (hangs)
  rem ** can't be stopped with exit /b (hangs)
  rem ** can be stopped with exit
  rem ** can be stopped with a syntax error
  call :stop

call :__stop 2>nul

() creates a syntax error, quits the batch

This could be useful if you need a really infinite loop, as it is much faster than a goto :loop version because a for-loop is cached completely once at startup.

Regex lookahead, lookbehind and atomic groups


Given the string foobarbarfoo:

bar(?=bar)     finds the 1st bar ("bar" which has "bar" after it)
bar(?!bar)     finds the 2nd bar ("bar" which does not have "bar" after it)
(?<=foo)bar    finds the 1st bar ("bar" which has "foo" before it)
(?<!foo)bar    finds the 2nd bar ("bar" which does not have "foo" before it)

You can also combine them:

(?<=foo)bar(?=bar)    finds the 1st bar ("bar" with "foo" before it and "bar" after it)


Look ahead positive (?=)

Find expression A where expression B follows:


Look ahead negative (?!)

Find expression A where expression B does not follow:


Look behind positive (?<=)

Find expression A where expression B precedes:


Look behind negative (?<!)

Find expression A where expression B does not precede:


Atomic groups (?>)

An atomic group exits a group and throws away alternative patterns after the first matched pattern inside the group (backtracking is disabled).

  • (?>foo|foot)s applied to foots will match its 1st alternative foo, then fail as s does not immediately follow, and stop as backtracking is disabled

A non-atomic group will allow backtracking; if subsequent matching ahead fails, it will backtrack and use alternative patterns until a match for the entire expression is found or all possibilities are exhausted.

  • (foo|foot)s applied to foots will:

    1. match its 1st alternative foo, then fail as s does not immediately follow in foots, and backtrack to its 2nd alternative;
    2. match its 2nd alternative foot, then succeed as s immediately follows in foots, and stop.

Some resources

Online testers

Local package.json exists, but node_modules missing

This issue can also raise when you change your system password but not the same updated on your .npmrc file that exist on path C:\Users\user_name, so update your password there too.

please check on it and run npm install first and then npm start.

Search all tables, all columns for a specific value SQL Server

I published one here: FullParam SQL Blog

/* Reto Egeter, */

DECLARE @SearchStrTableName nvarchar(255), @SearchStrColumnName nvarchar(255), @SearchStrColumnValue nvarchar(255), @SearchStrInXML bit, @FullRowResult bit, @FullRowResultRows int
SET @SearchStrColumnValue = '%searchthis%' /* use LIKE syntax */
SET @FullRowResult = 1
SET @FullRowResultRows = 3
SET @SearchStrTableName = NULL /* NULL for all tables, uses LIKE syntax */
SET @SearchStrColumnName = NULL /* NULL for all columns, uses LIKE syntax */
SET @SearchStrInXML = 0 /* Searching XML data may be slow */

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Results
CREATE TABLE #Results (TableName nvarchar(128), ColumnName nvarchar(128), ColumnValue nvarchar(max),ColumnType nvarchar(20))


DECLARE @TableName nvarchar(256) = '',@ColumnName nvarchar(128),@ColumnType nvarchar(20), @QuotedSearchStrColumnValue nvarchar(110), @QuotedSearchStrColumnName nvarchar(110)
SET @QuotedSearchStrColumnValue = QUOTENAME(@SearchStrColumnValue,'''')
DECLARE @ColumnNameTable TABLE (COLUMN_NAME nvarchar(128),DATA_TYPE nvarchar(20))

    SET @TableName = 
    IF @TableName IS NOT NULL
                WHERE       TABLE_SCHEMA    = PARSENAME(''' + @TableName + ''', 2)
                AND TABLE_NAME  = PARSENAME(''' + @TableName + ''', 1)
                AND DATA_TYPE IN (' + CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@SearchStrColumnValue,'%',''),'_',''),'[',''),']',''),'-','')) = 1 THEN '''tinyint'',''int'',''smallint'',''bigint'',''numeric'',''decimal'',''smallmoney'',''money'',' ELSE '' END + '''char'',''varchar'',''nchar'',''nvarchar'',''timestamp'',''uniqueidentifier''' + CASE @SearchStrInXML WHEN 1 THEN ',''xml''' ELSE '' END + ')
                AND COLUMN_NAME LIKE COALESCE(' + CASE WHEN @SearchStrColumnName IS NULL THEN 'NULL' ELSE '''' + @SearchStrColumnName + '''' END  + ',COLUMN_NAME)'
        INSERT INTO @ColumnNameTable
        EXEC (@sql)
            PRINT @ColumnName
            SELECT TOP 1 @ColumnName = COLUMN_NAME,@ColumnType = DATA_TYPE FROM @ColumnNameTable
            SET @sql = 'SELECT ''' + @TableName + ''',''' + @ColumnName + ''',' + CASE @ColumnType WHEN 'xml' THEN 'LEFT(CAST(' + @ColumnName + ' AS nvarchar(MAX)), 4096),''' 
            WHEN 'timestamp' THEN 'master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr('+ @ColumnName + '),'''
            ELSE 'LEFT(' + @ColumnName + ', 4096),''' END + @ColumnType + ''' 
                    FROM ' + @TableName + ' (NOLOCK) ' +
                    ' WHERE ' + CASE @ColumnType WHEN 'xml' THEN 'CAST(' + @ColumnName + ' AS nvarchar(MAX))' 
                    WHEN 'timestamp' THEN 'master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr('+ @ColumnName + ')'
                    ELSE @ColumnName END + ' LIKE ' + @QuotedSearchStrColumnValue
            INSERT INTO #Results
            IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 IF @FullRowResult = 1 
                SET @sql = 'SELECT TOP ' + CAST(@FullRowResultRows AS VARCHAR(3)) + ' ''' + @TableName + ''' AS [TableFound],''' + @ColumnName + ''' AS [ColumnFound],''FullRow>'' AS [FullRow>],*' +
                    ' FROM ' + @TableName + ' (NOLOCK) ' +
                    ' WHERE ' + CASE @ColumnType WHEN 'xml' THEN 'CAST(' + @ColumnName + ' AS nvarchar(MAX))' 
                    WHEN 'timestamp' THEN 'master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr('+ @ColumnName + ')'
                    ELSE @ColumnName END + ' LIKE ' + @QuotedSearchStrColumnValue
            DELETE FROM @ColumnNameTable WHERE COLUMN_NAME = @ColumnName

SELECT TableName, ColumnName, ColumnValue, ColumnType, COUNT(*) AS Count FROM #Results
GROUP BY TableName, ColumnName, ColumnValue, ColumnType

Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'xlim' values

I had the same problem. I solve it when I convert string to factor. In your case, check the class of variable and check if they are numeric and 'train and test' should be factor.

Marquee text in Android

I found a Problem with marquee that it can't be used for short strings(As its function is only to Show Long strings).

I suggest Use Webview If you want to move short strings horizontally. Code:`

        WebView webView;

        webView = (WebView)findViewById(;

        String summary = "<html><FONT color='#fdb728' FACE='courier'><marquee behavior='scroll' direction='left' scrollamount=10>"
                + "Hello Droid" + "</marquee></FONT></html>";

        webView.loadData(summary, "text/html", "utf-8"); // Set focus to the textview

main_activity.xml code:


How to set top-left alignment for UILabel for iOS application?

In your code

label.text = @"some text";
[label sizeToFit];

Beware that if you use that in table cells or other views that get recycled with different data, you'll need to store the original frame somewhere and reset it before calling sizeToFit.

How to install Intellij IDEA on Ubuntu?

Since Ubuntu 16.04 includes snapd by default.
So, the easiest way to install the stable version is

  • IntelliJ IDEA Community:
    $ sudo snap install intellij-idea-community --classic
  • IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate:
    $ sudo snap install intellij-idea-ultimate --classic

For the latest version use channel --edge
$ sudo snap install intellij-idea-community --classic --edge

Here is the list of all channels (drop down 'All versions').



The --classic option is required because the IntelliJ IDEA snap requires full access to the system, like a traditionally packaged application.


--edge Install from the edge channel []

Note: Snap, also work a few major distributions: Arch, Debian, Fedora, openSUSE, Linux Mint,...

No @XmlRootElement generated by JAXB

JAXBElement wrappers works for cases where no @XmlRootElement is generated by JAXB. These wrappers are available in ObjectFactory class generated by maven-jaxb2-plugin. For eg:

     public class HelloWorldEndpoint {
        @PayloadRoot(namespace = NAMESPACE_URI, localPart = "person")
        public JAXBElement<Greeting> sayHello(@RequestPayload JAXBElement<Person> request) {

        Person person = request.getValue();

        String greeting = "Hello " + person.getFirstName() + " " + person.getLastName() + "!";

        Greeting greet = new Greeting();

        ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory();
        JAXBElement<Greeting> response = factory.createGreeting(greet);
        return response;


if the database is InnoDB you dont need to do joins in deletion. only

DELETE FROM spawnlist WHERE spawnlist.type = "monster";

can be used to delete the all the records that linked with foreign keys in other tables, to do that you have to first linked your tables in design time.

  npc_templateid VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY


  idTemplate VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,

  FOREIGN KEY (idTemplate) REFERENCES spawnlist(npc_templateid) ON DELETE CASCADE


if you uses MyISAM you can delete records joining like this

FROM `spawnlist` a
JOIN `npc` b
ON a.`npc_templateid` = b.`idTemplate`
WHERE a.`type` = 'monster';

in first line i have initialized the two temp tables for delet the record, in second line i have assigned the existance table to both a and b but here i have linked both tables together with join keyword, and i have matched the primary and foreign key for both tables that make link, in last line i have filtered the record by field to delete.

Reading Excel files from C#

Late to the party, but I'm a fan of LinqToExcel

How do I get the directory that a program is running from?

If you fetch the current directory when your program first starts, then you effectively have the directory your program was started from. Store the value in a variable and refer to it later in your program. This is distinct from the directory that holds the current executable program file. It isn't necessarily the same directory; if someone runs the program from a command prompt, then the program is being run from the command prompt's current working directory even though the program file lives elsewhere.

getcwd is a POSIX function and supported out of the box by all POSIX compliant platforms. You would not have to do anything special (apart from incliding the right headers unistd.h on Unix and direct.h on windows).

Since you are creating a C program it will link with the default c run time library which is linked to by ALL processes in the system (specially crafted exceptions avoided) and it will include this function by default. The CRT is never considered an external library because that provides the basic standard compliant interface to the OS.

On windows getcwd function has been deprecated in favour of _getcwd. I think you could use it in this fashion.

#include <stdio.h>  /* defines FILENAME_MAX */
#ifdef WINDOWS
    #include <direct.h>
    #define GetCurrentDir _getcwd
    #include <unistd.h>
    #define GetCurrentDir getcwd

 char cCurrentPath[FILENAME_MAX];

 if (!GetCurrentDir(cCurrentPath, sizeof(cCurrentPath)))
     return errno;

cCurrentPath[sizeof(cCurrentPath) - 1] = '\0'; /* not really required */

printf ("The current working directory is %s", cCurrentPath);

JavaScript: set dropdown selected item based on option text

This works in latest Chrome, FireFox and Edge, but not IE11:

document.evaluate('//option[text()="Yahoo"]', document).iterateNext().selected = 'selected';

And if you want to ignore spaces around the title:

document.evaluate('//option[normalize-space(text())="Yahoo"]', document).iterateNext().selected = 'selected'

Toggle button using two image on different state

AkashG's solution don't work for me. When I set up check.xml to background it's just stratched in vertical direction. To solve this problem you should set up check.xml to "android:button" property:

    android:button="@drawable/check"   //check.xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <selector xmlns:android="">
    <!-- When selected, use grey -->
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/selected_image"
          android:state_checked="true" />
    <!-- When not selected, use white-->
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/unselected_image"

Objective-C : BOOL vs bool

Yup, BOOL is a typedef for a signed char according to objc.h.

I don't know about bool, though. That's a C++ thing, right? If it's defined as a signed char where 1 is YES/true and 0 is NO/false, then I imagine it doesn't matter which one you use.

Since BOOL is part of Objective-C, though, it probably makes more sense to use a BOOL for clarity (other Objective-C developers might be puzzled if they see a bool in use).

case statement in where clause - SQL Server

A CASE statement is an expression, just like a boolean comparison. That means the 'AND' needs to go before the 'CASE' statement, not within it.:

Select * From Times
WHERE (StartDate <= @Date) AND (EndDate >= @Date)

AND -- Added the "AND" here

CASE WHEN @day = 'Monday' THEN (Monday = 1)   -- Removed "AND" 
    WHEN @day = 'Tuesday' THEN (Tuesday = 1)  -- Removed "AND" 
    ELSE AND (Wednesday = 1) 

Excel CSV - Number cell format

Put a single quote before the field. Excel will treat it as text, even if it looks like a number.


EDIT: This is wrong. The apostrophe trick only works when entering data directly into Excel. When you use it in a CSV file, the apostrophe appears in the field, which you don't want.

How do I setup a SSL certificate for an express.js server?

See the Express docs as well as the Node docs for https.createServer (which is what express recommends to use):

var privateKey = fs.readFileSync( 'privatekey.pem' );
var certificate = fs.readFileSync( 'certificate.pem' );

    key: privateKey,
    cert: certificate
}, app).listen(port);

Other options for createServer are at:

How to disable sort in DataGridView?

I was looking for a way to disable my already existing DataGridView and came across several answers. Oddly enough, the first few results on google were some very old topics. This being the earliest one of them, I decide to put my answer here.

private void dgvDetails_ColumnStateChanged(object sender, DataGridViewColumnStateChangedEventArgs e)
    e.Column.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable;

The description when you click on ColumStateChanged in the properties window is:

"Occurs when a column changes state, such as gaining or loosing focus"

Granted there are many ways to do this but I thought I'd add this one here. Can't say I found it anywhere else but then again I only read the first 5 topics I found.

How do I get the height of a div's full content with jQuery?

scrollHeight is a property of a DOM object, not a function:

Height of the scroll view of an element; it includes the element padding but not its margin.

Given this:

<div id="x" style="height: 100px; overflow: hidden;">
    <div style="height: 200px;">

This yields 200:


For example: (run with the JavaScript console open).

Difference between DOM parentNode and parentElement

there is one more difference, but only in internet explorer. It occurs when you mix HTML and SVG. if the parent is the 'other' of those two, then .parentNode gives the parent, while .parentElement gives undefined.

Converting an OpenCV Image to Black and White

Pay attention, if you use cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY means every pixel greater than threshold becomes the maxValue (in your case 255), otherwise the value is 0. Obviously if your threshold is 0 everything becomes white (maxValue = 255) and if the value is 255 everything becomes black (i.e. 0).

If you don't want to work out a threshold, you can use the Otsu's method. But this algorithm only works with 8bit images in the implementation of OpenCV. If your image is 8bit use the algorithm like this:

cv.Threshold(im_gray_mat, im_bw_mat, threshold, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY | cv.CV_THRESH_OTSU);

No matter the value of threshold if you have a 8bit image.

Algorithm to return all combinations of k elements from n

In Python, taking advantage of recursion and the fact that everything is done by reference. This will take a lot of memory for very large sets, but has the advantage that the initial set can be a complex object. It will find only unique combinations.

import copy

def find_combinations( length, set, combinations = None, candidate = None ):
    # recursive function to calculate all unique combinations of unique values
    # from [set], given combinations of [length].  The result is populated
    # into the 'combinations' list.
    if combinations == None:
        combinations = []
    if candidate == None:
        candidate = []

    for item in set:
        if item in candidate:
            # this item already appears in the current combination somewhere.
            # skip it

        attempt = copy.deepcopy(candidate)
        # sorting the subset is what gives us completely unique combinations,
        # so that [1, 2, 3] and [1, 3, 2] will be treated as equals

        if len(attempt) < length:
            # the current attempt at finding a new combination is still too
            # short, so add another item to the end of the set
            # yay recursion!
            find_combinations( length, set, combinations, attempt )
            # the current combination attempt is the right length.  If it
            # already appears in the list of found combinations then we'll
            # skip it.
            if attempt in combinations:
                # otherwise, we append it to the list of found combinations
                # and move on.
    return len(combinations)

You use it this way. Passing 'result' is optional, so you could just use it to get the number of possible combinations... although that would be really inefficient (it's better done by calculation).

size = 3
set = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
result = []

num = find_combinations( size, set, result ) 
print "size %d results in %d sets" % (size, num)
print "result: %s" % (result,)

You should get the following output from that test data:

size 3 results in 10 sets
result: [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 4], [1, 2, 5], [1, 3, 4], [1, 3, 5], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 5], [2, 4, 5], [3, 4, 5]]

And it will work just as well if your set looks like this:

set = [
    [ 'vanilla', 'cupcake' ],
    [ 'chocolate', 'pudding' ],
    [ 'vanilla', 'pudding' ],
    [ 'chocolate', 'cookie' ],
    [ 'mint', 'cookie' ]

How can I find matching values in two arrays?

This function runs in O(n log(n) + m log(m)) compared to O(n*m) (as seen in the other solutions with loops/indexOf) which can be useful if you are dealing with lots of values.

However, because neither "a" > 1 nor "a" < 1, this only works for elements of the same type.

function intersect_arrays(a, b) {
    var sorted_a = a.concat().sort();
    var sorted_b = b.concat().sort();
    var common = [];
    var a_i = 0;
    var b_i = 0;

    while (a_i < a.length
           && b_i < b.length)
        if (sorted_a[a_i] === sorted_b[b_i]) {
        else if(sorted_a[a_i] < sorted_b[b_i]) {
        else {
    return common;


var array1 = ["cat", "sum", "fun", "hut"], //modified for additional match
    array2 = ["bat", "cat", "dog", "sun", "hut", "gut"];
intersect_arrays(array1, array2);
>> ["cat", "hut"]

Sending a JSON to server and retrieving a JSON in return, without JQuery

Using new api fetch:

const dataToSend = JSON.stringify({"email": "[email protected]", "password": "101010"});
let dataReceived = ""; 
fetch("", {
    credentials: "same-origin",
    mode: "same-origin",
    method: "post",
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    body: dataToSend
    .then(resp => {
        if (resp.status === 200) {
            return resp.json()
        } else {
            console.log("Status: " + resp.status)
            return Promise.reject("server")
    .then(dataJson => {
        dataReceived = JSON.parse(dataJson)
    .catch(err => {
        if (err === "server") return

console.log(`Received: ${dataReceived}`)                
_x000D_ You need to handle when server sends other status rather than 200(ok), you should reject that result because if you were to left it in blank, it will try to parse the json but there isn't, so it will throw an error

Make the first character Uppercase in CSS

I suggest to use

#selector {
    text-transform: capitalize;


#selector::first-letter {
    text-transform: uppercase;

By the way, check this w3schools link:

Get specific objects from ArrayList when objects were added anonymously?

List.indexOf() will give you what you want, provided you know precisely what you're after, and provided that the equals() method for Party is well-defined.

Party searchCandidate = new Party("FirstParty");
int index = cave.parties.indexOf(searchCandidate);

This is where it gets interesting - subclasses shouldn't be examining the private properties of their parents, so we'll define equals() in the superclass.

public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) {
        return true;
    if (!(o instanceof CaveElement)) {
        return false;

    CaveElement that = (CaveElement) o;

    if (index != that.index) {
        return false;
    if (name != null ? !name.equals( : != null) {
        return false;

    return true;

It's also wise to override hashCode if you override equals - the general contract for hashCode mandates that, if x.equals(y), then x.hashCode() == y.hashCode().

public int hashCode() {
    int result = name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0;
    result = 31 * result + index;
    return result;

Posting JSON data via jQuery to ASP .NET MVC 4 controller action

//simple json object in mvc

var model = {"Id": "xx", "Name":"Ravi"};
$.ajax({    url: 'test/[ControllerName]',
                        type: "POST",
                        data: model,
                        success: function (res) {
                            if (res != null) {
                        error: function (res) {


//model in c#
public class MyModel
 public string Id {get; set;}
 public string Name {get; set;}

//controller in mvc

public ActionResult test(MyModel model)
 //now data in your model 

Saving timestamp in mysql table using php

I'm guessing that the field you are trying to save the value in is a datetime field it's not but the same seems to be true for timestamps. If so mysql expects the format to be Year-month-day Hour:minute:second. In order to save the timestamp you will have to convert the field to numeric using a query like

alter table <table_name> change <field> <field> bigint unsigned

If you are using the current time you can use now() or current_timestamp.

BASH Syntax error near unexpected token 'done'

I have exactly the same issue as above, and took me the whole day to discover that it doesn't like my newline approach. Instead I reused the same code with semi-colon approach instead. For example my initial code using the newline (which threw the same error as yours):

while test "$Y" -le "20"
        echo "Number $Y"

And using code with semicolon approach with worked wonder:

Y=1 ; while test "$Y" -le "20"; do echo "Number $Y"; Y=$[Y+1] ; done

I notice the same problem occurs for other commands as well using the newline approach, so I think I am gonna stick to using semicolon for my future code.

How to use random in BATCH script?

And just to be completely random for those who don't always want a black screen.

@(IF not "%1" == "max" (start /MAX cmd /Q /C %0 max&X)ELSE set A=0&set C=1&set V=A&wmic process where name="cmd.exe" CALL setpriority "REALTIME">NUL)&CLS
(IF %A% EQU 10 set A=A)&(IF %A% EQU 11 set A=B)&(IF %A% EQU 12 set A=C)&(IF %A% EQU 13 set A=D)&(IF %A% EQU 14 set A=E)&(IF %A% EQU 15 set A=F)
(IF %V% EQU 10 set V=A)&(IF %V% EQU 11 set V=B)&(IF %V% EQU 12 set V=C)&(IF %V% EQU 13 set V=D)&(IF %V% EQU 14 set V=E)&(IF %V% EQU 15 set V=F)
(IF %A% EQU %V% set A=0)
title %A%%V%%random%6%random%%random%%random%%random%9%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%&color %A%%V%&ECHO %random%%C%%random%%random%%random%%random%6%random%9%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%&(IF %C% EQU 46 (TIMEOUT /T 1 /NOBREAK>nul&set C=1&CLS&SET /A A=%random% %%15 +1&SET /A V=%random% %%15 +1)ELSE set /A C=%C%+1)&goto Y

This will change screen color also both are random.

Converting .NET DateTime to JSON

You can try a 3rd party library like There's documention on the project site. It does say it requires .net 3.5.

Otherwise there's another one called Nii.json which i believe is a port from java. I found a link to it on this blog

Updating MySQL primary key

Next time, use a single "alter table" statement to update the primary key.

alter table xx drop primary key, add primary key(k1, k2, k3);

To fix things:

create table fixit (user_2, user_1, type, timestamp, n, primary key( user_2, user_1, type) );
lock table fixit write, user_interactions u write, user_interactions write;

insert into fixit 
select user_2, user_1, type, max(timestamp), count(*) n from user_interactions u 
group by user_2, user_1, type
having n > 1;

delete u from user_interactions u, fixit 
where fixit.user_2 = u.user_2 
  and fixit.user_1 = u.user_1 
  and fixit.type = u.type 
  and fixit.timestamp != u.timestamp;

alter table user_interactions add primary key (user_2, user_1, type );

unlock tables;

The lock should stop further updates coming in while your are doing this. How long this takes obviously depends on the size of your table.

The main problem is if you have some duplicates with the same timestamp.

Setting the JVM via the command line on Windows

yes I often need to have 3 or more JVM's installed. For example, I've noticed that sometimes the JRE is slightly different to the JDK version of the JRE.

My go to solution on Windows for a bit of 'packaging' is something like this:

@echo off
@rem  _________________________
@set  JAVA_HOME=b:\lang\java\jdk\v1.6\u45\x64\jre
@set  JAVA_EXE=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java
@set  VER=test
@set  WRK=%~d0%~p0%VER%
@pushd %WRK%
@echo  %JAVA_EXE%  -jar %WRK%\openmrs-standalone.jar
       %JAVA_EXE%  -jar %WRK%\openmrs-standalone.jar 
@rem  _________________________
@exit /b

I think it is straightforward. The main thing is the setlocal and endlocal give your app a "personal environment" for what ever it does -- even if there's other programs to run.

Why doesn't CSS ellipsis work in table cell?

I've tried many of the above solutions but none of them felt flexible or satisfying.

This little hack with max-width: 1px can be applied directly to the td element

.truncated-cell {
   max-width: 1px;
   white-space: nowrap;
   overflow: hidden;
   text-overflow: ellipsis;

Force a screen update in Excel VBA

This worked for me:

ActiveWindow.SmallScroll down:=0

or more simply:

ActiveWindow.SmallScroll 0

Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies. Access is denied. The issue is random, but after it happens once, it continues

I believe I wasted like 1 day on researching it and this what I have come out with.

You need to add the Impersonating user to the Debug folder of your Solution as the Framework will try to access the DLL from this location and place it in Temporary Asp.Net Folder.

So basically follow these 2 steps

  1. Give permission to Temporary Asp.Net Folder under C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files and make sure the user you are adding here is the same you are using while Impersonating.

  2. Add the Impersonating user to the Debug folder of your Solution YourSolutionPath .. \bin\Debug

This should work

Deep copy, shallow copy, clone

The terms "shallow copy" and "deep copy" are a bit vague; I would suggest using the terms "memberwise clone" and what I would call a "semantic clone". A "memberwise clone" of an object is a new object, of the same run-time type as the original, for every field, the system effectively performs "newObject.field = oldObject.field". The base Object.Clone() performs a memberwise clone; memberwise cloning is generally the right starting point for cloning an object, but in most cases some "fixup work" will be required following a memberwise clone. In many cases attempting to use an object produced via memberwise clone without first performing the necessary fixup will cause bad things to happen, including the corruption of the object that was cloned and possibly other objects as well. Some people use the term "shallow cloning" to refer to memberwise cloning, but that's not the only use of the term.

A "semantic clone" is an object which is contains the same data as the original, from the point of view of the type. For examine, consider a BigList which contains an Array> and a count. A semantic-level clone of such an object would perform a memberwise clone, then replace the Array> with a new array, create new nested arrays, and copy all of the T's from the original arrays to the new ones. It would not attempt any sort of deep-cloning of the T's themselves. Ironically, some people refer to the of cloning "shallow cloning", while others call it "deep cloning". Not exactly useful terminology.

While there are cases where truly deep cloning (recursively copying all mutable types) is useful, it should only be performed by types whose constituents are designed for such an architecture. In many cases, truly deep cloning is excessive, and it may interfere with situations where what's needed is in fact an object whose visible contents refer to the same objects as another (i.e. a semantic-level copy). In cases where the visible contents of an object are recursively derived from other objects, a semantic-level clone would imply a recursive deep clone, but in cases where the visible contents are just some generic type, code shouldn't blindly deep-clone everything that looks like it might possibly be deep-clone-able.

How to count the number of files in a directory using Python

This is an easy solution that counts the number of files in a directory containing sub-folders. It may come in handy;

import os
from pathlib import Path

def count_files(rootdir):
    '''counts the number of files in each subfolder in a directory'''
    for path in pathlib.Path(rootdir).iterdir():
        if path.is_dir():
            print("There are " + str(len([name for name in os.listdir(path) \
            if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, name))])) + " files in " + \
count_files(data_dir) # data_dir is the directory you want files counted.

You should get an output similar to this (with the placeholders changed, of course);

There are {number of files} files in {name of sub-folder1}
There are {number of files} files in {name of sub-folder2}

What is a lambda expression in C++11?

What is a lambda function?

The C++ concept of a lambda function originates in the lambda calculus and functional programming. A lambda is an unnamed function that is useful (in actual programming, not theory) for short snippets of code that are impossible to reuse and are not worth naming.

In C++ a lambda function is defined like this

[]() { } // barebone lambda

or in all its glory

[]() mutable -> T { } // T is the return type, still lacking throw()

[] is the capture list, () the argument list and {} the function body.

The capture list

The capture list defines what from the outside of the lambda should be available inside the function body and how. It can be either:

  1. a value: [x]
  2. a reference [&x]
  3. any variable currently in scope by reference [&]
  4. same as 3, but by value [=]

You can mix any of the above in a comma separated list [x, &y].

The argument list

The argument list is the same as in any other C++ function.

The function body

The code that will be executed when the lambda is actually called.

Return type deduction

If a lambda has only one return statement, the return type can be omitted and has the implicit type of decltype(return_statement).


If a lambda is marked mutable (e.g. []() mutable { }) it is allowed to mutate the values that have been captured by value.

Use cases

The library defined by the ISO standard benefits heavily from lambdas and raises the usability several bars as now users don't have to clutter their code with small functors in some accessible scope.


In C++14 lambdas have been extended by various proposals.

Initialized Lambda Captures

An element of the capture list can now be initialized with =. This allows renaming of variables and to capture by moving. An example taken from the standard:

int x = 4;
auto y = [&r = x, x = x+1]()->int {
            r += 2;
            return x+2;
         }();  // Updates ::x to 6, and initializes y to 7.

and one taken from Wikipedia showing how to capture with std::move:

auto ptr = std::make_unique<int>(10); // See below for std::make_unique
auto lambda = [ptr = std::move(ptr)] {return *ptr;};

Generic Lambdas

Lambdas can now be generic (auto would be equivalent to T here if T were a type template argument somewhere in the surrounding scope):

auto lambda = [](auto x, auto y) {return x + y;};

Improved Return Type Deduction

C++14 allows deduced return types for every function and does not restrict it to functions of the form return expression;. This is also extended to lambdas.

How to iterate (keys, values) in JavaScript?


  1. In ECMAScript 5, it is not possible.
  2. In ECMAScript 2015, it is possible with Maps.
  3. In ECMAScript 2017, it would be readily available.

ECMAScript 5:

No, its not possible with objects.

You should either iterate with, or Object.keys, like this

for (var key in dictionary) {
    // check if the property/key is defined in the object itself, not in parent
    if (dictionary.hasOwnProperty(key)) {           
        console.log(key, dictionary[key]);

Note: The if condition above is necessary, only if you want to iterate the properties which are dictionary object's very own. Because will iterate through all the inherited enumerable properties.


Object.keys(dictionary).forEach(function(key) {
    console.log(key, dictionary[key]);

ECMAScript 2015

In ECMAScript 2015, you can use Map objects and iterate them with Map.prototype.entries. Quoting example from that page,

var myMap = new Map();
myMap.set("0", "foo");
myMap.set(1, "bar");
myMap.set({}, "baz");

var mapIter = myMap.entries();

console.log(; // ["0", "foo"]
console.log(; // [1, "bar"]
console.log(; // [Object, "baz"]

Or iterate with for..of, like this

'use strict';

var myMap = new Map();
myMap.set("0", "foo");
myMap.set(1, "bar");
myMap.set({}, "baz");

for (const entry of myMap.entries()) {


[ '0', 'foo' ]
[ 1, 'bar' ]
[ {}, 'baz' ]


for (const [key, value] of myMap.entries()) {
  console.log(key, value);


0 foo
1 bar
{} baz

ECMAScript 2017

ECMAScript 2017 would introduce a new function Object.entries. You can use this to iterate the object as you wanted.

'use strict';

const object = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c' : 3};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(object)) {
  console.log(key, value);


a 1
b 2
c 3

Convert numpy array to tuple

Another option

tuple([tuple(row) for row in myarray])

If you are passing NumPy arrays to C++ functions, you may also wish to look at using Cython or SWIG.

Java ArrayList - how can I tell if two lists are equal, order not mattering?

Probably the easiest way for any list would be:

listA.containsAll(listB) && listB.containsAll(listA)

Int to Char in C#

int i = 65;
char c = Convert.ToChar(i);

How to open VMDK File of the Google-Chrome-OS bundle 2012?

WinMount provides an easiest way to mount VMDK as a virtual disk. You can read or write to the vmdk file without loading the virtual system. Here shows you how to do:

How to send email from MySQL 5.1

If you have vps or dedicated server, You can code your own module using C programming.


 * File:   para.h
 * Author: rahul
 * Created on 10 February, 2016, 11:24 AM

#ifndef PARA_H
#define  PARA_H

#ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define From "<[email protected]>"
#define To "<[email protected]>" 
#define From_header "Rahul<[email protected]>"   
#define TO_header "Mini<[email protected]>"   
#define UID "smtp server account ID"
#define PWD "smtp server account PWD"
#define domain ""

#ifdef  __cplusplus

/* PARA_H */


 * File:   main.c
 * Author: rahul
 * Created on 10 February, 2016, 10:29 AM
#include <my_global.h>
#include <mysql.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "time.h"
#include "para.h"


my_bool SendEmail_init(UDF_INIT *initid,UDF_ARGS *arg,char *message);
void SendEmail_deinit(UDF_INIT *initid __attribute__((unused)));
char* SendEmail(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *arg,char *result,unsigned long *length, char *is_null,char* error);

 * base64
int Base64encode_len(int len);
int Base64encode(char * coded_dst, const char *plain_src,int len_plain_src);

int Base64decode_len(const char * coded_src);
int Base64decode(char * plain_dst, const char *coded_src);

/* aaaack but it's fast and const should make it shared text page. */
static const unsigned char pr2six[256] =
    /* ASCII table */
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 62, 64, 64, 64, 63,
    52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64,  0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
    15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
    41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
    64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64

int Base64decode_len(const char *bufcoded)
    int nbytesdecoded;
    register const unsigned char *bufin;
    register int nprbytes;

    bufin = (const unsigned char *) bufcoded;
    while (pr2six[*(bufin++)] <= 63);

    nprbytes = (bufin - (const unsigned char *) bufcoded) - 1;
    nbytesdecoded = ((nprbytes + 3) / 4) * 3;

    return nbytesdecoded + 1;

int Base64decode(char *bufplain, const char *bufcoded)
    int nbytesdecoded;
    register const unsigned char *bufin;
    register unsigned char *bufout;
    register int nprbytes;

    bufin = (const unsigned char *) bufcoded;
    while (pr2six[*(bufin++)] <= 63);
    nprbytes = (bufin - (const unsigned char *) bufcoded) - 1;
    nbytesdecoded = ((nprbytes + 3) / 4) * 3;

    bufout = (unsigned char *) bufplain;
    bufin = (const unsigned char *) bufcoded;

    while (nprbytes > 4) {
    *(bufout++) =
        (unsigned char) (pr2six[*bufin] << 2 | pr2six[bufin[1]] >> 4);
    *(bufout++) =
        (unsigned char) (pr2six[bufin[1]] << 4 | pr2six[bufin[2]] >> 2);
    *(bufout++) =
        (unsigned char) (pr2six[bufin[2]] << 6 | pr2six[bufin[3]]);
    bufin += 4;
    nprbytes -= 4;

    /* Note: (nprbytes == 1) would be an error, so just ingore that case */
    if (nprbytes > 1) {
    *(bufout++) =
        (unsigned char) (pr2six[*bufin] << 2 | pr2six[bufin[1]] >> 4);
    if (nprbytes > 2) {
    *(bufout++) =
        (unsigned char) (pr2six[bufin[1]] << 4 | pr2six[bufin[2]] >> 2);
    if (nprbytes > 3) {
    *(bufout++) =
        (unsigned char) (pr2six[bufin[2]] << 6 | pr2six[bufin[3]]);

    *(bufout++) = '\0';
    nbytesdecoded -= (4 - nprbytes) & 3;
    return nbytesdecoded;

static const char basis_64[] =

int Base64encode_len(int len)
    return ((len + 2) / 3 * 4) + 1;

int Base64encode(char *encoded, const char *string, int len)
    int i;
    char *p;

    p = encoded;
    for (i = 0; i < len - 2; i += 3) {
    *p++ = basis_64[(string[i] >> 2) & 0x3F];
    *p++ = basis_64[((string[i] & 0x3) << 4) |
                    ((int) (string[i + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4)];
    *p++ = basis_64[((string[i + 1] & 0xF) << 2) |
                    ((int) (string[i + 2] & 0xC0) >> 6)];
    *p++ = basis_64[string[i + 2] & 0x3F];
    if (i < len) {
    *p++ = basis_64[(string[i] >> 2) & 0x3F];
    if (i == (len - 1)) {
        *p++ = basis_64[((string[i] & 0x3) << 4)];
        *p++ = '=';
    else {
        *p++ = basis_64[((string[i] & 0x3) << 4) |
                        ((int) (string[i + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4)];
        *p++ = basis_64[((string[i + 1] & 0xF) << 2)];
    *p++ = '=';

    *p++ = '\0';
    return p - encoded;

 end of base64

const char* GetIPAddress(const char* target_domain) {
    const char* target_ip;
    struct in_addr *host_address;
    struct hostent *raw_list = gethostbyname(target_domain);
    int i = 0;
    for (i; raw_list->h_addr_list[i] != 0; i++) {
        host_address = raw_list->h_addr_list[i];
        target_ip = inet_ntoa(*host_address);
    return target_ip;

char * MailHeader(const char* from, const char* to, const char* subject, const char* mime_type, const char* charset) {

    time_t now;
    char *app_brand = "Codevlog Test APP";
    char* mail_header = NULL;
    char date_buff[26];
    char Branding[6 + strlen(date_buff) + 2 + 10 + strlen(app_brand) + 1 + 1];
    char Sender[6 + strlen(from) + 1 + 1];
    char Recip[4 + strlen(to) + 1 + 1];
    char Subject[8 + 1 + strlen(subject) + 1 + 1];
    char mime_data[13 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 13 + 1 + strlen(mime_type) + 1 + 1 + 8 + strlen(charset) + 1 + 1 + 2];

    strftime(date_buff, (33), "%a , %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&now));

    sprintf(Branding, "DATE: %s\r\nX-Mailer: %s\r\n", date_buff, app_brand);
    sprintf(Sender, "FROM: %s\r\n", from);
    sprintf(Recip, "To: %s\r\n", to);
    sprintf(Subject, "Subject: %s\r\n", subject);
    sprintf(mime_data, "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-type: %s; charset=%s\r\n\r\n", mime_type, charset);

    int mail_header_length = strlen(Branding) + strlen(Sender) + strlen(Recip) + strlen(Subject) + strlen(mime_data) + 10;

    mail_header = (char*) malloc(mail_header_length);

    memcpy(&mail_header[0], &Branding, strlen(Branding));
    memcpy(&mail_header[0 + strlen(Branding)], &Sender, strlen(Sender));
    memcpy(&mail_header[0 + strlen(Branding) + strlen(Sender)], &Recip, strlen(Recip));
    memcpy(&mail_header[0 + strlen(Branding) + strlen(Sender) + strlen(Recip)], &Subject, strlen(Subject));
    memcpy(&mail_header[0 + strlen(Branding) + strlen(Sender) + strlen(Recip) + strlen(Subject)], &mime_data, strlen(mime_data));
    return mail_header;

my_bool SendEmail_init(UDF_INIT *initid,UDF_ARGS *arg,char *message){
     if (!(arg->arg_count == 2)) {
        strcpy(message, "Expected two arguments");
        return 1;

    arg->arg_type[0] = STRING_RESULT;// smtp server address
    arg->arg_type[1] = STRING_RESULT;// email body
    initid->ptr = (char*) malloc(2050 * sizeof (char));
    memset(initid->ptr, '\0', sizeof (initid->ptr));
    return 0;

void SendEmail_deinit(UDF_INIT *initid __attribute__((unused))){
    if (initid->ptr) {

char* SendEmail(UDF_INIT *initid, UDF_ARGS *arg,char *result,unsigned long *length, char *is_null,char* error){
   char *header = MailHeader(From_header, TO_header, "Hello Its a test Mail from Codevlog", "text/plain", "US-ASCII");
    int connected_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP);
    struct sockaddr_in addr;
    memset(&addr, 0, sizeof (addr));
    addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    addr.sin_port = htons(25);
    if (inet_pton(AF_INET, GetIPAddress(arg->args[0]), &addr.sin_addr) == 1) {
        connect(connected_fd, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof (addr));
    if (connected_fd != -1) {
        int recvd = 0;
        const char recv_buff[4768];
        int sdsd;
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        char buff[1000];
        strcpy(buff, "EHLO "); //"EHLO\r\n"
        strcat(buff, domain);
        strcat(buff, "\r\n");
        send(connected_fd, buff, strlen(buff), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        char _cmd2[1000];
        strcpy(_cmd2, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n");
        int dfdf = send(connected_fd, _cmd2, strlen(_cmd2), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        char _cmd3[1000];
        Base64encode(&_cmd3, UID, strlen(UID));
        strcat(_cmd3, "\r\n");
        send(connected_fd, _cmd3, strlen(_cmd3), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        char _cmd4[1000];
        Base64encode(&_cmd4, PWD, strlen(PWD));
        strcat(_cmd4, "\r\n");
        send(connected_fd, _cmd4, strlen(_cmd4), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        char _cmd5[1000];
        strcpy(_cmd5, "MAIL FROM: ");
        strcat(_cmd5, From);
        strcat(_cmd5, "\r\n");
        send(connected_fd, _cmd5, strlen(_cmd5), 0);
        char skip[1000];
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, skip, sizeof (skip), 0);

        char _cmd6[1000];
        strcpy(_cmd6, "RCPT TO: ");
        strcat(_cmd6, To); //
        strcat(_cmd6, "\r\n");
        send(connected_fd, _cmd6, strlen(_cmd6), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        char _cmd7[1000];
        strcpy(_cmd7, "DATA\r\n");
        send(connected_fd, _cmd7, strlen(_cmd7), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        send(connected_fd, header, strlen(header), 0);
        send(connected_fd, arg->args[1], strlen(arg->args[1]), 0);
        char _cmd9[1000];
        strcpy(_cmd9, "\r\n.\r\n.");
        send(connected_fd, _cmd9, sizeof (_cmd9), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);
        recvd += sdsd;

        char _cmd10[1000];
        strcpy(_cmd10, "QUIT\r\n");
        send(connected_fd, _cmd10, sizeof (_cmd10), 0);
        sdsd = recv(connected_fd, recv_buff + recvd, sizeof (recv_buff) - recvd, 0);

        memcpy(initid->ptr, recv_buff, strlen(recv_buff));
        *length = recvd;
    return initid->ptr;

To configure your project go through this video: (Send Email from MySQL on Linux) It will work for any mysql version (5.5, 5.6, 5.7)

I will resolve if any error appear in above code, Just Inform in comment

Create a simple 10 second countdown

A solution using Promises, includes both progress bar & text countdown.

ProgressCountdown(10, 'pageBeginCountdown', 'pageBeginCountdownText').then(value => alert(`Page has started: ${value}.`));_x000D_
function ProgressCountdown(timeleft, bar, text) {_x000D_
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {_x000D_
    var countdownTimer = setInterval(() => {_x000D_
      document.getElementById(bar).value = timeleft;_x000D_
      document.getElementById(text).textContent = timeleft;_x000D_
      if (timeleft <= 0) {_x000D_
    }, 1000);_x000D_
<div class="row begin-countdown">_x000D_
  <div class="col-md-12 text-center">_x000D_
    <progress value="10" max="10" id="pageBeginCountdown"></progress>_x000D_
    <p> Begining in <span id="pageBeginCountdownText">10 </span> seconds</p>_x000D_

Passing a variable from one php include file to another: global vs. not

When including files in PHP, it acts like the code exists within the file they are being included from. Imagine copy and pasting the code from within each of your included files directly into your index.php. That is how PHP works with includes.

So, in your example, since you've set a variable called $name in your file, and then included both and in your index.php, you will be able to echo the variable $name anywhere after the include of within your index.php. Again, PHP processes your index.php as if the code from the two files you are including are part of the file.

When you place an echo within an included file, to a variable that is not defined within itself, you're not going to get a result because it is treated separately then any other included file.

In other words, to do the behavior you're expecting, you will need to define it as a global.

Rails where condition using NOT NIL

The canonical way to do this with Rails 3:

Foo.includes(:bar).where(" IS NOT NULL")

ActiveRecord 4.0 and above adds where.not so you can do this:

Foo.includes(:bar).where.not('' => nil)
Foo.includes(:bar).where.not(bars: { id: nil })

When working with scopes between tables, I prefer to leverage merge so that I can use existing scopes more easily.

Foo.includes(:bar).merge(Bar.where.not(id: nil))

Also, since includes does not always choose a join strategy, you should use references here as well, otherwise you may end up with invalid SQL.

   .merge(Bar.where.not(id: nil))

In Angular, how do you determine the active route?

To mark active routes routerLinkActive can be used

<a [routerLink]="/user" routerLinkActive="some class list">User</a>

This also works on other elements like

<div routerLinkActive="some class list">
  <a [routerLink]="/user">User</a>

If partial matches should also be marked use

routerLinkActive="some class list" [routerLinkActiveOptions]="{ exact: false }"

As far as I know exact: false is going to be the default in RC.4

Is there a way to access the "previous row" value in a SELECT statement?

select t2.col from (
select col,MAX(ID) id from 
select ROW_NUMBER() over(PARTITION by col order by col) id ,col from testtab t1) as t1
group by col) as t2

Angular 2 - Checking for server errors from subscribe

You can achieve with following way

        result => {
        error => {
            this.errors = error

if (!this.errors) {
    //route to new page

Most efficient way to remove special characters from string

I suggest creating a simple lookup table, which you can initialize in the static constructor to set any combination of characters to valid. This lets you do a quick, single check.


Also, for speed, you'll want to initialize the capacity of your StringBuilder to the length of your input string. This will avoid reallocations. These two methods together will give you both speed and flexibility.

another edit

I think the compiler might optimize it out, but as a matter of style as well as efficiency, I recommend foreach instead of for.

For Restful API, can GET method use json data?

In theory, there's nothing preventing you from sending a request body in a GET request. The HTTP protocol allows it, but have no defined semantics, so it's up to you to document what exactly is going to happen when a client sends a GET payload. For instance, you have to define if parameters in a JSON body are equivalent to querystring parameters or something else entirely.

However, since there are no clearly defined semantics, you have no guarantee that implementations between your application and the client will respect it. A server or proxy might reject the whole request, or ignore the body, or anything else. The REST way to deal with broken implementations is to circumvent it in a way that's decoupled from your application, so I'd say you have two options that can be considered best practices.

The simple option is to use POST instead of GET as recommended by other answers. Since POST is not standardized by HTTP, you'll have to document how exactly that's supposed to work.

Another option, which I prefer, is to implement your application assuming the GET payload is never tampered with. Then, in case something has a broken implementation, you allow clients to override the HTTP method with the X-HTTP-Method-Override, which is a popular convention for clients to emulate HTTP methods with POST. So, if a client has a broken implementation, it can write the GET request as a POST, sending the X-HTTP-Method-Override: GET method, and you can have a middleware that's decoupled from your application implementation and rewrites the method accordingly. This is the best option if you're a purist.

Local dependency in package.json

Actually, as of npm 2.0, there is support now local paths (see here).

How to fix Python indentation

If you're lazy (like me), you can also download a trial version of Wingware Python IDE, which has an auto-fix tool for messed up indentation. It works pretty well.

How can I pass a parameter to a setTimeout() callback?

Note that the reason topicId was "not defined" per the error message is that it existed as a local variable when the setTimeout was executed, but not when the delayed call to postinsql happened. Variable lifetime is especially important to pay attention to, especially when trying something like passing "this" as an object reference.

I heard that you can pass topicId as a third parameter to the setTimeout function. Not much detail is given but I got enough information to get it to work, and it's successful in Safari. I don't know what they mean about the "millisecond error" though. Check it out here:

JPQL SELECT between date statement

Try this query (replace t.eventsDate with e.eventsDate):

SELECT e FROM Events e WHERE e.eventsDate BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate

Import numpy on pycharm

Go to

  1. ctrl-alt-s
  2. click "project:projet name"
  3. click project interperter
  4. double click pip
  5. search numpy from the top bar
  6. click on numpy
  7. click install package button

if it doesnt work this can help you:

How do I resolve "Please make sure that the file is accessible and that it is a valid assembly or COM component"?

Make sure the required dlls are exported (or copied manually) to the bin folder when building your application.

PHP : send mail in localhost

try this

$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "From: [email protected]" . "\r\n";
mail("[email protected]","test subject","test body",$headers);

Redis command to get all available keys?

Try to look at KEYS command. KEYS * will list all keys stored in redis.

EDIT: please note the warning at the top of KEYS documentation page:

Time complexity: O(N) with N being the number of keys in the database, under the assumption that the key names in the database and the given pattern have limited length.

UPDATE (V2.8 or greater): SCAN is a superior alternative to KEYS, in the sense that it does not block the server nor does it consume significant resources. Prefer using it.