[node.js] Local dependency in package.json

There is great yalc that helps to manage local packages. It helped me with local lib that I later deploy. Just pack project with .yalc directory (with or without /node_modules). So just do:

npm install -g yalc  

in directory lib/$ yalc publish 

in project:

project/$ yalc add lib

project/$ npm install 

that's it.

When You want to update stuff:

lib/$ yalc push   //this will updated all projects that use your "lib"

project/$ npm install 

Pack and deploy with Docker

tar -czvf <compresedFile> <directories and files...>
tar -czvf app.tar .yalc/ build/ src/ package.json package-lock.json

Note: Remember to add .yalc directory.


FROM node:lts-alpine3.9

ADD app.tar /app

RUN npm install

CMD [ "node", "src/index.js" ]

Examples related to node.js

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Examples related to npm

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