yes I often need to have 3 or more JVM's installed. For example, I've noticed that sometimes the JRE is slightly different to the JDK version of the JRE.
My go to solution on Windows for a bit of 'packaging' is something like this:
@echo off
@rem _________________________
@set JAVA_HOME=b:\lang\java\jdk\v1.6\u45\x64\jre
@set JAVA_EXE=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java
@set VER=test
@set WRK=%~d0%~p0%VER%
@pushd %WRK%
@echo %JAVA_EXE% -jar %WRK%\openmrs-standalone.jar
%JAVA_EXE% -jar %WRK%\openmrs-standalone.jar
@rem _________________________
@exit /b
I think it is straightforward. The main thing is the setlocal and endlocal give your app a "personal environment" for what ever it does -- even if there's other programs to run.