Programs & Examples On #Tadodataset

Editing hosts file to redirect url?

You can't. A redirect requires a webserver to accept the first request and send back the redirect. The "hosts" file just lets you set your own DNS records.

While variable is not defined - wait

I have upvoted @dnuttle's answer, but ended up using the following strategy:

// On doc ready for modern browsers
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (e) => {
  // Scope all logic related to what you want to achieve by using a function
  const waitForMyFunction = () => {
    // Use a timeout id to identify your process and purge it when it's no longer needed
    let timeoutID;
    // Check if your function is defined, in this case by checking its type
    if (typeof myFunction === 'function') {
      // We no longer need to wait, purge the timeout id
      // 'myFunction' is defined, invoke it with parameters, if any
      myFunction('param1', 'param2');
    } else {
      // 'myFunction' is undefined, try again in 0.25 secs
      timeoutID = window.setTimeout(waitForMyFunction, 250);
  // Initialize

It is tested and working! ;)


Center text in div?

To center horizontally, use text-align:center.

To center vertically, one can only use vertical-align:middle if there is another element in the same row that it is being aligned to.
See it working here.

We use an empty span with a height of 100%, and then put the content in the next element with a vertical-align:middle.

There are other techniques such as using table-cell or putting the content in an absolutely positioned element with top, bottom, left, and right all set to zero, but they all suffer from cross browser compatibility issues.

With jQuery, how do I capitalize the first letter of a text field while the user is still editing that field?

A turkish one. If someone is still interested.

 $('input[type="text"]').keyup(function() {
    $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/^([a-zA-Z\s\ö\ç\s\i\i\g\ü\Ö\Ç\S\I\G\Ü])|\s+([a-zA-Z\s\ö\ç\s\i\i\g\ü\Ö\Ç\S\I\G\Ü])/g, function ($1) {
        if ($1 == "i")
            return "I";
        else if ($1 == " i")
            return " I";
        return $1.toUpperCase();

Drop columns whose name contains a specific string from pandas DataFrame

Here is one way to do this:

df = df[df.columns.drop(list(df.filter(regex='Test')))]

Efficient way to do batch INSERTS with JDBC

You can use addBatch and executeBatch for batch insert in java See the Example : Batch Insert In Java

How do you remove an invalid remote branch reference from Git?

git gc --prune=now is not what you want.

git remote prune public

or git remote prune origin # if thats the the remote source

is what you want

Changing SQL Server collation to case insensitive from case sensitive?

You can do that but the changes will affect for new data that is inserted on the database. On the long run follow as suggested above.

Also there are certain tricks you can override the collation, such as parameters for stored procedures or functions, alias data types, and variables are assigned the default collation of the database. To change the collation of an alias type, you must drop the alias and re-create it.

You can override the default collation of a literal string by using the COLLATE clause. If you do not specify a collation, the literal is assigned the database default collation. You can use DATABASEPROPERTYEX to find the current collation of the database.

You can override the server, database, or column collation by specifying a collation in the ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement.

Converting HTML to plain text in PHP for e-mail

There's the trusty strip_tags function. It's not pretty though. It'll only sanitize. You could combine it with a string replace to get your fancy underscores.

// to strip all tags and wrap italics with underscore
strip_tags(str_replace(array("<i>", "</i>"), array("_", "_"), $text));

// to preserve anchors...
str_replace("|a", "<a", strip_tags(str_replace("<a", "|a", $text)));


Running two projects at once in Visual Studio

Go to Solution properties ? Common Properties ? Startup Project and select Multiple startup projects.

Solution properties dialog

multiple plot in one figure in Python

The OP states that each plot element overwrites the previous one rather than being combined into a single plot. This can happen even with one of the many suggestions made by other answers. If you select several lines and run them together, say:

plt.plot(<X>, <Y>)
plt.plot(<X>, <Z>)

the plot elements will typically be rendered together, one layer on top of the other. But if you execute the code line-by-line, each plot will overwrite the previous one.

This perhaps is what happened to the OP. It just happened to me: I had set up a new key binding to execute code by a single key press (on spyder), but my key binding was executing only the current line. The solution was to select lines by whole blocks or to run the whole file.

Make div scrollable

use overflow:auto property, If overflow is clipped, a scroll-bar should be added to see the rest of the content,and mention the height


        height: 440px;
        width: 215px;
        overflow: auto;
        float: left;
        position: relative;
        margin-left: -5px;

Is there a way to @Autowire a bean that requires constructor arguments?

An alternative would be instead of passing the parameters to the constructor you might have them as getter and setters and then in a @PostConstruct initialize the values as you want. In this case Spring will create the bean using the default constructor. An example is below

public class MyConstructorClass{

  String var;

  public void setVar(String var){
     this.var = var;

  public void getVar(){
    return var;

  public void init(){

public class MyBeanService{
  //field autowiring
  MyConstructorClass myConstructorClass;


SQL Server Insert Example

Here are 4 ways to insert data into a table.

  1. Simple insertion when the table column sequence is known.

    INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (1,2,...)

  2. Simple insertion into specified columns of the table.

    INSERT INTO Table1(col2,col4) VALUES (1,2)

  3. Bulk insertion when...

    1. You wish to insert every column of Table2 into Table1
    2. You know the column sequence of Table2
    3. You are certain that the column sequence of Table2 won't change while this statement is being used (perhaps you the statement will only be used once).

    INSERT INTO Table1 {Column sequence} SELECT * FROM Table2

  4. Bulk insertion of selected data into specified columns of Table2.


INSERT INTO Table1 (Column1,Column2 ....)
    SELECT Column1,Column2...
       FROM Table2

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 on Xcode 6.1

Apparently, your class "Format" is involved in the problem. Check your declaration of this class, especially if you did it inside another class you probably forgot the @implementation or something similar.

"Retrieving the COM class factory for component.... error: 80070005 Access is denied." (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

This looks like a permission problem. I suggest running processMonitor to determine what permissions are needed.

Can we add div inside table above every <tr>?

"div" tag can not be used above "tr" tag. Instead you can use "tbody" tag to do your work. If you are planning to give id attribute to div tag and doing some processing, same purpose you can achieve through "tbody" tag. Div and Table are both block level elements. so they can not be nested. For further information visit this page

For example:

    <tbody class="green">
    <tbody class="blue">

secondly, you can put "div" tag inside "td" tag.


Further questions are always welcome.

ActiveRecord: size vs count


  • If you know you won't be needing the data use count.
  • If you know you will use or have used the data use length.
  • If you don't know what you are doing, use size...


Resolves to sending a Select count(*)... query to the DB. The way to go if you don't need the data, but just the count.

Example: count of new messages, total elements when only a page is going to be displayed, etc.


Loads the required data, i.e. the query as required, and then just counts it. The way to go if you are using the data.

Example: Summary of a fully loaded table, titles of displayed data, etc.


It checks if the data was loaded (i.e. already in rails) if so, then just count it, otherwise it calls count. (plus the pitfalls, already mentioned in other entries).

def size
  loaded? ? @records.length : count(:all)

What's the problem?

That you might be hitting the DB twice if you don't do it in the right order (e.g. if you render the number of elements in a table on top of the rendered table, there will be effectively 2 calls sent to the DB).

How to detect if JavaScript is disabled?

The noscript tag works well, but will require each additional page request to continue serving useless JS files, since essentially noscript is a client side check.

You could set a cookie with JS, but as someone else pointed out, this could fail. Ideally, you'd like to be able to detect JS client side, and without using cookies, set a session server side for that user that indicates is JS is enabled.

A possibility is to dynamically add a 1x1 image using JavaScript where the src attribute is actually a server side script. All this script does is saves to the current user session that JS is enabled ($_SESSION['js_enabled']). You can then output a 1x1 blank image back to the browser. The script won't run for users who have JS disabled, and hence the $_SESSION['js_enabled'] won't be set. Then for further pages served to this user, you can decide whether to include all of your external JS files, but you'll always want to include the check, since some of your users might be using the NoScript Firefox add-on or have JS disabled temporarily for some other reason.

You'll probably want to include this check somewhere close to the end of your page so that the additional HTTP request doesn't slow down the rendering of your page.

how to set ul/li bullet point color?

A couple ways this can be done:

This will make it a square

  list-style-type: square;

This will make it green

  color: #0F0;

This will prevent the text from being green

li p
  color: #000;

However that will require that all text within lists be in paragraphs so that the color is not overridden.

A better way is to make an image of a green square and use:

  list-style: url(green-square.png);
} Hyperlink control equivalent to <a href="#"></a>

If you want to add the value on aspx page , Just enter <a href='your link'>clickhere</a>

If you are trying to achieve it via Code-Behind., Make use of the Hyperlink control

HyperLink hl1 = new HyperLink();
hl1.text="Click Here";

Replace characters from a column of a data frame R

If your variable data1$c is a factor, it's more efficient to change the labels of the factor levels than to create a new vector of characters:

levels(data1$c) <- sub("_", "-", levels(data1$c))

            a b   c
1  0.73945260 a A-B
2  0.75998815 b A-B
3  0.19576725 c A-B
4  0.85932140 d A-B
5  0.80717115 e A-C
6  0.09101492 f A-C
7  0.10183586 g A-C
8  0.97742424 h A-C
9  0.21364521 i A-C
10 0.02389782 j A-C

XML Parsing - Read a Simple XML File and Retrieve Values

Try XmlSerialization

try this

public class Task
    public string Name{get; set;}
    public string Location {get; set;}
    public string Arguments {get; set;}
    public DateTime RunWhen {get; set;}

public void WriteXMl(Task task)
    XmlSerializer serializer;
    serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Task));

    MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

    StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream, Encoding.Unicode);
    serializer.Serialize(writer, task);

    int count = (int)stream.Length;

     byte[] arr = new byte[count];
     stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

     stream.Read(arr, 0, count);

     using (BinaryWriter binWriter=new BinaryWriter(File.Open(@"C:\Temp\Task.xml", FileMode.Create)))

 public Task GetTask()
     StreamReader stream = new StreamReader(@"C:\Temp\Task.xml", Encoding.Unicode);
     return (Task)serializer.Deserialize(stream);

How to create a <style> tag with Javascript?

An example that works and are compliant with all browsers :

var ss = document.createElement("link");
ss.type = "text/css";
ss.rel = "stylesheet";
ss.href = "style.css";

JavaScript string with new line - but not using \n

I think they using \n anyway even couse it not visible, or maybe they using \r. So just replace \n or \r with <br/>

Fixed GridView Header with horizontal and vertical scrolling in

I was looking for a solution for this for a long time and found most of the answers are not working or not suitable for my situation i also find most of the java script code for that they worked but only with the vertical scroll not with the horizontal scroll and also combination of header and rows doesn't match.

Finally i have found a solution with javascript here is the link bellow :-

scrollable horizontal and vertical grid view with fixed headers

How do I close a tkinter window?

def quit1():

Button(root, text="Quit", command=quit1).pack()

What is SELF JOIN and when would you use it?

A self join is simply when you join a table with itself. There is no SELF JOIN keyword, you just write an ordinary join where both tables involved in the join are the same table. One thing to notice is that when you are self joining it is necessary to use an alias for the table otherwise the table name would be ambiguous.

It is useful when you want to correlate pairs of rows from the same table, for example a parent - child relationship. The following query returns the names of all immediate subcategories of the category 'Kitchen'.

FROM category T1
JOIN category T2
ON T2.parent =
WHERE = 'Kitchen'

How to save a Python interactive session?

There is a way to do it. Store the file in ~/.pystartup...

# Add auto-completion and a stored history file of commands to your Python
# interactive interpreter. Requires Python 2.0+, readline. Autocomplete is
# bound to the Esc key by default (you can change it - see readline docs).
# Store the file in ~/.pystartup, and set an environment variable to point
# to it:  "export PYTHONSTARTUP=/home/user/.pystartup" in bash.
# Note that PYTHONSTARTUP does *not* expand "~", so you have to put in the
# full path to your home directory.

import atexit
import os
import readline
import rlcompleter

historyPath = os.path.expanduser("~/.pyhistory")

def save_history(historyPath=historyPath):
    import readline

if os.path.exists(historyPath):

del os, atexit, readline, rlcompleter, save_history, historyPath

and then set the environment variable PYTHONSTARTUP in your shell (e.g. in ~/.bashrc):

export PYTHONSTARTUP=$HOME/.pystartup

You can also add this to get autocomplete for free:

readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')

Please note that this will only work on *nix systems. As readline is only available in Unix platform.

Javascript: best Singleton pattern

function SingletonClass() 
    // demo variable
    var names = [];

    // instance of the singleton
    this.singletonInstance = null;

    // Get the instance of the SingletonClass
    // If there is no instance in this.singletonInstance, instanciate one
    var getInstance = function() {
        if (!this.singletonInstance) {
            // create a instance
            this.singletonInstance = createInstance();

        // return the instance of the singletonClass
        return this.singletonInstance;

    // function for the creation of the SingletonClass class
    var createInstance = function() {

        // public methodes
        return {
            add : function(name) {
            names : function() {
                return names;

    // wen constructed the getInstance is automaticly called and return the SingletonClass instance 
    return getInstance();

var obj1 = new SingletonClass();
// prints: ["Jim"]

var obj2 = new SingletonClass();
// Ralph is added to the singleton instance and there for also acceseble by obj1
// prints: ["Jim", "Ralph"]
// prints: ["Jim", "Ralph"]

// prints: ["Jim", "Ralph", "Bart"]

Writing html form data to a txt file without the use of a webserver

i made a little change to this code to save entry of a radio button but unable to save the text which appears in text box after selecting the radio button.

the code is below:-

    <!DOCTYPE html>
form * {
  display: block;
  margin: 10px;
<script language="Javascript" >
function download(filename, text) {
  var pom = document.createElement('a');
  pom.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + 

  pom.setAttribute('download', filename); = 'none';


<form onsubmit="download(this['name'].value, this['text'].value)">
  <input type="text" name="name" value="test.txt">
  <textarea rows=3 cols=50 name="text">PLEASE WRITE ANSWER HERE. </textarea>
<input type="radio" name="radio" value="Option 1" onclick="getElementById('problem').value=this.value;"> Option 1<br>
<input type="radio" name="radio" value="Option 2" onclick="getElementById('problem').value=this.value;"> Option 2<br>
<form onsubmit="download(this['name'].value, this['text'].value)">
<input type="text" name="problem" id="problem">
  <input type="submit" value="SAVE">

how to output every line in a file python

Loop through the file.

f = open("masters.txt")
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
    print line

How to display image from URL on Android

You can directly show image from web without downloading it. Please check the below function . It will show the images from the web into your image view.

public static Drawable LoadImageFromWebOperations(String url) {
    try {
        InputStream is = (InputStream) new URL(url).getContent();
        Drawable d = Drawable.createFromStream(is, "src name");
        return d;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

then set image to imageview using code in your activity.

Why is my Button text forced to ALL CAPS on Lollipop?

If you use appcompat-v7, you can subclass AppCompatButtonand setSupportAllCaps(false), then use this class for all your buttons.

 * Light extension of {@link AppCompatButton} that overrides ALL CAPS transformation
public class Button extends AppCompatButton {
    public Button(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public Button(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

See AppCompatButton#setSupportAllCaps(boolean) Android docs.

Color a table row with style="color:#fff" for displaying in an email

Try to use the <font> tag

            <th><font color="#FFF">Header 1</font></th> 
            <th><font color="#FFF">Header 1</font></th> 
            <th><font color="#FFF">Header 1</font></th> 
            <td>blah blah</td> 
            <td>blah blah</td> 
            <td>blah blah</td> 

But I think this should work, too:

            <th color="#FFF">Header 1</th> 
            <th color="#FFF">Header 1</th> 
            <th color="#FFF">Header 1</th> 
            <td>blah blah</td> 
            <td>blah blah</td> 
            <td>blah blah</td> 


Crossbrowser solution:

use capitals in HEX-color.

<th bgcolor="#5D7B9D" color="#FFFFFF"><font color="#FFFFFF">Header 1</font></th>

How to finish current activity in Android

I tried using this example but it failed miserably. Every time I use to invoke finish()/ finishactivity() inside a handler, I end up with this menacing java.lang.IllegalAccess Exception. i'm not sure how did it work for the one who posed the question.

Instead the solution I found was that create a method in your activity such as

void kill_activity()

Invoke this method from inside the run method of the handler. This worked like a charm for me. Hope this helps anyone struggling with "how to close an activity from a different thread?".

Excel: Use a cell value as a parameter for a SQL query

The SQL is somewhat like the syntax of MS SQL.

SELECT * FROM [table$] WHERE *;

It is important that the table name is ended with a $ sign and the whole thing is put into brackets. As conditions you can use any value, but so far Excel didn't allow me to use what I call "SQL Apostrophes" (´), so a column title in one word is recommended.

If you have users listed in a table called "Users", and the id is in a column titled "id" and the name in a column titled "Name", your query will look like this:

SELECT Name FROM [Users$] WHERE id = 1;

Hope this helps.

How to use OAuth2RestTemplate?

In the answer from @mariubog ( I was using password grant types too as in the example but needed to set the client authentication scheme to form. Scopes were not supported by the endpoint for password and there was no need to set the grant type as the ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails object sets this itself in the constructor.


public ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails() {


The key thing for me was the client_id and client_secret were not being added to the form object to post in the body if resource.setClientAuthenticationScheme(AuthenticationScheme.form); was not set.

See the switch in:

Finally, when connecting to Salesforce endpoint the password token needed to be appended to the password.

class MyConfig {

private String tokenUrl;

private String clientId;

private String clientSecret;

private String passwordToken;

private String username;

private String password;

protected OAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails resource() {

    ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails resource = new ResourceOwnerPasswordResourceDetails();

    resource.setPassword(password + passwordToken);

    return resource;

 public OAuth2RestOperations restTemplate() {
    return new OAuth2RestTemplate(resource(), new DefaultOAuth2ClientContext(new DefaultAccessTokenRequest()));

class MyService {
    private OAuth2RestOperations restTemplate;

    public MyService() {

Classpath resource not found when running as jar

to get list of data from src/main/resources/data folder --
first of all mention your folder location in properties file as - 

inside class declare your location. 

    private String location;

    private final ResourceLoader resourceLoader;

public void readallfilesfromresources() {
       Resource[] resources;

        try {
            resources = ResourcePatternUtils.getResourcePatternResolver(resourceLoader).getResources("classpath:" + location + "/*.json");
            for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
                try {
                InputStream is = resources[i].getInputStream();
                byte[] encoded = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);
                String content = new String(encoded, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

Get top n records for each group of grouped results

Snuffin solution seems quite slow to execute when you've got plenty of rows and Mark Byers/Rick James and Bluefeet solutions doesn't work on my environnement (MySQL 5.6) because order by is applied after execution of select, so here is a variant of Marc Byers/Rick James solutions to fix this issue (with an extra imbricated select):

select person, groupname, age
    select person, groupname, age,
    (@rn:=if(@prev = groupname, @rn +1, 1)) as rownumb,
    @prev:= groupname 
        select person, groupname, age
        from persons 
        order by groupname ,  age desc, person
    )   as sortedlist
    JOIN (select @prev:=NULL, @rn :=0) as vars
) as groupedlist 
where rownumb<=2
order by groupname ,  age desc, person;

I tried similar query on a table having 5 millions rows and it returns result in less than 3 seconds

Attributes / member variables in interfaces?

The point of an interface is to specify the public API. An interface has no state. Any variables that you create are really constants (so be careful about making mutable objects in interfaces).

Basically an interface says here are all of the methods that a class that implements it must support. It probably would have been better if the creators of Java had not allowed constants in interfaces, but too late to get rid of that now (and there are some cases where constants are sensible in interfaces).

Because you are just specifying what methods have to be implemented there is no idea of state (no instance variables). If you want to require that every class has a certain variable you need to use an abstract class.

Finally, you should, generally speaking, not use public variables, so the idea of putting variables into an interface is a bad idea to begin with.

Short answer - you can't do what you want because it is "wrong" in Java.


class Tile 
    implements Rectangle 
    private int height;
    private int width;

    public int getHeight() {
        return height;

    public int getWidth() {
        return width;

    public void setHeight(int h) {
        height = h;

    public void setWidth(int w) { 
        width = w;  

an alternative version would be:

abstract class AbstractRectangle 
    implements Rectangle 
    private int height;
    private int width;

    public int getHeight() {
        return height;

    public int getWidth() {
        return width;

    public void setHeight(int h) {
        height = h;

    public void setWidth(int w) { 
        width = w;  

class Tile 
    extends AbstractRectangle 

git pull remote branch cannot find remote ref

This error happens because the local repository can't identify the remote branch at first time. So you need to do it first. It can be done using following commands:

git remote add origin 'url_of_your_github_project'

git push -u origin master

CSS Font "Helvetica Neue"

Helvetica Neue is a paid font, so you shouldn't @font-face it, as you'd be freely distributing a copyrighted font. It's included in Mac systems but not in windows/linux ones, so yes, plenty of your users wont have it installed. Anyway, you can use 'Arial Narrow' as a windows substitute, which is it's windows equivalent.

Unable to load script from assets on windows

This is a general error message, you may have encountered during the react native application development. So In this tutorial we are going to provide solution to this issue.

Issue Description : Unable to load script from assets on windows Unable to load script from assets on windows

Follow the below steps to solve above issue :

Step-1 : Create "assets" folder inside your project directory Now create assets folder inside the project directory that is "MobileApp\android\app\src\main". You can manually create assets folder :

< OR >

you can create folder by using command as well. Command : mkdir android/app/src/main/assets

Step-2 : Running your React Native application Lets run the below command to run the react native application in emulator or physical device.

Switch to project directory. cd MobileApp

Run the below command that helps to bundle you android application project.

react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res

Run the Final step to run react native application in emulator or physical device. react-native run-android

< OR >

Also you can combine last two command in one, In this case case you have to execute command only once.

react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res && react-native run-android

< OR >

You can automate the above steps by placing them in scripts part of package.json like this:

"android-android": "react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res && react-native run-android"

If everything is set up correctly, you should see your new app running in your Android emulator shortly.

Bootstrap 3: How do you align column content to bottom of row

Vertical align bottom and remove the float seems to work. I then had a margin issue, but the -2px keeps them from getting pushed down (and they still don't overlap)

.profile-header > div {
  display: inline-block;
  vertical-align: bottom;
  float: none;
  margin: -2px;
.profile-header {
  border:2px solid green;
  display: table-cell;
.profile-pic {
  border:2px solid red;
.profile-about {
  border:2px solid blue;
.profile-about2 {
  border:2px solid pink;

Example here:

Redirect on select option in select box

to make it as globally reuse function using jquery


<select class="select_location">
   <option value="">Page 1</option>
   <option value="">Page 2</option>
   <option value="">Page 3</option>

Javascript using jquery

$('.select_location').on('change', function(){
   window.location = $(this).val();

now you will able to reuse this function by adding .select_location class to any Select element class

efficient way to implement paging

You can implement paging in this simple way by passing PageIndex

Declare @PageIndex INT = 1
Declare  @PageSize INT = 20

Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY Products.Name ASC )  AS RowNumber,
into #Result 
From Products

SELECT @RecordCount = COUNT(*) FROM #Results 

FROM #Results
WHERE RowNumber
    (@PageIndex -1) * @PageSize + 1 
    (((@PageIndex -1) * @PageSize + 1) + @PageSize) - 1

Getting the last element of a split string array

You can also consider to reverse your array and take the first element. That way you don't have to know about the length, but it brings no real benefits and the disadvantage that the reverse operation might take longer with big arrays:


It's easy though, but also modifies the original array in question. That might or might not be a problem.


Probably you might want to use this though:


Run a controller function whenever a view is opened/shown

Why don't you disable the view cache with cache-view="false"?

In your view add this to the ion-nav-view like that:

<ion-nav-view name="other" cache-view="false"></ion-nav-view>

Or in your stateProvider:

$stateProvider.state('other', {
   cache: false,
   url : '/other',
   templateUrl : 'templates/other/other.html'

Either one will make your controller being called always.

Reset all the items in a form

Additional-> To clear the Child Controls The below function would clear the nested(Child) controls also, wrap up in a class.

 public static void ClearControl(Control control)
            if (control is TextBox)
                TextBox txtbox = (TextBox)control;
                txtbox.Text = string.Empty;
            else if (control is CheckBox)
                CheckBox chkbox = (CheckBox)control;
                chkbox.Checked = false;
            else if (control is RadioButton)
                RadioButton rdbtn = (RadioButton)control;
                rdbtn.Checked = false;
            else if (control is DateTimePicker)
                DateTimePicker dtp = (DateTimePicker)control;
                dtp.Value = DateTime.Now;
            else if (control is ComboBox)
                ComboBox cmb = (ComboBox)control;
                if (cmb.DataSource != null)
                    cmb.SelectedItem = string.Empty;
                    cmb.SelectedValue = 0;
            // repeat for combobox, listbox, checkbox and any other controls you want to clear
            if (control.HasChildren)
                foreach (Control child in control.Controls)


Managing SSH keys within Jenkins for Git

According to this article, you may try following command:

   ssh-add -l

If your key isn't in the list, then

   ssh-add /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa_project

Detect application heap size in Android

Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();

value is b

ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);

value is MB

Merging two images with PHP

You can try my function for merging images horizontally or vertically without changing image ratio. just copy paste will work.

function merge($filename_x, $filename_y, $filename_result, $mergeType = 0) {

    //$mergeType 0 for horizandal merge 1 for vertical merge

 // Get dimensions for specified images
 list($width_x, $height_x) = getimagesize($filename_x);
 list($width_y, $height_y) = getimagesize($filename_y);

$lowerFileName = strtolower($filename_x); 
if(substr_count($lowerFileName, '.jpg')>0 || substr_count($lowerFileName, '.jpeg')>0){
    $image_x = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename_x);    
}else if(substr_count($lowerFileName, '.png')>0){
    $image_x = imagecreatefrompng($filename_x); 
}else if(substr_count($lowerFileName, '.gif')>0){
    $image_x = imagecreatefromgif($filename_x); 

$lowerFileName = strtolower($filename_y); 
if(substr_count($lowerFileName, '.jpg')>0 || substr_count($lowerFileName, '.jpeg')>0){
    $image_y = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename_y);    
}else if(substr_count($lowerFileName, '.png')>0){
    $image_y = imagecreatefrompng($filename_y); 
}else if(substr_count($lowerFileName, '.gif')>0){
    $image_y = imagecreatefromgif($filename_y); 

    //for horizandal merge
        $new_height = $height_y;

        $new_x_height = $new_height;
        $precentageReduced = ($height_x - $new_height)/($height_x/100);
        $new_x_width = ceil($width_x - (($width_x/100) * $precentageReduced));

         $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($new_x_width, $new_x_height);
        imagecopyresampled($tmp, $image_x, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_x_width, $new_x_height, $width_x, $height_x);
        $image_x = $tmp;

        $height_x = $new_x_height;
        $width_x = $new_x_width;

        $new_height = $height_x;

        $new_y_height = $new_height;
        $precentageReduced = ($height_y - $new_height)/($height_y/100);
        $new_y_width = ceil($width_y - (($width_y/100) * $precentageReduced));

         $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($new_y_width, $new_y_height);
        imagecopyresampled($tmp, $image_y, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_y_width, $new_y_height, $width_y, $height_y);
        $image_y = $tmp;

        $height_y = $new_y_height;
        $width_y = $new_y_width;


     $new_width = $width_x + $width_y;

     $image = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);

    imagecopy($image, $image_x, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width_x, $height_x);
    imagecopy($image, $image_y, $width_x, 0, 0, 0, $width_y, $height_y);


    //for verical merge
        $new_width = $width_y;

        $new_x_width = $new_width;
        $precentageReduced = ($width_x - $new_width)/($width_x/100);
        $new_x_height = ceil($height_x - (($height_x/100) * $precentageReduced));

        $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($new_x_width, $new_x_height);
        imagecopyresampled($tmp, $image_x, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_x_width, $new_x_height, $width_x, $height_x);
        $image_x = $tmp;

        $width_x = $new_x_width;
        $height_x = $new_x_height;

        $new_width = $width_x;

        $new_y_width = $new_width;
        $precentageReduced = ($width_y - $new_width)/($width_y/100);
        $new_y_height = ceil($height_y - (($height_y/100) * $precentageReduced));

         $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($new_y_width, $new_y_height);
        imagecopyresampled($tmp, $image_y, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_y_width, $new_y_height, $width_y, $height_y);
        $image_y = $tmp;

        $width_y = $new_y_width;
        $height_y = $new_y_height;


     $new_height = $height_x + $height_y;

     $image = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);

    imagecopy($image, $image_x, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width_x, $height_x);
    imagecopy($image, $image_y, 0, $height_x, 0, 0, $width_y, $height_y);


$lowerFileName = strtolower($filename_result); 
if(substr_count($lowerFileName, '.jpg')>0 || substr_count($lowerFileName, '.jpeg')>0){
    imagejpeg($image, $filename_result);
}else if(substr_count($lowerFileName, '.png')>0){
    imagepng($image, $filename_result);
}else if(substr_count($lowerFileName, '.gif')>0){
    imagegif($image, $filename_result); 

 // Clean up


merge('images/h_large.jpg', 'images/v_large.jpg', 'images/merged_har.jpg',0); //merge horizontally
merge('images/h_large.jpg', 'images/v_large.jpg', 'images/merged.jpg',1); //merge vertically

MySQL: Insert record if not exists in table

MySQL provides a very cute solution :

REPLACE INTO `table` VALUES (5, 'John', 'Doe', SHA1('password'));

Very easy to use since you have declared a unique primary key (here with value 5).

PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name

As mentioned in the error, the official manual and the comments:


public function TSStatus($host, $queryPort)


public function __construct($host, $queryPort)

Finding partial text in range, return an index

You can use "wildcards" with MATCH so assuming "ASDFGHJK" in H1 as per Peter's reply you can use this regular formula


MATCH can only reference a single column or row so if you want to search 6 columns you either have to set up a formula with 6 MATCH functions or change to another approach - try this "array formula", assuming search data in A2:G100


confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter

How to install SimpleJson Package for Python

Download the source code, unzip it to and directory, and execute python install.

Where does this come from: -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This is so called file local variables, that are understood by Emacs and set correspondingly. See corresponding section in Emacs manual - you can define them either in header or in footer of file

How to compile Tensorflow with SSE4.2 and AVX instructions?

To hide those warnings, you could do this before your actual code.

import os
import tensorflow as tf

Losing Session State

You could add some logging to the Global.asax in Session_Start and Application_Start to track what's going on with the user's Session and the Application as a whole.

Also, watch out of you're running in Web Farm mode (multiple IIS threads defined in the application pool) or load balancing because the user can end up hitting a different server that does not have the same memory. If this is the case, you can switch the Session mode to SQL Server.

How can I erase all inline styles with javascript and leave only the styles specified in the css style sheet?

I was using the $('div').attr('style', ''); technique and it wasn't working in IE8.

I outputted the style attribute using alert() and it was not stripping out inline styles.

.removeAttr ended up doing the trick in IE8.

How to read/write from/to file using Go?

Try this:

package main

import (

func main() {
  contents,_ := io.ReadFile("filename");
  io.WriteFile("filename", contents, 0644);

How do you know a variable type in java?

If you want the name, use Martin's method. If you want to know whether it's an instance of a certain class:

boolean b = a instanceof String

git: 'credential-cache' is not a git command

For the sake of others having this issue - I landed here because I tried to get cute with how I set up a new github repository, but per the setup page credential helper doesn't work unless you clone a repository.

"Tip: The credential helper only works when you clone an HTTPS repository URL. If you use the SSH repository URL instead, SSH keys are used for authentication. This guide offers help generating and using an SSH key pair."

How to remove last n characters from a string in Bash?

In this case you could use basename assuming you have the same suffix on the files you want to remove.


basename -s .rtf "some string.rtf"

This will return "some string"

If you don't know the suffix, and want it to remove everything after and including the last dot:

basename "${f%.*}"

outputs "file"

% means chop, . is what you are chopping, * is wildcard

How to convert the following json string to java object?

Check out Google's Gson:

From their website:

Gson gson = new Gson(); // Or use new GsonBuilder().create();
MyType target2 = gson.fromJson(json, MyType.class); // deserializes json into target2

You would just need to make a MyType class (renamed, of course) with all the fields in the json string. It might get a little more complicated when you're doing the arrays, if you prefer to do all of the parsing manually (also pretty easy) check out and download the Java source for the Json parser objects.

Copy folder recursively in Node.js

The one with symbolic link support:

import path from "path"
import {
  existsSync, mkdirSync, readdirSync, lstatSync,
  copyFileSync, symlinkSync, readlinkSync
} from "fs"

export function copyFolderSync(src, dest) {
  if (!existsSync(dest)) mkdirSync(dest)

  readdirSync(src).forEach(dirent => {
    const [srcPath, destPath] = [src, dest].map(dirPath => path.join(dirPath, dirent))
    const stat = lstatSync(srcPath)

    switch (true) {
      case stat.isFile():
        copyFileSync(srcPath, destPath); break
      case stat.isDirectory():
        copyFolderSync(srcPath, destPath); break
      case stat.isSymbolicLink():
        symlinkSync(readlinkSync(srcPath), destPath); break

What is difference between sleep() method and yield() method of multi threading?

Yield(): method will stop the currently executing thread and give a chance to another thread of same priority which are waiting in queue. If thier is no thread then current thread will continue to execute. CPU will never be in ideal state.

Sleep(): method will stop the thread for particular time (time will be given in milisecond). If this is single thread which is running then CPU will be in ideal state at that period of time.

Both are static menthod.

Context.startForegroundService() did not then call Service.startForeground()

Similar to startService(Intent), but with an implicit promise that the Service will call startForeground(int, once it begins running. The service is given an amount of time comparable to the ANR interval to do this, otherwise the system will automatically stop the service and declare the app ANR.

Unlike the ordinary startService(Intent), this method can be used at any time, regardless of whether the app hosting the service is in a foreground state.

make sure you call the Service.startForeground(int, on the onCreate() so you ensure it will be called..if you have any condition that may prevent you from doing that, then you'd better off using the normal Context.startService(Intent) and call the Service.startForeground(int, yourself.

It seems that the Context.startForegroundService() adds a watchdog to make sure you called the Service.startForeground(int, before it was destroyed...

Good MapReduce examples

One of the best examples of Hadoop-like MapReduce implementation.

Keep in mind though that they are limited to key-value based implementations of the MapReduce idea (so they are limiting in applicability).

Passing in class names to react components

As other have stated, use an interpreted expression with curly braces.

But do not forget to set a default.
Others has suggested using a OR statement to set a empty string if undefined.

But it would be even better to declare your Props.

Full example:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

class Pill extends Component {

  render() {

    return (
      <button className={`pill ${ this.props.className }`}>{this.props.children}</button>


Pill.propTypes = {
  className: PropTypes.string,

Pill.defaultProps = {
  className: '',

Can two Java methods have same name with different return types?

Even if it is an old thread, maybe some is interested.

If it is an option to you to use the same method inside the same class and archive different return types, use generics: Oracle Lesson Generics

Simple example for generic value holder class:

class GenericValue<T> {
  private T myValue;

  public GenericValue(T myValue) { this.myValue = myValue; }

  public T getVal() { return myValue; }

And use it like this:

public class ExampleGenericValue {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    GenericValue<Integer> intVal = new GenericValue<Integer>(10);
    GenericValue<String> strVal = new GenericValue<String>("go on ...");

    System.out.format("I: %d\nS: %s\n", intVal.getVal(), strVal.getVal());

... will result in the following output:

I: 10
S: go on ...

How to test REST API using Chrome's extension "Advanced Rest Client"

The shortcut format generally used for basic auth is http://username:[email protected]/path. You will also want to include the accept header in the request.

enter image description here

Missing MVC template in Visual Studio 2015

Visual Studio 2015 (Community update 3, in my scenario) uses a default template for the MVC project. You don't have to select it.

I found this tutorial and I think it answers the question:

check out the old versions of this:

Times have changed. Including .NET

Trying to check if username already exists in MySQL database using PHP

PHP 7 improved query.........

$sql = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * from users WHERE user_uid = '$uid'"); if (mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0) { echo 'Username taken.'; }

Bringing a subview to be in front of all other views

try this:

self.view.layer.zPosition = 1;

Ruby - test for array

[1,2,3].is_a? Array evaluates to true.

How to push local changes to a remote git repository on bitbucket

Meaning the 2nd parameter('master') of the "git push" command -

$ git push origin master

can be made clear by initiating "push" command from 'news-item' branch. It caused local "master" branch to be pushed to the remote 'master' branch. For more information refer

where <refspec> in

[<repository> [<refspec>…?]

is written to mean "specify what destination ref to update with what source object."

For your reference, here is a screen capture how I verified this statement.

<code>enter image description here</code>

Get all Attributes from a HTML element with Javascript/jQuery

In javascript:

var attributes;
var spans = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
for(var s in spans){
  if (spans[s].getAttribute('name') === 'test') {
     attributes = spans[s].attributes;

To access the attributes names and values:


How to save CSS changes of Styles panel of Chrome Developer Tools?

You can save your CSS changes from Chrome Dev Tools itself. Chrome now allows you to add local folders to your Workspace. After allowing Chrome access to the folder and adding the folder to the local workspace, you can map a web resource to a local resource.

  • Navigate to the Sources panel of the Developer Tools, Right-click in the left panel (where the files are listed) and select Add Folder to Workspace. You can get to a stylesheet in the Sources panel quickly by clicking the stylesheet at the top-right of each CSS rule for a selected element in the Elements panel.

enter image description here

  • After adding the folder, you'll have to give Chrome access to the folder. Allow chrome access

  • Next, you need to map the network resource to the local resource.

enter image description here

  • After reloading the page, Chrome now loads the local resources for the mapped files. To make things simpler, Chrome only shows you the local resources (so you don't get confused on as to whether you are editing the local or the network resource). To save your changes, press CTRL + S when editing the file.


You may have to open the mapped file(s) and start editing to get Chrome apply the local version (date 201604.12).

Grant Select on a view not base table when base table is in a different database

The way I have done this is to give the user permission to the tables that I didn't want them to have access to. Then fine tune the select permission in SSMS by only allowing select permission to the columns that are in my view. This way, the select clause on the table is only limited to the columns that they see in the view anyways.

enter image description here


Custom height Bootstrap's navbar

I believe you are using Bootstrap 3. If so, please try this code, here is the bootply

    <div class="navbar navbar-static-top navbar-default">
        <div class="navbar-header">
            <a class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">
                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-th-list"></span>
        <div class="container" style="background:yellow;">
            <a href="/">
                <img src="img/logo.png" class="logo img-responsive">

            <nav class="navbar-collapse collapse pull-right" style="line-height:150px; height:150px;">
                <ul class="nav navbar-nav" style="display:inline-block;">
                    <li><a href="">Portfolio</a></li>
                    <li><a href="">Blog</a></li>
                    <li><a href="">Contact</a></li>

What is a bus error?

I was getting a bus error when the root directory was at 100%.

Display curl output in readable JSON format in Unix shell script

With :

curl <...> | xidel - -se '$json'

xidel can probably retrieve the JSON for you as well.

How to get root access on Android emulator?

Here my pack with all you need. Or you can use this script:

echo on
set device=emulator-5554
set avd_name=
set adb=d:\Poprygun\DevTools\Android\Android-sdk\platform-tools\adb -s %device%
set emulator=d:\Poprygun\DevTools\Android\Android-sdk\emulator\emulator
set arch=x86
set pie=

echo Close all ANDROID emulators and press any key
start %emulator% -avd Nexus_One_API_25 -verbose -writable-system
echo Wait until ANDROID emulator loading and press any key

%adb% start-server
%adb% root
%adb% remount
%adb% shell setenforce 0
%adb% install D:\SuperSU\SuperSU.apk
%adb% push D:\SuperSU\su\%arch%\su.pie /system/bin/su
%adb% shell chmod 0755 /system/bin/su
%adb% push D:\SuperSU\su\%arch%\su.pie /system/xbin/su
%adb% shell chmod 0755 /system/xbin/su
%adb% shell su --install
%adb% shell "su --daemon&"
exit /b

How to set the size of a column in a Bootstrap responsive table

you can use the following Bootstrap class with

<tr class="w-25">


for more details check the following page

Fluid or fixed grid system, in responsive design, based on Twitter Bootstrap

Fluid layout in Bootstrap 3.

Unlike Boostrap 2, Bootstrap 3 doesn't have a .container-fluid mixin to make a fluid container. The .container is a fixed width responsive grid layout. In a large screen, there are excessive white spaces in both sides of one's Web page content.

container-fluid is added back in Bootstrap 3.1

A fluid grid layout uses all screen width and works better in large screen. It turns out that it is easy to create a fluid grid layout using Bootstrap 3 mixins. The following line makes a fluid responsive grid layout:


The .container-fixed mixin sets the content to the center of the screen and add paddings. It doesn't specifies a fixed page width.

Another approach is to use Eric Flowers' CSS style

.my-fluid-container {
    padding-left: 15px;
    padding-right: 15px;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;

File Upload using AngularJS works fine in chrome and IE (if you update CSS a little in background-image). This is used for updating progress bar:

 scope.progress = Math.round(evt.loaded * 100 /

but in FireFox angular's [percent] data is not updated in DOM successfully,although files are uploading successfully.

Why am I getting InputMismatchException?

Here you can see the nature of Scanner:

double nextDouble()

Returns the next token as a double. If the next token is not a float or is out of range, InputMismatchException is thrown.

Try to catch the exception

try {
    // ...
} catch (InputMismatchException e) {
    System.out.print(e.getMessage()); //try to find out specific reason.



I tried your code and there is nothing wrong with it. Your are getting that error because you must have entered String value. When I entered a numeric value, it runs without any errors. But once I entered String it throw the same Exception which you have mentioned in your question.


You have entered something, which is out of range as I have mentioned above.

I'm really wondering what you could have tried to enter. In my system, it is running perfectly without changing a single line of code. Just copy as it is and try to compile and run it.

import java.util.*;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        new Test().askForMarks(5);

    public void askForMarks(int student) {
        double marks[] = new double[student];
        int index = 0;
        Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
        while (index < student) {
            System.out.print("Please enter a mark (0..30): ");
            marks[index] = (double) checkValueWithin(0, 30); 

    public double checkValueWithin(int min, int max) {
        double num;
        Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
        num = reader.nextDouble();                         
        while (num < min || num > max) {                 
            System.out.print("Invalid. Re-enter number: "); 
            num = reader.nextDouble();                         

        return num;

As you said, you have tried to enter 1.0, 2.8 and etc. Please try with this code.

Note : Please enter number one by one, on separate lines. I mean, enter 2.7, press enter and then enter second number (e.g. 6.7).

Instagram: Share photo from webpage

The short answer is: No. The only way to post images is through the mobile app.

From the Instagram API documentation:

At this time, uploading via the API is not possible. We made a conscious choice not to add this for the following reasons:

  • Instagram is about your life on the go – we hope to encourage photos from within the app. However, in the future we may give whitelist access to individual apps on a case by case basis.
  • We want to fight spam & low quality photos. Once we allow uploading from other sources, it's harder to control what comes into the Instagram ecosystem.

All this being said, we're working on ways to ensure users have a consistent and high-quality experience on our platform.

Adding a y-axis label to secondary y-axis in matplotlib

The best way is to interact with the axes object directly

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.arange(0, 10, 0.1)
y1 = 0.05 * x**2
y2 = -1 *y1

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()

ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax1.plot(x, y1, 'g-')
ax2.plot(x, y2, 'b-')

ax1.set_xlabel('X data')
ax1.set_ylabel('Y1 data', color='g')
ax2.set_ylabel('Y2 data', color='b')

example graph

Only read selected columns

The vroom package provides a 'tidy' method of selecting / dropping columns by name during import. Docs:

Column selection (col_select)

The vroom argument 'col_select' makes selecting columns to keep (or omit) more straightforward. The interface for col_select is the same as dplyr::select().

Select columns by name
data <- vroom("flights.tsv", col_select = c(year, flight, tailnum))
#> Observations: 336,776
#> Variables: 3
#> chr [1]: tailnum
#> dbl [2]: year, flight
#> Call `spec()` for a copy-pastable column specification
#> Specify the column types with `col_types` to quiet this message
Drop columns by name
data <- vroom("flights.tsv", col_select = c(-dep_time, -air_time:-time_hour))
#> Observations: 336,776
#> Variables: 13
#> chr [4]: carrier, tailnum, origin, dest
#> dbl [9]: year, month, day, sched_dep_time, dep_delay, arr_time, sched_arr_time, arr...
#> Call `spec()` for a copy-pastable column specification
#> Specify the column types with `col_types` to quiet this message
Use the selection helpers
data <- vroom("flights.tsv", col_select = ends_with("time"))
#> Observations: 336,776
#> Variables: 5
#> dbl [5]: dep_time, sched_dep_time, arr_time, sched_arr_time, air_time
#> Call `spec()` for a copy-pastable column specification
#> Specify the column types with `col_types` to quiet this message
Or rename columns by name
data <- vroom("flights.tsv", col_select = list(plane = tailnum, everything()))
#> Observations: 336,776
#> Variables: 19
#> chr  [ 4]: carrier, tailnum, origin, dest
#> dbl  [14]: year, month, day, dep_time, sched_dep_time, dep_delay, arr_time, sched_arr...
#> dttm [ 1]: time_hour
#> Call `spec()` for a copy-pastable column specification
#> Specify the column types with `col_types` to quiet this message
#> # A tibble: 336,776 x 19
#>    plane  year month   day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time
#>    <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>          <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 N142…  2013     1     1      517            515         2      830
#>  2 N242…  2013     1     1      533            529         4      850
#>  3 N619…  2013     1     1      542            540         2      923
#>  4 N804…  2013     1     1      544            545        -1     1004
#>  5 N668…  2013     1     1      554            600        -6      812
#>  6 N394…  2013     1     1      554            558        -4      740
#>  7 N516…  2013     1     1      555            600        -5      913
#>  8 N829…  2013     1     1      557            600        -3      709
#>  9 N593…  2013     1     1      557            600        -3      838
#> 10 N3AL…  2013     1     1      558            600        -2      753
#> # … with 336,766 more rows, and 11 more variables: sched_arr_time <dbl>,
#> #   arr_delay <dbl>, carrier <chr>, flight <dbl>, origin <chr>,
#> #   dest <chr>, air_time <dbl>, distance <dbl>, hour <dbl>, minute <dbl>,
#> #   time_hour <dttm>

Spring Boot Java Config Set Session Timeout

server.session.timeout in the file is now deprecated. The correct setting is:


Also note that Tomcat will not allow you to set the timeout any less than 60 seconds. For details about that minimum setting see

ArrayList or List declaration in Java

Basically it allows Java to store several types of objects in one structure implementation, by generic type declaration (like class MyStructure<T extends TT>), which is one of Javas main features.

Object-oriented approaches are based in modularity and reusability by separation of concerns - the ability to use a structure with any kind of types of object (as long as it obeys a few rules).

You could just instantiate things as followed:

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

instead of

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

By declaring and using generic types you are informing a structure of the kind of objects it will manage and the compiler will be able to inform you if you're inserting an illegal type into that structure, for instance. Let's say:

// this works
List list1 = new ArrayList();

// does not work
List<String> list2 = new ArrayList<>();
list2.add(1); // compiler error here

If you want to see some examples check the documentation documentation:

 * Generic version of the Box class.
 * @param <T> the type of the value being boxed
public class Box<T> {
    // T stands for "Type"
    private T t;

    public void set(T t) { this.t = t; }
    public T get() { return t; }

Then you could instantiate things like:

class Paper  { ... }
class Tissue { ... }

// ...
Box<Paper> boxOfPaper = new Box<>();
boxOfPaper.set(new Paper(...));

Box<Tissue> boxOfTissues = new Box<>();
boxOfTissues.set(new Tissue(...));

The main thing to draw from this is you're specifying which type of object you want to box.

As for using Object l = new ArrayList<>();, you're not accessing the List or ArrayList implementation so you won't be able to do much with the collection.

How to write and save html file in python?

As others have mentioned, use triple quotes ”””abc””” for multiline strings. Also, you can do this without having to call close() using the with keyword. For example:

# HTML String
html = """
<table border=1>
     <% for i in range(10): %>
         <td><%= i %></td>
         <td><%= i**2 %></td>

# Write HTML String to file.html
with open("file.html", "w") as file:

See for more details on the with keyword in Python.

What is the purpose of a question mark after a type (for example: int? myVariable)?

Nullable Types

Nullable types are instances of the System.Nullable struct. A nullable type can represent the normal range of values for its underlying value type, plus an additional null value. For example, a [Nullable<Int32>], pronounced "Nullable of Int32," can be assigned any value from -2147483648 to 2147483647, or it can be assigned the null value. A [Nullable<bool>] can be assigned the values true or false, or null. The ability to assign null to numeric and Boolean types is particularly useful when dealing with databases and other data types containing elements that may not be assigned a value. For example, a Boolean field in a database can store the values true or false, or it may be undefined.

How to find the difference in days between two dates?

echo $(date +%d/%h/%y) date_today
echo " The other date is 1970/01/01"
BEFORE_DATE=$(date +%d%h%y)
echo "THE DIFFERNS IS " $(( ($(date -d $BEFORE_DATE +%s) - $(date -d $TODAY_DATE +%s)) )) SECOUND

use it to get your date today and your sec since the date you want. if you want it with days just divide it with 86400

echo $(date +%d/%h/%y) date_today
echo " The other date is 1970/01/01"
BEFORE_DATE=$(date +%d%h%y)
echo "THE DIFFERNS IS " $(( ($(date -d $BEFORE_DATE +%s) - $(date -d $TODAY_DATE +%s))/ 86400)) SECOUND

Adding extra zeros in front of a number using jQuery?

I needed something like this myself the other day, Pud instead of always a 0, I wanted to be able to tell it what I wanted padded ing the front. Here's what I came up with for code:

function lpad(n, e, d) {
  var o = ''; if(typeof(d) === 'undefined'){ d='0'; } if(typeof(e) === 'undefined'){ e=2; }
  if(n.length < e){ for(var r=0; r < e - n.length; r++){ o += d; } o += n; } else { o=n; }
  return o; }

Where n is what you want padded, e is the power you want it padded to (number of characters long it should be), and d is what you want it to be padded with. Seems to work well for what I needed it for, but it would fail if "d" was more than one character long is some cases.

Sorting dropdown alphabetically in AngularJS

For anyone who wants to sort the variable in third layer:

<select ng-option=" for friend in friends"></select>

you can do it like this

<select ng-option=" for friend in friends | orderBy: ''"></select>

How to prevent vim from creating (and leaving) temporary files?

; For Windows Users to back to temp directory

set backup
set backupdir=C:\WINDOWS\Temp
set backupskip=C:\WINDOWS\Temp\*
set directory=C:\WINDOWS\Temp
set writebackup

Floating elements within a div, floats outside of div. Why?

You can easily do with first you can make the div flex and apply justify content right or left and your problem is solved.

<div style="display: flex;padding-bottom: 8px;justify-content: flex-end;">_x000D_
     <button style="font-weight: bold;outline: none;background-color: #2764ff;border-radius: 3px;margin-left: 12px;border: none;padding: 3px 6px;color: white;text-align: center;font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;text-decoration: none;margin-right: 14px;">Sense</button>_x000D_

Efficient way to add spaces between characters in a string

s = "BINGO"
print(s.replace("", " ")[1: -1])

Timings below

$ python -m timeit -s's = "BINGO"' 's.replace(""," ")[1:-1]'
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.584 usec per loop
$ python -m timeit -s's = "BINGO"' '" ".join(s)'
100000 loops, best of 3: 1.54 usec per loop

How to create .pfx file from certificate and private key?

You need to use the makecert tool.

Open a command prompt as admin and type the following:

makecert -sky exchange -r -n "CN=<CertificateName>" -pe -a sha1 -len 2048 -ss My "<CertificateName>.cer"

Where <CertifcateName> = the name of your cert to create.

Then you can open the Certificate Manager snap-in for the management console by typing certmgr.msc in the Start menu, click personal > certificates > and your cert should be available.

Here is an article.

How to check if a subclass is an instance of a class at runtime?

It's the other way around: B.class.isInstance(view)

JPA Query.getResultList() - use in a generic way

The above query returns the list of Object[]. So if you want to get the and s.something from the list then you need to iterate and cast that values for the corresponding classes.

How to do an INNER JOIN on multiple columns

If you want to search on both FROM and TO airports, you'll want to join on the Airports table twice - then you can use both from and to tables in your results set:

   Airports fromAirports on Flights.fairport = fromAirports.code
   Airports toAirports on Flights.tairport = toAirports.code

How do I check which version of NumPy I'm using?


pip show numpy

and for pip3

pip3 show numpy

Works on both windows and linux. Should work on mac too if you are using pip.

how to use sqltransaction in c#

Well, I don't understand why are you used transaction in case when you make a select.

Transaction is useful when you make changes (add, edit or delete) data from database.

Remove transaction unless you use insert, update or delete statements

What is the difference between :focus and :active?

:focus and :active are two different states.

  • :focus represents the state when the element is currently selected to receive input and
  • :active represents the state when the element is currently being activated by the user.

For example let's say we have a <button>. The <button> will not have any state to begin with. It just exists. If we use Tab to give "focus" to the <button>, it now enters its :focus state. If you then click (or press space), you then make the button enter its (:active) state.

On that note, when you click on an element, you give it focus, which also cultivates the illusion that :focus and :active are the same. They are not the same. When clicked the button is in :focus:active state.

An example:

<style type="text/css">_x000D_
  button { font-weight: normal; color: black; }_x000D_
  button:focus { color: red; }_x000D_
  button:active { font-weight: bold; }_x000D_
  When clicked, my text turns red AND bold!<br />_x000D_
  But not when focused only,<br />_x000D_
 where my text just turns red_x000D_

edit: jsfiddle

Open a PDF using VBA in Excel

If it's a matter of just opening PDF to send some keys to it then why not try this

Sub Sample()
    ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink "C:\MyFile.pdf"
End Sub

I am assuming that you have some pdf reader installed.

What is the purpose of the vshost.exe file?

It seems to be a long-running framework process for debugging (to decrease load times?). I discovered that when you start your application twice from the debugger often the same vshost.exe process will be used. It just unloads all user-loaded DLLs first. This does odd things if you are fooling around with API hooks from managed processes.

Using margin / padding to space <span> from the rest of the <p>

Add this style to your span:

top: 10px;


Best way to convert IList or IEnumerable to Array

Put the following in your .cs file:

using System.Linq;

You will then be able to use the following extension method from System.Linq.Enumerable:

public static TSource[] ToArray<TSource>(this System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource> source)


IEnumerable<object> query = ...;
object[] bob = query.ToArray();

CSS Vertical align does not work with float


The vertical-align CSS property specifies the vertical alignment of an inline, inline-block or table-cell element.

Read this article for Understanding vertical-align

Set Colorbar Range in matplotlib

Use the CLIM function (equivalent to CAXIS function in MATLAB):

plt.pcolor(X, Y, v, cmap=cm)
plt.clim(-4,4)  # identical to caxis([-4,4]) in MATLAB

Objective-C: Calling selectors with multiple arguments

Your code has two problems. One was identified and answered, but the other wasn't. The first was that your selector was missing the name of its parameter. However, even when you fix that, the line will still raise an exception, assuming your revised method signature still includes more than one argument. Let's say your revised method is declared as:

-(void)myTestWithString:(NSString *)sourceString comparedTo:(NSString *)testString ;

Creating selectors for methods that take multiple arguments is perfectly valid (e.g. @selector(myTestWithString:comparedTo:) ). However, the performSelector method only allows you to pass one value to myTest, which unfortunately has more than one parameter. It will error out and tell you that you didn't supply enough values.

You could always redefine your method to take a collection as it's only parameter:

-(void)myTestWithObjects:(NSDictionary *)testObjects ;

However, there is a more elegant solution (that doesn't require refactoring). The answer is to use NSInvocation, along with its setArgument:atIndex: and invoke methods.

I've written up an article, including a code example, if you want more details. The focus is on threading, but the basics still apply.

Good luck!

What's your most controversial programming opinion?

A Clever Programmer Is Dangerous

I have spent more time trying to fix code written by "clever" programmers. I'd rather have a good programmer than an exceptionally smart programmer who wants to prove how clever he is by writing code that only he (or she) can interpret.

Get Excel sheet name and use as variable in macro

in a Visual Basic Macro you would use

pName = ActiveWorkbook.Path      ' the path of the currently active file
wbName = ActiveWorkbook.Name     ' the file name of the currently active file
shtName = ActiveSheet.Name       ' the name of the currently selected worksheet

The first sheet in a workbook can be referenced by


so after deleting the [Report] tab you would use

shtName = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Name

to "work on that sheet later on" you can create a range object like

Dim MySheet as Range
MySheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(shtName).[A1]

and continue working on MySheet(rowNum, colNum) etc. ...

shortcut creation of a range object without defining shtName:

Dim MySheet as Range
MySheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).[A1]

Left/Right float button inside div

You can use justify-content: space-between in .test like so:

.test {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  justify-content: space-between;_x000D_
  width: 20rem;_x000D_
  border: .1rem red solid;_x000D_
<div class="test">_x000D_

For those who want to use Bootstrap 4 can use justify-content-between:

div {_x000D_
  width: 20rem;_x000D_
  border: .1rem red solid;_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />_x000D_
<div class="d-flex justify-content-between">_x000D_

Determine if running on a rooted device

Using C++ with the ndk is the best approach to detect root even if the user is using applications that hide his root such as RootCloak. I tested this code with RootCloak and I was able to detect the root even if the user is trying to hide it. So your cpp file would like:

#include <jni.h>
#include <string>

 * function that checks for the su binary files and operates even if 
 * root cloak is installed
 * @return integer 1: device is rooted, 0: device is not 
extern "C"

Java_com_example_user_root_1native_rootFunction(JNIEnv *env,jobject thiz){
const char *paths[] ={"/system/app/Superuser.apk", "/sbin/su", "/system/bin/su",
                      "/system/xbin/su", "/data/local/xbin/su", "/data/local/bin/su", "/system/sd/xbin/su",
                      "/system/bin/failsafe/su", "/data/local/su", "/su/bin/su"};

int counter =0;
while (counter<9){
    if(FILE *file = fopen(paths[counter],"r")){
        return 1;
return 0;

And you will call the function from your java code as follows

public class Root_detect {

    * function that calls a native function to check if the device is 
    *rooted or not
    * @return boolean: true if the device is rooted, false if the 
    *device is not rooted
   public boolean check_rooted(){

        int checker = rootFunction();

           return true;
        }else {
           return false;
   static {
    System.loadLibrary("cpp-root-lib");//name of your cpp file

   public native int rootFunction();

How to use pull to refresh in Swift?

A solution with storyboard and Swift:

  1. Open your .storyboard file, select a TableViewController in your storyboard and "Enable" the Table View Controller: Refreshing feature in the Utilities.


  2. Open the associated UITableViewController class and add the following Swift 5 line into the viewDidLoad method.

    self.refreshControl?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(refresh), for: UIControl.Event.valueChanged)
  3. Add the following method above the viewDidLoad method

    func refresh(sender:AnyObject)
        // Updating your data here...

Eclipse "Server Locations" section disabled and need to change to use Tomcat installation

If your server is not loaded with heavy configuration, the best solution would be to delete the tomcat and set it again.
It will be much easier then doing try and error for 7-10 times! enter image description here

How do you fade in/out a background color using jquery?

To fade between 2 colors using only simple javascript:

function Blend(a, b, alpha) {
  var aa = [
        parseInt('0x' + a.substring(1, 3)), 
        parseInt('0x' + a.substring(3, 5)), 
        parseInt('0x' + a.substring(5, 7))

  var bb = [
        parseInt('0x' + b.substring(1, 3)), 
        parseInt('0x' + b.substring(3, 5)), 
        parseInt('0x' + b.substring(5, 7))

  r = '0' + Math.round(aa[0] + (bb[0] - aa[0])*alpha).toString(16);
  g = '0' + Math.round(aa[1] + (bb[1] - aa[1])*alpha).toString(16);
  b = '0' + Math.round(aa[2] + (bb[2] - aa[2])*alpha).toString(16);

  return '#'
        + r.substring(r.length - 2)
        + g.substring(g.length - 2)
        + b.substring(b.length - 2);

function fadeText(cl1, cl2, elm){
  var t = [];
  var steps = 100;
  var delay = 3000;

  for (var i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
    (function(j) {
         t[j] = setTimeout(function() {
          var a  = j/steps;
          var color = Blend(cl1,cl2,a);
 = color;
         }, j*delay/steps);

  return t;

var cl1 = "#ffffff";
var cl2 = "#c00000";
var elm = document.getElementById("note");
T  = fadeText(cl1,cl2,elm);


position fixed header in html

The position :fixed is differ from the other layout. Once you fixed the position for your header, keep in mind that you have to set the margin-top for the content div.

What certificates are trusted in truststore?

Is there any equivalent for the truststore? How can I view the trusted certificates?

Yes there is.The exact same command since keystore and truststore differ only in what they store i.e. private key or signed public key (certificate)

No other difference

What is the copy-and-swap idiom?

Assignment, at its heart, is two steps: tearing down the object's old state and building its new state as a copy of some other object's state.

Basically, that's what the destructor and the copy constructor do, so the first idea would be to delegate the work to them. However, since destruction mustn't fail, while construction might, we actually want to do it the other way around: first perform the constructive part and, if that succeeded, then do the destructive part. The copy-and-swap idiom is a way to do just that: It first calls a class' copy constructor to create a temporary object, then swaps its data with the temporary's, and then lets the temporary's destructor destroy the old state.
Since swap() is supposed to never fail, the only part which might fail is the copy-construction. That is performed first, and if it fails, nothing will be changed in the targeted object.

In its refined form, copy-and-swap is implemented by having the copy performed by initializing the (non-reference) parameter of the assignment operator:

T& operator=(T tmp)
    return *this;

Receiving "fatal: Not a git repository" when attempting to remote add a Git repo

In command line/CLI, you will get this error if your current directory is NOT the repository. So, you have to first CD into the repo.

Listview Scroll to the end of the list after updating the list

The simplest solution is :


XML Schema minOccurs / maxOccurs default values

Short answer:

As written in xsd:

<xs:attribute name="minOccurs" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional" default="1"/>
<xs:attribute name="maxOccurs" type="xs:allNNI" use="optional" default="1"/>

If you provide an attribute with number, then the number is boundary. Otherwise attribute should appear exactly once.

Python check if list items are integers?

The usual way to check whether something can be converted to an int is to try it and see, following the EAFP principle:

    int_value = int(string_value)
except ValueError:
    # it wasn't an int, do something appropriate
    # it was an int, do something appropriate

So, in your case:

for item in mylist:
        int_value = int(item)
    except ValueError:
        mynewlist.append(item) # or append(int_value) if you want numbers

In most cases, a loop around some trivial code that ends with mynewlist.append(item) can be turned into a list comprehension, generator expression, or call to map or filter. But here, you can't, because there's no way to put a try/except into an expression.

But if you wrap it up in a function, you can:

def raises(func, *args, **kw):
        func(*args, **kw)
        return True
        return False

mynewlist = [item for item in mylist if not raises(int, item)]

… or, if you prefer:

mynewlist = filter(partial(raises, int), item)

It's cleaner to use it this way:

def raises(exception_types, func, *args, **kw):
        func(*args, **kw)
    except exception_types:
        return True
        return False

This way, you can pass it the exception (or tuple of exceptions) you're expecting, and those will return True, but if any unexpected exceptions are raised, they'll propagate out. So:

mynewlist = [item for item in mylist if not raises(ValueError, int, item)]

… will do what you want, but:

mynewlist = [item for item in mylist if not raises(ValueError, item, int)]

… will raise a TypeError, as it should.

Convert string (without any separator) to list

Did you try list(x)??

 y = '+123-456-7890'
 c =list(y)

['+', '1', '2', '3', '-', '4', '5', '6', '-', '7', '8', '9', '0']

Convert from days to milliseconds

Its important to mention that once in 4-5 years this method might give a 1 second error, becase of a leap-second (, and the correct formula for that day would be

(24*60*60 + 1) * 1000

There is a question Are leap seconds catered for by Calendar? and the answer is no.

So, if You're designing super time-dependant software, be careful about this formula.

TensorFlow: "Attempting to use uninitialized value" in variable initialization

It's not 100% clear from the code example, but if the list initial_parameters_of_hypothesis_function is a list of tf.Variable objects, then the line will fail because TensorFlow isn't (yet) smart enough to figure out the dependencies in variable initialization. To work around this, you should change the loop that creates parameters to use initial_parameters_of_hypothesis_function[i].initialized_value(), which adds the necessary dependency:

parameters = []
for i in range(0, number_of_attributes, 1):

env: node: No such file or directory in mac

Let's see, I sorted that on a different way. in my case I had as path something like ~/.local/bin which seems that it is not the way it wants.

Try to use the full path, like /Users/tobias/.local/bin, I mean, change the PATH variable from ~/.local/bin to /Users/tobias/.local/bin or $HOME/.local/bin .

Now it works.

Can anyone explain IEnumerable and IEnumerator to me?

Differences between IEnumerable and IEnumerator :

  • IEnumerable uses IEnumerator internally.
  • IEnumerable doesn't know which item/object is executing.
  • Whenever we pass IEnumerator to another function, it knows the current position of item/object.
  • Whenever we pass an IEnumerable collection to another function, it doesn't know the current position of item/object (doesn't know which item its executing)

    IEnumerable have one method GetEnumerator()

public interface IEnumerable<out T> : IEnumerable
    IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator();

IEnumerator has one property called Current and two methods, Reset() and MoveNext() (which is useful for knowing the current position of an item in a list).

public interface IEnumerator
     object Current { get; }
     bool MoveNext();
     void Reset();

val() doesn't trigger change() in jQuery

onchange only fires when the user types into the input and then the input loses focus.

You can manually call the onchange event using after setting the value:

$("#mytext").change(); // someObject.onchange(); in standard JS

Alternatively, you can trigger the event using:


How to detect DIV's dimension changed?

Pure Javascript solution, but works only if the element is resized with the css resize button:

  1. store element size with offsetWidth and offsetHeight;
  2. add an onclick event listener on this element;
  3. when triggered, compare curent offsetWidth and offsetHeight with stored values, and if different, do what you want and update these values.

Daylight saving time and time zone best practices

For the web, the rules aren't that complicated...

  • Server-side, use UTC
  • Client-side, use Olson
    • Reason: UTC-offsets are not daylight savings-safe (e.g. New York is EST (UTC - 5 Hours) part of the year, EDT (UTC - 4 Hours) rest of the year).
    • For client-side time zone determination, you have two options:

The rest is just UTC/local conversion using your server-side datetime libraries. Good to go...

Could not insert new outlet connection: Could not find any information for the class named

I got this bug when I renamed the class. Then I solved it just by following the below steps

  • In Xcode Menu -> Product -> Clean
  • Restart the Xcode

How to use View.OnTouchListener instead of onClick

for use sample touch listener just you need this code

public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) {

    ClipData data = ClipData.newPlainText("", "");
    View.DragShadowBuilder shadowBuilder = new View.DragShadowBuilder(view);
    view.startDrag(data, shadowBuilder, null, 0);

    return true;

making a paragraph in html contain a text from a file

You can use a simple HTML element <embed src="file.txt"> it loads the external resource and displays it on the screen no js needed

TypeError: p.easing[this.easing] is not a function

Importing jquery.easing cdn worked for me.

<script src=""></script>

You can add this bottom of the webpage.

Ajax success function

It is because Ajax is asynchronous, the success or the error function will be called later, when the server answer the client. So, just move parts depending on the result into your success function like that :


            url: myAjax.ajaxurl,
            data: {action: 'submit_data', info: info},
            success: function(data) {
                successmessage = 'Data was succesfully captured';
            error: function(data) {
                successmessage = 'Error';

        return false;

How to post data to specific URL using WebClient in C#

Using simple client.UploadString(adress, content); normally works fine but I think it should be remembered that a WebException will be thrown if not a HTTP successful status code is returned. I usually handle it like this to print any exception message the remote server is returning:

    postResult = client.UploadString(address, content);
catch (WebException ex)
    String responseFromServer = ex.Message.ToString() + " ";
    if (ex.Response != null)
        using (WebResponse response = ex.Response)
            Stream dataRs = response.GetResponseStream();
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataRs))
                responseFromServer += reader.ReadToEnd();
                _log.Error("Server Response: " + responseFromServer);

Access to the requested object is only available from the local network phpmyadmin

Nothing worked for me but following thing was awesome:

1) Open


which is at


2) Find <Directory "/opt/lampp/phpmyadmin">

3) Now just add Require all granted before

4) So the code will look like this
<Directory "/opt/lampp/phpmyadmin"> AllowOverride AuthConfig Limit Order allow,deny Allow from all Require all granted </Directory>

5) Now finally Restart the xampp with this command /opt/lampp/lampp restart

That's it and you are Done!

It also work with xampp. :)

Import / Export database with SQL Server Server Management Studio

Right click the database itself, Tasks -> Generate Scripts...

Then follow the wizard.

For SSMS2008+, if you want to also export the data, on the "Set Scripting Options" step, select the "Advanced" button and change "Types of data to script" from "Schema Only" to "Data Only" or "Schema and Data".

C# Creating and using Functions

You should either make your Add function static like so:

static public int Add(int x, int y)
    int result = x + y;
    return result;
 } //END   Add

static means that the function is not class instance dependent. So you can call it without needing to create a class instance of Program class.

or you should create in instance of your Program class, and then call Add on this instance. Like so:

Program prog = new Program();

Does a foreign key automatically create an index?

Foreign keys do not create indexes. Only alternate key constraints(UNIQUE) and primary key constraints create indexes. This is true in Oracle and SQL Server.

Is there a replacement for unistd.h for Windows (Visual C)?

Try including the io.h file. It seems to be the Visual Studio's equivalent of unistd.h.

I hope this helps.

Modify the legend of pandas bar plot

This is slightly an edge case but I think it can add some value to the other answers.

If you add more details to the graph (say an annotation or a line) you'll soon discover that it is relevant when you call legend on the axis: if you call it at the bottom of the script it will capture different handles for the legend elements, messing everything.

For instance the following script:

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':26, 'B':20}, index=['N'])
ax = df.plot(kind='bar')
ax.hlines(23, -.5,.5, linestyles='dashed')

ax.legend(["AAA", "BBB"]); #quickfix: move this at the third line

Will give you this figure, which is wrong: enter image description here

While this a toy example which can be easily fixed by changing the order of the commands, sometimes you'll need to modify the legend after several operations and hence the next method will give you more flexibility. Here for instance I've also changed the fontsize and position of the legend:

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':26, 'B':20}, index=['N'])
ax = df.plot(kind='bar')
ax.hlines(23, -.5,.5, linestyles='dashed')
ax.legend(["AAA", "BBB"]);

# do potentially more stuff here

h,l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax.legend(h[:2],["AAA", "BBB"], loc=3, fontsize=12)

This is what you'll get:

enter image description here

Accessing members of items in a JSONArray with Java

In case it helps someone else, I was able to convert to an array by doing something like this,

JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject)new JSONParser().parse(jsonString);
((JSONArray) jsonObject).toArray()

...or you should be able to get the length

((JSONArray) myJsonArray).toArray().length

Make Axios send cookies in its requests automatically

So I had this exact same issue and lost about 6 hours of my life searching, I had the

withCredentials: true

But the browser still didn't save the cookie until for some weird reason I had the idea to shuffle the configuration setting: + 'api/login', {
    }, {
        withCredentials: true,
        headers: {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'

Seems like you should always send the 'withCredentials' Key first.

JavaFX "Location is required." even though it is in the same package

Moving the file to the main/resources directory worked.

How to update cursor limit for ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceed

RUn the following query to find if you are running spfile or not:

SELECT DECODE(value, NULL, 'PFILE', 'SPFILE') "Init File Type" 
       FROM sys.v_$parameter WHERE name = 'spfile';

If the result is "SPFILE", then use the following command:

alter system set open_cursors = 4000 scope=both; --4000 is the number of open cursor

if the result is "PFILE", then use the following command:

alter system set open_cursors = 1000 ;

You can read about SPFILE vs PFILE here,

What is a callback?

Probably not the dictionary definition, but a callback usually refers to a function, which is external to a particular object, being stored and then called upon a specific event.

An example might be when a UI button is created, it stores a reference to a function which performs an action. The action is handled by a different part of the code but when the button is pressed, the callback is called and this invokes the action to perform.

C#, rather than use the term 'callback' uses 'events' and 'delegates' and you can find out more about delegates here.

Send cookies with curl

if you have Firebug installed on Firefox, just open the url. In the network panel, right-click and select Copy as cURL. You can see all curl parameters for this web call.

Inserting an image with PHP and FPDF

You can't treat a PDF like an HTML document. Images can't "float" within a document and have things flow around them, or flow with surrounding text. FPDF allows you to embed html in a text block, but only because it parses the tags and replaces <i> and <b> and so on with Postscript equivalent commands. It's not smart enough to dynamically place an image.

In other words, you have to specify coordinates (and if you don't, the current location's coordinates will be used anyways).

Batch files: List all files in a directory with relative paths

@echo on>out.txt
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "parentfolder=%CD%"
for /r . %%g in (*.*) do (
  set "var=%%g"
  set var=!var:%parentfolder%=!
  echo !var! >> out.txt

Append a single character to a string or char array in java?

1. String otherString = "helen" + character;

2. otherString +=  character;

Android: Background Image Size (in Pixel) which Support All Devices

My understanding is that if you use a View object (as supposed to eg. android:windowBackground) Android will automatically scale your image to the correct size. The problem is that too much scaling can result in artifacts (both during up and down scaling) and blurring. Due to various resolutions and aspects ratios on the market, it's impossible to create "perfect" fits for every screen, but you can do your best to make sure only a little bit of scaling has to be done, and thus mitigate the unwanted side effects. So what I would do is:

  • Keep to the 3:4:6:8:12:16 scaling ratio between the six generalized densities (ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, etc).
  • You should not include xxxhdpi elements for your UI elements, this resolution is meant for upscaling launcher icons only (so mipmap folder only) ... You should not use the xxxhdpi qualifier for UI elements other than the launcher icon. ... although eg. on the Samsung edge 7 calling getDisplayMetrics().density returns 4 (xxxhdpi), so perhaps this info is outdated.
  • Then look at the new phone models on the market, and find the representative ones. Assumming the new google pixel is a good representation of an android phone: It has a 1080 x 1920 resolution at 441 dpi, and a screen size of 4.4 x 2.5 inches. Then from the the android developer docs:

    • ldpi (low) ~120dpi
    • mdpi (medium) ~160dpi
    • hdpi (high) ~240dpi
    • xhdpi (extra-high) ~320dpi
    • xxhdpi (extra-extra-high) ~480dpi
    • xxxhdpi (extra-extra-extra-high) ~640dpi

    This corresponds to an xxhdpi screen. From here I could scale these 1080 x 1920 down by the (3:4:6:8:12) ratios above.

  • I could also acknowledge that downsampling is generally an easy way to scale and thus I might want slightly oversized bitmaps bundled in my apk (Note: higher memory consumption). Once more assuming that the width and height of the pixel screen is represetative, I would scale up the 1080x1920 by a factor of 480/441, leaving my maximum resolution background image at approx. 1200x2100, which should then be scaled by the 3:4:6:8:12.
  • Remember, you only need to provide density-specific drawables for bitmap files (.png, .jpg, or .gif) and Nine-Patch files (.9.png). If you use XML files to define drawable resources (eg. shapes), just put one copy in the default drawable directory.
  • If you ever have to accomodate really large or odd aspect ratios, create specific folders for these as well, using the flags for this, eg. sw, long, large, etc.
  • And no need to draw the background twice. Therefore set a style with <item name="android:windowBackground">@null</item>

Visual Studio: LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file

I can see only 1 things happening here: You did't set properly dependences to thelibrary.lib in your project meaning that thelibrary.lib is built in the wrong order (Or in the same time if you have more then 1 CPU build configuration, which can also explain randomness of the error). ( You can change the project dependences in: Menu->Project->Project Dependencies )

Solving sslv3 alert handshake failure when trying to use a client certificate

Not a definite answer but too much to fit in comments:

I hypothesize they gave you a cert that either has a wrong issuer (although their server could use a more specific alert code for that) or a wrong subject. We know the cert matches your privatekey -- because both curl and openssl client paired them without complaining about a mismatch; but we don't actually know it matches their desired CA(s) -- because your curl uses openssl and openssl SSL client does NOT enforce that a configured client cert matches certreq.CAs.

Do openssl x509 <clientcert.pem -noout -subject -issuer and the same on the cert from the test P12 that works. Do openssl s_client (or check the one you did) and look under Acceptable client certificate CA names; the name there or one of them should match (exactly!) the issuer(s) of your certs. If not, that's most likely your problem and you need to check with them you submitted your CSR to the correct place and in the correct way. Perhaps they have different regimes in different regions, or business lines, or test vs prod, or active vs pending, etc.

If the issuer of your cert does match desiredCAs, compare its subject to the working (test-P12) one: are they in similar format? are there any components in the working one not present in yours? If they allow it, try generating and submitting a new CSR with a subject name exactly the same as the test-P12 one, or as close as you can get, and see if that produces a cert that works better. (You don't have to generate a new key to do this, but if you choose to, keep track of which certs match which keys so you don't get them mixed up.) If that doesn't help look at the certificate extensions with openssl x509 <cert -noout -text for any difference(s) that might reasonably be related to subject authorization, like KeyUsage, ExtendedKeyUsage, maybe Policy, maybe Constraints, maybe even something nonstandard.

If all else fails, ask the server operator(s) what their logs say about the problem, or if you have access look at the logs yourself.

Should I check in folder "node_modules" to Git when creating a Node.js app on Heroku?

From "node_modules" in Git:

To recap.

  • Only checkin node_modules for applications you deploy, not reusable packages you maintain.
  • Any compiled dependencies should have their source checked in, not the compile targets, and should $ npm rebuild on deploy.

My favorite part:

All you people who added node_modules to your gitignore, remove that shit, today, it’s an artifact of an era we’re all too happy to leave behind. The era of global modules is dead.

(The original link was this one, but it is now dead. Thanks @Flavio for pointing it out.)*

Why am I getting a FileNotFoundError?

A good start would be validating the input. In other words, you can make sure that the user has indeed typed a correct path for a real existing file, like this:

import os
fileName = input("Please enter the name of the file you'd like to use.")
while not os.path.isfile(fileName):
    fileName = input("Whoops! No such file! Please enter the name of the file you'd like to use.")

This is with a little help from the built in module os, That is a part of the Standard Python Library.

How to remove elements/nodes from angular.js array

Because when you do shift() on an array, it changes the length of the array. So the for loop will be messed up. You can loop through from end to front to avoid this problem.

Btw, I assume you try to remove the element at the position i rather than the first element of the array. ($scope.items.shift(); in your code will remove the first element of the array)

for(var i = $scope.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
    if($scope.items[i].name == 'ted'){

How to change the plot line color from blue to black?

The usual way to set the line color in matplotlib is to specify it in the plot command. This can either be done by a string after the data, e.g. "r-" for a red line, or by explicitely stating the color argument.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot([1,2,3], [2,3,1], "r-") # red line
plt.plot([1,2,3], [5,5,3], color="blue") # blue line

See also the plot command's documentation.

In case you already have a line with a certain color, you can change that with the lines2D.set_color() method.

line, = plt.plot([1,2,3], [4,5,3], color="blue")

Setting the color of a line in a pandas plot is also best done at the point of creating the plot:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({ "x" : [1,2,3,5], "y" : [3,5,2,6]})
df.plot("x", "y", color="r") #plot red line

If you want to change this color later on, you can do so by


This will get you the first (possibly the only) line of the current active axes.
In case you have more axes in the plot, you could loop through them

for ax in plt.gcf().axes:

and if you have more lines you can loop over them as well.

ApplicationContextException: Unable to start ServletWebServerApplicationContext due to missing ServletWebServerFactory bean

I had this problem during migration to Spring Boot. I've found a advice to remove dependencies and it helped. So, I removed dependency for jsp-api Project had. Also, servlet-api dependency has to be removed as well.

compileOnly group: 'javax.servlet.jsp', name: 'jsp-api', version: '2.2' 

How to deal with a slow SecureRandom generator?

On Linux, the default implementation for SecureRandom is NativePRNG (source code here), which tends to be very slow. On Windows, the default is SHA1PRNG, which as others pointed out you can also use on Linux if you specify it explicitly.

NativePRNG differs from SHA1PRNG and Uncommons Maths' AESCounterRNG in that it continuously receives entropy from the operating system (by reading from /dev/urandom). The other PRNGs do not acquire any additional entropy after seeding.

AESCounterRNG is about 10x faster than SHA1PRNG, which IIRC is itself two or three times faster than NativePRNG.

If you need a faster PRNG that acquires entropy after initialization, see if you can find a Java implementation of Fortuna. The core PRNG of a Fortuna implementation is identical to that used by AESCounterRNG, but there is also a sophisticated system of entropy pooling and automatic reseeding.

Uploading into folder in FTP?

The folder is part of the URL you set when you create request: "". If you use "" then the file will be uploaded to a folder named wibble.

You may need to first use a request with Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.MakeDirectory to make the wibble folder if it doesn't already exist.

How to JUnit test that two List<E> contain the same elements in the same order?

org.junit.Assert.assertEquals() and org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals() do the job.

To avoid next questions: If you want to ignore the order put all elements to set and then compare: Assert.assertEquals(new HashSet<String>(one), new HashSet<String>(two))

If however you just want to ignore duplicates but preserve the order wrap you list with LinkedHashSet.

Yet another tip. The trick Assert.assertEquals(new HashSet<String>(one), new HashSet<String>(two)) works fine until the comparison fails. In this case it shows you error message with to string representations of your sets that can be confusing because the order in set is almost not predictable (at least for complex objects). So, the trick I found is to wrap the collection with sorted set instead of HashSet. You can use TreeSet with custom comparator.

How do I retrieve the number of columns in a Pandas data frame?

In order to include the number of row index "columns" in your total shape I would personally add together the number of columns df.columns.size with the attribute pd.Index.nlevels/pd.MultiIndex.nlevels:

Set up dummy data

import pandas as pd

flat_index = pd.Index([0, 1, 2])
multi_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([("a", 1), ("a", 2), ("b", 1), names=["letter", "id"])

columns = ["cat", "dog", "fish"]

data = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
flat_df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=flat_index, columns=columns)
multi_df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=multi_index, columns=columns)

# Show data
# -----------------
# 3 columns, 4 including the index
    cat  dog  fish
0     1    2     3
1     4    5     6
2     7    8     9

# -----------------
# 3 columns, 5 including the index
           cat  dog  fish
letter id                
a      1     1    2     3
       2     4    5     6
b      1     7    8     9

Writing our process as a function:

def total_ncols(df, include_index=False):
    ncols = df.columns.size
    if include_index is True:
        ncols += df.index.nlevels
    return ncols

print("Ignore the index:")
print(total_ncols(flat_df), total_ncols(multi_df))

print("Include the index:")
print(total_ncols(flat_df, include_index=True), total_ncols(multi_df, include_index=True))

This prints:

Ignore the index:
3 3

Include the index:
4 5

If you want to only include the number of indices if the index is a pd.MultiIndex, then you can throw in an isinstance check in the defined function.

As an alternative, you could use df.reset_index().columns.size to achieve the same result, but this won't be as performant since we're temporarily inserting new columns into the index and making a new index before getting the number of columns.

How can I remove a child node in HTML using JavaScript?

    var p=document.getElementById('childId').parentNode;
    var c=document.getElementById('childId');

p is parent node and c is child node
parentNode is a JavaScript variable which contains parent reference

Easy to understand

Scaling a System.Drawing.Bitmap to a given size while maintaining aspect ratio

The bitmap constructor has resizing built in.

Bitmap original = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile("DSC_0002.jpg");
Bitmap resized = new Bitmap(original,new Size(original.Width/4,original.Height/4));

If you want control over interpolation modes see this post.

Function to check if a string is a date

I found my answer here, bassically

$d = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $date);
// The Y ( 4 digits year ) returns TRUE for any integer with any number of digits so changing the comparison from == to === fixes the issue.
if($d && $d->format($format) === $date) {
    //it's a proper date!
else {
    //it's not a proper date

How to bind Events on Ajax loaded Content?

If your ajax response are containing html form inputs for instance, than this would be great:

$(document).on("change", 'input[type=radio][name=fieldLoadedFromAjax]', function(event) { 
if (this.value == 'Yes') {
  // do something here
} else if (this.value == 'No') {
  // do something else here.
} else {
   console.log('The new input field from an ajax response has this value: '+ this.value);


PuTTY Connection Manager download?

I've found version 0.7.1 Alpha of PuTTY Connection Manager to be the most stable (it was previously hidden on the forums). It's available from PuTTY Connection Manager – Website Down.

How to handle AccessViolationException

In .NET 4.0, the runtime handles certain exceptions raised as Windows Structured Error Handling (SEH) errors as indicators of Corrupted State. These Corrupted State Exceptions (CSE) are not allowed to be caught by your standard managed code. I won't get into the why's or how's here. Read this article about CSE's in the .NET 4.0 Framework:

But there is hope. There are a few ways to get around this:

  1. Recompile as a .NET 3.5 assembly and run it in .NET 4.0.

  2. Add a line to your application's config file under the configuration/runtime element: <legacyCorruptedStateExceptionsPolicy enabled="true|false"/>

  3. Decorate the methods you want to catch these exceptions in with the HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptions attribute. See for details.


Previously, I referenced a forum post for additional details. But since Microsoft Connect has been retired, here are the additional details in case you're interested:

From Gaurav Khanna, a developer from the Microsoft CLR Team

This behaviour is by design due to a feature of CLR 4.0 called Corrupted State Exceptions. Simply put, managed code shouldnt make an attempt to catch exceptions that indicate corrupted process state and AV is one of them.

He then goes on to reference the documentation on the HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptionsAttribute and the above article. Suffice to say, it's definitely worth a read if you're considering catching these types of exceptions.

Having a UITextField in a UITableViewCell

Here's how its done i believe the correct way. It works on Ipad and Iphone as i tested it. We have to create our own customCells by classing a uitableviewcell:

start off in interfaceBuilder ... create a new UIViewcontroller call it customCell (volunteer for a xib while your there) Make sure customCell is a subclass of uitableviewcell

erase all views now and create one view make it the size of a individual cell. make that view subclass customcell. now create two other views (duplicate the first).
Go to your connections inspector and find 2 IBOutlets you can connect to these views now.

-backgroundView -SelectedBackground

connect these to the last two views you just duplicated and dont worry about them. the very first view that extends customCell, put your label and uitextfield inside of it. got into customCell.h and hook up your label and textfield. Set the height of this view to say 75 (height of each cell) all done.

In your customCell.m file make sure the constructor looks something like this:

- (id)initWithStyle:(UITableViewCellStyle)style reuseIdentifier:(NSString *)reuseIdentifier
self = [super initWithStyle:style reuseIdentifier:reuseIdentifier];
if (self) {
    // Initialization code
    NSArray *nibArray = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"CustomCell"       owner:self options:nil]; 
    self = [nibArray objectAtIndex:0];
return self;

Now create a UITableViewcontroller and in this method use the customCell class like this :

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell";
// lets use our customCell which has a label and textfield already installed for us

customCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];
if (cell == nil) {
    //cell = [[[customCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier] autorelease];

    NSArray *topLevelsObjects = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"NewUserCustomCell" owner:nil options:nil];
    for (id currentObject in topLevelsObjects){
        if ([currentObject  isKindOfClass:[UITableViewCell class]]){
            cell = (customCell *) currentObject;

    NSUInteger row = [indexPath row];

switch (row) {
    case 0:

        cell.titleLabel.text = @"First Name"; //label we made (uitextfield also available now)


return cell;


- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{

return 75.0;

jQuery UI DatePicker - Change Date Format

I think the correct way to do this would be something like this:

var picker = $('.date-picker');
var date = $.datepicker.formatDate(
    picker.datepicker('option', 'dateFormat'),

This way you make sure the format string is defined only once and you use the same formatter to translate the format string into the formatted date.

How to get the first element of an array?

Using ES6.

let arr = [22,1,4,55,7,8,9,3,2,4];

let {0 : first ,[arr.length - 1] : last} = arr;
console.log(first, last);


let {0 : first ,length : l, [l - 1] : last} = [22,1,4,55,7,8,9,3,2,4];
console.log(first, last);

How to read and write INI file with Python3?

The standard ConfigParser normally requires access via config['section_name']['key'], which is no fun. A little modification can deliver attribute access:

class AttrDict(dict):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AttrDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.__dict__ = self

AttrDict is a class derived from dict which allows access via both dictionary keys and attribute access: that means a.x is a['x']

We can use this class in ConfigParser:

config = configparser.ConfigParser(dict_type=AttrDict)'application.ini')

and now we get application.ini with:

key = value


>>> config._sections.general.key

Add left/right horizontal padding to UILabel

add a space character too the string. that's poor man's padding :)


I would go with a custom background view but if you don't want that, the space is the only other easy options I see...

OR write a custom label. render the text via coretext

How to set time to 24 hour format in Calendar


LocalTime.parse( "10:30" )  // Parsed as 24-hour time.


Avoid the troublesome old date-time classes such as Date and Calendar that are now supplanted by the java.time classes.


The java.time classes provide a way to represent the time-of-day without a date and without a time zone: LocalTime

LocalTime lt = LocalTime.of( 10 , 30 );  // 10:30 AM.
LocalTime lt = LocalTime.of( 22 , 30 );  // 22:30 is 10:30 PM.

ISO 8601

The java.time classes use standard ISO 8601 formats by default when generating and parsing strings. These formats use 24-hour time.

String output = lt.toString();

LocalTime.of( 10 , 30 ).toString() : 10:30

LocalTime.of( 22 , 30 ).toString() : 22:30

So parsing 10:30 will be interpreted as 10:30 AM.

LocalTime lt = LocalTime.parse( "10:30" );  // 10:30 AM.


If you need to generate or parse strings in 12-hour click format with AM/PM, use the DateTimeFormatter class. Tip: make a habit of specifying a Locale.

iOS Remote Debugging

Vorlon.JS can be used for remote debugging of iOS or any other client.

  1. Just install it globally using npm i -g vorlon
  2. Start server using vorlon
  3. With the server is running, open http://localhost:1337 in your browser to see the Vorlon.JS dashboard
  4. The last step is to enable Vorlon.JS by adding this script tag to your app:
    <script src="http://<yourExternalIP>:1337/vorlon.js"></script>
  5. All connected clients e.g. iPhone, Android will become available in client list on Vorlon.JS dashboard enter image description here

Note that this approach can also be used to debug apps not running on localhost using ngrok. See for details.


I am just a user and I am not affiliated with Vorlon.JS and ngrok

Linux c++ error: undefined reference to 'dlopen'

you can try to add this

LIBS=-ldl CFLAGS=-fno-strict-aliasing

to the configure options

VideoView Full screen in android application

I achieved it by switching to landscape orientation and setting layout params to MATCH_PARENT. Just before switching to fullscreen mode, we need to store current orientation mode and VideoView params indefaultScreenOrientationMode and defaultVideoViewParams variables correspondingly. So that we can use them when we exit from video fullscreen mode. Thus, when you want to open video in fullscreen mode, use makeVideoFullScreen() method, to exit - exitVideoFullScreen().

Please, note I used RelativeLayout for my VideoView, in your case it can be another layout type.

private RelativeLayout.LayoutParams defaultVideoViewParams;
private int defaultScreenOrientationMode;

// play video in fullscreen mode
private void makeVideoFullScreen() {

    defaultScreenOrientationMode = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
    defaultVideoViewParams = (LayoutParams) videoView.getLayoutParams();


    videoView.postDelayed(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(

            videoView.layout(10, 10, 10, 10);
    }, 700);

// close fullscreen mode
private void exitVideoFullScreen() {

    videoView.postDelayed(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            videoView.layout(10, 10, 10, 10);
    }, 700);

One line if/else condition in linux shell scripting

You can use like bellow:

(( var0 = var1<98?9:21 ))

the same as

if [ "$var1" -lt 98 ]; then



I found the interested thing on the book "Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide"

Check if a class is derived from a generic class

Building on the excellent answer above by fir3rpho3nixx and David Schmitt, I have modified their code and added the ShouldInheritOrImplementTypedGenericInterface test (last one).

    /// <summary>
    /// Find out if a child type implements or inherits from the parent type.
    /// The parent type can be an interface or a concrete class, generic or non-generic.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="child"></param>
    /// <param name="parent"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static bool InheritsOrImplements(this Type child, Type parent)
        var currentChild = parent.IsGenericTypeDefinition && child.IsGenericType ? child.GetGenericTypeDefinition() : child;

        while (currentChild != typeof(object))
            if (parent == currentChild || HasAnyInterfaces(parent, currentChild))
                return true;

            currentChild = currentChild.BaseType != null && parent.IsGenericTypeDefinition && currentChild.BaseType.IsGenericType
                                ? currentChild.BaseType.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
                                : currentChild.BaseType;

            if (currentChild == null)
                return false;
        return false;

    private static bool HasAnyInterfaces(Type parent, Type child)
        return child.GetInterfaces().Any(childInterface =>
                var currentInterface = parent.IsGenericTypeDefinition && childInterface.IsGenericType
                    ? childInterface.GetGenericTypeDefinition()
                    : childInterface;

                return currentInterface == parent;


    public void ShouldInheritOrImplementNonGenericInterface()
            .InheritsOrImplements(typeof(IFooInterface)), Is.True);

    public void ShouldInheritOrImplementGenericInterface()
            .InheritsOrImplements(typeof(IGenericFooInterface<>)), Is.True);

    public void ShouldInheritOrImplementGenericInterfaceByGenericSubclass()
            .InheritsOrImplements(typeof(IGenericFooInterface<>)), Is.True);

    public void ShouldInheritOrImplementGenericInterfaceByGenericSubclassNotCaringAboutGenericTypeParameter()
        Assert.That(new GenericFooImplementor<string>().GetType()
            .InheritsOrImplements(typeof(IGenericFooInterface<>)), Is.True);

    public void ShouldNotInheritOrImplementGenericInterfaceByGenericSubclassNotCaringAboutGenericTypeParameter()
        Assert.That(new GenericFooImplementor<string>().GetType()
            .InheritsOrImplements(typeof(IGenericFooInterface<int>)), Is.False);

    public void ShouldInheritOrImplementNonGenericClass()
            .InheritsOrImplements(typeof(FooBase)), Is.True);

    public void ShouldInheritOrImplementAnyBaseType()
            .InheritsOrImplements(typeof(FooBase)), Is.True);

    public void ShouldInheritOrImplementTypedGenericInterface()
        GenericFooImplementor<int> obj = new GenericFooImplementor<int>();
        Type t = obj.GetType();


Add Class to Object on Page Load

This should work:

window.onload = function() {
  document.getElementById('about').className = 'expand';

Or if you're using jQuery:

$(function() {

Cloning an Object in Node.js

Possibility 1

Low-frills deep copy:

var obj2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj1));

Possibility 2 (deprecated)

Attention: This solution is now marked as deprecated in the documentation of Node.js:

The util._extend() method was never intended to be used outside of internal Node.js modules. The community found and used it anyway.

It is deprecated and should not be used in new code. JavaScript comes with very similar built-in functionality through Object.assign().

Original answer::

For a shallow copy, use Node's built-in util._extend() function.

var extend = require('util')._extend;

var obj1 = {x: 5, y:5};
var obj2 = extend({}, obj1);
obj2.x = 6;
console.log(obj1.x); // still logs 5

Source code of Node's _extend function is in here:

exports._extend = function(origin, add) {
  // Don't do anything if add isn't an object
  if (!add || typeof add !== 'object') return origin;

  var keys = Object.keys(add);
  var i = keys.length;
  while (i--) {
    origin[keys[i]] = add[keys[i]];
  return origin;

Dynamic instantiation from string name of a class in dynamically imported module?

Copy-paste snippet:

import importlib
def str_to_class(module_name, class_name):
    """Return a class instance from a string reference"""
        module_ = importlib.import_module(module_name)
            class_ = getattr(module_, class_name)()
        except AttributeError:
            logging.error('Class does not exist')
    except ImportError:
        logging.error('Module does not exist')
    return class_ or None

Difference between virtual and abstract methods

Abstract Method:

  • If an abstract method is defined in a class, then the class should declare as an abstract class.

  • An abstract method should contain only method definition, should not Contain the method body/implementation.

  • An abstract method must be over ride in the derived class.

Virtual Method:

  • Virtual methods can be over ride in the derived class but not mandatory.
  • Virtual methods must have the method body/implementation along with the definition.


public abstract class baseclass
            public abstract decimal getarea(decimal Radius);

            public virtual decimal interestpermonth(decimal amount)
                return amount*12/100;

            public virtual decimal totalamount(decimal Amount,decimal principleAmount)
                return Amount + principleAmount;

        public class derivedclass:baseclass
            public override decimal getarea(decimal Radius)
                return 2 * (22 / 7) * Radius;

            public override decimal interestpermonth(decimal amount)
                return amount * 14 / 100;

TypeError: 'list' object is not callable in python

find out what you have assigned to 'list' by displaying it

>>> print(list)

if it has content, you have to clean it with

>>> del list

now display 'list' again and expect this

<class 'list'>

Once you see this, you can proceed with your copy.

HTML image bottom alignment inside DIV container

Flexboxes can accomplish this by using align-items: flex-end; with display: flex; or display: inline-flex;

div#imageContainer {
    height: 160px;  
    align-items: flex-end;
    display: flex;

    /* This is the default value, so you only need to explicitly set it if it's already being set to something else elsewhere. */
    /*flex-direction: row;*/

JSFiddle example

CSS-Tricks has a good guide for flexboxes

How can I control Chromedriver open window size?

If you're using the Facebook language binding for php try this:

$driver->manage()->window()->setSize(new WebDriverDimension(1024,768));

How to generate and auto increment Id with Entity Framework

You have a bad table design. You can't autoincrement a string, that doesn't make any sense. You have basically two options:

1.) change type of ID to int instead of string
2.) not recommended!!! - handle autoincrement by yourself. You first need to get the latest value from the database, parse it to the integer, increment it and attach it to the entity as a string again. VERY BAD idea

First option requires to change every table that has a reference to this table, BUT it's worth it.