[c#] Reset all the items in a form

I was wondering, is there a way I can reset all the checkboxes, textboxes, numerics and other controls back to the default values without writing code for every control individually? This is the code I've tried, but doesn't seem to work:

for (int i = 0; i < this.Controls.Count; i++)

I've fixed it by manually setting the control values, sorry for all the trouble >.<.

This question is related to c# winforms reset

The answer is

I recently had to do this for Textboxes and Checkboxes but using JavaScript ...

How to reset textbox and checkbox controls in an ASP.net document

Here is the code ...

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
      function ResetForm() {
          //get the all the Input type elements in the document
          var AllInputsElements = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
          var TotalInputs = AllInputsElements.length;

          //we have to find the checkboxes and uncheck them
          //note: <asp:checkbox renders to <input type="checkbox" after compiling, which is why we use 'input' above
          for(var i=0;i< TotalInputs ; i++ )
            if(AllInputsElements[i].type =='checkbox')
                AllInputsElements[i].checked = false;

          //reset all textbox controls
          $('input[type=text], textarea').val('');

          return false;

      //This function resets all the validation controls so that they don't "fire" up
      //during a post-back.
      function Page_ClientValidateReset() {
          if (typeof (Page_Validators) != "undefined") {
              for (var i = 0; i < Page_Validators.length; i++) {
                  var validator = Page_Validators[i];
                  validator.isvalid = true;

And call it with a button or any other method ...

<asp:button id="btnRESET" runat="server" onclientclick="return ResetForm();" text="RESET" width="100px"></asp:button>

If you don't use ValidationControls on your website, just remove all the code refering to it above and the call Page_ClientValidateReset();

I am sure you can expand it for any other control using the DOM. And since there is no post to the server, it's faster and no "flashing" either.

If you have some panels or groupboxes reset fields should be recursive.

public class Utilities
    public static void ResetAllControls(Control form)
        foreach (Control control in form.Controls)

    private void RecursiveResetForm(Control control)
        if (control.HasChildren)
            foreach (Control subControl in control.Controls)
        switch (control.GetType().Name)
            case "TextBox":
                TextBox textBox = (TextBox)control;
                textBox.Text = null;

            case "ComboBox":
                ComboBox comboBox = (ComboBox)control;
                if (comboBox.Items.Count > 0)
                    comboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

            case "CheckBox":
                CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox)control;
                checkBox.Checked = false;

            case "ListBox":
                ListBox listBox = (ListBox)control;

            case "NumericUpDown":
                NumericUpDown numericUpDown = (NumericUpDown)control;
                numericUpDown.Value = 0;

Quick answer, maybe it'll help:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Form2 f2 = new Form2();
    while (f2.DialogResult == DialogResult.Retry)
        f2 = new Form2();

and in Form2 (The 'settings' Form):

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    DialogResult = DialogResult.Retry;

You can reset all controls of a certain type. Something like

foreach(TextBox tb in this.Controls.OfType<TextBox>().ToArray())

But you can't reset all controls at once

You can create the form again and dispose the old one.

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Form1 NewForm = new Form1();           

There is a very effective way to use to clear or reset Windows Form C# controls like TextBox, ComboBox, RadioButton, CheckBox, DateTimePicker etc.

private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

internal class Utilities
    internal static void ClearAllControls(Control control)
        foreach (Control c in control.Controls)
            if (c is TextBox)
            else if (c is ComboBox)
                ((ComboBox)c).SelectedIndex = -1;
            else if (c is RadioButton)
                ((RadioButton)c).Checked = false;
            else if (c is CheckBox)
                ((CheckBox)c).Checked = false;
            else if (c is DateTimePicker)
                ((DateTimePicker)c).Value = DateTime.Now; // or null 

To accomplish this with overall user experience in c# we can use one statement to clear them. Pretty straight forward so far, above is the code.

Additional-> To clear the Child Controls The below function would clear the nested(Child) controls also, wrap up in a class.

 public static void ClearControl(Control control)
            if (control is TextBox)
                TextBox txtbox = (TextBox)control;
                txtbox.Text = string.Empty;
            else if (control is CheckBox)
                CheckBox chkbox = (CheckBox)control;
                chkbox.Checked = false;
            else if (control is RadioButton)
                RadioButton rdbtn = (RadioButton)control;
                rdbtn.Checked = false;
            else if (control is DateTimePicker)
                DateTimePicker dtp = (DateTimePicker)control;
                dtp.Value = DateTime.Now;
            else if (control is ComboBox)
                ComboBox cmb = (ComboBox)control;
                if (cmb.DataSource != null)
                    cmb.SelectedItem = string.Empty;
                    cmb.SelectedValue = 0;
            // repeat for combobox, listbox, checkbox and any other controls you want to clear
            if (control.HasChildren)
                foreach (Control child in control.Controls)


    function setToggleInputsinPnl(pnlName) {
    var domCount = pnlName.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < domCount; i++) {
        if (pnlName[i].type == 'text') {
            pnlName[i].value = '';
        } else if (pnlName[i].type == 'select-one') {
               pnlName[i].value = '';

foreach (Control field in container.Controls)
                if (field is TextBox)
                else if (field is ComboBox)
                    dgView.DataSource = null;

Do as below create class and call it like this

Check : Reset all Controls (Textbox, ComboBox, CheckBox, ListBox) in a Windows Form using C#

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

public class Utilities
        public static void ResetAllControls(Control form)
            foreach (Control control in form.Controls)
                if (control is TextBox)
                    TextBox textBox = (TextBox)control;
                    textBox.Text = null;

                if (control is ComboBox)
                    ComboBox comboBox = (ComboBox)control;
                    if (comboBox.Items.Count > 0)
                        comboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

                if (control is CheckBox)
                    CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox)control;
                    checkBox.Checked = false;

                if (control is ListBox)
                    ListBox listBox = (ListBox)control;

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