Use nested dictionaries. Take a look:
INI File: example.ini
Key = Value
class IniOpen:
def __init__(self, file):
self.parse = {}
self.file = file = open(file, "r")
self.f_read =
split_content = self.f_read.split("\n")
section = ""
pairs = ""
for i in range(len(split_content)):
if split_content[i].find("[") != -1:
section = split_content[i]
section = string_between(section, "[", "]") # define your own function
self.parse.update({section: {}})
elif split_content[i].find("[") == -1 and split_content[i].find("="):
pairs = split_content[i]
split_pairs = pairs.split("=")
key = split_pairs[0].trim()
value = split_pairs[1].trim()
self.parse[section].update({key: value})
def read(self, section, key):
return self.parse[section][key]
except KeyError:
return "Sepcified Key Not Found!"
def write(self, section, key, value):
if self.parse.get(section) is None:
self.parse.update({section: {}})
elif self.parse.get(section) is not None:
if self.parse[section].get(key) is None:
self.parse[section].update({key: value})
elif self.parse[section].get(key) is not None:
return "Content Already Exists"
Apply code like so:
ini_file = IniOpen("example.ini")
print(ini_file.parse) # prints the entire nested dictionary
print("Section", "Key") # >> Returns Value
ini_file.write("NewSection", "NewKey", "New Value"