[java] scrollbars in JTextArea

I just wanted to say thank you to the topmost first post by a user whom I think is named "coobird". I am new to this stackoverflow.com web site, but I cant believe how useful and helpful this community is...so thanks to all of you for posting some great tips and advise to others. Thats what a community is all about.

Now coobird correctly said:

As Fredrik mentions in his answer, the simple way to achieve this is to place the JTextArea in a JScrollPane. This will allow scrolling of the view area of the JTextArea.

I would like to say:

The above statement is absolutely true. In fact, I had been struggling with this in Eclipse using the WindowBuilder Pro plugin because I could not figure out what combination of widgets would help me achieve that. However, thanks to the post by coobird, I was able to resolve this frustration which took me days.

I would also like to add that I am relatively new to Java even though I have a solid foundation in the principles. The code snippets and advise you guys give here are tremendously useful.

I just want to add one other tid-bit that may help others. I noticed that Coobird put some code as follows (in order to show how to create a Scrollable text area). He wrote:

JTextArea ta = new JTextArea();
JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(ta);   

I would like to say thanks to the above code snippet from coobird. I have not tried it directly like that but I am sure it would work just fine. However, it may be useful to some to let you know that when I did this using the WindowBuilder Pro tool, I got something more like the following (which I think is just a slightly longer more "indirect" way for WindowBuilder to achieve what you see in the two lines above. My code kinda reads like this:

JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane();
scrollPane.setBounds(23, 40, 394, 191);

JTextArea textArea_1 = new JTextArea();

Notice that WindowBuilder basically creates a JScrollPane called scrollpane (in the first three lines of code)...then it sets the viewportview by the following line: scrollPane.setViewportView(textArea_1). So in essence, this line is adding the textArea_1 in my code (which is obviously a JTextArea) to be added to my JScrollPane **which is precisely what coobird was talking about).

Hope this is helpful because I did not want the WindowBuilder Pro developers to get confused thinking that Coobird's advise was not correct or something.

Best Wishes to all and happy coding :)