[android] How to display image from URL on Android

I tried this code working for me,get image directly from url

      private class DownloadImageTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Bitmap> {
      ImageView bmImage;
      public DownloadImageTask(ImageView bmImage) {
          this.bmImage = bmImage;

      protected Bitmap doInBackground(String... urls) {
          String urldisplay = urls[0];
          Bitmap mIcon11 = null;
          try {
            InputStream in = new java.net.URL(urldisplay).openStream();
            mIcon11 = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in);
          } catch (Exception e) {
              Log.e("Error", e.getMessage());
          return mIcon11;

      protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap result) {

use inside onCreate() method

new DownloadImageTask((ImageView) findViewById(R.id.image)) .execute("http://scoopak.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/free-hd-natural-wallpapers-download-for-pc.jpg");

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