[c++] What is the copy-and-swap idiom?

What is this idiom and when should it be used? Which problems does it solve? Does the idiom change when C++11 is used?

Although it's been mentioned in many places, we didn't have any singular "what is it" question and answer, so here it is. Here is a partial list of places where it was previously mentioned:

The answer is

Assignment, at its heart, is two steps: tearing down the object's old state and building its new state as a copy of some other object's state.

Basically, that's what the destructor and the copy constructor do, so the first idea would be to delegate the work to them. However, since destruction mustn't fail, while construction might, we actually want to do it the other way around: first perform the constructive part and, if that succeeded, then do the destructive part. The copy-and-swap idiom is a way to do just that: It first calls a class' copy constructor to create a temporary object, then swaps its data with the temporary's, and then lets the temporary's destructor destroy the old state.
Since swap() is supposed to never fail, the only part which might fail is the copy-construction. That is performed first, and if it fails, nothing will be changed in the targeted object.

In its refined form, copy-and-swap is implemented by having the copy performed by initializing the (non-reference) parameter of the assignment operator:

T& operator=(T tmp)
    return *this;

This answer is more like an addition and a slight modification to the answers above.

In some versions of Visual Studio (and possibly other compilers) there is a bug that is really annoying and doesn't make sense. So if you declare/define your swap function like this:

friend void swap(A& first, A& second) {

    std::swap(first.size, second.size);
    std::swap(first.arr, second.arr);


... the compiler will yell at you when you call the swap function:

enter image description here

This has something to do with a friend function being called and this object being passed as a parameter.

A way around this is to not use friend keyword and redefine the swap function:

void swap(A& other) {

    std::swap(size, other.size);
    std::swap(arr, other.arr);


This time, you can just call swap and pass in other, thus making the compiler happy:

enter image description here

After all, you don't need to use a friend function to swap 2 objects. It makes just as much sense to make swap a member function that has one other object as a parameter.

You already have access to this object, so passing it in as a parameter is technically redundant.

There are some good answers already. I'll focus mainly on what I think they lack - an explanation of the "cons" with the copy-and-swap idiom....

What is the copy-and-swap idiom?

A way of implementing the assignment operator in terms of a swap function:

X& operator=(X rhs)
    return *this;

The fundamental idea is that:

  • the most error-prone part of assigning to an object is ensuring any resources the new state needs are acquired (e.g. memory, descriptors)

  • that acquisition can be attempted before modifying the current state of the object (i.e. *this) if a copy of the new value is made, which is why rhs is accepted by value (i.e. copied) rather than by reference

  • swapping the state of the local copy rhs and *this is usually relatively easy to do without potential failure/exceptions, given the local copy doesn't need any particular state afterwards (just needs state fit for the destructor to run, much as for an object being moved from in >= C++11)

When should it be used? (Which problems does it solve [/create]?)

  • When you want the assigned-to objected unaffected by an assignment that throws an exception, assuming you have or can write a swap with strong exception guarantee, and ideally one that can't fail/throw..†

  • When you want a clean, easy to understand, robust way to define the assignment operator in terms of (simpler) copy constructor, swap and destructor functions.

    • Self-assignment done as a copy-and-swap avoids oft-overlooked edge cases.‡

  • When any performance penalty or momentarily higher resource usage created by having an extra temporary object during the assignment is not important to your application. ?

swap throwing: it's generally possible to reliably swap data members that the objects track by pointer, but non-pointer data members that don't have a throw-free swap, or for which swapping has to be implemented as X tmp = lhs; lhs = rhs; rhs = tmp; and copy-construction or assignment may throw, still have the potential to fail leaving some data members swapped and others not. This potential applies even to C++03 std::string's as James comments on another answer:

@wilhelmtell: In C++03, there is no mention of exceptions potentially thrown by std::string::swap (which is called by std::swap). In C++0x, std::string::swap is noexcept and must not throw exceptions. – James McNellis Dec 22 '10 at 15:24

‡ assignment operator implementation that seems sane when assigning from a distinct object can easily fail for self-assignment. While it might seem unimaginable that client code would even attempt self-assignment, it can happen relatively easily during algo operations on containers, with x = f(x); code where f is (perhaps only for some #ifdef branches) a macro ala #define f(x) x or a function returning a reference to x, or even (likely inefficient but concise) code like x = c1 ? x * 2 : c2 ? x / 2 : x;). For example:

struct X
    T* p_;
    size_t size_;
    X& operator=(const X& rhs)
        delete[] p_;  // OUCH!
        p_ = new T[size_ = rhs.size_];
        std::copy(p_, rhs.p_, rhs.p_ + rhs.size_);

On self-assignment, the above code delete's x.p_;, points p_ at a newly allocated heap region, then attempts to read the uninitialised data therein (Undefined Behaviour), if that doesn't do anything too weird, copy attempts a self-assignment to every just-destructed 'T'!

? The copy-and-swap idiom can introduce inefficiencies or limitations due to the use of an extra temporary (when the operator's parameter is copy-constructed):

struct Client
    IP_Address ip_address_;
    int socket_;
    X(const X& rhs)
      : ip_address_(rhs.ip_address_), socket_(connect(rhs.ip_address_))
    { }

Here, a hand-written Client::operator= might check if *this is already connected to the same server as rhs (perhaps sending a "reset" code if useful), whereas the copy-and-swap approach would invoke the copy-constructor which would likely be written to open a distinct socket connection then close the original one. Not only could that mean a remote network interaction instead of a simple in-process variable copy, it could run afoul of client or server limits on socket resources or connections. (Of course this class has a pretty horrid interface, but that's another matter ;-P).

I would like to add a word of warning when you are dealing with C++11-style allocator-aware containers. Swapping and assignment have subtly different semantics.

For concreteness, let us consider a container std::vector<T, A>, where A is some stateful allocator type, and we'll compare the following functions:

void fs(std::vector<T, A> & a, std::vector<T, A> & b)
    b.clear(); // not important what you do with b

void fm(std::vector<T, A> & a, std::vector<T, A> & b)
    a = std::move(b);

The purpose of both functions fs and fm is to give a the state that b had initially. However, there is a hidden question: What happens if a.get_allocator() != b.get_allocator()? The answer is: It depends. Let's write AT = std::allocator_traits<A>.

  • If AT::propagate_on_container_move_assignment is std::true_type, then fm reassigns the allocator of a with the value of b.get_allocator(), otherwise it does not, and a continues to use its original allocator. In that case, the data elements need to be swapped individually, since the storage of a and b is not compatible.

  • If AT::propagate_on_container_swap is std::true_type, then fs swaps both data and allocators in the expected fashion.

  • If AT::propagate_on_container_swap is std::false_type, then we need a dynamic check.

    • If a.get_allocator() == b.get_allocator(), then the two containers use compatible storage, and swapping proceeds in the usual fashion.
    • However, if a.get_allocator() != b.get_allocator(), the program has undefined behaviour (cf. [container.requirements.general/8].

The upshot is that swapping has become a non-trivial operation in C++11 as soon as your container starts supporting stateful allocators. That's a somewhat "advanced use case", but it's not entirely unlikely, since move optimizations usually only become interesting once your class manages a resource, and memory is one of the most popular resources.

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