Programs & Examples On #Table per class

How to determine if binary tree is balanced?

This only determines if the top level of the tree is balanced. That is, you could have a tree with two long branches off the far left and far right, with nothing in the middle, and this would return true. You need to recursively check the root.left and root.right to see if they are internally balanced as well before returning true.

How can I get CMake to find my alternative Boost installation?

The short version

You only need BOOST_ROOT, but you're going to want to disable searching the system for your local Boost if you have multiple installations or cross-compiling for iOS or Android. In which case add Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS is set to false.

set( BOOST_ROOT "" CACHE PATH "Boost library path" )
set( Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS on CACHE BOOL "Do not search system for Boost" )

Normally this is passed on the CMake command-line using the syntax -D<VAR>=value.

The longer version

Officially speaking the FindBoost page states these variables should be used to 'hint' the location of Boost.

This module reads hints about search locations from variables:

BOOST_ROOT             - Preferred installation prefix
BOOST_INCLUDEDIR       - Preferred include directory e.g. <prefix>/include
BOOST_LIBRARYDIR       - Preferred library directory e.g. <prefix>/lib
Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS  - Set to ON to disable searching in locations not
                         specified by these hint variables. Default is OFF.
                       - List of Boost versions not known to this module
                         (Boost install locations may contain the version)

This makes a theoretically correct incantation:


When you compile from source

include( ExternalProject )

set( boost_URL "" )
set( boost_SHA1 "9f1dd4fa364a3e3156a77dc17aa562ef06404ff6" )
set( boost_INSTALL ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/third_party/boost )
set( boost_INCLUDE_DIR ${boost_INSTALL}/include )
set( boost_LIB_DIR ${boost_INSTALL}/lib )

ExternalProject_Add( boost
        PREFIX boost
        URL ${boost_URL}
        URL_HASH SHA1=${boost_SHA1}
        ./b2 install link=static variant=release threading=multi runtime-link=static
        INSTALL_DIR ${boost_INSTALL} )

set( Boost_LIBRARIES
        ${boost_LIB_DIR}/libboost_date_time.a )
message( STATUS "Boost static libs: " ${Boost_LIBRARIES} )

Then when you call this script you'll need to include the boost.cmake script (mine is in the a subdirectory), include the headers, indicate the dependency, and link the libraries.

include( boost )
include_directories( ${boost_INCLUDE_DIR} )
add_dependencies( MyProject boost )
target_link_libraries( MyProject
                       ${Boost_LIBRARIES} )

No module named 'openpyxl' - Python 3.4 - Ubuntu

You have to install it explixitly using the python package manager as

  1. pip install openpyxl for Python 2
  2. pip3 install openpyxl for Python 3

How to configure "Shorten command line" method for whole project in IntelliJ

The latest 2020 build doesn't have the shorten command line option by default we need to add that option from the configuration.

Run > Edit Configurations > Select the corresponding run configuration and click on Modify options for adding the shorten command-line configuration to the UI. enter image description here

Select the shorten command line option enter image description here

Now choose jar manifest from the shorten command line option enter image description here

How to make a class JSON serializable

This function uses recursion to iterate over every part of the dictionary and then calls the repr() methods of classes that are not build-in types.

def sterilize(obj):
    object_type = type(obj)
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        return {k: sterilize(v) for k, v in obj.items()}
    elif object_type in (list, tuple):
        return [sterilize(v) for v in obj]
    elif object_type in (str, int, bool, float):
        return obj
        return obj.__repr__()

Egit rejected non-fast-forward

Configure After pushing the code when you get a rejected message, click on configure and click Add spec as shown in this picture

Source ref and Destination ref Drop down and click on the ref/heads/yourbranchname and click on Add Spec again

enter image description here Make sure you select the force update

enter image description here Finally save and push the code to the repo

Python subprocess/Popen with a modified environment

To temporarily set an environment variable without having to copy the os.envrion object etc, I do this:

process = subprocess.Popen(['env', 'RSYNC_PASSWORD=foobar', 'rsync', \
'rsync://[email protected]::'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

SQLite3 database or disk is full / the database disk image is malformed

I use the following script for repairing malformed sqlite files:


cat <( sqlite3 "$1" .dump | grep "^ROLLBACK" -v ) <( echo "COMMIT;" ) | sqlite3 "fix_$1"

Most of the time when a sqlite database is malformed it is still possible to make a dump. This dump is basically a lot of SQL statements that rebuild the database.

Some rows might be missing from the dump (probably becasue they are corrupted). If this is the case the INSERT statements of the missing rows will be replaced with some comments and the script will end with a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION.

So what we do here is we make the dump (malformed rows are excluded) and we replace the ROLLBACK with a COMMIT so that the entire dump script will be committed in stead of rolled back.

This method saved my life a couple of 100 times already \o/

How to find a Java Memory Leak

Most of the time, in enterprise applications the Java heap given is larger than the ideal size of max 12 to 16 GB. I have found it hard to make the NetBeans profiler work directly on these big java apps.

But usually this is not needed. You can use the jmap utility that comes with the jdk to take a "live" heap dump , that is jmap will dump the heap after running GC. Do some operation on the application, wait till the operation is completed, then take another "live" heap dump. Use tools like Eclipse MAT to load the heapdumps, sort on the histogram, see which objects have increased, or which are the highest, This would give a clue.

su  proceeuser
/bin/jmap -dump:live,format=b,file=/tmp/2930javaheap.hrpof 2930(pid of process)

There is only one problem with this approach; Huge heap dumps, even with the live option, may be too big to transfer out to development lap, and may need a machine with enough memory/RAM to open.

That is where the class histogram comes into picture. You can dump a live class histogram with the jmap tool. This will give only the class histogram of memory usage.Basically it won't have the information to chain the reference. For example it may put char array at the top. And String class somewhere below. You have to draw the connection yourself.

jdk/jdk1.6.0_38/bin/jmap -histo:live 60030 > /tmp/60030istolive1330.txt

Instead of taking two heap dumps, take two class histograms, like as described above; Then compare the class histograms and see the classes that are increasing. See if you can relate the Java classes to your application classes. This will give a pretty good hint. Here is a pythons script that can help you compare two jmap histogram dumps.

Finally tools like JConolse and VisualVm are essential to see the memory growth over time, and see if there is a memory leak. Finally sometimes your problem may not be a memory leak , but high memory usage.For this enable GC logging;use a more advanced and new compacting GC like G1GC; and you can use jdk tools like jstat to see the GC behaviour live

jstat -gccause pid <optional time interval>

Other referecences to google for -jhat, jmap, Full GC, Humongous allocation, G1GC

Python, how to check if a result set is empty?

I had issues with rowcount always returning -1 no matter what solution I tried.

I found the following a good replacement to check for a null result.

c.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=?", (id_num,))
row = c.fetchone()
if row == None:
   print("There are no results for this query")

How to emulate a BEFORE INSERT trigger in T-SQL / SQL Server for super/subtype (Inheritance) entities?

Sometimes a BEFORE trigger can be replaced with an AFTER one, but this doesn't appear to be the case in your situation, for you clearly need to provide a value before the insert takes place. So, for that purpose, the closest functionality would seem to be the INSTEAD OF trigger one, as @marc_s has suggested in his comment.

Note, however, that, as the names of these two trigger types suggest, there's a fundamental difference between a BEFORE trigger and an INSTEAD OF one. While in both cases the trigger is executed at the time when the action determined by the statement that's invoked the trigger hasn't taken place, in case of the INSTEAD OF trigger the action is never supposed to take place at all. The real action that you need to be done must be done by the trigger itself. This is very unlike the BEFORE trigger functionality, where the statement is always due to execute, unless, of course, you explicitly roll it back.

But there's one other issue to address actually. As your Oracle script reveals, the trigger you need to convert uses another feature unsupported by SQL Server, which is that of FOR EACH ROW. There are no per-row triggers in SQL Server either, only per-statement ones. That means that you need to always keep in mind that the inserted data are a row set, not just a single row. That adds more complexity, although that'll probably conclude the list of things you need to account for.

So, it's really two things to solve then:

  • replace the BEFORE functionality;

  • replace the FOR EACH ROW functionality.

My attempt at solving these is below:

ON sub1
  DECLARE @new_super TABLE (
    super_id int
  INSERT INTO super (subtype_discriminator)
  OUTPUT INSERTED.super_id INTO @new_super (super_id)

  INSERT INTO sub (super_id)
  SELECT super_id FROM @new_super;

This is how the above works:

  1. The same number of rows as being inserted into sub1 is first added to super. The generated super_id values are stored in a temporary storage (a table variable called @new_super).

  2. The newly inserted super_ids are now inserted into sub1.

Nothing too difficult really, but the above will only work if you have no other columns in sub1 than those you've specified in your question. If there are other columns, the above trigger will need to be a bit more complex.

The problem is to assign the new super_ids to every inserted row individually. One way to implement the mapping could be like below:

ON sub1
  DECLARE @new_super TABLE (
    rownum   int IDENTITY (1, 1),
    super_id int
  INSERT INTO super (subtype_discriminator)
  OUTPUT INSERTED.super_id INTO @new_super (super_id)

  WITH enumerated AS (
    FROM inserted
  INSERT INTO sub1 (super_id, other columns)
  SELECT n.super_id, i.other columns
  FROM enumerated AS i
  INNER JOIN @new_super AS n
  ON i.rownum = n.rownum;

As you can see, an IDENTIY(1,1) column is added to @new_user, so the temporarily inserted super_id values will additionally be enumerated starting from 1. To provide the mapping between the new super_ids and the new data rows, the ROW_NUMBER function is used to enumerate the INSERTED rows as well. As a result, every row in the INSERTED set can now be linked to a single super_id and thus complemented to a full data row to be inserted into sub1.

Note that the order in which the new super_ids are inserted may not match the order in which they are assigned. I considered that a no-issue. All the new super rows generated are identical save for the IDs. So, all you need here is just to take one new super_id per new sub1 row.

If, however, the logic of inserting into super is more complex and for some reason you need to remember precisely which new super_id has been generated for which new sub row, you'll probably want to consider the mapping method discussed in this Stack Overflow question:

Difference between OpenJDK and Adoptium/AdoptOpenJDK

Update: AdoptOpenJDK has changed its name to Adoptium, as part of its move to the Eclipse Foundation.

OpenJDK ? source code
Adoptium/AdoptOpenJDK ? builds

Difference between OpenJDK and AdoptOpenJDK

The first provides source-code, the other provides builds of that source-code.

Several vendors of Java & OpenJDK

Adoptium of the Eclipse Foundation, formerly known as AdoptOpenJDK, is only one of several vendors distributing implementations of the Java platform. These include:

  • Eclipse Foundation (Adoptium/AdoptOpenJDK)
  • Azul Systems
  • Oracle
  • Red Hat / IBM
  • BellSoft
  • SAP
  • Amazon AWS
  • … and more

See this flowchart of mine to help guide you in picking a vendor for an implementation of the Java platform. Click/tap to zoom.

Flowchart guiding you in choosing a vendor for a Java 11 implementation

Another resource: This comparison matrix by Azul Systems is useful, and seems true and fair to my mind.

Here is a list of considerations and motivations to consider in choosing a vendor and implementation.

Motivations in choosing a vendor for Java

Some vendors offer you a choice of JIT technologies.

Diagram showing history of HotSpot & JRockit merging, and OpenJ9 both available in AdoptOpenJDK

To understand more about this Java ecosystem, read Java Is Still Free

What is a "static" function in C?

There is a big difference between static functions in C and static member functions in C++. In C, a static function is not visible outside of its translation unit, which is the object file it is compiled into. In other words, making a function static limits its scope. You can think of a static function as being "private" to its *.c file (although that is not strictly correct).

In C++, "static" can also apply to member functions and data members of classes. A static data member is also called a "class variable", while a non-static data member is an "instance variable". This is Smalltalk terminology. This means that there is only one copy of a static data member shared by all objects of a class, while each object has its own copy of a non-static data member. So a static data member is essentially a global variable, that is a member of a class.

Non-static member functions can access all data members of the class: static and non-static. Static member functions can only operate on the static data members.

One way to think about this is that in C++ static data members and static member functions do not belong to any object, but to the entire class.

Google Maps API v2: How to make markers clickable?

Step 1
public class TopAttractions extends Fragment implements OnMapReadyCallback, 

Step 2

Step 3
public boolean onMarkerClick(Marker marker) {
    if(marker.getTitle().equals("sharm el-shek"))
        Toast.makeText(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), "Hamdy", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    return false;

Find string between two substrings

source='your token _here0@df and maybe _here1@df or maybe _here2@df'
for par in tmp:
  if end_sep in par:

print result

must show: here0, here1, here2

the regex is better but it will require additional lib an you may want to go for python only

Directing print output to a .txt file

Another method without having to update your Python code at all, would be to redirect via the console.

Basically, have your Python script print() as usual, then call the script from the command line and use command line redirection. Like this:

$ python ./ > output.txt

Your output.txt file will now contain all output from your Python script.

To address the comment; for Windows, change the forward-slash to a backslash.
(i.e. .\

All libraries must use the exact same version specification

You can solve this with one of the following solutions:


As of Android studio 3.0, it becomes much easier as it now shows a more helpful hint, so we only need to follow this hint.
for example: 1]

All libraries must use the exact same version specification (mixing versions can lead to runtime crashes). Found versions 27.0.2, 26.1.0. Examples include and

there are some combinations of libraries, or tools and libraries, that are incompatible, or can lead to bugs. One such incompatibility is compiling with a version of the Android support libraries that is not the latest version (or in particular, a version lower than your targetSdkVersion.)

Add explicitly the library with the old version but with a new version number.
in my case so I need to add:

implementation ""  

ie: Take the library from the second item, and implement it with the version number from the first.

Note: don't forget to press sync now so gradle can rebuild the dependency graph and see if there are any more conflicts.

you may be confused by the error message as don't use customtabs so how I have a conflict!!
well.. you didn't use it directly but one of your libraries uses an old version of customtabs internally, so you need to ask for it directly.

if you curious to know which of your libraries is responsible for the old version and maybe ask the author to update his lib, Run a Gradle dependency report, see the old answer to know how.

Note this

Old answer:

inspired by CommonsWare answer:

Run a Gradle dependency report to see what your full tree of dependencies is.

From there, you will see which one of your libraries are asking for a different version of the Android Support libraries. For whatever it is asking for, you can ask for it directly with the 25.2.0 version or use Gradle's other conflict resolution approaches to get the same versions.


As of gradle plugin version: 3.0 compile has been replaced by implementation or api see this answer for the difference.

hence use instead:

./gradlew -q dependencies app:dependencies --configuration debugAndroidTestCompileClasspath

or for windows cmd:

gradlew -q dependencies app:dependencies --configuration debugAndroidTestCompileClasspath

and search for the conflicted version.

For me, the error disappeared after removing

And only include and as they are the only two play services that I use.

I think the gms:play-services depend on some old components of the support library, so we need to add them explicitly ourselves.

for AS 3.0 an older.


./gradlew -q dependencies <module-name>:dependencies --configuration implementation


./gradlew -q dependencies app:dependencies --configuration implementation

if someone knows a better way in the new gradle plugin please let me know.

How to get row count in sqlite using Android?

In order to query a table for the number of rows in that table, you want your query to be as efficient as possible. Reference.

Use something like this:

 * Query the Number of Entries in a Sqlite Table
 * */
public long QueryNumEntries()
    SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase();
    return DatabaseUtils.queryNumEntries(db, "table_name");

"Android library projects cannot be launched"?

With Me I had the library ticked under Eclipse>Project Properties>Android what I just did was uncheck the ticked library.

What's the difference between OpenID and OAuth?

OpenID is about authentication (ie. proving who you are), OAuth is about authorisation (ie. to grant access to functionality/data/etc.. without having to deal with the original authentication).

OAuth could be used in external partner sites to allow access to protected data without them having to re-authenticate a user.

The blog post "OpenID versus OAuth from the user’s perspective" has a simple comparison of the two from the user's perspective and "OAuth-OpenID: You’re Barking Up the Wrong Tree if you Think They’re the Same Thing" has more information about it.

Django: Calling .update() on a single model instance retrieved by .get()?

Here's a mixin that you can mix into any model class which gives each instance an update method:

class UpdateMixin(object):
    def update(self, **kwargs):
        if self._state.adding:
            raise self.DoesNotExist
        for field, value in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, field, value)

The self._state.adding check checks to see if the model is saved to the database, and if not, raises an error.

(Note: This update method is for when you want to update a model and you know the instance is already saved to the database, directly answering the original question. The built-in update_or_create method featured in Platinum Azure's answer already covers the other use-case.)

You would use it like this (after mixing this into your user model):

user = request.user

Besides having a nicer API, another advantage to this approach is that it calls the pre_save and post_save hooks, while still avoiding atomicity issues if another process is updating the same model.

log4j vs logback

Your decision should be based on

  • your actual need for these "more features"; and
  • your expected cost of implementing the change.

You should resist the urge to change APIs just because it's "newer, shinier, better." I follow a policy of "if it's not broken, don't kick it."

If your application requires a very sophisticated logging framework, you may want to consider why.

Calculating Distance between two Latitude and Longitude GeoCoordinates

When CPU/math computing power is limited:

There are times (such as in my work) when computing power is scarce (e.g. no floating point processor, working with small microcontrollers) where some trig functions can take an exorbitant amount of CPU time (e.g. 3000+ clock cycles), so when I only need an approximation, especially if if the CPU must not be tied up for a long time, I use this to minimize CPU overhead:

 * \brief  Great Circle distance approximation in km over short distances.
 * Can be off by as much as 10%.
 * approx_distance_in_mi = sqrt(x * x + y * y)
 * where x = 69.1 * (lat2 - lat1)
 * and y = 69.1 * (lon2 - lon1) * cos(lat1/57.3)
double    ApproximateDisatanceBetweenTwoLatLonsInKm(
                  double lat1, double lon1,
                  double lat2, double lon2
                  ) {
    double  ldRadians, ldCosR, x, y;

    ldRadians = (lat1 / 57.3) * 0.017453292519943295769236907684886;
    ldCosR = cos(ldRadians);
    x = 69.1 * (lat2 - lat1);
    y = 69.1 * (lon2 - lon1) * ldCosR;

    return sqrt(x * x + y * y) * 1.609344;  /* Converts mi to km. */

Credit goes to

How to open the Chrome Developer Tools in a new window?

Just type ctrl+shift+I in google chrome & you will land in an isolated developer window.

ASP.NET set hiddenfield a value in Javascript

My understanding is if you set controls.Visible = false during initial page load, it doesn't get rendered in the client response. My suggestion to solve your problem is

Don't use placeholder, judging from the scenario, you don't really need a placeholder, unless you need to dynamically add controls on the server side. Use div, without runat=server. You can always controls the visiblity of that div using css. If you need to add controls dynamically later, use placeholder, but don't set visible = false. Placeholder won't have any display anyway, Set the visibility of that placeholder using css. Here's how to do it programmactically :

placeholderId.Attributes["style"] = "display:none";

Anyway, as other have stated, your problems occurs because once you set control.visible = false, it doesn't get rendered in the client response.

Redis command to get all available keys?

Take a look at following Redis Cheat Sheet. To get a subset of redis keys with the redis-cli i use the command

KEYS "prefix:*"

How to pass command line arguments to a shell alias?

This works in ksh:

$ alias -x mkcd="mkdir \$dirname; cd \$dirname;"
$ alias mkcd
mkcd='mkdir $dirname; cd $dirname;'
$ dirname=aaa 
$ pwd
$ mkcd
$ pwd

The "-x" option make the alias "exported" - alias is visible in subshells.

And be aware of fact that aliases defined in a script are not visible in that script (because aliases are expanded when a script is loaded, not when a line is interpreted). This can be solved with executing another script file in same shell (using dot).

How to unzip a file in Powershell?

Here is a simple way using ExtractToDirectory from System.IO.Compression.ZipFile:

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
function Unzip
    param([string]$zipfile, [string]$outpath)

    [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipfile, $outpath)

Unzip "C:\" "C:\a"

Note that if the target folder doesn't exist, ExtractToDirectory will create it. Other caveats:

See also:

Selecting multiple items in ListView

This example stores the values you have checked and displays them in a toast. And it updates when you uncheck items

How to print time in format: 2009-08-10 18:17:54.811

None of the solutions on this page worked for me, I mixed them up and made them working with Windows and Visual Studio 2019, Here's How :

#include <Windows.h>
#include <time.h> 
#include <chrono>

static int gettimeofday(struct timeval* tp, struct timezone* tzp) {
    namespace sc = std::chrono;
    sc::system_clock::duration d = sc::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch();
    sc::seconds s = sc::duration_cast<sc::seconds>(d);
    tp->tv_sec = s.count();
    tp->tv_usec = sc::duration_cast<sc::microseconds>(d - s).count();
    return 0;

static char* getFormattedTime() {
    static char buffer[26];

    // For Miliseconds
    int millisec;
    struct tm* tm_info;
    struct timeval tv;

    // For Time
    time_t rawtime;
    struct tm* timeinfo;

    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);

    millisec = lrint(tv.tv_usec / 1000.0);
    if (millisec >= 1000) 
        millisec -= 1000;

    timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);

    strftime(buffer, 26, "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S", timeinfo);
    sprintf_s(buffer, 26, "%s.%03d", buffer, millisec);

    return buffer;

Result :

2020:08:02 06:41:59.107

2020:08:02 06:41:59.196

How to generate javadoc comments in Android Studio

i recommendated Dokka for geneate javadoc with comment and more

app-release-unsigned.apk is not signed

adding below lines of code in build.gradel file worked for me, add them under buildTypes block below release as shown

buildTypes {
    release {
        minifyEnabled false
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
    debug {
        applicationIdSuffix ".debug"
        debuggable true

Why do we use arrays instead of other data structures?

Time to go back in time for a lesson. While we don't think about these things much in our fancy managed languages today, they are built on the same foundation, so let's look at how memory is managed in C.

Before I dive in, a quick explanation of what the term "pointer" means. A pointer is simply a variable that "points" to a location in memory. It doesn't contain the actual value at this area of memory, it contains the memory address to it. Think of a block of memory as a mailbox. The pointer would be the address to that mailbox.

In C, an array is simply a pointer with an offset, the offset specifies how far in memory to look. This provides O(1) access time.

  MyArray   [5]
     ^       ^
  Pointer  Offset

All other data structures either build upon this, or do not use adjacent memory for storage, resulting in poor random access look up time (Though there are other benefits to not using sequential memory).

For example, let's say we have an array with 6 numbers (6,4,2,3,1,5) in it, in memory it would look like this:

|  6  |  4  |  2  |  3  |  1  |  5  |

In an array, we know that each element is next to each other in memory. A C array (Called MyArray here) is simply a pointer to the first element:

|  6  |  4  |  2  |  3  |  1  |  5  |

If we wanted to look up MyArray[4], internally it would be accessed like this:

   0     1     2     3     4 
|  6  |  4  |  2  |  3  |  1  |  5  |
MyArray + 4 ---------------/
(Pointer + Offset)

Because we can directly access any element in the array by adding the offset to the pointer, we can look up any element in the same amount of time, regardless of the size of the array. This means that getting MyArray[1000] would take the same amount of time as getting MyArray[5].

An alternative data structure is a linked list. This is a linear list of pointers, each pointing to the next node

========    ========    ========    ========    ========
| Data |    | Data |    | Data |    | Data |    | Data |
|      | -> |      | -> |      | -> |      | -> |      | 
|  P1  |    |  P2  |    |  P3  |    |  P4  |    |  P5  |        
========    ========    ========    ========    ========

P(X) stands for Pointer to next node.

Note that I made each "node" into its own block. This is because they are not guaranteed to be (and most likely won't be) adjacent in memory.

If I want to access P3, I can't directly access it, because I don't know where it is in memory. All I know is where the root (P1) is, so instead I have to start at P1, and follow each pointer to the desired node.

This is a O(N) look up time (The look up cost increases as each element is added). It is much more expensive to get to P1000 compared to getting to P4.

Higher level data structures, such as hashtables, stacks and queues, all may use an array (or multiple arrays) internally, while Linked Lists and Binary Trees usually use nodes and pointers.

You might wonder why anyone would use a data structure that requires linear traversal to look up a value instead of just using an array, but they have their uses.

Take our array again. This time, I want to find the array element that holds the value '5'.

|  6  |  4  |  2  |  3  |  1  |  5  |
   ^     ^     ^     ^     ^   FOUND!

In this situation, I don't know what offset to add to the pointer to find it, so I have to start at 0, and work my way up until I find it. This means I have to perform 6 checks.

Because of this, searching for a value in an array is considered O(N). The cost of searching increases as the array gets larger.

Remember up above where I said that sometimes using a non sequential data structure can have advantages? Searching for data is one of these advantages and one of the best examples is the Binary Tree.

A Binary Tree is a data structure similar to a linked list, however instead of linking to a single node, each node can link to two children nodes.

         |  Root  |         
        /          \ 
  =========       =========
  | Child |       | Child |
  =========       =========
                  /       \
            =========    =========
            | Child |    | Child |
            =========    =========

 Assume that each connector is really a Pointer

When data is inserted into a binary tree, it uses several rules to decide where to place the new node. The basic concept is that if the new value is greater than the parents, it inserts it to the left, if it is lower, it inserts it to the right.

This means that the values in a binary tree could look like this:

         |   100  |         
        /          \ 
  =========       =========
  |  200  |       |   50  |
  =========       =========
                  /       \
            =========    =========
            |   75  |    |   25  |
            =========    =========

When searching a binary tree for the value of 75, we only need to visit 3 nodes ( O(log N) ) because of this structure:

  • Is 75 less than 100? Look at Right Node
  • Is 75 greater than 50? Look at Left Node
  • There is the 75!

Even though there are 5 nodes in our tree, we did not need to look at the remaining two, because we knew that they (and their children) could not possibly contain the value we were looking for. This gives us a search time that at worst case means we have to visit every node, but in the best case we only have to visit a small portion of the nodes.

That is where arrays get beat, they provide a linear O(N) search time, despite O(1) access time.

This is an incredibly high level overview on data structures in memory, skipping over a lot of details, but hopefully it illustrates an array's strength and weakness compared to other data structures.

Can you have multiline HTML5 placeholder text in a <textarea>?

On most (see details below) browsers, editing the placeholder in javascript allows multiline placeholder. As it has been said, it's not compliant with the specification and you shouldn't expect it to work in the future (edit: it does work).

This example replaces all multiline textarea's placeholder.

var textAreas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');, function(elem) {
    elem.placeholder = elem.placeholder.replace(/\\n/g, '\n');
<textarea class="textAreaMultiline" 
          placeholder="Hello, \nThis is multiline example \n\nHave Fun"
          rows="5" cols="35"></textarea>

JsFiddle snippet.

Expected result

Expected result

Based on comments it seems some browser accepts this hack and others don't.
This is the results of tests I ran (with browsertshots and browserstack)

  • Chrome: >= 35.0.1916.69
  • Firefox: >= 35.0 (results varies on platform)
  • IE: >= 10
  • KHTML based browsers: 4.8
  • Safari: No (tested = Safari 8.0.6 Mac OS X 10.8)
  • Opera: No (tested <= 15.0.1147.72)

Fused with theses statistics, this means that it works on about 88.7% of currently (Oct 2015) used browsers.

Update: Today, it works on at least 94.4% of currently (July 2018) used browsers.

brew install mysql on macOS

I think one can end up in this position with older versions of mysql already installed. I had the same problem and none of the above solutions worked for me. I fixed it thus:

Used brew's remove & cleanup commands, unloaded the launchctl script, then deleted the mysql directory in /usr/local/var, deleted my existing /etc/my.cnf (leave that one up to you, should it apply) and launchctl plist

Updated the string for the plist. Note also your alternate security script directory will be based on which version of MySQL you are installing.


brew remove mysql

brew cleanup

launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist

rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist

sudo rm -rf /usr/local/var/mysql

I then started from scratch:

  1. installed mysql with brew install mysql
  2. ran the commands brew suggested: (see note: below)

    unset TMPDIR
    mysql_install_db --verbose --user=`whoami` --basedir="$(brew --prefix mysql)" --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql --tmpdir=/tmp
  3. Start mysql with mysql.server start command, to be able to log on it

  4. Used the alternate security script:

  5. Followed the launchctl section from the brew package script output such as,

    launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist
    launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist

Note: the --force bit on brew cleanup will also cleanup outdated kegs, think it's a new-ish homebrew feature.

Note the second: a commenter says step 2 is not required. I don't want to test it, so YMMV!

How do I get the serial key for Visual Studio Express?

I have an improvement on the answer @DewiMorgan gave for VS 2008 express. I have since confirmed it also works on VS 2005 express.
It lets you run the software without it EVER requiring registration, and also makes it so you don't have to manually delete the key every 30 days. It does this by preventing the key from ever being written.

(Deleting the correct key can also let you avoid registering VS 2015 "Community Edition," but using permissions to prevent the key being written will make the IDE crash, so I haven't found a great solution for it yet.)

The directions assume Visual C# Express 2008, but this works on all the other visual studio express apps I can find.

  1. Open regedit, head to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VCSExpress\9.0\Registration.
  2. Delete the value Params. picture of me deleting the value 'Params' in the registry.
  3. Right click on the key 'Registration' in the tree, and click permissions.
  4. Click Advanced...
  5. Go to the permissions tab, and uncheck the box labeled Inherit from parent the permission entries that apply to child objects. Include these with entries explicitly defined here. me unchecking the box
  6. In the dialog that opens, click copy.
    the security dialog that pops up
    Note that in Windows 7 (and 8/8.1, I think), it appears the copy button was renamed to add, as in add inherited permissions as explicit permissions.

    In Windows 10, it appears things changed again. @ravuya says that you might have to manually re-create some of the permissions, as the registry editor no longer offers this exact functionality directly. I don't use Windows very much anymore, so I'll defer to them:

    On Win10, there is a button called "Disable Inheritance" that does the same thing as the checkbox mentioned in step 5. It is necessary to create new permissions just for Registration, instead of inheriting those permissions from an upstream registry key.

  7. Hit OK in the 'Advanced' window.
  8. Back in the first permissions window, click your user, and uncheck Full Control. Me unchecking 'full control'

  9. Do the same thing for the Administrators group. Me unchecking 'full control' for the Administrators group

  10. Hit OK or Apply. Congratulations, you will never again be plagued by the registration nag, and just like WinRAR, your trial will never expire.

You may have to do the same thing for other (non-Visual C#) programs, like Visual Basic express or Visual C++ express.

It has been reported by @IronManMark20 in the comments that simply deleting the registry key works and that Visual Studio does not attempt to re-create the key. I am not sure if I believe this because when I installed VS on a clean windows installation, the key was not created until I ran VS at least once. But for what it's worth, that may be an option as well.

How can I create database tables from XSD files?

Create a Java Model using Axis wsdl2java (which can take in .xsd files).

Use a database generation tool for Java that takes in a Java Model. Surely something like Hibernate can do this? I wrote my own tool (takes a couple of days, also generates CRUD code in Java too) to save myself time at work, maybe this would be a nice personal project?

Or just do it manually so that you can check everything is correct and good! Database tools are good enough now that you can zip through creating tables for a model without too many problems.

Interview Question: Merge two sorted singly linked lists without creating new nodes

public static Node merge(Node h1, Node h2) {

    Node h3 = new Node(0);
    Node current = h3;

    boolean isH1Left = false;
    boolean isH2Left = false;

    while (h1 != null || h2 != null) {
        if ( <= {
   = h1;
            h1 =;
        } else {
   = h2;
            h2 =;
        current =;

        if (h2 == null && h1 != null) {
            isH1Left = true;

        if (h1 == null && h2 != null) {
            isH2Left = true;

    if (isH1Left) {
        while (h1 != null) {
   = h1;
            current =;
            h1 =;

    if (isH2Left) {
        while (h2 != null) {
   = h2;
            current =;
            h2 =;

    h3 =;

    return h3;

Child with max-height: 100% overflows parent

I found a solution here:

The trick is possible because it exists a relation between WIDTH and PADDING-BOTTOM of an element. So:


container {
  height: 0;
  padding-bottom: 66%; /* for a 4:3 container size */

child (remove all css related to width, i.e. width:100%):

img {
  max-height: 100%;
  max-width: 100%;
  position: absolute;     
  margin:0 auto; /* center */
  left:0;        /* center */
  right:0;       /* center */

What is the difference between RTP or RTSP in a streaming server?

Some basics:

RTSP server can be used for dead source as well as for live source. RTSP protocols provides you commands (Like your VCR Remote), and functionality depends upon your implementation.

RTP is real time protocol used for transporting audio and video in real time. Transport used can be unicast, multicast or broadcast, depending upon transport address and port. Besides transporting RTP does lots of things for you like packetization, reordering, jitter control, QoS, support for Lip sync.....

In your case if you want broadcasting streaming server then you need both RTSP (for control) as well as RTP (broadcasting audio and video)

To start with you can go through sample code provided by live555

Get all table names of a particular database by SQL query?

USE dbName;

WHERE (TABLE_SCHEMA = 'dbName' OR TABLE_SCHEMA = 'schemaName')

If you are working with multiple schemata on an MS SQL server, then SELECT-ing TABLE_NAME without also simultaneously selecting TABLE_SCHEMA might be of limited benefit, so I have assumed we are interested in the tables belonging to a known schema when using MS SQL Server.

I have tested the query above with SQL Server Management Studio using an SQL Server database of mine and with MySQL Workbench using a MySQL database, and in both cases it gives the table names.

The query bodges Michael Baylon's two different queries into one that can then run on either database type. The first part of the WHERE clause works on MySQL databases and the second part (after the OR) works on MS SQL Server databases. It is ugly and logically a little incorrect as it supposes that there is no undesired schema with the same name as the database. This might help someone who is looking for one single query that can run on either database server.

CSS Layout - Dynamic width DIV


<div style="width:100%;">
    <div style="width:50px; float: left;"><img src="myleftimage" /></div>
    <div style="width:50px; float: right;"><img src="myrightimage" /></div>
    <div style="display:block; margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto;">Content Goes Here</div>


<div style="width:100%; border:2px solid #dadada;">
    <div style="width:50px; float: left;"><img src="myleftimage" /></div>
    <div style="width:50px; float: right;"><img src="myrightimage" /></div>
    <div style="display:block; margin-left:auto; margin-right: auto;">Content Goes Here</div>
<div style="clear:both"></div>    

Python, Unicode, and the Windows console

Kind of related on the answer by J. F. Sebastian, but more direct.

If you are having this problem when printing to the console/terminal, then do this:


How to export the Html Tables data into PDF using Jspdf

Just follow these steps i can assure pdf file will be generated


    <title>Exporting table data to pdf Example</title>

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jspdf.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/from_html.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/split_text_to_size.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/standard_fonts_metrics.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/cell.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/FileSaver.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {

            $("#exportpdf").click(function() {
                var pdf = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'ledger');
                // source can be HTML-formatted string, or a reference
                // to an actual DOM element from which the text will be scraped.
                source = $('#yourTableIdName')[0];

                // we support special element handlers. Register them with jQuery-style 
                // ID selector for either ID or node name. ("#iAmID", "div", "span" etc.)
                // There is no support for any other type of selectors 
                // (class, of compound) at this time.
                specialElementHandlers = {
                    // element with id of "bypass" - jQuery style selector
                    '#bypassme' : function(element, renderer) {
                        // true = "handled elsewhere, bypass text extraction"
                        return true
                margins = {
                    top : 80,
                    bottom : 60,
                    left : 60,
                    width : 522
                // all coords and widths are in jsPDF instance's declared units
                // 'inches' in this case
                pdf.fromHTML(source, // HTML string or DOM elem ref.
                margins.left, // x coord
      , { // y coord
                    'width' : margins.width, // max width of content on PDF
                    'elementHandlers' : specialElementHandlers

                function(dispose) {
                    // dispose: object with X, Y of the last line add to the PDF 
                    //          this allow the insertion of new lines after html
                }, margins);

    <div id="yourTableIdName">
        <table style="width: 1020px;font-size: 12px;" border="1">
                <tr align="left">


                <tr align="left">
<tr align="left">
                </tr><tr align="left">
                </tr><tr align="left">
                </tr><tr align="left">
                </tr><tr align="left">
                </tr><tr align="left">

        <input type="button" id="exportpdf" value="Download PDF">




Html file output: html output

Pdf file output: pdf output

Where can I find a list of keyboard keycodes?

I know this was asked awhile back, but I found a comprehensive list of the virtual keyboard key codes right in MSDN, for use in C/C++. This also includes the mouse events. Note it is different than the javascript key codes (I noticed it around the VK_OEM section).

Here's the link:

Function ereg_replace() is deprecated - How to clear this bug?

IIRC they suggest using the preg_ functions instead (in this case, preg_replace).

sqlalchemy IS NOT NULL select

In case anyone else is wondering, you can use is_ to generate foo IS NULL:

>>> from sqlalchemy.sql import column
>>> print column('foo').is_(None)
>>> print column('foo').isnot(None)

How to get the first element of an array?

Using ES6 destructuring

let [first] = [1,2,3];

Which is the same as

let first = [1,2,3][0];

Python: Select subset from list based on index set

I see 2 options.

  1. Using numpy:

    property_a = numpy.array([545., 656., 5.4, 33.])
    property_b = numpy.array([ 1.2,  1.3, 2.3, 0.3])
    good_objects = [True, False, False, True]
    good_indices = [0, 3]
    property_asel = property_a[good_objects]
    property_bsel = property_b[good_indices]
  2. Using a list comprehension and zip it:

    property_a = [545., 656., 5.4, 33.]
    property_b = [ 1.2,  1.3, 2.3, 0.3]
    good_objects = [True, False, False, True]
    good_indices = [0, 3]
    property_asel = [x for x, y in zip(property_a, good_objects) if y]
    property_bsel = [property_b[i] for i in good_indices]

IN vs OR in the SQL WHERE Clause

I think oracle is smart enough to convert the less efficient one (whichever that is) into the other. So I think the answer should rather depend on the readability of each (where I think that IN clearly wins)

Web-scraping JavaScript page with Python

Maybe selenium can do it.

from selenium import webdriver
import time

driver = webdriver.Firefox()
htmlSource = driver.page_source

jQuery AJAX cross domain

It is true that the same-origin policy prevents JavaScript from making requests across domains, but the CORS specification allows just the sort of API access you are looking for, and is supported by the current batch of major browsers.

See how to enable cross-origin resource sharing for client and server:

"Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a specification that enables truly open access across domain-boundaries. If you serve public content, please consider using CORS to open it up for universal JavaScript/browser access."

Flattening a shallow list in Python

What about:

from operator import add
reduce(add, map(lambda x: list(x.image_set.all()), [mi for mi in list_of_menuitems]))

But, Guido is recommending against performing too much in a single line of code since it reduces readability. There is minimal, if any, performance gain by performing what you want in a single line vs. multiple lines.

Best way to select random rows PostgreSQL

You can examine and compare the execution plan of both by using

EXPLAIN select * from table where random() < 0.01;
EXPLAIN select * from table order by random() limit 1000;

A quick test on a large table1 shows, that the ORDER BY first sorts the complete table and then picks the first 1000 items. Sorting a large table not only reads that table but also involves reading and writing temporary files. The where random() < 0.1 only scans the complete table once.

For large tables this might not what you want as even one complete table scan might take to long.

A third proposal would be

select * from table where random() < 0.01 limit 1000;

This one stops the table scan as soon as 1000 rows have been found and therefore returns sooner. Of course this bogs down the randomness a bit, but perhaps this is good enough in your case.

Edit: Besides of this considerations, you might check out the already asked questions for this. Using the query [postgresql] random returns quite a few hits.

And a linked article of depez outlining several more approaches:

1 "large" as in "the complete table will not fit into the memory".

Should IBOutlets be strong or weak under ARC?

In iOS development NIB loading is a little bit different from Mac development.

In Mac development an IBOutlet is usually a weak reference: if you have a subclass of NSViewController only the top-level view will be retained and when you dealloc the controller all its subviews and outlets are freed automatically.

UiViewController use Key Value Coding to set the outlets using strong references. So when you dealloc your UIViewController, the top view will automatically deallocated, but you must also deallocate all its outlets in the dealloc method.

In this post from the Big Nerd Ranch, they cover this topic and also explain why using a strong reference in IBOutlet is not a good choice (even if it is recommended by Apple in this case).

How do you performance test JavaScript code?

Here is a simple function that displays the execution time of a passed in function:

var perf = function(testName, fn) {
    var startTime = new Date().getTime();
    var endTime = new Date().getTime();
    console.log(testName + ": " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms");

What is mutex and semaphore in Java ? What is the main difference?

Mutex is basically mutual exclusion. Only one thread can acquire the resource at once. When one thread acquires the resource, no other thread is allowed to acquire the resource until the thread owning the resource releases. All threads waiting for acquiring resource would be blocked.

Semaphore is used to control the number of threads executing. There will be fixed set of resources. The resource count will gets decremented every time when a thread owns the same. When the semaphore count reaches 0 then no other threads are allowed to acquire the resource. The threads get blocked till other threads owning resource releases.

In short, the main difference is how many threads are allowed to acquire the resource at once ?

  • Mutex --its ONE.
  • Semaphore -- its DEFINED_COUNT, ( as many as semaphore count)


See (search the page for "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY") (archive link for posterity, just in case).

BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY is PKCS#1 and is just an RSA key. It is essentially just the key object from PKCS#8, but without the version or algorithm identifier in front. BEGIN PRIVATE KEY is PKCS#8 and indicates that the key type is included in the key data itself. From the link:

The unencrypted PKCS#8 encoded data starts and ends with the tags:


Within the base64 encoded data the following DER structure is present:

PrivateKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
  version         Version,
  algorithm       AlgorithmIdentifier,
  PrivateKey      BIT STRING

AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
  algorithm       OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
  parameters      ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL

So for an RSA private key, the OID is 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 and there is a RSAPrivateKey as the PrivateKey key data bitstring.

As opposed to BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY, which always specifies an RSA key and therefore doesn't include a key type OID. BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY is PKCS#1:

RSA Private Key file (PKCS#1)

The RSA private key PEM file is specific for RSA keys.

It starts and ends with the tags:


Within the base64 encoded data the following DER structure is present:

RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
  version           Version,
  modulus           INTEGER,  -- n
  publicExponent    INTEGER,  -- e
  privateExponent   INTEGER,  -- d
  prime1            INTEGER,  -- p
  prime2            INTEGER,  -- q
  exponent1         INTEGER,  -- d mod (p-1)
  exponent2         INTEGER,  -- d mod (q-1)
  coefficient       INTEGER,  -- (inverse of q) mod p
  otherPrimeInfos   OtherPrimeInfos OPTIONAL

Hide the browse button on a input type=file

Below code is very useful to hide default browse button and use custom instead:

(function($) {_x000D_
  $('input[type="file"]').bind('change', function() {_x000D_
.file-input-wrapper {_x000D_
  height: 30px;_x000D_
  margin: 2px;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  width: 118px;_x000D_
  background-color: #fff;_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
.file-input-wrapper>input[type="file"] {_x000D_
  font-size: 40px;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  right: 0;_x000D_
  opacity: 0;_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
.file-input-wrapper>.btn-file-input {_x000D_
  background-color: #494949;_x000D_
  border-radius: 4px;_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  height: 34px;_x000D_
  margin: 0 0 0 -1px;_x000D_
  padding-left: 0;_x000D_
  width: 121px;_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
.file-input-wrapper:hover>.btn-file-input {_x000D_
  //background-color: #494949;_x000D_
#img_text {_x000D_
  float: right;_x000D_
  margin-right: -80px;_x000D_
  margin-top: -14px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  <div class="file-input-wrapper">_x000D_
    <button class="btn-file-input">SELECT FILES</button>_x000D_
    <input type="file" name="image" id="image" value="" />_x000D_
  <span id="img_text"></span>_x000D_

send/post xml file using curl command line

From the manpage, I believe these are the droids you are looking for:

-F/--form <name=content>

(HTTP) This lets curl emulate a filled-in form in which a user has pressed the submit button. This causes curl to POST data using the Content-Type multipart/form-data according to RFC2388. This enables uploading of binary files etc. To force the 'content' part to be a file, prefix the file name with an @ sign.

Example, to send your password file to the server, where 'password' is the name of the form-field to which /etc/passwd will be the input:

curl -F password=@/etc/passwd

So in your case, this would be something like
curl -F file=@/some/file/on/your/local/disk http://localhost:8080

Looping through JSON with node.js

You may also want to use hasOwnProperty in the loop.

for (var prop in obj) {
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
        switch (prop) {
            // obj[prop] has the value

node.js is single-threaded which means your script will block whether you want it or not. Remember that V8 (Google's Javascript engine that node.js uses) compiles Javascript into machine code which means that most basic operations are really fast and looping through an object with 100 keys would probably take a couple of nanoseconds?

However, if you do a lot more inside the loop and you don't want it to block right now, you could do something like this

switch (prop) {
    case 'Timestamp':
        setTimeout(function() { ... }, 5);
    case 'Start_Value':
        setTimeout(function() { ... }, 10);

If your loop is doing some very CPU intensive work, you will need to spawn a child process to do that work or use web workers.

Extracting columns from text file with different delimiters in Linux

If the command should work with both tabs and spaces as the delimiter I would use awk:

awk '{print $100,$101,$102,$103,$104,$105}' myfile > outfile

As long as you just need to specify 5 fields it is imo ok to just type them, for longer ranges you can use a for loop:

awk '{for(i=100;i<=105;i++)print $i}' myfile > outfile

If you want to use cut, you need to use the -f option:

cut -f100-105 myfile > outfile

If the field delimiter is different from TAB you need to specify it using -d:

cut -d' ' -f100-105 myfile > outfile

Check the man page for more info on the cut command.

CSS media query to target only iOS devices

Yes, you can.

@supports (-webkit-touch-callout: none) {
  /* CSS specific to iOS devices */ 

@supports not (-webkit-touch-callout: none) {
  /* CSS for other than iOS devices */ 


It works because only Safari Mobile implements -webkit-touch-callout:

Please note that @supports does not work in IE. IE will skip both of the above @support blocks above. To find out more see It is recommended to not use @supports not because of this.

What about Chrome or Firefox on iOS? The reality is these are just skins over the WebKit rendering engine. Hence the above works everywhere on iOS as long as iOS policy does not change. See 2.5.6 in App Store Review Guidelines.

Warning: iOS may remove support for this in any new iOS release in the coming years. You SHOULD try a bit harder to not need the above CSS. An earlier version of this answer used -webkit-overflow-scrolling but a new iOS version removed it. As a commenter pointed out, there are other options to choose from: Go to Supported CSS Properties and search for "Safari on iOS".

How to insert an item into an array at a specific index (JavaScript)?

Another possible solution, with usage of Array#reduce.

const arr = ["apple", "orange", "raspberry"];
const arr2 = [1, 2, 4];

const insert = (arr, item, index) =>
  arr.reduce(function(s, a, i) {
    i === index ? s.push(item, a) : s.push(a);
    return s;
  }, []); 

console.log(insert(arr, "banana", 1));
console.log(insert(arr2, 3, 2))

How do I enumerate through a JObject?

The answer did not work for me. I dont know how it got so many votes. Though it helped in pointing me in a direction.

This is the answer that worked for me:

foreach (var x in jobj)
    var key = ((JProperty) (x)).Name;
    var jvalue = ((JProperty)(x)).Value ;

Connecting to Postgresql in a docker container from outside

In case, it is a django backend application, you can do something like this.

docker exec -it container_id python dbshell

Python import csv to list

Update for Python3:

import csv
from pprint import pprint

with open('text.csv', newline='') as file:
    reader = csv.reader(file)
    res = list(map(tuple, reader))



[('This is the first line', ' Line1'),
 ('This is the second line', ' Line2'),
 ('This is the third line', ' Line3')]

If csvfile is a file object, it should be opened with newline=''.
csv module

mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in

That query is failing and returning false.

Put this after mysqli_query() to see what's going on.

if (!$check1_res) {
    printf("Error: %s\n", mysqli_error($con));

For more information:

what's the differences between r and rb in fopen

use "rb" to open a binary file. Then the bytes of the file won't be encoded when you read them

ascending/descending in LINQ - can one change the order via parameter?

You can easily create your own extension method on IEnumerable or IQueryable:

public static IOrderedEnumerable<TSource> OrderByWithDirection<TSource,TKey>
    (this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
     Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector,
     bool descending)
    return descending ? source.OrderByDescending(keySelector)
                      : source.OrderBy(keySelector);

public static IOrderedQueryable<TSource> OrderByWithDirection<TSource,TKey>
    (this IQueryable<TSource> source,
     Expression<Func<TSource, TKey>> keySelector,
     bool descending)
    return descending ? source.OrderByDescending(keySelector)
                      : source.OrderBy(keySelector);

Yes, you lose the ability to use a query expression here - but frankly I don't think you're actually benefiting from a query expression anyway in this case. Query expressions are great for complex things, but if you're only doing a single operation it's simpler to just put that one operation:

var query = dataList.OrderByWithDirection(x => x.Property, direction);

Press enter in textbox to and execute button command

    private void textbox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
            //cod for run

    private void buttonSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        textbox1_KeyDown(sender, new KeyEventArgs(Keys.Enter));

How to post a file from a form with Axios

Add the file to a formData object, and set the Content-Type header to multipart/form-data.

var formData = new FormData();
var imagefile = document.querySelector('#file');
formData.append("image", imagefile.files[0]);'upload_file', formData, {
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'

How to convert variable (object) name into String

You can use deparse and substitute to get the name of a function argument:

myfunc <- function(v1) {

[1] "foo"

Why doesn't GCC optimize a*a*a*a*a*a to (a*a*a)*(a*a*a)?

Library functions like "pow" are usually carefully crafted to yield the minimum possible error (in generic case). This is usually achieved approximating functions with splines (according to Pascal's comment the most common implementation seems to be using Remez algorithm)

fundamentally the following operation:


has a inherent error of approximately the same magnitude as the error in any single multiplication or division.

While the following operation:

float a=someValue;
float b=a*a*a*a*a*a;

has a inherent error that is greater more than 5 times the error of a single multiplication or division (because you are combining 5 multiplications).

The compiler should be really carefull to the kind of optimization it is doing:

  1. if optimizing pow(a,6) to a*a*a*a*a*a it may improve performance, but drastically reduce the accuracy for floating point numbers.
  2. if optimizing a*a*a*a*a*a to pow(a,6) it may actually reduce the accuracy because "a" was some special value that allows multiplication without error (a power of 2 or some small integer number)
  3. if optimizing pow(a,6) to (a*a*a)*(a*a*a) or (a*a)*(a*a)*(a*a) there still can be a loss of accuracy compared to pow function.

In general you know that for arbitrary floating point values "pow" has better accuracy than any function you could eventually write, but in some special cases multiple multiplications may have better accuracy and performance, it is up to the developer choosing what is more appropriate, eventually commenting the code so that noone else would "optimize" that code.

The only thing that make sense (personal opinion, and apparently a choice in GCC wichout any particular optimization or compiler flag) to optimize should be replacing "pow(a,2)" with "a*a". That would be the only sane thing a compiler vendor should do.

How to resolve this JNI error when trying to run LWJGL "Hello World"?

A CLASSPATH entry is either a directory at the head of a package hierarchy of .class files, or a .jar file. If you're expecting ./lib to include all the .jar files in that directory, it won't. You have to name them explicitly.

Python-Requests close http connection

As discussed here, there really isn't such a thing as an HTTP connection and what httplib refers to as the HTTPConnection is really the underlying TCP connection which doesn't really know much about your requests at all. Requests abstracts that away and you won't ever see it.

The newest version of Requests does in fact keep the TCP connection alive after your request.. If you do want your TCP connections to close, you can just configure the requests to not use keep-alive.

s = requests.session()
s.config['keep_alive'] = False

"ImportError: No module named" when trying to run Python script

Happened to me with the directory utils. I was trying to import this directory as:

from utils import somefile

utils is already a package in python. Just change your directory name to something different and it should work just fine.

Error: Jump to case label

JohannesD's answer is correct, but I feel it isn't entirely clear on an aspect of the problem.

The example he gives declares and initializes the variable i in case 1, and then tries to use it in case 2. His argument is that if the switch went straight to case 2, i would be used without being initialized, and this is why there's a compilation error. At this point, one could think that there would be no problem if variables declared in a case were never used in other cases. For example:

switch(choice) {
    case 1:
        int i = 10; // i is never used outside of this case
        printf("i = %d\n", i);
    case 2:
        int j = 20; // j is never used outside of this case
        printf("j = %d\n", j);

One could expect this program to compile, since both i and j are used only inside the cases that declare them. Unfortunately, in C++ it doesn't compile: as Ciro Santilli ???? ???? ??? explained, we simply can't jump to case 2:, because this would skip the declaration with initialization of i, and even though case 2 doesn't use i at all, this is still forbidden in C++.

Interestingly, with some adjustments (an #ifdef to #include the appropriate header, and a semicolon after the labels, because labels can only be followed by statements, and declarations do not count as statements in C), this program does compile as C:

// Disable warning issued by MSVC about scanf being deprecated
#ifdef _MSC_VER

#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <cstdio>
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

    int choice;
    printf("Please enter 1 or 2: ");
    scanf("%d", &choice);

    switch(choice) {
        case 1:
            int i = 10; // i is never used outside of this case
            printf("i = %d\n", i);
        case 2:
            int j = 20; // j is never used outside of this case
            printf("j = %d\n", j);

Thanks to an online compiler like you can quickly try to compile it either as C or C++, using MSVC, GCC or Clang. As C it always works (just remember to set STDIN!), as C++ no compiler accepts it.

jQuery when element becomes visible

There are no events in JQuery to detect css changes.
Refer here: onHide() type event in jQuery

It is possible:

DOM L2 Events module defines mutation events; one of them - DOMAttrModified is the one you need. Granted, these are not widely implemented, but are supported in at least Gecko and Opera browsers.
Source: Event detect when css property changed using Jquery

Without events, you can use setInterval function, like this:

var maxTime = 5000, // 5 seconds
    startTime =;

var interval = setInterval(function () {
        if ($('#element').is(':visible')) {
            // visible, do something
        } else {
            // still hidden
            if ( - startTime > maxTime) {
                // hidden even after 'maxTime'. stop checking.
    100 // 0.1 second (wait time between checks)

Note that using setInterval this way, for keeping a watch, may affect your page's performance.

7th July 2018:
Since this answer is getting some visibility and up-votes recently, here is additional update on detecting css changes:

Mutation Events have been now replaced by the more performance friendly Mutation Observer.

The MutationObserver interface provides the ability to watch for changes being made to the DOM tree. It is designed as a replacement for the older Mutation Events feature which was part of the DOM3 Events specification.


How to fix libeay32.dll was not found error

I've encountered this kind of problem before. I was using the Windows x64 operating system, so I was getting an error in openssl. Later I realized that the path to the OpenSSL installation file was "C: \ OpenSSL win32". Finally, I deleted the OpenSSL program and installed it to "C: \ Program Files (x86)" and used it smoothly.

RichTextBox (WPF) does not have string property "Text"

According to this it does have a Text property

You can also try the "Lines" property if you want the text broken up as lines.

What's the easiest way to call a function every 5 seconds in jQuery?

A good example where to subscribe a setInterval(), and use a clearInterval() to stop the forever loop:

function myTimer() {
    console.log(' each 1 second...');

var myVar = setInterval(myTimer, 1000);

call this line to stop the loop:


How do I rename a column in a database table using SQL?

On PostgreSQL (and many other RDBMS), you can do it with regular ALTER TABLE statement:

=> SELECT * FROM Test1;
 id | foo | bar 
  2 |   1 |   2


=> SELECT * FROM Test1;
 id | baz | bar 
  2 |   1 |   2

How do you disable browser Autocomplete on web form field / input tag?

I'd have to beg to differ with those answers that say to avoid disabling auto-complete.

The first thing to bring up is that auto-complete not being explicitly disabled on login form fields is a PCI-DSS fail. In addition, if a users' local machine is compromised then any autocomplete data can be trivially obtained by an attacker due to it being stored in the clear.

There is certainly an argument for usability, however there's a very fine balance when it comes to which form fields should have autocomplete disabled and which should not.

how to iterate through dictionary in a dictionary in django template?

If you pass a variable data (dictionary type) as context to a template, then you code should be:

{% for key, value in data.items %}
    <p>{{ key }} : {{ value }}</p> 
{% endfor %}

Getting a timestamp for today at midnight?

In more object way:

$today = new \DateTimeImmutable('today');


 echo (new \DateTimeImmutable('today'))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// will output: 2019-05-16 00:00:00


echo (new \DateTimeImmutable())->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
echo (new \DateTimeImmutable('now'))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// will output: 2019-05-16 14:00:35

VSCode single to double quote automatic replace

It works for me to check single quote in Prettier as well tslint.autoFixOnSave as true

enter image description here

enter image description here

PHP send mail to multiple email addresses

The best way could be to save all the emails in a database.

You can try this code, assuming you have your email in a database

/*Your connection to your database comes here*/
$query="select email from yourtable";
$result =mysql_query($query);

/the above code depends on where you saved your email addresses, so make sure you replace it with your parameters/

Then you can make a comma separated string from the result,

        if($rows=='')    //this prevents from inserting comma on before the first element

Now you can use

$to = explode(',',$rows); // to change to array

$string =implode(',',$cc); //to get back the string separated by comma

With above code you can send the email like this

mail($string, "Test", "Hi, Happy X-Mas and New Year");

printf \t option

A tab is a tab. How many spaces it consumes is a display issue, and depends on the settings of your shell.

If you want to control the width of your data, then you could use the width sub-specifiers in the printf format string. Eg. :

printf("%5d", 2);

It's not a complete solution (if the value is longer than 5 characters, it will not be truncated), but might be ok for your needs.

If you want complete control, you'll probably have to implement it yourself.

How to split a comma separated string and process in a loop using JavaScript

Try the following snippet:

var mystring = 'this,is,an,example';
var splits = mystring.split(",");
alert(splits[0]); // output: this

Parsing JSON objects for HTML table

This one is ugly, but just want to throw there some other options to the mix. This one has no loops. I use it for debugging purposes

var myObject = {a:1,b:2,c:3,d:{a:1,b:2,c:3,e:{a:1}}}
var myStrObj = JSON.stringify(myObject)
var myHtmlTableObj = myStrObj.replace(/{/g,"<table><tr><td>").replace(/:/g,"</td><td>","g").replace(/,/g,"</td></tr><tr><td>","g").replace(/}/g,"</table>")



    var myObject = {a:1,b:2,c:3,d:{a:1,b:2,c:3,e:{a:1}}}_x000D_
    var myStrObj = JSON.stringify(myObject)_x000D_
    var myHtmlTableObj = myStrObj.replace(/\"/g,"").replace(/{/g,"<table><tr><td>").replace(/:/g,"</td><td>","g").replace(/,/g,"</td></tr><tr><td>","g").replace(/}/g,"</table>")_x000D_
#myDiv table td{background:whitesmoke;border:1px solid lightgray}
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id='myDiv'>table goes here</div>

How to overload functions in javascript?

For this you need to create a function that adds the function to an object, then it will execute depending on the amount of arguments you send to the function:

<script > 
//Main function to add the methods
function addMethod(object, name, fn) {
  var old = object[name];
  object[name] = function(){
    if (fn.length == arguments.length)
      return fn.apply(this, arguments)
    else if (typeof old == 'function')
      return old.apply(this, arguments);

?  var ninjas = {
   values: ["Dean Edwards", "Sam Stephenson", "Alex Russell"]

//Here we declare the first function with no arguments passed
  addMethod(ninjas, "find", function(){
    return this.values;

//Second function with one argument
  addMethod(ninjas, "find", function(name){
    var ret = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++)
      if (this.values[i].indexOf(name) == 0)
    return ret;

//Third function with two arguments
  addMethod(ninjas, "find", function(first, last){
    var ret = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++)
      if (this.values[i] == (first + " " + last))
    return ret;

//Now you can do:
ninjas.find("Dean", "Edwards")

builder for HashMap

HashMap is mutable; there's no need for a builder.

Map<String, Integer> map = Maps.newHashMap();
map.put("a", 1);
map.put("b", 2);

Don't change link color when a link is clicked

You need to use an explicit color value (e.g. #000 or blue) for the color-property. none is invalid here. The initial value is browser-specific and cannot be restored using CSS. Keep in mind that there are some other pseudo-classes than :active, too.

Append values to query string

Note you can add the Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities nuget package from Microsoft and then use this to append values to query string:

QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(longurl, "action", "login1")
QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(longurl, new Dictionary<string, string> { { "action", "login1" }, { "attempts", "11" } });

What is the apply function in Scala?

1 - Treat functions as objects.

2 - The apply method is similar to __call __ in Python, which allows you to use an instance of a given class as a function.

How to disable scientific notation?

You can effectively remove scientific notation in printing with this code:


Use jQuery to scroll to the bottom of a div with lots of text

jQuery simple solution, one line, no external lib required :

$("#myDivID").animate({ scrollTop: $('#myDivID')[0].scrollHeight }, 1000);

Change 1000 to another value (this is the duration of the animation).

PostgreSQL DISTINCT ON with different ORDER BY

You can order by address_id in an subquery, then order by what you want in an outer query.

    (SELECT DISTINCT ON (address_id) purchases.address_id, purchases.* 
    FROM "purchases" 
    WHERE "purchases"."product_id" = 1 ORDER BY address_id DESC ) 
ORDER BY purchased_at DESC

jQuery set radio button

In your selector you seem to be attempting to fetch some nested element of your radio button with a given id. If you want to check a radio button, you should select this radio button in the selector and not something else:

$('input:radio[name="cols"]').attr('checked', 'checked');

This assumes that you have the following radio button in your markup:

<input type="radio" name="cols" value="1" />

If your radio button had an id:

<input type="radio" name="cols" value="1" id="myradio" />

you could directly use an id selector:

$('#myradio').attr('checked', 'checked');

I am receiving warning in Facebook Application using PHP SDK

You need to ensure that any code that modifies the HTTP headers is executed before the headers are sent. This includes statements like session_start(). The headers will be sent automatically when any HTML is output.

Your problem here is that you're sending the HTML ouput at the top of your page before you've executed any PHP at all.

Move the session_start() to the top of your document :

<?php    session_start(); ?> <html> <head> <title>PHP SDK</title> </head> <body> <?php require_once 'src/facebook.php';    // more PHP code here. 

Fake "click" to activate an onclick method

I could be misinterpreting your question, but, yes, this is possible. The way that I would go about doing it is this:

var oElement = document.getElementById('elementId');   // get a reference to your element
oElement.onclick = clickHandler; // assign its click function a function reference

function clickHandler() {
    // this function will be called whenever the element is clicked
    // and can also be called from the context of other functions

Now, whenever this element is clicked, the code in clickHandler will execute. Similarly, you can execute the same code by calling the function from within the context of other functions (or even assign clickHandler to handle events triggered by other elements)>

Resolve Javascript Promise outside function scope

I've put together a gist that does that job:

here's how you should use it:

import ExternalizedPromiseCreator from '../externalized-promise';

describe('ExternalizedPromise', () => {
  let fn: jest.Mock;
  let deferredFn: jest.Mock;
  let neverCalledFn: jest.Mock;
  beforeEach(() => {
    fn = jest.fn();
    deferredFn = jest.fn();
    neverCalledFn = jest.fn();

  it('resolve should resolve the promise', done => {
    const externalizedPromise = ExternalizedPromiseCreator.create(() => fn());

      .then(() => deferredFn())
      .catch(() => neverCalledFn())
      .then(() => {



Removing duplicate values from a PowerShell array

In case you want to be fully bomb prove, this is what I would advice:

@('Apples', 'Apples ', 'APPLES', 'Banana') | 
    Sort-Object -Property @{Expression={$_.Trim()}} -Unique



This uses the Property parameter to first Trim() the strings, so extra spaces are removed and then selects only the -Unique values.

More info on Sort-Object:

Get-Help Sort-Object -ShowWindow

How can I store HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> inside a list?

Try the following:

List<Map<String, ArrayList<String>>> mapList = 
    new ArrayList<Map<String, ArrayList<String>>>();

If your list must be of type List<HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>>, then declare your map variable as a HashMap and not a Map.

Add onClick event to document.createElement("th")

var newTH = document.createElement('th');
newTH.onclick = function() {
      //Your code here

How, in general, does Node.js handle 10,000 concurrent requests?

Adding to slebetman's answer for more clarity on what happens while executing the code.

The internal thread pool in nodeJs just has 4 threads by default. and its not like the whole request is attached to a new thread from the thread pool the whole execution of request happens just like any normal request (without any blocking task) , just that whenever a request has any long running or a heavy operation like db call ,a file operation or a http request the task is queued to the internal thread pool which is provided by libuv. And as nodeJs provides 4 threads in internal thread pool by default every 5th or next concurrent request waits until a thread is free and once these operations are over the callback is pushed to the callback queue. and is picked up by event loop and sends back the response.

Now here comes another information that its not once single callback queue, there are many queues.

  1. NextTick queue
  2. Micro task queue
  3. Timers Queue
  4. IO callback queue (Requests, File ops, db ops)
  5. IO Poll queue
  6. Check Phase queue or SetImmediate
  7. close handlers queue

Whenever a request comes the code gets executing in this order of callbacks queued.

It is not like when there is a blocking request it is attached to a new thread. There are only 4 threads by default. So there is another queueing happening there.

Whenever in a code a blocking process like file read occurs , then calls a function which utilises thread from thread pool and then once the operation is done , the callback is passed to the respective queue and then executed in the order.

Everything gets queued based on the the type of callback and processed in the order mentioned above.

Do subclasses inherit private fields?

We can simply state that when a superclass is inherited, then the private members of superclass actually become private members of the subclass and cannot be further inherited or are inacessible to the objects of subclass.

How to prevent auto-closing of console after the execution of batch file

Had problems with the answers here, so I came up with this, which works for me (TM):

cmd /c node_modules\.bin\tsc
cmd /c node rollup_build.js

Check if a class `active` exist on element with jquery

Pure JavaScript answer:


Might help someone someday.

The model backing the 'ApplicationDbContext' context has changed since the database was created

I spent many days to solve this issue, analyzed many different posts and tried many options and finally fixed. This 2 projects in my solution using EF code first migrations:

  • Console Application "DataModel" that mainly using as assembly which contains all my code first entities, DbContext, Mirgations and generic repository. I have included to this project separate empty local database file (in DataModel/App_Data folder) to be able generate migrations from Package Manager Console.
  • WebApi, which references to DataModel project and uses local database file from WebApi/App_Data folder, that not included in project

I got this error when requested WebApi...

My environment:

  • Windows 8.1 x64
  • Visual Studio 2015 Professional with Update 1
  • all my projects targeted for .NET Framework 4.6.1
  • EntityFramework 6.1.3 from NuGet

Here I collected all the remarks you should pay attention and all conditions/requirements which must be met, to avoid mentioned exception :

  1. You should use only one version of EntityFramework Nuget package for all projects in your solution.
  2. Database, created by running sequentially all migration scripts should have the same structure/schema as you target database and correspond to entity model. Following 3 things must exactly correspond/reflect/match each other:
    • Your all migration script up to last
    • Current code first entity model state (DbContext, entities)
    • Target database
  3. Target database (mdf file) should be updated/correspond up to last migration script. Verify that "__MigrationHistory" table in your target database contains records for all migration scripts that you have, it means that all migration scripts was successfully applied to that database. I recommend you to use Visual Studio for generation correct code first entities and context that corresponds to your database, Project -> Add New Item -> ADO.NET Entity Data Model -> Code First from database: Of course, as an alternative, if you have no database you can write manually model (code first entities and context) and then generate initial migration and database.
  4. Name of connection string e.g. MyConnectionString in config file of startup project (Web.config/App.config):

        <add name="MyConnectionString" connectionString="...">

    should be equal to parameter passed in constructor of your DbContext:

     public partial class MyDbContext : DbContext
        public MyDbContext()
           : base("name=MyConnectionString"){}
  5. Before using Package Manager Console, make sure that you are using correct database for update or generate migration and needed project is set as startup project of solution. For connect to database it will use connection string from that .config file, which in project, that is set as startup project.
  6. And the main, which fixed my issue: It is weird, but in my WebApi/bin folder DataModel.exe was old, not refreshed since last build. Since migrations was embedded in my assembly DataModel.exe then my WebApi updated database using old mirgations. I was confused why after updating database in WebApi it not corresponds to latest migration script from DataModel. Following code automatically creates(if not exists) or updates to latest migration local database in my WebApi/App_Data folder.

       public class WebApiApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
           protected void Application_Start()
               Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<ODS_DbContext, Configuration>()); 

    I tried clean and rebuild solution but it did not help, than I completely removed bin and obj folders from WebApi, deleted database files from WebApi/App_Data, built, restarted WebApi, made request to it, it created correct database - lazy initialization (using lines above), which corresponds to latest migration and exception didn't appear more. So, this may fix your problem:

    1. remove manually bin, obj folders from your startup project (which generates/updates your database)
    2. build your startup project or better clean and rebuild all you solution.
    3. recreate database by starting project (will execute lines above) or use Package Manager Console "update-database" command.
    4. manually check whether generated db and __MirgationHistory corresponds to latest migration script.

What does "wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)" mean in Ruby?

When you define a function, you also define what info (arguments) that function needs to work. If it is designed to work without any additional info, and you pass it some, you are going to get that error.

Example: Takes no arguments:

def dog

Takes arguments:

def cat(name)

When you call these, you need to call them with the arguments you defined.

dog                  #works fine
cat("Fluffy")        #works fine

dog("Fido")          #Returns ArgumentError (1 for 0)
cat                  #Returns ArgumentError (0 for 1)

Check out the Ruby Koans to learn all this.

Is there a command like "watch" or "inotifywait" on the Mac?

Here's a one-liner using sschober's tool.

$ while true; do kqwait ./file-to-watch.js;; done

How to use the new Material Design Icon themes: Outlined, Rounded, Two-Tone and Sharp?

If you already have material-icons working in your web project, just need to update your reference in the html file and the used class for icons:

html reference:


<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />


<link href="|Material+Icons+Outlined|Material+Icons+Two+Tone|Material+Icons+Round|Material+Icons+Sharp"
rel="stylesheet" />

material icons class:

After that just check wich className are you using:


<i className="material-icons">weekend</i>


<i className="material-icons-outlined">weekend</i>

that works for me... Pura vida!

C#: Limit the length of a string?

Here is another alternative answer to this issue. This extension method works quite well. This solves the issues of the string being shorter than the maximum length and also the maximum length being negative.

public static string Left( this string str, int length ) {
  if (str == null)
    return str;
  return str.Substring(0, Math.Min(Math.Abs(length), str.Length));

Another solution would be to limit the length to be non-negative values, and just zero-out negative values.

public static string Left( this string str, int length ) {
  if (str == null)
    return str;
  return str.Substring(0, Math.Min(Math.Max(0,length), str.Length));

I just assigned a variable, but echo $variable shows something else

user double quote to get the exact value. like this:

echo "${var}"

and it will read your value correctly.

Calculate relative time in C#

I would recommend computing this on the client side too. Less work for the server.

The following is the version that I use (from Zach Leatherman)

 * Javascript Humane Dates
 * Copyright (c) 2008 Dean Landolt (
 * Re-write by Zach Leatherman (
 * Adopted from the John Resig's pretty.js
 * at
 * and henrah's proposed modification 
 * at
 * Licensed under the MIT license.

function humane_date(date_str){
        var time_formats = [
                [60, 'just now'],
                [90, '1 minute'], // 60*1.5
                [3600, 'minutes', 60], // 60*60, 60
                [5400, '1 hour'], // 60*60*1.5
                [86400, 'hours', 3600], // 60*60*24, 60*60
                [129600, '1 day'], // 60*60*24*1.5
                [604800, 'days', 86400], // 60*60*24*7, 60*60*24
                [907200, '1 week'], // 60*60*24*7*1.5
                [2628000, 'weeks', 604800], // 60*60*24*(365/12), 60*60*24*7
                [3942000, '1 month'], // 60*60*24*(365/12)*1.5
                [31536000, 'months', 2628000], // 60*60*24*365, 60*60*24*(365/12)
                [47304000, '1 year'], // 60*60*24*365*1.5
                [3153600000, 'years', 31536000], // 60*60*24*365*100, 60*60*24*365
                [4730400000, '1 century'] // 60*60*24*365*100*1.5

        var time = ('' + date_str).replace(/-/g,"/").replace(/[TZ]/g," "),
                dt = new Date,
                seconds = ((dt - new Date(time) + (dt.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)) / 1000),
                token = ' ago',
                i = 0,

        if (seconds < 0) {
                seconds = Math.abs(seconds);
                token = '';

        while (format = time_formats[i++]) {
                if (seconds < format[0]) {
                        if (format.length == 2) {
                                return format[1] + (i > 1 ? token : ''); // Conditional so we don't return Just Now Ago
                        } else {
                                return Math.round(seconds / format[2]) + ' ' + format[1] + (i > 1 ? token : '');

        // overflow for centuries
        if(seconds > 4730400000)
                return Math.round(seconds / 4730400000) + ' centuries' + token;

        return date_str;

if(typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
        jQuery.fn.humane_dates = function(){
                return this.each(function(){
                        var date = humane_date(this.title);
                        if(date && jQuery(this).text() != date) // don't modify the dom if we don't have to

How to get last key in an array?

Or in php >= 7.3.0

you can use the function array_key_last()

As described in — Gets the last key of an array

How to get label text value form a html page?

For cases where the data element is inside the label like in this example:

<label for="subscription">Subscription period
    <select id='subscription' name='subscription'>
        <option>1 year</option>
        <option>2 years</option>
        <option>3 years</option>

all the previous answers will give an unexpected result:

"Subscription period

                    1 year
                    2 years
                    3 years


While the expected result would be:

"Subscription period"

So, the correct solution will be like this:

const label = document.getElementById('yourLableId');
const labelText = Array.prototype.filter
    .call(label.childNodes, x => x.nodeName === "#text")
    .map(x => x.textContent)
    .join(" ")

Regex, every non-alphanumeric character except white space or colon

No alphanumeric, white space or '_'.

var reg = /[^\w\s)]|[_]/g;

How to find cube root using Python?

def cube(x):
    if 0<=x: return x**(1./3.)
    return -(-x)**(1./3.)
print (cube(8))
print (cube(-8))

Here is the full answer for both negative and positive numbers.


Or here is a one-liner;

root_cube = lambda x: x**(1./3.) if 0<=x else -(-x)**(1./3.)

How to write a SQL DELETE statement with a SELECT statement in the WHERE clause?

Your second DELETE query was nearly correct. Just be sure to put the table name (or an alias) between DELETE and FROM to specify which table you are deleting from. This is simpler than using a nested SELECT statement like in the other answers.

Corrected Query (option 1: using full table name):

FROM tableA
INNER JOIN tableB u on (u.qlabel = tableA.entityrole AND u.fieldnum = tableA.fieldnum) 
WHERE (LENGTH(tableA.memotext) NOT IN (8,9,10)
OR tableA.memotext NOT LIKE '%/%/%')
AND (u.FldFormat = 'Date')

Corrected Query (option 2: using an alias):

FROM tableA q
INNER JOIN tableB u on (u.qlabel = q.entityrole AND u.fieldnum = q.fieldnum) 
WHERE (LENGTH(q.memotext) NOT IN (8,9,10) 
OR q.memotext NOT LIKE '%/%/%')
AND (u.FldFormat = 'Date')

More examples here:
How to Delete using INNER JOIN with SQL Server?

Is there a way to automatically build the package.json file for Node.js projects

First off, run

npm init

...will ask you a few questions (read this first) about your project/package and then generate a package.json file for you.

Then, once you have a package.json file, use

npm install <pkg> --save


npm install <pkg> --save-dev install a dependency and automatically append it to your package.json's dependencies list.

(Note: You may need to manually tweak the version ranges for your dependencies.)

SQL statement to select all rows from previous day

It's seems the obvious answer was missing. To get all data from a table (Ttable) where the column (DatetimeColumn) is a datetime with a timestamp the following query can be used:

WHERE DATEDIFF(day,Ttable.DatetimeColumn ,GETDATE()) = 1 -- yesterday

This can easily be changed to today, last month, last year, etc.

Scheduled run of stored procedure on SQL server

You could use SQL Server Service Broker to create custom made mechanism.

Idea (simplified):

  1. Write a stored procedure/trigger that begins a conversation (BEGIN DIALOG) as loopback (FROM my_service TO my_service) - get conversation handler

            FROM SERVICE   [name] 
            TO SERVICE      'name' 
  2. Start the conversation timer

    DECLARE @time INT;
  3. After specified number of seconds a message will be sent to a service. It will be enqueued with associated queue.

                 , ACTIVATION (STATUS = ON, PROCEDURE_NAME = <procedure_name>
                 , MAX_QUEUE_READERS = 20, EXECUTE AS N'dbo')
                  , POISON_MESSAGE_HANDLING (STATUS = ON) 
  4. Procedure will execute specific code and reanable timer to fire again.

You can find fully-baked solution(T-SQL) written by Michal Golos called Task Scheduler

Key points from blog:


  • Supported on each version (from Express to Enterprise). SQL Server Agent Job is not available for SQL Server Express
  • Scoped to database level. You could easiliy move database with associated tasks (especially when you have to move around 100 jobs from one enviromnent to another)
  • Lower privileges needed to see/manipulate tasks(database level)

Proposed distinction:

SQL Server Agent (maintenance):

  • backups
  • index/statistics rebuilds
  • replication

Task Scheduler (business processes):

  • removing old data
  • preaggregations/cyclic recalculations
  • denormalization

How to set it up:

  • get source code from section: "Do pobrania" - To download (enabling broker/setting up schema tsks/configuration table + triggers + stored procedure)/setting up broker things)
  • set up configuration table [tsks].[tsksx_task_scheduler] to add new tasks (columns names are self-descriptive, sample task included)

Warning: Blog is written in Polish but associated source code is in English and it is easy to follow.

Warning 2: Before you use it, please make sure you have tested it on non-production environment.

Running code after Spring Boot starts

Providing an example for Dave Syer answer, which worked like a charm:

public class CommandLineAppStartupRunner implements CommandLineRunner {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommandLineAppStartupRunner.class);

    public void run(String...args) throws Exception {"Application started with command-line arguments: {} . \n To kill this application, press Ctrl + C.", Arrays.toString(args));

WordPress - Check if user is logged in

This problem is from the lazy update data request of Chrome. At the first time you go to homepage. Chrome request with empty data. Then you go to the login page and logged in. When you back home page Chrome lazy to update the cookie data request because this domain is the same with the first time you access. Solution: Add parameter for home url. That helps Chrome realizes that this request need to update cookie to call to the server.

add at dashboard page

$track = '?track='.uniqid();
<a href="<?= get_home_url(). $track ?>"> <img src="/img/logo.svg"></a>

python how to pad numpy array with zeros

I understand that your main problem is that you need to calculate d=b-a but your arrays have different sizes. There is no need for an intermediate padded c

You can solve this without padding:

import numpy as np

a = np.array([[ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
              [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
              [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.]])

b = np.array([[ 3.,  3.,  3.,  3.,  3.,  3.],
              [ 3.,  3.,  3.,  3.,  3.,  3.],
              [ 3.,  3.,  3.,  3.,  3.,  3.],
              [ 3.,  3.,  3.,  3.,  3.,  3.]])

d = b.copy()
d[:a.shape[0],:a.shape[1]] -=  a

print d


[[ 2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  3.]
 [ 2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  3.]
 [ 2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  3.]
 [ 3.  3.  3.  3.  3.  3.]]

get one item from an array of name,value JSON

Find one element

To find the element with a given name in an array you can use find:


Note that find will return just one item (namely the first match):

  "name": "k1",
  "value": "abc"

Find all elements

In your original array there's only one item occurrence of each name.

If the array contains multiple elements with the same name and you want them all then use filter, which will return an array.

var arr = [];_x000D_
arr.push({name:"k1", value:"abc"});_x000D_
arr.push({name:"k2", value:"hi"});_x000D_
arr.push({name:"k3", value:"oa"});_x000D_
arr.push({name:"k1", value:"def"});_x000D_
var item;_x000D_
// find the first occurrence of item with name "k1"_x000D_
item = arr.find(item=>"k1");_x000D_
// find all occurrences of item with name "k1"_x000D_
// now item is an array_x000D_
item = arr.filter(item=>"k1");_x000D_

Find indices

Similarly, for indices you can use findIndex (for finding the first match) and filter + map to find all indices.

var arr = [];_x000D_
arr.push({name:"k1", value:"abc"});_x000D_
arr.push({name:"k2", value:"hi"});_x000D_
arr.push({name:"k3", value:"oa"});_x000D_
arr.push({name:"k1", value:"def"});_x000D_
var idx;_x000D_
// find index of the first occurrence of item with name "k1"_x000D_
idx = arr.findIndex(item=> == "k1");_x000D_
console.log(idx, arr[idx].value);_x000D_
// find indices of all occurrences of item with name "k1"_x000D_
// now idx is an array_x000D_
idx =, i) => == "k1" ? i : '').filter(String);_x000D_

Darken background image on hover

If you have to use the current image and get a darker image then you need to create a new one. Else you can simply reduce the opacity of the .image class and the in the .image:hover you can put a higher value for opacity. But then the image without hover would look pale.

The best way would be to create two images and add the following :

.image {
    background: url('');
    width: 58px;
    height: 58px;
    background: url('');

Html code as IFRAME source rather than a URL

According to W3Schools, HTML 5 lets you do this using a new "srcdoc" attribute, but the browser support seems very limited.

Add numpy array as column to Pandas data frame

You can add and retrieve a numpy array from dataframe using this:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'b':range(10)}) # target dataframe
a = np.random.normal(size=(10,2)) # numpy array
df['a']=a.tolist() # save array
np.array(df['a'].tolist()) # retrieve array

This builds on the previous answer that confused me because of the sparse part and this works well for a non-sparse numpy arrray.

How to change default format at created_at and updated_at value laravel

If anyone is looking for a simple solution in Laravel 5.3:

  1. Let default timestamps() be saved as is i.e. '2016-11-14 12:19:49'
  2. In your views, format the field as below (or as required):

    date('F d, Y', strtotime($list->created_at))

It worked for me very well for me.

Start a fragment via Intent within a Fragment

Try this it may help you:

private void changeFragment(Fragment targetFragment){

         .replace(, targetFragment, "fragment")


Error CS2001: Source file '.cs' could not be found

I had this problem, too.

Possible causes in my case: I had deleted a duplicated view twice and a view model. I reverted one of the deletes and then the InitializeComponent error appeared. I took these steps.

  1. I checked all of the solutions mentioned on this question. The class name and build action were correct.
  2. I Cleaned my Solution and rebuilt. Another error appeared. "Error CS2001: Source file '.cs' could not be found"
  3. I found this answer and followed the steps.
  4. I reloaded the project and cleaned/rebuilt again.
  5. My solution builds without errors and my application works now.

Two-way SSL clarification

In two way ssl the client asks for servers digital certificate and server ask for the same from the client. It is more secured as it is both ways, although its bit slow. Generally we dont follow it as the server doesnt care about the identity of the client, but a client needs to make sure about the integrity of server it is connecting to.

how to instanceof List<MyType>?

If you are verifying if a reference of a List or Map value of Object is an instance of a Collection, just create an instance of required List and get its class...

Set<Object> setOfIntegers = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(2, 4, 5));
assetThat(setOfIntegers).instanceOf(new ArrayList<Integer>().getClass());

Set<Object> setOfStrings = new HashSet(Arrays.asList("my", "name", "is"));
assetThat(setOfStrings).instanceOf(new ArrayList<String>().getClass());

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strlen()

In case Google search for this error

Call to undefined function mb_ereg_match()

takes somebody to this thread. Installing php-mbstring resolves it too.

Ubuntu 18.04.1, PHP 7.2.10

sudo apt-get install php7.2-mbstring

Display text from .txt file in batch file

type log.txt

But that will give you the whole file. You could change it to:

echo %date%, %time% >> log.txt
echo %date%, %time% > log_last.txt
type log_last.txt

to get only the last one.

CSS rotate property in IE

To rotate by 45 degrees in IE, you need the following code in your stylesheet:

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(sizingMethod='auto expand', M11=0.7071067811865476, M12=-0.7071067811865475, M21=0.7071067811865475, M22=0.7071067811865476); /* IE6,IE7 */
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(SizingMethod='auto expand', M11=0.7071067811865476, M12=-0.7071067811865475, M21=0.7071067811865475, M22=0.7071067811865476)"; /* IE8 */

You’ll note from the above that IE8 has different syntax to IE6/7. You need to supply both lines of code if you want to support all versions of IE.

The horrible numbers there are in Radians; you’ll need to work out the figures for yourself if you want to use an angle other than 45 degrees (there are tutorials on the internet if you look for them).

Also note that the IE6/7 syntax causes problems for other browsers due to the unescaped colon symbol in the filter string, meaning that it is invalid CSS. In my tests, this causes Firefox to ignore all CSS code after the filter. This is something you need to be aware of as it can cause hours of confusion if you get caught out by it. I solved this by having the IE-specific stuff in a separate stylesheet which other browsers didn’t load.

All other current browsers (including IE9 and IE10 — yay!) support the CSS3 transform style (albeit often with vendor prefixes), so you can use the following code to achieve the same effect in all other browsers:

-moz-transform: rotate(45deg);  /* FF3.5/3.6 */
-o-transform: rotate(45deg);  /* Opera 10.5 */
-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);  /* Saf3.1+ */
transform: rotate(45deg);  /* Newer browsers (incl IE9) */

Hope that helps.


Since this answer is still getting up-votes, I feel I should update it with information about a JavaScript library called CSS Sandpaper that allows you to use (near) standard CSS code for rotations even in older IE versions.

Once you’ve added CSS Sandpaper to your site, you should then be able to write the following CSS code for IE6–8:

-sand-transform: rotate(40deg);

Much easier than the traditional filter style you'd normally need to use in IE.


Also note an additional quirk specifically with IE9 (and only IE9), which supports both the standard transform and the old style IE -ms-filter. If you have both of them specified, this can result in IE9 getting completely confused and rendering just a solid black box where the element would have been. The best solution to this is to avoid the filter style by using the Sandpaper polyfill mentioned above.

jQuery: how to find first visible input/select/textarea excluding buttons?

Why not just target the ones you want (demo)?



Or use jQuery :input selector to filter form descendants.


adb command not found in linux environment

I had the same issue on my fresh Ubuntu 64 bit installation, and the path was set up correctly.

Thus, which adb would resolve correctly, but trying to run it would fail with adb: command not found.

The very helpful guys at #android-dev pointed me to the solution, namely that the 32 bit libraries hadn't been installed. On my previous computers, this had probably been pulled in as a dependency for another package.

On Ubuntu (probably other Debians as well), running [sudo] apt-get install ia32-libs

How to center canvas in html5

Add text-align: center; to the parent tag of <canvas>. That's it.


<div style="text-align: center">
    <canvas width="300" height="300">
        <!--your canvas code -->

Scroll to the top of the page using JavaScript?


This simple solution works natively and implements a smooth scroll to any position.

It avoids using anchor links (those with #) that, in my opinion, are useful if you want to link to a section, but are not so comfortable in some situations, specially when pointing to top which could lead to two different URLs pointing to the same location ( and


Put an id to the tag you want to scroll to, for example your first section, which answers this question, but the id could be placed everywhere in the page.

  <section id="top">
    <!-- your content -->
  <div id="another"><!-- more content --></div>

Then as a button you can use a link, just edit the onclick attribute with a code like this.

<a onclick="document.getElementById('top').scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start', inline: 'nearest' })">Click me</a>

Where the argument of document.getElementById is the id of the tag you want to scroll to after click.

How to return first 5 objects of Array in Swift?

For getting the first 5 elements of an array, all you need to do is slice the array in question. In Swift, you do it like this: array[0..<5].

To make picking the N first elements of an array a bit more functional and generalizable, you could create an extension method for doing it. For instance:

extension Array {
    func takeElements(var elementCount: Int) -> Array {
        if (elementCount > count) {
            elementCount = count
        return Array(self[0..<elementCount])

Why am I getting 'Assembly '*.dll' must be strong signed in order to be marked as a prerequisite.'?

After trying most of the solutions here, I finally just added a reference to the project from the click once project, this changed it to Include (Auto) from Include and it finally worked.

How to change the data type of a column without dropping the column with query?

it's simple! just type bellow query

alter table table_Name alter column column_name datatype

alter table Message alter column message nvarchar(1024);

it will work happy programming

When using SASS how can I import a file from a different directory?

Selected answer does not offer a viable solution.

OP's practice seems irregular. A shared/common file normally lives under partials, a standard boilerplate directory. You should then add partials directory to your config import paths in order to resolve partials anywhere in your code.

When I encountered this issue for the first time, I figured SASS probably gives you a global variable similar to Node's __dirname, which keeps an absolute path to current working directory (cwd). Unfortunately, it does not and the reason why is because interpolation on an @import directive isn't possible, hence you cannot do a dynamic import path.

According to SASS docs.

You need to set :load_paths in your Sass config. Since OP uses Compass, I'll follow that with accordance to documentation here.

You can go with the CLI solution as purposed, but why? it's much more convenient to add it to config.rb. It'd make sense to use CLI for overriding config.rb (E.g., different build scenarios).

So, assuming your config.rb is under project root, simply add the following line: add_import_path 'sub_directory_a'

And now @import 'common'; will work just fine anywhere.

While this answers OP, there's more.


You are likely to run into cases where you want to import a CSS file in an embedded manner, that is, not via the vanilla @import directive CSS provides out of the box, but an actual merge of a CSS file content with your SASS. There's another question, which is answered inconclusively (the solution does not work cross-environment). The solution then, is to use this SASS extension.

Once installed, add the following line to your config: require 'sass-css-importer' and then, somewhere in your code: @import 'CSS:myCssFile';

Notice the extension must be omitted for this to work.

However, we will run into the same issue when trying to import a CSS file from a non-default path and add_import_path does not respect CSS files. So to solve that, you need to add, yet another line in your config, which is naturally similar:


Now everything will work nicely.

P.S., I noticed sass-css-importer documentation indicates a CSS: prefix is required in addition to omitting the .css extension. I found out it works regardless. Someone started an issue, which remained unanswered thus far.

How to strip HTML tags from a string in SQL Server?

Derived from @Goner Doug answer, with a few things updated:
- using REPLACE where possible
- conversion of predefined entities like &eacute; (I chose the ones I needed :-)
- some conversion of list tags <ul> and <li>

ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_StripHTML]
--by Patrick Honorez ---
--inspired by
@HTMLText varchar(MAX)
RETURNS varchar(MAX)
DECLARE @Start  int
DECLARE @End    int
DECLARE @Length int

set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '<br>',CHAR(13) + CHAR(10))
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '<br/>',CHAR(13) + CHAR(10))
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '<br />',CHAR(13) + CHAR(10))
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '<li>','- ')
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '</li>',CHAR(13) + CHAR(10))

set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&rsquo;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, ''''  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&quot;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '"'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&amp;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '&'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&euro;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '€'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&lt;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '<'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&gt;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '>'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&oelig;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'oe'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&nbsp;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, ' '  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&copy;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '©'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&laquo;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '«'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&reg;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '®'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&plusmn;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '±'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&sup2;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '²'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&sup3;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '³'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&micro;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'µ'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&middot;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '·'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&ordm;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'º'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&raquo;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '»'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&frac14;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '¼'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&frac12;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '½'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&frac34;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '¾'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&Aelig' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'Æ'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&Ccedil;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'Ç'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&Egrave;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'È'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&Eacute;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'É'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&Ecirc;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'Ê'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&Ouml;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'Ö'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&agrave;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'à'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&acirc;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'â'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&auml;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'ä'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&aelig;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'æ'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&ccedil;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'ç'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&egrave;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'è'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&eacute;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'é'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&ecirc;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'ê'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&euml;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'ë'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&icirc;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'î'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&ocirc;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'ô'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&ouml;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'ö'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&divide;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '÷'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&oslash;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'ø'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&ugrave;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'ù'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&uacute;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'ú'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&ucirc;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'û'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&uuml;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, 'ü'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&quot;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '"'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&amp;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '&'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&lsaquo;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '<'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)
set @HTMLText = replace(@htmlText, '&rsaquo;' collate Latin1_General_CS_AS, '>'  collate Latin1_General_CS_AS)

-- Remove anything between <STYLE> tags
SET @End = CHARINDEX('</STYLE>', @HTMLText, CHARINDEX('<', @HTMLText)) + 7
SET @Length = (@End - @Start) + 1

WHILE (@Start > 0 AND @End > 0 AND @Length > 0) BEGIN
SET @HTMLText = STUFF(@HTMLText, @Start, @Length, '')
SET @Length = (@End - @Start) + 1

-- Remove anything between <whatever> tags
SET @Start = CHARINDEX('<', @HTMLText)
SET @Length = (@End - @Start) + 1

WHILE (@Start > 0 AND @End > 0 AND @Length > 0) BEGIN
SET @HTMLText = STUFF(@HTMLText, @Start, @Length, '')
SET @Start = CHARINDEX('<', @HTMLText)
SET @Length = (@End - @Start) + 1



AngularJS passing data to $http.get request

An HTTP GET request can't contain data to be posted to the server. However, you can add a query string to the request.

angular.http provides an option for it called params.

    url: user.details_path, 
    method: "GET",
    params: {user_id:}

See:$http#get and$http#usage (shows the params param)

How to add title to subplots in Matplotlib?

A solution I tend to use more and more is this one:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2)  # 1
for i, ax in enumerate(axs.ravel()): # 2
    ax.set_title("Plot #{}".format(i)) # 3
  1. Create your arbitrary number of axes
  2. axs.ravel() converts your 2-dim object to a 1-dim vector in row-major style
  3. assigns the title to the current axis-object

Call async/await functions in parallel


The original answer makes it difficult (and in some cases impossible) to correctly handle promise rejections. The correct solution is to use Promise.all:

const [someResult, anotherResult] = await Promise.all([someCall(), anotherCall()]);

Original answer:

Just make sure you call both functions before you await either one:

// Call both functions
const somePromise = someCall();
const anotherPromise = anotherCall();

// Await both promises    
const someResult = await somePromise;
const anotherResult = await anotherPromise;

Working with time DURATION, not time of day

You can easily do this with the normal "Time" data type - just change the format!

Excels time/date format is simply 1.0 equals 1 full day (starting on 1/1/1900). So 36 hours would be 1.5. If you change the format to [h]:mm, you'll see 36:00.

Therefore, if you want to work with durations, you can simply use subtraction, e.g.

A1: Start:           36:00 (=1.5)
A2: End:             60:00 (=2.5) 
A3: Duration: =A2-A1 24:00 (=1.0)

Getting rid of bullet points from <ul>

In a chrome, you can use

ul {
 list-style: none;

The 'packages' element is not declared

You can also find a copy of the nuspec.xsd here as it seems to no longer be available:

Pass mouse events through absolutely-positioned element

pointer-events: none;

Is a CSS property that makes events "pass through" the element to which it is applied and makes the event occur on the element "below".

See for details:

It is not supported up to IE 11; all other vendors support it since quite some time (global support was ~92% in 12/'16): (thanks to @s4y for providing the link in the comments).

How to retrieve available RAM from Windows command line?

This cannot be done in pure java. But you can run external programs using java and get the result.

Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("systeminfo");
Scanner scan=new Scanner(p.getInputStream());
    String temp=scan.nextLine();
    if(temp.equals("Available Physical Memmory")){
       System.out.println("RAM :"temp.split(":")[1]);

Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service

i had to figure out the right solution the hard way. the below code is part of cyanogenmod7 (the tablet tweaks) and is tested on android 2.3.3 / gingerbread.


  • getForegroundApp - returns the foreground application.
  • getActivityForApp - returns the activity of the found app.
  • isStillActive - determines if a earlier found app is still the active app.
  • isRunningService - a helper function for getForegroundApp

this hopefully answers this issue in all extend (:

private RunningAppProcessInfo getForegroundApp() {
    RunningAppProcessInfo result=null, info=null;

        mActivityManager = (ActivityManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
    List <RunningAppProcessInfo> l = mActivityManager.getRunningAppProcesses();
    Iterator <RunningAppProcessInfo> i = l.iterator();
        info =;
        if(info.importance == RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND
                && !isRunningService(info.processName)){
    return result;

private ComponentName getActivityForApp(RunningAppProcessInfo target){
    ComponentName result=null;
    ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo info;

        return null;

        mActivityManager = (ActivityManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
    List <ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo> l = mActivityManager.getRunningTasks(9999);
    Iterator <ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo> i = l.iterator();


    return result;

private boolean isStillActive(RunningAppProcessInfo process, ComponentName activity)
    // activity can be null in cases, where one app starts another. for example, astro
    // starting rock player when a move file was clicked. we dont have an activity then,
    // but the package exits as soon as back is hit. so we can ignore the activity
    // in this case
        return false;

    RunningAppProcessInfo currentFg=getForegroundApp();
    ComponentName currentActivity=getActivityForApp(currentFg);

    if(currentFg!=null && currentFg.processName.equals(process.processName) &&
            (activity==null || currentActivity.compareTo(activity)==0))
        return true;

    Slog.i(TAG, "isStillActive returns false - CallerProcess: " + process.processName + " CurrentProcess: "
            + (currentFg==null ? "null" : currentFg.processName) + " CallerActivity:" + (activity==null ? "null" : activity.toString())
            + " CurrentActivity: " + (currentActivity==null ? "null" : currentActivity.toString()));
    return false;

private boolean isRunningService(String processname){
    if(processname==null || processname.isEmpty())
        return false;

    RunningServiceInfo service;

        mActivityManager = (ActivityManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
    List <RunningServiceInfo> l = mActivityManager.getRunningServices(9999);
    Iterator <RunningServiceInfo> i = l.iterator();
        service =;
            return true;

    return false;

Set a cookie to never expire

All cookies expire as per the cookie specification, so this is not a PHP limitation.

Use a far future date. For example, set a cookie that expires in ten years:

  time() + (10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60)

Note that if you set a date past 2038 in 32-bit PHP, the number will wrap around and you'll get a cookie that expires instantly.

Int to Decimal Conversion - Insert decimal point at specified location

int i = 7122960;
decimal d = (decimal)i / 100;

Converting string "true" / "false" to boolean value

You could simply have: var result = (str == "true").

Event when window.location.href changes

There is a default onhashchange event that you can use.

Documented HERE

And can be used like this:

function locationHashChanged( e ) {
    console.log( location.hash );
    console.log( e.oldURL, e.newURL );
    if ( location.hash === "#pageX" ) {

window.onhashchange = locationHashChanged;

If the browser doesn't support oldURL and newURL you can bind it like this:

//let this snippet run before your hashChange event binding code
if( !window.HashChangeEvent )( function() {
    let lastURL = document.URL;
    window.addEventListener( "hashchange", function( event ) {
        Object.defineProperty( event, "oldURL", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: lastURL } );
        Object.defineProperty( event, "newURL", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: document.URL } );
        lastURL = document.URL;
    } );
} () );

Transfer data from one database to another database

  1. You can backup and restore the database using Management Studio.
  2. Again from Management Studio you can use "copy database".
  3. you can even do it manually if there is a reason to do so. I mean manually create the target db and manually copying data by sql statements...

can you clarify why you ask this? Is it that you dont have expierience in doing it or something else?

Changing java platform on which netbeans runs

In my Windows 7 box I found netbeans.conf in <Drive>:\<Program Files folder>\<NetBeans installation folder>\etc . Thanks all.

T-SQL query to show table definition?

Have you tried sp_help?

sp_help 'TableName'

How to view unallocated free space on a hard disk through terminal

Use GNU parted and print free command:

root@sandbox:~# parted
GNU Parted 2.3
Using /dev/sda
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
(parted) print free
Model: VMware Virtual disk (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 64.4GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos

Number  Start   End     Size    Type      File system  Flags
        32.3kB  1049kB  1016kB            Free Space
 1      1049kB  256MB   255MB   primary   ext2         boot
        256MB   257MB   1048kB            Free Space
 2      257MB   64.4GB  64.2GB  extended
 5      257MB   64.4GB  64.2GB  logical                lvm
        64.4GB  64.4GB  1049kB            Free Space

JavaFX - create custom button with image

You just need to create your own class inherited from parent. Place an ImageView on that, and on the mousedown and mouse up events just change the images of the ImageView.

public class ImageButton extends Parent {

    private static final Image NORMAL_IMAGE = ...;
    private static final Image PRESSED_IMAGE = ...;

    private final ImageView iv;

    public ImageButton() {
        this.iv = new ImageView(NORMAL_IMAGE);

        this.iv.setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {

            public void handle(MouseEvent evt) {


        // TODO other event handlers like mouse up



Difference between Amazon EC2 and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

First off, EC2 and Elastic Compute Cloud are the same thing.

Next, AWS encompasses the range of Web Services that includes EC2 and Elastic Beanstalk. It also includes many others such as S3, RDS, DynamoDB, and all the others.


EC2 is Amazon's service that allows you to create a server (AWS calls these instances) in the AWS cloud. You pay by the hour and only what you use. You can do whatever you want with this instance as well as launch n number of instances.

Elastic Beanstalk

Elastic Beanstalk is one layer of abstraction away from the EC2 layer. Elastic Beanstalk will setup an "environment" for you that can contain a number of EC2 instances, an optional database, as well as a few other AWS components such as a Elastic Load Balancer, Auto-Scaling Group, Security Group. Then Elastic Beanstalk will manage these items for you whenever you want to update your software running in AWS. Elastic Beanstalk doesn't add any cost on top of these resources that it creates for you. If you have 10 hours of EC2 usage, then all you pay is 10 compute hours.

Running Wordpress

For running Wordpress, it is whatever you are most comfortable with. You could run it straight on a single EC2 instance, you could use a solution from the AWS Marketplace, or you could use Elastic Beanstalk.

What to pick?

In the case that you want to reduce system operations and just focus on the website, then Elastic Beanstalk would be the best choice for that. Elastic Beanstalk supports a PHP stack (as well as others). You can keep your site in version control and easily deploy to your environment whenever you make changes. It will also setup an Autoscaling group which can spawn up more EC2 instances if traffic is growing.

Here's the first result off of Google when searching for "elastic beanstalk wordpress":

How to detect when a UIScrollView has finished scrolling

The 320 implementations are so much better - here is a patch to get consistent start/ends of the scroll.

-(void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)sender 
[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
    //ensure that the end of scroll is fired.
    [self performSelector:@selector(scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation:) withObject:sender afterDelay:0.3]; 


-(void)scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
    [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];

How to install a specific version of a ruby gem?

Use the --version parameter (shortcut -v):

$ gem install rails -v 0.14.1

You can also use version comparators like >= or ~>

$ gem install rails -v '~> 0.14.0'

Or with newer versions of gem even:

$ gem install rails:0.14.4 rubyzip:'< 1'
Successfully installed rails-0.14.4
Successfully installed rubyzip-0.9.9

There are No resources that can be added or removed from the server

The issue is it is missing Dynamic Web Module facet definition. Run the following at command line

mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0

After build is success, refresh the project and you will be add the web project to server.

How do I start Mongo DB from Windows?

I have followed the below steps...May be it will work for you

Create directory like below


mongod --port 27017 --dbpath "C:\data\db"

It worked for me....

Launch an app on OS X with command line

An application bundle (a .app file) is actually a bunch of directories. Instead of using open and the .app name, you can actually move in to it and start the actual binary. For instance:

$ cd /Applications/
$ ls
$ cd Contents/MacOS/
$ ./LittleSnapper

That is the actual binary that might accept arguments (or not, in LittleSnapper's case).

Center align "span" text inside a div

You are giving the span a 100% width resulting in it expanding to the size of the parent. This means you can’t center-align it, as there is no room to move it.

You could give the span a set width, then add the margin:0 auto again. This would center-align it.

   background-color: #999999;
   height: 50px;
   width: 24.5%;
   height: 100%;
   margin: 0 auto;

Can't import database through phpmyadmin file size too large

Another option that nobody here has mentioned yet is to do a staggered load of the database using a tool like BigDump to work around the limit. It's a simple PHP script that loads a chunk of the database at a time before restarting itself and moving on the the next chunk.

How to create permanent PowerShell Aliases

to create the profile1.psl file, type in the following command:

new-item $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts -ItemType file -Force

to access the file, type in the next command:

ise $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts

note if you haven't done this before, you will see that you will not be able to run the script because of your execution policy, which you need to change to Unrestricted from Restricted (default).

to do that close the script and then type this command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser



then this command again:

ise $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts

then finally type your aliases in the script, save it, and they should run every time you run powershell, even after restarting your computer.

How do I show the number keyboard on an EditText in android?

You can configure an inputType for your EditText:

<EditText android:inputType="number" ... />

Validating URL in Java

Thanks. Opening the URL connection by passing the Proxy as suggested by NickDK works fine.

//Proxy instance, proxy ip = with port 8080
Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress("", 8080));
conn = new URL(urlString).openConnection(proxy);

System properties however doesn't work as I had mentioned earlier.

Thanks again.

Regards, Keya

how to change directory using Windows command line

Another alternative is pushd, which will automatically switch drives as needed. It also allows you to return to the previous directory via popd:

C:\Temp>pushd D:\some\folder

Java String new line

It can be done several ways. I am mentioning 2 simple ways.

  1. Very simple way as below:

  2. It can also be done with concatenation as below:

    System.out.println("I" + '\n' + "am" + '\n' + "a" + '\n' + "boy");

Pause in Python

One way is to leave a raw_input() at the end so the script waits for you to press Enter before it terminates.

R - test if first occurrence of string1 is followed by string2

> grepl("^[^_]+_1",s)
> grepl("^[^_]+_2",s)
[1] TRUE

basically, look for everything at the beginning except _, and then the _2.

+1 to @Ananda_Mahto for suggesting grepl instead of grep.

How do I create a new line in Javascript?


won't work if you're executing it (document.write();) multiple times.

I'll suggest you should go for:


P.S I know people have stated this answer above but didn't find the difference anywhere so :)

Changing SVG image color with javascript

Given some SVG:

<div id="main">
  <svg id="octocat" xmlns="" width="400px" height="400px" viewBox="-60 0 420 330" style="fill:#fff;stroke: #000; stroke-opacity: 0.1">
    <path id="puddle" d="m296.94 295.43c0 20.533-47.56 37.176-106.22 37.176-58.67 0-106.23-16.643-106.23-37.176s47.558-37.18 106.23-37.18c58.66 0 106.22 16.65 106.22 37.18z"/>
    <path class="shadow-legs" d="m161.85 331.22v-26.5c0-3.422-.619-6.284-1.653-8.701 6.853 5.322 7.316 18.695 7.316 18.695v17.004c6.166.481 12.534.773 19.053.861l-.172-16.92c-.944-23.13-20.769-25.961-20.769-25.961-7.245-1.645-7.137 1.991-6.409 4.34-7.108-12.122-26.158-10.556-26.158-10.556-6.611 2.357-.475 6.607-.475 6.607 10.387 3.775 11.33 15.105 11.33 15.105v23.622c5.72.98 11.71 1.79 17.94 2.4z"/>
    <path class="shadow-legs" d="m245.4 283.48s-19.053-1.566-26.16 10.559c.728-2.35.839-5.989-6.408-4.343 0 0-19.824 2.832-20.768 25.961l-.174 16.946c6.509-.025 12.876-.254 19.054-.671v-17.219s.465-13.373 7.316-18.695c-1.034 2.417-1.653 5.278-1.653 8.701v26.775c6.214-.544 12.211-1.279 17.937-2.188v-24.113s.944-11.33 11.33-15.105c0-.01 6.13-4.26-.48-6.62z"/>
    <path id="cat" d="m378.18 141.32l.28-1.389c-31.162-6.231-63.141-6.294-82.487-5.49 3.178-11.451 4.134-24.627 4.134-39.32 0-21.073-7.917-37.931-20.77-50.759 2.246-7.25 5.246-23.351-2.996-43.963 0 0-14.541-4.617-47.431 17.396-12.884-3.22-26.596-4.81-40.328-4.81-15.109 0-30.376 1.924-44.615 5.83-33.94-23.154-48.923-18.411-48.923-18.411-9.78 24.457-3.733 42.566-1.896 47.063-11.495 12.406-18.513 28.243-18.513 47.659 0 14.658 1.669 27.808 5.745 39.237-19.511-.71-50.323-.437-80.373 5.572l.276 1.389c30.231-6.046 61.237-6.256 80.629-5.522.898 2.366 1.899 4.661 3.021 6.879-19.177.618-51.922 3.062-83.303 11.915l.387 1.36c31.629-8.918 64.658-11.301 83.649-11.882 11.458 21.358 34.048 35.152 74.236 39.484-5.704 3.833-11.523 10.349-13.881 21.374-7.773 3.718-32.379 12.793-47.142-12.599 0 0-8.264-15.109-24.082-16.292 0 0-15.344-.235-1.059 9.562 0 0 10.267 4.838 17.351 23.019 0 0 9.241 31.01 53.835 21.061v32.032s-.943 11.33-11.33 15.105c0 0-6.137 4.249.475 6.606 0 0 28.792 2.361 28.792-21.238v-34.929s-1.142-13.852 5.663-18.667v57.371s-.47 13.688-7.551 18.881c0 0-4.723 8.494 5.663 6.137 0 0 19.824-2.832 20.769-25.961l.449-58.06h4.765l.453 58.06c.943 23.129 20.768 25.961 20.768 25.961 10.383 2.357 5.663-6.137 5.663-6.137-7.08-5.193-7.551-18.881-7.551-18.881v-56.876c6.801 5.296 5.663 18.171 5.663 18.171v34.929c0 23.6 28.793 21.238 28.793 21.238 6.606-2.357.474-6.606.474-6.606-10.386-3.775-11.33-15.105-11.33-15.105v-45.786c0-17.854-7.518-27.309-14.87-32.3 42.859-4.25 63.426-18.089 72.903-39.591 18.773.516 52.557 2.803 84.873 11.919l.384-1.36c-32.131-9.063-65.692-11.408-84.655-11.96.898-2.172 1.682-4.431 2.378-6.755 19.25-.80 51.38-.79 82.66 5.46z"/>
    <path id="face" d="m258.19 94.132c9.231 8.363 14.631 18.462 14.631 29.343 0 50.804-37.872 52.181-84.585 52.181-46.721 0-84.589-7.035-84.589-52.181 0-10.809 5.324-20.845 14.441-29.174 15.208-13.881 40.946-6.531 70.147-6.531 29.07-.004 54.72-7.429 69.95 6.357z"/>
    <path id="eyes" d="m160.1 126.06 c0 13.994-7.88 25.336-17.6 25.336-9.72 0-17.6-11.342-17.6-25.336 0-13.992 7.88-25.33 17.6-25.33 9.72.01 17.6 11.34 17.6 25.33z m94.43 0 c0 13.994-7.88 25.336-17.6 25.336-9.72 0-17.6-11.342-17.6-25.336 0-13.992 7.88-25.33 17.6-25.33 9.72.01 17.6 11.34 17.6 25.33z"/>
    <path id="pupils" d="m154.46 126.38 c0 9.328-5.26 16.887-11.734 16.887s-11.733-7.559-11.733-16.887c0-9.331 5.255-16.894 11.733-16.894 6.47 0 11.73 7.56 11.73 16.89z m94.42 0 c0 9.328-5.26 16.887-11.734 16.887s-11.733-7.559-11.733-16.887c0-9.331 5.255-16.894 11.733-16.894 6.47 0 11.73 7.56 11.73 16.89z"/>
    <circle id="nose" cx="188.5" cy="148.56" r="4.401"/>
    <path id="mouth" d="m178.23 159.69c-.26-.738.128-1.545.861-1.805.737-.26 1.546.128 1.805.861 1.134 3.198 4.167 5.346 7.551 5.346s6.417-2.147 7.551-5.346c.26-.738 1.067-1.121 1.805-.861s1.121 1.067.862 1.805c-1.529 4.324-5.639 7.229-10.218 7.229s-8.68-2.89-10.21-7.22z"/>
    <path id="octo" d="m80.641 179.82 c0 1.174-1.376 2.122-3.07 2.122-1.693 0-3.07-.948-3.07-2.122 0-1.175 1.377-2.127 3.07-2.127 1.694 0 3.07.95 3.07 2.13z m8.5 4.72 c0 1.174-1.376 2.122-3.07 2.122-1.693 0-3.07-.948-3.07-2.122 0-1.175 1.377-2.127 3.07-2.127 1.694 0 3.07.95 3.07 2.13z m5.193 6.14 c0 1.174-1.376 2.122-3.07 2.122-1.693 0-3.07-.948-3.07-2.122 0-1.175 1.377-2.127 3.07-2.127 1.694 0 3.07.95 3.07 2.13z m4.72 7.08 c0 1.174-1.376 2.122-3.07 2.122-1.693 0-3.07-.948-3.07-2.122 0-1.175 1.377-2.127 3.07-2.127 1.694 0 3.07.95 3.07 2.13z m5.188 6.61 c0 1.174-1.376 2.122-3.07 2.122-1.693 0-3.07-.948-3.07-2.122 0-1.175 1.377-2.127 3.07-2.127 1.694 0 3.07.95 3.07 2.13z m7.09 5.66 c0 1.174-1.376 2.122-3.07 2.122-1.693 0-3.07-.948-3.07-2.122 0-1.175 1.377-2.127 3.07-2.127 1.694 0 3.07.95 3.07 2.13z m9.91 3.78 c0 1.174-1.376 2.122-3.07 2.122-1.693 0-3.07-.948-3.07-2.122 0-1.175 1.377-2.127 3.07-2.127 1.694 0 3.07.95 3.07 2.13z m9.87 0 c0 1.174-1.376 2.122-3.07 2.122-1.693 0-3.07-.948-3.07-2.122 0-1.175 1.377-2.127 3.07-2.127 1.694 0 3.07.95 3.07 2.13z m10.01 -1.64 c0 1.174-1.376 2.122-3.07 2.122-1.693 0-3.07-.948-3.07-2.122 0-1.175 1.377-2.127 3.07-2.127 1.694 0 3.07.95 3.07 2.13z"/>
    <path id="drop" d="m69.369 186.12l-3.066 10.683s-.8 3.861 2.84 4.546c3.8-.074 3.486-3.627 3.223-4.781z"/>

Using jQuery, for instance, you could do:

var _currentFill = "#f00"; // red
$svg = $("#octocat");
$("#face", $svg).attr('style', "fill:"+_currentFill); })

I provided a coloring book demo as an answer to another stackoverflow question: Tested on Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.

How to search JSON data in MySQL?

If you have MySQL version >= 5.7, then you can try this:

SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(name, "$.id") AS name
FROM table
WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(name, "$.id") > 3


| name                          | 
| {"id": "4", "name": "Betty"}  | 

Please check MySQL reference manual for more details:

Ctrl+click doesn't work in Eclipse Juno

Sometimes if a file is too large, then for Scalability purposes, the navigation is disabled by Eclipse. For me it happened with Eclipse with C++

It can be enabled by Window->Preferences->C/C++/Editor/Scalability and then under "Scalability mode settings' uncheck everything.

Eclipse Settings

Can I export a variable to the environment from a bash script without sourcing it?

I don't think this can be done but I found a workaround using alias. It will only work when you place your script in your scripts directory, otherwise your alias will have an invalid name. The only point to the work around is to be able to have a function inside a file with the same name and not have to bother sourcing it before using it. Add the following code to ~/.bashrc:

alias myFunction='unalias myFunction && . myFunction && myFunction "$@"'

You can now call myFunction without sourcing it first.

How to print to console using swift playground?

you need to enable the Show Assistant Editor:

enter image description here

Execute PHP function with onclick

Try this it will work fine.

function echoHello(){
 alert("<?PHP hello(); ?>");

FUNCTION hello(){
 echo "Call php function on onclick event.";


<button onclick="echoHello()">Say Hello</button>

Plotting histograms from grouped data in a pandas DataFrame

With recent version of Pandas, you can do df.N.hist(by=df.Letter)

Just like with the solutions above, the axes will be different for each subplot. I have not solved that one yet.

"dd/mm/yyyy" date format in excel through vba

Your issue is with attempting to change your month by adding 1. 1 in date serials in Excel is equal to 1 day. Try changing your month by using the following:

NewDate = Format(DateAdd("m",1,StartDate),"dd/mm/yyyy")

Django development IDE

I use Kate (KDE Advanced Text Editor) for most of my development, including Django. It has both a Python and Django Templates syntax higlighting. I switch to Quanta+ when a significant part of the project involves HTML.

Since it uses Kate's KPart, it's just as good for editing the Python parts, and for the HTML templates i have the whole Quanta+ tools, while still highligting Django-specific tags.

Update 2013: Unfortunately, Quanta+ has been dead for years now, and there's no hope that it will ever be resurrected. Also, there's no other usable HTML editor out there, so it's Kate all the time now.

Make div scrollable

Place this into your DIV style


How to delete all records from table in sqlite with Android?

I have a function that works for me in Unity (in conjunction with the database SQLite).

code C#:

public void DeleteAllObj() {
    connectionString = "URI=file:"+Application.dataPath+"/TerrainTools/db/object.sqlite";
    using (IDbConnection dbConnection = new SqliteConnection(connectionString)) {
        using(IDbCommand dbCmd =dbConnection.CreateCommand()) {
            dbCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM 'ObjectMap'";
            using (IDataReader reader = dbCmd.ExecuteReader()) {

Are there constants in JavaScript?

If it is worth mentioning, you can define constants in angular using $provide.constant()

angularApp.constant('YOUR_CONSTANT', 'value');

Controlling Spacing Between Table Cells

Check this fiddle. You are going to need to take a look at using border-collapse and border-spacing. There are some quirks for IE (as usual). This is based on an answer to this question.

table.test td {
  background-color: lime;
  margin: 12px 12px 12px 12px;
  padding: 12px 12px 12px 12px;

table.test {
  border-collapse: separate;
  border-spacing: 10px;
  *border-collapse: expression('separate', cellSpacing='10px');
<table class="test">

Using Helvetica Neue in a Website

They are taking a 'shotgun' approach to referencing the font. The browser will attempt to match each font name with any installed fonts on the user's machine (in the order they have been listed).

In your example "HelveticaNeue-Light" will be tried first, if this font variant is unavailable the browser will try "Helvetica Neue Light" and finally "Helvetica Neue".

As far as I'm aware "Helvetica Neue" isn't considered a 'web safe font', which means you won't be able to rely on it being installed for your entire user base. It is quite common to define "serif" or "sans-serif" as a final default position.

In order to use fonts which aren't 'web safe' you'll need to use a technique known as font embedding. Embedded fonts do not need to be installed on a user's computer, instead they are downloaded as part of the page. Be aware this increases the overall payload (just like an image does) and can have an impact on page load times.

A great resource for free fonts with open-source licenses is Google Fonts. (You should still check individual licenses before using them.) Each font has a download link with instructions on how to embed them in your website.

Want to move a particular div to right

For me, I used margin-left: auto; which is more responsive with horizontal resizing.