Overloading: In Real world, overloading means assigning some extra stuff to someone. As as in real world Overloading in PHP means calling extra functions. In other way You can say it have slimier function with different parameter.In PHP you can use overloading with magic functions e.g. __get, __set, __call etc.
Example of Overloading:
class Shape {
const Pi = 3.142 ; // constant value
function __call($functionname, $argument){
if($functionname == 'area')
case 0 : return 0 ;
case 1 : return self::Pi * $argument[0] ; // 3.14 * 5
case 2 : return $argument[0] * $argument[1]; // 5 * 10
$circle = new Shape();`enter code here`
echo "Area of circle:".$circle->area()."</br>"; // display the area of circle Output 0
echo "Area of circle:".$circle->area(5)."</br>"; // display the area of circle
$rect = new Shape();
echo "Area of rectangle:".$rect->area(5,10); // display area of rectangle
Overriding : In object oriented programming overriding is to replace parent method in child class.In overriding you can re-declare parent class method in child class. So, basically the purpose of overriding is to change the behavior of your parent class method.
Example of overriding :
class parent_class
public function text() //text() is a parent class method
echo "Hello!! everyone I am parent class text method"."</br>";
public function test()
echo "Hello!! I am second method of parent class"."</br>";
class child extends parent_class
public function text() // Text() parent class method which is override by child
echo "Hello!! Everyone i am child class";
$obj= new parent_class();
$obj->text(); // display the parent class method echo
$obj= new parent_class();
$obj= new child();
$obj->text(); // display the child class method echo