[css] Overriding css style?

I look on Stack Overflow, and didn't find the solution, I know how to override style if style exists, just change its property. But now I have a strange style to override

Here is an example of what I have

First I have this one:

.slikezamenjanje img{
    max-width: 100%;

Now I need to override that style with just this one:

#zoomTarget .slikezamenjanje img {
    max-width: 100%;

The problem is that first style appends second, but I don't want that, in this second style what I need is just one line, not to append from the first style?

This question is related to css styles overriding

The answer is

Instead of override you can add another class to the element and then you have an extra abilities. for example:


<div class="style1 style2"></div>


//only style for the first stylesheet
.style1 {
   width: 100%;      
//only style for second stylesheet
.style2 {
   width: 50%;     
//override all
.style1.style2 { 
   width: 70%;

You just have to reset the values you don't want to their defaults. No need to get into a mess by using !important.

#zoomTarget .slikezamenjanje img {
    max-height: auto;
    padding-right: 0px;


I think the key datum you are missing is that CSS comes with default values. If you want to override a value, set it back to its default, which you can look up.

For example, all CSS height and width attributes default to auto.

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