Programs & Examples On #Stylecop

StyleCop analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules.

Should 'using' directives be inside or outside the namespace?

The technical reasons are discussed in the answers and I think that it comes to the personal preferences in the end since the difference is not that big and there are tradeoffs for both of them. Visual Studio's default template for creating .cs files use using directives outside of namespaces e.g.

One can adjust stylecop to check using directives outside of namespaces through adding stylecop.json file in the root of the project file with the following:

  "$schema": "",
    "orderingRules": {
      "usingDirectivesPlacement": "outsideNamespace"

You can create this config file in solution level and add it to your projects as 'Existing Link File' to share the config across all of your projects too.

Preloading images with JavaScript

Yes this will work, however browsers will limit(between 4-8) the actual calls and thus not cache/preload all desired images.

A better way to do this is to call onload before using the image like so:

function (imageUrls, index) {  
    var img = new Image();

    img.onload = function () {
        console.log('isCached: ' + isCached(imageUrls[index]));

    img.src = imageUrls[index]

function isCached(imgUrl) {
    var img = new Image();
    img.src = imgUrl;
    return img.complete || (img .width + img .height) > 0;

Ant is using wrong java version

Set your JAVA_HOME environment variable with the required java version (in your case java 1.5), then in build.xml use executable="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/javac" inside <javac></javac> tag .


<target name="java compiler" description="Compiles the java code">
    <javac executable="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/javac" srcdir="./src" 

Using a RegEx to match IP addresses in Python

import re
ipv=raw_input("Enter an ip address")
if m is not None:
    print "Valid sequence of input"
else :
    print "Invalid input sequence"

Just to keep it simple I have used this approach. Simple as in to explain how really ipv4 address is evaluated. Checking whether its a binary number is although not required. Hope you like this.

When do I use super()?

I just tried it, commenting super(); does the same thing without commenting it as @Mark Peters said

package javaapplication6;

 * @author sborusu
public class Super_Test {
        System.out.println("This is super class, no object is created");
class Super_sub extends Super_Test{
       System.out.println("This is sub class, object is created");
    public static void main(String args[]){
        new Super_sub();

Listing all permutations of a string/integer

    //Generic C# Method
            private static List<T[]> GetPerms<T>(T[] input, int startIndex = 0)
                var perms = new List<T[]>();

                var l = input.Length - 1;

                if (l == startIndex)

                    for (int i = startIndex; i <= l; i++)
                        var copy = input.ToArray(); //make copy

                        var temp = copy[startIndex];

                        copy[startIndex] = copy[i];
                        copy[i] = temp;

                        perms.AddRange(GetPerms(copy, startIndex + 1));


                return perms;

            char[] charArray = new char[] { 'A', 'B', 'C' };
            var charPerms = GetPerms(charArray);

            string[] stringArray = new string[] { "Orange", "Mango", "Apple" };
            var stringPerms = GetPerms(stringArray);

            int[] intArray = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
            var intPerms = GetPerms(intArray);

Setting the JVM via the command line on Windows

If you have 2 installations of the JVM. Place the version upfront. Linux : export PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin:$PATH

This eliminates the ambiguity.

How can I view the contents of an ElasticSearch index?

You can even add the size of the terms (indexed terms). Have a look at Elastic Search: how to see the indexed data

Determine distance from the top of a div to top of window with javascript

You can use .offset() to get the offset compared to the document element and then use the scrollTop property of the window element to find how far down the page the user has scrolled:

var scrollTop     = $(window).scrollTop(),
    elementOffset = $('#my-element').offset().top,
    distance      = (elementOffset - scrollTop);

The distance variable now holds the distance from the top of the #my-element element and the top-fold.

Here is a demo:

Note that negative values mean that the element is above the top-fold.

Load More Posts Ajax Button in WordPress

If I'm not using any category then how can I use this code? Actually, I want to use this code for custom post type.

Make one div visible and another invisible

I don't think that you really want an iframe, do you?

Unless you're doing something weird, you should be getting your results back as JSON or (in the worst case) XML, right?

For your white box / extra space issue, try

style="display: none;"

instead of

style="visibility: hidden;"

proper hibernate annotation for byte[]

I'm using the Hibernate 4.2.7.SP1 with Postgres 9.3 and following works for me:

public class ConfigAttribute {
  public byte[] getValueBuffer() {
    return m_valueBuffer;

as Oracle has no trouble with that, and for Postgres I'm using custom dialect:

public class PostgreSQLDialectCustom extends PostgreSQL82Dialect {

    public SqlTypeDescriptor remapSqlTypeDescriptor(SqlTypeDescriptor sqlTypeDescriptor) {
    if (sqlTypeDescriptor.getSqlType() == java.sql.Types.BLOB) {
      return BinaryTypeDescriptor.INSTANCE;
    return super.remapSqlTypeDescriptor(sqlTypeDescriptor);

the advantage of this solution I consider, that I can keep hibernate jars untouched.

For more Postgres/Oracle compatibility issues with Hibernate, see my blog post.

Detect home button press in android

enter image description here Android Home Key handled by the framework layer you can't able to handle this in the application layer level. Because the home button action is already defined in the below level. But If you are developing your custom ROM, then It might be possible. Google restricted the HOME BUTTON override functions because of security reasons.

convert date string to mysql datetime field

FROM table_name
WHERE CONCAT( SUBSTRING(json_date, 11, 4 ) ,  '-', SUBSTRING( json_date, 7, 2 ) ,  '-', SUBSTRING( json_date, 3, 2 ) ) >= NOW();

json_date ["05/11/2011"]

How to get a view table query (code) in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio

Additionally, if you have restricted access to the database (IE: Can't use "Script Function as > CREATE To"), there is another option to get this query.

Find your View > right click > "Design".

This will give you the query you are looking for.

After installation of Gulp: “no command 'gulp' found”

Installing on a Mac - Sierra - After numerous failed attempts to install and run gulp globally via the command line using several different instructions I found I added this to my path and it worked:

export PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/node/7.6.0/libexec/npm/bin/:$PATH

I got that path from the text output when installing gulp.

ng-change not working on a text input

When you want to edit something in Angular you need to insert an ngModel in your html

try this in your sample:

    <input type="text" name="abc" class="color" ng-model="myStyle.color">

You don't need to watch the change at all!

WPF loading spinner

You can do it without any additional controls and libraries, using only Image control and transform:

    RenderTransformOrigin="0.5, 0.5" Visibility="{Binding IsLoading, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}">
        <RotateTransform x:Name="noFreeze" />
        <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Loaded">
                        To="360" Duration="0:0:1" RepeatBehavior="Forever" />

Replace /images/spinner.png with your image. Change To="360" to To="-360" if you want to rotate it counterclockwise. Duration="0:0:1" equals to 1 second per rotation.

how can I Update top 100 records in sql server

this piece of code can do its job

UPDATE TOP (100) table_name set column_name = value;

If you want to show the last 100 records, you can use this if you need.

With OrnekWith
Select Top(100) * from table_name Order By ID desc
Update table_name Set column_name = value;

CronJob not running

I've found another reason for user's crontab not running: the hostname is not present on the hosts file:

user@ubuntu:~$ cat /etc/hostname

Now the hosts file:

user@ubuntu:~$ cat /etc/hosts localhost

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

This is on a Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS, the way to fix it is adding the hostname to the hosts file so it resembles something like this:

user@ubuntu:~$ cat /etc/hosts ubuntu localhost

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

Writing to a new file if it doesn't exist, and appending to a file if it does

Have you tried mode 'a+'?

with open(filename, 'a+') as f:

Note however that f.tell() will return 0 in Python 2.x. See for details.

ggplot with 2 y axes on each side and different scales

You can create a scaling factor which is applied to the second geom and right y-axis. This is derived from Sebastian's solution.


scaleFactor <- max(mtcars$cyl) / max(mtcars$hp)

ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=disp)) +
  geom_smooth(aes(y=cyl), method="loess", col="blue") +
  geom_smooth(aes(y=hp * scaleFactor), method="loess", col="red") +
  scale_y_continuous(name="cyl", sec.axis=sec_axis(~./scaleFactor, name="hp")) +

enter image description here

Note: using ggplot2 v3.0.0

curl : (1) Protocol https not supported or disabled in libcurl

I ran into this problem and turned out that there was a space before the https which was causing the problem. " https://" vs "https://"

Transform DateTime into simple Date in Ruby on Rails

DateTime#to_date does exist with ActiveSupport:

$ irb
NoMethodError: undefined method 'to_date' for #<DateTime: -1/2,0,2299161>
    from (irb):1

>> require 'active_support/core_ext'
=> true

=> Mon, 01 Jan -4712

INSERT INTO TABLE from comma separated varchar-list

Sql Server does not (on my knowledge) have in-build Split function. Split function in general on all platforms would have comma-separated string value to be split into individual strings. In sql server, the main objective or necessary of the Split function is to convert a comma-separated string value (‘abc,cde,fgh’) into a temp table with each string as rows.

The below Split function is Table-valued function which would help us splitting comma-separated (or any other delimiter value) string to individual string.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Split(@String varchar(8000), @Delimiter char(1))       
returns @temptable TABLE (items varchar(8000))       
    declare @idx int       
    declare @slice varchar(8000)       

    select @idx = 1       
        if len(@String)<1 or @String is null  return       

    while @idx!= 0       
        set @idx = charindex(@Delimiter,@String)       
        if @idx!=0       
            set @slice = left(@String,@idx - 1)       
            set @slice = @String       

            insert into @temptable(Items) values(@slice)       

        set @String = right(@String,len(@String) - @idx)       
        if len(@String) = 0 break       

select top 10 * from dbo.split('Chennai,Bangalore,Mumbai',',')

the complete can be found at follownig link

Self-references in object literals / initializers

How about this solution this will work with nested objects with array as well

     = function (to,from){ 
            function compose(obj,string){ 
                var parts = string.split('.'); 
                var newObj = obj[parts[0]]; 
                    var newString = parts.join('.'); 
                    return compose(newObj,newString); 
                return newObj; 
            this[to] = compose(this,from);
     var obj = { name : 'Gaurav', temp : 
                  {id : [10,20], city:
                        {street:'Brunswick'}} } 

Java out.println() how is this possible?

simply import :

import static java.lang.System.*;

Can I bind an array to an IN() condition?

Looking at PDO :Predefined Constants there is no PDO::PARAM_ARRAY which you would need as is listed on PDOStatement->bindParam

bool PDOStatement::bindParam ( mixed $parameter , mixed &$variable [, int $data_type [, int $length [, mixed $driver_options ]]] )

So I don't think it is achievable.

importing go files in same folder

Any number of files in a directory are a single package; symbols declared in one file are available to the others without any imports or qualifiers. All of the files do need the same package foo declaration at the top (or you'll get an error from go build).

You do need GOPATH set to the directory where your pkg, src, and bin directories reside. This is just a matter of preference, but it's common to have a single workspace for all your apps (sometimes $HOME), not one per app.

Normally a Github path would be (not just So if you want to have main and another package, you may end up doing something under workspace/src like
      main.go   // package main, importing ""
        b.go    // package b

Note you always import with the full path: relative imports aren't allowed in a workspace. If you get tired of typing paths, use goimports. If you were getting by with go run, it's time to switch to go build: run deals poorly with multiple-file mains and I didn't bother to test but heard (from Dave Cheney here) go run doesn't rebuild dirty dependencies.

Sounds like you've at least tried to set GOPATH to the right thing, so if you're still stuck, maybe include exactly how you set the environment variable (the command, etc.) and what command you ran and what error happened. Here are instructions on how to set it (and make the setting persistent) under Linux/UNIX and here is the Go team's advice on workspace setup. Maybe neither helps, but take a look and at least point to which part confuses you if you're confused.

How do I add one month to current date in Java?

You can use like this;

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
String d = "2000-01-30";
Date date= new Date(sdf.parse(d).getTime());
date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1);

Redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS with PHP

Redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS with PHP on IIS

I was having trouble getting redirection to HTTPS to work on a Windows server which runs version 6 of MS Internet Information Services (IIS). I’m more used to working with Apache on a Linux host so I turned to the Internet for help and this was the highest ranking Stack Overflow question when I searched for “php redirect http to https”. However, the selected answer didn’t work for me.

After some trial and error, I discovered that with IIS, $_SERVER['HTTPS'] is set to off for non-TLS connections. I thought the following code should help any other IIS users who come to this question via search engine.

if (! isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) or $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'off' ) {
    $redirect_url = "https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    header("Location: $redirect_url");

Edit: From another Stack Overflow answer, a simpler solution is to check if($_SERVER["HTTPS"] != "on").

How to get row data by clicking a button in a row in an ASP.NET gridview

Is there any specific reason you would want your buttons in an item template.You can alternatively do it the following way , there by giving you the full power of the grid row editing event.You are also given a bonus of wiring easily the cancel and delete functionality.

Mark up

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Edit">
   <asp:ImageButton ID="EditImageButton" runat="server" CommandName="Edit"
    ImageUrl="~/images/Edit.png" Style="height: 16px" ToolTip="Edit" 
    CausesValidation="False"  />



                    <asp:LinkButton ID="btnUpdate" runat="server" CommandName="Update" 
                        Text="Update"  Visible="true" ImageUrl="~/images/saveHS.png" 
                   <asp:LinkButton ID="btnCancel" runat="server" CommandName="Cancel"   
                        ImageUrl="~/images/Edit_UndoHS.png"  />

                 <asp:LinkButton ID="btnDelete" runat="server" CommandName="Delete"   
                        ImageUrl="~/images/delete.png"  />


        <ControlStyle BackColor="Transparent" BorderStyle="None" />
               <FooterStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
           <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />

Code behind

 protected void GridView1_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)

    GridView1.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;

TextBox txtledName =   (TextBox) GridView1.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].FindControl("txtAccountName");

 //then do something with the retrieved textbox's text.


View the change history of a file using Git versioning

SourceTree users

If you use SourceTree to visualize your repository (it's free and quite good) you can right click a file and select Log Selected

enter image description here

The display (below) is much friendlier than gitk and most the other options listed. Unfortunately (at this time) there is no easy way to launch this view from the command line — SourceTree's CLI currently just opens repos.

enter image description here

npm WARN ... requires a peer of ... but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself

The accepted answer of using npm-install-peers did not work, nor removing node_modules and rebuilding. The answer to run

npm install --save-dev @xxxxx/xxxxx@latest

for each one, with the xxxxx referring to the exact text in the peer warning, worked. I only had four warnings, if I had a dozen or more as in the question, it might be a good idea to script the commands.

jQuery: Check if button is clicked

jQuery(':button').click(function () {
    if ( == 'button1') {
        alert('Button 1 was clicked');
    else if ( == 'button2') {
        alert('Button 2 was clicked');

EDIT:- This will work for all buttons.

Apply style to parent if it has child with css

It's not possible with CSS3. There is a proposed CSS4 selector, $, to do just that, which could look like this (Selecting the li element):

ul $li ul.sub { ... }

See the list of CSS4 Selectors here.

As an alternative, with jQuery, a one-liner you could make use of would be this:

$('ul li:has(ul.sub)').addClass('has_sub');

You could then go ahead and style the li.has_sub in your CSS.

How to correctly display .csv files within Excel 2013?

The problem is from regional Options . The decimal separator in win 7 for european countries is coma . You have to open Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Aditional Settings -> Decimal Separator : click to enter a dot (.) and to List Separator enter a coma (,) . This is !

How to enable support of CPU virtualization on Macbook Pro?

Here is a way to check is virtualization is enabled or disabled by the firmware as suggested by this link in

How to check that Intel VT-x is supported in CPU:

  1. Open Terminal application from Application/Utilities

  2. Copy/paste command bellow

sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.features

  1. You may see output similar to:

Mac:~ user$ sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.features kern.exec: unknown type returned machdep.cpu.features: FPU VME DE PSE TSC MSR PAE MCE CX8 APIC SEP MTRR PGE MCA CMOV PAT CLFSH DS ACPI MMX FXSR SSE SSE2 SS HTT TM SSE3 MON VMX EST TM2 TPR PDCM

If you see VMX entry then CPU supports Intel VT-x feature, but it still may be disabled.

Refer to this link on to enable hardware support for virtualization:

Python - PIP install trouble shooting - PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied

I had this issue as well on Windows 10. Closing all my Jupyter Notebook sessions and re-running the pip install --upgrade commands as an administrator made the issue go away.

How to validate an email address in JavaScript

All email addresses contain an 'at' (i.e. @) symbol. Test that necessary condition:

email.indexOf("@") > 0

Don't bother with anything more complicated. Even if you could perfectly determine whether an email is RFC-syntactically valid, that wouldn't tell you whether it belongs to the person who supplied it. That's what really matters.

To test that, send a validation message.

Laravel Update Query

Try doing it like this.

User::where('email', $userEmail)
           'member_type' => $plan

My prerelease app has been "processing" for over a week in iTunes Connect, what gives?

We had a similar issue. Uploaded builds were queueing up and it simply said "Processing" with the popup help, “After builds are uploaded they will go through a processing state before they can be used.” Days passed.

Selecting "Internal Testers," making a change, and saving seemed to immediately clear the queue: The latest build was now active and available for testing. I've done this twice with two different apps now.

Update: At this point, all bets are off. It seems "processing" happens when Apple quietly upgrades iTunes Connect and there's nothing you can do about it.

On September 23, 2015 iTunes Connect didn't accept any uploads for nearly 24 hours. The "Internal Testers" trick didn't work. Eventually bumping the version number (to avoid "duplicate binary" error) and re-submitting worked.

The next day, Surprise! iTunes Connect was completely changed. I guess we were all looking at a dead site while they brought up the new version in the background :(

In our case we can still see dozens of "failed" uploads still sitting in the "processing" state. Oh well.

Some people report using Application Loader works better than Xcode for submitting builds to iTunes Connect. You can find it inside Xcode now, under the Xcode menu "Open Developer Tool" item.

Sometimes this works. Sometimes it doesn't. Your milage may vary ¯\_(?)_/¯

How can I use an array of function pointers?

This question has been already answered with very good examples. The only example that might be missing is one where the functions return pointers. I wrote another example with this, and added lots of comments, in case someone finds it helpful:

#include <stdio.h>

char * func1(char *a) {
    *a = 'b';
    return a;

char * func2(char *a) {
    *a = 'c';
    return a;

int main() {
    char a = 'a';
    /* declare array of function pointers
     * the function pointer types are char * name(char *)
     * A pointer to this type of function would be just
     * put * before name, and parenthesis around *name:
     *   char * (*name)(char *)
     * An array of these pointers is the same with [x]
    char * (*functions[2])(char *) = {func1, func2};
    printf("%c, ", a);
    /* the functions return a pointer, so I need to deference pointer
     * Thats why the * in front of the parenthesis (in case it confused you)
    printf("%c, ", *(*functions[0])(&a)); 
    printf("%c\n", *(*functions[1])(&a));

    a = 'a';
    /* creating 'name' for a function pointer type
     * funcp is equivalent to type char *(*funcname)(char *)
    typedef char *(*funcp)(char *);
    /* Now the declaration of the array of function pointers
     * becomes easier
    funcp functions2[2] = {func1, func2};

    printf("%c, ", a);
    printf("%c, ", *(*functions2[0])(&a));
    printf("%c\n", *(*functions2[1])(&a));

    return 0;

Is there a way to cast float as a decimal without rounding and preserving its precision?

Try SELECT CAST(field1 AS DECIMAL(10,2)) field1 and replace 10,2 with whatever precision you need.

How to increase Heap size of JVM

Java command line parameters

-Xms: initial heap size
-Xmx: Maximum heap size

if you are using Tomcat. Update CATALINA_OPTS environment variable

export CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms16m -Xmx256m;

How to make sure that a certain Port is not occupied by any other process

It's (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort "port no.").OwningProcess

Parse query string in JavaScript

I wanted a simple function that took a URL as an input and returned a map of the query params. If I were to improve this function, I would support the standard for array data in the URL, and or nested variables.

This should work back and for with the jQuery.param( qparams ) function.

function getQueryParams(url){
    var qparams = {},
        parts = (url||'').split('?'),
        qparts, qpart,

    if(parts.length <= 1 ){
        return qparams;
        qparts = parts[1].split('&');
        for(i in qparts){

            qpart = qparts[i].split('=');
            qparams[decodeURIComponent(qpart[0])] = 
                           decodeURIComponent(qpart[1] || '');

    return qparams;

Google Maps API v3: InfoWindow not sizing correctly

I couldnt get it to work in any way shape or form, I was including 3 divs into the box. I wrapped them in an outer div, with widths and heights all set correctly, and nothing worked.

In the end I fixed it by setting the div as absolute top left, and then before the div, I set two images, one 300px wide and 1px high, one 120px high and 1px wide, of a transparent gif.

It scaled properly then!

Its ugly but it works.

You could also do one image and set a zindex I expect, or even just one image if your window has no interaction, but this was containing a form, so, that wasn't an option...

Can I give a default value to parameters or optional parameters in C# functions?

It is only possible as from C# 4.0

However, when you use a version of C#, prior to 4.0, you can work around this by using overloaded methods:

public void Func( int i, int j )
    Console.WriteLine (String.Format ("i = {0}, j = {1}", i, j));

public void Func( int i )
    Func (i, 4);

public void Func ()
    Func (5);

(Or, you can upgrade to C# 4.0 offcourse).

Running javascript in Selenium using Python

Try browser.execute_script instead of selenium.GetEval.

See this answer for example.

List all kafka topics

You can try using the below two command and list all Kafka topic

  • bin/ --describe --zookeeper,,
  • bin/ --zookeeper,, --list

What is the difference between DSA and RSA?

With reference to man ssh-keygen, the length of a DSA key is restricted to exactly 1024 bit to remain compliant with NIST's FIPS 186-2. Nonetheless, longer DSA keys are theoretically possible; FIPS 186-3 explicitly allows them. Furthermore, security is no longer guaranteed with 1024 bit long RSA or DSA keys.

In conclusion, a 2048 bit RSA key is currently the best choice.


Establishing a secure SSH connection entails more than selecting safe encryption key pair technology. In view of Edward Snowden's NSA revelations, one has to be even more vigilant than what previously was deemed sufficient.

To name just one example, using a safe key exchange algorithm is equally important. Here is a nice overview of current best SSH hardening practices.

How to do encryption using AES in Openssl

I am trying to write a sample program to do AES encryption using Openssl.

This answer is kind of popular, so I'm going to offer something more up-to-date since OpenSSL added some modes of operation that will probably help you.

First, don't use AES_encrypt and AES_decrypt. They are low level and harder to use. Additionally, it's a software-only routine, and it will never use hardware acceleration, like AES-NI. Finally, its subject to endianess issues on some obscure platforms.

Instead, use the EVP_* interfaces. The EVP_* functions use hardware acceleration, like AES-NI, if available. And it does not suffer endianess issues on obscure platforms.

Second, you can use a mode like CBC, but the ciphertext will lack integrity and authenticity assurances. So you usually want a mode like EAX, CCM, or GCM. (Or you manually have to apply a HMAC after the encryption under a separate key.)

Third, OpenSSL has a wiki page that will probably interest you: EVP Authenticated Encryption and Decryption. It uses GCM mode.

Finally, here's the program to encrypt using AES/GCM. The OpenSSL wiki example is based on it.

#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/aes.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <string.h>   

int main(int arc, char *argv[])

    /* Set up the key and iv. Do I need to say to not hard code these in a real application? :-) */

    /* A 256 bit key */
    static const unsigned char key[] = "01234567890123456789012345678901";

    /* A 128 bit IV */
    static const unsigned char iv[] = "0123456789012345";

    /* Message to be encrypted */
    unsigned char plaintext[] = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";

    /* Some additional data to be authenticated */
    static const unsigned char aad[] = "Some AAD data";

    /* Buffer for ciphertext. Ensure the buffer is long enough for the
     * ciphertext which may be longer than the plaintext, dependant on the
     * algorithm and mode
    unsigned char ciphertext[128];

    /* Buffer for the decrypted text */
    unsigned char decryptedtext[128];

    /* Buffer for the tag */
    unsigned char tag[16];

    int decryptedtext_len = 0, ciphertext_len = 0;

    /* Encrypt the plaintext */
    ciphertext_len = encrypt(plaintext, strlen(plaintext), aad, strlen(aad), key, iv, ciphertext, tag);

    /* Do something useful with the ciphertext here */
    printf("Ciphertext is:\n");
    BIO_dump_fp(stdout, ciphertext, ciphertext_len);
    printf("Tag is:\n");
    BIO_dump_fp(stdout, tag, 14);

    /* Mess with stuff */
    /* ciphertext[0] ^= 1; */
    /* tag[0] ^= 1; */

    /* Decrypt the ciphertext */
    decryptedtext_len = decrypt(ciphertext, ciphertext_len, aad, strlen(aad), tag, key, iv, decryptedtext);

    if(decryptedtext_len < 0)
        /* Verify error */
        printf("Decrypted text failed to verify\n");
        /* Add a NULL terminator. We are expecting printable text */
        decryptedtext[decryptedtext_len] = '\0';

        /* Show the decrypted text */
        printf("Decrypted text is:\n");
        printf("%s\n", decryptedtext);

    /* Remove error strings */

    return 0;

void handleErrors(void)
    unsigned long errCode;

    printf("An error occurred\n");
    while(errCode = ERR_get_error())
        char *err = ERR_error_string(errCode, NULL);
        printf("%s\n", err);

int encrypt(unsigned char *plaintext, int plaintext_len, unsigned char *aad,
            int aad_len, unsigned char *key, unsigned char *iv,
            unsigned char *ciphertext, unsigned char *tag)
    int len = 0, ciphertext_len = 0;

    /* Create and initialise the context */
    if(!(ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new())) handleErrors();

    /* Initialise the encryption operation. */
    if(1 != EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_256_gcm(), NULL, NULL, NULL))

    /* Set IV length if default 12 bytes (96 bits) is not appropriate */
    if(1 != EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(ctx, EVP_CTRL_GCM_SET_IVLEN, 16, NULL))

    /* Initialise key and IV */
    if(1 != EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx, NULL, NULL, key, iv)) handleErrors();

    /* Provide any AAD data. This can be called zero or more times as
     * required
    if(aad && aad_len > 0)
        if(1 != EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx, NULL, &len, aad, aad_len))

    /* Provide the message to be encrypted, and obtain the encrypted output.
     * EVP_EncryptUpdate can be called multiple times if necessary
        if(1 != EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx, ciphertext, &len, plaintext, plaintext_len))

        ciphertext_len = len;

    /* Finalise the encryption. Normally ciphertext bytes may be written at
     * this stage, but this does not occur in GCM mode
    if(1 != EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(ctx, ciphertext + len, &len)) handleErrors();
    ciphertext_len += len;

    /* Get the tag */
    if(1 != EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(ctx, EVP_CTRL_GCM_GET_TAG, 16, tag))

    /* Clean up */

    return ciphertext_len;

int decrypt(unsigned char *ciphertext, int ciphertext_len, unsigned char *aad,
            int aad_len, unsigned char *tag, unsigned char *key, unsigned char *iv,
            unsigned char *plaintext)
    int len = 0, plaintext_len = 0, ret;

    /* Create and initialise the context */
    if(!(ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new())) handleErrors();

    /* Initialise the decryption operation. */
    if(!EVP_DecryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_256_gcm(), NULL, NULL, NULL))

    /* Set IV length. Not necessary if this is 12 bytes (96 bits) */

    /* Initialise key and IV */
    if(!EVP_DecryptInit_ex(ctx, NULL, NULL, key, iv)) handleErrors();

    /* Provide any AAD data. This can be called zero or more times as
     * required
    if(aad && aad_len > 0)
        if(!EVP_DecryptUpdate(ctx, NULL, &len, aad, aad_len))

    /* Provide the message to be decrypted, and obtain the plaintext output.
     * EVP_DecryptUpdate can be called multiple times if necessary
        if(!EVP_DecryptUpdate(ctx, plaintext, &len, ciphertext, ciphertext_len))

        plaintext_len = len;

    /* Set expected tag value. Works in OpenSSL 1.0.1d and later */
    if(!EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl(ctx, EVP_CTRL_GCM_SET_TAG, 16, tag))

    /* Finalise the decryption. A positive return value indicates success,
     * anything else is a failure - the plaintext is not trustworthy.
    ret = EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(ctx, plaintext + len, &len);

    /* Clean up */

    if(ret > 0)
        /* Success */
        plaintext_len += len;
        return plaintext_len;
        /* Verify failed */
        return -1;

PHP class not found but it's included

In fact, it's a very old thread but useful...

When namespace declaration is part of your php class file "this kind of weird errors tends to appear".

Solution: Use namespace with {, your code shows like this:


namespace path_to\lib {

require_once "folder/php_class_file_where_namespace_declaration_is_part_of_it.php";


<?php } ?>

Set View Width Programmatically

You can use something like code below, if you need to affect only specific value, and not touch others:

view.getLayoutParams().width = newWidth;

Find in Files: Search all code in Team Foundation Server

Another solution is to use "ctrl+shift+F". You can change the search location to a local directory rather than a solution or project. This will just take the place of the desktop search and you'll still need to get the latest code, but it will allow you to remain within Visual Studio to do your searching.

Set selected item in Android BottomNavigationView

I you don't want to modify your code. If so, I recommended you to try BottomNavigationViewEx?

You just need replace call a method setCurrentItem(index); and getCurrentItem()?

Click here to view the image

"element.dispatchEvent is not a function" js error caught in firebug of FF3.0

You have to add



<script src=""></script>

How does one create an InputStream from a String?

You could do this:

InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(string.getBytes("UTF-8"));

Note the UTF-8 encoding. You should specify the character set that you want the bytes encoded into. It's common to choose UTF-8 if you don't specifically need anything else. Otherwise if you select nothing you'll get the default encoding that can vary between systems. From the JavaDoc:

The behavior of this method when this string cannot be encoded in the default charset is unspecified. The CharsetEncoder class should be used when more control over the encoding process is required.

How to put Google Maps V2 on a Fragment using ViewPager

When you add yor map use:

    .replace(, mapFragment, "f" + shabbatIndex).commit();

instead of .add and instead of getFragmentManager.

White space at top of page

Try this

body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  height: 100%;

How do I delete an item or object from an array using ng-click?

In case you're inside an ng-repeat

you could use a one liner option

    <div ng-repeat="key in keywords"> 
        <button ng-click="keywords.splice($index, 1)">


$index is used by angular to show current index of the array inside ng-repeat

How to convert Strings to and from UTF8 byte arrays in Java

Convert from String to byte[]:

String s = "some text here";
byte[] b = s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

Convert from byte[] to String:

byte[] b = {(byte) 99, (byte)97, (byte)116};
String s = new String(b, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);

You should, of course, use the correct encoding name. My examples used US-ASCII and UTF-8, the two most common encodings.

Postgres - Transpose Rows to Columns

If anyone else that finds this question and needs a dynamic solution for this where you have an undefined number of columns to transpose to and not exactly 3, you can find a nice solution here:

How to make <label> and <input> appear on the same line on an HTML form?

I am using Angular 6 with Bootstrap 4 and find this way works:

<div class="form-group row">
    <div class="col-md-2">
        <label for="currentPassword">Current Password:</label>
    <div class="col-md-6">
        <input type="password" id="currentPassword">

Raising a number to a power in Java

we can use

Math.pow(2, 4);

this mean 2 to the power 4 (2^4)

answer = 16

How do you use math.random to generate random ints?

You can also use this way for getting random number between 1 and 100 as:

SecureRandom src=new SecureRandom();
int random=1 + src.nextInt(100);

How to get jQuery dropdown value onchange event

    function() {
        var val1 = $('#pick option:selected').val();
        var val2 = $('#drop option:selected').val();

        // Do something with val1 and val2 ...

Download file using libcurl in C/C++

The example you are using is wrong. See the man page for easy_setopt. In the example write_data uses its own FILE, *outfile, and not the fp that was specified in CURLOPT_WRITEDATA. That's why closing fp causes problems - it's not even opened.

This is more or less what it should look like (no libcurl available here to test)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
/* For older cURL versions you will also need 
#include <curl/types.h>
#include <curl/easy.h>
#include <string>

size_t write_data(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream) {
    size_t written = fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, stream);
    return written;

int main(void) {
    CURL *curl;
    FILE *fp;
    CURLcode res;
    char *url = "http://localhost/aaa.txt";
    char outfilename[FILENAME_MAX] = "C:\\bbb.txt";
    curl = curl_easy_init();
    if (curl) {
        fp = fopen(outfilename,"wb");
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_data);
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, fp);
        res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
        /* always cleanup */
    return 0;

Updated: as suggested by @rsethc types.h and easy.h aren't present in current cURL versions anymore.

Display back button on action bar

Try this code, considers it only if you need the back button.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    return true;

Could not open ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]

ContextLoaderListener has its own context which is shared by all servlets and filters. By default it will search /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml

You can customize this by using


on web.xml, or remove this listener if you don't need one.

Pass data from Activity to Service using an Intent

For a precise answer to this question on "How to send data via intent from an Activity to Service", Is that you have to override the onStartCommand() method which is where you receive the intent object:

When you create a Service you should override the onStartCommand() method so if you closely look at the signature below, this is where you receive the intent object which is passed to it:

  public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId)

So from an activity you will create the intent object to start service and then you place your data inside the intent object for example you want to pass a UserID from Activity to Service:

 Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(YourService.class.getName())
 serviceIntent.putExtra("UserID", "123456");

When the service is started its onStartCommand() method will be called so in this method you can retrieve the value (UserID) from the intent object for example

public int onStartCommand (Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
    String userID = intent.getStringExtra("UserID");
    return START_STICKY;

Note: the above answer specifies to get an Intent with getIntent() method which is not correct in context of a service

Making a flex item float right

You don't need floats. In fact, they're useless because floats are ignored in flexbox.

You also don't need CSS positioning.

There are several flex methods available. auto margins have been mentioned in another answer.

Here are two other options:

  • Use justify-content: space-between and the order property.
  • Use justify-content: space-between and reverse the order of the divs.

.parent {_x000D_
    display: flex;_x000D_
    justify-content: space-between;_x000D_
.parent:first-of-type > div:last-child { order: -1; }_x000D_
p { background-color: #ddd;}
<p>Method 1: Use <code>justify-content: space-between</code> and <code>order-1</code></p>_x000D_
<div class="parent">_x000D_
    <div class="child" style="float:right"> Ignore parent? </div>_x000D_
    <div>another child </div>_x000D_
<p>Method 2: Use <code>justify-content: space-between</code> and reverse the order of _x000D_
             divs in the mark-up</p>_x000D_
<div class="parent">_x000D_
    <div>another child </div>_x000D_
    <div class="child" style="float:right"> Ignore parent? </div>_x000D_

How do I clone a single branch in Git?

A little late but I wanted to add the solution I used to solve this problem. I found the solution here.

Anyway, the question seems to be asking 'how to start a new project from a branch of another repo?'

To this, the solution I used would be to first create a new repo in github or where ever. This will serve as the repo to your new project.

On your local machine, navigate to the project that has the branch you want to use as the template for your new project.

Run the command:

git push +old_branch:master

What this will do is push the old_branch to new-repo and make it the master branch of the new repo.

You then just have to clone the new repo down to your new project's local directory and you have a new project started at the old branch.


If this is for MS SQL.. The following code will always run no matter what if the table exist already or not.

if object_id('mytablename') is not null //has the table been created already in the db
     drop table mytablename

Create table mytablename (...

How can I select rows with most recent timestamp for each key value?

This can de done in a relatively elegant way using SELECT DISTINCT, as follows:

sensorID, timestamp, sensorField1, sensorField2 
FROM sensorTable
ORDER BY sensorID, timestamp DESC;

The above works for PostgreSQL (some more info here) but I think also other engines. In case it's not obvious, what this does is sort the table by sensor ID and timestamp (newest to oldest), and then returns the first row (i.e. latest timestamp) for each unique sensor ID.

In my use case I have ~10M readings from ~1K sensors, so trying to join the table with itself on a timestamp-based filter is very resource-intensive; the above takes a couple of seconds.

Asking the user for input until they give a valid response

Why would you do a while True and then break out of this loop while you can also just put your requirements in the while statement since all you want is to stop once you have the age?

age = None
while age is None:
    input_value = input("Please enter your age: ")
        # try and convert the string input to a number
        age = int(input_value)
    except ValueError:
        # tell the user off
        print("{input} is not a number, please enter a number only".format(input=input_value))
if age >= 18:
    print("You are able to vote in the United States!")
    print("You are not able to vote in the United States.")

This would result in the following:

Please enter your age: *potato*
potato is not a number, please enter a number only
Please enter your age: *5*
You are not able to vote in the United States.

this will work since age will never have a value that will not make sense and the code follows the logic of your "business process"

How do I start PowerShell from Windows Explorer?

Windows 10 made it much easier. You can either:

  • SHIFT + Mouse Right Click on a folder, and you get a menu item Open PowerShell window here.

Or you can:

  • File -> Open Windows PowerShell.

And for a bonus ...

If you Mouse Right Click on File -> Open Windows PowerShell, then you can Add to Quick Access Toolbar:

enter image description here

Which puts a handy icon here:

enter image description here

And now you can just click that icon. :)

What can cause intermittent ORA-12519 (TNS: no appropriate handler found) errors

I had the similar issue. It happened every time when I run a pack of database (Spring JDBC) tests with SpringJUnit4ClassRunner, so I resolved the issue putting @DirtiesContext annotation for each test in order to cleanup the application context and release all resources thus each test could run with a new initalization of the application context.

DataTable: How to get item value with row name and column name? (VB)



(This is C# code. Change this to VB equivalent)


The easiest way is System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile or DownloadString.

Why do I need to override the equals and hashCode methods in Java?

The methods equals and hashcode are defined in the object class. By default if the equals method returns true, then the system will go further and check the value of the hash code. If the hash code of the 2 objects is also same only then the objects will be considered as same. So if you override only equals method, then even though the overridden equals method indicates 2 objects to be equal , the system defined hashcode may not indicate that the 2 objects are equal. So we need to override hash code as well.

cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-std=c++11" with g++

you should try this

g++-4.4 -std=c++0x or g++-4.7 -std=c++0x

Proper indentation for Python multiline strings

It depends on how you want the text to display. If you want it all to be left-aligned then either format it as in the first snippet or iterate through the lines left-trimming all the space.

Python Pandas Counting the Occurrences of a Specific value

for finding a specific value of a column you can use the code below

irrespective of the preference you can use the any of the method you like


take example of the titanic dataset


this gives a count of all male on the ship Although if you want to count a numerical data then you cannot use the above method because value_counts() is used only with series type of data hence fails So for that you can use the second method example

the second method is

#this is an example method of counting on a data frame

this is not that efficient as value_counts() but surely will help if you want to count values of a data frame hope this helps

Check whether a string is not null and not empty

Use org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils

I like to use Apache commons-lang for these kinds of things, and especially the StringUtils utility class:

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(str)) {

if (StringUtils.isBlank(str)) {

How to remove numbers from string using Regex.Replace?

var result = Regex.Replace("123- abcd33", @"[0-9\-]", string.Empty);

How to redirect user's browser URL to a different page in Nodejs?

You can use res.render() or res.redirect() method to redirect to another page using node.js express


var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var express = require('express');
var navigator = require('web-midi-api');
var app = express();

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/'));
app.engine('html', require('ejs').renderFile);
app.set('view engine', 'html');
app.set('views', __dirname);

app.get('/', function(req, res){

//This reponds a post request for the login page'/login', function (req, res) {
    console.log("Got a POST request for the login");
    var data = {
        "password": req.body.password


    //Data insertion code
    var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
    var url = "mongodb://localhost:27017/";

    MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) {
        if (err) throw err;
        var dbo = db.db("college");
        var query = { email: };
        dbo.collection("user").find(query).toArray(function(err, result) {
            if (err) throw err;
            if(result[0].password == data.password)




// This responds a POST request for the add user'/insert', function (req, res) {
    console.log("Got a POST request for the add user");

    var data = {
        "first_name" : req.body.firstName,
        "second_name" : req.body.secondName,
        "organization" : req.body.organization,
        "mobile" :,




//make sure that Service Workers are supported.
if (navigator.serviceWorker) {
    navigator.serviceWorker.register('service-worker.js', {scope: '/'})
        .then(function (registration) {
        .catch(function (e) {
} else {
    console.log('Service Worker is not supported in this browser.');

// TODO add service worker code here
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
        .then(function() { console.log('Service Worker Registered'); });

var server = app.listen(63342, function () {

    var host = server.address().host;
    var port = server.address().port;

    console.log("Example app listening at http://localhost:%s", port)

Here in the login section, If the email and password matches in the database then the site is directed to dashbaord.html otherwise we will show page-error.html using res.redirect() method. Also you can use res.render() to render a page in node.js

Getting "A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (&)"

If you want to allow Html tags only for few textbox in mvc

You can do one thing

in controller

public ActionResult CreateNewHtml()  //view
    return View();
public ActionResult CreateNewHtml(cbs obj)//view cbs is database class
    return View();

How to show only next line after the matched one?

Many good answers have been given to this question so far, but I still miss one with awk not using getline. Since, in general, it is not necessary to use getline, I would go for:

awk ' f && NR==f+1; /blah/ {f=NR}' file  #all matches after "blah"


awk '/blah/ {f=NR} f && NR==f+1' file   #matches after "blah" not being also "blah"

The logic always consists in storing the line where "blah" is found and then printing those lines that are one line after.


Sample file:

$ cat a

Get all the lines after "blah". This prints another "blah" if it appears after the first one.

$ awk 'f&&NR==f+1; /blah/ {f=NR}' a

Get all the lines after "blah" if they do not contain "blah" themselves.

$ awk '/blah/ {f=NR} f && NR==f+1' a

Chrome/jQuery Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

You can also get this error when you have an infinite loop. Make sure that you don't have any unending, recursive self references.

How to make primary key as autoincrement for Room Persistence lib

Annotate your Entity class with the code below.

In Java:

@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
private int id;

In Kotlin:

@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
var id: Int

Room will then auto-generate and auto-increment the id field.

How to pause a vbscript execution?

With 'Enter' is better use ReadLine() or Read(2), because key 'Enter' generate 2 symbols. If user enter any text next Pause() also wil be skipped even with Read(2). So ReadLine() is better:

Sub Pause()
    WScript.Echo ("Press Enter to continue")
    z = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine()
End Sub

More examples look in

git status (nothing to commit, working directory clean), however with changes commited

I had the same issue because I had 2 .git folders in the working directory.

Your problem may be caused by the same thing, so I recommend checking to see if you have multiple .git folders, and, if so, deleting one of them.

That allowed me to upload the project successfully.

TimeSpan to DateTime conversion

You could also use DateTime.FromFileTime(finishTime) where finishTme is a long containing the ticks of a time. Or FromFileTimeUtc.

Float and double datatype in Java

The Wikipedia page on it is a good place to start.

To sum up:

  • float is represented in 32 bits, with 1 sign bit, 8 bits of exponent, and 23 bits of the significand (or what follows from a scientific-notation number: 2.33728*1012; 33728 is the significand).

  • double is represented in 64 bits, with 1 sign bit, 11 bits of exponent, and 52 bits of significand.

By default, Java uses double to represent its floating-point numerals (so a literal 3.14 is typed double). It's also the data type that will give you a much larger number range, so I would strongly encourage its use over float.

There may be certain libraries that actually force your usage of float, but in general - unless you can guarantee that your result will be small enough to fit in float's prescribed range, then it's best to opt with double.

If you require accuracy - for instance, you can't have a decimal value that is inaccurate (like 1/10 + 2/10), or you're doing anything with currency (for example, representing $10.33 in the system), then use a BigDecimal, which can support an arbitrary amount of precision and handle situations like that elegantly.

How to make a phone call in android and come back to my activity when the call is done?

To return to your Activity, you will need to listen to TelephonyStates. On that listener you can send an Intent to re-open your Activity once the phone is idle.

At least thats how I will do it.

MySql Table Insert if not exist otherwise update

Jai is correct that you should use INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE.

Note that you do not need to include datenum in the update clause since it's the unique key, so it should not change. You do need to include all of the other columns from your table. You can use the VALUES() function to make sure the proper values are used when updating the other columns.

Here is your update re-written using the proper INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE syntax for MySQL:

INSERT INTO AggregatedData (datenum,Timestamp)
VALUES ("734152.979166667","2010-01-14 23:30:00.000")

How to resolve compiler warning 'implicit declaration of function memset'

A good way to findout what header file you are missing:

 man <section> <function call>

To find out the section use:

apropos <function call>


 man 3 memset
 man 2 send

Edit in response to James Morris:

  • Section | Description
  • 1 General commands
  • 2 System calls
  • 3 C library functions
  • 4 Special files (usually devices, those found in /dev) and drivers
  • 5 File formats and conventions
  • 6 Games and screensavers
  • 7 Miscellanea
  • 8 System administration commands and daemons

Source: Wikipedia Man Page

Display XML content in HTML page

2017 Update I guess. textarea worked fine for me using Spring, Bootstrap and a bunch of other things. Got the SOAP payload stored in a DB, read by Spring and push via Spring-MVC. xmp didn't work at all.

select2 - hiding the search box

.no-search .select2-search {

    dropdownCssClass : 'no-search'

File inside jar is not visible for spring

If your spring-context.xml and my.config files are in different jars then you will need to use classpath*:my.config?

More info here

Also, make sure you are using resource.getInputStream() not resource.getFile() when loading from inside a jar file.

Running Jupyter via command line on Windows

If you have installed jupyter with "python -m pip install jupyter" command instead of "$ pip install jupyter" command then follow these steps:

  1. Create a notepad
  2. Change its extension from ".txt" to ".ipynb"
  3. Right click it and click "open with"
  4. In the pop up, go to - C:\Users\<"windows_user_name">\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\Scripts
  5. Click on "jupyter-lab.exe"

String date to xmlgregoriancalendar conversion

GregorianCalendar c = GregorianCalendar.from((LocalDate.parse("2016-06-22")).atStartOfDay(ZoneId.systemDefault()));
XMLGregorianCalendar date2 = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(c);

How can I take an UIImage and give it a black border?

In Swift 3 here's how you do it to the UIImage itself:

let size = CGSize(width: image.size.width, height: image.size.height)
let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.height)
image?.draw(in: rect, blendMode: .normal, alpha: 1.0)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
context?.setStrokeColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1)
let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()

self.imageView.image = newImage

How can I get an object's absolute position on the page in Javascript?

var cumulativeOffset = function(element) {
    var top = 0, left = 0;
    do {
        top += element.offsetTop  || 0;
        left += element.offsetLeft || 0;
        element = element.offsetParent;
    } while(element);

    return {
        top: top,
        left: left

(Method shamelessly stolen from PrototypeJS; code style, variable names and return value changed to protect the innocent)

How to tell Jackson to ignore a field during serialization if its value is null?

We have lot of answers to this question. This answer may be helpful in some scenarios If you want to ignore the null values you can use the NOT_NULL in class level. as below

class Foo
  String bar;

Some times you may need to ignore the empty values such as you may have initialized the arrayList but there is no elements in that list.In that time using NOT_EMPTY annotation to ignore those empty value fields

class Foo
  String bar;

How does "make" app know default target to build if no target is specified?

By default, it begins by processing the first target that does not begin with a . aka the default goal; to do that, it may have to process other targets - specifically, ones the first target depends on.

The GNU Make Manual covers all this stuff, and is a surprisingly easy and informative read.

Bash Templating: How to build configuration files from templates with Bash?

Look at simple variables substitution python script here:

It is very simple to use:

python --props --src_path ./templates --dst_path ./dist

How to save a base64 image to user's disk using JavaScript?

HTML5 download attribute

Just to allow user to download the image or other file you may use the HTML5 download attribute.

Static file download

<a href="/images/image-name.jpg" download>
<!-- OR -->
<a href="/images/image-name.jpg" download="new-image-name.jpg"> 

Dynamic file download

In cases requesting image dynamically it is possible to emulate such download.

If your image is already loaded and you have the base64 source then:

function saveBase64AsFile(base64, fileName) {
    var link = document.createElement("a");

    document.body.appendChild(link); // for Firefox

    link.setAttribute("href", base64);
    link.setAttribute("download", fileName);;

Otherwise if image file is downloaded as Blob you can use FileReader to convert it to Base64:

function saveBlobAsFile(blob, fileName) {
    var reader = new FileReader();

    reader.onloadend = function () {    
        var base64 = reader.result ;
        var link = document.createElement("a");

        document.body.appendChild(link); // for Firefox

        link.setAttribute("href", base64);
        link.setAttribute("download", fileName);;



The anchor tag you are creating also needs to be added to the DOM in Firefox, in order to be recognized for click events (Link).

IE is not supported: Caniuse link

fatal: early EOF fatal: index-pack failed

None of the solutions above worked for me.

The solution that finally worked for me was switching SSH client. GIT_SSH environment variable was set to the OpenSSH provided by Windows Server 2019. Version


I simply installed putty, 0.72

choco install putty

And changed GIT_SSH to


How to determine whether an object has a given property in JavaScript

If you want to know if the object physically contains the property @gnarf's answer using hasOwnProperty will do the work.

If you're want to know if the property exists anywhere, either on the object itself or up in the prototype chain, you can use the in operator.

if ('prop' in obj) {
  // ...


var obj = {};

'toString' in obj == true; // inherited from Object.prototype
obj.hasOwnProperty('toString') == false; // doesn't contains it physically

Named colors in matplotlib

To get a full list of colors to use in plots:

import matplotlib.colors as colors
colors_list = list(colors._colors_full_map.values())

So, you can use in that way quickly:

scatter(X,Y, color=colors_list[0])
scatter(X,Y, color=colors_list[1])
scatter(X,Y, color=colors_list[2])
scatter(X,Y, color=colors_list[-1])

Django: Redirect to previous page after login

See django docs for views.login(), you supply a 'next' value (as a hidden field) on the input form to redirect to after a successful login.

Possible reasons for timeout when trying to access EC2 instance

To enable ssh access from the Internet for instances in a VPC subnet do the following:

  • Attach an Internet gateway to your VPC.
  • Ensure that your subnet's route table points to the Internet gateway.
  • Ensure that instances in your subnet have a globally unique IP address (public IPv4 address, Elastic IP address, or IPv6 address).
  • Ensure that your network access control (at VPC Level) and security group rules (at ec2 level) allow the relevant traffic to flow to and from your instance. Ensure your network Public IP address is enabled for both. By default, Network AcL allow all inbound and outbound traffic except explicitly configured otherwise

JSON and escaping characters

This is not a bug in either implementation. There is no requirement to escape U+00B0. To quote the RFC:

2.5. Strings

The representation of strings is similar to conventions used in the C family of programming languages. A string begins and ends with quotation marks. All Unicode characters may be placed within the quotation marks except for the characters that must be escaped: quotation mark, reverse solidus, and the control characters (U+0000 through U+001F).

Any character may be escaped.

Escaping everything inflates the size of the data (all code points can be represented in four or fewer bytes in all Unicode transformation formats; whereas encoding them all makes them six or twelve bytes).

It is more likely that you have a text transcoding bug somewhere in your code and escaping everything in the ASCII subset masks the problem. It is a requirement of the JSON spec that all data use a Unicode encoding.

Bootstrap with jQuery Validation Plugin

For full compatibility with Bootstrap 3 I added support for input-group, radio and checkbox, that was missing in the other solutions.

Update 10/20/2017: Inspected suggestions of the other answers and added additional support for special markup of radio-inline, better error placement for a group of radios or checkboxes and added support for a custom .novalidation class to prevent validation of controls. Hope this helps and thanks for the suggestions.

After including the validation plugin add the following call:

    errorElement: "span",
    errorClass: "help-block",
    highlight: function (element, errorClass, validClass) {
        // Only validation controls
        if (!$(element).hasClass('novalidation')) {
    unhighlight: function (element, errorClass, validClass) {
        // Only validation controls
        if (!$(element).hasClass('novalidation')) {
    errorPlacement: function (error, element) {
        if (element.parent('.input-group').length) {
        else if (element.prop('type') === 'radio' && element.parent('.radio-inline').length) {
        else if (element.prop('type') === 'checkbox' || element.prop('type') === 'radio') {
        else {

This works for all Bootstrap 3 form classes. If you use a horizontal form you have to use the following markup. This ensures that the help-block text respects the validation states ("has-error", ...) of the form-group.

<div class="form-group">
    <div class="col-lg-12">
        <div class="checkbox">
            <label id="LabelConfirm" for="CheckBoxConfirm">
                <input type="checkbox" name="CheckBoxConfirm" id="CheckBoxConfirm" required="required" />
                I have read all the information 

How can you use php in a javascript function

You can't run PHP code with Javascript. When the user recieves the page, the server will have evaluated and run all PHP code, and taken it out. So for example, this will work:

alert( <?php echo "\"Hello\""; ?> );

Because server will have evaluated it to this:


However, you can't perform any operations in PHP with it.


function Inc()
$num = 2;
echo $num;

Will simply have been evaluated to this:

function Inc()

If you wan't to call a PHP script, you'll have to call a different page which returns a value from a set of parameters.

This, for example, will work:


$num = $_POST["num"];
echo $num * 2;

Javascript(jQuery) (on another page):

$.post('script.php', { num: 5 }, function(result) { 

This should alert 10.

Good luck!

Edit: Just incrementing a number on the page can be done easily in jQuery like this:

Difference between HashSet and HashMap?

The Hashset Internally implements HashMap. If you see the internal implementation the values inserted in HashSet are stored as keys in the HashMap and the value is a Dummy object of Object class.
Difference between HashMap vs HashSet is:-

  1. HashMap contains key value pairs and each value can be accessed by key where as HashSet needs to be iterated everytime as there is no get method.
  2. HashMap implements Map interface and allows one null value as a key and multiple null values as values.Where as HashSet implements Set interface, allows only one null value and no duplicated values.(Remeber one null key is allowed in HashMap key hence one null value in HashSet as HashSet implemements HashMap internally).
  3. HashSet and HashMap does not maintain the order of insertion while iterating.

How to call python script on excel vba?

You can also try ExcelPython which allows you to manipulate Python object and call code from VBA.

WiX tricks and tips

Registering .NET assemblies for COM Interop with x86/x64 compatibility

NB This fragment is essentially the same as REGASM Assembly.dll /codebase

A couple of things are going on in this sample so here's the code and I'll explain it afterwards...

  <Wix xmlns="">
  <?include $(sys.CURRENTDIR)\Config.wxi?>
  <?if $(var.Win64) ?>
  <?define CLSIDRoots = "CLSID;Wow6432Node\CLSID"?>
  <?else ?>
  <?define CLSIDRoots = "CLSID"?>
  <!-- ASCOM Driver Assembly with related COM registrations -->
    <DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLLOCATION" />
    <ComponentGroup Id="cgAscomDriver">
      <Component Id="cmpAscomDriver" Directory="INSTALLLOCATION" Guid="{0267031F-991D-4D88-A748-00EC6604171E}">
        <File Id="filDriverAssembly" Source="$(var.TiGra.Astronomy.AWRDriveSystem.TargetPath)" KeyPath="yes" Vital="yes" Assembly=".net" AssemblyApplication="filDriverAssembly"  />
        <RegistryKey Root="HKCR" Key="$(var.DriverId)"  Action="createAndRemoveOnUninstall">
          <RegistryValue Type="string" Value="$(var.DriverTypeName)"/>
          <RegistryKey Key="CLSID">
            <RegistryValue Type="string" Value="$(var.DriverGuid)" />
        <?foreach CLSID in $(var.CLSIDRoots) ?>
        <RegistryKey Root="HKCR" Key="$(var.CLSID)" Action="none">
          <RegistryKey Key="$(var.DriverGuid)" Action="createAndRemoveOnUninstall">
            <RegistryValue Type="string" Value="$(var.DriverTypeName)"/>
            <RegistryKey Key="InprocServer32">
              <RegistryValue Type="string" Value="mscoree.dll" />
              <RegistryValue Type="string" Name="ThreadingModel" Value="Both"/>
              <RegistryValue Type="string" Name="Class" Value="$(var.DriverTypeName)"/>
              <RegistryValue Type="string" Name="Assembly" Value="!(bind.assemblyFullname.filDriverAssembly)" />
              <RegistryValue Type="string" Name="RuntimeVersion" Value="v2.0.50727"/>
              <RegistryValue Type="string" Name="CodeBase" Value="file:///[#filDriverAssembly]" />
              <RegistryKey Key="!(bind.fileVersion.filDriverAssembly)" >
                <RegistryValue Type="string" Name="Class" Value="$(var.DriverTypeName)"/>
                <RegistryValue Type="string" Name="Assembly" Value="!(bind.assemblyFullname.filDriverAssembly)" />
                <RegistryValue Type="string" Name="RuntimeVersion" Value="v2.0.50727"/>
                <RegistryValue Type="string" Name="CodeBase" Value="file:///[#filDriverAssembly]" />
            <RegistryKey Key="ProgId" Action="createAndRemoveOnUninstall">
              <RegistryValue Type="string" Value="$(var.DriverId)" />
            <RegistryKey Key="Implemented Categories" Action="createAndRemoveOnUninstall" >
              <RegistryKey Key="{62C8FE65-4EBB-45e7-B440-6E39B2CDBF29}" Action="createAndRemoveOnUninstall" />

If you were wondering, this is actually for an ASCOM Telescope Driver.

First, I took advice from above and created some platforma variables in a seperate file, you can see those scattered through the XML.

The if-then-else part near the top deals with x86 vs x64 compatibility. My assembly targets 'Any CPU' so on an x64 system, I need to register it twice, once in the 64-bit registry and once in the 32-bit Wow6432Node areas. The if-then-else sets me up for this, the values are used in a foreach loop later on. This way, I only have to author the registry keys once (DRY principle).

The file element specifies the actual assembly dll being installed and registered:

<File Id="filDriverAssembly" Source="$(var.TiGra.Astronomy.AWRDriveSystem.TargetPath)" KeyPath="yes" Vital="yes" Assembly=".net" AssemblyApplication="filDriverAssembly"  />

Nothing revolutionary, but notice the Assembly=".net" - this attribute alone would cause the assembly to be put into the GAC, which is NOT what I wanted. Using the AssemblyApplication attribute to point back to itself is simply a way of stopping Wix putting the file into the GAC. Now that Wix knows it's a .net assembly, though, it lets me use certain binder variables within my XML, such as the !(bind.assemblyFullname.filDriverAssembly) to get the assembly full name.

Hide strange unwanted Xcode logs

Please find the below steps.

  1. Select Product => Scheme => Edit Scheme or use shortcut : CMD + <
  2. Select the Run option from left side.
  3. On Environment Variables section, add the variable OS_ACTIVITY_MODE = disable

For more information please find the below GIF representation.

Edit Scheme

Hex colors: Numeric representation for "transparent"?

There are two common approaches for this: either reserve a specific color as being "transparent," in which case you cannot use that color in images without it appearing transparent, or define a fourth channel alongside red, green, and blue called "alpha" which indicates translucency/transparency.

Change navbar color in Twitter Bootstrap

Do you have to change the CSS directly? What about...

<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse" style="background-color: #333399;">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="navbar-header">
  <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">
    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
    <span class="icon-bar"></span>
    <span class="icon-bar"></span>                        
  <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Logo</a>
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="myNavbar">
  <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
    <li class="active"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">About</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Projects</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>
  <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
    <li><a href="#"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-log-in"></span> Login</a></li>

request exceeds the configured maxQueryStringLength when using [Authorize]

i have this error using

i fixed changing the default ajax Get to POST in te properties of the DataTable()

"ajax": {
        "url": "../ControllerName/MethodJson",
        "type": "POST"

redirect COPY of stdout to log file from within bash script itself

Using the accepted answer my script kept returning exceptionally early (right after 'exec > >(tee ...)') leaving the rest of my script running in the background. As I couldn't get that solution to work my way I found another solution/work around to the problem:

# Logging setup
mkfifo ${logfile}.pipe
tee < ${logfile}.pipe $logfile &
exec &> ${logfile}.pipe
rm ${logfile}.pipe

# Rest of my script

This makes output from script go from the process, through the pipe into the sub background process of 'tee' that logs everything to disc and to original stdout of the script.

Note that 'exec &>' redirects both stdout and stderr, we could redirect them separately if we like, or change to 'exec >' if we just want stdout.

Even thou the pipe is removed from the file system in the beginning of the script it will continue to function until the processes finishes. We just can't reference it using the file name after the rm-line.

Writing a dictionary to a csv file with one line for every 'key: value'

import csv

dict = {"Key Header":"Value Header", "key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}

with open("test.csv", "w") as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)
    for i in dict:
      writer.writerow([i, dict[i]])

enter image description here

Batch file script to zip files

You're near :)

First, the batch (%%variable) and Windows CMD (%variable) uses different variable naming. Second, i dont figure out how do you use zip from CMD. This is from Linux users i think. Use built-in zip manipulation is not like easy on Win, and even harder with batch scripting.

But you're lucky anyway. I got (extracted to target folder) zip.exe and cygwin1.dll from the cygwin package (3mb filesize both together) and start play with it right now.

Of course, i use CMD for better/faster testing instead batch. Only remember modify the %varname to %%varname before blame me :P

for /d %d in (*) do zip -r %d %d

Explanation: for /d ... that matches any folder inside. Only folder ignoring files. (use for /f to filesmatch) for /d %d in ... the %d tells cmd wich name do you wanna assign to your variable. I put d to match widh d (directory meaning). for /d %d in (*) ... Very important. That suposses that I CD to desired folder, or run from. (*) this will mean all on THIS dir, because we use /d the files are not processed so no need to set a pattern, even if you can get only some folders if you need. You can use absolute paths. Not sure about issues with relatives from batch. for /d %d in (*) do zip -r ... Do ZIP is obvious. (exec zip itself and see the help display to use your custom rules). r- is for recursive, so anyting will be added. for /d %d in (*) do zip -r %d %d The first %d is the zip name. You can try with, but if will fail because if you have 2 or more folders the second cannot gave the name of the first and will not try to overwrite without more params. So, we pass %d to both, wich is the current for iteration folder name zipped into a file with the folder name. Is not neccesary to append ".zip" to name.

Is pretty short than i expected when start to play with.

Docker error : no space left on device

Its may be due to the default storage space set to 40GB ( default path , /var/lib/docker)

you can change the storage volume to point to different path

  • edit file -> /etc/sysconfig/docker-storage
  • update below line (add if not exists)

DOCKER_STORAGE_OPTIONS='--storage-driver=overlay --graph=CUSTOM_PATH'

  • Restart docker systemctl stop docker systemctl daemon-reload systemctl start docker

if you run command docker info ( it should show storage driver as overlay)

Common elements in two lists

You can get the common elements between two lists using the method "retainAll". This method will remove all unmatched elements from the list to which it applies.

Ex.: list.retainAll(list1);

In this case from the list, all the elements which are not in list1 will be removed and only those will be remaining which are common between list and list1.

List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();

List<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<>();
//before retainAll
//applying retainAll on list
//After retainAll


[10, 13, 12, 11]
[10, 113, 112, 111]
list1::[10, 113, 112, 111]

NOTE: After retainAll applied on the list, the list contains common element between list and list1.

Open Redis port for remote connections

A quick note that doing this without further securing your Redis server is not a good idea as it can leave you open to attack. Be sure to also implement AUTH or otherwise secure that. See for details.

How to check if matching text is found in a string in Lua?

There are 2 options to find matching text; string.match or string.find.

Both of these perform a regex search on the string to find matches.


string.find(subject string, pattern string, optional start position, optional plain flag)

Returns the startIndex & endIndex of the substring found.

The plain flag allows for the pattern to be ignored and intead be interpreted as a literal. Rather than (tiger) being interpreted as a regex capture group matching for tiger, it instead looks for (tiger) within a string.

Going the other way, if you want to regex match but still want literal special characters (such as .()[]+- etc.), you can escape them with a percentage; %(tiger%).

You will likely use this in combination with string.sub


str = "This is some text containing the word tiger."
if string.find(str, "tiger") then
  print ("The word tiger was found.")
  print ("The word tiger was not found.")


string.match(s, pattern, optional index)

Returns the capture groups found.


str = "This is some text containing the word tiger."
if string.match(str, "tiger") then
  print ("The word tiger was found.")
  print ("The word tiger was not found.")

CharSequence VS String in Java?

CharSequence is a readable sequence of char values which implements String. it has 4 methods

  1. charAt(int index)
  2. length()
  3. subSequence(int start, int end)
  4. toString()

Please refer documentation CharSequence documentation

Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@debug/compileClasspath': Could not resolve

If you have ever used a proxy, VPN, etc(or may not, I am not sure).....Then the solution below may help you...I don't know why (and if anybody can tell me why, I will appreciate that), but it works, pefectly. Have a try when you totally feel desperate about that issue.

Come to your project, and open or, comment out these codes about proxy:


enter image description here

Then, it might work.

PS: I met this problem when I try to use dataBinding library, and when I added the code

buildFeatures {
        dataBinding true

into gradle as the guide told me and Syns the project, I got such an error:"Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@debug/compileClasspath': Could not resolve ......". Finally I did what I described above, and I successed. What I experience may give you a hint, so I post the solution here and hope it might help.

Creating a Pandas DataFrame from a Numpy array: How do I specify the index column and column headers?

This can be done simply by using from_records of pandas DataFrame

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Creating a numpy array
x = np.arange(1,10,1).reshape(-1,1)
dataframe = pd.DataFrame.from_records(x)

How to convert enum names to string in c

One way, making the preprocessor do the work. It also ensures your enums and strings are in sync.

        FRUIT(apple)   \
        FRUIT(orange)  \
        FRUIT(grape)   \
        FRUIT(banana)  \



static const char *FRUIT_STRING[] = {

After the preprocessor gets done, you'll have:

    apple, orange, grape, banana,

static const char *FRUIT_STRING[] = {
    "apple", "orange", "grape", "banana",

Then you could do something like:

printf("enum apple as a string: %s\n",FRUIT_STRING[apple]);

If the use case is literally just printing the enum name, add the following macros:

#define str(x) #x
#define xstr(x) str(x)

Then do:

printf("enum apple as a string: %s\n", xstr(apple));

In this case, it may seem like the two-level macro is superfluous, however, due to how stringification works in C, it is necessary in some cases. For example, let's say we want to use a #define with an enum:

#define foo apple

int main() {
    printf("%s\n", str(foo));
    printf("%s\n", xstr(foo));

The output would be:


This is because str will stringify the input foo rather than expand it to be apple. By using xstr the macro expansion is done first, then that result is stringified.

See Stringification for more information.

Javascript/Jquery to change class onclick?

I would think this: should do it. If I don't have the class names 100% correct you can just change them to whatever you need them to be.

Can't push to remote branch, cannot be resolved to branch

I had the same problem but was resolved. I realized branch name is case sensitive. The main branch in GitHub is 'master', while in my gitbash command it's 'Master'. I renamed Master in local repository to master and it worked!

Best way to update data with a RecyclerView adapter

Found following solution working for my similar problem:

private ExtendedHashMap mData = new ExtendedHashMap();
private  String[] mKeys;

public void setNewData(ExtendedHashMap data) {
    mKeys = data.keySet().toArray(new String[data.size()]);

Using the clear-command


is not nessescary

How to get the selected row values of DevExpress XtraGrid?

I found the solution as follows:

private void gridView1_RowCellClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowCellClickEventArgs e)
    TBGRNo.Text = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(gridView1.FocusedRowHandle, "GRNo").ToString();
    TBSName.Text = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(gridView1.FocusedRowHandle, "SName").ToString();
    TBFName.Text = gridView1.GetRowCellValue(gridView1.FocusedRowHandle, "FName").ToString();            

enter image description here

Mark error in form using Bootstrap

Bootstrap V3:

Once i was searching for laravel features then i got to know this amazing form validation. Later on, i amended glyphicon icon features. Now, it looks great.

<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="form-group has-error has-feedback">
    <input id="enter email" name="email" type="text" placeholder="Enter email" class="form-control ">
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback"></span>       
    <span class="help-block"><p>The Email field is required.</p></span>                                        
<div class="clearfix"></div>

<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="form-group has-error has-feedback">
    <input id="account_holder_name" name="name" type="text" placeholder="Name" class="form-control ">
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback"></span>                                            
    <span class="help-block"><p>The Name field is required.</p></span>                                        
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="form-group has-error has-feedback">
 <input id="check_np" name="check_no" type="text" placeholder="Check no" class="form-control ">
 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback"></span>
<span class="help-block"><p>The Check No. field is required.</p></span>                                       

This is what it looks like: enter image description here

Once i completed it i thought i should implement it in Codeigniter as well. So here is the Codeigniter-3 validation with Bootstrap:


function addData()
if($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
//validation fails. Load your view.
$this->loadViews('Load your view','pass your data to view if any');
 //validation pass. Your code here.


<div class="col-md-12">
 $email_error = (form_error('email') ? 'has-error has-feedback' : '');
 $emailData = '<span class="help-block">'.form_error('email').'</span>';
 $emailClass = $email_error;
 $emailIcon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback"></span>';
    $emailClass = $emailIcon = $emailData = '';
<div class="form-group <?= $emailClass ?>">
<input id="enter email" name="email" type="text" placeholder="Enter email" class="form-control ">
<?= $emailIcon ?>
<?= $emailData ?>

Output: enter image description here

How to get start and end of day in Javascript?

In MomentJs We can declare it like :

   const start = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:01');
   const end = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD 23:59:59');

HTML radio buttons allowing multiple selections

They all need to have the same name attribute.

The radio buttons are grouped by the name attribute. Here's an example:

    <legend>Please select one of the following</legend>
    <input type="radio" name="action" id="track" value="track" /><label for="track">Track Submission</label><br />
    <input type="radio" name="action" id="event" value="event"  /><label for="event">Events and Artist booking</label><br />
    <input type="radio" name="action" id="message" value="message" /><label for="message">Message us</label><br />

Java Try and Catch IOException Problem

Initializer block is just like any bits of code; it's not "attached" to any field/method preceding it. To assign values to fields, you have to explicitly use the field as the lhs of an assignment statement.

private int lineCount; {
        lineCount = LineCounter.countLines(sFileName);
    catch(IOException ex){
        System.out.println (ex.toString());
        System.out.println("Could not find file " + sFileName);

Also, your countLines can be made simpler:

  public static int countLines(String filename) throws IOException {
    LineNumberReader reader  = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(filename));
    while (reader.readLine() != null) {}
    return reader.getLineNumber();

Based on my test, it looks like you can getLineNumber() after close().

`IF` statement with 3 possible answers each based on 3 different ranges

Your formula should be of the form =IF(X2 >= 85,0.559,IF(X2 >= 80,0.327,IF(X2 >=75,0.255,0))). This simulates the ELSE-IF operand Excel lacks. Your formulas were using two conditions in each, but the second parameter of the IF formula is the value to use if the condition evaluates to true. You can't chain conditions in that manner.

Should Jquery code go in header or footer?

Although almost all web sites still place Jquery and other javascript on header :D , even check .

I also suggest you to put on before end tag of body. You can check loading time after placing on either places. Script tag will pause your webpage to load further.

and after placing javascript on footer, you may get unusual looks of your webpage until it loads javascript, so place css on your header section.

What is std::move(), and when should it be used?

std::move itself does nothing rather than a static_cast. According to

It is exactly equivalent to a static_cast to an rvalue reference type.

Thus, it depends on the type of the variable you assign to after the move, if the type has constructors or assign operators that takes a rvalue parameter, it may or may not steal the content of the original variable, so, it may leave the original variable to be in an unspecified state:

Unless otherwise specified, all standard library objects that have been moved from being placed in a valid but unspecified state.

Because there is no special move constructor or move assign operator for built-in literal types such as integers and raw pointers, so, it will be just a simple copy for these types.

How to insert spaces/tabs in text using HTML/CSS

Types of Spaces in HTML

Creates four spaces between the text- &emsp;

Creates two spaces between the text - &ensp;

Creates a regular space between the text - &nbsp;

creates a narrow space ( similar to regular space but slight difference - "&thinsp";

spacing between sentences - "</br>"

This link might help you. Check out []

How to show Error & Warning Message Box in .NET/ How to Customize MessageBox

  "your message",
  "window title", 
  MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk //For Info Asterisk
  MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation //For triangle Warning 

How can I determine browser window size on server side C#

Here how I solved it using Cookies:

First of all, inside the website main script:

var browserWindowSize = getCookie("_browserWindowSize");
var newSize = $(window).width() + "," + $(window).height();
var reloadForCookieRefresh = false;

if (browserWindowSize == undefined || browserWindowSize == null || newSize != browserWindowSize) {
    setCookie("_browserWindowSize", newSize, 30);
    reloadForCookieRefresh = true;

if (reloadForCookieRefresh)

function setCookie(name, value, days) {
    var expires = "";
    if (days) {
        var date = new Date();
        date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
        expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString();
    document.cookie = name + "=" + (value || "") + expires + "; path=/";

function getCookie(name) {
    var nameEQ = name + "=";
    var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
    for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
        var c = ca[i];
        while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length);
        if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);
    return null;

And inside MVC action filter:

public class SetCurrentRequestDataFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        // currentRequestService is registered per web request using IoC
        var currentRequestService = iocResolver.Resolve<ICurrentRequestService>();

        if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("_browserWindowSize"))
            var browserWindowSize = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Get("_browserWindowSize").Value.Split(',');
            currentRequestService.browserWindowWidth = int.Parse(browserWindowSize[0]);
            currentRequestService.browserWindowHeight = int.Parse(browserWindowSize[1]);


Function return value in PowerShell

Luke's description of the function results in these scenarios seems to be right on. I only wish to understand the root cause and the PowerShell product team would do something about the behavior. It seems to be quite common and has cost me too much debugging time.

To get around this issue I've been using global variables rather than returning and using the value from the function call.

Here's another question on the use of global variables: Setting a global PowerShell variable from a function where the global variable name is a variable passed to the function

Can't accept license agreement Android SDK Platform 24

If you want to avoid creating the licence folder manually, and in case your sdk is not in the "Users/User" you can go to android studio => Configure => SDK Manager and install any component, i installed the google usb driver from the sdk tools, it automatically generated the license in the correct location.

Difference between <? super T> and <? extends T> in Java

When to use extends and super

Wildcards are most useful in method parameters. They allow for the necessary flexibility in method interfaces.

People are often confused when to use extends and when to use super bounds. The rule of thumb is the get-put principle. If you get something from a parametrized container, use extends.

int totalFuel(List<? extends Vehicle> list) {
int total = 0;
for(Vehicle v : list) {
    total += v.getFuel();
return total;}

The method totalFuel gets Vehicles from the list, asks them about how much fuel they have, and computes the total. If you put objects into a parameterized container, use super.

int totalValue(Valuer<? super Vehicle> valuer) {
int total = 0;
for(Vehicle v : vehicles) {
    total += valuer.evaluate(v);
return total;}

The method totalValue puts Vehicles into the Valuer. It's useful to know that extends bound is much more common than super.

Play audio with Python

Your best bet is probably to use pygame/SDL. It's an external library, but it has great support across platforms.


You can find more specific documentation about the audio mixer support in the documentation

Writing string to a file on a new line every time

Unless write to binary files, use print. Below example good for formatting csv files:

def write_row(file_, *columns):
    print(*columns, sep='\t', end='\n', file=file_)


PHI = 45
with open('file.csv', 'a+') as f:
    write_row(f, 'header', 'phi:', PHI, 'serie no. 2')
    write_row(f)  # newline
    write_row(f, data[0], data[1])


Search for string within text column in MySQL

Using like might take longer time so use full_text_search:

SELECT * FROM items WHERE MATCH(items.xml) AGAINST ('your_search_word')

Best XML Parser for PHP

It depends on what you are trying to do with the XML files. If you are just trying to read the XML file (like a configuration file), The Wicked Flea is correct in suggesting SimpleXML since it creates what amounts to nested ArrayObjects. e.g. value will be accessible by $xml->root->child.

If you are looking to manipulate the XML files you're probably best off using DOM XML

Can we update primary key values of a table?

Primary key attributes are just as updateable as any other attributes of a table. Stability is often a desirable property of a key but definitely not an absolute requirement. If it makes sense from a business perpective to update a key then there's no fundamental reason why you shouldn't.

Oracle REPLACE() function isn't handling carriage-returns & line-feeds

Ahah! Cade is on the money.

An artifact in TOAD prints \r\n as two placeholder 'blob' characters, but prints a single \r also as two placeholders. The 1st step toward a solution is to use ..

REPLACE( col_name, CHR(13) || CHR(10) )

.. but I opted for the slightly more robust ..

REPLACE(REPLACE( col_name, CHR(10) ), CHR(13) )

.. which catches offending characters in any order. My many thanks to Cade.


How to get the file name from a full path using JavaScript?

In Node.js, you can use Path's parse module...

var path = require('path');
var file = '/home/user/dir/file.txt';

var filename = path.parse(file).base;
//=> 'file.txt'

How to create cross-domain request?

In fact, there is nothing to do in Angular2 regarding cross domain requests. CORS is something natively supported by browsers. This link could help you to understand how it works:

To be short, in the case of cross domain request, the browser automatically adds an Origin header in the request. There are two cases:

  • Simple requests. This use case applies if we use HTTP GET, HEAD and POST methods. In the case of POST methods, only content types with the following values are supported: text/plain, application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data.
  • Preflighted requests. When the "simple requests" use case doesn't apply, a first request (with the HTTP OPTIONS method) is made to check what can be done in the context of cross-domain requests.

So in fact most of work must be done on the server side to return the CORS headers. The main one is the Access-Control-Allow-Origin one.

200 OK HTTP/1.1
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

To debug such issues, you can use developer tools within browsers (Network tab).

Regarding Angular2, simply use the Http object like any other requests (same domain for example):

return this.http.get('')
           .map(res => res.json()).subscribe(

How to dynamically set bootstrap-datepicker's date value?

That really works.


Easy to understand,

Single method to set and update plugin which worked for me.

$(".datepicker").datepicker("update", new Date());

Other ways to update

$('.datepicker').data({date: '2015-01-01'});

Dont forget to call update manually.

How to Add a Dotted Underline Beneath HTML Text

It's impossible without CSS. In fact, the <u> tag is simply adding text-decoration:underline to the text with the browser's built-in CSS.

Here's what you can do:

<!-- Other head stuff here, like title or meta -->

<style type="text/css">
u {    
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #000;
    text-decoration: none;
<!-- Body, content here -->

Accessing SQL Database in Excel-VBA

Is that a proper connection string?
Where is the SQL Server instance located?

You will need to verify that you are able to conenct to SQL Server using the connection string, you specified above.

EDIT: Look at the State property of the recordset to see if it is Open?
Also, change the CursorLocation property to adUseClient before opening the recordset.

How to instantiate, initialize and populate an array in TypeScript?

If you really want to have named parameters plus have your objects be instances of your class, you can do the following:

class bar {
    constructor (options?: {length: number; height: number;}) {
        if (options) {
            this.length = options.length;
            this.height = options.height;
    length: number;
    height: number;

class foo {
    bars: bar[] = new Array();

var ham = new foo();
ham.bars = [
    new bar({length: 4, height: 2}),
    new bar({length: 1, height: 3})

Also here's the related item on typescript issue tracker.

How to forward declare a template class in namespace std?

I solved that problem.

I was implementing an OSI Layer (slider window, Level 2) for a network simulation in C++ (Eclipse Juno). I had frames (template <class T>) and its states (state pattern, forward declaration).

The solution is as follows:

In the *.cpp file, you must include the Header file that you forward, i.e.

ifndef STATE_H_
#define STATE_H_
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Frame.h"

template <class T>
class LinkFrame;

using namespace std;

template <class T>
class State {

    LinkFrame<int> *myFrame;


Its cpp:

#include "State.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include  "LinkFrame.h"

template <class T>
bool State<T>::replace(Frame<T> *f){

And... another class.

HashSet vs. List performance

Just thought I'd chime in with some benchmarks for different scenarios to illustrate the previous answers:

  1. A few (12 - 20) small strings (length between 5 and 10 characters)
  2. Many (~10K) small strings
  3. A few long strings (length between 200 and 1000 characters)
  4. Many (~5K) long strings
  5. A few integers
  6. Many (~10K) integers

And for each scenario, looking up values which appear:

  1. In the beginning of the list ("start", index 0)
  2. Near the beginning of the list ("early", index 1)
  3. In the middle of the list ("middle", index count/2)
  4. Near the end of the list ("late", index count-2)
  5. At the end of the list ("end", index count-1)

Before each scenario I generated randomly sized lists of random strings, and then fed each list to a hashset. Each scenario ran 10,000 times, essentially:

(test pseudocode)

for X times
    exists = list.Contains(lookup);

for X times
    exists = hashset.Contains(lookup);

Sample Output

Tested on Windows 7, 12GB Ram, 64 bit, Xeon 2.8GHz

---------- Testing few small strings ------------
Sample items: (16 total)
vgnwaloqf diwfpxbv tdcdc grfch icsjwk

1: hashset: late -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0018398 sec]
2: hashset: middle -- 104.19 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0019169 sec]
3: hashset: end -- 108.21 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0019908 sec]
4: list: early -- 144.62 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0026607 sec]
5: hashset: start -- 174.32 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0032071 sec]
6: list: middle -- 187.72 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0034536 sec]
7: list: late -- 192.66 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0035446 sec]
8: list: end -- 215.42 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0039633 sec]
9: hashset: early -- 217.95 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0040098 sec]
10: list: start -- 576.55 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0106073 sec]

---------- Testing many small strings ------------
Sample items: (10346 total)
dmnowa yshtrxorj vthjk okrxegip vwpoltck

1: hashset: end -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0017443 sec]
2: hashset: late -- 102.91 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0017951 sec]
3: hashset: middle -- 106.23 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0018529 sec]
4: list: early -- 107.49 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0018749 sec]
5: list: start -- 126.23 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0022018 sec]
6: hashset: early -- 134.11 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0023393 sec]
7: hashset: start -- 372.09 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0064903 sec]
8: list: middle -- 48,593.79 % -- [Elapsed: 0.8476214 sec]
9: list: end -- 99,020.73 % -- [Elapsed: 1.7272186 sec]
10: list: late -- 99,089.36 % -- [Elapsed: 1.7284155 sec]

---------- Testing few long strings ------------
Sample items: (19 total)

1: list: early -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0018266 sec]
2: list: start -- 115.76 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0021144 sec]
3: list: middle -- 143.44 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0026201 sec]
4: list: late -- 190.05 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0034715 sec]
5: list: end -- 193.78 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0035395 sec]
6: hashset: early -- 215.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0039271 sec]
7: hashset: end -- 248.47 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0045386 sec]
8: hashset: start -- 298.04 % -- [Elapsed: 0.005444 sec]
9: hashset: middle -- 325.63 % -- [Elapsed: 0.005948 sec]
10: hashset: late -- 431.62 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0078839 sec]

---------- Testing many long strings ------------
Sample items: (5000 total)

1: list: early -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0016211 sec]
2: list: start -- 132.73 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0021517 sec]
3: hashset: start -- 231.26 % -- [Elapsed: 0.003749 sec]
4: hashset: end -- 368.74 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0059776 sec]
5: hashset: middle -- 385.50 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0062493 sec]
6: hashset: late -- 406.23 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0065854 sec]
7: hashset: early -- 421.34 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0068304 sec]
8: list: middle -- 18,619.12 % -- [Elapsed: 0.3018345 sec]
9: list: end -- 40,942.82 % -- [Elapsed: 0.663724 sec]
10: list: late -- 41,188.19 % -- [Elapsed: 0.6677017 sec]

---------- Testing few ints ------------
Sample items: (16 total)
7266092 60668895 159021363 216428460 28007724

1: hashset: early -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0016211 sec]
2: hashset: end -- 100.45 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0016284 sec]
3: list: early -- 101.83 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0016507 sec]
4: hashset: late -- 108.95 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0017662 sec]
5: hashset: middle -- 112.29 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0018204 sec]
6: hashset: start -- 120.33 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0019506 sec]
7: list: late -- 134.45 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0021795 sec]
8: list: start -- 136.43 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0022117 sec]
9: list: end -- 169.77 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0027522 sec]
10: list: middle -- 237.94 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0038573 sec]

---------- Testing many ints ------------
Sample items: (10357 total)
370826556 569127161 101235820 792075135 270823009

1: list: early -- 100.00 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0015132 sec]
2: hashset: end -- 101.79 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0015403 sec]
3: hashset: early -- 102.08 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0015446 sec]
4: hashset: middle -- 103.21 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0015618 sec]
5: hashset: late -- 104.26 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0015776 sec]
6: list: start -- 126.78 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0019184 sec]
7: hashset: start -- 130.91 % -- [Elapsed: 0.0019809 sec]
8: list: middle -- 16,497.89 % -- [Elapsed: 0.2496461 sec]
9: list: end -- 32,715.52 % -- [Elapsed: 0.4950512 sec]
10: list: late -- 33,698.87 % -- [Elapsed: 0.5099313 sec]

nginx showing blank PHP pages

I had a similar problem, nginx was processing a page halfway then stopping. None of the solutions suggested here were working for me. I fixed it by changing nginx fastcgi buffering:

fastcgi_max_temp_file_size 0;

fastcgi_buffer_size 4K;
fastcgi_buffers 64 4k;

After the changes my location block looked like:

location ~ \.php$ {
    try_files $uri /index.php =404;
    fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
    fastcgi_index index.php;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
    fastcgi_max_temp_file_size 0;
    fastcgi_buffer_size 4K;
    fastcgi_buffers 64 4k;
    include fastcgi_params;

For details see

Correct way to quit a Qt program?

If you're using Qt Jambi, this should work:


Java Synchronized list

Yes, it will work fine as you have synchronized the list . I would suggest you to use CopyOnWriteArrayList.

CopyOnWriteArrayList<String> cpList=new CopyOnWriteArrayList<String>(new ArrayList<String>());

    void remove(String item)
         do something; (doesn't work on the list)

Remove insignificant trailing zeros from a number?

After reading all of the answers - and comments - I ended up with this:

function isFloat(n) {
    let number = (Number(n) === n && n % 1 !== 0) ? eval(parseFloat(n)) : n;
    return number;

I know using eval can be harmful somehow but this helped me a lot.


isFloat(1.234000);     // = 1.234;
isFloat(1.234001);     // = 1.234001
isFloat(1.2340010000); // = 1.234001

If you want to limit the decimal places, use toFixed() as others pointed out.

let number = (Number(n) === n && n % 1 !== 0) ? eval(parseFloat(n).toFixed(3)) : n;

That's it.

How do I fix the indentation of selected lines in Visual Studio

I like Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D, which indents the whole document.

PhpMyAdmin not working on localhost

Found a fix. (If you are using proxy on your network) //Windows 1. Open control panel 2. Network and internet 3. Network and sharing center 4. On the bottom left side of the window, you will see Internet Options, under connections tab, click LAN settings check the bypass

How do I properly force a Git push?

If I'm on my local branch A, and I want to force push local branch B to the origin branch C I can use the following syntax:

git push --force origin B:C

How to build query string with Javascript

For those of us who prefer jQuery, you would use the form plugin:, which contains a formSerialize method.

How to use placeholder as default value in select2 framework

Use a empty placeholder on your html like:

<select class="select2" placeholder = "">
    <option value="1">red</option>
    <option value="2">blue</option>

and in your script use:

        placeholder: "Select a color",
        allowClear: true

Sorting Values of Set

You're using the default comparator to sort a Set<String>. In this case, that means lexicographic order. Lexicographically, "12" comes before "15", comes before "5".

Either use a Set<Integer>:

Set<Integer> set=new HashSet<Integer>();

Or use a different comparator:

Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<String>() {
    public int compare(String a, String b) {
        return Integer.parseInt(a) - Integer.parseInt(b);

Angular 2 select option (dropdown) - how to get the value on change so it can be used in a function?

You need to use an Angular form directive on the select. You can do that with ngModel. For example

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
    <h2>Select demo</h2>
    <select [(ngModel)]="selectedCity" (ngModelChange)="onChange($event)" >
      <option *ngFor="let c of cities" [ngValue]="c"> {{}} </option>
class App {
  cities = [{'name': 'SF'}, {'name': 'NYC'}, {'name': 'Buffalo'}];
  selectedCity = this.cities[1];

  onChange(city) {

The (ngModelChange) event listener emits events when the selected value changes. This is where you can hookup your callback.

Note you will need to make sure you have imported the FormsModule into the application.

Here is a Plunker

How to turn on front flash light programmatically in Android?

I have implemented this function in my application through fragments using SurfaceView. The link to this stackoverflow question and its answer can be found here

Hope this helps :)

Jackson - Deserialize using generic class

JSON string that needs to be deserialized will have to contain the type information about parameter T.
You will have to put Jackson annotations on every class that can be passed as parameter T to class Data so that the type information about parameter type T can be read from / written to JSON string by Jackson.

Let us assume that T can be any class that extends abstract class Result.

class Data <T extends Result> {
    int found;
    Class<T> hits

@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_OBJECT)
        @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = ImageResult.class, name = "ImageResult"),
        @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = NewsResult.class, name = "NewsResult")})
public abstract class Result {


public class ImageResult extends Result {


public class NewsResult extends Result {


Once each of the class (or their common supertype) that can be passed as parameter T is annotated, Jackson will include information about parameter T in the JSON. Such JSON can then be deserialized without knowing the parameter T at compile time.
This Jackson documentation link talks about Polymorphic Deserialization but is useful to refer to for this question as well.

Count the items from a IEnumerable<T> without iterating?

Alternatively you can do the following:


HTML table headers always visible at top of window when viewing a large table

Using display: fixed on the thead section should work, but for it only work on the current table in view, you will need the help of JavaScript. And it will be tricky because it will need to figure out scrolling places and location of elements relative to the viewport, which is one of the prime areas of browser incompatibility.

Have a look at the popular JavaScript frameworks (jQuery, MooTools, YUI, etc etc.) to see if they can either do what you want or make it easier to do what you want.

Convert PDF to image with high resolution

Personally I like this.

convert -density 300 -trim test.pdf -quality 100 test.jpg

It's a little over twice the file size, but it looks better to me.

-density 300 sets the dpi that the PDF is rendered at.

-trim removes any edge pixels that are the same color as the corner pixels.

-quality 100 sets the JPEG compression quality to the highest quality.

Things like -sharpen don't work well with text because they undo things your font rendering system did to make it more legible.

If you actually want it blown up use resize here and possibly a larger dpi value of something like targetDPI * scalingFactor That will render the PDF at the resolution/size you intend.

Descriptions of the parameters on are here

How to debug an apache virtual host configuration?

First check out config files for syntax errors with apachectl configtest and then look into apache error logs.

Numpy - add row to array

If you can do the construction in a single operation, then something like the vstack-with-fancy-indexing answer is a fine approach. But if your condition is more complicated or your rows come in on the fly, you may want to grow the array. In fact the numpythonic way to do something like this - dynamically grow an array - is to dynamically grow a list:

A = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
Alist = [r for r in A]
for i in range(100):
    newrow = np.arange(3)+i
    if i%5:
A = np.array(Alist)
del Alist

Lists are highly optimized for this kind of access pattern; you don't have convenient numpy multidimensional indexing while in list form, but for as long as you're appending it's hard to do better than a list of row arrays.

How to shrink temp tablespace in oracle?

alter database datafile  'C:\ORA_SERVER\ORADATA\AXAPTA\AX_DATA.ORA' resize 40M;

If it doesn't help:

  • Create new tablespace
  • Switch to new temporary tablespace
  • Wait until old tablespace will not be used
  • Delete old tablespace

What is the difference between Bootstrap .container and .container-fluid classes?

You are right in 3.1 .container-fluid and .container are same and works like container but if you remove them it works like .container-fluid (full width). They had removed .container-fluid for "Mobile First Approach", but now it's back in 3.3.4 (and they will work differently)

To get latest bootstrap please read this post on stackoverflow it will help check it out.

Removing multiple classes (jQuery)

You must be separate those classes which you want to remove by white space$('selector').removeClass('class1 class2');

php is null or empty?

PHP 7 isset() vs empty() vs is_null()

enter image description here

Get controller and action name from within controller?

Add this to your base controller inside GetDefaults() method

    protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)

    private void GetDefaults()
    var actionName = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ActionName;
    var controllerName = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerName;

Implement your controllers to Basecontroller

Add a partial view _Breadcrumb.cshtml and add it in all required pages with @Html.Partial("_Breadcrumb")


    <a href="../@ViewData["controllerName"]">
    </a> > @ViewData["actionName"]

What is an OS kernel ? How does it differ from an operating system?

a kernel is part of the operating system, it is the first thing that the boot loader loads onto the cpu (for most operating systems), it is the part that interfaces with the hardware, and it also manages what programs can do what with the hardware, it is really the central part of the os, it is made up of drivers, a driver is a program that interfaces with a particular piece of hardware, for example: if I made a digital camera for computers, I would need to make a driver for it, the drivers are the only programs that can control the input and output of the computer

JavaScript: Check if mouse button down?

If you're working within a complex page with existing mouse event handlers, I'd recommend handling the event on capture (instead of bubble). To do this, just set the 3rd parameter of addEventListener to true.

Additionally, you may want to check for event.which to ensure you're handling actual user interaction and not mouse events, e.g. elem.dispatchEvent(new Event('mousedown')).

var isMouseDown = false;

document.addEventListener('mousedown', function(event) { 
    if ( event.which ) isMouseDown = true;
}, true);

document.addEventListener('mouseup', function(event) { 
    if ( event.which ) isMouseDown = false;
}, true);

Add the handler to document (or window) instead of document.body is important b/c it ensures that mouseup events outside of the window are still recorded.

How do I use Comparator to define a custom sort order?

How about this:

List<String> definedOrder = // define your custom order
    Arrays.asList("Red", "Green", "Magenta", "Silver");

Comparator<Car> comparator = new Comparator<Car>(){

    public int compare(final Car o1, final Car o2){
        // let your comparator look up your car's color in the custom order
        return Integer.valueOf(

In principle, I agree that using an enum is an even better approach, but this version is more flexible as it lets you define different sort orders.


Guava has this functionality baked into its Ordering class:

List<String> colorOrder = ImmutableList.of("red","green","blue","yellow");
final Ordering<String> colorOrdering = Ordering.explicit(colorOrder);
Comparator<Car> comp = new Comparator<Car>() {
    public int compare(Car o1, Car o2) {

This version is a bit less verbose.

Update again

Java 8 makes the Comparator even less verbose:

Comparator<Car> carComparator = Comparator.comparing(
        c -> definedOrder.indexOf(c.getColor()));

Content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' not supported for @RequestBody MultiValueMap

The problem is that when we use application/x-www-form-urlencoded, Spring doesn't understand it as a RequestBody. So, if we want to use this we must remove the @RequestBody annotation.

Then try the following:

@RequestMapping(value = "/{email}/authenticate", method = RequestMethod.POST,
        consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE, 
public @ResponseBody  Representation authenticate(@PathVariable("email") String anEmailAddress, MultiValueMap paramMap) throws Exception {
   if(paramMap == null && paramMap.get("password") == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Password not provided");
    return null;

Note that removed the annotation @RequestBody

answer: Http Post request with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded not working in Spring

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' when writing to a file in Python3

You can encode your string by using .encode()


'Hello World'.encode()

Starting a shell in the Docker Alpine container

In case the container is already running:

docker exec -it container_id_or_name ash

The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference

Just in case someone from Blogger arrives, I had this problem when using Beautify extension in VSCode. Don´t use it, don´t beautify it.

Importing variables from another file?

from file1 import *  

will import all objects and methods in file1

How do I get logs/details of ansible-playbook module executions?

If you pass the -v flag to ansible-playbook on the command line, you'll see the stdout and stderr for each task executed:

$ ansible-playbook -v playbook.yaml

Ansible also has built-in support for logging. Add the following lines to your ansible configuration file:


Ansible will look in several places for the config file:

  • ansible.cfg in the current directory where you ran ansible-playbook
  • ~/.ansible.cfg
  • /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg