[javascript] How to validate an email address in JavaScript

This is a JavaScript translation of the validation suggested by the official Rails guide used by thousands of websites:


Relatively simple but tests against most common errors.

Tested on a dataset of thousands of emails and it had zero false negatives/positives.

Example usage:

const emailRegex = /^([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i;

emailRegex.test('[email protected]');    // true

// Multi-word domains
emailRegex.test('[email protected]');  // true
emailRegex.test('[email protected]'); // true

// Valid special characters
emailRegex.test('unusual+but+valid+email1900=/!#$%&\'*+-/=?^_`.{|}[email protected]') // true

// Trailing dots
emailRegex.test('[email protected].'); // false

// No domain
emailRegex.test('email@example');        // false

// Leading space
emailRegex.test(' [email protected]');   // false

// Trailing space
emailRegex.test('[email protected] ');   // false

// Incorrect domains
emailRegex.test('email@example,com ');   // false

// Other invalid emails
emailRegex.test('invalid.email.com')        // false
emailRegex.test('invalid@[email protected]') // false
emailRegex.test('[email protected]')       // false

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Examples related to email

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