Programs & Examples On #Sql injection

SQL injection is a code injection technique, used to attack data-driven applications, in which malicious SQL statements are inserted into an entry field for execution (e.g. to dump the database contents to the attacker)

How does a PreparedStatement avoid or prevent SQL injection?

SQL injection: when user has the chance to input something that could be part of the sql statement

For example:

String query = “INSERT INTO students VALUES(‘” + user + “‘)”

when user input “Robert’); DROP TABLE students; –” as the input, it causes SQL injection

How prepared statement prevents this?

String query = “INSERT INTO students VALUES(‘” + “:name” + “‘)”

parameters.addValue(“name”, user);

=> when user input again “Robert’); DROP TABLE students; –“, the input string is precompiled on the driver as literal values and I guess it may be casted like:

CAST(‘Robert’); DROP TABLE students; –‘ AS varchar(30))

So at the end, the string will be literally inserted as the name to the table.

How does the SQL injection from the "Bobby Tables" XKCD comic work?

You don't need to input form data to make SQL injection.

No one pointed this out before so through I might alert some of you.

Mostly we will try to patch forms input. But this is not the only place where you can get attacked with SQL injection. You can do very simple attack with URL which send data through GET request; Consider the fallowing example:

<a href="/show?id=1">show something</a>

Your url would look

Now someone could try something like this;TRUNCATE table_name

Try to replace table_name with the real table name. If he get your table name right they would empty your table! (It is very easy to brut force this URL with simple script)

Your query would look something like this...

"SELECT * FROM page WHERE id = 4;TRUNCATE page"

Example of PHP vulnerable code using PDO:

$id = $_GET['id'];

$pdo = new PDO($database_dsn, $database_user, $database_pass);
$query = "SELECT * FROM page WHERE id = {$id}";
$stmt = $pdo->query($query);
$data = $stmt->fetch(); 
/************* You have lost your data!!! :( *************/

Solution - use PDO prepare() & bindParam() methods:

$id = $_GET['id'];

$query = 'SELECT * FROM page WHERE id = :idVal';
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($query);
$stmt->bindParam('idVal', $id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$data = $stmt->fetch();
/************* Your data is safe! :) *************/

Preventing SQL injection in Node.js

The node-mysql library automatically performs escaping when used as you are already doing. See

Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection?

Prepared statements / parameterized queries are generally sufficient to prevent 1st order injection on that statement*. If you use un-checked dynamic sql anywhere else in your application you are still vulnerable to 2nd order injection.

2nd order injection means data has been cycled through the database once before being included in a query, and is much harder to pull off. AFAIK, you almost never see real engineered 2nd order attacks, as it is usually easier for attackers to social-engineer their way in, but you sometimes have 2nd order bugs crop up because of extra benign ' characters or similar.

You can accomplish a 2nd order injection attack when you can cause a value to be stored in a database that is later used as a literal in a query. As an example, let's say you enter the following information as your new username when creating an account on a web site (assuming MySQL DB for this question):

' + (SELECT UserName + '_' + Password FROM Users LIMIT 1) + '

If there are no other restrictions on the username, a prepared statement would still make sure that the above embedded query doesn't execute at the time of insert, and store the value correctly in the database. However, imagine that later the application retrieves your username from the database, and uses string concatenation to include that value a new query. You might get to see someone else's password. Since the first few names in users table tend to be admins, you may have also just given away the farm. (Also note: this is one more reason not to store passwords in plain text!)

We see, then, that prepared statements are enough for a single query, but by themselves they are not sufficient to protect against sql injection attacks throughout an entire application, because they lack a mechanism to enforce all access to a database within an application uses safe code. However, used as part of good application design — which may include practices such as code review or static analysis, or use of an ORM, data layer, or service layer that limits dynamic sql — prepared statements are the primary tool for solving the Sql Injection problem. If you follow good application design principles, such that your data access is separated from the rest of your program, it becomes easy to enforce or audit that every query correctly uses parameterization. In this case, sql injection (both first and second order) is completely prevented.

*It turns out that MySql/PHP are (okay, were) just dumb about handling parameters when wide characters are involved, and there is still a rare case outlined in the other highly-voted answer here that can allow injection to slip through a parameterized query.

SQL injection that gets around mysql_real_escape_string()

Well, there's nothing really that can pass through that, other than % wildcard. It could be dangerous if you were using LIKE statement as attacker could put just % as login if you don't filter that out, and would have to just bruteforce a password of any of your users. People often suggest using prepared statements to make it 100% safe, as data can't interfere with the query itself that way. But for such simple queries it probably would be more efficient to do something like $login = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', $login);

Found 'OR 1=1/* sql injection in my newsletter database

Its better if you use validation code to the users input for making it restricted to use symbols and part of code in your input form. If you embeed php in html code your php code have to become on the top to make sure that it is not ignored as comment if a hacker edit the page and add /* in your html code

How can I sanitize user input with PHP?

You never sanitize input.

You always sanitize output.

The transforms you apply to data to make it safe for inclusion in an SQL statement are completely different from those you apply for inclusion in HTML are completely different from those you apply for inclusion in Javascript are completely different from those you apply for inclusion in LDIF are completely different from those you apply to inclusion in CSS are completely different from those you apply to inclusion in an Email....

By all means validate input - decide whether you should accept it for further processing or tell the user it is unacceptable. But don't apply any change to representation of the data until it is about to leave PHP land.

A long time ago someone tried to invent a one-size fits all mechanism for escaping data and we ended up with "magic_quotes" which didn't properly escape data for all output targets and resulted in different installation requiring different code to work.

What are good ways to prevent SQL injection?

My answer is quite easy:

Use Entity Framework for communication between C# and your SQL database. That will make parameterized SQL strings that isn't vulnerable to SQL injection.

As a bonus, it's very easy to work with as well.

Java - escape string to prevent SQL injection

Using a regular expression to remove text which could cause a SQL injection sounds like the SQL statement is being sent to the database via a Statement rather than a PreparedStatement.

One of the easiest ways to prevent an SQL injection in the first place is to use a PreparedStatement, which accepts data to substitute into a SQL statement using placeholders, which does not rely on string concatenations to create an SQL statement to send to the database.

For more information, Using Prepared Statements from The Java Tutorials would be a good place to start.

Why do we always prefer using parameters in SQL statements?

Using parameters helps prevent SQL Injection attacks when the database is used in conjunction with a program interface such as a desktop program or web site.

In your example, a user can directly run SQL code on your database by crafting statements in txtSalary.

For example, if they were to write 0 OR 1=1, the executed SQL would be

 SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = 0 or 1=1

whereby all empSalaries would be returned.

Further, a user could perform far worse commands against your database, including deleting it If they wrote 0; Drop Table employee:

SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = 0; Drop Table employee

The table employee would then be deleted.

In your case, it looks like you're using .NET. Using parameters is as easy as:

    string sql = "SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = @salary";

    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(/* connection info */))
    using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection))
        var salaryParam = new SqlParameter("salary", SqlDbType.Money);
        salaryParam.Value = txtMoney.Text;
        var results = command.ExecuteReader();

    Dim sql As String = "SELECT empSalary from employee where salary = @salary"
    Using connection As New SqlConnection("connectionString")
        Using command As New SqlCommand(sql, connection)
            Dim salaryParam = New SqlParameter("salary", SqlDbType.Money)
            salaryParam.Value = txtMoney.Text

            Dim results = command.ExecuteReader()
        End Using
    End Using

Edit 2016-4-25:

As per George Stocker's comment, I changed the sample code to not use AddWithValue. Also, it is generally recommended that you wrap IDisposables in using statements.

How can prepared statements protect from SQL injection attacks?

In SQL Server, using a prepared statement is definitely injection-proof because the input parameters don't form the query. It means that the executed query is not a dynamic query. Example of an SQL injection vulnerable statement.

string sqlquery = "select * from table where username='" + inputusername +"' and password='" + pass + "'";

Now if the value in the inoutusername variable is something like a' or 1=1 --, this query now becomes:

select * from table where username='a' or 1=1 -- and password=asda

And the rest is commented after --, so it never gets executed and bypassed as using the prepared statement example as below.

Sqlcommand command = new sqlcommand("select * from table where username = @userinput and password=@pass");
command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@userinput", 100));
command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@pass", 100));

So in effect you cannot send another parameter in, thus avoiding SQL injection...

How to run PyCharm in Ubuntu - "Run in Terminal" or "Run"?

The question is already answered, Updating answer to add the PyCharm bin directory to $PATH var, so that pycharm editor can be opened from anywhere(path) in terminal.

Edit the bashrc file,

nano .bashrc

Add following line at the end of bashrc file

export PATH="<path-to-unpacked-pycharm-installation-directory>/bin:$PATH"

Now you can open pycharm from anywhere in terminal

What is javax.inject.Named annotation supposed to be used for?

The primary role of the @Named annotation is to define a bean for the purpose of resolving EL statements within the application, usually through JSF EL resolvers. Injection can be performed using names but this was not how injection in CDI was meant to work since CDI gives us a much richer way to express injection points and the beans to be injected into them.

Python class returning value

class MyClass():
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.value1 = a
        self.value2 = b

    def __call__(self):
        return [self.value1, self.value2]


>>> x = MyClass('foo','bar')
>>> x()
['foo', 'bar']

Permission denied (publickey) when SSH Access to Amazon EC2 instance

All of the top ranked answers above are accurate and should work for most cases. In the event that they don't as was in my case, I simply got rid of my ~/.ssh/known_hosts file on the machine I was trying to ssh from and that solved the problem for me. I was able to connect afterwards.

Disable JavaScript error in WebBrowser control

I just found this :

 private static bool TrySetSuppressScriptErrors(WebBrowser webBrowser, bool value)
        FieldInfo field = typeof(WebBrowser).GetField("_axIWebBrowser2", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
        if (field != null)
            object axIWebBrowser2 = field.GetValue(webBrowser);
            if (axIWebBrowser2 != null)
                axIWebBrowser2.GetType().InvokeMember("Silent", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, axIWebBrowser2, new object[] { value });
                return true;

        return false;

usage example to set webBrowser to silent : TrySetSuppressScriptErrors(webBrowser,true)

Only allow specific characters in textbox

For your validation event IMO the easiest method would be to use a character array to validate textbox characters against. True - iterating and validating isn't particularly efficient, but it is straightforward.

Alternately, use a regular expression of your whitelist characters against the input string. Your events are availalbe at MSDN here:

how to convert a string date into datetime format in python?

You should use datetime.datetime.strptime:

import datetime

dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(string_date, fmt)

fmt will need to be the appropriate format for your string. You'll find the reference on how to build your format here.

How to split a string content into an array of strings in PowerShell?

As of PowerShell 2, simple:

$recipients = $addresses -split "; "

Note that the right hand side is actually a case-insensitive regular expression, not a simple match. Use csplit to force case-sensitivity. See about_Split for more details.

How can I trigger a JavaScript event click

I'm quite ashamed that there are so many incorrect or undisclosed partial applicability.

The easiest way to do this is through Chrome or Opera (my examples will use Chrome) using the Console. Enter the following code into the console (generally in 1 line):

var l = document.getElementById('testLink');
for(var i=0; i<5; i++){;

This will generate the required result

The network adapter could not establish the connection - Oracle 11g

First check your listener is on or off. Go to net manager then Local -> service naming -> orcl. Then change your HOST NAME and put your PC name. Now go to LISTENER and change the HOST and put your PC name.

Deleting row from datatable in C#

I think the reason the OPs code does not work is because once you call Remove you are changing the Length of drr. When you call Delete you are not actually deleting the row until AcceptChanges is called. This is why if you want to use Remove you need a separate loop.

Depending on the situation or preference...

string colName = "colName";
string comparisonValue = (whatever it is).ToString();
string strFilter = (dtbl.Columns[colName].DataType == typeof(string)) ? "[" + colName + "]='" + comparisonValue + "'" : "[" + colName + "]=" + comparisonValue;
string strSort = "";

DataRow[] drows = dtbl.Select(strFilter, strSort, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);

Above used for next two examples

foreach(DataRow drow in drows)
   drow.Delete();//Mark a row for deletion.


foreach(DataRow drow in drows)
   dtbl.Rows[dtbl.Rows.IndexOf(drow)].Delete();//Mark a row for deletion.


List<DataRow> listRowsToDelete = new List<DataRow>();

foreach(DataRow drow in dtbl.Rows)
   if(condition to delete)

foreach(DataRow drowToDelete in listRowsToDelete)
   dtbl.Rows.Remove(drowToDelete);// Calling Remove is the same as calling Delete and then calling AcceptChanges

Note that if you call Delete() then you should call AcceptChanges() but if you call Remove() then AcceptChanges() is not necessary.

Also, here is a good link on row filter syntax.

How to delete row based on cell value

The easiest way to do this would be to use a filter.

You can either filter for any cells in column A that don't have a "-" and copy / paste, or (my more preferred method) filter for all cells that do have a "-" and then select all and delete - Once you remove the filter, you're left with what you need.

Hope this helps.

In Subversion can I be a user other than my login name?

If you are using svn+ssh to connect to the repository then the only thing that authenticates you and authorizes you is your ssh credentials. EVERYTHING else is ignored. Your username will be logged in subversion exactly as it is established in your ssh connection. An excellent explanation of this is at

using href links inside <option> tag

The accepted solution looks good, but there is one case it cannot handle:

The "onchange" event will not be triggered when the same option is reselected. So, I came up with the following improvement:


<select id="sampleSelect" >
  <option value="Home.php">Home</option>
  <option value="Contact.php">Contact</option>
  <option value="Sitemap.php">Sitemap</option>


$("select").click(function() {
  var open = $(this).data("isopen");
  if(open) {
    window.location.href = $(this).val()
  //set isopen to opposite so next time when use clicked select box
  //it wont trigger this event
  $(this).data("isopen", !open);

Enter key press in C#

Try this:

private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
        switch (e.Key.ToString())
                case "Return":
                        MessageBox.Show(" Enter pressed ");

What is the difference between properties and attributes in HTML?

Difference HTML properties and attributes:

Let's first look at the definitions of these words before evaluating what the difference is in HTML:

English definition:

  • Attributes are referring to additional information of an object.
  • Properties are describing the characteristics of an object.

In HTML context:

When the browser parses the HTML, it creates a tree data structure wich basically is an in memory representation of the HTML. It the tree data structure contains nodes which are HTML elements and text. Attributes and properties relate to this is the following manner:

  • Attributes are additional information which we can put in the HTML to initialize certain DOM properties.
  • Properties are formed when the browser parses the HTML and generates the DOM. Each of the elements in the DOM have their own set of properties which are all set by the browser. Some of these properties can have their initial value set by HTML attributes. Whenever a DOM property changes which has influence on the rendered page, the page will be immediately re rendered

It is also important to realize that the mapping of these properties is not 1 to 1. In other words, not every attribute which we give on an HTML element will have a similar named DOM property.

Furthermore have different DOM elements different properties. For example, an <input> element has a value property which is not present on a <div> property.


Let's take the following HTML document:

 <!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">  <!-- charset is a attribute -->
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <!-- name and content are attributes -->
  <title>JS Bin</title>
<div id="foo" class="bar foobar">hi</div> <!-- id and class are attributes -->

Then we inspect the <div>, in the JS console:


We see the following DOM properties (chrome devtools, not all properties shown):

html properties and attributes

  • We can see that the attribute id in the HTML is now also a id property in the DOM. The id has been initialized by the HTML (although we could change it with javascript).
  • We can see that the class attribute in the HTML has no corresponding class property (class is reserved keyword in JS). But actually 2 properties, classList and className.

How do I use arrays in cURL POST requests

You are just creating your array incorrectly. You could use http_build_query:

$fields = array(
            'username' => "annonymous",
            'api_key' => urlencode("1234"),
            'images' => array(
$fields_string = http_build_query($fields);

So, the entire code that you could use would be:

//extract data from the post

//set POST variables
$url = '';
$fields = array(
            'username' => "annonymous",
            'api_key' => urlencode("1234"),
            'images' => array(

//url-ify the data for the POST
$fields_string = http_build_query($fields);

//open connection
$ch = curl_init();

//set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);

//execute post
$result = curl_exec($ch);
echo $result;

//close connection

What is fastest children() or find() in jQuery?

None of the other answers dealt with the case of using .children() or .find(">") to only search for immediate children of a parent element. So, I created a jsPerf test to find out, using three different ways to distinguish children.

As it happens, even when using the extra ">" selector, .find() is still a lot faster than .children(); on my system, 10x so.

So, from my perspective, there does not appear to be much reason to use the filtering mechanism of .children() at all.

executing a function in sql plus

As another answer already said, call select myfunc(:y) from dual; , but you might find declaring and setting a variable in sqlplus a little tricky:

sql> var y number

sql> begin
  2  select 7 into :y from dual;
  3  end;
  4  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

sql> print :y


sql> select myfunc(:y) from dual;

JavaScript: Is there a way to get Chrome to break on all errors?

I got trouble to get it so I post pictures showing different options:

Chrome 75.0.3770.142 [29 July 2018]

Very very similar UI since at least Chrome 38.0.2125.111 [11 December 2014]

In tab Sources :

enter image description here

When button is activated, you can Pause On Caught Exceptions with the checkbox below: enter image description here

Previous versions

Chrome 32.0.1700.102 [03 feb 2014]

enter image description here

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Chrome 27.0.1453.93 Stable

Debug options

TCP: can two different sockets share a port?

A server socket listens on a single port. All established client connections on that server are associated with that same listening port on the server side of the connection. An established connection is uniquely identified by the combination of client-side and server-side IP/Port pairs. Multiple connections on the same server can share the same server-side IP/Port pair as long as they are associated with different client-side IP/Port pairs, and the server would be able to handle as many clients as available system resources allow it to.

On the client-side, it is common practice for new outbound connections to use a random client-side port, in which case it is possible to run out of available ports if you make a lot of connections in a short amount of time.

Display filename before matching line

How about this, which I managed to achieve thanks, in part, to this post.

You want to find several files, lets say logs with different names but a pattern (e.g. filename=logfile.DATE), inside several directories with a pattern (e.g. /logsapp1, /logsapp2). Each file has a pattern you want to grep (e.g. "init time"), and you want to have the "init time" of each file, but knowing which file it belongs to.

find ./logsapp* -name logfile* | xargs -I{} grep "init time" {} \dev\null | tee outputfilename.txt

Then the outputfilename.txt would be something like

./logsapp1/logfile.22102015: init time: 10ms
./logsapp1/logfile.21102015: init time: 15ms
./logsapp2/logfile.21102015: init time: 17ms
./logsapp2/logfile.22102015: init time: 11ms

In general

find ./path_pattern/to_files* -name filename_pattern* | xargs -I{} grep "grep_pattern" {} \dev\null | tee outfilename.txt


find command will search the filenames based in the pattern

then, pipe xargs -I{} will redirect the find output to the {}

which will be the input for grep ""pattern" {}

Then the trick to make grep display the filenames \dev\null

and finally, write the output in file with tee outputfile.txt

This worked for me in grep version 9.0.5 build 1989.

Android: How to open a specific folder via Intent and show its content in a file browser?

You seem close.

I would try to set the URI like this :

String folderPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+"/pathTo/folder";

Intent intent = new Intent();  
Uri myUri = Uri.parse(folderPath);
intent.setDataAndType(myUri , "file/*");   

But it's not so different from what you have tried. Tell us if it changes anything ?

Also make sure the targeted folder exists, and have a look on the resulting Uri object before to send it to the intent, it may not be what we are expected.

int to hex string

Use ToString("X4").

The 4 means that the string will be 4 digits long.

Reference: The Hexadecimal ("X") Format Specifier on MSDN.

DataGridView AutoFit and Fill

Just change Property from property of control: AutoSizeColumnsMode:Fill

OR By code


In Python, what is the difference between ".append()" and "+= []"?

 some_list2 += ["something"]

is actually


for one value, there is no difference. Documentation states, that:

s.append(x) same as s[len(s):len(s)] = [x]
s.extend(x) same as s[len(s):len(s)] = x

Thus obviously s.append(x) is same as s.extend([x])

Java Code for calculating Leap Year

this answer is great but it won't work for years before Christ (using a proleptic Gregorian calendar). If you want it to work for B.C. years, then use the following adaptation:

public static boolean isLeapYear(final int year) {
    final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    if (year<0) {
        cal.set(Calendar.ERA, GregorianCalendar.BC);
        cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, -year);
    } else
        cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
    return cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) > 365;

You can verify that for yourself by considering that year -5 (i.e. 4 BC) should be pronounced as a leap year assuming a proleptic Gregorian calendar. Same with year -1 (the year before 1 AD). The linked to answer does not handle that case whereas the above adapted code does.

How to remove from a map while iterating it?

In short "How do I remove from a map while iterating it?"

  • With old map impl: You can't
  • With new map impl: almost as @KerrekSB suggested. But there are some syntax issues in what he posted.

From GCC map impl (note GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X):

      // DR 130. Associative erase should return an iterator.
       *  @brief Erases an element from a %map.
       *  @param  position  An iterator pointing to the element to be erased.
       *  @return An iterator pointing to the element immediately following
       *          @a position prior to the element being erased. If no such 
       *          element exists, end() is returned.
       *  This function erases an element, pointed to by the given
       *  iterator, from a %map.  Note that this function only erases
       *  the element, and that if the element is itself a pointer,
       *  the pointed-to memory is not touched in any way.  Managing
       *  the pointer is the user's responsibility.
      erase(iterator __position)
      { return _M_t.erase(__position); }
       *  @brief Erases an element from a %map.
       *  @param  position  An iterator pointing to the element to be erased.
       *  This function erases an element, pointed to by the given
       *  iterator, from a %map.  Note that this function only erases
       *  the element, and that if the element is itself a pointer,
       *  the pointed-to memory is not touched in any way.  Managing
       *  the pointer is the user's responsibility.
      erase(iterator __position)
      { _M_t.erase(__position); }

Example with old and new style:

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;
typedef map<int, int> t_myMap;
typedef vector<t_myMap::key_type>  t_myVec;

int main() {

    cout << "main() ENTRY" << endl;

    t_myMap mi;

    cout << "Init" << endl;
    for(t_myMap::const_iterator i = mi.begin(); i != mi.end(); i++)
        cout << '\t' << i->first << '-' << i->second << endl;

    t_myVec markedForDeath;

    for (t_myMap::const_iterator it = mi.begin(); it != mi.end() ; it++)
        if (it->first > 2 && it->first < 5)

    for(size_t i = 0; i < markedForDeath.size(); i++)
        // old erase, returns void...

    cout << "after old style erase of 3 & 4.." << endl;
    for(t_myMap::const_iterator i = mi.begin(); i != mi.end(); i++)
        cout << '\t' << i->first << '-' << i->second << endl;

    for (auto it = mi.begin(); it != mi.end(); ) {
        if (it->first == 5)
            // new erase() that returns iter..
            it = mi.erase(it);

    cout << "after new style erase of 5" << endl;
    // new cend/cbegin and lambda..
    for_each(mi.cbegin(), mi.cend(), [](t_myMap::const_reference it){cout << '\t' << it.first << '-' << it.second << endl;});

    return 0;


main() ENTRY
after old style erase of 3 & 4..
after new style erase of 5

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.021 s
Press any key to continue.

Is there a "standard" format for command line/shell help text?

I think there is no standard syntax for command line usage, but most use this convention:

Microsoft Command-Line Syntax, IBM has similar Command-Line Syntax

  • Text without brackets or braces

    Items you must type as shown

  • <Text inside angle brackets>

    Placeholder for which you must supply a value

  • [Text inside square brackets]

    Optional items

  • {Text inside braces}

    Set of required items; choose one

  • Vertical bar {a|b}

    Separator for mutually exclusive items; choose one

  • Ellipsis <file> …

    Items that can be repeated

Running a cron job on Linux every six hours

Please keep attention at this syntax:

* */6 * * *

This means 60 times (every minute) every 6 hours,


one time every 6 hours.

Run Command Line & Command From VBS

Set oShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") "cmd.exe /C copy ""S:Claims\Sound.wav"" ""C:\WINDOWS\Media\Sound.wav"" "

How to change the colors of a PNG image easily?

This should be fairly straightforward in the gimp

First make sure your image is RGB (not indexed color) then use the "color to alpha" feature to turn the clubs/diamonds clear, then fill or set the background or whatever to get the color you want.

How to add an object to an ArrayList in Java

Contacts.add(objt.Data(name, address, contact));

This is not a perfect way to call a constructor. The constructor is called at the time of object creation automatically. If there is no constructor java class creates its own constructor.

The correct way is:

// object creation. 
Data object1 = new Data(name, address, contact);      

// adding Data object to ArrayList object Contacts.

Loading resources using getClass().getResource()

You can request a path in this format:


Even the bytes for creating the classes in memory are found this way:

my.Class -> /my/Class.class

and getResource will give you a URL which can be used to retrieve an InputStream.

But... I'd recommend using directly getClass().getResourceAsStream(...) with the same argument, because it returns directly the InputStream and don't have to worry about creating a (probably complex) URL object that has to know how to create the InputStream.

In short: try using getResourceAsStream and some constructor of ImageIcon that uses an InputStream as an argument.


Be careful if your app has many classloaders. If you have a simple standalone application (no servers or complex things) you shouldn't worry. I don't think it's the case provided ImageIcon was capable of finding it.

Edit: classpath

getResource is—as mattb says—for loading resources from the classpath (from your .jar or classpath directory). If you are bundling an app it's nice to have altogether, so you could include the icon file inside the jar of your app and obtain it this way.

How to display request headers with command line curl

If you want more alternatives, You can try installing a Modern command line HTTP client like httpie which is available for most of the Operating Systems with package managers like brew, apt-get, pip, yum etc

eg:- For OSX

brew install httpie

Then you can use it on command line with various options

http GET

enter image description here

HighCharts Hide Series Name from the Legend

If you don't want to show the series names in the legend you can disable them by setting showInLegend:false.


series: [{
   showInLegend: false,             
   name: "<b><?php echo $title; ?></b>",
   data: [<?php echo $yaxis; ?>],

You get other options here.

Counting DISTINCT over multiple columns

This code uses distinct on 2 parameters and provides count of number of rows specific to those distinct values row count. It worked for me in MySQL like a charm.

select DISTINCT DocumentId as i,  DocumentSessionId as s , count(*) 
from DocumentOutputItems   
group by i ,s;

How do I force detach Screen from another SSH session?

Short answer

  1. Reattach without ejecting others: screen -x
  2. Get list of displays: ^A *, select the one to disconnect, press d

Explained answer

Background: When I was looking for the solution with same problem description, I have always landed on this answer. I would like to provide more sensible solution. (For example: the other attached screen has a different size and a I cannot force resize it in my terminal.)

Note: PREFIX is usually ^A = ctrl+a

Note: the display may also be called:

  • "user front-end" (in at command manual in screen)
  • "client" (tmux vocabulary where this functionality is detach-client)
  • "terminal" (as we call the window in our user interface) /depending on

1. Reattach a session: screen -x

-x attach to a not detached screen session without detaching it

2. List displays of this session: PREFIX *

It is the default key binding for: PREFIX :displays. Performing it within the screen, identify the other display we want to disconnect (e.g. smaller size). (Your current display is displayed in brighter color/bold when not selected).

term-type   size         user interface           window       Perms
---------- ------- ---------- ----------------- ----------     -----
 screen     240x60         you@/dev/pts/2      nb  0(zsh)        rwx
 screen      78x40         you@/dev/pts/0      nb  0(zsh)        rwx

Using arrows ? ?, select the targeted display, press d If nothing happens, you tried to detach your own display and screen will not detach it. If it was another one, within a second or two, the entry will disappear.

Press ENTER to quit the listing.

Optionally: in order to make the content fit your screen, reflow: PREFIX F (uppercase F)

Excerpt from man page of screen:


Shows a tabular listing of all currently connected user front-ends (displays). This is most useful for multiuser sessions. The following keys can be used in displays list:

  • mouseclick Move to the selected line. Available when "mousetrack" is set to on.
  • space Refresh the list
  • d Detach that display
  • D Power detach that display
  • C-g, enter, or escape Exit the list

How to have comments in IntelliSense for function in Visual Studio?

What you need is xml comments - basically, they follow this syntax (as vaguely described by Solmead):


///This is a description of my function.
string myFunction() {
     return "blah";


'''This is a description of my function.
Function myFunction() As String
    Return "blah"
End Function

Function overloading in Python: Missing

As unwind noted, keyword arguments with default values can go a long way.

I'll also state that in my opinion, it goes against the spirit of Python to worry a lot about what types are passed into methods. In Python, I think it's more accepted to use duck typing -- asking what an object can do, rather than what it is.

Thus, if your method may accept a string or a tuple, you might do something like this:

def print_names(names):
    """Takes a space-delimited string or an iterable"""
        for name in names.split(): # string case
            print name
    except AttributeError:
        for name in names:
            print name

Then you could do either of these:

print_names("Ryan Billy")
print_names(("Ryan", "Billy"))

Although an API like that sometimes indicates a design problem.

How to dismiss keyboard for UITextView with return key?

I know this has been answered already but I don't really like using the string literal for the newline so here is what I did.

- (BOOL)textView:(UITextView *)txtView shouldChangeTextInRange:(NSRange)range replacementText:(NSString *)text {
    if( [text rangeOfCharacterFromSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]].location == NSNotFound ) {
        return YES;

    [txtView resignFirstResponder];
    return NO;

Swift 4.0 update:

func textView(_ textView: UITextView, shouldChangeTextIn range: NSRange, replacementText text: String) -> Bool {
if (text as NSString).rangeOfCharacter(from: CharacterSet.newlines).location == NSNotFound {
    return true
return false

how to programmatically fake a touch event to a UIButton?

Swift 3:

self.btn.sendActions(for: .touchUpInside)

Can an Android Toast be longer than Toast.LENGTH_LONG?

A very simple approach to creating a slightly longer message is as follows:

private Toast myToast;

public MyView(Context context) {
  myToast = Toast.makeText(getContext(), "", Toast.LENGTH_LONG);

private Runnable extendStatusMessageLengthRunnable = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    //Show the toast for another interval.;

public void displayMyToast(final String statusMessage, boolean extraLongDuration) {


  if(extraLongDuration) {
    postDelayed(extendStatusMessageLengthRunnable, 3000L);

Note that the above example eliminates the LENGTH_SHORT option to keep the example simple.

You will generally not want to use a Toast message to display messages for very long intervals, as that is not the Toast class' intended purpose. But there are times when the amount of text you need to display could take the user longer than 3.5 seconds to read, and in that case a slight extension of time (e.g., to 6.5 seconds, as shown above) can, IMO, be useful and consistent with the intended usage.

In Ruby on Rails, what's the difference between DateTime, Timestamp, Time and Date?

  1. :datetime (8 bytes)

    • Stores Date and Time formatted YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
    • Useful for columns like birth_date
  2. :timestamp (4 bytes)

    • Stores number of seconds since 1970-01-01
    • Useful for columns like updated_at, created_at
  3. :date (3 bytes)
    • Stores Date
  4. :time (3 bytes)
    • Stores Time

Angular 2 two way binding using ngModel is not working

The answer that helped me: The directive [(ngModel)]= not working anymore in rc5

To sum it up: input fields now require property name in the form.

What is "pass-through authentication" in IIS 7?

Normally, IIS would use the process identity (the user account it is running the worker process as) to access protected resources like file system or network.

With passthrough authentication, IIS will attempt to use the actual identity of the user when accessing protected resources.

If the user is not authenticated, IIS will use the application pool identity instead. If pool identity is set to NetworkService or LocalSystem, the actual Windows account used is the computer account.

The IIS warning you see is not an error, it's just a warning. The actual check will be performed at execution time, and if it fails, it'll show up in the log.

jQuery autoComplete view all on click?

solution from: Display jquery ui auto-complete list on focus event

The solution to make it work more than once

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
        source: ["ActionScript",
                    /* ... */
        minLength: 0
        //Use the below line instead of triggering keydown

iOS Launching Settings -> Restrictions URL Scheme

As of iOS10 you can use


to open general settings.

also you can add known urls(you can see them in the most upvoted answer) to it to open specific settings. For example the below one opens touchID and passcode.


How to log cron jobs?

cron already sends the standard output and standard error of every job it runs by mail to the owner of the cron job.

You can use MAILTO=recipient in the crontab file to have the emails sent to a different account.

For this to work, you need to have mail working properly. Delivering to a local mailbox is usually not a problem (in fact, chances are ls -l "$MAIL" will reveal that you have already been receiving some) but getting it off the box and out onto the internet requires the MTA (Postfix, Sendmail, what have you) to be properly configured to connect to the world.

If there is no output, no email will be generated.

A common arrangement is to redirect output to a file, in which case of course the cron daemon won't see the job return any output. A variant is to redirect standard output to a file (or write the script so it never prints anything - perhaps it stores results in a database instead, or performs maintenance tasks which simply don't output anything?) and only receive an email if there is an error message.

To redirect both output streams, the syntax is

42 17 * * * script >>stdout.log 2>>stderr.log

Notice how we append (double >>) instead of overwrite, so that any previous job's output is not replaced by the next one's.

As suggested in many answers here, you can have both output streams be sent to a single file; replace the second redirection with 2>&1 to say "standard error should go wherever standard output is going". (But I don't particularly endorse this practice. It mainly makes sense if you don't really expect anything on standard output, but may have overlooked something, perhaps coming from an external tool which is called from your script.)

cron jobs run in your home directory, so any relative file names should be relative to that. If you want to write outside of your home directory, you obviously need to separately make sure you have write access to that destination file.

A common antipattern is to redirect everything to /dev/null (and then ask Stack Overflow to help you figure out what went wrong when something is not working; but we can't see the lost output, either!)

From within your script, make sure to keep regular output (actual results, ideally in machine-readable form) and diagnostics (usually formatted for a human reader) separate. In a shell script,

echo "$results"  # regular results go to stdout
echo "$0: something went wrong" >&2

Some platforms (and e.g. GNU Awk) allow you to use the file name /dev/stderr for error messages, but this is not properly portable; in Perl, warn and die print to standard error; in Python, write to sys.stderr, or use logging; in Ruby, try $stderr.puts. Notice also how error messages should include the name of the script which produced the diagnostic message.

SQL query to get most recent row for each instance of a given key

Both of the above answers assume that you only have one row for each user and time_stamp. Depending on the application and the granularity of your time_stamp this may not be a valid assumption. If you need to deal with ties of time_stamp for a given user, you'd need to extend one of the answers given above.

To write this in one query would require another nested sub-query - things will start getting more messy and performance may suffer.

I would have loved to have added this as a comment but I don't yet have 50 reputation so sorry for posting as a new answer!

"Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference" error

I had a similar problem.

I think the problem is that when you try to enclose two or more functions that deals with an array type of variable, php will return an error.

Let's say for example this one.

$data = array('key1' => 'Robert', 'key2' => 'Pedro', 'key3' => 'Jose');

// This function returns the last key of an array (in this case it's $data)
$lastKey = array_pop(array_keys($data));

// Output is "key3" which is the last array.
// But php will return “Strict Standards: Only variables should 
// be passed by reference” error.
// So, In order to solve this one... is that you try to cut 
// down the process one by one like this.

$data1  = array_keys($data);
$lastkey = array_pop($data1);

echo $lastkey;

There you go!

How to Check whether Session is Expired or not in

I use the @Adi-lester answer and add some methods.

Method to verify if Session is Alive

public static void SessionIsAlive(HttpSessionStateBase Session)
    if (Session.Contents.Count == 0)

Create session var in Page Load

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Session["user_id"] = 1;

Create SaveData method (but you can use it in all methods)

protected void SaveData()
    // Verify if Session is Alive

    //Save Data Process
    // bla
    // bla
    // bla

What is "with (nolock)" in SQL Server?

Simple answer - whenever your SQL is not altering data, and you have a query that might interfere with other activity (via locking).

It's worth considering for any queries used for reports, especially if the query takes more than, say, 1 second.

It's especially useful if you have OLAP-type reports you're running against an OLTP database.

The first question to ask, though, is "why am I worrying about this?" ln my experience, fudging the default locking behavior often takes place when someone is in "try anything" mode and this is one case where unexpected consequences are not unlikely. Too often it's a case of premature optimization and can too easily get left embedded in an application "just in case." It's important to understand why you're doing it, what problem it solves, and whether you actually have the problem.

How to set image name in Dockerfile?

Tagging of the image isn't supported inside the Dockerfile. This needs to be done in your build command. As a workaround, you can do the build with a docker-compose.yml that identifies the target image name and then run a docker-compose build. A sample docker-compose.yml would look like

version: '2'

    build: .
    image: dude/man:v2

That said, there's a push against doing the build with compose since that doesn't work with swarm mode deploys. So you're back to running the command as you've given in your question:

docker build -t dude/man:v2 .

Personally, I tend to build with a small shell script in my folder ( which passes any args and includes the name of the image there to save typing. And for production, the build is handled by a ci/cd server that has the image name inside the pipeline script.

How can I render Partial views in mvc 3?

<%= Html.Partial("PartialName", Model) %>

Date formatting in WPF datagrid

Don`t forget to use DataGrid.Columns, all columns must be inside that collection. In my project I format date a little bit differently:

        <tk:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding StartDate, StringFormat=\{0:dd.MM.yy HH:mm:ss\}}" />

With AutoGenerateColumns you won`t be able to contol formatting as DataGird will add its own columns.

how to convert object into string in php

you have the print_r function DOC

How to convert ISO8859-15 to UTF8?

Could it be that your file is not ISO-8859-15 encoded? You should be able to check with the file command:

file YourFile.txt

Also, you can use iconv without providing the encoding of the original file:

iconv -t UTF-8 YourFile.txt

How can I know which radio button is selected via jQuery?

JQuery to get all the radio buttons in the form and the checked value.

$.each($("input[type='radio']").filter(":checked"), function () {
  console.log("Name:" +;
  console.log("Value:" + $(this).val());

CSS - how to make image container width fixed and height auto stretched

Try width:inherit to make the image take the width of it's container <div>. It will stretch/shrink it's height to maintain proportion. Don't set the height in the <div>, it will size to fit the image height.

img {

.item {
    border:1px solid pink;
    width: 120px;
    float: left;
    margin: 3px;
    padding: 3px;

JSFiddle example

Javascript: How to loop through ALL DOM elements on a page?

Use *

var allElem = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var i = 0; i < allElem.length; i++) {
    // Do something with all element here

Is it possible to force row level locking in SQL Server?

You can use the ROWLOCK hint, but AFAIK SQL may decide to escalate it if it runs low on resources

From the doco:

ROWLOCK Specifies that row locks are taken when page or table locks are ordinarily taken. When specified in transactions operating at the SNAPSHOT isolation level, row locks are not taken unless ROWLOCK is combined with other table hints that require locks, such as UPDLOCK and HOLDLOCK.


Lock hints ROWLOCK, UPDLOCK, AND XLOCK that acquire row-level locks may place locks on index keys rather than the actual data rows. For example, if a table has a nonclustered index, and a SELECT statement using a lock hint is handled by a covering index, a lock is acquired on the index key in the covering index rather than on the data row in the base table.

And finally this gives a pretty in-depth explanation about lock escalation in SQL Server 2005 which was changed in SQL Server 2008.

There is also, the very in depth: Locking in The Database Engine (in books online)

So, in general

Employees WITH (ROWLOCK)
SET Name='Mr Bean'
WHERE Age>93

Should be ok, but depending on the indexes and load on the server it may end up escalating to a page lock.

Display Bootstrap Modal using javascript onClick

A JavaScript function must first be made that holds what you want to be done:

function print() { console.log("Hello World!") }

and then that function must be called in the onClick method from inside an element:

<a onClick="print()"> ... </a>

You can learn more about modal interactions directly from the Bootstrap 3 documentation found here:

Your modal bind is also incorrect. It should be something like this, where "myModal" = ID of element:


In other words, if you truly want to keep what you already have, put a "#" in front GSCCModal and see if that works.

It is also not very wise to have an onClick bound to a div element; something like a button would be more suitable.

Hope this helps!

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE'

I liked Jed's solution but the issue with that was every time I built my project in debug mode, it would deploy my database project and removed the user again. so I added this MySQL script to the Post-Deployment script. it practically does what Jed said but creates the user every time I deploy.


EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE'

how to loop through each row of dataFrame in pyspark

To "loop" and take advantage of Spark's parallel computation framework, you could define a custom function and use map.

def customFunction(row):

   return (, row.age,

sample2 =


sample2 = x: (, x.age,

The custom function would then be applied to every row of the dataframe. Note that sample2 will be a RDD, not a dataframe.

Map may be needed if you are going to perform more complex computations. If you just need to add a simple derived column, you can use the withColumn, with returns a dataframe.

sample3 = sample.withColumn('age2', sample.age + 2)

Android: how to parse URL String with spaces to URI object?

You should in fact URI-encode the "invalid" characters. Since the string actually contains the complete URL, it's hard to properly URI-encode it. You don't know which slashes / should be taken into account and which not. You cannot predict that on a raw String beforehand. The problem really needs to be solved at a higher level. Where does that String come from? Is it hardcoded? Then just change it yourself accordingly. Does it come in as user input? Validate it and show error, let the user solve itself.

At any way, if you can ensure that it are only the spaces in URLs which makes it invalid, then you can also just do a string-by-string replace with %20:

URI uri = new URI(string.replace(" ", "%20"));

Or if you can ensure that it's only the part after the last slash which needs to be URI-encoded, then you can also just do so with help of utility class:

int pos = string.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
URI uri = new URI(string.substring(0, pos) + Uri.encode(string.substring(pos)));

Do note that URLEncoder is insuitable for the task as it's designed to encode query string parameter names/values as per application/x-www-form-urlencoded rules (as used in HTML forms). See also Java URL encoding of query string parameters.

How to keep the spaces at the end and/or at the beginning of a String?

I just use the UTF code for space "\u0020" in the strings.xml file.

<string name="some_string">\u0020The name of my string.\u0020\u0020</string>

works great. (Android loves UTF codes)

java get file size efficiently

Actually, I think the "ls" may be faster. There are definitely some issues in Java dealing with getting File info. Unfortunately there is no equivalent safe method of recursive ls for Windows. (cmd.exe's DIR /S can get confused and generate errors in infinite loops)

On XP, accessing a server on the LAN, it takes me 5 seconds in Windows to get the count of the files in a folder (33,000), and the total size.

When I iterate recursively through this in Java, it takes me over 5 minutes. I started measuring the time it takes to do file.length(), file.lastModified(), and file.toURI() and what I found is that 99% of my time is taken by those 3 calls. The 3 calls I actually need to do...

The difference for 1000 files is 15ms local versus 1800ms on server. The server path scanning in Java is ridiculously slow. If the native OS can be fast at scanning that same folder, why can't Java?

As a more complete test, I used WineMerge on XP to compare the modified date, and size of the files on the server versus the files locally. This was iterating over the entire directory tree of 33,000 files in each folder. Total time, 7 seconds. java: over 5 minutes.

So the original statement and question from the OP is true, and valid. Its less noticeable when dealing with a local file system. Doing a local compare of the folder with 33,000 items takes 3 seconds in WinMerge, and takes 32 seconds locally in Java. So again, java versus native is a 10x slowdown in these rudimentary tests.

Java 1.6.0_22 (latest), Gigabit LAN, and network connections, ping is less than 1ms (both in the same switch)

Java is slow.

Factory Pattern. When to use factory methods?

I liken factories to the concept of libraries. For example you can have a library for working with numbers and another for working with shapes. You can store the functions of these libraries in logically named directories as Numbers or Shapes. These are generic types that could include integers, floats, dobules, longs or rectangles, circles, triangles, pentagons in the case of shapes.

The factory petter uses polymorphism, dependency injection and Inversion of control.

The stated purpose of the Factory Patterns is: Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate. Factory Method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses.

So let's say that you are building an Operating System or Framework and you are building all the discrete components.

Here is a simple example of the concept of the Factory Pattern in PHP. I may not be 100% on all of it but it's intended to serve as a simple example. I am not an expert.

class NumbersFactory {
    public static function makeNumber( $type, $number ) {
        $numObject = null;
        $number = null;

        switch( $type ) {
            case 'float':
                $numObject = new Float( $number );
            case 'integer':
                $numObject = new Integer( $number );
            case 'short':
                $numObject = new Short( $number );
            case 'double':
                $numObject = new Double( $number );
            case 'long':
                $numObject = new Long( $number );
                $numObject = new Integer( $number );

        return $numObject;

/* Numbers interface */
abstract class Number {
    protected $number;

    public function __construct( $number ) {
        $this->number = $number;

    abstract public function add();
    abstract public function subtract();
    abstract public function multiply();
    abstract public function divide();
/* Float Implementation */
class Float extends Number {
    public function add() {
        // implementation goes here

    public function subtract() {
        // implementation goes here

    public function multiply() {
        // implementation goes here

    public function divide() {
        // implementation goes here
/* Integer Implementation */
class Integer extends Number {
    public function add() {
        // implementation goes here

    public function subtract() {
        // implementation goes here

    public function multiply() {
        // implementation goes here

    public function divide() {
        // implementation goes here
/* Short Implementation */
class Short extends Number {
    public function add() {
        // implementation goes here

    public function subtract() {
        // implementation goes here

    public function multiply() {
        // implementation goes here

    public function divide() {
        // implementation goes here
/* Double Implementation */
class Double extends Number {
    public function add() {
        // implementation goes here

    public function subtract() {
        // implementation goes here

    public function multiply() {
        // implementation goes here

    public function divide() {
        // implementation goes here
/* Long Implementation */
class Long extends Number {
    public function add() {
        // implementation goes here

    public function subtract() {
        // implementation goes here

    public function multiply() {
        // implementation goes here

    public function divide() {
        // implementation goes here

$number = NumbersFactory::makeNumber( 'float', 12.5 );

Doctrine findBy 'does not equal'

I solved this rather easily (without adding a method) so i'll share:

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria;

$repository->matching( Criteria::create()->where( Criteria::expr()->neq('id', 1) ) );

By the way, i'm using the Doctrine ORM module from within Zend Framework 2 and i'm not sure whether this would be compatible in any other case.

In my case, i was using a form element configuration like this: to show all roles except "guest" in a radio button array.

    'type' => 'DoctrineModule\Form\Element\ObjectRadio',
        'name' => 'roles',
        'options' => array(
            'label' => _('Roles'),
            'object_manager' => $this->getEntityManager(),
            'target_class'   => 'Application\Entity\Role',
            'property' => 'roleId',
            'find_method'    => array(
                'name'   => 'matching',
                'params' => array(
                    'criteria' => Criteria::create()->where(
                        Criteria::expr()->neq('roleId', 'guest')

How do you add an SDK to Android Studio?

Download your sdk file, go to Android studio: File->New->Import Module

"Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1" on external JAR

I am using Android 1.6 and had one external JAR file. What worked for me was to remove all libraries, right-click project and select Android Tools -> *Fix Project Properties (which added back Android 1.6) and then add back the external JAR file.

MIME types missing in IIS 7 for ASP.NET - 404.17

There are two reasons you might get this message:

  1. ASP.Net is not configured. For this run from Administrator command %FrameworkDir%\%FrameworkVersion%\aspnet_regiis -i. Read the message carefully. On Windows8/IIS8 it may say that this is no longer supported and you may have to use Turn Windows Features On/Off dialog in Install/Uninstall a Program in Control Panel.
  2. Another reason this may happen is because your App Pool is not configured correctly. For example, you created website for WordPress and you also want to throw in few aspx files in there, WordPress creates app pool that says don't run CLR stuff. To fix this just open up App Pool and enable CLR.

How to add image background to btn-default twitter-bootstrap button?

Instead of using input type button you can use button and insert the image inside the button content.

<button class="btn btn-default">
     <img src="" width="20" /> Sign In with Facebook

The problem with doing this only with CSS is that you cannot set linear-gradient to the background you must use solid color.

.sign-in-facebook {
    background: url('') #f2f2f2;
    background-position: -9px -7px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: 39px 43px;
    padding-left: 41px;
    color: #000;
  .sign-in-facebook:hover {
    background: url('') #e0e0e0;
    background-position: -9px -7px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: 39px 43px;
    padding-left: 41px;
    color: #000;

body {_x000D_
  padding: 30px;_x000D_
<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<!-- Optional theme -->_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript -->_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<style type="text/css">_x000D_
  .sign-in-facebook {_x000D_
    background: url('') #f2f2f2;_x000D_
    background-position: -9px -7px;_x000D_
    background-repeat: no-repeat;_x000D_
    background-size: 39px 43px;_x000D_
    padding-left: 41px;_x000D_
    color: #000;_x000D_
  .sign-in-facebook:hover {_x000D_
    background: url('') #e0e0e0;_x000D_
    background-position: -9px -7px;_x000D_
    background-repeat: no-repeat;_x000D_
    background-size: 39px 43px;_x000D_
    padding-left: 41px;_x000D_
    color: #000;_x000D_
<h4>Only with CSS</h4>_x000D_
<input type="button" value="Sign In with Facebook" class="btn btn-default sign-in-facebook" style="margin-top:2px; margin-bottom:2px;">_x000D_
<h4>Only with HTML</h4>_x000D_
<button class="btn btn-default">_x000D_
  <img src="" width="20" /> Sign In with Facebook_x000D_

Creating files in C++

Do this with a file stream. When a std::ofstream is closed, the file is created. I personally like the following code, because the OP only asks to create a file, not to write in it:

#include <fstream>

int main()
    std::ofstream file { "Hello.txt" };
    // Hello.txt has been created here

The temporary variable file is destroyed right after its creation, so the stream is closed and thus the file is created.

Use a normal link to submit a form

Two ways. Either create a button and style it so it looks like a link with css, or create a link and use onclick="this.closest('form').submit();return false;".

Vim: How to insert in visual block mode?

if you want to add new text before or after the selected colum:

  • press ctrl+v
  • select columns
  • press shift+i
  • write your text
  • press esc
  • press "jj"

In which case do you use the JPA @JoinTable annotation?

@ManyToMany associations

Most often, you will need to use @JoinTable annotation to specify the mapping of a many-to-many table relationship:

  • the name of the link table and
  • the two Foreign Key columns

So, assuming you have the following database tables:

Many-to-many table relationship

In the Post entity, you would map this relationship, like this:

@ManyToMany(cascade = {
    name = "post_tag",
    joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "post_id"),
    inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "tag_id")
private List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<>();

The @JoinTable annotation is used to specify the table name via the name attribute, as well as the Foreign Key column that references the post table (e.g., joinColumns) and the Foreign Key column in the post_tag link table that references the Tag entity via the inverseJoinColumns attribute.

Notice that the cascade attribute of the @ManyToMany annotation is set to PERSIST and MERGE only because cascading REMOVE is a bad idea since we the DELETE statement will be issued for the other parent record, tag in our case, not to the post_tag record.

Unidirectional @OneToMany associations

The unidirectional @OneToMany associations, that lack a @JoinColumn mapping, behave like many-to-many table relationships, rather than one-to-many.

So, assuming you have the following entity mappings:

@Entity(name = "Post")
@Table(name = "post")
public class Post {
    private Long id;
    private String title;
        cascade = CascadeType.ALL,
        orphanRemoval = true
    private List<PostComment> comments = new ArrayList<>();
    //Constructors, getters and setters removed for brevity
@Entity(name = "PostComment")
@Table(name = "post_comment")
public class PostComment {
    private Long id;
    private String review;
    //Constructors, getters and setters removed for brevity

Hibernate will assume the following database schema for the above entity mapping:

Unidirectional @OneToMany JPA association database tables

As already explained, the unidirectional @OneToMany JPA mapping behaves like a many-to-many association.

To customize the link table, you can also use the @JoinTable annotation:

    cascade = CascadeType.ALL,
    orphanRemoval = true
    name = "post_comment_ref",
    joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "post_id"),
    inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "post_comment_id")
private List<PostComment> comments = new ArrayList<>();

And now, the link table is going to be called post_comment_ref and the Foreign Key columns will be post_id, for the post table, and post_comment_id, for the post_comment table.

Unidirectional @OneToMany associations are not efficient, so you are better off using bidirectional @OneToMany associations or just the @ManyToOne side.

How to drop all user tables?

To remove all objects in oracle :

1) Dynamic



        union ALL
        select 'drop '||object_type||' '|| object_name || ';' from user_objects 
        where object_type in ('VIEW','PACKAGE','SEQUENCE', 'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION')
        union ALL
        SELECT 'drop '
        ||' '
        || object_name
        || ' force;'
        FROM user_objects
        WHERE object_type IN ('TYPE');

jQuery "on create" event for dynamically-created elements

create a <select> with id , append it to document.. and call .combobox

  var dynamicScript='<select id="selectid"><option value="1">...</option>.....</select>'
  $('body').append(dynamicScript); //append this to the place your wanted.
  $('#selectid').combobox();  //get the id and add .combobox();

this should do the trick.. you can hide the select if you want and after .combobox show it..or else use find..

 $(document).find('select').combobox() //though this is not good performancewise

How can I get all a form's values that would be submitted without submitting

I think the following code will take care of only TextFields in the form:

var str = $('#formId').serialize();

To add other types of input type we can use:

$("input[type='checkbox'], input[type='radio']").on( "click", functionToSerialize );
$("select").on( "change", functionToSerialize );

How to kill a while loop with a keystroke?

From following this thread down the rabbit hole, I came to this, works on Win10 and Ubuntu 20.04. I wanted more than just killing the script, and to use specific keys, and it had to work in both MS and Linux..

import _thread
import time
import sys
import os

class _Getch:
    """Gets a single character from standard input.  Does not echo to the screen."""
    def __init__(self):
            self.impl = _GetchWindows()
        except ImportError:
            self.impl = _GetchUnix()

    def __call__(self): return self.impl()

class _GetchUnix:
    def __init__(self):
        import tty, sys

    def __call__(self):
        import sys, tty, termios
        fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
        old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
            ch =
            termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
        return ch

class _GetchWindows:
    def __init__(self):
        import msvcrt

    def __call__(self):
        import msvcrt
        msvcrt_char = msvcrt.getch()
        return msvcrt_char.decode("utf-8")

def input_thread(key_press_list):
    char = 'x'
    while char != 'q': #dont keep doing this after trying to quit, or 'stty sane' wont work
        getch = _Getch()
        char = getch.impl()
        pprint("getch: "+ str(char))

def quitScript():
    time.sleep(0.2) #wait for the thread to die
    os.system('stty sane')

def pprint(string_to_print): #terminal is in raw mode so we need to append \r\n
    print(string_to_print, end="\r\n")

def main():
    key_press_list = []
    _thread.start_new_thread(input_thread, (key_press_list,))
    while True:
        #do your things here

        if key_press_list == ['q']:

        elif key_press_list == ['j']:
            pprint("knock knock..")

        elif key_press_list:


What is the difference between \r and \n?

They're different characters. \r is carriage return, and \n is line feed.

On "old" printers, \r sent the print head back to the start of the line, and \n advanced the paper by one line. Both were therefore necessary to start printing on the next line.

Obviously that's somewhat irrelevant now, although depending on the console you may still be able to use \r to move to the start of the line and overwrite the existing text.

More importantly, Unix tends to use \n as a line separator; Windows tends to use \r\n as a line separator and Macs (up to OS 9) used to use \r as the line separator. (Mac OS X is Unix-y, so uses \n instead; there may be some compatibility situations where \r is used instead though.)

For more information, see the Wikipedia newline article.

EDIT: This is language-sensitive. In C# and Java, for example, \n always means Unicode U+000A, which is defined as line feed. In C and C++ the water is somewhat muddier, as the meaning is platform-specific. See comments for details.

How to display tables on mobile using Bootstrap?

You might also consider trying one of these approaches, since larger tables aren't exactly friendly on mobile even if it works:

I'm partial to 'No More Tables' but that obviously depends on your application.

What does if [ $? -eq 0 ] mean for shell scripts?

It is an extremely overused way to check for the success/failure of a command. Typically, the code snippet you give would be refactored as:

if grep -e ERROR ${LOG_DIR_PATH}/${LOG_NAME} > /dev/null; then

(Although you can use 'grep -q' in some instances instead of redirecting to /dev/null, doing so is not portable. Many implementations of grep do not support the -q option, so your script may fail if you use it.)

Compare object instances for equality by their attributes

Below works (in my limited testing) by doing deep compare between two object hierarchies. In handles various cases including the cases when objects themselves or their attributes are dictionaries.

def deep_comp(o1:Any, o2:Any)->bool:
    # NOTE: dict don't have __dict__
    o1d = getattr(o1, '__dict__', None)
    o2d = getattr(o2, '__dict__', None)

    # if both are objects
    if o1d is not None and o2d is not None:
        # we will compare their dictionaries
        o1, o2 = o1.__dict__, o2.__dict__

    if o1 is not None and o2 is not None:
        # if both are dictionaries, we will compare each key
        if isinstance(o1, dict) and isinstance(o2, dict):
            for k in set().union(o1.keys() ,o2.keys()):
                if k in o1 and k in o2:
                    if not deep_comp(o1[k], o2[k]):
                        return False
                    return False # some key missing
            return True
    # mismatched object types or both are scalers, or one or both None
    return o1 == o2

This is a very tricky code so please add any cases that might not work for you in comments.

Wait until an HTML5 video loads

you can use preload="none" in the attribute of video tag so the video will be displayed only when user clicks on play button.

<video preload="none">

Versioning SQL Server database

You didn't mention any specifics about your target environment or constraints, so this may not be entirely applicable... but if you're looking for a way to effectively track an evolving DB schema and aren't adverse to the idea of using Ruby, ActiveRecord's migrations are right up your alley.

Migrations programatically define database transformations using a Ruby DSL; each transformation can be applied or (usually) rolled back, allowing you to jump to a different version of your DB schema at any given point in time. The file defining these transformations can be checked into version control like any other piece of source code.

Because migrations are a part of ActiveRecord, they typically find use in full-stack Rails apps; however, you can use ActiveRecord independent of Rails with minimal effort. See here for a more detailed treatment of using AR's migrations outside of Rails.

How to parse JSON in Scala using standard Scala classes?

scala.util.parsing.json.JSON is deprecated.

Here is another approach with circe. FYI documentation:

Add the dependency in build.sbt, I used scala 2.13.4, note the scala version must align with the library version.

val circeVersion = "0.14.0-M2"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "io.circe"  %% "circe-core"     % circeVersion,
  "io.circe"  %% "circe-generic"  % circeVersion,
  "io.circe"  %% "circe-parser"   % circeVersion

Example 1:

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val input =
        |  "kind": "Listing",
        |  "data": [
        |    {
        |      "name": "Frodo",
        |      "age": 51
        |    },
        |    {
        |      "name": "Bilbo",
        |      "age": 60
        |    }
        |  ]

    implicit val decoderPerson: Decoder[Person] = deriveDecoder[Person] // decoder required to parse to custom object

    val parseResult: Json = circe.parser.parse(input).getOrElse(Json.Null)
    val data: ACursor = parseResult.hcursor.downField("data") // get the data field
    val personList: List[Person] =[List[Person]].getOrElse(null) // parse the dataField to a list of Person
    for {
      person <- personList
    } println( + " is " + person.age)

Example 2, json has an object within an object:

case class Person(name: String, age: Int, position: Position)
case class Position(x: Int, y: Int)

object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val input =
        |  "kind": "Listing",
        |  "data": [
        |    {
        |      "name": "Frodo",
        |      "age": 51,
        |      "position": {
        |        "x": 10,
        |        "y": 20
        |      }
        |    },
        |    {
        |      "name": "Bilbo",
        |      "age": 60,
        |      "position": {
        |        "x": 75,
        |        "y": 85
        |      }
        |    }
        |  ]

    implicit val decoderPosition: Decoder[Position] = deriveDecoder[Position] // must be defined before the Person decoder
    implicit val decoderPerson: Decoder[Person] = deriveDecoder[Person]

    val parseResult = circe.parser.parse(input).getOrElse(Json.Null)
    val data = parseResult.hcursor.downField("data")
    val personList =[List[Person]].getOrElse(null)
    for {
      person <- personList
    } println( + " is " + person.age + " at " + person.position)

C++ Vector of pointers

It means something like this:

std::vector<Movie *> movies;

Then you add to the vector as you read lines:

movies.push_back(new Movie(...));

Remember to delete all of the Movie* objects once you are done with the vector.

How to replace specific values in a oracle database column?

I'm using Version with Build 15.21

For me I needed this:

UPDATE table_name SET column_name = REPLACE(column_name,"search str","replace str");

Putting t.column_name in the first argument of replace did not work.

Decode UTF-8 with Javascript

Perhaps using the textDecoder will be sufficient.

Not supported in IE though.

var decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8'),

decodedMessage = decoder.decode(;

Handling non-UTF8 text

In this example, we decode the Russian text "??????, ???!", which means "Hello, world." In our TextDecoder() constructor, we specify the Windows-1251 character encoding, which is appropriate for Cyrillic script.

    let win1251decoder = new TextDecoder('windows-1251');
    let bytes = new Uint8Array([207, 240, 232, 226, 229, 242, 44, 32, 236, 232, 240, 33]);
    console.log(win1251decoder.decode(bytes)); // ??????, ???!

The interface for the TextDecoder is described here.

Retrieving a byte array from a string is equally simpel:

const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const encoder = new TextEncoder();

const byteArray = encoder.encode('Größe');
// converted it to a byte array

// now we can decode it back to a string if desired

If you have it in a different encoding then you must compensate for that upon encoding. The parameter in the constructor for the TextEncoder is any one of the valid encodings listed here.

How do I preserve line breaks when getting text from a textarea?

The easiest solution is to simply style the element you're inserting the text into with the following CSS property:

white-space: pre-wrap;

This property causes whitespace and newlines within the matching elements to be treated in the same way as inside a <textarea>. That is, consecutive whitespace is not collapsed, and lines are broken at explicit newlines (but are also wrapped automatically if they exceed the width of the element).

Given that several of the answers posted here so far have been vulnerable to HTML injection (e.g. because they assign unescaped user input to innerHTML) or otherwise buggy, let me give an example of how to do this safely and correctly, based on your original code:

document.getElementById('post-button').addEventListener('click', function () {_x000D_
  var post = document.createElement('p');_x000D_
  var postText = document.getElementById('post-text').value;_x000D_
  var card = document.createElement('div');_x000D_
  var cardStack = document.getElementById('card-stack');_x000D_
#card-stack p {_x000D_
  background: #ddd;_x000D_
  white-space: pre-wrap;  /* <-- THIS PRESERVES THE LINE BREAKS */_x000D_
textarea {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
<textarea id="post-text" class="form-control" rows="8" placeholder="What's up?" required>Group Schedule:_x000D_
Tuesday practice @ 5th floor (8pm - 11 pm)_x000D_
Thursday practice @ 5th floor (8pm - 11 pm)_x000D_
Sunday practice @ (9pm - 12 am)</textarea><br>_x000D_
<input type="button" id="post-button" value="Post!">_x000D_
<div id="card-stack"></div>

Note that, like your original code, the snippet above uses append() and prepend(). As of this writing, those functions are still considered experimental and not fully supported by all browsers. If you want to be safe and remain compatible with older browsers, you can substitute them pretty easily as follows:

  • element.append(otherElement) can be replaced with element.appendChild(otherElement);
  • element.prepend(otherElement) can be replaced with element.insertBefore(otherElement, element.firstChild);
  • element.append(stringOfText) can be replaced with element.appendChild(document.createTextNode(stringOfText));
  • element.prepend(stringOfText) can be replaced with element.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(stringOfText), element.firstChild);
  • as a special case, if element is empty, both element.append(stringOfText) and element.prepend(stringOfText) can simply be replaced with element.textContent = stringOfText.

Here's the same snippet as above, but without using append() or prepend():

document.getElementById('post-button').addEventListener('click', function () {_x000D_
  var post = document.createElement('p');_x000D_
  var postText = document.getElementById('post-text').value;_x000D_
  post.textContent = postText;_x000D_
  var card = document.createElement('div');_x000D_
  var cardStack = document.getElementById('card-stack');_x000D_
  cardStack.insertBefore(card, cardStack.firstChild);_x000D_
#card-stack p {_x000D_
  background: #ddd;_x000D_
  white-space: pre-wrap;  /* <-- THIS PRESERVES THE LINE BREAKS */_x000D_
textarea {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
<textarea id="post-text" class="form-control" rows="8" placeholder="What's up?" required>Group Schedule:_x000D_
Tuesday practice @ 5th floor (8pm - 11 pm)_x000D_
Thursday practice @ 5th floor (8pm - 11 pm)_x000D_
Sunday practice @ (9pm - 12 am)</textarea><br>_x000D_
<input type="button" id="post-button" value="Post!">_x000D_
<div id="card-stack"></div>

Ps. If you really want to do this without using the CSS white-space property, an alternative solution would be to explicitly replace any newline characters in the text with <br> HTML tags. The tricky part is that, to avoid introducing subtle bugs and potential security holes, you have to first escape any HTML metacharacters (at a minimum, & and <) in the text before you do this replacement.

Probably the simplest and safest way to do that is to let the browser handle the HTML-escaping for you, like this:

var post = document.createElement('p');
post.textContent = postText;
post.innerHTML = post.innerHTML.replace(/\n/g, '<br>\n');

document.getElementById('post-button').addEventListener('click', function () {_x000D_
  var post = document.createElement('p');_x000D_
  var postText = document.getElementById('post-text').value;_x000D_
  post.textContent = postText;_x000D_
  post.innerHTML = post.innerHTML.replace(/\n/g, '<br>\n');  // <-- THIS FIXES THE LINE BREAKS_x000D_
  var card = document.createElement('div');_x000D_
  var cardStack = document.getElementById('card-stack');_x000D_
  cardStack.insertBefore(card, cardStack.firstChild);_x000D_
#card-stack p {_x000D_
  background: #ddd;_x000D_
textarea {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
<textarea id="post-text" class="form-control" rows="8" placeholder="What's up?" required>Group Schedule:_x000D_
Tuesday practice @ 5th floor (8pm - 11 pm)_x000D_
Thursday practice @ 5th floor (8pm - 11 pm)_x000D_
Sunday practice @ (9pm - 12 am)</textarea><br>_x000D_
<input type="button" id="post-button" value="Post!">_x000D_
<div id="card-stack"></div>

Note that, while this will fix the line breaks, it won't prevent consecutive whitespace from being collapsed by the HTML renderer. It's possible to (sort of) emulate that by replacing some of the whitespace in the text with non-breaking spaces, but honestly, that's getting rather complicated for something that can be trivially solved with a single line of CSS.

How to use target in location.href

Why not have a hidden anchor tag on the page with the target set as you need, then simulate clicking it when you need the pop out?

How can I simulate a click to an anchor tag?

This would work in the cases where the did not work


I encountered a similar problem, I moved the project directory, resulting in installation failure, my solution is as follows: Build->ReBuild

Postgres user does not exist?

I get exactly the same errors as kryshah with su - postgres and sudo -u postgres psql. DanielM's answer gives also errors.

Outputs when wrong settings

Answer however from przbabu's comment.

masi$ psql
psql: FATAL:  database "masi" does not exist
masi$ psql -U postgres
psql: FATAL:  role "postgres" does not exist
masi$ psql postgres
psql (9.4.1)
Type "help" for help.

I think the some part of this problem may be in owner settings in OSX

masi$ ls -al /Users/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x   7 root      admin  238 Jul  3 09:50 .
drwxr-xr-x  37 root      wheel 1326 Jul  2 19:02 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root      wheel    0 Sep 10  2014 .localized
drwxrwxrwt   7 root      wheel  238 Apr  9 19:49 Shared
drwxr-xr-x   2 root      admin   68 Jul  3 09:50 postgres
drwxr-xr-x+ 71 masi      staff 2414 Jul  3 09:50 masi

but doing sudo chown -R postgres:staff /Users/postgres gives chown: invalid user: ‘postgres:staff’.

In short, this is not the solution the problem. Use the tools provided by the postgres installation to create a user and database.

To get right settings and outputs

There are specific commands after postgres installation to add a new user to the database system. After initdb, run the following as described here

createuser --pwprompt postgres
createdb -Opostgres -Eutf8 masi_development
psql -U postgres -W masi_development

To avoid the password request all the time, you have three choices as described here.

Select distinct values from a table field

Say your model is 'Shop'

class Shop(models.Model):
    street = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    city = models.CharField(max_length=150)

    # some of your models may have explicit ordering
    class Meta:
        ordering = ('city')

Since you may have the Meta class ordering attribute set, you can use order_by() without parameters to clear any ordering when using distinct(). See the documentation under order_by()

If you don’t want any ordering to be applied to a query, not even the default ordering, call order_by() with no parameters.

and distinct() in the note where it discusses issues with using distinct() with ordering.

To query your DB, you just have to call:


It returns a dictionnary



This one returns a ValuesListQuerySet which you can cast to a list. You can also add flat=True to values_list to flatten the results.

See also: Get distinct values of Queryset by field

Java: Get month Integer from Date

java.util.Date date= new Date();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);

Android - SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length

This worked for me...on every device

        android:hint="Enter Address, City or Zip Code"

In Java code:

mSearchText.setOnEditorActionListener(new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() {

        public boolean onEditorAction(TextView textView, int actionId, KeyEvent keyEvent) {
            if(actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEARCH
                    || actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE
                    || keyEvent.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN
                    || keyEvent.getAction() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER){

                //execute our method for searching

            return false;

Programmatically find the number of cores on a machine

Note that "number of cores" might not be a particularly useful number, you might have to qualify it a bit more. How do you want to count multi-threaded CPUs such as Intel HT, IBM Power5 and Power6, and most famously, Sun's Niagara/UltraSparc T1 and T2? Or even more interesting, the MIPS 1004k with its two levels of hardware threading (supervisor AND user-level)... Not to mention what happens when you move into hypervisor-supported systems where the hardware might have tens of CPUs but your particular OS only sees a few.

The best you can hope for is to tell the number of logical processing units that you have in your local OS partition. Forget about seeing the true machine unless you are a hypervisor. The only exception to this rule today is in x86 land, but the end of non-virtual machines is coming fast...

String MinLength and MaxLength validation don't work ( mvc)

Try using this attribute, for example for password min length:

[StringLength(100, ErrorMessage = "???????????? ????? ?????? 20 ????????", MinimumLength = User.PasswordMinLength)]

VB.Net Properties - Public Get, Private Set

Yes, quite straight forward:

Private _name As String

Public Property Name() As String
        Return _name
    End Get
    Private Set(ByVal value As String)
        _name = value
    End Set
End Property

Merge two (or more) lists into one, in C# .NET

you can combine them using LINQ:

  list = list1.Concat(list2).Concat(list3).ToList();

the more traditional approach of using List.AddRange() might be more efficient though.

Reading file from Workspace in Jenkins with Groovy script

I realize this question was about creating a plugin, but since the new Jenkins 2 Pipeline builds use Groovy, I found myself here while trying to figure out how to read a file from a workspace in a Pipeline build. So maybe I can help someone like me out in the future.

Turns out it's very easy, there is a readfile step, and I should have rtfm:

env.WORKSPACE = pwd()
def version = readFile "${env.WORKSPACE}/version.txt"

How to convert a string to character array in c (or) how to extract a single char form string?

In C, there's no (real, distinct type of) strings. Every C "string" is an array of chars, zero terminated.

Therefore, to extract a character c at index i from string your_string, just use

char c = your_string[i];

Index is base 0 (first character is your_string[0], second is your_string[1]...).

php - insert a variable in an echo string

Always use double quotes when using a variable inside a string and backslash any other double quotes except the starting and ending ones. You could also use the brackets like below so it's easier to find your variables inside the strings and make them look cleaner.

$var = 'my variable';
echo "I love ${var}";


$var = 'my variable';
echo "I love {$var}";

Above would return the following: I love my variable

What's the difference between F5 refresh and Shift+F5 in Google Chrome browser?

It ignores the cached content when refreshing...

F5 or Control + R = Reload the current page
Control+Shift+R or Shift + F5 = Reload your current page, ignoring cached content

How to correctly write async method?

To get the behavior you want you need to wait for the process to finish before you exit Main(). To be able to tell when your process is done you need to return a Task instead of a void from your function, you should never return void from a async function unless you are working with events.

A re-written version of your program that works correctly would be

class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         Debug.WriteLine("Calling DoDownload");         var downloadTask = DoDownloadAsync();         Debug.WriteLine("DoDownload done");         downloadTask.Wait(); //Waits for the background task to complete before finishing.      }      private static async Task DoDownloadAsync()     {         WebClient w = new WebClient();          string txt = await w.DownloadStringTaskAsync("");         Debug.WriteLine(txt);     } } 

Because you can not await in Main() I had to do the Wait() function instead. If this was a application that had a SynchronizationContext I would do await downloadTask; instead and make the function this was being called from async.

How do I pass along variables with XMLHTTPRequest

Following is correct way:"GET","getuser.php?fname="+abc ,true);

iloc giving 'IndexError: single positional indexer is out-of-bounds'

This error is caused by:

Y = Dataset.iloc[:,18].values

Indexing is out of bounds here most probably because there are less than 19 columns in your Dataset, so column 18 does not exist. The following code you provided doesn't use Y at all, so you can just comment out this line for now.

Error: Generic Array Creation

You can't create arrays with a generic component type.

Create an array of an explicit type, like Object[], instead. You can then cast this to PCB[] if you want, but I don't recommend it in most cases.

PCB[] res = (PCB[]) new Object[list.size()]; /* Not type-safe. */

If you want type safety, use a collection like java.util.List<PCB> instead of an array.

By the way, if list is already a java.util.List, you should use one of its toArray() methods, instead of duplicating them in your code. This doesn't get your around the type-safety problem though.

What's the difference between getPath(), getAbsolutePath(), and getCanonicalPath() in Java?

In short:

  • getPath() gets the path string that the File object was constructed with, and it may be relative current directory.
  • getAbsolutePath() gets the path string after resolving it against the current directory if it's relative, resulting in a fully qualified path.
  • getCanonicalPath() gets the path string after resolving any relative path against current directory, and removes any relative pathing (. and ..), and any file system links to return a path which the file system considers the canonical means to reference the file system object to which it points.

Also, each of these has a File equivalent which returns the corresponding File object.

Note that IMO, Java got the implementation of an "absolute" path wrong; it really should remove any relative path elements in an absolute path. The canonical form would then remove any FS links or junctions in the path.

Convert Xml to Table SQL Server

This is the answer, hope it helps someone :)

First there are two variations on how the xml can be written:




       Tbl.Col.value('IdInvernadero[1]', 'smallint'),  
       Tbl.Col.value('IdProducto[1]', 'smallint'),  
       Tbl.Col.value('IdCaracteristica1[1]', 'smallint'),
       Tbl.Col.value('IdCaracteristica2[1]', 'smallint'),
       Tbl.Col.value('Cantidad[1]', 'int'),
       Tbl.Col.value('Folio[1]', 'varchar(7)')
FROM   @xml.nodes('//row') Tbl(Col)  


<row IdInvernadero="8" IdProducto="3" IdCaracteristica1="8" IdCaracteristica2="8" Cantidad ="25" Folio="4568457" />                         
<row IdInvernadero="3" IdProducto="3" IdCaracteristica1="1" IdCaracteristica2="2" Cantidad ="72" Folio="4568457" />


       Tbl.Col.value('@IdInvernadero', 'smallint'),  
       Tbl.Col.value('@IdProducto', 'smallint'),  
       Tbl.Col.value('@IdCaracteristica1', 'smallint'),
       Tbl.Col.value('@IdCaracteristica2', 'smallint'),
       Tbl.Col.value('@Cantidad', 'int'),
       Tbl.Col.value('@Folio', 'varchar(7)')

FROM   @xml.nodes('//row') Tbl(Col)

Taken from:



Compare two dates in Java

I would use JodaTime for this. Here is an example - lets say you want to find the difference in days between 2 dates.

DateTime startDate = new DateTime(some_date); 
DateTime endDate = new DateTime(); //current date
Days diff = Days.daysBetween(startDate, endDate);

JodaTime can be downloaded from here.

How do you check for permissions to write to a directory or file?

Since this isn't closed, i would like to submit a new entry for anyone looking to have something working properly for them... using an amalgamation of what i found here, as well as using DirectoryServices to debug the code itself and find the proper code to use, here's what i found that works for me in every situation... note that my solution extends DirectoryInfo object... :

    public static bool IsReadable(this DirectoryInfo me)

        AuthorizationRuleCollection rules;
        WindowsIdentity identity;
            rules = me.GetAccessControl().GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier));
            identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
        catch (Exception ex)
        { //Posible UnauthorizedAccessException
            return false;

        bool isAllow=false;
        string userSID = identity.User.Value;

        foreach (FileSystemAccessRule rule in rules)
            if (rule.IdentityReference.ToString() == userSID || identity.Groups.Contains(rule.IdentityReference))
                if ((rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.Read) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.ReadAndExecute) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.ReadAttributes) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.ReadData) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.ReadExtendedAttributes) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.ReadPermissions)) && rule.AccessControlType == AccessControlType.Deny)
                    return false;
                else if ((rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.Read) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.ReadAndExecute) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.ReadAttributes) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.ReadData) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.ReadExtendedAttributes) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.ReadPermissions)) && rule.AccessControlType == AccessControlType.Allow)
                    isAllow = true;

        return isAllow;

    public static bool IsWriteable(this DirectoryInfo me)
        AuthorizationRuleCollection rules;
        WindowsIdentity identity;
            rules = me.GetAccessControl().GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier));
            identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
        catch (Exception ex)
        { //Posible UnauthorizedAccessException
            return false;

        bool isAllow = false;
        string userSID = identity.User.Value;

        foreach (FileSystemAccessRule rule in rules)
            if (rule.IdentityReference.ToString() == userSID || identity.Groups.Contains(rule.IdentityReference))
                if ((rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.Write) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.WriteAttributes) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.WriteData) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.WriteExtendedAttributes) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.CreateDirectories) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.CreateFiles)) && rule.AccessControlType == AccessControlType.Deny)
                    return false;
                else if ((rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.Write) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.WriteAttributes) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.WriteData) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.WriteExtendedAttributes) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.CreateDirectories) ||
                    rule.FileSystemRights.HasFlag(FileSystemRights.CreateFiles)) && rule.AccessControlType == AccessControlType.Allow)
                    isAllow = true;

        return me.IsReadable() && isAllow;

Sending email in .NET through Gmail

You can try Mailkit. It gives you better and advance functionality for send mail. You can find more from this Here is an example

    MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage();
    message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("FromName", "[email protected]"));
    message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("ToName", "[email protected]"));
    message.Subject = "MyEmailSubject";

    message.Body = new TextPart("plain")
        Text = @"MyEmailBodyOnlyTextPart"

    using (var client = new SmtpClient())
        client.Connect("SERVER", 25); // 25 is port you can change accordingly

        // Note: since we don't have an OAuth2 token, disable
        // the XOAUTH2 authentication mechanism.

        // Note: only needed if the SMTP server requires authentication
        client.Authenticate("YOUR_USER_NAME", "YOUR_PASSWORD");


CSS Selector "(A or B) and C"?

Not yet, but there is the experimental :matches() pseudo-class function that does just that:

:matches(.a .b) .c {
  /* stuff goes here */

You can find more info on it here and here. Currently, most browsers support its initial version :any(), which works the same way, but will be replaced by :matches(). We just have to wait a little more before using this everywhere (I surely will).

How can I check if a checkbox is checked?

You can also use JQuery methods to accomplish this:

<script type="text/javascript">
if ($('#remember')[0].checked) 

Compile error: "g++: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory"

This problem can happen if different versions of g++ and gcc are installed.

   g++ --version
   gcc --version

If these don't give the result, you probably have multiple versions of gcc installed. You can check by using:

    dpkg -l | grep gcc | awk '{print $2}'

Usually, /usr/bin/gcc will be sym-linked to /etc/alternatives/gcc which is again sym-linked to say /usr/bin/gcc-4.6 or /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 (In case you have gcc-4.6, gcc-4.8 installed.)

By changing this link you can make gcc and g++ run in the same version and this may resolve your issue!

How to force file download with PHP

$file = ""; 

header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); 
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); 
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"". basename($file) ."\""); 

readfile ($file);

Or, when the file is not openable with the browser, you can just use the Location header:

<?php header("Location:"); ?>

SQL Server SELECT INTO @variable?

Sounds like you want temp tables.

Note that #TempTable is available throughout your SP.

Note the ##TempTable is available to all.

Pass multiple parameters to rest API - Spring

you can pass multiple params in url like


and in order to get this query fields , you can use map like

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/custom")
    public String controllerMethod(@RequestParam Map<String, String> customQuery) {

        System.out.println("customQuery = brand " + customQuery.containsKey("brand"));
        System.out.println("customQuery = limit " + customQuery.containsKey("limit"));
        System.out.println("customQuery = price " + customQuery.containsKey("price"));
        System.out.println("customQuery = other " + customQuery.containsKey("other"));
        System.out.println("customQuery = sort " + customQuery.containsKey("sort"));

        return customQuery.toString();

How do I add a simple jQuery script to WordPress?

you can write your script in another file.And enqueue your file like this suppose your script name is image-ticker.js.

wp_enqueue_script( 'image-ticker-1', plugins_url('/js/image-ticker.js', __FILE__), array('jquery', 'image-ticker'), '1.0.0', true ); 

in the place of /js/image-ticker.js you should put your js file path.

PLS-00428: an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement

In PLSQL block, columns of select statements must be assigned to variables, which is not the case in SQL statements.

The second BEGIN's SQL statement doesn't have INTO clause and that caused the error.

   DSC           VARCHAR (512);
    WHERE PART_NUM = 'S0146404';

             || ','
             || RTRIM (PLANID.DESC_TEXT)
             || ','
             || CASE
                   WHEN PLANID.HIGH = 'TEST123'
                         WHEN TO_DATE (PROD.START_DATE) + 30 > SYSDATE
             || ','
             || 'GB'
             || ','
        INTO DSC
                ON PROD.PART_NUM = PLANID.VAL
                ON PROD.PROD_ID = PROD.ROW_ID
                ON VIS.PROD_ID = VISPROD.ROW_ID
       WHERE     PLANID.TYPE = 'Test Plan'
             AND PLANID.ACTIVE_FLG = 'Y'
             AND PROD.STATUS_CD = 'Active'


How to Convert Boolean to String

This works also for any kind of value:

$a = true;

echo $a                     // outputs:   1
echo value_To_String( $a )  // outputs:   true


function valueToString( $value ){ 
    return ( !is_bool( $value ) ?  $value : ($value ? 'true' : 'false' )  ); 

Visual Studio Code Search and Replace with Regular Expressions

For beginners, I wanted to add to the accepted answer, because a couple of subtleties were unclear to me:

To find and modify text (not completely replace),

  1. In the "Find" step, you can use regex with "capturing groups," e.g. your search could be la la la (group1) blah blah (group2), using parentheses.

  2. And then in the "Replace" step, you can refer to the capturing groups via $1, $2 etc.

So, for example, in this case we could find the relevant text with just <h1>.+?<\/h1> (no parentheses), but putting in the parentheses <h1>(.+?)<\/h1> allows us to refer to the sub-match in between them as $1 in the replace step. Cool!


  • To turn on Regex in the Find Widget, click the .* icon, or press Cmd/Ctrl Alt R

  • $0 refers to the whole match

  • Finally, the original question states that the replace should happen "within a document," so you can use the "Find Widget" (Cmd or Ctrl + F), which is local to the open document, instead of "Search", which opens a bigger UI and looks across all files in the project.

VBA Check if variable is empty

I had a similar issue with an integer that could be legitimately assigned 0 in Access VBA. None of the above solutions worked for me.

At first I just used a boolean var and IF statement:

Dim i as integer, bol as boolean
   If bol = false then
      i = ValueIWantToAssign
      bol = True
   End If

In my case, my integer variable assignment was within a for loop and another IF statement, so I ended up using "Exit For" instead as it was more concise.

Like so:

Dim i as integer
   If ConditionIsMet Then
      i = ValueIWantToAssign
   Exit For
   End If

How to display errors on laravel 4? this is good example for alternative to laravel3 debug bar.

How to get all subsets of a set? (powerset)

Use function powerset() from package more_itertools.

Yields all possible subsets of the iterable

>>> list(powerset([1, 2, 3]))
[(), (1,), (2,), (3,), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (1, 2, 3)]

If you want sets, use:

list(map(set, powerset(iterable)))

Convert string[] to int[] in one line of code using LINQ

you can simply cast a string array to int array by:

var converted = arr.Select(int.Parse)

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource- AngularJS

Use this extension for chrome. Allows to you request any site with ajax from any source. Adds to response 'Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: *' header

How to JSON serialize sets?

You can create a custom encoder that returns a list when it encounters a set. Here's an example:

>>> import json
>>> class SetEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
...    def default(self, obj):
...       if isinstance(obj, set):
...          return list(obj)
...       return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
>>> json.dumps(set([1,2,3,4,5]), cls=SetEncoder)
'[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]'

You can detect other types this way too. If you need to retain that the list was actually a set, you could use a custom encoding. Something like return {'type':'set', 'list':list(obj)} might work.

To illustrated nested types, consider serializing this:

>>> class Something(object):
...    pass
>>> json.dumps(set([1,2,3,4,5,Something()]), cls=SetEncoder)

This raises the following error:

TypeError: <__main__.Something object at 0x1691c50> is not JSON serializable

This indicates that the encoder will take the list result returned and recursively call the serializer on its children. To add a custom serializer for multiple types, you can do this:

>>> class SetEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
...    def default(self, obj):
...       if isinstance(obj, set):
...          return list(obj)
...       if isinstance(obj, Something):
...          return 'CustomSomethingRepresentation'
...       return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
>>> json.dumps(set([1,2,3,4,5,Something()]), cls=SetEncoder)
'[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "CustomSomethingRepresentation"]'

Laravel - Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server

First, update your Virtual Host configuration;

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/html/example-project/public
    <Directory /var/www/html/example-project/public/>
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted

Then, change both permission and ownership of the asset as illustrated below.

$ sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www/html/example-project
$ sudo chmod -R 775 /var/www/html/example-project

Indexing vectors and arrays with +:

Description and examples can be found in IEEE Std 1800-2017 § 11.5.1 "Vector bit-select and part-select addressing". First IEEE appearance is IEEE 1364-2001 (Verilog) § 4.2.1 "Vector bit-select and part-select addressing". Here is an direct example from the LRM:

logic [31: 0] a_vect;
logic [0 :31] b_vect;
logic [63: 0] dword;
integer sel;
a_vect[ 0 +: 8] // == a_vect[ 7 : 0]
a_vect[15 -: 8] // == a_vect[15 : 8]
b_vect[ 0 +: 8] // == b_vect[0 : 7]
b_vect[15 -: 8] // == b_vect[8 :15]
dword[8*sel +: 8] // variable part-select with fixed width

If sel is 0 then dword[8*(0) +: 8] == dword[7:0]
If sel is 7 then dword[8*(7) +: 8] == dword[63:56]

The value to the left always the starting index. The number to the right is the width and must be a positive constant. the + and - indicates to select the bits of a higher or lower index value then the starting index.

Assuming address is in little endian ([msb:lsb]) format, then if(address[2*pointer+:2]) is the equivalent of if({address[2*pointer+1],address[2*pointer]})

2 column div layout: right column with fixed width, left fluid

Remove the float on the left column.

At the HTML code, the right column needs to come before the left one.

If the right has a float (and a width), and if the left column doesn't have a width and no float, it will be flexible :)

Also apply an overflow: hidden and some height (can be auto) to the outer div, so that it surrounds both inner divs.

Finally, at the left column, add a width: auto and overflow: hidden, this makes the left column independent from the right one (for example, if you resized the browser window, and the right column touched the left one, without these properties, the left column would run arround the right one, with this properties it remains in its space).

Example HTML:

<div class="container">
    <div class="right">
        right content fixed width
    <div class="left">
        left content flexible width


.container {
   height: auto;
   overflow: hidden;

.right {
    width: 180px;
    float: right;
    background: #aafed6;

.left {
    float: none; /* not needed, just for clarification */
    background: #e8f6fe;
    /* the next props are meant to keep this block independent from the other floated one */
    width: auto;
    overflow: hidden;

Example here:

HTML image not showing in Gmail

Try to add title and alt properties to your image.... Gmail and some others blocks images without some attributes.. and it is also a logic to include your email to be read as spam.

Why is there no ForEach extension method on IEnumerable?

You can use select when you want to return something. If you don't, you can use ToList first, because you probably don't want to modify anything in the collection.

How should I do integer division in Perl?

int(x+.5) will round positive values toward the nearest integer. Rounding up is harder.

To round toward zero:


For the solutions below, include the following statement:

use POSIX;

To round down: POSIX::floor($x)

To round up: POSIX::ceil($x)

To round away from zero: POSIX::floor($x) - int($x) + POSIX::ceil($x)

To round off to the nearest integer: POSIX::floor($x+.5)

Note that int($x+.5) fails badly for negative values. int(-2.1+.5) is int(-1.6), which is -1.

How to throw std::exceptions with variable messages?

Ran into a similar issue, in that creating custom error messages for my custom exceptions make ugly code. This was my solution:

class MyRunTimeException: public std::runtime_error
      MyRunTimeException(const std::string &filename):std::runtime_error(GetMessage(filename)) {}
      static std::string GetMessage(const std::string &filename)
           // Do your message formatting here. 
           // The benefit of returning std::string, is that the compiler will make sure the buffer is good for the length of the constructor call
           // You can use a local std::ostringstream here, and return os.str()
           // Without worrying that the memory is out of scope. It'll get copied
           // You also can create multiple GetMessage functions that take all sorts of objects and add multiple constructors for your exception

This separates the logic for creating the messages. I had originally thought about overriding what(), but then you have to capture your message somewhere. std::runtime_error already has an internal buffer.

How to recursively download a folder via FTP on Linux

If lftp is installed on your machine, use mirror dir. And you are done. See the comment by Ciro below if you want to recursively download a directory.

Postgresql: password authentication failed for user "postgres"

Try to not use the -W parameter and leave the password in blank. Sometimes the user is created with no-password.

If that doesn't work reset the password. There are several ways to do it, but this works on many systems:

$ su root
$ su postgres
$ psql -h localhost
> ALTER USER postgres with password 'YourNewPassword';

Jquery, set value of td in a table?

You can try below code:

$("Your button id or class").live("click", function(){

    $('#detailInfo').html('set your value as you want');


Good Luck...

php form action php self

Leaving the action value blank will cause the form to post back to itself.

What does __FILE__ mean in Ruby?

It is a reference to the current file name. In the file foo.rb, __FILE__ would be interpreted as "foo.rb".

Edit: Ruby 1.9.2 and 1.9.3 appear to behave a little differently from what Luke Bayes said in his comment. With these files:

# test.rb
puts __FILE__
require './dir2/test.rb'
# dir2/test.rb
puts __FILE__

Running ruby test.rb will output


Correct redirect URI for Google API and OAuth 2.0

There's no problem with using a localhost url for Dev work - obviously it needs to be changed when it comes to production.

You need to go here: and then follow the link for the API Console - link's in the Basic Steps section. When you've filled out the new application form you'll be asked to provide a redirect Url. Put in the page you want to go to once access has been granted.

When forming the Google oAuth Url - you need to include the redirect url - it has to be an exact match or you'll have problems. It also needs to be UrlEncoded.

tSQL - Conversion from varchar to numeric works for all but integer

Presumably, you want to convert values before the decimal place to an integer. If so, use case and check for the right format:

SELECT (case when varcharcol not like '%.%' then cast(varcharcol as int)
             else cast(left(varcharcol, chardindex('.', varcharcol) - 1) as int)
        end) IntVal
FROM MyTable;

How to set Oracle's Java as the default Java in Ubuntu?

to set Oracle's Java SE Development Kit as the system default Java just download the latest Java SE Development Kit from here then create a directory somewhere you like in your file system for example /usr/java now extract the files you just downloaded in that directory:

$ sudo tar xvzf jdk-8u5-linux-i586.tar.gz -C /usr/java

now to set your JAVA_HOME environment variable:

$ JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_05/
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java ${JAVA_HOME%*/}/bin/java 20000
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac ${JAVA_HOME%*/}/bin/javac 20000

make sure the Oracle's java is set as default java by:

$ update-alternatives --config java

you get something like this:

There are 2 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java).

  Selection    Path                                           Priority   Status
* 0            /opt/java/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java                  20000     auto mode
  1            /opt/java/jdk1.8.0_05/bin/java                  20000     manual mode
  2            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-i386/jre/bin/java   1061      manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:

pay attention to the asterisk before the numbers on the left and if the correct one is not set choose the correct one by typing the number of it and pressing enter. now test your java:

$ java -version

if you get something like the following, you are good to go:

java version "1.8.0_05"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_05-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 25.5-b02, mixed mode)

also note that you might need root permission or be in sudoers group to be able to do this. I've tested this solution on both ubuntu 12.04 and Debian wheezy and it works in both of them.

How To Set A JS object property name from a variable

You'll have to use [] notation to set keys dynamically.

var jsonVariable = {};
for(i=1; i<3; i++) {        
 var jsonKey  = i+'name';
 jsonVariable[jsonKey] = 'name1';


Now in ES6 you can use object literal syntax to create object keys dynamically, just wrap the variable in []

var key  = i + 'name';
data = {
    [key] : 'name1',

Use a list of values to select rows from a pandas dataframe

You can use isin method:

In [1]: df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [5,6,3,4], 'B': [1,2,3,5]})

In [2]: df
   A  B
0  5  1
1  6  2
2  3  3
3  4  5

In [3]: df[df['A'].isin([3, 6])]
   A  B
1  6  2
2  3  3

And to get the opposite use ~:

In [4]: df[~df['A'].isin([3, 6])]
   A  B
0  5  1
3  4  5

Logging with Retrofit 2

The main problem which I faced was dynamical adding headers and logging them into debug logcat. I've tried to add two interceptors. One for logging and one for adding headers on-the-go (token authorization). The problem was that we may .addInterceptor or .addNetworkInterceptor. As Jake Wharton said to me: "Network interceptors always come after application interceptors. See". So here is working example with headers and logs:

OkHttpClient httpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
            //here we can add Interceptor for dynamical adding headers
            .addNetworkInterceptor(new Interceptor() {
                public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
                    Request request = chain.request().newBuilder().addHeader("test", "test").build();
                    return chain.proceed(request);
            //here we adding Interceptor for full level logging
            .addNetworkInterceptor(new HttpLoggingInterceptor().setLevel(HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY))

    Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

How to count how many values per level in a given factor?

One more approach would be to apply n() function which is counting the number of observations

data %>% 
  group_by(columnName) %>%
  summarise(Count = n())

Pass Javascript Array -> PHP

So use the client-side loop to build a two-dimensional array of your arrays, and send the entire thing to PHP in one request.

Server-side, you'll need to have another loop which does its regular insert/update for each sub-array.

Is there a way that I can check if a data attribute exists?

This is the easiest solution in my opinion is to select all the element which has certain data attribute:

var data = $("#dataTable[data-timer]");
var diffs = [];

for(var i = 0; i + 1 < data.length; i++) {
    diffs[i] = data[i + 1] - data[i];

alert(diffs.join(', '));

Here is the screenshot of how it works.

console log of the jquery selector

How to remove an element from an array in Swift

Regarding @Suragch's Alternative to "Remove element of unknown index":

There is a more powerful version of "indexOf(element)" that will match on a predicate instead of the object itself. It goes by the same name but it called by myObjects.indexOf{$ = valueToMatch}. It returns the index of the first matching item found in myObjects array.

If the element is an object/struct, you may want to remove that element based on a value of one of its properties. Eg, you have a Car class having car.color property, and you want to remove the "red" car from your carsArray.

if let validIndex = (carsArray.indexOf{$0.color == UIColor.redColor()}) {

Foreseeably, you could rework this to remove "all" red cars by embedding the above if statement within a repeat/while loop, and attaching an else block to set a flag to "break" out of the loop.

How to navigate through textfields (Next / Done Buttons)

I have added to PeyloW's answer in case you're looking to implement a previous/next button functionality:

- (IBAction)moveThroughTextFields:(UIBarButtonItem *)sender 
    NSInteger nextTag;
    UITextView *currentTextField = [self.view findFirstResponderAndReturn];

    if (currentTextField != nil) {
        // I assigned tags to the buttons.  0 represent prev & 1 represents next
        if (sender.tag == 0) {
            nextTag = currentTextField.tag - 1;

        } else if (sender.tag == 1) {
            nextTag = currentTextField.tag + 1;
    // Try to find next responder
    UIResponder* nextResponder = [self.view viewWithTag:nextTag];
    if (nextResponder) {
        // Found next responder, so set it.
        // I added the resign here in case there's different keyboards in place.
        [currentTextField resignFirstResponder];
        [nextResponder becomeFirstResponder];
    } else {
        // Not found, so remove keyboard.
        [currentTextField resignFirstResponder];


Where you subclass the UIView like this:

@implementation UIView (FindAndReturnFirstResponder)
- (UITextView *)findFirstResponderAndReturn
    for (UITextView *subView in self.subviews) {
        if (subView.isFirstResponder){
            return subView;
    return nil;

Is there a way to create multiline comments in Python?

Yes, it is fine to use both:




But, the only thing you all need to remember while running in an IDE, is you have to 'RUN' the entire file to be accepted as multiple lines codes. Line by line 'RUN' won't work properly and will show an error.

What is the use of the @Temporal annotation in Hibernate?

If you're looking for short answer:

In the case of using java.util.Date, Java doesn't really know how to directly relate to SQL types. This is when @Temporal comes into play. It's used to specify the desired SQL type.

Source: Baeldung

Matplotlib: ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension

You should make x and y numpy arrays, not lists:

x = np.array([0.46,0.59,0.68,0.99,0.39,0.31,1.09,
y = np.array([0.315,0.383,0.452,0.650,0.279,0.215,0.727,0.512,

With this change, it produces the expect plot. If they are lists, m * x will not produce the result you expect, but an empty list. Note that m is anumpy.float64 scalar, not a standard Python float.

I actually consider this a bit dubious behavior of Numpy. In normal Python, multiplying a list with an integer just repeats the list:

In [42]: 2 * [1, 2, 3]
Out[42]: [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

while multiplying a list with a float gives an error (as I think it should):

In [43]: 1.5 * [1, 2, 3]
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-43-d710bb467cdd> in <module>()
----> 1 1.5 * [1, 2, 3]
TypeError: can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'float'

The weird thing is that multiplying a Python list with a Numpy scalar apparently works:

In [45]: np.float64(0.5) * [1, 2, 3]
Out[45]: []

In [46]: np.float64(1.5) * [1, 2, 3]
Out[46]: [1, 2, 3]

In [47]: np.float64(2.5) * [1, 2, 3]
Out[47]: [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]

So it seems that the float gets truncated to an int, after which you get the standard Python behavior of repeating the list, which is quite unexpected behavior. The best thing would have been to raise an error (so that you would have spotted the problem yourself instead of having to ask your question on Stackoverflow) or to just show the expected element-wise multiplication (in which your code would have just worked). Interestingly, addition between a list and a Numpy scalar does work:

In [69]: np.float64(0.123) + [1, 2, 3]
Out[69]: array([ 1.123,  2.123,  3.123])

How to extract .war files in java? ZIP vs JAR

You can use a turn-around and just deploy the application into tomcat server: just copy/paste under the webapps folder. Once tomcat is started, it will create a folder with the app name and you can access the contents directly

Java JDBC connection status

The low-cost method, regardless of the vendor implementation, would be to select something from the process memory or the server memory, like the DB version or the name of the current database. IsClosed is very poorly implemented.


java.sql.Connection conn = <connect procedure>;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
  System.out.println("Connection is closed");

Can't operator == be applied to generic types in C#?

bool Compare(T x, T y) where T : class { return x == y; }

The above will work because == is taken care of in case of user-defined reference types.
In case of value types, == can be overridden. In which case, "!=" should also be defined.

I think that could be the reason, it disallows generic comparison using "==".

How to get IP address of running docker container

For my case, below worked on Mac:

I could not access container IPs directly on Mac. I need to use localhost with port forwarding, e.g. if the port is 8000, then http://localhost:8000


The original answer was from:

PHP code is not being executed, instead code shows on the page

I know it should sound silly... but seldom it happens.

Check if you are trying to execute php from


and not from


ps> you can notice that if you write from shell

php info.php 

it answer with the code (it means php functions)..

How do I make a transparent border with CSS?

The easiest solution to this is to use rgba as the color: border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); That is fully transparent border color.

json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type

Here's a fixed version of it:

The biggest fix that was needed is when Unmarshalling an array, that property needs to be an array/slice in the struct as well.

For example:

{ "things": ["a", "b", "c"] }

Would Unmarshal into a:

type Item struct {
    Things []string

And not into:

type Item struct {
    Things string

The other thing to watch out for when Unmarshaling is that the types line up exactly. It will fail when Unmarshalling a JSON string representation of a number into an int or float field -- "1" needs to Unmarshal into a string, not into an int like we saw with ShippingAdditionalCost int

Convert UTC dates to local time in PHP

First, get the date in UTC -- you've already done that so this step would really just be a database call:

$timezone = "UTC";

$utc = gmdate("M d Y h:i:s A");
print "UTC: " . date('r', strtotime($utc)) . "\n";

Next, set your local time zone in PHP:

$timezone = "America/Guayaquil";

And now get the offset in seconds:

$offset = date('Z', strtotime($utc));
print "offset: $offset \n";

Finally, add the offset to the integer timestamp of your original datetime:

print "LOCAL: " . date('r', strtotime($utc) + $offset) . "\n";

What is the difference between a stored procedure and a view?

A SQL View is a virtual table, which is based on SQL SELECT query. A view references one or more existing database tables or other views. It is the snap shot of the database whereas a stored procedure is a group of Transact-SQL statements compiled into a single execution plan.

View is simple showcasing data stored in the database tables whereas a stored procedure is a group of statements that can be executed.

A view is faster as it displays data from the tables referenced whereas a store procedure executes sql statements.

Check this article : View vs Stored Procedures . Exactly what you are looking for

How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP?

We have created quite a few crawlers for our needs before. At the end of the day, it is usually simple regular expressions that do the thing best. While libraries listed above are good for the reason they are created, if you know what you are looking for, regular expressions is a safer way to go, as you can handle also non-valid HTML/XHTML structures, which would fail, if loaded via most of the parsers.

E: gnupg, gnupg2 and gnupg1 do not seem to be installed, but one of them is required for this operation

I faced the same issue:

E: gnupg, gnupg2 and gnupg1 do not seem to be installed, but one of them is required for this operation

I resolved by using the following commands:

apt-get update
apt-get install gnupg

How to add a button programmatically in VBA next to some sheet cell data?

Suppose your function enters data in columns A and B and you want to a custom Userform to appear if the user selects a cell in column C. One way to do this is to use the SelectionChange event:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim clickRng As Range
    Dim lastRow As Long

    lastRow = Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
    Set clickRng = Range("C1:C" & lastRow) //Dynamically set cells that can be clicked based on data in column A

    If Not Intersect(Target, clickRng) Is Nothing Then
        MyUserForm.Show //Launch custom userform
    End If

End Sub

Note that the userform will appear when a user selects any cell in Column C and you might want to populate each cell in Column C with something like "select cell to launch form" to make it obvious that the user needs to perform an action (having a button naturally suggests that it should be clicked)

AngularJS sorting by property

Here is what i did and it works.
I just used a stringified object.

$scope.thread = [ 
    mostRecent:{text:'hello world',timeStamp:12345678 } 

<div ng-repeat="message in thread | orderBy : '-mostRecent.timeStamp'" >

if i wanted to sort by text i would do

orderBy : 'mostRecent.text'

Get number days in a specified month using JavaScript?

The following takes any valid datetime value and returns the number of days in the associated month... it eliminates the ambiguity of both other answers...

 // pass in any date as parameter anyDateInMonth
function daysInMonth(anyDateInMonth) {
    return new Date(anyDateInMonth.getFullYear(), 

Moment.js: Date between dates

As Per documentation of moment js,

There is Precise Range plugin, written by Rob Dawson, can be used to display exact, human-readable representations of date/time ranges, url :

moment("2014-01-01 12:00:00").preciseDiff("2015-03-04 16:05:06");
// 1 year 2 months 3 days 4 hours 5 minutes 6 seconds

moment.preciseDiff("2014-01-01 12:00:00", "2014-04-20 12:00:00");
// 3 months 19 days

Is False == 0 and True == 1 an implementation detail or is it guaranteed by the language?

In Python 2.x this is not guaranteed as it is possible for True and False to be reassigned. However, even if this happens, boolean True and boolean False are still properly returned for comparisons.

In Python 3.x True and False are keywords and will always be equal to 1 and 0.

Under normal circumstances in Python 2, and always in Python 3:

False object is of type bool which is a subclass of int:


It is the only reason why in your example, ['zero', 'one'][False] does work. It would not work with an object which is not a subclass of integer, because list indexing only works with integers, or objects that define a __index__ method (thanks mark-dickinson).


It is true of the current python version, and of that of Python 3. The docs for python 2 and the docs for Python 3 both say:

There are two types of integers: [...] Integers (int) [...] Booleans (bool)

and in the boolean subsection:

Booleans: These represent the truth values False and True [...] Boolean values behave like the values 0 and 1, respectively, in almost all contexts, the exception being that when converted to a string, the strings "False" or "True" are returned, respectively.

There is also, for Python 2:

In numeric contexts (for example when used as the argument to an arithmetic operator), they [False and True] behave like the integers 0 and 1, respectively.

So booleans are explicitly considered as integers in Python 2 and 3.

So you're safe until Python 4 comes along. ;-)

This application has no explicit mapping for /error

I was facing this issue and then later realized that I was missing the @Configuration annotation in the MvcConfig class which basically does the mapping for ViewControllers and setViewNames.

Here is the content of the file :

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.ViewControllerRegistry;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurer;
public class MvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer{
   public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry)

Hope this helps somebody!!

How do I get an element to scroll into view, using jQuery?

Since you want to know how it works, I'll explain it step-by-step.

First you want to bind a function as the image's click handler:

$('#someImage').click(function () {
    // Code to do scrolling happens here

That will apply the click handler to an image with id="someImage". If you want to do this to all images, replace '#someImage' with 'img'.

Now for the actual scrolling code:

  1. Get the image offsets (relative to the document):

    var offset = $(this).offset(); // Contains .top and .left
  2. Subtract 20 from top and left:

    offset.left -= 20; -= 20;
  3. Now animate the scroll-top and scroll-left CSS properties of <body> and <html>:

    $('html, body').animate({
        scrollLeft: offset.left

How to send multiple data fields via Ajax?

You can send data through JSON or via normal POST, here is an example for JSON.

 var value1 = 1;
 var value2 = 2;
 var value3 = 3;   
      type: "POST",
      contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
      url: "yoururlhere",
      data: { data1: value1, data2: value2, data3: value3 },
      success: function (result) {
           // do something here

If you want to use it via normal post try this

      type: "POST",
      url: $('form').attr("action"),   
      data: $('#form0').serialize(),
      success: function (result) {
         // do something here

Is it possible to have a HTML SELECT/OPTION value as NULL using PHP?

No, POST/GET values are never null. The best they can be is an empty string, which you can convert to null/'NULL'.

if ($_POST['value'] === '') {
    $_POST['value'] = null; // or 'NULL' for SQL

Subtract minute from DateTime in SQL Server 2005

Have you tried

SELECT DATEADD(mi, -15,'2000-01-01 08:30:00')

DATEDIFF is the difference between 2 dates.

'int' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

This error could be an indication that variable with the same name has been used in your code earlier, but for other purposes. Possibly, a variable has been given a name that coincides with the existing function used later in the code.

How to format date with hours, minutes and seconds when using jQuery UI Datepicker?

Getting Started Install from npm:

npm install imask And import or require:

import IMask from 'imask';

or use CDN:

var dateMask = IMask(element, {
  mask: Date,  // enable date mask

  // other options are optional
  pattern: 'Y-`m-`d',  // Pattern mask with defined blocks, default is 'd{.}`m{.}`Y'
  // you can provide your own blocks definitions, default blocks for date mask are:
  blocks: {
    d: {
      mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
      from: 1,
      to: 31,
      maxLength: 2,
    m: {
      mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
      from: 1,
      to: 12,
      maxLength: 2,
    Y: {
      mask: IMask.MaskedRange,
      from: 1900,
      to: 9999,
  // define date -> str convertion
  format: function (date) {
    var day = date.getDate();
    var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
    var year = date.getFullYear();

    if (day < 10) day = "0" + day;
    if (month < 10) month = "0" + month;

    return [year, month, day].join('-');
  // define str -> date convertion
  parse: function (str) {
    var yearMonthDay = str.split('-');
    return new Date(yearMonthDay[0], yearMonthDay[1] - 1, yearMonthDay[2]);

  // optional interval options
  min: new Date(2000, 0, 1),  // defaults to `1900-01-01`
  max: new Date(2020, 0, 1),  // defaults to `9999-01-01`

  autofix: true,  // defaults to `false`

  // also Pattern options can be set
  lazy: false,

  // and other common options
  overwrite: true  // defaults to `false`

How to print current date on python3?

import datetime
now =


The above code works perfectly fine for me.

How to convert a string to number in TypeScript?

There are inbuilt functions like parseInt(), parseFloat() and Number() in Typescript, you can use those.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ERROR

This typically occurs when there is unintended output from the script before you start the session. With your current code, you could try to use output buffering to solve it.

try adding a call to the ob_start(); function at the very top of your script and ob_end_flush(); at the very end of the document.

How do I programmatically change file permissions?

Prior to Java 6, there is no support of file permission update at Java level. You have to implement your own native method or call Runtime.exec() to execute OS level command such as chmod.

Starting from Java 6, you can useFile.setReadable()/File.setWritable()/File.setExecutable() to set file permissions. But it doesn't simulate the POSIX file system which allows to set permission for different users. File.setXXX() only allows to set permission for owner and everyone else.

Starting from Java 7, POSIX file permission is introduced. You can set file permissions like what you have done on *nix systems. The syntax is :

File file = new File("file4.txt");

Set<PosixFilePermission> perms = new HashSet<>();

Files.setPosixFilePermissions(file.toPath(), perms);

This method can only be used on POSIX file system, this means you cannot call it on Windows system.

For details on file permission management, recommend you to read this post.

PHP function to generate v4 UUID

on unix systems, use the system kernel to generate a uuid for you.


Credit Samveen on

Note!: Using this method to get a uuid does in fact exhaust the entropy pool, very quickly! I would avoid using this where it would be called frequently.

Convert objective-c typedef to its string equivalent

Many answers all fairly good.

If you are after a generic, Objective C solution that uses some macros...

Key feature is it uses the enum as an index into a static array of NSString constants. the array itself is wrapped into a function to make it more like the suite of NSStringFromXXX functions prevalent in the Apple APIs.

you will need to #import "NSStringFromEnum.h" found here

[EDIT] also needs #import "SW+Variadic.h" found here

Example 1 : completely define a NEW enum typedef, with string converters.

in myfile.h

 #import "NSStringFromEnum.h"

 #define define_Dispatch_chain_cmd(enum)\


in myfile.m:

 #import "myfile.h"


to use :

NSString *NSStringFromEnumDispatch_chain_cmd(enum Dispatch_chain_cmd value);

NSStringFromEnumDispatch_chain_cmd(chain_for_c) returns @"chain_for_c"

  enum Dispatch_chain_cmd enumDispatch_chain_cmdFromNSString(NSString *value);

enumDispatch_chain_cmdFromNSString(@"chain_previous") returns chain_previous

Example 2: provide conversion routines for an existing enum also demonstrates using a settings string, and renaming the typename used in the functions.

in myfile.h

 #import "NSStringFromEnum.h"

 #define CAEdgeAntialiasingMask_SETTINGS_PARAMS CAEdgeAntialiasingMask,mask,EdgeMask,edgeMask


in myfile.m:

 // we can put this in the .m file as we are not defining a typedef, just the strings.
 #define define_CAEdgeAntialiasingMask(enum)\


Get a list of distinct values in List

Notes.Select(x => x.Author).Distinct();

This will return a sequence (IEnumerable<string>) of Author values -- one per unique value.

Oracle query to fetch column names

You may try this : ( It works on 11g and it returns all column name from a table , here test_tbl is the table name and user_tab_columns are user permitted table's columns )

select  COLUMN_NAME  from user_tab_columns
where table_name='test_tbl'; 

How do I find the date a video (.AVI .MP4) was actually recorded?

For me the mtime (modification time) is also earlier than the create date in a lot of (most) cases since, as you say, any reorganisation modifies the create time. However, the mtime AFAIUI is an accurate reflection of when the file contents were actually changed so should be an accurate record of video capture date.

After discovering this metadata failure for movie files, I am going to be renaming my videos based on their mtime so I have this stored in a more robust way!

How to filter rows containing a string pattern from a Pandas dataframe

df[df['ids'].str.contains('ball', na = False)] # valid for (at least) pandas version 0.17.1

Step-by-step explanation (from inner to outer):

  • df['ids'] selects the ids column of the data frame (technically, the object df['ids'] is of type pandas.Series)
  • df['ids'].str allows us to apply vectorized string methods (e.g., lower, contains) to the Series
  • df['ids'].str.contains('ball') checks each element of the Series as to whether the element value has the string 'ball' as a substring. The result is a Series of Booleans indicating True or False about the existence of a 'ball' substring.
  • df[df['ids'].str.contains('ball')] applies the Boolean 'mask' to the dataframe and returns a view containing appropriate records.
  • na = False removes NA / NaN values from consideration; otherwise a ValueError may be returned.

100% width background image with an 'auto' height

Instead of using background-image you can use img directly and to get the image to spread all the width of the viewport try using max-width:100%; and please remember don't apply any padding or margin to your main container div as they will increase the total width of the container. Using this rule you can have a image width equal to the width of the browser and the height will also change according to the aspect ratio. Thanks.

Edit: Changing the image on different size of the window

  var windowWidth = $(window).width();_x000D_
  var imgSrc = $('#image');_x000D_
  if(windowWidth <= 400){   _x000D_
  else if(windowWidth > 400){_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="image-container">_x000D_
  <img id="image" src="" alt=""/>_x000D_

In this way you change your image in different size of the browser.

Efficiently finding the last line in a text file

If you do know the maximal length of a line, you can do

def getLastLine(fname, maxLineLength=80):
    fp=file(fname, "rb"), 2) # 2 means "from the end of the file"
    return fp.readlines()[-1]

This works on my windows machine. But I do not know what happens on other platforms if you open a text file in binary mode. The binary mode is needed if you want to use seek().

Correct way to pass multiple values for same parameter name in GET request

I would suggest looking at how browsers handle forms by default. For example take a look at the form element <select multiple> and how it handles multiple values from this example at w3schools.

<form action="/action_page.php">
<select name="cars" multiple>
  <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
  <option value="saab">Saab</option>
  <option value="opel">Opel</option>
  <option value="audi">Audi</option>
<input type="submit">

For PHP use:

<select name="cars[]" multiple>

Live example from above at

From above if you click "saab, opel" and click submit, it will generate a result of cars=saab&cars=opel. Then depending on the back-end server, the parameter cars should come across as an array that you can further process.

Hope this helps anyone looking for a more 'standard' way of handling this issue.

Dynamically creating keys in a JavaScript associative array

var obj = {};

for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    if(i%2==0) {
        var left = data[i].substring(data[i].indexOf('.') + 1);
        var right = data[i + 1].substring(data[i + 1].indexOf('.') + 1);

        obj[left] = right;


// Show the values stored
for (var i in obj) {
    console.log('key is: ' + i + ', value is: ' + obj[i]);


Use chrome as browser in C#?

Update for 2014:

I use geckofx, a healthy open source project that (as of this writing) keeps up to date pretty well with the latest Firefox releases.

To embed Chrome, you might consider another healthy looking open source project, Xilium.cefGlue, based on The Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF).

Both of these support WPF and Winforms, and both projects have support for .net and mono.