[java] Hibernate: flush() and commit()

It is usually not recommended to call flush explicitly unless it is necessary. Hibernate usually auto calls Flush at the end of the transaction and we should let it do it's work. Now, there are some cases where you might need to explicitly call flush where a second task depends upon the result of the first Persistence task, both being inside the same transaction.

For example, you might need to persist a new Entity and then use the Id of that Entity to do some other task inside the same transaction, on that case it's required to explicitly flush the entity first.

void someServiceMethod(Entity entity){
    em.flush() //need to explicitly flush in order to use id in next statement

Also Note that, explicitly flushing does not cause a database commit, a database commit is done only at the end of a transaction, so if any Runtime error occurs after calling flush the changes would still Rollback.

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