Programs & Examples On #Scanf

Questions related to the scanf() family of functions in the C runtime library, which read and convert formatted data. (Includes scanf(), sscanf(), fscanf(), and their variadic equivalents.)

Read int values from a text file in C

A simple solution using fscanf:

void read_ints (const char* file_name)
  FILE* file = fopen (file_name, "r");
  int i = 0;

  fscanf (file, "%d", &i);    
  while (!feof (file))
      printf ("%d ", i);
      fscanf (file, "%d", &i);      
  fclose (file);        

sscanf in Python

You can split on a range of characters using the re module.

>>> import re
>>> r = re.compile('[ \t\n\r:]+')
>>> r.split("abc:def  ghi")
['abc', 'def', 'ghi']

How to scanf only integer?

Using fgets() is better.

To solve only using scanf() for input, scan for an int and the following char.

int ReadUntilEOL(void) {
  char ch;
  int count;
  while ((count = scanf("%c", &ch)) == 1 && ch != '\n')
    ; // Consume char until \n or EOF or IO error
  return count;

int main(void) {
  int n;

  for (;;) {
    printf("Please enter an integer: ");
    char NextChar = '\n';
    int count = scanf("%d%c", &n, &NextChar);
    if (count >= 1 && NextChar == '\n') 
    if (ReadUntilEOL() == EOF) 
      return 1;  // No valid input ever found
  printf("You entered: %d\n", n);
  return 0;

This approach does not re-prompt if user only enters white-space such as only Enter.

Reading numbers from a text file into an array in C

change to

fscanf(myFile, "%1d", &numberArray[i]);

How do you read scanf until EOF in C?

You need to check the return value against EOF, not against 1.

Note that in your example, you also used two different variable names, words and word, only declared words, and didn't declare its length, which should be 16 to fit the 15 characters read in plus a NUL character.

How to prevent scanf causing a buffer overflow in C?

If you are using gcc, you can use the GNU-extension a specifier to have scanf() allocate memory for you to hold the input:

int main()
  char *str = NULL;

  scanf ("%as", &str);
  if (str) {
      printf("\"%s\"\n", str);
  return 0;

Edit: As Jonathan pointed out, you should consult the scanf man pages as the specifier might be different (%m) and you might need to enable certain defines when compiling.

What is the format specifier for unsigned short int?

For scanf, you need to use %hu since you're passing a pointer to an unsigned short. For printf, it's impossible to pass an unsigned short due to default promotions (it will be promoted to int or unsigned int depending on whether int has at least as many value bits as unsigned short or not) so %d or %u is fine. You're free to use %hu if you prefer, though.

What is the difference between sscanf or atoi to convert a string to an integer?

*scanf() family of functions return the number of values converted. So you should check to make sure sscanf() returns 1 in your case. EOF is returned for "input failure", which means that ssacnf() will never return EOF.

For sscanf(), the function has to parse the format string, and then decode an integer. atoi() doesn't have that overhead. Both suffer from the problem that out-of-range values result in undefined behavior.

You should use strtol() or strtoul() functions, which provide much better error-detection and checking. They also let you know if the whole string was consumed.

If you want an int, you can always use strtol(), and then check the returned value to see if it lies between INT_MIN and INT_MAX.

How can I read an input string of unknown length?

Safer and faster (doubling capacity) version:

char *readline(char *prompt) {
  size_t size = 80;
  char *str = malloc(sizeof(char) * size);
  int c;
  size_t len = 0;
  printf("%s", prompt);
  while (EOF != (c = getchar()) && c != '\r' && c != '\n') {
    str[len++] = c;
    if(len == size) str = realloc(str, sizeof(char) * (size *= 2));
  return realloc(str, sizeof(char) * len);

Why does scanf() need "%lf" for doubles, when printf() is okay with just "%f"?

Using either a float or a double value in a C expression will result in a value that is a double anyway, so printf can't tell the difference. Whereas a pointer to a double has to be explicitly signalled to scanf as distinct from a pointer to float, because what the pointer points to is what matters.

Getting multiple values with scanf()

Could do this, but then the user has to separate the numbers by a space:

#include "stdio.h"

int main()
    int minx, x, y, z;

    printf("Enter four ints: ");
    scanf( "%i %i %i %i", &minx, &x, &y, &z);

    printf("You wrote: %i %i %i %i", minx, x, y, z);

Going through a text file line by line in C

So many problems in so few lines. I probably forget some:

  • argv[0] is the program name, not the first argument;
  • if you want to read in a variable, you have to allocate its memory
  • one never loops on feof, one loops on an IO function until it fails, feof then serves to determinate the reason of failure,
  • sscanf is there to parse a line, if you want to parse a file, use fscanf,
  • "%s" will stop at the first space as a format for the ?scanf family
  • to read a line, the standard function is fgets,
  • returning 1 from main means failure


#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    char const* const fileName = argv[1]; /* should check that argc > 1 */
    FILE* file = fopen(fileName, "r"); /* should check the result */
    char line[256];

    while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), file)) {
        /* note that fgets don't strip the terminating \n, checking its
           presence would allow to handle lines longer that sizeof(line) */
        printf("%s", line); 
    /* may check feof here to make a difference between eof and io failure -- network
       timeout for instance */


    return 0;

How to find EOF through fscanf?

If you have integers in your file fscanf returns 1 until integer occurs. For example:

FILE *in = fopen("./", "r");
int length = 0;
int counter;
int sequence;

for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
    counter = fscanf(in, "%d", &sequence);
    if ( counter == 1 ) {
        length += 1;

To find out the end of the file with symbols you can use EOF. For example:

char symbol;
FILE *in = fopen("./", "r");

for ( ; fscanf(in, "%c", &symbol) != EOF; ) {
    printf("%c", symbol); 

How to do scanf for single char in C

try using getchar(); instead


void main() {
    char ch;
    ch = getchar();

Reading a string with spaces with sscanf

Since you want the trailing string from the input, you can use %n (number of characters consumed thus far) to get the position at which the trailing string starts. This avoids memory copies and buffer sizing issues, but comes at the cost that you may need to do them explicitly if you wanted a copy.

const char *input = "19  cool kid";
int age;
int nameStart = 0;
sscanf(input, "%d %n", &age, &nameStart);
printf("%s is %d years old\n", input + nameStart, age);


cool kid is 19 years old

printf not printing on console

Apparently this is a known bug of Eclipse. This bug is resolved with the resolution of WONT-FIX. I have no idea why though. here is the link: Eclipse C Console Bug.

Reading file using fscanf() in C

In your code:

while(fscanf(fp,"%s %c",item,&status) == 1)  

why 1 and not 2? The scanf functions return the number of objects read.

How to read from input until newline is found using scanf()?

Sounds like a homework problem. scanf() is the wrong function to use for the problem. I'd recommend getchar() or getch().

Note: I'm purposefully not solving the problem since this seems like homework, instead just pointing you in the right direction.

Reading in double values with scanf in c

As far as i know %d means decadic which is number without decimal point. if you want to load double value, use %lf conversion (long float). for printf your values are wrong for same reason, %d is used only for integer (and possibly chars if you know what you are doing) numbers.


double a,b;
printf("--------\n"); //seperate lines
printf("%lf %lf",a,b);

How do you allow spaces to be entered using scanf?

You may use scanf for this purpose with a little trick. Actually, you should allow user input until user hits Enter (\n). This will consider every character, including space. Here is example:

int main()
  char string[100], c;
  int i;
  printf("Enter the string: ");
  scanf("%s", string);
  i = strlen(string);      // length of user input till first space
    scanf("%c", &c);
    string[i++] = c;       // reading characters after first space (including it)
  } while (c != '\n');     // until user hits Enter
  string[i - 1] = 0;       // string terminating
return 0;

How this works? When user inputs characters from standard input, they will be stored in string variable until first blank space. After that, rest of entry will remain in input stream, and wait for next scanf. Next, we have a for loop that takes char by char from input stream (till \n) and apends them to end of string variable, thus forming a complete string same as user input from keyboard.

Hope this will help someone!

How to read string from keyboard using C?

You need to have the pointer to point somewhere to use it.

Try this code:

char word[64];
scanf("%s", word);

This creates a character array of lenth 64 and reads input to it. Note that if the input is longer than 64 bytes the word array overflows and your program becomes unreliable.

As Jens pointed out, it would be better to not use scanf for reading strings. This would be safe solution.

char word[64]
fgets(word, 63, stdin);
word[63] = 0;

How to read numbers separated by space using scanf

It should be as simple as using a list of receiving variables:

scanf("%i %i %i", &var1, &var2, &var3);

Reading string from input with space character?

Here is an example of how you can get input containing spaces by using the fgets function.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    char name[100];
    printf("Enter your name: ");
    fgets(name, 100, stdin); 
    printf("Your Name is: %s", name);
    return 0;

Reading a string with scanf

An array "decays" into a pointer to its first element, so scanf("%s", string) is equivalent to scanf("%s", &string[0]). On the other hand, scanf("%s", &string) passes a pointer-to-char[256], but it points to the same place.

Then scanf, when processing the tail of its argument list, will try to pull out a char *. That's the Right Thing when you've passed in string or &string[0], but when you've passed in &string you're depending on something that the language standard doesn't guarantee, namely that the pointers &string and &string[0] -- pointers to objects of different types and sizes that start at the same place -- are represented the same way.

I don't believe I've ever encountered a system on which that doesn't work, and in practice you're probably safe. None the less, it's wrong, and it could fail on some platforms. (Hypothetical example: a "debugging" implementation that includes type information with every pointer. I think the C implementation on the Symbolics "Lisp Machines" did something like this.)

NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver

I was getting the same error on my Ubuntu 16.04 (Linux 4.14 kernel) in Google Compute Engine with K80 GPU. I upgraded the kernel to 4.15 from 4.14 and boom the problem was solved. Here is how I upgraded my Linux kernel from 4.14 to 4.15:

Step 1:
Check the existing kernel of your Ubuntu Linux:

uname -a

Step 2:

Ubuntu maintains a website for all the versions of kernel that have 
been released. At the time of this writing, the latest stable release 
of Ubuntu kernel is 4.15. If you go to this 
link:, you will 
see several links for download.

Step 3:

Download the appropriate files based on the type of OS you have. For 64 
bit, I would download the following deb files:


Step 4:

Install all the downloaded deb files:

sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Step 5:
Reboot your machine and check if the kernel has been updated by:
uname -a

You should see that your kernel has been upgraded and hopefully nvidia-smi should work.

IPC performance: Named Pipe vs Socket

As often, numbers says more than feeling, here are some data: Pipe vs Unix Socket Performance (

This benchmark shows a difference of about 12 to 15% faster speed for pipes.

Determine if variable is defined in Python

I think it's better to avoid the situation. It's cleaner and clearer to write:

a = None
if condition:
    a = 42

Cannot find module '../build/Release/bson'] code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' } js-bson: Failed to load c++ bson extension, using pure JS version

This worked for me:

Go to the file (in your project):


and change:

bson = require('../build/Release/bson');


bson = require('bson');


Java: How to stop thread?

One possible way is to do something like this:

public class MyThread extends Thread {
    public void run() {
        while (!this.isInterrupted()) {

And when you want to stop your thread, just call a method interrupt():


Of course, this won't stop thread immediately, but in the following iteration of the loop above. In the case of downloading, you need to write a non-blocking code. It means, that you will attempt to read new data from the socket only for a limited amount of time. If there are no data available, it will just continue. It may be done using this method from the class Socket:


In this case, timeout is set up to 50 ms. After this time has gone and no data was read, it throws an SocketTimeoutException. This way, you may write iterative and non-blocking thread, which may be killed using the construction above.

It's not possible to kill thread in any other way and you've to implement such a behavior yourself. In past, Thread had some method (not sure if kill() or stop()) for this, but it's deprecated now. My experience is, that some implementations of JVM doesn't even contain that method currently.

Upload video files via PHP and save them in appropriate folder and have a database entry

PHP file (name is upload.php)    

    // =============  File Upload Code d  ===========================================
    $target_dir = "uploaded/";

    $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"]);
    $uploadOk = 1;
    $imageFileType = pathinfo($target_file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

    // Check if file already exists
    if (file_exists($target_file)) {
        echo "Sorry, file already exists.";
        $uploadOk = 0;

     // Check file size -- Kept for 500Mb
    if ($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["size"] > 500000000) {
        echo "Sorry, your file is too large.";
        $uploadOk = 0;

    // Allow certain file formats
    if($imageFileType != "wmv" && $imageFileType != "mp4" && $imageFileType != "avi" && $imageFileType != "MP4") {
        echo "Sorry, only wmv, mp4 & avi files are allowed.";
        $uploadOk = 0;

    // Check if $uploadOk is set to 0 by an error
    if ($uploadOk == 0) {
        echo "Sorry, your file was not uploaded.";
    // if everything is ok, try to upload file
    } else {
        if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)) {
            echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"]). " has been uploaded.";
        } else {
            echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading your file.";
    // ===============================================  File Upload Code u  ==========================================================

    // =============  Connectivity for DATABASE d ===================================
    $servername = "localhost";
    $username = "root";
    $password = "";
    $dbname = "test";

    // Create connection
    $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
    // Check connection
    if ($conn->connect_error) {
        die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

    $vidname = $_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"] . "";
    $vidsize = $_FILES["fileToUpload"]["size"] . "";
    $vidtype = $_FILES["fileToUpload"]["type"] . "";

    $sql = "INSERT INTO videos (name, size, type) VALUES ('$vidname','$vidsize','$vidtype')";

    if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {} 
    else {
        echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;

    // =============  Connectivity for DATABASE u ===================================


How to see JavaDoc in IntelliJ IDEA?

Configuration for IntelliJ IDEA CE 2016.3.4 to enable JavaDocs on mouse hover. I am running IntelliJ IDEA on Mac OS but believe that Linux/Windows should have similar options.

Autopopup docs: IntelliJ IDEA > Preferences > Editor > General > Code Completion

enter image description here

Documentation on mouse move: IntelliJ IDEA > Preferences > Editor > General

enter image description here

NOTE: Please hit Apply button to apply these settings

How can I get screen resolution in java?

Here's some functional code (Java 8) which returns the x position of the right most edge of the right most screen. If no screens are found, then it returns 0.

  GraphicsDevice devices[];

  devices = GraphicsEnvironment.

  return Stream.
     mapToInt(bounds -> bounds.x + bounds.width).

Here are links to the JavaDoc.


Why am I getting an Exception with the message "Invalid setup on a non-virtual (overridable in VB) member..."?

Instead of mocking concrete class you should mock that class interface. Extract interface from XmlCupboardAccess class

public interface IXmlCupboardAccess
    bool IsDataEntityInXmlCupboard(string dataId, out string nameInCupboard, out string refTypeInCupboard, string nameTemplate = null);

And instead of

private Mock<XmlCupboardAccess> _xmlCupboardAccess = new Mock<XmlCupboardAccess>();

change to

private Mock<IXmlCupboardAccess> _xmlCupboardAccess = new Mock<IXmlCupboardAccess>();

React this.setState is not a function

You no need to assign this to a local variable if you use arrow function. Arrow functions takes binding automatically and you can stay away with scope related issues.

Below code explains how to use arrow function in different scenarios

componentDidMount = () => {

    VK.init(() => {"API initialisation successful");
        VK.api('users.get',{fields: 'photo_50'},(data) => {
                that.setState({ //this available here and you can do setState
                    FirstName: data.response[0].first_name
    }, () => {"API initialisation failed");

    }, '5.34');

JQuery Ajax Post results in 500 Internal Server Error

I just face this problem today. with this kind of error, you won't get any responses from server, therefore, it's very hard to locate the problem.

But I can tell you "500 internal server error" is error with server not client, you got an error in server side script. Comment out the code closure by closure and try to run it again, you'll soon find out you miss a character somewhere.

Get table name by constraint name

ALL_CONSTRAINTS describes constraint definitions on tables accessible to the current user.

DBA_CONSTRAINTS describes all constraint definitions in the database.

USER_CONSTRAINTS describes constraint definitions on tables in the current user's schema


How to get SQL from Hibernate Criteria API (*not* for logging)

Here's "another" way to get the SQL :

CriteriaImpl criteriaImpl = (CriteriaImpl)criteria;
SessionImplementor session = criteriaImpl.getSession();
SessionFactoryImplementor factory = session.getFactory();
CriteriaQueryTranslator translator=new CriteriaQueryTranslator(factory,criteriaImpl,criteriaImpl.getEntityOrClassName(),CriteriaQueryTranslator.ROOT_SQL_ALIAS);
String[] implementors = factory.getImplementors( criteriaImpl.getEntityOrClassName() );

CriteriaJoinWalker walker = new CriteriaJoinWalker((OuterJoinLoadable)factory.getEntityPersister(implementors[0]), 
                        session.getLoadQueryInfluencers()   );

String sql=walker.getSQLString();

How to avoid "Permission denied" when using pip with virtualenv

I've also had this happen (by accident) after creating a new venv while inside an existing virtual environment. an easy way to diagnose this would be to see where the python is symlinked to, i.e. run:

ls -l venv/bin/python

and make sure it points to the appropriate Python binary. For most systems this will be /usr/bin/python or /usr/bin/python3. while if it points to an existing virtual environment it'll be something like /home/youruser/somedir/bin/python. if it's the latter than I'd suggest recreating the venv while making sure that you aren't "inside" any existing virtualenv (i.e. run deactivate )

How to pass a value to razor variable from javascript variable?

You can't. and the reason is that they do not "live" in the same time. The Razor variables are "Server side variables" and they don't exist anymore after the page was sent to the "Client side".

When the server get a request for a view, it creates the view with only HTML, CSS and Javascript code. No C# code is left, it's all get "translated" to the client side languages.

The Javascript code DOES exist when the view is still on the server, but it's meaningless and will be executed by the browser only (Client side again).

This is why you can use Razor variables to change the HTML and Javascript but not vice versa. Try to look at your page source code (CTRL+U in most browsers), there will be no sign of C# code there.

In short:

  1. The server gets a request.

  2. The server creates or "takes" the view, then computes and translates all the C# code that was embedded in the view to CSS, Javascript, and HTML.

  3. The server returns the client side version of the view to the browser as a response to the request. (there is no C# at this point anymore)

  4. the browser renders the page and executes all the Javascript

Extracting specific columns from a data frame

Using the dplyr package, if your data.frame is called df1:


df1 %>%
  select(A, B, E)

This can also be written without the %>% pipe as:

select(df1, A, B, E)

How can I return two values from a function in Python?

You can return more than one value using list also. Check the code below

def newFn():    #your function
  result = []    #defining blank list which is to be return
  r1 = 'return1'    #first value
  r2 = 'return2'    #second value
  result.append(r1)    #adding first value in list
  result.append(r2)    #adding second value in list
  return result    #returning your list

ret_val1 = newFn()[1]    #you can get any desired result from it
print ret_val1    #print/manipulate your your result

Can Windows' built-in ZIP compression be scripted?

Here'a my attempt to summarize built-in capabilities windows for compression and uncompression - How can I compress (/ zip ) and uncompress (/ unzip ) files and folders with batch file without using any external tools?

with a few given solutions that should work on almost every windows machine.

As regards to the shell.application and WSH I preferred the jscript as it allows a hybrid batch/jscript file (with .bat extension) that not require temp files.I've put unzip and zip capabilities in one file plus a few more features.

Jquery Hide table rows

Using parents('tr').hide() works. However if there is an embedded table, all parent tr rows will be hidden. In my case, the entire form is hidden since there are many embedded tables.

Checking for #N/A in Excel cell from VBA code

First check for an error (N/A value) and then try the comparisation against cvErr(). You are comparing two different things, a value and an error. This may work, but not always. Simply casting the expression to an error may result in similar problems because it is not a real error only the value of an error which depends on the expression.

If IsError(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Publish").Range("G4").offset(offsetCount, 0).Value) Then
  If (ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Publish").Range("G4").offset(offsetCount, 0).Value <> CVErr(xlErrNA)) Then
    'do something
  End If
End If

Check if a Windows service exists and delete in PowerShell

One could use Where-Object

if ((Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $serviceName}).length -eq 1) { "Service Exists" }

T-SQL: Export to new Excel file

This is by far the best post for exporting to excel from SQL:

To quote from user madhivanan,

Apart from using DTS and Export wizard, we can also use this query to export data from SQL Server2000 to Excel

Create an Excel file named testing having the headers same as that of table columns and use these queries

1 Export data to existing EXCEL file from SQL Server table

insert into OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 
    'Excel 8.0;Database=D:\testing.xls;', 
    'SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]') select * from SQLServerTable

2 Export data from Excel to new SQL Server table

select * 
into SQLServerTable FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 
    'Excel 8.0;Database=D:\testing.xls;HDR=YES', 
    'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')

3 Export data from Excel to existing SQL Server table (edited)

Insert into SQLServerTable Select * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 
    'Excel 8.0;Database=D:\testing.xls;HDR=YES', 
    'SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]')

4 If you dont want to create an EXCEL file in advance and want to export data to it, use

EXEC sp_makewebtask 
    @outputfile = 'd:\testing.xls', 
    @query = 'Select * from Database_name..SQLServerTable', 
    @colheaders =1, 
    @FixedFont=0,@lastupdated=0,@resultstitle='Testing details'

(Now you can find the file with data in tabular format)

5 To export data to new EXCEL file with heading(column names), create the following procedure

create procedure proc_generate_excel_with_columns
    @db_name    varchar(100),
    @table_name varchar(100),   
    @file_name  varchar(100)

--Generate column names as a recordset
declare @columns varchar(8000), @sql varchar(8000), @data_file varchar(100)
    @columns=coalesce(@columns+',','')+column_name+' as '+column_name 
select @columns=''''''+replace(replace(@columns,' as ',''''' as '),',',',''''')

--Create a dummy file to have actual data
select @data_file=substring(@file_name,1,len(@file_name)-charindex('\',reverse(@file_name)))+'\data_file.xls'

--Generate column names in the passed EXCEL file
set @sql='exec master..xp_cmdshell ''bcp " select * from (select '+@columns+') as t" queryout "'+@file_name+'" -c'''

--Generate data in the dummy file
set @sql='exec master..xp_cmdshell ''bcp "select * from '+@db_name+'..'+@table_name+'" queryout "'+@data_file+'" -c'''

--Copy dummy file to passed EXCEL file
set @sql= 'exec master..xp_cmdshell ''type '+@data_file+' >> "'+@file_name+'"'''

--Delete dummy file 
set @sql= 'exec master..xp_cmdshell ''del '+@data_file+''''

After creating the procedure, execute it by supplying database name, table name and file path:

EXEC proc_generate_excel_with_columns 'your dbname', 'your table name','your file path'

Its a whomping 29 pages but that is because others show various other ways as well as people asking questions just like this one on how to do it.

Follow that thread entirely and look at the various questions people have asked and how they are solved. I picked up quite a bit of knowledge just skimming it and have used portions of it to get expected results.

To update single cells

A member also there Peter Larson posts the following: I think one thing is missing here. It is great to be able to Export and Import to Excel files, but how about updating single cells? Or a range of cells?

This is the principle of how you do manage that

update OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 
'Excel 8.0;Database=c:\test.xls;hdr=no', 
'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$b7:b7]') set f1 = -99

You can also add formulas to Excel using this:

update OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 
'Excel 8.0;Database=c:\test.xls;hdr=no', 
'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$b7:b7]') set f1 = '=a7+c7'

Exporting with column names using T-SQL

Member Mladen Prajdic also has a blog entry on how to do this here

References: (btw this is an excellent blog / forum for anyone looking to get more out of SQL Server). For error referencing I used this

Errors that may occur

If you get the following error:

OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' cannot be used for distributed queries

Then run this:

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1;

Zipping a file in bash fails

Run dos2unix or similar utility on it to remove the carriage returns (^M).

This message indicates that your file has dos-style lineendings:

-bash: /backup/ /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory 

Utilities like dos2unix will fix it:

 dos2unix <backup.bash > 

Or, if no such utility is installed, you can accomplish the same thing with translate:

tr -d "\015\032" <backup.bash > 

As for how those characters got there in the first place, @MadPhysicist had some good comments.

How can I send an email by Java application using GMail, Yahoo, or Hotmail?

Hi try this code....

package my.test.service;

import java.util.Properties;

import javax.mail.Authenticator;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;

public class Sample {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        final String SMTP_HOST = "";
        final String SMTP_PORT = "587";
        final String GMAIL_USERNAME = "[email protected]";
        final String GMAIL_PASSWORD = "xxxxxxxxxx";

        System.out.println("Process Started");

        Properties prop = System.getProperties();
        prop.setProperty("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
        prop.setProperty("", SMTP_HOST);
        prop.setProperty("mail.smtp.user", GMAIL_USERNAME);
        prop.setProperty("mail.smtp.password", GMAIL_PASSWORD);
        prop.setProperty("mail.smtp.port", SMTP_PORT);
        prop.setProperty("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
        System.out.println("Props : " + prop);

        Session session = Session.getInstance(prop, new Authenticator() {
            protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                return new PasswordAuthentication(GMAIL_USERNAME,

        System.out.println("Got Session : " + session);

        MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
        try {
            System.out.println("before sending");
            message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(GMAIL_USERNAME));
            message.setSubject("My First Email Attempt from Java");
            message.setText("Hi, This mail came from Java Application.");
            Transport transport = session.getTransport("smtp");
            System.out.println("Got Transport" + transport);
            transport.connect(SMTP_HOST, GMAIL_USERNAME, GMAIL_PASSWORD);
            transport.sendMessage(message, message.getAllRecipients());
            System.out.println("message Object : " + message);
            System.out.println("Email Sent Successfully");
        } catch (AddressException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (MessagingException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

JSON.parse unexpected token s

Variables (something) are not valid JSON, verify using

Removing multiple classes (jQuery)

There are many ways can do that!


  1. remove all class
    $("#item").attr('class', '');
    $('#item')[0].className = '';

  2. remove multi class
    $("element").removeClass("class1 ... classn");

Vanilla Javascript

  1. remove all class

// remove all items all class  _x000D_
const items = document.querySelectorAll('item');_x000D_
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {_x000D_
    items[i].className = '';_x000D_

  1. remove multi class

// only remove all class of first item_x000D_
const item1 = document.querySelector('item');_x000D_
item1.className = '';

How to reference a local XML Schema file correctly?

Maybe can help to check that the path to the xsd file has not 'strange' characters like 'é', or similar: I was having the same issue but when I changed to a path without the 'é' the error dissapeared.

How to remove extension from string (only real extension!)

This works when there is multiple parts to an extension and is both short and efficient:

function removeExt($path)
    $basename = basename($path);
    return strpos($basename, '.') === false ? $path : substr($path, 0, - strlen($basename) + strlen(explode('.', $basename)[0]));

echo removeExt('');
echo removeExt('');
echo removeExt('file.tar.gz');
// file
echo removeExt('file');
// file

Can we create an instance of an interface in Java?

Normaly, you can create a reference for an interface. But you cant create an instance for interface.

How do I fix a merge conflict due to removal of a file in a branch?

I normally just run git mergetool and it will prompt me if I want to keep the modified file or keep it deleted. This is the quickest way IMHO since it's one command instead of several per file.

If you have a bunch of deleted files in a specific subdirectory and you want all of them to be resolved by deleting the files, you can do this:

yes d | git mergetool -- the/subdirectory

The d is provided to choose deleting each file. You can also use m to keep the modified file. Taken from the prompt you see when you run mergetool:

Use (m)odified or (d)eleted file, or (a)bort?

What's the use of "enum" in Java?

Java programming language enums are far more powerful than their counterparts in other languages, which are little more than glorified integers. The new enum declaration defines a full-fledged class (dubbed an enum type). In addition to solving all the problems(Not typesafe, No namespace, Brittleness and Printed values are uninformative) that exists with following int Enum pattern which was used prior to java 5.0 :

public static final int SEASON_WINTER = 0;

it also allows you to add arbitrary methods and fields to an enum type, to implement arbitrary interfaces, and more. Enum types provide high-quality implementations of all the Object methods. They are Comparable and Serializable, and the serial form is designed to withstand arbitrary changes in the enum type. You can also use Enum in switch case.

Read the full article on Java Enums for more details.

Expand and collapse with angular js

The problem comes in by me not knowing how to send a unique identifier with an ng-click to only expand/collapse the right content.

You can pass $event with ng-click (ng-dblclick, and ng- mouse events), then you can determine which element caused the event:

<a ng-click="doSomething($event)">do something</a>


$scope.doSomething = function(ev) {
    var element = ev.srcElement ? ev.srcElement :;
    console.log(element, angular.element(element))

See also

Generate ER Diagram from existing MySQL database, created for CakePHP

Try MySQL Workbench. It packs in very nice data modeling tools. Check out their screenshots for EER diagrams (Enhanced Entity Relationships, which are a notch up ER diagrams).

This isn't CakePHP specific, but you can modify the options so that the foreign keys and join tables follow the conventions that CakePHP uses. This would simplify your data modeling process once you've put the rules in place.

how to write value into cell with vba code without auto type conversion?

Indeed, just as commented by Tim Williams, the way to make it work is pre-formatting as text. Thus, to do it all via VBA, just do that:

Cells(1, 1).NumberFormat = "@"
Cells(1, 1).Value = "1234,56"

Detect when input has a 'readonly' attribute

Try a simple way:


No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/git

Give another go at force removing the brewed version of git

brew uninstall --force git

Then cleanup any older versions and clear the brew cache

brew cleanup -s git

Remove any dead symlinks

brew cleanup --prune-prefix

Then try reinstalling git

brew install git

If that doesn't work, I'd remove that installation of Homebrew altogether and reinstall it. If you haven't placed anything else in your brew --prefix directory (/usr/local by default), you can simply rm -rf $(brew --prefix). Otherwise the Homebrew wiki recommends using a script at

Setting the character encoding in form submit for Internet Explorer

For Russian symbols 'windows-1251'

<form action="yourProcessPage.php" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
<input name="string" value="string" />

When simply convert string to cp1251

$string = $_POST['string'];
$string = mb_convert_encoding($string, "CP1251", "UTF-8");

Scala how can I count the number of occurrences in a list

I ran into the same problem but wanted to count multiple items in one go..

val s = Seq("apple", "oranges", "apple", "banana", "apple", "oranges", "oranges")
s.foldLeft(Map.empty[String, Int]) { (m, x) => m + ((x, m.getOrElse(x, 0) + 1)) }
res1: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(apple -> 3, oranges -> 3, banana -> 1)

change pgsql port

There should be a line in your postgresql.conf file that says:

port = 1486

Change that.

The location of the file can vary depending on your install options. On Debian-based distros it is /etc/postgresql/8.3/main/

On Windows it is C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\data

Don't forget to sudo service postgresql restart for changes to take effect.

Search for "does-not-contain" on a DataFrame in pandas

You can use the invert (~) operator (which acts like a not for boolean data):

new_df = df[~df["col"].str.contains(word)]

, where new_df is the copy returned by RHS.

contains also accepts a regular expression...

If the above throws a ValueError, the reason is likely because you have mixed datatypes, so use na=False:

new_df = df[~df["col"].str.contains(word, na=False)]


new_df = df[df["col"].str.contains(word) == False]

How can I get stock quotes using Google Finance API?

Edit: the api call has been removed by google. so it is no longer functioning.

Agree with Pareshkumar's answer. Now there is a python wrapper googlefinance for the url call.

Install googlefinance

$pip install googlefinance

It is easy to get current stock price:

>>> from googlefinance import getQuotes
>>> import json
>>> print json.dumps(getQuotes('AAPL'), indent=2)
    "Index": "NASDAQ", 
    "LastTradeWithCurrency": "129.09", 
    "LastTradeDateTime": "2015-03-02T16:04:29Z", 
    "LastTradePrice": "129.09", 
    "Yield": "1.46", 
    "LastTradeTime": "4:04PM EST", 
    "LastTradeDateTimeLong": "Mar 2, 4:04PM EST", 
    "Dividend": "0.47", 
    "StockSymbol": "AAPL", 
    "ID": "22144"

Google finance is a source that provides real-time stock data. There are also other APIs from yahoo, such as yahoo-finance, but they are delayed by 15min for NYSE and NASDAQ stocks.

Java SE 6 vs. JRE 1.6 vs. JDK 1.6 - What do these mean?

This might help someone:

I am installing the latest Java on my system for development, and currently it's Java SE 7. Now, let's dive into this "madness", as you put it...

All of these are the same (when developers are talking about Java for development):

  • Java SE 7
  • Java SE v1.7.0
  • Java SE Development Kit 7

Starting with Java v1.5:

  • v5 = v1.5.
  • v6 = v1.6.
  • v7 = v1.7.

And we can assume this will remain for future versions.

Next, for developers, download JDK, not JRE.

JDK will contain JRE. If you need JDK and JRE, get JDK. Both will be installed from the single JDK install, as you will see below.

As someone above mentioned:

  • JDK = Java Development Kit (developers need this, this is you if you code in Java)
  • JRE = Java Runtime Environment (users need this, this is every computer user today)
  • Java SE = Java Standard Edition

Here's the step by step links I followed (one step leads to the next, this is all for a single download) to download Java for development (JDK):

  1. Visit "Java SE Downloads":
  2. Click "JDK Download" and visit "Java SE Development Kit 7 Downloads": (note that following the link from step #1 will take you to a different link as JDK 1.7 updates, later versions, are now out)
  3. Accept agreement :)
  4. Click "Java SE Development Kit 7 (Windows x64)": (for my 64-bit Windows 7 system)
  5. You are now downloading (hopefully the latest) JDK for your system! :)

Keep in mind the above links are for reference purposes only, to show you the step by step method of what it takes to download the JDK.

And install with default settings to:

  • “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\” (JDK)
  • “C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\” (JRE) <--- why did it ask a new install folder? it's JRE!

Remember from above that JDK contains JRE, which makes sense if you know what they both are. Again, see above.

After your install, double check “C:\Program Files\Java” to see both these folders. Now you know what they are and why they are there.

I know I wrote this for newbies, but I enjoy knowing things in full detail, so I hope this helps.

Run automatically program on startup under linux ubuntu

sudo mv /filename /etc/init.d/
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/filename 
sudo update-rc.d filename defaults 

Script should now start on boot. Note that this method also works with both hard links and symbolic links (ln).


At this point in the boot process PATH isn't set yet, so it is critical that absolute paths are used throughout. BUT, as pointed out in the comments by Steve HHH, explicitly declaring the full file path (/etc/init.d/filename) for the update-rc.d command is not valid in most versions of Linux. Per the manpage for update-rc.d, the second parameter is a script located in /etc/init.d/*. Updated above code to reflect this.

Another Edit

Also as pointed out in the comments (by Charles Brandt), /filename must be an init style script. A good template was also provided -

Another link to another article just to avoid possible link rot (although it would be saddening if GitHub died) -

yetAnother Edit

As pointed out in the comments (by Russell Yan), This works only on default mode of update-rc.d.

According to manual of update-rc.d, it can run on two modes, "the machines using the legacy mode will have a file /etc/init.d/.legacy-bootordering", in which case you have to pass sequence and runlevel configuration through command line arguments.

The equivalent argument set for the above example is

sudo update-rc.d filename start 20 2 3 4 5 . stop 20 0 1 6 .

How to remove from a map while iterating it?

Assuming C++11, here is a one-liner loop body, if this is consistent with your programming style:

using Map = std::map<K,V>;
Map map;

// Erase members that satisfy needs_removing(itr)
for (Map::const_iterator itr = map.cbegin() ; itr != map.cend() ; )
  itr = needs_removing(itr) ? map.erase(itr) : std::next(itr);

A couple of other minor style changes:

  • Show declared type (Map::const_iterator) when possible/convenient, over using auto.
  • Use using for template types, to make ancillary types (Map::const_iterator) easier to read/maintain.

Connect Android to WiFi Enterprise network EAP(PEAP)

Thanks for enlightening us Cypawer.

I also tried this app

and it worked flawlessly.

Leap Wifi Connector

How to make a button redirect to another page using jQuery or just Javascript

Without script:

<form action="where-you-want-to-go"><input type="submit"></form>

Better yet, since you are just going somewhere, present the user with the standard interface for "just going somewhere":

<a href="where-you-want-to-go">ta da</a>

Although, the context sounds like "Simulate a normal search where the user submits a form", in which case the first option is the way to go.

How to urlencode data for curl command?

Here's the node version:

uriencode() {
  node -p "encodeURIComponent('${1//\'/\\\'}')"

Error when checking Java version: could not find java.dll

Reinstall JDK and set system variable JAVA_HOME on your JDK. (e.g. C:\tools\jdk7)
And add JAVA_HOME variable to your PATH system variable

Type in command line

echo %JAVA_HOME%


java -version

To verify whether your installation was done successfully.

This problem generally occurs in Windows when your "Java Runtime Environment" registry entry is missing or mismatched with the installed JDK. The mismatch can be due to multiple JDKs.

Steps to resolve:

  1. Open the Run window:

    Press windows+R

  2. Open registry window:

    Type regedit and enter.


  4. If Java Runtime Environment is not present inside JavaSoft, then create a new Key and give the name Java Runtime Environment.

  5. For Java Runtime Environment create "CurrentVersion" String Key and give appropriate version as value:

JRE regedit entry

  1. Create a new subkey of 1.8.

  2. For 1.8 create a String Key with name JavaHome with the value of JRE home:

    JRE regedit entry 2


how does multiplication differ for NumPy Matrix vs Array classes?

Reference from

..., the use of the numpy.matrix class is discouraged, since it adds nothing that cannot be accomplished with 2D numpy.ndarray objects, and may lead to a confusion of which class is being used. For example,

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy import linalg
>>> A = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
>>> A
    array([[1, 2],
           [3, 4]])
>>> linalg.inv(A)
array([[-2. ,  1. ],
      [ 1.5, -0.5]])
>>> b = np.array([[5,6]]) #2D array
>>> b
array([[5, 6]])
>>> b.T
>>> A*b #not matrix multiplication!
array([[ 5, 12],
      [15, 24]])
>>> #matrix multiplication
>>> b = np.array([5,6]) #1D array
>>> b
array([5, 6])
>>> b.T  #not matrix transpose!
array([5, 6])
>>>  #does not matter for multiplication
array([17, 39])

scipy.linalg operations can be applied equally to numpy.matrix or to 2D numpy.ndarray objects.

Linq Query Group By and Selecting First Items

var results = list.GroupBy(x => x.Category)
            .Select(g => g.OrderBy(x => x.SortByProp).FirstOrDefault());

For those wondering how to do this for groups that are not necessarily sorted correctly, here's an expansion of this answer that uses method syntax to customize the sort order of each group and hence get the desired record from each.

Note: If you're using LINQ-to-Entities you will get a runtime exception if you use First() instead of FirstOrDefault() here as the former can only be used as a final query operation.

Reset textbox value in javascript

First, select the element. You can usually use the ID like this:

$("#searchField"); // select element by using "#someid"

Then, to set the value, use .val("something") as in:

$("#searchField").val("something"); // set the value

Note that you should only run this code when the element is available. The usual way to do this is:

$(document).ready(function() { // execute when everything is loaded
    $("#searchField").val("something"); // set the value

How to clear cache in Yarn?

Run yarn cache clean.

Run yarn help cache in your bash, and you will see:

Usage: yarn cache [ls|clean] [flags]

Options: -h, --help output usage information -V, --version output the version number --offline
--global-folder [path]
--modules-folder [path] rather than installing modules into the node_modules folder relative to the cwd, output them here
--packages-root [path] rather than storing modules into a global packages root, store them here
--mutex [type][:specifier] use a mutex to ensure only one yarn instance is executing

Visit for documentation about this command.

Java regular expression OR operator

You can just use the pipe on its own:


for example:

String s = "string1, string2, string3";
System.out.println(s.replaceAll("string1|string2", "blah"));


blah, blah, string3

The main reason to use parentheses is to limit the scope of the alternatives:

String s = "string1, string2, string3";
System.out.println(s.replaceAll("string(1|2)", "blah"));

has the same output. but if you just do this:

String s = "string1, string2, string3";
System.out.println(s.replaceAll("string1|2", "blah"));

you get:

blah, stringblah, string3

because you've said "string1" or "2".

If you don't want to capture that part of the expression use ?::

String s = "string1, string2, string3";
System.out.println(s.replaceAll("string(?:1|2)", "blah"));

In Visual Studio Code How do I merge between two local branches?

I found this extension for VS code called Git Merger. It adds Git: Merge from to the commands.

Terminating idle mysql connections

I don't see any problem, unless you are not managing them using a connection pool.

If you use connection pool, these connections are re-used instead of initiating new connections. so basically, leaving open connections and re-use them it is less problematic than re-creating them each time.

What is stdClass in PHP?

If you wanted to quickly create a new object to hold some data about a book. You would do something like this:

$book = new stdClass;
$book->title = "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban";
$book->author = "J. K. Rowling";
$book->publisher = "Arthur A. Levine Books";
$book->amazon_link = "";

Please check the site - for more details.

Difference between null and empty string

String s1 = ""; means that the empty String is assigned to s1. In this case, s1.length() is the same as "".length(), which will yield 0 as expected.

String s2 = null; means that (null) or "no value at all" is assigned to s2. So this one, s2.length() is the same as null.length(), which will yield a NullPointerException as you can't call methods on null variables (pointers, sort of) in Java.

Also, a point, the statement

String s1;

Actually has the same effect as:

String s1 = null;


String s1 = "";

Is, as said, a different thing.

Rails Object to hash

There are some great suggestions here.

I think it's worth noting that you can treat an ActiveRecord model as a hash like so:

@customer = name: "John Jacob" )    # => "John Jacob"
@customer[:name]  # => "John Jacob"
@customer['name'] # => "John Jacob"

Therefore, instead of generating a hash of the attributes, you can use the object itself as a hash.

npm install from Git in a specific version

I describe here a problem that I faced when run npm install - the package does not appear in node_modules.

The issue was that the name value in package.json of installed package was different than the name of imported package (key in package.json of my project).

So if your installed project name is some-package (name value in its package.json) then in package.json of your project write: "some-package": "owner/some-repo#tag".

C# Interfaces. Implicit implementation versus Explicit implementation

In addition to excellent answers already provided, there are some cases where explicit implementation is REQUIRED for the compiler to be able to figure out what is required. Take a look at IEnumerable<T> as a prime example that will likely come up fairly often.

Here's an example:

public abstract class StringList : IEnumerable<string>
    private string[] _list = new string[] {"foo", "bar", "baz"};

    // ...

    #region IEnumerable<string> Members
    public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator()
        foreach (string s in _list)
        { yield return s; }

    #region IEnumerable Members
    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return this.GetEnumerator();

Here, IEnumerable<string> implements IEnumerable, hence we need to too. But hang on, both the generic and the normal version both implement functions with the same method signature (C# ignores return type for this). This is completely legal and fine. How does the compiler resolve which to use? It forces you to only have, at most, one implicit definition, then it can resolve whatever it needs to.


StringList sl = new StringList();

// uses the implicit definition.
IEnumerator<string> enumerableString = sl.GetEnumerator();
// same as above, only a little more explicit.
IEnumerator<string> enumerableString2 = ((IEnumerable<string>)sl).GetEnumerator();
// returns the same as above, but via the explicit definition
IEnumerator enumerableStuff = ((IEnumerable)sl).GetEnumerator();

PS: The little piece of indirection in the explicit definition for IEnumerable works because inside the function the compiler knows that the actual type of the variable is a StringList, and that's how it resolves the function call. Nifty little fact for implementing some of the layers of abstraction some of the .NET core interfaces seem to have accumulated.

Broken references in Virtualenvs

I had a similar issue and i solved it by just rebuilding the virtual environment with virtualenv .

UITableViewCell Selected Background Color on Multiple Selection

UITableViewCell has an attribute multipleSelectionBackgroundView.

Just create an UIView define the .backgroundColor of your choice and assign it to your cells .multipleSelectionBackgroundView attribute.

How to go to a specific element on page?

To scroll to a specific element on your page, you can add a function into your jQuery(document).ready(function($){...}) as follows:

$("#fromTHIS").click(function () {
    $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $("#toTHIS").offset().top }, 500);
    return true;

It works like a charm in all browsers. Adjust the speed according to your need.

react-router getting this.props.location in child components

(Update) V5.1 & Hooks (Requires React >= 16.8)

You can use useHistory, useLocation and useRouteMatch in your component to get match, history and location .

const Child = () => {
  const location = useLocation();
  const history = useHistory();
  const match = useRouteMatch("write-the-url-you-want-to-match-here");

  return (

export default Child

(Update) V4 & V5

You can use withRouter HOC in order to inject match, history and location in your component props.

class Child extends React.Component {
  static propTypes = {
    match: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
    location: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
    history: PropTypes.object.isRequired

  render() {
    const { match, location, history } = this.props

    return (

export default withRouter(Child)

(Update) V3

You can use withRouter HOC in order to inject router, params, location, routes in your component props.

class Child extends React.Component {

  render() {
    const { router, params, location, routes } = this.props

    return (

export default withRouter(Child)

Original answer

If you don't want to use the props, you can use the context as described in React Router documentation

First, you have to set up your childContextTypes and getChildContext

class App extends React.Component{

  getChildContext() {
    return {
      location: this.props.location

  render() {
    return <Child/>;

App.childContextTypes = {
    location: React.PropTypes.object

Then, you will be able to access to the location object in your child components using the context like this

class Child extends React.Component{

   render() {
     return (


Child.contextTypes = {
    location: React.PropTypes.object

What is bootstrapping?

In the context of application development, "bootstrapping" usually comes up when talking about modular and/or auto-updatable software.

Rather than the user downloading the entire app, including features he does not need, and re-downloading and manually updating it whenever there is an update, the user only downloads and starts a small "bootstrap" executable, which in turn downloads and installs those parts of the application that the user needs. Additionally, the bootstrap component is able to look for updates and install them each time it is started.

HTML meta tag for content language

You asked for differences, but you can’t quite compare those two.

Note that <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="es"> is obsolete and removed in HTML5. It was used to specify “a document-wide default language”, with its http-equiv attribute making it a pragma directive (which simulates an HTTP response header like Content-Language that hasn’t been sent from the server, since it cannot override a real one).

Regarding <meta name="language" content="Spanish">, you hardly find any reliable information. It’s non-standard and was probably invented as a SEO makeshift.

However, the HTML5 W3C Recommendation encourages authors to use the lang attribute on html root elements (attribute values must be valid BCP 47 language tags):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="es-ES">

Anyway, if you want to specify the content language to instruct search engine robots, you should consider this quote from Google Search Console Help on multilingual sites:

Google uses only the visible content of your page to determine its language. We don’t use any code-level language information such as lang attributes.

Resolving PKIX path building failed Error?

My cacerts file was totally empty. I solved this by copying the cacerts file off my windows machine (that's using Oracle Java 7) and scp'd it to my Linux box (OpenJDK).

cd %JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/security/
scp cacerts mylinuxmachin:/tmp

and then on the linux machine

cp /tmp/cacerts /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts

It's worked great so far.

Jquery resizing image

imgLiquid (a jQuery Plugin) seems to do what you ask.


JsFiddle example:


$(function() {

        fill: true,
        horizontalAlign: "center",
        verticalAlign: "top"

        fill: false,
        horizontalAlign: "center",
        verticalAlign: "50%"


<div class="boxSep" >
    <div class="imgLiquidNoFill imgLiquid" style="width:250px; height:250px;">
        <img alt="" src=""/>

How does Facebook disable the browser's integrated Developer Tools?

My simple way, but it can help for further variations on this subject. List all methods and alter them to useless.

  Object.getOwnPropertyNames(console).filter(function(property) {
     return typeof console[property] == 'function';
  }).forEach(function (verb) {
     console[verb] =function(){return 'Sorry, for security reasons...';};

Linq Select Group By

This will give you sequence of anonymous objects, containing date string and two properties with average price:

var query = from p in PriceLogList
            group p by p.LogDateTime.ToString("MMM yyyy") into g
            select new { 
               LogDate = g.Key,
               AvgGoldPrice = (int)g.Average(x => x.GoldPrice), 
               AvgSilverPrice = (int)g.Average(x => x.SilverPrice)

If you need to get list of PriceLog objects:

var query = from p in PriceLogList
            group p by p.LogDateTime.ToString("MMM yyyy") into g
            select new PriceLog { 
               LogDateTime = DateTime.Parse(g.Key),
               GoldPrice = (int)g.Average(x => x.GoldPrice), 
               SilverPrice = (int)g.Average(x => x.SilverPrice)

Insert an item into sorted list in Python

Use the insort function of the bisect module:

import bisect 
a = [1, 2, 4, 5] 
bisect.insort(a, 3) 


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 

Running CMake on Windows

There is a vcvars32.bat in your Visual Studio installation directory. You can add call cmd.exe at the end of that batch program and launch it. From that shell you can use CMake or cmake-gui and cl.exe would be known to CMake.

Adding text to a cell in Excel using VBA

You can also use the cell property.

Cells(1, 1).Value = "Hey, what's up?"

Make sure to use a . before Cells(1,1).Value as in .Cells(1,1).Value, if you are using it within With function. If you are selecting some sheet.

Remove credentials from Git

What finally fixed this for me was to use GitHub desktop, go to repository settings, and remove user:pass@ from the repository url. Then, I attempted a push from the command line and was prompted for login credentials. After I put those in everything went back to normal. Both Visual Studio and command line are working, and of course, GitHub desktop.

GitHub Desktop->Repository->Repository Settings->Remote tab

Change Primary Remote Repository (origin) from:

https://pork@[email protected]/MyProject/MyProject.git


Click "Save"

Credentials will be cleared.

GitHub: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Adding public key is the solution.For generating ssh keys: has step by step instructions.

However, the problem can persist if key is not generated in the correct way. I found this to be a useful link too:

In my case the problem was that I was generating the ssh-key without using sudo but when using git commands I needed to use sudo. This comment in the above link "If you generate SSH keys without sudo, then when you try to use a command like sudo git push, you won't be using the SSH key you generated." helped me.

So, the solution was that I had to use sudo with both key generating commands and git commands. Or for others, when they don't need sudo anywhere, do not use it in any of the two steps. (key generating and git commands).

What is the recommended project structure for spring boot rest projects?

There is a somehow recommended directory structure mentioned at

You can create a api folder and put your controllers there.

If you have some configuration beans, put them in a separate package too.

PHP - Indirect modification of overloaded property

Though I am very late in this discussion, I thought this may be useful for some one in future.

I had faced similar situation. The easiest workaround for those who doesn't mind unsetting and resetting the variable is to do so. I am pretty sure the reason why this is not working is clear from the other answers and from the manual. The simplest workaround worked for me is


  1. $object is the object with overloaded __get and __set from the base class, which I am not in the freedom to modify.
  2. shippingData is the array I want to modify a field of for e.g. :- phone_number


// First store the array in a local variable.
$tempShippingData = $object->shippingData;


$tempShippingData['phone_number'] = '888-666-0000' // what ever the value you want to set

$object->shippingData = $tempShippingData; // this will again call the __set and set the array variable


Note: this solution is one of the quick workaround possible to solve the problem and get the variable copied. If the array is too humungous, it may be good to force rewrite the __get method to return a reference rather expensive copying of big arrays.

Creating a list of pairs in java

Similar to what Mark E has proposed, but no need to recreate the wheel, if you don't mind relying on 3rd party libs.

Apache Commons has tuples already defined:


Apache Commons is so pervasive, I typically already have it in my projects, anyway.

Html.DropDownList - Disabled/Readonly

I just do this and call it a day

Model.Id > -1 ? Html.EnumDropDownListFor(m => m.Property, new { disabled = "disabled" }) : Html.EnumDropDownListFor(m => m.Property)

How to get current working directory using vba?

Use these codes and enjoy it.

Public Function GetDirectoryName(ByVal source As String) As String()
Dim fso, oFolder, oSubfolder, oFile, queue As Collection
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set queue = New Collection

Dim source_file() As String
Dim i As Integer        

queue.Add fso.GetFolder(source) 'obviously replace

Do While queue.Count > 0
    Set oFolder = queue(1)
    queue.Remove 1 'dequeue
    '...insert any folder processing code here...
    For Each oSubfolder In oFolder.SubFolders
        queue.Add oSubfolder 'enqueue
    Next oSubfolder
    For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
        '...insert any file processing code here...
        'Debug.Print oFile
        i = i + 1
        ReDim Preserve source_file(i)
        source_file(i) = oFile
    Next oFile
GetDirectoryName = source_file
End Function

And here you can call function:

Sub test()
Dim s
For Each s In GetDirectoryName("C:\New folder")
Debug.Print s
End Sub

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"

If you are using maven to dependency management so you can just add following dependency in pom.xml


For non-Maven users Just download the library and put it into your project classpath.

Here you can see details:

Move seaborn plot legend to a different position?

it seems you can directly call:

g = sns.factorplot("class", "survived", "sex",
                data=titanic, kind="bar",
                size=6, palette="muted",

g._legend.set_bbox_to_anchor((.7, 1.1))

Regular Expression to match only alphabetic characters

If you need to include non-ASCII alphabetic characters, and if your regex flavor supports Unicode, then


would be the correct regex.

Some regex engines don't support this Unicode syntax but allow the \w alphanumeric shorthand to also match non-ASCII characters. In that case, you can get all alphabetics by subtracting digits and underscores from \w like this:


\A matches at the start of the string, \z at the end of the string (^ and $ also match at the start/end of lines in some languages like Ruby, or if certain regex options are set).

Table column sizing

As of Alpha 6 you can create the following sass file:

@each $breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) {
  $infix: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints);

  col, td, th {
    @for $i from 1 through $grid-columns {
        &.col#{$infix}-#{$i} {
          flex: none;
          position: initial;

    @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints) {
      @for $i from 1 through $grid-columns {
        &.col#{$infix}-#{$i} {
          width: 100% / $grid-columns * $i;

Python: access class property from string

Extending Alex's answer slightly:

class User:
    def __init__(self): = [1,2,3]
        self.other_data = [4,5,6]
    def doSomething(self, source):
        dataSource = getattr(self,source)
        return dataSource

A = User()
print A.doSomething("data")
print A.doSomething("other_data")

will yield:

[1, 2, 3]
[4, 5, 6]

However, personally I don't think that's great style - getattr will let you access any attribute of the instance, including things like the doSomething method itself, or even the __dict__ of the instance. I would suggest that instead you implement a dictionary of data sources, like so:

class User:
    def __init__(self):

        self.data_sources = {
            "data": [1,2,3],

    def doSomething(self, source):
        dataSource = self.data_sources[source]
        return dataSource

A = User()

print A.doSomething("data")
print A.doSomething("other_data")

again yielding:

[1, 2, 3]
[4, 5, 6]

Initialize/reset struct to zero/null

debugger screenshot

Take a surprise from gnu11!

typedef struct {
    uint8_t messType;
    uint8_t ax;  //axis
    uint32_t position;
    uint32_t velocity;

TgotoData tmpData = { 0 };

nothing is zero.

Why do people write #!/usr/bin/env python on the first line of a Python script?

It just specifies what interpreter you want to use. To understand this, create a file through terminal by doing touch, then type into that file the following:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
print "test"

and do chmod +x to make your script executable. After this when you do ./ you should get an error saying:

  File "./", line 2
    print "test"
SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'

because python3 doesn't supprt the print operator.

Now go ahead and change the first line of your code to:

#!/usr/bin/env python2

and it'll work, printing test to stdout, because python2 supports the print operator. So, now you've learned how to switch between script interpreters.

Find which rows have different values for a given column in Teradata SQL

Personally, I would print them to a file using Perl or Python in the format


for each row so that the file has as many lines as there are columns. Then I'd do a diff between the two files, assuming you are on Unix or compare them using some equivalent utilty on another OS. If you have multiple recordsets (i.e. more than one row), I would prepend to each file row and then the file would have NUM_DB_ROWS * NUM_COLS lines

how to read value from string.xml in android?


  • Android Studio 3.1.4
  • Kotlin version: 1.2.60


  • single line use
  • minimum code
  • use suggestions from the compiler

Step 1. Application()

Get link to the context of you application

class MY_APPLICATION_NAME: Application() {

    companion object {
        private lateinit var instance: MY_APPLICATION_NAME

        fun getAppContext(): Context = instance.applicationContext

    override fun onCreate() {
        instance = this


Step 2. Add int extension

inline fun Int.toLocalizedString(): String = MY_APPLICATION_NAME.getAppContext().resources.getString(this)



    <!-- .......  -->
    <string name="no_internet_connection">No internet connection</string>
    <!-- .......  -->

Get string value:

val errorMessage = R.string.no_internet_connection.toLocalizedString()


enter image description here enter image description here

Concatenating string and integer in python

Python is an interesting language in that while there is usually one (or two) "obvious" ways to accomplish any given task, flexibility still exists.

s = "string"
i = 0

print (s + repr(i))

The above code snippet is written in Python3 syntax but the parentheses after print were always allowed (optional) until version 3 made them mandatory.

Hope this helps.


How can I call the 'base implementation' of an overridden virtual method?

It's impossible if the method is declared in the derived class as overrides. to do that, the method in the derived class should be declared as new:

public class Base {

    public virtual string X() {
        return "Base";
public class Derived1 : Base
    public new string X()
        return "Derived 1";

public class Derived2 : Base 
    public override string X() {
        return "Derived 2";

Derived1 a = new Derived1();
Base b = new Derived1();
Base c = new Derived2();
a.X(); // returns Derived 1
b.X(); // returns Base
c.X(); // returns Derived 2

See fiddle here

How to send control+c from a bash script?

    pgrep -f process_name > any_file_name
    sed -i 's/^/kill /' any_file_name
    chmod 777 any_file_name

for example 'pgrep -f firefox' will grep the PID of running 'firefox' and will save this PID to a file called 'any_file_name'. 'sed' command will add the 'kill' in the beginning of the PID number in 'any_file_name' file. Third line will make 'any_file_name' file executable. Now forth line will kill the PID available in the file 'any_file_name'. Writing the above four lines in a file and executing that file can do the control-C. Working absolutely fine for me.

How to disable input conditionally in vue.js

You can manipulate :disabled attribute in vue.js.

It will accept a boolean, if it's true, then the input gets disabled, otherwise it will be enabled...

Something like structured like below in your case for example:

<input type="text" id="name" class="form-control" name="name" v-model="" :disabled="validated ? false : true">

Also read this below:

Conditionally Disabling Input Elements via JavaScript Expression

You can conditionally disable input elements inline with a JavaScript expression. This compact approach provides a quick way to apply simple conditional logic. For example, if you only needed to check the length of the password, you may consider doing something like this.

<h3>Change Your Password</h3>
<div class="form-group">
  <label for="newPassword">Please choose a new password</label>
  <input type="password" class="form-control" id="newPassword" placeholder="Password" v-model="newPassword">

<div class="form-group">
  <label for="confirmPassword">Please confirm your new password</label>
  <input type="password" class="form-control" id="confirmPassword" placeholder="Password" v-model="confirmPassword" v-bind:disabled="newPassword.length === 0 ? true : false">

Find the nth occurrence of substring in a string

# return -1 if nth substr (0-indexed) d.n.e, else return index
def find_nth(s, substr, n):
    i = 0
    while n >= 0:
        n -= 1
        i = s.find(substr, i + 1)
    return i

css overflow - only 1 line of text

I was able to achieve this by using the webkit-line-clamp and the following css:

div {
  display: -webkit-box;
  -webkit-line-clamp: 1;
  -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
  overflow: hidden;

Exception is: InvalidOperationException - The current type, is an interface and cannot be constructed. Are you missing a type mapping?

Just for others (like me) who might have faced the above error. The solution in simple terms.

You might have missed to register your Interface and class (which implements that inteface) registration in your code.

e.g if the error is
"The current type, xyznamespace. Imyinterfacename, is an interface and cannot be constructed. Are you missing a type mapping?"

Then you must register the class which implements the Imyinterfacename in the UnityConfig class in the Register method. using code like below

 container.RegisterType<Imyinterfacename, myinterfaceimplclassname>();

How can I completely uninstall nodejs, npm and node in Ubuntu

Try the following commands:

$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ sudo apt-get install aptitude
$ sudo aptitude install npm

Assign a variable inside a Block to a variable outside a Block

yes block are the most used functionality , so in order to avoid the retain cycle we should avoid using the strong variable,including self inside the block, inspite use the _weak or weakself.

"undefined" function declared in another file?

I just had the same problem in GoLand (which is Intellij IDEA for Go) and worked out a solution. You need to change the Run kind from File to Package or Directory. You can choose this from a drop-down if you go into Run/Edit Configurations.

Eg: for package ~/go/src/a_package, use a Package path of a_package and a Directory of ~/go/src/a_package and Run kind of Package or Directory.

Combine several images horizontally with Python

merge_image takes three parameters first two parameters specify 
the two images to be merged and third parameter i.e. vertically
is a boolean type which if True merges images vertically
and finally saves and returns the file_name
def merge_image(img1, img2, vertically):
    images = list(map(, [img1, img2]))
    widths, heights = zip(*(i.size for i in images))
    if vertically:
        max_width = max(widths)
        total_height = sum(heights)
        new_im ='RGB', (max_width, total_height))

        y_offset = 0
        for im in images:
            new_im.paste(im, (0, y_offset))
            y_offset += im.size[1]
        total_width = sum(widths)
        max_height = max(heights)
        new_im ='RGB', (total_width, max_height))

        x_offset = 0
        for im in images:
            new_im.paste(im, (x_offset, 0))
            x_offset += im.size[0]'test.jpg')
    return 'test.jpg'

insert datetime value in sql database with c#

using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection())
using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
    cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO <table> (<date_column>) VALUES ('2010-01-01 12:00')";

It's been awhile since I wrote this stuff, so this may not be perfect. but the general idea is there.

WARNING: this is unsanitized. You should use parameters to avoid injection attacks.

EDIT: Since Jon insists.

Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC Error

I know this is old but just to pitch in my experience. I just ran into it this morning. Turns our my error has nothing to do with .xls line limit or array index. It is caused by an incorrect formula.

I was exporting from database to Excel a sheet about my customers. Someone fill in the customer name as =90Erickson-King and apparently this is fine as a string-type field in the database, however will result in an error as a formula in Excel. Instead of showing #N/A like when you're using Excel, the program just froze and spilt that 0x800A03EC error a while later.

I corrected this by deleting the equal sign and the dash in the customer's name. After that exporting went well.

I guess this error code is a bit too general as people are seen reporting quite a range of different possible causes.

How to remove lines in a Matplotlib plot

This is a very long explanation that I typed up for a coworker of mine. I think it would be helpful here as well. Be patient, though. I get to the real issue that you are having toward the end. Just as a teaser, it's an issue of having extra references to your Line2D objects hanging around.

WARNING: One other note before we dive in. If you are using IPython to test this out, IPython keeps references of its own and not all of them are weakrefs. So, testing garbage collection in IPython does not work. It just confuses matters.

Okay, here we go. Each matplotlib object (Figure, Axes, etc) provides access to its child artists via various attributes. The following example is getting quite long, but should be illuminating.

We start out by creating a Figure object, then add an Axes object to that figure. Note that ax and fig.axes[0] are the same object (same id()).

>>> #Create a figure
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> fig.axes

>>> #Add an axes object
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

>>> #The object in ax is the same as the object in fig.axes[0], which is 
>>> #   a list of axes objects attached to fig 
>>> print ax
>>> print fig.axes[0]
Axes(0.125,0.1;0.775x0.8)  #Same as "print ax"
>>> id(ax), id(fig.axes[0])
(212603664, 212603664) #Same ids => same objects

This also extends to lines in an axes object:

>>> #Add a line to ax
>>> lines = ax.plot(np.arange(1000))

>>> #Lines and ax.lines contain the same line2D instances 
>>> print lines
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xce84bd0>]
>>> print ax.lines
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xce84bd0>]

>>> print lines[0]
>>> print ax.lines[0]

>>> #Same ID => same object
>>> id(lines[0]), id(ax.lines[0])
(216550352, 216550352)

If you were to call using what was done above, you would see a figure containing a set of axes and a single line:

A figure containing a set of axes and a single line

Now, while we have seen that the contents of lines and ax.lines is the same, it is very important to note that the object referenced by the lines variable is not the same as the object reverenced by ax.lines as can be seen by the following:

>>> id(lines), id(ax.lines)
(212754584, 211335288)

As a consequence, removing an element from lines does nothing to the current plot, but removing an element from ax.lines removes that line from the current plot. So:

>>> lines.pop(0)

>>> ax.lines.pop(0)

So, if you were to run the second line of code, you would remove the Line2D object contained in ax.lines[0] from the current plot and it would be gone. Note that this can also be done via ax.lines.remove() meaning that you can save a Line2D instance in a variable, then pass it to ax.lines.remove() to delete that line, like so:

>>> #Create a new line
>>> lines.append(ax.plot(np.arange(1000)/2.0))
>>> ax.lines
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xce84bd0>,  <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xce84dx3>]

A figure containing a set of axes and two lines

>>> #Remove that new line
>>> ax.lines.remove(lines[0])
>>> ax.lines
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xce84dx3>]

A figure containing a set of axes and only the second line

All of the above works for fig.axes just as well as it works for ax.lines

Now, the real problem here. If we store the reference contained in ax.lines[0] into a weakref.ref object, then attempt to delete it, we will notice that it doesn't get garbage collected:

>>> #Create weak reference to Line2D object
>>> from weakref import ref
>>> wr = ref(ax.lines[0])
>>> print wr
<weakref at 0xb758af8; to 'Line2D' at 0xb757fd0>
>>> print wr()
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0xb757fd0>

>>> #Delete the line from the axes
>>> ax.lines.remove(wr())
>>> ax.lines

>>> #Test weakref again
>>> print wr
<weakref at 0xb758af8; to 'Line2D' at 0xb757fd0>
>>> print wr()
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0xb757fd0>

The reference is still live! Why? This is because there is still another reference to the Line2D object that the reference in wr points to. Remember how lines didn't have the same ID as ax.lines but contained the same elements? Well, that's the problem.

>>> #Print out lines
>>> print lines
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xce84bd0>,  <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xce84dx3>]

To fix this problem, we simply need to delete `lines`, empty it, or let it go out of scope.

>>> #Reinitialize lines to empty list
>>> lines = []
>>> print lines
>>> print wr
<weakref at 0xb758af8; dead>

So, the moral of the story is, clean up after yourself. If you expect something to be garbage collected but it isn't, you are likely leaving a reference hanging out somewhere.

How to restore to a different database in sql server?

  • I have the same error as this topic when I restore a new database using an old database. (using .bak gives the same error)

  • I Changed the name of old database by name of new database (same this picture). It worked.

enter image description here

iterating over each character of a String in ruby 1.8.6 (each_char)

I have the same problem. I usually resort to String#split:

"ABCDEFG".split("").each do |i|
  puts i

I guess you could also implement it yourself like this:

class String
  def each_char
    self.split("").each { |i| yield i }

Edit: yet another alternative is String#each_byte, available in Ruby 1.8.6, which returns the ASCII value of each char in an ASCII string:

"ABCDEFG".each_byte do |i|
  puts i.chr # Fixnum#chr converts any number to the ASCII char it represents

How can I keep a container running on Kubernetes?

Use this command inside you Dockerfile to keep the container running in your K8s cluster:

  • CMD tail -f /dev/null

What does operator "dot" (.) mean?

The dot itself is not an operator, .^ is.

The .^ is a pointwise¹ (i.e. element-wise) power, as .* is the pointwise product.

.^ Array power. A.^B is the matrix with elements A(i,j) to the B(i,j) power. The sizes of A and B must be the same or be compatible.


¹) Hence the dot.

Error handling in Bash

Another consideration is the exit code to return. Just "1" is pretty standard, although there are a handful of reserved exit codes that bash itself uses, and that same page argues that user-defined codes should be in the range 64-113 to conform to C/C++ standards.

You might also consider the bit vector approach that mount uses for its exit codes:

 0  success
 1  incorrect invocation or permissions
 2  system error (out of memory, cannot fork, no more loop devices)
 4  internal mount bug or missing nfs support in mount
 8  user interrupt
16  problems writing or locking /etc/mtab
32  mount failure
64  some mount succeeded

OR-ing the codes together allows your script to signal multiple simultaneous errors.

set the iframe height automatically

If you a framework like Bootstrap you can make any iframe video responsive by using this snippet:

<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
    <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="vid.mp4" allowfullscreen></iframe>

How to fetch data from local JSON file on react native?

maybe you could use AsyncStorage setItem and getItem...and store the data as string, then use the json parser for convert it again to json...

What is Express.js?

1) What is Express.js?

Express.js is a Node.js framework. It's the most popular framework as of now (the most starred on NPM).

Enter image description here.

It's built around configuration and granular simplicity of Connect middleware. Some people compare Express.js to Ruby Sinatra vs. the bulky and opinionated Ruby on Rails.

2) What is the purpose of it with Node.js?

That you don't have to repeat same code over and over again. Node.js is a low-level I/O mechanism which has an HTTP module. If you just use an HTTP module, a lot of work like parsing the payload, cookies, storing sessions (in memory or in Redis), selecting the right route pattern based on regular expressions will have to be re-implemented. With Express.js, it is just there for you to use.

3) Why do we actually need Express.js? How it is useful for us to use with Node.js?

The first answer should answer your question. If no, then try to write a small REST API server in plain Node.js (that is, using only core modules) and then in Express.js. The latter will take you 5-10x less time and lines of code.

What is Redis? Does it come with Express.js?

Redis is a fast persistent key-value storage. You can optionally use it for storing sessions with Express.js, but you don't need to. By default, Express.js has memory storage for sessions. Redis also can be use for queueing jobs, for example, email jobs.

Check out my tutorial on REST API server with Express.js.

MVC but not by itself

Express.js is not an model-view-controller framework by itself. You need to bring your own object-relational mapping libraries such as Mongoose for MongoDB, Sequelize ( for SQL databases, Waterline ( for many databases into the stack.


Other Node.js frameworks to consider (

UPDATE: I put together this resource that aid people in choosing Node.js frameworks:

UPDATE2: We added some GitHub stats to so now you can compare the level of social proof (GitHub stars) for 30+ frameworks on one page.

enter image description here



Ruby on Rails like:

Sinatra like:



Static site generators:

Rails: How does the respond_to block work?

I'd like to understand how the respond_to block actually works. What type of variable is format? Are .html and .json methods of the format object?

In order to understand what format is, you could first look at the source for respond_to, but quickly you'll find that what really you need to look at is the code for retrieve_response_from_mimes.

From here, you'll see that the block that was passed to respond_to (in your code), is actually called and passed with an instance of Collector (which within the block is referenced as format). Collector basically generates methods (I believe at Rails start-up) based on what mime types rails knows about.

So, yes, the .html and .json are methods defined (at runtime) on the Collector (aka format) class.

How to Display Selected Item in Bootstrap Button Dropdown Title

It seems to be a long issue. All we want is just implement a select tag in the input group. But the bootstrap would not do it:

the trick is just adding "btn-group" class to the parent div


<div class="input-group">
  <div class="input-group-btn btn-group">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
      Product Name <span class="caret"></span>
    <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
        <li><a href="#">A</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">B</a></li>
  <input type="text" class="form-control">
  <span class="input-group-btn">
    <button class="btn btn-primary" type="button">Search</button>


$(".dropdown-menu li a").click(function(e){
    var selText = $(this).text();
    $(this).parents('.input-group').find('.dropdown-toggle').html(selText+' <span class="caret"></span>');       

How to disable anchor "jump" when loading a page?

In my case because of using anchor link for CSS popup I've used this way:

Just save the pageYOffset first thing on click and then set the ScrollTop to that:

        var st=window.pageYOffset;
        $('html, body').animate({
                'scrollTop' : st

SSL InsecurePlatform error when using Requests package

This answer is unrelated, but if you wanted to get rid of warning and get following warning from requests:

InsecurePlatformWarning /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/util/ InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. For more information, see

You can disable it by adding the following line to your python code:


How to get Selected Text from select2 when using <input>

Used this for show text

var data = $('#id-selected-input').select2('data'); 
data.forEach(function (item) { 

HTTP 401 - what's an appropriate WWW-Authenticate header value?

When the user session times out, I send back an HTTP 204 status code. Note that the HTTP 204 status contains no content. On the client-side I do this:

if (xhr.status == 204) 
    dropdown.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;

Here is the Reload() function:

function Reload() {
    var oForm = document.createElement("form");

Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated

just remove new in the $obj_md =& new MDB2();

Does Arduino use C or C++?

Arduino doesn't run either C or C++. It runs machine code compiled from either C, C++ or any other language that has a compiler for the Arduino instruction set.

C being a subset of C++, if Arduino can "run" C++ then it can "run" C.

If you don't already know C nor C++, you should probably start with C, just to get used to the whole "pointer" thing. You'll lose all the object inheritance capabilities though.

How to justify a single flexbox item (override justify-content)

If you aren't actually restricted to keeping all of these elements as sibling nodes you can wrap the ones that go together in another default flex box, and have the container of both use space-between.

.space-between {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid red;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  justify-content: space-between;_x000D_
.default-flex {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid blue;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
.child {_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid;_x000D_
<div class="space-between">_x000D_
  <div class="child">1</div>_x000D_
  <div class="default-flex">_x000D_
    <div class="child">2</div>_x000D_
    <div class="child">3</div>_x000D_
    <div class="child">4</div>_x000D_
    <div class="child">5</div>_x000D_

Or if you were doing the same thing with flex-start and flex-end reversed you just swap the order of the default-flex container and lone child.

How can I debug a .BAT script?

rem out the @ECHO OFF and call your batch file redirectin ALL output to a log file..

c:> yourbatch.bat (optional parameters) > yourlogfile.txt 2>&1

found at

IT WORKS!! don't forget the 2>&1...


Using $_POST to get select option value from HTML

Depends on if the form that the select is contained in has the method set to "get" or "post".

If <form method="get"> then the value of the select will be located in the super global array $_GET['taskOption'].

If <form method="post"> then the value of the select will be located in the super global array $_POST['taskOption'].

To store it into a variable you would:

$option = $_POST['taskOption']

A good place for more information would be the PHP manual:

Importing Maven project into Eclipse

I want to import existing maven project into eclipse. I found 2 ways to do it, one is through running from command line mvn eclipse:eclipse and another is to install maven eclipse plugin from eclipse. What is the difference between the both and which one is preferable?

The maven-eclipse-plugin is a Maven plugin and has always been there (one of the first plugin available with Maven 1, one of the first plugin migrated to Maven 2). It has been during a long time the only decent way to integrateimport an existing maven project with Eclipse. Actually, it doesn't provide real integration, it just generates the .project and .classpath files (it has also WTP support) from a Maven project. I've used this plugin during years and was very happy with it (and very unsatisfied at this time by Eclipse plugins for Maven like m2eclipse).

The m2eclipse plugin is one of the Eclipse plugins for Maven. It's actually the first and most mature of the projects aimed at integrating Maven within the Eclipse IDE (this has not always been the case, it was not really usable ~2 years ago, see the feedback in Mevenide vs. M2Eclipse, Q for Eclipse/IAM). But, even if I do not use things like creating a Maven project from Eclipse or the POM editor or other fancy wizards, I have to say that this plugin is now totally usable, provides very smooth integration, has nice features... In other words, I finally switched to it :) I'd now recommend it to any user (advanced or beginners).

If I install maven eclipse plugin through the eclipse menu Help -> Install New Software, do I still need to modify my pom.xml to include the maven eclipse plugin in the plugins section?

This question is a bit confusing but the answer is no. With the m2eclipse plugin installed, just right-click the package explorer and Import... > Maven projects to import an existing maven project into Eclipse.

Git stash pop- needs merge, unable to refresh index

Well, initially, we should know what caused the error to happen, then the solution will be easy. The reason have already been pointed out by the accepted answer, but it is somehow incomplete (also the solution).

The problem is, one or more files had conflict(s) previously, but Git sees them as unresolved. Yes, you might already edited those files and resolved the conflicts, but Git does not know about that. You should tell Git "Hey, there are no more conflicts from the previous merge!". Note that, the merge is not necessarily caused by a git merge, but also by a git stash pop, for example.

Remember, git status can tell you what Git knows now. If there are some unresolved merge conflicts to Git, then it is shown in a separated Unmerged paths section, with the files marked as both modified (always?). If you have noticed, this section is between two staged and unstaged sections. From this, I personally understand that, "Unmerged paths are those you should either move into staged or unstaged areas, as Git can work only with these two areas".

So, to tell Git the conflicts have been resolved, you should either move these changes to staged or unstaged areas. In recent versions of Git, when you do a git status, it tells you how (woah! You should ask yourself how you haven't seen this yet?):

$ git status
Unmerged paths:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
  (use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)
        both modified:   path/to/file.txt

So, to stage it (and maybe commit it):

$ git add path/to/file.txt

And to make it unstaged (e.g. you don't want to commit it now):

$ git restore --staged path/to/file.txt

Note: Forgetting to write --staged option possibly could spawn a super-hungry dragon to eat your past two days, in the case of not using a good text-editor or IDE.

Note: While git restore command is experimental yet, it should be stable enough to be used (thanks to a comment by @VonC, refer to it for more details on that).

How do you explicitly set a new property on `window` in TypeScript?

typescript prevent accessing object without assigning type that has the desired property or already assigned to any so you can use optional chaining window?.MyNamespace = 'value'.

react-native :app:installDebug FAILED

I got the same error but the issue was I did on the USB Debugging after unable this is working for me.


enter image description here

How can I specify my .keystore file with Spring Boot and Tomcat?

It turns out that there is a way to do this, although I'm not sure I've found the 'proper' way since this required hours of reading source code from multiple projects. In other words, this might be a lot of dumb work (but it works).

First, there is no way to get at the server.xml in the embedded Tomcat, either to augment it or replace it. This must be done programmatically.

Second, the 'require_https' setting doesn't help since you can't set cert info that way. It does set up forwarding from http to https, but it doesn't give you a way to make https work so the forwarding isnt helpful. However, use it with the stuff below, which does make https work.

To begin, you need to provide an EmbeddedServletContainerFactory as explained in the Embedded Servlet Container Support docs. The docs are for Java but the Groovy would look pretty much the same. Note that I haven't been able to get it to recognize the @Value annotation used in their example but its not needed. For groovy, simply put this in a new .groovy file and include that file on the command line when you launch spring boot.

Now, the instructions say that you can customize the TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory class that you created in that code so that you can alter web.xml behavior, and this is true, but for our purposes its important to know that you can also use it to tailor server.xml behavior. Indeed, reading the source for the class and comparing it with the Embedded Tomcat docs, you see that this is the only place to do that. The interesting function is TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory.addConnectorCustomizers(), which may not look like much from the Javadocs but actually gives you the Embedded Tomcat object to customize yourself. Simply pass your own implementation of TomcatConnectorCustomizer and set the things you want on the given Connector in the void customize(Connector con) function. Now, there are about a billion things you can do with the Connector and I couldn't find useful docs for it but the createConnector() function in this this guys personal Spring-embedded-Tomcat project is a very practical guide. My implementation ended up looking like this:

package com.deepdownstudios.server

import org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.tomcat.TomcatConnectorCustomizer
import org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.EmbeddedServletContainerFactory
import org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.tomcat.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory
import org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector;
import org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol;
import org.springframework.boot.*
import org.springframework.stereotype.*

class MyConfiguration {

public EmbeddedServletContainerFactory servletContainer() {
final int port = 8443;
final String keystoreFile = "/path/to/keystore"
final String keystorePass = "keystore-password"
final String keystoreType = "pkcs12"
final String keystoreProvider = "SunJSSE"
final String keystoreAlias = "tomcat"

TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory = 
        new TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory(this.port);
factory.addConnectorCustomizers( new TomcatConnectorCustomizer() {
    void    customize(Connector con) {
        Http11NioProtocol proto = (Http11NioProtocol) con.getProtocolHandler();
        proto.setProperty("keystoreProvider", keystoreProvider);
return factory;

The Autowiring will pick up this implementation an run with it. Once I fixed my busted keystore file (make sure you call keytool with -storetype pkcs12, not -storepass pkcs12 as reported elsewhere), this worked. Also, it would be far better to provide the parameters (port, password, etc) as configuration settings for testing and such... I'm sure its possible if you can get the @Value annotation to work with Groovy.

How to wrap text in textview in Android

Use app:breakStrategy="simple" in AppCompatTextView, it will control over paragraph layout.

It has three constant values

  • balanced
  • high_quality
  • simple

Designing in your TextView xml

        android:text="Your Question Display Hear....Your Question Display Hear....Your Question Display Hear....Your Question Display Hear...."
        app:breakStrategy="simple" />

If your current minimum api level is 23 or more then in Coding


For more refrence refer this BreakStrategy

Textview breakStrategy image

Matching a Forward Slash with a regex

You can escape it by preceding it with a \ (making it \/), or you could use new RegExp('/') to avoid escaping the regex.

See example in JSFiddle.

'/'.match(/\//)            // matches /
'/'.match(new RegExp('/')  // matches /

Generate UML Class Diagram from Java Project

I use eUML2 plugin from Soyatec, under Eclipse and it works fine for the generation of UML giving the source code. This tool is useful up to Eclipse 4.4.x

How to execute shell command in Javascript

I don't know why the previous answers gave all sorts of complicated solutions. If you just want to execute a quick command like ls, you don't need async/await or callbacks or anything. Here's all you need - execSync:

const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;
// import { execSync } from 'child_process';  // replace ^ if using ES modules
const output = execSync('ls', { encoding: 'utf-8' });  // the default is 'buffer'
console.log('Output was:\n', output);

For error handling, add a try/catch block around the statement.

If you're running a command that takes a long time to complete, then yes, look at the asynchronous exec function.

exec failed because the name not a valid identifier?

Try this instead in the end:

exec (@query)

If you do not have the brackets, SQL Server assumes the value of the variable to be a stored procedure name.


EXECUTE sp_executesql @query

And it should not be because of FULL JOIN.
But I hope you have already created the temp tables: #TrafficFinal, #TrafficFinal2, #TrafficFinal3 before this.

Please note that there are performance considerations between using EXEC and sp_executesql. Because sp_executesql uses forced statement caching like an sp.
More details here.

On another note, is there a reason why you are using dynamic sql for this case, when you can use the query as is, considering you are not doing any query manipulations and executing it the way it is?

How to solve ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED when trying to connect to localhost running IISExpress - Error 502 (Cannot debug from Visual Studio)?

This issue may be because in the recent past you have used IP address binding in your application configuration.

Steps to Solve the issue:

  • Run below command in administrator access command terminal

netsh http show iplisten

If you see some thing like below then this solution may not help you.

IP addresses present in the IP listen to list:

If you see something different than then try below steps to fix this.

  • Run following shell command in order with elevated command terminal

netsh http delete iplisten ipaddress=

netsh http add iplisten ipaddress=


  • (Here is the actual IP that needs to be removed)

And now your issexpress is set to listen to any ping coming to localhost binding.

How to convert string to boolean php

This method was posted by @lauthiamkok in the comments. I'm posting it here as an answer to call more attention to it.

Depending on your needs, you should consider using filter_var() with the FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN flag.

filter_var(    true, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // true
filter_var(    'true', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // true
filter_var(         1, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // true
filter_var(       '1', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // true
filter_var(      'on', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // true
filter_var(     'yes', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // true

filter_var(   false, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // false
filter_var(   'false', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // false
filter_var(         0, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // false
filter_var(       '0', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // false
filter_var(     'off', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // false
filter_var(      'no', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // false
filter_var('asdfasdf', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // false
filter_var(        '', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // false
filter_var(      null, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); // false

JavaScript editor within Eclipse

There once existed a plugin called JSEclipse that Adobe has subsequently sucked up and killed by making it available only by purchasing and installing FlexBuilder 3 (please someone prove me wrong). I found it to worked excellent but have since lost it since "upgrading" from Eclipse 3.4 to 3.4.1.

The feature I liked most was Content Outline.

In the Outline window of your Eclipse Screen, JSEclipse lists all classes in the currently opened file. It provides an overview of the class hierarchy and also method and property names. The outline makes heavy use of the code completion engine to find out more about how the code is structured. By clicking on the function entry in the list the cursor will be taken to the function declaration helping you navigate faster in long files with lots of class and method definitions

Java String import

Java compiler imports 3 packages by default. 1. The package without name 2. The java.lang package(That's why you can declare String, Integer, System classes without import) 3. The current package (current file's package)

That's why you don't need to declare import statement for the java.lang package.

How to disable Home and other system buttons in Android?

i dont know how to diable home button. as long as my knowledge i got folowing link.

refer the link:-

Key code constant: Home key. This key is handled by the framework and is never delivered to applications.

But,we can diable back button. hope following code helps you out.

public void onBackPressed() {
    //return nothing 

Default optional parameter in Swift function

You are conflating Optional with having a default. An Optional accepts either a value or nil. Having a default permits the argument to be omitted in calling the function. An argument can have a default value with or without being of Optional type.

func someFunc(param1: String?,
          param2: String = "default value",
          param3: String? = "also has default value") {
    print("param1 = \(param1)")

    print("param2 = \(param2)")

    print("param3 = \(param3)")

Example calls with output:

someFunc(param1: nil, param2: "specific value", param3: "also specific value")

param1 = nil
param2 = specific value
param3 = Optional("also specific value")

someFunc(param1: "has a value")

param1 = Optional("has a value")
param2 = default value
param3 = Optional("also has default value")

someFunc(param1: nil, param3: nil)

param1 = nil
param2 = default value
param3 = nil

To summarize:

  • Type with ? (e.g. String?) is an Optional may be nil or may contain an instance of Type
  • Argument with default value may be omitted from a call to function and the default value will be used
  • If both Optional and has default, then it may be omitted from function call OR may be included and can be provided with a nil value (e.g. param1: nil)

Integer expression expected error in shell script

Try this:

If [ $a -lt 4 ] || [ $a -gt 64 ] ; then \n
     Something something \n
elif [ $a -gt 4 ] || [ $a -lt 64 ] ; then \n
     Something something \n
else \n
    Yes it works for me :) \n

Center button under form in bootstrap

If you're using Bootstrap 4, try this:

<div class="mx-auto text-center">
    <button id="button" name="button" class="btn btn-primary">Press Me!</button>

How to insert data using wpdb

The recommended way (as noted in codex):

$wpdb->insert( $table_name, array('column_name_1'=>'hello', 'other'=> 123), array( '%s', '%d' ) );

So, you'd better to sanitize values - ALWAYS CONSIDER THE SECURITY.

jquery: get id from class selector

When you add a click event, this returns the element that has been clicked. So you can just use;



Printing 2D array in matrix format

like so:

long[,] arr = new long[4, 4] { { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 1, 1, 1, 1 } };

var rowCount = arr.GetLength(0);
var colCount = arr.GetLength(1);
for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++)
    for (int col = 0; col < colCount; col++)               
        Console.Write(String.Format("{0}\t", arr[row,col]));

Converting XDocument to XmlDocument and vice versa

You could try writing the XDocument to an XmlWriter piped to an XmlReader for an XmlDocument.

If I understand the concepts properly, a direct conversion is not possible (the internal structure is different / simplified with XDocument). But then, I might be wrong...

Close a div by clicking outside

You need

$('body').click(function(e) {
    if (!$('.popup').length){

Mvn install or Mvn package

From the Lifecycle reference, install will run the project's integration tests, package won't.

If you really need to not install the generated artifacts, use at least verify.

Adding :default => true to boolean in existing Rails column

If you don't want to create another migration-file for a small, recent change - from Rails Console:

ActiveRecord::Migration.change_column :profiles, :show_attribute, :boolean, :default => true

Then exit and re-enter rails console, so DB-Changes will be in-effect. Then, if you do this ...

You should see the "show_attribute" default-value as true.

For existing records, if you want to preserve existing "false" settings and only update "nil" values to your new default:

Profile.all.each{|profile| profile.update_attributes(:show_attribute => (profile.show_attribute == nil ? true : false))  }

Update the migration that created this table, so any future builds of the DB will get it right from the onset. Also run the same process on any deployed-instances of the DB.

If using the "new db migration" method, you can do the update of existing nil-values in that migration.

How to remove the default link color of the html hyperlink 'a' tag?

This is also possible:

        a {
            all: unset;

unset: This keyword indicates to change all the properties applying to the element or the element's parent to their parent value if they are inheritable or to their initial value if not. unicode-bidi and direction values are not affected.

Source: Mozilla description of all

Android Shared preferences for creating one time activity (example)

Shared Preferences is so easy to learn, so take a look on this simple tutorial about sharedpreference

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.preference.PreferenceActivity;

    public class UserSettingActivity extends PreferenceActivity {

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



How can I measure the actual memory usage of an application or process?

A good test of the more "real world" usage is to open the application, run vmstat -s, and check the "active memory" statistic. Close the application, wait a few seconds, and run vmstat -s again.

However much active memory was freed was in evidently in use by the application.

Apply CSS rules if browser is IE

I prefer using a separate file for ie rules, as described earlier.

<!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie-style.css"/><![endif]-->

And inside it you can set up rules for different versions of ie using this:

.abc {...} /* ALL MSIE */
*html *.abc {...} /* MSIE 6 */
*:first-child+html .abc {...} /* MSIE 7 */

How to select only date from a DATETIME field in MySQL?

In the interest of actually putting a working solution to this question:

SELECT ... WHERE `myDateColumn` >= DATE(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d'));

Obviously, you could change the NOW() function to any date or variable you want.

Check if null Boolean is true results in exception

Boolean types can be null. You need to do a null check as you have set it to null.

if (bool != null && bool)

Drawable-hdpi, Drawable-mdpi, Drawable-ldpi Android

To declare different layouts and bitmaps you'd like to use for the different screens, you must place these alternative resources in separate directories/folders.

This means that if you generate a 200x200 image for xhdpi devices, you should generate the same resource in 150x150 for hdpi, 100x100 for mdpi, and 75x75 for ldpi devices.

Then, place the files in the appropriate drawable resource directory:


Any time you reference @drawable/awesomeimage, the system selects the appropriate bitmap based on the screen's density.

CSS performance relative to translateZ(0)

It forces the browser to use hardware acceleration to access the device’s graphical processing unit (GPU) to make pixels fly. Web applications, on the other hand, run in the context of the browser, which lets the software do most (if not all) of the rendering, resulting in less horsepower for transitions. But the Web has been catching up, and most browser vendors now provide graphical hardware acceleration by means of particular CSS rules.

Using -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); will kick the GPU into action for the CSS transitions, making them smoother (higher FPS).

Note: translate3d(0,0,0) does nothing in terms of what you see. It moves the object by 0px in x,y and z axis. It's only a technique to force the hardware acceleration.

Good read here:

Foreign Key to multiple tables

Another approach is to create an association table that contains columns for each potential resource type. In your example, each of the two existing owner types has their own table (which means you have something to reference). If this will always be the case you can have something like this:

    ID int NOT NULL,
    Name varchar(50) NOT NULL

    ID int NOT NULL,
    Name varchar(50) NOT NULL

    ID int NOT NULL,
    Owner_ID int NOT NULL,
    Subject varchar(50) NULL

    ID int NOT NULL,
    User_ID int NULL,
    Group_ID int NULL,
    {{AdditionalEntity_ID}} int NOT NULL

With this solution, you would continue to add new columns as you add new entities to the database and you would delete and recreate the foreign key constraint pattern shown by @Nathan Skerl. This solution is very similar to @Nathan Skerl but looks different (up to preference).

If you are not going to have a new Table for each new Owner type then maybe it would be good to include an owner_type instead of a foreign key column for each potential Owner:

    ID int NOT NULL,
    Name varchar(50) NOT NULL

    ID int NOT NULL,
    Name varchar(50) NOT NULL

    ID int NOT NULL,
    Owner_ID int NOT NULL,
    Owner_Type string NOT NULL, -- In our example, this would be "User" or "Group"
    Subject varchar(50) NULL

With the above method, you could add as many Owner Types as you want. Owner_ID would not have a foreign key constraint but would be used as a reference to the other tables. The downside is that you would have to look at the table to see what the owner types there are since it isn't immediately obvious based upon the schema. I would only suggest this if you don't know the owner types beforehand and they won't be linking to other tables. If you do know the owner types beforehand, I would go with a solution like @Nathan Skerl.

Sorry if I got some SQL wrong, I just threw this together.

How can I sort a List alphabetically?

By using Collections.sort(), we can sort a list.

public class EmployeeList {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        List<String> empNames= new ArrayList<String>();



            for(String emp:empNames){





[kb, kumar, sudheer, surendra]

Is there a way to change the spacing between legend items in ggplot2?

Looks like the best approach (in 2018) is to use legend.key.size under the theme object. (e.g., see here).


    gp <- ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(mpg, cyl, colour = factor(cyl))) +

This is real easy if you are using theme_bw():

  gpbw <- gp + theme_bw()

#Change spacing size:

  g1bw <- gpbw + theme(legend.key.size = unit(0, 'lines'))
  g2bw <- gpbw + theme(legend.key.size = unit(1.5, 'lines'))
  g3bw <- gpbw + theme(legend.key.size = unit(3, 'lines'))


enter image description here

However, this doesn't work quite so well otherwise (e.g., if you need the grey background on your legend symbol):

  g1 <- gp + theme(legend.key.size = unit(0, 'lines'))
  g2 <- gp + theme(legend.key.size = unit(1.5, 'lines'))
  g3 <- gp + theme(legend.key.size = unit(3, 'lines'))


#Notice that the legend symbol squares get bigger (that's what legend.key.size does). 

#Let's [indirectly] "control" that, too:
  gp2 <- g3
  g4 <- gp2 + theme(legend.key = element_rect(size = 1))
  g5 <- gp2 + theme(legend.key = element_rect(size = 3))
  g6 <- gp2 + theme(legend.key = element_rect(size = 10))

  grid.arrange(g4,g5,g6,nrow=3)   #see picture below, left

Notice that white squares begin blocking legend title (and eventually the graph itself if we kept increasing the value).

  #This shows you why:
    gt <- gp2 + theme(legend.key = element_rect(size = 10,color = 'yellow' ))

enter image description here

I haven't quite found a work-around for fixing the above problem... Let me know in the comments if you have an idea, and I'll update accordingly!

  • I wonder if there is some way to re-layer things using $layers...

How do I access (read, write) Google Sheets spreadsheets with Python?

The latest google api docs document how to write to a spreadsheet with python but it's a little difficult to navigate to. Here is a link to an example of how to append.

The following code is my first successful attempt at appending to a google spreadsheet.

import httplib2
import os

from apiclient import discovery
import oauth2client
from oauth2client import client
from oauth2client import tools

    import argparse
    flags = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[tools.argparser]).parse_args()
except ImportError:
    flags = None

# If modifying these scopes, delete your previously saved credentials
# at ~/.credentials/
CLIENT_SECRET_FILE = 'client_secret.json'
APPLICATION_NAME = 'Google Sheets API Python Quickstart'

def get_credentials():
    """Gets valid user credentials from storage.

    If nothing has been stored, or if the stored credentials are invalid,
    the OAuth2 flow is completed to obtain the new credentials.

        Credentials, the obtained credential.
    home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
    credential_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, '.credentials')
    if not os.path.exists(credential_dir):
    credential_path = os.path.join(credential_dir,

    store = oauth2client.file.Storage(credential_path)
    credentials = store.get()
    if not credentials or credentials.invalid:
        flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENT_SECRET_FILE, SCOPES)
        flow.user_agent = APPLICATION_NAME
        if flags:
            credentials = tools.run_flow(flow, store, flags)
        else: # Needed only for compatibility with Python 2.6
            credentials =, store)
        print('Storing credentials to ' + credential_path)
    return credentials

def add_todo():
    credentials = get_credentials()
    http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())
    discoveryUrl = ('$discovery/rest?'
    service ='sheets', 'v4', http=http,

    spreadsheetId = 'PUT YOUR SPREADSHEET ID HERE'
    rangeName = 'A1:A'

    values = {'values':[['Hello Saturn',],]}
    result = service.spreadsheets().values().append(
        spreadsheetId=spreadsheetId, range=rangeName,

if __name__ == '__main__':

How to update RecyclerView Adapter Data?

This is a general answer for future visitors. The various ways to update the adapter data are explained. The process includes two main steps every time:

  1. Update the data set
  2. Notify the adapter of the change

#Insert single item

Add "Pig" at index 2.

Insert single item
String item = "Pig";
int insertIndex = 2;
data.add(insertIndex, item);

#Insert multiple items

Insert three more animals at index 2.

Insert multiple items
ArrayList<String> items = new ArrayList<>();
int insertIndex = 2;
data.addAll(insertIndex, items);
adapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(insertIndex, items.size());

#Remove a single item

Remove "Pig" from the list.

Remove single item
int removeIndex = 2;

#Remove multiple items

Remove "Camel" and "Sheep" from the list.

Remove multiple items
int startIndex = 2; // inclusive
int endIndex = 4;   // exclusive
int count = endIndex - startIndex; // 2 items will be removed
data.subList(startIndex, endIndex).clear();
adapter.notifyItemRangeRemoved(startIndex, count);

#Remove all items

Clear the whole list.

Remove all items

#Replace old list with the new list

Clear the old list then add a new one.

Replace old list with new list
// clear old list

// add new list
ArrayList<String> newList = new ArrayList<>();

// notify adapter

The adapter has a reference to data, so it is important that I didn't set data to a new object. Instead, I cleared the old items from data and then added the new ones.

#Update single item

Change the "Sheep" item so that it says "I like sheep."

Update single item
String newValue = "I like sheep.";
int updateIndex = 3;
data.set(updateIndex, newValue);

#Move single item

Move "Sheep" from position 3 to position 1.

Move single item
int fromPosition = 3;
int toPosition = 1;

// update data array
String item = data.get(fromPosition);
data.add(toPosition, item);

// notify adapter
adapter.notifyItemMoved(fromPosition, toPosition);


Here is the project code for your reference. The RecyclerView Adapter code can be found at this answer.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements MyRecyclerViewAdapter.ItemClickListener {

    List<String> data;
    MyRecyclerViewAdapter adapter;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // data to populate the RecyclerView with
        data = new ArrayList<>();

        // set up the RecyclerView
        RecyclerView recyclerView = findViewById(;
        LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this);
        DividerItemDecoration dividerItemDecoration = new DividerItemDecoration(recyclerView.getContext(),
        adapter = new MyRecyclerViewAdapter(this, data);

    public void onItemClick(View view, int position) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "You clicked " + adapter.getItem(position) + " on row number " + position, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    public void onButtonClick(View view) {

    private void insertSingleItem() {
        String item = "Pig";
        int insertIndex = 2;
        data.add(insertIndex, item);

    private void insertMultipleItems() {
        ArrayList<String> items = new ArrayList<>();
        int insertIndex = 2;
        data.addAll(insertIndex, items);
        adapter.notifyItemRangeInserted(insertIndex, items.size());

    private void removeSingleItem() {
        int removeIndex = 2;

    private void removeMultipleItems() {
        int startIndex = 2; // inclusive
        int endIndex = 4;   // exclusive
        int count = endIndex - startIndex; // 2 items will be removed
        data.subList(startIndex, endIndex).clear();
        adapter.notifyItemRangeRemoved(startIndex, count);

    private void removeAllItems() {

    private void replaceOldListWithNewList() {
        // clear old list

        // add new list
        ArrayList<String> newList = new ArrayList<>();

        // notify adapter

    private void updateSingleItem() {
        String newValue = "I like sheep.";
        int updateIndex = 3;
        data.set(updateIndex, newValue);

    private void moveSingleItem() {
        int fromPosition = 3;
        int toPosition = 1;

        // update data array
        String item = data.get(fromPosition);
        data.add(toPosition, item);

        // notify adapter
        adapter.notifyItemMoved(fromPosition, toPosition);


  • If you use notifyDataSetChanged(), then no animation will be performed. This can also be an expensive operation, so it is not recommended to use notifyDataSetChanged() if you are only updating a single item or a range of items.
  • Check out DiffUtil if you are making large or complex changes to a list.

#Further study

How to show two figures using matplotlib?

You should call only at the end after creating all the plots.

Unable to connect to any of the specified mysql hosts. C# MySQL

Since this is the top result on Google:

If your connection works initially, but you begin seeing this error after many successful connections, it may be this issue.

In summary: if you open and close a connection, Windows reserves the TCP port for future use for some stupid reason. After doing this many times, it runs out of available ports.

The article gives a registry hack to fix the issue...

Here are my registry settings on XP/2003:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\MaxUserPort 0xFFFF (DWORD)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\MaxUserPort\TcpTimedWaitDelay 60 (DWORD)

You need to create them. By default they don't exists.

On Vista/2008 you can use netsh to change it to something like:

netsh int ipv4 set dynamicport tcp start=10000 num=50000

...but the real solution is to use connection pooling, so that "opening" a connection really reuses an existing connection. Most frameworks do this automatically, but in my case the application was handling connections manually for some reason.

Filter object properties by key in ES6

If you have a list of allowed values, you can easily retain them in an object using:

const raw = {_x000D_
  item1: { key: 'sdfd', value:'sdfd' },_x000D_
  item2: { key: 'sdfd', value:'sdfd' },_x000D_
  item3: { key: 'sdfd', value:'sdfd' }_x000D_
const allowed = ['item1', 'item3'];_x000D_
const filtered = Object.keys(raw)_x000D_
  .filter(key => allowed.includes(key))_x000D_
  .reduce((obj, key) => {_x000D_
    obj[key] = raw[key];_x000D_
    return obj;_x000D_
  }, {});_x000D_

This uses:

  1. Object.keys to list all properties in raw (the original data), then
  2. Array.prototype.filter to select keys that are present in the allowed list, using
    1. Array.prototype.includes to make sure they are present
  3. Array.prototype.reduce to build a new object with only the allowed properties.

This will make a shallow copy with the allowed properties (but won't copy the properties themselves).

You can also use the object spread operator to create a series of objects without mutating them (thanks to rjerue for mentioning this):

const raw = {_x000D_
  item1: { key: 'sdfd', value:'sdfd' },_x000D_
  item2: { key: 'sdfd', value:'sdfd' },_x000D_
  item3: { key: 'sdfd', value:'sdfd' }_x000D_
const allowed = ['item1', 'item3'];_x000D_
const filtered = Object.keys(raw)_x000D_
  .filter(key => allowed.includes(key))_x000D_
  .reduce((obj, key) => {_x000D_
    return {_x000D_
      [key]: raw[key]_x000D_
  }, {});_x000D_

For purposes of trivia, if you wanted to remove the unwanted fields from the original data (which I would not recommend doing, since it involves some ugly mutations), you could invert the includes check like so:

const raw = {_x000D_
  item1: { key: 'sdfd', value:'sdfd' },_x000D_
  item2: { key: 'sdfd', value:'sdfd' },_x000D_
  item3: { key: 'sdfd', value:'sdfd' }_x000D_
const allowed = ['item1', 'item3'];_x000D_
  .filter(key => !allowed.includes(key))_x000D_
  .forEach(key => delete raw[key]);_x000D_

I'm including this example to show a mutation-based solution, but I don't suggest using it.

Post order traversal of binary tree without recursion

Here's a link which provides two other solutions without using any visited flags.

This is obviously a stack-based solution due to the lack of parent pointer in the tree. (We wouldn't need a stack if there's parent pointer).

We would push the root node to the stack first. While the stack is not empty, we keep pushing the left child of the node from top of stack. If the left child does not exist, we push its right child. If it's a leaf node, we process the node and pop it off the stack.

We also use a variable to keep track of a previously-traversed node. The purpose is to determine if the traversal is descending/ascending the tree, and we can also know if it ascend from the left/right.

If we ascend the tree from the left, we wouldn't want to push its left child again to the stack and should continue ascend down the tree if its right child exists. If we ascend the tree from the right, we should process it and pop it off the stack.

We would process the node and pop it off the stack in these 3 cases:

  1. The node is a leaf node (no children)
  2. We just traverse up the tree from the left and no right child exist.
  3. We just traverse up the tree from the right.

Concatenating two one-dimensional NumPy arrays

Some more facts from the numpy docs :

With syntax as numpy.concatenate((a1, a2, ...), axis=0, out=None)

axis = 0 for row-wise concatenation axis = 1 for column-wise concatenation

>>> a = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> b = np.array([[5, 6]])

# Appending below last row
>>> np.concatenate((a, b), axis=0)
array([[1, 2],
       [3, 4],
       [5, 6]])

# Appending after last column
>>> np.concatenate((a, b.T), axis=1)    # Notice the transpose
array([[1, 2, 5],
       [3, 4, 6]])

# Flattening the final array
>>> np.concatenate((a, b), axis=None)
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

I hope it helps !

Looking for a short & simple example of getters/setters in C#

This would be a get/set in C# using the smallest amount of code possible. You get auto-implemented properties in C# 3.0+.

public class Contact
   public string Name { get; set; }

Render HTML to PDF in Django site

You can use iReport editor to define the layout, and publish the report in jasper reports server. After publish you can invoke the rest api to get the results.

Here is the test of the functionality:

from django.test import TestCase
from x_reports_jasper.models import JasperServerClient

    to try integraction with jasper server through rest
class TestJasperServerClient(TestCase):

    # define required objects for tests
    def setUp(self):

        # load the connection to remote server

            self.j_url = ""
            self.j_user = "jasperadmin"
            self.j_pass = "jasperadmin"

            self.client = JasperServerClient.create_client(self.j_url,self.j_user,self.j_pass)

        except Exception, e:
            # if errors could not execute test given prerrequisites

    # test exception when server data is invalid
    def test_login_to_invalid_address_should_raise(self):
        self.assertRaises(Exception,JasperServerClient.create_client, "",self.j_user,self.j_pass)

    # test execute existent report in server
    def test_get_report(self):

        r_resource_path = "/reports/<PathToPublishedReport>"
        r_format = "pdf"
        r_params = {'PARAM_TO_REPORT':"1",}

        #resource_meta = client.load_resource_metadata( rep_resource_path )

        [uuid,out_mime,out_data] = self.client.generate_report(r_resource_path,r_format,r_params)

And here is an example of the invocation implementation:

from django.db import models
import requests
import sys
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import logging 

# module logger definition
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Create your models here.
class JasperServerClient(models.Manager):

    def __handle_exception(self, exception_root, exception_id, exec_info ):
        type, value, traceback = exec_info
        raise JasperServerClientError(exception_root, exception_id), None, traceback

    #   get resource description to generate the report
    def __handle_report_metadata(self, rep_resourcepath):

        l_path_base_resource = "/rest/resource"
        l_path = self.j_url + l_path_base_resource "metadata (begin) [path=%s%s]"  %( l_path ,rep_resourcepath) )

        resource_response = None
            resource_response = requests.get( "%s%s" %( l_path ,rep_resourcepath) , cookies = self.login_response.cookies)

        except Exception, e:
            self.__handle_exception(e, "REPORT_METADATA:CALL_ERROR", sys.exc_info())

        resource_response_dom = None
            # parse to dom and set parameters
            logger.debug( " - response [data=%s]"  %( resource_response.text) )
            resource_response_dom = ElementTree.fromstring(resource_response.text)

            datum = "" 
            for node in resource_response_dom.getiterator():
                datum = "%s<br />%s - %s" % (datum, node.tag, node.text)
            logger.debug( " - response [xml=%s]"  %( datum ) )

            self.resource_response_payload= resource_response.text
   "metadata (end) ")
        except Exception, e:
            logger.error( "metadata (error) [%s]" % (e))
            self.__handle_exception(e, "REPORT_METADATA:PARSE_ERROR", sys.exc_info())

    # 02: REPORT-PARAMS 
    def __add_report_params(self, metadata_text, params ):
        if(type(params) != dict):
            raise TypeError("Invalid parameters to report")
   "add-params (begin) []" )
            #copy parameters
            l_params = {}
            for k,v in params.items():
            # get the payload metadata
            metadata_dom = ElementTree.fromstring(metadata_text)
            # add attributes to payload metadata
            root = metadata_dom #('report'):

            for k,v in l_params.items():
                param_dom_element = ElementTree.Element('parameter')
                param_dom_element.attrib["name"] = k
                param_dom_element.text = v

            metadata_modified_text =ElementTree.tostring(metadata_dom, encoding='utf8', method='xml')
   "add-params (end) [payload-xml=%s]" %( metadata_modified_text )  )
            return metadata_modified_text

    #   call to generate the report
    def __handle_report_request(self, rep_resourcepath, rep_format, rep_params):

        # add parameters
        self.resource_response_payload = self.__add_report_params(self.resource_response_payload,rep_params)

        # send report request

        l_path_base_genreport = "/rest/report"
        l_path = self.j_url + l_path_base_genreport "report-request (begin) [path=%s%s]"  %( l_path ,rep_resourcepath) )

        genreport_response = None
            genreport_response = requests.put( "%s%s?RUN_OUTPUT_FORMAT=%s" %(l_path,rep_resourcepath,rep_format),data=self.resource_response_payload, cookies = self.login_response.cookies )
   " - send-operation-result [value=%s]"  %( genreport_response.text) )
        except Exception,e:
            self.__handle_exception(e, "REPORT_REQUEST:CALL_ERROR", sys.exc_info())

        # parse the uuid of the requested report
        genreport_response_dom = None

            genreport_response_dom = ElementTree.fromstring(genreport_response.text)

            for node in genreport_response_dom.findall("uuid"):
                datum = "%s" % (node.text)

            genreport_uuid = datum      

            for node in genreport_response_dom.findall("file/[@type]"):
                datum = "%s" % (node.text)
            genreport_mime = datum

   "report-request (end) [uuid=%s,mime=%s]"  %( genreport_uuid, genreport_mime) )

            return [genreport_uuid,genreport_mime]
        except Exception,e:
            self.__handle_exception(e, "REPORT_REQUEST:PARSE_ERROR", sys.exc_info())

    def __handle_report_reply(self, genreport_uuid ):

        l_path_base_getresult = "/rest/report"
        l_path = self.j_url + l_path_base_getresult "report-reply (begin) [uuid=%s,path=%s]"  %( genreport_uuid,l_path) )

        getresult_response = requests.get( "%s%s/%s?file=report" %(self.j_url,l_path_base_getresult,genreport_uuid),data=self.resource_response_payload, cookies = self.login_response.cookies )
        l_result_header_mime =getresult_response.headers['Content-Type'] "report-reply (end) [uuid=%s,mime=%s]"  %( genreport_uuid, l_result_header_mime) )
        return [l_result_header_mime, getresult_response.content]

    # public methods ---------------------------------------    

    # tries the authentication with jasperserver throug rest
    def login(self, j_url, j_user,j_pass):
        self.j_url= j_url

        l_path_base_auth = "/rest/login"
        l_path = self.j_url + l_path_base_auth "login (begin) [path=%s]"  %( l_path) )

            self.login_response = , params = {

            if( != self.login_response.status_code ):

   "login (end)" )
            return True
            # see

        except Exception, e:
            logger.error("login (error) [e=%s]" % e )
            self.__handle_exception(e, "LOGIN:CALL_ERROR",sys.exc_info())

    def generate_report(self, rep_resourcepath,rep_format,rep_params):
        [uuid,mime] = self.__handle_report_request(rep_resourcepath, rep_format,rep_params)
        # TODO: how to handle async?
        [out_mime,out_data] = self.__handle_report_reply(uuid)
        return [uuid,out_mime,out_data]

    def create_client(j_url, j_user, j_pass):
        client = JasperServerClient()
        login_res = client.login( j_url, j_user, j_pass )
        return client

class JasperServerClientError(Exception):

    def __init__(self,exception_root,reason_id,reason_message=None):
        super(JasperServerClientError, self).__init__(str(reason_message))
        self.code = reason_id 
        self.description = str(exception_root) + " " + str(reason_message)
    def __str__(self):
        return self.code + " " + self.description

Python 3 Float Decimal Points/Precision

Try this:

num = input("Please input your number: ")

num = float("%0.2f" % (num))


I believe this is a lot simpler. For 1 decimal place use %0.1f. For 2 decimal places use %0.2f and so on.

Or, if you want to reduce it all to 2 lines:

num = float("%0.2f" % (float(input("Please input your number: "))))

How to use a Bootstrap 3 glyphicon in an html select

I don't think the standard HTML select will display HTML content. I'd suggest checking out Bootstrap select:

It has several options for displaying icons or other HTML markup in the select.

<select id="mySelect" data-show-icon="true">
  <option data-content="<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-cutlery'></i>">-</option>
  <option data-subtext="<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open'></i>"></option>
  <option data-subtext="<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-heart-empty'></i>"></option>
  <option data-subtext="<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-leaf'></i>"></option>
  <option data-subtext="<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-music'></i>"></option>
  <option data-subtext="<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-send'></i>"></option>
  <option data-subtext="<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-star'></i>"></option>

Here is a demo:

How to get Client location using Google Maps API v3?

A bit late but I got something similar that I'm busy building and here is the code to get current location - be sure to use local server to test.

Include relevant scripts from CDN:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="">


<div id="map"></div>


html, body {
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
#map {
    height: 100%;


var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
    center: {lat: -34.397, lng: 150.644},
    zoom: 6
var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({map: map});

// Try HTML5 geolocation.
if (navigator.geolocation) {
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
        var pos = {
            lat: position.coords.latitude,
            lng: position.coords.longitude

        infoWindow.setContent('Location found.');
    }, function() {
        handleLocationError(true, infoWindow, map.getCenter());
} else {
    // Browser doesn't support Geolocation
    handleLocationError(false, infoWindow, map.getCenter());

function handleLocationError(browserHasGeolocation, infoWindow, pos) {
    infoWindow.setContent(browserHasGeolocation ?
                          'Error: The Geolocation service failed.' :
                          'Error: Your browser doesn\'t support geolocation.');


How to change the color of a CheckBox?

create an xml Drawable resource file under res->drawable and name it, for example, checkbox_custom_01.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
   android:drawable="@drawable/checkbox_custom_01_checked_white_green_32" />
   android:drawable="@drawable/checkbox_custom_01_unchecked_gray_32" />

Upload your custom checkbox image files (i recommend png) to your res->drawable folder.

Then go in your layout file and change your checkbox to


you may customize anything, as long as android:button points to the correct XML file you created before.

NOTE TO NEWBIES: though it is not mandatory, it is nevertheless good practice to name your checkbox with a unique id throughout your whole layout tree.

Inner join of DataTables in C#

This is my code. Not perfect, but working good. I hope it helps somebody:

    static System.Data.DataTable DtTbl (System.Data.DataTable[] dtToJoin)
        System.Data.DataTable dtJoined = new System.Data.DataTable();

        foreach (System.Data.DataColumn dc in dtToJoin[0].Columns)

        foreach (System.Data.DataTable dt in dtToJoin)
            foreach (System.Data.DataRow dr1 in dt.Rows)
                System.Data.DataRow dr = dtJoined.NewRow();
                foreach (System.Data.DataColumn dc in dtToJoin[0].Columns)
                    dr[dc.ColumnName] = dr1[dc.ColumnName];


        return dtJoined;

How do I modify a MySQL column to allow NULL?

You want the following:

ALTER TABLE mytable MODIFY mycolumn VARCHAR(255);

Columns are nullable by default. As long as the column is not declared UNIQUE or NOT NULL, there shouldn't be any problems.

Does Spring @Transactional attribute work on a private method?

Yes, it is possible to use @Transactional on private methods, but as others have mentioned this won't work out of the box. You need to use AspectJ. It took me some time to figure out how to get it working. I will share my results.

I chose to use compile-time weaving instead of load-time weaving because I think it's an overall better option. Also, I'm using Java 8 so you may need to adjust some parameters.

First, add the dependency for aspectjrt.


Then add the AspectJ plugin to do the actual bytecode weaving in Maven (this may not be a minimal example).


Finally add this to your config class

@EnableTransactionManagement(mode = AdviceMode.ASPECTJ)

Now you should be able to use @Transactional on private methods.

One caveat to this approach: You will need to configure your IDE to be aware of AspectJ otherwise if you run the app via Eclipse for example it may not work. Make sure you test against a direct Maven build as a sanity check.

Format numbers in django templates

Django's contributed humanize application does this:

{% load humanize %}
{{ my_num|intcomma }}

Be sure to add 'django.contrib.humanize' to your INSTALLED_APPS list in the file.

Jquery change <p> text programmatically

"saving" is something wholly different from changing paragraph content with jquery.

If you need to save changes you will have to write them to your server somehow (likely form submission along with all the security and input sanitizing that entails). If you have information that is saved on the server then you are no longer changing the content of a paragraph, you are drawing a paragraph with dynamic content (either from a database or a file which your server altered when you did the "saving").

Judging by your question, this is a topic on which you will have to do MUCH more research.

Input page (input.html):

<form action="/saveMyParagraph.php">
    <input name="pContent" type="text"></input>

Saving page (saveMyParagraph.php) and Ouput page (output.php):

Inserting Data Into a MySQL Database using PHP

Stop absolutely positioned div from overlapping text

Thing which works for me is to use padding-bottom on the sibling just before the absolutely-positioned child. Like in your case, it will be like this:

<div style="position: relative; width:600px;">
    <p>Content of unknown length, but quite quite quite quite quite quite quite quite quite quite quite quite quite quite quite quite long</p>
    <div style="padding-bottom: 100px;">Content of unknown height</div>
    <div class="btn" style="position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0; width: 200px; height: 100px;background-color: red;"></div>

Positive Number to Negative Number in JavaScript?

var i = 10;
i = i / -1;

Result: -10

var i = -10;
i = i / -1;

Result: 10

If you divide by negative 1, it will always flip your number either way.

Check whether an input string contains a number in javascript

parseInt provides integers when the string begins with the representation of an integer:

(parseInt '1a')  is  1 perhaps:

isInteger = (s)->
  s is (parseInt s).toString()  and  s isnt 'NaN'

(isInteger 'a') is false
(isInteger '1a') is false
(isInteger 'NaN') is false
(isInteger '-42') is true

Pardon my CoffeeScript.

Reading rather large json files in Python

The issue here is that JSON, as a format, is generally parsed in full and then handled in-memory, which for such a large amount of data is clearly problematic.

The solution to this is to work with the data as a stream - reading part of the file, working with it, and then repeating.

The best option appears to be using something like ijson - a module that will work with JSON as a stream, rather than as a block file.

Edit: Also worth a look - kashif's comment about json-streamer and Henrik Heino's comment about bigjson.

What's an easy way to read random line from a file in Unix command line?

You can use shuf:

shuf -n 1 $FILE

There is also a utility called rl. In Debian it's in the randomize-lines package that does exactly what you want, though not available in all distros. On its home page it actually recommends the use of shuf instead (which didn't exist when it was created, I believe). shuf is part of the GNU coreutils, rl is not.

rl -c 1 $FILE

Difference between ProcessBuilder and Runtime.exec()

There are no difference between ProcessBuilder.start() and Runtime.exec() because implementation of Runtime.exec() is:

public Process exec(String command) throws IOException {
    return exec(command, null, null);

public Process exec(String command, String[] envp, File dir)
    throws IOException {
    if (command.length() == 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Empty command");

    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command);
    String[] cmdarray = new String[st.countTokens()];
    for (int i = 0; st.hasMoreTokens(); i++)
        cmdarray[i] = st.nextToken();
    return exec(cmdarray, envp, dir);

public Process exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp, File dir)
    throws IOException {
    return new ProcessBuilder(cmdarray)

So code:

List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
new StringTokenizer(command)
.forEachRemaining(str -> list.add((String) str));
new ProcessBuilder(String[])list.toArray())

should be the same as:


Thanks dave_thompson_085 for comment

Kill a Process by Looking up the Port being used by it from a .BAT

If you want to kill the process that's listening on port 8080, you could use PowerShell. Just combine Get-NetTCPConnection cmdlet with Stop-Process.

Tested and should work with PowerShell 5 on Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016. However, I guess that it should also work on older Windows versions that have PowerShell 5 installed.

Here is an example:

PS C:\> Stop-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 8080).OwningProcess

Are you sure you want to perform the Stop-Process operation on the following item: MyTestServer(9408)?
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"):

Pipenv: Command Not Found

I don't know what happened, but the following did the work (under mac os catalina)

$ brew install pipenv

$ brew update pipenv

after doing this i am able to use

$ pipenv install [package_name]

How to find reason of failed Build without any error or warning

Nothing was working for me so I deleted the .suo file, restarted VS, cleaned the projected, and then the build would work.

How do I change column default value in PostgreSQL?

'SET' is forgotten


Regex lookahead, lookbehind and atomic groups

Grokking lookaround rapidly.
How to distinguish lookahead and lookbehind? Take 2 minutes tour with me:

(?=) - positive lookahead
(?<=) - positive lookbehind


    A  B  C #in a line

Now, we ask B, Where are you?
B has two solutions to declare it location:

One, B has A ahead and has C bebind
Two, B is ahead(lookahead) of C and behind (lookhehind) A.

As we can see, the behind and ahead are opposite in the two solutions.
Regex is solution Two.

Delete all nodes and relationships in neo4j 1.8

you are probably doing it correct, only the dashboard shows just the higher ID taken, and thus the number of "active" nodes, relationships, although there are none. it is just informative.

to be sure you have an empty graph, run this command:

START n=node(*) return count(n);
START r=rel(*) return count(r);

if both give you 0, your deletion was succesfull.

generating variable names on fly in python

On an object, you can achieve this with setattr

>>> class A(object): pass
>>> a=A()
>>> setattr(a, "hello1", 5)
>>> a.hello1

React Hooks useState() with Object

Thanks Philip this helped me - my use case was I had a form with lot of input fields so I maintained initial state as object and I was not able to update the object state.The above post helped me :)

const [projectGroupDetails, setProjectGroupDetails] = useState({
    "projectGroupId": "",
    "projectGroup": "DDD",
    "project-id": "",
    "appd-ui": "",
    "appd-node": ""    

const inputGroupChangeHandler = (event) => {
    setProjectGroupDetails((prevState) => ({

    labelText="Project Group Id" 

Eclipse: stop code from running (java)

The easiest way to do this is to click on the Terminate button(red square) in the console:

enter image description here

SVN Commit failed, access forbidden

Actually, I had this problem same as you. My windows is server 2008 and my subversion info is :

TortoiseSVN 1.7.6, Build 22632 - 64 Bit , 2012/03/08 18:29:39 Subversion 1.7.4, apr 1.4.5 apr-utils 1.3.12 neon 0.29.6 OpenSSL 1.0.0g 18 Jan 2012 zlib 1.2.5

I used this way and I solved this problem. I used [group] option. this option makes problem. I rewrite authz file contents. I remove group option. and I set one by one. I use well.

Thanks for reading.

JavaScript adding decimal numbers issue

Use toFixed to convert it to a string with some decimal places shaved off, and then convert it back to a number.

+(0.1 + 0.2).toFixed(12) // 0.3

It looks like IE's toFixed has some weird behavior, so if you need to support IE something like this might be better:

Math.round((0.1 + 0.2) * 1e12) / 1e12

ORA-01882: timezone region not found

Error I got :

Error from -->> java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-01882: timezone region not found

ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1ORA-01882: timezone region not found

Prev code:

 public Connection getOracle() throws Exception {
     Connection conn = null;
     conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "username", "pw");
     return conn;

new Code:

 public Connection getOracle() throws Exception {
     TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Kolkata");
     Connection conn = null;
     conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "username", "pw");
     return conn;

now it is working!!