[windows] Kill a Process by Looking up the Port being used by it from a .BAT

In Windows what can look for port 8080 and try to kill the process it is using through a .BAT file?

This question is related to windows batch-file process kill-process

The answer is

Created a bat file with the below contents, it accepts the input for port number

set /p portid=Enter the Port to be killed: 
echo %portid%                                                                              
FOR /F "tokens=5" %%T IN ('netstat -a -n -o ^| findstr %portid% ') DO (
SET /A ProcessId=%%T) &GOTO SkipLine                                                   
echo ProcessId to kill = %ProcessId%
taskkill /f /pid %ProcessId%

Finally click "Enter" to exit.


  1. Go to conf folder of your apache tomcat server. In my case,its apache-tomcat-7.0.61\conf as I am using apache-tomcat-7.0.61

  2. Open server.xml and change the port number from 8080 to any other port as your wish. For example:8081,8082,8087 etc

  3. Now go to bin folder and run shutdown.bat

  4. Now restart the server through eclipse.

Now your project will work without any interruption.

Similar to Merlyn's response, but this one handles these cases as well:

  • The port number is actually a left substring of another longer port number that you're not looking for. You want to search for an exact port number so that you do not kill a random, innocent process!
  • The script code needs to be able to run more than once and be correct each time, not showing older, incorrect answers.

Here it is:

set serverPid=
for /F "tokens=5 delims= " %%P in ('netstat -a -n -o ^| findstr /E :8080 ') do set serverPid=%%P
if not "%serverPid%" == "" (
  taskkill /PID %serverPid%
) else (
  rem echo Server is not running.

Paste this into command line

FOR /F "tokens=5 delims= " %P IN ('netstat -ano ^| find "LISTENING" ^| find ":8080 "') DO (TASKKILL /PID %P)

If you want to use it in a batch pu %%P instead of %P

If you want to kill the process that's listening on port 8080, you could use PowerShell. Just combine Get-NetTCPConnection cmdlet with Stop-Process.

Tested and should work with PowerShell 5 on Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016. However, I guess that it should also work on older Windows versions that have PowerShell 5 installed.

Here is an example:

PS C:\> Stop-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 8080).OwningProcess

Are you sure you want to perform the Stop-Process operation on the following item: MyTestServer(9408)?
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"):

Thank you all, just to add that some process wont close unless the /F force switch is also send with TaskKill. Also with /T switch, all secondary threads of the process will be closed.

C:\>FOR /F "tokens=5 delims= " %P IN ('netstat -a -n -o ^|
 findstr :2002') DO TaskKill.exe /PID %P /T /F

For services it will be necessary to get the name of the service and execute:

sc stop ServiceName

if you by system you cannot end task it. try this command

x:> net stop http /y

Using Merlyn's solution caused other applications to be killed like firefox. These processes were using the same port, but not as a listener:


netstat -a -n -o | findstr :8085
  TCP               LISTENING       6568
  TCP         TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP         TIME_WAIT       0

Therefore, can excluded these by adding "LISTENING" to the findstr as follows:

FOR /F "tokens=5 delims= " %%P IN ('netstat -a -n -o ^| findstr :8085.*LISTENING') DO TaskKill.exe /PID %%P

To find specific process on command line use below command here 8080 is port used by process

netstat -ano | findstr 8080

to kill process use below command here 21424 is process id

taskkill /pid 21424 /F 

Just for completion:

I wanted to kill all processes connected to a specific port but not the process listening

the command (in cmd shell) for the port 9001 is:

FOR /F "tokens=5 delims= " %P IN ('netstat -ano ^| findstr -rc:":9001[ ]*ESTA"') DO TaskKill /F /PID %P


  • r is for expressions and c for exact chain to match.
  • [ ]* is for matching spaces


  • a -> all
  • n -> don't resolve (faster)
  • o -> pid

It works because netstat prints out the source port then destination port and then ESTABLISHED

To list all the process running on port 8080 do the following.

netstat -ano | find "8080"

TCP               LISTENING       10612

TCP    [::]:8080              [::]:0                 LISTENING       10612

Then to kill the process run the following command

taskkill /F /PID 10612

Open command prompt and run the following commands

 C:\Users\username>netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:3000
   TCP              LISTENING       3116

C:\Users\username>taskkill /F /PID 3116

, here 3116 is the process ID

If anyone is looking for a Powershell Script:

function Search-And-Destroy
    param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$port )
    $lines = netstat -a -o -n | findstr $port
    $ports = @()

    ForEach($line In $lines)
        $res = $($lines -split '\s+')
        $ports += $res[5]

    $ports = $ports | select -uniq

    ForEach($port In $ports)
        echo $(taskkill /F /PID $port)

This function basically does what the above functions do, but it is in the Powershell scripting format so you can add it to your Powershell profile. To find your profile's location go to powershell and type echo $profile

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