Programs & Examples On #Project

In software development, a project is a collection of files and resources used in the development of an application or service. Use [ms-project] for Microsoft Project questions.

Method to find string inside of the text file. Then getting the following lines up to a certain limit

Here is the code of TextScanner

public class TextScanner {

        private static void readFile(String fileName) {
            try {
              File file = new File("/opt/pol/data22/ds_data118/0001/0025090290/2014/12/12/0029057983.ds");
              Scanner scanner = new Scanner(file);
              while (scanner.hasNext()) {
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

          public static void main(String[] args) {
            if (args.length != 1) {
              System.err.println("usage: java TextScanner1"
                + "file location");

It will print text with delimeters

How to create a Java / Maven project that works in Visual Studio Code?

This is not a particularly good answer as it explains how to run your java code n VS Code and not necessarily a Maven project, but it worked for me because I could not get around to doing the manual configuration myself. I decided to use this method instead since it is easier and faster.

Install VSCode (and for windows, set your environment variables), then install vscode:extension/vscjava.vscode-java-pack as detailed above, and then install the code runner extension pack, which basically sets up the whole process (in the background) as explained in the accepted answer above and then provides a play button to run your java code when you're ready.

This was all explained in this video.

Again, this is not the best solution, but if you want to cut to the chase, you may find this answer useful.

Where in an Eclipse workspace is the list of projects stored?

You can also have several workspaces - so you can connect to one and have set "A" of projects - and then connect to a different set when ever you like.

How to create a project from existing source in Eclipse and then find it?

Easiest Method:

  1. Put all source files into one directory named after your project. i.e. "ProjectName" You can keep this directory in your workspace or it can be somewhere else.
  2. Start a new project in eclipse and name it using that same project name.
  3. Uncheck the "use default location" box and find the directory where your project is unless your project is already in the workspace - then you must not uncheck the "use default location" box
  4. Click 'next'.

Eclipse should be smart enough to figure out what's going on. After clicking next, it will show you all of the files it found in that directory. It will just automatically add those files to your project. Voilà!

Eclipse projects not showing up after placing project files in workspace/projects

Or you could try:

  1. Go to File -> Switch Workspace
  2. Select your workspace (if shown)

"Sources directory is already netbeans project" error when opening a project from existing sources

In my case my project root directory consists ".project". This contain the XML reference of the project name.

By removing this, i am able to create a project.

IntelliJ does not show 'Class' when we right click and select 'New'

This can also happen if your package name is invalid.

For example, if your "package" is (which is not a valid Java package name due to the dash), IntelliJ will prevent you from creating a Java Class in that package.

Referenced Project gets "lost" at Compile Time

Make sure that both projects have same target framework version here: right click on project -> properties -> application (tab) -> target framework

Also, make sure that the project "logger" (which you want to include in the main project) has the output type "Class Library" in: right click on project -> properties -> application (tab) -> output type

Finally, Rebuild the solution.

VS2010 How to include files in project, to copy them to build output directory automatically during build or publish

In my case, setting Copy to Output Directory to Copy Always and Build did not do the trick, while Rebuild did.

Hope this helps someone!

Error: Selection does not contain a main type

You must place all your files ( under the root folder SRC.

error C2220: warning treated as error - no 'object' file generated

Go to project properties -> configurations properties -> C/C++ -> treats warning as error -> No (/WX-).

MSBuild doesn't copy references (DLL files) if using project dependencies in solution

I had a similar issue today, and this is most certainly not the answer to your question. But I'd like to inform everyone, and possibly provide a spark of insight.

I have a ASP.NET application. The build process is set to clean and then build.

I have two Jenkins CI scripts. One for production and one for staging. I deployed my application to staging and everything worked fine. Deployed to production and was missing a DLL file that was referenced. This DLL file was just in the root of the project. Not in any NuGet repository. The DLL was set to do not copy.

The CI script and the application was the same between the two deployments. Still after the clean and deploy in the staging environment the DLL file was replaced in the deploy location of the ASP.NET application (bin/). This was not the case for the production environment.

It turns out in a testing branch I had added a step to the build process to copy over this DLL file to the bin directory. Now the part that took a little while to figure out. The CI process was not cleaning itself. The DLL was left in the working directory and was being accidentally packaged with the ASP.NET .zip file. The production branch never had the DLL file copied in the same way and was never accidentally deploying this.

TLDR; Check and make sure you know what your build server is doing.

Android Studio: Default project directory

Top of The Android Studio Title bar its shows the complete file path or LocationLook this image

How to open an existing project in Eclipse?

In case you closed multiple projects and trying to re-open all of them then in Windows->Show view-> Navigator

The project was not built since its build path is incomplete

Here is what made the error disappear for me:

Close eclipse, open up a terminal window and run:

$ mvn clean eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse

Are you using Maven? If so,

  1. Right-click on the project, Build Path and go to Configure Build Path
  2. Click the libraries tab. If Maven dependencies are not in the list, you need to add it.
  3. Close the dialog.

To add it: Right-click on the project, Maven → Disable Maven Nature Right-click on the project, Configure → Convert to Maven Project.

And then clean

Edit 1:

If that doesn't resolve the issue try right-clicking on your project and select properties. Select Java Build Path → Library tab. Look for a JVM. If it's not there, click to add Library and add the default JVM. If VM is there, click edit and select the default JVM. Hopefully, that works.

Edit 2:

You can also try going into the folder where you have all your projects and delete the .metadata for eclipse (be aware that you'll have to re-import all the projects afterwards! Also all the environment settings you've set would also have to be redone). After it was deleted just import the project again, and hopefully, it works.

Why "no projects found to import"?

I had the same issue when I've modified .project xml-file. When I reverted files to original version the project was created, then I was able to import project. Maybe it helps someone who has the same kind of problem ;)

Java Swing - how to show a panel on top of another panel?

You can add an undecorated JDialog like this:

import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;

public class TestSwing {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("Parent");
    frame.setSize(800, 600);

    final JDialog dialog = new JDialog(frame, "Child", true);    
    dialog.setSize(300, 200);
    JButton button = new JButton("Button");
    button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

How can I test an AngularJS service from the console?

@JustGoscha's answer is spot on, but that's a lot to type when I want access, so I added this to the bottom of my app.js. Then all I have to type is x = getSrv('$http') to get the http service.

// @if DEBUG
function getSrv(name, element) {
    element = element || '*[ng-app]';
    return angular.element(element).injector().get(name);
// @endif

It adds it to the global scope but only in debug mode. I put it inside the @if DEBUG so that I don't end up with it in the production code. I use this method to remove debug code from prouduction builds.

Console app arguments, how arguments are passed to Main method

you can pass also by making function and then in this function you call main method and pass argument to main method

static int Main(string[] args)

        foreach (string b in args)
            Console.WriteLine(b+"   ");

        return 0;

    public static void aa()
        string []aaa={"Adil"};


Text inset for UITextField?

Here is the same subclassed UITextField written in Swift 3. It is quite different from prior versions of Swift, as you'll see:

import UIKit

class MyTextField: UITextField
    let inset: CGFloat = 10

    // placeholder position
    override func textRect(forBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect
        return bounds.insetBy(dx: inset, dy: inset)

    // text position
    override func editingRect(forBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect
        return bounds.insetBy(dx: inset, dy: inset)

    override func placeholderRect(forBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect
        return bounds.insetBy(dx: inset, dy: inset)

Incidentally, you can also do something like the following, if you want to control the inset of just one side. This particular example of adjusting only the left inset comes in handy if you place an image on top of the UITextField but you want it to appear to the user to be within the text field:

    override func editingRect(forBounds bounds: CGRect) -> CGRect
        return CGRect.init(x: bounds.origin.x + inset, y: bounds.origin.y, width: bounds.width - inset, height: bounds.height)

Entity Framework Core add unique constraint code-first

Solution for EF Core

public class User
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Passport { get; set; }

public class ApplicationContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
    public ApplicationContext()
    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        modelBuilder.Entity<User>().HasAlternateKey(u => u.Passport);
        //or: modelBuilder.Entity<User>().HasAlternateKey(u => new { u.Passport, u.Name})

DB table will look like this:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Users] (
    [Id]       INT            IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
    [Name]     NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL,
    [Passport] NVARCHAR (450) NOT NULL,

Ref to EF Core docs

How to display data from database into textbox, and update it

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)



protected void DropDownTitle()
    if (!Page.IsPostBack)

        string connection = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AuzineConnection"].ConnectionString;

        string selectSQL = "select DISTINCT ForumTitlesID,ForumTitles from ForumTtitle";
        SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connection);
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(selectSQL, con);
        SqlDataReader reader;

            ListItem newItem = new ListItem();
            newItem.Text = "Select";
            newItem.Value = "0";
            reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            while (reader.Read())
                ListItem newItem1 = new ListItem();
                newItem1.Text = reader["ForumTitles"].ToString();
                newItem1.Value = reader["ForumTitlesID"].ToString();


        catch (Exception ex)


how to change directory using Windows command line

cd has a parameter /d, which will change drive and path with one command:

cd /d d:\temp

( see cd /?)

Failed to execute 'btoa' on 'Window': The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range.

I just ran into this problem myself.

First, modify your code slightly:

var download = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"

this.loader.src = "data:application/x-forcedownload;base64,"+

Then use your favorite web inspector, put a breakpoint on the line of code that assigns this.loader.src, then execute this code:

for (var i = 0; i < download.length; i++) {
  if (download[i].charCodeAt(0) > 255) {
    console.warn('found character ' + download[i].charCodeAt(0) + ' "' + download[i] + '" at position ' + i);

Depending on your application, replacing the characters that are out of range may or may not work, since you'll be modifying the data. See the note on MDN about unicode characters with the btoa method:

Is there an SQLite equivalent to MySQL's DESCRIBE [table]?

Are you looking for the SQL used to generate a table? For that, you can query the sqlite_master table:

sqlite> CREATE TABLE foo (bar INT, quux TEXT);
sqlite> SELECT * FROM sqlite_master;
table|foo|foo|2|CREATE TABLE foo (bar INT, quux TEXT)
sqlite> SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name = 'foo';
CREATE TABLE foo (bar INT, quux TEXT)

Most efficient way to find smallest of 3 numbers Java?

No, it's seriously not worth changing. The sort of improvements you're going to get when fiddling with micro-optimisations like this will not be worth it. Even the method call cost will be removed if the min function is called enough.

If you have a problem with your algorithm, your best bet is to look into macro-optimisations ("big picture" stuff like algorithm selection or tuning) - you'll generally get much better performance improvements there.

And your comment that removing Math.pow gave improvements may well be correct but that's because it's a relatively expensive operation. Math.min will not even be close to that in terms of cost.

Persist javascript variables across pages?

I recommend web storage. Example:

// Storing the data: localStorage.setItem("variableName","Text"); // Receiving the data: localStorage.getItem("variableName");

Just replace variable with your variable name and text with what you want to store. According to W3Schools, it's better than cookies.

nodemon command is not recognized in terminal for node js server

To use nodemon you must install it globally.

For Windows

npm i -g nodemon

For Mac

sudo npm i -g nodemon

If you don't want to install it globally you can install it locally in your project folder by running command npm i nodemon . It will give error something like this if run locally:

nodemon : The term 'nodemon' is not recognized as the name of a
cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling
of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is
correct and try again.

To remove this error open package.json file and add

"scripts": {
     "server": "nodemon server.js"

and after that just run command

npm run server

and your nodemon will start working properly.

Maven2: Best practice for Enterprise Project (EAR file)

You create a new project. The new project is your EAR assembly project which contains your two dependencies for your EJB project and your WAR project.

So you actually have three maven projects here. One EJB. One WAR. One EAR that pulls the two parts together and creates the ear.

Deployment descriptors can be generated by maven, or placed inside the resources directory in the EAR project structure.

The maven-ear-plugin is what you use to configure it, and the documentation is good, but not quite clear if you're still figuring out how maven works in general.

So as an example you might do something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <name>My EAR</name>

          <displayName>My Ear Name displayed in the App Server</displayName>
          <!-- If I want maven to generate the application.xml, set this to true -->

  <!-- Define the versions of your ear components here -->

how to sort pandas dataframe from one column

Panda's sort_values does the work.

If one doesn't intends to keep the same variable name, don't forget the inplace=True (this performs the operation in-place)

df.sort_values(by=['2'], inplace=True)

One might as well assigning the change (sort) to a variable, that may have the same name as the df as

df = df.sort_values(by=['2'])

Forgetting the steps mentioned above may lead one (as this user) to not be able to get the expected result.

Note that if one wants in descending order, one needs to pass ascending=False, such as

df = df.sort_values(by=['2'], ascending=False)

How do Python functions handle the types of the parameters that you pass in?

You don't specify a type. The method will only fail (at runtime) if it tries to access attributes that are not defined on the parameters that are passed in.

So this simple function:

def no_op(param1, param2):

... will not fail no matter what two args are passed in.

However, this function:

def call_quack(param1, param2):

... will fail at runtime if param1 and param2 do not both have callable attributes named quack.

HttpClient - A task was cancelled?

I was using a simple call instead of async. As soon I added await and made method async it started working fine.

public async Task<T> ExecuteScalarAsync<T>(string query, object parameter = null, CommandType commandType = CommandType.Text) where T : IConvertible
            using (IDbConnection db = new SqlConnection(_con))
                return await db.ExecuteScalarAsync<T>(query, parameter, null, null, commandType);

Save file/open file dialog box, using Swing & Netbeans GUI editor

Here is an example

private void doOpenFile() {
    int result = myFileChooser.showOpenDialog(this);

    if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
        Path path = myFileChooser.getSelectedFile().toPath();

        try {
            String contentString = "";

            for (String s : Files.readAllLines(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
                contentString += s;


        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

private void doSaveFile() {
    int result = myFileChooser.showSaveDialog(this);

    if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
        // We'll be making a mytmp.txt file, write in there, then move it to
        // the selected
        // file. This takes care of clearing that file, should there be
        // content in it.
        File targetFile = myFileChooser.getSelectedFile();

        try {
            if (!targetFile.exists()) {

            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(targetFile);

        } catch (IOException e) {

Exception thrown inside catch block - will it be caught again?

No, since the catches all refer to the same try block, so throwing from within a catch block would be caught by an enclosing try block (probably in the method that called this one)

Clearing _POST array fully

Yes, that is fine. $_POST is just another variable, except it has (super)global scope.

$_POST = array();

...will be quite enough. The loop is useless. It's probably best to keep it as an array rather than unset it, in case other files are attempting to read it and assuming it is an array.

Singular matrix issue with Numpy

The matrix you pasted

[[   1,    8,   50],
 [   8,   64,  400],
 [  50,  400, 2500]]

Has a determinant of zero. This is the definition of a Singular matrix (one for which an inverse does not exist)

How to update a single library with Composer?

If you just want to update a few packages and not all, you can list them as such:

php composer.phar update vendor/package:2.* vendor/package2:dev-master

You can also use wildcards to update a bunch of packages at once:

php composer.phar update vendor/*
  • --prefer-source: Install packages from source when available.
  • --prefer-dist: Install packages from dist when available.
  • --ignore-platform-reqs: ignore php, hhvm, lib-* and ext-* requirements and force the installation even if the local machine does not fulfill these. See also the platform config option.
  • --dry-run: Simulate the command without actually doing anything.
  • --dev: Install packages listed in require-dev (this is the default behavior).
  • --no-dev: Skip installing packages listed in require-dev. The autoloader generation skips the autoload-dev rules.
  • --no-autoloader: Skips autoloader generation.
  • --no-scripts: Skips execution of scripts defined in composer.json.
  • --no-plugins: Disables plugins.
  • --no-progress: Removes the progress display that can mess with some terminals or scripts which don't handle backspace characters.
  • --optimize-autoloader (-o): Convert PSR-0/4 autoloading to classmap to get a faster autoloader. This is recommended especially for production, but can take a bit of time to run so it is currently not done by default.
  • --lock: Only updates the lock file hash to suppress warning about the lock file being out of date.
  • --with-dependencies: Add also all dependencies of whitelisted packages to the whitelist.
  • --prefer-stable: Prefer stable versions of dependencies.
  • --prefer-lowest: Prefer lowest versions of dependencies. Useful for testing minimal versions of requirements, generally used with --prefer-stable.

Is there an "if -then - else " statement in XPath?

The official language specification for XPath 2.0 on details that the language does indeed support if statements. See Section 3.8 Conditional Expressions, in particular. Along with the syntax format and explanation, it gives the following example:

if ($widget1/unit-cost < $widget2/unit-cost) 
  then $widget1
  else $widget2

This would suggest that you shouldn't have brackets surrounding your expressions (otherwise the syntax looks correct). I'm not wholly confident, but it's surely worth a try. So you'll want to change your query to look like this:

if (fn:ends-with(//div [@id='head']/text(),': '))
  then fn:substring-before(//div [@id='head']/text(),': ')
  else //div [@id='head']/text()

I do strongly suspect this may fix it however, as the fact that your XPath engine seems to be trying to interpret if as a function, where it is in fact a special construct of the language.

Finally, to point out the obvious, insure that your XPath engine does in fact support XPath 2.0 (as opposed to an earlier version)! I don't believe conditional expressions are part of previous versions of XPath.

CURL ERROR: Recv failure: Connection reset by peer - PHP Curl

I faced same error but in a different way.

When you curl a page with a specific SSL protocol.

curl --sslv3

If --sslv3 is not supported by the target server then the error will be

curl: (35) TCP connection reset by peer

With the supported protocol, error will be gone.

curl --tlsv1.2

How to use timeit module

The way timeit works is to run setup code once and then make repeated calls to a series of statements. So, if you want to test sorting, some care is required so that one pass at an in-place sort doesn't affect the next pass with already sorted data (that, of course, would make the Timsort really shine because it performs best when the data already partially ordered).

Here is an example of how to set up a test for sorting:

>>> import timeit

>>> setup = '''
import random

s = [random.random() for i in range(1000)]
timsort = list.sort

>>> print min(timeit.Timer('a=s[:]; timsort(a)', setup=setup).repeat(7, 1000))

Note that the series of statements makes a fresh copy of the unsorted data on every pass.

Also, note the timing technique of running the measurement suite seven times and keeping only the best time -- this can really help reduce measurement distortions due to other processes running on your system.

Those are my tips for using timeit correctly. Hope this helps :-)

What does upstream mean in nginx?

upstream defines a cluster that you can proxy requests to. It's commonly used for defining either a web server cluster for load balancing, or an app server cluster for routing / load balancing.

Copy a file from one folder to another using vbscripting

Here's an answer, based on (and I think an improvement on) Tester101's answer, expressed as a subroutine, with the CopyFile line once instead of three times, and prepared to handle changing the file name as the copy is made (no hard-coded destination directory). I also found I had to delete the target file before copying to get this to work, but that might be a Windows 7 thing. The WScript.Echo statements are because I didn't have a debugger and can of course be removed if desired.

Sub CopyFile(SourceFile, DestinationFile)

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    'Check to see if the file already exists in the destination folder
    Dim wasReadOnly
    wasReadOnly = False
    If fso.FileExists(DestinationFile) Then
        'Check to see if the file is read-only
        If fso.GetFile(DestinationFile).Attributes And 1 Then 
            'The file exists and is read-only.
            WScript.Echo "Removing the read-only attribute"
            'Remove the read-only attribute
            fso.GetFile(DestinationFile).Attributes = fso.GetFile(DestinationFile).Attributes - 1
            wasReadOnly = True
        End If

        WScript.Echo "Deleting the file"
        fso.DeleteFile DestinationFile, True
    End If

    'Copy the file
    WScript.Echo "Copying " & SourceFile & " to " & DestinationFile
    fso.CopyFile SourceFile, DestinationFile, True

    If wasReadOnly Then
        'Reapply the read-only attribute
        fso.GetFile(DestinationFile).Attributes = fso.GetFile(DestinationFile).Attributes + 1
    End If

    Set fso = Nothing

End Sub

Adb Devices can't find my phone

I have a Samsung Galaxy and I had the same issue as you. Here's how to fix it:

In device manager on your Windows PC, even though it might say the USB drivers are installed correctly, there may exist corruption.

I went into device manager and uninstalled SAMSUNG Android USB Composite Device and made sure to check the box 'delete driver software'. Now the device will have an exclamation mark etc. I right clicked and installed the driver again (refresh copy). This finally made adb acknowledge my phone as an emulator.

As others noted, for Nexus 4, you can also try this fix.

What does ${} (dollar sign and curly braces) mean in a string in Javascript?

You're talking about template literals.

They allow for both multiline strings and string interpolation.

Multiline strings:

// foo_x000D_
// bar

String interpolation:

var foo = 'bar';_x000D_
console.log(`Let's meet at the ${foo}`);_x000D_
// Let's meet at the bar

How to set environment variables in Jenkins?

You can try something like this

stages {
        stage('Build') {
            environment { 
                    AOEU= sh (returnStdout: true, script: 'echo aoeu').trim()
            steps {
                sh 'env'
                sh 'echo $AOEU'

BULK INSERT with identity (auto-increment) column

  1. Create a table with Identity column + other columns;
  2. Create a view over it and expose only the columns you will bulk insert;
  3. BCP in the view

The term "Add-Migration" is not recognized

You have to know what is your Entity-Framework version. Also after that you have to check project.json and control these sections:

In Dependencies


Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools": {
  "version": "1.0.0-preview2-final",
  "type": "build"

This section:

"version": "1.0.0-preview2-final",

is related with version of your Entity-Framework and you have to change this with that.

After that the second section of the proj.json is here, In the Tools section of JSON you have:

"Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools": "1.0.0-preview2-final",

Also this part of code is related with your Entity-Framework and last part of code in Dependencies section.

Note: After do this issues you should to close CMD and restart visual studio.

Checking if a character is a special character in Java

Take a look at class java.lang.Character static member methods (isDigit, isLetter, isLowerCase, ...)


String str = "Hello World 123 !!";
int specials = 0, digits = 0, letters = 0, spaces = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) {
   char ch = str.charAt(i);
   if (!Character.isDigit(ch) && !Character.isLetter(ch) && !Character.isSpace(ch)) {
   } else if (Character.isDigit(ch)) {
   } else if (Character.isSpace(ch)) {
   } else {

WCF Error - Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'UserService.UserService'

Not sure if this is an issue. Endpoint and binding both have the same name

How do you change the server header returned by nginx?

The last update was a while ago, so here is what worked for me on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nginx-extras

Then add the following two lines to the http section of nginx.conf, which is usually located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:

sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
server_tokens off; # removed pound sign
more_set_headers 'Server: Eff_You_Script_Kiddies!';

Also, don't forget to restart nginx with sudo service nginx restart.

JavaScript OR (||) variable assignment explanation

Javascript variables are not typed, so f can be assigned an integer value even though it's been assigned through boolean operators.

f is assigned the nearest value that is not equivalent to false. So 0, false, null, undefined, are all passed over:

alert(null || undefined || false || '' || 0 || 4 || 'bar'); // alerts '4'

org.hibernate.MappingException: Could not determine type for: java.util.Set

I got the same problem with @ManyToOne column. It was solved... in stupid way. I had all other annotations for public getter methods, because they were overridden from parent class. But last field was annotated for private variable like in all other classes in my project. So I got the same MappingException without the reason.

Solution: I placed all annotations at public getter methods. I suppose, Hibernate can't handle cases, when annotations for private fields and public getters are mixed in one class.

How to convert C++ Code to C

It handles some code, but will fail for more complex implementations as it hasn't been fully updated for some of the modern C++ conventions. So try compiling your code frequently until you get a feel for what's allowed.

Usage sytax from the command line is as follows for version 9.0.1:

clang -c CPPtoC.cpp -o CPPtoC.bc -emit-llvm
clang -march=c  CPPtoC.bc -o CPPtoC.c

For older versions (unsure of transition version), use the following syntax:

llvm-g++ -c CPPtoC.cpp -o CPPtoC.bc -emit-llvm
llc -march=c  CPPtoC.bc -o CPPtoC.c

Note that it creates a GNU flavor of C and not true ANSI C. You will want to test that this is useful for you before you invest too heavily in your code. For example, some embedded systems only accept ANSI C.

Also note that it generates functional but fairly unreadable code. I recommend commenting and maintain your C++ code and not worrying about the final C code.

EDIT : although official support of this functionality was removed, but users can still use this unofficial support from Julia language devs, to achieve mentioned above functionality.

Dropdown select with images

Use combobox and add the following css .ddTitleText{ display : none; }

No more text, just images.

Having the output of a console application in Visual Studio instead of the console

In the Visual Studio Options Dialog -> Debugging -> Check the "Redirect All Output Window Text to the Immediate Window". Then go to your project settings and change the type from "Console Application" to "Windows Application". At that point Visual Studio does not open up a console window anymore, and the output is redirected to the Output window in Visual Studio. However, you cannot do anything "creative", like requesting key or text input, or clearing the console - you'll get runtime exceptions.

How to destroy a JavaScript object?

I was facing a problem like this, and had the idea of simply changing the innerHTML of the problematic object's children.

adiv.innerHTML = "<div...> the original html that js uses </div>";

Seems dirty, but it saved my life, as it works!

How can I determine the character encoding of an excel file?

For Excel 2010 it should be UTF-8. Instruction by MS :

"The basic document structure of a SpreadsheetML document consists of the Sheets and Sheet elements, which reference the worksheets in the Workbook. A separate XML file is created for each Worksheet. For example, the SpreadsheetML for a workbook that has two worksheets name MySheet1 and MySheet2 is located in the Workbook.xml file and is shown in the following code example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> 
<workbook xmlns= xmlns:r="">
        <sheet name="MySheet1" sheetId="1" r:id="rId1" /> 
        <sheet name="MySheet2" sheetId="2" r:id="rId2" /> 

The worksheet XML files contain one or more block level elements such as SheetData. sheetData represents the cell table and contains one or more Row elements. A row contains one or more Cell elements. Each cell contains a CellValue element that represents the value of the cell. For example, the SpreadsheetML for the first worksheet in a workbook, that only has the value 100 in cell A1, is located in the Sheet1.xml file and is shown in the following code example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
<worksheet xmlns="">
        <row r="1">
            <c r="A1">


Detection of cell encodings:

C# Equivalent of SQL Server DataTypes

This is for SQL Server 2005. There are updated versions of the table for SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server 2014.

SQL Server Data Types and Their .NET Framework Equivalents

The following table lists Microsoft SQL Server data types, their equivalents in the common language runtime (CLR) for SQL Server in the System.Data.SqlTypes namespace, and their native CLR equivalents in the Microsoft .NET Framework.

SQL Server data type          CLR data type (SQL Server)    CLR data type (.NET Framework)  
varbinary                     SqlBytes, SqlBinary           Byte[]  
binary                        SqlBytes, SqlBinary           Byte[]  
varbinary(1), binary(1)       SqlBytes, SqlBinary           byte, Byte[] 
image                         None                          None

varchar                       None                          None
char                          None                          None
nvarchar(1), nchar(1)         SqlChars, SqlString           Char, String, Char[]     
nvarchar                      SqlChars, SqlString           String, Char[] 
nchar                         SqlChars, SqlString           String, Char[] 
text                          None                          None
ntext                         None                          None

uniqueidentifier              SqlGuid                       Guid 
rowversion                    None                          Byte[]  
bit                           SqlBoolean                    Boolean 
tinyint                       SqlByte                       Byte 
smallint                      SqlInt16                      Int16  
int                           SqlInt32                      Int32  
bigint                        SqlInt64                      Int64 

smallmoney                    SqlMoney                      Decimal  
money                         SqlMoney                      Decimal  
numeric                       SqlDecimal                    Decimal  
decimal                       SqlDecimal                    Decimal  
real                          SqlSingle                     Single  
float                         SqlDouble                     Double  

smalldatetime                 SqlDateTime                   DateTime  
datetime                      SqlDateTime                   DateTime 

sql_variant                   None                          Object  
User-defined type(UDT)        None                          user-defined type     
table                         None                          None 
cursor                        None                          None
timestamp                     None                          None 
xml                           SqlXml                        None

Matplotlib: Specify format of floats for tick labels

The answer above is probably the correct way to do it, but didn't work for me.

The hacky way that solved it for me was the following:

ax = <whatever your plot is> 
# get the current labels 
labels = [item.get_text() for item in ax.get_xticklabels()]
# Beat them into submission and set them back again
ax.set_xticklabels([str(round(float(label), 2)) for label in labels])
# Show the plot, and go home to family

C++/CLI Converting from System::String^ to std::string

Here are some conversion routines I wrote many years ago for a c++/cli project, they should still work.

void StringToStlWString ( System::String const^ s, std::wstring& os)
        String^ string = const_cast<String^>(s);
        const wchar_t* chars = reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>((Marshal::StringToHGlobalUni(string)).ToPointer());
        os = chars;

    System::String^ StlWStringToString (std::wstring const& os) {
        String^ str = gcnew String(os.c_str());
        //String^ str = gcnew String("");
        return str;

    System::String^ WPtrToString(wchar_t const* pData, int length) {
        if (length == 0) {
            //use null termination
            length = wcslen(pData);
            if (length == 0) {
                System::String^ ret = "";
                return ret;

        System::IntPtr bfr = System::IntPtr(const_cast<wchar_t*>(pData));
        System::String^ ret = System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::PtrToStringUni(bfr, length);
        return ret;

    void Utf8ToStlWString(char const* pUtfString, std::wstring& stlString) {
        //wchar_t* pString;
        MAKE_WIDEPTR_FROMUTF8(pString, pUtfString);
        stlString = pString;

    void Utf8ToStlWStringN(char const* pUtfString, std::wstring& stlString, ULONG length) {
        //wchar_t* pString;
        MAKE_WIDEPTR_FROMUTF8N(pString, pUtfString, length);
        stlString = pString;

Getting Checkbox Value in ASP.NET MVC 4

Okay, the checkbox is a little bit weird. When you use Html helper, it generates two checkbox inputs on the markup, and both of them get passed in as a name-value pair of IEnumerable if it is checked.

If it is not checked on the markup, it gets passed in only the hidden input which has value of false.

So for example on the markup you have:


And in the controller action (make sure the name matches the checkbox param name on the controller):

      public ActionResult Index(string param1, string param2,
      string param3, IEnumerable<bool> Chbxs)

Then in the controller you can do some stuff like:

      if (Chbxs != null && Chbxs.Count() == 2)
            checkBoxOnMarkup = true;
            checkBoxOnMarkup = false;

I know this is not an elegant solution. Hope someone here can give some pointers.

How to set the environmental variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH in linux

  1. Go to the home folder and edit .profile
  2. Place the following line at the end

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<your path>

  3. Save and Exit.

  4. Execute this command

    sudo ldconfig

Convert a list to a dictionary in Python

Something i find pretty cool, which is that if your list is only 2 items long:

ls = ['a', 'b']
>>> {'a':'b'}

Remember, dict accepts any iterable containing an iterable where each item in the iterable must itself be an iterable with exactly two objects.

numpy array TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index

I had a similar problem and solved it using list...not sure if this will help or not

classes = list(unique_labels(y_true, y_pred))

How can I remove the search bar and footer added by the jQuery DataTables plugin?

This can be done by simply changing the configuration:

      paging: false, 
      info: false

But to hide the empty footer; this piece of code does the trick:

      paging: false, 
      info: false,

      //add these config to remove empty header
      "bJQueryUI": true,
      "sDom": 'lfrtip'


make: *** [ ] Error 1 error

I got the same thing. Running "make" and it fails with just this message.

% make
make: *** [all] Error 1

This was caused by a command in a rule terminates with non-zero exit status. E.g. imagine the following (stupid) Makefile:

       echo "hello"

This would fail (without printing "hello") with the above message since false terminates with exit status 1.

In my case, I was trying to be clever and make a backup of a file before processing it (so that I could compare the newly generated file with my previous one). I did this by having a in my Make rule that looked like this:

@[ -e $@ ] && mv $@ [email protected]

...not realizing that if the target file does not exist, then the above construction will exit (without running the mv command) with exit status 1, and thus any subsequent commands in that rule failed to run. Rewriting my faulty line to:

@if [ -e $@ ]; then mv $@ [email protected]; fi

Solved my problem.

Submit form without page reloading

You can try setting the target attribute of your form to a hidden iframe, so the page containing the form won't get reloaded.

I tried it with file uploads (which we know can't be done via AJAX), and it worked beautifully.

Finalize vs Dispose

The summary is -

  • You write a finalizer for your class if it has reference to unmanaged resources and you want to make sure that those unmanaged resources are released when an instance of that class is garbage collected automatically. Note that you can't call the Finalizer of an object explicitly - it's called automatically by the garbage collector as and when it deems necessary.
  • On the other hand, you implement the IDisposable interface(and consequently define the Dispose() method as a result for your class) when your class has reference to unmanaged resources, but you don't want to wait for the garbage collector to kick in (which can be anytime - not in control of the programmer) and want to release those resources as soon as you are done. Thus, you can explicitly release unmanaged resources by calling an object's Dispose() method.

Also, another difference is - in the Dispose() implementation, you should release managed resources as well, whereas that should not be done in the Finalizer. This is because it's very likely that the managed resources referenced by the object have already been cleaned up before it's ready to be finalized.

For a class that uses unmanaged resources, the best practice is to define both - the Dispose() method and the Finalizer - to be used as a fallback in case a developer forgets to explicitly dispose off the object. Both can use a shared method to clean up managed and unmanaged resources :-

class ClassWithDisposeAndFinalize : IDisposable
    // Used to determine if Dispose() has already been called, so that the finalizer
    // knows if it needs to clean up unmanaged resources.
     private bool disposed = false;

     public void Dispose()
       // Call our shared helper method.
       // Specifying "true" signifies that the object user triggered the cleanup.

       // Now suppress finalization to make sure that the Finalize method 
       // doesn't attempt to clean up unmanaged resources.
     private void CleanUp(bool disposing)
        // Be sure we have not already been disposed!
        if (!this.disposed)
             // If disposing equals true i.e. if disposed explicitly, dispose all 
             // managed resources.
            if (disposing)
             // Dispose managed resources.
             // Clean up unmanaged resources here.
        disposed = true;

      // the below is called the destructor or Finalizer
        // Call our shared helper method.
        // Specifying "false" signifies that the GC triggered the cleanup.

How to check if a subclass is an instance of a class at runtime?

if(view instanceof B)

This will return true if view is an instance of B or the subclass A (or any subclass of B for that matter).

Select top 1 result using JPA

The easiest way is by using @Query with NativeQuery option like below:

@Query(value="SELECT 1 * FROM table ORDER BY anyField DESC LIMIT 1", nativeQuery = true)

Isn't the size of character in Java 2 bytes?

Java stores all it's "chars" internally as two bytes. However, when they become strings etc, the number of bytes will depend on your encoding.

Some characters (ASCII) are single byte, but many others are multi-byte.

Java supports Unicode, thus according to:

Java Character Docs

The max value supported is "\uFFFF" (hex FFFF, dec 65535), or 11111111 11111111 binary (two bytes).

PyTorch: How to get the shape of a Tensor as a list of int

Previous answers got you list of torch.Size Here is how to get list of ints

listofints = [int(x) for x in tensor.shape]

How do I connect to this localhost from another computer on the same network?

it may be that your firewalls are preventing you from accessing the localhost's webserver.
Put the IP addresses of both of your computers' internet security antivirus network security as safe IP addresses if required.
How to find the IP address of your windows PC: Start > (Run) type in: cmd (Enter)
(This opens the black box command prompt)
type in ipconfig (Enter)
Let's say your Apache or IIS webserver is installed on your PC:
and you want to access your webserver with your laptop. (laptop's IP is
On your PC you type in: http://localhost/ inside your Firefox or Internet Eplorer browser to access your data on your webserver.
On your laptop you type in to access your webserver on your PC.

For all these things to work you need have installed a webserver correctly (e.g. IIS, Apache, XAMP, WAMP etc).

If it does not work, try to ping your PC from your laptop:
Open up command propmt on your laptop: Start > cmd (Enter)
ping (Enter)
If the pinging fails, then firewalls are blocking your connection or your network cabling is faulty. Restart your modem or network switch and your machines.
Close programs such as chat programs that are using your ports.
You can also try a diffrent port number: http: or http: or any random number at the end

Delete an element from a dictionary

Below code snippet will help you definitely, I have added comments in each line which will help you in understanding the code.

def execute():
   dic = {'a':1,'b':2}
   dic2 = remove_key_from_dict(dic, 'b')  
   print(dict2)           # {'a': 1}
   print(dict)            # {'a':1,'b':2}

def remove_key_from_dict(dictionary_to_use, key_to_delete):
   copy_of_dict = dict(dictionary_to_use)     # creating clone/copy of the dictionary
   if key_to_delete in copy_of_dict :         # checking given key is present in the dictionary
       del copy_of_dict [key_to_delete]       # deleting the key from the dictionary 
   return copy_of_dict                        # returning the final dictionary

or you can also use dict.pop()

d = {"a": 1, "b": 2}

res = d.pop("c")  # No `KeyError` here
print (res)       # this line will not execute

or the better approach is

res = d.pop("c", "key not found")
print (res)   # key not found
print (d)     # {"a": 1, "b": 2}

res = d.pop("b", "key not found")
print (res)   # 2
print (d)     # {"a": 1}

How do I configure different environments in Angular.js?

Have you seen this question and its answer?

You can set a globally valid value for you app like this:

app.value('key', 'value');

and then use it in your services. You could move this code to a config.js file and execute it on page load or another convenient moment.

GROUP BY and COUNT in PostgreSQL

I think you just need COUNT(DISTINCT post_id) FROM votes.

See "4.2.7. Aggregate Expressions" section in

EDIT: Corrected my careless mistake per Erwin's comment.

Spring RestTemplate GET with parameters

If your url is http://localhost:8080/context path?msisdn={msisdn}&email={email}


Map<String,Object> queryParams=new HashMap<>();
queryParams.put("msisdn",your value)
queryParams.put("email",your value)

works for resttemplate exchange method as described by you vs onClick

$('#myDiv').click is better, because it separates JavaScript code from HTML. One must try to keep the page behaviour and structure different. This helps a lot.

Which passwordchar shows a black dot (•) in a winforms textbox?

You can use this one: You can type it by pressing Alt key and typing 0149.

Java Immutable Collections

Collection<String> c1 = new ArrayList<String>();
Collection<String> c2 = Collections.unmodifiableList(c1);

c1 is mutable (i.e. neither unmodifiable nor immutable).
c2 is unmodifiable: it can't be changed itself, but if later on I change c1 then that change will be visible in c2.

This is because c2 is simply a wrapper around c1 and not really an independent copy. Guava provides the ImmutableList interface and some implementations. Those work by actually creating a copy of the input (unless the input is an immutable collection on its own).

Regarding your second question:

The mutability/immutability of a collection does not depend on the mutability/immutability of the objects contained therein. Modifying an object contained in a collection does not count as a "modification of the collection" for this description. Of course if you need a immutable collection, you usually also want it to contain immutable objects.

Regex to test if string begins with http:// or https://


You might have to escape the forward slashes though, depending on context.

What do I use for a max-heap implementation in Python?

The easiest way is to invert the value of the keys and use heapq. For example, turn 1000.0 into -1000.0 and 5.0 into -5.0.

VBA Subscript out of range - error 9

Option Explicit

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim mode As String
Dim RecordId As Integer
Dim Resultid As Integer
Dim sourcewb As Workbook
Dim targetwb As Workbook
Dim SourceRowCount As Long
Dim TargetRowCount As Long
Dim SrceFile As String
Dim TrgtFile As String
Dim TitleId As Integer
Dim TestPassCount As Integer
Dim TestFailCount As Integer
Dim myWorkbook1 As Workbook
Dim myWorkbook2 As Workbook

TitleId = 4
Resultid = 0

Dim FileName1, FileName2 As String
Dim Difference As Long

'TestPassCount = 0
'TestFailCount = 0

'Retrieve number of records in the TestData SpreadSheet
Dim TestDataRowCount As Integer
TestDataRowCount = Worksheets("TestData").UsedRange.Rows.Count

If (TestDataRowCount <= 2) Then
  MsgBox "No records to validate.Please provide test data in Test Data SpreadSheet"
  For RecordId = 3 To TestDataRowCount

    'Source File row count
    SrceFile = Worksheets("TestData").Range("D" & RecordId).Value
    Set sourcewb = Workbooks.Open(SrceFile)
    With sourcewb.Worksheets(1)
      SourceRowCount = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row
    End With

    'Target File row count
    TrgtFile = Worksheets("TestData").Range("E" & RecordId).Value
    Set targetwb = Workbooks.Open(TrgtFile)
    With targetwb.Worksheets(1)
      TargetRowCount = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row
    End With

    ' Set Row Count Result Test data value
    TitleId = TitleId + 3
    Worksheets("Result").Range("A" & TitleId).Value = Worksheets("TestData").Range("A" & RecordId).Value

    'Compare Source and Target Row count
    Resultid = TitleId + 1
    Worksheets("Result").Range("A" & Resultid).Value = "Source and Target record Count"
    If (SourceRowCount = TargetRowCount) Then
       Worksheets("Result").Range("B" & Resultid).Value = "Passed"
       Worksheets("Result").Range("C" & Resultid).Value = "Source Row Count: " & SourceRowCount & " & " & " Target Row Count: " & TargetRowCount
       TestPassCount = TestPassCount + 1
      Worksheets("Result").Range("B" & Resultid).Value = "Failed"
      Worksheets("Result").Range("C" & Resultid).Value = "Source Row Count: " & SourceRowCount & " & " & " Target Row Count: " & TargetRowCount
      TestFailCount = TestFailCount + 1
    End If

    'For comparison of two files

    FileName1 = Worksheets("TestData").Range("D" & RecordId).Value
    FileName2 = Worksheets("TestData").Range("E" & RecordId).Value

    Set myWorkbook1 = Workbooks.Open(FileName1)
    Set myWorkbook2 = Workbooks.Open(FileName2)

    Difference = Compare2WorkSheets(myWorkbook1.Worksheets("Sheet1"), myWorkbook2.Worksheets("Sheet1"))

    'MsgBox Difference

    'Set Result of data validation in result sheet
    Resultid = Resultid + 1

    Worksheets("Result").Range("A" & Resultid).Value = "Data validation of source and target File"

    If Difference > 0 Then
        Worksheets("Result").Range("B" & Resultid).Value = "Failed"
        Worksheets("Result").Range("C" & Resultid).Value = Difference & " cells contains different data!"
        TestFailCount = TestFailCount + 1
      Worksheets("Result").Range("B" & Resultid).Value = "Passed"
      Worksheets("Result").Range("C" & Resultid).Value = Difference & " cells contains different data!"
      TestPassCount = TestPassCount + 1
    End If

  Next RecordId
End If

UpdateTestExecData TestPassCount, TestFailCount
End Sub

Sub RefreshResultSheet()
  Worksheets("Result").Range("B1").Value = Worksheets("Instructions").Range("D3").Value
  Worksheets("Result").Range("B2").Value = Worksheets("Instructions").Range("D4").Value
  Worksheets("Result").Range("B3").Value = Worksheets("Instructions").Range("D6").Value
  Worksheets("Result").Range("B4").Value = Worksheets("Instructions").Range("D5").Value
End Sub

Sub UpdateTestExecData(TestPassCount As Integer, TestFailCount As Integer)
  Worksheets("Result").Range("D1").Value = TestPassCount + TestFailCount
  Worksheets("Result").Range("D2").Value = TestPassCount
  Worksheets("Result").Range("D3").Value = TestFailCount
  Worksheets("Result").Range("D4").Value = ((TestPassCount / (TestPassCount + TestFailCount)))
End Sub

What is the difference between a "line feed" and a "carriage return"?

Both of these are primary from the old printing days.

Carriage return is from the days of the teletype printers/old typewriters, where literally the carriage would return to the next line, and push the paper up. This is what we now call \r.

Line feed LF signals the end of the line, it signals that the line has ended - but doesn't move the cursor to the next line. In other words, it doesn't "return" the cursor/printer head to the next line.

For more sundry details, the mighty wikipedia to the rescue.

Create a rounded button / button with border-radius in Flutter

1. Solution Summary

You can use shape for FlatButton and RaisedButton.

2. Rounded Button

shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
  side: BorderSide(color:

enter image description here

Square Button

shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
  side: BorderSide(color:

enter image description here

Complete Example

  mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end,
  children: <Widget>[
      shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
        side: BorderSide(color:,
      color: Colors.white,
      padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
      onPressed: () {},
      child: Text(
        "Add to Cart".toUpperCase(),
        style: TextStyle(
          fontSize: 14.0,
    SizedBox(width: 10),
      shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(18.0),
        side: BorderSide(color:,
      onPressed: () {},
      textColor: Colors.white,
      child: Text("Buy now".toUpperCase(),
        style: TextStyle(fontSize: 14)),

How do I check if the Java JDK is installed on Mac?

If you are on Mac OS Big Sur, then you probably have a messed up java installation. I found info on how to fix the issue with this article:

  1. Download the .tar.gz file of the JDK on
  2. Navigate to the download folder, and run these commands (move the .tar.gz file, extract it and remove it after extraction):
sudo mv openjdk-15.0.2_osx-x64_bin.tar.gz /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/
cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/
sudo tar -xzf openjdk-15.0.2_osx-x64_bin.tar.gz
sudo rm openjdk-15.0.2_osx-x64_bin.tar.gz

Note: it might be 15.0.3 or higher, depending on the date of your download.

  1. run /usr/libexec/java_home -v15 and copy the output
  2. add this line to your .bash_profile or .zshrc file, depending on which shell you are using. You will probably have only one of these files existing in your home directory (~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc).
  1. save the changes and make them effective right away by running: source ~/.bash_profile or source ~/.zshrc
  2. check that java is working - run java -v

Printing without newline (print 'a',) prints a space, how to remove?

Just as a side note:

Printing is O(1) but building a string and then printing is O(n), where n is the total number of characters in the string. So yes, while building the string is "cleaner", it's not the most efficient method of doing so.

The way I would do it is as follows:

from sys import stdout
printf = stdout.write

Now you have a "print function" that prints out any string you give it without returning the new line character each time.


The output will be: Hello, World!

However, if you want to print integers, floats, or other non-string values, you'll have to convert them to a string with the str() function.

printf(str(2) + " " + str(4))

The output will be: 2 4

What is the convention in JSON for empty vs. null?

"JSON has a special value called null which can be set on any type of data including arrays, objects, number and boolean types."

"The JSON empty concept applies for arrays and objects...Data object does not have a concept of empty lists. Hence, no action is taken on the data object for those properties."

Here is my source.

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" /> Meaning

Modules Preconditions:

The IIS core engine uses preconditions to determine when to enable a particular module. Performance reasons, for example, might determine that you only want to execute managed modules for requests that also go to a managed handler. The precondition in the following example (precondition="managedHandler") only enables the forms authentication module for requests that are also handled by a managed handler, such as requests to .aspx or .asmx files:

<add name="FormsAuthentication" type="System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule" preCondition="managedHandler" />

If you remove the attribute precondition="managedHandler", Forms Authentication also applies to content that is not served by managed handlers, such as .html, .jpg, .doc, but also for classic ASP (.asp) or PHP (.php) extensions. See "How to Take Advantage of IIS Integrated Pipeline" for an example of enabling ASP.NET modules to run for all content.

You can also use a shortcut to enable all managed (ASP.NET) modules to run for all requests in your application, regardless of the "managedHandler" precondition.

To enable all managed modules to run for all requests without configuring each module entry to remove the "managedHandler" precondition, use the runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests property in the <modules> section:

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />    

When you use this property, the "managedHandler" precondition has no effect and all managed modules run for all requests.

Copied from IIS Modules Overview: Preconditions

How to convert image into byte array and byte array to base64 String in android?

Try this simple solution to convert file to base64 string

String base64String = imageFileToByte(file);

public String imageFileToByte(File file){

    Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.getAbsolutePath());
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    bm.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos); //bm is the bitmap object
    byte[] b = baos.toByteArray();
    return Base64.encodeToString(b, Base64.DEFAULT);

How can I find out which server hosts LDAP on my windows domain?

AD registers Service Location (SRV) resource records in its DNS server which you can query to get the port and the hostname of the responsible LDAP server in your domain.

Just try this on the command-line:

C:\> nslookup 
> set types=all
> _ldap._tcp.<<your.AD.domain>>
_ldap._tcp.<<your.AD.domain>>  SRV service location:
      priority       = 0
      weight         = 100
      port           = 389
      svr hostname   = <<ldap.hostname>>.<<your.AD.domain>>

(provided that your nameserver is the AD nameserver which should be the case for the AD to function properly)

Please see Active Directory SRV Records and Windows 2000 DNS white paper for more information.

fcntl substitute on Windows

The substitute of fcntl on windows are win32api calls. The usage is completely different. It is not some switch you can just flip.

In other words, porting a fcntl-heavy-user module to windows is not trivial. It requires you to analyze what exactly each fcntl call does and then find the equivalent win32api code, if any.

There's also the possibility that some code using fcntl has no windows equivalent, which would require you to change the module api and maybe the structure/paradigm of the program using the module you're porting.

If you provide more details about the fcntl calls people can find windows equivalents.

vba error handling in loop

What about?

If oSheet.QueryTables.Count > 0 Then
  oCmbBox.AddItem oSheet.Name
End If 


If oSheet.ListObjects.Count > 0 Then
    '// Source type 3 = xlSrcQuery
    If oSheet.ListObjects(1).SourceType = 3 Then
         oCmbBox.AddItem oSheet.Name
    End IF
End IF

Is there a function to make a copy of a PHP array to another?

When you do

$array_x = $array_y;

PHP copies the array, so I'm not sure how you would have gotten burned. For your case,

global $foo;
$foo = $obj->bar;

should work fine.

In order to get burned, I would think you'd either have to have been using references or expecting objects inside the arrays to be cloned.

req.body empty on posts

It seems if you do not use any encType (default is application/x-www-form-urlencoded) then you do get text input fields but you wouldn't get file.

If you have a form where you want to post text input and file then use multipart/form-data encoding type and in addition to that use multer middleware. Multer will parse the request object and prepare req.file for you and all other inputs fields will be available through req.body.

Markdown to create pages and table of contents?

For me, the solution proposed by @Tum works like a charm for a table of contents with 2 levels. However, for the 3rd level it didn't work. It didn't display the link as for the first 2 levels, it displays the plain text 3.5.1. [bla bla bla](#blablabla) <br> instead.

My solution is an addition to the solution of @Tum (which is very simple) for people who need a table of contents with 3 levels or more.

On the second level, a simple tab will do the indent correctly for you. But it doesn't support 2 tabs. Instead, you have to use one tab and add as many &nbsp; as needed yourself in order to align the 3rd level correctly.

Here's an example using 4 levels (higher the levels, awful it becomes):

# Table of Contents
1. [Title](#title) <br>
    1.1. [sub-title](#sub_title) <br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.1.1. [sub-sub-title](#sub_sub_title)
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [sub-sub-sub-title](#sub_sub_sub_title)

# Title <a name="title"></a>
Heading 1

## Sub-Title <a name="sub_title"></a>
Heading 2

### Sub-Sub-Title <a name="sub_sub_title"></a>
Heading 3

#### Sub-Sub-Sub-Title <a name="sub_sub_sub_title"></a>
Heading 4

This gives the following result where every element of the table of contents is a link to its corresponding section. Note also the <br> in order to add a new line instead of being on the same line.

Table of Contents

  1. Title
    1.1. Sub-Title
           1.1.1. Sub-Sub-Title


Heading 1


Heading 2


Heading 3


Heading 4

Checkout one file from Subversion

cd C:\path\dir
svn checkout https://server/path/to/trunk/dir/dir/parent_dir--depth empty
cd C:\path\dir\parent_dir
svn update filename.log

(Edit filename.log)

svn commit -m "this is a comment."

Modify tick label text

you can do:

for k in ax.get_xmajorticklabels():
    if some-condition:


How to stop C++ console application from exiting immediately?

simply put this at the end of your code:

while(1){ }

this function will keep going on forever(or until you close the console) and will keep the console it from closing on its own.

How to Allow Remote Access to PostgreSQL database

If using PostgreSql 9.5.1, please follow the below configuration:

  1. Open hg_hba.conf in pgAdmin pgAdmin
  2. Select your path, and open it, then add a setting pg_hba.conf
  3. Restart postgresql service

phpMyAdmin allow remote users

Replace the contents of the first <directory> tag.


<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/>
 <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
  # Apache 2.4
    Require ip
    Require ip ::1
 <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
  # Apache 2.2
  Order Deny,Allow
  Deny from All
  Allow from
  Allow from ::1

And place this instead:

<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/>
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all

Don't forget to restart Apache afterwards.

How to use CURL via a proxy?

Here is a well tested function which i used for my projects with detailed self explanatory comments

There are many times when the ports other than 80 are blocked by server firewall so the code appears to be working fine on localhost but not on the server

function get_page($url){

global $proxy;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); // return headers 0 no 1 yes
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // return page 1:yes
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 200); // http request timeout 20 seconds
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); // Follow redirects, need this if the url changes
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 2); //if http server gives redirection responce
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT,
    "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070914 Firefox/");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookies.txt"); // cookies storage / here the changes have been made
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "cookies.txt");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // false for https
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "gzip"); // the page encoding

$data = curl_exec($ch); // execute the http request
curl_close($ch); // close the connection
return $data;

Convert Dictionary<string,string> to semicolon separated string in c#

Another option is to use the Aggregate extension rather than Join:

String s = myDict.Select(x => x.Key + "=" + x.Value).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + ";" + s2);

jQuery / Javascript code check, if not undefined

I like this:

if (wlocation !== undefined)

But if you prefer the second way wouldn't be as you posted. It would be:

if (typeof wlocation  !== "undefined")

Converting an object to a string

Circular References

By using below replacer we can produce less redundant JSON - if source object contains multi-references to some object, or contains circular references - then we reference it by special path-string (similar to JSONPath) - we use it as follows

let s = JSON.stringify(obj, refReplacer());

function refReplacer() {
  let m = new Map(), v= new Map(), init = null;

  return function(field, value) {
    let p= m.get(this) + (Array.isArray(this) ? `[${field}]` : '.' + field); 
    let isComplex= value===Object(value)
    if (isComplex) m.set(value, p);  
    let pp = v.get(value)||'';
    let path = p.replace(/undefined\.\.?/,'');
    let val = pp ? `#REF:${pp[0]=='[' ? '$':'$.'}${pp}` : value;
    !init ? (init=value) : (val===init ? val="#REF:$" : 0);
    if(!pp && isComplex) v.set(value, path);
    return val;

// ---------------
// ---------------

// gen obj with duplicate references
let a = { a1: 1, a2: 2 };
let b = { b1: 3, b2: "4" };
let obj = { o1: { o2:  a  }, b, a }; // duplicate reference
a.a3 = [1,2,b];                      // circular reference
b.b3 = a;                            // circular reference

let s = JSON.stringify(obj, refReplacer(), 4);


BONUS: and here is inverse function of such serialisation

function parseRefJSON(json) {
  let objToPath = new Map();
  let pathToObj = new Map();
  let o = JSON.parse(json);
  let traverse = (parent, field) => {
    let obj = parent;
    let path = '#REF:$';

    if (field !== undefined) {
      obj = parent[field];
      path = objToPath.get(parent) + (Array.isArray(parent) ? `[${field}]` : `${field?'.'+field:''}`);

    objToPath.set(obj, path);
    pathToObj.set(path, obj);
    let ref = pathToObj.get(obj);
    if (ref) parent[field] = ref;

    for (let f in obj) if (obj === Object(obj)) traverse(obj, f);
  return o;

// ------------
// ------------

let s = `{
    "o1": {
        "o2": {
            "a1": 1,
            "a2": 2,
            "a3": [
                    "b1": 3,
                    "b2": "4",
                    "b3": "#REF:$.o1.o2"
    "b": "#REF:$.o1.o2.a3[2]",
    "a": "#REF:$.o1.o2"

console.log('Open Chrome console to see nested fields:');
let obj = parseRefJSON(s);


How to count the number of observations in R like Stata command count

The with function will let you use shorthand column references and sum will count TRUE results from the expression(s).

sum(with(aaa, sex==1 & group1==2))
## [1] 3

sum(with(aaa, sex==1 & group2=="A"))
## [1] 2

As @mnel pointed out, you can also do:

nrow(aaa[aaa$sex==1 & aaa$group1==2,])
## [1] 3

nrow(aaa[aaa$sex==1 & aaa$group2=="A",])
## [1] 2

The benefit of that is that you can do:

## [1] 6

And, the behaviour matches Stata's count almost exactly (syntax notwithstanding).

Declaring a boolean in JavaScript using just var

The variable will become what ever type you assign it. Initially it is undefined. If you assign it 'true' it will become a string, if you assign it true it will become a boolean, if you assign it 1 it will become a number. Subsequent assignments may change the type of the variable later.

How to remove all whitespace from a string?

This way you can remove all spaces from all character variables in your data frame. If you would prefer to choose only some of the variables, use mutateor mutate_at.


remove_all_ws<- function(string){
    return(gsub(" ", "", str_squish(string)))

df<-df %>%  mutate_if(is.character, remove_all_ws)

JQuery $.each() JSON array object iteration

Assign the second variable for the $.each function() as well, makes it lot easier as it'll provide you the data (so you won't have to work with the indicies).

$.each(json, function(arrayID,group) {
            console.log('<a href="'+group.GROUP_ID+'">');
    $.each(group.EVENTS, function(eventID,eventData) {

Should print out everything you were trying in your question.

edit renamed the variables to make it bit easier to understand what is what.

String to list in Python

Here the simples

a = [x for x in 'abcdefgh'] #['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']

How to set a cron job to run at a exact time?

You can also specify the exact values for each gr

0 2,10,12,14,16,18,20 * * *

It stands for 2h00, 10h00, 12h00 and so on, till 20h00.

From the above answer, we have:

The comma, ",", means "and". If you are confused by the above line, remember that spaces are the field separators, not commas.

And from (Wikipedia page):

*    *    *    *    *  command to be executed
-    -    -    -    -
¦    ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦
¦    ¦    ¦    ¦    ¦
¦    ¦    ¦    ¦    +----- day of week (0 - 7) (0 or 7 are Sunday, or use names)
¦    ¦    ¦    +---------- month (1 - 12)
¦    ¦    +--------------- day of month (1 - 31)
¦    +-------------------- hour (0 - 23)
+------------------------- min (0 - 59)

Hope it helps :)



  • don't miss the 1st 0 (zero) and the following space: it means "the minute zero", you can also set it to 15 (the 15th minute) or expressions like */15 (every minute divisible by 15, i.e. 0,15,30)

How to add a spinner icon to button when it's in the Loading state?

The only thing I found that worked was a post here:

I improved it, and now it provides all these features:

  • Disable the button after click
  • Show an animated loading icon using native bootstrap
  • Re-enable the button after the page is done loading
  • Text goes back to original when page loading is done


$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.btn').on('click', function() {
        var e=this;
        setTimeout(function() {
            e.innerHTML='<span class="spinner-border spinner-border-sm" role="status" aria-hidden="true"></span> Searching...';
        return true;

Repeat String - Javascript

function repeat(s, n) { var r=""; for (var a=0;a<n;a++) r+=s; return r;}

convert php date to mysql format

There is several options.

Either convert it to timestamp and use as instructed in other posts with strtotime() or use MySQL’s date parsing option

How can I reorder a list?

You can provide your own sort function to list.sort():

The sort() method takes optional arguments for controlling the comparisons.

  • cmp specifies a custom comparison function of two arguments (list items) which should return a negative, zero or positive number depending on whether the first argument is considered smaller than, equal to, or larger than the second argument: cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x.lower(), y.lower()). The default value is None.

  • key specifies a function of one argument that is used to extract a comparison key from each list element: key=str.lower. The default value is None.

  • reverse is a boolean value. If set to True, then the list elements are sorted as if each comparison were reversed.

In general, the key and reverse conversion processes are much faster than specifying an equivalent cmp function. This is because cmp is called multiple times for each list element while key and reverse touch each element only once.

How can I mock requests and the response?

Here is what worked for me:

import mock
@mock.patch('requests.get', mock.Mock(side_effect = lambda k:{'aurl': 'a response', 'burl' : 'b response'}.get(k, 'unhandled request %s'%k)))

change figure size and figure format in matplotlib

The first part (setting the output size explictly) isn't too hard:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
list1 = [3,4,5,6,9,12]
list2 = [8,12,14,15,17,20]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,3))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(list1, list2)
fig.savefig('fig1.png', dpi = 300)

But after a quick google search on matplotlib + tiff, I'm not convinced that matplotlib can make tiff plots. There is some mention of the GDK backend being able to do it.

One option would be to convert the output with a tool like imagemagick's convert.

(Another option is to wait around here until a real matplotlib expert shows up and proves me wrong ;-)

Python - Module Not Found

you need a file named (two underscores on each side) in every folder in the hierarchy, so one in src/ and one in model/. This is what python looks for to know that it should access a particular folder. The files are meant to contain initialization instructions but even if you create them empty this will solve it.

SQL variable to hold list of integers

For SQL Server 2016+ and Azure SQL Database, the STRING_SPLIT function was added that would be a perfect solution for this problem. Here is the documentation:

Here is an example:

/*List of ids in a comma delimited string
  Note: the ') WAITFOR DELAY ''00:00:02''' is a way to verify that your script 
        doesn't allow for SQL injection*/
DECLARE @listOfIds VARCHAR(MAX) = '1,3,a,10.1,) WAITFOR DELAY ''00:00:02''';

--Make sure the temp table was dropped before trying to create it
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MyTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #MyTable;

--Create example reference table

--Populate the reference table
WHILE(@i <= 10)
    INSERT INTO #MyTable
    SELECT @i;

    SET @i = @i + 1;

/*Find all the values
  Note: I silently ignore the values that are not integers*/
FROM #MyTable as t
        (SELECT value as [Id] 
        FROM STRING_SPLIT(@listOfIds, ',')
        WHERE ISNUMERIC(value) = 1 /*Make sure it is numeric*/
            AND ROUND(value,0) = value /*Make sure it is an integer*/) as ids
    ON t.[Id] = ids.[Id];


The result of the query is 1,3


Sizing elements to percentage of screen width/height

Use the LayoutBuilder Widget that will give you constraints that you can use to obtain the height that excludes the AppBar and the padding. Then use a SizedBox and provide the width and height using the constraints from the LayoutBuilder

return LayoutBuilder(builder: (context2, constraints) {
  return Column(
    children: <Widget>[
        width: constraints.maxWidth,
        height: constraints.maxHeight,

What does mscorlib stand for?

Microsoft Core Library, ie they are at the heart of everything.

There is a more "massaged" explanation you may prefer:

"When Microsoft first started working on the .NET Framework, MSCorLib.dll was an acronym for Microsoft Common Object Runtime Library. Once ECMA started to standardize the CLR and parts of the FCL, MSCorLib.dll officially became the acronym for Multilanguage Standard Common Object Runtime Library."


Around 1999, to my personal memory, .Net was known as "COOL", so I am a little suspicious of this derivation. I never heard it called "COR", which is a silly-sounding name to a native English speaker.

When to use "new" and when not to, in C++?

Take a look at this question and this question for some good answers on C++ object instantiation.

This basic idea is that objects instantiated on the heap (using new) need to be cleaned up manually, those instantiated on the stack (without new) are automatically cleaned up when they go out of scope.

void SomeFunc()
    Point p1 = Point(0,0);
} // p1 is automatically freed

void SomeFunc2()
    Point *p1 = new Point(0,0);
    delete p1; // p1 is leaked unless it gets deleted

VBA - Range.Row.Count

k = sh.Range("A2", sh.Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count


k = sh.Range("A2", sh.Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Cells.Count


k = sh.Range("A2", sh.Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Count

Concept behind putting wait(),notify() methods in Object class

wait - wait method tells the current thread to give up monitor and go to sleep.

notify - Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.

So you see wait() and notify() methods work at the monitor level, thread which is currently holding the monitor is asked to give up that monitor through wait() method and through notify method (or notifyAll) threads which are waiting on the object's monitor are notified that threads can wake up.

Important point to note here is that monitor is assigned to an object not to a particular thread. That's one reason why these methods are in Object class. To reiterate threads wait on an Object's monitor (lock) and notify() is also called on an object to wake up a thread waiting on the Object's monitor.

JavaScript calculate the day of the year (1 - 366)

I wrote these two javascript functions which return the day of the year (Jan 1 = 1). Both of them account for leap years.

function dayOfTheYear() {
// for today
var M=[31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]; var x=new Date(); var m=x.getMonth();
var y=x.getFullYear(); if (y % 400 == 0 || (y % 4 == 0 && y % 100 != 0)) {++M[1];}
var Y=0; for (var i=0;i<m;++i) {Y+=M[i];}
return Y+x.getDate();

function dayOfTheYear2(m,d,y) {
// for any day : m is 1 to 12, d is 1 to 31, y is a 4-digit year
var m,d,y; var M=[31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];
if (y % 400 == 0 || (y % 4 == 0 && y % 100 != 0)) {++M[1];}
var Y=0; for (var i=0;i<m-1;++i) {Y+=M[i];}
return Y+d;

How to pass IEnumerable list to controller in MVC including checkbox state?

Use a list instead and replace your foreach loop with a for loop:

@model IList<BlockedIPViewModel>

@using (Html.BeginForm()) 

    @for (var i = 0; i < Model.Count; i++) 
                @Html.HiddenFor(x => x[i].IP)           
                @Html.CheckBoxFor(x => x[i].Checked)
                @Html.DisplayFor(x => x[i].IP)
        <input type="submit" value="Unblock IPs" />

Alternatively you could use an editor template:

@model IEnumerable<BlockedIPViewModel>

@using (Html.BeginForm()) 
        <input type="submit" value="Unblock IPs" />

and then define the template ~/Views/Shared/EditorTemplates/BlockedIPViewModel.cshtml which will automatically be rendered for each element of the collection:

@model BlockedIPViewModel
        @Html.HiddenFor(x => x.IP)
        @Html.CheckBoxFor(x => x.Checked)
        @Html.DisplayFor(x => x.IP)

The reason you were getting null in your controller is because you didn't respect the naming convention for your input fields that the default model binder expects to successfully bind to a list. I invite you to read the following article.

Once you have read it, look at the generated HTML (and more specifically the names of the input fields) with my example and yours. Then compare and you will understand why yours doesn't work.

What is a good pattern for using a Global Mutex in C#?

A global Mutex is not only to ensure to have only one instance of an application. I personally prefer using Microsoft.VisualBasic to ensure single instance application like described in What is the correct way to create a single-instance WPF application? (Dale Ragan answer)... I found that's easier to pass arguments received on new application startup to the initial single instance application.

But regarding some previous code in this thread, I would prefer to not create a Mutex each time I want to have a lock on it. It could be fine for a single instance application but in other usage it appears to me has overkill.

That's why I suggest this implementation instead:


static MutexGlobal _globalMutex = null;
static MutexGlobal GlobalMutexAccessEMTP
        if (_globalMutex == null)
            _globalMutex = new MutexGlobal();
        return _globalMutex;

using (GlobalMutexAccessEMTP.GetAwaiter())

Mutex Global Wrapper:

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Threading;

namespace HQ.Util.General.Threading
    public class MutexGlobal : IDisposable
        // ************************************************************************
        public string Name { get; private set; }
        internal Mutex Mutex { get; private set; }
        public int DefaultTimeOut { get; set; }
        public Func<int, bool> FuncTimeOutRetry { get; set; }

        // ************************************************************************
        public static MutexGlobal GetApplicationMutex(int defaultTimeOut = Timeout.Infinite)
            return new MutexGlobal(defaultTimeOut, ((GuidAttribute)Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GuidAttribute), false).GetValue(0)).Value);

        // ************************************************************************
        public MutexGlobal(int defaultTimeOut = Timeout.Infinite, string specificName = null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(specificName))
                    Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    Name = specificName;

                Name = string.Format("Global\\{{{0}}}", Name);

                DefaultTimeOut = defaultTimeOut;

                FuncTimeOutRetry = DefaultFuncTimeOutRetry;

                var allowEveryoneRule = new MutexAccessRule(new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, null), MutexRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow);
                var securitySettings = new MutexSecurity();

                Mutex = new Mutex(false, Name, out bool createdNew, securitySettings);

                if (Mutex == null)
                    throw new Exception($"Unable to create mutex: {Name}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Log.Instance.AddEntry(Log.LogType.LogException, $"Unable to create Mutex: {Name}", ex);

        // ************************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeOut"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MutexGlobalAwaiter GetAwaiter(int timeOut)
            return new MutexGlobalAwaiter(this, timeOut);

        // ************************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeOut"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MutexGlobalAwaiter GetAwaiter()
            return new MutexGlobalAwaiter(this, DefaultTimeOut);

        // ************************************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// This method could either throw any user specific exception or return 
        /// true to retry. Otherwise, retruning false will let the thread continue
        /// and you should verify the state of MutexGlobalAwaiter.HasTimedOut to 
        /// take proper action depending on timeout or not. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeOutUsed"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool DefaultFuncTimeOutRetry(int timeOutUsed)
            // throw new TimeoutException($"Mutex {Name} timed out {timeOutUsed}.");

            Log.Log.Instance.AddEntry(Log.LogType.LogWarning, $"Mutex {Name} timeout: {timeOutUsed}.");
            return true; // retry

        // ************************************************************************
        public void Dispose()
            if (Mutex != null)

        // ************************************************************************



using System;

namespace HQ.Util.General.Threading
    public class MutexGlobalAwaiter : IDisposable
        MutexGlobal _mutexGlobal = null;

        public bool HasTimedOut { get; set; } = false;

        internal MutexGlobalAwaiter(MutexGlobal mutexEx, int timeOut)
            _mutexGlobal = mutexEx;

                HasTimedOut = !_mutexGlobal.Mutex.WaitOne(timeOut, false);
                if (! HasTimedOut) // Signal received
            } while (_mutexGlobal.FuncTimeOutRetry(timeOut));

        #region IDisposable Support
        private bool disposedValue = false; // To detect redundant calls

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!disposedValue)
                if (disposing)

                // TODO: free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and override a finalizer below.
                // TODO: set large fields to null.

                disposedValue = true;
        // TODO: override a finalizer only if Dispose(bool disposing) above has code to free unmanaged resources.
        // ~MutexExAwaiter()
        // {
        //   // Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(bool disposing) above.
        //   Dispose(false);
        // }

        // This code added to correctly implement the disposable pattern.
        public void Dispose()
            // Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(bool disposing) above.
            // TODO: uncomment the following line if the finalizer is overridden above.
            // GC.SuppressFinalize(this);

Mail multipart/alternative vs multipart/mixed

Here is the best: Multipart/mixed mime message with attachments and inline images

And image:

From: [email protected]
Subject: Example Email
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="MixedBoundaryString"

Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="RelatedBoundaryString"

Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="AlternativeBoundaryString"

Content-Type: text/plain;charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

This is the plain text part of the email.

Content-Type: text/html;charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    <img width 800 height=3D80=
    <p>This is the html part of the email.</p>=0D
    <img width 200 height=3D60 =5C=


Content-Type: image/jpgeg;name="logo.png"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline;filename="logo.png"
Content-ID: <[email protected]>


Content-Type: image/jpgeg;name="masthead.png"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: inline;filename="masthead.png"
Content-ID: <[email protected]>



Content-Type: application/pdf;name="Invoice_1.pdf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="Invoice_1.pdf"


Content-Type: application/pdf;name="SpecialOffer.pdf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="SpecialOffer.pdf"




Schema multipart/related/alternative

|From: email
|To: email
|MIME-Version: 1.0
|Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="boundary1";
Message body
|multipart/mixed --boundary1
|   multipart/related --boundary2
|   |--boundary2
|   |   multipart/alternative --boundary3
|   |   |--boundary3
|   |   |text/plain
|   |   |--boundary3
|   |   |text/html
|   |   |--boundary3--
|   |--boundary2    
|   |Inline image
|   |--boundary2    
|   |Inline image
|   |--boundary2--

Docker error: invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase

Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands a user could call on the command line to assemble an image. example: FROM python:3.7-alpine The 'python' should be in lowercase

How to Lazy Load div background images

I had to deal with this for my responsive website. I have many different backgrounds for the same elements to deal with different screen widths. My solution is very simple, keep all your images scoped to a css selector, like "zoinked".

The logic:

If user scrolls, then load in styles with background images associated with them. Done!

Here's what I wrote in a library I call "zoinked" I dunno why. It just happened ok?

(function(window, document, undefined) {   var Z = function() {
    this.hasScrolled = false;

    if (window.addEventListener) {
      window.addEventListener("scroll", this, false);
    } else {
    }   };
     Z.prototype.handleEvent = function(e) {
    if ($(window).scrollTop() > 2) {
      this.hasScrolled = true;
      window.removeEventListener("scroll", this);
    }   };
     Z.prototype.load = function() {
    $(document.body).addClass("zoinked");   };
     window.Zoink = Z; 
})(window, document);

For the CSS I'll have all my styles like this:

.zoinked #graphic {background-image: url(large.jpg);}

@media(max-width: 480px) {.zoinked #graphic {background-image: url(small.jpg);}}

My technique with this is to load all the images after the top ones as soon as the user starts to scroll. If you wanted more control you could make the "zoinking" more intelligent.

MySQL Multiple Joins in one query?

Multi joins in SQL work by progressively creating derived tables one after the other. See this link explaining the process:

What are the differences between 'call-template' and 'apply-templates' in XSL?

xsl:apply-templates is usually (but not necessarily) used to process all or a subset of children of the current node with all applicable templates. This supports the recursiveness of XSLT application which is matching the (possible) recursiveness of the processed XML.

xsl:call-template on the other hand is much more like a normal function call. You execute exactly one (named) template, usually with one or more parameters.

So I use xsl:apply-templates if I want to intercept the processing of an interesting node and (usually) inject something into the output stream. A typical (simplified) example would be

<xsl:template match="foo">

whereas with xsl:call-template I typically solve problems like adding the text of some subnodes together, transforming select nodesets into text or other nodesets and the like - anything you would write a specialized, reusable function for.


As an additional remark to your specific question text:

<xsl:call-template name="nodes"/> 

This calls a template which is named 'nodes':

    <xsl:template name="nodes">...</xsl:template>

This is a different semantic than:

<xsl:apply-templates select="nodes"/>

...which applies all templates to all children of your current XML node whose name is 'nodes'.

SSL "Peer Not Authenticated" error with HttpClient 4.1

This is thrown when

... the peer was not able to identify itself (for example; no certificate, the particular cipher suite being used does not support authentication, or no peer authentication was established during SSL handshaking) this exception is thrown.

Probably the cause of this exception (where is the stacktrace) will show you why this exception is thrown. Most likely the default keystore shipped with Java does not contain (and trust) the root certificate of the TTP that is being used.

The answer is to retrieve the root certificate (e.g. from your browsers SSL connection), import it into the cacerts file and trust it using keytool which is shipped by the Java JDK. Otherwise you will have to assign another trust store programmatically.

Get list of a class' instance methods

You actually want TestClass.instance_methods, unless you're interested in what TestClass itself can do.

class TestClass
  def method1

  def method2

  def method3

TestClass.methods.grep(/method1/) # => []
TestClass.instance_methods.grep(/method1/) # => ["method1"]
TestClass.methods.grep(/new/) # => ["new"]

Or you can call methods (not instance_methods) on the object:

test_object =
test_object.methods.grep(/method1/) # => ["method1"]

Git pull a certain branch from GitHub

This helped me to get remote branch before merging it into other:

git fetch repo xyz:xyz
git checkout xyz

Have border wrap around text

Try putting it in a span element:

<div id='page' style='width: 600px'>_x000D_
  <h1><span style='border:2px black solid; font-size:42px;'>Title</span></h1>_x000D_

To show error message without alert box in Java Script

you can try it like this

          <script type="text/javascript">
          function validate() 
            var fnameval=document.getElementById("fname").value;
            var fnamelen=Number(fnameval.length);
                  document.getElementById("fname_msg").innerHTML="this is invalid name ";
          <form name="myform">
          <input type=text id=fname name=fname onblur="validate()"> </input>
           <span id=fname_msg></span>
          <br> <br>
          <input type=text id=lname name=lname onblur="validate()"> </input>

          <input type=button value=check> 


Is "&#160;" a replacement of "&nbsp;"?

  • &nbsp; is the character entity reference (meant to be easily parseable by humans).
  • &#160; is the numeric entity reference (meant to be easily parseable by machines).

They are the same except for the fact that the latter does not need another lookup table to find its actual value. The lookup table is called a DTD, by the way.

You can read more about character entity references in the offical W3C documents.

Get first and last day of month using threeten, LocalDate

Just use withDayOfMonth, and lengthOfMonth():

LocalDate initial = LocalDate.of(2014, 2, 13);
LocalDate start = initial.withDayOfMonth(1);
LocalDate end = initial.withDayOfMonth(initial.lengthOfMonth());

What is the email subject length limit?

What's important is which mechanism you are using the send the email. Most modern libraries (i.e. System.Net.Mail) will hide the folding from you. You just put a very long email subject line in without (CR,LF,HTAB). If you start trying to do your own folding all bets are off. It will start reporting errors. So if you are having this issue just filter out the CR,LF,HTAB and let the library do the work for you. You can usually also set the encoding text type as a separate field. No need for iso encoding in the subject line.

HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name is Empty

I also had this problem recently. Working with a new client, trying to get a an old web forms app running from Visual Studio, with IISExpress using Windows Authentication. For me, the web.config was correctly configured

However, the IISExpress.config settings file had:

<windowsAuthentication enabled="false">

The user account the developer was logged in was very new, so unlikely it had been edited. Simple fix it turned out, change this to enabled=true and it all ran as it should then.

Changing password with Oracle SQL Developer

Try this solution if the Reset Password option (of SQL Developer) did not work:

Step 1: Open Run SQL Command Line (from the start menu, which comes with SQL Developer installation package)

Step 2: Run the following commands:

enter image description here

Note: If password has already expired, Changing password for <user> option will automatically come.

Convert JS date time to MySQL datetime

For arbitrary date string,

// Your default date object  
var starttime = new Date();
// Get the iso time (GMT 0 == UTC 0)
var isotime = new Date((new Date(starttime)).toISOString() );
// getTime() is the unix time value, in milliseconds.
// getTimezoneOffset() is UTC time and local time in minutes.
// 60000 = 60*1000 converts getTimezoneOffset() from minutes to milliseconds. 
var fixedtime = new Date(isotime.getTime()-(starttime.getTimezoneOffset()*60000));
// toISOString() is always 24 characters long: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ.
// .slice(0, 19) removes the last 5 chars, ".sssZ",which is (UTC offset).
// .replace('T', ' ') removes the pad between the date and time.
var formatedMysqlString = fixedtime.toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' ');
console.log( formatedMysqlString );

Or a single line solution,

var formatedMysqlString = (new Date ((new Date((new Date(new Date())).toISOString() )).getTime() - ((new Date()).getTimezoneOffset()*60000))).toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' ');
console.log( formatedMysqlString );

This solution also works for Node.js when using Timestamp in mysql.

@Gajus Kuizinas's first answer seems to modify mozilla's toISOString prototype

jQuery autohide element after 5 seconds

This is how you can set the timeout after you click.

$(".selectorOnWhichEventCapture").on('click', function() {
    }, 5000);

//5000 = 5sec = 5000 milisec

Telling gcc directly to link a library statically

You can add .a file in the linking command:

  gcc yourfiles /path/to/library/libLIBRARY.a

But this is not talking with gcc driver, but with ld linker as options like -Wl,anything are.

When you tell gcc or ld -Ldir -lLIBRARY, linker will check both static and dynamic versions of library (you can see a process with -Wl,--verbose). To change order of library types checked you can use -Wl,-Bstatic and -Wl,-Bdynamic. Here is a man page of gnu LD:

To link your program with lib1, lib3 dynamically and lib2 statically, use such gcc call:

gcc program.o -llib1 -Wl,-Bstatic -llib2 -Wl,-Bdynamic -llib3

Assuming that default setting of ld is to use dynamic libraries (it is on Linux).

JavaScript get child element

Try this one:

function show_sub(cat) {
    var parent = cat,
    sub = parent.getElementsByClassName('sub');
    if (sub[0].style.display == 'inline'){
        sub[0].style.display = 'none';
    else {
        sub[0].style.display = 'inline';

document.getElementById('cat').onclick = function(){

and use this for IE6 & 7

if (typeof document.getElementsByClassName!='function') {
    document.getElementsByClassName = function() {
        var elms = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
        var ei = new Array();
        for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++) {
            if (elms[i].getAttribute('class')) {
               ecl = elms[i].getAttribute('class').split(' ');
                for (j=0;j<ecl.length;j++) {
                    if (ecl[j].toLowerCase() == arguments[0].toLowerCase()) {
            } else if (elms[i].className) {
                ecl = elms[i].className.split(' ');
                for (j=0;j<ecl.length;j++) {
                    if (ecl[j].toLowerCase() == arguments[0].toLowerCase()) {
        return ei;

What is DOM element?

It's actually Document Object Model. HTML is used to build the DOM which is an in-memory representation of the page (while closely related to HTML, they are not exactly the same thing). Things like CSS and Javascript interact with the DOM.

Visual Studio 2010 always thinks project is out of date, but nothing has changed

I don't know if anyone else has this same problem, but my project's properties had "Configuration Properties" -> C/C++ -> "Debug Information Format" set to "None", and when I switched it back to the default "Program Database (/Zi)", that stopped the project from recompiling every time.

Angularjs simple file download causes router to redirect

We also had to develop a solution which would even work with APIs requiring authentication (see this article)

Using AngularJS in a nutshell here is how we did it:

Step 1: Create a dedicated directive

// jQuery needed, uses Bootstrap classes, adjust the path of templateUrl
app.directive('pdfDownload', function() {
return {
    restrict: 'E',
    templateUrl: '/path/to/pdfDownload.tpl.html',
    scope: true,
    link: function(scope, element, attr) {
        var anchor = element.children()[0];

        // When the download starts, disable the link
        scope.$on('download-start', function() {
            $(anchor).attr('disabled', 'disabled');

        // When the download finishes, attach the data to the link. Enable the link and change its appearance.
        scope.$on('downloaded', function(event, data) {
                href: 'data:application/pdf;base64,' + data,
                download: attr.filename

            // Also overwrite the download pdf function to do nothing.
            scope.downloadPdf = function() {
    controller: ['$scope', '$attrs', '$http', function($scope, $attrs, $http) {
        $scope.downloadPdf = function() {
            $http.get($attrs.url).then(function(response) {

Step 2: Create a template

<a href="" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="downloadPdf()">Download</a>

Step 3: Use it

<pdf-download url="/some/path/to/a.pdf" filename="my-awesome-pdf"></pdf-download>

This will render a blue button. When clicked, a PDF will be downloaded (Caution: the backend has to deliver the PDF in Base64 encoding!) and put into the href. The button turns green and switches the text to Save. The user can click again and will be presented with a standard download file dialog for the file my-awesome.pdf.

Our example uses PDF files, but apparently you could provide any binary format given it's properly encoded.

How to update attributes without validation

Shouldn't that be

validates_length_of :title, :in => 6..255, :on => :create

so it only works during create?

Make first letter of a string upper case (with maximum performance)

string input = "red HOUSE";
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(input);

for (int j = 0; j < sb.Length; j++)
    if ( j == 0 ) //catches just the first letter
        sb[j] = System.Char.ToUpper(sb[j]);
    else  //everything else is lower case
        sb[j] = System.Char.ToLower(sb[j]);
// Store the new string.
string corrected = sb.ToString();

Javascript String to int conversion

This is to do with JavaScript's + in operator - if a number and a string are "added" up, the number is converted into a string:

0 + 1; //1
'0' + 1; // '01'

To solve this, use the + unary operator, or use parseInt():

+'0' + 1; // 1
parseInt('0', 10) + 1; // 1

The unary + operator converts it into a number (however if it's a decimal it will retain the decimal places), and parseInt() is self-explanatory (converts into number, ignoring decimal places).

The second argument is necessary for parseInt() to use the correct base when leading 0s are placed:

parseInt('010'); // 8 in older browsers, 10 in newer browsers
parseInt('010', 10); // always 10 no matter what

There's also parseFloat() if you need to convert decimals in strings to their numeric value - + can do that too but it behaves slightly differently: that's another story though.

Changing date format in R

Using one line to convert the dates to preferred format:

nzd$date <- format(as.Date(nzd$date, format="%d/%m/%Y"),"%Y/%m/%d")

APR based Apache Tomcat Native library was not found on the java.library.path?

I resolve this (On Eclipse IDE) by delete my old server and create the same again. This error is because you don't proper terminate Tomcat server and close Eclipse.

Apache giving 403 forbidden errors

Notice that another issue that might be causing this is that, the "FollowSymLinks" option of a parent directory might have been mistakenly overwritten by the options of your project's directory. This was the case for me and made me pull my hair until I found out the cause!

Here's an example of such a mistake:

<Directory />
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride all
        Require all denied

<Directory /var/www/>
        Options Indexes # <--- NOT OK! It's overwriting the above option of the "/" directory.
        AllowOverride all
        Require all granted

So now if you check the Apache's log message(tail -n 50 -f /var/www/html/{the_error_log_file_of_your_site}) you'll see such an error:

Options FollowSymLinks and SymLinksIfOwnerMatch are both off, so the RewriteRule directive
is also forbidden due to its similar ability to circumvent directory restrictions

That's because Indexes in the above rules for /var/www directory is overwriting the FolowSymLinks of the / directory. So now that you know the cause, in order to fix it, you can do many things depending on your need. For instance:

<Directory />
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride all
        Require all denied

<Directory /var/www/>
        Options FollowSymLinks Indexes # <--- OK.
        AllowOverride all
        Require all granted

Or even this:

<Directory />
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride all
        Require all denied

<Directory /var/www/>
        Options -Indexes # <--- OK as well! It will NOT cause an overwrite.
        AllowOverride all
        Require all granted

The example above will not cause the overwrite issue, because in Apache, if an option is "+" it will overwrite the "+"s only, and if it's a "-", it will overwrite the "-"s... (Don't ask me for a reference on that though, it's just my interpretation of an Apache's error message(checked through journalctl -xe) which says: Either all Options must start with + or -, or no Option may. when an option has a sign, but another one doesn't(E.g., FollowSymLinks -Indexes). So it's my personal conclusion -thus should be taken with a grain of salt- that if I've used -Indexes as the option, that will be considered as a whole distinct set of options by the Apache from the other option in the "/" which doesn't have any signs on it, and so no annoying rewrites will occur in the end, which I could successfully confirm by the above rules in a project directory of my own).

Hope that this will help you pull much less of your hair! :)

how to parse json using groovy

Have you tried using JsonSlurper?

Example usage:

def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
def result = slurper.parseText('{"person":{"name":"Guillaume","age":33,"pets":["dog","cat"]}}')

assert == "Guillaume"
assert result.person.age == 33
assert result.person.pets.size() == 2
assert result.person.pets[0] == "dog"
assert result.person.pets[1] == "cat"

change pgsql port

You can also change the port when starting up:

$ pg_ctl -o "-F -p 5433" start


$ postgres -p 5433

More about this in the manual.

std::cin input with spaces?

You want to use the .getline function in cin.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main () {
  char name[256], title[256];

  cout << "Enter your name: ";
  cin.getline (name,256);

  cout << "Enter your favourite movie: ";
  cin.getline (title,256);

  cout << name << "'s favourite movie is " << title;

  return 0;

Took the example from here. Check it out for more info and examples.

counting the number of lines in a text file

In C if you implement count line it will never fail. Yes you can get one extra line if there is stray "ENTER KEY" generally at the end of the file.

File might look some thing like this:

"hello 1
"Hello 2


Code below

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define FILE_NAME "file1.txt"

int main() {

    FILE *fd = NULL;
    int cnt, ch;

    fd = fopen(FILE_NAME,"r");
    if (fd == NULL) {

    while(EOF != (ch = fgetc(fd))) {
     * int fgetc(FILE *) returns unsigned char cast to int
     * Because it has to return EOF or error also.
            if (ch == '\n')

    printf("cnt line in %s is %d\n", FILE_NAME, cnt);

    return 0;

How to say no to all "do you want to overwrite" prompts in a batch file copy?

I expect xxcopy has an option for that.


2.3   By comparison with the file in destination

    The switches in this group select files based on the
    comparison between the files in the source and those in
    the destination.  They are often used for periodic backup
    and directory synchronization purposes. These switches
    were originally created as variations of directory backup.
    They are also convenient for selecting files for deletion.

2.3.1  by Presence/Absence

    The /BB and /U switches are the two switches which select
    files by the pure presence or absence as the criteria.
    Other switches in the this group (Group 2.3) are also
    affected by the file in the destination, but for a
    particular characteristics for comparison's sake.

    /BB  Selects files that are present in source but not in destination.
    /U   Selects files that are present in both source and destination.


How to insert a value that contains an apostrophe (single quote)?

You need to escape the apostrophe. In T-SQL this is with a double apostrophe, so your insert statement becomes:

Insert into Person
(First, Last)
'Joe', 'O''Brien'

if condition in sql server update query

Something like this should work:

  column_A = CASE WHEN @flag = '1' THEN column_A + @new_value ELSE column_A END,
  column_B = CASE WHEN @flag = '0' THEN column_B + @new_value ELSE column_B END
    ID = @ID

load external URL into modal jquery ui dialog

The following will work out of the box on any site:

<script src="//"></script>_x000D_
<script src="//"></script>_x000D_
    <div class="dialogBox" style="border:1px solid gray;">_x000D_
        <a href="/" class="exampleLink">Test</a>_x000D_
        <!-- TODO: Change above href -->_x000D_
        <!-- NOTE: Must be a local url, not cross domain -->_x000D_
    <script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
        var $modalDialog = $('<div/>', { _x000D_
          'class': 'exampleModal', _x000D_
          'id': 'exampleModal1' _x000D_
            resizable: false,_x000D_
            autoOpen: false,_x000D_
            height: 300,_x000D_
            width: 350,_x000D_
            show: 'fold',_x000D_
            buttons: {_x000D_
                "Close": function () {_x000D_
            modal: true_x000D_
        $(function () {_x000D_
            $('a.exampleLink').on('click', function (e) {_x000D_
                // TODO: Undo comments, below_x000D_
                //var url = $('a.exampleLink:first').attr('href');_x000D_

Combining two sorted lists in Python

Recursive implementation is below. Average performance is O(n).

def merge_sorted_lists(A, B, sorted_list = None):
    if sorted_list == None:
        sorted_list = []

    slice_index = 0
    for element in A:
        if element <= B[0]:
            slice_index += 1
            return merge_sorted_lists(B, A[slice_index:], sorted_list)

    return sorted_list + B

or generator with improved space complexity:

def merge_sorted_lists_as_generator(A, B):
    slice_index = 0
    for element in A:
        if element <= B[0]:
            slice_index += 1
            yield element       
            for sorted_element in merge_sorted_lists_as_generator(B, A[slice_index:]):
                yield sorted_element

    for element in B:
        yield element

Convert Xml to DataTable

DataSet ds = new DataSet();

Why catch and rethrow an exception in C#?

Don't do this,

catch(Exception ex)
   throw ex;

You'll lose the stack trace information...

Either do,

try { ... }
catch { throw; }


try { ... }
catch (Exception ex)
    throw new Exception("My Custom Error Message", ex);

One of the reason you might want to rethrow is if you're handling different exceptions, for e.g.

catch(SQLException sex)
   //Do Custom Logging 
   //Don't throw exception - swallow it here
catch(OtherException oex)
   //Do something else
   throw new WrappedException("Other Exception occured");
   System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Eeep! an error, not to worry, will be handled higher up the call stack");
   throw; //Chuck everything else back up the stack

Differences between Html.TextboxFor and Html.EditorFor in MVC and Razor

The Html.TextboxFor always creates a textbox (<input type="text" ...).

While the EditorFor looks at the type and meta information, and can render another control or a template you supply.

For example for DateTime properties you can create a template that uses the jQuery DatePicker.

Set color of TextView span in Android

Set Color on Text by passing String and color:

private String getColoredSpanned(String text, String color) {
  String input = "<font color=" + color + ">" + text + "</font>";
  return input;

Set text on TextView / Button / EditText etc by calling below code:


TextView txtView = (TextView)findViewById(;

Get Colored String:

String name = getColoredSpanned("Hiren", "#800000");

Set Text on TextView:



Detect iPad users using jQuery?

I use this:

function fnIsAppleMobile() 
    if (navigator && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent != null) 
        var strUserAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
        var arrMatches = strUserAgent.match(/(iphone|ipod|ipad)/);
        if (arrMatches != null) 
             return true;
    } // End if (navigator && navigator.userAgent) 

    return false;
} // End Function fnIsAppleMobile

var bIsAppleMobile = fnIsAppleMobile(); // TODO: Write complaint to CrApple asking them why they don't update SquirrelFish with bugfixes, then remove

Bootstrap push div content to new line

If your your list is dynamically generated with unknown number and your target is to always have last div in a new line set last div class to "col-xl-12" and remove other classes so it will always take a full row.

This is a copy of your code corrected so that last div always occupy a full row (I although removed unnecessary classes).

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">_x000D_
<div class="grid">_x000D_
  <div class="row">_x000D_
    <div class="col-sm-3">Under me should be a DIV</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-5">Under me should be a DIV</div>_x000D_
    <div class="col-xl-12">I am the last DIV and I always take a full row for my self!!</div>_x000D_

Java correct way convert/cast object to Double

You can't cast an object to a Double if the object is not a Double.

Check out the API.

particularly note

valueOf(double d);


valueOf(String s);

Those methods give you a way of getting a Double instance from a String or double primitive. (Also not the constructors; read the documentation to see how they work) The object you are trying to convert naturally has to give you something that can be transformed into a double.

Finally, keep in mind that Double instances are immutable -- once created you can't change them.

Using Ansible set_fact to create a dictionary from register results

I think I got there in the end.

The task is like this:

- name: Populate genders
    genders: "{{ genders|default({}) | combine( { item.stdout} ) }}"
  with_items: "{{ people.results }}"

It loops through each of the dicts (item) in the people.results array, each time creating a new dict like {Bob: "male"}, and combine()s that new dict in the genders array, which ends up like:

    "Bob": "male",
    "Thelma": "female"

It assumes the keys (the name in this case) will be unique.

I then realised I actually wanted a list of dictionaries, as it seems much easier to loop through using with_items:

- name: Populate genders
    genders: "{{ genders|default([]) + [ {'name':, 'gender': item.stdout} ] }}"
  with_items: "{{ people.results }}"

This keeps combining the existing list with a list containing a single dict. We end up with a genders array like this:

    {'name': 'Bob', 'gender': 'male'},
    {'name': 'Thelma', 'gender': 'female'}

Mongodb: failed to connect to server on first connect

Adding one more answer as the solution is from different contexts:

MongoDb Atlas problem solution

I connected to MongoDB Atlas and whitelisted my machine's IP by following the below steps:

  • Go to the security tab

the security tab

  • Go to the network access tab under the security tab

network access tab under security tab

  • Go to the IP whitelist tab

IP whitelist tab

jQuery 'if .change() or .keyup()'

That's not how events work. Instead, you give them a function to be called when they happen.

$("input").change(function() {
    alert("Something happened!");

Is it possible to use the SELECT INTO clause with UNION [ALL]?

Try something like this: Create the final object table, tmpFerdeen with the structure of the union.


INSERT INTO tmpFerdeen (
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM Customers
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerEurope
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerAsia
SELECT top(100)* 
FROM CustomerAmericas

Loop through a date range with JavaScript

Based on Jayarjo's answer:

var loopDate = new Date();

while (loopDate.valueOf() < datTo.valueOf() + 86400000) {


    loopDate.setTime(loopDate.valueOf() + 86400000);

Read XML Attribute using XmlDocument

I have an Xml File books.xml

    <ID Definition="1" />


XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList elemList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("ID");     
for (int i = 0; i < elemList.Count; i++)     
    string attrVal = elemList[i].Attributes["Definition"].Value;

Now, attrVal has the value of ID.

Create directories using make file


_MKDIRS := $(shell for d in $(REQUIRED_DIRS); \
             do                               \
               [[ -d $$d ]] || mkdir -p $$d;  \

$(objects) : $(sources)

As I use Ubuntu, I also needed add this at the top of my Makefile:

SHELL := /bin/bash # Use bash syntax

Laravel 5.2 not reading env file

Also additional to what @andrewtweber suggested make sure that you don't have spaces between the KEY= and the value unless it is between quotes

.env file e.g.:

SITE_NAME= My website
MAIL_FROM_NAME= websitename


SITE_NAME="My website"

create array from mysql query php

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
  echo $row['type'];

.crx file install in chrome

In case Chrome tells you "This can only be added from the Chrome Web Store", you can try the following:

  • Go to the webstore and try to add the extension
  • It will fail and give you a download instead
  • Rename the downloaded file to .zip and unpack it to a directory (you might get a warning about a corrupt zip header, but most unpacker will continue anyway)
  • Go to Settings -> Tools -> Extensions
  • Enable developer mode
  • Click "Load unpacked extention"
  • Browse to the unpacked folder and install your extention

Catching "Maximum request length exceeded"

In IIS 7 and beyond:

web.config file:

  <security >
      <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="[Size In Bytes]" />

You can then check in code behind, like so:

If FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength > 2097152 Then ' (2097152 = 2 Mb)
  ' Exceeded the 2 Mb limit
  ' Do something
End If

Just make sure the [Size In Bytes] in the web.config is greater than the size of the file you wish to upload then you won't get the 404 error. You can then check the file size in code behind using the ContentLength which would be much better

Check if a string is palindrome

// The below C++ function checks for a palindrome and 
// returns true if it is a palindrome and returns false otherwise

bool checkPalindrome ( string s )
    // This calculates the length of the string

    int n = s.length();

    // the for loop iterates until the first half of the string
    // and checks first element with the last element,
    // second element with second last element and so on.
    // if those two characters are not same, hence we return false because
    // this string is not a palindrome 

    for ( int i = 0; i <= n/2; i++ ) 
        if ( s[i] != s[n-1-i] )
            return false;
    // if the above for loop executes completely , 
    // this implies that the string is palindrome, 
    // hence we return true and exit

    return true;

Storyboard - refer to ViewController in AppDelegate

Generally, the system should be handling view controller instantiation with a storyboard. What you want is to traverse the viewController hierarchy by grabbing a reference to the self.window.rootViewController as opposed to initializing view controllers, which should already be initialized correctly if you've setup your storyboard properly.

So, let's say your rootViewController is a UINavigationController and then you want to send something to its top view controller, you would do it like this in your AppDelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

UINavigationController *nav = (UINavigationController *) self.window.rootViewController;
MyViewController *myVC = (MyViewController *)nav.topViewController; =;

In Swift if would be very similar:

let nav = self.window.rootViewController as! UINavigationController;
let myVC = nav.topViewController as! MyViewController =

You really shouldn't be initializing view controllers using storyboard id's from the app delegate unless you want to bypass the normal way storyboard is loaded and load the whole storyboard yourself. If you're having to initialize scenes from the AppDelegate you're most likely doing something wrong. I mean imagine you, for some reason, want to send data to a view controller way down the stack, the AppDelegate shouldn't be reaching way into the view controller stack to set data. That's not its business. It's business is the rootViewController. Let the rootViewController handle its own children! So, if I were bypassing the normal storyboard loading process by the system by removing references to it in the info.plist file, I would at most instantiate the rootViewController using instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:, and possibly its root if it is a container, like a UINavigationController. What you want to avoid is instantiating view controllers that have already been instantiated by the storyboard. This is a problem I see a lot. In short, I disagree with the accepted answer. It is incorrect unless the posters means to remove loading of the storyboard from the info.plist since you will have loaded 2 storyboards otherwise, which makes no sense. It's probably not a memory leak because the system initialized the root scene and assigned it to the window, but then you came along and instantiated it again and assigned it again. Your app is off to a pretty bad start!

How can you change Network settings (IP Address, DNS, WINS, Host Name) with code in C#

The existing answers have quite broken code. The DNS method does not work at all. Here is code that I used to configure my NIC:

public static class NetworkConfigurator
    /// <summary>
    /// Set's a new IP Address and it's Submask of the local machine
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ipAddress">The IP Address</param>
    /// <param name="subnetMask">The Submask IP Address</param>
    /// <param name="gateway">The gateway.</param>
    /// <param name="nicDescription"></param>
    /// <remarks>Requires a reference to the System.Management namespace</remarks>
    public static void SetIP(string nicDescription, string[] ipAddresses, string subnetMask, string gateway)
        using (var networkConfigMng = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"))
            using (var networkConfigs = networkConfigMng.GetInstances())
                foreach (var managementObject in networkConfigs.Cast<ManagementObject>().Where(mo => (bool)mo["IPEnabled"] && (string)mo["Description"] == nicDescription))
                    using (var newIP = managementObject.GetMethodParameters("EnableStatic"))
                        // Set new IP address and subnet if needed
                        if (ipAddresses != null || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(subnetMask))
                            if (ipAddresses != null)
                                newIP["IPAddress"] = ipAddresses;

                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(subnetMask))
                                newIP["SubnetMask"] = Array.ConvertAll(ipAddresses, _ => subnetMask);

                            managementObject.InvokeMethod("EnableStatic", newIP, null);

                        // Set mew gateway if needed
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(gateway))
                            using (var newGateway = managementObject.GetMethodParameters("SetGateways"))
                                newGateway["DefaultIPGateway"] = new[] { gateway };
                                newGateway["GatewayCostMetric"] = new[] { 1 };
                                managementObject.InvokeMethod("SetGateways", newGateway, null);

    /// <summary>
    /// Set's the DNS Server of the local machine
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="nic">NIC address</param>
    /// <param name="dnsServers">Comma seperated list of DNS server addresses</param>
    /// <remarks>Requires a reference to the System.Management namespace</remarks>
    public static void SetNameservers(string nicDescription, string[] dnsServers)
        using (var networkConfigMng = new ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"))
            using (var networkConfigs = networkConfigMng.GetInstances())
                foreach (var managementObject in networkConfigs.Cast<ManagementObject>().Where(mo => (bool)mo["IPEnabled"] && (string)mo["Description"] == nicDescription))
                    using (var newDNS = managementObject.GetMethodParameters("SetDNSServerSearchOrder"))
                        newDNS["DNSServerSearchOrder"] = dnsServers;
                        managementObject.InvokeMethod("SetDNSServerSearchOrder", newDNS, null);

TypeScript Objects as Dictionary types as in C#

In addition to using an map-like object, there has been an actual Map object for some time now, which is available in TypeScript when compiling to ES6, or when using a polyfill with the ES6 type-definitions:

let people = new Map<string, Person>();

It supports the same functionality as Object, and more, with a slightly different syntax:

// Adding an item (a key-value pair):
people.set("John", { firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe" });

// Checking for the presence of a key:
people.has("John"); // true

// Retrieving a value by a key:
people.get("John").lastName; // "Doe"

// Deleting an item by a key:

This alone has several advantages over using a map-like object, such as:

  • Support for non-string based keys, e.g. numbers or objects, neither of which are supported by Object (no, Object does not support numbers, it converts them to strings)
  • Less room for errors when not using --noImplicitAny, as a Map always has a key type and a value type, whereas an object might not have an index-signature
  • The functionality of adding/removing items (key-value pairs) is optimized for the task, unlike creating properties on an Object

Additionally, a Map object provides a more powerful and elegant API for common tasks, most of which are not available through simple Objects without hacking together helper functions (although some of these require a full ES6 iterator/iterable polyfill for ES5 targets or below):

// Iterate over Map entries:
people.forEach((person, key) => ...);

// Clear the Map:

// Get Map size:

// Extract keys into array (in insertion order):
let keys = Array.from(people.keys());

// Extract values into array (in insertion order):
let values = Array.from(people.values());

Intent from Fragment to Activity

use this

public void goToAttract(View v)
    Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), MainActivityList.class);

be sure you've registered MainActivityList in you Manifest

Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony 2

I had the same problem and I just tried using the following as a workaround. Seems to work so far. You can even create a dummy template that just contains references to all those static assets.

{% stylesheets
%}{% endstylesheets %}

Notice the omission of any output which means nothing shows up on the template. When I run assetic:dump the files are copied over to the desired location and the css includes work as expected.

How can I get the ID of an element using jQuery?

Maybe useful for others that find this thread. The code below will only work if you already use jQuery. The function returns always an identifier. If the element doesn't have an identifier the function generates the identifier and append this to the element.

var generatedIdCounter = 0;

$ = function() {
    var identifier = this.attr('id');

    if(!identifier) {
        identifier = 'isGenerated_' + generatedIdCounter;

        this.attr('id', identifier);

    return identifier;

How to use:



How to round 0.745 to 0.75 using BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP?

This will maybe give you a hint on what went wrong.

import java.math.BigDecimal;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BigDecimal bdTest = new BigDecimal(0.745);
        BigDecimal bdTest1 = new BigDecimal("0.745");
        bdTest = bdTest.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
        bdTest1 = bdTest1.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
        System.out.println("bdTest:" + bdTest); // prints "bdTest:0.74"
        System.out.println("bdTest1:" + bdTest1); // prints "bdTest:0.75"

The problem is, that your input (a double x=0.745;) can not represent 0.745 exactly. It actually saves a value slightly lower. For BigDecimals, this is already below 0.745, so it rounds down...

Try not to use the BigDecimal(double/float) constructors.

Create pandas Dataframe by appending one row at a time

For the sake of Pythonic way, here add my answer:

res = pd.DataFrame(columns=('lib', 'qty1', 'qty2'))
res = res.append([{'qty1':10.0}], ignore_index=True)

   lib  qty1  qty2
0  NaN  10.0   NaN

PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist thrown by JPA and Hibernate

Probably in this case you obtained your account object using the merge logic, and persist is used to persist new objects and it will complain if the hierarchy is having an already persisted object. You should use saveOrUpdate in such cases, instead of persist.

How to show multiline text in a table cell

If you have a string variable with \n in it, that you want to put inside td, you can try

        .map((s, index) => (
            <React.Fragment key={index}>
                <br />

Richtextbox wpf binding

     <FlowDocument PageHeight="180">
             <Run Text="{Binding Text, Mode=TwoWay}"/>

This seems to be the easiest way by far and isn't displayed in any of these answers.

In the view model just have the Text variable.

Show pop-ups the most elegant way

It's funny because I'm learning Angular myself and was watching some video's from their channel on Youtube. The speaker mentions your exact problem in this video around the 28:30 minute mark.

It comes down to placing that particular piece of code in a service rather then a controller.

My guess would be to inject new popup elements into the DOM and handle them separate instead of showing and hiding the same element. This way you can have multiple popups.

The whole video is very interesting to watch as well :-)

Bootstrap 3 Carousel Not Working

Here is the changes you need to be done

just replace the carousel div with the below code

You have missed the '#' for data-target and add active class for the first item

<div id="carousel" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">
            <ol class="carousel-indicators">
                <li data-target="#carousel" data-slide-to="0"></li>
                <li data-target="#carousel" data-slide-to="1"></li>
                <li data-target="#carousel" data-slide-to="2"></li>
            <div class="carousel-inner">
                <div class="item active">
                    <img src="img/slide_1.png" alt="Slide 1">
                <div class="item">
                    <img src="img/slide_2.png" alt="Slide 2">
                <div class="item">
                    <img src="img/slide_3.png" alt="Slide 3">
            <a href="#carousel" class="left carousel-control" data-slide="prev">
                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span>
            <a href="#carousel" class="right carousel-control" data-slide="next">
                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span>

Install a Nuget package in Visual Studio Code

Nuget Gallery provides a GUI similar to the full Visual Studio. See below.

enter image description here

How To Use:

  1. Install Nuget Gallery from extension marketplace.
  2. Launch from the menu bar View > Command Palette or ??P (Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows and Linux). Type Nuget: Open Gallery.
  3. The GUI above is displayed. You can filter just like in regular Visual Studio.
  4. Make sure the .csproj file checkbox is selected, select version from dropdown, and click install button.


Earlier versions, as noted in the comments, had an issue where the .csproj checkbox was not visible when a package in the csproj file was missing a version number like below.

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" />

This has been fixed in newer versions of the extension so if you have an older version with this issue, please update it to the latest version.

Replacing some characters in a string with another character

You might find this link helpful:

In general,

To replace the first match of $substring with $replacement:


To replace all matches of $substring with $replacement:


EDIT: Note that this applies to a variable named $string.

How to remove selected commit log entries from a Git repository while keeping their changes?

I find this process much safer and easier to understand by creating another branch from the SHA1 of A and cherry-picking the desired changes so I can make sure I'm satisfied with how this new branch looks. After that, it is easy to remove the old branch and rename the new one.

git checkout <SHA1 of A>
git log #verify looks good
git checkout -b rework
git cherry-pick <SHA1 of D>
git log #verify looks good
git branch -D <oldbranch>
git branch -m rework <oldbranch>

How do I make a composite key with SQL Server Management Studio?

Open up the table designer in SQL Server Management Studio (right-click table and select 'Design')

Holding down the Ctrl key highlight two or more columns in the left hand table margin

Hit the little 'Key' on the standard menu bar at the top

You're done..


Git merge reports "Already up-to-date" though there is a difference

The same happened to me. But the scenario was a little different, I had master branch, and I carved out release_1 (say) out of it. Made some changes in release_1 branch and merged it into origin. then I did ssh and on the remote server I again checkout out release_1 using the command git checkout -b release_1 - which actually carves out a new branch release_! from the master rather than checking out the already existing branch release_1 from origin. Solved the problem by removing "-b" switch

How do I reset the scale/zoom of a web app on an orientation change on the iPhone?

Jeremy Keith (@adactio) has a good solution for this on his blog Orientation and scale

Keep the Markup scalable by not setting a maximum-scale in markup.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

Then disable scalability with javascript on load until gesturestart when you allow scalability again with this script:

if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) {
    var viewportmeta = document.querySelector('meta[name="viewport"]');
    if (viewportmeta) {
        viewportmeta.content = 'width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1.0';
        document.body.addEventListener('gesturestart', function () {
            viewportmeta.content = 'width=device-width, minimum-scale=0.25, maximum-scale=1.6';
        }, false);

Update 22-12-2014:
On an iPad 1 this doesnt work, it fails on the eventlistener. I've found that removing .body fixes that:

document.addEventListener('gesturestart', function() { /* */ });

Unable to ping vmware guest from another vmware guest

If i am understanding your question. You now have both VMs on the same network segment VMnet8,

  1. Enable file and print sharing from the firewall settings on both VMs
  2. Ensure that from the host machine (Windows 7) that the network adapter for VMnet8 is enabled. Also open the network adapter to check if you are actually connecting to VMnet8 network address. Then try to ping both addresses.
  3. If this still doesnt work, perform ipconfig/all from host machine and paste the output here so that i can see how the network address are distributed.


How to display all elements in an arraylist?

Hi sorry the code for the second one should be:

private static void getAll(CarList c1) {

ArrayList <Car> cars = c1.getAll(); // error incompatible type
for(Car item : cars)
                       + " "
                       + item.getReg()


I have a class called CarList which contains the arraylist and its method, so in the tester class, i have basically this code to use that CarList class:

CarList c1; c1 = new CarList();

everything else works, such as adding and removing cars and displaying an inidividual car, i just need a code to display all cars in the arraylist.

Background thread with QThread in PyQt

According to the Qt developers, subclassing QThread is incorrect (see But that article is really hard to understand (plus the title is a bit condescending). I found a better blog post that gives a more detailed explanation about why you should use one style of threading over another:

In my opinion, you should probably never subclass thread with the intent to overload the run method. While that does work, you're basically circumventing how Qt wants you to work. Plus you'll miss out on things like events and proper thread safe signals and slots. Plus as you'll likely see in the above blog post, the "correct" way of threading forces you to write more testable code.

Here's a couple of examples of how to take advantage of QThreads in PyQt (I posted a separate answer below that properly uses QRunnable and incorporates signals/slots, that answer is better if you have a lot of async tasks that you need to load balance).

import sys
from PyQt4 import QtCore
from PyQt4 import QtGui
from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt

# very testable class (hint: you can use mock.Mock for the signals)
class Worker(QtCore.QObject):
    finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
    dataReady = QtCore.pyqtSignal(list, dict)

    def processA(self):
        print "Worker.processA()"

    @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, list, list)
    def processB(self, foo, bar=None, baz=None):
        print "Worker.processB()"
        for thing in bar:
            # lots of processing...
            self.dataReady.emit(['dummy', 'data'], {'dummy': ['data']})

class Thread(QtCore.QThread):
    """Need for PyQt4 <= 4.6 only"""
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        QtCore.QThread.__init__(self, parent)

     # this class is solely needed for these two methods, there
     # appears to be a bug in PyQt 4.6 that requires you to
     # explicitly call run and start from the subclass in order
     # to get the thread to actually start an event loop

    def start(self):

    def run(self):

app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)

thread = Thread() # no parent!
obj = Worker() # no parent!

# if you want the thread to stop after the worker is done
# you can always call thread.start() again later

# one way to do it is to start processing as soon as the thread starts
# this is okay in some cases... but makes it harder to send data to
# the worker object from the main gui thread.  As you can see I'm calling
# processA() which takes no arguments

# another way to do it, which is a bit fancier, allows you to talk back and
# forth with the object in a thread safe way by communicating through signals
# and slots (now that the thread is running I can start calling methods on
# the worker object)
QtCore.QMetaObject.invokeMethod(obj, 'processB', Qt.QueuedConnection,
                                QtCore.Q_ARG(str, "Hello World!"),
                                QtCore.Q_ARG(list, ["args", 0, 1]),
                                QtCore.Q_ARG(list, []))

# that looks a bit scary, but its a totally ok thing to do in Qt,
# we're simply using the system that Signals and Slots are built on top of,
# the QMetaObject, to make it act like we safely emitted a signal for 
# the worker thread to pick up when its event loop resumes (so if its doing
# a bunch of work you can call this method 10 times and it will just queue
# up the calls.  Note: PyQt > 4.6 will not allow you to pass in a None
# instead of an empty list, it has stricter type checking


# Without this you may get weird QThread messages in the shell on exit

how to achieve transfer file between client and server using java socket

Reading quickly through the source it seems that you're not far off. The following link should help (I did something similar but for FTP). For a file send from server to client, you start off with a file instance and an array of bytes. You then read the File into the byte array and write the byte array to the OutputStream which corresponds with the InputStream on the client's side.

Edit: Here's a working ultra-minimalistic file sender and receiver. Make sure you understand what the code is doing on both sides.

package filesendtest;


class TCPServer {

    private final static String fileToSend = "C:\\test1.pdf";

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        while (true) {
            ServerSocket welcomeSocket = null;
            Socket connectionSocket = null;
            BufferedOutputStream outToClient = null;

            try {
                welcomeSocket = new ServerSocket(3248);
                connectionSocket = welcomeSocket.accept();
                outToClient = new BufferedOutputStream(connectionSocket.getOutputStream());
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                // Do exception handling

            if (outToClient != null) {
                File myFile = new File( fileToSend );
                byte[] mybytearray = new byte[(int) myFile.length()];

                FileInputStream fis = null;

                try {
                    fis = new FileInputStream(myFile);
                } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
                    // Do exception handling
                BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);

                try {
          , 0, mybytearray.length);
                    outToClient.write(mybytearray, 0, mybytearray.length);

                    // File sent, exit the main method
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    // Do exception handling

package filesendtest;


class TCPClient {

    private final static String serverIP = "";
    private final static int serverPort = 3248;
    private final static String fileOutput = "C:\\testout.pdf";

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        byte[] aByte = new byte[1];
        int bytesRead;

        Socket clientSocket = null;
        InputStream is = null;

        try {
            clientSocket = new Socket( serverIP , serverPort );
            is = clientSocket.getInputStream();
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            // Do exception handling

        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

        if (is != null) {

            FileOutputStream fos = null;
            BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
            try {
                fos = new FileOutputStream( fileOutput );
                bos = new BufferedOutputStream(fos);
                bytesRead =, 0, aByte.length);

                do {
                        bytesRead =;
                } while (bytesRead != -1);

            } catch (IOException ex) {
                // Do exception handling


Byte array of unknown length in java

Edit: The following could be used to fingerprint small files before and after transfer (use SHA if you feel it's necessary):

public static String md5String(File file) {
    try {
        InputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file); md5er = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
        int read;
        do {
            read =;
            if (read > 0) {
                md5er.update(buffer, 0, read);
        } while (read != -1);
        byte[] digest = md5er.digest();
        if (digest == null) {
            return null;
        String strDigest = "0x";
        for (int i = 0; i < digest.length; i++) {
            strDigest += Integer.toString((digest[i] & 0xff)
                    + 0x100, 16).substring(1).toUpperCase();
        return strDigest;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

Include another JSP file

You can use parameters like that

<jsp:include page='about.jsp'>
    <jsp:param name="articleId" value=""/>


in about.jsp you can take the paramter

<%String leftAds = request.getParameter("articleId");%>

What does "<>" mean in Oracle

Does not equal. The opposite of =, equivalent to !=.

Also, for everyone's info, this can return a non-zero number of rows. I see the OP has reformatted his question so it's a bit clearer, but as far as I can tell, this finds records where product ID is among those found in order #605, as is quantity, but it's not actually order #605. If order #605 contains 1 apple, 2 bananas and 3 crayons, #604 should match if it contains 2 apples (but not 3 dogs). It just won't match order #605. (And if ordid is unique, then it would find exact duplicates.)

Python loop to run for certain amount of seconds

Try this:

import time

t_end = time.time() + 60 * 15
while time.time() < t_end:
    # do whatever you do

This will run for 15 min x 60 s = 900 seconds.

Function time.time returns the current time in seconds since 1st Jan 1970. The value is in floating point, so you can even use it with sub-second precision. In the beginning the value t_end is calculated to be "now" + 15 minutes. The loop will run until the current time exceeds this preset ending time.

How to remove elements/nodes from angular.js array

If you have any function associated to list ,when you make the splice function, the association is deleted too. My solution:

$scope.remove = function() {
    var oldList = $scope.items;
    $scope.items = [];

    angular.forEach(oldList, function(x) {
        if (! x.done) $scope.items.push( { [ DATA OF EACH ITEM USING oldList(x) ] });

The list param is named items. The param x.done indicate if the item will be deleted. Hope help you. Greetings.

Render Content Dynamically from an array map function in React Native

Don't forget to return the mapped array , like:

lapsList() {

    return => {
      return (


Reference for the map() method:

Tensorflow image reading & display

You can use tf.keras API.

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import load_img, array_to_img


img = load_img("example.png")
img = tf.convert_to_tensor(np.asarray(img))
image = tf.image.resize_images(img, (800, 800))
to_img = array_to_img(image)

Excel select a value from a cell having row number calculated

You could use the INDIRECT function. This takes a string and converts it into a range

More info here


But it's preferable to use INDEX as it is less volatile.


This returns a value or the reference to a value from within a table or range

More info here

Put either function into cell B2 and fill down.