[markdown] Markdown to create pages and table of contents?

For me, the solution proposed by @Tum works like a charm for a table of contents with 2 levels. However, for the 3rd level it didn't work. It didn't display the link as for the first 2 levels, it displays the plain text 3.5.1. [bla bla bla](#blablabla) <br> instead.

My solution is an addition to the solution of @Tum (which is very simple) for people who need a table of contents with 3 levels or more.

On the second level, a simple tab will do the indent correctly for you. But it doesn't support 2 tabs. Instead, you have to use one tab and add as many &nbsp; as needed yourself in order to align the 3rd level correctly.

Here's an example using 4 levels (higher the levels, awful it becomes):

# Table of Contents
1. [Title](#title) <br>
    1.1. [sub-title](#sub_title) <br>
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1.1.1. [sub-sub-title](#sub_sub_title)
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [sub-sub-sub-title](#sub_sub_sub_title)

# Title <a name="title"></a>
Heading 1

## Sub-Title <a name="sub_title"></a>
Heading 2

### Sub-Sub-Title <a name="sub_sub_title"></a>
Heading 3

#### Sub-Sub-Sub-Title <a name="sub_sub_sub_title"></a>
Heading 4

This gives the following result where every element of the table of contents is a link to its corresponding section. Note also the <br> in order to add a new line instead of being on the same line.

Table of Contents

  1. Title
    1.1. Sub-Title
           1.1.1. Sub-Sub-Title


Heading 1


Heading 2


Heading 3


Heading 4