[javascript] nodemon command is not recognized in terminal for node js server

I am doing node.js server setup from https://scotch.io/tutorials/authenticate-a-node-js-api-with-json-web-tokens. I am new in node.js. I am installing npm install nodemon --save. But when I am run the server with this nodemon server.js.
In the terminal showing:

nodemon is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file

enter image description here

node server.js command is working and started the server, But nodemon command is not working.

I am set up the node js server from https://scotch.io/tutorials/authenticate-a-node-js-api-with-json-web-tokens video.

I don't know why it is not working I have tried some command for the install nodemon.

npm install -g nodemon 
npm install -g nodemon --save 
npm install --save-dev nodemon 
npm install -g nodemon@debug 

npm install -g --force nodemon

I have seen one link I can´t install nodemon globally, "nodemon" not recognized, But I don't know how to set the path because of my project location in D drive.

I want to run nodemon server.js. If anybody has an idea please share. Thanks in advance.

This question is related to javascript node.js frontend nodemon

The answer is

You can run your node app by simply typing nodemon It First run index.js You can put your entry point in that file easily.

If you have not installed nodemon then you first you have to install it by

npm install -g nodemon

If you got any permission error then use

sudo npm install -g nodemon

You can check nodemon exists or not by

nodemon -v

All above options are failed, I got the permanent solution for this. Add below line in package.json under dependencies and run npm install. This will add nodemon package to node_modules and there you go, enjoy the coding.

"nodemon": "^1.17.*"

Since node prefix is not in the PATH ENV variable , any of the globally installed modules are not getting recognized. Please try this. Open cmd prompt npm config get prefix append the resulting path to PATH env variable. Now you should be able to run nodemon from any location. try this link and follow it.fixing npm permissions https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/fixing-npm-permissions#option-2-change-npms-default-directory-to-another-directory

No need to install nodemon globally. Just run this npx nodemon <scriptname.js>. That's it.

Just had the same problem after creating a new user profile on my development machine.

The problem was that I wasn't running the console (command prompt\powershell ISE) as admin.

Running as admin solved this problem for me.

For me setting the path variables was enough for the solution:

Step 1) Install nodemon globally using npm install -g nodemon

enter image description here

Step 2) Set the ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES, by adding npm path the PATH variable

1) Open Control Panel, search for environment variable

enter image description here

2) Click open the environment variable enter image description here

3) Create new variable NPM set it with the path of npm as appears from the nodemon installation cmd output (as seen from nodemon installation screenshot):

enter image description here

4) Now add NPM variable to the PATH variables:

enter image description here

Step 3) Close the 'cmd' and open a fresh one and type nodemon --version enter image description here

Now we have the nodemon ready to use :)

I have fixed in this way

  1. uninstall existing local nodemon

    npm uninstall nodemon

  2. install it again globally.

    npm i -g nodemon

Run this command:

npm install nodemon -g

Now it will install the nodemon but the problem with my case is that it is installing nodemon somewhere else.I added Nodejs path from (ProgramFiles(x86)) but that did not worked so i found another solution.

  • Run above command
  • There will be a path shown during installation where nodemon is installed,then [Kindly go to below link to see the path][1]

    [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/ld2sU.png

  • Copy the path upto npm and set it to environment variable
  • Now try the below command,hopefully it will run

      nodemon YourAppName.js

  1. Install nodemon globally:

    C:\>npm install -g nodemon
  2. Get prefix:

    C:\>npm config get prefix

    You will get output like following in your console:


    Copy it.

  3. Set Path.
    Go to Advance System Settings → Environment Variable → Click New (Under User Variables) → Pop up form will be displayed → Pass the following values:

    variable name = path,
    variable value = Copy output from your console
  4. Now Run Nodemon:

    C:\>nodemon .

First, write npm install --save nodemon then in package.json write the followings

"scripts": {
    "server": "nodemon server.js"

then write

npm run server

I tried installing the nodemon globally but that doesn't worked for me. whenever i try to run it always shows me the error:

nodemon : The term 'nodemon' is not recognized as the name of a
cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling
of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is
correct and try again.

2. I have found two solutions for this

solution 1:

What i have tried is to update the "scripts" in package.json file and there i have added

"server": "nodemon app.js"

above line of code and after that

npm run server

Soluton 2:

  1. Press the Windows key.

  2. Type "Path" in the search box and select "Edit the system environment variables"

  3. Click on "Environment Variables" near the bottom.

  4. In the "System Variables" section double click on the "Path" variable.

  5. Click "New" on the right-hand side.

  6. Copy and paste this into the box (replace [Username]):


  1. restart your terminal and VSCode.

  2. Then type nodemon app.js to run the nodemon

i applied solution 2 as we just need to run nodemon [filename.js]

To use nodemon you must install it globally.

For Windows

npm i -g nodemon

For Mac

sudo npm i -g nodemon

If you don't want to install it globally you can install it locally in your project folder by running command npm i nodemon . It will give error something like this if run locally:

nodemon : The term 'nodemon' is not recognized as the name of a
cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling
of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is
correct and try again.

To remove this error open package.json file and add

"scripts": {
     "server": "nodemon server.js"

and after that just run command

npm run server

and your nodemon will start working properly.

Does it need to be installed globally? Do you need to be able to just run nodemon server.js ? If not, you could always just call it from your local project directory. Should be here:


Remove nodemon because it's a dev dependency and use node instead of it.

"scripts": {
     "start": "node server.js"

This worked for me.

The Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet's default execution policy is Restricted for Windows. You can try installing nodemon by setting this policy to Unrestricted.

execute command : Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted and then try installing nodemon and execute command: nodemon -v

This may come to late, But better to say somthing :)

If you don't want to install nodemon globbaly you can use npx, it installs the package at run-time and will behave as global package (keep in mind that it's just available at the moment and does not exist globally!).

So all you need is npx nodemon server.js.

Just install Globally

 npm install -g  nodemon

It worked for me on Windows 10.

nodemon app.js

I was facing the same issue. I had installed nodemon as a dev-dependency and when I tried to start the server it gave the message that

nodemon is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Then I installed it globally and tried to start the server and it worked!

npm install -g nodemon

Try in your packge.json: put "./node_modules/.bin/nodemon" instead of just "nodemon". For me it works.

This line solved my problem in CMD:

npm install --save-dev nodemon

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