Programs & Examples On #Pidgin

Pidgin is a chat program which lets you log in to accounts on multiple chat networks simultaneously. This means that you can be chatting with friends on MSN, talking to a friend on Google Talk, and sitting in a Yahoo chat room all at the same time. Pidgin runs on Windows, Linux, and other UNIX operating systems.

Insert images to XML file

Here's some code taken from Kirk Evans Blog that demonstrates how to encode an image in C#;

//Load the picture from a file
Image picture = Image.FromFile(@"c:\temp\test.gif");

//Create an in-memory stream to hold the picture's bytes
System.IO.MemoryStream pictureAsStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
picture.Save(pictureAsStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);

//Rewind the stream back to the beginning
pictureAsStream.Position = 0;
//Get the stream as an array of bytes
byte[] pictureAsBytes = pictureAsStream.ToArray();

//Create an XmlTextWriter to write the XML somewhere... here, I just chose
//to stream out to the Console output stream
System.Xml.XmlTextWriter writer = new System.Xml.XmlTextWriter(Console.Out);

//Write the root element of the XML document and the base64 encoded data
writer.WriteStartElement("w", "binData",

writer.WriteBase64(pictureAsBytes, 0, pictureAsBytes.Length);


What is the correct XPath for choosing attributes that contain "foo"?





/bla/a[position() <= 3]



The Axis - search through every node underneath and the node itself. It is often better to say this than //. I have encountered some implementations where // means anywhere (decendant or self of the root node). The other use the default axis.

* or /bla/a

The Tag - a wildcard match, and /bla/a is an absolute path.

[contains(@prop,'Foo')] or [position() <= 3]

The condition within [ ]. @prop is shorthand for attribute::prop, as attribute is another search axis. Alternatively you can select the first 3 by using the position() function.

How to programmatically set the SSLContext of a JAX-WS client?

I tried the following and it didn't work on my environment:

bindingProvider.getRequestContext().put("", getCustomSocketFactory());

But different property worked like a charm:

bindingProvider.getRequestContext().put(JAXWSProperties.SSL_SOCKET_FACTORY, getCustomSocketFactory());

The rest of the code was taken from the first reply.

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered

If non-numeric value encountered in your code try below one. The below code is converted to float.

$PlannedAmount = ''; // empty string ''

if(!is_numeric($PlannedAmount)) {
           $PlannedAmount = floatval($PlannedAmount);

 echo $PlannedAmount; //output = 0

Post Build exited with code 1

For me I had to make sure the the program I was coping file to was not running at the time. There weren't any errors in the syntax. Hope this helps someone.

Progress Bar with HTML and CSS

Same as @RoToRa's answer, with a some slight adjustments (correct colors and dimensions):

body {_x000D_
  background-color: #636363;_x000D_
  padding: 1em;_x000D_
#progressbar {_x000D_
  background-color: #20201F;_x000D_
  border-radius: 20px; /* (heightOfInnerDiv / 2) + padding */_x000D_
  padding: 4px;_x000D_
#progressbar>div {_x000D_
  background-color: #F7901E;_x000D_
  width: 48%;_x000D_
  /* Adjust with JavaScript */_x000D_
  height: 16px;_x000D_
  border-radius: 10px;_x000D_
<div id="progressbar">_x000D_

Here's the fiddle: jsFiddle

And here's what it looks like: jsFiddle-screenshot

Absolute Positioning & Text Alignment

Try this:

You need to add left: 0 and right: 0 (not supported by IE6). Or specify a width

What does `void 0` mean?

void is a reserved JavaScript keyword. It evaluates the expression and always returns undefined.

mailto link multiple body lines

This is what I do, just add \n and use encodeURIComponent


var emailBody = "1st line.\n 2nd line \n 3rd line";

emailBody = encodeURIComponent(emailBody);

href = "mailto:[email protected]?body=" + emailBody;

Check encodeURIComponent docs

How to select min and max values of a column in a datatable?

var answer = accountTable.Aggregate(new { Min = int.MinValue, Max = int.MaxValue }, 
                                        (a, b) => new { Min = Math.Min(a.Min, b.Field<int>("AccountLevel")),
                                                        Max = Math.Max(a.Max, b.Field<int>("AccountLevel")) });
int min = answer.Min;
int max = answer.Max;

1 iteration, linq style :)

Django 1.7 - makemigrations not detecting changes

Make sure your model is not abstract. I actually made that mistake and it took a while, so I thought I'd post it.

How to format a Java string with leading zero?

You can use:

String.format("%08d", "Apple");

It seems to be the simplest method and there is no need of any external library.

Why is null an object and what's the difference between null and undefined?

The difference can be summarized into this snippet:

alert(typeof(null));      // object
alert(typeof(undefined)); // undefined

alert(null !== undefined) //true
alert(null == undefined)  //true


object == null is different to check if ( !object ).

The latter is equal to ! Boolean(object), because the unary ! operator automatically cast the right operand into a Boolean.

Since Boolean(null) equals false then !false === true.

So if your object is not null, but false or 0 or "", the check will pass because:

alert(Boolean(null)) //false
alert(Boolean(0))    //false
alert(Boolean(""))   //false

Force DOM redraw/refresh on Chrome/Mac

Not sure exactly what you're trying to achieve but this is a method I have used in the past with success to force the browser to redraw, maybe it will work for you.

// in jquery

// in plain js
document.getElementById('parentOfElementToBeRedrawn').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('parentOfElementToBeRedrawn').style.display = 'block';

If this simple redraw doesn't work you can try this one. It inserts an empty text node into the element which guarantees a redraw.

var forceRedraw = function(element){

    if (!element) { return; }

    var n = document.createTextNode(' ');
    var disp =;  // don't worry about previous display style

    element.appendChild(n); = 'none';

    setTimeout(function(){ = disp;
    },20); // you can play with this timeout to make it as short as possible

EDIT: In response to Šime Vidas what we are achieving here would be a forced reflow. You can find out more from the master himself

Getting NetworkCredential for current user (C#)

You can get the user name using System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() but there is not way to get current user password!

How do I run pip on python for windows?

Maybe you'd like try run pip in Python shell like this:

>>> import pip
>>> pip.main(['install', 'requests'])

This will install requests package using pip.

Because pip is a module in standard library, but it isn't a built-in function(or module), so you need import it.

Other way, you should run pip in system shell(cmd. If pip is in path).

How to justify navbar-nav in Bootstrap 3

Hi you can use this below code for working justified nav

<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
    <ul class="navbar-nav nav nav-justified">
        <li class="active"><a href="#">Inicio</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Item 1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Item 2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Item 3</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Item 4</a></li>

HTML.HiddenFor value set

It is just Value, not @value.. Try it. I'm not sure about @Model.title, maybe it's just Model.title

How can I make a JPA OneToOne relation lazy

As already perfectly explained by ChssPly76, Hibernate's proxies don't help with unconstrained (nullable) one-to-one associations, BUT there is a trick explained here to avoid to set up instrumentation. The idea is to fool Hibernate that the entity class which we want to use has been already instrumented: you instrument it manually in the source code. It's easy! I've implemented it with CGLib as bytecode provider and it works (ensure that you configure lazy="no-proxy" and fetch="select", not "join", in your HBM).

I think this is a good alternative to real (I mean automatic) instrumentation when you have just one one-to-one nullable relation that you want to make lazy. The main drawback is that the solution depends on the bytecode provider you are using, so comment your class accurately because you could have to change the bytecode provider in the future; of course, you are also modifying your model bean for a technical reason and this is not fine.

Getting time elapsed in Objective-C

Use the timeIntervalSinceDate method

NSTimeInterval secondsElapsed = [secondDate timeIntervalSinceDate:firstDate];

NSTimeInterval is just a double, define in NSDate like this:

typedef double NSTimeInterval;

How to define a connection string to a SQL Server 2008 database?

You need to specify how you'll authenticate with the database. If you want to use integrated security (this means using Windows authentication using your local or domain Windows account), add this to the connection string:

Integrated Security = True;

If you want to use SQL Server authentication (meaning you specify a login and password rather than using a Windows account), add this:

User ID = "username"; Password = "password";

Pass multiple complex objects to a post/put Web API method

Create one complex object to combine Content and Config in it as others mentioned, use dynamic and just do a .ToObject(); as:

public void StartProcessiong([FromBody] dynamic obj)
   var complexObj= obj.ToObject<ComplexObj>();
   var content = complexObj.Content;
   var config = complexObj.Config;

Shorter syntax for casting from a List<X> to a List<Y>?

dynamic data = List<x> val;  
List<y> val2 = ((IEnumerable)data).Cast<y>().ToList();

Overlaying histograms with ggplot2 in R

Your current code:

ggplot(histogram, aes(f0, fill = utt)) + geom_histogram(alpha = 0.2)

is telling ggplot to construct one histogram using all the values in f0 and then color the bars of this single histogram according to the variable utt.

What you want instead is to create three separate histograms, with alpha blending so that they are visible through each other. So you probably want to use three separate calls to geom_histogram, where each one gets it's own data frame and fill:

ggplot(histogram, aes(f0)) + 
    geom_histogram(data = lowf0, fill = "red", alpha = 0.2) + 
    geom_histogram(data = mediumf0, fill = "blue", alpha = 0.2) +
    geom_histogram(data = highf0, fill = "green", alpha = 0.2) +

Here's a concrete example with some output:

dat <- data.frame(xx = c(runif(100,20,50),runif(100,40,80),runif(100,0,30)),yy = rep(letters[1:3],each = 100))

ggplot(dat,aes(x=xx)) + 
    geom_histogram(data=subset(dat,yy == 'a'),fill = "red", alpha = 0.2) +
    geom_histogram(data=subset(dat,yy == 'b'),fill = "blue", alpha = 0.2) +
    geom_histogram(data=subset(dat,yy == 'c'),fill = "green", alpha = 0.2)

which produces something like this:

enter image description here

Edited to fix typos; you wanted fill, not colour.

Excel VBA - Pass a Row of Cell Values to an Array and then Paste that Array to a Relative Reference of Cells

When i Tried your Code i got en Error when i wanted to fill the Array.

you can try to fill the Array like This.

Sub Testing_Data()
Dim k As Long, S2 As Worksheet, VArray

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set S2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
With S2
    VArray = .Range("A1:A" & .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row)
End With
For k = 2 To UBound(VArray, 1)
    S2.Cells(k, "B") = VArray(k, 1) / 100
    S2.Cells(k, "C") = VArray(k, 1) * S2.Cells(k, "B")

End Sub

How do I get the coordinate position after using jQuery drag and drop?

Cudos accepted answer is great. However, the Draggable module also has a "drag" event that tells you the position while your dragging. So, in addition to the 'start' and 'stop' you could add the following event within your Draggable object:

    // Drag current position of dragged image.
    drag: function(event, ui) {

        // Show the current dragged position of image
        var currentPos = $(this).position();
        $("div#xpos").text("CURRENT: \nLeft: " + currentPos.left + "\nTop: " +;


Safe String to BigDecimal conversion

Please try this its working for me

BigDecimal bd ;
String value = "2000.00";

bd = new BigDecimal(value);
BigDecimal currency = bd;

Is it possible to hide the cursor in a webpage using CSS or Javascript?

For whole html document try this

html * {cursor:none}

Or if some css overwrite your cursor: none use !important

html * {cursor:none!important}

How to access your website through LAN in ASP.NET

You may also need to enable the World Wide Web Service inbound firewall rule.

On Windows 7: Start -> Control Panel -> Windows Firewall -> Advanced Settings -> Inbound Rules

Find World Wide Web Services (HTTP Traffic-In) in the list and select to enable the rule. Change is pretty much immediate.

AngularJS $resource RESTful example

you can just do $scope.todo = Todo.get({ id: 123 }). .get() and .query() on a Resource return an object immediately and fill it with the result of the promise later (to update your template). It's not a typical promise which is why you need to either use a callback or the $promise property if you have some special code you want executed after the call. But there is no need to assign it to your scope in a callback if you are only using it in the template.

Replace negative values in an numpy array

And yet another possibility:

In [2]: a = array([1, 2, 3, -4, 5])

In [3]: where(a<0, 0, a)
Out[3]: array([1, 2, 3, 0, 5])

Find out free space on tablespace

The following query will help to find out free space of tablespaces in MB:

select tablespace_name , sum(bytes)/1024/1024 from dba_free_space group by tablespacE_name order by 1;

How do I get the function name inside a function in PHP?


  class Test {
     function MethodA(){
         echo __FUNCTION__ ;
 $test = new Test;
 echo $test->MethodA();

Result: "MethodA";

react change class name on state change

Below is a fully functional example of what I believe you're trying to do (with a functional snippet).


Based on your question, you seem to be modifying 1 property in state for all of your elements. That's why when you click on one, all of them are being changed.

In particular, notice that the state tracks an index of which element is active. When MyClickable is clicked, it tells the Container its index, Container updates the state, and subsequently the isActive property of the appropriate MyClickables.


class Container extends React.Component {_x000D_
  state = {_x000D_
    activeIndex: null_x000D_
  handleClick = (index) => this.setState({ activeIndex: index })_x000D_
  render() {_x000D_
    return <div>_x000D_
      <MyClickable name="a" index={0} isActive={ this.state.activeIndex===0 } onClick={ this.handleClick } />_x000D_
      <MyClickable name="b" index={1} isActive={ this.state.activeIndex===1 } onClick={ this.handleClick }/>_x000D_
      <MyClickable name="c" index={2} isActive={ this.state.activeIndex===2 } onClick={ this.handleClick }/>_x000D_
class MyClickable extends React.Component {_x000D_
  handleClick = () => this.props.onClick(this.props.index)_x000D_
  render() {_x000D_
    return <button_x000D_
        this.props.isActive ? 'active' : 'album'_x000D_
      onClick={ this.handleClick }_x000D_
      <span>{ }</span>_x000D_
ReactDOM.render(<Container />, document.getElementById('app'))
button {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 1em;_x000D_
.album>span:after {_x000D_
  content: ' (an album)';_x000D_
.active {_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
.active>span:after {_x000D_
  content: ' ACTIVE';_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="app"></div>

Update: "Loops"

In response to a comment about a "loop" version, I believe the question is about rendering an array of MyClickable elements. We won't use a loop, but map, which is typical in React + JSX. The following should give you the same result as above, but it works with an array of elements.

// New render method for `Container`
render() {
  const clickables = [
    { name: "a" },
    { name: "b" },
    { name: "c" },

  return <div>
      {, i) {
          return <MyClickable key={ }
            name={ }
            index={ i }
            isActive={ this.state.activeIndex === i }
            onClick={ this.handleClick }
        } )

Can I Set "android:layout_below" at Runtime Programmatically?


RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params= new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); 

First, the code creates a new layout params by specifying the height and width. The addRule method adds the equivalent of the xml properly android:layout_below. Then you just call View#setLayoutParams on the view you want to have those params.

Java Immutable Collections

Unmodifiable collections are usually read-only views (wrappers) of other collections. You can't add, remove or clear them, but the underlying collection can change.

Immutable collections can't be changed at all - they don't wrap another collection - they have their own elements.

Here's a quote from guava's ImmutableList

Unlike Collections.unmodifiableList(java.util.List<? extends T>), which is a view of a separate collection that can still change, an instance of ImmutableList contains its own private data and will never change.

So, basically, in order to get an immutable collection out of a mutable one, you have to copy its elements to the new collection, and disallow all operations.

Python Replace \\ with \

In Python string literals, backslash is an escape character. This is also true when the interactive prompt shows you the value of a string. It will give you the literal code representation of the string. Use the print statement to see what the string actually looks like.

This example shows the difference:

>>> '\\'
>>> print '\\'

Twig: in_array or similar possible within if statement?

Though The above answers are right, I found something more user-friendly approach while using ternary operator.

{{ attachment in item['Attachments'][0] ? 'y' : 'n' }}

If someone need to work through foreach then,

{% for attachment in attachments %}
    {{ attachment in item['Attachments'][0] ? 'y' : 'n' }}
{% endfor %}

How do I change the formatting of numbers on an axis with ggplot?

x <- rnorm(10) * 100000
y <- seq(0, 1, length = 10)
p <- qplot(x, y)
p + scale_x_continuous(labels = comma)

Server cannot set status after HTTP headers have been sent IIS7.5

If someone still having this problem.Try to use instead of ovverriding

 public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)

            if (!HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                if (!HttpContext.Current.Response.IsRequestBeingRedirected)

                    context.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(
                new RouteValueDictionary {  { "controller", "Login" }, { "action", "Index" } });

        catch (Exception ex)
               new RouteValueDictionary { { "controller", "Login" }, { "action", "Index" } });


Get current application physical path within Application_Start

You can also use


What is Persistence Context?

In layman terms we can say that Persistence Context is an environment where entities are managed, i.e it syncs "Entity" with the database.

Array slices in C#

Here's a simple extension method that returns a slice as a new array:

public static T[] Slice<T>(this T[] arr, uint indexFrom, uint indexTo) {
    if (indexFrom > indexTo) {
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("indexFrom is bigger than indexTo!");

    uint length = indexTo - indexFrom;
    T[] result = new T[length];
    Array.Copy(arr, indexFrom, result, 0, length);

    return result;

Then you can use it as:

byte[] slice = foo.Slice(0, 40);

How to use the curl command in PowerShell?

Use splatting.

$CurlArgument = '-u', '[email protected]:yyyy',
                '-X', 'POST',
                '--data', 'content=success'
$CURLEXE = 'C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\curl.exe'
& $CURLEXE @CurlArgument

Laravel Eloquent get results grouped by days

Warning: untested code.

$dailyData = DB::table('page_views')
    ->select('created_at', DB::raw('count(*) as views'))

PHP post_max_size overrides upload_max_filesize

change in php.ini max_input_vars 1000

Reading specific XML elements from XML file

Alternatively, you can use XPath query via XPathSelectElements method:

var document = XDocument.Parse(yourXmlAsString);
var words = document.XPathSelectElements("//word[./category[text() = 'verb']]");

How can I combine multiple rows into a comma-delimited list in Oracle?

I have always had to write some PL/SQL for this or I just concatenate a ',' to the field and copy into an editor and remove the CR from the list giving me the single line.

That is,

select country_name||', ' country from countries

A little bit long winded both ways.

If you look at Ask Tom you will see loads of possible solutions but they all revert to type declarations and/or PL/SQL

Ask Tom

JavaScript alert not working in Android WebView

The following code will work:

private WebView mWebView;
final Activity activity = this;

// private Button b;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    mWebView = (WebView) findViewById(;
    mWebView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient() {
        public void onProgressChanged(WebView view, int progress) {
            activity.setProgress(progress * 1000);


Active Directory LDAP Query by sAMAccountName and Domain

First, modify your search filter to only look for users and not contacts:


You can enumerate all of the domains of a forest by connecting to the configuration partition and enumerating all the entries in the partitions container. Sorry I don't have any C# code right now but here is some vbscript code I've used in the past:

Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
AdComm.Properties("Sort on") = "name"
AdComm.CommandText = "<LDAP://cn=Partitions," & _
    objRootDSE.Get("ConfigurationNamingContext") & ">;" & _
        "(&(objectcategory=crossRef)(systemFlags=3));" & _
set AdRs = AdComm.Execute

From that you can retrieve the name and dnsRoot of each partition:

With AdRs
  While Not .EOF
    dnsRoot = .Fields("dnsRoot")

    Set objOption = Document.createElement("OPTION")
    objOption.Text = dnsRoot(0)
    objOption.Value = "LDAP://" & dnsRoot(0) & "/" & .Fields("nCName").Value
End With

Java: How to set Precision for double value?

To set precision for double values DecimalFormat is good technique. To use this class import java.text.DecimalFormat and create object of it for example

double no=12.786;
DecimalFormat dec = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");

So it will print two digits after decimal point here it will print 12.79

How do I remove the file suffix and path portion from a path string in Bash?

look at the basename command:

NAME="$(basename /foo/ .bar)"

instructs it to remove the suffix .bar, results in NAME=fizzbuzz

What is the pythonic way to detect the last element in a 'for' loop?

There is nothing wrong with your way, unless you will have 100 000 loops and wants save 100 000 "if" statements. In that case, you can go that way :

iterable = [1,2,3] # Your date
iterator = iter(iterable) # get the data iterator

try :   # wrap all in a try / except
    while 1 : 
        item = 
        print item # put the "for loop" code here
except StopIteration, e : # make the process on the last element here
    print item

Outputs :


But really, in your case I feel like it's overkill.

In any case, you will probably be luckier with slicing :

for item in iterable[:-1] :
    print item
print "last :", iterable[-1]

last : 3

or just :

for item in iterable :
    print item
print iterable[-1]

last : 3

Eventually, a KISS way to do you stuff, and that would work with any iterable, including the ones without __len__ :

item = ''
for item in iterable :
    print item
print item



If feel like I would do it that way, seems simple to me.

Plot a line graph, error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) : 'x' and 'y' lengths differ

plot(t) is in this case the same as

plot(t[[1]], t[[2]])

As the error message says, x and y differ in length and that is because you plot a list with length 4 against 1:

> length(t)
[1] 4
> length(1)
[1] 1

In your second example you plot a list with elements named x and y, both vectors of length 2, so plot plots these two vectors.


If you want to plot lines use

plot(t, type="l")

pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not available

This worked for me:

yum install python36-pyOpenSSL 

python version and package manager might differ.

Lost connection to MySQL server during query?

You can also encounter this error with applications that fork child processes, all of which try to use the same connection to the MySQL server. This can be avoided by using a separate connection for each child process.

Forks might hit you. Beware not in this case though.

What tool can decompile a DLL into C++ source code?

I think a C++ DLL is a machine code file. Therefore decompiling will only result in assembler code. If you can read that and create C++ from that you're good to go.

How do I remove blank pages coming between two chapters in Appendix?

Your problem is that all chapters, whether they're in the appendix or not, default to starting on an odd-numbered page when you're in two-sided layout mode. A few possible solutions:

The simplest solution is to use the openany option to your document class, which makes chapters start on the next page, irrespective of whether it's an odd or even numbered page. This is supported in the standard book documentclass, eg \documentclass[openany]{book}. (memoir also supports using this as a declaration \openany which can be used in the middle of a document to change the behavior for subsequent pages.)

Another option is to try the \let\cleardoublepage\clearpage command before your appendices to avoid the behavior.

Or, if you don't care using a two-sided layout, using the option oneside to your documentclass (eg \documentclass[oneside]{book}) will switch to using a one-sided layout.

Unicode character for "X" cancel / close?

You can use text that is only accessible to screen readers by placing it in a span which you hide in an accessible way. Place the x in the CSS which can't be read by screen readers, thus won't confuse, but is visible on the page, and also accessible by keyboard users.

.hidden {opacity:0; position:absolute; width:0;}
.close {padding:4px 8px; border:1px solid #000; background-color:#fff; cursor:pointer;}
.close:before {content:'\00d7'; color:red; font-size:2em;}

<button class="close"><span class="hidden">close</span></button>

How to convert all tables from MyISAM into InnoDB?

From inside mysql, you could use search/replace using a text editor:

SELECT table_schema, table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE engine = 'myisam';

Note: You should probably ignore information_schema and mysql because "The mysql and information_schema databases, that implement some of the MySQL internals, still use MyISAM. In particular, you cannot switch the grant tables to use InnoDB." ( )

In any case, note the tables to ignore and run:


Now just copy/paste that list into your text editor and search/replace "|" with "ALTER TABLE" etc.

You'll then have a list like this you can simply paste into your mysql terminal:

ALTER TABLE arth_commentmeta           ENGINE=Innodb;
ALTER TABLE arth_comments              ENGINE=Innodb;
ALTER TABLE arth_links                 ENGINE=Innodb;
ALTER TABLE arth_options               ENGINE=Innodb;
ALTER TABLE arth_postmeta              ENGINE=Innodb;
ALTER TABLE arth_posts                 ENGINE=Innodb;
ALTER TABLE arth_term_relationships    ENGINE=Innodb;
ALTER TABLE arth_term_taxonomy         ENGINE=Innodb;
ALTER TABLE arth_terms                 ENGINE=Innodb;
ALTER TABLE arth_usermeta              ENGINE=Innodb;

If your text editor can't do this easily, here's another solution for getting a similar list (that you can paste into mysql) for just one prefix of your database, from linux terminal:

mysql -u [username] -p[password] -B -N -e 'show tables like "arth_%"' [database name] | xargs -I '{}' echo "ALTER TABLE {} ENGINE=INNODB;"

Finding the average of a list

Combining a couple of the above answers, I've come up with the following which works with reduce and doesn't assume you have L available inside the reducing function:

from operator import truediv

L = [15, 18, 2, 36, 12, 78, 5, 6, 9]

def sum_and_count(x, y):
        return (x[0] + y, x[1] + 1)
    except TypeError:
        return (x + y, 2)

truediv(*reduce(sum_and_count, L))

# prints 

Send file using POST from a Python script

You may also want to have a look at httplib2, with examples. I find using httplib2 is more concise than using the built-in HTTP modules.

Modifying a subset of rows in a pandas dataframe

To replace multiples columns convert to numpy array using .values:

df.loc[df.A==0, ['B', 'C']] = df.loc[df.A==0, ['B', 'C']].values / 2

To get specific part of a string in c#

Something like this?

string b = a.Split(',')[0];

Less than or equal to

There is no => for if.
Use if %energy% GEQ %m2enc%

See if /? for some other details.

ORA-01008: not all variables bound. They are bound

You have two references to the :lot_priprc binding variable -- while it should require you to only set the variable's value once and bind it in both places, I've had problems where this didn't work and had to treat each copy as a different variable. A pain, but it worked.

What's the strangest corner case you've seen in C# or .NET?

This one's pretty hard to top. I ran into it while I was trying to build a RealProxy implementation that truly supports Begin/EndInvoke (thanks MS for making this impossible to do without horrible hacks). This example is basically a bug in the CLR, the unmanaged code path for BeginInvoke doesn't validate that the return message from RealProxy.PrivateInvoke (and my Invoke override) is returning an instance of an IAsyncResult. Once it's returned, the CLR gets incredibly confused and loses any idea of whats going on, as demonstrated by the tests at the bottom.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;

namespace BrokenProxy
    class NotAnIAsyncResult
        public string SomeProperty { get; set; }

    class BrokenProxy : RealProxy
        private void HackFlags()
            var flagsField = typeof(RealProxy).GetField("_flags", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            int val = (int)flagsField.GetValue(this);
            val |= 1; // 1 = RemotingProxy, check out System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxyFlags
            flagsField.SetValue(this, val);

        public BrokenProxy(Type t)
            : base(t)

        public override IMessage Invoke(IMessage msg)
            var naiar = new NotAnIAsyncResult();
            naiar.SomeProperty = "o noes";
            return new ReturnMessage(naiar, null, 0, null, (IMethodCallMessage)msg);

    interface IRandomInterface
        int DoSomething();

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            BrokenProxy bp = new BrokenProxy(typeof(IRandomInterface));
            var instance = (IRandomInterface)bp.GetTransparentProxy();
            Func<int> doSomethingDelegate = instance.DoSomething;
            IAsyncResult notAnIAsyncResult = doSomethingDelegate.BeginInvoke(null, null);

            var interfaces = notAnIAsyncResult.GetType().GetInterfaces();
            Console.WriteLine(!interfaces.Any() ? "No interfaces on notAnIAsyncResult" : "Interfaces");
            Console.WriteLine(notAnIAsyncResult is IAsyncResult); // Should be false, is it?!
            Console.WriteLine(((IAsyncResult)notAnIAsyncResult).IsCompleted); // No way this works.


No interfaces on notAnIAsyncResult
o noes

Unhandled Exception: System.EntryPointNotFoundException: Entry point was not found.
   at System.IAsyncResult.get_IsCompleted()
   at BrokenProxy.Program.Main(String[] args) 

Python check if list items are integers?

Fast, simple, but maybe not always right:

>>> [x for x in mylist if x.isdigit()]
['1', '2', '3', '4']

More traditional if you need to get numbers:

new_list = []
for value in mylist:
    except ValueError:

Note: The result has integers. Convert them back to strings if needed, replacing the lines above with:


SQL server stored procedure return a table

I do this frequently using Table Types to ensure more consistency and simplify code. You can't technically return "a table", but you can return a result set and using INSERT INTO .. EXEC ... syntax, you can clearly call a PROC and store the results into a table type. In the following example I'm actually passing a table into a PROC along with another param I need to add logic, then I'm effectively "returning a table" and can then work with that as a table variable.

/****** Check if my table type and/or proc exists and drop them ******/
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE type = 'P' AND name = 'returnTableTypeData')
DROP PROCEDURE returnTableTypeData
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.types WHERE is_table_type = 1 AND name = 'myTableType')
DROP TYPE myTableType

/****** Create the type that I'll pass into the proc and return from it ******/
CREATE TYPE [dbo].[myTableType] AS TABLE(
    [someInt] [int] NULL,
    [somenVarChar] [nvarchar](100) NULL

CREATE PROC returnTableTypeData
    @someInputInt INT,
    @myInputTable myTableType READONLY --Must be readonly because

    --Return the subset of data consistent with the type
        someInt < @someInputInt


DECLARE @myInputTableOrig myTableType
DECLARE @myUpdatedTable myTableType

INSERT INTO @myInputTableOrig ( someInt,somenVarChar )
VALUES ( 0, N'Value 0' ), ( 1, N'Value 1' ), ( 2, N'Value 2' )

INSERT INTO @myUpdatedTable EXEC returnTableTypeData @someInputInt=1, @myInputTable=@myInputTableOrig

SELECT * FROM @myUpdatedTable

DROP PROCEDURE returnTableTypeData
DROP TYPE myTableType

Get connection string from App.config

string str = Properties.Settings.Default.myConnectionString; 

How do I fix twitter-bootstrap on IE?

If you are within the intranet and the settings are set to compatibility mode, then proper doctypes and respond.js is not enough.

Please refer to this link for more info: Force IE8 or IE9 document mode to standards and see Ralph Bacon's answer.

It would be same as this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

How to split a string to 2 strings in C

This is how you implement a strtok() like function (taken from a BSD licensed string processing library for C, called zString).

Below function differs from the standard strtok() in the way it recognizes consecutive delimiters, whereas the standard strtok() does not.

char *zstring_strtok(char *str, const char *delim) {
    static char *static_str=0;      /* var to store last address */
    int index=0, strlength=0;       /* integers for indexes */
    int found = 0;                  /* check if delim is found */

    /* delimiter cannot be NULL
    * if no more char left, return NULL as well
    if (delim==0 || (str == 0 && static_str == 0))
        return 0;

    if (str == 0)
        str = static_str;

    /* get length of string */

    /* find the first occurance of delim */
    for (index=0;index<strlength;index++)
        if (str[index]==delim[0]) {

    /* if delim is not contained in str, return str */
    if (!found) {
        static_str = 0;
        return str;

    /* check for consecutive delimiters
    *if first char is delim, return delim
    if (str[0]==delim[0]) {
        static_str = (str + 1);
        return (char *)delim;

    /* terminate the string
    * this assignmetn requires char[], so str has to
    * be char[] rather than *char
    str[index] = '\0';

    /* save the rest of the string */
    if ((str + index + 1)!=0)
        static_str = (str + index + 1);
        static_str = 0;

        return str;

Below is an example code that demonstrates the usage

  Example Usage
      char str[] = "A,B,,,C";
      printf("1 %s\n",zstring_strtok(s,","));
      printf("2 %s\n",zstring_strtok(NULL,","));
      printf("3 %s\n",zstring_strtok(NULL,","));
      printf("4 %s\n",zstring_strtok(NULL,","));
      printf("5 %s\n",zstring_strtok(NULL,","));
      printf("6 %s\n",zstring_strtok(NULL,","));

  Example Output
      1 A
      2 B
      3 ,
      4 ,
      5 C
      6 (null)

You can even use a while loop (standard library's strtok() would give the same result here)

char s[]="some text here;
do {
    printf("%s\n",zstring_strtok(s," "));
} while(zstring_strtok(NULL," "));

How to install SignTool.exe for Windows 10

Best solution end of 2020:

Just download Windows 10 SDK from Microsoft here:

In setup, choose only Windows App Certification App (it's only 120 MB)

enter image description here

You can find signtool.exe here:
%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64


Can't find AVD or SDK manager in Eclipse

Unfortunately I ended up having to re-install eclipse. but first (In Linux)(not sure of folder in Windows) do:

sudo rm -R /usr/share/eclipse/

How to backup MySQL database in PHP?

If you want to backup a database from php script you could use a class for example lets call it MySQL. This class will use PDO (build in php class which will handle the connection to the database). This class could look like this:

<?php /*defined in your exampleconfig.php*/

<?php /*defined in examplemyclass.php*/
    class MySql{
        private $dbc;
        private $user;
        private $pass;
        private $dbname;
        private $host;

        function __construct($host="localhost", $dbname="your_databse_name_here", $user="your_username", $pass="your_password"){
            $this->user = $user;
            $this->pass = $pass;
            $this->dbname = $dbname;
            $this->host = $host;
            $opt = array(
               PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE            => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION,
                $this->dbc = new PDO('mysql:host='.$this->host.';dbname='.$this->dbname.';charset=utf8', $user, $pass, $opt);
            catch(PDOException $e){
                 echo $e->getMessage();
                 echo "There was a problem with connection to db check credenctials";
        } /*end function*/

        public function backup_tables($tables = '*'){  /* backup the db OR just a table */
            $data = "";
            //get all of the tables
            if($tables == '*')
                $tables = array();
                $result = $this->dbc->prepare('SHOW TABLES'); 
                while($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) 
                    $tables[] = $row[0]; 
                $tables = is_array($tables) ? $tables : explode(',',$tables);
            //cycle through
            foreach($tables as $table)
                $resultcount = $this->dbc->prepare('SELECT count(*) FROM '.$table);
                $num_fields = $resultcount->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
                $num_fields = $num_fields[0];

                $result = $this->dbc->prepare('SELECT * FROM '.$table);
                $data.= 'DROP TABLE '.$table.';';

                $result2 = $this->dbc->prepare('SHOW CREATE TABLE '.$table);    
                $row2 = $result2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
                $data.= "\n\n".$row2[1].";\n\n";

                for ($i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++) 
                    while($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM))
                        $data.= 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' VALUES(';
                        for($j=0; $j<$num_fields; $j++) 
                            $row[$j] = addslashes($row[$j]); 
                            $row[$j] = str_replace("\n","\\n",$row[$j]);
                            if (isset($row[$j])) { $data.= '"'.$row[$j].'"' ; } else { $data.= '""'; }
                            if ($j<($num_fields-1)) { $data.= ','; }
                        $data.= ");\n";
            //save filename
            $filename = 'db-backup-'.time().'-'.(implode(",",$tables)).'.sql';
        /*USE EXAMPLE
           $connection = new MySql(SERVERHOST,"your_db_name",DBUSER, DBPASS);
           $connection->backup_tables(); //OR backup_tables("posts");
        } /*end function*/

        private function writeUTF8filename($filenamename,$content){  /* save as utf8 encoding */
            # Now UTF-8 - Add byte order mark 
            fwrite($f, pack("CCC",0xef,0xbb,0xbf)); 
        /*USE EXAMPLE this is only used by public function above...
        } /*end function*/

        public function recoverDB($file_to_load){
            echo "write some code to load and proccedd .sql file in here ...";
        /*USE EXAMPLE this is only used by public function above...
        } /*end function*/

        public function closeConnection(){
            $this->dbc = null;
        //EXAMPLE OF USE 
        }/*end function*/

    } /*END OF CLASS*/

Now you could simply use this in your backup.php:

include ('config.php');
include ('myclass.php');
    $connection = new MySql(SERVERHOST,"your_databse_name_here",DBUSER, DBPASS);
    $connection->backup_tables(); /*Save all tables and it values in selected database*/
    $connection->backup_tables("post_table"); /*Saves only table name posts_table from selected database*/

Which means that visiting this page will result in backing up your file... of course it doesn't have to be that way :) you can call this method on every post to your database to be up to date all the time, however, I would recommend to write it to one file at all the time instead of creating new files with time()... as it is above.

Hope it helps and good luck ! :>

SQLiteDatabase.query method

if your SQL query is like this

SELECT col-1, col-2 FROM tableName WHERE col-1=apple,col-2=mango
GROUPBY col-3 HAVING Count(col-4) > 5  ORDERBY col-2 DESC LIMIT 15;

Then for query() method, we can do as:-

String table = "tableName";
String[] columns = {"col-1", "col-2"};
String selection = "col-1 =? AND col-2=?";       
String[] selectionArgs = {"apple","mango"};
String groupBy =col-3;
String having =" COUNT(col-4) > 5";
String orderBy = "col-2 DESC";
String limit = "15";

query(tableName, columns, selection, selectionArgs, groupBy, having, orderBy, limit);

ORA-12528: TNS Listener: all appropriate instances are blocking new connections. Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN

sqlplus "/as sysdba"
alter system disable restricted session;

or maybe

shutdown abort;

or maybe

lsnrctl stop

lsnrctl start

How can I replace the deprecated set_magic_quotes_runtime in php?

In PHP 7 we can use:

ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0);

instead of set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);

how to create inline style with :before and :after

The key is to use background-color: inherit; on the pseudo element.

Tomcat: How to find out running tomcat version

You can simply open http://localhost:8080/ in your web browser and this will open Tomcat welcome page that shows running Tomcat version like this:

Apache Tomcat/7.0.42
  • I assume that your Tomcat is running on port 8080

Generate PDF from HTML using pdfMake in Angularjs

this is what it worked for me I'm using html2pdf from an Angular2 app, so I made a reference to this function in the controller

var html2pdf = (function(html2canvas, jsPDF) {

declared in html2pdf.js.

So I added just after the import declarations in my angular-controller this declaration:

declare function html2pdf(html2canvas, jsPDF): any;

then, from a method of my angular controller I'm calling this function:

      pdfContent => {
        html2pdf(pdfContent, {
          margin:       1,
          filename:     'myfile.pdf',
          image:        { type: 'jpeg', quality: 0.98 },
          html2canvas:  { dpi: 192, letterRendering: true },
          jsPDF:        { unit: 'in', format: 'A4', orientation: 'portrait' }

Hope it helps

Move layouts up when soft keyboard is shown?

It might be late but I want to add few things. In Android Studio Version 4.0.1, and Gradle Version 6.1.1, the windowSoftInputMode will not work as expected if you are adding the following flags in your Activity :


After wasting lot of time, I have found that hack. In order for adjustResize or AdjustPanor any attribute of windowSoftInputMode to work properly, you need to remove that from your activity.

When would you use the Builder Pattern?

Consider a restaurant. The creation of "today's meal" is a factory pattern, because you tell the kitchen "get me today's meal" and the kitchen (factory) decides what object to generate, based on hidden criteria.

The builder appears if you order a custom pizza. In this case, the waiter tells the chef (builder) "I need a pizza; add cheese, onions and bacon to it!" Thus, the builder exposes the attributes the generated object should have, but hides how to set them.

Display List in a View MVC

Your action method considers model type asList<string>. But, in your view you are waiting for IEnumerable<Standings.Models.Teams>. You can solve this problem with changing the model in your view to List<string>.

But, the best approach would be to return IEnumerable<Standings.Models.Teams> as a model from your action method. Then you haven't to change model type in your view.

But, in my opinion your models are not correctly implemented. I suggest you to change it as:

public class Team
    public int Position { get; set; }
    public string HomeGround {get; set;}
    public string NickName {get; set;}
    public int Founded { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

Then you must change your action method as:

public ActionResult Index()
    var model = new List<Team>();

    model.Add(new Team { Name = "MU"});
    model.Add(new Team { Name = "Chelsea"});

    return View(model);

And, your view:

@model IEnumerable<Standings.Models.Team>

     ViewBag.Title = "Standings";

@foreach (var item in Model)
        <hr />

Xcode error - Thread 1: signal SIGABRT

SIGABRT means in general that there is an uncaught exception. There should be more information on the console.

Replace Line Breaks in a String C#

If your code is supposed to run in different environments, I would consider using the Environment.NewLine constant, since it is specifically the newline used in the specific environment.

line = line.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "newLineReplacement");

However, if you get the text from a file originating on another system, this might not be the correct answer, and you should replace with whatever newline constant is used on the other system. It will typically be \n or \r\n.

Creating temporary files in bash

mktemp is probably the most versatile, especially if you plan to work with the file for a while.

You can also use a process substitution operator <() if you only need the file temporarily as input to another command, e.g.:

$ diff <(echo hello world) <(echo foo bar)

Get current domain


//to get the domain

$protocol=strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']),'https') === FALSE ? 'http' : 'https';

//domain with protocol


//protocol,domain,queryString total **As the $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] is not reliable for multi domain hosting!

How to pass password automatically for rsync SSH command?

Automatically entering the password for the rsync command is difficult. My simple solution to avoid the problem is to mount the folder to be backed up. Then use a local rsync command to backup the mounted folder.

mount -t cifs //server/source/ /mnt/source-tmp -o username=Username,password=password
rsync -a /mnt/source-tmp /media/destination/
umount /mnt/source-tmp

Swift - iOS - Dates and times in different format

iOS 8+

It is cumbersome and difficult to specify locale explicitly. You never know where your app will be used. So I think, it is better to set locale to Calender.current.locale and use DateFormatter's setLocalizedDateFormatFromTemplate method.


Sets the date format from a template using the specified locale for the receiver. -

extension Date {
    func convertToLocaleDate(template: String) -> String {
        let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()

        let calender = Calendar.current

        dateFormatter.timeZone = calender.timeZone
        dateFormatter.locale = calender.locale

        return dateFormatter.string(from: self)

Date().convertToLocaleDate(template: "dd MMMM YYYY")

PySpark: multiple conditions in when clause

when in pyspark multiple conditions can be built using &(for and) and | (for or).

Note:In pyspark t is important to enclose every expressions within parenthesis () that combine to form the condition

dataDF = spark.createDataFrame([(66, "a", "4"), 
                                (67, "a", "0"), 
                                (70, "b", "4"), 
                                (71, "d", "4")],
                                ("id", "code", "amt"))
       when((col("code") == "a") | (col("code") == "d"), "A")
      .when((col("code") == "b") & (col("amt") == "4"), "B")

In Spark Scala code (&&) or (||) conditions can be used within when function

val dataDF = Seq(
      (66, "a", "4"), (67, "a", "0"), (70, "b", "4"), (71, "d", "4"
      )).toDF("id", "code", "amt")
       when(col("code") === "a" || col("code") === "d", "A")
      .when(col("code") === "b" && col("amt") === "4", "B")


| id|code|amt|new_column|
| 66|   a|  4|         A|
| 67|   a|  0|         A|
| 70|   b|  4|         B|
| 71|   d|  4|         A|

This code snippet is copied from

Replace Both Double and Single Quotes in Javascript String

You don't escape quotes in regular expressions

this.Vals.replace(/["']/g, "")

How do I load a file into the python console?

If you're using IPython, you can simply run:

%load path/to/your/


Get a list of all threads currently running in Java

Yes, take a look at getting a list of threads. Lots of examples on that page.

That's to do it programmatically. If you just want a list on Linux at least you can just use this command:

kill -3 processid

and the VM will do a thread dump to stdout.

How to do left join in Doctrine?

If you have an association on a property pointing to the user (let's say Credit\Entity\UserCreditHistory#user, picked from your example), then the syntax is quite simple:

public function getHistory($users) {
    $qb = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
        ->select('a', 'u')
        ->from('Credit\Entity\UserCreditHistory', 'a')
        ->leftJoin('a.user', 'u')
        ->where('u = :user')
        ->setParameter('user', $users)
        ->orderBy('a.created_at', 'DESC');

    return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();

Since you are applying a condition on the joined result here, using a LEFT JOIN or simply JOIN is the same.

If no association is available, then the query looks like following

public function getHistory($users) {
    $qb = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
        ->select('a', 'u')
        ->from('Credit\Entity\UserCreditHistory', 'a')
            'a.user ='
        ->where('u = :user')
        ->setParameter('user', $users)
        ->orderBy('a.created_at', 'DESC');

    return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();

This will produce a resultset that looks like following:

        0 => UserCreditHistory instance,
        1 => Userinstance,
        0 => UserCreditHistory instance,
        1 => Userinstance,
    // ...

How to check programmatically if an application is installed or not in Android?

A simpler implementation using Kotlin

fun PackageManager.isAppInstalled(packageName: String): Boolean =
                .firstOrNull { it.packageName == packageName } != null

And call it like this (seeking for Spotify app):


How to set TLS version on apache HttpClient

If you are using httpclient 4.2, then you need to write a small bit of extra code. I wanted to be able to customize both the "TLS enabled protocols" (e.g. TLSv1.1 specifically, and neither TLSv1 nor TLSv1.2) as well as the cipher suites.

public class CustomizedSSLSocketFactory
    extends SSLSocketFactory
    private String[] _tlsProtocols;
    private String[] _tlsCipherSuites;

    public CustomizedSSLSocketFactory(SSLContext sslContext,
                                      X509HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier,
                                      String[] tlsProtocols,
                                      String[] cipherSuites)
        super(sslContext, hostnameVerifier);

        if(null != tlsProtocols)
            _tlsProtocols = tlsProtocols;
        if(null != cipherSuites)
            _tlsCipherSuites = cipherSuites;

    protected void prepareSocket(SSLSocket socket)
        // Enforce client-specified protocols or cipher suites
        if(null != _tlsProtocols)

        if(null != _tlsCipherSuites)


    SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");

    sslContext.init(null, getTrustManagers(), new SecureRandom());

    // NOTE: not
    SSLSocketFactory sf = new CustomizedSSLSocketFactory(sslContext,
                                                         [TLS protocols],
                                                         [TLS cipher suites]);

    Scheme httpsScheme = new Scheme("https", 443, sf);
    SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry = new SchemeRegistry();

    ConnectionManager cm = new BasicClientConnectionManager(schemeRegistry);

    HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(cmgr);

You may be able to do this with slightly less code, but I mostly copy/pasted from a custom component where it made sense to build-up the objects in the way shown above.

How to change fontFamily of TextView in Android

One simple way is by adding the desired font in the project.

Go to File->New->New Resource Directory Select font

This will create a new directory, font, in your resources.

Download your font (.ttf). I use for the same

Add that to your fonts folder then use them in the XML or programmatically.



Programatically -

 Typeface typeface = ResourcesCompat.getFont(this, R.font.your_font);

How do I change the background color with JavaScript?

You can do it in following ways STEP 1

   var imageUrl= "URL OF THE IMAGE HERE";
   var BackgroundColor="RED"; // what ever color you want

For changing background of BODY  //changing bg image //changing bg color

To change an element with ID


for elements with same class

   var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("ClassName")
        for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {

How to parse JSON in Kotlin?

This uses kotlinx.serialization like Elisha's answer. Meanwhile the API is being stabilized for the upcoming 1.0 release. Note that e.g. JSON.parse was renamed to Json.parse and is now Json.decodeFromString. Also it is imported in gradle differently starting in Kotlin 1.4.0:

dependencies {
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-core:1.0.0-RC"
apply plugin: 'kotlinx-serialization'

Example usage:

data class Properties(val nid: Int, val tid: Int)
data class Feature(val pos: List<Double>, val properties: Properties? = null, 
    val count: Int? = null)
data class Root(val features: List<Feature>)

val root = Json.decodeFromString<Root>(jsonStr)
val rootAlt = Json.decodeFromString(Root.serializer(), jsonStr)  // equivalent

val str = Json.encodeToString(root)  // type 'Root' can be inferred!

// For a *top-level* list (does not apply in my case) you would use 
val fList = Json.decodeFromString<List<Feature>>(jsonStr)
val fListAlt = Json.decodeFromString(ListSerializer(Feature.serializer()), jsonStr)

Kotlin's data class defines a class that mainly holds data and has .toString() and other methods (e.g. destructuring declarations) automatically defined. I'm using nullable (?) types here for optional fields.

String.Format alternative in C++

The C++ way would be to use a std::stringstream object as:

std::stringstream fmt;
fmt << a << " " << b << " > " << c;

The C way would be to use sprintf.

The C way is difficult to get right since:

  • It is type unsafe
  • Requires buffer management

Of course, you may want to fall back on the C way if performance is an issue (imagine you are creating fixed-size million little stringstream objects and then throwing them away).

Embedding VLC plugin on HTML page

Unfortunately, IE and VLC don't really work right now... I found this on the vlc forums:

VLC included activex support up until version 0.8.6, I believe. At that time, you could
access a cab on the videolan and therefore 'automatic' installation into IE and Firefox
family browsers was fine. Thereafter support for activex seemed to stop; no cab, no
activex component.

VLC 1.0.* once again contains activex support, and that's brilliant. A good decision in
my opinion. What's lacking is a cab installer for the latest version.

This basically means that even if you found a way to make it work, anyone trying to view the video on your site in IE would have to download and install the entire VLC player program to have it work in IE, and users probably don't want to do that. I can't get your code to work in firefox or IE8 on my boyfriends computer, although I might not have been putting the video address in properly... I get some message about no video output...

I'll take a guess and say it probably works for you locally because you have VLC installed, but your server doesn't. Unfortunately you'll probably have to use Windows media player or something similar (Microsoft is great at forcing people to use their stuff!)

And if you're wondering, it appears that the reason there is no cab file is because of the cost of having an active-x control signed.

It's rather simple to have your page use VLC for firefox and chrome users, and Windows Media Player for IE users, if that would work for you.

How to generate unique ID with node.js

used in npm

npm i uniqid

It will always create unique id's based on the current time, process and machine name.

  • With the current time the ID's are always unique in a single process.
  • With the Process ID the ID's are unique even if called at the same time from multiple processes.
  • With the MAC Address the ID's are unique even if called at the same time from multiple machines and processes.


  • Very fast
  • Generates unique id's on multiple processes and machines even if called at the same time.
  • Shorter 8 and 12 byte versions with less uniqueness.

What is the difference between ports 465 and 587?

SMTP protocol: smtps (port 465) v. msa (port 587)

Ports 465 and 587 are intended for email client to email server communication - sending out email using SMTP protocol.

Port 465 is for smtps
SSL encryption is started automatically before any SMTP level communication.

Port 587 is for msa
It is almost like standard SMTP port. MSA should accept email after authentication (e.g. after SMTP AUTH). It helps to stop outgoing spam when netmasters of DUL ranges can block outgoing connections to SMTP port (port 25).
SSL encryption may be started by STARTTLS command at SMTP level if server supports it and your ISP does not filter server's EHLO reply (reported 2014).

Port 25 is used by MTA to MTA communication (mail server to mail server). It may be used for client to server communication but it is not currently the most recommended. Standard SMTP port accepts email from other mail servers to its "internal" mailboxes without authentication.

curl usage to get header

You need to add the -i flag to the first command, to include the HTTP header in the output. This is required to print headers.

curl -X HEAD -i

More here:

What programming languages can one use to develop iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (iOS) applications?

What programming languages can one use to develop iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad (iOs) applications?

Ruby, Python, Lua, Scheme, Lisp, Smalltalk, C#, Haskell, ActionScript, JavaScript, Objective-C, C++, C. That's just the ones that pop into my head right now. I'm sure there's hundreds if not thousands of others. (E.g. there's no reason why you couldn't use any .NET language with MonoTouch, i.e. VB.NET, F#, Nemerle, Boo, Cobra, ...)

Also are there plans in the future to expand the amount of programming languages that iOs will support?

Sure. Pretty much every programming language community on this planet is currently working on getting their language to run on iOS.

Also, a lot of people are working on programming languages specifically designed for touch devices such as iPod touch, iPhone and iPad, e.g. Phil Mercurio's Thyrd language.

How can I do an UPDATE statement with JOIN in SQL Server?


You'll get the best performance if you forget the where clause and place all conditions in the ON expression.

I think this is because the query first has to join the tables then runs the where clause on that, so if you can reduce what is required to join then that's the fasted way to get the results/do the udpate.



You have a table of users. They can log in using their username or email or account_number. These accounts can be active (1) or inactive (0). This table has 50000 rows

You then have a table of users to disable at one go because you find out they've all done something bad. This table however, has one column with usernames, emails and account numbers mixed. It also has a "has_run" indicator which needs to be set to 1 (true) when it has been run


UPDATE users User
        blacklist_users BlacklistUser
            User.username = BlacklistUser.account_ref
   = BlacklistedUser.account_ref
            User.phone_number = BlacklistUser.account_ref
            User.is_active = 1
            BlacklistUser.has_run = 0
        User.is_active = 0,
        BlacklistUser.has_run = 1;


If we had to join on just the OR conditions it would essentially need to check each row 4 times to see if it should join, and potentially return a lot more rows. However, by giving it more conditions it can "skip" a lot of rows if they don't meet all the conditions when joining.


It's more readable. All the conditions are in one place and the rows to update are in one place

Missing MVC template in Visual Studio 2015

Visual Studio 2015 (Community update 3, in my scenario) uses a default template for the MVC project. You don't have to select it.

I found this tutorial and I think it answers the question:

check out the old versions of this:

Times have changed. Including .NET

How to view user privileges using windows cmd?

I'd start with:

secedit /export /areas USER_RIGHTS /cfg OUTFILE.CFG

Then examine the line for the relevant privilege. However, the problem now is that the accounts are listed as SIDs, not usernames.

Attach Authorization header for all axios requests

Similarly, we have a function to set or delete the token from calls like this:

import axios from 'axios';

export default function setAuthToken(token) {
  axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = '';
  delete axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'];

  if (token) {
    axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = `${token}`;

We always clean the existing token at initialization, then establish the received one.

Get table name by constraint name

SELECT constraint_name, constraint_type, column_name
from user_constraints natural join user_cons_columns
where table_name = "my_table_name";

will give you what you need

Why do I need 'b' to encode a string with Base64?

There is all you need:

expected bytes, not str

The leading b makes your string binary.

What version of Python do you use? 2.x or 3.x?

Edit: See for the gory details of strings in Python 3.x

Aren't promises just callbacks?

Promises are not callbacks, both are programming idioms that facilitate async programming. Using an async/await-style of programming using coroutines or generators that return promises could be considered a 3rd such idiom. A comparison of these idioms across different programming languages (including Javascript) is here:

Storing data into list with class

  public IEnumerable<CustInfo> SaveCustdata(CustInfo cust)
                var customerinfo = new CustInfo
                    Name = cust.Name,
                    AccountNo = cust.AccountNo,
                    Address = cust.Address
                List<CustInfo> custlist = new List<CustInfo>();
                return custlist;
            catch (Exception)
                return null;

DataFrame constructor not properly called! error

You are providing a string representation of a dict to the DataFrame constructor, and not a dict itself. So this is the reason you get that error.

So if you want to use your code, you could do:

df = DataFrame(eval(data))

But better would be to not create the string in the first place, but directly putting it in a dict. Something roughly like:

data = []
for row in result_set:
    data.append({'value': row["tag_expression"], 'key': row["tag_name"]})

But probably even this is not needed, as depending on what is exactly in your result_set you could probably:

  • provide this directly to a DataFrame: DataFrame(result_set)
  • or use the pandas read_sql_query function to do this for you (see docs on this)

Error: org.testng.TestNGException: Cannot find class in classpath: EmpClass

I had similar issue and the project had some build errors. I did sudo -R 777 to the project and then I cleaned my project. After that it worked fine.

Hope it helps.

How to get file creation date/time in Bash/Debian?

You can find creation time - aka birth time - using stat and also match using find.
We have these files showing last modified time:

$ ls -l --time-style=long-iso | sort -k6
total 692
-rwxrwx---+ 1 XXXX XXXX 249159 2013-05-31 14:47 Getting Started.pdf
-rwxrwx---+ 1 XXXX XXXX 275799 2013-12-30 21:12 TheScienceofGettingRich.pdf
-rwxrwx---+ 1 XXXX XXXX  25600 2015-05-07 18:52 Thumbs.db
-rwxrwx---+ 1 XXXX XXXX 148051 2015-05-07 18:55 AsAManThinketh.pdf

To find files created within a certain time frame using find as below.
Clearly, the filesystem knows about the birth time of a file:

$ find -newerBt '2014-06-13' ! -newerBt '2014-06-13 12:16:10' -ls 
20547673299906851  148 -rwxrwx---   1 XXXX XXXX   148051 May  7 18:55 ./AsAManThinketh.pdf
1407374883582246  244 -rwxrwx---   1 XXXX XXXX   249159 May 31  2013 ./Getting\ Started.pdf

We can confirm this using stat:

$ stat -c "%w %n" * | sort
2014-06-13 12:16:03.873778400 +0100 AsAManThinketh.pdf
2014-06-13 12:16:04.006872500 +0100 Getting Started.pdf
2014-06-13 12:16:29.607075500 +0100 TheScienceofGettingRich.pdf
2015-05-07 18:32:26.938446200 +0100 Thumbs.db

stat man pages explains %w:

%w     time of file birth, human-readable; - if unknown

How Can I Truncate A String In jQuery?

The solution above won't work if the original string has no spaces.

Try this:

var title = "This is your title";
var shortText = jQuery.trim(title).substring(0, 10)
                          .trim(this) + "...";

Spring Data JPA - "No Property Found for Type" Exception

Please Check property name in the defualt call of repo e.i repository.findByUsername(username)

Using Sockets to send and receive data



    public class Client {
        public static void main(String[] args) {

        String hostname = "localhost";
        int port = 6789;

        // declaration section:
        // clientSocket: our client socket
        // os: output stream
        // is: input stream

            Socket clientSocket = null;  
            DataOutputStream os = null;
            BufferedReader is = null;

        // Initialization section:
        // Try to open a socket on the given port
        // Try to open input and output streams

            try {
                clientSocket = new Socket(hostname, port);
                os = new DataOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
                is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream()));
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                System.err.println("Don't know about host: " + hostname);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("Couldn't get I/O for the connection to: " + hostname);

        // If everything has been initialized then we want to write some data
        // to the socket we have opened a connection to on the given port

        if (clientSocket == null || os == null || is == null) {
            System.err.println( "Something is wrong. One variable is null." );

        try {
            while ( true ) {
            System.out.print( "Enter an integer (0 to stop connection, -1 to stop server): " );
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
            String keyboardInput = br.readLine();
            os.writeBytes( keyboardInput + "\n" );

            int n = Integer.parseInt( keyboardInput );
            if ( n == 0 || n == -1 ) {

            String responseLine = is.readLine();
            System.out.println("Server returns its square as: " + responseLine);

            // clean up:
            // close the output stream
            // close the input stream
            // close the socket

        } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            System.err.println("Trying to connect to unknown host: " + e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("IOException:  " + e);



public class Server1 {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    int port = 6789;
    Server1 server = new Server1( port );

    // declare a server socket and a client socket for the server

    ServerSocket echoServer = null;
    Socket clientSocket = null;
    int port;

    public Server1( int port ) {
    this.port = port;

    public void stopServer() {
    System.out.println( "Server cleaning up." );

    public void startServer() {
    // Try to open a server socket on the given port
    // Note that we can't choose a port less than 1024 if we are not
    // privileged users (root)

        try {
        echoServer = new ServerSocket(port);
        catch (IOException e) {

    System.out.println( "Waiting for connections. Only one connection is allowed." );

    // Create a socket object from the ServerSocket to listen and accept connections.
    // Use Server1Connection to process the connection.

    while ( true ) {
        try {
        clientSocket = echoServer.accept();
        Server1Connection oneconnection = new Server1Connection(clientSocket, this);;
        catch (IOException e) {

class Server1Connection {
    BufferedReader is;
    PrintStream os;
    Socket clientSocket;
    Server1 server;

    public Server1Connection(Socket clientSocket, Server1 server) {
    this.clientSocket = clientSocket;
    this.server = server;
    System.out.println( "Connection established with: " + clientSocket );
    try {
        is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream()));
        os = new PrintStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
    } catch (IOException e) {

    public void run() {
        String line;
    try {
        boolean serverStop = false;

            while (true) {
                line = is.readLine();
        System.out.println( "Received " + line );
                int n = Integer.parseInt(line);
        if ( n == -1 ) {
            serverStop = true;
        if ( n == 0 ) break;
                os.println("" + n*n ); 

        System.out.println( "Connection closed." );

        if ( serverStop ) server.stopServer();
    } catch (IOException e) {

What is the difference between user and kernel modes in operating systems?


Basically the difference between kernel and user modes is not OS dependent and is achieved only by restricting some instructions to be run only in kernel mode by means of hardware design. All other purposes like memory protection can be done only by that restriction.


It means that the processor lives in either the kernel mode or in the user mode. Using some mechanisms the architecture can guarantee that whenever it is switched to the kernel mode the OS code is fetched to be run.


Having this hardware infrastructure these could be achieved in common OSes:

  • Protecting user programs from accessing whole the memory, to not let programs overwrite the OS for example,
  • preventing user programs from performing sensitive instructions such as those that change CPU memory pointer bounds, to not let programs break their memory bounds for example.

How do I pass a string into subprocess.Popen (using the stdin argument)?

I am using python3 and found out that you need to encode your string before you can pass it into stdin:

p = Popen(['grep', 'f'], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate(input='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\nsix\n'.encode())

Query to display all tablespaces in a database and datafiles

Neither databases, nor tablespaces nor data files belong to any user. Are you coming to this from an MS SQL background?

select tablespace_name, 
from dba_tablespaces
order by tablespace_name, 

Put request with simple string as request body

this worked for me.

let content = 'Hello world';

static apicall(content) {
return axios({
  url: `url`,
  method: "put",
  data: content

.then((response) => {
.error( () => console.log('error'));

Why check both isset() and !empty()

"Empty": only works on variables. Empty can mean different things for different variable types (check manual:

"isset": checks if the variable exists and checks for a true NULL or false value. Can be unset by calling "unset". Once again, check the manual.

Use of either one depends of the variable type you are using.

I would say, it's safer to check for both, because you are checking first of all if the variable exists, and if it isn't really NULL or empty.

Extension mysqli is missing, phpmyadmin doesn't work

Just restart the apache2 and mysql:

  • apache2: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

  • mysql: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

then refresh your browser, enjoy phpmyadmin :)

Why does the 260 character path length limit exist in Windows?

Another way to cope with it is to use Cygwin, depending on what do you want to do with the files (i.e. if Cygwin commands suit your needs)

For example it allows to copy, move or rename files that even Windows Explorer can't. Or of course deal with the contents of them like md5sum, grep, gzip, etc.

Also for programs that you are coding, you could link them to the Cygwin DLL and it would enable them to use long paths (I haven't tested this though)

Converting a string to an integer on Android

Try this code it's really working.

int number = 0;
try {
    number = Integer.parseInt(YourEditTextName.getText().toString());
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
   System.out.println("parse value is not valid : " + e);

How to stop EditText from gaining focus at Activity startup in Android

Try clearFocus() instead of setSelected(false). Every view in Android has both focusability and selectability, and I think that you want to just clear the focus.

enum - getting value of enum on string conversion

You are printing the enum object. Use the .value attribute if you wanted just to print that:


See the Programmatic access to enumeration members and their attributes section:

If you have an enum member and need its name or value:

>>> member =
>>> member.value

You could add a __str__ method to your enum, if all you wanted was to provide a custom string representation:

class D(Enum):
    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.value)

    x = 1
    y = 2


>>> from enum import Enum
>>> class D(Enum):
...     def __str__(self):
...         return str(self.value)
...     x = 1
...     y = 2
>>> D.x
<D.x: 1>
>>> print(D.x)

in_array multiple values

Going off of @Rok Kralj answer (best IMO) to check if any of needles exist in the haystack, you can use (bool) instead of !! which sometimes can be confusing during code review.

function in_array_any($needles, $haystack) {
   return (bool)array_intersect($needles, $haystack);

echo in_array_any( array(3,9), array(5,8,3,1,2) ); // true, since 3 is present
echo in_array_any( array(4,9), array(5,8,3,1,2) ); // false, neither 4 nor 9 is present

Run Executable from Powershell script with parameters

I was able to get this to work by using the Invoke-Expression cmdlet.

Invoke-Expression "& `"$scriptPath`" test -r $number -b $testNumber -f $FileVersion -a $ApplicationID"

Apply multiple functions to multiple groupby columns

Ted's answer is amazing. I ended up using a smaller version of that in case anyone is interested. Useful when you are looking for one aggregation that depends on values from multiple columns:

create a dataframe

df=pd.DataFrame({'a': [1,2,3,4,5,6], 'b': [1,1,0,1,1,0], 'c': ['x','x','y','y','z','z']})

   a  b  c
0  1  1  x
1  2  1  x
2  3  0  y
3  4  1  y
4  5  1  z
5  6  0  z

grouping and aggregating with apply (using multiple columns)

df.groupby('c').apply(lambda x: x['a'][(x['a']>1) & (x['b']==1)].mean())

x    2.0
y    4.0
z    5.0

grouping and aggregating with aggregate (using multiple columns)

I like this approach since I can still use aggregate. Perhaps people will let me know why apply is needed for getting at multiple columns when doing aggregations on groups.

It seems obvious now, but as long as you don't select the column of interest directly after the groupby, you will have access to all the columns of the dataframe from within your aggregation function.

only access to the selected column

df.groupby('c')['a'].aggregate(lambda x: x[x>1].mean())

access to all columns since selection is after all the magic

df.groupby('c').aggregate(lambda x: x[(x['a']>1) & (x['b']==1)].mean())['a']

or similarly

df.groupby('c').aggregate(lambda x: x['a'][(x['a']>1) & (x['b']==1)].mean())

I hope this helps.

How to use export with Python on Linux

I have an excellent answer.

#! /bin/bash

output=$(git diff origin/master..origin/develop | \
python -c '
  variable1_to_be_exported="Yo Yo"
  variable2_to_be_exported="Honey Singh"
  … so on
  magic+="export onShell-var1=\""+str(variable1_to_be_exported)+"\"\n"
  magic+="export onShell-var2=\""+str(variable2_to_be_exported)+"\""  
  print magic

eval "$output"
echo "$onShell-var1" // Output will be Yo Yo
echo "$onShell-var2" // Output will be Honey Singh

Mr Alex Tingle is correct about those processes and sub-process stuffs

How it can be achieved is like the above I have mentioned. Key Concept is :

  1. Whatever printed from python will be stored in the variable in the catching variable in bash [output]
  2. We can execute any command in the form of string using eval
  3. So, prepare your print output from python in a meaningful bash commands
  4. use eval to execute it in bash

And you can see your results

NOTE Always execute the eval using double quotes or else bash will mess up your \ns and outputs will be strange

PS: I don't like bash but your have to use it

How to check if that data already exist in the database during update (Mongoose And Express)

There is a more simpler way using the mongoose exists function"/groups/members", async (ctx) => {
    const group_name = ctx.request.body.group_membership.group_name;
    const member_name = ctx.request.body.group_membership.group_members;
    const GroupMembership = GroupModels.GroupsMembers;
    console.log("group_name : ", group_name, "member : ", member_name);
    try {
        if (
            (await GroupMembership.exists({
                "group_membership.group_name": group_name,
            })) === false
        ) {
            console.log("new function");
            const newGroupMembership = await GroupMembership.insertMany({
                group_membership: [
                    { group_name: group_name, group_members: [member_name] },
        } else {
            const UpdateGroupMembership = await GroupMembership.updateOne(
                { "group_membership.group_name": group_name },
                { $push: { "group_membership.$.group_members": member_name } },
            console.log("update function");
        ctx.response.status = 201;
        ctx.response.message = "A member added to group successfully";
    } catch (error) {
        ctx.body = {
            message: "Some validations failed for Group Member Creation",
            error: error.message,
        ctx.throw(400, error);

How to overcome TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

Note: This answer does not explicitly answer the asked question. the other answers do it. Since the question is specific to a scenario and the raised exception is general, This answer points to the general case.

Hash values are just integers which are used to compare dictionary keys during a dictionary lookup quickly.

Internally, hash() method calls __hash__() method of an object which are set by default for any object.

Converting a nested list to a set

>>> a = [1,2,3,4,[5,6,7],8,9]
>>> set(a)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

This happens because of the list inside a list which is a list which cannot be hashed. Which can be solved by converting the internal nested lists to a tuple,

>>> set([1, 2, 3, 4, (5, 6, 7), 8, 9])
set([1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, (5, 6, 7)])

Explicitly hashing a nested list

>>> hash([1, 2, 3, [4, 5,], 6, 7])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

>>> hash(tuple([1, 2, 3, [4, 5,], 6, 7]))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

>>> hash(tuple([1, 2, 3, tuple([4, 5,]), 6, 7]))

The solution to avoid this error is to restructure the list to have nested tuples instead of lists.

C# Enum - How to Compare Value

You can use extension methods to do the same thing with less code.

public enum AccountType
    Retailer = 1,
    Customer = 2,
    Manager = 3,
    Employee = 4

static class AccountTypeMethods
    public static bool IsRetailer(this AccountType ac)
        return ac == AccountType.Retailer;

And to use:

if (userProfile.AccountType.isRetailer())
    //your code

I would recommend to rename the AccountType to Account. It's not a name convention.

PHP Parse HTML code

Use PHP Document Object Model:

   $str = '<h1>T1</h1>Lorem ipsum.<h1>T2</h1>The quick red fox...<h1>T3</h1>... jumps over the lazy brown FROG';
   $DOM = new DOMDocument;

   //get all H1
   $items = $DOM->getElementsByTagName('h1');

   //display all H1 text
   for ($i = 0; $i < $items->length; $i++)
        echo $items->item($i)->nodeValue . "<br/>";

This outputs as:


[EDIT]: After OP Clarification:

If you want the content like Lorem ipsum. etc, you can directly use this regex:

   $str = '<h1>T1</h1>Lorem ipsum.<h1>T2</h1>The quick red fox...<h1>T3</h1>... jumps over the lazy brown FROG';
   echo preg_replace("#<h1.*?>.*?</h1>#", "", $str);

this outputs:

Lorem ipsum.The quick red fox...... jumps over the lazy brown FROG

Change limit for "Mysql Row size too large"

The maximum row size for an InnoDB table, which applies to data stored locally within a database page, is slightly less than half a page for 4KB, 8KB, 16KB, and 32KB

For 16kb pages (default), we can calculate:

Slightly less than half a page 8126 / Number of bytes to threshold for overflow 767 = 10.59 fields of 767 bytes maximum

Basically, you could max out a row with:

  • 11 varchar fields > 767 characters (latin1 = 1 byte per char) or
  • 11 varchar fields > 255 characters (utf-8 on mysql = 3 bytes per char).

Remember, it will only overflow to an overflow page if the field is > 767 bytes. If there are too many fields of 767 bytes, it will bust (passing beyond max row_size). Not usual with latin1 but very possible with utf-8 if the developers aren’t careful.

For this case, I think you could possibly bump the innodb_page_size to 32kb.

in my.cnf:



WAITING at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)

unsafe.park is pretty much the same as thread.wait, except that it's using architecture specific code (thus the reason it's 'unsafe'). unsafe is not made available publicly, but is used within java internal libraries where architecture specific code would offer significant optimization benefits. It's used a lot for thread pooling.

So, to answer your question, all the thread is doing is waiting for something, it's not really using any CPU. Considering that your original stack trace shows that you're using a lock I would assume a deadlock is going on in your case.

Yes I know you have almost certainly already solved this issue by now. However, you're one of the top results if someone googles sun.misc.unsafe.park. I figure answering the question may help others trying to understand what this method that seems to be using all their CPU is.

Remove tracking branches no longer on remote

Remove all branches that have been merged into master, but don't try to remove master itself:

git checkout master && git pull origin master && git fetch -p && git branch -d $(git branch --merged | grep master -v)

or add an alias:

alias gitcleanlocal="git checkout master && git pull origin master && git fetch -p && git branch -d $(git branch --merged | grep master -v)"


git checkout master checkout master branch

git pull origin master ensure local branch has all remote changes merged

git fetch -p remove references to remote branches that have been deleted

git branch -d $(git branch master --merged | grep master -v) delete all branches that have been merged into master, but don't try to remove master itself

Java8: sum values from specific field of the objects in a list

In Java 8 for an Obj entity with field and getField() method you can use:

List<Obj> objs ...

Stream<Obj> notNullObjs = -> obj.getValue() != null);

Double sum = notNullObjs.mapToDouble(Obj::getField).sum();

Is the buildSessionFactory() Configuration method deprecated in Hibernate


public class Hbutil {

    private static SessionFactory sessionFactory;
    private static ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry;

    private static SessionFactory configureSessionFactory() throws HibernateException {
        Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
        serviceRegistry = new ServiceRegistryBuilder().applySettings(configuration.getProperties()).buildServiceRegistry();        
        sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(serviceRegistry);
        return sessionFactory;

    public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory() {
        return configureSessionFactory();


How do I get the currently-logged username from a Windows service in .NET?

Completing the answer from @xanblax

private static string getUserName()
        SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(@"Select * from Win32_Process");
        using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query))
            foreach (System.Management.ManagementObject Process in searcher.Get())
                if (Process["ExecutablePath"] != null &&
                    string.Equals(Path.GetFileName(Process["ExecutablePath"].ToString()), "explorer.exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    string[] OwnerInfo = new string[2];
                    Process.InvokeMethod("GetOwner", (object[])OwnerInfo);

                    return OwnerInfo[0];
        return "";

Warning: Use the 'defaultValue' or 'value' props on <select> instead of setting 'selected' on <option>

What you could do is have the selected attribute on the <select> tag be an attribute of this.state that you set in the constructor. That way, the initial value you set (the default) and when the dropdown changes you need to change your state.

  this.state = {
    selectedId: selectedOptionId


    <select value={this.selectedId} onChange={this.dropdownChanged.bind(this)}>
      { =>
        <option key={id} value={id}>{options[id].name}</option>

Directly assigning values to C Pointers

First Program with comments

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    int *ptr;             //Create a pointer that points to random memory address

    *ptr = 20;            //Dereference that pointer, 
                          // and assign a value to random memory address.
                          //Depending on external (not inside your program) state
                          // this will either crash or SILENTLY CORRUPT another 
                          // data structure in your program.  

    printf("%d", *ptr);   //Print contents of same random memory address
                          // May or may not crash, depending on who owns this address

    return 0;             

Second Program with comments

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    int *ptr;              //Create pointer to random memory address

    int q = 50;            //Create local variable with contents int 50

    ptr = &q;              //Update address targeted by above created pointer to point
                           // to local variable your program properly created

    printf("%d", *ptr);    //Happily print the contents of said local variable (q)
    return 0;

The key is you cannot use a pointer until you know it is assigned to an address that you yourself have managed, either by pointing it at another variable you created or to the result of a malloc call.

Using it before is creating code that depends on uninitialized memory which will at best crash but at worst work sometimes, because the random memory address happens to be inside the memory space your program already owns. God help you if it overwrites a data structure you are using elsewhere in your program.

What is the difference between CSS and SCSS?

And this is less

@primarycolor: #ffffff;
@width: 800px;

 width: @width;
 color: @primarycolor;
  width: @width;

PHP call Class method / function

$f = new Functions;
$var = $f->filter($_GET['params']);

Have a look at the PHP manual section on Object Oriented programming

jQuery .each() with input elements

You can use:


How do I install opencv using pip?

Make a virtual enviroment using python3

virtualenv env_name --python="python3"

and run the following command

pip3 install opencv-python

to check it has installed correctly run

python3 -c "import cv2"

Is it possible to declare a variable in Gradle usable in Java?

Example using system properties, set in build.gradle, read from Java application (following up from question in comments):

Basically, using the test task in build.gradle, with test task method systemProperty setting a system property that's passed at runtime:

apply plugin: 'java'
group = 'example'
version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'

repositories {
    // mavenLocal()
    // maven { url 'http://localhost/nexus/content/groups/public'; }

dependencies {
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.8.2'
    compile 'ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.1.2'

test { '==test=='
  systemProperty 'MY-VAR1', 'VALUE-TEST'

And here's the rest of the sample code (which you could probably infer, but is included here anyway): it gets a system property MY-VAR1, expected at run-time to be set to VALUE-TEST:

package example;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class HelloWorld {
  static final Logger log=LoggerFactory.getLogger(HelloWorld.class);
  public static void main(String args[]) {"entering main...");
    final String val = System.getProperty("MY-VAR1", "UNSET (MAIN)");
    System.out.println("(main.out) hello, world: " + val);"main.log) MY-VAR1=" + val);

Testcase: if MY-VAR is unset, the test should fail:

package example;
public class HelloWorldTest {
    static final Logger log=LoggerFactory.getLogger(HelloWorldTest.class);
    @Test public void testEnv() {
        HelloWorld.main(new String[]{});
        final String val = System.getProperty("MY-VAR1", "UNSET (TEST)");
        System.out.println("(test.out) var1=" + val);"(test.log) MY-VAR1=" + val);
        assertEquals("env MY-VAR1 set.", "VALUE-TEST", val);

Run (note: test is passing):

$ gradle cleanTest test
:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:classes UP-TO-DATE
:compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE
:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
:testClasses UP-TO-DATE


I've found that the tricky part is actually getting the output from gradle... So, logging is configured here (slf4j+logback), and the log file shows the results (alternatively, run gradle --info cleanTest test; there are also properties that get stdout to the console, but, you know, why):

$ cat app.log
INFO Test worker example.HelloWorld - entering main...
INFO Test worker example.HelloWorld - main.log) MY-VAR1=VALUE-TEST
INFO Test worker example.HelloWorldTest - (test.log) MY-VAR1=VALUE-TEST

If you comment out "systemProperty..." (which, btw, only works in a test task), then:

example.HelloWorldTest > testEnv FAILED
    org.junit.ComparisonFailure at

For completeness, here is the logback config (src/test/resources/logback-test.xml):

    <appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
        <layout class="ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout">
            <pattern>%d %p %t %c - %m%n</pattern>
 <root level="info">
     <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>


  • build.gradle
  • src/main/java/example/
  • src/test/java/example/
  • src/test/resources/logback-test.xml

Find nginx version?

It seems that your nginx hasn't been installed correctly. Pay attention to the output of the installation commands:

sudo apt-get install nginx

To check the nginx version, you can use this command:

$ nginx -v
nginx version: nginx/0.8.54

$ nginx -V
nginx version: nginx/0.8.54
TLS SNI support enabled
configure arguments: --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf --error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log --http-client-body-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/body --http-fastcgi-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/fastcgi --http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access.log --http-proxy-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/proxy --http-scgi-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/scgi --http-uwsgi-temp-path=/var/lib/nginx/uwsgi --lock-path=/var/lock/nginx.lock --pid-path=/var/run/ --with-debug --with-http_addition_module --with-http_dav_module --with-http_geoip_module --with-http_gzip_static_module --with-http_image_filter_module --with-http_realip_module --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_sub_module --with-http_xslt_module --with-ipv6 --with-sha1=/usr/include/openssl --with-md5=/usr/include/openssl --with-mail --with-mail_ssl_module --add-module=/build/buildd/nginx-0.8.54/debian/modules/nginx-upstream-fair

For more information:

You can use -v parameter to display the Nginx version only, or use the -V parameter to display the version, along with the compiler version and configuration parameters.

Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service

Taking into account that getRunningTasks() is deprecated and getRunningAppProcesses() is not reliable, I came to decision to combine 2 approaches mentioned in StackOverflow:

   private boolean isAppInForeground(Context context)
            ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
            ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo foregroundTaskInfo = am.getRunningTasks(1).get(0);
            String foregroundTaskPackageName = foregroundTaskInfo.topActivity.getPackageName();

            return foregroundTaskPackageName.toLowerCase().equals(context.getPackageName().toLowerCase());
            ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo appProcessInfo = new ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo();
            if (appProcessInfo.importance == IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND || appProcessInfo.importance == IMPORTANCE_VISIBLE)
                return true;

            KeyguardManager km = (KeyguardManager) context.getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE);
            // App is foreground, but screen is locked, so show notification
            return km.inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode();

C# Switch-case string starting with

In addition to substring answer, you can do it as mystring.SubString(0,3) and check in case statement if its "abc".

But before the switch statement you need to ensure that your mystring is atleast 3 in length.

Laravel eloquent update record without loading from database

Use property exists:

$post = new Post();
$post->exists = true;
$post->id = 3; //already exists in database.
$post->title = "Updated title";

Here is the API documentation:

Is there a way to SELECT and UPDATE rows at the same time?

if it's inside the transaction, the database locking system will take care of concurrency issues. of course, if you use one (the mssql default is that it uses lock, so it states if you don't override that)

Still Reachable Leak detected by Valgrind

For future readers, "Still Reachable" might mean you forgot to close something like a file. While it doesn't seem that way in the original question, you should always make sure you've done that.

What exactly does Perl's "bless" do?

I'll provide an answer here since the ones here didn't quite click for me.

Perl's bless function associates any reference to all functions inside a package.

Why would we need this?

Let's begin by expressing an example in JavaScript:

(() => {
    'use strict';

    class Animal {
        constructor(args) {
            this.sound = args.sound;

    /* [WRONG] (global scope corruption)
     * var animal = Animal({
     *     'name': 'Jeff',
     *     'sound': 'bark'
     * }); 
     * console.log( + ', ' + animal.sound); // seems good
     * console.log(; // my window's name is Jeff?

    // new is important!
    var animal = new Animal(
        'name': 'Jeff',   
        'sound': 'bark'

    console.log( + ', ' + animal.sound); // still fine.
    console.log(; // undefined

Now lets strip away the class construct and make do without it:

(() => {
    'use strict';

    var Animal = function(args) { =;
        this.sound = args.sound;
        return this; // implicit context hashmap

    // the "new" causes the Animal to be unbound from global context, and 
    // rebinds it to an empty hash map before being constructed. The state is
    // now bound to animal, not the global scope.
    var animal = new Animal({
        'name': 'Jeff',
        'sound': 'bark'

The function takes a hash table of unordered properties(since it makes no sense to have to write properties in a specific order in dynamic languages in 2016) and returns a hash table with those properties, or if you forgot to put the new keyword, it will return the whole global context(eg window in browser or global in nodejs).

Perl has no "this" nor "new" nor "class", but it can still have a function that behaves similarly. We won't have a constructor nor a prototype, but we will be able to create new animals at will and modify their individual properties.

# self contained scope 
(sub {
    my $Animal = (sub {
        return {
            'name' => $_[0]{'name'},
            'sound' => $_[0]{'sound'}

    my $animal = $Animal->({
        'name' => 'Jeff',
        'sound' => 'bark'

    print $animal->{sound};

Now, we have a problem: What if we want the animal to perform the sounds by themselves instead of us printing what their voice is. That is, we want a function performSound that prints the animal's own sound.

One way to do this is by teaching each individual Animal how to do it's sound. This means that each Cat has its own duplicate function to performSound.

# self contained scope 
(sub {
    my $Animal = (sub {
        $name = $_[0]{'name'};
        $sound = $_[0]{'sound'};

        return {
            'name' => $name,
            'sound' => $sound,
            'performSound' => sub {
                print $sound . "\n";

    my $animal = $Animal->({
        'name' => 'Jeff',
        'sound' => 'bark'


This is bad because performSound is put as a completely new function object each time an animal is constructed. 10000 animals means 10000 performSounds. We want to have a single function performSound that is used by all animals that looks up their own sound and prints it.

(() => {
    'use strict';

    /* a function that creates an Animal constructor which can be used to create animals */
    var Animal = (() => {
        /* function is important, as fat arrow does not have "this" and will not be bound to Animal. */
        var InnerAnimal = function(args) {
            this.sound = args.sound;
        /* defined once and all animals use the same single function call */
        InnerAnimal.prototype.performSound = function() {

        return InnerAnimal;

    /* we're gonna create an animal with arguments in different order
       because we want to be edgy. */
    var animal = new Animal({
        'sound': 'bark',
        'name': 'Jeff'
    animal.performSound(); // Jeff

Here is where the parallel to Perl kinda stops.

JavaScript's new operator is not optional, without it, "this" inside object methods corrupts global scope:

(() => {
    // 'use strict'; // uncommenting this prevents corruption and raises an error instead.

    var Person = function() { = "Sam";
//    var wrong = Person(); // oops! we have overwritten or global.main.
//    console.log(; // my window's name is Sam?
    var correct = new Person; // person's name is actually stored in the person now.


We want to have one function for each Animal that looks up that animal's own sound rather than hardcoding it at construction.

Blessing lets us use a package as the prototype of objects. This way, the object is aware of the "package" it is "referenced to", and in turn can have the functions in the package "reach into" the specific instances that were created from the constructor of that "package object":

package Animal;
sub new {
    my $packageRef = $_[0];
    my $name = $_[1]->{'name'};
    my $sound = $_[1]->{'sound'};

    my $this = {
        'name' => $name,
        'sound' => $sound

    bless($this, $packageRef);
    return $this;

# all animals use the same performSound to look up their sound.
sub performSound {
    my $this = shift;
    my $sound = $this->{'sound'};
    print $sound . "\n";

package main;
my $animal = Animal->new({
    'name' => 'Cat',
    'sound' => 'meow'


Perl has no "this", "class", nor "new". blessing an object to a package gives that object a reference to the package, and when it calls functions in the package, their arguments will be offset by 1 slot, and the first argument($_[0] or shift) will be equivalent to javascript's "this". In turn, you can somewhat simulate JavaScript's prototype model.

Unfortunately it makes it impossible(to my understanding) to create "new classes" at runtime, as you need each "class" to have its own package, whereas in javascript, you don't need packages at all, as "new" keyword makes up an anonymous hashmap for you to use as a package at runtime to which you can add new functions and remove functions on the fly.

There are some Perl libraries creating their own ways of bridging this limitation in expressiveness, such as Moose.

Why the confusion?:

Because of packages. Our intuition tells us to bind the object to a hashmap containing its' prototype. This lets us create "packages" at runtime like JavaScript can. Perl does not have such flexibility(at least not built in, you have to invent it or get it from other modules), and in turn your runtime expressiveness is hindered. Calling it "bless" doesn't do it much favors neither.

What we want to do:

Something like this, but have binding to the prototype map recursive, and be implicitly bound to the prototype rather than having to explicitly do it.

Here is a naive attempt at it: the issue is that "call" does not know "what called it", so it may as well be a universal perl function "objectInvokeMethod(object, method)" which checks whether the object has the method, or its prototype has it, or its prototype has it, until it reaches the end and finds it or not (prototypical inheritence). Perl has nice eval magic to do it but I'll leave that for something I can try doing later.

Anyway here is the idea:

(sub {

    my $Animal = (sub {
        my $AnimalPrototype = {
            'performSound' => sub {
                return $_[0]->{'sound'};

        my $call = sub {
            my $this = $_[0];
            my $proc = $_[1];

            if (exists $this->{$proc}) {
                return $this->{$proc}->();
            } else {
                return $this->{prototype}->{$proc}->($this, $proc);

        return sub {
            my $name = $_[0]->{name};
            my $sound = $_[0]->{sound};

            my $this = { 
                'this' => $this,
                'name' => $name,
                'sound' => $sound,
                'prototype' => $AnimalPrototype,
                'call' => $call                

    my $animal = $Animal->({
        'name' => 'Jeff',
        'sound'=> 'bark'
    print($animal->{call}($animal, 'performSound'));

Anyway hopefully somebody will find this post useful.

Convert IQueryable<> type object to List<T> type?

Here's a couple of extension methods I've jury-rigged together to convert IQueryables and IEnumerables from one type to another (i.e. DTO). It's mainly used to convert from a larger type (i.e. the type of the row in the database that has unneeded fields) to a smaller one.

The positive sides of this approach are:

  • it requires almost no code to use - a simple call to .Transform<DtoType>() is all you need
  • it works just like .Select(s=>new{...}) i.e. when used with IQueryable it produces the optimal SQL code, excluding Type1 fields that DtoType doesn't have.


public static IQueryable<TResult> Transform<TResult>(this IQueryable source)
    var resultType = typeof(TResult);
    var resultProperties = resultType.GetProperties().Where(p => p.CanWrite);

    ParameterExpression s = Expression.Parameter(source.ElementType, "s");

    var memberBindings =
        resultProperties.Select(p =>
            Expression.Bind(typeof(TResult).GetMember(p.Name)[0], Expression.Property(s, p.Name))).OfType<MemberBinding>();

    Expression memberInit = Expression.MemberInit(

    var memberInitLambda = Expression.Lambda(memberInit, s);

    var typeArgs = new[]

    var mc = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Select", typeArgs, source.Expression, memberInitLambda);

    var query = source.Provider.CreateQuery<TResult>(mc);

    return query;

public static IEnumerable<TResult> Transform<TResult>(this IEnumerable source)
    return source.AsQueryable().Transform<TResult>();

how to write an array to a file Java

You can use the ObjectOutputStream class to write objects to an underlying stream.

outputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename));

And read the Object back like -

inputStream = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename));
x = (int[])inputStream.readObject()

How do I write a Python dictionary to a csv file?

Your code was very close to working.

Try using a regular csv.writer rather than a DictWriter. The latter is mainly used for writing a list of dictionaries.

Here's some code that writes each key/value pair on a separate row:

import csv

somedict = dict(raymond='red', rachel='blue', matthew='green')
with open('mycsvfile.csv','wb') as f:
    w = csv.writer(f)

If instead you want all the keys on one row and all the values on the next, that is also easy:

with open('mycsvfile.csv','wb') as f:
    w = csv.writer(f)

Pro tip: When developing code like this, set the writer to w = csv.writer(sys.stderr) so you can more easily see what is being generated. When the logic is perfected, switch back to w = csv.writer(f). cannot open shared object file.

Just pass your Oracle path variables before you run any scripts:
Like for perl you can do add below in beginning of your script:

   my $ORACLE_HOME     = "/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64";
   ) {
      $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}     = "/usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64";
      exec { $^X } $^X, $0, @ARGV;

How to fix "Referenced assembly does not have a strong name" error?

To avoid this error you could either:

  • Load the assembly dynamically, or
  • Sign the third-party assembly.

You will find instructions on signing third-party assemblies in .NET-fu: Signing an Unsigned Assembly (Without Delay Signing).

Signing Third-Party Assemblies

The basic principle to sign a thirp-party is to

  1. Disassemble the assembly using ildasm.exe and save the intermediate language (IL):

    ildasm /all / thirdPartyLib.dll 
  2. Rebuild and sign the assembly:

    ilasm /dll /key=myKey.snk

Fixing Additional References

The above steps work fine unless your third-party assembly (A.dll) references another library (B.dll) which also has to be signed. You can disassemble, rebuild and sign both A.dll and B.dll using the commands above, but at runtime, loading of B.dll will fail because A.dll was originally built with a reference to the unsigned version of B.dll.

The fix to this issue is to patch the IL file generated in step 1 above. You will need to add the public key token of B.dll to the reference. You get this token by calling

sn -Tp B.dll 

which will give you the following output:

Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Strong Name Utility  Version 4.0.30319.33440
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Public key (hash algorithm: sha1):

Public key token is a8a7ed7203d87bc9

The last line contains the public key token. You then have to search the IL of A.dll for the reference to B.dll and add the token as follows:

.assembly extern /*23000003*/ MyAssemblyName
  .publickeytoken = (A8 A7 ED 72 03 D8 7B C9 )                         
  .ver 10:0:0:0

How do you redirect to a page using the POST verb?

HTTP doesn't support redirection to a page using POST. When you redirect somewhere, the HTTP "Location" header tells the browser where to go, and the browser makes a GET request for that page. You'll probably have to just write the code for your page to accept GET requests as well as POST requests.

postgresql duplicate key violates unique constraint

The primary key is already protecting you from inserting duplicate values, as you're experiencing when you get that error. Adding another unique constraint isn't necessary to do that.

The "duplicate key" error is telling you that the work was not done because it would produce a duplicate key, not that it discovered a duplicate key already commited to the table.

Running vbscript from batch file

Well i am trying to open a .vbs within a batch file without having to click open but the answer to this question is ...


start (your file here without the brackets with a .vbs if it is a vbd file)

How do I replace all the spaces with %20 in C#?

The below code will replace repeating space with a single %20 character.


Input is:

Code by Hitesh             Jain




static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine("Enter a string");
    string str = Console.ReadLine();
    string replacedStr = null;

    // This loop will repalce all repeat black space in single space
    for (int i = 0; i < str.Length - 1; i++)
        if (!(Convert.ToString(str[i]) == " " &&
            Convert.ToString(str[i + 1]) == " "))
            replacedStr = replacedStr + str[i];
    replacedStr = replacedStr + str[str.Length-1]; // Append last character
    replacedStr = replacedStr.Replace(" ", "%20");

CSS Resize/Zoom-In effect on Image while keeping Dimensions

You could achieve that simply by wrapping the image by a <div> and adding overflow: hidden to that element:

<div class="img-wrapper">
    <img src="..." />
.img-wrapper {
    display: inline-block; /* change the default display type to inline-block */
    overflow: hidden;      /* hide the overflow */


Also it's worth noting that <img> element (like the other inline elements) sits on its baseline by default. And there would be a 4~5px gap at the bottom of the image.

That vertical gap belongs to the reserved space of descenders like: g j p q y. You could fix the alignment issue by adding vertical-align property to the image with a value other than baseline.

Additionally for a better user experience, you could add transition to the images.

Thus we'll end up with the following:

.img-wrapper img {
    transition: all .2s ease;
    vertical-align: middle;


How do I fix "The expression of type List needs unchecked conversion...'?

If you don't want to put @SuppressWarning("unchecked") on each sf.getEntries() call, you can always make a wrapper that will return List.

See this other question

How to return multiple values?

You can do something like this:

public class Example
    public String name;
    public String location;

    public String[] getExample()
        String ar[] = new String[2];
        ar[0]= name;
        ar[1] =  location;
        return ar; //returning two values at once

printing a two dimensional array in python

In addition to the simple print answer, you can actually customise the print output through the use of the numpy.set_printoptions function.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> inf = np.float('inf')
>>> A = np.array([[0,1,4,inf,3],[1,0,2,inf,4],[4,2,0,1,5],[inf,inf,1,0,3],[3,4,5,3,0]])

The following option:

>>> np.set_printoptions(infstr="(infinity)")

Results in:

>>> print(A)
[[        0.         1.         4. (infinity)         3.]
 [        1.         0.         2. (infinity)         4.]
 [        4.         2.         0.         1.         5.]
 [(infinity) (infinity)         1.         0.         3.]
 [        3.         4.         5.         3.         0.]]

The following option:

>>> np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': "\t{: 0.0f}\t".format})

Results in:

>>> print(A)
[[   0       1       4       inf     3  ]
 [   1       0       2       inf     4  ]
 [   4       2       0       1       5  ]
 [   inf     inf     1       0       3  ]
 [   3       4       5       3       0  ]]

If you just want to have a specific string output for a specific array, the function numpy.array2string is also available.

jquery loop on Json data using $.each

$.each(JSON.parse(result), function(i, item) {

Android replace the current fragment with another fragment

If you have a handle to an existing fragment you can just replace it with the fragment's ID.

Example in Kotlin:

fun aTestFuction() {
   val existingFragment = MyExistingFragment() //Get it from somewhere, this is a dirty example
   val newFragment = MyNewFragment()
   replaceFragment(existingFragment, newFragment, "myTag")

fun replaceFragment(existing: Fragment, new: Fragment, tag: String? = null) {
    supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(, new, tag).commit()

Create array of all integers between two numbers, inclusive, in Javascript/jQuery

In JavaScript ES6:

function range(start, end) {_x000D_
  return Array(end - start + 1).fill().map((_, idx) => start + idx)_x000D_
var result = range(9, 18); // [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]_x000D_

For completeness, here it is with an optional step parameter.

function range(start, end, step = 1) {_x000D_
  const len = Math.floor((end - start) / step) + 1_x000D_
  return Array(len).fill().map((_, idx) => start + (idx * step))_x000D_
var result = range(9, 18, 0.83);_x000D_

I would use range-inclusive from npm in an actual project. It even supports backwards steps, so that's cool.

iPhone app signing: A valid signing identity matching this profile could not be found in your keychain

"This was a bug on the Apple portal site. They were missing a necessary field in the provisioning profile. They fixed this bug late on 6/16/09. "

Get Cell Value from Excel Sheet with Apache Poi

You have to use the FormulaEvaluator, as shown here. This will return a value that is either the value present in the cell or the result of the formula if the cell contains such a formula :

FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("/somepath/test.xls");
Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fis); //or new XSSFWorkbook("/somepath/test.xls")
Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
FormulaEvaluator evaluator = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();

// suppose your formula is in B3
CellReference cellReference = new CellReference("B3"); 
Row row = sheet.getRow(cellReference.getRow());
Cell cell = row.getCell(cellReference.getCol()); 

if (cell!=null) {
    switch (evaluator.evaluateFormulaCell(cell)) {
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK:
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR:

        // CELL_TYPE_FORMULA will never occur
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA: 

if you need the exact contant (ie the formla if the cell contains a formula), then this is shown here.

Edit : Added a few example to help you.

first you get the cell (just an example)

Row row = sheet.getRow(rowIndex+2);    
Cell cell = row.getCell(1);   

If you just want to set the value into the cell using the formula (without knowing the result) :

 String formula ="ABS((1-E"+(rowIndex + 2)+"/D"+(rowIndex + 2)+")*100)";    

if you want to change the message if there is an error in the cell, you have to change the formula to do so, something like

IF(ISERR(ABS((1-E3/D3)*100));"N/A"; ABS((1-E3/D3)*100))

(this formula check if the evaluation return an error and then display the string "N/A", or the evaluation if this is not an error).

if you want to get the value corresponding to the formula, then you have to use the evaluator.

Hope this help,

Difference between "char" and "String" in Java

I would recommend you to read through the Java tutorial documentation hosted on Oracle's website whenever you are in doubt about anything related to Java.

You can get a clear understanding of the concepts by going through the following tutorials:

How can I get the session object if I have the entity-manager?

To be totally exhaustive, things are different if you're using a JPA 1.0 or a JPA 2.0 implementation.

JPA 1.0

With JPA 1.0, you'd have to use EntityManager#getDelegate(). But keep in mind that the result of this method is implementation specific i.e. non portable from application server using Hibernate to the other. For example with JBoss you would do:

org.hibernate.Session session = (Session) manager.getDelegate();

But with GlassFish, you'd have to do:

org.hibernate.Session session = ((org.hibernate.ejb.EntityManagerImpl) em.getDelegate()).getSession(); 

I agree, that's horrible, and the spec is to blame here (not clear enough).

JPA 2.0

With JPA 2.0, there is a new (and much better) EntityManager#unwrap(Class<T>) method that is to be preferred over EntityManager#getDelegate() for new applications.

So with Hibernate as JPA 2.0 implementation (see 3.15. Native Hibernate API), you would do:

Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);

How do I set the classpath in NetBeans?


The Answer by Bhesh Gurung is correct… unless your NetBeans project is Maven based.


Under Maven, you add a "dependency". A dependency is a description of a library (its name & version number) you want to use from your code.

Or a dependency could be a description of a library which another library needs ("depends on"). Maven automatically handles this chain, libraries that need other libraries that then need other libraries and so on. For the mathematical-minded, perhaps the phrase "Maven resolves the transitive dependencies" makes sense.


Maven gets this related-ness information, and the libraries themselves from a Maven repository. A repository is basically an online database and collection of download files (the dependency library).

Easy to Use

Adding a dependency to a Maven-based project is really quite easy. That is the whole point to Maven, to make managing dependent libraries easy and to make building them into your project easy. To get started with adding a dependency, see this Question, Adding dependencies in Maven Netbeans and my Answer with screenshot.

enter image description here

keyword not supported data source

What you have is a valid ADO.NET connection string - but it's NOT a valid Entity Framework connection string.

The EF connection string would look something like this:

  <add name="NorthwindEntities" connectionString=
      provider connection string=&quot;Data Source=SERVER\SQL2000;Initial Catalog=Northwind;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=False&quot;" 
      providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" /> 

You're missing all the metadata= and providerName= elements in your EF connection string...... you basically only have what's contained in the provider connection string part.

Using the EDMX designer should create a valid EF connection string for you, in your web.config or app.config.


UPDATE: OK, I understand what you're trying to do: you need a second "ADO.NET" connection string just for ASP.NET user / membership database. Your string is OK, but the providerName is wrong - it would have to be "System.Data.SqlClient" - this connection doesn't use ENtity Framework - don't specify the "EntityClient" for it then!

<add name="ASPNETMembership" 
     connectionString="Data Source=MONTGOMERY-DEV\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=ASPNETDB;Integrated Security=True;" 
     providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

If you specify providerName=System.Data.EntityClient ==> Entity Framework connection string (with the metadata= and everything).

If you need and specify providerName=System.Data.SqlClient ==> straight ADO.NET SQL Server connection string without all the EF additions

After updating Entity Framework model, Visual Studio does not see changes

I also had this problem, however, right-clicking on the file and running "Custom tool" didn't make any difference for me somehow, but a comment on the page Ghlouw linked to mentioned to use the menu item "BUILD > Transform All T4 Templates." which did it for me

String Concatenation using '+' operator

It doesn't - the C# compiler does :)

So this code:

string x = "hello";
string y = "there";
string z = "chaps";
string all = x + y + z;

actually gets compiled as:

string x = "hello";
string y = "there";
string z = "chaps";
string all = string.Concat(x, y, z);

(Gah - intervening edit removed other bits accidentally.)

The benefit of the C# compiler noticing that there are multiple string concatenations here is that you don't end up creating an intermediate string of x + y which then needs to be copied again as part of the concatenation of (x + y) and z. Instead, we get it all done in one go.

EDIT: Note that the compiler can't do anything if you concatenate in a loop. For example, this code:

string x = "";
foreach (string y in strings)
    x += y;

just ends up as equivalent to:

string x = "";
foreach (string y in strings)
    x = string.Concat(x, y);

... so this does generate a lot of garbage, and it's why you should use a StringBuilder for such cases. I have an article going into more details about the two which will hopefully answer further questions.

plain count up timer in javascript

Check this:

var minutesLabel = document.getElementById("minutes");_x000D_
var secondsLabel = document.getElementById("seconds");_x000D_
var totalSeconds = 0;_x000D_
setInterval(setTime, 1000);_x000D_
function setTime() {_x000D_
  secondsLabel.innerHTML = pad(totalSeconds % 60);_x000D_
  minutesLabel.innerHTML = pad(parseInt(totalSeconds / 60));_x000D_
function pad(val) {_x000D_
  var valString = val + "";_x000D_
  if (valString.length < 2) {_x000D_
    return "0" + valString;_x000D_
  } else {_x000D_
    return valString;_x000D_
<label id="minutes">00</label>:<label id="seconds">00</label>

How to interpret "loss" and "accuracy" for a machine learning model

They are two different metrics to evaluate your model's performance usually being used in different phases.

Loss is often used in the training process to find the "best" parameter values for your model (e.g. weights in neural network). It is what you try to optimize in the training by updating weights.

Accuracy is more from an applied perspective. Once you find the optimized parameters above, you use this metrics to evaluate how accurate your model's prediction is compared to the true data.

Let us use a toy classification example. You want to predict gender from one's weight and height. You have 3 data, they are as follows:(0 stands for male, 1 stands for female)

y1 = 0, x1_w = 50kg, x2_h = 160cm;

y2 = 0, x2_w = 60kg, x2_h = 170cm;

y3 = 1, x3_w = 55kg, x3_h = 175cm;

You use a simple logistic regression model that is y = 1/(1+exp-(b1*x_w+b2*x_h))

How do you find b1 and b2? you define a loss first and use optimization method to minimize the loss in an iterative way by updating b1 and b2.

In our example, a typical loss for this binary classification problem can be: (a minus sign should be added in front of the summation sign)

We don't know what b1 and b2 should be. Let us make a random guess say b1 = 0.1 and b2 = -0.03. Then what is our loss now?

so the loss is

Then you learning algorithm (e.g. gradient descent) will find a way to update b1 and b2 to decrease the loss.

What if b1=0.1 and b2=-0.03 is the final b1 and b2 (output from gradient descent), what is the accuracy now?

Let's assume if y_hat >= 0.5, we decide our prediction is female(1). otherwise it would be 0. Therefore, our algorithm predict y1 = 1, y2 = 1 and y3 = 1. What is our accuracy? We make wrong prediction on y1 and y2 and make correct one on y3. So now our accuracy is 1/3 = 33.33%

PS: In Amir's answer, back-propagation is said to be an optimization method in NN. I think it would be treated as a way to find gradient for weights in NN. Common optimization method in NN are GradientDescent and Adam.

Android Device Chooser -- device not showing up

I think this was because the option for USB debugging wasn't checked on the device

How can I return the current action in an ASP.NET MVC view?

I vote for this 2:

string currentActionName = ViewContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action");


string currentViewName = ((WebFormView)ViewContext.View).ViewPath;

You can retrive both physical name of current view and action that triggered it. It can be usefull in partial *.acmx pages to determine host container.

Drop all tables command

I had this issue in Android and I wrote a method similar to it-west.

Because I used AUTOINCREMENT primary keys in my tables, there was a table called sqlite_sequence. SQLite would crash when the routine tried to drop that table. I couldn't catch the exception either. Looking at, I learned that there could be several of these internal schema tables that I didn't want to drop. The documentation says that any of these tables have names beginning with sqlite_ so I wrote this method

private void dropAllUserTables(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'", null);
    //noinspection TryFinallyCanBeTryWithResources not available with API < 19
    try {
        List<String> tables = new ArrayList<>(cursor.getCount());

        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {

        for (String table : tables) {
            if (table.startsWith("sqlite_")) {
            db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + table);
            Log.v(LOG_TAG, "Dropped table " + table);
    } finally {

How to prevent background scrolling when Bootstrap 3 modal open on mobile browsers?

.on('shown', function(){ 
  $('body').css({overflow: 'hidden'}); 
.on('hidden', function(){ 
  $('body').css({overflow: ''}); 

use this one

Adding options to select with javascript

You could achieve this with a simple for loop:

var min = 12,
    max = 100,
    select = document.getElementById('selectElementId');

for (var i = min; i<=max; i++){
    var opt = document.createElement('option');
    opt.value = i;
    opt.innerHTML = i;

JS Fiddle demo.

JS Perf comparison of both mine and Sime Vidas' answer, run because I thought his looked a little more understandable/intuitive than mine and I wondered how that would translate into implementation. According to Chromium 14/Ubuntu 11.04 mine is somewhat faster, other browsers/platforms are likely to have differing results though.

Edited in response to comment from OP:

[How] do [I] apply this to more than one element?

function populateSelect(target, min, max){
    if (!target){
        return false;
    else {
        var min = min || 0,
            max = max || min + 100;

        select = document.getElementById(target);

        for (var i = min; i<=max; i++){
            var opt = document.createElement('option');
            opt.value = i;
            opt.innerHTML = i;
// calling the function with all three values:

// calling the function with only the 'id' ('min' and 'max' are set to defaults):

// calling the function with the 'id' and the 'min' (the 'max' is set to default):
populateSelect('moreSelects', 50);

JS Fiddle demo.

And, finally (after quite a delay...), an approach extending the prototype of the HTMLSelectElement in order to chain the populate() function, as a method, to the DOM node:

HTMLSelectElement.prototype.populate = function (opts) {
    var settings = {};

    settings.min = 0;
    settings.max = settings.min + 100;

    for (var userOpt in opts) {
        if (opts.hasOwnProperty(userOpt)) {
            settings[userOpt] = opts[userOpt];

    for (var i = settings.min; i <= settings.max; i++) {
        this.appendChild(new Option(i, i));

    'min': 12,
    'max': 40

JS Fiddle demo.


VB.NET - Remove a characters from a String

Function RemoveCharacter(ByVal stringToCleanUp, ByVal characterToRemove)
  ' replace the target with nothing
  ' Replace() returns a new String and does not modify the current one
  Return stringToCleanUp.Replace(characterToRemove, "")
End Function

Here's more information about VB's Replace function

Set formula to a range of cells

I would update the formula in C1. Then copy the formula from C1 and paste it till C10...

Not sure about a more elegant solution

Range("C1").Formula = "=A1+B1"

jQuery DIV click, with anchors

$("div.clickable").click( function(event) { window.location = $(this).attr("url"); event.preventDefault(); });

Twitter Bootstrap and ASP.NET GridView

Add property of show header in gridview

 <asp:GridView ID="dgvUsers" runat="server" **showHeader="True"** CssClass="table table-hover table-striped" GridLines="None" 

and in columns add header template

                   //header column names

How can I read inputs as numbers?

def dbz():
        r = raw_input("Enter number:")
        if r.isdigit():
            i = int(raw_input("Enter divident:"))
            d = int(r)/i
            print "O/p is -:",d
            print "Not a number"
    except Exception ,e:
        print "Program halted incorrect data entered",type(e)


num = input("Enter Number:")#"input" will accept only numbers