[sql] How can I do an UPDATE statement with JOIN in SQL Server?

I need to update this table in SQL Server with data from its 'parent' table, see below:

Table: sale

id (int)
udid (int)
assid (int)

Table: ud

id  (int)
assid  (int)

sale.assid contains the correct value to update ud.assid.

What query will do this? I'm thinking of a join but I'm not sure if it's possible.

This question is related to sql sql-server tsql sql-server-2005 sql-update

The answer is

The simplest way is to use the Common Table Expression (CTE) introduced in SQL 2005

with cte as
(select u.assid col1 ,s.assid col2 from ud u inner join sale s on u.id = s.udid)
update cte set col1=col2

This should work in SQL Server:

update ud 
set assid = sale.assid
from sale
where sale.udid = id


UPDATE table1
SET    COLUMN = value
FROM   table2,
WHERE  table1.column_id = table2.id
       AND table1.column_id = table3.id
       AND table1.COLUMN = value
       AND table2.COLUMN = value
       AND table3.COLUMN = value 

I was thinking the SQL-Server one in the top post would work for Sybase since they are both T-SQL but unfortunately not.

For Sybase I found the update needs to be on the table itself not the alias:

update ud
set u.assid = s.assid
from ud u
    inner join sale s on
        u.id = s.udid

For SQLite use the RowID property to make the update:

update Table set column = 'NewValue'
where RowID = 
(select t1.RowID from Table t1
join Table2 t2 on t1.JoinField = t2.JoinField
where t2.SelectValue = 'FooMyBarPlease');

Another example why SQL isn't really portable.

For MySQL it would be:

update ud, sale
set ud.assid = sale.assid
where sale.udid = ud.id;

For more info read multiple table update: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/update.html

UPDATE [LOW_PRIORITY] [IGNORE] table_references
    SET col_name1={expr1|DEFAULT} [, col_name2={expr2|DEFAULT}] ...
    [WHERE where_condition]


You'll get the best performance if you forget the where clause and place all conditions in the ON expression.

I think this is because the query first has to join the tables then runs the where clause on that, so if you can reduce what is required to join then that's the fasted way to get the results/do the udpate.



You have a table of users. They can log in using their username or email or account_number. These accounts can be active (1) or inactive (0). This table has 50000 rows

You then have a table of users to disable at one go because you find out they've all done something bad. This table however, has one column with usernames, emails and account numbers mixed. It also has a "has_run" indicator which needs to be set to 1 (true) when it has been run


UPDATE users User
        blacklist_users BlacklistUser
            User.username = BlacklistUser.account_ref
            User.email = BlacklistedUser.account_ref
            User.phone_number = BlacklistUser.account_ref
            User.is_active = 1
            BlacklistUser.has_run = 0
        User.is_active = 0,
        BlacklistUser.has_run = 1;


If we had to join on just the OR conditions it would essentially need to check each row 4 times to see if it should join, and potentially return a lot more rows. However, by giving it more conditions it can "skip" a lot of rows if they don't meet all the conditions when joining.


It's more readable. All the conditions are in one place and the rows to update are in one place

Teradata Aster offers another interesting way how to achieve the goal:

MERGE INTO ud --what trable should be updated
USING sale -- from what table/relation update info should be taken
ON ud.id = sale.udid --join condition
    UPDATE SET ud.assid = sale.assid; -- how to update

The following statement with FROM keyword is used to update multiple rows with a join

UPDATE users 
set users.DivisionId=divisions.DivisionId
from divisions join users on divisions.Name=users.Division

Simplified update query using JOIN-ing multiple tables.

        first_table ft
        JOIN second_table st ON st.some_id = ft.some_id
        JOIN third_table tt  ON tt.some_id = st.some_id
        ft.some_column = some_value
    WHERE ft.some_column = 123456 AND st.some_column = 123456

Note - first_table, second_table, third_table and some_column like 123456 are demo table names, column names and ids. Replace them with the valid names.


INNER JOIN sale ON ud.id = sale.udid
SET ud.assid = sale.assid;

UPDATE tblAppraisalBasicData
SET tblAppraisalBasicData.ISCbo=1
FROM tblAppraisalBasicData SI INNER JOIN  aaa_test RAN ON SI.EmpID = RAN.ID

A standard SQL approach would be

SET assid = (SELECT assid FROM sale s WHERE ud.id=s.id)

On SQL Server you can use a join

SET assid = s.assid
FROM ud u
JOIN sale s ON u.id=s.id

Try this one, I think this will works for you

update ud

set ud.assid = sale.assid

from ud 

Inner join sale on ud.id = sale.udid

where sale.udid is not null


CREATE TABLE ud (id integer, assid integer);
CREATE TABLE sales (id integer, udid integer, assid integer);

SET assid = sales.assid
FROM sales
WHERE sales.id = ud.id;

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