[javascript] How to generate unique ID with node.js

function generate(count) {
    var founded = false,
        _sym = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890',
        str = '';
    while(!founded) {
        for(var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            str += _sym[parseInt(Math.random() * (_sym.length))];
        base.getID(string, function(err, res) {
            if(!res.length) {
                founded = true; // How to do it?
    return str;

How to set a variable value with database query callback? How I can do it?

This question is related to javascript node.js express

The answer is

The fastest possible way to create random 32-char string in Node is by using native crypto module:

const crypto = require("crypto");

const id = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString("hex");

console.log(id); // => f9b327e70bbcf42494ccb28b2d98e00e

edit: shortid has been deprecated. The maintainers recommend to use nanoid instead.

Another approach is using the shortid package from npm.

It is very easy to use:

var shortid = require('shortid');
console.log(shortid.generate()); // e.g. S1cudXAF

and has some compelling features:

ShortId creates amazingly short non-sequential url-friendly unique ids. Perfect for url shorteners, MongoDB and Redis ids, and any other id users might see.

  • By default 7-14 url-friendly characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _-
  • Non-sequential so they are not predictable.
  • Can generate any number of ids without duplicates, even millions per day.
  • Apps can be restarted any number of times without any chance of repeating an id.

I am using the following and it is working fine plus without any third-party dependencies.

const {
} = require('crypto');

const uid = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2) + randomBytes(8).toString('hex') + new Date().getTime();

to install uuid

npm install --save uuid

uuid is updated and the old import

const uuid= require('uuid/v4');

is not working and we should now use this import

const {v4:uuid} = require('uuid');

and for using it use as a funciton like this

const  createdPlace = {
    id: uuid(),

Install NPM uuid package (sources: https://github.com/kelektiv/node-uuid):

npm install uuid

and use it in your code:

var uuid = require('uuid');

Then create some ids ...

// Generate a v1 (time-based) id
uuid.v1(); // -> '6c84fb90-12c4-11e1-840d-7b25c5ee775a'

// Generate a v4 (random) id
uuid.v4(); // -> '110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c866d813b8d1'

** UPDATE 3.1.0
The above usage is deprecated, so use this package like this:

const uuidv1 = require('uuid/v1');
uuidv1(); // -> '6c84fb90-12c4-11e1-840d-7b25c5ee775a' 

const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4');
uuidv4(); // -> '110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c866d813b8d1' 

** UPDATE 7.x
And now the above usage is deprecated as well, so use this package like this:

const { v1: uuidv1 } = require('uuid');
uuidv1(); // -> '6c84fb90-12c4-11e1-840d-7b25c5ee775a' 

const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid');
uuidv4(); // -> '6c84fb90-12c4-11e1-840d-7b25c5ee775a' 

nanoid achieves exactly the same thing that you want.

Example usage:

const { nanoid } = require("nanoid")

//=> "n340M4XJjATNzrEl5Qvsh"

Extending from YaroslavGaponov's answer, the simplest implementation is just using Math.random().


Mathematically, the chances of fractions being the same in a real space [0, 1] is theoretically 0. Probability-wise it is approximately close to 0 for a default length of 16 decimals in node.js. And this implementation should also reduce arithmetic overflows as no operations are performed. Also, it is more memory efficient compared to a string as Decimals occupy less memory than strings.

I call this the "Fractional-Unique-ID".

Wrote code to generate 1,000,000 Math.random() numbers and could not find any duplicates (at least for default decimal points of 16). See code below (please provide feedback if any):

random_numbers = [] 
for (i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { 
   //random_numbers.push(Math.random().toFixed(13)) //depends decimals default 16 

if (i === 1000000) { 
   console.log("Before checking duplicate"); 
   console.log("After checking duplicate"); 
   random_set = new Set(random_numbers); // Set removes duplicates
   console.log([...random_set].length); // length is still the same after removing

Simple, time based, without dependencies:

(new Date()).getTime().toString(36)

Output: jzlatihl

plus random number (Thanks to @Yaroslav Gaponov's answer)

(new Date()).getTime().toString(36) + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2)

Output jzlavejjperpituute

used https://www.npmjs.com/package/uniqid in npm

npm i uniqid

It will always create unique id's based on the current time, process and machine name.

  • With the current time the ID's are always unique in a single process.
  • With the Process ID the ID's are unique even if called at the same time from multiple processes.
  • With the MAC Address the ID's are unique even if called at the same time from multiple machines and processes.


  • Very fast
  • Generates unique id's on multiple processes and machines even if called at the same time.
  • Shorter 8 and 12 byte versions with less uniqueness.

If some one needs cryptographic-strong UUID, there is solution for that as well.


npm install generate-safe-id

Why not UUIDs?

Random UUIDs (UUIDv4) do not have enough entropy to be universally unique (ironic, eh?). Random UUIDs have only 122 bits of entropy, which suggests that a duplicate will occur after only 2^61 IDs. Additionally, some UUIDv4 implementations do not use a cryptographically strong random number generator.

This library generates 240-bit IDs using the Node.js crypto RNG, suggesting the first duplicate will occur after generating 2^120 IDs. Based on the current energy production of the human race, this threshold will be impossible to cross for the foreseeable future.

var generateSafeId = require('generate-safe-id');

var id = generateSafeId();
// id == "zVPkWyvgRW-7pSk0iRzEhdnPcnWfMRi-ZcaPxrHA"

More easy and without addition modules


The solutions here are old and now deprecated: https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid#deep-requires-now-deprecated

Use this:

npm install uuid

//add these lines to your code
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid');
var your_uuid = uuidv4();

node-uuid is deprecated so please use uuid

npm install uuid --save
// Generate a v1 UUID (time-based) 
const uuidV1 = require('uuid/v1');
uuidV1(); // -> '6c84fb90-12c4-11e1-840d-7b25c5ee775a' 

// Generate a v4 UUID (random) 
const uuidV4 = require('uuid/v4');
uuidV4(); // -> '110ec58a-a0f2-4ac4-8393-c866d813b8d1' 

Npm link

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