Programs & Examples On #Apple radar

How to remove all listeners in an element?

I think that the fastest way to do this is to just clone the node, which will remove all event listeners:

var old_element = document.getElementById("btn");
var new_element = old_element.cloneNode(true);
old_element.parentNode.replaceChild(new_element, old_element);

Just be careful, as this will also clear event listeners on all child elements of the node in question, so if you want to preserve that you'll have to resort to explicitly removing listeners one at a time.

How to ensure that there is a delay before a service is started in systemd?

This answer on super user I think is a better answer. From

"But since you asked for a way without using Before and After, you can use:


which as man systemd.service explains

Behavior of idle is very similar to simple; however, actual execution of the service program is delayed until all active jobs are dispatched. This may be used to avoid interleaving of output of shell services with the status output on the console. Note that this type is useful only to improve console output, it is not useful as a general unit ordering tool, and the effect of this service type is subject to a 5s time-out, after which the service program is invoked anyway. "

Laravel assets url

You have to do two steps:

  1. Put all your files (css,js,html code, etc.) into the public folder.
  2. Use url({{ URL::asset('images/slides/2.jpg') }}) where images/slides/2.jpg is path of your content.

Similarly you can call js, css etc.

What is the difference between Cloud, Grid and Cluster?

Cloud is a marketing term, with the bare minimum feature relating to fast automated provisioning of new servers. HA, utility billing, etc are all features people can lump on top to define it to their own liking.

Grid [Computing] is an extension of clusters where multiple loosely coupled systems are used to solve a single problem. They tend to be multi-tenant, sharing some likeness to Clouds, but tend to rely heavily upon custom frameworks that manage the interop between grid nodes.

Cluster hosting is a specialization of clusters where a load balancer is used to direct incoming traffic to one of many worker nodes. It predates grid computing and doesn't rely on a homogenous abstraction of the underlying nodes as much as Grid computing. A web farm tends to have very specialized machines dedicated to each component type and is far more optimized for that specific task.

For pure hosting, Grid computing is the wrong tool. If you have no idea what your traffic shape is, then a Cloud would be useful. For predictable usage that changes at a reasonable pace, then a traditional cluster is fine and the most efficient.

CSS class for pointer cursor

UPDATE for Bootstrap 4 stable

The cursor: pointer; rule has been restored, so buttons will now by default have the cursor on hover:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<button type="button" class="btn btn-success">Sample Button</button>

No, there isn't. You need to make some custom CSS for this.

If you just need a link that looks like a button (with pointer), use this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
<a class="btn btn-success" href="#" role="button">Sample Button</a>

How to insert Records in Database using C# language?

sql = "insert into Main (Firt Name, Last Name) values(textbox2.Text,textbox3.Text)";

(Firt Name) is not a valid field. It should be FirstName or First_Name. It may be your problem.

How to pass a user / password in ansible command

you can use --extra-vars like this:

$ ansible all --inventory=, -m ping \
    --extra-vars "ansible_user=root ansible_password=yourpassword"

If you're authenticating to a Linux host that's joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, this command line works.

ansible --module-name ping --extra-vars 'ansible_user=domain\user ansible_password=PASSWORD' --inventory, all

Multiple markers Google Map API v3 from array of addresses and avoid OVER_QUERY_LIMIT while geocoding on pageLoad

Regardless of your situation, heres a working demo that creates markers on the map based on an array of addresses.

Javascript code embedded aswell:

$(document).ready(function () {
    var map;
    var elevator;
    var myOptions = {
        zoom: 1,
        center: new google.maps.LatLng(0, 0),
        mapTypeId: 'terrain'
    map = new google.maps.Map($('#map_canvas')[0], myOptions);

    var addresses = ['Norway', 'Africa', 'Asia','North America','South America'];

    for (var x = 0; x < addresses.length; x++) {
        $.getJSON(''+addresses[x]+'&sensor=false', null, function (data) {
            var p = data.results[0].geometry.location
            var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(, p.lng);
            new google.maps.Marker({
                position: latlng,
                map: map



how to create virtual host on XAMPP

I fixed it using following configuration.

 Listen 85
 <VirtualHost *:85>
           DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/LaraBlog/public"
           <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/CommunicationApp/public">
           DirectoryIndex index.php
           AllowOverride All
           Order allow,deny
           Allow from all

socket.error: [Errno 48] Address already in use

I have a raspberry pi, and I am using python web server (using Flask). I have tried everything above, the only solution is to close the terminal(shell) and open it again. Or restart the raspberry pi, because nothing stops that webserver...

Count number of occurrences by month

Use a pivot table. You can manually refresh a pivot table's data source by right-clicking on it and clicking refresh. Otherwise you can set up a worksheet_change macro - or just a refresh button. Pivot Table tutorial is here:

1) Create a Month column from your Date column (e.g. =TEXT(B2,"MMM") )


2) Create a Year column from your Date column (e.g. =TEXT(B2,"YYYY") )


3) Add a Count column, with "1" for each value


4) Create a Pivot table with the fields, Count, Month and Year 5) Drag the Year and Month fields into Row Labels. Ensure that Year is above month so your Pivot table first groups by year, then by month 6) Drag the Count field into Values to create a Count of Count


There are better tutorials I'm sure just google/bing "pivot table tutorial".

How to get the CPU Usage in C#?

You can use the PerformanceCounter class from System.Diagnostics.

Initialize like this:

PerformanceCounter cpuCounter;
PerformanceCounter ramCounter;

cpuCounter = new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total");
ramCounter = new PerformanceCounter("Memory", "Available MBytes");

Consume like this:

public string getCurrentCpuUsage(){
            return cpuCounter.NextValue()+"%";

public string getAvailableRAM(){
            return ramCounter.NextValue()+"MB";

How to replace all special character into a string using C#

You can use a regular expresion to for example replace all non-alphanumeric characters with commas:

s = Regex.Replace(s, "[^0-9A-Za-z]+", ",");

Note: The + after the set will make it replace each group of non-alphanumeric characters with a comma. If you want to replace each character with a comma, just remove the +.

How to create my json string by using C#?

No real need for the JSON.NET package. You could use JavaScriptSerializer. The Serialize method will turn a managed type instance into a JSON string.

var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var json = serializer.Serialize(instanceOfThing);

How to do fade-in and fade-out with JavaScript and CSS

Here's my attempt with Javascript and CSS3 animation So the HTML:

 <div id="handle">Fade</div> 
 <div id="slideSource">Whatever you want images or  text here</div>

The CSS3 with transitions:

div#slideSource {
-webkit-transition: opacity 3s;
-moz-transition: opacity 3s;     
transition: opacity 3s; 

div#slideSource.fade {

The Javascript part. Check if the className exists, if it does then add the class and transitions.

document.getElementById('handle').onclick = function(){
        document.getElementById('slideSource').className = '';
    } else {
        document.getElementById('slideSource').className = 'fade';

Just click and it will fade in and out. I would recommend using JQuery as Itai Sagi mentioned. I left out Opera and MS, so I would recommend using prefixr to add that in the css. This is my first time posting on stackoverflow but it should work fine.

Compare cell contents against string in Excel

If a case-insensitive comparison is acceptable, just use =:


Using Excel VBA to export data to MS Access table

is it possible to export without looping through all records

For a range in Excel with a large number of rows you may see some performance improvement if you create an Access.Application object in Excel and then use it to import the Excel data into Access. The code below is in a VBA module in the same Excel document that contains the following test data


Option Explicit

Sub AccImport()
    Dim acc As New Access.Application
    acc.OpenCurrentDatabase "C:\Users\Public\Database1.accdb"
    acc.DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet _
            TransferType:=acImport, _
            SpreadSheetType:=acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, _
            TableName:="tblExcelImport", _
            Filename:=Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName, _
            HasFieldNames:=True, _
    Set acc = Nothing
End Sub

Swift convert unix time to date and time

Anyway @Nate Cook's answer is accepted but I would like to improve it with better date format.

with Swift 2.2, I can get desired formatted date

let timeInterval  = 1415639000.67457
print("time interval is \(timeInterval)")

//Convert to Date
let date = NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: timeInterval)

//Date formatting
let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd, MMMM yyyy HH:mm:a"
dateFormatter.timeZone = NSTimeZone(name: "UTC")
let dateString = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(date)
print("formatted date is =  \(dateString)")

the result is

time interval is 1415639000.67457

formatted date is = 10, November 2014 17:03:PM

Base64 String throwing invalid character error

If removing \0 from the end of string is impossible, you can add your own character for each string you encode, and remove it on decode.

How to call a Web Service Method?

The current way to do this is by using the "Add Service Reference" command. If you specify "TestUploaderWebService" as the service reference name, that will generate the type TestUploaderWebService.Service1. That class will have a method named GetFileListOnWebServer, which will return an array of strings (you can change that to be a list of strings if you like). You would use it like this:

string[] files = null;
TestUploaderWebService.Service1 proxy = null;
bool success = false;
    proxy = new TestUploaderWebService.Service1();
    files = proxy.GetFileListOnWebServer();
    success = true;
    if (!success)

P.S. Tell your instructor to look at "Microsoft: ASMX Web Services are a “Legacy Technology”", and ask why he's teaching out of date technology.

Selecting last element in JavaScript array

var last = function( obj, key ) { 
    var a = obj[key];
    return a[a.length - 1];

last(loc, 'f096012e-2497-485d-8adb-7ec0b9352c52');

Converting a string to a date in DB2

Based on your own answer, I'm guessing that your column has data formatted like this:


The actual separators between Day/Month/Year don't matter, nor does anything that comes after the year.

You don't say what version of DB2 you are using or what platform it's running on, so I'm going to assume that it's on Linux, UNIX or Windows.

Almost any recent version of DB2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows (8.2 or later, possibly even older versions), you can do this using the TRANSLATE function:


With this solution it doesn't matter what comes after the date in your column.

In DB2 9.7, you can also use the TO_DATE function (similar to Oracle's TO_DATE):

date(to_date(column_with_date,'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MI:SS'))

This requires your data match the formatting string; it's easier to understand when looking at it, but not as flexible as the TRANSLATE option.

MySQL timezone change?

If SET time_zone or SET GLOBAL time_zone does not work, you can change as below:

  • Change timezone system, example: ubuntu... $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

  • Restart the server or you can restart apache2 and mysql (/etc/init.d/mysql restart)

Splitting applicationContext to multiple files

I'm the author of modular-spring-contexts.

This is a small utility library to allow a more modular organization of spring contexts than is achieved by using Composing XML-based configuration metadata. modular-spring-contexts works by defining modules, which are basically stand alone application contexts and allowing modules to import beans from other modules, which are exported ín their originating module.

The key points then are

  • control over dependencies between modules
  • control over which beans are exported and where they are used
  • reduced possibility of naming collisions of beans

A simple example would look like this:

File moduleDefinitions.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
    xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:module=""

    <context:annotation-config />

    <module:module id="serverModule">
        <module:config location="/serverModule.xml" />

    <module:module id="clientModule">
        <module:config location="/clientModule.xml" />
        <module:requires module="serverModule" />


File serverModule.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
    xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:module=""

    <context:annotation-config />

    <bean id="serverSingleton" class="java.math.BigDecimal" scope="singleton">
        <constructor-arg index="0" value="123.45" />
        <meta key="exported" value="true"/>


File clientModule.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
    xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:module=""

    <context:annotation-config />

    <module:import id="importedSingleton" sourceModule="serverModule" sourceBean="serverSingleton" />


onSaveInstanceState () and onRestoreInstanceState ()

It is not necessary that onRestoreInstanceState will always be called after onSaveInstanceState.

Note that : onRestoreInstanceState will always be called, when activity is rotated (when orientation is not handled) or open your activity and then open other apps so that your activity instance is cleared from memory by OS.

Easy way to print Perl array? (with a little formatting)

Using Data::Dumper :

use strict;
use Data::Dumper;

$GRANTstr    =~ s/, /,/g;
my @GRANTs   = split /,/ , $GRANTstr;

print Dumper(@GRANTs) . "===\n\n";

print Dumper(\@GRANTs) . "===\n\n";

print Data::Dumper->Dump([\@GRANTs], [qw(GRANTs)]);

Generates three different output styles:


$VAR1 = [
          'LOCK TABLES',

$GRANTs = [
            'LOCK TABLES',

Extending an Object in Javascript

In the majority of project there are some implementation of object extending: underscore, jquery, lodash: extend.

There is also pure javascript implementation, that is a part of ECMAscript 6: Object.assign:

How to get week numbers from dates?

I think the problem is that the week calculation somehow uses the first day of the year. I don't understand the internal mechanics, but you can see what I mean with this example:


dd <- seq(as.IDate("2013-12-20"), as.IDate("2014-01-20"), 1)
# dd <- seq(as.IDate("2013-12-01"), as.IDate("2014-03-31"), 1)

dt <- data.table(i = 1:length(dd),
                 day = dd,
                 weekday = weekdays(dd),
                 day_rounded = round(dd, "weeks"))
## Now let's add the weekdays for the "rounded" date
dt[ , weekday_rounded := weekdays(day_rounded)]
## This seems to make internal sense with the "week" calculation
dt[ , weeknumber := week(day)]

    i        day   weekday day_rounded weekday_rounded weeknumber
1:  1 2013-12-20    Friday  2013-12-17         Tuesday         51
2:  2 2013-12-21  Saturday  2013-12-17         Tuesday         51
3:  3 2013-12-22    Sunday  2013-12-17         Tuesday         51
4:  4 2013-12-23    Monday  2013-12-24         Tuesday         52
5:  5 2013-12-24   Tuesday  2013-12-24         Tuesday         52
6:  6 2013-12-25 Wednesday  2013-12-24         Tuesday         52
7:  7 2013-12-26  Thursday  2013-12-24         Tuesday         52
8:  8 2013-12-27    Friday  2013-12-24         Tuesday         52
9:  9 2013-12-28  Saturday  2013-12-24         Tuesday         52
10: 10 2013-12-29    Sunday  2013-12-24         Tuesday         52
11: 11 2013-12-30    Monday  2013-12-31         Tuesday         53
12: 12 2013-12-31   Tuesday  2013-12-31         Tuesday         53
13: 13 2014-01-01 Wednesday  2014-01-01       Wednesday          1
14: 14 2014-01-02  Thursday  2014-01-01       Wednesday          1
15: 15 2014-01-03    Friday  2014-01-01       Wednesday          1
16: 16 2014-01-04  Saturday  2014-01-01       Wednesday          1
17: 17 2014-01-05    Sunday  2014-01-01       Wednesday          1
18: 18 2014-01-06    Monday  2014-01-01       Wednesday          1
19: 19 2014-01-07   Tuesday  2014-01-08       Wednesday          2
20: 20 2014-01-08 Wednesday  2014-01-08       Wednesday          2
21: 21 2014-01-09  Thursday  2014-01-08       Wednesday          2
22: 22 2014-01-10    Friday  2014-01-08       Wednesday          2
23: 23 2014-01-11  Saturday  2014-01-08       Wednesday          2
24: 24 2014-01-12    Sunday  2014-01-08       Wednesday          2
25: 25 2014-01-13    Monday  2014-01-08       Wednesday          2
26: 26 2014-01-14   Tuesday  2014-01-15       Wednesday          3
27: 27 2014-01-15 Wednesday  2014-01-15       Wednesday          3
28: 28 2014-01-16  Thursday  2014-01-15       Wednesday          3
29: 29 2014-01-17    Friday  2014-01-15       Wednesday          3
30: 30 2014-01-18  Saturday  2014-01-15       Wednesday          3
31: 31 2014-01-19    Sunday  2014-01-15       Wednesday          3
32: 32 2014-01-20    Monday  2014-01-15       Wednesday          3
     i        day   weekday day_rounded weekday_rounded weeknumber

My workaround is this function:

round_weeks <- function(x){
    dt <- data.table(i = 1:length(x),
                     day = x,
                     weekday = weekdays(x))
    offset <- data.table(weekday = c('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 
                                     'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'),
                         offset = -(0:6))
    dt <- merge(dt, offset, by="weekday")
    dt[ , day_adj := day + offset]
    setkey(dt, i)
    return(dt[ , day_adj])

Of course, you can easily change the offset to make Monday first or whatever. The best way to do this would be to add an offset to the offset... but I haven't done that yet.

I provided a link to my simple geneorama package, but please don't rely on it too much because it's likely to change and not very documented.

php - How do I fix this illegal offset type error

Use trim($source) before $s[$source].

How do I delete a local repository in git?

Delete the .git directory in the root-directory of your repository if you only want to delete the git-related information (branches, versions).

If you want to delete everything (git-data, code, etc), just delete the whole directory.

.git directories are hidden by default, so you'll need to be able to view hidden files to delete it.

Cannot construct instance of - Jackson

You need to use a concrete class and not an Abstract class while deserializing. if the Abstract class has several implementations then, in that case, you can use it as below-

  @JsonTypeInfo( use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type")
      @Type(value = Bike.class, name = "bike"), 
      @Type(value = Auto.class, name = "auto"), 
      @Type(value = Car.class, name = "car")
    public abstract class Vehicle {
        // fields, constructors, getters, setters

How to read until end of file (EOF) using BufferedReader in Java?

You are consuming a line at, which is discarded

while((str=input.readLine())!=null && str.length()!=0)

and reading a bigint at

BigInteger n = new BigInteger(input.readLine());

so try getting the bigint from string which is read as

BigInteger n = new BigInteger(str);

   Constructor used: BigInteger(String val)

Aslo change while((str=input.readLine())!=null && str.length()!=0) to


see related post string to bigint

    A String containing the contents of the line, not including any line-termination characters, or null if the end of the stream has been reached 

see javadocs

jQuery onclick event for <li> tags

In your question it seems that you have span selector with given to every span a seperate class into ul li option and then you have many answers, i.e.

   $(' li').click(function(e) 

But you need not to use li rather you can use direct ul with the use of on as used in below example :

  $("").on("click","li", function(){

PowerShell: how to grep command output?

The proposed solution is just to much work for something that can be done like this:

Get-Alias -Definition Write*

Plot width settings in ipython notebook

This is way I did it:

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (12, 9) # (w, h)

You can define your own sizes.

Reactjs setState() with a dynamic key name?

When you need to handle multiple controlled input elements, you can add a name attribute to each element and let the handler function choose what to do based on the value of

For example:

inputChangeHandler(event) {_x000D_
  this.setState({ []: });_x000D_

C# "No suitable method found to override." -- but there is one

Ext needs to inherit the base, so in your definition it should say:

public class Ext : Base { //...

Where are the python modules stored?

On python command line, first import that module for which you need location.

import module_name

Then type:


For example to find out "pygal" location:

import pygal



Is recursion ever faster than looping?

Recursion may well be faster where the alternative is to explicitly manage a stack, like in the sorting or binary tree algorithms you mention.

I've had a case where rewriting a recursive algorithm in Java made it slower.

So the right approach is to first write it in the most natural way, only optimize if profiling shows it is critical, and then measure the supposed improvement.

How to add a where clause in a MySQL Insert statement?

For Empty row how we can insert values on where clause

Try this

UPDATE table_name SET username="",password="" WHERE id =""

How to set a Postgresql default value datestamp like 'YYYYMM'?

Just in case Milen A. Radev doesn't get around to posting his solution, this is it:

    key     int PRIMARY KEY,

Multiple line code example in Javadoc comment

Enclose your multiline code with <pre></pre> tags.

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms'

I've solved the problem by copying both

  • Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms.dll from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\ReportViewer
  • and Microsoft.reportviewer.common.dll from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\ADDINS\PowerPivot Excel Add-in

into bin folder (website).

Of course web.config must have:

        <add path="Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd" verb="*" type="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler, Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" validate="false" />


        <add assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845DCD8080CC91" />
        <add assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845DCD8080CC91" />

        <add extension=".rdlc" type="Microsoft.Reporting.RdlBuildProvider, Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" />

        <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />
            <add name="ReportViewerWebControlHandler" preCondition="integratedMode" verb="*" path="Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd" type="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler, Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91" />

And that's all. For me is ok.

Hope this helps.

Check if all checkboxes are selected

$('.abc[checked!=true]').length == 0

onMeasure custom view explanation

onMeasure() is your opportunity to tell Android how big you want your custom view to be dependent the layout constraints provided by the parent; it is also your custom view's opportunity to learn what those layout constraints are (in case you want to behave differently in a match_parent situation than a wrap_content situation). These constraints are packaged up into the MeasureSpec values that are passed into the method. Here is a rough correlation of the mode values:

  • EXACTLY means the layout_width or layout_height value was set to a specific value. You should probably make your view this size. This can also get triggered when match_parent is used, to set the size exactly to the parent view (this is layout dependent in the framework).
  • AT_MOST typically means the layout_width or layout_height value was set to match_parent or wrap_content where a maximum size is needed (this is layout dependent in the framework), and the size of the parent dimension is the value. You should not be any larger than this size.
  • UNSPECIFIED typically means the layout_width or layout_height value was set to wrap_content with no restrictions. You can be whatever size you would like. Some layouts also use this callback to figure out your desired size before determine what specs to actually pass you again in a second measure request.

The contract that exists with onMeasure() is that setMeasuredDimension() MUST be called at the end with the size you would like the view to be. This method is called by all the framework implementations, including the default implementation found in View, which is why it is safe to call super instead if that fits your use case.

Granted, because the framework does apply a default implementation, it may not be necessary for you to override this method, but you may see clipping in cases where the view space is smaller than your content if you do not, and if you lay out your custom view with wrap_content in both directions, your view may not show up at all because the framework doesn't know how large it is!

Generally, if you are overriding View and not another existing widget, it is probably a good idea to provide an implementation, even if it is as simple as something like this:

protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {

    int desiredWidth = 100;
    int desiredHeight = 100;

    int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
    int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
    int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);
    int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);

    int width;
    int height;

    //Measure Width
    if (widthMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
        //Must be this size
        width = widthSize;
    } else if (widthMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) {
        //Can't be bigger than...
        width = Math.min(desiredWidth, widthSize);
    } else {
        //Be whatever you want
        width = desiredWidth;

    //Measure Height
    if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY) {
        //Must be this size
        height = heightSize;
    } else if (heightMode == MeasureSpec.AT_MOST) {
        //Can't be bigger than...
        height = Math.min(desiredHeight, heightSize);
    } else {
        //Be whatever you want
        height = desiredHeight;

    setMeasuredDimension(width, height);

Hope that Helps.

Facebook development in localhost

My Solution works fine in localhost..... For Site URLS use http://localhost/ and for App domains use localhost/folder_name Rest everything is same works fine (though its shows redflag in App Domain..App is working fine)

Vue-router redirect on page not found (404)

@mani's Original answer is all you want, but if you'd also like to read it in official way, here's

Reference to Vue's official page:

How do I set the default schema for a user in MySQL

There is no default database for user. There is default database for current session.

You can get it using DATABASE() function -


And you can set it using USE statement -

USE database1;

You should set it manually - USE db_name, or in the connection string.

Time in milliseconds in C

The standard C library provides timespec_get. It can tell time up to nanosecond precision, if the system supports. Calling it, however, takes a bit more effort because it involves a struct. Here's a function that just converts the struct to a simple 64-bit integer so you can get time in milliseconds.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <time.h>

int64_t millis()
    struct timespec now;
    timespec_get(&now, TIME_UTC);
    return ((int64_t) now.tv_sec) * 1000 + ((int64_t) now.tv_nsec) / 1000000;

int main(void)
    printf("Unix timestamp with millisecond precision: %" PRId64 "\n", millis());

Unlike clock, this function returns a Unix timestamp so it will correctly account for the time spent in blocking functions, such as sleep.

How to merge lists into a list of tuples?

In python 3.0 zip returns a zip object. You can get a list out of it by calling list(zip(a, b)).

adb command not found

Is adb installed? To check, run the following command in Terminal:


If that prints output, skip these following install steps and go straight to the final Terminal command I list:

  1. Launch Android Studio
  2. Launch SDK Manager via Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager
  3. Check Android SDK Platform-Tools

Run the following command on your Mac and restart your Terminal session:

echo export "PATH=~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile

Note: If you've switched to zsh, the above command should use .zshenv rather than .bash_profile

Elastic Search: how to see the indexed data

Absolutely the easiest way to see your indexed data is to view it in your browser. No downloads or installation needed.

I'm going to assume your elasticsearch host is

Step 1

Navigate to to list your indices. You'll see something like this:

enter image description here

Step 2

Try accessing the desired index:

The output will look something like this:

enter image description here

Notice the aliases, meaning we can as well access the index at:

Step 3

Navigate to to see your data:

enter image description here

utf-8 special characters not displaying

I solve my issue by using utf8_encode();

$str = "kamé";

echo utf8_encode($str);

Hope this help someone.

How to disable phone number linking in Mobile Safari?

You can also use the <a> label with javascript: void(0) as href value.

Example as follow:
<a href="javascript: void(0)">+44 456 77 89 87</a>

How can I create a marquee effect?

The following should do what you want.

@keyframes marquee {
    from  { text-indent:  100% }
    to    { text-indent: -100% }
} vs location.hostname and cross-browser compatibility?

host just includes the port number if there is one specified. If there is no port number specifically in the URL, then it returns the same as hostname. You pick whether you care to match the port number or not. See for more info.

I would assume you want hostname to just get the site name.

Delete the first three rows of a dataframe in pandas

A simple way is to use tail(-n) to remove the first n rows


Not unique table/alias

Your query contains columns which could be present with the same name in more than one table you are referencing, hence the not unique error. It's best if you make the references explicit and/or use table aliases when joining.


    SELECT pa.ProjectID, p.Project_Title, a.Account_ID, a.Username, a.Access_Type, c.First_Name, c.Last_Name
      FROM Project_Assigned pa
INNER JOIN Account a
        ON pa.AccountID = a.Account_ID
INNER JOIN Project p
        ON pa.ProjectID = p.Project_ID
INNER JOIN Clients c
        ON a.Account_ID = c.Account_ID
     WHERE a.Access_Type = 'Client';

How to check if a textbox is empty using javascript

<pre><form name="myform"  method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="text"   id="name"   name="name" /> 
<input type="submit"/>

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
 var frmvalidator  = new Validator("myform");
    frmvalidator.addValidation("name","req","Plese Enter Name"); 


Note: before using the code above you have to add the gen_validatorv31.js file.

How to start an Android application from the command line?

Example here.

Pasted below:

This is about how to launch android application from the adb shell.

Command: am

Look for invoking path in AndroidManifest.xml

Browser app::

# am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n
Starting: Intent { action=android.intent.action.MAIN comp={} }
Warning: Activity not started, its current task has been brought to the front

Settings app::

# am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n
Starting: Intent { action=android.intent.action.MAIN comp={} }

Compiling C++11 with g++

If you want to keep the GNU compiler extensions, use -std=gnu++0x rather than -std=c++0x. Here's a quote from the man page:

The compiler can accept several base standards, such as c89 or c++98, and GNU dialects of those standards, such as gnu89 or gnu++98. By specifying a base standard, the compiler will accept all programs following that standard and those using GNU extensions that do not contradict it. For example, -std=c89 turns off certain features of GCC that are incompatible with ISO C90, such as the "asm" and "typeof" keywords, but not other GNU extensions that do not have a meaning in ISO C90, such as omitting the middle term of a "?:" expression. On the other hand, by specifying a GNU dialect of a standard, all features the compiler support are enabled, even when those features change the meaning of the base standard and some strict-conforming programs may be rejected. The particular standard is used by -pedantic to identify which features are GNU extensions given that version of the standard. For example-std=gnu89 -pedantic would warn about C++ style // comments, while -std=gnu99 -pedantic would not.

R adding days to a date

In addition to the simple addition shown by others, you can also use seq.Date or seq.POSIXt to find other increments or decrements (the POSIXt version does seconds, minutes, hours, etc.):

> seq.Date( Sys.Date(), length=2, by='3 months' )[2]
[1] "2012-07-25"

Run PHP Task Asynchronously

It's a great idea to use cURL as suggested by rojoca.

Here is an example. You can monitor text.txt while the script is running in background:


function doCurl($begin)
    echo "Do curl<br />\n";
    $url = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    $url = preg_replace('/\?.*/', '', $url);
    $url .= '?begin='.$begin;
    echo 'URL: '.$url.'<br>';
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    $result = curl_exec($ch);
    echo 'Result: '.$result.'<br>';

if (empty($_GET['begin'])) {
else {
    while (ob_get_level())
    header('Connection: close');
    echo 'Connection Closed';
    $size = ob_get_length();
    header("Content-Length: $size");

    $begin = $_GET['begin'];
    $fp = fopen("text.txt", "w");
    fprintf($fp, "begin: %d\n", $begin);
    for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++) {
        fprintf($fp, "i: %d\n", $i);
    if ($begin < 10)
        doCurl($begin + 1);


runOnUiThread in fragment

You can also post runnable using the view from any other thread. But be sure that the view is not null: Runnable() {
                    public void run() {

According to the Documentation:

"boolean post (Runnable action) Causes the Runnable to be added to the message queue. The runnable will be run on the user interface thread."

How to get row number from selected rows in Oracle

I think using

select rownum st.Branch 
  from student st 
 where like '%ram%'

is a simple way; you should add single quotes in the LIKE statement. If you use row_number(), you should add over (order by 'sort column' 'asc/desc'), for instance:

select st.branch, row_number() over (order by 'sort column' 'asc/desc')  
  from student st 
 where like '%ram%'

How to create UILabel programmatically using Swift?

An alternative using a closure to separate out the code into something a bit neater using Swift 4:

class theViewController: UIViewController {

    /** Create the UILabel */
    var theLabel: UILabel = {
        let label = UILabel()
        label.lineBreakMode = .byWordWrapping
        label.textColor = UIColor.white
        label.textAlignment = .left
        label.numberOfLines = 3
        label.font = UIFont(name: "Helvetica-Bold", size: 22)
        return label

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        /** Add theLabel to the ViewControllers view */

    override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
        /* Set the frame when the layout is changed */
        theLabel.frame = CGRect(x: 0,
                                y: 0,
                                width: view.frame.width - 30,
                                height: 24)

As a note, attributes for theLabel can still be changed whenever using functions in the VC. You're just setting various defaults inside the closure and minimizing clutter in functions like viewDidLoad()

Restoring Nuget References?

While the solution provided by @jmfenoll works, it updates to the latest packages. In my case, having installed beta2 (prerelease) it updated all of the libs to RC1 (which had a bug). Thus the above solution does only half of the job.

If you are in the same situation as I am and you would like to synchronize your project with the exact version of the NuGet packages you have/or specified in your packages.config, then, then this script might help you. Simply copy&paste it into your Package Manager Console

function Sync-References([string]$PackageId) {
  get-project -all | %{
    $proj = $_ ;
    Write-Host $; 
    get-package -project $ | ? { $ -match $PackageId } | % { 
      Write-Host $; 
      uninstall-package -projectname $ -id $ -version $_.version -RemoveDependencies -force ;
      install-package -projectname $ -id $ -version $_.version

And then execute it either with a sepific package name like

Sync-References AutoMapper

or for all packages like


Credits go to Dan Haywood and his blog post.

When should I use double or single quotes in JavaScript?

Now that it's 2020, we should consider a third option for JavaScript: The single backtick for everything.

This can be used everywhere instead of single or double quotes.

It allows you to do all the things!

  1. Embed single quotes inside of it: `It's great!`

  2. Embed double quotes inside of it: `It's "really" great!`

  3. Use string interpolation: `It's "${better}" than great!`

  4. It allows multiple lines: `






It also doesn't cause any performance loss when replacing the other two: Are backticks (``) slower than other strings in JavaScript?

SQLAlchemy: how to filter date field?

if you want to get the whole period:

    from sqlalchemy import and_, func

    query = DBSession.query(User).filter(and_( >= '1985-01-17'),\
                                     <= '1988-01-17'))

That means range: 1985-01-17 00:00 - 1988-01-17 23:59

How to install python-dateutil on Windows?

First confirm that you have in C:/python##/Lib/Site-packages/ a folder dateutil, perhaps you download it, you should already have pip,matplotlib, six##,,confirm you have installed dateutil by--- go to the cmd, cd /python, you should have a folder /Scripts. cd to Scripts, then type --pip install python-dateutil -- ----This applies to windows 7 Ultimate 32bit, Python 3.4------

Delay/Wait in a test case of Xcode UI testing

sleep will block the thread

"No run loop processing occurs while the thread is blocked."

you can use waitForExistence

let app = XCUIApplication()

if let label = app.staticTexts["Hello, world!"] {
label.waitForExistence(timeout: 5)

Install MySQL on Ubuntu without a password prompt

sudo debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password your_password'
sudo debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password_again password your_password'
sudo apt-get -y install mysql-server

For specific versions, such as mysql-server-5.6, you'll need to specify the version in like this:

sudo debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server-5.6 mysql-server/root_password password your_password'
sudo debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server-5.6 mysql-server/root_password_again password your_password'
sudo apt-get -y install mysql-server-5.6

For mysql-community-server, the keys are slightly different:

sudo debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-community-server mysql-community-server/root-pass password your_password'
sudo debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-community-server mysql-community-server/re-root-pass password your_password'
sudo apt-get -y install mysql-community-server

Replace your_password with the desired root password. (it seems your_password can also be left blank for a blank root password.)

If your shell doesn't support here-strings (zsh, ksh93 and bash support them), use:

echo ... | sudo debconf-set-selections 

What is "Connect Timeout" in sql server connection string?

Maximum time between connection request and a timeout error. When the client tries to make a connection, if the timeout wait limit is reached, it will stop trying and raise an error.

How do I debug error ECONNRESET in Node.js?

I had the same issue and it appears that the Node.js version was the problem.

I installed the previous version of Node.js (10.14.2) and everything was ok using nvm (allow you to install several version of Node.js and quickly switch from a version to another).

It is not a "clean" solution, but it can serve you temporarly.

Generate Java classes from .XSD files...?

JAXB Limitation.

I worked on JAXB, as per my opinion its a nice way of dealing with data between XML and Java objects. The Positive sides are its proven and better in performance and control over the data during runtime. With a good usage of built tools or scripts it will takes away lot of coding efforts.

I found the configuration part is not a straight away task, and spent hours in getting the development environment setup.

However I dropped this solution due to a silly limitation I faced. My XML Schema Definition ( XSD ) has a attribute/element with name "value" and that I have to use XSD as it is. This very little constraint forced the my binding step XJC failed with a Error "Property 'Value' already used."

This is due to the JAXB implementation, the binding process tries to create Java objects out of XSD by adding few attributes to each class and one of them being a value attribute. When it processed my XSD it complained that there is already a property with that name.

Incase 'Instant Run' is enable, then just disable it.

How do I retrieve query parameters in Spring Boot?

Use @RequestParam

@RequestMapping(value="user", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody Item getItem(@RequestParam("data") String itemid){

    Item i = itemDao.findOne(itemid);              
    String itemName = i.getItemName();
    String price = i.getPrice();
    return i;

How to know whether refresh button or browser back button is clicked in Firefox

Use 'event.currentTarget.performance.navigation.type' to determine the type of navigation. This is working in IE, FF and Chrome.

function CallbackFunction(event) {
    if(window.event) {
        if (window.event.clientX < 40 && window.event.clientY < 0) {
            alert("back button is clicked");
            alert("refresh button is clicked");
        if (event.currentTarget.performance.navigation.type == 2) {
            alert("back button is clicked");
        if (event.currentTarget.performance.navigation.type == 1) {
            alert("refresh button is clicked");

List all kafka topics

Kafka uses ZooKeeper so you need to first start a ZooKeeper server if you don't already have one.

If you do not want to install and have a separate zookeeper server, you can use the convenience script packaged with kafka to get a quick-and-dirty single-node ZooKeeper instance.

Starting the single-node Zookeeper instance:

bin/ config/

Starting the Kafka Server:

bin/ config/

Listing the Topics available in Kafka:

bin/ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181

Can I use an image from my local file system as background in HTML?

You forgot the C: after the file:///
This works for me

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
            html,body { width: 100%; height: 100%; }
    <body style="background: url('file:///C:/Users/Roby/Pictures/battlefield-3.jpg')">

Is there a way to make Firefox ignore invalid ssl-certificates?

Try Add Exception: FireFox -> Tools -> Advanced -> View Certificates -> Servers -> Add Exception.

Confused about __str__ on list in Python

Python has two different ways to convert an object to a string: str() and repr(). Printing an object uses str(); printing a list containing an object uses str() for the list itself, but the implementation of list.__str__() calls repr() for the individual items.

So you should also overwrite __repr__(). A simple

__repr__ = __str__

at the end of the class body will do the trick.

Why do abstract classes in Java have constructors?

All the classes including the abstract classes can have constructors.Abstract class constructors will be called when its concrete subclass will be instantiated

Python Pandas Replacing Header with Top Row

If you want a one-liner, you can do:


How can I read SMS messages from the device programmatically in Android?

Step 1: first we have to add permissions in manifest file like

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" android:protectionLevel="signature" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_SMS" />

Step 2: then add service sms receiver class for receiving sms

<receiver android:name="">
        <action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED"/>

Step 3: Add run time permission

private boolean checkAndRequestPermissions()
    int sms = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.READ_SMS);

    if (sms != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED)
        ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_SMS}, REQUEST_ID_MULTIPLE_PERMISSIONS);
        return false;
    return true;

Step 4: Add this classes in your app and test Interface class

public interface SmsListener {
   public void messageReceived(String messageText);

public class SmsReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
    private static SmsListener mListener;
    public Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(|^)\\d{6}");
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        Bundle data  = intent.getExtras();
        Object[] pdus = (Object[]) data.get("pdus");
        for(int i=0;i<pdus.length;i++)
            SmsMessage smsMessage = SmsMessage.createFromPdu((byte[]) pdus[i]);
            String sender = smsMessage.getDisplayOriginatingAddress();
            String phoneNumber = smsMessage.getDisplayOriginatingAddress();
            String senderNum = phoneNumber ;
            String messageBody = smsMessage.getMessageBody();
                    Matcher m = p.matcher(messageBody);
                    if(m.find()) {
            catch(Exception e){}
    public static void bindListener(SmsListener listener) {
        mListener = listener; 

Circle button css


<div class="bool-answer">
  <div class="answer">Nej</div>


.bool-answer {
    border-radius: 50%;
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;

Given a DateTime object, how do I get an ISO 8601 date in string format?

I would just use XmlConvert:

XmlConvert.ToString(DateTime.UtcNow, XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.RoundtripKind);

It will automatically preserve the time zone.

Check if object exists in JavaScript

set Textbox value to one frame to inline frame using div alignmnt tabbed panel. So first of all, before set the value we need check selected tabbed panels frame available or not using following codes:

Javascript Code :


function set_TextID()
                            alert("Frame object not found");    
                                var setText=document.getElementById("formx").value;
                            alert("Frame object not found");    

                                var setText=document.getElementById("formx").value;
                            alert("Frame object not found");    

                                var setText=document.getElementById("formx").value;



Remove substring from the string

If it is a the end of the string, you can also use chomp:

"hello".chomp("llo")     #=> "he"

Input Type image submit form value?


<form name="frmSeguimiento" id="frmSeguimiento" method="post" action="proc_seguimiento.php">  
    <input type="hidden" name="accion" id="accion"/>

<input name="save" type="image" src="imagenes/save.png" alt="Save" onmouseover="this.src='imagenes/save_over.png';" onmouseout="this.src='imagenes/save.png';" value="Save" onclick="validaFrmSeguimiento(this.value);"/>

function validaFrmSeguimiento(accion)


Regards, jp

How to convert a byte array to its numeric value (Java)?

You can also use BigInteger for variable length bytes. You can convert it to Long, Integer or Short, whichever suits your needs.

new BigInteger(bytes).intValue();

or to denote polarity:

new BigInteger(1, bytes).intValue();

Check if one list contains element from the other

If you just need to test basic equality, this can be done with the basic JDK without modifying the input lists in the one line

!Collections.disjoint(list1, list2);

If you need to test a specific property, that's harder. I would recommend, by default,

...which collects the distinct values in list2 and tests each value in list1 for presence.

Change the image source on rollover using jQuery

I was hoping for an über one liner like:

$("img.screenshot").attr("src", $(this).replace("foo", "bar"));

Get custom product attributes in Woocommerce

Most updated:

$product->get_attribute( 'your_attr' );

You will need to define $product if it's not on the page.

How to export plots from matplotlib with transparent background?

Png files can handle transparency. So you could use this question Save plot to image file instead of displaying it using Matplotlib so as to save you graph as a png file.

And if you want to turn all white pixel transparent, there's this other question : Using PIL to make all white pixels transparent?

If you want to turn an entire area to transparent, then there's this question: And then use the PIL library like in this question Python PIL: how to make area transparent in PNG? so as to make your graph transparent.

Java - Find shortest path between 2 points in a distance weighted map

Maintain a list of nodes you can travel to, sorted by the distance from your start node. In the beginning only your start node will be in the list.

While you haven't reached your destination: Visit the node closest to the start node, this will be the first node in your sorted list. When you visit a node, add all its neighboring nodes to your list except the ones you have already visited. Repeat!

ReDim Preserve to a Multi-Dimensional Array in Visual Basic 6

As you correctly point out, one can ReDim Preserve only the last dimension of an array (ReDim Statement on MSDN):

If you use the Preserve keyword, you can resize only the last array dimension and you can't change the number of dimensions at all. For example, if your array has only one dimension, you can resize that dimension because it is the last and only dimension. However, if your array has two or more dimensions, you can change the size of only the last dimension and still preserve the contents of the array

Hence, the first issue to decide is whether 2-dimensional array is the best data structure for the job. Maybe, 1-dimensional array is a better fit as you need to do ReDim Preserve?

Another way is to use jagged array as per Pieter Geerkens's suggestion. There is no direct support for jagged arrays in VB6. One way to code "array of arrays" in VB6 is to declare an array of Variant and make each element an array of desired type (String in your case). Demo code is below.

Yet another option is to implement Preserve part on your own. For that you'll need to create a copy of data to be preserved and then fill redimensioned array with it.

Option Explicit

Public Sub TestMatrixResize()
    Const MAX_D1 As Long = 2
    Const MAX_D2 As Long = 3

    Dim arr() As Variant
    InitMatrix arr, MAX_D1, MAX_D2
    PrintMatrix "Original array:", arr

    ResizeMatrix arr, MAX_D1 + 1, MAX_D2 + 1
    PrintMatrix "Resized array:", arr
End Sub

Private Sub InitMatrix(a() As Variant, n As Long, m As Long)
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim StringArray() As String

    ReDim a(n)
    For i = 0 To n
        ReDim StringArray(m)
        For j = 0 To m
            StringArray(j) = i * (m + 1) + j
        Next j
        a(i) = StringArray
    Next i
End Sub

Private Sub PrintMatrix(heading As String, a() As Variant)
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim s As String

    Debug.Print heading
    For i = 0 To UBound(a)
        s = ""
        For j = 0 To UBound(a(i))
            s = s & a(i)(j) & "; "
        Next j
        Debug.Print s
    Next i
End Sub

Private Sub ResizeMatrix(a() As Variant, n As Long, m As Long)
    Dim i As Long
    Dim StringArray() As String

    ReDim Preserve a(n)
    For i = 0 To n - 1
        StringArray = a(i)
        ReDim Preserve StringArray(m)
        a(i) = StringArray
    Next i
    ReDim StringArray(m)
    a(n) = StringArray
End Sub

Override body style for content in an iframe

An iframe is a 'hole' in your page that displays another web page inside of it. The contents of the iframe is not in any shape or form part of your parent page.

As others have stated, your options are:

  • give the file that is being loaded in the iframe the necessary CSS
  • if the file in the iframe is from the same domain as your parent, then you can access the DOM of the document in the iframe from the parent.

Android Error Building Signed APK: keystore.jks not found for signing config 'externalOverride'

For people that have tried above,try generating the key with the -keypass and -storepass options as I was only inputting one of the passwords when running it like the React Native docs have you. This caused it to error out when trying to build.

keytool -keypass PASSWORD1 -storepass PASSWORD2 -genkeypair -v -keystore release2.keystore -alias release2 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

How to use a variable of one method in another method?

You can't. Variables defined inside a method are local to that method.

If you want to share variables between methods, then you'll need to specify them as member variables of the class. Alternatively, you can pass them from one method to another as arguments (this isn't always applicable).

Looks like you're using instance methods instead of static ones.

If you don't want to create an object, you should declare all your methods static, so something like

private static void methodName(Argument args...)

If you want a variable to be accessible by all these methods, you should initialise it outside the methods and to limit its scope, declare it private.

private static int[][] array = new int[3][5];

Global variables are usually looked down upon (especially for situations like your one) because in a large-scale program they can wreak havoc, so making it private will prevent some problems at the least.

Also, I'll say the usual: You should try to keep your code a bit tidy. Use descriptive class, method and variable names and keep your code neat (with proper indentation, linebreaks etc.) and consistent.

Here's a final (shortened) example of what your code should be like:

public class Test3 {
    //Use this array in your methods
    private static int[][] scores = new int[3][5];

    /* Rather than just "Scores" name it so people know what
     * to expect
    private static void createScores() {
    //Other methods...

    /* Since you're now using static methods, you don't 
     * have to initialise an object and call its methods.
    public static void main(String[] args){
        MD();   //Don't know what these do
        sumD(); //so I'll leave them.

Ideally, since you're using an array, you would create the array in the main method and pass it as an argument across each method, but explaining how that works is probably a whole new question on its own so I'll leave it at that.

Python Pandas - Missing required dependencies ['numpy'] 1

I had to install this other package:

sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev

Seems like it is a dependency for numpy but the pip or apt-get don't install it automatically for whatever reason.

Spring Boot how to hide passwords in properties file

In additional to the popular K8s, jasypt or vault solutions, there's also Karmahostage. It enables you to do:

private String application;

It works the same way jasypt does, but encryption happens on a dedicated saas solution, with a more fine-grained ACL model attached to it.

Firefox Add-on RESTclient - How to input POST parameters?

I tried the methods mentioned in some other answers, but they look like workarounds to me. Using Firefox Add-on RESTclient to send HTTP POST requests with parameters is not straightforward in my opinion, at least for the version I'm currently using, 2.0.1.

Instead, try using other free open source tools, such as Apache JMeter. It is simple and straightforward (see the screenshot as below)

enter image description here invalid stream header: 54657374

You can't expect ObjectInputStream to automagically convert text into objects. The hexadecimal 54657374 is "Test" as text. You must be sending it directly as bytes.

Observable Finally on Subscribe

The current "pipable" variant of this operator is called finalize() (since RxJS 6). The older and now deprecated "patch" operator was called finally() (until RxJS 5.5).

I think finalize() operator is actually correct. You say:

do that logic only when I subscribe, and after the stream has ended

which is not a problem I think. You can have a single source and use finalize() before subscribing to it if you want. This way you're not required to always use finalize():

let source = new Observable(observer => {;
  observer.error('error message');;

  finalize(() => console.log('Finally callback')),
  value => console.log('#1 Next:', value),
  error => console.log('#1 Error:', error),
  () => console.log('#1 Complete')

  value => console.log('#2 Next:', value),
  error => console.log('#2 Error:', error),
  () => console.log('#2 Complete')


This prints to console:

#1 Next: 1
#2 Next: 1
#1 Error: error message
Finally callback
#2 Error: error message

Jan 2019: Updated for RxJS 6

How to pass model attributes from one Spring MVC controller to another controller?

By using @ModelAttribute we can pass the model from one controller to another controller

[ Input to the first Controller][1]

[]: from jsp page first controller binds the form data with the @ModelAttribute to the User Bean

public class FirstController {
    public ModelAndView forwardModel(@ModelAttribute("user") User u) {
        ModelAndView m = new ModelAndView("forward:/catchUser");
        m.addObject("usr", u);
        return m;

public class SecondController {
    public ModelAndView catchModel(@ModelAttribute("user")  User u) {
        System.out.println(u); //retrive the data passed by the first contoller
        ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("userDetails");
        return mv;

Does the 'mutable' keyword have any purpose other than allowing the variable to be modified by a const function?

Mutable is used when you have a variable inside the class that is only used within that class to signal things like for example a mutex or a lock. This variable does not change the behaviour of the class, but is necessary in order to implement thread safety of the class itself. Thus if without "mutable", you would not be able to have "const" functions because this variable will need to be changed in all functions that are available to the outside world. Therefore, mutable was introduced in order to make a member variable writable even by a const function.

The mutable specified informs both the compiler and the reader that it is safe and expected that a member variable may be modified within a const member function.

Change x axes scale in matplotlib

The scalar formatter supports collecting the exponents. The docs are as follows:

class matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=True, useMathText=False, useLocale=None) Bases: matplotlib.ticker.Formatter

Tick location is a plain old number. If useOffset==True and the data range is much smaller than the data average, then an offset will be determined such that the tick labels are meaningful. Scientific notation is used for data < 10^-n or data >= 10^m, where n and m are the power limits set using set_powerlimits((n,m)). The defaults for these are controlled by the axes.formatter.limits rc parameter.

your technique would be:

from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter
xfmt = ScalarFormatter()
xfmt.set_powerlimits((-3,3))  # Or whatever your limits are . . .
{{ Make your plot }}

To get the exponent displayed in the format x10^5, instantiate the ScalarFormatter with useMathText=True.

After Image

You could also use:


To get a result like this:

enter image description here

The forked VM terminated without saying properly goodbye. VM crash or System.exit called

I was facing the same issue when running unit tests using maven test . Tried changing the surefire versions but it dinnt work. Finally managed to solve as follows: EARLIER: (when the issue was happening): javac is from jdk 1.8 java was pointing to the java bin from jdk 1.11 CURRENT: (when the issue got resolved): both javac & java are pointing to the bins from jdk 1.8

Regards Teja .

How To have Dynamic SQL in MySQL Stored Procedure

I don't believe MySQL supports dynamic sql. You can do "prepared" statements which is similar, but different.

Here is an example:

mysql> PREPARE stmt FROM 
    -> 'select count(*) 
    -> from information_schema.schemata 
    -> where schema_name = ? or schema_name = ?'
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Statement prepared
mysql> EXECUTE stmt 
    -> USING @schema1,@schema2
| count(*) |
|        2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The prepared statements are often used to see an execution plan for a given query. Since they are executed with the execute command and the sql can be assigned to a variable you can approximate the some of the same behavior as dynamic sql.

Here is a good link about this:

Don't forget to deallocate the stmt using the last line!

Good Luck!

Set a border around a StackPanel.

May be it will helpful:

<Border BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="160" Margin="10,55,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="492"/>

How do I fix twitter-bootstrap on IE?

If you are using responsive layout, try including this js on your code:

SSL Error: CERT_UNTRUSTED while using npm command

I think I got the reason for the above error. It is the corporate proxy(virtual private network) provided in order to work in the client network. Without that connection I frequently faced the same problem be it maven build or npm install.

Recursive Lock (Mutex) vs Non-Recursive Lock (Mutex)

The difference between a recursive and non-recursive mutex has to do with ownership. In the case of a recursive mutex, the kernel has to keep track of the thread who actually obtained the mutex the first time around so that it can detect the difference between recursion vs. a different thread that should block instead. As another answer pointed out, there is a question of the additional overhead of this both in terms of memory to store this context and also the cycles required for maintaining it.

However, there are other considerations at play here too.

Because the recursive mutex has a sense of ownership, the thread that grabs the mutex must be the same thread that releases the mutex. In the case of non-recursive mutexes, there is no sense of ownership and any thread can usually release the mutex no matter which thread originally took the mutex. In many cases, this type of "mutex" is really more of a semaphore action, where you are not necessarily using the mutex as an exclusion device but use it as synchronization or signaling device between two or more threads.

Another property that comes with a sense of ownership in a mutex is the ability to support priority inheritance. Because the kernel can track the thread owning the mutex and also the identity of all the blocker(s), in a priority threaded system it becomes possible to escalate the priority of the thread that currently owns the mutex to the priority of the highest priority thread that is currently blocking on the mutex. This inheritance prevents the problem of priority inversion that can occur in such cases. (Note that not all systems support priority inheritance on such mutexes, but it is another feature that becomes possible via the notion of ownership).

If you refer to classic VxWorks RTOS kernel, they define three mechanisms:

  • mutex - supports recursion, and optionally priority inheritance. This mechanism is commonly used to protect critical sections of data in a coherent manner.
  • binary semaphore - no recursion, no inheritance, simple exclusion, taker and giver does not have to be same thread, broadcast release available. This mechanism can be used to protect critical sections, but is also particularly useful for coherent signalling or synchronization between threads.
  • counting semaphore - no recursion or inheritance, acts as a coherent resource counter from any desired initial count, threads only block where net count against the resource is zero.

Again, this varies somewhat by platform - especially what they call these things, but this should be representative of the concepts and various mechanisms at play.

Compare given date with today

Compare date time objects:

(I picked 10 days - Anything older than 10 days is "OLD", else "NEW")

$now   = new DateTime();
$diff_days = $diff->format("%a");
if($diff_days > 10){
    echo "OLD! " . $yourdate->format('m/d/Y');
    echo "NEW! " . $yourdate->format('m/d/Y');

Spring Boot - inject map from application.yml

Below solution is a shorthand for @Andy Wilkinson's solution, except that it doesn't have to use a separate class or on a @Bean annotated method.


  name: raja
  age: 12
    abcd: 1 
    bcbd: 2
    cdbd: 3

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "input")
class SomeComponent {

    private String name;

    private Integer age;

    private HashMap<String, Integer> somedata;

    public HashMap<String, Integer> getSomedata() {
        return somedata;

    public void setSomedata(HashMap<String, Integer> somedata) {
        this.somedata = somedata;


We can club both @Value annotation and @ConfigurationProperties, no issues. But getters and setters are important and @EnableConfigurationProperties is must to have the @ConfigurationProperties to work.

I tried this idea from groovy solution provided by @Szymon Stepniak, thought it will be useful for someone.

Loop over array dimension in plpgsql

Since PostgreSQL 9.1 there is the convenient FOREACH:

   m   varchar[];
   arr varchar[] := array[['key1','val1'],['key2','val2']];
      RAISE NOTICE 'another_func(%,%)',m[1], m[2];

Solution for older versions:

   arr varchar[] := '{{key1,val1},{key2,val2}}';
   FOR i IN array_lower(arr, 1) .. array_upper(arr, 1)
      RAISE NOTICE 'another_func(%,%)',arr[i][1], arr[i][2];

Also, there is no difference between varchar[] and varchar[][] for the PostgreSQL type system. I explain in more detail here.

The DO statement requires at least PostgreSQL 9.0, and LANGUAGE plpgsql is the default (so you can omit the declaration).

How to install Android SDK Build Tools on the command line?

I tried this for update all, and it worked!

echo y | $ANDROID_HOME/tools/android update sdk --no-ui

How to create a release signed apk file using Gradle?

For Kotlin Script (build.gradle.kts)

You should not put your signing credentials directly in the build.gradle.kts file. Instead the credentials should come from a file not under version control.

Put a file where the module specific build.gradle.kts is found. Don't forget to add it to your .gitignore file!



android {
    // ...
    signingConfigs {
        create("release") {
            val properties = Properties().apply {
            storeFile = File(properties.getProperty("storeFilePath"))
            storePassword = properties.getProperty("storePassword")
            keyPassword = properties.getProperty("keyPassword")
            keyAlias = "release"

    buildTypes {
        getByName("release") {
            signingConfig = signingConfigs.getByName("release")
            // ...

How does jQuery work when there are multiple elements with the same ID value?

Having 2 elements with the same ID is not valid html according to the W3C specification.

When your CSS selector only has an ID selector (and is not used on a specific context), jQuery uses the native document.getElementById method, which returns only the first element with that ID.

However, in the other two instances, jQuery relies on the Sizzle selector engine (or querySelectorAll, if available), which apparently selects both elements. Results may vary on a per browser basis.

However, you should never have two elements on the same page with the same ID. If you need it for your CSS, use a class instead.

If you absolutely must select by duplicate ID, use an attribute selector:


Take a look at the fiddle:

Note: if possible, you should qualify that selector with a tag selector, like this:


How to easily import multiple sql files into a MySQL database?

in windows open windows powershell and go to the folder where sql files are then run this command

cat *.sql |  C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysql.exe -u username -p databasename

SQL 'like' vs '=' performance

You should also keep in mind that when using like, some sql flavors will ignore indexes, and that will kill performance. This is especially true if you don't use the "starts with" pattern like your example.

You should really look at the execution plan for the query and see what it's doing, guess as little as possible.

This being said, the "starts with" pattern can and is optimized in sql server. It will use the table index. EF 4.0 switched to like for StartsWith for this very reason.

Maximum length of the textual representation of an IPv6 address?

On Linux, see constant INET6_ADDRSTRLEN (include <arpa/inet.h>, see man inet_ntop). On my system (header "in.h"):


The last character is for terminating NULL, as I belive, so the max length is 45, as other answers.

How to pass arguments to a Button command in Tkinter?

Example GUI:

Let's say I have the GUI:

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

btn = tk.Button(root, text="Press")


What Happens When a Button Is Pressed

See that when btn is pressed it calls its own function which is very similar to button_press_handle in the following example:

def button_press_handle(callback=None):
    if callback:
        callback() # Where exactly the method assigned to btn['command'] is being callled



You can simply think that command option should be set as, the reference to the method we want to be called, similar to callback in button_press_handle.

Calling a Method(Callback) When the Button is Pressed

Without arguments

So if I wanted to print something when the button is pressed I would need to set:

btn['command'] = print # default to print is new line

Pay close attention to the lack of () with the print method which is omitted in the meaning that: "This is the method's name which I want you to call when pressed but don't call it just this very instant." However, I didn't pass any arguments for the print so it printed whatever it prints when called without arguments.

With Argument(s)

Now If I wanted to also pass arguments to the method I want to be called when the button is pressed I could make use of the anonymous functions, which can be created with lambda statement, in this case for print built-in method, like the following:

btn['command'] = lambda arg1="Hello", arg2=" ", arg3="World!" : print(arg1 + arg2 + arg3)

Calling Multiple Methods when the Button Is Pressed

Without Arguments

You can also achieve that using lambda statement but it is considered bad practice and thus I won't include it here. The good practice is to define a separate method, multiple_methods, that calls the methods wanted and then set it as the callback to the button press:

def multiple_methods():
    print("Vicariously") # the first inner callback
    print("I") # another inner callback

With Argument(s)

In order to pass argument(s) to method that calls other methods, again make use of lambda statement, but first:

def multiple_methods(*args, **kwargs):
    print(args[0]) # the first inner callback
    print(kwargs['opt1']) # another inner callback

and then set:

btn['command'] = lambda arg="live", kw="as the" : a_new_method(arg, opt1=kw)

Returning Object(s) From the Callback

Also further note that callback can't really return because it's only called inside button_press_handle with callback() as opposed to return callback(). It does return but not anywhere outside that function. Thus you should rather modify object(s) that are accessible in the current scope.

Complete Example with global Object Modification(s)

Below example will call a method that changes btn's text each time the button is pressed:

import tkinter as tk

i = 0
def text_mod():
    global i, btn           # btn can be omitted but not sure if should be
    txt = ("Vicariously", "I", "live", "as", "the", "whole", "world", "dies")
    btn['text'] = txt[i]    # the global object that is modified
    i = (i + 1) % len(txt)  # another global object that gets modified

root = tk.Tk()

btn = tk.Button(root, text="My Button")
btn['command'] = text_mod

btn.pack(fill='both', expand=True)



What is a Windows Handle?

A handle is a unique identifier for an object managed by Windows. It's like a pointer, but not a pointer in the sence that it's not an address that could be dereferenced by user code to gain access to some data. Instead a handle is to be passed to a set of functions that can perform actions on the object the handle identifies.

How to read a single char from the console in Java (as the user types it)?

There is no portable way to read raw characters from a Java console.

Some platform-dependent workarounds have been presented above. But to be really portable, you'd have to abandon console mode and use a windowing mode, e.g. AWT or Swing.

How do I make a new line in swift

You should be able to use \n inside a Swift string, and it should work as expected, creating a newline character. You will want to remove the space after the \n for proper formatting like so:

var example: String = "Hello World \nThis is a new line"

Which, if printed to the console, should become:

Hello World
This is a new line

However, there are some other considerations to make depending on how you will be using this string, such as:

  • If you are setting it to a UILabel's text property, make sure that the UILabel's numberOfLines = 0, which allows for infinite lines.
  • In some networking use cases, use \r\n instead, which is the Windows newline.

Edit: You said you're using a UITextField, but it does not support multiple lines. You must use a UITextView.

Singletons vs. Application Context in Android?

From the proverbial horse's mouth...

When developing your app, you may find it necessary to share data, context or services globally across your app. For example, if your app has session data, such as the currently logged-in user, you will likely want to expose this information. In Android, the pattern for solving this problem is to have your instance own all global data, and then treat your Application instance as a singleton with static accessors to the various data and services.

When writing an Android app, you're guaranteed to only have one instance of the class, and so it's safe (and recommended by Google Android team) to treat it as a singleton. That is, you can safely add a static getInstance() method to your Application implementation. Like so:

public class AndroidApplication extends Application {

    private static AndroidApplication sInstance;

    public static AndroidApplication getInstance(){
        return sInstance;

    public void onCreate() {
        sInstance = this;

Javascript "Not a Constructor" Exception while creating objects

The code as posted in the question cannot generate that error, because Project is not a user-defined function / valid constructor.

function x(a,b,c){}
new x(1,2,3);               // produces no errors

You've probably done something like this:

function Project(a,b,c) {}
Project = {};               // or possibly   Project = new Project
new Project(1,2,3);         // -> TypeError: Project is not a constructor

Variable declarations using var are hoisted and thus always evaluated before the rest of the code. So, this can also be causing issues:

function Project(){}
function localTest() {
    new Project(1,2,3); // `Project` points to the local variable,
                        // not the global constructor!

   //...some noise, causing you to forget that the `Project` constructor was used
    var Project = 1;    // Evaluated first

Differences Between vbLf, vbCrLf & vbCr Constants

 Constant   Value               Description
 vbCr       Chr(13)             Carriage return
 vbCrLf     Chr(13) & Chr(10)   Carriage return–linefeed combination
 vbLf       Chr(10)             Line feed
  • vbCr : - return to line beginning
    Represents a carriage-return character for print and display functions.

  • vbCrLf : - similar to pressing Enter
    Represents a carriage-return character combined with a linefeed character for print and display functions.

  • vbLf : - go to next line
    Represents a linefeed character for print and display functions.

Read More from Constants Class

What is a stack pointer used for in microprocessors?

For 8085: Stack pointer is a special purpose 16-bit register in the Microprocessor, which holds the address of the top of the stack.

The stack pointer register in a computer is made available for general purpose use by programs executing at lower privilege levels than interrupt handlers. A set of instructions in such programs, excluding stack operations, stores data other than the stack pointer, such as operands, and the like, in the stack pointer register. When switching execution to an interrupt handler on an interrupt, return address data for the currently executing program is pushed onto a stack at the interrupt handler's privilege level. Thus, storing other data in the stack pointer register does not result in stack corruption. Also, these instructions can store data in a scratch portion of a stack segment beyond the current stack pointer.

Read this one for more info.

General purpose use of a stack pointer register

How to get the index of an element in an IEnumerable?

I think the best option is to implement like this:

public static int IndexOf<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, T element, IEqualityComparer<T> comparer = null)
    int i = 0;
    comparer = comparer ?? EqualityComparer<T>.Default;
    foreach (var currentElement in enumerable)
        if (comparer.Equals(currentElement, element))
            return i;


    return -1;

It will also not create the anonymous object

Can an angular directive pass arguments to functions in expressions specified in the directive's attributes?

For me following worked:

in directive declare it like this:

.directive('myDirective', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        scope: {
            myFunction: '=',
        templateUrl: 'myDirective.html'

In directive template use it in following way:

<select ng-change="myFunction(selectedAmount)">

And then when you use the directive, pass the function like this:


You pass the function by its declaration and it is called from directive and parameters are populated.

Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in

You need to check the PHP version

If php version is 5.6 then , You need to install php5.7-zip

sudo apt-get install php5.6-zip

and then

sudo service apache2 restart

Hope it helps

How do you add a scroll bar to a div?

If you want to add a scroll bar using jquery the following will work. If your div had a id of 'mydiv' you could us the following jquery id selector with css property:

jQuery('#mydiv').css("overflow-y", "scroll");

How to query a CLOB column in Oracle

If you are using SQL*Plus try the following...

set long 8000

select ...

How to read/write a boolean when implementing the Parcelable interface?

out.writeInt(mBool ? 1 : 0); //Write
this.mBool =in.readInt()==1; //Read

org.hibernate.HibernateException: Access to DialectResolutionInfo cannot be null when 'hibernate.dialect' not set

I faced the same issue: The db I was trying to connect did not exist. I used jpa.database=default (which I guess means it will try to connect to the database and then auto select the dialect). Once I started the database, it worked fine without any change.

Mac OS X and multiple Java versions

As found on this website So Let’s begin by installing jEnv

  1. Run this in the terminal

    brew install
  2. Add jEnv to the bash profile

    if which jenv > /dev/null; then eval "$(jenv init -)"; fi
  3. When you first install jEnv will not have any JDK associated with it.

    For example, I just installed JDK 8 but jEnv does not know about it. To check Java versions on jEnv

    At the moment it only found Java version(jre) on the system. The * shows the version currently selected. Unlike rvm and rbenv, jEnv cannot install JDK for you. You need to install JDK manually from Oracle website.

  4. Install JDK 6 from Apple website. This will install Java in /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/. The reason we are installing Java 6 from Apple website is that SUN did not come up with JDK 6 for MAC, so Apple created/modified its own deployment version.

  5. Similarly install JDK7 and JDK8.

  6. Add JDKs to jEnv.

    JDK 6:

    JDK 7:

    JDK 8:

  7. Check the java versions installed using jenv

  8. So now we have 3 versions of Java on our system. To set a default version use the command

    jenv local <jenv version>

    Ex – I wanted Jdk 1.6 to start IntelliJ

    jenv local oracle64-
  9. check the java version

    java -version

That’s it. We now have multiple versions of java and we can switch between them easily. jEnv also has some other features, such as wrappers for Gradle, Ant, Maven, etc, and the ability to set JVM options globally or locally. Check out the documentation for more information.

bootstrap responsive table content wrapping

.table td.abbreviation {_x000D_
  max-width: 30px;_x000D_
.table td.abbreviation p {_x000D_
  white-space: nowrap;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
  text-overflow: ellipsis;_x000D_
<table class="table">_x000D_
 <td class="abbreviation"><p>ABC DEF</p></td>_x000D_

Nested Recycler view height doesn't wrap its content

Simply wrap the content using RecyclerView with the Grid Layout

Image: Recycler as GridView layout

Just use the GridLayoutManager like this:

RecyclerView.LayoutManager mRecyclerGrid=new GridLayoutManager(this,3,LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL,false);

You can set how many items should appear on a row (replace the 3).

How to capitalize first letter of each word, like a 2-word city?

You can use CSS:

p.capitalize {text-transform:capitalize;}

Update (JS Solution):

Based on Kamal Reddy's comment:

document.getElementById("myP").style.textTransform = "capitalize";

How do I import a namespace in Razor View Page?

The first way is that use @using statement in .cshtml files, that imports a namespace to current file only, and the second:

In the "web.config" file in "Views" directory of your project (notice it is not the main web.config in project's root), find this section:

  <pages pageBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage">
      <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc" />
      <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Ajax" />
      <!-- etc -->

you can add your custom namespace like this:

<add namespace="My.Custom" />

that will add the namespace to all of .cshtml (and/or .vbhtml) files; also you can change views inheritance from here, like:

<pages pageBaseType="My.Custom.MyWebViewPage">


UPDATE: Thanks to @Nick Silberstein to his reminder about areas! He said:

If you're working within an area, you must add the namespace within the Web.config under /Areas/<AreaName>/Views/ rather than /Views/

Things possible in IntelliJ that aren't possible in Eclipse?

I think you can stick to either of these IDEs. The best sign to not to "worry about missing a giant benefit in the IDE you are not using" is the very long arguments we have seen between Eclipse fans and IntelliJ fans. This is a good sign that both sides have almost the same power which has led this long discussion to survive.

The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256

Try this combination.

const s3 = new AWS.S3({
  endpoint: '',       // Bucket region
  accessKeyId: 'A-----------------U',
  secretAccessKey: 'k------ja----------------soGp',
  Bucket: 'bucket_name',
  useAccelerateEndpoint: true,
  signatureVersion: 'v4',
  region: 'ap-south-1'             // Bucket region

How to retrieve Jenkins build parameters using the Groovy API?

Update: Jenkins 2.x solution:

With Jenkins 2 pipeline dsl, you can directly access any parameter with the trivial syntax based on the params (Map) built-in:

echo " FOOBAR value: ${params.'FOOBAR'}"

The returned value will be a String or a boolean depending on the Parameter type itself. The syntax is the same for scripted or declarative syntax. More info at:

Original Answer for Jenkins 1.x:

For Jenkins 1.x, the syntax is based on the build.buildVariableResolver built-ins:

// ... or if you want the parameter by name ...
def hardcoded_param = "FOOBAR"
def resolver = build.buildVariableResolver
def hardcoded_param_value = resolver.resolve(hardcoded_param)

Please note the official Jenkins Wiki page covers this in more details as well, especially how to iterate upon the build parameters:

The salient part is reproduced below:

// get parameters
def parameters = build?.actions.find{ it instanceof ParametersAction }?.parameters
parameters.each {
   println "parameter ${}:"
   println it.dump()

Memcached vs. Redis?

I got the opportunity to use both memcached and redis together in the caching proxy that i have worked on , let me share you where exactly i have used what and reason behind same....

Redis >

1) Used for indexing the cache content , over the cluster . I have more than billion keys in spread over redis clusters , redis response times is quite less and stable .

2) Basically , its a key/value store , so where ever in you application you have something similar, one can use redis with bothering much.

3) Redis persistency, failover and backup (AOF ) will make your job easier .

Memcache >

1) yes , an optimized memory that can be used as cache . I used it for storing cache content getting accessed very frequently (with 50 hits/second)with size less than 1 MB .

2) I allocated only 2GB out of 16 GB for memcached that too when my single content size was >1MB .

3) As the content grows near the limits , occasionally i have observed higher response times in the stats(not the case with redis) .

If you ask for overall experience Redis is much green as it is easy to configure, much flexible with stable robust features.

Further , there is a benchmarking result available at this link , below are few higlight from same,

enter image description here

enter image description here

Hope this helps!!

How to check whether a pandas DataFrame is empty?

I use the len function. It's much faster than empty. len(df.index) is even faster.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10000, 4), columns=list('ABCD'))

def empty(df):
    return df.empty

def lenz(df):
    return len(df) == 0

def lenzi(df):
    return len(df.index) == 0

%timeit empty(df)
%timeit lenz(df)
%timeit lenzi(df)

10000 loops, best of 3: 13.9 µs per loop
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.34 µs per loop
1000000 loops, best of 3: 695 ns per loop

len on index seems to be faster

How to jump to a particular line in a huge text file?

I'm probably spoiled by abundant ram, but 15 M is not huge. Reading into memory with readlines() is what I usually do with files of this size. Accessing a line after that is trivial.

Auto-refreshing div with jQuery - setTimeout or another method?

$(document).ready(function() {
  $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }); // This part addresses an IE bug.  without it, IE will only load the first number and will never refresh
  setInterval(function() {
  }, 3000); // the "3000" 

How to set up tmux so that it starts up with specified windows opened?

This works for me. Creating 5 windows with the given names and auto selecting to the home window.

new  -n home
neww -n emacs
neww -n puppet
neww -n haskell
neww -n ruby
selectw -t 1

Spring mvc @PathVariable

suppose you want to write a url to fetch some order, you can say

where 123 is orderId.

So now the url you will use in spring mvc controller would look like


Now order id can be declared a path variable

@RequestMapping(value = " /order/{orderId}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String getOrder(@PathVariable String orderId){
//fetch order

if you use url, then orderId variable will be populated by value 123 by spring

Also note that PathVariable differs from requestParam as pathVariable is part of URL. The same url using request param would look like

Spring Official Reference

ImportError: Cannot import name X

As already mentioned, this is caused by a circular dependency. What has not been mentioned is that when you're using Python typing module and you import a class only to be used to annotate Types, you can use Forward references:

When a type hint contains names that have not been defined yet, that definition may be expressed as a string literal, to be resolved later.

and remove the dependency (the import), e.g. instead of

from my_module import Tree

def func(arg: Tree):
    # code


def func(arg: 'Tree'):
    # code

(note the removed import statement)

to_string is not a member of std, says g++ (mingw)

Use this function...

    template <typename T>
    std::string to_string(T value)
      //create an output string stream
      std::ostringstream os ;

      //throw the value into the string stream
      os << value ;

      //convert the string stream into a string and return
      return os.str() ;

    //you can also do this
    //std::string output;
    //os >> output;  //throw whats in the string stream into the string

How to redirect to Index from another controller?

You can use the overloads method RedirectToAction(string actionName, string controllerName);


RedirectToAction(nameof(HomeController.Index), "Home");

New line in Sql Query

-- Access: 
SELECT CHR(13) & CHR(10) 

-- SQL Server: 

Change background color on mouseover and remove it after mouseout

This is my solution :

$(document).ready(function () {
  $( "td" ).on({
    "click": clicked,
    "mouseover": hovered,
    "mouseout": mouseout

var flag=0;

function hovered(){
  $(this).css("background", "#380606");

function mouseout(){
  if (flag == 0){
  $(this).css("background", "#ffffff");
} else {

function clicked(){

SQL Stored Procedure set variables using SELECT

One advantage your current approach does have is that it will raise an error if multiple rows are returned by the predicate. To reproduce that you can use.

SELECT @currentTerm = currentterm,
       @termID = termid,
       @endDate = enddate
FROM   table1
WHERE  iscurrent = 1

IF( @@ROWCOUNT <> 1 )
      RAISERROR ('Unexpected number of matching rows',


How can I solve equations in Python?

There are two ways to approach this problem: numerically and symbolically.

To solve it numerically, you have to first encode it as a "runnable" function - stick a value in, get a value out. For example,

def my_function(x):
    return 2*x + 6

It is quite possible to parse a string to automatically create such a function; say you parse 2x + 6 into a list, [6, 2] (where the list index corresponds to the power of x - so 6*x^0 + 2*x^1). Then:

def makePoly(arr):
    def fn(x):
        return sum(c*x**p for p,c in enumerate(arr))
    return fn

my_func = makePoly([6, 2])
my_func(3)    # returns 12

You then need another function which repeatedly plugs an x-value into your function, looks at the difference between the result and what it wants to find, and tweaks its x-value to (hopefully) minimize the difference.

def dx(fn, x, delta=0.001):
    return (fn(x+delta) - fn(x))/delta

def solve(fn, value, x=0.5, maxtries=1000, maxerr=0.00001):
    for tries in xrange(maxtries):
        err = fn(x) - value
        if abs(err) < maxerr:
            return x
        slope = dx(fn, x)
        x -= err/slope
    raise ValueError('no solution found')

There are lots of potential problems here - finding a good starting x-value, assuming that the function actually has a solution (ie there are no real-valued answers to x^2 + 2 = 0), hitting the limits of computational accuracy, etc. But in this case, the error minimization function is suitable and we get a good result:

solve(my_func, 16)    # returns (x =) 5.000000000000496

Note that this solution is not absolutely, exactly correct. If you need it to be perfect, or if you want to try solving families of equations analytically, you have to turn to a more complicated beast: a symbolic solver.

A symbolic solver, like Mathematica or Maple, is an expert system with a lot of built-in rules ("knowledge") about algebra, calculus, etc; it "knows" that the derivative of sin is cos, that the derivative of kx^p is kpx^(p-1), and so on. When you give it an equation, it tries to find a path, a set of rule-applications, from where it is (the equation) to where you want to be (the simplest possible form of the equation, which is hopefully the solution).

Your example equation is quite simple; a symbolic solution might look like:

=> LHS([6, 2]) RHS([16])

# rule: pull all coefficients into LHS
LHS, RHS = [lh-rh for lh,rh in izip_longest(LHS, RHS, 0)], [0]

=> LHS([-10,2]) RHS([0])

# rule: solve first-degree poly
if RHS==[0] and len(LHS)==2:
    LHS, RHS = [0,1], [-LHS[0]/LHS[1]]

=> LHS([0,1]) RHS([5])

and there is your solution: x = 5.

I hope this gives the flavor of the idea; the details of implementation (finding a good, complete set of rules and deciding when each rule should be applied) can easily consume many man-years of effort.

How do I change the text size in a label widget, python tkinter

Try passing width=200 as additional paramater when creating the Label.

This should work in creating label with specified width.

If you want to change it later, you can use:


As you want to change the size of font itself you can try:

label.config(font=("Courier", 44))

Randomize numbers with jQuery?

Others have answered the question, but just for the fun of it, here is a visual dice throwing example, using the Math.random javascript method, a background image and some recursive timeouts.

How do I pick 2 random items from a Python set?

Use the random module:

import random
random.sample(set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), 2)

This samples the two values without replacement (so the two values are different).

Real world use of JMS/message queues?

JMS (ActiveMQ is a JMS broker implementation) can be used as a mechanism to allow asynchronous request processing. You may wish to do this because the request take a long time to complete or because several parties may be interested in the actual request. Another reason for using it is to allow multiple clients (potentially written in different languages) to access information via JMS. ActiveMQ is a good example here because you can use the STOMP protocol to allow access from a C#/Java/Ruby client.

A real world example is that of a web application that is used to place an order for a particular customer. As part of placing that order (and storing it in a database) you may wish to carry a number of additional tasks:

  • Store the order in some sort of third party back-end system (such as SAP)
  • Send an email to the customer to inform them their order has been placed

To do this your application code would publish a message onto a JMS queue which includes an order id. One part of your application listening to the queue may respond to the event by taking the orderId, looking the order up in the database and then place that order with another third party system. Another part of your application may be responsible for taking the orderId and sending a confirmation email to the customer.

How to set the image from drawable dynamically in android?

This works fine for me.

final R.drawable drawableResources = new R.drawable(); 
final Class<R.drawable> c = R.drawable.class;
final Field[] fields = c.getDeclaredFields();
for (int i=0; i < fields.length;i++) 
     resourceId[i] = fields[i].getInt(drawableResources);  
    /* till here you get all the images into the int array resourceId.*/
imageview= (ImageView)findViewById(;
if(your condition)

Storing Images in PostgreSQL

Updating to 2012, when we see that image sizes, and number of images, are growing and growing, in all applications...

We need some distinction between "original image" and "processed image", like thumbnail.

As Jcoby's answer says, there are two options, then, I recommend:

  • use blob (Binary Large OBject): for original image store, at your table. See Ivan's answer (no problem with backing up blobs!), PostgreSQL additional supplied modules, How-tos etc.

  • use a separate database with DBlink: for original image store, at another (unified/specialized) database. In this case, I prefer bytea, but blob is near the same. Separating database is the best way for a "unified image webservice".

  • use bytea (BYTE Array): for caching thumbnail images. Cache the little images to send it fast to the web-browser (to avoiding rendering problems) and reduce server processing. Cache also essential metadata, like width and height. Database caching is the easiest way, but check your needs and server configs (ex. Apache modules): store thumbnails at file system may be better, compare performances. Remember that it is a (unified) web-service, then can be stored at a separate database (with no backups), serving many tables. See also PostgreSQL binary data types manual, tests with bytea column, etc.

NOTE1: today the use of "dual solutions" (database+filesystem) is deprecated (!). There are many advantages to using "only database" instead dual. PostgreSQL have comparable performance and good tools for export/import/input/output.

NOTE2: remember that PostgreSQL have only bytea, not have a default Oracle's BLOB: "The SQL standard defines (...) BLOB. The input format is different from bytea, but the provided functions and operators are mostly the same",Manual.

EDIT 2014: I have not changed the original text above today (my answer was Apr 22 '12, now with 14 votes), I am opening the answer for your changes (see "Wiki mode", you can edit!), for proofreading and for updates.
The question is stable (@Ivans's '08 answer with 19 votes), please, help to improve this text.

Push an associative item into an array in JavaScript

Another method for creating a JavaScript associative array

First create an array of objects,

 var arr = {'name': []};

Next, push the value to the object.

  var val = 2;

To read from it:

var val =[0];

How do you take a git diff file, and apply it to a local branch that is a copy of the same repository?

Copy the diff file to the root of your repository, and then do:

git apply yourcoworkers.diff

More information about the apply command is available on its man page.

By the way: A better way to exchange whole commits by file is the combination of the commands git format-patch on the sender and then git am on the receiver, because it also transfers the authorship info and the commit message.

If the patch application fails and if the commits the diff was generated from are actually in your repo, you can use the -3 option of apply that tries to merge in the changes.

It also works with Unix pipe as follows:

git diff d892531 815a3b5 | git apply

Must JDBC Resultsets and Statements be closed separately although the Connection is closed afterwards?

From the javadocs:

When a Statement object is closed, its current ResultSet object, if one exists, is also closed.

However, the javadocs are not very clear on whether the Statement and ResultSet are closed when you close the underlying Connection. They simply state that closing a Connection:

Releases this Connection object's database and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for them to be automatically released.

In my opinion, always explicitly close ResultSets, Statements and Connections when you are finished with them as the implementation of close could vary between database drivers.

You can save yourself a lot of boiler-plate code by using methods such as closeQuietly in DBUtils from Apache.

Using margin / padding to space <span> from the rest of the <p>

Add this style to your span:

top: 10px;


Displaying output of a remote command with Ansible

Prints pubkey and avoid the changed status by adding changed_when: False to cat task:

- name: Generate SSH keys for vagrant user   
  user: name=vagrant generate_ssh_key=yes ssh_key_bits=2048

- name: Check SSH public key   
  command: /bin/cat $home_directory/.ssh/
  register: cat
  changed_when: False

- name: Print SSH public key
  debug: var=cat.stdout

- name: Wait for user to copy SSH public key   
  pause: prompt="Please add the SSH public key above to your GitHub account"

How to concatenate two MP4 files using FFmpeg?

this worked for me (on windows)

ffmpeg -i "concat:input1|input2" -codec copy output

an example...

ffmpeg -i "concat:01.mp4|02.mp4" -codec copy output.mp4


Using some python code to do it with as many mp4 there are in a folder (install python from, copy and paste and save this code into a file called and run it from the cmd opened in the folder with python and all the mp4 in the folder will be concatenated)

import glob
import os

stringa = ""
for f in glob.glob("*.mp4"):
    stringa += f + "|"
os.system("ffmpeg -i \"concat:" + stringa + "\" -codec copy output.mp4")

Version 2 with Python

Taken from my post on my blog, this is how I do it in python:

import os
import glob

def concatenate():
    stringa = "ffmpeg -i \"concat:"
    elenco_video = glob.glob("*.mp4")
    elenco_file_temp = []
    for f in elenco_video:
        file = "temp" + str(elenco_video.index(f) + 1) + ".ts"
        os.system("ffmpeg -i " + f + " -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts " + file)
    for f in elenco_file_temp:
        stringa += f
        if elenco_file_temp.index(f) != len(elenco_file_temp)-1:
            stringa += "|"
            stringa += "\" -c copy  -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc output.mp4"


Get max and min value from array in JavaScript

use this and it works on both the static arrays and dynamically generated arrays.

var array = [12,2,23,324,23,123,4,23,132,23];
var getMaxValue = Math.max.apply(Math, array );

I had the issue when I use trying to find max value from code below

$('#myTabs').find('').prevAll().andSelf().each(function () {

        for (var i = 0; i < newGetWidthOfEachTab.length; i++) {
            newWidthOfEachTabTotal += newGetWidthOfEachTab[i];

        getMaxValue = Math.max.apply(Math, array);

I was getting 'NAN' when I use

    var max_value = Math.max(12, 21, 23, 2323, 23);

with my code

Radio button checked event handling

The HTML code:

<input type="radio" name="theName" value="1" id="option-1">
<input type="radio" name="theName" value="2">
<input type="radio" name="theName" value="3">

The Javascript code:

            alert('Option 1 is checked!');
            alert('Option 1 is unchecked!');

In multiple radio with name "theName", detect when option 1 is checked or unchecked. Works in all situations: on click control, use the keyboard, use joystick, automatic change the values from other dinamicaly function, etc.

How to convert datetime to integer in python

When converting datetime to integers one must keep in mind the tens, hundreds and thousands.... like "2018-11-03" must be like 20181103 in int for that you have to 2018*10000 + 100* 11 + 3

Similarly another example, "2018-11-03 10:02:05" must be like 20181103100205 in int

Explanatory Code

dt = datetime(2018,11,3,10,2,5)
print (dt)

#print (dt.timestamp()) # unix representation ... not useful when converting to int

print (dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
print (dt.year*10000 + dt.month* 100  +
print (int(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d")))

print (dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
print (dt.year*10000000000 + dt.month* 100000000 * 1000000 + dt.hour*10000  +  dt.minute*100 + dt.second)
print (int(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")))

General Function

To avoid that doing manually use below function

def datetime_to_int(dt):
    return int(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))

Maximum value for long integer

Direct answer to title question:

Integers are unlimited in size and have no maximum value in Python.

Answer which addresses stated underlying use case:

According to your comment of what you're trying to do, you are currently thinking something along the lines of

minval = MAXINT;
for (i = 1; i < num_elems; i++)
    if a[i] < a[i-1]
        minval = a[i];

That's not how to think in Python. A better translation to Python (but still not the best) would be

minval = a[0]  # Just use the first value
for i in range(1, len(a)):
    minval = min(a[i], a[i - 1])

Note that the above doesn't use MAXINT at all. That part of the solution applies to any programming language: You don't need to know the highest possible value just to find the smallest value in a collection.

But anyway, what you really do in Python is just

minval = min(a)

That is, you don't write a loop at all. The built-in min() function gets the minimum of the whole collection.

TypeError: $.browser is undefined

just put the $.browser code in your js

var matched, browser;

jQuery.uaMatch = function( ua ) {
    ua = ua.toLowerCase();

    var match = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||
        /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||
        /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||
        /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec( ua ) ||
        ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec( ua ) ||

    return {
        browser: match[ 1 ] || "",
        version: match[ 2 ] || "0"

matched = jQuery.uaMatch( navigator.userAgent );
browser = {};

if ( matched.browser ) {
    browser[ matched.browser ] = true;
    browser.version = matched.version;

// Chrome is Webkit, but Webkit is also Safari.
if ( ) {
    browser.webkit = true;
} else if ( browser.webkit ) {
    browser.safari = true;

jQuery.browser = browser;

Twitter Bootstrap Datepicker within modal window

I use:

body.modal-open .datepicker {
    z-index: 1200 !important;

This way: if the modal isn't open, and you want the datepicker to be at the normal z-index (in my case I needed it to be under the menu drop-down, which has a z-index of 1000), it works.

If the modal is open, the datepicker needs to be over the modal z-index (1040 or 1050), so use the body.modal-open selector.

I'm using Bootstrap 3.1.1

The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured) in wamp server

If you use MAMP, make sure it's started. :)

I just ran into this problem, and after starting MAMP the error went away. Not my finest moment.

Codeigniter: does $this->db->last_query(); execute a query?

The query execution happens on all get methods like


While last_query contains the last query which was run


If you want to get query string without execution you will have to do this. Go to system/database/DB_active_rec.php Remove public or protected keyword from these functions

public function _compile_select($select_override = FALSE)
public function _reset_select()

Now you can write query and get it in a variable

$subQuery = $this->db->_compile_select();

Now reset query so if you want to write another query the object will be cleared.


And the thing is done. Cheers!!! Note : While using this way you must use


instead of


which runs the query.

Take a look at this example

Activate a virtualenv with a Python script

The top answer only works for Python 2.x

For Python 3.x, use this:

activate_this_file = "/path/to/virtualenv/bin/"

exec(compile(open(activate_this_file, "rb").read(), activate_this_file, 'exec'), dict(__file__=activate_this_file))

Reference: What is an alternative to execfile in Python 3?

Converting JSON data to Java object

Or with Jackson:

String json = "...
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
Set<Product> products = m.readValue(json, new TypeReference<Set<Product>>() {});

Set ImageView width and height programmatically?

Simply create a LayoutParams object and assign it to your imageView

LinearLayout.LayoutParams params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(150, 150);

General error: 1364 Field 'user_id' doesn't have a default value

User Auth::user()->id instead.

Here is the correct way :

    'body' => request('body'),
    'title' => request('title'),
    'user_id' => Auth::user()->id

If your user is authenticated, Then Auth::user()->id will do the trick.

Bulk create model objects in django

as of the django development, there exists bulk_create as an object manager method which takes as input an array of objects created using the class constructor. check out django docs

ScalaTest in sbt: is there a way to run a single test without tags?

Just to simplify the example of Tyler.

test:-prefix is not needed.

So according to his example:

In the sbt-console:

testOnly *LoginServiceSpec

And in the terminal:

sbt "testOnly *LoginServiceSpec"

sqlplus how to find details of the currently connected database session


select * from v$session where sid = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','SID');

You might also be interested in this AskTom post

After seing your comment, you can do:

SELECT * FROM global_name;

how to get the 30 days before date from Todays Date

SELECT (column name) FROM (table name) WHERE (column name) < DATEADD(Day,-30,GETDATE());


SELECT `name`, `phone`, `product` FROM `tbmMember` WHERE `dateofServicw` < (Day,-30,GETDATE()); 

JavaScript equivalent to printf/String.Format

I did not see the String.format variant:

String.format = function (string) {
    var args =, 1, arguments.length);
    return string.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) {
        return typeof args[number] != "undefined" ? args[number] : match;

How to embed a Facebook page's feed into my website

In new page-plugin you can do multiple tabs in your website. The Page plugin lets you easily embed and promote any Facebook Page on your website. Just like on Facebook, your visitors can like and share the Page without leaving your site.

  1. Include the JavaScript SDK on your page once, ideally right after the opening <body> tag.

<div id="fb-root"></div>_x000D_
<script>(function(d, s, id) {_x000D_
  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];_x000D_
  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;_x000D_
  js = d.createElement(s); = id;_x000D_
  js.src = "//{APP_ID}";_x000D_
  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);_x000D_
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>

  1. Place the code for your plugin wherever you want the plugin to appear on your page.

<div class="fb-page" _x000D_
     data-href="" _x000D_
     data-tabs="timeline" _x000D_
     data-small-header="false" _x000D_
     data-adapt-container-width="true" _x000D_
     data-hide-cover="false" _x000D_
  <div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore">_x000D_
    <blockquote cite="">_x000D_
      <a href="">Facebook</a>_x000D_

You can also change the following settings:

enter image description here

Also You can now have timeline, events and messages tabs with the new page plugin:

  • Timeline Tab: Will show the most recent posts of your Facebook Page timeline.
  • Events Tab: People can follow your page events and subscribe to events from the plugin.
  • Messages Tab: People can message your page directly from your website. People need to be logged in to use this feature.

<div class="fb-page" _x000D_
  data-width="380" _x000D_

Redirect From Action Filter Attribute

Here is a solution that also takes in account if you are using Ajax requests.

using System;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;

namespace YourNamespace{        
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)]
    public class AuthorizeCustom : ActionFilterAttribute {
        public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context) {
            if (YourAuthorizationCheckGoesHere) {               
                string area = "";// leave empty if not using area's
                string controller = "ControllerName";
                string action = "ActionName";
                var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(context.RequestContext);                  
                if (context.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest()){ // Check if Ajax
                    if(area == string.Empty)
                        context.HttpContext.Response.Write($"<script>window.location.reload('{urlHelper.Content(System.IO.Path.Combine(controller, action))}');</script>");
                        context.HttpContext.Response.Write($"<script>window.location.reload('{urlHelper.Content(System.IO.Path.Combine(area, controller, action))}');</script>");
                } else   // Non Ajax Request                      
                    context.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new RouteValueDictionary( new{ area, controller, action }));             

How to open spss data files in excel?

In order to download that driver you must have a license to SPSS. For those who do not, there is an open source tool that is very much like SPSS and will allow you to import SAV files and export them to CSV.

Here's the software

And here are the steps to export the data.

maxFileSize and acceptFileTypes in blueimp file upload plugin do not work. Why?

As suggested in an earlier answer, we need to include two additional files - jquery.fileupload-process.js and then jquery.fileupload-validate.js However as I need to perform some additional ajax calls while adding a file, I am subscribing to the fileuploadadd event to perform those calls. Regarding such a usage the author of this plugin suggested the following

Please have a look here:

Adding additional event listeners via bind (or on method with jQuery 1.7+) method is the preferred option to preserve callback settings by the jQuery File Upload UI version.

Alternatively, you can also simply start the processing in your own callback, like this:

Using the combination of the two suggested options, the following code works perfectly for me

    url: 'upload_url',
    type: 'POST',
    dataType: 'json',
    autoUpload: false,
    disableValidation: false,
    maxFileSize: 1024 * 1024,
    messages: {
        maxFileSize: 'File exceeds maximum allowed size of 1MB',

$fileInput.on('fileuploadadd', function(evt, data) {
    var $this = $(this);
    var validation = data.process(function () {
        return $this.fileupload('process', data);

    validation.done(function() {
        makeAjaxCall('some_other_url', { fileName: data.files[0].name, fileSizeInBytes: data.files[0].size })
            .done(function(resp) {
                data.formData = data.formData || {};
                data.formData.someData = resp.SomeData;
    }); {
        console.log('Upload error: ' + data.files[0].error);

Plugin with id '' not found

In the app build.gradle dependency, you must add the following code

classpath '$last_version'

And then please check the Google Play Service SDK tools installing status.

How do you do a deep copy of an object in .NET?

I've seen a few different approaches to this, but I use a generic utility method as such:

public static T DeepClone<T>(this T obj)
 using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
   var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
   formatter.Serialize(ms, obj);
   ms.Position = 0;

   return (T) formatter.Deserialize(ms);


  • Your class MUST be marked as [Serializable] for this to work.
  • Your source file must include the following code:

    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
    using System.IO;

Get value from hashmap based on key to JSTL

could you please try below code

<c:forEach var="hash" items="${map['key']}">
        <option><c:out value="${hash}"/></option>

Check if value exists in dataTable?

You can use LINQ-to-DataSet with Enumerable.Any:

String author = "John Grisham";
bool contains = tbl.AsEnumerable().Any(row => author == row.Field<String>("Author"));

Another approach is to use DataTable.Select:

DataRow[] foundAuthors = tbl.Select("Author = '" + searchAuthor + "'");
if(foundAuthors.Length != 0)
    // do something...

Q: what if we do not know the columns Headers and we want to find if any cell value PEPSI exist in any rows'c columns? I can loop it all to find out but is there a better way? –

Yes, you can use this query:

DataColumn[] columns = tbl.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().ToArray();
bool anyFieldContainsPepsi = tbl.AsEnumerable()
    .Any(row => columns.Any(col => row[col].ToString() == "PEPSI"));