You can use a user defined type containing an array of strings which will be the inner array. Then you can use an array of this user defined type as your outer array.
Have a look at the following test project:
'1 form with:
' command button: name=Command1
' command button: name=Command2
Option Explicit
Private Type MyArray
strInner() As String
End Type
Private mudtOuter() As MyArray
Private Sub Command1_Click()
'change the dimensens of the outer array, and fill the extra elements with "1"
Dim intOuter As Integer
Dim intInner As Integer
Dim intOldOuter As Integer
intOldOuter = UBound(mudtOuter)
ReDim Preserve mudtOuter(intOldOuter + 2) As MyArray
For intOuter = intOldOuter + 1 To UBound(mudtOuter)
ReDim mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner(intOuter) As String
For intInner = 0 To UBound(mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner)
mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner(intInner) = "1"
Next intInner
Next intOuter
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
'change the dimensions of the middle inner array, and fill the extra elements with "2"
Dim intOuter As Integer
Dim intInner As Integer
Dim intOldInner As Integer
intOuter = UBound(mudtOuter) / 2
intOldInner = UBound(mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner)
ReDim Preserve mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner(intOldInner + 5) As String
For intInner = intOldInner + 1 To UBound(mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner)
mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner(intInner) = "2"
Next intInner
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Click()
'clear the form and print the outer,inner arrays
Dim intOuter As Integer
Dim intInner As Integer
For intOuter = 0 To UBound(mudtOuter)
For intInner = 0 To UBound(mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner)
Print CStr(intOuter) & "," & CStr(intInner) & " = " & mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner(intInner)
Next intInner
Print "" 'add an empty line between the outer array elements
Next intOuter
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'init the arrays
Dim intOuter As Integer
Dim intInner As Integer
ReDim mudtOuter(5) As MyArray
For intOuter = 0 To UBound(mudtOuter)
ReDim mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner(intOuter) As String
For intInner = 0 To UBound(mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner)
mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner(intInner) = CStr((intOuter + 1) * (intInner + 1))
Next intInner
Next intOuter
WindowState = vbMaximized
End Sub
Run the project, and click on the form to display the contents of the arrays.
Click on Command1 to enlarge the outer array, and click on the form again to show the results.
Click on Command2 to enlarge an inner array, and click on the form again to show the results.
Be careful though: when you redim the outer array, you also have to redim the inner arrays for all the new elements of the outer array