Programs & Examples On #Openfeint

A social gaming platform for Android and iOS. It was discontinued in 2012.

How to POST JSON data with Python Requests?

Works perfectly with python 3.5+


import requests
data = {'sender':   'Alice',
    'receiver': 'Bob',
    'message':  'We did it!'}
r ="http://localhost:8080", json={'json_payload': data})


class Root(object):

    def __init__(self, content):
        self.content = content
        print self.content  # this works

    exposed = True

    def GET(self):
        cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return simplejson.dumps(self.content)
    def POST(self):
        self.content = cherrypy.request.json
        return {'status': 'success', 'message': 'updated'}

How to set a cookie for another domain

Send a POST request from A. Post requests are on the serverside only and can't be accessed by the client.

You can send a POST request from to using CURL (recommended, serverside) or a hidden method="POST" form (clientside). If you go for the latter, you might want to obfuscate your JavaScript so that the user won't be able to understand the algorithm and interfere with it.

Make a gateway on to set cookies:

    if (isset($_POST['data']) {
        setcookie('a', $_POST['data']);

If you want to bring security a step further, implement a function on both sides ( and to encrypt (on and decrypt (on data using a cryptographic cypher.

If you're trying to do something that must be absolutely secure (e.g. transfer a login session) try oAuth or take some inspiration from

How do CSS triangles work?

Start with a basic square and borders. Each border will be given a different color so we can tell them apart:

.triangle {
    border-color: yellow blue red green;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 200px 200px 200px 200px;
    height: 0px;
    width: 0px;
<div class="triangle"></div>

which gives you this:

square with four borders

But there's no need for the top border, so set its width to 0px. Now our border-bottom of 200px will make our triangle 200px tall.

.triangle {
    border-color: yellow blue red green;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 0px 200px 200px 200px;
    height: 0px;
    width: 0px;
<div class="triangle"></div>

and we will get this:

bottom half of square with four borders

Then to hide the two side triangles, set the border-color to transparent. Since the top-border has been effectively deleted, we can set the border-top-color to transparent as well.

.triangle {
    border-color: transparent transparent red transparent;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 0px 200px 200px 200px;
    height: 0px;
    width: 0px;
<div class="triangle"></div>

finally we get this:

triangular bottom border

What's the difference between isset() and array_key_exists()?

The PHP function array_key_exists() determines if a particular key, or numerical index, exists for an element of an array. However, if you want to determine if a key exists and is associated with a value, the PHP language construct isset() can tell you that (and that the value is not null). array_key_exists()cannot return information about the value of a key/index.

Change the background color of a pop-up dialog

To change the background color of all dialogs and pop-ups in your app, use colorBackgroundFloating attribute.

<style name="MyApplicationTheme" parent="@style/Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar">
<item name="colorBackgroundFloating">
<item name="android:colorBackgroundFloating" tools:targetApi="23">



C++ callback using class member

If you have callbacks with different parameters you can use templates as follows:
// compile with: g++ -std=c++11 myTemplatedCPPcallbacks.cpp -o myTemplatedCPPcallbacksApp

#include <functional>     // c++11

#include <iostream>        // due to: cout

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class MyClass
        static void Callback(MyClass* instance, int x);
        int private_x;

class OtherClass
        static void Callback(OtherClass* instance, std::string str);
        std::string private_str;

class EventHandler

        template<typename T, class T2>
        void addHandler(T* owner, T2 arg2)
            cout << "\nHandler added..." << endl;
            //Let's pretend an event just occured
            owner->Callback(owner, arg2);


    EventHandler* handler;
    private_x = 4;
    handler->addHandler(this, private_x);

    EventHandler* handler;
    private_str = "moh ";
    handler->addHandler(this, private_str );

void MyClass::Callback(MyClass* instance, int x)
    cout << " MyClass::Callback(MyClass* instance, int x) ==> " 
         << 6 + x + instance->private_x << endl;

void OtherClass::Callback(OtherClass* instance, std::string private_str)
    cout << " OtherClass::Callback(OtherClass* instance, std::string private_str) ==> " 
         << " Hello " << instance->private_str << endl;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    EventHandler* handler;
    handler = new EventHandler();
    MyClass* myClass = new MyClass();
    OtherClass* myOtherClass = new OtherClass();

Superscript in markdown (Github flavored)?

<sup> and <sub> tags work and are your only good solution for arbitrary text. Other solutions include:


If the superscript (or subscript) you need is of a mathematical nature, Unicode may well have you covered.

I've compiled a list of all the Unicode super and subscript characters I could identify in this gist. Some of the more common/useful ones are:


People also often reach for <sup> and <sub> tags in an attempt to render specific symbols like these:

  • TRADE MARK SIGN (U+2122)
  • ? SERVICE MARK (U+2120)

Assuming your editor supports Unicode, you can copy and paste the characters above directly into your document.

Alternatively, you could use the hex values above in an HTML character escape. Eg, &#x00B2; instead of ². This works with GitHub (and should work anywhere else your Markdown is rendered to HTML) but is less readable when presented as raw text/Markdown.


If your requirements are especially unusual, you can always just inline an image. The GitHub supported syntax is:

![Alt text goes here, if you'd like](path/to/image.png) 

You can use a full path (eg. starting with https:// or http://) but it's often easier to use a relative path, which will load the image from the repo, relative to the Markdown document.

If you happen to know LaTeX (or want to learn it) you could do just about any text manipulation imaginable and render it to an image. Sites like Quicklatex make this quite easy.

When to use Spring Security`s antMatcher()?

Basically http.antMatcher() tells Spring to only configure HttpSecurity if the path matches this pattern.

Loop through list with both content and index

Like everyone else:

for i, val in enumerate(data):
    print i, val

but also

for i, val in enumerate(data, 1):
    print i, val

In other words, you can specify as starting value for the index/count generated by enumerate() which comes in handy if you don't want your index to start with the default value of zero.

I was printing out lines in a file the other day and specified the starting value as 1 for enumerate(), which made more sense than 0 when displaying information about a specific line to the user.

Explaining Python's '__enter__' and '__exit__'

This is called context manager and I just want to add that similar approaches exist for other programming languages. Comparing them could be helpful in understanding the context manager in python. Basically, a context manager is used when we are dealing with some resources (file, network, database) that need to be initialized and at some point, tear downed (disposed). In Java 7 and above we have automatic resource management that takes the form of:

//Java code
try (Session session = new Session())
  // do stuff

Note that Session needs to implement AutoClosable or one of its (many) sub-interfaces.

In C#, we have using statements for managing resources that takes the form of:

//C# code
using(Session session = new Session())
  ... do stuff.

In which Session should implement IDisposable.

In python, the class that we use should implement __enter__ and __exit__. So it takes the form of:

#Python code
with Session() as session:
    #do stuff

And as others pointed out, you can always use try/finally statement in all the languages to implement the same mechanism. This is just syntactic sugar.

How can I count the number of children?

You can do this using jQuery:

This method gets a list of its children then counts the length of that list, as simple as that.


The find() method traverses DOM downwards along descendants, all the way down to the last descendant.

Note: children() method traverses a single level down the DOM tree.

Select from where field not equal to Mysql Php

$sqlquery = "SELECT field1, field2 FROM table WHERE columnA <> 'x' AND columbB <> 'y'";

I'd suggest using the diamond operator (<>) in favor of != as the first one is valid SQL and the second one is a MySQL addition.

HTML Form: Select-Option vs Datalist-Option

Think of it as the difference between a requirement and a suggestion. For the select element, the user is required to select one of the options you've given. For the datalist element, it is suggested that the user select one of the options you've given, but he can actually enter anything he wants in the input.

Edit 1: So which one you use depends upon your requirements. If the user must enter one of your choices, use the select element. If the use can enter whatever, use the datalist element.

Edit 2: Found this tidbit in the HTML Living Standard: "Each option element that is a descendant of the datalist element...represents a suggestion."

Get HTML code using JavaScript with a URL

Use jQuery:

$.ajax({ url: 'your-url', success: function(data) { alert(data); } });

This data is your HTML.

Without jQuery (just JavaScript):

function makeHttpObject() {
  try {return new XMLHttpRequest();}
  catch (error) {}
  try {return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");}
  catch (error) {}
  try {return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");}
  catch (error) {}

  throw new Error("Could not create HTTP request object.");

var request = makeHttpObject();"GET", "your_url", true);
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
  if (request.readyState == 4)

How do I pass multiple parameters in Objective-C?

The text before each parameter is part of the method name. From your example, the name of the method is actually


Each : represents an argument. In a method call, the method name is split at the :s and arguments appear after the :s. e.g.

[getBusStops: arg1 forTime: arg2]

How do I exit a while loop in Java?

Use break:

while (true) {
    if (obj == null) {

However, if your code looks exactly like you have specified you can use a normal while loop and change the condition to obj != null:

while (obj != null) {

Git: How to find a deleted file in the project commit history?

@Amber gave correct answer! Just one more addition, if you do not know the exact path of the file you can use wildcards! This worked for me.

git log --all -- **/thefile.*

How to schedule a function to run every hour on Flask?

I'm a little bit new with the concept of application schedulers, but what I found here for APScheduler v3.3.1 , it's something a little bit different. I believe that for the newest versions, the package structure, class names, etc., have changed, so I'm putting here a fresh solution which I made recently, integrated with a basic Flask application:

""" Demonstrating Flask, using APScheduler. """

from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
from flask import Flask

def sensor():
    """ Function for test purposes. """
    print("Scheduler is alive!")

sched = BackgroundScheduler(daemon=True)

app = Flask(__name__)

def home():
    """ Function for test purposes. """
    return "Welcome Home :) !"

if __name__ == "__main__":

I'm also leaving this Gist here, if anyone have interest on updates for this example.

Here are some references, for future readings:

Why does Java's hashCode() in String use 31 as a multiplier?

In latest version of JDK, 31 is still used.

The purpose of hash string is

  • unique (Let see operator ^ in hashcode calculation document, it help unique)
  • cheap cost for calculating

31 is max value can put in 8 bit (= 1 byte) register, is largest prime number can put in 1 byte register, is odd number.

Multiply 31 is <<5 then subtract itself, therefore need cheap resources.

Adding a simple spacer to twitter bootstrap

My approach. Tricky, but works well for me


How to redirect to another page using PHP

You could use ob_start(); before you send any output. This will tell to PHP to keep all the output in a buffer until the script execution ends, so you still can change the header.

Usually I don't use output buffering, for simple projects I keep all the logic on the first part of my script, then I output all HTML.

Print specific part of webpage

As answered here:, you can add the specific section to a hidden frame with Javascript, focus it, and print it.

Load external css file like scripts in jquery which is compatible in ie also

    //load css first, then print <link> to header, and execute callback
    //just set var href above this..
          url: href,
          dataType: 'css',
          success: function(){                  
                $('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+href+'" />').appendTo("head");
                //your callback

For Jquery 1.2.6 and above ( omitting the fancy attributes functions above ).

I am doing it this way because I think that this will ensure that your requested stylesheet is loaded by ajax before you try to stick it into the head. Therefore, the callback is executed after the stylesheet is ready.

How to supply value to an annotation from a Constant java

Does someone know how I can use a String constant or String[] constant to supply value to an annotation?

Unfortunately, you can't do this with arrays. With non-array variables, the value must be final static.

How can I remove a pytz timezone from a datetime object?

To remove a timezone (tzinfo) from a datetime object:

# dt_tz is a datetime.datetime object
dt = dt_tz.replace(tzinfo=None)

If you are using a library like arrow, then you can remove timezone by simply converting an arrow object to to a datetime object, then doing the same thing as the example above.

# <Arrow [2014-10-09T10:56:09.347444-07:00]>
arrowObj = arrow.get('2014-10-09T10:56:09.347444-07:00')

# datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 10, 56, 9, 347444, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, -25200))
tmpDatetime = arrowObj.datetime

# datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 10, 56, 9, 347444)
tmpDatetime = tmpDatetime.replace(tzinfo=None)

Why would you do this? One example is that mysql does not support timezones with its DATETIME type. So using ORM's like sqlalchemy will simply remove the timezone when you give it a datetime.datetime object to insert into the database. The solution is to convert your datetime.datetime object to UTC (so everything in your database is UTC since it can't specify timezone) then either insert it into the database (where the timezone is removed anyway) or remove it yourself. Also note that you cannot compare datetime.datetime objects where one is timezone aware and another is timezone naive.

# MySQL example! where MySQL doesn't support timezones with its DATETIME type!

arrowObj = arrow.get('2014-10-09T10:56:09.347444-07:00')

arrowDt ="utc").datetime

# inserts datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 17, 56, 9, 347444, tzinfo=tzutc())

# returns datetime.datetime(2014, 10, 9, 17, 56, 9, 347444)
dbDatetimeNoTz = getFromMysqlDatabase()

# cannot compare timzeone aware and timezone naive
dbDatetimeNoTz == arrowDt # False, or TypeError on python versions before 3.3

# compare datetimes that are both aware or both naive work however
dbDatetimeNoTz == arrowDt.replace(tzinfo=None) # True

Android: How to change CheckBox size?

I use

android:scaleX="0.70" android:scaleY="0.70"

to ajust the size of checkbox

then I set margins like this


to adjust ths location of the checkbox.

How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary?

Here is a working solution for all EditTextPreferences inside of a PreferenceFragment based on @tdeveaux answer:

public class SettingsFragment extends PreferenceFragment implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener {
    private static final String TAG = "SettingsFragment";

    public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public void onResume () {

        for (int i = 0; i < getPreferenceScreen().getPreferenceCount(); ++i) {
            Preference preference = getPreferenceScreen().getPreference(i);

    public void onSharedPreferenceChanged (SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) {

    private void updatePreference (Preference preference) {
        if (preference instanceof EditTextPreference) {
            EditTextPreference editTextPreference = (EditTextPreference)preference;

Rebasing remote branches in Git

You can disable the check (if you're really sure you know what you're doing) by using the --force option to git push.

How to get the current time in milliseconds from C in Linux?

C11 timespec_get

It returns up to nanoseconds, rounded to the resolution of the implementation.

It is already implemented in Ubuntu 15.10. API looks the same as the POSIX clock_gettime.

#include <time.h>
struct timespec ts;
timespec_get(&ts, TIME_UTC);
struct timespec {
    time_t   tv_sec;        /* seconds */
    long     tv_nsec;       /* nanoseconds */

More details here:

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

A bit of encoding can solve this:

Client Side:

message = input("->")
clientSocket.sendto(message.encode('utf-8'), (address, port))

Server Side:

data = s.recv(1024)
modifiedMessage, serverAddress = clientSocket.recvfrom(message.decode('utf-8'))

How can I specify system properties in Tomcat configuration on startup?

Generally you shouldn't rely on system properties to configure a webapp - they may be used to configure the container (e.g. Tomcat) but not an application running inside tomcat.

cliff.meyers has already mentioned the way you should rather use for your webapplication. That's the standard way, that also fits your question of being configurable through context.xml or server.xml means.

That said, should you really need system properties or other jvm options (like max memory settings) in tomcat, you should create a file named "bin/" or "bin/setenv.bat". These files do not exist in the standard archive that you download, but if they are present, the content is executed during startup (if you start tomcat via This is a nice way to separate your own settings from the standard tomcat settings and makes updates so much easier. No need to tweak or

(If you execute tomcat as windows servive, you usually use tomcat5w.exe, tomcat6w.exe etc. to configure the registry settings for the service.)

EDIT: Also, another possibility is to go for JNDI Resources.

Data truncation: Data too long for column 'logo' at row 1

Following solution worked for me. When connecting to the db, specify that data should be truncated if they are too long (jdbcCompliantTruncation). My link looks like this:


If you increase the size of the strings, you may face the same problem in future if the string you are attempting to store into the DB is longer than the new size.

EDIT: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES has to be removed from sql_mode as well.

Local storage in Angular 2

The syntax of set item is


The syntax of get item is


An example of this is:

localStorage.setItem('email','[email protected]');
    let mail = localStorage.getItem("email");
       console.log('your email id is', mail);

convert iso date to milliseconds in javascript

In case if anyone wants to grab only the Time from a ISO Date, following will be helpful. I was searching for that and I couldn't find a question for it. So in case some one sees will be helpful.

let isoDate = '2020-09-28T15:27:15+05:30';
let result = isoDate.match(/\d\d:\d\d/);

The output will be the only the time from isoDate which is,


How to add/subtract time (hours, minutes, etc.) from a Pandas DataFrame.Index whos objects are of type datetime.time?

Liam's link looks great, but also check out pandas.Timedelta - looks like it plays nicely with NumPy's and Python's time deltas.

pd.date_range('2014-01-01', periods=10) + pd.Timedelta(days=1)

html5 - canvas element - Multiple layers

I was having this same problem too, I while multiple canvas elements with position:absolute does the job, if you want to save the output into an image, that's not going to work.

So I went ahead and did a simple layering "system" to code as if each layer had its own code, but it all gets rendered into the same element.

I intend to add extra capabilities, but for now it will do.

You can do multiple functions and call them in order to "fake" layers.

Sass - Converting Hex to RGBa for background opacity

SASS has a built-in rgba() function to evaluate values.

rgba($color, $alpha)


rgba(#00aaff, 0.5) => rgba(0, 170, 255, 0.5)

An example using your own variables:

$my-color: #00aaff;
$my-opacity: 0.5;

.my-element {
  color: rgba($my-color, $my-opacity);


.my-element {
  color: rgba(0, 170, 255, 0.5);

How to write MySQL query where A contains ( "a" or "b" )

Two options:

  1. Use the LIKE keyword, along with percent signs in the string

    select * from table where field like '%a%' or field like '%b%'.

    (note: If your search string contains percent signs, you'll need to escape them)

  2. If you're looking for more a complex combination of strings than you've specified in your example, you could regular expressions (regex):

    See the MySQL manual for more on how to use them:

Of these, using LIKE is the most usual solution -- it's standard SQL, and in common use. Regex is less commonly used but much more powerful.

Note that whichever option you go with, you need to be aware of possible performance implications. Searching for sub-strings like this will mean that the query will have to scan the entire table. If you have a large table, this could make for a very slow query, and no amount of indexing is going to help.

If this is an issue for you, and you'r going to need to search for the same things over and over, you may prefer to do something like adding a flag field to the table which specifies that the string field contains the relevant sub-strings. If you keep this flag field up-to-date when you insert of update a record, you could simply query the flag when you want to search. This can be indexed, and would make your query much much quicker. Whether it's worth the effort to do that is up to you, it'll depend on how bad the performance is using LIKE.

Change form size at runtime in C#

Something like this works fine for me:

public partial class Form1 : Form
    Form mainFormHandler;

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){
    mainFormHandler = Application.OpenForms[0];
   //or instead use this one:
   //mainFormHandler = Application.OpenForms["Form1"];

Then you can change the size as below:

mainFormHandler.Width = 600;
mainFormHandler.Height= 400;


mainFormHandler.Size = new Size(600, 400);

Another useful point is that if you want to change the size of mainForm from another Form, you can simply use Property to set the size.

How can I convert tabs to spaces in every file of a directory?

You can use the generally available pr command (man page here). For example, to convert tabs to four spaces, do this:

pr -t -e=4 file > file.expanded
  • -t suppresses headers
  • -e=num expands tabs to num spaces

To convert all files in a directory tree recursively, while skipping binary files:

shopt -s globstar nullglob
for f in **/*; do
  [[ -f "$f" ]]   || continue # skip if not a regular file
  ! grep -qI "$f" && continue # skip binary files
  pr -t -e=$num "$f" > "$f.expanded.$$" && mv "$f.expanded.$$" "$f"

The logic for skipping binary files is from this post.


  1. Doing this could be dangerous in a git or svn repo
  2. This is not the right solution if you have code files that have tabs embedded in string literals

How can I select records ONLY from yesterday?



Reference: TRUNC

Calling a function on the tran_date means the optimizer won't be able to use an index (assuming one exists) associated with it. Some databases, such as Oracle, support function based indexes which allow for performing functions on the data to minimize impact in such situations, but IME DBAs won't allow these. And I agree - they aren't really necessary in this instance.

What does the "@" symbol do in Powershell?

While the above responses provide most of the answer it is useful--even this late to the question--to provide the full answer, to wit:

Array sub-expression (see about_arrays)

Forces the value to be an array, even if a singleton or a null, e.g. $a = @(ps | where name -like 'foo')

Hash initializer (see about_hash_tables)

Initializes a hash table with key-value pairs, e.g. $HashArguments = @{ Path = "test.txt"; Destination = "test2.txt"; WhatIf = $true }

Splatting (see about_splatting)

Let's you invoke a cmdlet with parameters from an array or a hash-table rather than the more customary individually enumerated parameters, e.g. using the hash table just above, Copy-Item @HashArguments

Here strings (see about_quoting_rules)

Let's you create strings with easily embedded quotes, typically used for multi-line strings, e.g.:

$data = @"
line one
line two
something "quoted" here

Because this type of question (what does 'x' notation mean in PowerShell?) is so common here on StackOverflow as well as in many reader comments, I put together a lexicon of PowerShell punctuation, just published on Read all about @ as well as % and # and $_ and ? and more at The Complete Guide to PowerShell Punctuation. Attached to the article is this wallchart that gives you everything on a single sheet: enter image description here

Difference between "module.exports" and "exports" in the CommonJs Module System

As all answers posted above are well explained, I want to add something which I faced today.

When you export something using exports then you have to use it with variable. Like,


exports.a = 5;

In another file


const A = require("./File1.js");

and using module.exports


module.exports.a = 5;

In File2.js

const A = require("./File1.js");

and default module.exports


module.exports = 5;

in File2.js

const A = require("./File2.js");

android: data binding error: cannot find symbol class


Your layout name is in snake_case.


Then your binding class name will be in CamelCase.

Also build project after creating layout. Sometimes it is not generated automatically.

Route [login] not defined

In case of API , or let say while implementing JWT . JWT middleware throws this exception when it couldn't find the token and will try to redirect to the log in route. Since it couldn't find any log in route specified it throws this exception . You can change the route in "app\Exceptions\Handler.php"

use Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException;

protected function unauthenticated($request, AuthenticationException $exception){
        return $request->expectsJson()
             ? response()->json(['message' => $exception->getMessage()], 401)
            : redirect()->guest(route('ROUTENAME'));

#1146 - Table 'phpmyadmin.pma_recent' doesn't exist


sudo dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin

in your unix/linux/Mac console

How to do sed like text replace with python?

Here's a one-module Python replacement for perl -p:

# Provide compatibility with `perl -p`

# Usage:
#     python -mloop_over_stdin_lines '<program>'

# In, `<program>`, use the variable `line` to read and change the current line.

# Example:
#         python -mloop_over_stdin_lines 'line = re.sub("pattern", "replacement", line)'

# From the perlrun documentation:
#        -p   causes Perl to assume the following loop around your
#             program, which makes it iterate over filename arguments
#             somewhat like sed:
#               LINE:
#                 while (<>) {
#                     ...             # your program goes here
#                 } continue {
#                     print or die "-p destination: $!\n";
#                 }
#             If a file named by an argument cannot be opened for some
#             reason, Perl warns you about it, and moves on to the next
#             file. Note that the lines are printed automatically. An
#             error occurring during printing is treated as fatal. To
#             suppress printing use the -n switch. A -p overrides a -n
#             switch.
#             "BEGIN" and "END" blocks may be used to capture control
#             before or after the implicit loop, just as in awk.

import re
import sys

for line in sys.stdin:
    exec(sys.argv[1], globals(), locals())
        print line,
        sys.exit('-p destination: $!\n')

How to run a script file remotely using SSH

Backticks will run the command on the local shell and put the results on the command line. What you're saying is 'execute ./test/ and then pass the output as if I'd typed it on the commandline here'.

Try the following command, and make sure that thats the path from your home directory on the remote computer to your script.

ssh kev@server1 './test/'

Also, the script has to be on the remote computer. What this does is essentially log you into the remote computer with the listed command as your shell. You can't run a local script on a remote computer like this (unless theres some fun trick I don't know).

Getting HTTP headers with Node.js

Using the excellent request module:

var request = require('request');
  request("", {method: 'HEAD'}, function (err, res, body){

You can change the method to GET if you wish, but using HEAD will save you from getting the entire response body if you only wish to look at the headers.

How to get a path to a resource in a Java JAR file

private static final String FILE_LOCATION = "com/input/file/somefile.txt";

//Method Body

InputStream invalidCharacterInputStream = URLClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(FILE_LOCATION);

Getting this from getSystemResourceAsStream is the best option. By getting the inputstream rather than the file or the URL, works in a JAR file and as stand alone.

Circle line-segment collision detection algorithm?

If the line's coordinates are A.x, A.y and B.x, B.y and the circles center is C.x, C.y then the lines formulae are:

x = A.x * t + B.x * (1 - t)

y = A.y * t + B.y * (1 - t)

where 0<=t<=1

and the circle is

(C.x - x)^2 + (C.y - y)^2 = R^2

if you substitute x and y formulae of the line into the circles formula you get a second order equation of t and its solutions are the intersection points (if there are any). If you get a t which is smaller than 0 or greater than 1 then its not a solution but it shows that the line is 'pointing' to the direction of the circle.

PostgreSQL: Which version of PostgreSQL am I running?

If you have shell access to the server (the question mentions op does not have, but in case you have,) on a debian/ubuntu system

sudo apt-cache policy postgresql

which will output the installed version,

  Installed: 9.6+184ubuntu1.1
  Candidate: 9.6+184ubuntu1.1
  Version table:
 *** 9.6+184ubuntu1.1 500
        500 artful-updates/main amd64 Packages
        500 artful-updates/main i386 Packages
        500 artful-security/main amd64 Packages
        500 artful-security/main i386 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     9.6+184ubuntu1 500
        500 artful/main amd64 Packages
        500 artful/main i386 Packages

where the Installed: <version> is the installed postgres package version.

Android Open External Storage directory(sdcard) for storing file

I had been having the exact same problem!

To get the internal SD card you can use

String extStore = System.getenv("EXTERNAL_STORAGE");
File f_exts = new File(extStore);

To get the external SD card you can use

String secStore = System.getenv("SECONDARY_STORAGE");
File f_secs = new File(secStore);

On running the code

 extStore = "/storage/emulated/legacy"
 secStore = "/storage/extSdCarcd"

works perfectly!

Converting ArrayList to Array in java

We can convert ararylist to array using 3 mrthod

  1. public Object[] toArray() - it will return array of object

    Object[] array = list.toArray();

  2. public T[] toArray(T[] a) - In this way we will create array and toArray Take it as argument then return it

       String[] arr = new String[list.size()]; 
        arr = list.toArray(arr);
  3. Public get() method;

    Iterate ararylist and one by one add element in array.

For more details for these method Visit Java Vogue

Creating and returning Observable from Angular 2 Service

UPDATE: 9/24/16 Angular 2.0 Stable

This question gets a lot of traffic still, so, I wanted to update it. With the insanity of changes from Alpha, Beta, and 7 RC candidates, I stopped updating my SO answers until they went stable.

This is the perfect case for using Subjects and ReplaySubjects

I personally prefer to use ReplaySubject(1) as it allows the last stored value to be passed when new subscribers attach even when late:

let project = new ReplaySubject(1);

project.subscribe(result => console.log('Subscription Streaming:', result));

http.get('path/to/whatever/projects/1234').subscribe(result => {
    //push onto subject;

    //add delayed subscription AFTER loaded
    setTimeout(()=> project.subscribe(result => console.log('Delayed Stream:', result)), 3000);

//Subscription Streaming: 1234
//*After load and delay*
//Delayed Stream: 1234

So even if I attach late or need to load later I can always get the latest call and not worry about missing the callback.

This also lets you use the same stream to push down onto:;
//Subscription Streaming: 5678

But what if you are 100% sure, that you only need to do the call once? Leaving open subjects and observables isn't good but there's always that "What If?"

That's where AsyncSubject comes in.

let project = new AsyncSubject();

project.subscribe(result => console.log('Subscription Streaming:', result),
                  err => console.log(err),
                  () => console.log('Completed'));

http.get('path/to/whatever/projects/1234').subscribe(result => {
    //push onto subject and complete;

    //add a subscription even though completed
    setTimeout(() => project.subscribe(project => console.log('Delayed Sub:', project)), 2000);

//Subscription Streaming: 1234
//*After delay and completed*
//Delayed Sub: 1234

Awesome! Even though we closed the subject it still replied with the last thing it loaded.

Another thing is how we subscribed to that http call and handled the response. Map is great to process the response.

public call = http.get(whatever).map(res => res.json())

But what if we needed to nest those calls? Yes you could use subjects with a special function:

getThing() {
    resultSubject = new ReplaySubject(1);

    http.get('path').subscribe(result1 => {
        http.get('other/path/' + result1).get.subscribe(response2 => {
            http.get('another/' + response2).subscribe(res3 =>
    return resultSubject;
var myThing = getThing();

But that's a lot and means you need a function to do it. Enter FlatMap:

var myThing = http.get('path').flatMap(result1 => 
                    http.get('other/' + result1).flatMap(response2 => 
                        http.get('another/' + response2)));

Sweet, the var is an observable that gets the data from the final http call.

OK thats great but I want an angular2 service!

I got you:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Http, Response } from '@angular/http';
import { ReplaySubject } from 'rxjs';

export class ProjectService {

  public activeProject:ReplaySubject<any> = new ReplaySubject(1);

  constructor(private http: Http) {}

  //load the project
  public load(projectId) {
    console.log('Loading Project:' + projectId,;
    this.http.get('/projects/' + projectId).subscribe(res =>;
    return this.activeProject;



    selector: 'nav',
    template: `<div>{{project?.name}}<a (click)="load('1234')">Load 1234</a></div>`
 export class navComponent implements OnInit {
    public project:any;

    constructor(private projectService:ProjectService) {}

    ngOnInit() {
        this.projectService.activeProject.subscribe(active => this.project = active);

    public load(projectId:string) {


I'm a big fan of observers and observables so I hope this update helps!

Original Answer

I think this is a use case of using a Observable Subject or in Angular2 the EventEmitter.

In your service you create a EventEmitter that allows you to push values onto it. In Alpha 45 you have to convert it with toRx(), but I know they were working to get rid of that, so in Alpha 46 you may be able to simply return the EvenEmitter.

class EventService {
  _emitter: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter();
  rxEmitter: any;
  constructor() {
    this.rxEmitter = this._emitter.toRx();

This way has the single EventEmitter that your different service functions can now push onto.

If you wanted to return an observable directly from a call you could do something like this:

myHttpCall(path) {
    return Observable.create(observer => {
        http.get(path).map(res => res.json()).subscribe((result) => {
            //do something with result. 
            var newResultArray = mySpecialArrayFunction(result);
            //call complete if you want to close this stream (like a promise)

That would allow you do this in the component: peopleService.myHttpCall('path').subscribe(people => this.people = people);

And mess with the results from the call in your service.

I like creating the EventEmitter stream on its own in case I need to get access to it from other components, but I could see both ways working...

Here's a plunker that shows a basic service with an event emitter: Plunkr

How to pass in a react component into another react component to transclude the first component's content?

const ParentComponent = (props) => {
    //...additional JSX...

//import component
import MyComponent from //...where ever

//place in var
const myComponent = <MyComponent />

//pass as prop
<ParentComponent childComponent={myComponent} />

Default keystore file does not exist?

For Mac Users: The debug.keystore file exists in ~/.android directory. Sometimes, due to the relative path, the above mentioned error keeps on popping up.

Importing large sql file to MySql via command line

Importing large sql file to MySql via command line

  1. first download file .
  2. paste file on home.
  3. use following command in your terminals(CMD)
  4. Syntax: mysql -u username -p databsename < file.sql

Example: mysql -u root -p aanew < aanew.sql

How to use JavaScript to change the form action

I wanted to use JavaScript to change a form's action, so I could have different submit inputs within the same form linking to different pages.

I also had the added complication of using Apache rewrite to change into I found that changing the form's action caused (with no page parameter) to be rendered, even though the expected URL ( was displayed in the address bar.

To get around this, I used JavaScript to insert a hidden field to set the page parameter. I still changed the form's action, just so the address bar displayed the correct URL.

function setAction (element, page)
    /* Insert a hidden input into the form to set the page as a parameter.
    var input = document.createElement("input");

    /* Change the form's action. This doesn't chage which page is displayed,
     * it just make the URL look right.
    element.form.action = '/' + page;

In the form:

<input type="submit" onclick='setAction(this,"my-page")' value="Click Me!" />

Here are my Apache rewrite rules:

RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/$1&%{QUERY_STRING}

I'd be interested in any explanation as to why just setting the action didn't work.

How do I clear this setInterval inside a function?


How often should Oracle database statistics be run?

At my last job we ran statistics once a week. If I remember correctly, we scheduled them on a Thursday night, and on Friday the DBAs were very careful to monitor the longest running queries for anything unexpected. (Friday was picked because it was often just after a code release, and tended to be a fairly low traffic day.) When they saw a bad query they would find a better query plan and save that one so it wouldn't change again unexpectedly. (Oracle has tools to do this for you automatically, you tell it the query to optimize and it does.)

Many organizations avoid running statistics out of fear of bad query plans popping up unexpectedly. But this usually means that their query plans get worse and worse over time. And when they do run statistics then they encounter a number of problems. The resulting scramble to fix those issues confirms their fears about the dangers of running statistics. But if they ran statistics regularly, used the monitoring tools as they are supposed to, and fixed issues as they came up then they would have fewer headaches, and they wouldn't encounter them all at once.

Utils to read resource text file to String (Java)

The following cods work for me:

compile group: 'commons-io', name: 'commons-io', version: '2.6'

private Resource mockResponse;

String mockContent = FileUtils.readFileToString(mockResponse.getFile(), "UTF-8");

Date Difference in php on days?

strtotime will convert your date string to a unix time stamp. (seconds since the unix epoch.

$ts1 = strtotime($date1);
$ts2 = strtotime($date2);

$seconds_diff = $ts2 - $ts1;

C# Parsing JSON array of objects

string jsonData1=@"[{""name"":""0"",""price"":""40"",""count"":""1"",""productId"":""4"",""catid"":""4"",""productTotal"":""40"",""orderstatus"":""0"",""orderkey"":""123456789""}]";

                  string jsonData = jsonData1.Replace("\"", "");

                  DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                  DataTable dt = new DataTable();
       JArray array= JArray.Parse(jsonData);

couldnot parse , if the vaule is a string..

look at name : meals , if name : 1 then it will parse

How to align matching values in two columns in Excel, and bring along associated values in other columns

assuming the item numbers are unique, a VLOOKUP should get you the information you need.

first value would be =VLOOKUP(E1,A:B,2,FALSE), and the same type of formula to retrieve the second value would be =VLOOKUP(E1,C:D,2,FALSE). Wrap them in an IFERROR if you want to return anything other than #N/A if there is no corresponding value in the item column(s)

Can't find android device using "adb devices" command

If you're struggling with such an issue using Lollipop (Android 5.*) probably you guys should do one simple step that I'd done before my ADB (I use Ubuntu) got my phone:

Change USB PC connection type to "Send images(PTP)" (before I've been using "Media device(MTP)")

Just like this:


And don't forget to activate checkbox "USB debugging".

How to redirect 404 errors to a page in ExpressJS?

There are some cases where 404 page cannot be written to be executed as the last route, especially if you have an asynchronous routing function that brings in a /route late to the party. The pattern below might be adopted in those cases.

var express = require(""),
    app = express(),
    router = express.Router();

router.get("/hello", function (req, res) {
    res.send("Hello World");

// Router is up here.

app.use(function(req, res) {
    res.send("Crime Scene 404. Do not repeat");

router.get("/late", function (req, res) {
    res.send("Its OK to come late");

app.listen(8080, function (){

sort files by date in PHP

You need to put the files into an array in order to sort and find the last modified file.

$files = array();
if ($handle = opendir('.')) {
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
        if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
           $files[filemtime($file)] = $file;

    // sort
    // find the last modification
    $reallyLastModified = end($files);

    foreach($files as $file) {
        $lastModified = date('F d Y, H:i:s',filemtime($file));
        if(strlen($file)-strpos($file,".swf")== 4){
           if ($file == $reallyLastModified) {
             // do stuff for the real last modified file
           echo "<tr><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"box[]\"></td><td><a href=\"$file\" target=\"_blank\">$file</a></td><td>$lastModified</td></tr>";

Not tested, but that's how to do it.

How to remove/delete a large file from commit history in Git repository?

You can do this using the branch filter command:

git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm -rf path/to/your/file' HEAD

How to split a string into a list?

Split the words without without harming apostrophes inside words Please find the input_1 and input_2 Moore's law

def split_into_words(line):
    import re
    word_regex_improved = r"(\w[\w']*\w|\w)"
    word_matcher = re.compile(word_regex_improved)
    return word_matcher.findall(line)

#Example 1

input_1 = "computational power (see Moore's law) and "

# output 
['computational', 'power', 'see', "Moore's", 'law', 'and']

#Example 2

input_2 = """Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: 'we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."""


Rails - passing parameters in link_to

First of all, link_to is a html tag helper, its second argument is the url, followed by html_options. What you would like is to pass account_id as a url parameter to the path. If you have set up named routes correctly in routes.rb, you can use path helpers.

link_to "+ Service", new_my_service_path(:account_id =>

I think the best practice is to pass model values as a param nested within :

link_to "+ Service", new_my_service_path(:my_service => { :account_id => })

# my_services_controller.rb
def new
  @my_service =[:my_service])

And you need to control that account_id is allowed for 'mass assignment'. In rails 3 you can use powerful controls to filter valid params within the controller where it belongs. I highly recommend.

Also note that if account_id is not freely set by the user (e.g., a user can only submit a service for the own single account_id, then it is better practice not to send it via the request, but set it within the controller by adding something like:

@my_service.account_id = current_user.account_id 

You can surely combine the two if you only allow users to create service on their own account, but allow admin to create anyone's by using roles in attr_accessible.

hope this helps

HTML to PDF with Node.js

For those who don't want to install PhantomJS along with an instance of Chrome/Firefox on their server - or because the PhantomJS project is currently suspended, here's an alternative.

You can externalize the conversions to APIs to do the job. Many exists and varies but what you'll get is a reliable service with up-to-date features (I'm thinking CSS3, Web fonts, SVG, Canvas compatible).

For instance, with PDFShift (disclaimer, I'm the founder), you can do this simply by using the request package:

const request = require('request')
        'auth': {'user': 'your_api_key'},
        'json': {'source': ''},
        'encoding': null
    (error, response, body) => {
        if (response === undefined) {
            return reject({'message': 'Invalid response from the server.', 'code': 0, 'response': response})
        if (response.statusCode == 200) {
            // Do what you want with `body`, that contains the binary PDF
            // Like returning it to the client - or saving it as a file locally or on AWS S3
            return True

        // Handle any errors that might have occured

How to connect to SQL Server database from JavaScript in the browser?

You shouldn´t use client javascript to access databases for several reasons (bad practice, security issues, etc) but if you really want to do this, here is an example:

var connection = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Connection") ;

var connectionstring="Data Source=<server>;Initial Catalog=<catalog>;User ID=<user>;Password=<password>;Provider=SQLOLEDB";

var rs = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Recordset");

rs.Open("SELECT * FROM table", connection);


A better way to connect to a sql server would be to use some server side language like PHP, Java, .NET, among others. Client javascript should be used only for the interfaces.

And there are rumors of an ancient legend about the existence of server javascript, but this is another story. ;)

What is the difference between single and double quotes in SQL?

The difference lies in their usage. The single quotes are mostly used to refer a string in WHERE, HAVING and also in some built-in SQL functions like CONCAT, STRPOS, POSITION etc.

When you want to use an alias that has space in between then you can use double quotes to refer to that alias.

For example

(select account_id,count(*) "count of" from orders group by 1)sub 

Here is a subquery from an orders table having account_id as Foreign key that I am aggregating to know how many orders each account placed. Here I have given one column any random name as "count of" for sake of purpose.

Now let's write an outer query to display the rows where "count of" is greater than 20.

select "count of" from 
(select account_id,count(*) "count of" from orders group by 1)sub where "count of" >20;

You can apply the same case to Common Table expressions also.

Redirect with CodeIgniter

Here is .htacess file that hide index file

#RewriteEngine on
#RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|robots\.txt)
#RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L]

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
        RewriteEngine On
        RewriteBase /

        # Removes index.php from ExpressionEngine URLs
        RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET.*index\.php [NC]
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/system/.* [NC]
        RewriteRule (.*?)index\.php/*(.*) /$1$2 [R=301,NE,L]

        # Directs all EE web requests through the site index file
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
        RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]

Convert Base64 string to an image file?

$datetime = date("Y-m-d h:i:s");
$timestamp = strtotime($datetime);
$image = $_POST['image'];
$imgdata = base64_decode($image);
$f = finfo_open();
$mime_type = finfo_buffer($f, $imgdata, FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$path = "uploads/$timestamp.$temp[1]";
echo "Successfully Uploaded->>> $timestamp.$temp[1]";

This will be enough for image processing. Special thanks to Mr. Dev Karan Sharma

How do I escape special characters in MySQL?

For strings like that, for me the most comfortable way to do it is doubling the ' or ", as explained in the MySQL manual:

There are several ways to include quote characters within a string:

A “'” inside a string quoted with “'” may be written as “''”.

A “"” inside a string quoted with “"” may be written as “""”.

Precede the quote character by an escape character (“\”).

A “'” inside a string quoted with “"” needs no special treatment and need not be doubled or escaped. In the same way, “"” inside a

Strings quoted with “'” need no special treatment.

It is from

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS on default virtual host without ServerName

Both works fine. But according to the Apache docs you should avoid using mod_rewrite for simple redirections, and use Redirect instead. So according to them, you should preferably do:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    Redirect /

<VirtualHost *:443>
    # ... SSL configuration goes here

The first / after Redirect is the url, the second part is where it should be redirected.

You can also use it to redirect URLs to a subdomain: Redirect /one/

How do I get the list of keys in a Dictionary?

Marc Gravell's answer should work for you. myDictionary.Keys returns an object that implements ICollection<TKey>, IEnumerable<TKey> and their non-generic counterparts.

I just wanted to add that if you plan on accessing the value as well, you could loop through the dictionary like this (modified example):

Dictionary<string, int> data = new Dictionary<string, int>();
data.Add("abc", 123);
data.Add("def", 456);

foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> item in data)
    Console.WriteLine(item.Key + ": " + item.Value);

"register" keyword in C?

On supported C compilers it tries to optimize the code so that variable's value is held in an actual processor register.

Java Regex Replace with Capturing Group

earl's answer gives you the solution, but I thought I'd add what the problem is that's causing your IllegalStateException. You're calling group(1) without having first called a matching operation (such as find()). This isn't needed if you're just using $1 since the replaceAll() is the matching operation.

What is the correct way to write HTML using Javascript?

The document.write method is very limited. You can only use it before the page has finished loading. You can't use it to update the contents of a loaded page.

What you probably want is innerHTML.

Can HTML checkboxes be set to readonly?

I used this to achieve the results:

<input type=checkbox onclick="return false;" onkeydown="return false;" />

Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor error

In my case, it was because of exception inside the constructor of my injected dependency (in your example - inside DashboardRepository constructor). The exception was caught somewhere inside MVC infrastructure. I found this after I added logs in relevant places.

How to get a single value from FormGroup

You can use getRawValue()


download a file from Spring boot rest service

Option 1 using an InputStreamResource

Resource implementation for a given InputStream.

Should only be used if no other specific Resource implementation is > applicable. In particular, prefer ByteArrayResource or any of the file-based Resource implementations where possible.

@RequestMapping(path = "/download", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<Resource> download(String param) throws IOException {

    // ...

    InputStreamResource resource = new InputStreamResource(new FileInputStream(file));

    return ResponseEntity.ok()

Option2 as the documentation of the InputStreamResource suggests - using a ByteArrayResource:

@RequestMapping(path = "/download", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<Resource> download(String param) throws IOException {

    // ...

    Path path = Paths.get(file.getAbsolutePath());
    ByteArrayResource resource = new ByteArrayResource(Files.readAllBytes(path));

    return ResponseEntity.ok()

jQuery remove all list items from an unordered list

$("ul").empty() works fine. Is there some other error?

$('input').click(function() {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="button" value="click me" />

How to encode Doctrine entities to JSON in Symfony 2.0 AJAX application?

When you need to create a lot of REST API endpoints on Symfony, the best way is to use following stack of bundles:

  1. JMSSerializerBundle for the serialization of Doctrine entities
  2. FOSRestBundle bundle for response view listener. Also it can generate definition of routes based on controller/action name.
  3. NelmioApiDocBundle to auto-generate online documentation and Sandbox(which allows to test endpoint without any external tool).

When you configure everything properly, you entity code will look like:

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use JMS\Serializer\Annotation as JMS;

 * @ORM\Table(name="company")
class Company

     * @var string
     * @ORM\Column(name="name", type="string", length=255)
     * @JMS\Expose()
     * @JMS\SerializedName("name")
     * @JMS\Groups({"company_overview"})
    private $name;

     * @var Campaign[]
     * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Campaign", mappedBy="company")
     * @JMS\Expose()
     * @JMS\SerializedName("campaigns")
     * @JMS\Groups({"campaign_overview"})
    private $campaigns;

Then, code in controller:

use Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Annotation\ApiDoc;
use FOS\RestBundle\Controller\Annotations\View;

class CompanyController extends Controller

     * Retrieve all companies
     * @View(serializerGroups={"company_overview"})
     * @ApiDoc()
     * @return Company[]
    public function cgetAction()
        return $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(Company::class)->findAll();

The benefits of such set up are:

  • @JMS\Expose() annotations in entity can be added to simple fields, and to any types of relations. Also there is possibility to expose result of some method execution (use annotation @JMS\VirtualProperty() for that)
  • With serialization groups we can control exposed fields in different situations.
  • Controllers are very simple. Action method can directly return an entity or array of entities, and they will be automatically serialized.
  • And @ApiDoc() allows to test the endpoint directly from browser, without any REST client or JavaScript code

How to modify WooCommerce cart, checkout pages (main theme portion)

You can use the is_cart() conditional tag:

if (! is_cart() ) {
  // Do something.

Spring JSON request getting 406 (not Acceptable)

In the controller, shouldn't the response body annotation be on the return type and not the method, like so :

@RequestMapping(value="/getTemperature/{id}", headers="Accept=*/*", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody Weather getTemparature(@PathVariable("id") Integer id){
    Weather weather = weatherService.getCurrentWeather(id);
        return weather;

I'd also use the raw jquery.ajax function, and make sure contentType and dataType are being set correctly.

On a different note, I find the spring handling of json rather problematic. It was easier when I did it all myself using strings, and GSON.

How to change the color of header bar and address bar in newest Chrome version on Lollipop?

You actually need 3 meta tags to support Android, iPhone and Windows Phone

<!-- Chrome, Firefox OS and Opera -->
<meta name="theme-color" content="#4285f4">
<!-- Windows Phone -->
<meta name="msapplication-navbutton-color" content="#4285f4">
<!-- iOS Safari -->
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="#4285f4">

Positioning background image, adding padding

Updated Answer:

It's been commented multiple times that this is not the correct answer to this question, and I agree. Back when this answer was written, IE 9 was still new (about 8 months old) and many developers including myself needed a solution for <= IE 9. IE 9 is when IE started supporting background-origin. However, it's been over six and a half years, so here's the updated solution which I highly recommend over using an actual border. In case < IE 9 support is needed. My original answer can be found below the demo snippet. It uses an opaque border to simulate padding for background images.

#hello {
  padding-right: 10px;
  background: url("") no-repeat scroll right center #e8e8e8;
  background-origin: content-box;
<p id="hello">I want the background icon to have padding to it too!I want the background icon twant the background icon to have padding to it too!I want the background icon to have padding to it too!I want the background icon to have padding to it too!</p>

Original Answer:

you can fake it with a 10px border of the same color as the background:,html,live

#hello {
   border: 10px solid #e8e8e8;
   background-color: green;
   background: url("")
               no-repeat scroll right center #e8e8e8;

Python syntax for "if a or b or c but not all of them"

This is basically a "some (but not all)" functionality (when contrasted with the any() and all() builtin functions).

This implies that there should be Falses and Trues among the results. Therefore, you can do the following:

some = lambda ii: frozenset(bool(i) for i in ii).issuperset((True, False))

# one way to test this is...
test = lambda iterable: (any(iterable) and (not all(iterable))) # see also

# Some test cases...
assert(some(()) == False)       # all() is true, and any() is false
assert(some((False,)) == False) # any() is false
assert(some((True,)) == False)  # any() and all() are true

assert(some((False,False)) == False)
assert(some((True,True)) == False)
assert(some((True,False)) == True)
assert(some((False,True)) == True)

One advantage of this code is that you only need to iterate once through the resulting (booleans) items.

One disadvantage is that all these truth-expressions are always evaluated, and do not do short-circuiting like the or/and operators.

How to write a multiline command?

After trying almost every key on my keyboard:

C:\Users\Tim>cd ^
Mehr? Desktop


So it seems to be the ^ key.

Difference between signed / unsigned char

The same way how an int can be positive or negative. There is no difference. Actually on many platforms unqualified char is signed.

Best practice for localization and globalization of strings and labels

As far as I know, there's a good library called localeplanet for Localization and Internationalization in JavaScript. Furthermore, I think it's native and has no dependencies to other libraries (e.g. jQuery)

Here's the website of library:

Also look at this article by Mozilla, you can find very good method and algorithms for client-side translation:

The common part of all those articles/libraries is that they use a i18n class and a get method (in some ways also defining an smaller function name like _) for retrieving/converting the key to the value. In my explaining the key means that string you want to translate and the value means translated string.
Then, you just need a JSON document to store key's and value's.

For example:

var _ = document.webL10n.get;

And here the JSON:

{ test: "blah blah" }

I believe using current popular libraries solutions is a good approach.

struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4

The struct module mimics C structures. It takes more CPU cycles for a processor to read a 16-bit word on an odd address or a 32-bit dword on an address not divisible by 4, so structures add "pad bytes" to make structure members fall on natural boundaries. Consider:

struct {                   11
    char a;      012345678901
    short b;     ------------
    char c;      axbbcxxxdddd
    int d;

This structure will occupy 12 bytes of memory (x being pad bytes).

Python works similarly (see the struct documentation):

>>> import struct
>>> struct.pack('BHBL',1,2,3,4)
>>> struct.calcsize('BHBL')

Compilers usually have a way of eliminating padding. In Python, any of =<>! will eliminate padding:

>>> struct.calcsize('=BHBL')
>>> struct.pack('=BHBL',1,2,3,4)

Beware of letting struct handle padding. In C, these structures:

struct A {       struct B {
    short a;         int a;
    char b;          char b;
};               };

are typically 4 and 8 bytes, respectively. The padding occurs at the end of the structure in case the structures are used in an array. This keeps the 'a' members aligned on correct boundaries for structures later in the array. Python's struct module does not pad at the end:

>>> struct.pack('LB',1,2)
>>> struct.pack('LBLB',1,2,3,4)

How to print to console using swift playground?

As of Xcode 7.0.1 println is change to print. Look at the image. there are lot more we can print out. enter image description here

stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document

To handle it, I use the following click method. This will attempt to find and click the element. If the DOM changes between the find and click, it will try again. The idea is that if it failed and I try again immediately the second attempt will succeed. If the DOM changes are very rapid then this will not work.

public boolean retryingFindClick(By by) {
    boolean result = false;
    int attempts = 0;
    while(attempts < 2) {
        try {
            result = true;
        } catch(StaleElementException e) {
    return result;

Matplotlib scatter plot legend

Here's an easier way of doing this (source: here):

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import rand

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for color in ['red', 'green', 'blue']:
    n = 750
    x, y = rand(2, n)
    scale = 200.0 * rand(n)
    ax.scatter(x, y, c=color, s=scale, label=color,
               alpha=0.3, edgecolors='none')


And you'll get this:

enter image description here

Take a look at here for legend properties

How to fix Error: listen EADDRINUSE while using nodejs?

For windows users execute the following command in PowerShell window to kill all the node processes.

Stop-Process -processname node

How to send authorization header with axios

This has worked for me:

let webApiUrl = '';
let tokenStr = 'xxyyzz';
axios.get(webApiUrl, { headers: {"Authorization" : `Bearer ${tokenStr}`} });

How do I create a folder in VB if it doesn't exist?

You should try using the File System Object or FSO. There are many methods belonging to this object that check if folders exist as well as creating new folders.

Get current time in hours and minutes

you can use command

date | awk '{print $4}'| cut -d ':' -f3

as you mentioned using only the date|awk '{print $4}' pipeline gives you something like this


so as we can see if we want to extract some part of this string then we need a delimiter , for our case it is :, so we decide to chop on the basis of :. Now this delimiter will chop the string into three parts i.e. 20 ,18 and 19 , as we want the second one we use -f2 in our command. to sum up ,

cut : chops some string based on delimeter.

-d : delimeter (here :)

-f2 : the chopped off token that we want.

How to run or debug php on Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

If you don't want to install xDebug or other extensions and just want to run a PHP file without debugging, you can accomplish this using build tasks.

Using Build Tasks

First open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P in Windows, ?+Shift+P in Mac), and select "Tasks:Open User Tasks". Now copy my configuration below into your tasks.json file. This creates user-level tasks which can be used any time and in any workspace.

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "Start Server",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "php -S localhost:8080 -t ${fileDirname}",
            "isBackground": true,
            "group": "build",
            "problemMatcher": []
            "label": "Run In Browser",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "open http://localhost:8080/${fileBasename}",
            "windows": {
                "command": "explorer 'http://localhost:8080/${fileBasename}'"
            "group": "build",
            "problemMatcher": []
            "label": "Run In Terminal",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "php ${file}",
            "group": "none",
            "problemMatcher": []

If you want to run your php file in the terminal, open the command palette and select "Tasks: Run Task" followed by "Run In Terminal".

If you want to run your code on a webserver which serves a response to a web browser, open the command palette and select "Tasks: Run Task" followed by "Start Server" to run PHP's built-in server, then "Run In Browser" to run the currently open file from your browser.

Note that if you already have a webserver running, you can remove the Start Server task and update the localhost:8080 part to point to whatever URL you are using.

Using PHP Debug

Note: This section was in my original answer. I originally thought that it works without PHP Debug but it looks like PHP Debug actually exposes the php type in the launch configuration. There is no reason to use it over the build task method described above. I'm keeping it here in case it is useful.

Copy the following configuration into your user settings:

    "launch": {
        "version": "0.2.0",
        "configurations": [
            "type": "php",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Run using PHP executable",
            "program": "${file}",
            "runtimeExecutable": "/usr/bin/php"
    // all your other user settings...

This creates a global launch configuration that you can use on any PHP file. Note the runtimeExecutable option. You will need to update this with the path to the PHP executable on your machine. After you copy the configuration above, whenever you have a PHP file open, you can press the F5 key to run the PHP code and have the output displayed in the vscode terminal.

Genymotion error at start 'Unable to load virtualbox'

I also experienced this when I upgraded operating system from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1. Un-installing Virtualbox and re-installing worked for me.

how to display data values on Chart.js

Late edit: there is an official plugin for Chart.js 2.7.0+ to do this:

Original answer:

You can loop through the points / bars onAnimationComplete and display the values


enter image description here


<canvas id="myChart1" height="300" width="500"></canvas>
<canvas id="myChart2" height="300" width="500"></canvas>


var chartData = {
    labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June"],
    datasets: [
            fillColor: "#79D1CF",
            strokeColor: "#79D1CF",
            data: [60, 80, 81, 56, 55, 40]

var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart1").getContext("2d");
var myLine = new Chart(ctx).Line(chartData, {
    showTooltips: false,
    onAnimationComplete: function () {

        var ctx = this.chart.ctx;
        ctx.font = this.scale.font;
        ctx.fillStyle = this.scale.textColor
        ctx.textAlign = "center";
        ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";

        this.datasets.forEach(function (dataset) {
            dataset.points.forEach(function (points) {
                ctx.fillText(points.value, points.x, points.y - 10);

var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart2").getContext("2d");
var myBar = new Chart(ctx).Bar(chartData, {
    showTooltips: false,
    onAnimationComplete: function () {

        var ctx = this.chart.ctx;
        ctx.font = this.scale.font;
        ctx.fillStyle = this.scale.textColor
        ctx.textAlign = "center";
        ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";

        this.datasets.forEach(function (dataset) {
            dataset.bars.forEach(function (bar) {
                ctx.fillText(bar.value, bar.x, bar.y - 5);

Fiddle -

Removing array item by value

w/o flip:

foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
    if ($id === $value) {

TextView bold via xml file?

use textstyle property as bold

android:textStyle = "bold";

Best way to encode text data for XML

If you're serious about handling all of the invalid characters (not just the few "html" ones), and you have access to System.Xml, here's the simplest way to do proper Xml encoding of value data:

string theTextToEscape = "Something \x1d else \x1D <script>alert('123');</script>";
var x = new XmlDocument();
x.LoadXml("<r/>"); // simple, empty root element
x.DocumentElement.InnerText = theTextToEscape; // put in raw string
string escapedText = x.DocumentElement.InnerXml; // Returns:  Something &#x1D; else &#x1D; &lt;script&gt;alert('123');&lt;/script&gt;

// Repeat the last 2 lines to escape additional strings.

It's important to know that XmlConvert.EncodeName() is not appropriate, because that's for entity/tag names, not values. Using that would be like Url-encoding when you needed to Html-encode.

How to convert data.frame column from Factor to numeric

breast$class <- as.numeric(as.character(breast$class))

If you have many columns to convert to numeric

indx <- sapply(breast, is.factor)
breast[indx] <- lapply(breast[indx], function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))

Another option is to use stringsAsFactors=FALSE while reading the file using read.table or read.csv

Just in case, other options to create/change columns

 breast[,'class'] <- as.numeric(as.character(breast[,'class']))


 breast <- transform(breast, class=as.numeric(as.character(breast)))

Create a simple Login page using eclipse and mysql

You Can simply Use One Jsp Page To accomplish the task.

<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@page import="java.sql.*"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>JSP Page</title>
        String username=request.getParameter("user_name");
        String password=request.getParameter("password");
        String role=request.getParameter("role");
            Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/t_fleet","root","root");
            Statement st=con.createStatement();
            String query="select * from tbl_login where user_name='"+username+"' and password='"+password+"' and role='"+role+"'";
            ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery(query);
                session.setAttribute( "user_name",rs.getString(2));

        catch(Exception e)


I have use username, password and role to get into the system. One more thing to implement is you can do page permission checking through jsp and javascript function.

Push to GitHub without a password using ssh-key

As usual, create an SSH key and paste the public key to GitHub. Add the private key to ssh-agent. (I assume this is what you have done.)

To check everything is correct, use ssh -T [email protected]

Next, don't forget to modify the remote point as follows:

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:username/your-repository.git

What's the regular expression that matches a square bracket?

If you're looking to find both variations of the square brackets at the same time, you can use the following pattern which defines a range of either the [ sign or the ] sign: /[\[\]]/

How to execute IN() SQL queries with Spring's JDBCTemplate effectively?

If you get an exception for : Invalid column type

Please use getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate() instead of getJdbcTemplate()

 List<Foo> foo = getNamedParameterJdbcTemplate().query("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE a IN (:ids)",parameters,

Note that the second two arguments are swapped around.

Failed to load JavaHL Library

For me i started getting this problem when I upgraded to java 8, and then reverted back to java 7. Upgraded again to java 8 and the problem got resolved.

git status (nothing to commit, working directory clean), however with changes commited

Small hint which other people didn't talk about: git doesn't record changes if you add empty folders in your project folder. That's it, I was adding empty folders with random names to check wether it was recording changes, it wasn't. But it started to do it as soon as I began adding files in them. Cheers.

Get skin path in Magento?

To use it in phtml apply :

echo $this->getSkinUrl('your_image_folder_under_skin/image_name.png');

To use skin path in cms page :

<img style="width: 715px; height: 266px;" src="{{skin url=images/banner1.jpg}}" alt="title" />

This part====> {{skin url=images/banner1.jpg}}

I hope this will help you.

Number to String in a formula field

CSTR({number_field}, 0, '')

The second placeholder is for decimals.

The last placeholder is for thousands separator.

How to get the onclick calling object?

The thing with your method is that you clutter your HTML with javascript. If you put your javascript in an external file you can access your HTML unobtrusive and this is much neater.

Lateron you can expand your code with addEventListener/attackEvent(IE) to prevent memory leaks.

This is without jQuery

<a href="" id="elementid">link</a>

window.onload = function () {
  var el = document.getElementById('elementid');
  el.onclick = function (e) {
    var ev = e || window.event;
    // here u can use this or el as the HTML node

You say you want to manipulate it with jQuery. So you can use jQuery. Than it is even better to do it like this:

// this is the window.onload startup of your JS as in my previous example. The difference is 
// that you can add multiple onload functions
$(function () {
  $('a#elementid').bind('click', function (e) {
    // "this" points to the <a> element
    // "e" points to the event object

jQuery - Appending a div to body, the body is the object?

Using jQuery appendTo try this:

var holdyDiv = $('<div></div>').attr('id', 'holdy');

If Radio Button is selected, perform validation on Checkboxes

Full validation example with javascript:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <title>Radio button: full validation example with javascript</title>
            function send() {
                var genders = document.getElementsByName("gender");
                if (genders[0].checked == true) {
                    alert("Your gender is male");
                } else if (genders[1].checked == true) {
                    alert("Your gender is female");
                } else {
                    // no checked
                    var msg = '<span style="color:red;">You must select your gender!</span><br /><br />';
                    document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = msg;
                    return false;
                return true;

            function reset_msg() {
                document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = '';
        <form action="" method="POST">
            <br />
            <input type="radio" name="gender" value="m" onclick="reset_msg();" />Male
            <br />
            <input type="radio" name="gender" value="f" onclick="reset_msg();" />Female
            <br />
            <div id="msg"></div>
            <input type="submit" value="send>>" onclick="return send();" />



How to install gem from GitHub source?

You can also use rdp/specific_install gem:

gem install specific_install
gem specific_install

RecyclerView - How to smooth scroll to top of item on a certain position?

This is an extension function I wrote in Kotlin to use with the RecyclerView (based on @Paul Woitaschek answer):

fun RecyclerView.smoothSnapToPosition(position: Int, snapMode: Int = LinearSmoothScroller.SNAP_TO_START) {
  val smoothScroller = object : LinearSmoothScroller(this.context) {
    override fun getVerticalSnapPreference(): Int = snapMode
    override fun getHorizontalSnapPreference(): Int = snapMode
  smoothScroller.targetPosition = position

Use it like this:


Combine two ActiveRecord::Relation objects

merge actually doesn't work like OR. It's simply intersection (AND)

I struggled with this problem to combine to ActiveRecord::Relation objects into one and I didn't found any working solution for me.

Instead of searching for right method creating an union from these two sets, I focused on algebra of sets. You can do it in different way using De Morgan's law

ActiveRecord provides merge method (AND) and also you can use not method or none_of (NOT).

search.where.none_of(search.where.not(id: ids_to_exclude).merge(search.where.not("title ILIKE ?", "%#{query}%")))

You have here (A u B)' = A' ^ B'

UPDATE: The solution above is good for more complex cases. In your case smth like that will be enough:

User.where('first_name LIKE ? OR last_name LIKE ?', 'Tobias', 'Fünke')

How to create multiple class objects with a loop in python?

I hope this is what you are looking for.

class Try:
    def do_somthing(self):
        print 'Hello'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    obj_list = []
    for obj in range(10):
        obj = Try()




How to find encoding of a file via script on Linux?

I know you're interested in a more general answer, but what's good in ASCII is usually good in other encodings. Here is a Python one-liner to determine if standard input is ASCII. (I'm pretty sure this works in Python 2, but I've only tested it on Python 3.)

python -c 'from sys import exit,stdin;exit()if 128>max(c for l in open(stdin.fileno(),"b") for c in l) else exit("Not ASCII")' < myfile.txt

How do I get the position selected in a RecyclerView?

I think the most correct way to get item position is

View.OnClickListener onClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() {
    @Override public void onClick(View v) {
      View view = v;
      View parent = (View) v.getParent();
      while (!(parent instanceof RecyclerView)){
        parent = (View) parent.getParent();
      int position = recyclerView.getChildAdapterPosition(view);

Because view, you click not always the root view of your row layout. If view is not a root one (e.g buttons), you will get Class cast exception. Thus at first we need to find the view, which is the a dirrect child of you reciclerview. Then, find position using recyclerView.getChildAdapterPosition(view);

Why can't I define a static method in a Java interface?

Normally this is done using a Factory pattern

public interface IXMLizableFactory<T extends IXMLizable> {
  public T newInstanceFromXML(Element e);

public interface IXMLizable {
  public Element toXMLElement();

Splitting strings in PHP and get last part

split($pattern,$string) split strings within a given pattern or regex (it's deprecated since 5.3.0)

preg_split($pattern,$string) split strings within a given regex pattern

explode($pattern,$string) split strings within a given pattern

end($arr) get last array element




$strArray = explode('-',$str)
$lastElement = end($strArray)

Will return the last element of a - separated string.

And there's a hardcore way to do this:

$str = '1-2-3-4-5';
echo substr($str, strrpos($str, '-') + 1);
//      |            '--- get the last position of '-' and add 1(if don't substr will get '-' too)
//      '----- get the last piece of string after the last occurrence of '-'

How can I break from a try/catch block without throwing an exception in Java

In this sample in catch block i change the value of counter and it will break while block:

class TestBreak {
    public static void main(String[] a) {
        int counter = 0;

        while(counter<5) {
            try {
                int x = counter/0;
            catch(Exception e) {
                counter = 1000;    

How to trigger HTML button when you press Enter in textbox?


UIScrollView scroll to bottom programmatically

Xamarin.iOS version for UICollectionView of the accepted answer for ease in copying and pasting

var bottomOffset = new CGPoint (0, CollectionView.ContentSize.Height - CollectionView.Frame.Size.Height + CollectionView.ContentInset.Bottom);          
CollectionView.SetContentOffset (bottomOffset, false);

Max length for client ip address

IPv4 uses 32 bits, in the form of:

I suppose it depends on your datatype, whether you're just storing as a string with a CHAR type or if you're using a numerical type.

IPv6 uses 128 bits. You won't have IPs longer than that unless you're including other information with them.

IPv6 is grouped into sets of 4 hex digits seperated by colons, like (from wikipedia):


You're safe storing it as a 39-character long string, should you wish to do that. There are other shorthand ways to write addresses as well though. Sets of zeros can be truncated to a single 0, or sets of zeroes can be hidden completely by a double colon.

How can I prevent the TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple when copying a python list to a numpy array?

The variable mean_data is a nested list, in Python accessing a nested list cannot be done by multi-dimensional slicing, i.e.: mean_data[1,2], instead one would write mean_data[1][2].

This is becausemean_data[2] is a list. Further indexing is done recursively - since mean_data[2] is a list, mean_data[2][0] is the first index of that list.

Additionally, mean_data[:][0] does not work because mean_data[:] returns mean_data.

The solution is to replace the array ,or import the original data, as follows:

mean_data = np.array(mean_data)

numpy arrays (like MATLAB arrays and unlike nested lists) support multi-dimensional slicing with tuples.

Get list of all input objects using JavaScript, without accessing a form object

(See update at end of answer.)

You can get a NodeList of all of the input elements via getElementsByTagName (DOM specification, MDC, MSDN), then simply loop through it:

var inputs, index;

inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (index = 0; index < inputs.length; ++index) {
    // deal with inputs[index] element.

There I've used it on the document, which will search the entire document. It also exists on individual elements (DOM specification), allowing you to search only their descendants rather than the whole document, e.g.:

var container, inputs, index;

// Get the container element
container = document.getElementById('container');

// Find its child `input` elements
inputs = container.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (index = 0; index < inputs.length; ++index) {
    // deal with inputs[index] element.

...but you've said you don't want to use the parent form, so the first example is more applicable to your question (the second is just there for completeness, in case someone else finding this answer needs to know).

Update: getElementsByTagName is an absolutely fine way to do the above, but what if you want to do something slightly more complicated, like just finding all of the checkboxes instead of all of the input elements?

That's where the useful querySelectorAll comes in: It lets us get a list of elements that match any CSS selector we want. So for our checkboxes example:

var checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll("input[type=checkbox]");

You can also use it at the element level. For instance, if we have a div element in our element variable, we can find all of the spans with the class foo that are inside that div like this:

var fooSpans = element.querySelectorAll("");

querySelectorAll and its cousin querySelector (which just finds the first matching element instead of giving you a list) are supported by all modern browsers, and also IE8.

how to parse xml to java object?

One thing that is really important to understand considering you have an XML file as :

<customer id="100">

I am sorry to inform you but :

public void setAge(int age) {
    this.age = age;

will not help you, as it tries to look for "age" instead of "Age" element name from the XML.

I encourage you to manually specify the element name matching the one in the XML file :

public void setAge(int age) {
    this.age = age;

And if you have for example :

@XmlAccessorType (XmlAccessType.FIELD)
public class Customer {

It means it will use java beans by default, and at this time if you specify that you must not set another


annotation above a setter method for an element <NAME>..</NAME> it will fail saying that there cannot be two elements on one single variables.

I hope that it helps.

How to create a HashMap with two keys (Key-Pair, Value)?

You can't have an hash map with multiple keys, but you can have an object that takes multiple parameters as the key.

Create an object called Index that takes an x and y value.

public class Index {

    private int x;
    private int y;

    public Index(int x, int y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    public int hashCode() {
        return this.x ^ this.y;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
        Index other = (Index) obj;
        if (x != other.x)
            return false;
        if (y != other.y)
            return false;
        return true;

Then have your HashMap<Index, Value> to get your result. :)

Java for loop multiple variables

Only two Semicolons are allowed to be used in for loop.

  1. Before first semicolon is the initialization part.
  2. After first semicolon and before second semicolon is condition part (must result in boolean).
  3. After second semicolon is variable manipulation part (increment/decrement part).

If you have do initialization of multiple variables or manipulation of multiple variables, you can achieve it by separating them with comma(,).

for(int i=0, j=5; i < 5; i++, j--)

NOTE: Multiple conditions separated by comma are NOT allowed.

for(int i=0, j=5; i < 5, j > 5; i++, j--) // This is NOT allowed.

What is the 'pythonic' equivalent to the 'fold' function from functional programming?

Not really answer to the question, but one-liners for foldl and foldr:

a = [8,3,4]

## Foldl
reduce(lambda x,y: x**y, a)

## Foldr
reduce(lambda x,y: y**x, a[::-1])

How to do perspective fixing?

The simple solution is to just remap coordinates from the original to the final image, copying pixels from one coordinate space to the other, rounding off as necessary -- which may result in some pixels being copied several times adjacent to each other, and other pixels being skipped, depending on whether you're stretching or shrinking (or both) in either dimension. Make sure your copying iterates through the destination space, so all pixels are covered there even if they're painted more than once, rather than thru the source which may skip pixels in the output.

The better solution involves calculating the corresponding source coordinate without rounding, and then using its fractional position between pixels to compute an appropriate average of the (typically) four pixels surrounding that location. This is essentially a filtering operation, so you lose some resolution -- but the result looks a LOT better to the human eye; it does a much better job of retaining small details and avoids creating straight-line artifacts which humans find objectionable.

Note that the same basic approach can be used to remap flat images onto any other shape, including 3D surface mapping.

PHP - Check if the page run on Mobile or Desktop browser

There are many great open source projects that make detection a lot easier. To name two:

  1. PHP mobile detect
  2. WURFL

getting integer values from textfield

As You're getting values from textfield as jTextField3.getText();.

As it is a textField it will return you string format as its format says:

String getText()

      Returns the text contained in this TextComponent.

So, convert your String to Integer as:

int jml = Integer.parseInt(jTextField3.getText());

instead of directly setting

   int jml = jTextField3.getText();

Notepad++ change text color?

You can Change it from:

Menu Settings -> Style Configurator

See on screenshot:

enter image description here

How can you determine a point is between two other points on a line segment?

Any point on the line segment (a, b) (where a and b are vectors) can be expressed as a linear combination of the two vectors a and b:

In other words, if c lies on the line segment (a, b):

c = ma + (1 - m)b, where 0 <= m <= 1

Solving for m, we get:

m = (c.x - b.x)/(a.x - b.x) = (c.y - b.y)/(a.y - b.y)

So, our test becomes (in Python):

def is_on(a, b, c):
    """Is c on the line segment ab?"""

    def _is_zero( val ):
        return -epsilon < val < epsilon

    x1 = a.x - b.x
    x2 = c.x - b.x
    y1 = a.y - b.y
    y2 = c.y - b.y

    if _is_zero(x1) and _is_zero(y1):
        # a and b are the same point:
        # so check that c is the same as a and b
        return _is_zero(x2) and _is_zero(y2)

    if _is_zero(x1):
        # a and b are on same vertical line
        m2 = y2 * 1.0 / y1
        return _is_zero(x2) and 0 <= m2 <= 1
    elif _is_zero(y1):
        # a and b are on same horizontal line
        m1 = x2 * 1.0 / x1
        return _is_zero(y2) and 0 <= m1 <= 1
        m1 = x2 * 1.0 / x1
        if m1 < 0 or m1 > 1:
            return False
        m2 = y2 * 1.0 / y1
        return _is_zero(m2 - m1)

SyntaxError: Unexpected token function - Async Await Nodejs

Though I'm coming in late, what worked for me was to install transform-async-generator and transform-runtime plugin like so:

npm i babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator babel-plugin-transform-runtime --save-dev

the package.json would be like this:

"devDependencies": {
   "babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator": "6.24.1",
   "babel-plugin-transform-runtime": "6.23.0"

create .babelrc file and write this:

  "plugins": ["transform-async-to-generator", 
["transform-runtime", {
      "polyfill": false,
      "regenerator": true

and then happy coding with async/await

Image style height and width not taken in outlook mails

<img id="_x005Fi1026" src="images/img.jpg" width="120" height="150" />

This worked for me both in gmail and outlook.

Serializing PHP object to JSON

My version:



private static function toArray($object) {
    $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($object);

    $properties = $reflectionClass->getProperties();

    $array = [];
    foreach ($properties as $property) {
        $value = $property->getValue($object);
        if (is_object($value)) {
            $array[$property->getName()] = self::toArray($value);
        } else {
            $array[$property->getName()] = $value;
    return $array;

JsonUtils : GitHub

Remove useless zero digits from decimals in PHP

You can use:

print (floatval)(number_format( $Value), 2 ) );    

How can I make content appear beneath a fixed DIV element?

A #spacer div must be placed between the header and main body, like this:

<div id="spacer"></div>

The header's position will be fixed, while the spacer will keep its default static position:

header {position: fixed;}

Finally you need to make sure that both the header and spacer have the same size-related properties, like so:

header, #spacer {
    height: 100px;
    max-height: 35vh;

This works for me at least.

Meaning of Choreographer messages in Logcat

I'm late to the party, but hopefully this is a useful addition to the other answers here...

Answering the Question / tl:dr;

I need to know how I can determine what "too much work" my application may be doing as all my processing is done in AsyncTasks.

The following are all candidates:

  • IO or expensive processing on the main thread (loading drawables, inflating layouts, and setting Uri's on ImageView's all constitute IO on the main thread)
  • Rendering large/complex/deep View hierarchies
  • Invalidating large portions of a View hierarchy
  • Expensive onDraw methods in custom View's
  • Expensive calculations in animations
  • Running "worker" threads at too high a priority to be considered "background" (AsyncTask's are "background" by default, java.lang.Thread is not)
  • Generating lots of garbage, causing the garbage collector to "stop the world" - including the main thread - while it cleans up

To actually determine the specific cause you'll need to profile your app.

More Detail

I've been trying to understand Choreographer by experimenting and looking at the code.

The documentation of Choreographer opens with "Coordinates the timing of animations, input and drawing." which is actually a good description, but the rest goes on to over-emphasize animations.

The Choreographer is actually responsible for executing 3 types of callbacks, which run in this order:

  1. input-handling callbacks (handling user-input such as touch events)
  2. animation callbacks for tweening between frames, supplying a stable frame-start-time to any/all animations that are running. Running these callbacks 2nd means any animation-related calculations (e.g. changing positions of View's) have already been made by the time the third type of callback is invoked...
  3. view traversal callbacks for drawing the view hierarchy.

The aim is to match the rate at which invalidated views are re-drawn (and animations tweened) with the screen vsync - typically 60fps.

The warning about skipped frames looks like an afterthought: The message is logged if a single pass through the 3 steps takes more than 30x the expected frame duration, so the smallest number you can expect to see in the log messages is "skipped 30 frames"; If each pass takes 50% longer than it should you will still skip 30 frames (naughty!) but you won't be warned about it.

From the 3 steps involved its clear that it isn't only animations that can trigger the warning: Invalidating a significant portion of a large View hierarchy or a View with a complicated onDraw method might be enough.

For example this will trigger the warning repeatedly:

public class AnnoyTheChoreographerActivity extends Activity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


        ViewGroup root = (ViewGroup) findViewById(;

        root.addView(new TextView(this){
            protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
                long sleep = (long)(Math.random() * 1000L);
                setText("" + sleep);
                try {
                } catch (Exception exc) {}

... which produces logging like this:

11-06 09:35:15.865  13721-13721/example I/Choreographer? Skipped 42 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
11-06 09:35:17.395  13721-13721/example I/Choreographer? Skipped 59 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
11-06 09:35:18.030  13721-13721/example I/Choreographer? Skipped 37 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.

You can see from the stack during onDraw that the choreographer is involved regardless of whether you are animating:

at example.AnnoyTheChoreographerActivity$1.onDraw( at android.view.View.draw(

... quite a bit of repetition ...

at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild( at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw( at android.view.View.draw( at android.widget.FrameLayout.draw( at$DecorView.draw( at android.view.View.getDisplayList( at android.view.View.getDisplayList( at android.view.HardwareRenderer$GlRenderer.draw( at android.view.ViewRootImpl.draw( at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performDraw( at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals( at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal( at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ at android.view.Choreographer$ at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks( at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame( at android.view.Choreographer$ at android.os.Handler.handleCallback( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at

Finally, if there is contention from other threads that reduce the amount of work the main thread can get done, the chance of skipping frames increases dramatically even though you aren't actually doing the work on the main thread.

In this situation it might be considered misleading to suggest that the app is doing too much on the main thread, but Android really wants worker threads to run at low priority so that they are prevented from starving the main thread. If your worker threads are low priority the only way to trigger the Choreographer warning really is to do too much on the main thread.

How can I view the shared preferences file using Android Studio?

From Android Studio , start Android Device Monitor, go to File Explorer, and browse "/data/data/< name of your package >/shared_prefs/". You will find the XML there... and also you can copy it for inspection.

If you have a non-rooted device it's not possible to do that directly from Android Studio. However, you can access the file with adb shell as long as your application is the debug version.

adb shell
chmod 777 shared_prefs/
exit # return to default user
cp /data/data/ /sdcard

After that you can pull the file from /sdcard directory with adb.

Memory address of an object in C#

Getting the address of an arbitrary object in .NET is not possible, but can be done if you change the source code and use mono. See instructions here: Get Memory Address of .NET Object (C#)

Base64 length calculation?

Here is a function to calculate the original size of an encoded Base 64 file as a String in KB:

private Double calcBase64SizeInKBytes(String base64String) {
    Double result = -1.0;
    if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(base64String)) {
        Integer padding = 0;
        if(base64String.endsWith("==")) {
            padding = 2;
        else {
            if (base64String.endsWith("=")) padding = 1;
        result = (Math.ceil(base64String.length() / 4) * 3 ) - padding;
    return result / 1000;

How to set a string's color


See the Wikipedia page on ANSI escapes for the full collection of sequences, including the colors.

But for one simple example (Printing in red) in Java (as you tagged this as Java) do:

System.out.println("\u001B31;1mhello world!");

The 3 indicates change color, the first 1 indicates red (green would be 2) and the second 1 indicates do it in "bright" mode.


However, if you want to print to a GUI the easiest way is to use html:

JEditorPane pane = new new JEditorPane();
pane.setText("<html><font color=\"red\">hello world!</font></html>");

For more details on this sort of thing, see the Swing Tutorial. It is also possible by using styles in a JTextPane. Here is a helpful example of code to do this easily with a JTextPane (added from helpful comment).

JTextArea is a single coloured Text component, as described here. It can only display in one color. You can set the color for the whole JTextArea like this:

JTextArea area = new JTextArea("hello world");

jQuery’s .bind() vs. .on()

As of Jquery 3.0 and above .bind has been deprecated and they prefer using .on instead. As @Blazemonger answered earlier that it may be removed and its for sure that it will be removed. For the older versions .bind would also call .on internally and there is no difference between them. Please also see the api for more detail.

jQuery API documentation for .bind()

Getting list of tables, and fields in each, in a database


What is the SQL command to return the field names of a table?

PostgreSQL understands the

select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'myTable'

syntax. If you're working in the psql shell, you can also use

\d myTable

for a description (columns, and their datatypes and constraints)

Command not found when using sudo

Try chmod u+x instead of chmod +x if you have trouble with the guides above. This worked for me when the other solutions did not.

Delete all rows in table

You can rename the table in question, create a table with an identical schema, and then drop the original table at your leisure.

See the MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual for the [RENAME TABLE][1] and [CREATE TABLE][2] commands.

RENAME TABLE tbl TO tbl_old;

CREATE TABLE tbl LIKE tbl_old;

DROP TABLE tbl_old; -- at your leisure

This approach can help minimize application downtime.

Laravel: getting a a single value from a MySQL query

As of Laravel >= 5.3, best way is to use value:

$groupName = \App\User::where('username',$username)->value('groupName');


use App\User;//at top of controller
$groupName = User::where('username',$username)->value('groupName');//inside controller function

Of course you have to create a model User for users table which is most efficient way to interact with database tables in Laravel.

What's the Linq to SQL equivalent to TOP or LIMIT/OFFSET?

In VB:

from m in MyTable
take 10
select m.Foo

This assumes that MyTable implements IQueryable. You may have to access that through a DataContext or some other provider.

It also assumes that Foo is a column in MyTable that gets mapped to a property name.

See for more detail.

Android: Test Push Notification online (Google Cloud Messaging)

POSTMAN : A google chrome extension

Use postman to send message instead of server. Postman settings are as follows :

Request Type: POST


  Authorization  : key=your key //Google API KEY
  Content-Type : application/json

JSON (raw) :
  "data": {
    "Hello" : "World"

on success you will get

Response :
  "multicast_id": 6506103988515583000,
  "success": 1,
  "failure": 0,
  "canonical_ids": 0,
  "results": [
      "message_id": "0:1432811719975865%54f79db3f9fd7ecd"

Entity Framework throws exception - Invalid object name 'dbo.BaseCs'

EF is looking for a table named dbo.BaseCs. Might be an entity name pluralizing issue. Check out this link.

EDIT: Updated link.

How can I get a list of all functions stored in the database of a particular schema in PostgreSQL?

After some searching, I was able to find the information_schema.routines table and the information_schema.parameters tables. Using those, one can construct a query for this purpose. LEFT JOIN, instead of JOIN, is necessary to retrieve functions without parameters.

SELECT routines.routine_name, parameters.data_type, parameters.ordinal_position
FROM information_schema.routines
    LEFT JOIN information_schema.parameters ON routines.specific_name=parameters.specific_name
WHERE routines.specific_schema='my_specified_schema_name'
ORDER BY routines.routine_name, parameters.ordinal_position;

How to make a <div> appear in front of regular text/tables

You may add a div with position:absolute within a table/div with position:relative. For example, if you want your overlay div to be shown at the bottom right of the main text div (width and height can be removed):

<div style="position:relative;width:300px;height:300px;background-color:#eef">
    <div style="position:absolute;bottom:0;right:0;width:100px;height:100px;background-color:#fee">
        I'm over you!
    Your main text

See it here:

How do I find out my root MySQL password?

You can reset the root password by running the server with --skip-grant-tables and logging in without a password by running the following as root (or with sudo):

# service mysql stop
# mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
$ mysql -u root
mysql> use mysql;
mysql> update user set authentication_string=PASSWORD("YOUR-NEW-ROOT-PASSWORD") where User='root';
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> quit
# service mysql stop
# service mysql start
$ mysql -u root -p

Now you should be able to login as root with your new password.

It is also possible to find the query that reset the password in /home/$USER/.mysql_history or /root/.mysql_history of the user who reset the password, but the above will always work.

Note: prior to MySQL 5.7 the column was called password instead of authentication_string. Replace the line above with

mysql> update user set password=PASSWORD("YOUR-NEW-ROOT-PASSWORD") where User='root';

Volatile vs Static in Java

volatile variable value access will be direct from main memory. It should be used only in multi-threading environment. static variable will be loaded one time. If its used in single thread environment, even if the copy of the variable will be updated and there will be no harm accessing it as there is only one thread.

Now if static variable is used in multi-threading environment then there will be issues if one expects desired result from it. As each thread has their own copy then any increment or decrement on static variable from one thread may not reflect in another thread.

if one expects desired results from static variable then use volatile with static in multi-threading then everything will be resolved.

How can I get the current user's username in Bash?


From what I'm seeing here all answers are wrong, especially if you entered the sudo mode, with all returning 'root' instead of the logged in user. The answer is in using 'who' and finding eh 'tty1' user and extracting that. Thw "w" command works the same and var=$SUDO_USER gets the real logged in user.



Creating a .dll file in C#.Net

You need to change project settings. Right click your project, go to properites. In Application tab change output type to class library instead of Windows application.

How to use onResume()?

Any Activity that restarts has its onResume() method executed first.

To use this method, do this:

public void onResume(){
    // put your code here...



I have discovered that you cannot have conditionals outside of the stored procedure in mysql. This is why the syntax error. As soon as I put the code that I needed between

   SELECT FIRST_DAY(CURDATE()) INTO @checkweekday;
   SELECT DAY(@checkweekday) INTO @checkday;
   SET @daycount = 0;
   SET @workdays = 0;

     WHILE(@daycount < @totaldays) DO
       IF (WEEKDAY(@checkweekday) < 5) THEN
         SET @workdays = @workdays+1;
       END IF;
       SET @daycount = @daycount+1;
       SELECT ADDDATE(@checkweekday, INTERVAL 1 DAY) INTO @checkweekday;

Just for others:

If you are not sure how to create a routine in phpmyadmin you can put this in the SQL query

    delimiter ;;
    drop procedure if exists test2;;
    create procedure test2()
    select ‘Hello World’;

Run the query. This will create a stored procedure or stored routine named test2. Now go to the routines tab and edit the stored procedure to be what you want. I also suggest reading if you are beginning with stored procedures.

The first_day function you need is: How to get first day of every corresponding month in mysql?

Showing the Procedure is working Simply add the following line below END WHILE and above END

    SELECT @curmonth,@curmonthname,@totaldays,@daycount,@workdays,@checkweekday,@checkday;

Then use the following code in the SQL Query Window.

    call test2 /* or whatever you changed the name of the stored procedure to */

NOTE: If you use this please keep in mind that this code does not take in to account nationally observed holidays (or any holidays for that matter).

How can I see function arguments in IPython Notebook Server 3?

In 1.0, the functionality was bound to ( and tab and shift-tab, in 2.0 tab was deprecated but still functional in some unambiguous cases completing or inspecting were competing in many cases. Recommendation was to always use shift-Tab. ( was also added as deprecated as confusing in Haskell-like syntax to also push people toward Shift-Tab as it works in more cases. in 3.0 the deprecated bindings have been remove in favor of the official, present for 18+ month now Shift-Tab.

So press Shift-Tab.

Programmatically add new column to DataGridView

Here's a sample method that adds two extra columns programmatically to the grid view:

    private void AddColumnsProgrammatically()
        // I created these columns at function scope but if you want to access 
        // easily from other parts of your class, just move them to class scope.
        // E.g. Declare them outside of the function...
        var col3 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
        var col4 = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();

        col3.HeaderText = "Column3";
        col3.Name = "Column3";

        col4.HeaderText = "Column4";
        col4.Name = "Column4";

        dataGridView1.Columns.AddRange(new DataGridViewColumn[] {col3,col4});

A great way to figure out how to do this kind of process is to create a form, add a grid view control and add some columns. (This process will actually work for ANY kind of form control. All instantiation and initialization happens in the Designer.) Then examine the form's Designer.cs file to see how the construction takes place. (Visual Studio does everything programmatically but hides it in the Form Designer.)

For this example I created two columns for the view named Column1 and Column2 and then searched Form1.Designer.cs for Column1 to see everywhere it was referenced. The following information is what I gleaned and, copied and modified to create two more columns dynamically:

// Note that this info scattered throughout the designer but can easily collected.

        System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn Column1;
        System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn Column2;

        this.Column1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
        this.Column2 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();

        this.dataGridView1.Columns.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumn[] {

        this.Column1.HeaderText = "Column1";
        this.Column1.Name = "Column1";

        this.Column2.HeaderText = "Column2";
        this.Column2.Name = "Column2";

jQuery validate: How to add a rule for regular expression validation?

This is working code.

function validateSignup()
            function(value, element, regexp) 
                if (regexp.constructor != RegExp)
                    regexp = new RegExp(regexp);
                else if (
                    regexp.lastIndex = 0;
                return this.optional(element) || regexp.test(value);
            "Please check your input."


        onkeyup : false,
        errorClass: "req_mess",
        ignore: ":hidden",
        validClass: "signup_valid_class",
        errorClass: "signup_error_class",


                required: true,
                email: true,
                regex: /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+\@[A-Za-z0-9_]+\.[A-Za-z0-9_]+/,

                required: true,
                minlength: 6,
                maxlength: 15,
                regex: /^[A-Za-z0-9_]{6,15}$/,

                required: true,
                regex: /^[+-]{1}[0-9]{1,3}\-[0-9]{10}$/,

                required: 'You must enter a email',
                regex: 'Please enter a valid email without spacial chars, ie, [email protected]'

                required: 'Alphanumeric, _, min:6, max:15',
                regex: "Please enter any alphaNumeric char of length between 6-15, ie, sbp_arun_2016"

                required: "Please enter your phone number",
                regex: "e.g. +91-1234567890"    


        submitHandler: function (form)
            return true;

How to include() all PHP files from a directory?

Do no write a function() to include files in a directory. You may lose the variable scopes, and may have to use "global". Just loop on the files.

Also, you may run into difficulties when an included file has a class name that will extend to the other class defined in the other file - which is not yet included. So, be careful.

Could not resolve '...' from state ''

This kind of error usually means that some parts of (JS) code were not loaded. That the state which is inside of ui-sref is missing.

There is a working example

I am not an expert in ionic, so this example should show that it would be working, but I used some more tricks (parent for tabs)

This is a bit adjusted state def:

.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){


    .state('app', {
      abstract: true,
      templateUrl: "",

  $stateProvider.state('index', {
    url: '/',
    templateUrl: "tpl.index.html",
    parent: "app",

  $stateProvider.state('register', {
    url: "/register",
    templateUrl: "tpl.register.html",
    parent: "app",


And here we have the parent view with tabs, and their content:

<ion-tabs class="tabs-icon-top">

  <ion-tab title="Index" icon="icon ion-home" ui-sref="index">
    <ion-nav-view name=""></ion-nav-view>

  <ion-tab title="Register" icon="icon ion-person" ui-sref="register">
    <ion-nav-view name=""></ion-nav-view>


Take it more than an example of how to make it running and later use ionic framework the right way...Check that example here

Here is similar Q & A with an example using the named views (for sure better solution) ionic routing issue, shows blank page

Improved version with named views in a tab is here:

  <ion-tab title="Index" icon="icon ion-home" ui-sref="index">
    <ion-nav-view name="index"></ion-nav-view>

  <ion-tab title="Register" icon="icon ion-person" ui-sref="register">
    <ion-nav-view name="register"></ion-nav-view>

targeting named views:

  $stateProvider.state('index', {
    url: '/',
    views: { "index" : { templateUrl: "tpl.index.html" } },
    parent: "app",

  $stateProvider.state('register', {
    url: "/register",
    views: { "register" : { templateUrl: "tpl.register.html", } },
    parent: "app",

Returning Arrays in Java

It is returning the array, but all returning something (including an Array) does is just what it sounds like: returns the value. In your case, you are getting the value of numbers(), which happens to be an array (it could be anything and you would still have this issue), and just letting it sit there.

When a function returns anything, it is essentially replacing the line in which it is called (in your case: numbers();) with the return value. So, what your main method is really executing is essentially the following:

public static void main(String[] args) {

Which, of course, will appear to do nothing. If you wanted to do something with the return value, you could do something like this:

public static void main(String[] args){
    int[] result = numbers();
    for (int i=0; i<result.length; i++) {
        System.out.print(result[i]+" ");

Java Spring Boot: How to map my app root (“/”) to index.html?

if it is a Spring boot App.

Spring Boot automatically detects index.html in public/static/webapp folder. If you have written any controller @Requestmapping("/") it will override the default feature and it will not show the index.html unless you type localhost:8080/index.html

Rename package in Android Studio

That works very well for me, even for changing the occurrences, in all the modules concerned, for the folders names I want to modify in the package but, for me, it works fine only if I follow exactly the following steps :

  • A - If you want to change the name of the root folder (in other words the folder's name who is normaly used in the package to contain the principal activity), you can do it before or after the following steps (B to C) by exiting from "Android Studio" and rename manually this root folder. Click after on "Import project..." and then on the new name of your project (this import process will automatically readjust the 'Gradle' files with the project files.)
  • B - before the following C step, don't forget to modify manually the folder's names you want to change in the package by changing them in the 3 following files: 'AndroidManifest.xml', '' (or the name you eventually choose for your first activity) and the 'build.gradle (Module: app)' file.
  • C - Follow the steps 1 to 6 described above ("In your Project pane, click on the little gear icon...") ->
  • D - Only if you want to change the name of the root folder now, you can follow the 'A' process, as described above.

How to display data from database into textbox, and update it

Wrap your all statements in !IsPostBack condition on page load.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
      // all statements

This will fix your issue.

Hive Alter table change Column Name

alter table table_name change old_col_name new_col_name new_col_type;

Here is the example

hive> alter table test change userVisit userVisit2 STRING;      
    Time taken: 0.26 seconds
    hive> describe test;                                      
    uservisit2              string                                      
    category                string                                      
    uuid                    string                                      
    Time taken: 0.213 seconds, Fetched: 3 row(s)

How correctly produce JSON by RESTful web service?

You can annotate your bean with jaxb annotations.

  public class MyJaxbBean {
    public String name;
    public int age;

    public MyJaxbBean() {} // JAXB needs this

    public MyJaxbBean(String name, int age) { = name;
      this.age = age;

and then your method would look like this:

   @GET @Produces("application/json")
   public MyJaxbBean getMyBean() {
      return new MyJaxbBean("Agamemnon", 32);

There is a chapter in the latest documentation that deals with this:

How to change border color of textarea on :focus

Probably a more appropriate way of changing outline color is using the outline-color CSS rule.

textarea {
  outline-color: #719ECE;

or for input

input {
  outline-color: #719ECE;

box-shadow isn't quite the same thing and it may look different than the outline, especially if you apply custom styling to your element.

SQL state [99999]; error code [17004]; Invalid column type: 1111 With Spring SimpleJdbcCall

I had this problem, and turns out the problem was that I had used

new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate)

instead of

new SimpleJdbcCall(jdbcTemplate)

How to pass ArrayList of Objects from one to another activity using Intent in android?

You can Pass Arraylist/Pojo using bundle like this ,

Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SecondActivity.class);
Bundle args = new Bundle();

Get those values in SecondActivity like this

  Intent intent = getIntent();
        Bundle args = intent.getBundleExtra("BUNDLE");
  String filter = bundle.getString("imageSliders");

How to get Git to clone into current directory

it's useful to create a new file by mkdir filename,then running the command of git clone xxxxx,it does work in my computer

JSP : JSTL's <c:out> tag

Older versions of JSP did not support the second syntax.

Shared folder between MacOSX and Windows on Virtual Box

I had the exact same issue, after rightly have configured in Mac OSX host a SharedFolder with Auto-Mount enabled. On the Guest OS, it is also required to install VirtualBox Guest Additions. For the case of Windows, it is:


Right after this installation, i could perfectly view the shared folder content under This PC and Network ("\VBOXSVR\Installers").

Java: Clear the console

Since there are several answers here showing non-working code for Windows, here is a clarification:


This command does not work, for two reasons:

  1. There is no executable named cls.exe or in a standard Windows installation that could be invoked via Runtime.exec, as the well-known command cls is builtin to Windows’ command line interpreter.

  2. When launching a new process via Runtime.exec, the standard output gets redirected to a pipe which the initiating Java process can read. But when the output of the cls command gets redirected, it doesn’t clear the console.

To solve this problem, we have to invoke the command line interpreter (cmd) and tell it to execute a command (/c cls) which allows invoking builtin commands. Further we have to directly connect its output channel to the Java process’ output channel, which works starting with Java 7, using inheritIO():


public class CLS {
    public static void main(String... arg) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        new ProcessBuilder("cmd", "/c", "cls").inheritIO().start().waitFor();

Now when the Java process is connected to a console, i.e. has been started from a command line without output redirection, it will clear the console.

Popup window in winform c#

i am using this method.

add a from that you want to pop up, add all controls you need. in the code you can handle the user input and return result to the caller. for pop up the form just create a new instance of the form and show method.

/* create new form instance. i am overriding constructor to allow the caller form to set the form header */ 
var t = new TextPrompt("Insert your message and click Send button");
// pop up the form
if (t.DialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
  MessageBox.Show("RTP", "Message sent to user"); 

When should I use the Visitor Design Pattern?

Based on the excellent answer of @Federico A. Ramponi.

Just imagine you have this hierarchy:

public interface IAnimal
    void DoSound();

public class Dog : IAnimal
    public void DoSound()

public class Cat : IAnimal
    public void DoSound(IOperation o)

What happen if you need to add a "Walk" method here? That will be painful to the whole design.

At the same time, adding the "Walk" method generate new questions. What about "Eat" or "Sleep"? Must we really add a new method to the Animal hierarchy for every new action or operation that we want to add? That's ugly and most important, we will never be able to close the Animal interface. So, with the visitor pattern, we can add new method to the hierarchy without modifying the hierarchy!

So, just check and run this C# example:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace VisitorPattern
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var animals = new List<IAnimal>
                new Cat(), new Cat(), new Dog(), new Cat(), 
                new Dog(), new Dog(), new Cat(), new Dog()

            foreach (var animal in animals)
                animal.DoOperation(new Walk());
                animal.DoOperation(new Sound());


    public interface IOperation
        void PerformOperation(Dog dog);
        void PerformOperation(Cat cat);

    public class Walk : IOperation
        public void PerformOperation(Dog dog)
            Console.WriteLine("Dog walking");

        public void PerformOperation(Cat cat)
            Console.WriteLine("Cat Walking");

    public class Sound : IOperation
        public void PerformOperation(Dog dog)

        public void PerformOperation(Cat cat)

    public interface IAnimal
        void DoOperation(IOperation o);

    public class Dog : IAnimal
        public void DoOperation(IOperation o)

    public class Cat : IAnimal
        public void DoOperation(IOperation o)

Wait .5 seconds before continuing code

In web application a timer will be the best approach.

Just fyi, in desktop application I use this instead, inside an async method.

Await Task.Run(Sub()
End Sub)

It work for me, importantly it doesn't freeze entire screen. But again this is on desktop, i try in web application it does freeze.

How To: Execute command line in C#, get STD OUT results

Here's a quick sample:

//Create process
System.Diagnostics.Process pProcess = new System.Diagnostics.Process();

//strCommand is path and file name of command to run
pProcess.StartInfo.FileName = strCommand;

//strCommandParameters are parameters to pass to program
pProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = strCommandParameters;

pProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;

//Set output of program to be written to process output stream
pProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;   

pProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = strWorkingDirectory;

//Start the process

//Get program output
string strOutput = pProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();

//Wait for process to finish