[string] Base64 length calculation?

After reading the base64 wiki ...

I'm trying to figure out how's the formula working :

Given a string with length of n , the base64 length will be enter image description here

Which is : 4*Math.Ceiling(((double)s.Length/3)))

I already know that base64 length must be %4==0 to allow the decoder know what was the original text length.

The max number of padding for a sequence can be = or ==.

wiki :The number of output bytes per input byte is approximately 4 / 3 (33% overhead)


How does the information above settle with the output length enter image description here ?

This question is related to string base64 padding formula

The answer is

4 * n / 3 gives unpadded length.

And round up to the nearest multiple of 4 for padding, and as 4 is a power of 2 can use bitwise logical operations.

((4 * n / 3) + 3) & ~3

For all people who speak C, take a look at these two macros:

// calculate the size of 'output' buffer required for a 'input' buffer of length x during Base64 encoding operation
#define B64ENCODE_OUT_SAFESIZE(x) ((((x) + 3 - 1)/3) * 4 + 1) 

// calculate the size of 'output' buffer required for a 'input' buffer of length x during Base64 decoding operation
#define B64DECODE_OUT_SAFESIZE(x) (((x)*3)/4) 

Taken from here.


Generally we don't want to use doubles because we don't want to use the floating point ops, rounding errors etc. They are just not necessary.

For this it is a good idea to remember how to perform the ceiling division: ceil(x / y) in doubles can be written as (x + y - 1) / y (while avoiding negative numbers, but beware of overflow).


If you go for readability you can of course also program it like this (example in Java, for C you could use macro's, of course):

public static int ceilDiv(int x, int y) {
    return (x + y - 1) / y;

public static int paddedBase64(int n) {
    int blocks = ceilDiv(n, 3);
    return blocks * 4;

public static int unpaddedBase64(int n) {
    int bits = 8 * n;
    return ceilDiv(bits, 6);

// test only
public static void main(String[] args) {
    for (int n = 0; n < 21; n++) {
        System.out.println("Base 64 padded: " + paddedBase64(n));
        System.out.println("Base 64 unpadded: " + unpaddedBase64(n));



We know that we need 4 characters blocks at the time for each 3 bytes (or less). So then the formula becomes (for x = n and y = 3):

blocks = (bytes + 3 - 1) / 3
chars = blocks * 4

or combined:

chars = ((bytes + 3 - 1) / 3) * 4

your compiler will optimize out the 3 - 1, so just leave it like this to maintain readability.


Less common is the unpadded variant, for this we remember that each we need a character for each 6 bits, rounded up:

bits = bytes * 8
chars = (bits + 6 - 1) / 6

or combined:

chars = (bytes * 8 + 6 - 1) / 6

we can however still divide by two (if we want to):

chars = (bytes * 4 + 3 - 1) / 3


In case you don't trust your compiler to do the final optimizations for you (or if you want to confuse your colleagues):


((n + 2) / 3) << 2


((n << 2) | 2) / 3

So there we are, two logical ways of calculation, and we don't need any branches, bit-ops or modulo ops - unless we really want to.


  • Obviously you may need to add 1 to the calculations to include a null termination byte.
  • For Mime you may need to take care of possible line termination characters and such (look for other answers for that).

Seems to me that the right formula should be:

n64 = 4 * (n / 3) + (n % 3 != 0 ? 4 : 0)

Simple implementantion in javascript

function sizeOfBase64String(base64String) {
    if (!base64String) return 0;
    const padding = (base64String.match(/(=*)$/) || [])[1].length;
    return 4 * Math.ceil((base64String.length / 3)) - padding;

If there is someone interested in achieve the @Pedro Silva solution in JS, I just ported this same solution for it:

const getBase64Size = (base64) => {
  let padding = base64.length
    ? getBase64Padding(base64)
    : 0
  return ((Math.ceil(base64.length / 4) * 3 ) - padding) / 1000

const getBase64Padding = (base64) => {
  return endsWith(base64, '==')
    ? 2
    : 1

const endsWith = (str, end) => {
  let charsFromEnd = end.length
  let extractedEnd = str.slice(-charsFromEnd)
  return extractedEnd === end

Here is a function to calculate the original size of an encoded Base 64 file as a String in KB:

private Double calcBase64SizeInKBytes(String base64String) {
    Double result = -1.0;
    if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(base64String)) {
        Integer padding = 0;
        if(base64String.endsWith("==")) {
            padding = 2;
        else {
            if (base64String.endsWith("=")) padding = 1;
        result = (Math.ceil(base64String.length() / 4) * 3 ) - padding;
    return result / 1000;

I think the given answers miss the point of the original question, which is how much space needs to be allocated to fit the base64 encoding for a given binary string of length n bytes.

The answer is (floor(n / 3) + 1) * 4 + 1

This includes padding and a terminating null character. You may not need the floor call if you are doing integer arithmetic.

Including padding, a base64 string requires four bytes for every three-byte chunk of the original string, including any partial chunks. One or two bytes extra at the end of the string will still get converted to four bytes in the base64 string when padding is added. Unless you have a very specific use, it is best to add the padding, usually an equals character. I added an extra byte for a null character in C, because ASCII strings without this are a little dangerous and you'd need to carry the string length separately.

While everyone else is debating algebraic formulas, I'd rather just use BASE64 itself to tell me:

$ echo "Including padding, a base64 string requires four bytes for every three-byte chunk of the original string, including any partial chunks. One or two bytes extra at the end of the string will still get converted to four bytes in the base64 string when padding is added. Unless you have a very specific use, it is best to add the padding, usually an equals character. I added an extra byte for a null character in C, because ASCII strings without this are a little dangerous and you'd need to carry the string length separately."| wc -c


$ echo "Including padding, a base64 string requires four bytes for every three-byte chunk of the original string, including any partial chunks. One or two bytes extra at the end of the string will still get converted to four bytes in the base64 string when padding is added. Unless you have a very specific use, it is best to add the padding, usually an equals character. I added an extra byte for a null character in C, because ASCII strings without this are a little dangerous and you'd need to carry the string length separately." | base64 | wc -c


So it seems the formula of 3 bytes being represented by 4 base64 characters seems correct.

For reference, the Base64 encoder's length formula is as follows:

Base64 encoder's length formula

As you said, a Base64 encoder given n bytes of data will produce a string of 4n/3 Base64 characters. Put another way, every 3 bytes of data will result in 4 Base64 characters. EDIT: A comment correctly points out that my previous graphic did not account for padding; the correct formula is Ceiling(4n/3).

The Wikipedia article shows exactly how the ASCII string Man encoded into the Base64 string TWFu in its example. The input string is 3 bytes, or 24 bits, in size, so the formula correctly predicts the output will be 4 bytes (or 32 bits) long: TWFu. The process encodes every 6 bits of data into one of the 64 Base64 characters, so the 24-bit input divided by 6 results in 4 Base64 characters.

You ask in a comment what the size of encoding 123456 would be. Keeping in mind that every every character of that string is 1 byte, or 8 bits, in size (assuming ASCII/UTF8 encoding), we are encoding 6 bytes, or 48 bits, of data. According to the equation, we expect the output length to be (6 bytes / 3 bytes) * 4 characters = 8 characters.

Putting 123456 into a Base64 encoder creates MTIzNDU2, which is 8 characters long, just as we expected.

I don't see the simplified formula in other responses. The logic is covered but I wanted a most basic form for my embedded use:

  Unpadded = ((4 * n) + 2) / 3

  Padded = 4 * ((n + 2) / 3)

NOTE: When calculating the unpadded count we round up the integer division i.e. add Divisor-1 which is +2 in this case

In windows - I wanted to estimate size of mime64 sized buffer, but all precise calculation formula's did not work for me - finally I've ended up with approximate formula like this:

Mine64 string allocation size (approximate) = (((4 * ((binary buffer size) + 1)) / 3) + 1)

So last +1 - it's used for ascii-zero - last character needs to allocated to store zero ending - but why "binary buffer size" is + 1 - I suspect that there is some mime64 termination character ? Or may be this is some alignment issue.

(In an attempt to give a succinct yet complete derivation.)

Every input byte has 8 bits, so for n input bytes we get:

n × 8      input bits

Every 6 bits is an output byte, so:

ceil(n × 8 / 6)  =  ceil(n × 4 / 3)      output bytes

This is without padding.

With padding, we round that up to multiple-of-four output bytes:

ceil(ceil(n × 4 / 3) / 4) × 4  =  ceil(n × 4 / 3 / 4) × 4  =  ceil(n / 3) × 4      output bytes

See Nested Divisions (Wikipedia) for the first equivalence.

Using integer arithmetics, ceil(n / m) can be calculated as (n + m – 1) div m, hence we get:

(n * 4 + 2) div 3      without padding

(n + 2) div 3 * 4      with padding

For illustration:

 n   with padding    (n + 2) div 3 * 4    without padding   (n * 4 + 2) div 3 
 0                           0                                      0
 1   AA==                    4            AA                        2
 2   AAA=                    4            AAA                       3
 3   AAAA                    4            AAAA                      4
 4   AAAAAA==                8            AAAAAA                    6
 5   AAAAAAA=                8            AAAAAAA                   7
 6   AAAAAAAA                8            AAAAAAAA                  8
 7   AAAAAAAAAA==           12            AAAAAAAAAA               10
 8   AAAAAAAAAAA=           12            AAAAAAAAAAA              11
 9   AAAAAAAAAAAA           12            AAAAAAAAAAAA             12
10   AAAAAAAAAAAAAA==       16            AAAAAAAAAAAAAA           14
11   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=       16            AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA          15
12   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA       16            AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA         16

Finally, in the case of MIME Base64 encoding, two additional bytes (CR LF) are needed per every 76 output bytes, rounded up or down depending on whether a terminating newline is required.

I believe that this one is an exact answer if n%3 not zero, no ?

    (n + 3-n%3)
4 * ---------

Mathematica version :

SizeB64[n_] := If[Mod[n, 3] == 0, 4 n/3, 4 (n + 3 - Mod[n, 3])/3]

Have fun


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