[java] How to get a path to a resource in a Java JAR file

I am trying to get a path to a Resource but I have had no luck.

This works (both in IDE and with the JAR) but this way I can't get a path to a file, only the file contents:

ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();

If I do this:

ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
File file = new File(classLoader.getResource("config/netclient.p").getFile());

The result is: java.io.FileNotFoundException: file:/path/to/jarfile/bot.jar!/config/netclient.p (No such file or directory)

Is there a way to get a path to a resource file?

This question is related to java resources path

The answer is

When loading a resource make sure you notice the difference between:

getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("com/myorg/foo.jpg") //relative path


getClass().getResource("/com/myorg/foo.jpg")); //note the slash at the beginning

I guess, this confusion is causing most of problems when loading a resource.

Also, when you're loading an image it's easier to use getResourceAsStream():

BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(getClass().getResourceAsStream("/com/myorg/foo.jpg"));

When you really have to load a (non-image) file from a JAR archive, you might try this:

File file = null;
String resource = "/com/myorg/foo.xml";
URL res = getClass().getResource(resource);
if (res.getProtocol().equals("jar")) {
    try {
        InputStream input = getClass().getResourceAsStream(resource);
        file = File.createTempFile("tempfile", ".tmp");
        OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
        int read;
        byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];

        while ((read = input.read(bytes)) != -1) {
            out.write(bytes, 0, read);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
} else {
    //this will probably work in your IDE, but not from a JAR
    file = new File(res.getFile());

if (file != null && !file.exists()) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Error: File " + file + " not found!");

follow code!



public static File streamToFile(InputStream in) {
    if (in == null) {
        return null;

    try {
        File f = File.createTempFile(String.valueOf(in.hashCode()), ".tmp");

        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f);
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];

        int bytesRead;
        while ((bytesRead = in.read(buffer)) != -1) {
            out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

        return f;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return null;

if netclient.p is inside a JAR file, it won't have a path because that file is located inside other file. in that case, the best path you can have is really file:/path/to/jarfile/bot.jar!/config/netclient.p.

private static final String FILE_LOCATION = "com/input/file/somefile.txt";

//Method Body

InputStream invalidCharacterInputStream = URLClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(FILE_LOCATION);

Getting this from getSystemResourceAsStream is the best option. By getting the inputstream rather than the file or the URL, works in a JAR file and as stand alone.

In my case, I have used a URL object instead Path.


File file = new File("my_path");
URL url = file.toURI().toURL();

Resource in classpath using classloader

URL url = MyClass.class.getClassLoader().getResource("resource_name")

When I need to read the content, I can use the following code:

InputStream stream = url.openStream();

And you can access the content using an InputStream.

A File is an abstraction for a file in a filesystem, and the filesystems don't know anything about what are the contents of a JAR.

Try with an URI, I think there's a jar:// protocol that might be useful for your purpouses.

The following path worked for me: classpath:/path/to/resource/in/jar

You need to understand the path within the jar file.
Simply refer to it relative. So if you have a file (myfile.txt), located in foo.jar under the \src\main\resources directory (maven style). You would refer to it like:


If you dump your jar using jar -tvf myjar.jar you will see the output and the relative path within the jar file, and use the FORWARD SLASHES.

It may be a little late but you may use my library KResourceLoader to get a resource from your jar:

File resource = getResource("file.txt")

This is same code from user Tombart with stream flush and close to avoid incomplete temporary file content copy from jar resource and to have unique temp file names.

File file = null;
String resource = "/view/Trial_main.html" ;
URL res = getClass().getResource(resource);
if (res.toString().startsWith("jar:")) {
    try {
        InputStream input = getClass().getResourceAsStream(resource);
        file = File.createTempFile(new Date().getTime()+"", ".html");
        OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
        int read;
        byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];

        while ((read = input.read(bytes)) != -1) {
            out.write(bytes, 0, read);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
} else {
    //this will probably work in your IDE, but not from a JAR
    file = new File(res.getFile());

Maybe this method can be used for quick solution.

public class TestUtility
    public static File getInternalResource(String relativePath)
        File resourceFile = null;
        URL location = TestUtility.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
        String codeLocation = location.toString();
            if (codeLocation.endsWith(".jar"){
                //Call from jar
                Path path = Paths.get(location.toURI()).resolve("../classes/" + relativePath).normalize();
                resourceFile = path.toFile();
                //Call from IDE
                resourceFile = new File(TestUtility.class.getClassLoader().getResource(relativePath).getPath());
        }catch(URISyntaxException ex){
        return resourceFile;

The one line answer is -

String path = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(<resourceFileName>).toExternalForm()

Basically getResource method gives the URL. From this URL you can extract the path by calling toExternalForm()


getResource(), toExternalForm()

I spent a while messing around with this problem, because no solution I found actually worked, strangely enough! The working directory is frequently not the directory of the JAR, especially if a JAR (or any program, for that matter) is run from the Start Menu under Windows. So here is what I did, and it works for .class files run from outside a JAR just as well as it works for a JAR. (I only tested it under Windows 7.)

try {
    //Attempt to get the path of the actual JAR file, because the working directory is frequently not where the file is.
    //Example: file:/D:/all/Java/TitanWaterworks/TitanWaterworks-en.jar!/TitanWaterworks.class
    //Another example: /D:/all/Java/TitanWaterworks/TitanWaterworks.class
    PROGRAM_DIRECTORY = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("TitanWaterworks.class").getPath(); // Gets the path of the class or jar.

    //Find the last ! and cut it off at that location. If this isn't being run from a jar, there is no !, so it'll cause an exception, which is fine.
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) { }

    //Find the last / and cut it off at that location.
    //If it starts with /, cut it off.
    //If it starts with file:/, cut that off, too.
} catch (Exception e) {
    PROGRAM_DIRECTORY = ""; //Current working directory instead.

When in a jar file, the resource is located absolutely in the package hierarchy (not file system hierarchy). So if you have class com.example.Sweet loading a resource named "./default.conf" then the resource's name is specified as "/com/example/default.conf".

But if it's in a jar then it's not a File ...

Inside your ressources folder (java/main/resources) of your jar add your file (we assume that you have added an xml file named imports.xml), after that you inject ResourceLoader if you use spring like bellow

private ResourceLoader resourceLoader;

inside tour function write the bellow code in order to load file:

    Resource resource = resourceLoader.getResource("classpath:imports.xml");
        File file;
        file = resource.getFile();//will load the file
    }catch(IOException e){e.printStackTrace();}

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