[java] Setting up enviromental variables in Windows 10 to use java and javac

Just set the path variable to JDK bin in environment variables.

Variable Name : PATH 
Variable Value : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_31\bin

But the best practice is to set JAVA_HOME and PATH as follow.

Variable Name : JAVA_HOME
Variable Value : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_31

Variable Name : PATH 
Variable Value : %JAVA_HOME%\bin

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Examples related to environment-variables

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Examples related to javac

Setting up enviromental variables in Windows 10 to use java and javac "Javac" doesn't work correctly on Windows 10 Error:java: invalid source release: 8 in Intellij. What does it mean? Javac is not found Maven Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in: Unable to locate an executable at "/usr/bin/java/bin/java" (-1) javac is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file javac option to compile all java files under a given directory recursively Creating a batch file, for simple javac and java command execution javac : command not found

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