Programs & Examples On #Multibinding

MultiBinding is a XAML tag in Microsoft .NET WPF that enables you to combine multiple sources of data into a single collection of data available for data binding.

How to bind multiple values to a single WPF TextBlock?

Use a ValueConverter

[ValueConversion(typeof(string), typeof(String))]
public class MyConverter: IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return string.Format("{0}:{1}", (string) value, (string) parameter);

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)

        return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;

and in the markup

<src:MyConverter x:Key="MyConverter"/>

. . .

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Name, Converter={StaticResource MyConverter Parameter=ID}}" />

VSCode single to double quote automatic replace

please consider .editorconfig overwrites everything, use:

quote_type = single

How to completely uninstall Android Studio on Mac?

Run the following commands in the terminal:

rm -Rf /Applications/Android\  
rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/AndroidStudio*  
rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/*  
rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/*  
rm -Rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/AndroidStudio*  
rm -Rf ~/Library/Logs/AndroidStudio*  
rm -Rf ~/Library/Caches/AndroidStudio*  
rm -Rf ~/.AndroidStudio*  
rm -Rf ~/.gradle  
rm -Rf ~/.android  
rm -Rf ~/Library/Android*  
rm -Rf /usr/local/var/lib/android-sdk/  

To delete all projects:

rm -Rf ~/AndroidStudioProjects  

After installing with pip, "jupyter: command not found"

Execute this in Terminal

export PATH=~/anaconda3/bin:$PATH

Worked for me on Ubuntu 16.10, Python3, Anaconda3


Add path in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc(if you are using zsh bash) file

vi ~/.bashrc

add the below line to the file


Close the file with

esc + : + wq

Convert a list to a string in C#

String.Join(" ", myList) or String.Join(" ", myList.ToArray()). The first argument is the separator between the substrings.

var myList = new List<String> { "foo","bar","baz"};
Console.WriteLine(String.Join("-", myList)); // prints "foo-bar-baz"

Depending on your version of .NET you might need to use ToArray() on the list first..

Javascript: formatting a rounded number to N decimals

I think that there is a more simple approach to all given here, and is the method Number.toFixed() already implemented in JavaScript.

simply write:

var myNumber = 2;

myNumber.toFixed(2); //returns "2.00"
myNumber.toFixed(1); //returns "2.0"


How to plot a very simple bar chart (Python, Matplotlib) using input *.txt file?

You're talking about histograms, but this doesn't quite make sense. Histograms and bar charts are different things. An histogram would be a bar chart representing the sum of values per year, for example. Here, you just seem to be after bars.

Here is a complete example from your data that shows a bar of for each required value at each date:

import pylab as pl
import datetime

data = """0 14-11-2003
1 15-03-1999
12 04-12-2012
33 09-05-2007
44 16-08-1998
55 25-07-2001
76 31-12-2011
87 25-06-1993
118 16-02-1995
119 10-02-1981
145 03-05-2014"""

values = []
dates = []

for line in data.split("\n"):
    x, y = line.split()
    dates.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(y, "%d-%m-%Y").date())

fig = pl.figure()
ax = pl.subplot(111), values, width=100)

You need to parse the date with strptime and set the x-axis to use dates (as described in this answer).

If you're not interested in having the x-axis show a linear time scale, but just want bars with labels, you can do this instead:

fig = pl.figure()
ax = pl.subplot(111), values)

EDIT: Following comments, for all the ticks, and for them to be centred, pass the range to set_ticks (and move them by half the bar width):

fig = pl.figure()
ax = pl.subplot(111)
width=0.8, values, width=width)
ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(dates)) + width/2)
ax.set_xticklabels(dates, rotation=90)

How to access parameters in a RESTful POST method

Your @POST method should be accepting a JSON object instead of a string. Jersey uses JAXB to support marshaling and unmarshaling JSON objects (see the jersey docs for details). Create a class like:

public class MyJaxBean {
    @XmlElement public String param1;
    @XmlElement public String param2;

Then your @POST method would look like the following:

@POST @Consumes("application/json")
public void create(final MyJaxBean input) {
    System.out.println("param1 = " + input.param1);
    System.out.println("param2 = " + input.param2);

This method expects to receive JSON object as the body of the HTTP POST. JAX-RS passes the content body of the HTTP message as an unannotated parameter -- input in this case. The actual message would look something like:

POST /create HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 35


Using JSON in this way is quite common for obvious reasons. However, if you are generating or consuming it in something other than JavaScript, then you do have to be careful to properly escape the data. In JAX-RS, you would use a MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter to implement this. I believe that Jersey already has implementations for the required types (e.g., Java primitives and JAXB wrapped classes) as well as for JSON. JAX-RS supports a number of other methods for passing data. These don't require the creation of a new class since the data is passed using simple argument passing.


The parameters would be annotated using @FormParam:

public void create(@FormParam("param1") String param1,
                   @FormParam("param2") String param2) {

The browser will encode the form using "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". The JAX-RS runtime will take care of decoding the body and passing it to the method. Here's what you should see on the wire:

POST /create HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 25


The content is URL encoded in this case.

If you do not know the names of the FormParam's you can do the following:

@POST @Consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
public void create(final MultivaluedMap<String, String> formParams) {

HTTP Headers

You can using the @HeaderParam annotation if you want to pass parameters via HTTP headers:

public void create(@HeaderParam("param1") String param1,
                   @HeaderParam("param2") String param2) {

Here's what the HTTP message would look like. Note that this POST does not have a body.

POST /create HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0
param1: hello
param2: world

I wouldn't use this method for generalized parameter passing. It is really handy if you need to access the value of a particular HTTP header though.

HTTP Query Parameters

This method is primarily used with HTTP GETs but it is equally applicable to POSTs. It uses the @QueryParam annotation.

public void create(@QueryParam("param1") String param1,
                   @QueryParam("param2") String param2) {

Like the previous technique, passing parameters via the query string does not require a message body. Here's the HTTP message:

POST /create?param1=hello&param2=world HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0

You do have to be particularly careful to properly encode query parameters on the client side. Using query parameters can be problematic due to URL length restrictions enforced by some proxies as well as problems associated with encoding them.

HTTP Path Parameters

Path parameters are similar to query parameters except that they are embedded in the HTTP resource path. This method seems to be in favor today. There are impacts with respect to HTTP caching since the path is what really defines the HTTP resource. The code looks a little different than the others since the @Path annotation is modified and it uses @PathParam:

public void create(@PathParam("param1") String param1,
                   @PathParam("param2") String param2) {

The message is similar to the query parameter version except that the names of the parameters are not included anywhere in the message.

POST /create/hello/world HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0

This method shares the same encoding woes that the query parameter version. Path segments are encoded differently so you do have to be careful there as well.

As you can see, there are pros and cons to each method. The choice is usually decided by your clients. If you are serving FORM-based HTML pages, then use @FormParam. If your clients are JavaScript+HTML5-based, then you will probably want to use JAXB-based serialization and JSON objects. The MessageBodyReader/Writer implementations should take care of the necessary escaping for you so that is one fewer thing that can go wrong. If your client is Java based but does not have a good XML processor (e.g., Android), then I would probably use FORM encoding since a content body is easier to generate and encode properly than URLs are. Hopefully this mini-wiki entry sheds some light on the various methods that JAX-RS supports.

Note: in the interest of full disclosure, I haven't actually used this feature of Jersey yet. We were tinkering with it since we have a number of JAXB+JAX-RS applications deployed and are moving into the mobile client space. JSON is a much better fit that XML on HTML5 or jQuery-based solutions.

CSS Always On Top

Assuming that your markup looks like:

<div id="header" style="position: fixed;"></div>
<div id="content" style="position: relative;"></div>

Now both elements are positioned; in which case, the element at the bottom (in source order) will cover element above it (in source order).

Add a z-index on header; 1 should be sufficient.

Alert handling in Selenium WebDriver (selenium 2) with Java

You could try

        if(webDriver.switchTo().alert() != null){
           Alert alert = webDriver.switchTo().alert();
    }catch(Exception e){}

If that doesn't work, you could try looping through all the window handles and see if the alert exists. I'm not sure if the alert opens as a new window using selenium.

for(String s: webDriver.getWindowHandles()){
 //see if alert exists here.

Adding an HTTP Header to the request in a servlet filter

You'll have to use an HttpServletRequestWrapper:

public void doFilter(final ServletRequest request, final ServletResponse response, final FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
    final HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
    HttpServletRequestWrapper wrapper = new HttpServletRequestWrapper(httpRequest) {
        public String getHeader(String name) {
            final String value = request.getParameter(name);
            if (value != null) {
                return value;
            return super.getHeader(name);
    chain.doFilter(wrapper, response);

Depending on what you want to do you may need to implement other methods of the wrapper like getHeaderNames for instance. Just be aware that this is trusting the client and allowing them to manipulate any HTTP header. You may want to sandbox it and only allow certain header values to be modified this way.

How to append a newline to StringBuilder

It should be


But I recommend you to do as below,


System.getProperty("line.separator") gives you system-dependent newline in java. Also from Java 7 there's a method that returns the value directly: System.lineSeparator()

How to use the addr2line command in Linux?

You need to specify an offset to addr2line, not a virtual address (VA). Presumably if you had address space randomization turned off, you could use a full VA, but in most modern OSes, address spaces are randomized for a new process.

Given the VA 0x4005BDC by valgrind, find the base address of your process or library in memory. Do this by examining the /proc/<PID>/maps file while your program is running. The line of interest is the text segment of your process, which is identifiable by the permissions r-xp and the name of your program or library.

Let's say that the base VA is 0x0x4005000. Then you would find the difference between the valgrind supplied VA and the base VA: 0xbdc. Then, supply that to add2line:

addr2line -e a.out -j .text 0xbdc

And see if that gets you your line number.

How can I extract audio from video with ffmpeg?

ffmpeg -i sample.avi will give you the audio/video format info for your file. Make sure you have the proper libraries configured to parse the input streams. Also, make sure that the file isn't corrupt.

Error 405 (Method Not Allowed) Laravel 5

This might help someone so I'll put my inputs here as well.

I've encountered the same (or similar) problem. Apparently, the problem was the POST request was blocked by Modsec by the following rules: 350147, 340147, 340148, 350148

After blocking the request, I was redirected to the same endpoint but as a GET request of course and thus the 405.

I whitelisted those rules and voila, the 405 error was gone.

Hope this helps someone.

Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity?

Android Doc says -

FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK requirement is now enforced

With Android 9, you cannot start an activity from a non-activity context unless you pass the intent flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK. If you attempt to start an activity without passing this flag, the activity does not start, and the system prints a message to the log.

Note: The flag requirement has always been the intended behavior, and was enforced on versions lower than Android 7.0 (API level 24). A bug in Android 7.0 prevented the flag requirement from being enforced.

That means for (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) || (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) it is mandatory to add Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK while calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity context.

So it is better to add flag for all the versions -

Intent i = new Intent(this, Wakeup.class);

Roblox Admin Command Script

for i=1,#target do[i].Character:BreakJoints()

Is incorrect, if "target" contains "FakeNameHereSoNoStalkers" then the run code would be:

Which is completely incorrect.

c = game.Players:GetChildren()

Never use "Players:GetChildren()", it is not guaranteed to return only players.

Instead use:

c = Game.Players:GetPlayers()

if msg:lower()=="me" then
    table.insert(people, source)
    return people

Here you add the player's name in the list "people", where you in the other places adds the player object.

Fixed code:

local Admins = {"FakeNameHereSoNoStalkers"}

function Kill(Players)
    for i,Player in ipairs(Players) do
        if Player.Character then

function IsAdmin(Player)
    for i,AdminName in ipairs(Admins) do
        if Player.Name:lower() == AdminName:lower() then return true end
    return false

function GetPlayers(Player,Msg)
    local Targets = {}
    local Players = Game.Players:GetPlayers()

    if Msg:lower() == "me" then
        Targets = { Player }
    elseif Msg:lower() == "all" then
        Targets = Players
    elseif Msg:lower() == "others" then
        for i,Plr in ipairs(Players) do
            if Plr ~= Player then
        for i,Plr in ipairs(Players) do
            if Plr.Name:lower():sub(1,Msg:len()) == Msg then
    return Targets

    if IsAdmin(Player) then
            if Msg:lower():sub(1,6) == ":kill " then

Kotlin - How to correctly concatenate a String

There are various way to concatenate strings in kotlin Example -

a = "Hello" , b= "World"
  1. Using + operator a+b

  2. Using plus() operator

Note - + is internally converted to .plus() method only

In above 2 methods, a new string object is created as strings are immutable. if we want to modify the existing string, we can use StringBuilder

StringBuilder str = StringBuilder("Hello").append("World")

Determine if JavaScript value is an "integer"?

Here's a polyfill for the Number predicate functions:

"use strict";

Number.isNaN = Number.isNaN ||
    n => n !== n; // only NaN

Number.isNumeric = Number.isNumeric ||
    n => n === +n; // all numbers excluding NaN

Number.isFinite = Number.isFinite ||
    n => n === +n               // all numbers excluding NaN
      && n >= Number.MIN_VALUE  // and -Infinity
      && n <= Number.MAX_VALUE; // and +Infinity

Number.isInteger = Number.isInteger ||
    n => n === +n              // all numbers excluding NaN
      && n >= Number.MIN_VALUE // and -Infinity
      && n <= Number.MAX_VALUE // and +Infinity
      && !(n % 1);             // and non-whole numbers

Number.isSafeInteger = Number.isSafeInteger ||
    n => n === +n                     // all numbers excluding NaN
      && n >= Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER // and small unsafe numbers
      && n <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER // and big unsafe numbers
      && !(n % 1);                    // and non-whole numbers

All major browsers support these functions, except isNumeric, which is not in the specification because I made it up. Hence, you can reduce the size of this polyfill:

"use strict";

Number.isNumeric = Number.isNumeric ||
    n => n === +n; // all numbers excluding NaN

Alternatively, just inline the expression n === +n manually.

How to find out when a particular table was created in Oracle?

You can query the data dictionary/catalog views to find out when an object was created as well as the time of last DDL involving the object (example: alter table)

select * 
  from all_objects 
 where owner = '<name of schema owner>'
   and object_name = '<name of table>'

The column "CREATED" tells you when the object was created. The column "LAST_DDL_TIME" tells you when the last DDL was performed against the object.

As for when a particular row was inserted/updated, you can use audit columns like an "insert_timestamp" column or use a trigger and populate an audit table

Converting char[] to byte[]

Edit: Andrey's answer has been updated so the following no longer applies.

Andrey's answer (the highest voted at the time of writing) is slightly incorrect. I would have added this as comment but I am not reputable enough.

In Andrey's answer:

char[] chars = {'c', 'h', 'a', 'r', 's'}
byte[] bytes = Charset.forName("UTF-8").encode(CharBuffer.wrap(chars)).array();

the call to array() may not return the desired value, for example:

char[] c = "aaaaaaaaaa".toCharArray();


[97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 0]

As can be seen a zero byte has been added. To avoid this use the following:

char[] c = "aaaaaaaaaa".toCharArray();
ByteBuffer bb = Charset.forName("UTF-8").encode(CharBuffer.wrap(c));
byte[] b = new byte[bb.remaining()];


[97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97]

As the answer also alluded to using passwords it might be worth blanking out the array that backs the ByteBuffer (accessed via the array() function):

ByteBuffer bb = Charset.forName("UTF-8").encode(CharBuffer.wrap(c));
byte[] b = new byte[bb.remaining()];

Necessary to add link tag for favicon.ico?

The bottom line is not all browsers will actually look for your favicon.ico file. Some browsers allow users to choose whether or not it should automatically look. Therefore, in order to ensure that it will always appear and get looked at, you do have to define it.

How do I do top 1 in Oracle?

You can do something like

    SELECT *
      FROM (SELECT Fname FROM MyTbl ORDER BY Fname )
 WHERE rownum = 1;

You could also use the analytic functions RANK and/or DENSE_RANK, but ROWNUM is probably the easiest.

What's the most appropriate HTTP status code for an "item not found" error page

* {@code 422 Unprocessable Entity}.
* @see <a href="">WebDAV</a>
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY(422, "Unprocessable Entity")

Check if an object belongs to a class in Java

The instanceof keyword, as described by the other answers, is usually what you would want. Keep in mind that instanceof will return true for superclasses as well.

If you want to see if an object is a direct instance of a class, you could compare the class. You can get the class object of an instance via getClass(). And you can statically access a specific class via ClassName.class.

So for example:

if (a.getClass() == X.class) {
  // do something

In the above example, the condition is true if a is an instance of X, but not if a is an instance of a subclass of X.

In comparison:

if (a instanceof X) {
    // do something

In the instanceof example, the condition is true if a is an instance of X, or if a is an instance of a subclass of X.

Most of the time, instanceof is right.

Make an HTTP request with android

Look at this awesome new library which is available via gradle :)

build.gradle: compile 'com.apptakk.http_request:http-request:0.1.2'


new HttpRequestTask(
    new HttpRequest("", HttpRequest.POST, "{ \"some\": \"data\" }"),
    new HttpRequest.Handler() {
      public void response(HttpResponse response) {
        if (response.code == 200) {
          Log.d(this.getClass().toString(), "Request successful!");
        } else {
          Log.e(this.getClass().toString(), "Request unsuccessful: " + response);

Convert month int to month name

You can do something like this instead.

return new DateTime(2010, Month, 1).ToString("MMM");

Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured

Your problem is the dependency of spring batch spring-boot-starter-batch that has a spring-boot-starter-jdbc transitive maven dependency.

Spring Batch is a framework for building reliable and fault tolerance enterprise batch jobs. It supports many features like restarting a failed batch, recording the status of the batch execution and so on. In order to achieve that Spring Batch uses a database schema to store the status of the registered jobs, the auto-configuration already provides you the basic configuration of the required data source and it is this configuration that requires the relational database configuration.

To solve this you must include some database driver like mysql, h2, etc. to configure the url.

Update: Just for getting start you can configure your application.yml like below:

    driver-class-name: org.h2.Driver
    url: jdbc:h2:mem:localhost;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE
    username: admin

and of course in your pom.xml include the h2 dirver like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


    <description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>

        <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->





The motivation, because you can not use mongo for this purpose, is that the usage of mongo is provided only for item readers and writers and not for managing the internal database of Spring Batch that is an internal schema, not a business schema. The query is plain SQL query and the internal abstraction relies on a relational database. It is necessary to have a database with ACID capability because every batch reads and writes a chunk of work and saves that information in order to restart the job. A NoSql solution is not suitable for this.

At the end you have configured a relational database in order to prepare Spring Batch for internal capability, the internal abstraction does not rely on mongo only on jdbc. Then mongo can be used but for the business side of the batch via item reader/writer.

I hope that this can help you to clear your doubts.

How to make an anchor tag refer to nothing?

There are a few less than perfect solutions:

1. Link to a fake anchor

<a href="#">

Problem: clicking the link jumps back to the top of the page

2. Using a tag other than 'a'

Use a span tag and use the jquery to handle the click

Problem: breaks keyboard navigation, have to manually change the hover cursor

3. Link to a javascript void function

<a href="javascript:void(0);">
<a href="javascript:;">

Problem: breaks when linking images in IE


Since these all have their problems, the solution I've settled on is to link to a fake anchor, and then return false from the onClick method:

<a href="#" onClick="return false;">

Not the most concise of solutions, but it solves all the problems with the above methods.

Batch command to move files to a new directory

Something like this might help:

SET Today=%Date:~10,4%%Date:~4,2%%Date:~7,2%
mkdir C:\Test\Backup-%Today%
move C:\Test\Log\*.* C:\Test\Backup-%Today%\
SET Today=

The important part is the first line. It takes the output of the internal DATE value and parses it into an environmental variable named Today, in the format CCYYMMDD, as in '20110407`.

The %Date:~10,4% says to extract a *substring of the Date environmental variable 'Thu 04/07/2011' (built in - type echo %Date% at a command prompt) starting at position 10 for 4 characters (2011). It then concatenates another substring of Date: starting at position 4 for 2 chars (04), and then concats two additional characters starting at position 7 (07).

*The substring value starting points are 0-based.

You may need to adjust these values depending on the date format in your locale, but this should give you a starting point.

Vibrate and Sound defaults on notification

Its work fine to me,You can try it.

 protected void displayNotification() {

        Log.i("Start", "notification");

      // Invoking the default notification service //
        NotificationCompat.Builder  mBuilder =
                new NotificationCompat.Builder(this);

        mBuilder.setContentTitle("New Message");
        mBuilder.setContentText("You have "+unMber_unRead_sms +" new message.");
        mBuilder.setTicker("New message from PayMe..");

      // Increase notification number every time a new notification arrives //

      // Creates an explicit intent for an Activity in your app //

        Intent resultIntent = new Intent(this, FreesmsLog.class);

        TaskStackBuilder stackBuilder = TaskStackBuilder.create(this);

      // Adds the Intent that starts the Activity to the top of the stack //
        PendingIntent resultPendingIntent =

      //  mBuilder.setOngoing(true);
        Notification note =;
        note.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE;
        note.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND;

        mNotificationManager =
                (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
      // notificationID allows you to update the notification later on. //


Process escape sequences in a string in Python

unicode_escape doesn't work in general

It turns out that the string_escape or unicode_escape solution does not work in general -- particularly, it doesn't work in the presence of actual Unicode.

If you can be sure that every non-ASCII character will be escaped (and remember, anything beyond the first 128 characters is non-ASCII), unicode_escape will do the right thing for you. But if there are any literal non-ASCII characters already in your string, things will go wrong.

unicode_escape is fundamentally designed to convert bytes into Unicode text. But in many places -- for example, Python source code -- the source data is already Unicode text.

The only way this can work correctly is if you encode the text into bytes first. UTF-8 is the sensible encoding for all text, so that should work, right?

The following examples are in Python 3, so that the string literals are cleaner, but the same problem exists with slightly different manifestations on both Python 2 and 3.

>>> s = 'naïve \\t test'
>>> print(s.encode('utf-8').decode('unicode_escape'))
naïve   test

Well, that's wrong.

The new recommended way to use codecs that decode text into text is to call codecs.decode directly. Does that help?

>>> import codecs
>>> print(codecs.decode(s, 'unicode_escape'))
naïve   test

Not at all. (Also, the above is a UnicodeError on Python 2.)

The unicode_escape codec, despite its name, turns out to assume that all non-ASCII bytes are in the Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) encoding. So you would have to do it like this:

>>> print(s.encode('latin-1').decode('unicode_escape'))
naïve    test

But that's terrible. This limits you to the 256 Latin-1 characters, as if Unicode had never been invented at all!

>>> print('Erno \\t Rubik'.encode('latin-1').decode('unicode_escape'))
UnicodeEncodeError: 'latin-1' codec can't encode character '\u0151'
in position 3: ordinal not in range(256)

Adding a regular expression to solve the problem

(Surprisingly, we do not now have two problems.)

What we need to do is only apply the unicode_escape decoder to things that we are certain to be ASCII text. In particular, we can make sure only to apply it to valid Python escape sequences, which are guaranteed to be ASCII text.

The plan is, we'll find escape sequences using a regular expression, and use a function as the argument to re.sub to replace them with their unescaped value.

import re
import codecs

ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_RE = re.compile(r'''
    ( \\U........      # 8-digit hex escapes
    | \\u....          # 4-digit hex escapes
    | \\x..            # 2-digit hex escapes
    | \\[0-7]{1,3}     # Octal escapes
    | \\N\{[^}]+\}     # Unicode characters by name
    | \\[\\'"abfnrtv]  # Single-character escapes
    )''', re.UNICODE | re.VERBOSE)

def decode_escapes(s):
    def decode_match(match):
        return codecs.decode(, 'unicode-escape')

    return ESCAPE_SEQUENCE_RE.sub(decode_match, s)

And with that:

>>> print(decode_escapes('Erno \\t Rubik'))
Erno     Rubik

Closing JFrame with button click

You cat use setVisible () method of JFrame (and set visibility to false) or dispose () method which is more similar to close operation.

Vuejs: Event on route change

Watcher with the deep option didn't work for me.

Instead, I use updated() lifecycle hook which gets executed everytime the component's data changes. Just use it like you do with mounted().

mounted() {
   /* to be executed when mounted */
updated() {

For your reference, visit the documentation.

Lua string to int

Use the tonumber function. As in a = tonumber("10").

How can I manually generate a .pyc file from a .py file

I would use compileall. It works nicely both from scripts and from the command line. It's a bit higher level module/tool than the already mentioned py_compile that it also uses internally.

Using Postman to access OAuth 2.0 Google APIs

I figured out that I was not generating Credentials for the right app type.
If you're using Postman to test Google oAuth 2 APIs, select
Credentials -> Add credentials -> OAuth2.0 client ID -> Web Application.

enter image description here

jQuery selectors on custom data attributes using HTML5

$("ul[data-group='Companies'] li[data-company='Microsoft']") //Get all elements with data-company="Microsoft" below "Companies"

$("ul[data-group='Companies'] li:not([data-company='Microsoft'])") //get all elements with data-company!="Microsoft" below "Companies"

Look in to jQuery Selectors :contains is a selector

here is info on the :contains selector

Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 does not discover unit tests

Deleting the file \AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\1033\SpecificFold??erCache.xml solved the issue for me.

How to install plugins to Sublime Text 2 editor?

You need to install Package Control first (from the Python console in Sublime. Visit for more info), and then install emmet from their repository.

Force LF eol in git repo and working copy

Without a bit of information about what files are in your repository (pure source code, images, executables, ...), it's a bit hard to answer the question :)

Beside this, I'll consider that you're willing to default to LF as line endings in your working directory because you're willing to make sure that text files have LF line endings in your .git repository wether you work on Windows or Linux. Indeed better safe than sorry....

However, there's a better alternative: Benefit from LF line endings in your Linux workdir, CRLF line endings in your Windows workdir AND LF line endings in your repository.

As you're partially working on Linux and Windows, make sure core.eol is set to native and core.autocrlf is set to true.

Then, replace the content of your .gitattributes file with the following

* text=auto

This will let Git handle the automagic line endings conversion for you, on commits and checkouts. Binary files won't be altered, files detected as being text files will see the line endings converted on the fly.

However, as you know the content of your repository, you may give Git a hand and help him detect text files from binary files.

Provided you work on a C based image processing project, replace the content of your .gitattributes file with the following

* text=auto
*.txt text
*.c text
*.h text
*.jpg binary

This will make sure files which extension is c, h, or txt will be stored with LF line endings in your repo and will have native line endings in the working directory. Jpeg files won't be touched. All of the others will be benefit from the same automagic filtering as seen above.

In order to get a get a deeper understanding of the inner details of all this, I'd suggest you to dive into this very good post "Mind the end of your line" from Tim Clem, a Githubber.

As a real world example, you can also peek at this commit where those changes to a .gitattributes file are demonstrated.

UPDATE to the answer considering the following comment

I actually don't want CRLF in my Windows directories, because my Linux environment is actually a VirtualBox sharing the Windows directory

Makes sense. Thanks for the clarification. In this specific context, the .gitattributes file by itself won't be enough.

Run the following commands against your repository

$ git config core.eol lf
$ git config core.autocrlf input

As your repository is shared between your Linux and Windows environment, this will update the local config file for both environment. core.eol will make sure text files bear LF line endings on checkouts. core.autocrlf will ensure potential CRLF in text files (resulting from a copy/paste operation for instance) will be converted to LF in your repository.

Optionally, you can help Git distinguish what is a text file by creating a .gitattributes file containing something similar to the following:

# Autodetect text files
* text=auto

# ...Unless the name matches the following
# overriding patterns

# Definitively text files 
*.txt text
*.c text
*.h text

# Ensure those won't be messed up with
*.jpg binary
*.data binary

If you decided to create a .gitattributes file, commit it.

Lastly, ensure git status mentions "nothing to commit (working directory clean)", then perform the following operation

$ git checkout-index --force --all

This will recreate your files in your working directory, taking into account your config changes and the .gitattributes file and replacing any potential overlooked CRLF in your text files.

Once this is done, every text file in your working directory WILL bear LF line endings and git status should still consider the workdir as clean.

Find the IP address of the client in an SSH session

Just type the following command on your Linux machine:


Nginx: Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited

Just write this your work get done

sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

sudo service nginx restart

systemctl status nginx

Happy Learning

Excel formula to get ranking position

If your C-column is sorted, you can check whether the current row is equal to your last row. If not, use the current row number as the ranking-position, otherwise use the value from above (value for b3):

=IF(C3=C2, B2, ROW()-1)

You can use the LARGE function to get the n-th highest value in case your C-column is not sorted:


What is the difference between AF_INET and PF_INET in socket programming?

In fact, AF_ and PF_ are the same thing. There are some words on Wikipedia will clear your confusion

The original design concept of the socket interface distinguished between protocol types (families) and the specific address types that each may use. It was envisioned that a protocol family may have several address types. Address types were defined by additional symbolic constants, using the prefix AF_ instead of PF_. The AF_-identifiers are intended for all data structures that specifically deal with the address type and not the protocol family. However, this concept of separation of protocol and address type has not found implementation support and the AF_-constants were simply defined by the corresponding protocol identifier, rendering the distinction between AF_ versus PF_ constants a technical argument of no significant practical consequence. Indeed, much confusion exists in the proper usage of both forms.

Transposing a 1D NumPy array

Basically what the transpose function does is to swap the shape and strides of the array:

>>> a = np.ones((1,2,3))

>>> a.shape
(1, 2, 3)

>>> a.T.shape
(3, 2, 1)

>>> a.strides
(48, 24, 8)

>>> a.T.strides
(8, 24, 48)

In case of 1D numpy array (rank-1 array) the shape and strides are 1-element tuples and cannot be swapped, and the transpose of such an 1D array returns it unchanged. Instead, you can transpose a "row-vector" (numpy array of shape (1, n)) into a "column-vector" (numpy array of shape (n, 1)). To achieve this you have to first convert your 1D numpy array into row-vector and then swap the shape and strides (transpose it). Below is a function that does it:

from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided

def transpose(a):
    a = np.atleast_2d(a)
    return as_strided(a, shape=a.shape[::-1], strides=a.strides[::-1])


>>> a = np.arange(3)
>>> a
array([0, 1, 2])

>>> transpose(a)

>>> a = np.arange(1, 7).reshape(2,3)
>>> a     
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [4, 5, 6]])

>>> transpose(a)
array([[1, 4],
       [2, 5],
       [3, 6]])

Of course you don't have to do it this way since you have a 1D array and you can directly reshape it into (n, 1) array by a.reshape((-1, 1)) or a[:, None]. I just wanted to demonstrate how transposing an array works.

How to write "not in ()" sql query using join

SELECT d1.Short_Code 
FROM domain1 d1
LEFT JOIN domain2 d2
ON d1.Short_Code = d2.Short_Code
WHERE d2.Short_Code IS NULL

How to align an indented line in a span that wraps into multiple lines?

You want multiple lines of text indented on the left. Try the following:

CSS: {
    margin-left: 10px;
} {
    color: #b1b1b1;
    font-size: 11px;
    font-style: italic;


<div class="info"><span class="info">blah blah <br/> blah blah</span></div>

Position a div container on the right side

  • Use float: right to.. float the second column to the.. right.
  • Use overflow: hidden to clear the floats so that the background color I just put in will be visible.

Live Demo

    overflow: hidden
#c1 {
#c2 {
    float: right

LaTeX: remove blank page after a \part or \chapter

You don't say what class you are using, but I'm guessing it is the standard book. In which case the page clearing is a feature of he class which you can override as Mica suggests, or solve by switching to another class. The standard report class is similar to book, or the memoir class is an improved book and is very flexible indeed.

How do you set up use HttpOnly cookies in PHP

Be aware that HttpOnly doesn't stop cross-site scripting; instead, it neutralizes one possible attack, and currently does that only on IE (FireFox exposes HttpOnly cookies in XmlHttpRequest, and Safari doesn't honor it at all). By all means, turn HttpOnly on, but don't drop even an hour of output filtering and fuzz testing in trade for it.

See last changes in svn

svn log -r {2009-09-17}:HEAD

where 2009-09-17 is the date you went on holiday. To see the changed files as well as the summary, add a -v option:

svn log -r {2009-09-17}:HEAD -v

I haven't used WebSVN but there will be a log viewer somewhere that does the equivalent of these commands under the hood.

Using LINQ to concatenate strings

I always use the extension method:

public static string JoinAsString<T>(this IEnumerable<T> input, string seperator)
    var ar = input.Select(i => i.ToString());
    return string.Join(seperator, ar);

What is the best (and safest) way to merge a Git branch into master?

git checkout master
git pull origin master
# Merge branch test into master
git merge test

After merging, if the file is changed, then when you merge it will through error of "Resolve Conflict"

So then you need to first resolve all your conflicts then, you have to again commit all your changes and then push

git push origin master

This is better do who has done changes in test branch, because he knew what changes he has done.

SSL certificate is not trusted - on mobile only

Put your domain name here: You should be able to see if there are any issues with your ssl certificate chain. I am guessing that you have SSL chain issues. A short description of the problem is that there's actually a list of certificates on your server (and not only one) and these need to be in the correct order. If they are there but not in the correct order, the website will be fine on desktop browsers (an iOs as well I think), but android is more strict about the order of certificates, and will give an error if the order is incorrect. To fix this you just need to re-order the certificates.

Setting JDK in Eclipse

You manage the list of available compilers in the Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JRE's tab.

In the project build path configuration dialog, under the libraries tab, you can delete the entry for JRE System Library, click on Add Library and choose the installed JRE to compile with. Some compilers can be configured to compile at a back-level compiler version. I think that's why you're seeing the addition version options.

ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading authorization packet', system error: 0

Another possibility can be connection reset from the TCP wrappers (/etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow). Just check what is coming in from the telnet to port 3306 - if it is nothing, then there is something is in the middle preventing communication from happening.

PHP Session data not being saved

Here is one common problem I haven't seen addressed in the other comments: is your host running a cache of some sort? If they are automatically caching results in some fashion you would get this sort of behavior.

Spin or rotate an image on hover

It's very simple.

  1. You add an image.
  2. You create a css property to this image.

    img { transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; }
  3. You add an animation like that:

        cursor: default;
        transform: rotate(360deg);
        transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out 0s;

Remove stubborn underline from link

None of the answers worked for me. In my case there was a standard

a:-webkit-any-link {
text-decoration: underline;

in my code. Basically whatever link it is, the text color goes blue, and the link stays whatever it is.

So I added the code at the end of the header like this:

    a:-webkit-any-link {
      text-decoration: none;

and problem is no more.

Variable that has the path to the current ansible-playbook that is executing?

There don't seem to be a variable which holds exactly what you want.

However, quoting the docs:

Also available, inventory_dir is the pathname of the directory holding Ansible’s inventory host file, inventory_file is the pathname and the filename pointing to the Ansible’s inventory host file.

playbook_dir contains the playbook base directory.

And finally, role_path will return the current role’s pathname (since 1.8). This will only work inside a role.

Dependent on your setup, those or the $ pwd -based solution might be enough.

How do I set a variable to the output of a command in Bash?

I know three ways to do it:

  1. Functions are suitable for such tasks:**

    func (){
        ls -l

    Invoke it by saying func.

  2. Also another suitable solution could be eval:

    var="ls -l"
    eval $var
  3. The third one is using variables directly:

    var=$(ls -l)
    var=`ls -l`

You can get the output of the third solution in a good way:

echo "$var"

And also in a nasty way:

echo $var

Initializing a struct to 0

See §6.7.9 Initialization:

21 If there are fewer initializers in a brace-enclosed list than there are elements or members of an aggregate, or fewer characters in a string literal used to initialize an array of known size than there are elements in the array, the remainder of the aggregate shall be initialized implicitly the same as objects that have static storage duration.

So, yes both of them work. Note that in C99 a new way of initialization, called designated initialization can be used too:

myStruct _m1 = {.c2 = 0, .c1 = 1};

Dynamic WHERE clause in LINQ

You could use the Any() extension method. The following seems to work for me.

XStreamingElement root = new XStreamingElement("Results",
                from el in StreamProductItem(file)
                where fieldsToSearch.Any(s => el.Element(s) != null && el.Element(s).Value.Contains(searchTerm))
                select fieldsToReturn.Select(r => (r == "product") ? el : el.Element(r))

Where 'fieldsToSearch' and 'fieldsToReturn' are both List objects.

How do I upgrade to Python 3.6 with conda?

I'm using a Mac OS Mojave

These 4 steps worked for me.

  1. conda update conda
  2. conda install python=3.6
  3. conda install anaconda-client
  4. conda update anaconda

Best practices with STDIN in Ruby?

It seems most answers are assuming the arguments are filenames containing content to be cat'd to the stdin. Below everything is treated as just arguments. If STDIN is from the TTY, then it is ignored.

$ cat tstarg.rb

while a=(ARGV.shift or (!STDIN.tty? and STDIN.gets) )
  puts a

Either arguments or stdin can be empty or have data.

$ cat numbers 
$ ./tstarg.rb a b c < numbers

jquery: get id from class selector

As of jQuery 1.6, you could (and some would say should) use .prop instead of .attr


It is discussed further in this post: .prop() vs .attr()

Update Git branches from master

To update other branches like (backup) with your master branch copy. You can do follow either way (rebase or merge)...

  1. Do rebase (there won't be any extra commit made to the backup branch).
  2. Merge branches (there will be an extra commit automatically to the backup branch).

    Note : Rebase is nothing but establishing a new base (a new copy)

git checkout backup
git merge master
git push

(Repeat for other branches if any like backup2 & etc..,)

git checkout backup
git rebase master
git push

(Repeat for other branches if any like backup2 & etc..,)

Regular expression for letters, numbers and - _

The pattern you want is something like (see it on



  • ^ is the beginning of the line anchor
  • $ is the end of the line anchor
  • [...] is a character class definition
  • * is "zero-or-more" repetition

Note that the literal dash - is the last character in the character class definition, otherwise it has a different meaning (i.e. range). The . also has a different meaning outside character class definitions, but inside, it's just a literal .



Here's a snippet to show how you can use this pattern:


$arr = array(
  'screen new file.css'

foreach ($arr as $s) {
  if (preg_match('/^[\w.-]*$/', $s)) {
    print "$s is a match\n";
  } else {
    print "$s is NO match!!!\n";


The above prints (as seen on

screen123.css is a match
screen-new-file.css is a match
screen_new.js is a match
screen new file.css is NO match!!!

Note that the pattern is slightly different, using \w instead. This is the character class for "word character".

API references

Note on specification

This seems to follow your specification, but note that this will match things like ....., etc, which may or may not be what you desire. If you can be more specific what pattern you want to match, the regex will be slightly more complicated.

The above regex also matches the empty string. If you need at least one character, then use + (one-or-more) instead of * (zero-or-more) for repetition.

In any case, you can further clarify your specification (always helps when asking regex question), but hopefully you can also learn how to write the pattern yourself given the above information.

Android Imagebutton change Image OnClick

You can do it right in your XML file:


Archive the artifacts in Jenkins

In Jenkins 2.60.3 there is a way to delete build artifacts (not the archived artifacts) in order to save hard drive space on the build machine. In the General section, check "Discard old builds" with strategy "Log Rotation" and then go into its Advanced options. Two more options will appear related to keeping build artifacts for the job based on number of days or builds.

The settings that work for me are to enter 1 for "Max # of builds to keep with artifacts" and then to have a post-build action to archive the artifacts. This way, all artifacts from all builds will be archived, all information from builds will be saved, but only the last build will keep its own artifacts.

Discard old builds options

Retrieving Dictionary Value Best Practices

I imagine that trygetvalue is doing something more like:

  someVal = myDict[someKey];
  return true;
return false;

So hopefully no try/catch anywhere.

I think it is just a method of convenience really. I generally use it as it saves a line of code or two.

Can I use jQuery with Node.js?

An alternative is to use Underscore.js. It should provide what you might have wanted server-side from JQuery.

Spring RestTemplate - how to enable full debugging/logging of requests/responses?

The trick of configuring your RestTemplate with a BufferingClientHttpRequestFactory doesn't work if you are using any ClientHttpRequestInterceptor, which you will if you are trying to log via interceptors. This is due to the way that InterceptingHttpAccessor (which RestTemplate subclasses) works.

Long story short... just use this class in place of RestTemplate (note this uses the SLF4J logging API, edit as needed):

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.http.HttpRequest;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpRequestExecution;
import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpRequestInterceptor;
import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpResponse;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;

 * A {@link RestTemplate} that logs every request and response.
public class LoggingRestTemplate extends RestTemplate {

    // Bleh, this class is not public
    private static final String RESPONSE_WRAPPER_CLASS = "org.springframework.http.client.BufferingClientHttpResponseWrapper";

    private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

    private boolean hideAuthorizationHeaders = true;
    private Class<?> wrapperClass;
    private Constructor<?> wrapperConstructor;

     * Configure the logger to log requests and responses to.
     * @param log log destination, or null to disable
    public void setLogger(Logger log) {
        this.log = log;

     * Configure the logger to log requests and responses to by name.
     * @param name name of the log destination, or null to disable
    public void setLoggerName(String name) {
        this.setLogger(name != null ? LoggerFactory.getLogger(name) : null);

     * Configure whether to hide the contents of {@code Authorization} headers.
     * <p>
     * Default true.
     * @param hideAuthorizationHeaders true to hide, otherwise false
    public void setHideAuthorizationHeaders(boolean hideAuthorizationHeaders) {
        this.hideAuthorizationHeaders = hideAuthorizationHeaders;

     * Log a request.
    protected void traceRequest(HttpRequest request, byte[] body) {
        this.log.debug("xmit: {} {}\n{}{}", request.getMethod(), request.getURI(), this.toString(request.getHeaders()),
          body != null && body.length > 0 ? "\n\n" + new String(body, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) : "");

     * Log a response.
    protected void traceResponse(ClientHttpResponse response) {
        final ByteArrayOutputStream bodyBuf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        HttpStatus statusCode = null;
        try {
            statusCode = response.getStatusCode();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // ignore
        String statusText = null;
        try {
            statusText = response.getStatusText();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // ignore
        try (final InputStream input = response.getBody()) {
            byte[] b = new byte[1024];
            int r;
            while ((r = != -1)
                bodyBuf.write(b, 0, r);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // ignore
        this.log.debug("recv: {} {}\n{}{}", statusCode, statusText, this.toString(response.getHeaders()),
          bodyBuf.size() > 0 ? "\n\n" + new String(bodyBuf.toByteArray(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8) : "");

    private void addLoggingInterceptor() {
        this.getInterceptors().add(new ClientHttpRequestInterceptor() {
            public ClientHttpResponse intercept(HttpRequest request, byte[] body, ClientHttpRequestExecution execution)
              throws IOException {

                // Log request
                if (LoggingRestTemplate.this.log != null && LoggingRestTemplate.this.log.isDebugEnabled())
                    LoggingRestTemplate.this.traceRequest(request, body);

                // Perform request
                ClientHttpResponse response = execution.execute(request, body);

                // Log response
                if (LoggingRestTemplate.this.log != null && LoggingRestTemplate.this.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    final ClientHttpResponse bufferedResponse = LoggingRestTemplate.this.ensureBuffered(response);
                    if (bufferedResponse != null) {
                        response = bufferedResponse;

                // Done
                return response;

    private ClientHttpResponse ensureBuffered(ClientHttpResponse response) {
        try {
            if (this.wrapperClass == null)
                this.wrapperClass = Class.forName(RESPONSE_WRAPPER_CLASS, false, ClientHttpResponse.class.getClassLoader());
            if (!this.wrapperClass.isInstance(response)) {
                if (this.wrapperConstructor == null) {
                    this.wrapperConstructor = this.wrapperClass.getDeclaredConstructor(ClientHttpResponse.class);
                response = (ClientHttpResponse)this.wrapperConstructor.newInstance(response);
            return response;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.log.error("error creating {} instance: {}", RESPONSE_WRAPPER_CLASS, e);
            return null;

    private String toString(HttpHeaders headers) {
        final StringBuilder headerBuf = new StringBuilder();
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : headers.entrySet()) {
            if (headerBuf.length() > 0)
            final String name = entry.getKey();
            for (String value : entry.getValue()) {
                if (this.hideAuthorizationHeaders && name.equalsIgnoreCase(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION))
                    value = "[omitted]";
                headerBuf.append(name).append(": ").append(value);
        return headerBuf.toString();

I agree it's silly that it takes this much work just to do this.

Regular expression for a hexadecimal number?

It's worth mentioning that detecting an MD5 (which is one of the examples) can be done with:


Deprecation warning in Moment.js - Not in a recognized ISO format

Parsing string with moment.js.

const date = '1231231231231' //Example String date
const parsed = moment(+date);

Where to download Microsoft Visual c++ 2003 redistributable

Storm's answer is not correct. No hard feelings Storm, and apologies to the OP as I'm a bit late to the party here (wish I could have helped sooner, but I didn't run into the problem until today, or this stack overflow answer until I was figuring out a solution.)

The Visual C++ 2003 runtime was not available as a seperate download because it was included with the .NET 1.1 runtime.

If you install the .NET 1.1 runtime you will get msvcr71.dll installed, and in addition added to C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322.

The .NET 1.1 runtime is available here: (23.1 MB)

If you are looking for a file that ends with a "P" such as msvcp71.dll, this indicates that your file was compiled against a C++ runtime (as opposed to a C runtime), in some situations I noticed these files were only installed when I installed the full SDK. If you need one of these files, you may need to install the full .NET 1.1 SDK as well, which is available here: (106.2 MB)

After installing the SDK I now have both msvcr71.dll and msvcp71.dll in my System32 folder, and the application I'm trying to run (boomerang c++ decompiler) works fine without any missing DLL errors.

Also on a side note: be VERY aware of the difference between a Hotfix Update and a Regular Update. As noted in the linked KB932298 download (linked below by Storm): "Please be aware this Hotfix has not gone through full Microsoft product regression testing nor has it been tested in combination with other Hotfixes."

Hotfixes are NOT meant for general users, but rather users who are facing a very specific problem. As described in the article only install that Hotfix if you are have having specific daylight savings time issues with the rules that changed in 2007. -- Likely this was a pre-release for customers who "just couldn't wait" for the official update (probably for some business critical application) -- for regular users Windows Update should be all you need.

Thanks, and I hope this helps others who run into this issue!

Can the Unix list command 'ls' output numerical chmod permissions?

Closest I can think of (keeping it simple enough) is stat, assuming you know which files you're looking for. If you don't, * can find most of them:

/usr/bin$ stat -c '%a %n' *
755 [
755 a2p
755 a2ps
755 aclocal

It handles sticky, suid and company out of the box:

$ stat -c '%a %n' /tmp /usr/bin/sudo
1777 /tmp
4755 /usr/bin/sudo

How to show/hide an element on checkbox checked/unchecked states using jQuery?

Attach onchange event to the checkbox:

<input class="coupon_question" type="checkbox" name="coupon_question" value="1" onchange="valueChanged()"/>

<script type="text/javascript">
    function valueChanged()

How to add button in ActionBar(Android)?

An activity populates the ActionBar in its onCreateOptionsMenu() method.

Instead of using setcustomview(), just override onCreateOptionsMenu like this:

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
  MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
  inflater.inflate(, menu);
  return true;

If an actions in the ActionBar is selected, the onOptionsItemSelected() method is called. It receives the selected action as parameter. Based on this information you code can decide what to do for example:

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
  switch (item.getItemId()) {
      Toast.makeText(this, "Menu Item 1 selected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
      Toast.makeText(this, "Menu item 2 selected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
  return true;

html text input onchange event

Well unless I misunderstand you can just use the onChange attribute:

<input type="text" onChange="return bar()">

Note: in FF 3 (at least) this is not called until some the user has confirmed they are changed either by clicking away from the element, clicking enter, or other.

iOS: Modal ViewController with transparent background

A complete method tested on iOS 7 and iOS 8.

@interface UIViewController (MBOverCurrentContextModalPresenting)

/// @warning Some method of viewControllerToPresent will called twice before iOS 8, e.g. viewWillAppear:.
- (void)MBOverCurrentContextPresentViewController:(UIViewController *)viewControllerToPresent animated:(BOOL)flag completion:(void (^)(void))completion;


@implementation UIViewController (MBOverCurrentContextModalPresenting)

- (void)MBOverCurrentContextPresentViewController:(UIViewController *)viewControllerToPresent animated:(BOOL)flag completion:(void (^)(void))completion {
    UIViewController *presentingVC = self;

    // iOS 8 before
    if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) <= NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_7_1) {
        UIViewController *root = presentingVC;
        while (root.parentViewController) {
            root = root.parentViewController;

        [presentingVC presentViewController:viewControllerToPresent animated:YES completion:^{
            [viewControllerToPresent dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:^{
                UIModalPresentationStyle orginalStyle = root.modalPresentationStyle;
                if (orginalStyle != UIModalPresentationCurrentContext) {
                    root.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCurrentContext;
                [presentingVC presentViewController:viewControllerToPresent animated:NO completion:completion];
                if (orginalStyle != UIModalPresentationCurrentContext) {
                    root.modalPresentationStyle = orginalStyle;

    UIModalPresentationStyle orginalStyle = viewControllerToPresent.modalPresentationStyle;
    if (orginalStyle != UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext) {
        viewControllerToPresent.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext;
    [presentingVC presentViewController:viewControllerToPresent animated:YES completion:completion];
    if (orginalStyle != UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext) {
        viewControllerToPresent.modalPresentationStyle = orginalStyle;


#pragma pack effect

You'd likely only want to use this if you were coding to some hardware (e.g. a memory mapped device) which had strict requirements for register ordering and alignment.

However, this looks like a pretty blunt tool to achieve that end. A better approach would be to code a mini-driver in assembler and give it a C calling interface rather than fumbling around with this pragma.

Creating an Instance of a Class with a variable in Python

Let's say you have three classes: Enemy1, Enemy2, Enemy3. This is how you instantiate them directly:


but this will also work:

x = Enemy1
x = Enemy2
x = Enemy3

Is this what you meant?

jQuery checkbox change and click event

 $("#person_IsCurrentAddressSame").change(function ()
        if ($("#person_IsCurrentAddressSame").checked) {

        else {



.includes() not working in Internet Explorer

Or just put this in a Javascript file and have a good day :)

String.prototype.includes = function (str) {
  var returnValue = false;

  if (this.indexOf(str) !== -1) {
    returnValue = true;

  return returnValue;

Oracle client and networking components were not found

In my case this was because a file named ociw32.dll had been placed in c:\windows\system32. This is however only allowed to exist in c:\oracle\\bin.

Deleting the file from system32, which had been placed there by an installation of Crystal Reports, fixed this issue

How to exclude subdirectories in the destination while using /mir /xd switch in robocopy

The way you can exclude a destination directory while using the /mir is by making sure the destination directory also exists on the source. I went into my source drive and created blank directories with the same name as on the destination, and then added that directory name to the /xd. It successfully mirrored everything while excluding the directory on the source, thereby leaving the directory on the destination intact.

Message Queue vs. Web Services?

I think in general, you'd want a web service for a blocking task (this tasks needs to be completed before we execute more code), and a message queue for a non-blocking task (could take quite a while, but we don't need to wait for it).

get next sequence value from database using hibernate

Here is the way I do it:

public class ServerInstanceSeq
    @Id //mysql bigint(20)
    @SequenceGenerator(name="ServerInstanceIdSeqName", sequenceName="ServerInstanceIdSeq", allocationSize=20)
    @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="ServerInstanceIdSeqName")
    public Long id;


ServerInstanceSeq sis = new ServerInstanceSeq();
System.out.println(" after save: ";

for or while loop to do something n times

The fundamental difference in most programming languages is that unless the unexpected happens a for loop will always repeat n times or until a break statement, (which may be conditional), is met then finish with a while loop it may repeat 0 times, 1, more or even forever, depending on a given condition which must be true at the start of each loop for it to execute and always false on exiting the loop, (for completeness a do ... while loop, (or repeat until), for languages that have it, always executes at least once and does not guarantee the condition on the first execution).

It is worth noting that in Python a for or while statement can have break, continue and else statements where:

  • break - terminates the loop
  • continue - moves on to the next time around the loop without executing following code this time around
  • else - is executed if the loop completed without any break statements being executed.

N.B. In the now unsupported Python 2 range produced a list of integers but you could use xrange to use an iterator. In Python 3 range returns an iterator.

So the answer to your question is 'it all depends on what you are trying to do'!

Xcode "Build and Archive" from command line

After updating to Xcode 8, I found that enterprise ipa generate by

/usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v "${RELEASE_BUILDDIR}/${APPLICATION_NAME}.app" -o "${BUILD_HISTORY_DIR}/${APPLICATION_NAME}.ipa" --sign "${DEVELOPER_NAME}" --embed "${PROVISONING_PROFILE}" 

Command cannot be launched because of some signature issue. The log indicates that "warning: PackageApplication is deprecated, use xcodebuild -exportArchive instead.

So I switch to xcodebuild -exportArchive and everything went back normal.

Accessing MP3 metadata with Python

Just additional information to you guys:

take a look at the section "MP3 stuff and Metadata editors" in the page of PythonInMusic.

Switch: Multiple values in one case?

1 - 8 = -7

9 - 15 = -6

16 - 100 = -84

You have:

case -7:
case -6:
case -84:

Either use:

case 1:
case 2: 
case 3:

etc, or (perhaps more readable) use:

if(age >= 1 && age <= 8) {
} else if (age >= 9 && age <= 15) {
} else if (age >= 16 && age <= 100) {
} else {


How to pass argument to Makefile from command line?

don't try to do this

$ make action value1 value2

instead create script:

#! /bin/sh
# rebuild if necessary
# do action with arguments
action "$@"

and do this:

$ ./ value1 value2

for more explanation why do this and caveats of makefile hackery read my answer to another very similar but seemingly not duplicate question: Passing arguments to "make run"

How to find index of an object by key and value in an javascript array

Using jQuery .each()

var peoples = [_x000D_
  { "attr1": "bob", "attr2": "pizza" },_x000D_
  { "attr1": "john", "attr2": "sushi" },_x000D_
  { "attr1": "larry", "attr2": "hummus" }_x000D_
$.each(peoples, function(index, obj) {_x000D_
   $.each(obj, function(attr, value) {_x000D_
      console.log( attr + ' == ' + value );_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

Using for-loop:

var peoples = [_x000D_
  { "attr1": "bob", "attr2": "pizza" },_x000D_
  { "attr1": "john", "attr2": "sushi" },_x000D_
  { "attr1": "larry", "attr2": "hummus" }_x000D_
for (var i = 0; i < peoples.length; i++) {_x000D_
  for (var key in peoples[i]) {_x000D_
    console.log(key + ' == ' + peoples[i][key]);_x000D_

Minimal web server using netcat

Here is a beauty of a little bash webserver, I found it online and forked a copy and spruced it up a bit - it uses socat or netcat I have tested it with socat -- it is self-contained in one-script and generates its own configuration file and favicon.

By default it will start up as a web enabled file browser yet is easily configured by the configuration file for any logic. For files it streams images and music (mp3's), video (mp4's, avi, etc) -- I have tested streaming various file types to Linux,Windows and Android devices including a smartwatch!

I think it streams better than VLC actually. I have found it useful for transferring files to remote clients who have no access beyond a web browser e.g. Android smartwatch without needing to worry about physically connecting to a USB port.

If you want to try it out just copy and paste it to a file named bashttpd, then start it up on the host with $> bashttpd -s

Then you can go to any other computer (presuming the firewall is not blocking inbound tcp connections to port 8080 -- the default port, you can change the port to whatever you want using the global variables at the top of the script). http://bashttpd_server_ip:8080

#!/usr/bin/env bash

###                          bashttpd v 1.12
### Original author: Avleen Vig,       2012
### Reworked by:     Josh Cartwright,  2012
### Modified by:     A.M.Danischewski, 2015 
### Issues: If you find any issues leave me a comment at 
### This is a simple Bash based webserver. By default it will browse files and allows for 
### retrieving binary files. 
### It has been tested successfully to view and stream files including images, mp3s, 
### mp4s and downloading files of any type including binary and compressed files via  
### any web browser. 
### Successfully tested on various browsers on Windows, Linux and Android devices (including the 
### Android Smartwatch ZGPAX S8).  
### It handles favicon requests by hardcoded favicon image -- by default a marathon 
### runner; change it to whatever you want! By base64 encoding your favorit favicon 
### and changing the global variable below this header.  
### Make sure if you have a firewall it allows connections to the port you plan to 
### listen on (8080 by default).  
### By default this program will allow for the browsing of files from the 
### computer where it is run.  
### Make sure you are allowed connections to the port you plan to listen on 
### (8080 by default). Then just drop it on a host machine (that has bash) 
### and start it up like this:
### $> bashttpd -s
### On the remote machine you should be able to browse and download files from the host 
### server via any web browser by visiting:
#### This program requires (to work to full capacity) by default: 
### socat or netcat (w/ '-e' option - on Ubuntu netcat-traditional)
### tree - useful for pretty directory listings 
### If you are using socat, you can type: bashttpd -s  
### to start listening on the LISTEN_PORT (default is 8080), you can change 
### the port below.  
###  E.g.    nc -lp 8080 -e ./bashttpd ## <-- If your nc has the -e option.   
###  E.g.    nc.traditional -lp 8080 -e ./bashttpd 
###  E.g.    bashttpd -s  -or- socat TCP4-LISTEN:8080,fork EXEC:bashttpd
### Copyright (C) 2012, Avleen Vig <[email protected]>
### Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
### this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
### the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
### use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
### the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
### subject to the following conditions:
### The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
### copies or substantial portions of the Software.

declare -r BASHTTPD_CONF="/tmp/bashttpd.conf"

declare -i LISTEN_PORT=8080  

 ## If you are on AIX, IRIX, Solaris, or a hardened system redirecting 
 ## to /dev/random will probably break, you can change it to /dev/null.  
declare -a DUMP_DEV="/dev/random" 

 ## Just base64 encode your favorite favicon and change this to whatever you want.    
declare -r FAVICON="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" 

declare -i DEBUG=1 
declare -i VERBOSE=0
declare    REQUEST_URI="" 
declare -a HTTP_RESPONSE=(
   [400]="Bad Request"
   [404]="Not Found"
   [405]="Method Not Allowed"
   [500]="Internal Server Error")
declare DATE=$(date +"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")
      "Date: $DATE"
   "Expires: $DATE"
    "Server: Slash Bin Slash Bash"

function warn() { ((${VERBOSE})) && echo "WARNING: $@" >&2; }

function chk_conf_file() { 
[ -r "${BASHTTPD_CONF}" ] || {
   cat >"${BASHTTPD_CONF}" <<'EOF'
# bashttpd.conf - configuration for bashttpd
# The behavior of bashttpd is dictated by the evaluation
# of rules specified in this configuration file.  Each rule
# is evaluated until one is matched.  If no rule is matched,
# bashttpd will serve a 500 Internal Server Error.
# The format of the rules are:
#    on_uri_match REGEX command [args]
#    unconditionally command [args]
# on_uri_match:
#   On an incoming request, the URI is checked against the specified
#   (bash-supported extended) regular expression, and if encounters a match the
#   specified command is executed with the specified arguments.
#   For additional flexibility, on_uri_match will also pass the results of the
#   regular expression match, ${BASH_REMATCH[@]} as additional arguments to the
#   command.
# unconditionally:
#   Always serve via the specified command.  Useful for catchall rules.
# The following commands are available for use:
#   serve_file FILE
#     Statically serves a single file.
#   serve_dir_with_tree DIRECTORY
#     Statically serves the specified directory using 'tree'.  It must be
#     installed and in the PATH.
#   serve_dir_with_ls DIRECTORY
#     Statically serves the specified directory using 'ls -al'.
#   serve_dir  DIRECTORY
#     Statically serves a single directory listing.  Will use 'tree' if it is
#     installed and in the PATH, otherwise, 'ls -al'
#   serve_dir_or_file_from DIRECTORY
#     Serves either a directory listing (using serve_dir) or a file (using
#     serve_file).  Constructs local path by appending the specified root
#     directory, and the URI portion of the client request.
#   serve_static_string STRING
#     Serves the specified static string with Content-Type text/plain.
# Examples of rules:
# on_uri_match '^/issue$' serve_file "/etc/issue"
#   When a client's requested URI matches the string '/issue', serve them the
#   contents of /etc/issue
# on_uri_match 'root' serve_dir /
#   When a client's requested URI has the word 'root' in it, serve up
#   a directory listing of /
# DOCROOT=/var/www/html
# on_uri_match '/(.*)' serve_dir_or_file_from "$DOCROOT"
#   When any URI request is made, attempt to serve a directory listing
#   or file content based on the request URI, by mapping URI's to local
#   paths relative to the specified "$DOCROOT"
#unconditionally serve_static_string 'Hello, world!  You can configure bashttpd by modifying bashttpd.conf.'
on_uri_match '/(.*)' serve_dir_or_file_from 
# More about commands:
# It is possible to somewhat easily write your own commands.  An example
# may help.  The following example will serve "Hello, $x!" whenever
# a client sends a request with the URI /say_hello_to/$x:
# serve_hello() {
#    add_response_header "Content-Type" "text/plain"
#    send_response_ok_exit <<< "Hello, $2!"
# }
# on_uri_match '^/say_hello_to/(.*)$' serve_hello
# Like mentioned before, the contents of ${BASH_REMATCH[@]} are passed
# to your command, so its possible to use regular expression groups
# to pull out info.
# With this example, when the requested URI is /say_hello_to/Josh, serve_hello
# is invoked with the arguments '/say_hello_to/Josh' 'Josh',
# (${BASH_REMATCH[0]} is always the full match)
   warn "Created bashttpd.conf using defaults.  Please review and configure bashttpd.conf before running bashttpd again."
#  exit 1

function recv() { ((${VERBOSE})) && echo "< $@" >&2; }

function send() { ((${VERBOSE})) && echo "> $@" >&2; echo "$*"; }

function add_response_header() { RESPONSE_HEADERS+=("$1: $2"); }

function send_response_binary() {
  local code="$1"
  local file="${2}" 
  local transfer_stats="" 
  local tmp_stat_file="/tmp/_send_response_$$_"
  send "HTTP/1.0 $1 ${HTTP_RESPONSE[$1]}"
  for i in "${RESPONSE_HEADERS[@]}"; do
     send "$i"
 if ((${VERBOSE})); then 
   ## Use dd since it handles null bytes
  dd 2>"${tmp_stat_file}" < "${file}" 
  echo -en ">> Transferred: ${file}\n>> $(awk '/copied/{print}' <<< "${transfer_stats}")\n" >&2  
  rm "${tmp_stat_file}"
   ## Use dd since it handles null bytes
  dd 2>"${DUMP_DEV}" < "${file}"   

function send_response() {
  local code="$1"
  send "HTTP/1.0 $1 ${HTTP_RESPONSE[$1]}"
  for i in "${RESPONSE_HEADERS[@]}"; do
     send "$i"
  while IFS= read -r line; do
     send "${line}"

function send_response_ok_exit() { send_response 200; exit 0; }

function send_response_ok_exit_binary() { send_response_binary 200  "${1}"; exit 0; }

function fail_with() { send_response "$1" <<< "$1 ${HTTP_RESPONSE[$1]}"; exit 1; }

function serve_file() {
  local file="$1"
  local CONTENT_TYPE=""
  case "${file}" in
      CONTENT_TYPE=$(file -b --mime-type "${file}")
  add_response_header "Content-Type"  "${CONTENT_TYPE}"
  CONTENT_LENGTH=$(stat -c'%s' "${file}") 
  add_response_header "Content-Length" "${CONTENT_LENGTH}"
    ## Use binary safe transfer method since text doesn't break. 
  send_response_ok_exit_binary "${file}"

function serve_dir_with_tree() {
  local dir="$1" tree_vers tree_opts basehref x
    ## HTML 5 compatible way to avoid tree html from generating favicon
    ## requests in certain browsers, such as browsers in android smartwatches. =) 
  local no_favicon=" <link href=\"data:image/x-icon;base64,${FAVICON}\" rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/x-icon\" />"  
  local tree_page="" 
  local base_server_path="/${2%/}"
  [ "$base_server_path" = "/" ] && base_server_path=".." 
  local tree_opts="--du -h -a --dirsfirst" 
  add_response_header "Content-Type" "text/html"
   # The --du option was added in 1.6.0.   "/${2%/*}"
  read _ tree_vers x < <(tree --version)
  tree_page=$(tree -H "$base_server_path" -L 1 "${tree_opts}" -D "${dir}")
  tree_page=$(sed "5 i ${no_favicon}" <<< "${tree_page}")  
  [[ "${tree_vers}" == v1.6* ]] 
  send_response_ok_exit <<< "${tree_page}"  

function serve_dir_with_ls() {
  local dir="$1"
  add_response_header "Content-Type" "text/plain"
  send_response_ok_exit < \
     <(ls -la "${dir}")

function serve_dir() {
  local dir="$1"
   # If `tree` is installed, use that for pretty output.
  which tree &>"${DUMP_DEV}" && \
     serve_dir_with_tree "$@"
  serve_dir_with_ls "$@"
  fail_with 500

function urldecode() { [ "${1%/}" = "" ] && echo "/" ||  echo -e "$(sed 's/%\([[:xdigit:]]\{2\}\)/\\\x\1/g' <<< "${1%/}")"; } 

function serve_dir_or_file_from() {
  local URL_PATH="${1}/${3}"
  URL_PATH=$(urldecode "${URL_PATH}") 
  [[ $URL_PATH == *..* ]] && fail_with 400
   # Serve index file if exists in requested directory
  [[ -d "${URL_PATH}" && -f "${URL_PATH}/index.html" && -r "${URL_PATH}/index.html" ]] && \
  if [[ -f "${URL_PATH}" ]]; then
     [[ -r "${URL_PATH}" ]] && \
        serve_file "${URL_PATH}" "$@" || fail_with 403
  elif [[ -d "${URL_PATH}" ]]; then
     [[ -x "${URL_PATH}" ]] && \
        serve_dir  "${URL_PATH}" "$@" || fail_with 403
  fail_with 404

function serve_static_string() {
  add_response_header "Content-Type" "text/plain"
  send_response_ok_exit <<< "$1"

function on_uri_match() {
  local regex="$1"
  [[ "${REQUEST_URI}" =~ $regex ]] && \
     "$@" "${BASH_REMATCH[@]}"

function unconditionally() { "$@" "$REQUEST_URI"; }

function main() { 
  local recv="" 
  local line="" 
  [[ ${UID} = 0 ]] && warn "It is not recommended to run bashttpd as root."
   # Request-Line HTTP RFC 2616 $5.1
  read -r line || fail_with 400
  recv "${line}"
  [ -n "${REQUEST_METHOD}" ] && [ -n "${REQUEST_URI}" ] && \
   [ -n "${REQUEST_HTTP_VERSION}" ] || fail_with 400
   # Only GET is supported at this time
  [ "${REQUEST_METHOD}" = "GET" ] || fail_with 405
  while IFS= read -r line; do
    recv "${line}"
      # If we've reached the end of the headers, break.
    [ -z "${line}" ] && break

if [[ ! -z "{$1}" ]] && [ "${1}" = "-s" ]; then 
 socat TCP4-LISTEN:${LISTEN_PORT},fork EXEC:"${0}" 
 source "${BASHTTPD_CONF}" 
 fail_with 500

Vue.js redirection to another page

just use:

window.location.href = ""

Don't use vue-router, otherwise you will be redirected to "!/"

my environment: node 6.2.1, vue 1.0.21, Ubuntu.


The error means that your are trying to look up JNDI name, that is not attached to any EJB component - the component with that name does not exist.

As far as dir structure is concerned: you have to create a JAR file with EJB components. As I understand you want to play with EJB 2.X components (at least the linked example suggests that) so the structure of the JAR file should be:

/com/mypackage/MyEJB.class /com/mypackage/MyEJBInterface.class /com/mypackage/etc... etc... java classes /META-INF/ejb-jar.xml /META-INF/jboss.xml

The JAR file is more or less ZIP file with file extension changed from ZIP to JAR.

BTW. If you use JBoss 5, you can work with EJB 3.0, which are much more easier to configure. The simplest component is

public class MyEJB implements MyEJBInterface{
   public void bussinesMethod(){


No ejb-jar.xml, jboss.xml is needed, just EJB JAR with MyEJB and MyEJBInterface compiled classes.

Now in your client code you need to lookup "MyComponentName".

File name without extension name VBA

strTestString = Left(ThisWorkbook.Name, (InStrRev(ThisWorkbook.Name, ".", -1, vbTextCompare) - 1))

full credit:

Laravel 5.1 - Checking a Database Connection

You can use this query for checking database connection in laravel:

$pdo = DB::connection()->getPdo();

     echo "Connected successfully to database ".DB::connection()->getDatabaseName();
   } else {
     echo "You are not connected to database";

For more information you can checkout this page

Get input value from TextField in iOS alert in Swift

Updated for Swift 3 and above:

//1. Create the alert controller.
let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Some Title", message: "Enter a text", preferredStyle: .alert)

//2. Add the text field. You can configure it however you need.
alert.addTextField { (textField) in
    textField.text = "Some default text"

// 3. Grab the value from the text field, and print it when the user clicks OK.
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: { [weak alert] (_) in
    let textField = alert.textFields![0] // Force unwrapping because we know it exists.
    print("Text field: \(textField.text)")

// 4. Present the alert.
self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

Swift 2.x

Assuming you want an action alert on iOS:

//1. Create the alert controller.            
var alert = UIAlertController(title: "Some Title", message: "Enter a text", preferredStyle: .Alert)

//2. Add the text field. You can configure it however you need.
alert.addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler({ (textField) -> Void in
    textField.text = "Some default text."

//3. Grab the value from the text field, and print it when the user clicks OK. 
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .Default, handler: { [weak alert] (action) -> Void in
    let textField = alert.textFields![0] as UITextField
    println("Text field: \(textField.text)")

// 4. Present the alert.
self.presentViewController(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

Redirect stderr and stdout in Bash

Short answer: Command >filename 2>&1 or Command &>filename


Consider the following code which prints the word "stdout" to stdout and the word "stderror" to stderror.

$ (echo "stdout"; echo "stderror" >&2)

Note that the '&' operator tells bash that 2 is a file descriptor (which points to the stderr) and not a file name. If we left out the '&', this command would print stdout to stdout, and create a file named "2" and write stderror there.

By experimenting with the code above, you can see for yourself exactly how redirection operators work. For instance, by changing which file which of the two descriptors 1,2, is redirected to /dev/null the following two lines of code delete everything from the stdout, and everything from stderror respectively (printing what remains).

$ (echo "stdout"; echo "stderror" >&2) 1>/dev/null
$ (echo "stdout"; echo "stderror" >&2) 2>/dev/null

Now, we can explain why the solution why the following code produces no output:

(echo "stdout"; echo "stderror" >&2) >/dev/null 2>&1

To truly understand this, I highly recommend you read this webpage on file descriptor tables. Assuming you have done that reading, we can proceed. Note that Bash processes left to right; thus Bash sees >/dev/null first (which is the same as 1>/dev/null), and sets the file descriptor 1 to point to /dev/null instead of the stdout. Having done this, Bash then moves rightwards and sees 2>&1. This sets the file descriptor 2 to point to the same file as file descriptor 1 (and not to file descriptor 1 itself!!!! (see this resource on pointers for more info)) . Since file descriptor 1 points to /dev/null, and file descriptor 2 points to the same file as file descriptor 1, file descriptor 2 now also points to /dev/null. Thus both file descriptors point to /dev/null, and this is why no output is rendered.

To test if you really understand the concept, try to guess the output when we switch the redirection order:

(echo "stdout"; echo "stderror" >&2)  2>&1 >/dev/null


The reasoning here is that evaluating from left to right, Bash sees 2>&1, and thus sets the file descriptor 2 to point to the same place as file descriptor 1, ie stdout. It then sets file descriptor 1 (remember that >/dev/null = 1>/dev/null) to point to >/dev/null, thus deleting everything which would usually be send to to the standard out. Thus all we are left with was that which was not send to stdout in the subshell (the code in the parentheses)- i.e. "stderror". The interesting thing to note there is that even though 1 is just a pointer to the stdout, redirecting pointer 2 to 1 via 2>&1 does NOT form a chain of pointers 2 -> 1 -> stdout. If it did, as a result of redirecting 1 to /dev/null, the code 2>&1 >/dev/null would give the pointer chain 2 -> 1 -> /dev/null, and thus the code would generate nothing, in contrast to what we saw above.

Finally, I'd note that there is a simpler way to do this:

From section 3.6.4 here, we see that we can use the operator &> to redirect both stdout and stderr. Thus, to redirect both the stderr and stdout output of any command to \dev\null (which deletes the output), we simply type $ command &> /dev/null or in case of my example:

$ (echo "stdout"; echo "stderror" >&2) &>/dev/null

Key takeaways:

  • File descriptors behave like pointers (although file descriptors are not the same as file pointers)
  • Redirecting a file descriptor "a" to a file descriptor "b" which points to file "f", causes file descriptor "a" to point to the same place as file descriptor b - file "f". It DOES NOT form a chain of pointers a -> b -> f
  • Because of the above, order matters, 2>&1 >/dev/null is != >/dev/null 2>&1. One generates output and the other does not!

Finally have a look at these great resources:

Bash Documentation on Redirection, An Explanation of File Descriptor Tables, Introduction to Pointers

How to redraw DataTable with new data

The following worked really well for me. I needed to redraw the datatable with a different subset of the data based on a parameter.

table.ajax.url('NewDataUrl?parameter=' + param).load();

If your data is static, then use this:


Selenium Webdriver: Entering text into text field

Agree with Subir Kumar Sao and Faiz.


Check element CSS display with JavaScript

As sdleihssirhc says below, if the element's display is being inherited or being specified by a CSS rule, you'll need to get its computed style:

return window.getComputedStyle(element, null).display;

Elements have a style property that will tell you what you want, if the style was declared inline or with JavaScript:


will give you a string value.

How to link home brew python version and set it as default

I use these commands to solve it.

mkdir /usr/local/lib
mkdir /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
brew link python

C++ passing an array pointer as a function argument

You do not need to take a pointer to the array in order to pass it to an array-generating function, because arrays already decay to pointers when you pass them to functions. Simply make the parameter int a[], and use it as a regular array inside the function, the changes will be made to the array that you have passed in.

void generateArray(int a[],  int si) {
    for (int j=0;j<*si;j++)

int main(){
    const int size=5;
    int a[size];
    generateArray(a, size);
    return 0;

As a side note, you do not need to pass the size by pointer, because you are not changing it inside the function. Moreover, it is not a good idea to pass a pointer to constant to a parameter that expects a pointer to non-constant.

PHP add elements to multidimensional array with array_push

if you want to add the data in the increment order inside your associative array you can do this:

$newdata =  array (
      'wpseo_title' => 'test',
      'wpseo_desc' => 'test',
      'wpseo_metakey' => 'test'

// for recipe

$md_array["recipe_type"][] = $newdata;

//for cuisine

 $md_array["cuisine"][] = $newdata;

this will get added to the recipe or cuisine depending on what was the last index.

Array push is usually used in the array when you have sequential index: $arr[0] , $ar[1].. you cannot use it in associative array directly. But since your sub array is had this kind of index you can still use it like this


Bootstrap modal: close current, open new

If you want to close the previously opened modal while opening the new modal then you must do it from javascript/jquery by first closing the current open modal and then give a 400ms timeout to allow it to close and then open the new modal like below code :


setTimeout(function() {
       //your code to be executed after 200 msecond 
           backdrop: 'static'//to disable click close
}, 400);//delay in miliseconds##1000=1second

If you try to do it with the data-dismiss="modal" then it will have the scroll issue as mentioned by @gravity and @kuldeep in comments.

Two values from one input in python?

In Python 2.*, input lets the user enter any expression, e.g. a tuple:

>>> a, b = input('Two numbers please (with a comma in between): ')
Two numbers please (with a comma in between): 23, 45
>>> print a, b
23 45

In Python 3.*, input is like 2.*'s raw_input, returning you a string that's just what the user typed (rather than evaling it as 2.* used to do on input), so you'll have to .split, and/or eval, &c but you'll also be MUCH more in control of the whole thing.

Remove a file from the list that will be committed

You want to do this:

git add -u
git reset HEAD path/to/file
git commit

Be sure and do this from the top level of the repo; add -u adds changes in the current directory (recursively).

The key line tells git to reset the version of the given path in the index (the staging area for the commit) to the version from HEAD (the currently checked-out commit).

And advance warning of a gotcha for others reading this: add -u stages all modifications, but doesn't add untracked files. This is the same as what commit -a does. If you want to add untracked files too, use add . to recursively add everything.

How to adjust text font size to fit textview

I've written a class that extends TextView and does this. It just uses measureText as you suggest. Basically it has a maximum text size and minimum text size (which can be changed) and it just runs through the sizes between them in decrements of 1 until it finds the biggest one that will fit. Not particularly elegant, but I don't know of any other way.

Here is the code:

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class FontFitTextView extends TextView {

    public FontFitTextView(Context context) {

    public FontFitTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    private void initialise() {
        testPaint = new Paint();
        //max size defaults to the intially specified text size unless it is too small
        maxTextSize = this.getTextSize();
        if (maxTextSize < 11) {
            maxTextSize = 20;
        minTextSize = 10;

    /* Re size the font so the specified text fits in the text box
     * assuming the text box is the specified width.
    private void refitText(String text, int textWidth) { 
        if (textWidth > 0) {
            int availableWidth = textWidth - this.getPaddingLeft() - this.getPaddingRight();
            float trySize = maxTextSize;

            while ((trySize > minTextSize) && (testPaint.measureText(text) > availableWidth)) {
                trySize -= 1;
                if (trySize <= minTextSize) {
                    trySize = minTextSize;


    protected void onTextChanged(final CharSequence text, final int start, final int before, final int after) {
        refitText(text.toString(), this.getWidth());

    protected void onSizeChanged (int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
        if (w != oldw) {
            refitText(this.getText().toString(), w);

    //Getters and Setters
    public float getMinTextSize() {
        return minTextSize;

    public void setMinTextSize(int minTextSize) {
        this.minTextSize = minTextSize;

    public float getMaxTextSize() {
        return maxTextSize;

    public void setMaxTextSize(int minTextSize) {
        this.maxTextSize = minTextSize;

    private Paint testPaint;
    private float minTextSize;
    private float maxTextSize;


Date format Mapping to JSON Jackson

Of course there is an automated way called serialization and deserialization and you can define it with specific annotations (@JsonSerialize,@JsonDeserialize) as mentioned by pb2q as well.

You can use both java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar ... and probably JodaTime as well.

The @JsonFormat annotations not worked for me as I wanted (it has adjusted the timezone to different value) during deserialization (the serialization worked perfect):

@JsonFormat(locale = "hu", shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", timezone = "CET")

@JsonFormat(locale = "hu", shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", timezone = "Europe/Budapest")

You need to use custom serializer and custom deserializer instead of the @JsonFormat annotation if you want predicted result. I have found real good tutorial and solution here

There are examples for Date fields but I needed for Calendar fields so here is my implementation:

The serializer class:

public class CustomCalendarSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Calendar> {

    public static final SimpleDateFormat FORMATTER = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
    public static final Locale LOCALE_HUNGARIAN = new Locale("hu", "HU");
    public static final TimeZone LOCAL_TIME_ZONE = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Budapest");

    public void serialize(Calendar value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider arg2)
            throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
        if (value == null) {
        } else {

The deserializer class:

public class CustomCalendarDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<Calendar> {

    public Calendar deserialize(JsonParser jsonparser, DeserializationContext context)
            throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
        String dateAsString = jsonparser.getText();
        try {
            Date date = CustomCalendarSerializer.FORMATTER.parse(dateAsString);
            Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(
            return calendar;
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

and the usage of the above classes:

public class CalendarEntry {

    @JsonSerialize(using = CustomCalendarSerializer.class)
    @JsonDeserialize(using = CustomCalendarDeserializer.class)
    private Calendar calendar;

    // ... additional things ...

Using this implementation the execution of the serialization and deserialization process consecutively results the origin value.

Only using the @JsonFormat annotation the deserialization gives different result I think because of the library internal timezone default setup what you can not change with annotation parameters (that was my experience with Jackson library 2.5.3 and 2.6.3 version as well).

Difference in make_shared and normal shared_ptr in C++

The difference is that std::make_shared performs one heap-allocation, whereas calling the std::shared_ptr constructor performs two.

Where do the heap-allocations happen?

std::shared_ptr manages two entities:

  • the control block (stores meta data such as ref-counts, type-erased deleter, etc)
  • the object being managed

std::make_shared performs a single heap-allocation accounting for the space necessary for both the control block and the data. In the other case, new Obj("foo") invokes a heap-allocation for the managed data and the std::shared_ptr constructor performs another one for the control block.

For further information, check out the implementation notes at cppreference.

Update I: Exception-Safety

NOTE (2019/08/30): This is not a problem since C++17, due to the changes in the evaluation order of function arguments. Specifically, each argument to a function is required to fully execute before evaluation of other arguments.

Since the OP seem to be wondering about the exception-safety side of things, I've updated my answer.

Consider this example,

void F(const std::shared_ptr<Lhs> &lhs, const std::shared_ptr<Rhs> &rhs) { /* ... */ }

F(std::shared_ptr<Lhs>(new Lhs("foo")),
  std::shared_ptr<Rhs>(new Rhs("bar")));

Because C++ allows arbitrary order of evaluation of subexpressions, one possible ordering is:

  1. new Lhs("foo"))
  2. new Rhs("bar"))
  3. std::shared_ptr<Lhs>
  4. std::shared_ptr<Rhs>

Now, suppose we get an exception thrown at step 2 (e.g., out of memory exception, Rhs constructor threw some exception). We then lose memory allocated at step 1, since nothing will have had a chance to clean it up. The core of the problem here is that the raw pointer didn't get passed to the std::shared_ptr constructor immediately.

One way to fix this is to do them on separate lines so that this arbitary ordering cannot occur.

auto lhs = std::shared_ptr<Lhs>(new Lhs("foo"));
auto rhs = std::shared_ptr<Rhs>(new Rhs("bar"));
F(lhs, rhs);

The preferred way to solve this of course is to use std::make_shared instead.

F(std::make_shared<Lhs>("foo"), std::make_shared<Rhs>("bar"));

Update II: Disadvantage of std::make_shared

Quoting Casey's comments:

Since there there's only one allocation, the pointee's memory cannot be deallocated until the control block is no longer in use. A weak_ptr can keep the control block alive indefinitely.

Why do instances of weak_ptrs keep the control block alive?

There must be a way for weak_ptrs to determine if the managed object is still valid (eg. for lock). They do this by checking the number of shared_ptrs that own the managed object, which is stored in the control block. The result is that the control blocks are alive until the shared_ptr count and the weak_ptr count both hit 0.

Back to std::make_shared

Since std::make_shared makes a single heap-allocation for both the control block and the managed object, there is no way to free the memory for control block and the managed object independently. We must wait until we can free both the control block and the managed object, which happens to be until there are no shared_ptrs or weak_ptrs alive.

Suppose we instead performed two heap-allocations for the control block and the managed object via new and shared_ptr constructor. Then we free the memory for the managed object (maybe earlier) when there are no shared_ptrs alive, and free the memory for the control block (maybe later) when there are no weak_ptrs alive.

unique object identifier in javascript

For browsers implementing the Object.defineProperty() method, the code below generates and returns a function that you can bind to any object you own.

This approach has the advantage of not extending Object.prototype.

The code works by checking if the given object has a __objectID__ property, and by defining it as a hidden (non-enumerable) read-only property if not.

So it is safe against any attempt to change or redefine the read-only obj.__objectID__ property after it has been defined, and consistently throws a nice error instead of silently fail.

Finally, in the quite extreme case where some other code would already have defined __objectID__ on a given object, this value would simply be returned.

var getObjectID = (function () {

    var id = 0;    // Private ID counter

    return function (obj) {

         if(obj.hasOwnProperty("__objectID__")) {
             return obj.__objectID__;

         } else {

             Object.defineProperty(obj, "__objectID__", {

                  * Explicitly sets these two attribute values to false,
                  * although they are false by default.
                 "configurable" : false,
                 "enumerable" :   false,

                  * This closure guarantees that different objects
                  * will not share the same id variable.
                 "get" : (function (__objectID__) {
                     return function () { return __objectID__; };

                 "set" : function () {
                     throw new Error("Sorry, but 'obj.__objectID__' is read-only!");

             return obj.__objectID__;



how to set width for PdfPCell in ItextSharp

Try something like this

PdfPCell cell;
PdfPTable tableHeader;
PdfPTable tmpTable;
PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(10) { WidthPercentage = 100, RunDirection = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_LTR, ExtendLastRow = false };

// row 1 / cell 1 (merge)
PdfPCell _c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("SER. No")) { Rotation = -90, VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER, BorderWidth = 1 };
_c.Rowspan = 2;


// row 1 / cell 2
_c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("TYPE OF SHIPPING")) { VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER };

// row 1 / cell 3
_c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("ORDER NO.")) { VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER };

// row 1 / cell 4
_c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("QTY.")) { VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER };

// row 1 / cell 5
_c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("DISCHARGE PPORT")) { VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER };

// row 1 / cell 6 (merge)
_c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("DESCRIPTION OF GOODS")) { VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER };
_c.Rowspan = 2;

// row 1 / cell 7
_c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("LINE DOC. RECI. DATE")) { VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER };

// row 1 / cell 8 (merge)
_c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("OWNER DOC. RECI. DATE")) { VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER };
_c.Rowspan = 2;

// row 1 / cell 9 (merge)
_c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("CLEARANCE DATE")) { VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER };
_c.Rowspan = 2;

// row 1 / cell 10 (merge)
_c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("CUSTOM PERMIT NO.")) { VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER };
_c.Rowspan = 2;

// row 2 / cell 2
_c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("AWB / BL NO.")) { VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER };

// row 2 / cell 3
_c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("COMPLEX NAME")) { VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER };

// row 2 / cell 4
_c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("G.W Kgs.")) { VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER };

// row 2 / cell 5
_c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("DESTINATON")) { VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER };

// row 2 / cell 7
_c = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("OWNER DOC. RECI. DATE")) { VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER };


You might need to re-adjust slightly on the widths and borders but that is a one shot to do.

Terminating idle mysql connections

I don't see any problem, unless you are not managing them using a connection pool.

If you use connection pool, these connections are re-used instead of initiating new connections. so basically, leaving open connections and re-use them it is less problematic than re-creating them each time.

How to create a simple proxy in C#?

You can build one with the HttpListener class to listen for incoming requests and the HttpWebRequest class to relay the requests.

Binding objects defined in code-behind

That's my way to bind to code behind (see property DataTemplateSelector)

public partial class MainWindow : Window
  public MainWindow()
    this.DataTemplateSelector = new MyDataTemplateSelector();


    // ... more initializations ...

  public DataTemplateSelector DataTemplateSelector { get; }

  // ... more code stuff ...

In XAML will referenced by RelativeSource via Ancestors up to containing Window, so I'm at my Window class and use the property via Path declaration:

<GridViewColumn Header="Value(s)"
                CellTemplateSelector="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type Window}}, Path=DataTemplateSelector}"/>

Setting of property DataTemplateSelector before call InitializeComponent depends on missing implementation of IPropertyChanged or use of implementation with DependencyProperty so no communication run on change of property DataTemplateSelector.

addEventListener vs onclick

Both are correct, but none of them are "best" per se, and there may be a reason the developer chose to use both approaches.

Event Listeners (addEventListener and IE's attachEvent)

Earlier versions of Internet Explorer implement javascript differently from pretty much every other browser. With versions less than 9, you use the attachEvent[doc] method, like this:

element.attachEvent('onclick', function() { /* do stuff here*/ });

In most other browsers (including IE 9 and above), you use addEventListener[doc], like this:

element.addEventListener('click', function() { /* do stuff here*/ }, false);

Using this approach (DOM Level 2 events), you can attach a theoretically unlimited number of events to any single element. The only practical limitation is client-side memory and other performance concerns, which are different for each browser.

The examples above represent using an anonymous function[doc]. You can also add an event listener using a function reference[doc] or a closure[doc]:

var myFunctionReference = function() { /* do stuff here*/ }

element.attachEvent('onclick', myFunctionReference);
element.addEventListener('click', myFunctionReference , false);

Another important feature of addEventListener is the final parameter, which controls how the listener reacts to bubbling events[doc]. I've been passing false in the examples, which is standard for probably 95% of use cases. There is no equivalent argument for attachEvent, or when using inline events.

Inline events (HTML onclick="" property and element.onclick)

In all browsers that support javascript, you can put an event listener inline, meaning right in the HTML code. You've probably seen this:

<a id="testing" href="#" onclick="alert('did stuff inline');">Click me</a>

Most experienced developers shun this method, but it does get the job done; it is simple and direct. You may not use closures or anonymous functions here (though the handler itself is an anonymous function of sorts), and your control of scope is limited.

The other method you mention:

element.onclick = function () { /*do stuff here */ };

... is the equivalent of inline javascript except that you have more control of the scope (since you're writing a script rather than HTML) and can use anonymous functions, function references, and/or closures.

The significant drawback with inline events is that unlike event listeners described above, you may only have one inline event assigned. Inline events are stored as an attribute/property of the element[doc], meaning that it can be overwritten.

Using the example <a> from the HTML above:

var element = document.getElementById('testing');
element.onclick = function () { alert('did stuff #1'); };
element.onclick = function () { alert('did stuff #2'); };

... when you clicked the element, you'd only see "Did stuff #2" - you overwrote the first assigned of the onclick property with the second value, and you overwrote the original inline HTML onclick property too. Check it out here:

Broadly speaking, do not use inline events. There may be specific use cases for it, but if you are not 100% sure you have that use case, then you do not and should not use inline events.

Modern Javascript (Angular and the like)

Since this answer was originally posted, javascript frameworks like Angular have become far more popular. You will see code like this in an Angular template:

<button (click)="doSomething()">Do Something</button>

This looks like an inline event, but it isn't. This type of template will be transpiled into more complex code which uses event listeners behind the scenes. Everything I've written about events here still applies, but you are removed from the nitty gritty by at least one layer. You should understand the nuts and bolts, but if your modern JS framework best practices involve writing this kind of code in a template, don't feel like you're using an inline event -- you aren't.

Which is Best?

The question is a matter of browser compatibility and necessity. Do you need to attach more than one event to an element? Will you in the future? Odds are, you will. attachEvent and addEventListener are necessary. If not, an inline event may seem like they'd do the trick, but you're much better served preparing for a future that, though it may seem unlikely, is predictable at least. There is a chance you'll have to move to JS-based event listeners, so you may as well just start there. Don't use inline events.

jQuery and other javascript frameworks encapsulate the different browser implementations of DOM level 2 events in generic models so you can write cross-browser compliant code without having to worry about IE's history as a rebel. Same code with jQuery, all cross-browser and ready to rock:

$(element).on('click', function () { /* do stuff */ });

Don't run out and get a framework just for this one thing, though. You can easily roll your own little utility to take care of the older browsers:

function addEvent(element, evnt, funct){
  if (element.attachEvent)
   return element.attachEvent('on'+evnt, funct);
   return element.addEventListener(evnt, funct, false);

// example
    function () { alert('hi!'); }

Try it:

Taking all of that into consideration, unless the script you're looking at took the browser differences into account some other way (in code not shown in your question), the part using addEventListener would not work in IE versions less than 9.

Documentation and Related Reading

How to inject a Map using the @Value Spring Annotation?

You can inject .properties as a map in your class using @Resource annotation.

If you are working with XML based configuration, then add below bean in your spring configuration file:

 <bean id="myProperties" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
      <property name="location" value=""/>

For, Annotation based:

@Bean(name = "myProperties")
public static PropertiesFactoryBean mapper() {
        PropertiesFactoryBean bean = new PropertiesFactoryBean();
        bean.setLocation(new ClassPathResource(
        return bean;

Then you can pick them up in your application as a Map:

@Resource(name = "myProperties")
private Map<String, String> myProperties;

Inserting a string into a list without getting split into characters

Don't use list as a variable name. It's a built in that you are masking.

To insert, use the insert function of lists.

l = ['hello','world']
l.insert(0, 'foo')
print l
['foo', 'hello', 'world']

equivalent to push() or pop() for arrays?

You can use Arrays.copyOf() with a little reflection to make a nice helper function.

public class ArrayHelper {
    public static <T> T[] push(T[] arr, T item) {
        T[] tmp = Arrays.copyOf(arr, arr.length + 1);
        tmp[tmp.length - 1] = item;
        return tmp;

    public static <T> T[] pop(T[] arr) {
        T[] tmp = Arrays.copyOf(arr, arr.length - 1);
        return tmp;


String[] items = new String[]{"a", "b", "c"};

items = ArrayHelper.push(items, "d");
items = ArrayHelper.push(items, "e");

items = ArrayHelper.pop(items);


Original: a,b,c

Array after push calls: a,b,c,d,e

Array after pop call: a,b,c,d

How to redirect user's browser URL to a different page in Nodejs?

In Express you can use


to redirect user from server.

To include a status code 301 or 302 it can be used

res.redirect(301, '');

How to make "if not true condition"?

I think it can be simplified into:

grep sysa /etc/passwd || {
    echo "ERROR - The user sysa could not be looked up"
    exit 2

or in a single command line

$ grep sysa /etc/passwd || { echo "ERROR - The user sysa could not be looked up"; exit 2; }

Extract text from a string

If program name is always the first thing in (), and doesn't contain other )s than the one at end, then $yourstring -match "[(][^)]+[)]" does the matching, result will be in $Matches[0]

Transparent background on winforms?

A simple solution to get a transparent background in a windows form is to overwrite the OnPaintBackground method like this:

protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e)
    //empty implementation

(Notice that the base.OnpaintBackground(e) is removed from the function)

Apache won't run in xampp

In my case, it was something else. One day earlier I tried to install Magento using bitnami of xampp. And I deleted That Module

I opened the httpd.conf and found this line:

Include "C:/xampp/apps/magento/conf/httpd-prefix.conf"

I just commented it with #,

Now it's running fine. :)

Skip a submodule during a Maven build

Maven version 3.2.1 added this feature, you can use the -pl switch (shortcut for --projects list) with ! or - (source) to exclude certain submodules.

mvn -pl '!submodule-to-exclude' install
mvn -pl -submodule-to-exclude install

Be careful in bash the character ! is a special character, so you either have to single quote it (like I did) or escape it with the backslash character.

The syntax to exclude multiple module is the same as the inclusion

mvn -pl '!submodule1,!submodule2' install
mvn -pl -submodule1,-submodule2 install

EDIT Windows does not seem to like the single quotes, but it is necessary in bash ; in Windows, use double quotes (thanks @awilkinson)

mvn -pl "!submodule1,!submodule2" install

Returning unique_ptr from functions

This is in no way specific to std::unique_ptr, but applies to any class that is movable. It's guaranteed by the language rules since you are returning by value. The compiler tries to elide copies, invokes a move constructor if it can't remove copies, calls a copy constructor if it can't move, and fails to compile if it can't copy.

If you had a function that accepts std::unique_ptr as an argument you wouldn't be able to pass p to it. You would have to explicitly invoke move constructor, but in this case you shouldn't use variable p after the call to bar().

void bar(std::unique_ptr<int> p)
    // ...

int main()
    unique_ptr<int> p = foo();
    bar(p); // error, can't implicitly invoke move constructor on lvalue
    bar(std::move(p)); // OK but don't use p afterwards
    return 0;

Add JavaScript object to JavaScript object

var jsonIssues = []; // new Array
jsonIssues.push( { ID:1, "Name":"whatever" } );
// "push" some more here

My C# application is returning 0xE0434352 to Windows Task Scheduler but it is not crashing

When setup a job in new windows you have two fields "program/script" and "Start in(Optional)". Put program name in first and program location in second. If you will not do that and your program start not in directory with exe, it will not find files that are located in it.

Which version of Python do I have installed?

For bash scripts this would be the easiest way:

# In the form major.minor.micro e.g. '3.6.8'
# The second part excludes the 'Python ' prefix 
PYTHON_VERSION=`python3 --version | awk '{print $2}'`
echo "python3 version: ${PYTHON_VERSION}"
python3 version: 3.6.8

And if you just need the major.minor version (e.g. 3.6) you can either use the above and then pick the first 3 characters:

PYTHON_VERSION=`python3 --version | awk '{print $2}'`
echo "python3 major.minor: ${PYTHON_VERSION:0:3}"
python3 major.minor: 3.6


PYTHON_VERSION=`python3 -c 'import sys; print(str(sys.version_info[0])+"."+str(sys.version_info[1]))'`
echo "python3 major.minor: ${PYTHON_VERSION}"
python3 major.minor: 3.6

How to have the cp command create any necessary folders for copying a file to a destination

I didn't know you could do that with cp.

You can do it with mkdir ..

mkdir -p /var/path/to/your/dir

EDIT See lhunath's answer for incorporating cp.

How to declare a global variable in C++

Not sure if this is correct in any sense but this seems to work for me.

inline int someVar;

I don't have linking/multiple definition issues and it "just works"... ;- )

It's quite handy for "quick" tests... Try to avoid global vars tho, because every says so... ;- )

Typing Greek letters etc. in Python plots

Python 3.x: small greek letters are coded from 945 to 969 so,alpha is chr(945), omega is chr(969) so just type


the list of small greek letters in a list:

greek_letterz=[chr(code) for code in range(945,970)]


And now, alpha is greek_letterz[0], beta is greek_letterz[1], a.s.o

BLOB to String, SQL Server

The accepted answer works for me only for the first 30 characters. This works for me:

select convert(varchar(max), convert(varbinary(max),myBlobColumn)) FROM table_name

How can I create a carriage return in my C# string

<br /> works for me


String body = String.Format(@"New user: 
 <br /> Name: {0}
 <br /> Email: {1}
 <br /> Phone: {2}", Name, Email, Phone);


New user:
Name: Name
Email: Email
Phone: Phone

How exactly to use Notification.Builder

In case it helps anyone... I was having a lot of trouble with setting up notifications using the support package when testing against newer an older API's. I was able to get them to work on the newer device but would get an error testing on the old device. What finally got it working for me was to delete all the imports related to the notification functions. In particular the NotificationCompat and the TaskStackBuilder. It seems that while setting up my code in the beginning the imports where added from the newer build and not from the support package. Then when I wanted to implement these items later in eclipse, I wasn't prompted to import them again. Hope that makes sense, and that it helps someone else out :)

Comparing two columns, and returning a specific adjacent cell in Excel

Here is what needs to go in D1: =VLOOKUP(C1, $A$1:$B$4, 2, FALSE)

You should then be able to copy this down to the rest of column D.

How to get the background color of an HTML element?

With jQuery:


With prototype:


With pure JS:


Linq order by, group by and order by each group?

Alternatively you can do like this :

     var _items = from a in StudentsGrades
                  group a by a.Name;

     foreach (var _itemGroup in _items)
        foreach (var _item in _itemGroup.OrderBy(a=>a.grade))

Java regex to extract text between tags

    final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("tag\\](.+?)\\[/tag");
    final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("[tag]String I want to extract[/tag]");

Excel VBA Open workbook, perform actions, save as, close

I'll try and answer several different things, however my contribution may not cover all of your questions. Maybe several of us can take different chunks out of this. However, this info should be helpful for you. Here we go..

Opening A Seperate File:

ChDir "[Path here]"                          'get into the right folder here
Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'include the filename in this path

'copy data into current workbook or whatever you want here

ActiveWindow.Close                          'closes out the file

Opening A File With Specified Date If It Exists:

I'm not sure how to search your directory to see if a file exists, but in my case I wouldn't bother to search for it, I'd just try to open it and put in some error checking so that if it doesn't exist then display this message or do xyz.

Some common error checking statements:

On Error Resume Next   'if error occurs continues on to the next line (ignores it)

ChDir "[Path here]"                         
Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'try to open file here

Or (better option):

if one doesn't exist then bring up either a message box or dialogue box to say "the file does not exist, would you like to create a new one?

you would most likely want to use the GoTo ErrorHandler shown below to achieve this

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:

ChDir "[Path here]"                         
Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'try to open file here

'Display error message or any code you want to run on error here

Much more info on Error handling here:

Also if you want to learn more or need to know more generally in VBA I would recommend Siddharth Rout's site, he has lots of tutorials and example code here:

Hope this helps!

Example on how to ensure error code doesn't run EVERYtime:

if you debug through the code without the Exit Sub BEFORE the error handler you'll soon realize the error handler will be run everytime regarldess of if there is an error or not. The link below the code example shows a previous answer to this question.

  Sub Macro

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:

    ChDir "[Path here]"                         
    Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'try to open file here

    Exit Sub      'Code will exit BEFORE ErrorHandler if everything goes smoothly
                  'Otherwise, on error, ErrorHandler will be run

    'Display error message or any code you want to run on error here

  End Sub

Also, look at this other question in you need more reference to how this works: goto block not working VBA

How to remove default mouse-over effect on WPF buttons?

Just to add a very simple solution, that was good enough for me, and I think addresses the OP's issue. I used the solution in this answer except with a regular Background value instead of an image.

<Style x:Key="SomeButtonStyle" TargetType="Button">
    <Setter Property="Background" Value="Transparent" />
    <Setter Property="Template">
            <ControlTemplate TargetType="Button">
                <Grid Background="{TemplateBinding Background}">
                    <ContentPresenter />

No re-templating beyond forcing the Background to always be the Transparent background from the templated button - mouseover no longer affects the background once this is done. Obviously replace Transparent with any preferred value.

Installing Python library from WHL file

From How do I install a Python package with a .whl file? [sic], How do I install a Python package USING a .whl file ?

For all Windows platforms:

1) Download the .WHL package install file.

2) Make Sure path [C:\Progra~1\Python27\Scripts] is in the system PATH string. This is for using both [pip.exe] and [easy-install.exe].

3) Make sure the latest version of pip.EXE is now installed. At this time of posting:

pip.EXE --version

  pip 9.0.1 from C:\PROGRA~1\Python27\lib\site-packages (python 2.7)

4) Run pip.EXE in an Admin command shell.

 - Open an Admin privileged command shell.

 > easy_install.EXE --upgrade  pip

 - Check the pip.EXE version:
 > pip.EXE --version

 pip 9.0.1 from C:\PROGRA~1\Python27\lib\site-packages (python 2.7)

 > pip.EXE install --use-wheel --no-index 
     --find-links="X:\path to wheel file\DownloadedWheelFile.whl"

Be sure to double-quote paths or path\filenames with embedded spaces in them ! Alternatively, use the MSW 'short' paths and filenames.

Http Servlet request lose params from POST body after read it once

As an aside, an alternative way to solve this problem is to not use the filter chain and instead build your own interceptor component, perhaps using aspects, which can operate on the parsed request body. It will also likely be more efficient as you are only converting the request InputStream into your own model object once.

However, I still think it's reasonable to want to read the request body more than once particularly as the request moves through the filter chain. I would typically use filter chains for certain operations that I want to keep at the HTTP layer, decoupled from the service components.

As suggested by Will Hartung I achieved this by extending HttpServletRequestWrapper, consuming the request InputStream and essentially caching the bytes.

public class MultiReadHttpServletRequest extends HttpServletRequestWrapper {
  private ByteArrayOutputStream cachedBytes;

  public MultiReadHttpServletRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {

  public ServletInputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
    if (cachedBytes == null)

      return new CachedServletInputStream();

  public BufferedReader getReader() throws IOException{
    return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getInputStream()));

  private void cacheInputStream() throws IOException {
    /* Cache the inputstream in order to read it multiple times. For
     * convenience, I use apache.commons IOUtils
    cachedBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    IOUtils.copy(super.getInputStream(), cachedBytes);

  /* An inputstream which reads the cached request body */
  public class CachedServletInputStream extends ServletInputStream {
    private ByteArrayInputStream input;

    public CachedServletInputStream() {
      /* create a new input stream from the cached request body */
      input = new ByteArrayInputStream(cachedBytes.toByteArray());

    public int read() throws IOException {

Now the request body can be read more than once by wrapping the original request before passing it through the filter chain:

public class MyFilter implements Filter {
  public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
        FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {

    /* wrap the request in order to read the inputstream multiple times */
    MultiReadHttpServletRequest multiReadRequest = new MultiReadHttpServletRequest((HttpServletRequest) request);

    /* here I read the inputstream and do my thing with it; when I pass the
     * wrapped request through the filter chain, the rest of the filters, and
     * request handlers may read the cached inputstream
    chain.doFilter(multiReadRequest, response);

This solution will also allow you to read the request body multiple times via the getParameterXXX methods because the underlying call is getInputStream(), which will of course read the cached request InputStream.


For newer version of ServletInputStream interface. You need to provide implementation of few more methods like isReady, setReadListener etc. Refer this question as provided in comment below.

How to search in array of object in mongodb

You can do this in two ways:

  1. ElementMatch - $elemMatch (as explained in above answers)

    db.users.find({ awards: { $elemMatch: {award:'Turing Award', year:1977} } })

  2. Use $and with find

    db.getCollection('users').find({"$and":[{"awards.award":"Turing Award"},{"awards.year":1977}]})

NSRange to Range<String.Index>

Here's my best effort. But this cannot check or detect wrong input argument.

extension String {
    /// :r: Must correctly select proper UTF-16 code-unit range. Wrong range will produce wrong result.
    public func convertRangeFromNSRange(r:NSRange) -> Range<String.Index> {
        let a   =   (self as NSString).substringToIndex(r.location)
        let b   =   (self as NSString).substringWithRange(r)

        let n1  =   distance(a.startIndex, a.endIndex)
        let n2  =   distance(b.startIndex, b.endIndex)

        let i1  =   advance(startIndex, n1)
        let i2  =   advance(i1, n2)

        return  Range<String.Index>(start: i1, end: i2)

let s   =   ""
println(s[s.convertRangeFromNSRange(NSRange(location: 4, length: 2))])      //  Proper range. Produces correct result.
println(s[s.convertRangeFromNSRange(NSRange(location: 0, length: 4))])      //  Proper range. Produces correct result.
println(s[s.convertRangeFromNSRange(NSRange(location: 0, length: 2))])      //  Improper range. Produces wrong result.
println(s[s.convertRangeFromNSRange(NSRange(location: 0, length: 1))])      //  Improper range. Produces wrong result.



NSRange from NSString counts UTF-16 code-units. And Range<String.Index> from Swift String is an opaque relative type which provides only equality and navigation operations. This is intentionally hidden design.

Though the Range<String.Index> seem to be mapped to UTF-16 code-unit offset, that is just an implementation detail, and I couldn't find any mention about any guarantee. That means the implementation details can be changed at any time. Internal representation of Swift String is not pretty defined, and I cannot rely on it.

NSRange values can be directly mapped to String.UTF16View indexes. But there's no method to convert it into String.Index.

Swift String.Index is index to iterate Swift Character which is an Unicode grapheme cluster. Then, you must provide proper NSRange which selects correct grapheme clusters. If you provide wrong range like the above example, it will produce wrong result because proper grapheme cluster range couldn't be figured out.

If there's a guarantee that the String.Index is UTF-16 code-unit offset, then problem becomes simple. But it is unlikely to happen.

Inverse conversion

Anyway the inverse conversion can be done precisely.

extension String {
    /// O(1) if `self` is optimised to use UTF-16.
    /// O(n) otherwise.
    public func convertRangeToNSRange(r:Range<String.Index>) -> NSRange {
        let a   =   substringToIndex(r.startIndex)
        let b   =   substringWithRange(r)

        return  NSRange(location: a.utf16Count, length: b.utf16Count)



Strip double quotes from a string in .NET

s = s.Replace("\"",string.Empty);

Spring Boot Rest Controller how to return different HTTP status codes?

Try this code:

@RequestMapping(value = "/validate", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")
public ResponseEntity<ErrorBean> validateUser(@QueryParam("jsonInput") final String jsonInput) {
    int numberHTTPDesired = 400;
    ErrorBean responseBean = new ErrorBean();
    responseBean.setMensaje("Error in validation!");

    return new ResponseEntity<ErrorBean>(responseBean, HttpStatus.valueOf(numberHTTPDesired));

ASP.NET 2.0 - How to use app_offline.htm

Make sure filename extensions are visible in explorer and filename is actually




How to SSH to a VirtualBox guest externally through a host?

Keeping the NAT adapter and adding a second host-only adapter works amazing, and is crucial for laptops (where the external network always changes).

Remember to create a host-only network in virtualbox itself (GUI -> settings -> network), otherwise you can't create the host-only interface on the guest.

Simple (I think) Horizontal Line in WPF?

To draw Horizontal 
<Rectangle  HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"  VerticalAlignment="Center" Fill="DarkCyan" Height="4"/>

To draw vertical 
 <Rectangle  HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Center" Fill="DarkCyan" Height="4" Width="Auto" >
                <RotateTransform Angle="90"/>

Tracking Google Analytics Page Views with AngularJS

Merging the answers by wynnwu and dpineda was what worked for me.

angular.module('app', [])
  .run(['$rootScope', '$location', '$window',
    function($rootScope, $location, $window) {
        function(event) {
          if (!$ {
          $'send', 'pageview', {
            page: $location.path()

Setting the third parameter as an object (instead of just $location.path()) and using $routeChangeSuccess instead of $stateChangeSuccess did the trick.

Hope this helps.

How to make certain text not selectable with CSS

The CSS below stops users from being able to select text.

-webkit-user-select: none; /* Safari */        
-moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox */
-ms-user-select: none; /* IE10+/Edge */
user-select: none; /* Standard */

To target IE9 downwards the html attribute unselectable must be used instead:

<p unselectable="on">Test Text</p>

How do I put two increment statements in a C++ 'for' loop?

I agree with squelart. Incrementing two variables is bug prone, especially if you only test for one of them.

This is the readable way to do this:

int j = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    do_something(i, j);

For loops are meant for cases where your loop runs on one increasing/decreasing variable. For any other variable, change it in the loop.

If you need j to be tied to i, why not leave the original variable as is and add i?

for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {

If your logic is more complex (for example, you need to actually monitor more than one variable), I'd use a while loop.

WCF Service Returning "Method Not Allowed"

My case: configuring the service on new server. ASP.NET 4.0 was not installed/registered properly; svc extension was not recognized.

Node.js fs.readdir recursive directory search

Check out the final-fs library. It provides a readdirRecursive function:

ffs.readdirRecursive(dirPath, true, 'my/initial/path')
    .then(function (files) {
        // in the `files` variable you've got all the files
    .otherwise(function (err) {
        // something went wrong

Weird behavior of the != XPath operator

If $AccountNumber or $Balance is a node-set, then this behavior could easily happen. It's not because and is being treated as or.

For example, if $AccountNumber referred to nodes with the values 12345 and 66 and $Balance referred to nodes with the values 55 and 0, then $AccountNumber != '12345' would be true (because 66 is not equal to 12345) and $Balance != '0' would be true (because 55 is not equal to 0).

I'd suggest trying this instead:

<xsl:when test="not($AccountNumber = '12345' or $Balance = '0')">

$AccountNumber = '12345' or $Balance = '0' will be true any time there is an $AccountNumber with the value 12345 or there is a $Balance with the value 0, and if you apply not() to that, you will get a false result.

Rendering HTML elements to <canvas>

Take a look on MDN

It will render html element using creating SVG images.

For Example: There is <em>I</em> like <span style="color:white; text-shadow:0 0 2px blue;">cheese</span> HTML element. And I want to add it into <canvas id="canvas" style="border:2px solid black;" width="200" height="200"></canvas> Canvas Element.

Here is Javascript Code to add HTML element to canvas.

var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');_x000D_
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');_x000D_
var data = '<svg xmlns="" width="200" height="200">' +_x000D_
  '<foreignObject width="100%" height="100%">' +_x000D_
  '<div xmlns="" style="font-size:40px">' +_x000D_
  '<em>I</em> like <span style="color:white; text-shadow:0 0 2px blue;">cheese</span>' +_x000D_
  '</div>' +_x000D_
  '</foreignObject>' +_x000D_
var DOMURL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window;_x000D_
var img = new Image();_x000D_
var svg = new Blob([data], {_x000D_
  type: 'image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8'_x000D_
var url = DOMURL.createObjectURL(svg);_x000D_
img.onload = function() {_x000D_
  ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);_x000D_
img.src = url;
<canvas id="canvas" style="border:2px solid black;" width="200" height="200"></canvas>

"echo -n" prints "-n"

enable -n echo
echo -n "Some string..."

How can I compile my Perl script so it can be executed on systems without perl installed?

Look at PAR (Perl Archiving Toolkit).

PAR is a Cross-Platform Packaging and Deployment tool, dubbed as a cross between Java's JAR and Perl2EXE/PerlApp.

How to implement a material design circular progress bar in android

Nice implementation for material design circular progress bar (from rahatarmanahmed/CircularProgressView),


enter image description here

Why am I getting a NoClassDefFoundError in Java?

This error can be caused by unchecked Java version requirements.

In my case I was able to resolve this error, while building a high-profile open-source project, by switching from Java 9 to Java 8 using SDKMAN!.

sdk list java
sdk install java 8u152-zulu
sdk use java 8u152-zulu

Then doing a clean install as described below.

When using Maven as your build tool, it is sometimes helpful -- and usually gratifying, to do a clean 'install' build with testing disabled.

mvn clean install -DskipTests

Now that everything has been built and installed, you can go ahead and run the tests.

mvn test

How to replace comma (,) with a dot (.) using java

if(str.indexOf(",")!=-1) { str = str.replaceAll(",","."); }

or even better

str = str.replace(',', '.');

How do I get a list of installed CPAN modules?

This works for me

perl -e 'print join("\n",@INC,"")'

Add a link to an image in a css style sheet

You could do something like

<a href=""><img src="images/logo.png" alt="" id="logo"></a>


Find an element in a list of tuples

[tup for tup in a if tup[0] == 1]

Understanding CUDA grid dimensions, block dimensions and threads organization (simple explanation)


If a GPU device has, for example, 4 multiprocessing units, and they can run 768 threads each: then at a given moment no more than 4*768 threads will be really running in parallel (if you planned more threads, they will be waiting their turn).


threads are organized in blocks. A block is executed by a multiprocessing unit. The threads of a block can be indentified (indexed) using 1Dimension(x), 2Dimensions (x,y) or 3Dim indexes (x,y,z) but in any case xyz <= 768 for our example (other restrictions apply to x,y,z, see the guide and your device capability).

Obviously, if you need more than those 4*768 threads you need more than 4 blocks. Blocks may be also indexed 1D, 2D or 3D. There is a queue of blocks waiting to enter the GPU (because, in our example, the GPU has 4 multiprocessors and only 4 blocks are being executed simultaneously).

Now a simple case: processing a 512x512 image

Suppose we want one thread to process one pixel (i,j).

We can use blocks of 64 threads each. Then we need 512*512/64 = 4096 blocks (so to have 512x512 threads = 4096*64)

It's common to organize (to make indexing the image easier) the threads in 2D blocks having blockDim = 8 x 8 (the 64 threads per block). I prefer to call it threadsPerBlock.

dim3 threadsPerBlock(8, 8);  // 64 threads

and 2D gridDim = 64 x 64 blocks (the 4096 blocks needed). I prefer to call it numBlocks.

dim3 numBlocks(imageWidth/threadsPerBlock.x,  /* for instance 512/8 = 64*/

The kernel is launched like this:

myKernel <<<numBlocks,threadsPerBlock>>>( /* params for the kernel function */ );       

Finally: there will be something like "a queue of 4096 blocks", where a block is waiting to be assigned one of the multiprocessors of the GPU to get its 64 threads executed.

In the kernel the pixel (i,j) to be processed by a thread is calculated this way:

uint i = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
uint j = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;

How can I make a thumbnail <img> show a full size image when clicked?

Here is the Angular version of LightBox. Just Awesome :)

Note : I have put this answer hence No Js library has been mentioned under the Tags.


<ul ng-controller="GalleryCtrl">
  <li ng-repeat="image in images">
    <a ng-click="openLightboxModal($index)">
      <img ng-src="{{image.thumbUrl}}" class="img-thumbnail">

How to do an Integer.parseInt() for a decimal number?

One more solution is possible.

int number = Integer.parseInt(new DecimalFormat("#").format(decimalNumber))  


Integer.parseInt(new DecimalFormat("#").format(Double.parseDouble("010.021")))  



Bizarre Error in Chrome Developer Console - Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS

I had issues getting through a form because of this error.

I used Ctrl+Click to click the submit button and navigate through the form as usual.

Regular expression to match non-ASCII characters?

All Unicode-enabled Regex flavours should have a special character class like \w that match any Unicode letter. Take a look at your specific flavour here.

jQuery lose focus event

Like this:

$(selector).focusout(function () {
    //Your Code

Running multiple commands in one line in shell

Using pipes seems weird to me. Anyway you should use the logical and Bash operator:

$ cp /templates/apple /templates/used && cp /templates/apple /templates/inuse && rm /templates/apples

If the cp commands fail, the rm will not be executed.

Or, you can make a more elaborated command line using a for loop and cmp.

How do I get time of a Python program's execution?

I was having the same problem in many places, so I created a convenience package horology. You can install it with pip install horology and then do it in the elegant way:

from horology import Timing

with Timing(name='Important calculations: '):

will output:

Important calculations: 12.43 ms

Or even simpler (if you have one function):

from horology import timed

def main():

will output:

main: 7.12 h

It takes care of units and rounding. It works with python 3.6 or newer.

How does HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name know which usernames exist?

For windows authentication

select your project.

Press F4

Disable "Anonymous Authentication" and enable "Windows Authentication"

enter image description here

How to find out mySQL server ip address from phpmyadmin

As an alternative, since you know the hostname, resolve the database server IP via hostname from the web server.

Shift column in pandas dataframe up by one?

To easily shift by 5 values for example and also get rid of the NaN rows, without having to keep track of the number of values you shifted by:

d['gdp'] = df['gdp'].shift(-5)
df = df.dropna()

How do you change the text in the Titlebar in Windows Forms?

If you want to update it later, once "this" no longer references it, I had some luck with assigning a variable to point to the main form.

  static Form f0;
  public OrdUpdate()
  // then later you can say
  f0.Text="New text";

Hive insert query like SQL

You can't do insert into to insert single record. It's not supported by Hive. You may place all new records that you want to insert in a file and load that file into a temp table in Hive. Then using insert command insert those rows into a new partition of your main Hive table. The constraint here is your main table will have to be pre partitioned. If you don't use partition then your whole table will be replaced with these new records.

How to show live preview in a small popup of linked page on mouse over on link?

HTML structure

<div id="app">
<div class="box">
    <div class="title">How to preview link with iframe and javascript?</div>
    <div class="note"><small>Note: Click to every link on content below to preview</small></div>
    <div id="content">
        We'll first attach all the events to all the links for which we want to <a href="">preview</a> with the addEventListener method. In this method we will create elements including the floating frame containing the preview pane, the preview pane off button, the iframe button to load the preview content.
    <h3>Preview the link</h3>
    <div id="result"></div>

We'll first attach all the events to all the links for which we want to preview with the addEventListener method. In this method we will create elements including the floating frame containing the preview pane, the preview pane off button, the iframe button to load the preview content.

<script type="text/javascript">
    let content = document.getElementById('content');
    let links = content.getElementsByTagName('a');
    for (let index = 0; index < links.length; index++) {
        const element = links[index];

    function openDemoLink(link){

        let div = document.createElement('div');
        let frame = document.createElement('iframe');
        frame.src = link;
        let close = document.createElement('a');
        close.innerHTML = "Click here to close the example";
        close.addEventListener('click', function(e){

To see detail at How to live preview link

Should you choose the MONEY or DECIMAL(x,y) datatypes in SQL Server?

I just saw this blog entry: Money vs. Decimal in SQL Server.

Which basically says that money has a precision issue...

declare @m money
declare @d decimal(9,2)

set @m = 19.34
set @d = 19.34

select (@m/1000)*1000
select (@d/1000)*1000

For the money type, you will get 19.30 instead of 19.34. I am not sure if there is an application scenario that divides money into 1000 parts for calculation, but this example does expose some limitations.

http post - how to send Authorization header?

Ok. I found problem.

It was not on the Angular side. To be honest, there were no problem at all.

Reason why I was unable to perform my request succesfuly was that my server app was not properly handling OPTIONS request.

Why OPTIONS, not POST? My server app is on different host, then frontend. Because of CORS my browser was converting POST to OPTION:

With help of this answer: Standalone Spring OAuth2 JWT Authorization Server + CORS

I implemented proper filter on my server-side app.

Thanks to @Supamiu - the person which fingered me that I am not sending POST at all.

Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS] when I tried to update my application

It might mean the application is already installed for another user on your device. Users share applications. I don't know why they do but they do. So if one user updates an application is updated for the other user also. If you uninstall on one, it doesn't remove the app from the system on the other.

Difference between == and ===

>>> will always put a 0 in the left most bit, while >> will put a 1 or a 0 depending on what the sign of it is. cannot be cast to

in case your project use dagger, and then this error show up you can add this at android manifest

        android: name = ".BaseApplication"
        ...> ...


As already stated, it's a warning not an error, but (if like me) you want things to run without warnings, you can disable that warning, then re-enable it again when you're done.

SET sql_notes = 0;      -- Temporarily disable the "Table already exists" warning
SET sql_notes = 1;      -- And then re-enable the warning again

how can I login anonymously with ftp (/usr/bin/ftp)?

As others point out, the user name is usually anonymous, and the password is usually your e-mail address, but this is not universally true, and has been found not to work for certain anonymous FTP sites. For example, at least some cPanel sites seem to deviate from the norm, and if given the traditional user name without domain, one of various errors may result:

If the server uses Pure-FTP as the FTP server:

421 Can't change directory to /var/ftp/ error message.

If the server uses ProFTP as the FTP server:

530 Login Authentication Failed error message.

When one of the aforementioned errors occurs when attempting anonymous access, try including a domain with the username. For example, where is the domain used in your e-mail address:

User name: [email protected]

In the specific case of a cPanel site, the password value is unimportant, and may be left blank, but there is no harm in providing a "traditional" anonymous password formatted as an e-mail address.

For reference, this answer is based on content found on a Anonymous FTP page. At the time of this writing, it stated:

When users log in to FTP anonymously, they must format usernames as [email protected], where represents the user's domain name. This requirement directs your server to the correct public_ftp directory.

How to check if user input is not an int value

Simply throw Exception if input is invalid

Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
  System.out.println("Please input an integer");
  //nextInt will throw InputMismatchException
  //if the next token does not match the Integer
  //regular expression, or is out of range
  int usrInput=sc.nextInt();
catch(InputMismatchException exception)
  //Print "This is not an integer"
  //when user put other than integer
  System.out.println("This is not an integer");

How to get the difference between two dictionaries in Python?

You were right to look at using a set, we just need to dig in a little deeper to get your method to work.

First, the example code:

test_1 = {"foo": "bar", "FOO": "BAR"}
test_2 = {"foo": "bar", "f00": "b@r"}

We can see right now that both dictionaries contain a similar key/value pair:

{"foo": "bar", ...}

Each dictionary also contains a completely different key value pair. But how do we detect the difference? Dictionaries don't support that. Instead, you'll want to use a set.

Here is how to turn each dictionary into a set we can use:

set_1 = set(test_1.items())
set_2 = set(test_2.items())

This returns a set containing a series of tuples. Each tuple represents one key/value pair from your dictionary.

Now, to find the difference between set_1 and set_2:

print set_1 - set_2
>>> {('FOO', 'BAR')}

Want a dictionary back? Easy, just:

dict(set_1 - set_2)
>>> {'FOO': 'BAR'}

ASP.NET Core Web API Authentication

As rightly said by previous posts, one of way is to implement a custom basic authentication middleware. I found the best working code with explanation in this blog: Basic Auth with custom middleware

I referred the same blog but had to do 2 adaptations:

  1. While adding the middleware in startup file -> Configure function, always add custom middleware before adding app.UseMvc().
  2. While reading the username, password from appsettings.json file, add static read only property in Startup file. Then read from appsettings.json. Finally, read the values from anywhere in the project. Example:

    public class Startup
      public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
        Configuration = configuration;
      public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
      public static string UserNameFromAppSettings { get; private set; }
      public static string PasswordFromAppSettings { get; private set; }
      //set username and password from appsettings.json
      UserNameFromAppSettings = Configuration.GetSection("BasicAuth").GetSection("UserName").Value;
      PasswordFromAppSettings = Configuration.GetSection("BasicAuth").GetSection("Password").Value;

Handling key-press events (F1-F12) using JavaScript and jQuery, cross-browser

This works for me.

if(code ==112) { alert("F1 was pressed!!"); return false; }

F2 - 113, F3 - 114, F4 - 115, and so fort.

Pycharm/Python OpenCV and CV2 install error

In win, download the py based latest numpy and Opencv from Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages and pip install its source in cmd. Later copy site-package folder from main py lib to venv lib.