Programs & Examples On #Metatrader4

MetaTrader 4 is an electronic client/server trading platform widely used by online retail foreign exchange speculative traders. Anthony Papaevagorou, head of sales at MetaQuotes, has announced MetaQuotes no longer intends to issue upgrades to the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) [ recently reported on 2016-11-15 ]

Converting Integer to Long


Integer i = 7;
Long l = new Long(i);

How to generate a random String in Java

Many possibilities...

You know how to generate randomly an integer right? You can thus generate a char from it... (ex 65 -> A)

It depends what you need, the level of randomness, the security involved... but for a school project i guess getting UUID substring would fit :)

Select Specific Columns from Spark DataFrame

i liked dehasis approach, because it allowed me to select, rename and convert columns in one step. However I had to adjust it to make it work for me in PySpark:

from pyspark.sql.functions import col
      .where('_c2.isNotNull && '_c3.isNotNull && '_c2 =!= 0.0 && '_c3 =!= 0.0)

How to strip all whitespace from string


This solution was tested using Python 3.6

To strip all spaces from a string in Python3 you can use the following function:

def remove_spaces(in_string: str):
    return in_string.translate(str.maketrans({' ': ''})

To remove any whitespace characters (' \t\n\r\x0b\x0c') you can use the following function:

import string
def remove_whitespace(in_string: str):
    return in_string.translate(str.maketrans(dict.fromkeys(string.whitespace)))


Python's str.translate method is a built-in class method of str, it takes a table and returns a copy of the string with each character mapped through the passed translation table. Full documentation for str.translate

To create the translation table str.maketrans is used. This method is another built-in class method of str. Here we use it with only one parameter, in this case a dictionary, where the keys are the characters to be replaced mapped to values with the characters replacement value. It returns a translation table for use with str.translate. Full documentation for str.maketrans

The string module in python contains some common string operations and constants. string.whitespace is a constant which returns a string containing all ASCII characters that are considered whitespace. This includes the characters space, tab, linefeed, return, formfeed, and vertical tab.Full documentation for string

In the second function dict.fromkeys is used to create a dictionary where the keys are the characters in the string returned by string.whitespace each with value None. Full documentation for dict.fromkeys

Invoking Java main method with parameters from Eclipse

AFAIK there isn't a built-in mechanism in Eclipse for this.

The closest you can get is to create a wrapper that prompts you for these values and invokes the (hardcoded) main. You then get you execution history as long as you don't clear terminated processes. Two variations on this are either to use JUNit, or to use injection or parameter so that your wrapper always connects to the correct class for its main.

How can I express that two values are not equal to eachother?

"Not equals" can be expressed with the "not" operator ! and the standard .equals.

if (a.equals(b)) // a equals b
if (!a.equals(b)) // a not equal to b

Why doesn't "System.out.println" work in Android?

Yes it does. If you're using the emulator, it will show in the Logcat view under the System.out tag. Write something and try it in your emulator.

An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details

Does the actual query return no results? First() will fail if there are no results.

Update Fragment from ViewPager

You can update the fragment in two different ways,

First way

like @Sajmon

You need to implement getItemPosition(Object obj) method.

This method is called when you call


You can find a example in Github and more information in this post.

enter image description here

Second way

My approach to update fragments within the viewpager is to use the setTag() method for any instantiated view in the instantiateItem() method. So when you want to change the data or invalidate the view that you need, you can call the findViewWithTag() method on the ViewPager to retrieve the previously instantiated view and modify/use it as you want without having to delete/create a new view each time you want to update some value.

public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) {
    Object object = super.instantiateItem(container, position);
    if (object instanceof Fragment) {
        Fragment fragment = (Fragment) object;
        String tag = fragment.getTag();
        mFragmentTags.put(position, tag);
    return object;

public Fragment getFragment(int position) {
    Fragment fragment = null;
    String tag = mFragmentTags.get(position);
    if (tag != null) {
        fragment = mFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(tag);
    return fragment;

You can find a example in Github or more information in this post:

enter image description here

How to bundle an Angular app for production

Just setup angular 4 with webpack 3 within a minute your development and production ENV bundle will become ready without any issue just follow the below github doc

How to print third column to last column?

In AWK columns are called fields, hence NF is the key

all rows:

awk -F '<column separator>' '{print $(NF-2)}' <filename>

first row only:

awk -F '<column separator>' 'NR<=1{print $(NF-2)}' <filename>

What is difference between monolithic and micro kernel?

Monolithic kernel has all kernel services along with kernel core part, thus are heavy and has negative impact on speed and performance. On the other hand micro kernel is lightweight causing increase in performance and speed.
I answered same question at wordpress site. For the difference between monolithic, microkernel and exokernel in tabular form, you can visit here

How do I "Add Existing Item" an entire directory structure in Visual Studio?

Below is the icon for the 'Show All Files', just for easy reference.

Enter image description here

How do I call paint event?

I found the Invalidate() creating too much of flickering. Here's my situation. A custom control I am developing draws its whole contents via handling the Paint event.

this.Paint += this.OnPaint;

This handler calls a custom routine that does the actual painting.

private void OnPaint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)

To simulate scrolling I want to repaint my control every time the cursor moves while the left mouse button is pressed. My first choice was using the Invalidate() like the following.

private void RedrawFrame()
    var r = new Rectangle(
        0, 0, this.Width, this.Height);


The control scrolls OK but flickers far beyond any comfortable level. So I decided, instead of repainting the control, to call my custom DrawFrame() method directly after handling the MouseMove event. That produced a smooth scrolling with no flickering.

private void RedrawFrame()
    var g = Graphics.FromHwnd(this.Handle);

This approach may not be applicable to all situations, but so far it suits me well.

Apply vs transform on a group object

Two major differences between apply and transform

There are two major differences between the transform and apply groupby methods.

  • Input:
  • apply implicitly passes all the columns for each group as a DataFrame to the custom function.
  • while transform passes each column for each group individually as a Series to the custom function.
  • Output:
  • The custom function passed to apply can return a scalar, or a Series or DataFrame (or numpy array or even list).
  • The custom function passed to transform must return a sequence (a one dimensional Series, array or list) the same length as the group.

So, transform works on just one Series at a time and apply works on the entire DataFrame at once.

Inspecting the custom function

It can help quite a bit to inspect the input to your custom function passed to apply or transform.


Let's create some sample data and inspect the groups so that you can see what I am talking about:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'State':['Texas', 'Texas', 'Florida', 'Florida'], 
                   'a':[4,5,1,3], 'b':[6,10,3,11]})

     State  a   b
0    Texas  4   6
1    Texas  5  10
2  Florida  1   3
3  Florida  3  11

Let's create a simple custom function that prints out the type of the implicitly passed object and then raised an error so that execution can be stopped.

def inspect(x):

Now let's pass this function to both the groupby apply and transform methods to see what object is passed to it:


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

As you can see, a DataFrame is passed into the inspect function. You might be wondering why the type, DataFrame, got printed out twice. Pandas runs the first group twice. It does this to determine if there is a fast way to complete the computation or not. This is a minor detail that you shouldn't worry about.

Now, let's do the same thing with transform

<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>

It is passed a Series - a totally different Pandas object.

So, transform is only allowed to work with a single Series at a time. It is impossible for it to act on two columns at the same time. So, if we try and subtract column a from b inside of our custom function we would get an error with transform. See below:

def subtract_two(x):
    return x['a'] - x['b']

KeyError: ('a', 'occurred at index a')

We get a KeyError as pandas is attempting to find the Series index a which does not exist. You can complete this operation with apply as it has the entire DataFrame:


Florida  2   -2
         3   -8
Texas    0   -2
         1   -5
dtype: int64

The output is a Series and a little confusing as the original index is kept, but we have access to all columns.

Displaying the passed pandas object

It can help even more to display the entire pandas object within the custom function, so you can see exactly what you are operating with. You can use print statements by I like to use the display function from the IPython.display module so that the DataFrames get nicely outputted in HTML in a jupyter notebook:

from IPython.display import display
def subtract_two(x):
    return x['a'] - x['b']

Screenshot: enter image description here

Transform must return a single dimensional sequence the same size as the group

The other difference is that transform must return a single dimensional sequence the same size as the group. In this particular instance, each group has two rows, so transform must return a sequence of two rows. If it does not then an error is raised:

def return_three(x):
    return np.array([1, 2, 3])

ValueError: transform must return a scalar value for each group

The error message is not really descriptive of the problem. You must return a sequence the same length as the group. So, a function like this would work:

def rand_group_len(x):
    return np.random.rand(len(x))


          a         b
0  0.962070  0.151440
1  0.440956  0.782176
2  0.642218  0.483257
3  0.056047  0.238208

Returning a single scalar object also works for transform

If you return just a single scalar from your custom function, then transform will use it for each of the rows in the group:

def group_sum(x):
    return x.sum()


   a   b
0  9  16
1  9  16
2  4  14
3  4  14

Get size of all tables in database

From a command prompt using OSQL:

OSQL -E -d <*databasename*> -Q "exec sp_msforeachtable 'sp_spaceused [?]'" > result.txt

How to compile python script to binary executable

Or use PyInstaller as an alternative to py2exe. Here is a good starting point. PyInstaller also lets you create executables for linux and mac...

Here is how one could fairly easily use PyInstaller to solve the issue at hand:


From the tool's documentation:

PyInstaller analyzes and:

  • Writes myscript.spec in the same folder as the script.
  • Creates a folder build in the same folder as the script if it does not exist.
  • Writes some log files and working files in the build folder.
  • Creates a folder dist in the same folder as the script if it does not exist.
  • Writes the myscript executable folder in the dist folder.

In the dist folder you find the bundled app you distribute to your users.

Connection refused to MongoDB errno 111

This done the trick for me

sudo service mongod restart

How can I detect browser type using jQuery?

Another way to find versions of IE

IE versions Condition to check for

IE 10 or older -   document.all <BR/> 
IE 9 or older  -   document.all && !window.atob <br/>
IE 8 or older  -   document.all && !document.addEventListener <br/>
IE 7 or older  -   document.all && !document.querySelector <br/>
IE 6 or older  -   document.all && !window.XMLHttpRequest <br/>
IE 5.x         -   document.all && !document.compatMode

Add comma to numbers every three digits

This is not jQuery, but it works for me. Taken from this site.

function addCommas(nStr) {
    nStr += '';
    x = nStr.split('.');
    x1 = x[0];
    x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
    var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
    while (rgx.test(x1)) {
        x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
    return x1 + x2;

Why do we use web.xml?

Generally speaking, this is the configuration file of web applications in java. It instructs the servlet container (tomcat for ex.) which classes to load, what parameters to set in the context, and how to intercept requests coming from browsers.

There you specify:

  • what servlets (and filters) you want to use and what URLs you want to map them to
  • listeners - classes that are notified when some events happen (context starts, session created, etc)
  • configuration parameters (context-params)
  • error pages, welcome files
  • security constraints

In servlet 3.0 many of the web.xml parts are optional. These configurations can be done via annotations (@WebServlet, @WebListener)

Best way to Format a Double value to 2 Decimal places

An alternative is to use String.format:

double[] arr = { 23.59004,

for ( double dub : arr ) {
  System.out.println( String.format( "%.2f", dub ) );



You could also use System.out.format (same method signature), or create a java.util.Formatter which works in the same way.

Using atan2 to find angle between two vectors

You don't have to use atan2 to calculate the angle between two vectors. If you just want the quickest way, you can use dot(v1, v2)=|v1|*|v2|*cos A to get

A = Math.acos( dot(v1, v2)/(v1.length()*v2.length()) );

How to change the Eclipse default workspace?

If you mean to change the directory in which the program execution will occur, go to "Run configurations" in the Run tab.

Then select your project and go to the "Arguments" tab, you can change the directory there. By default it is the root directory of your project.

forEach is not a function error with JavaScript array

You can check if you typed forEach correctly, if you typed foreach like in other programming languages it won't work.

MS Access VBA: Sending an email through Outlook

Here is email code I used in one of my databases. I just made variables for the person I wanted to send it to, CC, subject, and the body. Then you just use the DoCmd.SendObject command. I also set it to "True" after the body so you can edit the message before it automatically sends.

Public Function SendEmail2()

Dim varName As Variant          
Dim varCC As Variant            
Dim varSubject As Variant      
Dim varBody As Variant          

varName = "[email protected]"
varCC = "[email protected], [email protected]"
'separate each email by a ','

varSubject = "Hello"
'Email subject

varBody = "Let's get ice cream this week"

'Body of the email
DoCmd.SendObject , , , varName, varCC, , varSubject, varBody, True, False
'Send email command. The True after "varBody" allows user to edit email before sending.
'The False at the end will not send it as a Template File

End Function

display:inline vs display:block

Add a background-color to the element and you will nicely see the difference of inline vs. block, as explained by the other posters.

Select columns from result set of stored procedure

It might be helpful to know why this is so difficult. A stored procedure may only return text (print 'text'), or may return multiple tables, or may return no tables at all.

So something like SELECT * FROM (exec sp_tables) Table1 will not work

PHP multidimensional array search by value

You can use array_column for that.

$search_value = '5465';
$search_key   = 'uid';
$user = array_search($search_value, array_column($userdb, $search_key));


5465 is the user ID you want to search, uid is the key that contains user ID and $userdb is the array that is defined in the question.

Create directory if it does not exist

[System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory('full path to directory')

This internally checks for directory existence, and creates one, if there is no directory. Just one line and native .NET method working perfectly.

How to generate keyboard events?

For Python2.7(windows32) I installed only pywin32-223. And I wrote simple python`s code:

import win32api
import time
import win32con

# simulate the pressing-DOWN "ARROW key" of 200 times

for i in range(200):
   win32api.keybd_event(0x28, 0,0,0)
   win32api.keybd_event(0x28,0 ,win32con.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP ,0)

It can be checked if you run the code and immediately go to the notepad window (where the text already exists) and place the cursor on the top line.

How do I disable fail_on_empty_beans in Jackson?

In my case I didnt need to disable it , rather I had to put this code on top of my class : (and this solved my issue)

    @JsonNaming(PropertyNamingStrategy.SnakeCaseStrategy.class)//this is what was added
    @Value //this was there already
    @Builder//this was there already

public class NameOfClass {
     //some code in here.

How to do a join in linq to sql with method syntax?

Justin has correctly shown the expansion in the case where the join is just followed by a select. If you've got something else, it becomes more tricky due to transparent identifiers - the mechanism the C# compiler uses to propagate the scope of both halves of the join.

So to change Justin's example slightly:

var result = from sc in enumerableOfSomeClass
             join soc in enumerableOfSomeOtherClass
             on sc.Property1 equals soc.Property2
             where sc.X + sc.Y == 10
             select new { SomeClass = sc, SomeOtherClass = soc }

would be converted into something like this:

var result = enumerableOfSomeClass
          sc => sc.Property1,
          soc => soc.Property2,
          (sc, soc) => new { sc, soc })
    .Where(z => + == 10)
    .Select(z => new { SomeClass =, SomeOtherClass = z.soc });

The z here is the transparent identifier - but because it's transparent, you can't see it in the original query :)

Getting "Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file" upon executing JaCoCo

I faced a bit of a different issue that returned the same error.

Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data /target/jacoco.exec

The truth is, this error is returned for many, many reasons. We experimented with the different solutions on Stack Overflow, but found this resource to be best. It tears down the many different potential reasons why Jacoco could be returning the same error.

For us, the solution was to add a prepare-agent to the configuration.


I would imagine most users will be experiencing it for different reasons, so take a look at the aforementioned resource!

Build .NET Core console application to output an EXE

The following will produce, in the output directory,

  • all the package references
  • the output assembly
  • the bootstrapping exe

But it does not contain all .NET Core runtime assemblies.


  <BootStrapFiles Include="$(Temp)hostpolicy.dll;$(Temp)$(ProjectName).exe;$(Temp)hostfxr.dll;"/>

<Target Name="GenerateNetcoreExe"
        Condition="'$(IsNestedBuild)' != 'true'">
  <RemoveDir Directories="$(Temp)" />
    Command="dotnet build $(ProjectPath) -r win-x64 /p:CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies=false;IsNestedBuild=true --output $(Temp)" >
    <Output TaskParameter="ConsoleOutput" PropertyName="OutputOfExec" />


I wrapped it up in a sample here:

Option to ignore case with .contains method?

Kotlin Devs, go with any / none

private fun compareCategory(
        categories: List<String>?,
        category: String
    ) = categories?.any { it.equals(category, true) } ?: false

Assigning a function to a variable

when you perform y=x() you are actually assigning y to the result of calling the function object x and the function has a return value of None. Function calls in python are performed using (). To assign x to y so you can call y just like you would x you assign the function object x to y like y=x and call the function using y()

no operator "<<" matches these operands

If you want to use std::string reliably, you must #include <string>.

Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException:

Add bean declaration in bean.xml file or in any other configuration file . It will resolve the error

<bean  class="com.demo.dao.RailwayDao"></bean>
<bean  class="com.demo.service.RailwayService"></bean>
<bean  class="com.demo.model.RailwayReservation"></bean>

PostgreSQL naming conventions

There isn't really a formal manual, because there's no single style or standard.

So long as you understand the rules of identifier naming you can use whatever you like.

In practice, I find it easier to use lower_case_underscore_separated_identifiers because it isn't necessary to "Double Quote" them everywhere to preserve case, spaces, etc.

If you wanted to name your tables and functions "@MyA??! ""betty"" Shard$42" you'd be free to do that, though it'd be pain to type everywhere.

The main things to understand are:

  • Unless double-quoted, identifiers are case-folded to lower-case, so MyTable, MYTABLE and mytable are all the same thing, but "MYTABLE" and "MyTable" are different;

  • Unless double-quoted:

    SQL identifiers and key words must begin with a letter (a-z, but also letters with diacritical marks and non-Latin letters) or an underscore (_). Subsequent characters in an identifier or key word can be letters, underscores, digits (0-9), or dollar signs ($).

  • You must double-quote keywords if you wish to use them as identifiers.

In practice I strongly recommend that you do not use keywords as identifiers. At least avoid reserved words. Just because you can name a table "with" doesn't mean you should.

How to make promises work in IE11

You could try using a Polyfill. The following Polyfill was published in 2019 and did the trick for me. It assigns the Promise function to the window object.

used like: window.Promise

If you want more information on Polyfills check out the following MDN web doc

Centering a Twitter Bootstrap button

Bootstrap have a specific class for this: center-block

<button type="button" class="your_class center-block"> Book </button>

Importing class/java files in Eclipse

First, you don't need the .class files if they are compiled from your .java classes.

To import your files, you need to create an empty Java project. They you either import them one by one (New -> File -> Advanced -> Link file) or directly copy them into their corresponding folder/package and refresh the project.

Java: splitting a comma-separated string but ignoring commas in quotes

The simplest approach is not to match delimiters, i.e. commas, with a complex additional logic to match what is actually intended (the data which might be quoted strings), just to exclude false delimiters, but rather match the intended data in the first place.

The pattern consists of two alternatives, a quoted string ("[^"]*" or ".*?") or everything up to the next comma ([^,]+). To support empty cells, we have to allow the unquoted item to be empty and to consume the next comma, if any, and use the \\G anchor:

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\G\"(.*?)\",?|([^,]*),?");

The pattern also contains two capturing groups to get either, the quoted string’s content or the plain content.

Then, with Java 9, we can get an array as

String[] a = p.matcher(input).results()
    .map(m -><0? 2: 1))

whereas older Java versions need a loop like

for(Matcher m = p.matcher(input); m.find(); ) {
    String token =<0? 2: 1);
    System.out.println("found: "+token);

Adding the items to a List or an array is left as an excise to the reader.

For Java 8, you can use the results() implementation of this answer, to do it like the Java 9 solution.

For mixed content with embedded strings, like in the question, you can simply use

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\G((\"(.*?)\"|[^,])*),?");

But then, the strings are kept in their quoted form.

Searching in a ArrayList with custom objects for certain strings

Probably something like:

ArrayList<DataPoint> myList = new ArrayList<DataPoint>();
//Fill up myList with your Data Points

for(DataPoint myPoint : myList) {
    if(myPoint.getName() != null && myPoint.getName().equals("Michael Hoffmann")) {
        //Process data do whatever you want
        System.out.println("Found it!");

sizing div based on window width

A good trick is to use inner box-shadow, and let it do all the fading for you rather than applying it to the image.

ImageView in circular through xml

As was described in Orhan Obut's answer but with the changes:

    android:layout_width="0dp"  //or use your own value
    android:layout_weight="75" />// in case of use of weight

to avoid stretches of the image. And img.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><layer-list xmlns:android="">
<item android:drawable="@drawable/profile" />
<item android:drawable="@drawable/circle" /></layer-list>

(without changes), and circle.xml:

<shape xmlns:android=""
<solid android:color="@android:color/white"/>

here the thickness of the ring gotten maximal - 1000dp
and radiusRatio is a half of image width(max ring width, yes?) - 2
and the stroke is for required border if needed.
I used square png image ( profile.png ), btw. With same width and height. This is correct for arbitrary ImageView dimentions. enter image description here

WCF service maxReceivedMessageSize basicHttpBinding issue

Is the name of your service class really IService (on the Service namespace)? What you probably had originally was a mismatch in the name of the service class in the name attribute of the <service> element.

Count number of records returned by group by

Following for PrestoDb, where FirstField can have multiple values:

select *
            , concat(cast(cast((ThirdTable.Total_Records_in_Group * 100 / ThirdTable.Total_Records_in_baseTable) as DECIMAL(5,2)) as varchar), '%') PERCENTage
    SELECT FirstTable.FirstField, FirstTable.SecondField, SecondTable.Total_Records_in_baseTable, count(*) Total_Records_in_Group
    FROM BaseTable FirstTable
    JOIN (
            SELECT FK1, count(*) AS Total_Records_in_baseTable 
            FROM BaseTable
            GROUP BY FK1
        ) SecondTable
    ON FirstTable.FirstField = SecondTable.FK1
    GROUP BY FirstTable.FirstField, FirstTable.SecondField, SecondTable.Total_Records_in_baseTable
    ORDER BY FirstTable.FirstField, FirstTable.SecondField
) ThirdTable

HTML span align center not working?

On top of all the other explanations, I believe you're using equal "=" sign, instead of colon ":":

<span style="border:1px solid red;text-align=center">

It should be:

<span style="border:1px solid red;text-align:center">

How to get rows count of internal table in abap?

  DATA : V_LINES TYPE I. "declare variable
  WRITE:/ V_LINES. "display no of rows


Error : Index was outside the bounds of the array.

You have declared an array that can store 8 elements not 9.

this.posStatus = new int[8]; 

It means postStatus will contain 8 elements from index 0 to 7.

Stop MySQL service windows

I got the same problem and here my solution:

  1. go to service.msc and find mysql service. set it as start manually.
  2. go to task manager - processes tab and find mysqld. stop it
  3. go to task manager - services tab find mysql service and stop it

Free ASP.Net and/or CSS Themes

I wouldn't bother looking for ASP.NET stuff specifically (probably won't find any anyways). Finding a good CSS theme easily can be used in ASP.NET.

Here's some sites that I love for CSS goodness:

Decode UTF-8 with Javascript

I reckon the easiest way would be to use a built-in js functions decodeURI() / encodeURI().

function (usernameSent) {
  var usernameEncoded = usernameSent; // Current value: utf8
  var usernameDecoded = decodeURI(usernameReceived);  // Decoded
  // do stuff

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'simple, ' to data type int

In order to avoid such error you could use CASE + ISNUMERIC to handle scenarios when you cannot convert to int.



        WHEN IsNumeric(CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), a.value)) = 1 THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),a.value)
        ELSE 0 END) 

Basically this is saying if you cannot convert me to int assign value of 0 (in my example)

Alternatively you can look at this article about creating a custom function that will check if a.value is number:

How to make a PHP SOAP call using the SoapClient class

If you create the object of SoapParam, This will resolve your problem. Create a class and map it with object type given by WebService, Initialize the values and send in the request. See the sample below.

struct Contact {

    function Contact ($pid, $pname)
      id = $pid;
      name = $pname;

$struct = new Contact(100,"John");

$soapstruct = new SoapVar($struct, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, "Contact","");

$ContactParam = new SoapParam($soapstruct, "Contact")

$response = $client->Function1($ContactParam);

Switch statement fallthrough in C#?

After each case statement require break or goto statement even if it is a default case.

Maven Jacoco Configuration - Exclude classes/packages from report not working

Use sonar.coverage.exclusions property.

mvn clean install -Dsonar.coverage.exclusions=**/*

This should exclude the classes from coverage calculation.

Angular: conditional class with *ngClass

Not relevant with [ngClass] directive but I was also getting the same error as

Cannot read property 'remove' of undefined at...

and I thought to be the error in my [ngClass] condition but it turned out the property I was trying to access in the condition of [ngClass] was not initialized.

Like I had this in my typescript file

element: {type: string};

and In my [ngClass] I was using

[ngClass]="{'active', element.type === 'active'}"

and I was getting the error

Cannot read property 'type' of undefined at...

and the solution was to fix my property to

element: {type: string} = {type: 'active'};

Hope it helps somebody who is trying to match a condition of a property in [ngClass]

How to set image to fit width of the page using jsPDF?

i faced same problem but i solve using this code

                    var pdf=new jsPDF("p", "mm", "a4");
                    var width = pdf.internal.pageSize.getWidth();    
                    var height = pdf.internal.pageSize.getHeight();
                    pdf.addImage(canvas, 'JPEG', 0, 0,width,height);

How can I write text on a HTML5 canvas element?

Yes of course you can write a text on canvas with ease, and you can set the font name, font size and font color. There are two method to build a text on Canvas, i.e. fillText() and strokeText(). fillText() method is used to make a text that can only be filled with color, whereas strokeText() is used to make a text that can only be given an outline color. So if we want to build a text that filled with color and have outline color, we must use both of them.

here the full example, how to write text on canvas :

<canvas id="Canvas01" width="400" height="200" style="border:2px solid #bbb; margin-left:10px; margin-top:10px;"></canvas>

  var canvas = document.getElementById('Canvas01');
  var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

  ctx.fillStyle= "red";
  ctx.font = "italic bold 35pt Tahoma";
  //syntax : .fillText("text", x, y)


Here the demo for this, and you can try your self for any modification:

How to convert a String to CharSequence?

Straight answer:

String s = "Hello World!";

// String => CharSequence conversion:

CharSequence cs = s;  // String is already a CharSequence

CharSequence is an interface, and the String class implements CharSequence.

How to decode a Base64 string?

Base64 encoding converts three 8-bit bytes (0-255) into four 6-bit bytes (0-63 aka base64). Each of the four bytes indexes an ASCII string which represents the final output as four 8-bit ASCII characters. The indexed string is typically 'A-Za-z0-9+/' with '=' used as padding. This is why encoded data is 4/3 longer.

Base64 decoding is the inverse process. And as one would expect, the decoded data is 3/4 as long.

While base64 encoding can encode plain text, its real benefit is encoding non-printable characters which may be interpreted by transmitting systems as control characters.

I suggest the original poster render $z as bytes with each bit having meaning to the application. Rendering non-printable characters as text typically invokes Unicode which produces glyphs based on your system's localization.

Base64decode("the answer to life the universe and everything") = 00101010

Convert Iterator to ArrayList

List result = new ArrayList();
while (i.hasNext()){

What is __declspec and when do I need to use it?

This is a Microsoft specific extension to the C++ language which allows you to attribute a type or function with storage class information.


__declspec (C++)

What are all the common ways to read a file in Ruby?

You can read the file all at once:

content = File.readlines 'file.txt'
content.each_with_index{|line, i| puts "#{i+1}: #{line}"}

When the file is large, or may be large, it is usually better to process it line-by-line:

File.foreach( 'file.txt' ) do |line|
  puts line

Sometimes you want access to the file handle though or control the reads yourself: 'file.txt' ) do |f|
  loop do
    break if not line = f.gets
    puts "#{f.lineno}: #{line}"

In case of binary files, you may specify a nil-separator and a block size, like so:'file.bin', 'rb') do |f|
  loop do
    break if not buf = f.gets(nil, 80)
    puts buf.unpack('H*')

Finally you can do it without a block, for example when processing multiple files simultaneously. In that case the file must be explicitly closed (improved as per comment of @antinome):

  f = 'file.txt'
  while line = f.gets
    puts line

References: File API and the IO API.

Is there any sizeof-like method in Java?

There is a contemporary way to do that for primitives. Use BYTES of types.

System.out.println("byte " + Byte.BYTES);
System.out.println("char " + Character.BYTES);
System.out.println("int " + Integer.BYTES);
System.out.println("long " + Long.BYTES);
System.out.println("short " + Short.BYTES);
System.out.println("double " + Double.BYTES);
System.out.println("float " + Float.BYTES);

It results in,

byte 1
char 2
int 4
long 8
short 2
double 8
float 4

How to get the query string by javascript?

Here's the method I use...

function Querystring() {
    var q =, qs = {};
    if (q.length) {
        var keys = q.split("&"), k, kv, key, val, v;
        for (k = keys.length; k--; ) {
            kv = keys[k].split("=");
            key = kv[0];
            val = decodeURIComponent(kv[1]);
            if (qs[key] === undefined) {
                qs[key] = val;
            } else {
                v = qs[key];
                if (v.constructor != Array) {
                    qs[key] = [];
    return qs;

It returns an object of strings and arrays and seems to work quite well. (Strings for single keys, arrays for the same key with multiple values.)

How to do Base64 encoding in node.js?

Buffers can be used for taking a string or piece of data and doing base64 encoding of the result. For example:

> console.log(Buffer.from("Hello World").toString('base64'));
> console.log(Buffer.from("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=", 'base64').toString('ascii'))
Hello World

Buffers are a global object, so no require is needed. Buffers created with strings can take an optional encoding parameter to specify what encoding the string is in. The available toString and Buffer constructor encodings are as follows:

'ascii' - for 7 bit ASCII data only. This encoding method is very fast, and will strip the high bit if set.

'utf8' - Multi byte encoded Unicode characters. Many web pages and other document formats use UTF-8.

'ucs2' - 2-bytes, little endian encoded Unicode characters. It can encode only BMP(Basic Multilingual Plane, U+0000 - U+FFFF).

'base64' - Base64 string encoding.

'binary' - A way of encoding raw binary data into strings by using only the first 8 bits of each character. This encoding method is deprecated and should be avoided in favor of Buffer objects where possible. This encoding will be removed in future versions of Node.

SQL ROWNUM how to return rows between a specific range

select * 
from emp 
where rownum <= &upperlimit 
select * 
from emp 
where rownum <= &lower limit ;

How to list files and folder in a dir (PHP)

You can use:

 foreach (new DirectoryIterator("./system/information/") as $fn) {
     print $fn->getFilename();

You'll have to use it twice for each subdir, Players and User.

jQuery counter to count up to a target number

You can use the jQuery animate function

// Enter num from and to
$({countNum: 99}).animate({countNum: 1000}, {
  duration: 8000,
  step: function() {
    // What todo on every count
  complete: function() {

Make a VStack fill the width of the screen in SwiftUI

There is a better way!

To make the VStack fill the width of it's parent you can use a GeometryReader and set the frame. (.relativeWidth(1.0) should work but apparently doesn't right now)

struct ContentView : View {
    var body: some View {
        GeometryReader { geometry in
            VStack {
                .frame(width: geometry.size.width,
                       height: nil,
                       alignment: .topLeading)

To make the VStack the width of the actual screen you can use UIScreen.main.bounds.width when setting the frame instead of using a GeometryReader, but I imagine you likely wanted the width of the parent view.

Also, this way has the added benefit of not adding spacing in your VStack which might happen (if you have spacing) if you added an HStack with a Spacer() as it's content to the VStack.


After checking out the accepted answer, I realized that the accepted answer doesn't actually work! It appears to work at first glance, but if you update the VStack to have a green background you'll notice the VStack is still the same width.

struct ContentView : View {
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                Text("Hello World")
                .frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: .infinity, alignment: .topLeading)

This is because .frame(...) is actually adding another view to the view hierarchy and that view ends up filling the screen. However, the VStack still does not.

This issue also seems to be the same in my answer as well and can be checked using the same approach as above (putting different background colors before and after the .frame(...). The only way that appears to actually widen the VStack is to use spacers:

struct ContentView : View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading) {

SQL subquery with COUNT help

FROM eventsTable e
           select columnName,count(columnName) as colCount
           from eventsTable e2 
          group by columnName
           ) as cnt on cnt.columnName = e.columnName
WHERE e.columnName='Business'

-- Added space

Visual Studio build fails: unable to copy exe-file from obj\debug to bin\debug

I have found with VS2013 I get this error regularly. Something that seems to work reasonably well is to perform a Rebuild Solution prior trying to run the application. I found that performing a CLEAN sometimes works, but the Rebuild Solution seems to work more consistently.

HTTP Range header

Contrary to Mark Novakowski answer, which for some reason has been upvoted by many, yes, it is a valid and satisfiable request.

In fact the standard, as Wrikken pointed out, makes just such an example. In practice, Apache responds to such requests as expected (with a 206 code), and this is exactly what I use to implement progressive download, that is, only get the tail of a long log file which grows in real time with polling.

How do you attach and detach from Docker's process?

Check out also the --sig-proxy option:

docker attach --sig-proxy=false 304f5db405ec

Then use CTRL+c to detach

Matrix multiplication in OpenCV

You say that the matrices are the same dimensions, and yet you are trying to perform matrix multiplication on them. Multiplication of matrices with the same dimension is only possible if they are square. In your case, you get an assertion error, because the dimensions are not square. You have to be careful when multiplying matrices, as there are two possible meanings of multiply.

Matrix multiplication is where two matrices are multiplied directly. This operation multiplies matrix A of size [a x b] with matrix B of size [b x c] to produce matrix C of size [a x c]. In OpenCV it is achieved using the simple * operator:

C = A * B

Element-wise multiplication is where each pixel in the output matrix is formed by multiplying that pixel in matrix A by its corresponding entry in matrix B. The input matrices should be the same size, and the output will be the same size as well. This is achieved using the mul() function:

output = A.mul(B);

How to read/write arbitrary bits in C/C++

If you keep grabbing bits from your data, you might want to use a bitfield. You'll just have to set up a struct and load it with only ones and zeroes:

struct bitfield{
    unsigned int bit : 1
struct bitfield *bitstream;

then later on load it like this (replacing char with int or whatever data you are loading):

long int i;
int j, k;
unsigned char c, d;

bitstream=malloc(sizeof(struct bitfield)*charstreamlength*sizeof(char));
for (i=0; i<charstreamlength; i++){
    for(j=0; j < sizeof(char)*8; j++){
            bitstream[sizeof(char)*8*i + j].bit=0;
            bitstream[sizeof(char)*8*i + j].bit=1;

Then access elements:




All of this is assuming are working on i86/64, not arm, since arm can be big or little endian.

Find and extract a number from a string

Extension method to get all positive numbers contained in a string:

    public static List<long> Numbers(this string str)
        var nums = new List<long>();
        var start = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
            if (start < 0 && Char.IsDigit(str[i]))
                start = i;
            else if (start >= 0 && !Char.IsDigit(str[i]))
                nums.Add(long.Parse(str.Substring(start, i - start)));
                start = -1;
        if (start >= 0)
            nums.Add(long.Parse(str.Substring(start, str.Length - start)));
        return nums;

If you want negative numbers as well simply modify this code to handle the minus sign (-)

Given this input:

"I was born in 1989, 27 years ago from now (2016)"

The resulting numbers list will be:

[1989, 27, 2016]

Set NA to 0 in R

You can just use the output of to replace directly with subsetting:[] <- 0

Or with a reproducible example:

dfr <- data.frame(x=c(1:3,NA),y=c(NA,4:6))
dfr[] <- 0
  x y
1 1 0
2 2 4
3 3 5
4 0 6

However, be careful using this method on a data frame containing factors that also have missing values:

> d <- data.frame(x = c(NA,2,3),y = c("a",NA,"c"))
> d[] <- 0
Warning message:
In `[<-.factor`(`*tmp*`, thisvar, value = 0) :
  invalid factor level, NA generated

It "works":

> d
  x    y
1 0    a
2 2 <NA>
3 3    c

...but you likely will want to specifically alter only the numeric columns in this case, rather than the whole data frame. See, eg, the answer below using dplyr::mutate_if.

Get public/external IP address?

string pubIp =  new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadString("");

PHPExcel - set cell type before writing a value in it

When the text is a number with leading zeros, then do: (Cuando el texto es un número que empieza por ceros, hacer)

$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->setCellValueExplicit('A1', $val,PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING);

Why does ENOENT mean "No such file or directory"?

It's an abbreviation of Error NO ENTry (or Error NO ENTity), and can actually be used for more than files/directories.

It's abbreviated because C compilers at the dawn of time didn't support more than 8 characters in symbols.

How to check if a string array contains one string in JavaScript?

There is an indexOf method that all arrays have (except Internet Explorer 8 and below) that will return the index of an element in the array, or -1 if it's not in the array:

if (yourArray.indexOf("someString") > -1) {
    //In the array!
} else {
    //Not in the array

If you need to support old IE browsers, you can polyfill this method using the code in the MDN article.

'No database provider has been configured for this DbContext' on SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync

If AddDbContext is used, then also ensure that your DbContext type accepts a DbContextOptions object in its constructor and passes it to the base constructor for DbContext.

The error message says your DbContext(LogManagerContext ) needs a constructor which accepts a DbContextOptions. But i couldn't find such a constructor in your DbContext. So adding below constructor probably solves your problem.

    public LogManagerContext(DbContextOptions options) : base(options)

Edit for comment

If you don't register IHttpContextAccessor explicitly, use below code:

services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>(); 

How to add multiple font files for the same font?

To have font variation working correctly, I had to reverse the order of @font-face in CSS.

@font-face {
    font-family: "DejaVuMono";
    src: url("styles/DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf");
    font-weight: bold;
    font-style: italic, oblique;
@font-face {
    font-family: "DejaVuMono";
    src: url("styles/DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.ttf");
    font-style: italic, oblique;
@font-face {
    font-family: "DejaVuMono";
    src: url("styles/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf");
    font-weight: bold;
 @font-face {
    font-family: "DejaVuMono";
    src: url("styles/DejaVuSansMono.ttf");

ASP.NET Web API - PUT & DELETE Verbs Not Allowed - IIS 8

After nothing worked, I was able to solve this by below steps:

• Did not select ‘WEB DAV PUBLISHING’ IIS settings, while installing IIS. • INETMGR - Default Website – Request Filtering – HTTP Verbs – PUT as True

Maven 3 Archetype for Project With Spring, Spring MVC, Hibernate, JPA

Possible duplicate: Is there a maven 2 archetype for spring 3 MVC applications?

That said, I would encourage you to think about making your own archetype. The reason is, no matter what you end up getting from someone else's, you can do better in not that much time, and a decent sized Java project is going to end up making a lot of jar projects.

how to insert value into DataGridView Cell?

int index= datagridview.rows.add();

hope this help! :)

Can't install Scipy through pip

This is an alternative to pip. I also had the same error when installing scipy with pip.

Then I downloaded and installed MiniConda. And then I used the below command to install pytables.

conda install -c conda-forge scipy

Please refer the below screenshot.

enter image description here

jQuery: how to trigger anchor link's click event

You cannot open in a new tab programmatically, it's a browser functionality. You can open a link in an external window . Have a look here

How to find a value in an array and remove it by using PHP array functions?

To search an element in an array, you can use array_search function and to remove an element from an array you can use unset function. Ex:

$hackers = array ('Alan Kay', 'Peter Norvig', 'Linus Trovalds', 'Larry Page');


// Search
$pos = array_search('Linus Trovalds', $hackers);

echo 'Linus Trovalds found at: ' . $pos;

// Remove from array


You can refer: for more array related functions.

Python virtualenv questions

Normally virtualenv creates environments in the current directory. Unless you're intending to create virtual environments in C:\Windows\system32 for some reason, I would use a different directory for environments.

You shouldn't need to mess with paths: use the activate script (in <env>\Scripts) to ensure that the Python executable and path are environment-specific. Once you've done this, the command prompt changes to indicate the environment. You can then just invoke easy_install and whatever you install this way will be installed into this environment. Use deactivate to set everything back to how it was before activation.


c:\Temp>virtualenv myenv
New python executable in myenv\Scripts\python.exe
Installing setuptools..................done.
(myenv) C:\Temp>deactivate

Notice how I didn't need to specify a path for deactivate - activate does that for you, so that when activated "Python" will run the Python in the virtualenv, not your system Python. (Try it - do an import sys; sys.prefix and it should print the root of your environment.)

You can just activate a new environment to switch between environments/projects, but you'll need to specify the whole path for activate so it knows which environment to activate. You shouldn't ever need to mess with PATH or PYTHONPATH explicitly.

If you use Windows Powershell then you can take advantage of a wrapper. On Linux, the virtualenvwrapper (the link points to a port of this to Powershell) makes life with virtualenv even easier.

Update: Not incorrect, exactly, but perhaps not quite in the spirit of virtualenv. You could take a different tack: for example, if you install Django and anything else you need for your site in your virtualenv, then you could work in your project directory (where you're developing your site) with the virtualenv activated. Because it was activated, your Python would find Django and anything else you'd easy_installed into the virtual environment: and because you're working in your project directory, your project files would be visible to Python, too.

Further update: You should be able to use pip, distribute instead of setuptools, and just plain python install with virtualenv. Just ensure you've activated an environment before installing something into it.

Visual Studio breakpoints not being hit

Right click on your project, then left click Properties, and select the Web tab.

Verify whether the correct server is selected for your case:

  • IIS Local

  • IIS Express

Get all table names of a particular database by SQL query?

Probably due to the way different sql dbms deal with schemas.

Try the following

For SQL Server:


For MySQL:


For Oracle I think the equivalent would be to use DBA_TABLES.

Found 'OR 1=1/* sql injection in my newsletter database

The specific value in your database isn't what you should be focusing on. This is likely the result of an attacker fuzzing your system to see if it is vulnerable to a set of standard attacks, instead of a targeted attack exploiting a known vulnerability.

You should instead focus on ensuring that your application is secure against these types of attacks; OWASP is a good resource for this.

If you're using parameterized queries to access the database, then you're secure against Sql injection, unless you're using dynamic Sql in the backend as well.

If you're not doing this, you're vulnerable and you should resolve this immediately.

Also, you should consider performing some sort of validation of e-mail addresses.

Fix Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' for phpMyAdmin

I had the same problem after i had changed the passwords in the database.. what i did was the editing of the updated password i had changed earlier and i didn't update in the and the same username under D:\xamp\phpMyAdmin\

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = **'root'**;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = **'epufhy**';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysqli';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = true;
$cfg['Lang'] = '';

In Firebase, is there a way to get the number of children of a node without loading all the node data?

Save the count as you go - and use validation to enforce it. I hacked this together - for keeping a count of unique votes and counts which keeps coming up!. But this time I have tested my suggestion! (notwithstanding cut/paste errors!).

The 'trick' here is to use the node priority to as the vote count...

The data is:

vote/$issueBeingVotedOn/user/$uniqueIdOfVoter = thisVotesCount, priority=thisVotesCount vote/$issueBeingVotedOn/count = 'user/'+$idOfLastVoter, priority=CountofLastVote

,"vote": {
  ".read" : true
  ,".write" : true
  ,"$issue" : {
    "user" : {
      "$user" : {
        ".validate" : "!data.exists() && 
             newData.val()==data.parent().parent().child('count').getPriority()+1 &&

user can only vote once && count must be one higher than current count && data value must be same as priority.

    ,"count" : {
      ".validate" : "data.parent().child(newData.val()).val()==newData.getPriority() &&
             newData.getPriority()==data.getPriority()+1 "

count (last voter really) - vote must exist and its count equal newcount, && newcount (priority) can only go up by one.


Test script to add 10 votes by different users (for this example, id's faked, should user auth.uid in production). Count down by (i--) 10 to see validation fail.

<script src=''></script>
  window.fb = new Firebase('');
  window.fb.child('count').once('value', function (dss) {
    votes = dss.getPriority();
    for (var i=1;i<10;i++) vote(dss,i+votes);
  } );

function vote(dss,count)
  var user='user/zz' + count; // replace with or whatever

The 'risk' here is that a vote is cast, but the count not updated (haking or script failure). This is why the votes have a unique 'priority' - the script should really start by ensuring that there is no vote with priority higher than the current count, if there is it should complete that transaction before doing its own - get your clients to clean up for you :)

The count needs to be initialised with a priority before you start - forge doesn't let you do this, so a stub script is needed (before the validation is active!).

Clicking URLs opens default browser

in some cases you might need an override of onLoadResource if you get a redirect which doesn't trigger the url loading method. in this case i tried the following:

public void onLoadResource(WebView view, String url)
    if (url.equals(""))
        //do your own thing here
        super.onLoadResource(view, url);

How to get htaccess to work on MAMP

Go to httpd.conf on /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache and see if the LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ line is un-commented (without the # at the beginning)

and change these from ...

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName ...
    DocumentRoot /....

To this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin ...
    ServerName ...

    DocumentRoot ...
    <Directory ...>
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
    <Directory ...>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        allow from all

Reading an image file in C/C++

If you decide to go for a minimal approach, without libpng/libjpeg dependencies, I suggest using stb_image and stb_image_write, found here.

It's as simple as it gets, you just need to place the header files stb_image.h and stb_image_write.h in your folder.

Here's the code that you need to read images:

#include <stdint.h>

#include "stb_image.h"

int main() {
    int width, height, bpp;

    uint8_t* rgb_image = stbi_load("image.png", &width, &height, &bpp, 3);


    return 0;

And here's the code to write an image:

#include <stdint.h>

#include "stb_image_write.h"

#define CHANNEL_NUM 3

int main() {
    int width = 800; 
    int height = 800;

    uint8_t* rgb_image;
    rgb_image = malloc(width*height*CHANNEL_NUM);

    // Write your code to populate rgb_image here

    stbi_write_png("image.png", width, height, CHANNEL_NUM, rgb_image, width*CHANNEL_NUM);

    return 0;

You can compile without flags or dependencies:

g++ main.cpp

Other lightweight alternatives include:

Java Could not reserve enough space for object heap error

Double click Liferay CE Server -> add -XX:MaxHeapSize=512m to Memory args -> Start server! Enjoy...

It's work for me!

Get class name using jQuery

You can get class Name by two ways :

var className = $('.myclass').attr('class');


var className = $('.myclass').prop('class');

Getting the text from a drop-down box

Does this get the correct answer?


Return outside function error in Python

You can only return from inside a function and not from a loop.

It seems like your return should be outside the while loop, and your complete code should be inside a function.

def func():
    N = int(input("enter a positive integer:"))
    counter = 1
    while (N > 0):
        counter = counter * N
        N -= 1
    return counter  # de-indent this 4 spaces to the left.

print func()

And if those codes are not inside a function, then you don't need a return at all. Just print the value of counter outside the while loop.

How to enable support of CPU virtualization on Macbook Pro?

Here is a way to check is virtualization is enabled or disabled by the firmware as suggested by this link in

How to check that Intel VT-x is supported in CPU:

  1. Open Terminal application from Application/Utilities

  2. Copy/paste command bellow

sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.features

  1. You may see output similar to:

Mac:~ user$ sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.features kern.exec: unknown type returned machdep.cpu.features: FPU VME DE PSE TSC MSR PAE MCE CX8 APIC SEP MTRR PGE MCA CMOV PAT CLFSH DS ACPI MMX FXSR SSE SSE2 SS HTT TM SSE3 MON VMX EST TM2 TPR PDCM

If you see VMX entry then CPU supports Intel VT-x feature, but it still may be disabled.

Refer to this link on to enable hardware support for virtualization:

Subtracting 2 lists in Python

import numpy as np
a = [2,2,2]
b = [1,1,1]

What exactly is a Maven Snapshot and why do we need it?

Snapshot simply means depending on your configuration Maven will check latest changes on a special dependency. Snapshot is unstable because it is under development but if on a special project needs to has a latest changes you must configure your dependency version to snapshot version. This scenario occurs in big organizations with multiple products that these products related to each other very closely.

Javascript Array Alert

If you want to see the array as an array, you can say


instead of all those document.writes.

However, if you want to display them cleanly, one per line, in your popup, do this:


Concatenating strings in C, which method is more efficient?

They should be pretty much the same. The difference isn't going to matter. I would go with sprintf since it requires less code.

Why do package names often begin with "com"

Wikipedia, of all places, actually discusses this.

The idea is to make sure all package names are unique world-wide, by having authors use a variant of a DNS name they own to name the package. For example, the owners of the domain name created a number of packages whose names begin with org.joda, for example:

  • org.joda.time
  • org.joda.time.base
  • org.joda.time.chrono
  • org.joda.time.convert
  • org.joda.time.field
  • org.joda.time.format

How to tell if a string contains a certain character in JavaScript?

Kevins answer is correct but it requires a "magic" number as follows:

var containsChar = s.indexOf(somechar) !== -1;

In that case you need to know that -1 stands for not found. I think that a bit better version would be:

var containsChar = s.indexOf(somechar) >= 0;

Convert JSON array to Python list

data will return you a string representation of a list, but it is actually still a string. Just check the type of data with type(data). That means if you try using indexing on this string representation of a list as such data['fruits'][0], it will return you "[" as it is the first character of data['fruits']

You can do json.loads(data['fruits']) to convert it back to a Python list so that you can interact with regular list indexing. There are 2 other ways you can convert it back to a Python list suggested here

Datetime current year and month in Python

The question asks to use datetime specifically.

This is a way that uses datetime only:

year =
month =

Android: Proper Way to use onBackPressed() with Toast

Both your way and @Steve's way are acceptable ways to prevent accidental exits.

If choosing to continue with your implementation, you will need to make sure to have backpress initialized to 0, and probably implement a Timer of some sort to reset it back to 0 on keypress, after a cooldown period. (~5 seconds seems right)

Cell spacing in UICollectionView

Remember, it is minimum line space, not minimum inter item spacing or cell space. Because your collectionView's scroll direction is HORIZONTAL.

If it is vertical then you need to set cell space or inter item space for horizontal space between cells and line spacing for vertical space between cells.

Objective-C version

- (CGFloat)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView
        return 20;

Swift version:

func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout, minimumLineSpacingForSectionAt section: Int) -> CGFloat {
    return 20

How to disable scrolling in UITableView table when the content fits on the screen

// Enable scrolling based on content height self.tableView.scrollEnabled = table.contentSize.height > table.frame.size.height;

System.currentTimeMillis vs System.nanoTime

If you're just looking for extremely precise measurements of elapsed time, use System.nanoTime(). System.currentTimeMillis() will give you the most accurate possible elapsed time in milliseconds since the epoch, but System.nanoTime() gives you a nanosecond-precise time, relative to some arbitrary point.

From the Java Documentation:

public static long nanoTime()

Returns the current value of the most precise available system timer, in nanoseconds.

This method can only be used to measure elapsed time and is not related to any other notion of system or wall-clock time. The value returned represents nanoseconds since some fixed but arbitrary origin time (perhaps in the future, so values may be negative). This method provides nanosecond precision, but not necessarily nanosecond accuracy. No guarantees are made about how frequently values change. Differences in successive calls that span greater than approximately 292 years (263 nanoseconds) will not accurately compute elapsed time due to numerical overflow.

For example, to measure how long some code takes to execute:

long startTime = System.nanoTime();    
// ... the code being measured ...    
long estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;

See also: JavaDoc System.nanoTime() and JavaDoc System.currentTimeMillis() for more info.

php return 500 error but no error log

What happened for me when this was an issue, was that the site had used too much memory, so I'm guessing that it couldn't write to an error log or displayed the error. For clarity, it was a Wordpress site that did this. Upping the memory limit on the server showed the site again.

How do we use runOnUiThread in Android?

Below is corrected Snippet of runThread Function.

private void runThread() {

    new Thread() {
        public void run() {
            while (i++ < 1000) {
                try {
                    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {

                        public void run() {
                            btn.setText("#" + i);
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

QtCreator: No valid kits found

In my case the issue was that my default kit's Qt version was None.

Go to Tools -> Options... -> Build & Run -> Kits tab, click on the kit you want to make as default and you'll see a list of fields beneath, one of which is Qt version. If it's None, change it to one of the versions available to you in the Qt versions tab which is just next to the Kits tab.

Sharepoint: How do I filter a document library view to show the contents of a subfolder?

What kind of document library information do you want in the view? How do you want the user to filter the view?

In general the most powerful way of creating views in sharepoint is with the data view web part.

You will need Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer.

You can present different views of you folders using the data view filter and sorting controls.

You can use web part connections to filter a dataview. You can use any datasource linked to say a drop down to filter a dataview. How to tie a dropdown list to a gridview in Sharepoint 2007?


The error means that your are trying to look up JNDI name, that is not attached to any EJB component - the component with that name does not exist.

As far as dir structure is concerned: you have to create a JAR file with EJB components. As I understand you want to play with EJB 2.X components (at least the linked example suggests that) so the structure of the JAR file should be:

/com/mypackage/MyEJB.class /com/mypackage/MyEJBInterface.class /com/mypackage/etc... etc... java classes /META-INF/ejb-jar.xml /META-INF/jboss.xml

The JAR file is more or less ZIP file with file extension changed from ZIP to JAR.

BTW. If you use JBoss 5, you can work with EJB 3.0, which are much more easier to configure. The simplest component is

public class MyEJB implements MyEJBInterface{
   public void bussinesMethod(){


No ejb-jar.xml, jboss.xml is needed, just EJB JAR with MyEJB and MyEJBInterface compiled classes.

Now in your client code you need to lookup "MyComponentName".

What is the best way to conditionally apply attributes in AngularJS?

Regarding the accepted solution, the one posted by Ashley Davis, the method described still prints the attribute in the DOM, regardless of the fact that the value it has been assigned is undefined.

For example, on an input field setup with both an ng-model and a value attribute:

<input type="text" name="myInput" data-ng-attr-value="{{myValue}}" data-ng-model="myModel" />

Regardless of what's behind myValue, the value attribute still gets printed in the DOM, thus, interpreted. Ng-model then, becomes overridden.

A bit unpleasant, but using ng-if does the trick:

<input type="text" name="myInput" data-ng-if="value" data-ng-attr-value="{{myValue}}" data-ng-model="myModel" />
<input type="text" name="myInput" data-ng-if="!value" data-ng-model="myModel" />

I would recommend using a more detailed check inside the ng-if directives :)

How to edit a text file in my terminal

If you are still inside the vi editor, you might be in a different mode from the one you want. Hit ESC a couple of times (until it rings or flashes) and then "i" to enter INSERT mode or "a" to enter APPEND mode (they are the same, just start before or after current character).

If you are back at the command prompt, make sure you can locate the file, then navigate to that directory and perform the mentioned "vi helloWorld.txt". Once you are in the editor, you'll need to check the vi reference to know how to perform the editions you want (you may want to google "vi reference" or "vi cheat sheet").

Once the edition is done, hit ESC again, then type :wq to save your work or :q! to quit without saving.

For quick reference, here you have a text-based cheat sheet.

How to use andWhere and orWhere in Doctrine?

Why not just

$q->where("a = 1");
$q->andWhere("b = 1 OR b = 2");
$q->andWhere("c = 1 OR d = 2");

EDIT: You can also use the Expr class (Doctrine2).

Allow only pdf, doc, docx format for file upload?

$('#surat_lampiran').bind('change', function() {_x000D_
  alerr = "";_x000D_
  sts = false;_x000D_
  if(this.files[0].type != "application/pdf" && this.files[0].type != "application/msword" && this.files[0].type != "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"){_x000D_
  sts = true;_x000D_
  alerr += "Jenis file bukan .pdf/.doc/.docx ";_x000D_

How do I run a file on localhost?

Ok, thanks for the more specific info, ppl may remove their downvotes now...

What you are proposing is a very common thing to do! You want to run your web application locally without uploading it to your host yet. That's totally fine and that's what your Apache is there for. Your Apache is a web server meaning its main purpose is to serve HTML, PHP, ASP, etc. files. Some like PHP; it first sends to the interpreter and then sends the rendered file to the browser. All in all: it's just serving pages to your browser (the client).

Your web server has a root directory which is wwwroot (IIS) or htdocs (apache, xampp) or something else like public_html, www or html, etc. It depends on your OS and web server.

Now if you type http://localhost into your browser, your browser will be directed to this webroot and the server will serve any index.html, index.php, etc. it can find there (in a customizable order).

If you have a project called "mytutorial" you can enter http://localhost/mytutorial and the server will show you the index-file of your tutorial, etc. If you look at the absolute path of this tutorial folder then it's just a subfolder of your webroot, which is itself located somewhere on your harddrive, but that doesn't matter for your localhost.

So the relative path is


while the absolute path may be




If you're working with Dreamweaver you can simplify the testing process by setting up your local server as a testing server in your project settings. Try it! It's easy. Once it's done, you can just press the browser icon with any of your files and it will open on localhost.

ExpressJS How to structure an application?

My structure express 4.


View engine: twig
Security: helmet
Flash: express-flash
Session: express-session
Encrypt: bcryptjs
Modules: express-load
Database: MongoDB
    ORM: Mongoose
    Mongoose Paginate
    Mongoose Validator
Logs: winston + winston-daily-rotate-file
CSS: stylus
Eslint + Husky


|-- app
    |-- controllers
    |-- helpers
    |-- middlewares
    |-- models
    |-- routes
    |-- services
|-- bin
|-- logs
|-- node_modules
|-- public
    |-- components
    |-- images
    |-- javascripts
    |-- stylesheets
|-- views
|-- .env
|-- .env-example
|-- app.js

Android: I lost my android key store, what should I do?

If you lost a keystore file, don't create/update the new one with another set of value. First do the thorough search. Because it will overwrite the old one, so it will not match to your previous apk.

If you use eclipse most probably it will store in default path. For MAC (eclipse) it will be in your elispse installation path something like:


then your keystore file without any extension. You need root privilege to access this path (file).

How can I selectively escape percent (%) in Python strings?

If the formatting template was read from a file, and you cannot ensure the content doubles the percent sign, then you probably have to detect the percent character and decide programmatically whether it is the start of a placeholder or not. Then the parser should also recognize sequences like %d (and other letters that can be used), but also %(xxx)s etc.

Similar problem can be observed with the new formats -- the text can contain curly braces.

What is the difference between function and procedure in PL/SQL?

A procedure does not have a return value, whereas a function has.


   (p_name IN VARCHAR2 := 'John') as begin ... end

   (p_name IN VARCHAR2 := 'John') return varchar2 as begin ... end

Notice how the function has a return clause between the parameter list and the "as" keyword. This means that it is expected to have the last statement inside the body of the function read something like:


Where my_varchar2_local_variable is some varchar2 that should be returned by that function.

error C4996: 'scanf': This function or variable may be unsafe in c programming

Another way to suppress the error: Add this line at the top in C/C++ file:


How to get exception message in Python properly

I had the same problem. I think the best solution is to use log.exception, which will automatically print out stack trace and error message, such as:


Creating a div element in jQuery

I think this is the best way to add a div:

To append a test div to the div element with ID div_id:

$("#div_id").append("div name along with id will come here, for example, test");

Now append HTML to this added test div:

$("#test").append("Your HTML");

Storing integer values as constants in Enum manner in java

You could store that const value in the enum like so. But why even use the const? Are you persisting the enum's?

public class SO3990319 {
   public static enum PAGE {
      private final int constValue;

      private PAGE(int constValue) {
         this.constValue = constValue;

      public int constValue() {
         return constValue;

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.println("Name:    " +;
      System.out.println("Ordinal: " + PAGE.SIGN_CREATE.ordinal());
      System.out.println("Const:   " + PAGE.SIGN_CREATE.constValue());

      System.out.println("Enum: " + PAGE.valueOf("SIGN_CREATE"));


It depends on what you're using the int's for whether to use EnumMap or instance field.

XPath to return only elements containing the text, and not its parents

Do you want to find elements that contain "match", or that equal "match"?

This will find elements that have text nodes that equal 'match' (matches none of the elements because of leading and trailing whitespace in random2):


This will find all elements that have text nodes that equal "match", after removing leading and trailing whitespace(matches random2):


This will find all elements that contain 'match' in the text node value (matches random2 and random3):


This XPATH 2.0 solution uses the matches() function and a regex pattern that looks for text nodes that contain 'match' and begin at the start of the string(i.e. ^) or a word boundary (i.e. \W) and terminated by the end of the string (i.e. $) or a word boundary. The third parameter i evaluates the regex pattern case-insensitive. (matches random2)


Prevent linebreak after </div>

<span class="label">My Label:</span>
<span class="text">My text</span>

How to detect if javascript files are loaded?

Further to @T.J. Crowder 's answer, I've added a recursive outer loop that allows one to iterate through all the scripts in an array and then execute a function once all the scripts are loaded:

loadList([array of scripts], 0, function(){// do your post-scriptload stuff})

function loadList(list, i, callback)
        loadScript(list[i], function()
            if(i < list.length-1)
                loadList(list, i+1, callback);  

Of course you can make a wrapper to get rid of the '0' if you like:

function prettyLoadList(list, callback)
    loadList(list, 0, callback);

Nice work @T.J. Crowder - I was cringing at the 'just add a couple seconds delay before running the callback' I saw in other threads.

Remove all subviews?

Edit: With thanks to cocoafan: This situation is muddled up by the fact that NSView and UIView handle things differently. For NSView (desktop Mac development only), you can simply use the following:

[someNSView setSubviews:[NSArray array]];

For UIView (iOS development only), you can safely use makeObjectsPerformSelector: because the subviews property will return a copy of the array of subviews:

[[someUIView subviews]

Thank you to Tommy for pointing out that makeObjectsPerformSelector: appears to modify the subviews array while it is being enumerated (which it does for NSView, but not for UIView).

Please see this SO question for more details.

Note: Using either of these two methods will remove every view that your main view contains and release them, if they are not retained elsewhere. From Apple's documentation on removeFromSuperview:

If the receiver’s superview is not nil, this method releases the receiver. If you plan to reuse the view, be sure to retain it before calling this method and be sure to release it as appropriate when you are done with it or after adding it to another view hierarchy.

The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine ERROR

Setting expect 100 continue to false and reducing the socket idle time to two seconds resolved the problem for me

ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; 
ServicePointManager. MaxServicePointIdleTime = 2000; 

How to query for today's date and 7 days before data?

Query in Parado's answer is correct, if you want to use MySql too instead GETDATE() you must use (because you've tagged this question with Sql server and Mysql):

select * from tab
where DateCol between adddate(now(),-7) and now() 

javascript create empty array of a given size

You can use both javascript methods repeat() and split() together.

" ".repeat(10).split(" ")

This code will create an array that has 10 item and each item is empty string.

const items = " ".repeat(10).split(" ")

document.getElementById("context").innerHTML =, index) => index)

console.log("items: ", items)
<pre id="context">


Import PEM into Java Key Store

I've developed which imports PEM certificates straight into a Java keystore. Its primary purpose is to import a multi-part PEM Operating System certificate bundles such as ca-bundle.crt. These often includes headers which keytool cannot handle

</self promotion>

What is the difference between id and class in CSS, and when should I use them?

id selector can be used to more elements. here is the example:


    color: red;
    font-family: arial;
    font-size: 20px;


<p id="t_color"> test only </p>
<div id="t_color">the box text</div>

I tested on internet explorer (ver. 11.0) and Chrome (ver.47.0). it works on both of them.

The "unique" only means one element can not have more than one id attributes like class selector. Neither

<p id="t_color f_style">...</p>


<p id="t_color" id="f_style">...</p>

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout

i had got the same error. Actually i tried to override the flutter Old SDK Package with new Updated Package. so that error occurred.

i opened flutter sdk directory with VS Code and cleaned the project

use this code in VSCode cmd

git clean -dxf

then use git pull

reading from app.config file

Just for the future reference, you just need to add System.Configuration to your references library:

enter image description here

How to Diff between local uncommitted changes and origin

If you want to compare files visually you can use:

git difftool

It will start your diff app automatically for each changed file.

PS: If you did not set a diff app, you can do it like in the example below(I use Winmerge):

git config --global merge.tool winmerge
git config --replace --global mergetool.winmerge.cmd "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe\" -e -u -dl \"Base\" -dr \"Mine\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" \"$MERGED\""
git config --global mergetool.prompt false

Disabling the long-running-script message in Internet Explorer

The unresponsive script dialog box shows when some javascript thread takes too long too complete. Editing the registry could work, but you would have to do it on all client machines. You could use a "recursive closure" as follows to alleviate the problem. It's just a coding structure in which allows you to take a long running for loop and change it into something that does some work, and keeps track where it left off, yielding to the browser, then continuing where it left off until we are done.

Figure 1, Add this Utility Class RepeatingOperation to your javascript file. You will not need to change this code:

RepeatingOperation = function(op, yieldEveryIteration) {

  //keeps count of how many times we have run heavytask() 
  //before we need to temporally check back with the browser.
  var count = 0;   

  this.step = function() {

    //Each time we run heavytask(), increment the count. When count
    //is bigger than the yieldEveryIteration limit, pass control back 
    //to browser and instruct the browser to immediately call op() so
    //we can pick up where we left off.  Repeat until we are done.
    if (++count >= yieldEveryIteration) {
      count = 0;

      //pass control back to the browser, and in 1 millisecond, 
      //have the browser call the op() function.  
      setTimeout(function() { op(); }, 1, [])

      //The following return statement halts this thread, it gives 
      //the browser a sigh of relief, your long-running javascript
      //loop has ended (even though technically we havn't yet).
      //The browser decides there is no need to alarm the user of
      //an unresponsive javascript process.

Figure 2, The following code represents your code that is causing the 'stop running this script' dialog because it takes so long to complete:

process10000HeavyTasks = function() {
  var len = 10000;  
  for (var i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    heavytask();   //heavytask() can be run about 20  times before
                   //an 'unresponsive script' dialog appears.
                   //If heavytask() is run more than 20 times in one
                   //javascript thread, the browser informs the user that
                   //an unresponsive script needs to be dealt with.  

                   //This is where we need to terminate this long running
                   //thread, instruct the browser not to panic on an unresponsive
                   //script, and tell it to call us right back to pick up
                   //where we left off.

Figure 3. The following code is the fix for the problematic code in Figure 2. Notice the for loop is replaced with a recursive closure which passes control back to the browser every 10 iterations of heavytask()

process10000HeavyTasks = function() {

  var global_i = 10000; //initialize your 'for loop stepper' (i) here.

  var repeater = new this.RepeatingOperation(function() {


    if (--global_i >= 0){     //Your for loop conditional goes here.
      repeater.step();        //while we still have items to process,
                              //run the next iteration of the loop.
    else {
       alert("we are done");  //when this line runs, the for loop is complete.
  }, 10);                   //10 means process 10 heavytask(), then
                            //yield back to the browser, and have the
                            //browser call us right back.

  repeater.step();          //this command kicks off the recursive closure.


Adapted from this source:

Converting a sentence string to a string array of words in Java

String.split() will do most of what you want. You may then need to loop over the words to pull out any punctuation.

For example:

String s = "This is a sample sentence.";
String[] words = s.split("\\s+");
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
    // You may want to check for a non-word character before blindly
    // performing a replacement
    // It may also be necessary to adjust the character class
    words[i] = words[i].replaceAll("[^\\w]", "");

How can I compare two lists in python and return matches

Quick way:


Trigger css hover with JS

If you bind events to the onmouseover and onmouseout events in Jquery, you can then trigger that effect using mouseenter().

What are you trying to accomplish?

HTML5 live streaming

Use ffmpeg + ffserver. It works!!! You can get a config file for ffserver from and accordingly set the values.

Pass Additional ViewData to a Strongly-Typed Partial View

You can use the dynamic variable ViewBag

ViewBag.AnotherValue = valueToView;

BeautifulSoup: extract text from anchor tag


It will print the context of the anchor tags


 statement_title = statement.find('h2',class_='briefing-statement__title')
 statement_title_text = statement_title.a.contents[0]

How do I pause my shell script for a second before continuing?

Run multiple sleeps and commands

sleep 5 && cd /var/www/html && git pull && sleep 3 && cd ..

This will wait for 5 seconds before executing the first script, then will sleep again for 3 seconds before it changes directory again.

How do I make a PHP form that submits to self?

I guess , you means $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. And if so , you really shouldn't use it without sanitizing it first. This leaves you open to XSS attacks.

The if(isset($_POST['submit'])) condition should be above all the HTML output, and should contain a header() function with a redirect to current page again (only now , with some nice notice that "emails has been sent" .. or something ). For that you will have to use $_SESSION or $_COOKIE.

And please. Stop using $_REQUEST. It too poses a security threat.

How to create a css rule for all elements except one class?

The safest bet is to create a class on those tables and use that. Currently getting something like this to work in all major browsers is unlikely.

Why is the <center> tag deprecated in HTML?

I still use the <center> tag sometimes because nothing in CSS works as well. Examples of trying to use a <div> trick and failing:

<div style="text-align: center;">This div is centered, but it's a simple example.</div>_x000D_
<br />_x000D_
<div style="text-align: center;"><table border="1"><tr><td>&lt;div style="text-align: center;"&gt; didn't center correctly.</td></tr></table></div>_x000D_
<br />_x000D_
<div style="text-align: center;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto"><table border="1"><tr><td>&lt;div style="text-align: center;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto"&gt; still didn't center either</td></tr></table></div>_x000D_
<br />_x000D_
<center><table border="1"><tr><td>Actually Centered with &lt;center&gt; tag</td></tr></table></center>

<center> gets results. To use CSS instead, you sometimes have to put CSS in several places and mess with it to get it to center right. To answer your question, CSS has become a religion with believers and followers who shunned <center> <b> <i> <u> as blasphemy, unholy, and much too simple for the sake of their own job security. And if they try to take your <table> away from you, ask them what the CSS equivalent of the colspan or rowspan attribute is.

It is not the abstract or bookish truth, but the lived truth that counts.
-- Zen

Asynchronous vs synchronous execution, what does it really mean?

I think a good way to think of it is a classic running Relay Race

Synchronous: Processes like members of the same team, they won't execute until they receive baton (end of the execution of previous process/runner) and yet they are all acting in sync with each other.

Asynchronous: Where processes like members of different teams on the same relay race track, they will run and stop, async with each other, but within same race (overall program execution).

Does it make sense?

Keep a line of text as a single line - wrap the whole line or none at all

You can use white-space: nowrap; to define this behaviour:

// HTML:

.nowrap {_x000D_
  white-space: nowrap ;_x000D_
      <span class="nowrap">How do I wrap this line of text</span>_x000D_
      <span class="nowrap">- asked by Peter 2 days ago</span>_x000D_

// CSS:
.nowrap {
  white-space: nowrap ;

Laravel 5 Clear Views Cache

There is now a php artisan view:clear command for this task since Laravel 5.1

Reload child component when variables on parent component changes. Angular2

On Angular to update a component including its template, there is a straight forward solution to this, having an @Input property on your ChildComponent and add to your @Component decorator changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush as follows:

import { ChangeDetectionStrategy } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'master',
    templateUrl: templateUrl,
    changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush    

export class ChildComponent{
  @Input() data: MyData;

This will do all the work of check if Input data have changed and re-render the component

How to block calls in android

In android-N, this feature is included in it. check Number-blocking update for android N

Android N now supports number-blocking in the platform and provides a framework API to let service providers maintain a blocked-number list. The default SMS app, the default phone app, and provider apps can read from and write to the blocked-number list. The list is not accessible to other app.

advantage of are:

  1. Numbers blocked on calls are also blocked on texts
  2. Blocked numbers can persist across resets and devices through the Backup & Restore feature
  3. Multiple apps can use the same blocked numbers list

For more information, see android.provider.BlockedNumberContract

Update an existing project.

To compile your app against the Android N platform, you need to use the Java 8 Developer Kit (JDK 8), and in order to use some tools with Android Studio 2.1, you need to install the Java 8 Runtime Environment (JRE 8).

Open the build.gradle file for your module and update the values as follows:

android {
  compileSdkVersion 'android-N'
  buildToolsVersion 24.0.0 rc1

  defaultConfig {
     minSdkVersion 'N'
     targetSdkVersion 'N'

jQuery rotate/transform

Simply remove the line that rotates it one degree at a time and calls the script forever.

// Animate rotation with a recursive call
setTimeout(function() { rotate(++degree); },65);

Then pass the desired value into the function... in this example 45 for 45 degrees.

$(function() {

    var $elie = $("#bkgimg");

        function rotate(degree) {
      // For webkit browsers: e.g. Chrome
           $elie.css({ WebkitTransform: 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)'});
      // For Mozilla browser: e.g. Firefox
           $elie.css({ '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)'});


Change .css() to .animate() in order to animate the rotation with jQuery. We also need to add a duration for the animation, 5000 for 5 seconds. And updating your original function to remove some redundancy and support more browsers...

$(function() {

    var $elie = $("#bkgimg");

        function rotate(degree) {
                        '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)',
                        '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)',
                        '-ms-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)',
                        '-o-transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)',
                        'transform': 'rotate(' + degree + 'deg)',
                        'zoom': 1
            }, 5000);

EDIT: The standard jQuery CSS animation code above is not working because apparently, jQuery .animate() does not yet support the CSS3 transforms.

This jQuery plugin is supposed to animate the rotation:

How to set shape's opacity?

use this code below as progress.xml:

<layer-list xmlns:android="">

    <item android:id="@android:id/background">
            <corners android:radius="5dip" />

    <item android:id="@android:id/secondaryProgress">
                <solid android:color="#00000000" />

    <item android:id="@android:id/progress">
                <solid android:color="#00000000" />



  • "progress" is current progress before the thumb and "secondaryProgress" is the progress after thumb.
  • color="#00000000" is a perfect transparency
  • NOTE: the file above is from default android res and is for 2.3.7, it is available on android sources at: frameworks/base/core/res/res/drawable/progress_horizontal.xml. For newer versions you must find the default drawable file for the seekbar corresponding to your android version.

after that use it in the layout containing the xml:


you can also customize the thumb by using a custom icon seek_thumb.png:


equivalent of rm and mv in windows .cmd

move and del ARE certainly the equivalents, but from a functionality standpoint they are woefully NOT equivalent. For example, you can't move both files AND folders (in a wildcard scenario) with the move command. And the same thing applies with del.

The preferred solution in my view is to use Win32 ports of the Linux tools, the best collection of which I have found being here.

mv and rm are in the CoreUtils package and they work wonderfully!

Win32Exception (0x80004005): The wait operation timed out

We encountered this error after an upgrade from 2008 to 2014 SQL Server where our some of our previous connection strings for local development had a Data Source=./ like this

        <add name="MyLocalDatabase" connectionString="Data Source=./;Initial Catalog=SomeCatalog;Integrated Security=SSPI;Application Name=MyApplication;"/>

Changing that from ./ to either (local) or localhost fixed the problem.

<add name="MyLocalDatabase" connectionString="Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=SomeCatalog;Integrated Security=SSPI;Application Name=MyApplication;"/>

parse html string with jquery

just add container element befor your img element just to be sure that your intersted element not the first one, tested in ie,ff

C free(): invalid pointer

You're attempting to free something that isn't a pointer to a "freeable" memory address. Just because something is an address doesn't mean that you need to or should free it.

There are two main types of memory you seem to be confusing - stack memory and heap memory.

  • Stack memory lives in the live span of the function. It's temporary space for things that shouldn't grow too big. When you call the function main, it sets aside some memory for your variables you've declared (p,token, and so on).

  • Heap memory lives from when you malloc it to when you free it. You can use much more heap memory than you can stack memory. You also need to keep track of it - it's not easy like stack memory!

You have a few errors:

  • You're trying to free memory that's not heap memory. Don't do that.

  • You're trying to free the inside of a block of memory. When you have in fact allocated a block of memory, you can only free it from the pointer returned by malloc. That is to say, only from the beginning of the block. You can't free a portion of the block from the inside.

For your bit of code here, you probably want to find a way to copy relevant portion of memory to somewhere else...say another block of memory you've set aside. Or you can modify the original string if you want (hint: char value 0 is the null terminator and tells functions like printf to stop reading the string).

EDIT: The malloc function does allocate heap memory*.

"9.9.1 The malloc and free Functions

The C standard library provides an explicit allocator known as the malloc package. Programs allocate blocks from the heap by calling the malloc function."

~Computer Systems : A Programmer's Perspective, 2nd Edition, Bryant & O'Hallaron, 2011

EDIT 2: * The C standard does not, in fact, specify anything about the heap or the stack. However, for anyone learning on a relevant desktop/laptop machine, the distinction is probably unnecessary and confusing if anything, especially if you're learning about how your program is stored and executed. When you find yourself working on something like an AVR microcontroller as H2CO3 has, it is definitely worthwhile to note all the differences, which from my own experience with embedded systems, extend well past memory allocation.

How can I switch word wrap on and off in Visual Studio Code?

If you want to use text word wrap in your Visual Studio Code editor, you have to press button Alt + Z for text word wrap. Its word wrap is toggled between text wrap or unwrap.

AngularJS: Service vs provider vs factory

All Services are singletons; they get instantiated once per app. They can be of any type, whether it be a primitive, object literal, function, or even an instance of a custom type.

The value, factory, service, constant, and provider methods are all providers. They teach the Injector how to instantiate the Services.

The most verbose, but also the most comprehensive one is a Provider recipe. The remaining four recipe types — Value, Factory, Service and Constant — are just syntactic sugar on top of a provider recipe.

  • The Value Recipe is the simplest case, where you instantiate the Service yourself and provide the instantiated value to the injector.
  • The Factory recipe gives the Injector a factory function that it calls when it needs to instantiate the service. When called, the factory function creates and returns the service instance. The dependencies of the Service are injected as the functions' arguments. So using this recipe adds the following abilities:
    • Ability to use other services (have dependencies)
    • Service initialization
    • Delayed/lazy initialization
  • The Service recipe is almost the same as the Factory recipe, but here the Injector invokes a constructor with the new operator instead of a factory function.
  • The Provider recipe is usually overkill. It adds one more layer of indirection by allowing you to configure the creation of the factory.

    You should use the Provider recipe only when you want to expose an API for application-wide configuration that must be made before the application starts. This is usually interesting only for reusable services whose behavior might need to vary slightly between applications.

  • The Constant recipe is just like the Value recipe except it allows you to define services that are available in the config phase. Sooner than services created using the Value recipe. Unlike Values, they cannot be decorated using decorator.
See the provider documentation.

Oracle pl-sql escape character (for a " ' ")

Here is a way to easily escape & char in oracle DB

set escape '\\'

and within query write like


How to see the changes in a Git commit?

You can also try this easy way:

git show <COMMIT>

GROUP_CONCAT comma separator - MySQL

Query to achieve your requirment

SELECT id,GROUP_CONCAT(text SEPARATOR ' ') AS text FROM table_name group by id;

DB2 SQL error sqlcode=-104 sqlstate=42601

You miss the from clause


Difference between DOM parentNode and parentElement

In Internet Explorer, parentElement is undefined for SVG elements, whereas parentNode is defined.

PHP Date Time Current Time Add Minutes

The question is a little old, but I come back to it often ;p

Another way, which is also a one liner:

<?= date_create('2111-11-11 00:00:00')->modify("+30 minutes")->format('Y-m-d h:i:s') ?>

Or from timestamp, returns Y-m-d h:i:s:

<?= date_create('@'.time())->modify("+30 minutes")->format('Y-m-d h:i:s') ?>

Or from timestamp, returns timestamp:

<?= date_create('@'.time())->modify("+30 minutes")->format('U') ?>

HttpClient won't import in Android Studio

HttpClient is not supported any more in sdk 23. You have to use URLConnection or downgrade to sdk 22 (compile '')

If you need sdk 23, add this to your gradle:

android {
    useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'

You also may try to download and include HttpClient jar directly into your project or use OkHttp instead

How to add app icon within phonegap projects?

You have to create a config.xml file in which you shall put the icon file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<widget xmlns = ""
   xmlns:gap = ""
   id        = "example"
   version    = "1.0.0">

   <icon src="icon.png" />

Check this:

there is iOS specific icons


In my opinion, I think it's important to explain the why behind the need for a GROUP BY in your SQL when summing with OVER() clause and why you are getting repeated lines of data when you are expecting one row per BrandID.

Take this example: You need to aggregate the total sale price of each order line, per specific order category, between two dates, but you also need to retain individual order data in your final results. A SUM() on the SalesPrice column would not allow you to get the correct totals because it would require a GROUP BY, therefore squashing the details because you wouldn't be able to keep the individual order lines in the select statement.

Many times we see a #temp table, @table variable, or CTE filled with the sum of our data and grouped up so we can join to it again later to get a column of the sums we need. This can add processing time and extra lines of code. Instead, use OVER(PARTITION BY ()) like this:

  SUM(SalePrice) OVER(PARTITION BY OrderCategory) AS SaleTotalPerCategory
FROM tblSales 
WHERE OrderDateTime BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

Notice we are not grouping and we have individual order lines column selected. The PARTITION BY in the last column will return us a sales price total for each row of data in each category. What the last column essentially says is, we want the sum of the sale price (SUM(SalePrice)) over a partition of my results and by a specified category (OVER(PARTITION BY CategoryHere)).

If we remove the other columns from our select statement, and leave our final SUM() column, like this:

  SUM(SalePrice) OVER(PARTITION BY OrderCategory) AS SaleTotalPerCategory
FROM tblSales 
WHERE OrderDateTime BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

The results will still repeat this sum for each row in our original result set. The reason is this method does not require a GROUP BY. If you don't need to retain individual line data, then simply SUM() without the use of OVER() and group up your data appropriately. Again, if you need an additional column with specific totals, you can use the OVER(PARTITION BY ()) method described above without additional selects to join back to.

The above is purely for explaining WHY he is getting repeated lines of the same number and to help understand what this clause provides. This method can be used in many ways and I highly encourage further reading from the documentation here:

Over Clause

What's the difference between interface and @interface in java?

interface: defines the contract for a class which implements it

@interface: defines the contract for an annotation

Pushing value of Var into an Array

.val() does not return an array from a DOM element: $('#fruit') is going to find the element in the document with an ID of #fruit and get its value (if it has a value).

What does the "@" symbol do in SQL?

The @CustID means it's a parameter that you will supply a value for later in your code. This is the best way of protecting against SQL injection. Create your query using parameters, rather than concatenating strings and variables. The database engine puts the parameter value into where the placeholder is, and there is zero chance for SQL injection.

set font size in jquery

$("#"+styleTarget).css('font-size', newFontSize);

Find a private field with Reflection?

Nice Syntax With Extension Method

You can access any private field of an arbitrary type with code like this:

Foo foo = new Foo();
string c = foo.GetFieldValue<string>("_bar");

For that you need to define an extension method that will do the work for you:

public static class ReflectionExtensions {
    public static T GetFieldValue<T>(this object obj, string name) {
        // Set the flags so that private and public fields from instances will be found
        var bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
        var field = obj.GetType().GetField(name, bindingFlags);
        return (T)field?.GetValue(obj);

How do I create a WPF Rounded Corner container?

If you're trying to put a button in a rounded-rectangle border, you should check out msdn's example. I found this by googling for images of the problem (instead of text). Their bulky outer rectangle is (thankfully) easy to remove.

Note that you will have to redefine the button's behavior (since you've changed the ControlTemplate). That is, you will need to define the button's behavior when clicked using a Trigger tag (Property="IsPressed" Value="true") in the ControlTemplate.Triggers tag. Hope this saves someone else the time I lost :)

postgres: upgrade a user to be a superuser?

You can create a SUPERUSER or promote USER, so for your case

$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER myuser WITH SUPERUSER;"

or rollback

$ sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER myuser WITH NOSUPERUSER;"

To prevent a command from logging when you set password, insert a whitespace in front of it, but check that your system supports this option.

$  sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER my_user WITH PASSWORD 'my_pass';"
$  sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE USER my_user WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'my_pass';"

Get Category name from Post ID

function wp_get_post_categories( $post_id = 0, $args = array() )
   $post_id = (int) $post_id;
   $defaults = array('fields' => 'ids');
   $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
   $cats = wp_get_object_terms($post_id, 'category', $args);

   return $cats;

Here is the second argument of function wp_get_post_categories() which you can pass the attributes of receiving data.

$category_detail = get_the_category( '4',array( 'fields' => 'names' ) ); //$post->ID
foreach( $category_detail as $cd )
   echo $cd->name;

Reading a string with spaces with sscanf

If you want to scan to the end of the string (stripping out a newline if there), just use:

char *x = "19 cool kid";
sscanf (x, "%d %[^\n]", &age, buffer);

That's because %s only matches non-whitespace characters and will stop on the first whitespace it finds. The %[^\n] format specifier will match every character that's not (because of ^) in the selection given (which is a newline). In other words, it will match any other character.

Keep in mind that you should have allocated enough space in your buffer to take the string since you cannot be sure how much will be read (a good reason to stay away from scanf/fscanf unless you use specific field widths).

You could do that with:

char *x = "19 cool kid";
char *buffer = malloc (strlen (x) + 1);
sscanf (x, "%d %[^\n]", &age, buffer);

(you don't need * sizeof(char) since that's always 1 by definition).

HTML table sort

Here is another library.

Changes required are -

  1. Add sorttable js

  2. Add class name sortable to table.

Click the table headers to sort the table accordingly:

<script src=""></script>

<table class="sortable">
    <th>Sales Person</th>

  <tr class="item">
  <tr class="item">
  <tr class="item">
    <td>San Francisco</td>
  <tr class="item">
  <tr class="item">


UML diagram shapes missing on Visio 2013

I think because it's Standard's ver.

I don't know if you write your code in VS. But if you did, just go to ARCHITECTURE - new Diagram. & choose yours, & the VS 'll take the care of the rest :)

Django - filtering on foreign key properties

This has been possible since the queryset-refactor branch landed pre-1.0. Ticket 4088 exposed the problem. This should work:


The Django Many-to-one documentation has this and other examples of following Foreign Keys using the Model API.

Append text using StreamWriter

using(StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("debug.txt", true))
  writer.WriteLine("whatever you text is");

The second "true" parameter tells it to append.