[angularjs] AngularJS: Service vs provider vs factory

Here is some broilerplate code I've come up with as a code-template for object factory in AngularjS. I've used a Car/CarFactory as an example to illustrate. Makes for simple implementation code in the controller.

        angular.module('app', [])
            .factory('CarFactory', function() {

                 * BroilerPlate Object Instance Factory Definition / Example
                this.Car = function() {

                    // initialize instance properties
                    angular.extend(this, {
                        color           : null,
                        numberOfDoors   : null,
                        hasFancyRadio   : null,
                        hasLeatherSeats : null

                    // generic setter (with optional default value)
                    this.set = function(key, value, defaultValue, allowUndefined) {

                        // by default,
                        if (typeof allowUndefined === 'undefined') {
                            // we don't allow setter to accept "undefined" as a value
                            allowUndefined = false;
                        // if we do not allow undefined values, and..
                        if (!allowUndefined) {
                            // if an undefined value was passed in
                            if (value === undefined) {
                                // and a default value was specified
                                if (defaultValue !== undefined) {
                                    // use the specified default value
                                    value = defaultValue;
                                } else {
                                    // otherwise use the class.prototype.defaults value
                                    value = this.defaults[key];
                                } // end if/else
                            } // end if
                        } // end if

                        // update 
                        this[key] = value;

                        // return reference to this object (fluent)
                        return this;

                    }; // end this.set()

                }; // end this.Car class definition

                // instance properties default values
                this.Car.prototype.defaults = {
                    color: 'yellow',
                    numberOfDoors: 2,
                    hasLeatherSeats: null,
                    hasFancyRadio: false

                // instance factory method / constructor
                this.Car.prototype.instance = function(params) {
                    return new 
                                .set('color',           params.color)
                                .set('numberOfDoors',   params.numberOfDoors)
                                .set('hasFancyRadio',   params.hasFancyRadio)
                                .set('hasLeatherSeats', params.hasLeatherSeats)

                return new this.Car();

            }) // end Factory Definition
            .controller('testCtrl', function($scope, CarFactory) {

                window.testCtrl = $scope;

                // first car, is red, uses class default for:
                // numberOfDoors, and hasLeatherSeats
                $scope.car1     = CarFactory
                                        color: 'red'

                // second car, is blue, has 3 doors, 
                // uses class default for hasLeatherSeats
                $scope.car2     = CarFactory
                                        color: 'blue',
                                        numberOfDoors: 3
                // third car, has 4 doors, uses class default for 
                // color and hasLeatherSeats
                $scope.car3     = CarFactory
                                        numberOfDoors: 4
                // sets an undefined variable for 'hasFancyRadio',
                // explicitly defines "true" as default when value is undefined
                $scope.hasFancyRadio = undefined;
                $scope.car3.set('hasFancyRadio', $scope.hasFancyRadio, true);

                // fourth car, purple, 4 doors,
                // uses class default for hasLeatherSeats
                $scope.car4     = CarFactory
                                        color: 'purple',
                                        numberOfDoors: 4
                // and then explicitly sets hasLeatherSeats to undefined
                $scope.hasLeatherSeats = undefined;
                $scope.car4.set('hasLeatherSeats', $scope.hasLeatherSeats, undefined, true);

                // in console, type window.testCtrl to see the resulting objects


Here is a simpler example. I'm using a few third party libraries that expect a "Position" object exposing latitude and longitude, but via different object properties. I didn't want to hack the vendor code, so I adjusted the "Position" objects I was passing around.

.factory('PositionFactory', function() {

     * BroilerPlate Object Instance Factory Definition / Example
    this.Position = function() {

        // initialize instance properties 
        // (multiple properties to satisfy multiple external interface contracts)
        angular.extend(this, {
            lat         : null,
            lon         : null,
            latitude    : null,
            longitude   : null,
            coords: {
                latitude: null,
                longitude: null

        this.setLatitude = function(latitude) {
            this.latitude           = latitude;
            this.lat                = latitude;
            this.coords.latitude    = latitude;
            return this;
        this.setLongitude = function(longitude) {
            this.longitude          = longitude;
            this.lon                = longitude;
            this.coords.longitude   = longitude;
            return this;

    }; // end class definition

    // instance factory method / constructor
    this.Position.prototype.instance = function(params) {
        return new 

    return new this.Position();

}) // end Factory Definition

.controller('testCtrl', function($scope, PositionFactory) {
    $scope.position1 = PositionFactory.instance({latitude: 39, longitude: 42.3123});
    $scope.position2 = PositionFactory.instance({latitude: 39, longitude: 42.3333});
}) // end controller


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AngularJS: Service vs provider vs factory