[angularjs] AngularJS : The correct way of binding to a service properties

I’m looking for the best practice of how to bind to a service property in AngularJS.

I have worked through multiple examples to understand how to bind to properties in a service that is created using AngularJS.

Below I have two examples of how to bind to properties in a service; they both work. The first example uses basic bindings and the second example used $scope.$watch to bind to the service properties

Are either of these example preferred when binding to properties in a service or is there another option that I’m not aware of that would be recommended?

The premise of these examples is that the service should updated its properties “lastUpdated” and “calls” every 5 seconds. Once the service properties are updated the view should reflect these changes. Both these example work successfully; I wonder if there is a better way of doing it.

Basic Binding

The following code can be view and ran here: http://plnkr.co/edit/d3c16z

<body ng-app="ServiceNotification" >

    <div ng-controller="TimerCtrl1" style="border-style:dotted"> 
        TimerCtrl1 <br/>
        Last Updated: {{timerData.lastUpdated}}<br/>
        Last Updated: {{timerData.calls}}<br/>

    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.0.5/angular.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var app = angular.module("ServiceNotification", []);

        function TimerCtrl1($scope, Timer) {
            $scope.timerData = Timer.data;

        app.factory("Timer", function ($timeout) {
            var data = { lastUpdated: new Date(), calls: 0 };

            var updateTimer = function () {
                data.lastUpdated = new Date();
                data.calls += 1;
                console.log("updateTimer: " + data.lastUpdated);

                $timeout(updateTimer, 5000);

            return {
                data: data

The other way I solved binding to service properties is to use $scope.$watch in the controller.


The following code can be view and ran here: http://plnkr.co/edit/dSBlC9

<body ng-app="ServiceNotification">
    <div style="border-style:dotted" ng-controller="TimerCtrl1">
        Last Updated: {{lastUpdated}}<br/>
        Last Updated: {{calls}}<br/>

    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.0.5/angular.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var app = angular.module("ServiceNotification", []);

        function TimerCtrl1($scope, Timer) {
            $scope.$watch(function () { return Timer.data.lastUpdated; },
                function (value) {
                    console.log("In $watch - lastUpdated:" + value);
                    $scope.lastUpdated = value;

            $scope.$watch(function () { return Timer.data.calls; },
                function (value) {
                    console.log("In $watch - calls:" + value);
                    $scope.calls = value;

        app.factory("Timer", function ($timeout) {
            var data = { lastUpdated: new Date(), calls: 0 };

            var updateTimer = function () {
                data.lastUpdated = new Date();
                data.calls += 1;
                console.log("updateTimer: " + data.lastUpdated);

                $timeout(updateTimer, 5000);

            return {
                data: data

I’m aware that I can use $rootscope.$broadcast in the service and $root.$on in the controller, but in other examples that I’ve created that use $broadcast/$on the first broadcast is not captured by the controller, but additional calls that are broadcasted are triggered in the controller. If you are aware of a way to solve $rootscope.$broadcast problem, please provide an answer.

But to restate what I mentioned earlier, I would like to know the best practice of how to bind to a service properties.


This question was originally asked and answered in April 2013. In May 2014, Gil Birman provided a new answer, which I changed as the correct answer. Since Gil Birman answer has very few up-votes, my concern is that people reading this question will disregard his answer in favor of other answers with many more votes. Before you make a decision on what's the best answer, I highly recommend Gil Birman's answer.

The answer is

Building on the examples above I thought I'd throw in a way of transparently binding a controller variable to a service variable.

In the example below changes to the Controller $scope.count variable will automatically be reflected in the Service count variable.

In production we're actually using the this binding to update an id on a service which then asynchronously fetches data and updates its service vars. Further binding that means that controllers automagically get updated when the service updates itself.

The code below can be seen working at http://jsfiddle.net/xuUHS/163/


<div ng-controller="ServiceCtrl">
    <p> This is my countService variable : {{count}}</p>
    <input type="number" ng-model="count">
    <p> This is my updated after click variable : {{countS}}</p>

    <button ng-click="clickC()" >Controller ++ </button>
    <button ng-click="chkC()" >Check Controller Count</button>

    <button ng-click="clickS()" >Service ++ </button>
    <button ng-click="chkS()" >Check Service Count</button>


var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

app.service('testService', function(){
    var count = 10;

    function incrementCount() {
      return count;

    function getCount() { return count; }

    return {
        get count() { return count },
        set count(val) {
            count = val;
        getCount: getCount,
        incrementCount: incrementCount


function ServiceCtrl($scope, testService)

    Object.defineProperty($scope, 'count', {
        get: function() { return testService.count; },
        set: function(val) { testService.count = val; },

    $scope.clickC = function () {
    $scope.chkC = function () {

    $scope.clickS = function () {
    $scope.chkS = function () {


I think this question has a contextual component.

If you're simply pulling data from a service & radiating that information to it's view, I think binding directly to the service property is just fine. I don't want to write a lot of boilerplate code to simply map service properties to model properties to consume in my view.

Further, performance in angular is based on two things. The first is how many bindings are on a page. The second is how expensive getter functions are. Misko talks about this here

If you need to perform instance specific logic on the service data (as opposed to data massaging applied within the service itself), and the outcome of this impacts the data model exposed to the view, then I would say a $watcher is appropriate, as long as the function isn't terribly expensive. In the case of an expensive function, I would suggest caching the results in a local (to controller) variable, performing your complex operations outside of the $watcher function, and then binding your scope to the result of that.

As a caveat, you shouldn't be hanging any properties directly off your $scope. The $scope variable is NOT your model. It has references to your model.

In my mind, "best practice" for simply radiating information from service down to view:

function TimerCtrl1($scope, Timer) {
  $scope.model = {timerData: Timer.data};

And then your view would contain {{model.timerData.lastupdated}}.

I would rather keep my watchers a less as possible. My reason is based on my experiences and one might argue it theoretically.
The issue with using watchers is that you can use any property on scope to call any of the methods in any component or service you like.
In a real world project, pretty soon you'll end up with a non-tracable (better said hard to trace) chain of methods being called and values being changed which specially makes the on-boarding process tragic.

From my perspective, $watch would be the best practice way.

You can actually simplify your example a bit:

function TimerCtrl1($scope, Timer) {
  $scope.$watch( function () { return Timer.data; }, function (data) {
    $scope.lastUpdated = data.lastUpdated;
    $scope.calls = data.calls;
  }, true);

That's all you need.

Since the properties are updated simultaneously, you only need one watch. Also, since they come from a single, rather small object, I changed it to just watch the Timer.data property. The last parameter passed to $watch tells it to check for deep equality rather than just ensuring that the reference is the same.

To provide a little context, the reason I would prefer this method to placing the service value directly on the scope is to ensure proper separation of concerns. Your view shouldn't need to know anything about your services in order to operate. The job of the controller is to glue everything together; its job is to get the data from your services and process them in whatever way necessary and then to provide your view with whatever specifics it needs. But I don't think its job is to just pass the service right along to the view. Otherwise, what's the controller even doing there? The AngularJS developers followed the same reasoning when they chose not to include any "logic" in the templates (e.g. if statements).

To be fair, there are probably multiple perspectives here and I look forward to other answers.

What about

scope = _.extend(scope, ParentScope);

Where ParentScope is an injected service?

To bind any data,which sends service is not a good idea (architecture),but if you need it anymore I suggest you 2 ways to do that

1) you can get the data not inside you service.You can get data inside your controller/directive and you will not have a problem to bind it anywhere

2) you can use angularjs events.Whenever you want,you can send a signal(from $rootScope) and catch it wherever you want.You can even send a data on that eventName.

Maybe this can help you. If you need more with examples,here is the link


I think it's a better way to bind on the service itself instead of the attributes on it.

Here's why:

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.7/angular.min.js"></script>
<body ng-app="BindToService">

  <div ng-controller="BindToServiceCtrl as ctrl">
    ArrService.arrOne: <span ng-repeat="v in ArrService.arrOne">{{v}}</span>
    <br />
    ArrService.arrTwo: <span ng-repeat="v in ArrService.arrTwo">{{v}}</span>
    <br />
    <br />
    <!-- This is empty since $scope.arrOne never changes -->
    arrOne: <span ng-repeat="v in arrOne">{{v}}</span>
    <br />
    <!-- This is not empty since $scope.arrTwo === ArrService.arrTwo -->
    <!-- Both of them point the memory space modified by the `push` function below -->
    arrTwo: <span ng-repeat="v in arrTwo">{{v}}</span>

  <script type="text/javascript">
    var app = angular.module("BindToService", []);

    app.controller("BindToServiceCtrl", function ($scope, ArrService) {
      $scope.ArrService = ArrService;
      $scope.arrOne = ArrService.arrOne;
      $scope.arrTwo = ArrService.arrTwo;

    app.service("ArrService", function ($interval) {
      var that = this,
          i = 0;
      this.arrOne = [];
      that.arrTwo = [];

      $interval(function () {
        // This will change arrOne (the pointer).
        // However, $scope.arrOne is still same as the original arrOne.
        that.arrOne = that.arrOne.concat([i]);

        // This line changes the memory block pointed by arrTwo.
        // And arrTwo (the pointer) itself never changes.
        i += 1;
      }, 1000);


You can play it on this plunker.

The Most Elegant Solutions...

app.service('svc', function(){ this.attr = []; return this; });
app.controller('ctrl', function($scope, svc){
    $scope.attr = svc.attr || [];
    $scope.$watch('attr', function(neo, old){ /* if necessary */ });
app.run(function($rootScope, svc){
    $rootScope.svc = svc;
    $rootScope.$watch('svc', function(neo, old){ /* change the world */ });

Also, I write EDAs (Event-Driven Architectures) so I tend to do something like the following [oversimplified version]:

var Service = function Service($rootScope) {
    var $scope = $rootScope.$new(this);
    $scope.that = [];
    $scope.$watch('that', thatObserver, true);
    function thatObserver(what) {
        $scope.$broadcast('that:changed', what);

Then, I put a listener in my controller on the desired channel and just keep my local scope up to date this way.

In conclusion, there's not much of a "Best Practice" -- rather, its mostly preference -- as long as you're keeping things SOLID and employing weak coupling. The reason I would advocate the latter code is because EDAs have the lowest coupling feasible by nature. And if you aren't too concerned about this fact, let us avoid working on the same project together.

Hope this helps...

Late to the party, but for future Googlers - don't use the provided answer.

JavaScript has a mechanism of passing objects by reference, while it only passes a shallow copy for values "numbers, strings etc".

In above example, instead of binding attributes of a service, why don't we expose the service to the scope?

$scope.hello = HelloService;

This simple approach will make angular able to do two-way binding and all the magical things you need. Don't hack your controller with watchers or unneeded markup.

And if you are worried about your view accidentally overwriting your service attributes, use defineProperty to make it readable, enumerable, configurable, or define getters and setters. You can gain lots of control by making your service more solid.

Final tip: if you spend your time working on your controller more than your services then you are doing it wrong :(.

In that particular demo code you supplied I would recommend you do:

 function TimerCtrl1($scope, Timer) {
   $scope.timer = Timer;
///Inside view
{{ timer.time_updated }}
{{ timer.other_property }}


As I mentioned above, you can control the behaviour of your service attributes using defineProperty


// Lets expose a property named "propertyWithSetter" on our service
// and hook a setter function that automatically saves new value to db !
Object.defineProperty(self, 'propertyWithSetter', {
  get: function() { return self.data.variable; },
  set: function(newValue) { 
         self.data.variable = newValue; 
         // let's update the database too to reflect changes in data-model !
  enumerable: true,
  configurable: true

Now in our controller if we do

$scope.hello = HelloService;
$scope.hello.propertyWithSetter = 'NEW VALUE';

our service will change the value of propertyWithSetter and also post the new value to database somehow!

Or we can take any approach we want.

Refer to the MDN documentation for defineProperty.

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