[css] How to create a css rule for all elements except one class?

I have created a CSS stylesheet for my project. Is there any way I can create a css rule that applies to all table elements EXCEPT table elements belonging to the class "dojoxGrid"? Something like:

.not(dojoxGrid) table{
    border-top:1px solid #dddddd;
    border-left:1px solid #dddddd;
    border-right:1px solid #dddddd;
    margin:1em auto;

This question is related to css css-selectors

The answer is

The negation pseudo-class seems to be what you are looking for.

table:not(.dojoxGrid) {color:red;}

It's not supported by = IE8 though.

Wouldn't setting a css rule for all tables, and then a subsequent one for tables where class="dojoxGrid" work? Or am I missing something?

The safest bet is to create a class on those tables and use that. Currently getting something like this to work in all major browsers is unlikely.