[sql-server] Select columns from result set of stored procedure

For anyone who has SQL 2012 or later, I was able to accomplish this with stored procedures that aren't dynamic and have the same columns output each time.

The general idea is I build the dynamic query to create, insert into, select from, and drop the temp table, and execute this after it's all generated. I dynamically generate the temp table by first retrieving column names and types from the stored procedure.

Note: there are much better, more universal solutions that will work with fewer lines of code if you're willing/able to update the SP or change configuration and use OPENROWSET. Use the below if you have no other way.

DECLARE @spName VARCHAR(MAX) = 'MyStoredProc'
DECLARE @tempTableName VARCHAR(MAX) = '#tempTable'

-- might need to update this if your param value is a string and you need to escape quotes
DECLARE @insertCommand VARCHAR(MAX) = 'INSERT INTO ' + @tempTableName + ' EXEC MyStoredProc @param=value'

DECLARE @createTableCommand VARCHAR(MAX)

-- update this to select the columns you want
DECLARE @selectCommand VARCHAR(MAX) = 'SELECT col1, col2 FROM ' + @tempTableName

DECLARE @dropCommand VARCHAR(MAX) = 'DROP TABLE ' + @tempTableName

-- Generate command to create temp table
SELECT @createTableCommand = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @tempTableName + ' (' +
            SELECT ', ' + CONCAT('[', name, ']', ' ', system_type_name)
            FROM sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object
            FOR XML PATH('')
    ) + ')'

EXEC( @createTableCommand + ' '+ @insertCommand + ' ' + @selectCommand + ' ' + @dropCommand)

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