[python] Return outside function error in Python

This is the problem: Given the following program in Python, suppose that the user enters the number 4 from the keyboard. What will be the value returned?

N = int(input("enter a positive integer:"))
counter = 1
while (N > 0):
    counter = counter * N
    N = N - 1
    return counter

Yet I keep getting a outside function error when I run the system what am I doing wrong? Thanks!

This question is related to python function

The answer is

It basically occours when you return from a loop you can only return from function

You can only return from inside a function and not from a loop.

It seems like your return should be outside the while loop, and your complete code should be inside a function.

def func():
    N = int(input("enter a positive integer:"))
    counter = 1
    while (N > 0):
        counter = counter * N
        N -= 1
    return counter  # de-indent this 4 spaces to the left.

print func()

And if those codes are not inside a function, then you don't need a return at all. Just print the value of counter outside the while loop.

You are not writing your code inside any function, you can return from functions only. Remove return statement and just print the value you want.

You have a return statement that isn't in a function. Functions are started by the def keyword:

def function(argument):
    return "something"

print function("foo")  #prints "something"

return has no meaning outside of a function, and so python raises an error.

As already explained by the other contributers, you could print out the counter and then replace the return with a break statement.

N = int(input("enter a positive integer:"))
counter = 1
while (N > 0):
    counter = counter * N
    N = N - 1