Programs & Examples On #Md5sum

md5sum is a computer program that calculates and verifies 128-bit MD5 hashes, as described in RFC 1321.

How can I calculate an md5 checksum of a directory?

If you want one md5sum spanning the whole directory, I would do something like

cat *.py | md5sum 

How do I calculate the MD5 checksum of a file in Python?

In regards to your error and what's missing in your code. m is a name which is not defined for getmd5() function.

No offence, I know you are a beginner, but your code is all over the place. Let's look at your issues one by one :)

First, you are not using hashlib.md5.hexdigest() method correctly. Please refer explanation on hashlib functions in Python Doc Library. The correct way to return MD5 for provided string is to do something like this:

>>> import hashlib
>>> hashlib.md5("filename.exe").hexdigest()

However, you have a bigger problem here. You are calculating MD5 on a file name string, where in reality MD5 is calculated based on file contents. You will need to basically read file contents and pipe it though MD5. My next example is not very efficient, but something like this:

>>> import hashlib
>>> hashlib.md5(open('filename.exe','rb').read()).hexdigest()

As you can clearly see second MD5 hash is totally different from the first one. The reason for that is that we are pushing contents of the file through, not just file name.

A simple solution could be something like that:

# Import hashlib library (md5 method is part of it)
import hashlib

# File to check
file_name = 'filename.exe'

# Correct original md5 goes here
original_md5 = '5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592'  

# Open,close, read file and calculate MD5 on its contents 
with open(file_name) as file_to_check:
    # read contents of the file
    data =    
    # pipe contents of the file through
    md5_returned = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()

# Finally compare original MD5 with freshly calculated
if original_md5 == md5_returned:
    print "MD5 verified."
    print "MD5 verification failed!."

Please look at the post Python: Generating a MD5 checksum of a file. It explains in detail a couple of ways how it can be achieved efficiently.

Best of luck.

Only get hash value using md5sum (without filename)

Another way is to do :

md5sum filename |cut -f 1 -d " "

Cut will split line to each space and return only first field.

DisplayName attribute from Resources?


I know it's too late but I'd like to add this update:

I'm using the Conventional Model Metadata Provider which presented by Phil Haacked it's more powerful and easy to apply take look at it : ConventionalModelMetadataProvider

Old Answer

Here if you wanna support many types of resources:

public class LocalizedDisplayNameAttribute : DisplayNameAttribute
    private readonly PropertyInfo nameProperty;

    public LocalizedDisplayNameAttribute(string displayNameKey, Type resourceType = null)
        : base(displayNameKey)
        if (resourceType != null)
            nameProperty = resourceType.GetProperty(base.DisplayName,
                                           BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);

    public override string DisplayName
            if (nameProperty == null)
                return base.DisplayName;
            return (string)nameProperty.GetValue(nameProperty.DeclaringType, null);

Then use it like this:

    [LocalizedDisplayName("Password", typeof(Res.Model.Shared.ModelProperties))]
    public string Password { get; set; }

For the full localization tutorial see this page.

How to get "GET" request parameters in JavaScript?

Today I needed to get the page's request parameters into a associative array so I put together the following, with a little help from my friends. It also handles parameters without an = as true.

With an example:

// URL:

var _GET = (function() {
    var _get = {};
    var re = /[?&]([^=&]+)(=?)([^&]*)/g;
    while (m = re.exec(
        _get[decodeURIComponent(m[1])] = (m[2] == '=' ? decodeURIComponent(m[3]) : true);
    return _get;

> Object {abc: "123", def: true, xyz: "", something else: true}
console.log(_GET['something else']);
> true
> 123

HTML5 Canvas background image

Why don't you style it out:

<canvas id="canvas" width="800" height="600" style="background: url('./images/image.jpg')">
  Your browser does not support the canvas element.

How do I print a double value with full precision using cout?

Here is how to display a double with full precision:

double d = 100.0000000000005;
int precision = std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10;
std::cout << std::setprecision(precision) << d << std::endl;

This displays:


max_digits10 is the number of digits that are necessary to uniquely represent all distinct double values. max_digits10 represents the number of digits before and after the decimal point.

Don't use set_precision(max_digits10) with std::fixed.
On fixed notation, set_precision() sets the number of digits only after the decimal point. This is incorrect as max_digits10 represents the number of digits before and after the decimal point.

double d = 100.0000000000005;
int precision = std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10;
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(precision) << d << std::endl;

This displays incorrect result:


Note: Header files required

#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>

Replace single quotes in SQL Server

Try REPLACE(@strip,'''','')

SQL uses two quotes to represent one in a string.

Spring Boot application as a Service


If you want this to run in windows machine download the winsw.exe from

After that rename it to jar filename (eg: your-app.jar)

winsw.exe -> your-app.exe

Now create an xml file your-app.xml and copy the following content to that

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <description>your-app as a Windows Service</description>
     <arguments>-jar "your-app.jar"</arguments>

Make sure that the exe and xml along with jar in a same folder.

After this open command prompt in Administrator previlege and install it to the windows service.

your-app.exe install
eg -> D:\Springboot\your-app.exe install

If it fails with

Error: Registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment'\CurrentVersion' has value '1.8', but '1.7' is required.

Then try the following:

Delete java.exe, javaw.exe and javaws.exe from C:\Windows\System32

thats it :) .

To uninstall the service in windows

your-app.exe uninstall

For see/run/stop service: win+r and type Administrative tools then select the service from that. Then right click choose the option - run / stop

Sorting an ArrayList of objects using a custom sorting order

Ok, I know this was answered a long time ago... but, here's some new info:

Say the Contact class in question already has a defined natural ordering via implementing Comparable, but you want to override that ordering, say by name. Here's the modern way to do it:

List<Contact> contacts = ...;


This way it will sort by name first (in reverse order), and then for name collisions it will fall back to the 'natural' ordering implemented by the Contact class itself.

Can Powershell Run Commands in Parallel?

The answer from Steve Townsend is correct in theory but not in practice as @likwid pointed out. My revised code takes into account the job-context barrier--nothing crosses that barrier by default! The automatic $_ variable can thus be used in the loop but cannot be used directly within the script block because it is inside a separate context created by the job.

To pass variables from the parent context to the child context, use the -ArgumentList parameter on Start-Job to send it and use param inside the script block to receive it.

# Send in two root directory names, one that exists and one that does not.
# Should then get a "True" and a "False" result out the end.
"temp", "foo" | %{

  $ScriptBlock = {
    # accept the loop variable across the job-context barrier
    # Show the loop variable has made it through!
    Write-Host "[processing '$name' inside the job]"
    # Execute a command
    Test-Path "\$name"
    # Just wait for a bit...
    Start-Sleep 5

  # Show the loop variable here is correct
  Write-Host "processing $_..."

  # pass the loop variable across the job-context barrier
  Start-Job $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $_

# Wait for all to complete
While (Get-Job -State "Running") { Start-Sleep 2 }

# Display output from all jobs
Get-Job | Receive-Job

# Cleanup
Remove-Job *

(I generally like to provide a reference to the PowerShell documentation as supporting evidence but, alas, my search has been fruitless. If you happen to know where context separation is documented, post a comment here to let me know!)

How to get the Facebook user id using the access token

The facebook acess token looks similar too "1249203702|2.h1MTNeLqcLqw__.86400.129394400-605430316|-WE1iH_CV-afTgyhDPc"

if you extract the middle part by using | to split you get


then split again by -

the last part 605430316 is the user id.

Here is the C# code to extract the user id from the access token:

   public long ParseUserIdFromAccessToken(string accessToken)

         * access_token:
         *   1249203702|2.h1MTNeLqcLqw__.86400.129394400-605430316|-WE1iH_CV-afTgyhDPc
         *                                               |_______|
         *                                                   |
         *                                                user id

        long userId = 0;

        var accessTokenParts = accessToken.Split('|');

        if (accessTokenParts.Length == 3)
            var idPart = accessTokenParts[1];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(idPart))
                var index = idPart.LastIndexOf('-');
                if (index >= 0)
                    string id = idPart.Substring(index + 1);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                        return id;

        return null;

WARNING: The structure of the access token is undocumented and may not always fit the pattern above. Use it at your own risk.

Update Due to changes in Facebook. the preferred method to get userid from the encrypted access token is as follows:

    var fb = new FacebookClient(accessToken);
    var result = (IDictionary<string, object>)fb.Get("/me?fields=id");
    return (string)result["id"];
catch (FacebookOAuthException)
    return null;

Displaying a vector of strings in C++

Because userString is empty. You only declare it

vector<string> userString;     

but never add anything, so the for loop won't even run.

How can I print using JQuery

There is a jquery print area. I've been using it for some time now.

   $("#outprint").printArea({ mode: 'popup', popClose: true });

How do I scroll a row of a table into view (element.scrollintoView) using jQuery?

This runnable example shows how to use scrollIntoView() which is supported in all modern browsers:

The example below uses jQuery to select the element with #yourid.

$( "#yourid" )[0].scrollIntoView();
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p id="yourid">Hello world.</p>_x000D_

Read a plain text file with php

$array = explode("\n", file_get_contents($filename));

This wont actually read it line by line, but it will get you an array which can be used line by line. There are a number of alternatives.

How to disable/enable select field using jQuery?

Use the following:

$("select").attr("disabled", "disabled");

Or simply add id="pizza_kind" to <select> tag, like <select name="pizza_kind" id="pizza_kind">: jsfiddle link

The reason your code didn't work is simply because $("#pizza_kind") isn't selecting the <select> element because it does not have id="pizza_kind".

Edit: actually, a better selector is $("select[name='pizza_kind']"): jsfiddle link

how to pass command line arguments to main method dynamically

If you want to launch VM by sending arguments, you should send VM arguments and not Program arguments.

Program arguments are arguments that are passed to your application, which are accessible via the "args" String array parameter of your main method. VM arguments are arguments such as System properties that are passed to the JavaSW interpreter. The Debug configuration above is essentially equivalent to:

java -DsysProp1=sp1 -DsysProp2=sp2 test.ArgsTest pro1 pro2 pro3

The VM arguments go after the call to your Java interpreter (ie, 'java') and before the Java class. Program arguments go after your Java class.

Consider a program

package test;


    public class ArgsTest {

        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

            System.out.println("Program Arguments:");
            for (String arg : args) {
                System.out.println("\t" + arg);

            System.out.println("System Properties from VM Arguments");
            String sysProp1 = "sysProp1";
            System.out.println("\tName:" + sysProp1 + ", Value:" + System.getProperty(sysProp1));
            String sysProp2 = "sysProp2";
            System.out.println("\tName:" + sysProp2 + ", Value:" + System.getProperty(sysProp2));


If given input as,

java -DsysProp1=sp1 -DsysProp2=sp2 test.ArgsTest pro1 pro2 pro3 

in the commandline, in project bin folder would give the following result:

Program Arguments:
System Properties from VM Arguments
  Name:sysProp1, Value:sp1
  Name:sysProp2, Value:sp2

What is the default Jenkins password?

By default, Jenkins account is created without password and with the login shell as /bin/false.

jenkins:x:496:493:Jenkins Continuous Integration Server:/var/lib/jenkins:/bin/false

Change the shell to /bin/bash and you should be able to login without password by sudo su - jenkins.

Command to change the shell is:

chsh -s /bin/bash jenkin

How to checkout in Git by date?

git rev-list -n 1 --before="2009-07-27 13:37" origin/master

take the printed string (for instance XXXX) and do:

git checkout XXXX

Pip error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required

I got this error when I tried to install pymssql even though Visual C++ 2015 (14.0) is installed in my system.

I resolved this error by downloading the .whl file of pymssql from here.

Once downloaded, it can be installed by the following command :

pip install python_package.whl

Hope this helps

OnClickListener in Android Studio

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
        return true;

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
         int id = item.getItemId();
         if (id == {
            startActivity(new Intent(MainActivity.this,StandingsActivity.class));
            return true;
        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

What is Persistence Context?

  1. Entities are managed by javax.persistence.EntityManager instance using persistence context.
  2. Each EntityManager instance is associated with a persistence context.
  3. Within the persistence context, the entity instances and their lifecycle are managed.
  4. Persistence context defines a scope under which particular entity instances are created, persisted, and removed.
  5. A persistence context is like a cache which contains a set of persistent entities , So once the transaction is finished, all persistent objects are detached from the EntityManager's persistence context and are no longer managed.

Make columns of equal width in <table>

I think that this will do the trick:

    table-layout: fixed;
    width: 300px;

Google Maps Android API v2 - Interactive InfoWindow (like in original android google maps)

I was looking for a solution to this problem myself with no luck, so I had to roll my own which I would like to share here with you. (Please excuse my bad English) (It's a little crazy to answer another Czech guy in English :-) )

The first thing I tried was to use a good old PopupWindow. It's quite easy - one only has to listen to the OnMarkerClickListener and then show a custom PopupWindow above the marker. Some other guys here on StackOverflow suggested this solution and it actually looks quite good at first glance. But the problem with this solution shows up when you start to move the map around. You have to move the PopupWindow somehow yourself which is possible (by listening to some onTouch events) but IMHO you can't make it look good enough, especially on some slow devices. If you do it the simple way it "jumps" around from one spot to another. You could also use some animations to polish those jumps but this way the PopupWindow will always be "a step behind" where it should be on the map which I just don't like.

At this point, I was thinking about some other solution. I realized that I actually don't really need that much freedom - to show my custom views with all the possibilities that come with it (like animated progress bars etc.). I think there is a good reason why even the google engineers don't do it this way in the Google Maps app. All I need is a button or two on the InfoWindow that will show a pressed state and trigger some actions when clicked. So I came up with another solution which splits up into two parts:

First part:
The first part is to be able to catch the clicks on the buttons to trigger some action. My idea is as follows:

  1. Keep a reference to the custom infoWindow created in the InfoWindowAdapter.
  2. Wrap the MapFragment (or MapView) inside a custom ViewGroup (mine is called MapWrapperLayout)
  3. Override the MapWrapperLayout's dispatchTouchEvent and (if the InfoWindow is currently shown) first route the MotionEvents to the previously created InfoWindow. If it doesn't consume the MotionEvents (like because you didn't click on any clickable area inside InfoWindow etc.) then (and only then) let the events go down to the MapWrapperLayout's superclass so it will eventually be delivered to the map.

Here is the MapWrapperLayout's source code:



import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.RelativeLayout;

public class MapWrapperLayout extends RelativeLayout {
     * Reference to a GoogleMap object 
    private GoogleMap map;

     * Vertical offset in pixels between the bottom edge of our InfoWindow 
     * and the marker position (by default it's bottom edge too).
     * It's a good idea to use custom markers and also the InfoWindow frame, 
     * because we probably can't rely on the sizes of the default marker and frame. 
    private int bottomOffsetPixels;

     * A currently selected marker 
    private Marker marker;

     * Our custom view which is returned from either the InfoWindowAdapter.getInfoContents 
     * or InfoWindowAdapter.getInfoWindow
    private View infoWindow;    

    public MapWrapperLayout(Context context) {

    public MapWrapperLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public MapWrapperLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

     * Must be called before we can route the touch events
    public void init(GoogleMap map, int bottomOffsetPixels) { = map;
        this.bottomOffsetPixels = bottomOffsetPixels;

     * Best to be called from either the InfoWindowAdapter.getInfoContents 
     * or InfoWindowAdapter.getInfoWindow. 
    public void setMarkerWithInfoWindow(Marker marker, View infoWindow) {
        this.marker = marker;
        this.infoWindow = infoWindow;

    public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
        boolean ret = false;
        // Make sure that the infoWindow is shown and we have all the needed references
        if (marker != null && marker.isInfoWindowShown() && map != null && infoWindow != null) {
            // Get a marker position on the screen
            Point point = map.getProjection().toScreenLocation(marker.getPosition());

            // Make a copy of the MotionEvent and adjust it's location
            // so it is relative to the infoWindow left top corner
            MotionEvent copyEv = MotionEvent.obtain(ev);
                -point.x + (infoWindow.getWidth() / 2), 
                -point.y + infoWindow.getHeight() + bottomOffsetPixels);

            // Dispatch the adjusted MotionEvent to the infoWindow
            ret = infoWindow.dispatchTouchEvent(copyEv);
        // If the infoWindow consumed the touch event, then just return true.
        // Otherwise pass this event to the super class and return it's result
        return ret || super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev);

All this will make the views inside the InfoView "live" again - the OnClickListeners will start triggering etc.

Second part: The remaining problem is, that obviously, you can't see any UI changes of your InfoWindow on screen. To do that you have to manually call Marker.showInfoWindow. Now, if you perform some permanent change in your InfoWindow (like changing the label of your button to something else), this is good enough.

But showing a button pressed state or something of that nature is more complicated. The first problem is, that (at least) I wasn't able to make the InfoWindow show normal button's pressed state. Even if I pressed the button for a long time, it just remained unpressed on the screen. I believe this is something that is handled by the map framework itself which probably makes sure not to show any transient state in the info windows. But I could be wrong, I didn't try to find this out.

What I did is another nasty hack - I attached an OnTouchListener to the button and manually switched it's background when the button was pressed or released to two custom drawables - one with a button in a normal state and the other one in a pressed state. This is not very nice, but it works :). Now I was able to see the button switching between normal to pressed states on the screen.

There is still one last glitch - if you click the button too fast, it doesn't show the pressed state - it just remains in its normal state (although the click itself is fired so the button "works"). At least this is how it shows up on my Galaxy Nexus. So the last thing I did is that I delayed the button in it's pressed state a little. This is also quite ugly and I'm not sure how would it work on some older, slow devices but I suspect that even the map framework itself does something like this. You can try it yourself - when you click the whole InfoWindow, it remains in a pressed state a little longer, then normal buttons do (again - at least on my phone). And this is actually how it works even on the original Google Maps app.

Anyway, I wrote myself a custom class which handles the buttons state changes and all the other things I mentioned, so here is the code:


import android.os.Handler;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnTouchListener;


public abstract class OnInfoWindowElemTouchListener implements OnTouchListener {
    private final View view;
    private final Drawable bgDrawableNormal;
    private final Drawable bgDrawablePressed;
    private final Handler handler = new Handler();

    private Marker marker;
    private boolean pressed = false;

    public OnInfoWindowElemTouchListener(View view, Drawable bgDrawableNormal, Drawable bgDrawablePressed) {
        this.view = view;
        this.bgDrawableNormal = bgDrawableNormal;
        this.bgDrawablePressed = bgDrawablePressed;

    public void setMarker(Marker marker) {
        this.marker = marker;

    public boolean onTouch(View vv, MotionEvent event) {
        if (0 <= event.getX() && event.getX() <= view.getWidth() &&
            0 <= event.getY() && event.getY() <= view.getHeight())
            switch (event.getActionMasked()) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: startPress(); break;

            // We need to delay releasing of the view a little so it shows the pressed state on the screen
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: handler.postDelayed(confirmClickRunnable, 150); break;

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: endPress(); break;
            default: break;
        else {
            // If the touch goes outside of the view's area
            // (like when moving finger out of the pressed button)
            // just release the press
        return false;

    private void startPress() {
        if (!pressed) {
            pressed = true;
            if (marker != null) 

    private boolean endPress() {
        if (pressed) {
            this.pressed = false;
            if (marker != null) 
            return true;
            return false;

    private final Runnable confirmClickRunnable = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            if (endPress()) {
                onClickConfirmed(view, marker);

     * This is called after a successful click 
    protected abstract void onClickConfirmed(View v, Marker marker);

Here is a custom InfoWindow layout file that I used:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:gravity="center_vertical" >

        android:layout_marginRight="10dp" >

            android:text="Title" />

            android:text="snippet" />


        android:text="Button" />


Test activity layout file (MapFragment being inside the MapWrapperLayout):

< xmlns:android=""
    tools:context=".MainActivity" >

        class="" />


And finally source code of a test activity, which glues all this together:

package com.circlegate.testapp;


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {    
    private ViewGroup infoWindow;
    private TextView infoTitle;
    private TextView infoSnippet;
    private Button infoButton;
    private OnInfoWindowElemTouchListener infoButtonListener;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        final MapFragment mapFragment = (MapFragment)getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
        final MapWrapperLayout mapWrapperLayout = (MapWrapperLayout)findViewById(;
        final GoogleMap map = mapFragment.getMap();

        // MapWrapperLayout initialization
        // 39 - default marker height
        // 20 - offset between the default InfoWindow bottom edge and it's content bottom edge 
        mapWrapperLayout.init(map, getPixelsFromDp(this, 39 + 20)); 

        // We want to reuse the info window for all the markers, 
        // so let's create only one class member instance
        this.infoWindow = (ViewGroup)getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.info_window, null);
        this.infoTitle = (TextView)infoWindow.findViewById(;
        this.infoSnippet = (TextView)infoWindow.findViewById(;
        this.infoButton = (Button)infoWindow.findViewById(;

        // Setting custom OnTouchListener which deals with the pressed state
        // so it shows up 
        this.infoButtonListener = new OnInfoWindowElemTouchListener(infoButton,
            protected void onClickConfirmed(View v, Marker marker) {
                // Here we can perform some action triggered after clicking the button
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, marker.getTitle() + "'s button clicked!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        map.setInfoWindowAdapter(new InfoWindowAdapter() {
            public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker) {
                return null;

            public View getInfoContents(Marker marker) {
                // Setting up the infoWindow with current's marker info

                // We must call this to set the current marker and infoWindow references
                // to the MapWrapperLayout
                mapWrapperLayout.setMarkerWithInfoWindow(marker, infoWindow);
                return infoWindow;

        // Let's add a couple of markers
        map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
            .snippet("Czech Republic")
            .position(new LatLng(50.08, 14.43)));

        map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
            .position(new LatLng(48.86,2.33)));

        map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
            .snippet("United Kingdom")
            .position(new LatLng(51.51,-0.1)));

    public static int getPixelsFromDp(Context context, float dp) {
        final float scale = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
        return (int)(dp * scale + 0.5f);

That's it. So far I only tested this on my Galaxy Nexus (4.2.1) and Nexus 7 (also 4.2.1), I will try it on some Gingerbread phone when I have a chance. A limitation I found so far is that you can't drag the map from where is your button on the screen and move the map around. It could probably be overcome somehow but for now, I can live with that.

I know this is an ugly hack but I just didn't find anything better and I need this design pattern so badly that this would really be a reason to go back to the map v1 framework (which btw. I would really really like to avoid for a new app with fragments etc.). I just don't understand why Google doesn't offer developers some official way to have a button on InfoWindows. It's such a common design pattern, moreover this pattern is used even in the official Google Maps app :). I understand the reasons why they can't just make your views "live" in the InfoWindows - this would probably kill performance when moving and scrolling map around. But there should be some way how to achieve this effect without using views.

How do I get java logging output to appear on a single line?

Eclipse config

Per screenshot, in Eclipse select "run as" then "Run Configurations..." and add the answer from Trevor Robinson with double quotes instead of quotes. If you miss the double quotes you'll get "could not find or load main class" errors.

100% width in React Native Flexbox

Style ={{width : "100%"}}

try this:

StyleSheet generated: {
  "width": "80%",
  "textAlign": "center",
  "marginTop": 21.8625,
  "fontWeight": "bold",
  "fontSize": 16,
  "color": "rgb(24, 24, 24)",
  "fontFamily": "Trajan Pro",
  "textShadowColor": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)",
  "textShadowOffset": {
    "width": 0,
    "height": 0.5
} Android License Status Unknown

If you updated the android SDK, the licenses may have changed. Depending on how you did the update you may or may not have been prompted to accept the changes, or maybe it just doesn't save the fact that you did accept them in a way flutter can understand.

To resolve, try running

flutter doctor --android-licenses

This should prompt you to accept licenses (it may ask you first, in case just type y and press enter - although it should tell you that).

If you still have problems after doing that, it might be worth either opening a new bug in the Flutter Github repository, or adding a comment on an existing issue like this one as it may be what you're seeing.

The project cannot be built until the build path errors are resolved.

This what fixed it for me...

I was having an issue with my spring-core.jar. I deleted the entire release directory located here. (I'm on win 10).


I right clicked on the project > Maven > Update project and my exclamation mark disappeared. No problems any more.

Here is the source where I found the information:

What is System, out, println in System.out.println() in Java

The first answer you posted (System is a built-in class...) is pretty spot on.

You can add that the System class contains large portions which are native and that is set up by the JVM during startup, like connecting the System.out printstream to the native output stream associated with the "standard out" (console).

Post values from a multiple select

try this : here select is your select element

let select = document.getElementsByClassName('lstSelected')[0],
    options = select.options,
    len = options.length,
while (i<len){
    if (options[i].selected)
        data+= "&" + + '=' + options[i].value;
return data;

Data is in the form of query string

Variables as commands in bash scripts

I am not sure, but it might be worth running an eval on the commands first.

This will let bash expand the variables $TAR_CMD and such to their full breadth(just as the echo command does to the console, which you say works)

Bash will then read the line a second time with the variables expanded.


I just did a Google search and this page looks like it might do a decent job at explaining why that is needed.

Bitwise and in place of modulus operator

Modulo "7" without "%" operator

int a = x % 7;

int a = (x + x / 7) & 7;

make: *** No rule to make target `all'. Stop

Your makefile should ideally be named makefile, not make. Note that you can call your makefile anything you like, but as you found, you then need the -f option with make to specify the name of the makefile. Using the default name of makefile just makes life easier.

SQL, How to Concatenate results?

In my opinion, if you are using SQL Server 2017 or later, using STRING_AGG( ... ) is the best solution:

More at:

IIS7 Cache-Control

there is a easy way: 1. using website's web.config 2. in "staticContent" section remove specific fileExtension and add mimeMap 3. add "clientCache"

    <urlCompression doStaticCompression="true" doDynamicCompression="true" />
      <remove fileExtension=".ipa" />
      <remove fileExtension=".apk" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".ipa" mimeType="application/iphone" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".apk" mimeType="application/" />
      <clientCache cacheControlMode="UseMaxAge" cacheControlMaxAge="777.00:00:00" />

HTML Best Practices: Should I use &rsquo; or the special keyboard shortcut?

I don't think that one is better than the other in general; it depends on how you intend to use it.

  • If you want to store it in a DB column that has a charset/collation that does not support the right single quote character, you may run into storing it as the multi-byte character instead of 7-bit ASCII (&rsquo;).
  • If you are displaying it on an html element that specifies a charset that does not support it, it may not display in either case.
  • If many developers are going to be editing/viewing this file with editors/keyboards that do not support properly typing or displaying the character, you may want to use the entity
  • If you need to convert the file between various character encodings or formats, you may want to use the entity
  • If your HTML code may escape entities improperly, you may want to use the character.

In general I would lean more towards using the character because as you point out it is easier to read and type.

How do I use the CONCAT function in SQL Server 2008 R2?

Yes the function is not in sql 2008. You can use the cast operation to do that.

For example we have employee table and you want name with applydate.

so you can use

Select   cast(name as varchar) + cast(applydate as varchar) from employee

It will work where concat function is not working.

#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

The problem was I have 2 instances of Mysql installed and I didn't know the password for both instances.Just check if port 80 is used by any of the programs. This is what I did

1.Quit Skype because it was using port 80.(Please check if port 80 is used by any other program).

2.Search for Mysql services in task manager and stop it.

3.Now delete all the related mysql files.Make sure you delete all the files.


What's the difference between dependencies, devDependencies and peerDependencies in npm package.json file?

To save a package to package.json as dev dependencies:

npm install "$package" --save-dev

When you run npm install it will install both devDependencies and dependencies. To avoid install devDependencies run:

npm install --production

SQL : BETWEEN vs <= and >=

Logically there are no difference at all. Performance-wise there are -typically, on most DBMSes- no difference at all.

How do I measure separate CPU core usage for a process?

I had just this problem and I found a similar answer here.

The method is to set top the way you want it and then press W (capital W). This saves top's current layout to a configuration file in $HOME/.toprc

Although this might not work if you want to run multiple top's with different configurations.

So via what I consider a work around you can write to different config files / use different config files by doing one of the following...

1) Rename the binary

  ln -s /usr/bin/top top2

Now .top2rc is going to be written to your $HOME

2) Set $HOME to some alternative path, since it will write its config file to the $HOME/.binary-name.rc file


Now .toprc is going to be written to the current folder.

Via use of other peoples comments to add the various usage accounting in top you can create a batch output for that information and latter coalesces the information via a script. Maybe not quite as simple as you script but I found top to provide me ALL processes so that later I can recap and capture a state during a long run that I might have missed otherwise (unexplained sudden CPU usage due to stray processes)

Adding a stylesheet to (using Visual Studio 2010)

Several things here.

First off, you're defining your CSS in 3 places!

In line, in the head and externally. I suggest you only choose one. I'm going to suggest externally.

I suggest you update your code in your ASP form from

<td style="background-color: #A3A3A3; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: 'Arial Black'; font-size: large; font-weight: bold;" 

to this:

<td  class="style6">

And then update your css too

        height: 79px; background-color: #A3A3A3; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: 'Arial Black'; font-size: large; font-weight: bold;

This removes the inline.

Now, to move it from the head of the webForm.

<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="MasterPage.master.cs" Inherits="MasterPage" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<title>AR Toolbox</title>
    <link rel="Stylesheet" href="css/master.css" type="text/css" />
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<table class="style1">
        <td class="style6">
            <asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server">
                    <asp:MenuItem Text="Home" Value="Home"></asp:MenuItem>
                    <asp:MenuItem Text="About" Value="About"></asp:MenuItem>
                    <asp:MenuItem Text="Compliance" Value="Compliance">
                        <asp:MenuItem Text="Item 1" Value="Item 1"></asp:MenuItem>
                        <asp:MenuItem Text="Item 2" Value="Item 2"></asp:MenuItem>
                    <asp:MenuItem Text="Tools" Value="Tools"></asp:MenuItem>
                    <asp:MenuItem Text="Contact" Value="Contact"></asp:MenuItem>
        <td class="style6">
            <img alt="South University'" class="style7" 
                src="file:///C:/Users/jnewnam/Documents/Visual%20Studio%202010/WebSites/WebSite1/img/suo_n_seal_hor_pantone.png" /></td>
        <td class="style2">
            <table class="style3">
        <td style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #A3A3A3">
            This is the footer.</td>

Now, in a new file called master.css (in your css folder) add

ul {

li {
    width: 100%;
    height: 459px;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    height: 79px; background-color: #A3A3A3; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: 'Arial Black'; font-size: large; font-weight: bold;
    width: 345px;
    height: 73px;

How should I escape commas and speech marks in CSV files so they work in Excel?

According to Yashu's instructions, I wrote the following function (it's PL/SQL code, but it should be easily adaptable to any other language).

'; -- newline is intentional

    v_aux VARCHAR2(32000);
    v_has_double_quotes BOOLEAN;
    v_has_comma BOOLEAN;
    v_has_newline BOOLEAN;
    v_has_double_quotes := instr(str, '"') > 0;
    v_has_comma := instr(str,',') > 0;
    v_has_newline := instr(str, C_NEWLINE) > 0;

    IF v_has_double_quotes OR v_has_comma OR v_has_newline THEN
        IF v_has_double_quotes THEN
            v_aux := replace(str,'"','""');
            v_aux := str;
        END IF;
        return '"'||v_aux||'"';
        return str;
    END IF;

Angular @ViewChild() error: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1

Angular 8

In Angular 8, ViewChild has another param

@ViewChild('nameInput', {static: false}) component : Component

You can read more about it here and here

Angular 9 & Angular 10

In Angular 9 default value is static: false, so doesn't need to provide param unless you want to use {static: true}

Check if object value exists within a Javascript array of objects and if not add a new object to array

You can try this also

 const addUser = (name) => {
    if (arr.filter(a => == name).length <= 0)
            id: arr.length + 1,
            name: name

Assigning variables with dynamic names in Java

Try this way:

    HashMap<String, Integer> hashMap = new HashMap();

    for (int i=1; i<=3; i++) {
        hashMap.put("n" + i, 5);

How can I remove all files in my git repo and update/push from my local git repo?

I was trying to do :

git rm -r *

but at the end for me works :

git rm -r .

I hope it helps to you.

Capturing image from webcam in java?

You can try Java Webcam SDK library also. SDK demo applet is available at link.

DataGrid get selected rows' column values

Solution based on Tonys answer:

        DataGrid dg = sender as DataGrid;
        User row = (User)dg.SelectedItems[0];

How to read PDF files using Java?

with Apache PDFBox it goes like this:

PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(new File("test.pdf"));
if (!document.isEncrypted()) {
    PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper();
    String text = stripper.getText(document);
    System.out.println("Text:" + text);

Spring - @Transactional - What happens in background?

It may be late but I came across something which explains your concern related to proxy (only 'external' method calls coming in through the proxy will be intercepted) nicely.

For example, you have a class that looks like this

public class CoreBusinessSubordinate {

    public void doSomethingBig() {
        System.out.println("I did something small");

    public void doSomethingSmall(int x){
        System.out.println("I also do something small but with an int");    

and you have an aspect, that looks like this:

public class CrossCuttingConcern {

    @Before("execution(* com.intertech.CoreBusinessSubordinate.*(..))")
    public void doCrossCutStuff(){
        System.out.println("Doing the cross cutting concern now");

When you execute it like this:

public class CoreBusinessKickOff {

    CoreBusinessSubordinate subordinate;

    // getter/setters

    public void kickOff() {
       System.out.println("I do something big");


Results of calling kickOff above given code above.

I do something big
Doing the cross cutting concern now
I did something small
Doing the cross cutting concern now
I also do something small but with an int

but when you change your code to

public class CoreBusinessSubordinate {

    public void doSomethingBig() {
        System.out.println("I did something small");

    public void doSomethingSmall(int x){
       System.out.println("I also do something small but with an int");    

public void kickOff() {
  System.out.println("I do something big");

You see, the method internally calls another method so it won't be intercepted and the output would look like this:

I do something big
Doing the cross cutting concern now
I did something small
I also do something small but with an int

You can by-pass this by doing that

public void doSomethingBig() {
    System.out.println("I did something small");
    ((CoreBusinessSubordinate) AopContext.currentProxy()).doSomethingSmall(4);

Code snippets taken from:

How do I put variables inside javascript strings?

With Node.js v4 , you can use ES6's Template strings

var my_name = 'John';
var s = `hello ${my_name}, how are you doing`;
console.log(s); // prints hello John, how are you doing

You need to wrap string within backtick ` instead of '

Assigning multiple styles on an HTML element

In HTML the style tag has the following syntax:


so in your case:

<h2 style="text-align:center;font-family:tahoma">TITLE</h2>

Hope this helps.

href overrides ng-click in Angular.js

This works for me

<a href (click)="logout()">
   <i class="icon-power-off"></i>

Python json.loads shows ValueError: Extra data

My json file was formatted exactly as the one in the question but none of the solutions here worked out. Finally I found a workaround on another Stackoverflow thread. Since this post is the first link in Google search, I put the that answer here so that other people come to this post in the future will find it more easily.

As it's been said there the valid json file needs "[" in the beginning and "]" in the end of file. Moreover, after each json item instead of "}" there must be a "},". All brackets without quotations! This piece of code just modifies the malformed json file into its correct format.

How to convert std::string to LPCSTR?

The conversion is simple:

std::string str; LPCSTR lpcstr = str.c_str();

Open a PDF using VBA in Excel

Use Shell "program file path file path you want to open".


Shell "c:\windows\system32\mspaint.exe c:users\admin\x.jpg"

How to properly set the 100% DIV height to match document/window height?

I figured it out myself with the help of someone's answer. But he deleted it for some reason.

Here's the solution:

  1. remove all CSS height hacks and 100% heights
  2. Use 2 nested wrappers, one in another, e.g. #wrapper and #truecontent
  3. Get the height of a browser viewport. IF it's larger than #wrapper, then set inline CSS for #wrapper to match the current browser viewport height (while keeping #truecontent intact)
  4. Listen on (window).resize event and ONLY apply inline CSS height IF the viewport is larger than the height of #truecontent, otherwise keep intact

        var windowH = $(window).height();
        var wrapperH = $('#wrapper').height();
        if(windowH > wrapperH) {                            
            var windowH = $(window).height();
            var wrapperH = $('#wrapper').height();
            var differenceH = windowH - wrapperH;
            var newH = wrapperH + differenceH;
            var truecontentH = $('#truecontent').height();
            if(windowH > truecontentH) {
                $('#wrapper').css('height', (newH)+'px');

How to set a header in an HTTP response?

In my Controller, I merely added an HttpServletResponse parameter and manually added the headers, no filter or intercept required and it works fine:

httpServletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, OPTIONS");
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers","Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, X-Auth-Token, X-Csrf-Token, WWW-Authenticate, Authorization");
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "false");
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", "3600");

Can I change the color of Font Awesome's icon color?


    <i class="icon-cog blackiconcolor">

css :

    .blackiconcolor {color:black;}

you can also add extra class to the button icon...

AngularJS - difference between pristine/dirty and touched/untouched

In Pro Angular-6 book is detailed as below;

  • valid: This property returns true if the element’s contents are valid and false otherwise.
  • invalid: This property returns true if the element’s contents are invalid and false otherwise.

  • pristine: This property returns true if the element’s contents have not been changed.

  • dirty: This property returns true if the element’s contents have been changed.
  • untouched: This property returns true if the user has not visited the element.
  • touched: This property returns true if the user has visited the element.

Reset push notification settings for app

After hours of searching, and no luck with the suggestions above, this worked like to a charm for 3.x+

override func viewDidLoad() {



func requestAuthorization() {

        if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {

            UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge]) { (granted, error) in
                print("Access granted: \(granted.description)")

        } else {
            // Fallback on earlier versions


MYSQL Sum Query with IF Condition

How about this?

SUM(IF(PaymentType = "credit card", totalamount, 0)) AS CreditCardTotal

How can I remove a character from a string using JavaScript?

In C# (Sharp), you can make an empty character as '\0'. Maybe you can do this:

String.prototype.replaceAt = function (index, char) {
return this.substr(0, index) + char + this.substr(index + char.length);
mystring.replaceAt(4, '\0')

Search on google or surf on the interent and check if javascript allows you to make empty characters, like C# does. If yes, then learn how to do it, and maybe the replaceAt function will work at last, and you'll achieve what you want!

Finally that 'r' character will be removed!

Fast way of finding lines in one file that are not in another?

You can use Python:

python -c '
lines_to_remove = set()
with open("file2", "r") as f:
    for line in f.readlines():

with open("f1", "r") as f:
    for line in f.readlines():
        if line.strip() not in lines_to_remove:

Is there an "exists" function for jQuery?

I stumbled upon this question and i'd like to share a snippet of code i currently use:

$.fn.exists = function(callback) {
    var self = this;
    var wrapper = (function(){
            function notExists () {}

            notExists.prototype.otherwise = function(fallback){
                if (!self.length) {                    

            return new notExists;

    if(self.length) {;    

    return wrapper;

And now i can write code like this -

    alert ("it exists");
    alert ("it doesn't exist");

It might seem a lot of code, but when written in CoffeeScript it is quite small:

$.fn.exists = (callback) ->
    exists = @length if exists        
    new class
       otherwise: (fallback) ->            
   if not exists

Bootstrap 3.0 Popovers and tooltips

You just need to enable the tooltip:

$('some id or class that you add to the above a tag').popover({
    trigger: "hover" 

What is the difference between min SDK version/target SDK version vs. compile SDK version?

The formula is

minSdkVersion <= targetSdkVersion <= compileSdkVersion

minSdkVersion - is a marker that defines a minimum Android version on which application will be able to install. Also it is used by Lint to prevent calling API that doesn’t exist. Also it has impact on Build Time. So you can use build flavors to override minSdkVersion to maximum during the development. It will help to make build faster using all improvements that the Android team provides for us. For example some features Java 8 are available only from specific version of minSdkVersion.

targetSdkVersion - If AndroidOS version is >= targetSdkVersion it says Android system to turn on specific(new) behavior changes. *Please note that some of new behaviors will be turned on by default even if thought targetSdkVersion is <, you should read official doc.

For example:

  • Starting in Android 6.0 (API level 23) Runtime Permissions were introduced. If you set targetSdkVersion to 22 or lower your application does not ask a user for some permission in run time.

  • Starting in Android 8.0 (API level 26), all notifications must be assigned to a channel or it will not appear. On devices running Android 7.1 (API level 25) and lower, users can manage notifications on a per-app basis only (effectively each app only has one channel on Android 7.1 and lower).

  • Starting in Android 9 (API level 28), Web-based data directories separated by process. If targetSdkVersion is 28+ and you create several WebView in different processes you will get java.lang.RuntimeException

compileSdkVersion - actually it is SDK Platform version and tells Gradle which Android SDK use to compile. When you want to use new features or debug .java files from Android SDK you should take care of compileSdkVersion. One more example is using AndroidX that forces to use compileSdkVersion - level 28. compileSdkVersion is not included in your APK: it is purely used at compile time. Changing your compileSdkVersion does not change runtime behavior. It can generate for example new compiler warnings/errors. Therefore it is strongly recommended that you always compile with the latest SDK. You’ll get all the benefits of new compilation checks on existing code, avoid newly deprecated APIs, and be ready to use new APIs. One more fact is compileSdkVersion >= Support Library version

You can read more about it here. Also I would recommend you to take a look at the example of migration to Android 8.0.


Changing the JFrame title

newTitle is a local variable where you create the fields. So when that functions ends, the variable newTitle, does not exist anymore. (The JTextField that was referenced by newTitle does still exist however.)

Thus, increase the scope of the variable, so that you can access it another method.

public SomeFrame extends JFrame {
   JTextField myTitle;//can be used anywhere in this class

   //other code
      myTitle = new JTextField("spam");  
      myTitle.setBounds(80, 40, 225, 20);
   //blabla other code

   private void New_Name()  

How to validate a credit card number + the Luhn algorithm:

var checkLuhn = function (cardNo) {
    var s = 0;
    var doubleDigit = false;
    for (var i = cardNo.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        var digit = +cardNo[i];
        if (doubleDigit) {
            digit *= 2;
            if (digit > 9)
                digit -= 9;
        s += digit;
        doubleDigit = !doubleDigit;
    return s % 10 == 0;

P.S.: Do not use regex for this, as it is done by the link. But it is useful to use text definitions of each card. Here it is:

American Express: Starting with 34 or 37, length 15 digits.

Visa: Starting with 4, length 13 or 16 digits.

MasterCard: Starting with 51 through 55, length 16 digits.

Discover: Starting with 6011, length 16 digits or starting with 5, length 15 digits.

Diners Club: Starting with 300 through 305, 36, or 38, length 14 digits.

JCB: Starting with 2131 or 1800, length 15 digits or starting with 35, length 16 digits.

I have it done like this:

var validateCardNo = function (no) {
    return (no && checkLuhn(no) &&
        no.length == 16 && (no[0] == 4 || no[0] == 5 && no[1] >= 1 && no[1] <= 5 ||
        (no.indexOf("6011") == 0 || no.indexOf("65") == 0)) ||
        no.length == 15 && (no.indexOf("34") == 0 || no.indexOf("37") == 0) ||
        no.length == 13 && no[0] == 4)

Where can I find "make" program for Mac OS X Lion?

If you installed xcode and upgraded to mountain lion, or you don't have the latest command line tools installed, or you have zsh or other shells, you can shortcut to some of the embedded tools in the developer directory with:

xcrun make

Test if remote TCP port is open from a shell script

As pointed by B. Rhodes, nc (netcat) will do the job. A more compact way to use it:

nc -z <host> <port>

That way nc will only check if the port is open, exiting with 0 on success, 1 on failure.

For a quick interactive check (with a 5 seconds timeout):

nc -z -v -w5 <host> <port>

SQL ON DELETE CASCADE, Which Way Does the Deletion Occur?

Here is a simple example for others visiting this old post, but is confused by the example in the question and the other answer:

Delivery -> Package (One -> Many)

    NoteNumber NVARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

    Delivery_Id INT NOT NULL,

The entry with the foreign key Delivery_Id (Package) is deleted with the referenced entity in the FK relationship (Delivery).

So when a Delivery is deleted the Packages referencing it will also be deleted. If a Package is deleted nothing happens to any deliveries.

What is the difference between the float and integer data type when the size is the same?

  • float stores floating-point values, that is, values that have potential decimal places
  • int only stores integral values, that is, whole numbers

So while both are 32 bits wide, their use (and representation) is quite different. You cannot store 3.141 in an integer, but you can in a float.

Dissecting them both a little further:

In an integer, all bits are used to store the number value. This is (in Java and many computers too) done in the so-called two's complement. This basically means that you can represent the values of −231 to 231 − 1.

In a float, those 32 bits are divided between three distinct parts: The sign bit, the exponent and the mantissa. They are laid out as follows:


There is a single bit that determines whether the number is negative or non-negative (zero is neither positive nor negative, but has the sign bit set to zero). Then there are eight bits of an exponent and 23 bits of mantissa. To get a useful number from that, (roughly) the following calculation is performed:

M × 2E

(There is more to it, but this should suffice for the purpose of this discussion)

The mantissa is in essence not much more than a 24-bit integer number. This gets multiplied by 2 to the power of the exponent part, which, roughly, is a number between −128 and 127.

Therefore you can accurately represent all numbers that would fit in a 24-bit integer but the numeric range is also much greater as larger exponents allow for larger values. For example, the maximum value for a float is around 3.4 × 1038 whereas int only allows values up to 2.1 × 109.

But that also means, since 32 bits only have 4.2 × 109 different states (which are all used to represent the values int can store), that at the larger end of float's numeric range the numbers are spaced wider apart (since there cannot be more unique float numbers than there are unique int numbers). You cannot represent some numbers exactly, then. For example, the number 2 × 1012 has a representation in float of 1,999,999,991,808. That might be close to 2,000,000,000,000 but it's not exact. Likewise, adding 1 to that number does not change it because 1 is too small to make a difference in the larger scales float is using there.

Similarly, you can also represent very small numbers (between 0 and 1) in a float but regardless of whether the numbers are very large or very small, float only has a precision of around 6 or 7 decimal digits. If you have large numbers those digits are at the start of the number (e.g. 4.51534 × 1035, which is nothing more than 451534 follows by 30 zeroes – and float cannot tell anything useful about whether those 30 digits are actually zeroes or something else), for very small numbers (e.g. 3.14159 × 10−27) they are at the far end of the number, way beyond the starting digits of 0.0000...

How can I remove all my changes in my SVN working directory?

svn revert will undo any local changes you've made

Regular Expression for matching parentheses

The solution consists in a regex pattern matching open and closing parenthesis

String str = "Your(String)";
// parameter inside split method is the pattern that matches opened and closed parenthesis, 
// that means all characters inside "[ ]" escaping parenthesis with "\\" -> "[\\(\\)]"
String[] parts = str.split("[\\(\\)]");
for (String part : parts) {
   // I print first "Your", in the second round trip "String"

Writing in Java 8's style, this can be solved in this way:


I hope it is clear.

How to use matplotlib tight layout with Figure?

Just call fig.tight_layout() as you normally would. (pyplot is just a convenience wrapper. In most cases, you only use it to quickly generate figure and axes objects and then call their methods directly.)

There shouldn't be a difference between the QtAgg backend and the default backend (or if there is, it's a bug).


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#-- In your case, you'd do something more like:
# from matplotlib.figure import Figure
# fig = Figure()
#-- ...but we want to use it interactive for a quick example, so 
#--    we'll do it this way
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=4)

for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat, start=1):
    ax.set_title('Test Axes {}'.format(i))
    ax.set_xlabel('X axis')
    ax.set_ylabel('Y axis')

Before Tight Layout

enter image description here

After Tight Layout

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=4)

for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat, start=1):
    ax.set_title('Test Axes {}'.format(i))
    ax.set_xlabel('X axis')
    ax.set_ylabel('Y axis')


enter image description here

Understanding "VOLUME" instruction in DockerFile

Specifying a VOLUME line in a Dockerfile configures a bit of metadata on your image, but how that metadata is used is important.

First, what did these two lines do:

WORKDIR /usr/src/app
VOLUME . /usr/src/app

The WORKDIR line there creates the directory if it doesn't exist, and updates some image metadata to specify all relative paths, along with the current directory for commands like RUN will be in that location. The VOLUME line there specifies two volumes, one is the relative path ., and the other is /usr/src/app, both just happen to be the same directory. Most often the VOLUME line only contains a single directory, but it can contain multiple as you've done, or it can be a json formatted array.

You cannot specify a volume source in the Dockerfile: A common source of confusion when specifying volumes in a Dockerfile is trying to match the runtime syntax of a source and destination at image build time, this will not work. The Dockerfile can only specify the destination of the volume. It would be a trivial security exploit if someone could define the source of a volume since they could update a common image on the docker hub to mount the root directory into the container and then launch a background process inside the container as part of an entrypoint that adds logins to /etc/passwd, configures systemd to launch a bitcoin miner on next reboot, or searches the filesystem for credit cards, SSNs, and private keys to send off to a remote site.

What does the VOLUME line do? As mentioned, it sets some image metadata to say a directory inside the image is a volume. How is this metadata used? Every time you create a container from this image, docker will force that directory to be a volume. If you do not provide a volume in your run command, or compose file, the only option for docker is to create an anonymous volume. This is a local named volume with a long unique id for the name and no other indication for why it was created or what data it contains (anonymous volumes are were data goes to get lost). If you override the volume, pointing to a named or host volume, your data will go there instead.

VOLUME breaks things: You cannot disable a volume once defined in a Dockerfile. And more importantly, the RUN command in docker is implemented with temporary containers. Those temporary containers will get a temporary anonymous volume. That anonymous volume will be initialized with the contents of your image. Any writes inside the container from your RUN command will be made to that volume. When the RUN command finishes, changes to the image are saved, and changes to the anonymous volume are discarded. Because of this, I strongly recommend against defining a VOLUME inside the Dockerfile. It results in unexpected behavior for downstream users of your image that wish to extend the image with initial data in volume location.

How should you specify a volume? To specify where you want to include volumes with your image, provide a docker-compose.yml. Users can modify that to adjust the volume location to their local environment, and it captures other runtime settings like publishing ports and networking.

Someone should document this! They have. Docker includes warnings on the VOLUME usage in their documentation on the Dockerfile along with advice to specify the source at runtime:

  • Changing the volume from within the Dockerfile: If any build steps change the data within the volume after it has been declared, those changes will be discarded.


  • The host directory is declared at container run-time: The host directory (the mountpoint) is, by its nature, host-dependent. This is to preserve image portability, since a given host directory can’t be guaranteed to be available on all hosts. For this reason, you can’t mount a host directory from within the Dockerfile. The VOLUME instruction does not support specifying a host-dir parameter. You must specify the mountpoint when you create or run the container.

JavaScript associative array to JSON

Arrays should only have entries with numerical keys (arrays are also objects but you really should not mix these).

If you convert an array to JSON, the process will only take numerical properties into account. Other properties are simply ignored and that's why you get an empty array as result. Maybe this more obvious if you look at the length of the array:

> AssocArray.length

What is often referred to as "associative array" is actually just an object in JS:

var AssocArray = {};  // <- initialize an object, not an array
AssocArray["a"] = "The letter A"

console.log("a = " + AssocArray["a"]); // "a = The letter A"
JSON.stringify(AssocArray); // "{"a":"The letter A"}"

Properties of objects can be accessed via array notation or dot notation (if the key is not a reserved keyword). Thus AssocArray.a is the same as AssocArray['a'].

jQuery datepicker years shown

If you look down the demo page a bit, you'll see a "Restricting Datepicker" section. Use the dropdown to specify the "Year dropdown shows last 20 years" demo , and hit view source:

    yearRange: "-20:+0", // this is the option you're looking for
    showOn: "both", 
    buttonImage: "templates/images/calendar.gif", 
    buttonImageOnly: true 

You'll want to do the same (obviously changing -20 to -100 or something).

Preventing an image from being draggable or selectable without using JS

You could probably just resort to

<img src="..." style="pointer-events: none;">

How to get different colored lines for different plots in a single figure?

Matplot colors your plot with different colors , but incase you wanna put specific colors

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    x = np.arange(10)
    plt.plot(x, x)
    plt.plot(x, 2 * x,color='blue')
    plt.plot(x, 3 * x,color='red')
    plt.plot(x, 4 * x,color='green')

How to get parameters from a URL string?

Use $_GET['email'] for parameters in URL. Use $_POST['email'] for posted data to script. Or use _$REQUEST for both. Also, as mentioned, you can use parse_url() function that returns all parts of URL. Use a part called 'query' - there you can find your email parameter. More info:

Why do I have to run "composer dump-autoload" command to make migrations work in laravel?

OK so I think i know the issue you're having.

Basically, because Composer can't see the migration files you are creating, you are having to run the dump-autoload command which won't download anything new, but looks for all of the classes it needs to include again. It just regenerates the list of all classes that need to be included in the project (autoload_classmap.php), and this is why your migration is working after you run that command.

How to fix it (possibly) You need to add some extra information to your composer.json file.

"autoload": {
    "classmap": [

You need to add the path to your migrations folder to the classmap array. Then run the following three commands...

php artisan clear-compiled 
composer dump-autoload
php artisan optimize

This will clear the current compiled files, update the classes it needs and then write them back out so you don't have to do it again.

Ideally, you execute composer dump-autoload -o , for a faster load of your webpages. The only reason it is not default, is because it takes a bit longer to generate (but is only slightly noticable).

Hope you can manage to get this sorted, as its very annoying indeed :(

Wait until a process ends

Like Jon Skeet says, use the Process.Exited:

proc.StartInfo.FileName = exportPath + @"\" + fileExe;
proc.Exited += new EventHandler(myProcess_Exited);
inProcess = true;

while (inProcess)
    if (proc.HasExited)
        inProcess = false;

private void myProcess_Exited(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    inProcess = false;
    Console.WriteLine("Exit time:    {0}\r\n" +
      "Exit code:    {1}\r\n", proc.ExitTime, proc.ExitCode);

What can MATLAB do that R cannot do?

As a user of both MATLAB and R, I think they are very different applications. I myself have a background in computer science, etc. and I can't help thinking that R is by statisticians for statisticians whereas MATLAB is by programmers for programmers.

R makes it very easy to visualize and compute all sorts of statistical stuff but I wouldn't use it to implement anything signal processing related if it was up to me.

To sum up, if you want to do statistics, use R. If you want to program, use MATLAB or some programming language.

Htaccess: add/remove trailing slash from URL

This is what I've used for my latest app.

# redirect the main page to landing
##RedirectMatch 302 ^/$ /landing

# remove php ext from url
RewriteEngine on 

# File exists but has a trailing slash
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^/?(.*)/+$ /$1 [R=302,L,QSA]

# ok. It will still find the file but relative assets won't load
# e.g. page: /landing/  -> assets/js/main.js/main
# that's we have the rules above.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !\.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}\.php -f 
RewriteRule ^/?(.*?)/?$ $1.php

Convert data.frame column format from character to factor

You could use dplyr::mutate_if() to convert all character columns or dplyr::mutate_at() for select named character columns to factors:


# all character columns to factor:
df <- mutate_if(df, is.character, as.factor)

# select character columns 'char1', 'char2', etc. to factor:
df <- mutate_at(df, vars(char1, char2), as.factor)

Uppercase first letter of variable

You can use text-transform: capitalize; for this work -


<input type="text" style="text-transform: capitalize;" />

JQuery -

$(document).ready(function (){
   var asdf = "WERTY UIOP";

Try This

Note: It's only change visual representation of the string. If you alert this string it's always show original value of the string.

'foo' was not declared in this scope c++

In C++ you are supposed to declare functions before you can use them. In your code integrate is not declared before the point of the first call to integrate. The same applies to sum. Hence the error. Either reorder your definitions so that function definition precedes the first call to that function, or introduce a [forward] non-defining declaration for each function.

Additionally, defining external non-inline functions in header files in a no-no in C++. Your definitions of SkewNormalEvalutatable::SkewNormalEvalutatable, getSkewNormal, integrate etc. have no business being in header file.

Also SkewNormalEvalutatable e(); declaration in C++ declares a function e, not an object e as you seem to assume. The simple SkewNormalEvalutatable e; will declare an object initialized by default constructor.

Also, you receive the last parameter of integrate (and of sum) by value as an object of Evaluatable type. That means that attempting to pass SkewNormalEvalutatable as last argument of integrate will result in SkewNormalEvalutatable getting sliced to Evaluatable. Polymorphism won't work because of that. If you want polymorphic behavior, you have to receive this parameter by reference or by pointer, but not by value.

How to display a gif fullscreen for a webpage background?

This should do what you're looking for.


html, body {
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0;

.gif-container {
  background: url("image.gif") center;
  background-size: cover;

  height: 100%;


<div class="gif-container"></div>

How do I get the key at a specific index from a Dictionary in Swift?


Slightly off-topic: But here is if you have an Array of Dictionaries i.e: [ [String : String] ]

var array_has_dictionary = [ // Start of array

   // Dictionary 1

     "name" : "xxxx",
     "age" : "xxxx",

   // Dictionary 2

     "name" : "yyy",
     "age" : "yyy",

 ] // end of array

cell.textLabel?.text =  Array(array_has_dictionary[1])[1].key
// Output: age -> yyy

dynamically add and remove view to viewpager

There are quite a few discussions around this topic

Although we see it often, using POSITION_NONE does not seem to be the way to go as it is very inefficient memory-wise.

Here in this question, we should consider using Alvaro's approach:

... is to setTag() method in instantiateItem() when instantiating a new view. Then instead of using notifyDataSetChanged(), you can use findViewWithTag() to find the view you want to update.

Here is a SO answer with code based on this idea

C# Return Different Types?

To build on the answer by @RQDQ using generics, you can combine this with Func<TResult> (or some variation) and delegate responsibility to the caller:

public T GetAnything<T>(Func<T> createInstanceOfT)
    //do whatever

    return createInstanceOfT();

Then you can do something like:

Computer comp = GetAnything(() => new Computer());
Radio rad = GetAnything(() => new Radio());

Is there a way to set background-image as a base64 encoded image?

I tried to do the same as you, but apparently the backgroundImage doesn't work with encoded data. As an alternative, I suggest to use CSS classes and the change between those classes.

If you are generating the data "on the fly" you can load the CSS files dynamically.


.backgroundA {
    background-image: url("");

.backgroundB {


<div id="test" height="20px" class="backgroundA"> 
  div test 1
<div id="test2" name="test2" height="20px" class="backgroundB">
  div test2
<input type="button" id="btn" />


function change() {
    if (document.getElementById("test").className =="backgroundA") {
    } else {

btn.onclick= change;

I fiddled it here, press the button and it will switch the divs' backgrounds:

What is the difference between Subject and BehaviorSubject?

It might help you to understand.

import * as Rx from 'rxjs';

const subject1 = new Rx.Subject();;
subject1.subscribe(x => console.log(x)); // will print nothing -> because we subscribed after the emission and it does not hold the value.

const subject2 = new Rx.Subject();
subject2.subscribe(x => console.log(x)); // print 1 -> because the emission happend after the subscription.;

const behavSubject1 = new Rx.BehaviorSubject(1);;
behavSubject1.subscribe(x => console.log(x)); // print 2 -> because it holds the value.

const behavSubject2 = new Rx.BehaviorSubject(1);
behavSubject2.subscribe(x => console.log('val:', x)); // print 1 -> default value // just because of next emission will print 2 

GenyMotion Unable to start the Genymotion virtual device

it worked for me when I start Gennymotion in Admin mode

Android, How to read QR code in my application?

Zxing is an excellent library to perform Qr code scanning and generation. The following implementation uses Zxing library to scan the QR code image Don't forget to add following dependency in the build.gradle

implementation 'me.dm7.barcodescanner:zxing:1.9'

Code scanner activity:

    public class QrCodeScanner extends AppCompatActivity implements ZXingScannerView.ResultHandler {
        private ZXingScannerView mScannerView;

        public void onCreate(Bundle state) {
            // Programmatically initialize the scanner view
            mScannerView = new ZXingScannerView(this);
            // Set the scanner view as the content view

        public void onResume() {
            // Register ourselves as a handler for scan results.
            // Start camera on resume

        public void onPause() {
            // Stop camera on pause

        public void handleResult(Result rawResult) {
            // Do something with the result here
            // Prints scan results
            Logger.verbose("result", rawResult.getText());
            // Prints the scan format (qrcode, pdf417 etc.)
            Logger.verbose("result", rawResult.getBarcodeFormat().toString());
            //If you would like to resume scanning, call this method below:
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra(AppConstants.KEY_QR_CODE, rawResult.getText());
            setResult(RESULT_OK, intent);

Bootstrap Dropdown menu is not working

I had a bootstrap + rails project, and dropdown worked fine. They stopped to works after an update...

This is the solution that fixed the problem, add the following to .js file:

$(document).ready(function() {

Pretty Printing JSON with React

Here is a demo react_hooks_debug_print.html in react hooks that is based on Chris's answer. The json data example is from

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>Hello World</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

    <!-- Don't use this in production: -->
    <script src="[email protected]/babel.min.js"></script>
    <div id="root"></div>
    <script src=""></script>

    <script type="text/babel">

let styles = {
  root: { backgroundColor: '#1f4662', color: '#fff', fontSize: '12px', },
  header: { backgroundColor: '#193549', padding: '5px 10px', fontFamily: 'monospace', color: '#ffc600', },
  pre: { display: 'block', padding: '10px 30px', margin: '0', overflow: 'scroll', }

let data = {
  "glossary": {
    "title": "example glossary",
    "GlossDiv": {
      "title": "S",
      "GlossList": {
        "GlossEntry": {
          "ID": "SGML",
          "SortAs": "SGML",
          "GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language",
          "Acronym": "SGML",
          "Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986",
          "GlossDef": {
            "para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.",
            "GlossSeeAlso": [
          "GlossSee": "markup"

const DebugPrint = () => {
  const [show, setShow] = React.useState(false);

  return (
    <div key={1} style={styles.root}>
    <div style={styles.header} onClick={ ()=>{setShow(!show)} }>
    { show 
      ? (
      <pre style={styles.pre}>
       {JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) }
      : null

  <DebugPrint data={data} />, 



Or in the following way, add the style into header:

.root { background-color: #1f4662; color: #fff; fontSize: 12px; }
.header { background-color: #193549; padding: 5px 10px; fontFamily: monospace; color: #ffc600; }
.pre { display: block; padding: 10px 30px; margin: 0; overflow: scroll; }

And replace DebugPrint with the follows:

const DebugPrint = () => {
  const [show, setShow] = React.useState(false);

  return (
    <div key={1} className='root'>
    <div className='header' onClick={ ()=>{setShow(!show)} }>
    { show 
      ? (
      <pre className='pre'>
       {JSON.stringify(data, null, 2) }
      : null

When should I use Async Controllers in ASP.NET MVC?

is it good to use async action everywhere in ASP.NET MVC?

As usual in programming, it depends. There is always a trade-off when going down a certain path.

async-await shines in places where you know you'll receiving concurrent requests to your service and you want to be able to scale out well. How does async-await help with scaling out? In the fact that when you invoke a async IO call synchronously, such as a network call or hitting your database, the current thread which is responsible for the execution is blocked waiting for the request to finish. When you use async-await, you enable the framework to create a state machine for you which makes sure that after the IO call is complete, your method continues executing from where it left off.

A thing to note is that this state machine has a subtle overhead. Making a method asynchronous does not make it execute faster, and that is an important factor to understand and a misconception many people have.

Another thing to take under consideration when using async-await is the fact that it is async all the way, meaning that you'll see async penetrate your entire call stack, top to buttom. This means that if you want to expose synchronous API's, you'll often find yourself duplicating a certain amount of code, as async and sync don't mix very well.

Shall I use async/await keywords when I want to query database (via EF/NHibernate/other ORM)?

If you choose to go down the path of using async IO calls, then yes, async-await will be a good choice, as more and more modern database providers expose async method implementing the TAP (Task Asynchronous Pattern).

How many times I can use await keywords to query database asynchronously in ONE single action method?

As many as you want, as long as you follow the rules stated by your database provider. There is no limit to the amount of async calls you can make. If you have queries which are independent of each other and can be made concurrently, you can spin a new task for each and use await Task.WhenAll to wait for both to complete.

Sorting Directory.GetFiles()

If you're interested in properties of the files such as CreationTime, then it would make more sense to use System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos(). You can then sort these using one of the extension methods in System.Linq, e.g.:

DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo("C:\\");
FileSystemInfo[] files = di.GetFileSystemInfos();
var orderedFiles = files.OrderBy(f => f.CreationTime);

Edit - sorry, I didn't notice the .NET2.0 tag so ignore the LINQ sorting. The suggestion to use System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos() still holds though.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState

Short And working Solution :

Follow Simple Steps :

Step 1 : Override onSaveInstanceState state in respective fragment. And remove super method from it.

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

Step 2 : Use CommitAllowingStateLoss(); instead of commit(); while fragment operations.


Replace whole line containing a string using Sed

All of the answers provided so far assume that you know something about the text to be replaced which makes sense, since that's what the OP asked. I'm providing an answer that assumes you know nothing about the text to be replaced and that there may be a separate line in the file with the same or similar content that you do not want to be replaced. Furthermore, I'm assuming you know the line number of the line to be replaced.

The following examples demonstrate the removing or changing of text by specific line numbers:

# replace line 17 with some replacement text and make changes in file (-i switch)
# the "-i" switch indicates that we want to change the file. Leave it out if you'd
#   just like to see the potential changes output to the terminal window.
# "17s" indicates that we're searching line 17
# ".*" indicates that we want to change the text of the entire line
# "REPLACEMENT-TEXT" is the new text to put on that line
# "PATH-TO-FILE" tells us what file to operate on

# replace specific text on line 3

Sending mail attachment using Java

To send html file I have used below code in my project.

final String userID = "[email protected]";
final String userPass = "userpass";
final String emailTo = "[email protected]"

Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("", "");
props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", "465");
props.put("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", "");
props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
props.put("mail.smtp.port", "465");

Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props,
        new javax.mail.Authenticator() {
            protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                return new PasswordAuthentication(userID, userPass);
try {

    Message message = new MimeMessage(session);
    message.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress.parse(emailTo));
    message.setSubject("Hello, this is a test mail..");

    Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
    String fileName = "fileName";

    addAttachment(multipart, fileName);

    MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart1 = new MimeBodyPart();
    messageBodyPart1.setText("No need to reply.");


    System.out.println("Email successfully sent to: " + emailTo);

} catch (MessagingException e) {

private static void addAttachment(Multipart multipart, String fileName){
    DataSource source = null;
    File f = new File("filepath" +"/"+ fileName);
    if(f.exists() && !f.isDirectory()) {
        source = new FileDataSource("filepath" +"/"+ fileName);
        BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
        try {
            messageBodyPart.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
            messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));
        } catch (MessagingException e) {

getting integer values from textfield

As You're getting values from textfield as jTextField3.getText();.

As it is a textField it will return you string format as its format says:

String getText()

      Returns the text contained in this TextComponent.

So, convert your String to Integer as:

int jml = Integer.parseInt(jTextField3.getText());

instead of directly setting

   int jml = jTextField3.getText();

OpenJDK8 for windows

Go to this link

Download version tar.gz for windows and just extract files to the folder by your needs. On the left pane, you can select which version of openjdk to download

Tutorial: unzip as expected. You need to set system variable PATH to include your directory with openjdk so you can type java -version in console.

JDK vs OpenJDK

In c++ what does a tilde "~" before a function name signify?

As others have noted, in the instance you are asking about it is the destructor for class Stack.

But taking your question exactly as it appears in the title:

In c++ what does a tilde “~” before a function name signify?

there is another situation. In any context except immediately before the name of a class (which is the destructor context), ~ is the one's complement (or bitwise not) operator. To be sure it does not come up very often, but you can imagine a case like

if (~getMask()) { ...

which looks similar, but has a very different meaning.

How can I pass arguments to a batch file?

To refer to a set variable in command line you would need to use %a% so for example:

set a=100 
echo %a%  
rem output = 100 

Note: This works for Windows 7 pro.

Make column fixed position in bootstrap

Following the solution here,

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-lg-3 fixed">
        Fixed content
    <div class="col-lg-9 scrollit">
        Normal scrollable content


I modified some css to work just perfect:

.fixed {
        position: fixed;
        width: 25%;
.scrollit {
        float: left;
        width: 71%

Thanks @Lowkase for sharing the solution.

jquery equivalent for JSON.stringify

There is no such functionality in jQuery. Use JSON.stringify or alternatively any jQuery plugin with similar functionality (e.g jquery-json).

R legend placement in a plot

Building on @P-Lapointe solution, but making it extremely easy, you could use the maximum values from your data using max() and then you re-use those maximum values to set the legend xy coordinates. To make sure you don't get beyond the borders, you set up ylim slightly over the maximum values.


enter image description here

How to determine if one array contains all elements of another array

a = [5, 1, 6, 14, 2, 8]
b = [2, 6, 15]

a - b
# => [5, 1, 14, 8]

b - a
# => [15]

(b - a).empty?
# => false

Best way to "negate" an instanceof

You could use the Class.isInstance method:

if(!String.class.isInstance(str)) { /* do Something */ }

... but it is still negated and pretty ugly.

Getting visitors country from their IP

My service provides the country name in 5 languages! As well as the organisation, currency, timezone, calling code, flag, Mobile Carrier data, Proxy data and Tor Exit Node status data from any IPv4 or IPv6 address.

This answer uses a 'test' API Key that is very limited and only meant for testing a few calls. Signup for your own Free API Key and get up to 1500 requests daily for development.

It's also extremely scalable with 10 regions around the world each able to handle >10,000 requests per second!

The options include; English (en), German (de), Japanese (ja), French (fr) and Simplified Chinese (za-CH)

$ip = '';
$details = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$ip}?api-key=test"));
echo $details->country_name;
//United States
echo $details->city;
//Mountain View
$details = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$ip}?api-key=test/zh-CN"));
echo $details->country_name;


You can get desired result with help of Regular Expressions.

SELECT fiberbox from fiberbox where fiberbox REGEXP '[1740|1938|1940]';

We can test the above query please click SQL fiddle

SELECT fiberbox from fiberbox where fiberbox REGEXP '[174019381940]';

We can test the above query please click SQL fiddle

Safari 3rd party cookie iframe trick no longer working?

You said you were willing to have your users click a button before the content loads. My solution was to have a button open a new browser window. That window sets a cookie for my domain, refreshes the opener and then closes.

So your main script could look like:

<?php if(count($_COOKIE) > 0): ?>
<!--Main Content Stuff-->
<?php else: ?>
<a href="/safari_cookie_fix.php" target="_blank">Click here to load content</a>
<?php endif ?>

Then safari_cookie_fix.php looks like:

setcookie("safari_test", "1");
        <title>Safari Fix</title>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/libraries/prototype.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    document.observe('dom:loaded', function(){
    This window should close automatically

How to publish a website made by Node.js to Github Pages?

We, the Javascript lovers, don't have to use Ruby (Jekyll or Octopress) to generate static pages in Github pages, we can use Node.js and Harp, for example:

These are the steps. Abstract:

  1. Create a New Repository
  2. Clone the Repository

    git clone
  3. Initialize a Harp app (locally):

    harp init _harp

make sure to name the folder with an underscore at the beginning; when you deploy to GitHub Pages, you don’t want your source files to be served.

  1. Compile your Harp app

    harp compile _harp ./
  2. Deploy to Gihub

    git add -A
    git commit -a -m "First Harp + Pages commit"
    git push origin master

And this is a cool tutorial with details about nice stuff like layouts, partials, Jade and Less.

Twig: in_array or similar possible within if statement?

You just have to change the second line of your second code-block from

{% if myVar is in_array(array_keys(someOtherArray)) %}


{% if myVar in someOtherArray|keys %}

in is the containment-operator and keys a filter that returns an arrays keys.

Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP?

The MySQL extension:

  • Is not under active development
  • Is officially deprecated as of PHP 5.5 (released June 2013).
  • Has been removed entirely as of PHP 7.0 (released December 2015)
    • This means that as of 31 Dec 2018 it does not exist in any supported version of PHP. If you are using a version of PHP which supports it, you are using a version which doesn't get security problems fixed.
  • Lacks an OO interface
  • Doesn't support:
    • Non-blocking, asynchronous queries
    • Prepared statements or parameterized queries
    • Stored procedures
    • Multiple Statements
    • Transactions
    • The "new" password authentication method (on by default in MySQL 5.6; required in 5.7)
    • Any of the new functionality in MySQL 5.1 or later

Since it is deprecated, using it makes your code less future proof.

Lack of support for prepared statements is particularly important as they provide a clearer, less error-prone method of escaping and quoting external data than manually escaping it with a separate function call.

See the comparison of SQL extensions.

The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application. JAVA

A little late, but since I've run into the same problem, in your exact scenario, I figured I'd add my solution.

I have Windows 7 (64-bit) and Office 2010 (32-bit). I tried with the DSN-less connection string:

jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=I:/TeamForge/ORS/CTFORS.accdb

and I tried with the DSN connection, using both the System32 and SysWOW64 versions of the ODBC Admin, and none of that worked.

What finally worked, was to match the bit version of Java with the bit version of Office. Once I did that, I could use either the DSN or DSN less connection mode, without any fuss.

Remove trailing zeros

try like this

string s = "2.4200";

s = s.TrimStart('0').TrimEnd('0', '.');

and then convert that to float

Single Form Hide on Startup

This example supports total invisibility as well as only NotifyIcon in the System tray and no clicks and much more.

More here:

Understanding .get() method in Python

Start here

Then here

Then here

characters.get( key, default )

key is a character

default is 0

If the character is in the dictionary, characters, you get the dictionary object.

If not, you get 0.


get(key[, default])

Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default. If default is not given, it defaults to None, so that this method never raises a KeyError.

What does <T> denote in C#

It is a Generic Type Parameter.

A generic type parameter allows you to specify an arbitrary type T to a method at compile-time, without specifying a concrete type in the method or class declaration.

For example:

public T[] Reverse<T>(T[] array)
    var result = new T[array.Length];
    int j=0;
    for(int i=array.Length - 1; i>= 0; i--)
        result[j] = array[i];
    return result;

reverses the elements in an array. The key point here is that the array elements can be of any type, and the function will still work. You specify the type in the method call; type safety is still guaranteed.

So, to reverse an array of strings:

string[] array = new string[] { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" };
var result = reverse(array);

Will produce a string array in result of { "5", "4", "3", "2", "1" }

This has the same effect as if you had called an ordinary (non-generic) method that looks like this:

public string[] Reverse(string[] array)
    var result = new string[array.Length];
    int j=0;
    for(int i=array.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        result[j] = array[i];
    return result;

The compiler sees that array contains strings, so it returns an array of strings. Type string is substituted for the T type parameter.

Generic type parameters can also be used to create generic classes. In the example you gave of a SampleCollection<T>, the T is a placeholder for an arbitrary type; it means that SampleCollection can represent a collection of objects, the type of which you specify when you create the collection.


var collection = new SampleCollection<string>();

creates a collection that can hold strings. The Reverse method illustrated above, in a somewhat different form, can be used to reverse the collection's members.

Network tools that simulate slow network connection


Try this FreeBSD based VMWare image. It also has an excellent how-to, purely free and stands up in 20 minutes.

Update: DummyNet also supports Linux, OSX and Windows by now

In MySQL, how to copy the content of one table to another table within the same database?

Try this. Works well in my Oracle 10g,

CREATE TABLE new_table
  AS (SELECT * FROM old_table);

laravel throwing MethodNotAllowedHttpException

I faced the error,
problem was FORM METHOD

{{ Form::open(array('url' => 'admin/doctor/edit/'.$doctor->doctor_id,'class'=>'form-horizontal form-bordered form-row-stripped','method' => 'PUT','files'=>true)) }}

It should be like this

{{ Form::open(array('url' => 'admin/doctor/edit/'.$doctor->doctor_id,'class'=>'form-horizontal form-bordered form-row-stripped','method' => 'POST','files'=>true)) }}

How do I show a message in the foreach loop?

You are looking to see if a single value is in an array. Use in_array.

However note that case is important, as are any leading or trailing spaces. Use var_dump to find out the length of the strings too, and see if they fit.

Create Table from JSON Data with angularjs and ng-repeat

You can use $http.get() method to fetch your JSON file. Then assign response data to a $scope object. In HTML to create table use ng-repeat for $scope object. ng-repeat will loop the rows in-side this loop you can bind data to columns dynamically.

I have checked your code and you have created static table

<tr ng-repeat="indivisual in members">
<td>{{ indivisual.Name }}</td>
<td>{{ indivisual.Relation }}</td>

so better your can go to my code to create dynamic table as per data you column and row will be increase or decrease..

Turn on torch/flash on iPhone

iWasRobbed's answer is great, except there is an AVCaptureSession running in the background all the time. On my iPhone 4s it takes about 12% CPU power according to Instrument so my app took about 1% battery in a minute. In other words if the device is prepared for AV capture it's not cheap.

Using the code below my app requires 0.187% a minute so the battery life is more than 5x longer.

This code works just fine on any device (tested on both 3GS (no flash) and 4s). Tested on 4.3 in simulator as well.

#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>

- (void) turnTorchOn:(BOOL)on {

    Class captureDeviceClass = NSClassFromString(@"AVCaptureDevice");
    if (captureDeviceClass != nil) {
        AVCaptureDevice *device = [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
        if ([device hasTorch] && [device hasFlash]){

            [device lockForConfiguration:nil];
            if (on) {
                [device setTorchMode:AVCaptureTorchModeOn];
                [device setFlashMode:AVCaptureFlashModeOn];
                torchIsOn = YES;
            } else {
                [device setTorchMode:AVCaptureTorchModeOff];
                [device setFlashMode:AVCaptureFlashModeOff];
                torchIsOn = NO;            
            [device unlockForConfiguration];

Array to Collection: Optimized code


Arrays uses new ArrayList(array). But this is not the java.util.ArrayList. It's very similar though. Note that this constructor takes the array and places it as the backing array of the list. So it is O(1).

In case you already have the list created, Collections.addAll(list, array), but that's less efficient.

Update: Thus your Collections.addAll(list, array) becomes a good option. A wrapper of it is guava's Lists.newArrayList(array).

javascript window.location in new tab'', '_blank');

The second parameter is what makes it open in a new window. Don't forget to read Jakob Nielsen's informative article :)

Can't start Tomcat as Windows Service

On a 64-bit system you have to make sure that both the Tomcat application and the JDK are the same architecture: either both are x86 or x64.

In case you want to change the Tomcat instance to x64 you might have to download the tomcat8.exe or tomcat9.exe and the tcnative-1.dll with the appropriate x64 versions. You can get those at

Alternatively you can point Tomcat to the x86 JDK by changing the Java Virtual Machine path in the Tomcat config.

Javascript swap array elements

This seems ok....

var b = list[y];
list[y] = list[x];
list[x] = b;

Howerver using

var b = list[y];

means a b variable is going to be to be present for the rest of the scope. This can potentially lead to a memory leak. Unlikely, but still better to avoid.

Maybe a good idea to put this into Array.prototype.swap

Array.prototype.swap = function (x,y) {
  var b = this[x];
  this[x] = this[y];
  this[y] = b;
  return this;

which can be called like:

list.swap( x, y )

This is a clean approach to both avoiding memory leaks and DRY.

Is there a way to provide named parameters in a function call in JavaScript?

There is another way. If you're passing an object by reference, that object's properties will appear in the function's local scope. I know this works for Safari (haven't checked other browsers) and I don't know if this feature has a name, but the below example illustrates its use.

Although in practice I don't think that this offers any functional value beyond the technique you're already using, it's a little cleaner semantically. And it still requires passing a object reference or an object literal.

function sum({ a:a, b:b}) {
    if(a==undefined) a=0;
    if(b==undefined) b=0;
    return (a+b);

// will work (returns 9 and 3 respectively)

// will not work (returns 0)

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup

Even if your project has a main() method, the linker sometimes gets confused. You can solve this issue in Visual Studio 2010 by going to

Project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> System

and changing SubSystem to Console.

Return HTML from ASP.NET Web API

Starting with AspNetCore 2.0, it's recommended to use ContentResult instead of the Produce attribute in this case. See:

This doesn't rely on serialization nor on content negotiation.

public ContentResult Index() {
    return new ContentResult {
        ContentType = "text/html",
        StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK,
        Content = "<html><body>Hello World</body></html>"

Twitter API - Display all tweets with a certain hashtag?

This answer was written in 2010. The API it uses has since been retired. It is kept for historical interest only.

Search for it.

Make sure include_entities is set to true to get hashtag results. See Tweet Entities

Returns 5 mixed results with user IDs plus entities for the term "blue angels":


How to download Javadoc to read offline?

For any javadoc (not just the ones available for download) you can use the DownThemAll addon for Firefox with a suitable renaming mask, for example:


Edit: It's possible to use some older versions of the DownThemAll add-on with Pale Moon browser.

How to call a method after bean initialization is complete?

Have you tried implementing InitializingBean? It sounds like exactly what you're after.

The downside is that your bean becomes Spring-aware, but in most applications that's not so bad.

C#: How do you edit items and subitems in a listview?

private void listView1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    li = listView1.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y);
    X = e.X;
    Y = e.Y;

private void listView1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    int nStart = X;
    int spos = 0;
    int epos = listView1.Columns[1].Width;
    for (int i = 0; i < listView1.Columns.Count; i++)
        if (nStart > spos && nStart < epos)
            subItemSelected = i;

        spos = epos;
        epos += listView1.Columns[i].Width;
    li.SubItems[subItemSelected].Text = "9";

python: changing row index of pandas data frame

When you are not sure of the number of rows, then you can do it this way:

followers_df.index = range(len(followers_df))

Wait until all promises complete even if some rejected

I know that this question has a lot of answers, and I'm sure must (if not all) are correct. However it was very hard for me to understand the logic/flow of these answers.

So I looked at the Original Implementation on Promise.all(), and I tried to imitate that logic - with the exception of not stopping the execution if one Promise failed.

  public promiseExecuteAll(promisesList: Promise<any>[] = []): Promise<{ data: any, isSuccess: boolean }[]>
    let promise: Promise<{ data: any, isSuccess: boolean }[]>;

    if (promisesList.length)
      const result: { data: any, isSuccess: boolean }[] = [];
      let count: number = 0;

      promise = new Promise<{ data: any, isSuccess: boolean }[]>((resolve, reject) =>
        promisesList.forEach((currentPromise: Promise<any>, index: number) =>
            (data) => // Success
              result[index] = { data, isSuccess: true };
              if (promisesList.length <= ++count) { resolve(result); }
            (data) => // Error
              result[index] = { data, isSuccess: false };
              if (promisesList.length <= ++count) { resolve(result); }
      promise = Promise.resolve([]);

    return promise;

- Loop over the input promisesList and execute each Promise.
- No matter if the Promise resolved or rejected: save the Promise's result in a result array according to the index. Save also the resolve/reject status (isSuccess).
- Once all Promises completed, return one Promise with the result of all others.

Example of use:

const p1 = Promise.resolve("OK");
const p2 = Promise.reject(new Error(":-("));
const p3 = Promise.resolve(1000);

promiseExecuteAll([p1, p2, p3]).then((data) => {
  data.forEach(value => console.log(`${ value.isSuccess ? 'Resolve' : 'Reject' } >> ${ }`));

/* Output: 
Resolve >> OK
Reject >> :-(
Resolve >> 1000

What does "implements" do on a class?

Interfaces are implemented through classes. They are purely abstract classes, if you will.

In PHP when a class implements from an interface, the methods defined in that interface are to be strictly followed. When a class inherits from a parent class, method parameters may be altered. That is not the case for interfaces:

interface ImplementMeStrictly {
   public function foo($a, $b);

class Obedient implements ImplementMeStrictly {
   public function foo($a, $b, $c) 

will cause an error, because the interface wasn't implemented as defined. Whereas:

class InheritMeLoosely {
   public function foo($a)

class IDoWhateverWithFoo extends InheritMeLoosely {
   public function foo()

Is allowed.

How do I create a comma-separated list from an array in PHP?

Another way could be like this:

$letters = array("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g");

$result = substr(implode(", ", $letters), 0, -3);

Output of $result is a nicely formatted comma-separated list.

a, b, c, d, e, f, g

How to convert a currency string to a double with jQuery or Javascript?

accounting.js is the way to go. I used it at a project and had very good experience using it.

accounting.formatMoney(4999.99, "€", 2, ".", ","); // €4.999,99
accounting.unformat("€ 1.000.000,00", ","); // 1000000

You can find it at GitHub

Call and receive output from Python script in Java?

Jep is anther option. It embeds CPython in Java through JNI.

import jep.Jep;
    try(Jep jep = new Jep(false)) {
        jep.eval("s = 'hello world'");
        jep.eval("a = 1 + 2");
        Long a = (Long) jep.getValue("a");

Insert an element at a specific index in a list and return the updated list

l.insert(index, obj) doesn't actually return anything. It just updates the list.

As ATO said, you can do b = a[:index] + [obj] + a[index:]. However, another way is:

a = [1, 2, 4]
b = a[:]
b.insert(2, 3)

How to remove old and unused Docker images

Update the second (2017-07-08):

Refer (again) to VonC, using the even more recent system prune. The impatient can skip the prompt with the -f, --force option:

docker system prune -f

The impatient and reckless can additionally remove "unused images not just the dangling ones" with the -a, --all option:

docker system prune -af


Refer to VonC's answer which uses the recently added prune commands. Here is the corresponding shell alias convenience:

alias docker-clean=' \
  docker container prune -f ; \
  docker image prune -f ; \
  docker network prune -f ; \
  docker volume prune -f '

Old answer:

Delete stopped (exited) containers:

$ docker ps --no-trunc -aqf "status=exited" | xargs docker rm

Delete unused (dangling) images:

$ docker images --no-trunc -aqf "dangling=true" | xargs docker rmi

If you have exercised extreme caution with regard to irrevocable data loss, then you can delete unused (dangling) volumes (v1.9 and up):

$ docker volume ls -qf "dangling=true" | xargs docker volume rm

Here they are in a convenient shell alias:

alias docker-clean=' \
  docker ps --no-trunc -aqf "status=exited" | xargs docker rm ; \
  docker images --no-trunc -aqf "dangling=true" | xargs docker rmi ; \
  docker volume ls -qf "dangling=true" | xargs docker volume rm'


Compiling a java program into an executable

I use launch4j

ANT Command:

<target name="jar" depends="compile, buildDLLs, copy">
    <jar basedir="${java.bin.dir}" destfile="${build.dir}/Project.jar" manifest="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" />

<target name="exe" depends="jar">
    <exec executable="cmd" dir="${launch4j.home}">
        <arg line="/c launch4jc.exe ${basedir}/${launch4j.dir}/L4J_ProjectConfig.xml" />

The project description file (.project) for my project is missing

I had the same problem and in my case .project file was also present in the project directory and had correct permissions.

This problem happened to me after I closed and reopened multiple projects quickly one after another and Eclipse tried to rebuild them at the same time.

In my case Eclipse lost .location file in the workspace directory for 2 out of 5 projects: <workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/<project name>/.location

I've followed instructions on How to get project list if delete .metadata accidentally and imported the project in the workspace manually via File :: Import :: Other :: General :: Existing Projects. After that .location file was created again and Eclipse stopped complaining.

How can I divide two integers to get a double?

var result = decimal.ToDouble(decimal.Divide(5, 2));

PostgreSQL - query from bash script as database user 'postgres'

The safest way to pass commands to psql in a script is by piping a string or passing a here-doc.

The man docs for the -c/--command option goes into more detail when it should be avoided.

   -c command
       Specifies that psql is to execute one command string, command, and then exit. This is useful in shell scripts. Start-up files (psqlrc and ~/.psqlrc)
       are ignored with this option.

       command must be either a command string that is completely parsable by the server (i.e., it contains no psql-specific features), or a single
       backslash command. Thus you cannot mix SQL and psql meta-commands with this option. To achieve that, you could pipe the string into psql, for
       example: echo '\x \\ SELECT * FROM foo;' | psql. (\\ is the separator meta-command.)

       If the command string contains multiple SQL commands, they are processed in a single transaction, unless there are explicit BEGIN/COMMIT commands
       included in the string to divide it into multiple transactions. This is different from the behavior when the same string is fed to psql's standard
       input. Also, only the result of the last SQL command is returned.

       Because of these legacy behaviors, putting more than one command in the -c string often has unexpected results. It's better to feed multiple
       commands to psql's standard input, either using echo as illustrated above, or via a shell here-document, for example:

           psql <<EOF
           SELECT * FROM foo;

Apache and IIS side by side (both listening to port 80) on windows2003

I found this post which suggested to have two separate IP addresses so that both could listen on port 80.

There was a caveat that you had to make a change in IIS because of socket pooling. Here are the instructions based on the link above:

  1. Extract the httpcfg.exe utility from the support tools area on the Win2003 CD.
  2. Stop all IIS services: net stop http /y
  3. Have IIS listen only on the IP address I'd designated for IIS: httpcfg set iplisten -i
  4. Make sure: httpcfg query iplisten (The IPs listed are the only IP addresses that IIS will be listening on and no other.)
  5. Restart IIS Services: net start w3svc
  6. Start the Apache service

Counter in foreach loop in C#

Probably pointless, but...

foreach (var item in yourList.Select((Value, Index) => new { Value, Index }))
    Console.WriteLine("Value=" + item.Value + ", Index=" + item.Index);

How do you easily create empty matrices javascript?

// initializing depending on i,j:_x000D_
var M=Array.from({length:9}, (_,i) => Array.from({length:9}, (_,j) => i+'x'+j))_x000D_
// Print it:_x000D_
// M.forEach(r => console.log(r))_x000D_
document.body.innerHTML = `<pre>${ => r.join('\t')).join('\n')}</pre>`_x000D_
// JSON.stringify(M, null, 2) // bad for matrices

Beware that doing this below, is wrong:

// var M=Array(9).fill([]) // since arrays are sparse
// or Array(9).fill(Array(9).fill(0))// initialization

// M[4][4] = 1
// M[3][4] is now 1 too!

Because it creates the same reference of Array 9 times, so modifying an item modifies also items at the same index of other rows (since it's the same reference), so you need an additional call to .slice or .map on the rows to copy them (cf torazaburo's answer which fell in this trap)

note: It may look like this in the future, with slice-notation-literal proposal (stage 1)

const M = [...1:10].map(i => [...1:10].map(j => i+'x'+j))

How can I check if PostgreSQL is installed or not via Linux script?

And if everything else fails from these great choice of answers, you can always use "find" like this. Or you may need to use sudo

If you are root, just type $$> find / -name 'postgres'

If you are a user, you will need sudo priv's to run it through all the directories

I run it this way, from the / base to find the whole path that the element is found in. This will return any files or directories with the "postgres" in it.

You could do the same thing looking for the pg_hba.conf or postgresql.conf files also.

A regular expression to exclude a word/string

As you want to exclude both words, you need a conjuction:


Now both conditions must be true (neither ignoreme nor ignoreme2 is allowed) to have a match.

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found

For Windows 10 x64 and Python:

Open a Visual Studio x64 command prompt, and use dumpbin:

dumpbin /dependents [Python Module DLL or PYD file]

If you do not have Visual Studio installed, it is possible to download dumpbin elsewhere, or use another utility such as Dependency Walker.

Note that all other answers (to date) are simply random stabs in the dark, whereas this method is closer to a sniper rifle with night vision.

Case study 1

  1. I switched on Address Sanitizer for a Python module that I wrote using C++ using MSVC and CMake.

  2. It was giving this error: ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found

  3. Opened a Visual Studio x64 command prompt.

  4. Under Windows, a .pyd file is a .dll file in disguise, so we want to run dumpbin on this file.

  5. cd MyLibrary\build\\Debug

  6. dumpbin /dependents MyLibrary.cp37-win_amd64.pyd which prints this:

    Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.27.29112.0
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Dump of file MyLibrary.cp37-win_amd64.pyd
    File Type: DLL
      Image has the following dependencies:
         1000 .00cfg
        D6000 .data
         7000 .idata
        46000 .pdata
       341000 .rdata
        23000 .reloc
         1000 .rsrc
       856000 .text
  7. Searched for clang_rt.asan_dbg_dynamic-x86_64.dll, copied it into the same directory, problem solved.

  8. Alternatively, could update the environment variable PATH to point to the directory with the missing .dll.

Please feel free to add your own case studies here! I've made it a community wiki answer.

application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data?


I know this is 3 years too late, but Matt's (accepted) answer is incomplete and will eventually get you into trouble. The key here is that, if you choose to use multipart/form-data, the boundary must not appear in the file data that the server eventually receives.

This is not a problem for application/x-www-form-urlencoded, because there is no boundary. x-www-form-urlencoded can also always handle binary data, by the simple expedient of turning one arbitrary byte into three 7BIT bytes. Inefficient, but it works (and note that the comment about not being able to send filenames as well as binary data is incorrect; you just send it as another key/value pair).

The problem with multipart/form-data is that the boundary separator must not be present in the file data (see RFC 2388; section 5.2 also includes a rather lame excuse for not having a proper aggregate MIME type that avoids this problem).

So, at first sight, multipart/form-data is of no value whatsoever in any file upload, binary or otherwise. If you don't choose your boundary correctly, then you will eventually have a problem, whether you're sending plain text or raw binary - the server will find a boundary in the wrong place, and your file will be truncated, or the POST will fail.

The key is to choose an encoding and a boundary such that your selected boundary characters cannot appear in the encoded output. One simple solution is to use base64 (do not use raw binary). In base64 3 arbitrary bytes are encoded into four 7-bit characters, where the output character set is [A-Za-z0-9+/=] (i.e. alphanumerics, '+', '/' or '='). = is a special case, and may only appear at the end of the encoded output, as a single = or a double ==. Now, choose your boundary as a 7-bit ASCII string which cannot appear in base64 output. Many choices you see on the net fail this test - the MDN forms docs, for example, use "blob" as a boundary when sending binary data - not good. However, something like "!blob!" will never appear in base64 output.

How to solve “Microsoft Visual Studio (VS)” error “Unable to connect to the configured development Web server”

We solved this problem with deleting .vs folder on project folder and deleting temporary ASP.NET files.

1. Close the Visual Studio.
2. Delete .vs folder on project folder that includes applicationhost.config file.
3. Delete temporary ASP.NET Files located: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root

Call ASP.NET function from JavaScript?

Try this:

    Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "window", "pop();", true);

Or this

Response.Write("<script>alert('Hello World');</script>");

Use the OnClientClick property of the button to call JavaScript functions...

Java: method to get position of a match in a String?

If you're going to scan for 'n' matches of the search string, I'd recommend using regular expressions. They have a steep learning curve, but they'll save you hours when it comes to complex searches.

setting the id attribute of an input element dynamically in IE: alternative for setAttribute method

I had the same issue! I was unable to change/set the ID attribute of elements. It worked in all other browsers but not IE. It probably isn't relevant to your problem but here is what I ended up doing:


I was building an MVC site with jquery tabs. I wanted to create tabs dynamically and do an AJAX postback to the server saving the tab in the database. I wanted to use a unique identifier, in the form of an int, for the tabs so I wouldn't get in to trouble if a user created two tabs with the same name. I then used the unique ID to identify the tabs like:

<li><a href='#{href}'>#{label}</a> <span class='ui-icon ui-icon-close'>Remove List</span></li>

When I then implemented the remove functions on the tabs the callback uses the index, witch is 0 based. Then I had no way to sending back the unique ID to the server to trash the DB entry. The callback for the tabremove event gives the jquery event and ui parameters. With one line of code I could get the ID of the span:

var dbIndex =;

The problem was that the span tag didn't have any ID. So in the create callback I tried to set the ID buy extracting the ID from the a href like this: ='#list-') + 6);

That worked fine in FireFox but not in IE. So I tried a few other:

//'id','#list-') + 6));
//$({'id''#list-') + 6)});
// ='#list-') + 6);

None of them worked! So after a few hours of test and Googeling I gave up and draw the conclusion that IE cant set the ID attribute of an element dynamically.

As I sad this is probably not relevant to your issue but I thought I would share.


And for all of you who found this by Googleing on the tabs issue I had here is what I ended up doing in the tabsremove callback to solve the issue:

var dbIndex = event.currentTarget.offsetParent.childNodes[0].href.substring(event.currentTarget.offsetParent.childNodes[0].href.indexOf('#list-') + 6);

Probably not the sexiest solution but hey it solved the issue. If anyone have any input please share...

How to convert string to binary?

Something like this?

>>> st = "hello world"
>>> ' '.join(format(ord(x), 'b') for x in st)
'1101000 1100101 1101100 1101100 1101111 100000 1110111 1101111 1110010 1101100 1100100'

#using `bytearray`
>>> ' '.join(format(x, 'b') for x in bytearray(st, 'utf-8'))
'1101000 1100101 1101100 1101100 1101111 100000 1110111 1101111 1110010 1101100 1100100'

Convert base64 string to ArrayBuffer's answer does not work because of unicode problem in javascript -

I ended up using the function given on Daniel Guerrero's blog:

Function is listed on github link:

Use these lines

var uintArray = Base64Binary.decode(base64_string);  
var byteArray = Base64Binary.decodeArrayBuffer(base64_string); 

How do I change an HTML selected option using JavaScript?

It's an old post, but if anyone is still looking for solution to this kind of problem, here is what I came up with:

  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(e) {
    document.forms['AddAndEdit'].elements['list'].value = 11;

How to position two divs horizontally within another div

Via Bootstrap Grid, you can easily get the cross browser compatible solution.

<div class="container">     
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-sm-6" style="background-color:lavender;">
    <div class="col-sm-6" style="background-color:lavenderblush;">


BASH Syntax error near unexpected token 'done'

Edit your code in any linux environment then you won't face this problem. If edit in windows notepad any space take it as ^M.

Problems with installation of Google App Engine SDK for php in OS X

It's likely that the download was corrupted if you are getting an error with the disk image. Go back to the downloads page at and look at the SHA1 checksum. Then, go to your Terminal app on your mac and run the following:

openssl sha1 [put the full path to the file here without brackets] 

For example:

openssl sha1 /Users/me/Desktop/myFile.dmg 

If you get a different value than the one on the Downloads page, you know your file is not properly downloaded and you should try again.

.rar, .zip files MIME Type

For upload:

An official list of mime types can be found at The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) . According to their list Content-Type header for zip is application/zip.

The media type for rar files is not officially registered at IANA but the unofficial commonly used mime-type value is application/x-rar-compressed.

application/octet-stream means as much as: "I send you a file stream and the content of this stream is not specified" (so it is true that it can be a zip or rar file as well). The server is supposed to detect what the actual content of the stream is.

Note: For upload it is not safe to rely on the mime type set in the Content-Type header. The header is set on the client and can be set to any random value. Instead you can use the php file info functions to detect the file mime-type on the server.

For download:

If you want to download a zip file and nothing else you should only set one single Accept header value. Any additional values set will be used as a fallback in case the server cannot satisfy your in the Accept header requested mime-type.

According to the WC3 specifications this:

application/zip, application/octet-stream 

will be intrepreted as: "I prefer a application/zip mime-type, but if you cannot deliver this an application/octet-stream (a file stream) is also fine".

So only a single:


Will guarantee you a zip file (or a 406 - Not Acceptable response in case the server is unable to satisfy your request).

get the latest fragment in backstack

Looks like something has changed for the better, because code below works perfectly for me, but I didn't find it in already provided answers.


supportFragmentManager.fragments[supportFragmentManager.fragments.size - 1]


.get(getSupportFragmentManager().getFragments().size() - 1)

getMinutes() 0-9 - How to display two digit numbers?

you should check if it is less than 10... not looking for the length of it , because this is a number and not a string

if statement in ng-click

We can add ng-click event conditionally without using disabled class.


  <input ng-click="profileForm.$valid && updateMyProfile()" name="submit" id="submit" value="Save" class="submit" type="submit">

Java FileOutputStream Create File if not exists

Just Giving an alternative way to create the file only if doesn't exists using Path and Files.

Path path = Paths.get("Some/path/filename.txt");
if( !Files.exists(path))
Files.write(path, ("").getBytes());

Sorted array list in Java

You can try Guava's TreeMultiSet.

 Multiset<Integer> ms=TreeMultiset.create(Arrays.asList(1,2,3,1,1,-1,2,4,5,100));

Track a new remote branch created on GitHub

If you don't have an existing local branch, it is truly as simple as:

git fetch
git checkout <remote-branch-name>

For instance if you fetch and there is a new remote tracking branch called origin/feature/Main_Page, just do this:

git checkout feature/Main_Page

This creates a local branch with the same name as the remote branch, tracking that remote branch. If you have multiple remotes with the same branch name, you can use the less ambiguous:

git checkout -t <remote>/<remote-branch-name>

If you already made the local branch and don't want to delete it, see How do you make an existing Git branch track a remote branch?.

Arguments to main in C

Main is just like any other function and argc and argv are just like any other function arguments, the difference is that main is called from C Runtime and it passes the argument to main, But C Runtime is defined in c library and you cannot modify it, So if we do execute program on shell or through some IDE, we need a mechanism to pass the argument to main function so that your main function can behave differently on the runtime depending on your parameters. The parameters are argc , which gives the number of arguments and argv which is pointer to array of pointers, which holds the value as strings, this way you can pass any number of arguments without restricting it, it's the other way of implementing var args.

How to put a List<class> into a JSONObject and then read that object?

You could use a JSON serializer/deserializer like flexjson to do the conversion for you.

How can I change the font size of ticks of axes object in matplotlib

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.xticks([0.4,0.14,0.2,0.2], fontsize = 50) # work on current fig

the x/yticks has the same properties as matplotlib.text

What's the key difference between HTML 4 and HTML 5?

HTML5 has several goals which differentiate it from HTML4.

Consistency in Handling Malformed Documents

The primary one is consistent, defined error handling. As you know, HTML purposely supports 'tag soup', or the ability to write malformed code and have it corrected into a valid document. The problem is that the rules for doing this aren't written down anywhere. When a new browser vendor wants to enter the market, they just have to test malformed documents in various browsers (especially IE) and reverse-engineer their error handling. If they don't, then many pages won't display correctly (estimates place roughly 90% of pages on the net as being at least somewhat malformed).

So, HTML5 is attempting to discover and codify this error handling, so that browser developers can all standardize and greatly reduce the time and money required to display things consistently. As well, long in the future after HTML has died as a document format, historians may still want to read our documents, and having a completely defined parsing algorithm will greatly aid this.

Better Web Application Features

The secondary goal of HTML5 is to develop the ability of the browser to be an application platform, via HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Many elements have been added directly to the language that are currently (in HTML4) Flash or JS-based hacks, such as <canvas>, <video>, and <audio>. Useful things such as Local Storage (a js-accessible browser-built-in key-value database, for storing information beyond what cookies can hold), new input types such as date for which the browser can expose easy user interface (so that we don't have to use our js-based calendar date-pickers), and browser-supported form validation will make developing web applications much simpler for the developers, and make them much faster for the users (since many things will be supported natively, rather than hacked in via javascript).

Improved Element Semantics

There are many other smaller efforts taking place in HTML5, such as better-defined semantic roles for existing elements (<strong> and <em> now actually mean something different, and even <b> and <i> have vague semantics that should work well when parsing legacy documents) and adding new elements with useful semantics - <article>, <section>, <header>, <aside>, and <nav> should replace the majority of <div>s used on a web page, making your pages a bit more semantic, but more importantly, easier to read. No more painful scanning to see just what that random </div> is closing - instead you'll have an obvious </header>, or </article>, making the structure of your document much more intuitive.

Get java.nio.file.Path object from

As many have suggested, JRE v1.7 and above has File.toPath();

File yourFile = ...;
Path yourPath = yourFile.toPath();

On Oracle's jdk 1.7 documentation which is also mentioned in other posts above, the following equivalent code is described in the description for toPath() method, which may work for JRE v1.6;

File yourFile = ...;
Path yourPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(yourFile.getPath());

How to remove a class from elements in pure JavaScript?

elements is an array of DOM objects. You should do something like this

for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {

ie: enumerate the elements collection, and for each element inside the collection call the remove method

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'simple, ' to data type int

In order to avoid such error you could use CASE + ISNUMERIC to handle scenarios when you cannot convert to int.



        WHEN IsNumeric(CONVERT(VARCHAR(12), a.value)) = 1 THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(12),a.value)
        ELSE 0 END) 

Basically this is saying if you cannot convert me to int assign value of 0 (in my example)

Alternatively you can look at this article about creating a custom function that will check if a.value is number:

Convert image from PIL to openCV format

The code commented works as well, just choose which do you prefer

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

def convert_from_cv2_to_image(img: np.ndarray) -> Image:
    # return Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
    return Image.fromarray(img)

def convert_from_image_to_cv2(img: Image) -> np.ndarray:
    # return cv2.cvtColor(numpy.array(img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
    return np.asarray(img)

How to add a new row to datagridview programmatically

If you´ve already defined a DataSource, You can get the DataGridView´s DataSource and cast it as a Datatable.

Then add a new DataRow and set the Fields Values.

Add the new row to the DataTable and Accept the changes.

In C# it would be something like this..

DataTable dataTable = (DataTable)dataGridView.DataSource;
DataRow drToAdd = dataTable.NewRow();

drToAdd["Field1"] = "Value1";
drToAdd["Field2"] = "Value2";


mkdir's "-p" option

mkdir [-switch] foldername

-p is a switch which is optional, it will create subfolder and parent folder as well even parent folder doesn't exist.

From the man page:

-p, --parents no error if existing, make parent directories as needed


mkdir -p storage/framework/{sessions,views,cache}

This will create subfolder sessions,views,cache inside framework folder irrespective of 'framework' was available earlier or not.

String comparison in Python: is vs. ==

For all built-in Python objects (like strings, lists, dicts, functions, etc.), if x is y, then x==y is also True.

Not always. NaN is a counterexample. But usually, identity (is) implies equality (==). The converse is not true: Two distinct objects can have the same value.

Also, is it generally considered better to just use '==' by default, even when comparing int or Boolean values?

You use == when comparing values and is when comparing identities.

When comparing ints (or immutable types in general), you pretty much always want the former. There's an optimization that allows small integers to be compared with is, but don't rely on it.

For boolean values, you shouldn't be doing comparisons at all. Instead of:

if x == True:
    # do something


if x:
    # do something

For comparing against None, is None is preferred over == None.

I've always liked to use 'is' because I find it more aesthetically pleasing and pythonic (which is how I fell into this trap...), but I wonder if it's intended to just be reserved for when you care about finding two objects with the same id.

Yes, that's exactly what it's for.

Removing all line breaks and adding them after certain text

You can also go to Notepad++ and do the following steps:

Edit->LineOperations-> Remove Empty Lines or Remove Empty Lines(Containing blank characters)

Set a cookie to never expire

I'm not sure but aren't cookies deleted at browser close? I somehow did a never expiring cookie and chrome recognized expired date as "at browser close" ...

MSBuild doesn't copy references (DLL files) if using project dependencies in solution

Using deadlydog's scheme,

Y => X => A => B,

my problem was when I built Y, the assemblies (A and B, all 15 of them) from X were not showing up in Y's bin folder.

I got it resolved by removing the reference X from Y, save, build, then re-add X reference (a project reference), and save, build, and A and B started showing up in Y's bin folder.

How do I increment a DOS variable in a FOR /F loop?

The problem with your code snippet is the way variables are expanded. Variable expansion is usually done when a statement is first read. In your case the whole FOR loop and its block is read and all variables, except the loop variables are expanded to their current value.

This means %c% in your echo %%i, %c% expanded instantly and so is actually used as echo %%i, 1 in each loop iteration.

So what you need is the delayed variable expansion. Find some good explanation about it here.

Variables that should be delay expanded are referenced with !VARIABLE! instead of %VARIABLE%. But you need to activate this feature with setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION and reset it with a matching endlocal.

Your modified code would look something like that:

set TEXT_T="myfile.txt"

set /a c=1


FOR /F "tokens=1 usebackq" %%i in (%TEXT_T%) do (
  set /a c=c+1

  echo %%i, !c!


Include headers when using SELECT INTO OUTFILE?

You'd have to hard code those headers yourself. Something like:

SELECT 'ColName1', 'ColName2', 'ColName3'
SELECT ColName1, ColName2, ColName3
    FROM YourTable
    INTO OUTFILE '/path/outfile'

What's the difference between & and && in MATLAB?

As already mentioned by others, & is a logical AND operator and && is a short-circuit AND operator. They differ in how the operands are evaluated as well as whether or not they operate on arrays or scalars:

  • & (AND operator) and | (OR operator) can operate on arrays in an element-wise fashion.
  • && and || are short-circuit versions for which the second operand is evaluated only when the result is not fully determined by the first operand. These can only operate on scalars, not arrays.

CSS - make div's inherit a height

The negative margin trick:

Not elegant, I suppose, but it works in some cases.

What is Dependency Injection?

Dependency Injection is passing dependency to other objects or framework( dependency injector).

Dependency injection makes testing easier. The injection can be done through constructor.

SomeClass() has its constructor as following:

public SomeClass() {
    myObject = Factory.getObject();

Problem: If myObject involves complex tasks such as disk access or network access, it is hard to do unit test on SomeClass(). Programmers have to mock myObject and might intercept the factory call.

Alternative solution:

  • Passing myObject in as an argument to the constructor
public SomeClass (MyClass myObject) {
    this.myObject = myObject;

myObject can be passed directly which makes testing easier.

  • One common alternative is defining a do-nothing constructor. Dependency injection can be done through setters. (h/t @MikeVella).
  • Martin Fowler documents a third alternative (h/t @MarcDix), where classes explicitly implement an interface for the dependencies programmers wish injected.

It is harder to isolate components in unit testing without dependency injection.

In 2013, when I wrote this answer, this was a major theme on the Google Testing Blog. It remains the biggest advantage to me, as programmers not always need the extra flexibility in their run-time design (for instance, for service locator or similar patterns). Programmers often need to isolate the classes during testing.

PHPMailer character encoding issues

Sorry for being late on the party. Depending on your server configuration, You may be required to specify character strictly with lowercase letters utf-8, otherwise it will be ignored. Try this if you end up here searching for solutions and none of answers above helps:

$mail->CharSet = "UTF-8";

should be replaced with:

$mail->CharSet = "utf-8";

Send HTML in email via PHP

Simplest way is probably to just use Zend Framework or any of the other frameworks like CakePHP or Symphony.

You can do it with the standard mail function too, but you'll need a bit more knowledge on how to attach pictures.

Alternatively, just host the images on a server instead of attaching them. Sending HTML mail is documented in the mail function documentation.

JSON encode MySQL results

One more option using FOR loop:

 $sth = mysql_query("SELECT ...");
 for($rows = array(); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sth); $rows[] = $row);
 print json_encode($rows);

The only disadvantage is that loop for is slower then e.g. while or especially foreach