[javascript] How to convert a currency string to a double with jQuery or Javascript?

I have a text box that will have a currency string in it that I then need to convert that string to a double to perform some operations on it.

"$1,100.00" ? 1100.00

This needs to occur all client side. I have no choice but to leave the currency string as a currency string as input but need to cast/convert it to a double to allow some mathematical operations.

This question is related to javascript jquery

The answer is

function NumberConvertToDecimal (number) {
    if (number == 0) {
       return '0.00'; 
    number = parseFloat(number);
    number = number.toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1");
    number = number.split('.').join('*').split('*').join('.');
    return number;

You can try this

var str = "$1,112.12";_x000D_
str = str.replace(",", "");_x000D_
str = str.replace("$", "");_x000D_

For anyone looking for a solution in 2021 you can use Currency.js.

After much research this was the most reliable method I found for production, I didn't have any issues so far. In addition it's very active on Github.

currency(123);      // 123.00
currency(1.23);     // 1.23
currency("1.23")    // 1.23
currency("$12.30")  // 12.30

var value = currency("123.45");
currency(value);    // 123.45

This is my function. Works with all currencies..

function toFloat(num) {
    dotPos = num.indexOf('.');
    commaPos = num.indexOf(',');

    if (dotPos < 0)
        dotPos = 0;

    if (commaPos < 0)
        commaPos = 0;

    if ((dotPos > commaPos) && dotPos)
        sep = dotPos;
    else {
        if ((commaPos > dotPos) && commaPos)
            sep = commaPos;
            sep = false;

    if (sep == false)
        return parseFloat(num.replace(/[^\d]/g, ""));

    return parseFloat(
        num.substr(0, sep).replace(/[^\d]/g, "") + '.' + 
        num.substr(sep+1, num.length).replace(/[^0-9]/, "")


Usage : toFloat("$1,100.00") or toFloat("1,100.00$")

Use a regex to remove the formating (dollar and comma), and use parseFloat to convert the string to a floating point number.`

var currency = "$1,100.00";
var result = parseFloat(currency) + .05;

I know you've found a solution to your question, I just wanted to recommend that maybe you look at the following more extensive jQuery plugin for International Number Formats:

International Number Formatter

This example run ok

var currency = "$1,123,456.00";
var number = Number(currency.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,""));

This function should work whichever the locale and currency settings :

function getNumPrice(price, decimalpoint) {
    var p = price.split(decimalpoint);
    for (var i=0;i<p.length;i++) p[i] = p[i].replace(/\D/g,'');
    return p.join('.');

This assumes you know the decimal point character (in my case the locale is set from PHP, so I get it with <?php echo cms_function_to_get_decimal_point(); ?>).

    $ 150.00
    Fr. 150.00
    € 689.00

I have tested for above three currency symbols .You can do it for others also.

    var price = Fr. 150.00;
    var priceFloat = price.replace(/[^\d\.]/g, '');

Above regular expression will remove everything that is not a digit or a period.So You can get the string without currency symbol but in case of " Fr. 150.00 " if you console for output then you will get price as

    console.log('priceFloat : '+priceFloat);

    output will be like  priceFloat : .150.00

which is wrong so you check the index of "." then split that and get the proper result.

    if (priceFloat.indexOf('.') == 0) {
            priceFloat = parseFloat(priceFloat.split('.')[1]);
            priceFloat = parseFloat(priceFloat);

accounting.js is the way to go. I used it at a project and had very good experience using it.

accounting.formatMoney(4999.99, "€", 2, ".", ","); // €4.999,99
accounting.unformat("€ 1.000.000,00", ","); // 1000000

You can find it at GitHub

Such a headache and so less consideration to other cultures for nothing...

here it is folks:

let floatPrice = parseFloat(price.replace(/(,|\.)([0-9]{3})/g,'$2').replace(/(,|\.)/,'.'));

as simple as that.

I know this is an old question but wanted to give an additional option.

The jQuery Globalize gives the ability to parse a culture specific format to a float.


Given a string "$13,042.00", and Globalize set to en-US:


You can parse the float value out like so:

var result = Globalize.parseFloat(Globalize.format("$13,042.00", "c"));

This will give you:


And allows you to work with other cultures.

var parseCurrency = function (e) {
    if (typeof (e) === 'number') return e;
    if (typeof (e) === 'string') {
        var str = e.trim();
        var value = Number(e.replace(/[^0-9.-]+/g, ""));
        return str.startsWith('(') && str.endsWith(')') ? -value: value;

    return e;

I know this is an old question, but CMS's answer seems to have one tiny little flaw: it only works if currency format uses "." as decimal separator. For example, if you need to work with russian rubles, the string will look like this: "1 000,00 rub."

My solution is far less elegant than CMS's, but it should do the trick.

var currency = "1 000,00 rub."; //it works for US-style currency strings as well_x000D_
var cur_re = /\D*(\d+|\d.*?\d)(?:\D+(\d{2}))?\D*$/;_x000D_
var parts = cur_re.exec(currency);_x000D_
var number = parseFloat(parts[1].replace(/\D/,'')+'.'+(parts[2]?parts[2]:'00'));_x000D_


  • currency value uses decimal notation
  • there are no digits in the string that are not a part of the currency value
  • currency value contains either 0 or 2 digits in its fractional part *

The regexp can even handle something like "1,999 dollars and 99 cents", though it isn't an intended feature and it should not be relied upon.

Hope this will help someone.

// "10.000.500,61 TL" price_to_number => 10000500.61

// "10000500.62" number_to_price => 10.000.500,62

JS FIDDLE: https://jsfiddle.net/Limitlessisa/oxhgd32c/

var price="10.000.500,61 TL";
document.getElementById("demo1").innerHTML = price_to_number(price);

var numberPrice="10000500.62";
document.getElementById("demo2").innerHTML = number_to_price(numberPrice);

function price_to_number(v){
    if(!v){return 0;}
    return Number(v.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, ""));

function number_to_price(v){
    if(v==0){return '0,00';}
    v=v.toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,");
    return v;

This worked for me and covers most edge cases :)

function toFloat(num) {
  const cleanStr = String(num).replace(/[^0-9.,]/g, '');
  let dotPos = cleanStr.indexOf('.');
  let commaPos = cleanStr.indexOf(',');

  if (dotPos < 0) dotPos = 0;

  if (commaPos < 0) commaPos = 0;

  const dotSplit = cleanStr.split('.');
  const commaSplit = cleanStr.split(',');

  const isDecimalDot = dotPos
    && (
      (commaPos && dotPos > commaPos)
      || (!commaPos && dotSplit[dotSplit.length - 1].length === 2)

  const isDecimalComma = commaPos
    && (
      (dotPos && dotPos < commaPos)
      || (!dotPos && commaSplit[commaSplit.length - 1].length === 2)

  let integerPart = cleanStr;
  let decimalPart = '0';
  if (isDecimalComma) {
    integerPart = commaSplit[0];
    decimalPart = commaSplit[1];
  if (isDecimalDot) {
    integerPart = dotSplit[0];
    decimalPart = dotSplit[1];

  return parseFloat(
    `${integerPart.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')}.${decimalPart.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')}`,

toFloat('USD 1,500.00'); // 1500
toFloat('USD 1,500'); // 1500
toFloat('USD 500.00'); // 500
toFloat('USD 500'); // 500

toFloat('EUR 1.500,00'); // 1500
toFloat('EUR 1.500'); // 1500
toFloat('EUR 500,00'); // 500
toFloat('EUR 500'); // 500

var price = jQuery.format(39.00, "c");

output is: Rs. 39.00

use jquery.glob.js,

Here's a simple function -

function getNumberFromCurrency(currency) {
  return Number(currency.replace(/[$,]/g,''))

console.log(getNumberFromCurrency('$1,000,000.99')) // 1000000.99