Programs & Examples On #Associative

How to sort an associative array by its values in Javascript?

No unnecessary complication required...

function sortMapByValue(map)
    var tupleArray = [];
    for (var key in map) tupleArray.push([key, map[key]]);
    tupleArray.sort(function (a, b) { return a[1] - b[1] });
    return tupleArray;

How do I remove objects from a JavaScript associative array?

As other answers have noted, you are not using a JavaScript array, but a JavaScript object, which works almost like an associative array in other languages except that all keys are converted to strings. The new Map stores keys as their original type.

If you had an array and not an object, you could use the array's .filter function, to return a new array without the item you want removed:

var myArray = ['Bob', 'Smith', 25];
myArray = myArray.filter(function(item) {
    return item !== 'Smith';

If you have an older browser and jQuery, jQuery has a $.grep method that works similarly:

myArray = $.grep(myArray, function(item) {
    return item !== 'Smith';

From Arraylist to Array

This is the best way (IMHO).

List<String> myArrayList = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] myArray = myArrayList.toArray(new String[myArrayList.size()]);

This code works also:

String[] myArray = myArrayList.toArray(new String[0]);

But it less effective: the string array is created twice: first time zero-length array is created, then the real-size array is created, filled and returned. So, if since you know the needed size (from list.size()) you should create array that is big enough to put all elements. In this case it is not re-allocated.

gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi command not found

fixed, using:

sudo apt-get install gcc-arm*

Android toolbar center title and custom font

I don't know if anything changed in the appcompat library but it's fairly trivial, no need for reflection.

Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;

// loop through all toolbar children right after setting support 
// action bar because the text view has no id assigned

// also make sure that the activity has some title here
// because calling setText() with an empty string actually
// removes the text view from the toolbar

TextView toolbarTitle = null;
for (int i = 0; i < toolbar.getChildCount(); ++i) {
    View child = toolbar.getChildAt(i);

    // assuming that the title is the first instance of TextView
    // you can also check if the title string matches
    if (child instanceof TextView) {
        toolbarTitle = (TextView)child;

ADB Android Device Unauthorized

I just try adb kill-server, it works for me:

PS C:\Users\languoguang> adb devices
List of devices attached
MKJ0117A19000186        unauthorized
PS C:\Users\languoguang> adb shell
error: device unauthorized.
This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set
Try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong.
Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device.

kill and start adb server:

PS C:\Users\languoguang> adb kill-server
PS C:\Users\languoguang> adb start-server
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:12345
* daemon started successfully
PS C:\Users\languoguang> adb devices
List of devices attached
MKJ0117A19000186        device

How to pass data in the ajax DELETE request other than headers

deleteRequest: function (url, Id, bolDeleteReq, callback, errorCallback) {
        url: urlCall,
        type: 'DELETE',
        data: {"Id": Id, "bolDeleteReq" : bolDeleteReq},
        success: callback || $.noop,
        error: errorCallback || $.noop

Note: the use of headers was introduced in JQuery 1.5.:

A map of additional header key/value pairs to send along with the request. This setting is set before the beforeSend function is called; therefore, any values in the headers setting can be overwritten from within the beforeSend function.

How to center a component in Material-UI and make it responsive?

With other answers used, xs='auto' did a trick for me.

<Grid container
    style={{ minHeight: "100vh" }}>

    <Grid item xs='auto'>
            buttonText="Log in with Google"

Accessing Redux state in an action creator?

When your scenario is simple you can use

import store from '../store';

export const SOME_ACTION = 'SOME_ACTION';
export function someAction() {
  return {
    type: SOME_ACTION,
    items: store.getState().otherReducer.items,

But sometimes your action creator need to trigger multi actions

for example async request so you need REQUEST_LOAD REQUEST_LOAD_SUCCESS REQUEST_LOAD_FAIL actions

export function someAction() {
    return (dispatch, getState) => {
        const {
        } = getState().otherReducer;
            type: REQUEST_LOAD,
            loading: true
        $.ajax('url', {
            success: (data) => {
                    type: REQUEST_LOAD_SUCCESS,
                    loading: false,
                    data: data
            error: (error) => {
                    type: REQUEST_LOAD_FAIL,
                    loading: false,
                    error: error

Note: you need redux-thunk to return function in action creator

Batch Extract path and filename from a variable

You can only extract path and filename from (1) a parameter of the BAT itself %1, or (2) the parameter of a CALL %1 or (3) a local FOR variable %%a.

in HELP CALL or HELP FOR you may find more detailed information:

%~1 - expands %1 removing any surrounding quotes (")
%~f1 - expands %1 to a fully qualified path name
%~d1 - expands %1 to a drive letter only
%~p1 - expands %1 to a path only
%~n1 - expands %1 to a file name only
%~x1 - expands %1 to a file extension only
%~s1 - expanded path contains short names only
%~a1 - expands %1 to file attributes
%~t1 - expands %1 to date/time of file
%~z1 - expands %1 to size of file

And then try the following:

Either pass the string to be parsed as a parameter to a CALL

call :setfile ..\Desktop\fs.cfg
echo %file% = %filepath% + %filename%
goto :eof

set file=%~f1
set filepath=%~dp1
set filename=%~nx1
goto :eof

or the equivalent, pass the filename as a local FOR variable

for %%a in (..\Desktop\fs.cfg) do (
    set file=%%~fa
    set filepath=%%~dpa
    set filename=%%~nxa
echo %file% = %filepath% + %filename%

Creating Unicode character from its number

The other answers here either only support unicode up to U+FFFF (the answers dealing with just one instance of char) or don't tell how to get to the actual symbol (the answers stopping at Character.toChars() or using incorrect method after that), so adding my answer here, too.

To support supplementary code points also, this is what needs to be done:

// this character:
// using code points here, not U+n notation
// for equivalence with U+n, below would be 0xnnnn
int codePoint = 128149;
// converting to char[] pair
char[] charPair = Character.toChars(codePoint);
// and to String, containing the character we want
String symbol = new String(charPair);

// we now have str with the desired character as the first item
// confirm that we indeed have character with code point 128149
System.out.println("First code point: " + symbol.codePointAt(0));

I also did a quick test as to which conversion methods work and which don't

int codePoint = 128149;
char[] charPair = Character.toChars(codePoint);

System.out.println(new String(charPair, 0, 2).codePointAt(0)); // 128149, worked
System.out.println(charPair.toString().codePointAt(0));        // 91, didn't work
System.out.println(new String(charPair).codePointAt(0));       // 128149, worked
System.out.println(String.valueOf(codePoint).codePointAt(0));  // 49, didn't work
System.out.println(new String(new int[] {codePoint}, 0, 1).codePointAt(0));
                                                               // 128149, worked

Regex for parsing directory and filename

What language? and why use regex for this simple task?

If you must:


gives you the two parts you wanted. You might need to quote the parentheses:


depending on your preferred language syntax.

But I suggest you just use your language's string search function that finds the last "/" character, and split the string on that index.

How to request Administrator access inside a batch file

I used multiple examples to patch this working one liner together.

This will open your batch script as an ADMIN + Maximized Window

Just add one of the following codes to the top of your batch script. Both ways work, just different ways to code it.

I believe the first example responds the quickest due to /d switch disabling my doskey commands that I have enabled..


IF NOT "%1"=="MAX" (powershell -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -Command {Start-Process CMD -ArgumentList '/D,/C' -Verb RunAs} & START /MAX CMD /D /C %0 MAX & EXIT /B)

:: Your original batch code here:



IF NOT "%1"=="MAX" (powershell -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -Command "Start-Process CMD -ArgumentList '/C' -Verb RunAs" & START /MAX CMD /C "%0" MAX & EXIT /B)

:: Your original batch code here:


See below for recommendations when using your original batch code

Place the original batch code in it's entirety

Just because the first line of code at the very top has @ECHO OFF doesn't mean you should not include it again if your original script has it as well.

This ensures that when the script get's restarted in a new window now running in admin mode that you don't lose your intended script parameters/attributes... Such as the current working directory, your local variables, and so on

You could beginning with the following commands to avoid some of these issues

:: Make sure to use @ECHO OFF if your original code had it
:: Avoid clashing with other active windows variables with SETLOCAL
:: Nice color to work with using 0A
:: Give your script a name

:: Ensure your working directory is set where you want it to be
:: the following code sets the working directory to the script directory folder
PUSHD "%~dp0"


:: Signal the script is finished in the title bar

How to combine GROUP BY and ROW_NUMBER?

The deduplication (to select the max T1) and the aggregation need to be done as distinct steps. I've used a CTE since I think this makes it clearer:

    SELECT  Rel.t2ID, SUM(Price) price
    FROM    @t1         AS T1
    JOIN    @relation   AS Rel 
    ON      Rel.t1ID=T1.ID
    BY      Rel.t2ID
    SELECT  Rel.t2ID, Rel.t1ID, 
            ROW_NUMBER()OVER(Partition By Rel.t2ID Order By Price DESC)As PriceList
    FROM    @t1         AS T1
    JOIN    @relation   AS Rel 
    ON      Rel.t1ID=T1.ID
,T2.Name as T2Name
,T1.Name As T1Name
FROM    @t2 AS T2
JOIN    sumCTE AS sumT1
ON      sumT1.t2ID = t2.ID
JOIN    maxCTE AS maxT1
ON      maxT1.t2ID = t2.ID
JOIN    @t1 AS T1
ON      T1.ID = maxT1.t1ID
WHERE   maxT1.PriceList = 1

Finding the id of a parent div using Jquery

JQUery has a .parents() method for moving up the DOM tree you can start there.

If you're interested in doing this a more semantic way I don't think using the REL attribute on a button is the best way to semantically define "this is the answer" in your code. I'd recommend something along these lines:

<p id="question1">
    <label for="input1">Volume =</label> 
    <input type="text" name="userInput1" id="userInput1" />
    <button type="button">Check answer</button>
    <input type="hidden" id="answer1" name="answer1" value="3.93e-6" />


$("button").click(function () {
    var correctAnswer = $(this).parent().siblings("input[type=hidden]").val();
    var userAnswer = $(this).parent().siblings("input[type=text]").val();
    validate(userAnswer, correctAnswer);

Not quite sure how your validate and feedback are working, but you get the idea.

UICollectionView Set number of columns

CollectionViews are very powerful, and they come at a price. Lots, and lots of options. As omz said:

there are multiple ways you could change the number of columns

I'd suggest implementing the <UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout> Protocol, giving you access to the following methods in which you can have greater control over the layout of your UICollectionView, without the need for subclassing it:

  • collectionView:layout:insetForSectionAtIndex:
  • collectionView:layout:minimumInteritemSpacingForSectionAtIndex:
  • collectionView:layout:minimumLineSpacingForSectionAtIndex:
  • collectionView:layout:referenceSizeForFooterInSection:
  • collectionView:layout:referenceSizeForHeaderInSection:
  • collectionView:layout:sizeForItemAtIndexPath:

Also, implementing the following method will force your UICollectionView to update it's layout on an orientation change: (say you wanted to re-size the cells for landscape and make them stretch)


    [self.myCollectionView.collectionViewLayout invalidateLayout];

Additionally, here are 2 really good tutorials on UICollectionViews:

How to split a file into equal parts, without breaking individual lines?

I made a bash script, that given a number of parts as input, split a file



for i in $(seq 0 $((parts_total-2))); do
  lines=$(wc -l "$input" | cut -f 1 -d" ")
  #n is rounded, 1.3 to 2, 1.6 to 2, 1 to 1
  n=$(awk  -v lines=$lines -v parts=$parts 'BEGIN { 
    n = lines/parts;
    rounded = sprintf("%.0f", n);
      print rounded + 1;
      print rounded;
  head -$n "$input" > split${i}
  tail -$((lines-n)) "$input" > .tmp${i}
mv .tmp$((parts_total-2)) split$((parts_total-1))
rm .tmp*

I used head and tail commands, and store in tmp files, for split the files

#10 means 10 parts
sh input_file 10

or with awk, where 0.1 is 10% => 10 parts, or 0.334 is 3 parts

awk -v size=$(wc -l < input) -v perc=0.1 '{
  nfile = int(NR/(size*perc)); 
  if(nfile >= 1/perc){
  print > "split_"nfile
}' input

UIAlertController custom font, size, color

In Xcode 8 Swift 3.0

@IBAction func touchUpInside(_ sender: UIButton) {

    let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message: "", preferredStyle: .alert)

    //to change font of title and message.
    let titleFont = [NSFontAttributeName: UIFont(name: "ArialHebrew-Bold", size: 18.0)!]
    let messageFont = [NSFontAttributeName: UIFont(name: "Avenir-Roman", size: 12.0)!]

    let titleAttrString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "Title Here", attributes: titleFont)
    let messageAttrString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "Message Here", attributes: messageFont)

    alertController.setValue(titleAttrString, forKey: "attributedTitle")
    alertController.setValue(messageAttrString, forKey: "attributedMessage")

    let action1 = UIAlertAction(title: "Action 1", style: .default) { (action) in

    let action2 = UIAlertAction(title: "Action 2", style: .default) { (action) in

    let action3 = UIAlertAction(title: "Action 3", style: .default) { (action) in

    let okAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Ok", style: .default) { (action) in


    alertController.view.tintColor =
    alertController.view.backgroundColor =
    alertController.view.layer.cornerRadius = 40

    present(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)



UIAlertController custom font, size and color

Combating AngularJS executing controller twice

Been scratching my head over this problem with AngularJS 1.4 rc build, then realised none of the above answers was applicable since it was originated from the new router library for Angular 1.4 and Angular 2 at the time of this writing. Therefore, I am dropping a note here for anyone who might be using the new Angular route library.

Basically if a html page contains a ng-viewport directive for loading parts of your app, by clicking on a hyperlink specified in with ng-link would cause the target controller of the associated component to be loaded twice. The subtle difference is that, if the browser has already loaded the target controller, by re-clicking the same hyperlink would only invoke the controller once.

Haven't found a viable workaround yet, though I believe this behaviour is consistent with the observation raised by shaunxu, and hopefully this issue would be resolved in the future build of new route library and along with AngularJS 1.4 releases.

html table cell width for different rows

with 5 columns and colspan, this is possible (click here) (but doesn't make much sense to me):

<table width="100%" border="1" bgcolor="#ffffff">
        <col width="25%">
        <col width="25%">
        <col width="25%">
        <col width="5%">
        <col width="20%">
        <td colspan="2">50</td>
        <td colspan="2">25</td>     
        <td colspan="2">50</td>
        <td colspan="2">30</td>

Whoops, looks like something went wrong. Laravel 5.0

This is happening because there is a field in .env file named, APP_KEY, which is blank now, we need some random key for this variable.

Follow these steps to get rid of this problem.

1) .env.example to .env

2) Go to your root directory in your command prompt (If you are using windows)/terminal (If you are using MAC or LINUX) where you have installed laravel project/files and run following command

php artisan key:generate

and then run your project. It's all done.

Defining static const integer members in class definition

Another way to do this, for integer types anyway, is to define constants as enums in the class:

class test
    enum { N = 10 };

Git: How to check if a local repo is up to date?

git remote show origin


HEAD branch: master
  Remote branch:
    master tracked
  Local branch configured for 'git pull':
    master merges with remote master
  Local ref configured for 'git push':
    master pushes to master (local out of date) <-------

How to calculate the sentence similarity using word2vec model of gensim with python

I have tried the methods provided by the previous answers. It works, but the main drawback of it is that the longer the sentences the larger similarity will be(to calculate the similarity I use the cosine score of the two mean embeddings of any two sentences) since the more the words the more positive semantic effects will be added to the sentence.

I thought I should change my mind and use the sentence embedding instead as studied in this paper and this.

How to specify Memory & CPU limit in docker compose version 3

Docker Compose does not support the deploy key. It's only respected when you use your version 3 YAML file in a Docker Stack.

This message is printed when you add the deploy key to you docker-compose.yml file and then run docker-compose up -d

WARNING: Some services (database) use the 'deploy' key, which will be ignored. Compose does not support 'deploy' configuration - use docker stack deploy to deploy to a swarm.

The documentation ( says:

Specify configuration related to the deployment and running of services. This only takes effect when deploying to a swarm with docker stack deploy, and is ignored by docker-compose up and docker-compose run.

Is it possible to force Excel recognize UTF-8 CSV files automatically?

I am generating csv files from a simple C# application and had the same problem. My solution was to ensure the file is written with UTF8 encoding, like so:

// Use UTF8 encoding so that Excel is ok with accents and such.
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(path, false, Encoding.UTF8))

I originally had the following code, with which accents look fine in Notepad++ but were getting mangled in Excel:

using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(path))

Your mileage may vary - I'm using .NET 4 and Excel from Office 365.

Matplotlib - global legend and title aside subplots

In addition to the orbeckst answer one might also want to shift the subplots down. Here's an MWE in OOP style:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
st = fig.suptitle("suptitle", fontsize="x-large")

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(311)

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(312)

ax3 = fig.add_subplot(313)


# shift subplots down:



enter image description here

Batch files: List all files in a directory with relative paths

@echo on>out.txt
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "parentfolder=%CD%"
for /r . %%g in (*.*) do (
  set "var=%%g"
  set var=!var:%parentfolder%=!
  echo !var! >> out.txt

Trim to remove white space

jQuery.trim() capital Q?

or $.trim()

How to create a MySQL hierarchical recursive query?

For MySQL 8+: use the recursive with syntax.
For MySQL 5.x: use inline variables, path IDs, or self-joins.

MySQL 8+

with recursive cte (id, name, parent_id) as (
  select     id,
  from       products
  where      parent_id = 19
  union all
  from       products p
  inner join cte
          on p.parent_id =
select * from cte;

The value specified in parent_id = 19 should be set to the id of the parent you want to select all the descendants of.

MySQL 5.x

For MySQL versions that do not support Common Table Expressions (up to version 5.7), you would achieve this with the following query:

select  id,
from    (select * from products
         order by parent_id, id) products_sorted,
        (select @pv := '19') initialisation
where   find_in_set(parent_id, @pv)
and     length(@pv := concat(@pv, ',', id))

Here is a fiddle.

Here, the value specified in @pv := '19' should be set to the id of the parent you want to select all the descendants of.

This will work also if a parent has multiple children. However, it is required that each record fulfills the condition parent_id < id, otherwise the results will not be complete.

Variable assignments inside a query

This query uses specific MySQL syntax: variables are assigned and modified during its execution. Some assumptions are made about the order of execution:

  • The from clause is evaluated first. So that is where @pv gets initialised.
  • The where clause is evaluated for each record in the order of retrieval from the from aliases. So this is where a condition is put to only include records for which the parent was already identified as being in the descendant tree (all descendants of the primary parent are progressively added to @pv).
  • The conditions in this where clause are evaluated in order, and the evaluation is interrupted once the total outcome is certain. Therefore the second condition must be in second place, as it adds the id to the parent list, and this should only happen if the id passes the first condition. The length function is only called to make sure this condition is always true, even if the pv string would for some reason yield a falsy value.

All in all, one may find these assumptions too risky to rely on. The documentation warns:

you might get the results you expect, but this is not guaranteed [...] the order of evaluation for expressions involving user variables is undefined.

So even though it works consistently with the above query, the evaluation order may still change, for instance when you add conditions or use this query as a view or sub-query in a larger query. It is a "feature" that will be removed in a future MySQL release:

Previous releases of MySQL made it possible to assign a value to a user variable in statements other than SET. This functionality is supported in MySQL 8.0 for backward compatibility but is subject to removal in a future release of MySQL.

As stated above, from MySQL 8.0 onward you should use the recursive with syntax.


For very large data sets this solution might get slow, as the find_in_set operation is not the most ideal way to find a number in a list, certainly not in a list that reaches a size in the same order of magnitude as the number of records returned.

Alternative 1: with recursive, connect by

More and more databases implement the SQL:1999 ISO standard WITH [RECURSIVE] syntax for recursive queries (e.g. Postgres 8.4+, SQL Server 2005+, DB2, Oracle 11gR2+, SQLite 3.8.4+, Firebird 2.1+, H2, HyperSQL 2.1.0+, Teradata, MariaDB 10.2.2+). And as of version 8.0, also MySQL supports it. See the top of this answer for the syntax to use.

Some databases have an alternative, non-standard syntax for hierarchical look-ups, such as the CONNECT BY clause available on Oracle, DB2, Informix, CUBRID and other databases.

MySQL version 5.7 does not offer such a feature. When your database engine provides this syntax or you can migrate to one that does, then that is certainly the best option to go for. If not, then also consider the following alternatives.

Alternative 2: Path-style Identifiers

Things become a lot easier if you would assign id values that contain the hierarchical information: a path. For example, in your case this could look like this:

19 category1
19/1 category2
19/1/1 category3
19/1/1/1 category4

Then your select would look like this:

select  id,
from    products
where   id like '19/%'

Alternative 3: Repeated Self-joins

If you know an upper limit for how deep your hierarchy tree can become, you can use a standard sql query like this:

select      p6.parent_id as parent6_id,
            p5.parent_id as parent5_id,
            p4.parent_id as parent4_id,
            p3.parent_id as parent3_id,
            p2.parent_id as parent2_id,
            p1.parent_id as parent_id,
   as product_id,
from        products p1
left join   products p2 on = p1.parent_id 
left join   products p3 on = p2.parent_id 
left join   products p4 on = p3.parent_id  
left join   products p5 on = p4.parent_id  
left join   products p6 on = p5.parent_id
where       19 in (p1.parent_id, 
order       by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

See this fiddle

The where condition specifies which parent you want to retrieve the descendants of. You can extend this query with more levels as needed.

Can't bind to 'routerLink' since it isn't a known property

You are missing either the inclusion of the route package, or including the router module in your main app module.

Make sure your package.json has this:

"@angular/router": "^3.3.1"

Then in your app.module import the router and configure the routes:

import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router';

imports: [
            {path: '', component: DashboardComponent},
            {path: 'dashboard', component: DashboardComponent}


Move the AppRoutingModule to be first in the imports:

imports: [
    AlertModule.forRoot(), // What is this?

Rails: Using greater than/less than with a where statement

Another fancy possibility is...

User.where("id > :id", id: 100)

This feature allows you to create more comprehensible queries if you want to replace in multiple places, for example...

User.where("id > :id OR number > :number AND employee_id = :employee", id: 100, number: 102, employee: 1205)

This has more meaning than having a lot of ? on the query...

User.where("id > ? OR number > ? AND employee_id = ?", 100, 102, 1205)

Replace whitespaces with tabs in linux

better tr command:

tr [:blank:] \\t

This will clean up the output of say, unzip -l , for further processing with grep, cut, etc.


unzip -l | tr [:blank:] \\t | cut -f 5 | grep jar

Counting number of occurrences in column?


You can replace the criteria with cell references from Column B

Getting session value in javascript

var sessionVal = '@Session["EnergyUnit"]';

How to change color in markdown cells ipython/jupyter notebook?

<span style='color:blue '> your message/text </span>

So here it is a perfect html css style entry inside a notebook ipynb file.

Of course you can choose your favourite color here and then your text.

How to get the number of columns from a JDBC ResultSet?

This will print the data in columns and comes to new line once last column is reached.

ResultSetMetaData resultSetMetaData = res.getMetaData();
int columnCount = resultSetMetaData.getColumnCount();
for(int i =1; i<=columnCount; i++){



open read and close a file in 1 line of code

What you can do is to use the with statement, and write the two steps on one line:

>>> with open('pagehead.section.htm', 'r') as fin: output =;
>>> print(output)
some content

The with statement will take care to call __exit__ function of the given object even if something bad happened in your code; it's close to the try... finally syntax. For object returned by open, __exit__ corresponds to file closure.

This statement has been introduced with Python 2.6.

isset PHP isset($_GET['something']) ? $_GET['something'] : ''

That's called a ternary operator and it's mainly used in place of an if-else statement.

In the example you gave it can be used to retrieve a value from an array given isset returns true

isset($_GET['something']) ? $_GET['something'] : ''

is equivalent to

if (isset($_GET['something'])) {
} else {

Of course it's not much use unless you assign it to something, and possibly even assign a default value for a user submitted value.

$username = isset($_GET['username']) ? $_GET['username'] : 'anonymous'

Permutations in JavaScript?

This is a very nice use-case for map/reduce:

function permutations(arr) {
    return (arr.length === 1) ? arr :
    arr.reduce((acc, cv, index) => {
        let remaining = [...arr];
        remaining.splice(index, 1);
        return acc.concat(permutations(remaining).map(a => [].concat(cv,a)));
    }, []);
  • First, we handle the base case and simply return the array if there is only on item in it
  • In all other cases
    • we create an empty array
    • loop over the input-array
    • and add an array of the current value and all permutations of the remaining array [].concat(cv,a)

Transaction marked as rollback only: How do I find the cause

disable the transactionmanager in your Bean.xml

<tx:annotation-driven proxy-target-class="true" transaction-manager="transactionManager"/>
    <bean id="transactionManager"
        <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"></property>

comment out these lines, and you'll see the exception causing the rollback ;)

A simple jQuery form validation script

You can simply use the jQuery Validate plugin as follows.


$(document).ready(function () {

    $('#myform').validate({ // initialize the plugin
        rules: {
            field1: {
                required: true,
                email: true
            field2: {
                required: true,
                minlength: 5



<form id="myform">
    <input type="text" name="field1" />
    <input type="text" name="field2" />
    <input type="submit" />




Standard Rules:

Optional Rules available with the additional-methods.js file:

email2 (optional TLD)
url2 (optional TLD)

how do I get the bullet points of a <ul> to center with the text?

I found the answer today. Maybe its too late but still I think its a much better one. Check this one

Try to change the CSS code : <ul> max-width:1%; margin:auto; text-align:left; </ul>

max-width:80% or something like that.

Try experimenting you might find something new.

c# dictionary one key many values

Your dictionary's value type could be a List, or other class that holds multiple objects. Something like

Dictionary<int, List<string>> 

for a Dictionary that is keyed by ints and holds a List of strings.

A main consideration in choosing the value type is what you'll be using the Dictionary for, if you'll have to do searching or other operations on the values, then maybe think about using a data structure that helps you do what you want -- like a HashSet.

How to set a DateTime variable in SQL Server 2008?

You Should Try This Way :

  SET @TEST =  '05/09/2013'

Copying the cell value preserving the formatting from one cell to another in excel using VBA

To copy formatting:

Range("I10:J10").Select ' note that we select the whole merged cell
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats

copying the formatting will break the merged cells, so you can use this to put the cell back together


To copy a cell value, without copying anything else (and not using copy/paste), you can address the cells directly

Range("I10").Value = Range("F10").Value

other properties (font, color, etc ) can also be copied by addressing the range object properties directly in the same way

Cannot find or open the PDB file in Visual Studio C++ 2010

Working with VS 2013.
Try the following Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> Output Window -> Module Load Messages -> Off

It will disable the display of modules loaded.

MySQL error 1449: The user specified as a definer does not exist

You can try this:

$ mysql -u root -p 
> grant all privileges on *.* to `root`@`%` identified by 'password'; 
> flush privileges;

Timer for Python game

The threading.Timer object (documentation) can count the ten seconds, then get it to set an Event flag indicating that the loop should exit.

The documentation indicates that the timing might not be exact - you'd have to test whether it's accurate enough for your game.

File Not Found when running PHP with Nginx

in case it helps someone, my issue seems to be just because I was using a subfolder under my home directory, even though permissions seem correct and I don't have SELinux or anything like that. changing it to be under /var/www/something/something made it work.

(if I ever found the real cause, and remember this answer, I'll update it)

Which equals operator (== vs ===) should be used in JavaScript comparisons?

In the answers here, I didn't read anything about what equal means. Some will say that === means equal and of the same type, but that's not really true. It actually means that both operands reference the same object, or in case of value types, have the same value.

So, let's take the following code:

var a = [1,2,3];
var b = [1,2,3];
var c = a;

var ab_eq = (a === b); // false (even though a and b are the same type)
var ac_eq = (a === c); // true

The same here:

var a = { x: 1, y: 2 };
var b = { x: 1, y: 2 };
var c = a;

var ab_eq = (a === b); // false (even though a and b are the same type)
var ac_eq = (a === c); // true

Or even:

var a = { };
var b = { };
var c = a;

var ab_eq = (a === b); // false (even though a and b are the same type)
var ac_eq = (a === c); // true

This behavior is not always obvious. There's more to the story than being equal and being of the same type.

The rule is:

For value types (numbers):
a === b returns true if a and b have the same value and are of the same type

For reference types:
a === b returns true if a and b reference the exact same object

For strings:
a === b returns true if a and b are both strings and contain the exact same characters

Strings: the special case...

Strings are not value types, but in Javascript they behave like value types, so they will be "equal" when the characters in the string are the same and when they are of the same length (as explained in the third rule)

Now it becomes interesting:

var a = "12" + "3";
var b = "123";

alert(a === b); // returns true, because strings behave like value types

But how about this?:

var a = new String("123");
var b = "123";

alert(a === b); // returns false !! (but they are equal and of the same type)

I thought strings behave like value types? Well, it depends who you ask... In this case a and b are not the same type. a is of type Object, while b is of type string. Just remember that creating a string object using the String constructor creates something of type Object that behaves as a string most of the time.

Convert Bitmap to File

Most of the answers are too lengthy or too short not fulfilling the purpose. For those how are looking for Java or Kotlin code to Convert bitmap to File Object. Here is the detailed article I have written on the topic. Convert Bitmap to File in Android

public static File bitmapToFile(Context context,Bitmap bitmap, String fileNameToSave) { // File name like "image.png"
        //create a file to write bitmap data
        File file = null;
        try {
            file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + File.separator + fileNameToSave);

//Convert bitmap to byte array
            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 0 , bos); // YOU can also save it in JPEG
            byte[] bitmapdata = bos.toByteArray();

//write the bytes in file
            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
            return file;
        }catch (Exception e){
            return file; // it will return null

TypeError: $(...).modal is not a function with bootstrap Modal

I guess you should use in your button

<a data-toggle="modal" href="#form-content"    

instead of href there should be data-target

<a data-toggle="modal" data-target="#form-content"    

just be sure, that modal content is already loaded

I think problem is, that showing modal is called twice, one in ajax call, that works fine, you said modal is shown correctly, but error probably comes with init action on that button, that should handle modal, this action cant be executed, because modal is not loaded at that time.

jquery <a> tag click event

That's because your hidden fields have duplicate IDs, so jQuery only returns the first in the set. Give them classes instead, like .uid and grab them via:

var uids = $(".uid").map(function() {
    return this.value;


EDIT: say your output looks like the following (notice, IDs have changed to classes)

<fieldset><legend>John Smith</legend>
<img src='foo.jpg'/><br>
<a href="#" class="aaf">add as friend</a>
<input name="uid" type="hidden" value='<?php echo $row->uid;?>' class="uid">

You can target the 'uid' relative to the clicked anchor like this:

$("a.aaf").click(function() {

Important: do not have any duplicate IDs. They will cause problems. They are invalid, bad and you should not do it.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ECHO in

Missing ; after var_dump($row)

How do I create a copy of an object in PHP?

In PHP 5+ objects are passed by reference. In PHP 4 they are passed by value (that's why it had runtime pass by reference, which became deprecated).

You can use the 'clone' operator in PHP5 to copy objects:

$objectB = clone $objectA;

Also, it's just objects that are passed by reference, not everything as you've said in your question...

Append an empty row in dataframe using pandas

Add a new pandas.Series using pandas.DataFrame.append().

If you wish to specify the name (AKA the "index") of the new row, use:


If you don't wish to name the new row, use:

df.append(pandas.Series(), ignore_index=True)

where df is your pandas.DataFrame.

How to Fill an array from user input C#?

C# does not have a message box that will gather input, but you can use the Visual Basic input box instead.

If you add a reference to "Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Runtime" and then insert:

using Microsoft.VisualBasic;

You can do the following:

List<string> responses = new List<string>();
string response = "";

while(!(response = Interaction.InputBox("Please enter your information",
                                        "Window Title",
                                        "Default Text",


EL access a map value by Integer key

Initial answer (EL 2.1, May 2009)

As mentioned in this java forum thread:

Basically autoboxing puts an Integer object into the Map. ie:

map.put(new Integer(0), "myValue")

EL (Expressions Languages) evaluates 0 as a Long and thus goes looking for a Long as the key in the map. ie it evaluates:

map.get(new Long(0))

As a Long is never equal to an Integer object, it does not find the entry in the map.
That's it in a nutshell.

Update since May 2009 (EL 2.2)

Dec 2009 saw the introduction of EL 2.2 with JSP 2.2 / Java EE 6, with a few differences compared to EL 2.1.
It seems ("EL Expression parsing integer as long") that:

you can call the method intValue on the Long object self inside EL 2.2:

<c:out value="${map[(1).intValue()]}"/>

That could be a good workaround here (also mentioned below in Tobias Liefke's answer)

Original answer:

EL uses the following wrappers:

Terms                  Description               Type
null                   null value.               -
123                    int value.                java.lang.Long
123.00                 real value.               java.lang.Double
"string" ou 'string'   string.                   java.lang.String
true or false          boolean.                  java.lang.Boolean

JSP page demonstrating this:

 <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""%>

 <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>

 <h2> Server Info</h2>
Server info = <%= application.getServerInfo() %> <br>
Servlet engine version = <%=  application.getMajorVersion() %>.<%= application.getMinorVersion() %><br>
Java version = <%= System.getProperty("java.vm.version") %><br>
  Map map = new LinkedHashMap();
  map.put("2", "String(2)");
  map.put(new Integer(2), "Integer(2)");
  map.put(new Long(2), "Long(2)");
  map.put(42, "AutoBoxedNumber");

  pageContext.setAttribute("myMap", map);  
  Integer lifeInteger = new Integer(42);
  Long lifeLong = new Long(42);  
  <h3>Looking up map in JSTL - integer vs long </h3>

  This page demonstrates how JSTL maps interact with different types used for keys in a map.
  Specifically the issue relates to autoboxing by java using map.put(1, "MyValue") and attempting to display it as ${myMap[1]}
  The map "myMap" consists of four entries with different keys: A String, an Integer, a Long and an entry put there by AutoBoxing Java 5 feature.       

  <table border="1">
    <tr><th>Key</th><th>value</th><th>Key Class</th></tr>
    <c:forEach var="entry" items="${myMap}" varStatus="status">

    <h4> Accessing the map</h4>    
    Evaluating: ${"${myMap['2']}"} = <c:out value="${myMap['2']}"/><br>
    Evaluating: ${"${myMap[2]}"}   = <c:out value="${myMap[2]}"/><br>    
    Evaluating: ${"${myMap[42]}"}   = <c:out value="${myMap[42]}"/><br>    

    As you can see, the EL Expression for the literal number retrieves the value against the java.lang.Long entry in the map.
    Attempting to access the entry created by autoboxing fails because a Long is never equal to an Integer

    lifeInteger = <%= lifeInteger %><br/>
    lifeLong = <%= lifeLong %><br/>
    lifeInteger.equals(lifeLong) : <%= lifeInteger.equals(lifeLong) %> <br>

Select max value of each group

select name, value 
from( select name, value, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY name ORDER BY value desc) as rn
from out_pumptable ) as a
where rn = 1

Division of integers in Java

As your output results a double you should cast either completed variable or total variable or both to double while dividing.

So, the correct implmentation will be:


Obtain form input fields using jQuery?

$('#myForm').submit(function() {
    // get all the inputs into an array.
    var $inputs = $('#myForm :input');

    // not sure if you wanted this, but I thought I'd add it.
    // get an associative array of just the values.
    var values = {};
    $inputs.each(function() {
        values[] = $(this).val();


Thanks to the tip from Simon_Weaver, here is another way you could do it, using serializeArray:

var values = {};
$.each($('#myForm').serializeArray(), function(i, field) {
    values[] = field.value;

Note that this snippet will fail on <select multiple> elements.

It appears that the new HTML 5 form inputs don't work with serializeArray in jQuery version 1.3. This works in version 1.4+

Could not load file or assembly ... The parameter is incorrect

In my case, changing the IISExpress port number in my project properties, solved the problem.

Rename a column in MySQL

Use the following query:

ALTER TABLE tableName CHANGE oldcolname newcolname datatype(length);

The RENAME function is used in Oracle databases.

ALTER TABLE tableName RENAME COLUMN oldcolname TO newcolname datatype(length);

@lad2025 mentions it below, but I thought it'd be nice to add what he said. Thank you @lad2025!

You can use the RENAME COLUMN in MySQL 8.0 to rename any column you need renamed.

ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME COLUMN old_col_name TO new_col_name;


  • Can change a column name but not its definition.
  • More convenient than CHANGE to rename a column without changing its definition.

What is SaaS, PaaS and IaaS? With examples

SaaS: Software as a Service Cloud application services or “Software as a Service” (SaaS) are probably the most popular form of cloud computing and are easy to use. SaaS uses the Web to deliver applications that are managed by a third-party vendor and whose interface is accessed on the clients’ side. Most SaaS applications can be run directly from a Web browser, without any downloads or installations required. SaaS eliminates the need to install and run applications on individual computers. With SaaS, it’s easy for enterprises to streamline their maintenance and support, because everything can be managed by vendors: applications, runtime, data, middleware, O/S, virtualization, servers, storage, and networking. Gmail is one famous example of an SaaS mail provider.

PaaS: Platform as a Service The most complex of the three, cloud platform services or “Platform as a Service” (PaaS) deliver computational resources through a platform. What developers gain with PaaS is a framework they can build upon to develop or customize applications. PaaS makes the development, testing, and deployment of applications quick, simple, and cost-effective, eliminating the need to buy the underlying layers of hardware and software. One comparison between SaaS vs. PaaS has to do with what aspects must be managed by users, rather than providers: With PaaS, vendors still manage runtime, middleware, O/S, virtualization, servers, storage, and networking, but users manage applications and data.

IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service Cloud infrastructure services, known as “Infrastructure as a Service” (IaaS), deliver computer infrastructure (such as a platform virtualization environment), storage, and networking. Instead of having to purchase software, servers, or network equipment, users can buy these as a fully outsourced service that is usually billed according to the amount of resources consumed. Basically, in exchange for a rental fee, a third party allows you to install a virtual server on their IT infrastructure. Compared to SaaS and PaaS, IaaS users are responsible for managing more: applications, data, runtime, middleware, and O/S. Vendors still manage virtualization, servers, hard drives, storage, and networking. What users gain with IaaS is infrastructure on top of which they can install any required platforms. Users are responsible for updating these if new versions are released.

How to fix: "UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte"

I had the same error, with URLs containing non-ascii chars (bytes with values > 128), my solution:

url = url.decode('utf8').encode('utf-8')

Note: utf-8, utf8 are simply aliases . Using only 'utf8' or 'utf-8' should work in the same way

In my case, worked for me, in Python 2.7, I suppose this assignment changed 'something' in the str internal representation--i.e., it forces the right decoding of the backed byte sequence in url and finally puts the string into a utf-8 str with all the magic in the right place. Unicode in Python is black magic for me. Hope useful

What is the difference between '@' and '=' in directive scope in AngularJS?

I implemented all the possible options in a fiddle.

It deals with all the options:







Convert integer to binary in C#

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var @decimal = 42;
        var binaryVal = ToBinary(@decimal, 2);

        var binary = "101010";
        var decimalVal = ToDecimal(binary, 2);

        Console.WriteLine("Binary value of decimal {0} is '{1}'", @decimal, binaryVal);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal value of binary '{0}' is {1}", binary, decimalVal);

        @decimal = 6;
        binaryVal = ToBinary(@decimal, 3);

        binary = "20";
        decimalVal = ToDecimal(binary, 3);

        Console.WriteLine("Base3 value of decimal {0} is '{1}'", @decimal, binaryVal);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal value of base3 '{0}' is {1}", binary, decimalVal);

        @decimal = 47;
        binaryVal = ToBinary(@decimal, 4);

        binary = "233";
        decimalVal = ToDecimal(binary, 4);

        Console.WriteLine("Base4 value of decimal {0} is '{1}'", @decimal, binaryVal);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal value of base4 '{0}' is {1}", binary, decimalVal);

        @decimal = 99;
        binaryVal = ToBinary(@decimal, 5);

        binary = "344";
        decimalVal = ToDecimal(binary, 5);

        Console.WriteLine("Base5 value of decimal {0} is '{1}'", @decimal, binaryVal);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal value of base5 '{0}' is {1}", binary, decimalVal);

        Console.WriteLine("And so forth.. excluding after base 10 (decimal) though :)");

        @decimal = 16;
        binaryVal = ToBinary(@decimal, 11);

        binary = "b";
        decimalVal = ToDecimal(binary, 11);

        Console.WriteLine("Hexidecimal value of decimal {0} is '{1}'", @decimal, binaryVal);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal value of Hexidecimal '{0}' is {1}", binary, decimalVal);
        Console.WriteLine("Uh oh.. this aint right :( ... but let's cheat :P");

        @decimal = 11;
        binaryVal = Convert.ToString(@decimal, 16);

        binary = "b";
        decimalVal = Convert.ToInt32(binary, 16);

        Console.WriteLine("Hexidecimal value of decimal {0} is '{1}'", @decimal, binaryVal);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal value of Hexidecimal '{0}' is {1}", binary, decimalVal);


    static string ToBinary(decimal number, int @base)
        var round = 0;
        var reverseBinary = string.Empty;

        while (number > 0)
            var remainder = number % @base;
            reverseBinary += remainder;

            round = (int)(number / @base);
            number = round;

        var binaryArray = reverseBinary.ToCharArray();

        var binary = new string(binaryArray);
        return binary;

    static double ToDecimal(string binary, int @base)
        var val = 0d;

        if (!binary.All(char.IsNumber))
            return 0d;

        for (int i = 0; i < binary.Length; i++)
            var @char = Convert.ToDouble(binary[i].ToString());

            var pow = (binary.Length - 1) - i;
            val += Math.Pow(@base, pow) * @char;

        return val;

Learning sources:

Everything you need to know about binary

including algorithm to convert decimal to binary

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms'

Updating ReportViewer should works. Use below instruction to install updated ReportViewer from Nuget Package Manager console.

Install-Package Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.WebForms

Just add below assembly reference in your aspx file.

Here, is the version number of the ReportViewerControl.WebForms that was installed in my VS. Please check Reference of the Solution to confirm the version number. No need to add PublicTokens (if multiple installation exists, it may creates trouble again).

Allow anonymous authentication for a single folder in web.config?

<location path="ForAll/Demo.aspx">
    <allow users="*" />

In Addition: If you want to write something on that folder through website , you have to give IIS_User permission to the folder

"Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please re-run as root via sudo." when using GCC

You don't need to fiddle around with any command :)

Once the XCode is updated, open the Xcode IDE program. Please accept terms and conditions.

You are all set to go :))

Trying to get PyCharm to work, keep getting "No Python interpreter selected"

Even I got the same issue and my mistake was that I didn't download python MSI file. You will get it here:

Once you download the msi, run the setup and that will solve the problem. After that you can go to File->Settings->Project Settings->Project Interpreter->Python Interpreters

and select the python.exe file. (This file will be available at c:\Python34) Select the python.exe file. That's it.

What are database normal forms and can you give examples?

1NF is the most basic of normal forms - each cell in a table must contain only one piece of information, and there can be no duplicate rows.

2NF and 3NF are all about being dependent on the primary key. Recall that a primary key can be made up of multiple columns. As Chris said in his response:

The data depends on the key [1NF], the whole key [2NF] and nothing but the key [3NF] (so help me Codd).


Say you have a table containing courses that are taken in a certain semester, and you have the following data:

|-----Primary Key----|               uh oh |
CourseID | SemesterID | #Places  | Course Name  |
IT101    |   2009-1   | 100      | Programming  |
IT101    |   2009-2   | 100      | Programming  |
IT102    |   2009-1   | 200      | Databases    |
IT102    |   2010-1   | 150      | Databases    |
IT103    |   2009-2   | 120      | Web Design   |

This is not in 2NF, because the fourth column does not rely upon the entire key - but only a part of it. The course name is dependent on the Course's ID, but has nothing to do with which semester it's taken in. Thus, as you can see, we have duplicate information - several rows telling us that IT101 is programming, and IT102 is Databases. So we fix that by moving the course name into another table, where CourseID is the ENTIRE key.

Primary Key |

CourseID    |  Course Name |
IT101       | Programming  |
IT102       | Databases    |
IT103       | Web Design   |

No redundancy!


Okay, so let's say we also add the name of the teacher of the course, and some details about them, into the RDBMS:

|-----Primary Key----|                           uh oh |
Course  |  Semester  |  #Places   |  TeacherID  | TeacherName  |
IT101   |   2009-1   |  100       |  332        |  Mr Jones    |
IT101   |   2009-2   |  100       |  332        |  Mr Jones    |
IT102   |   2009-1   |  200       |  495        |  Mr Bentley  |
IT102   |   2010-1   |  150       |  332        |  Mr Jones    |
IT103   |   2009-2   |  120       |  242        |  Mrs Smith   |

Now hopefully it should be obvious that TeacherName is dependent on TeacherID - so this is not in 3NF. To fix this, we do much the same as we did in 2NF - take the TeacherName field out of this table, and put it in its own, which has TeacherID as the key.

 Primary Key |

 TeacherID   | TeacherName  |
 332         |  Mr Jones    |
 495         |  Mr Bentley  |
 242         |  Mrs Smith   |

No redundancy!!

One important thing to remember is that if something is not in 1NF, it is not in 2NF or 3NF either. So each additional Normal Form requires everything that the lower normal forms had, plus some extra conditions, which must all be fulfilled.

How to declare variable and use it in the same Oracle SQL script?

In Toad I use this works:

    num number;
    ---- use 'select into' works 
    --select 123 into num from dual;

    ---- also can use :=
    num := 123;

Then the value will be print to DBMS Output Window.

Reference to here and here2.

How do multiple clients connect simultaneously to one port, say 80, on a server?

Normally, for every connecting client the server forks a child process that communicates with the client (TCP). The parent server hands off to the child process an established socket that communicates back to the client.

When you send the data to a socket from your child server, the TCP stack in the OS creates a packet going back to the client and sets the "from port" to 80.

Working Soap client example

String send = 
    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +
    "<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\">\n" +
    "        <soap:Body>\n" +
    "        </soap:Body>\n" +

private static String getResponse(String send) throws Exception {
    String url = ""; //endpoint
    String result = "";
    String username="user_name";
    String password="pass_word";
    String[] command = {"curl", "-u", username+":"+password ,"-X", "POST", "-H", "Content-Type: text/xml", "-d", send, url};
    ProcessBuilder process = new ProcessBuilder(command); 
    Process p;
    try {
        p = process.start();
        BufferedReader reader =  new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        String line = null;
        while ( (line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        result = builder.toString();
    catch (IOException e)
    {   System.out.print("error");

    return result;

How does a hash table work?

Here's an explanation in layman's terms.

Let's assume you want to fill up a library with books and not just stuff them in there, but you want to be able to easily find them again when you need them.

So, you decide that if the person that wants to read a book knows the title of the book and the exact title to boot, then that's all it should take. With the title, the person, with the aid of the librarian, should be able to find the book easily and quickly.

So, how can you do that? Well, obviously you can keep some kind of list of where you put each book, but then you have the same problem as searching the library, you need to search the list. Granted, the list would be smaller and easier to search, but still you don't want to search sequentially from one end of the library (or list) to the other.

You want something that, with the title of the book, can give you the right spot at once, so all you have to do is just stroll over to the right shelf, and pick up the book.

But how can that be done? Well, with a bit of forethought when you fill up the library and a lot of work when you fill up the library.

Instead of just starting to fill up the library from one end to the other, you devise a clever little method. You take the title of the book, run it through a small computer program, which spits out a shelf number and a slot number on that shelf. This is where you place the book.

The beauty of this program is that later on, when a person comes back in to read the book, you feed the title through the program once more, and get back the same shelf number and slot number that you were originally given, and this is where the book is located.

The program, as others have already mentioned, is called a hash algorithm or hash computation and usually works by taking the data fed into it (the title of the book in this case) and calculates a number from it.

For simplicity, let's say that it just converts each letter and symbol into a number and sums them all up. In reality, it's a lot more complicated than that, but let's leave it at that for now.

The beauty of such an algorithm is that if you feed the same input into it again and again, it will keep spitting out the same number each time.

Ok, so that's basically how a hash table works.

Technical stuff follows.

First, there's the size of the number. Usually, the output of such a hash algorithm is inside a range of some large number, typically much larger than the space you have in your table. For instance, let's say that we have room for exactly one million books in the library. The output of the hash calculation could be in the range of 0 to one billion which is a lot higher.

So, what do we do? We use something called modulus calculation, which basically says that if you counted to the number you wanted (i.e. the one billion number) but wanted to stay inside a much smaller range, each time you hit the limit of that smaller range you started back at 0, but you have to keep track of how far in the big sequence you've come.

Say that the output of the hash algorithm is in the range of 0 to 20 and you get the value 17 from a particular title. If the size of the library is only 7 books, you count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and when you get to 7, you start back at 0. Since we need to count 17 times, we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, 3, and the final number is 3.

Of course modulus calculation isn't done like that, it's done with division and a remainder. The remainder of dividing 17 by 7 is 3 (7 goes 2 times into 17 at 14 and the difference between 17 and 14 is 3).

Thus, you put the book in slot number 3.

This leads to the next problem. Collisions. Since the algorithm has no way to space out the books so that they fill the library exactly (or the hash table if you will), it will invariably end up calculating a number that has been used before. In the library sense, when you get to the shelf and the slot number you wish to put a book in, there's already a book there.

Various collision handling methods exist, including running the data into yet another calculation to get another spot in the table (double hashing), or simply to find a space close to the one you were given (i.e. right next to the previous book assuming the slot was available also known as linear probing). This would mean that you have some digging to do when you try to find the book later, but it's still better than simply starting at one end of the library.

Finally, at some point, you might want to put more books into the library than the library allows. In other words, you need to build a bigger library. Since the exact spot in the library was calculated using the exact and current size of the library, it goes to follow that if you resize the library you might end up having to find new spots for all the books since the calculation done to find their spots has changed.

I hope this explanation was a bit more down to earth than buckets and functions :)

What's the key difference between HTML 4 and HTML 5?

Now W3c provides an official difference on their site:

PuTTY scripting to log onto host

When you use the -m option putty does not allocate a tty, it runs the command and quits. If you want to run an interactive script (such as a sql client), you need to tell it to allocate a tty with -t, see -t and -T: control pseudo-terminal allocation. You'll avoid keeping a script on the server, as well as having to invoke it once you're connected.

Here's what I'm using to connect to mysql from a batch file:

#mysql.bat start putty -t -load "sessionname" -l username -pw password -m c:\ mysql -h localhost -u username --password="foo" mydb

How to add shortcut keys for java code in eclipse

I've been Eclipse-free for over a year now, but I believe Eclipse calls these "Templates". Look in your settings for them. You invoke a template by typing its abbreviation and pressing the normal code completion hotkey (ctrl+space by default) or using the Tab key. The standard eclipse shortcut for System.out.println() is "sysout", so "sysout" would do what you want.

Here's another stackoverflow question that has some more details about it: How to use the "sysout" snippet in Eclipse with selected text?

Prevent jQuery UI dialog from setting focus to first textbox

To expand on some of the previous answers (and ignoring the ancillary datepicker aspect), if you want to prevent the focus() event from focusing the first input field when your dialog opens, try this:

    { 'open': function() { $('input:first-child', $(this)).blur(); }

Using CSS how to change only the 2nd column of a table

To change only the second column of a table use the following:

General Case:

table td + td{  /* this will go to the 2nd column of a table directly */



Your case:

.countTable table table td + td{ 

background: red


Note: this works for all browsers (Modern and old ones) that's why I added my answer to an old question

Add Foreign Key relationship between two Databases

The short answer is that SQL Server (as of SQL 2008) does not support cross database foreign keys--as the error message states.

While you cannot have declarative referential integrity (the FK), you can reach the same goal using triggers. It's a bit less reliable, because the logic you write may have bugs, but it will get you there just the same.

See the SQL docs @ Which state:

Triggers are often used for enforcing business rules and data integrity. SQL Server provides declarative referential integrity (DRI) through the table creation statements (ALTER TABLE and CREATE TABLE); however, DRI does not provide cross-database referential integrity. To enforce referential integrity (rules about the relationships between the primary and foreign keys of tables), use primary and foreign key constraints (the PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY keywords of ALTER TABLE and CREATE TABLE). If constraints exist on the trigger table, they are checked after the INSTEAD OF trigger execution and prior to the AFTER trigger execution. If the constraints are violated, the INSTEAD OF trigger actions are rolled back and the AFTER trigger is not executed (fired).

There is also an OK discussion over at SQLTeam -

Windows Batch: How to add Host-Entries?

I am adding this answer in case someone else would like to store the host entry set in a txt file formatted like the normal host file. This looks for a TAB delimiter. This is based off of the answers from @Rashy and @that0n3guy. The differences can be noticed around the FOR command.

@echo off
TITLE Modifying your HOSTS file

:: BatchGotAdmin
REM  --> Check for permissions
>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"

REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin.
if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (
    echo Requesting administrative privileges...
    goto UACPrompt
) else ( goto gotAdmin )

    echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
    set params = %*:"="
    echo UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/c %~s0 %params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"

    del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
    exit /B

    pushd "%CD%"
    CD /D "%~dp0"

SET Choice=
SET /P Choice="Do you want to modify HOSTS file ? (Y/N)"

IF NOT '%Choice%'=='' SET Choice=%Choice:~0,1%

IF /I '%Choice%'=='Y' GOTO ACCEPTED
IF /I '%Choice%'=='N' GOTO REJECTED
ECHO Please type Y (for Yes) or N (for No) to proceed!

ECHO Your HOSTS file was left unchanged.
ECHO Finished.

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
::Create your list of host domains
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=  " %%A in (%WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\storedhosts.txt) do (
    SET _host=%%B
    SET _ip=%%A
    SET NEWLINE=^& echo.
    ECHO Adding !_ip!       !_host!
    REM REM ::strip out this specific line and store in tmp file
    type %WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts | findstr /v !_host! > tmp.txt
    REM REM ::re-add the line to it
    ECHO %NEWLINE%^!_ip!        !_host! >> tmp.txt
    REM ::overwrite host file
    copy /b/v/y tmp.txt %WINDIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
    del tmp.txt 

ipconfig /flushdns
ECHO Finished, you may close this window now.


Example "storedhosts.txt" (tab delimited)

Omitting the first line from any Linux command output

ls -lart | tail -n +2 #argument means starting with line 2

Break statement in javascript array map method

That's not possible using the built-in However, you could use a simple for-loop instead, if you do not intend to map any values:

var hasValueLessThanTen = false;
for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
  if (myArray[i] < 10) {
    hasValueLessThanTen = true;

Or, as suggested by @RobW, use Array.prototype.some to test if there exists at least one element that is less than 10. It will stop looping when some element that matches your function is found:

var hasValueLessThanTen = myArray.some(function (val) { 
  return val < 10;

Check if a string matches a regex in Bash script

A good way to test if a string is a correct date is to use the command date:

if date -d "${DATE}" >/dev/null 2>&1
  # do what you need to do with your date
  echo "${DATE} incorrect date" >&2
  exit 1

from comment: one can use formatting

if [ "2017-01-14" == $(date -d "2017-01-14" '+%Y-%m-%d') ] 

Close iOS Keyboard by touching anywhere using Swift

A Swift4/Swift5 + RxSwift example (import RxGesture as well)

        .subscribe({ _ in
        .disposed(by: disposeBag)

Where is the php.ini file on a Linux/CentOS PC?

You can find the path to php.ini in the output of phpinfo(). See under "Loaded Configuration File".

enter image description here

How to upload files on server folder using jsp

You cannot upload like this.<"some folder">

You need a physical path exactly like in your local

C:/Users/puneet verma/Downloads/

What you can do is create some local path where your server is working. Hence you can store and retrieve the file. If you bought some domain from any websites there will be path to upload the files. You create these variable as static constant and use it based on the server you are working (Local/Website).

How to block until an event is fired in c#

If you're happy to use the Microsoft Reactive Extensions, then this can work nicely:

public class Foo
    public delegate void MyEventHandler(object source, MessageEventArgs args);
    public event MyEventHandler _event;
    public string ReadLine()
        return Observable
            .FromEventPattern<MyEventHandler, MessageEventArgs>(
                h => this._event += h,
                h => this._event -= h)
            .Select(ep => ep.EventArgs.Message)
    public void SendLine(string message)
        _event(this, new MessageEventArgs() { Message = message });

public class MessageEventArgs : EventArgs
    public string Message;

I can use it like this:

var foo = new Foo();

        () => foo.SendLine("Bar!"));

var resp = foo.ReadLine();


I needed to call the SendLine message on a different thread to avoid locking, but this code shows that it works as expected.

Html.EditorFor Set Default Value

This worked for me:

In the controller

*ViewBag.DefaultValue= "Default Value";*

In the View

*@Html.EditorFor(model => model.PropertyName, new { htmlAttributes = new { @class = "form-control", @placeholder = "Enter a Value", @Value = ViewBag.DefaultValue} })*

SELECT using 'CASE' in SQL

Change to:


How can I divide two integers to get a double?

I have went through most of the answers and im pretty sure that it's unachievable. Whatever you try to divide two int into double or float is not gonna happen. But you have tons of methods to make the calculation happen, just cast them into float or double before the calculation will be fine.

Rails find_or_create_by more than one attribute?

In Rails 4 you could do:

GroupMember.find_or_create_by(member_id: 4, group_id: 7)

And use where is different:

GroupMember.where(member_id: 4, group_id: 7).first_or_create

This will call create on GroupMember.where(member_id: 4, group_id: 7):

GroupMember.where(member_id: 4, group_id: 7).create

On the contrary, the find_or_create_by(member_id: 4, group_id: 7) will call create on GroupMember:

GroupMember.create(member_id: 4, group_id: 7)

Please see this relevant commit on rails/rails.

How do I select an element with its name attribute in jQuery?

it's very simple getting a name:


Resource: (google search: get element by name jQuery - first result)

How do you cast a List of supertypes to a List of subtypes?

This should would work

List<TestA> testAList = new ArrayList<>();
List<TestB> testBList = new ArrayList<>()
testAList.addAll(new ArrayList<>(testBList));

In Ruby, how do I skip a loop in a .each loop, similar to 'continue'

Use next:

(1..10).each do |a|
  next if a.even?
  puts a



For additional coolness check out also redo and retry.

Works also for friends like times, upto, downto, each_with_index, select, map and other iterators (and more generally blocks).

For more info see

Does .NET provide an easy way convert bytes to KB, MB, GB, etc.?

    private string GetFileSize(double byteCount)
        string size = "0 Bytes";
        if (byteCount >= 1073741824.0)
            size = String.Format("{0:##.##}", byteCount / 1073741824.0) + " GB";
        else if (byteCount >= 1048576.0)
            size = String.Format("{0:##.##}", byteCount / 1048576.0) + " MB";
        else if (byteCount >= 1024.0)
            size = String.Format("{0:##.##}", byteCount / 1024.0) + " KB";
        else if (byteCount > 0 && byteCount < 1024.0)
            size = byteCount.ToString() + " Bytes";

        return size;

    private void btnBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (openFile1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            FileInfo thisFile = new FileInfo(openFile1.FileName);

            string info = "";

            info += "File: " + Path.GetFileName(openFile1.FileName);
            info += Environment.NewLine;
            info += "File Size: " + GetFileSize((int)thisFile.Length);

            label1.Text = info;

This is one way to do it aswell (The number 1073741824.0 is from 1024*1024*1024 aka GB)

Load and execution sequence of a web page?

Dynatrace AJAX Edition shows you the exact sequence of page loading, parsing and execution.

Set the intervals of x-axis using r

You can use axis:

> axis(side=1, at=c(0:23))

That is, something like this:

plot(0:23, d, type='b', axes=FALSE)
axis(side=1, at=c(0:23))
axis(side=2, at=seq(0, 600, by=100))

Querying a linked sql server

The accepted answer works for me.

Also, in MSSQLMS, you can browse the tree in the Object Explorer to the table you want to query.

[Server] -> Server Objects -> Linked Servers -> [Linked server] -> Catalogs -> [Database] -> [table]

then Right click, Script Table as, SELECT To, New Query Window

And the query will be generated for you with the right FROM, which you can use in your JOIN

'Java' is not recognized as an internal or external command

This problem is on Windows 8. First copy your Path of java jdk - e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\bin.

  1. Right on the My Computer Icon on the Desktop and Click Properties.

  2. Select 'Advanced System Settings' in the left pane.

  3. Under 'Advanced' tab, select 'Environment Variables' at the bottom.

  4. In System Variables, select 'Path' Variable and edit it.

Paste the path and add a ';' at the end - e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\bin;

React - How to force a function component to render?

Official FAQ ( ) now recommends this way if you really need to do it:

  const [ignored, forceUpdate] = useReducer(x => x + 1, 0);

  function handleClick() {

Getting the encoding of a Postgres database

A programmatic solution:

SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'yourdb';

How to make popup look at the centre of the screen?

These are the changes to make:


#container {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    top: 0;
    position: absolute;
    visibility: hidden;
    display: none;
    background-color: rgba(22,22,22,0.5); /* complimenting your modal colors */
#container:target {
    visibility: visible;
    display: block;
.reveal-modal {
    position: relative;
    margin: 0 auto;
    top: 25%;
    /* Remove the left: 50% */


<a href="#container">Reveal</a>
<div id="container">
    <div id="exampleModal" class="reveal-modal">
    <a href="#">Close Modal</a>

JSFiddle - Updated with CSS only

Convert javascript object or array to json for ajax data

I'm not entirely sure but I think you are probably surprised at how arrays are serialized in JSON. Let's isolate the problem. Consider following code:

var display = Array();
display[0] = "none";
display[1] = "block";
display[2] = "none";

console.log( JSON.stringify(display) );

This will print:


This is how JSON actually serializes array. However what you want to see is something like:


To get this format you want to serialize object, not array. So let's rewrite above code like this:

var display2 = {};
display2["0"] = "none";
display2["1"] = "block";
display2["2"] = "none";

console.log( JSON.stringify(display2) );

This will print in the format you want.

You can play around with this here:,console

Combine multiple JavaScript files into one JS file

You can use the Closure-compiler as orangutancloud suggests. It's worth pointing out that you don't actually need to compile/minify the JavaScript, it ought to be possible to simply concatenate the JavaScript text files into a single text file. Just join them in the order they're normally included in the page.

How do I execute .js files locally in my browser?

If you're using Google Chrome you can use the Chrome Dev Editor:

Convert wchar_t to char

You are looking for wctomb(): it's in the ANSI standard, so you can count on it. It works even when the wchar_t uses a code above 255. You almost certainly do not want to use it.

wchar_t is an integral type, so your compiler won't complain if you actually do:

char x = (char)wc;

but because it's an integral type, there's absolutely no reason to do this. If you accidentally read Herbert Schildt's C: The Complete Reference, or any C book based on it, then you're completely and grossly misinformed. Characters should be of type int or better. That means you should be writing this:

int x = getchar();

and not this:

char x = getchar(); /* <- WRONG! */

As far as integral types go, char is worthless. You shouldn't make functions that take parameters of type char, and you should not create temporary variables of type char, and the same advice goes for wchar_t as well.

char* may be a convenient typedef for a character string, but it is a novice mistake to think of this as an "array of characters" or a "pointer to an array of characters" - despite what the cdecl tool says. Treating it as an actual array of characters with nonsense like this:

for(int i = 0; s[i]; ++i) {
  wchar_t wc = s[i];
  char c = doit(wc);
  out[i] = c;

is absurdly wrong. It will not do what you want; it will break in subtle and serious ways, behave differently on different platforms, and you will most certainly confuse the hell out of your users. If you see this, you are trying to reimplement wctombs() which is part of ANSI C already, but it's still wrong.

You're really looking for iconv(), which converts a character string from one encoding (even if it's packed into a wchar_t array), into a character string of another encoding.

Now go read this, to learn what's wrong with iconv.

Limit the output of the TOP command to a specific process name

Here's the only solution so far for MacOS:

top -pid `pgrep java | awk 'ORS=" -pid "' | sed 's/.\{6\}$//'`

though this will undesirably report invalid option or syntax: -pid if there are no java processes alive.


The other solutions posted here use the format top -p id1,id2,id3, but MacOS' top only supports the unwieldy format top -pid id1 -pid id2 -pid id3.

So firstly, we obtain the list of process ids which have process name "java":

pgrep java

and we pipe this to awk which joins the results with delimitor " -pid "

| awk 'ORS=" -pid "'

Alas, this leaves a trailing delimitor! For example, we may so far have obtained the string "123 -pid 456 -pid 789 -pid ".

We then just use sed to shave off the final 6 characters of the delimitor.

| sed 's/.\{6\}$//'`

We're ready to pass the results to top:

top -pid `...`

Finding all objects that have a given property inside a collection

Just FYI there are 3 other answers given to this question that use Guava, but none answer the question. The asker has said he wishes to find all Cats with a matching property, e.g. age of 3. Iterables.find will only match one, if any exist. You would need to use Iterables.filter to achieve this if using Guava, for example:

Iterable<Cat> matches = Iterables.filter(cats, new Predicate<Cat>() {
    public boolean apply(Cat input) {
        return input.getAge() == 3;

HTML table needs spacing between columns, not rows

If you can use inline styling, you can set the left and right padding on each td.. Or you use an extra td between columns and set a number of non-breaking spaces as @rene kindly suggested.

Both are pretty ugly ;p css ftw

Ruby: How to post a file via HTTP as multipart/form-data?

I like RestClient. It encapsulates net/http with cool features like multipart form data:

require 'rest_client''http://localhost:3000/foo', 
  :name_of_file_param =>'/path/to/file'))

It also supports streaming.

gem install rest-client will get you started.

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'encode'

You need to do encode on tmp[0], not on tmp.

tmp is not a string. It contains a (Unicode) string.

Try running type(tmp) and print dir(tmp) to see it for yourself.

How does PHP 'foreach' actually work?

In example 3 you don't modify the array. In all other examples you modify either the contents or the internal array pointer. This is important when it comes to PHP arrays because of the semantics of the assignment operator.

The assignment operator for the arrays in PHP works more like a lazy clone. Assigning one variable to another that contains an array will clone the array, unlike most languages. However, the actual cloning will not be done unless it is needed. This means that the clone will take place only when either of the variables is modified (copy-on-write).

Here is an example:

$a = array(1,2,3);
$b = $a;  // This is lazy cloning of $a. For the time
          // being $a and $b point to the same internal
          // data structure.

$a[] = 3; // Here $a changes, which triggers the actual
          // cloning. From now on, $a and $b are two
          // different data structures. The same would
          // happen if there were a change in $b.

Coming back to your test cases, you can easily imagine that foreach creates some kind of iterator with a reference to the array. This reference works exactly like the variable $b in my example. However, the iterator along with the reference live only during the loop and then, they are both discarded. Now you can see that, in all cases but 3, the array is modified during the loop, while this extra reference is alive. This triggers a clone, and that explains what's going on here!

Here is an excellent article for another side effect of this copy-on-write behaviour: The PHP Ternary Operator: Fast or not?

Google Maps: how to get country, state/province/region, city given a lat/long value?

I used this question as a starting point for my own solution. Thought it was appropriate to contribute my code back since its smaller than tabacitu's




    var foundLocation = function(city, state, country, lat, lon){
        //do stuff with your location! any of the first 3 args may be null

    var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); 
        var findResult = function(results, name){
            var result =  _.find(results, function(obj){
                return obj.types[0] == name && obj.types[1] == "political";
            return result ? result.short_name : null;
        geocoder.geocode({'latLng': new google.maps.LatLng(r.coords.latitude, r.coords.longitude)}, function(results, status) {
            if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK && results.length) {
                results = results[0].address_components;
                var city = findResult(results, "locality");
                var state = findResult(results, "administrative_area_level_1");
                var country = findResult(results, "country");
                foundLocation(city, state, country, r.coords.latitude, r.coords.longitude);
            } else {
                foundLocation(null, null, null, r.coords.latitude, r.coords.longitude);
    }, { enableHighAccuracy:false, maximumAge: 1000 * 60 * 1 });


use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

$query = Customers::with('orders');
$query = $query->whereHas('orders', function (Builder $query) use ($request) {
     $query = $query->where('orders.customer_id', 'NULL') 
    $query = $query->get();

Download all stock symbol list of a market

There does not seem to be a straight-forward way provided by Google or Yahoo finance portals to download the full list of tickers. One possible 'brute force' way to get it is to query their APIs for every possible combinations of letters and save only those that return valid results. As silly as it may seem there are people who actually do it (ie. check this:

You can download lists of symbols from exchanges directly or 3rd party websites as suggested by @Eugene S and @Capn Sparrow, however if you intend to use it to fetch data from Google or Yahoo, you have to sometimes use prefixes or suffixes to make sure that you're getting the correct data. This is because some symbols may repeat between exchanges, so Google and Yahoo prepend or append exchange codes to the tickers in order to distinguish between them. Here's an example:

Company:  Vodafone
LSE symbol:    VOD
 in Google:    LON:VOD
 in Yahoo:     VOD.L
NASDAQ symbol: VOD
 in Google:    NASDAQ:VOD
 in Yahoo:     VOD

cURL not working (Error #77) for SSL connections on CentOS for non-root users

Windows users, add this to PHP.ini:

curl.cainfo = "C:/cacert.pem";

Path needs to be changed to your own and you can download cacert.pem from a google search

(yes I know its a CentOS question)

MySQL: ALTER TABLE if column not exists

This below worked for me:

    SELECT count(*)
    INTO @exist
    FROM information_schema.columns
    WHERE table_schema = 'mydatabase'
    and COLUMN_NAME = 'mycolumn'
    AND table_name = 'mytable' LIMIT 1;

    set @query = IF(@exist <= 0, 'ALTER TABLE mydatabase.`mytable`  ADD COLUMN `mycolumn` MEDIUMTEXT NULL',
    'select \'Column Exists\' status');

    prepare stmt from @query;

    EXECUTE stmt;

show all tables in DB2 using the LIST command

To get a list of tables for the current database in DB2 -->

Connect to the database:

db2 connect to DATABASENAME user USER using PASSWORD

Run this query:


This is the equivalent of SHOW TABLES in MySQL.

You may need to execute 'set schema myschema' to the correct schema before you run the list tables command. By default upon login your schema is the same as your username - which often won't contain any tables. You can use 'values current schema' to check what schema you're currently set to.

Set "Homepage" in Asp.Net MVC


Routing is configured in the Configure method of the Startup class. To set the "homepage" simply add the following. This will cause users to be routed to the controller and action defined in the MapRoute method when/if they navigate to your site’s base URL, i.e., will route users to

app.UseMvc(routes =>
   name: "default",
   template: "{controller=FooController}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

Pre-ASP.NET Core

Use the RegisterRoutes method located in either App_Start/RouteConfig.cs (MVC 3 and 4) or Global.asax.cs (MVC 1 and 2) as shown below. This will cause users to be routed to the controller and action defined in the MapRoute method if they navigate to your site’s base URL, i.e., will route the user to

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

    // Here I have created a custom "Default" route that will route users to the "YourAction" method within the "FooController" controller.
        name: "Default",
        url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
        defaults: new { controller = "FooController", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Why does MSBuild look in C:\ for Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props instead of c:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild? ( error MSB4019)

I had this problem on Visual Studio 2015 edition. When I used cmake to generate a project this error appeared.

error MSB4019: The imported project "D:\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" was not found

I fixed it by adding a String


with value


in the registry path


How to determine the Schemas inside an Oracle Data Pump Export file

The running the impdp command to produce an sqlfile, you will need to run it as a user which has the DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE role.

Or... run it as a low privileged user and use the MASTER_ONLY=YES option, then inspect the master table. e.g.

select value_t 
where name = 'CLIENT_COMMAND' 
and process_order = -59;

col object_name for a30
col processing_status head STATUS for a6
col processing_state head STATE for a5
select distinct
from sys_import_table_01
where process_order > 0
and object_name is not null
order by object_schema, object_name

Aggregate a dataframe on a given column and display another column

A late answer, but and approach using data.table

DT <- data.table(dat)

DT[, .SD[which.max(Score),], by = Group]

Or, if it is possible to have more than one equally highest score

DT[, .SD[which(Score == max(Score)),], by = Group]

Noting that (from ?data.table

.SD is a data.table containing the Subset of x's Data for each group, excluding the group column(s)

How to copy text programmatically in my Android app?

Googling brings you to android.content.ClipboardManager and you could decide, as I did, that Clipboard is not available on API < 11, because the documentation page says "Since: API Level 11".

There are actually two classes, second one extending the first - android.text.ClipboardManager and android.content.ClipboardManager.

android.text.ClipboardManager is existing since API 1, but it works only with text content.

android.content.ClipboardManager is the preferred way to work with clipboard, but it's not available on API Level < 11 (Honeycomb).

To get any of them you need the following code:

ClipboardManager clipboard = (ClipboardManager) getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);

But for API < 11 you have to import android.text.ClipboardManager and for API >= 11 android.content.ClipboardManager

How can I disable ARC for a single file in a project?

It is possible to disable ARC for individual files by adding the -fno-objc-arc compiler flag for those files.

You add compiler flags in Targets -> Build Phases -> Compile Sources. You have to double click on the right column of the row under Compiler Flags. You can also add it to multiple files by holding the cmd button to select the files and then pressing enter to bring up the flag edit box. (Note that editing multiple files will overwrite any flags that it may already have.)

I created a sample project that has an example:


See this answer for more info: Disable Automatic Reference Counting for Some Files

Detect click inside/outside of element with single event handler

Rather than using the jQuery .parents function (as suggested in the accepted answer), it's better to use .closest for this purpose. As explained in the jQuery api docs, .closest checks the element passed and all its parents, whereas .parents just checks the parents. Consequently, this works:

$(function() {
    $("body").click(function(e) {
        if ($("#myDiv").length) {
            alert("Clicked inside #myDiv");
        } else { 
            alert("Clicked outside #myDiv");

How to handle AssertionError in Python and find out which line or statement it occurred on?

The traceback module and sys.exc_info are overkill for tracking down the source of an exception. That's all in the default traceback. So instead of calling exit(1) just re-raise:

    assert "birthday cake" == "ice cream cake", "Should've asked for pie"
except AssertionError:
    print 'Houston, we have a problem.'

Which gives the following output that includes the offending statement and line number:

Houston, we have a problem.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/", line 2, in <module>
    assert "birthday cake" == "ice cream cake", "Should've asked for pie"
AssertionError: Should've asked for pie

Similarly the logging module makes it easy to log a traceback for any exception (including those which are caught and never re-raised):

import logging

    assert False == True 
except AssertionError:
    logging.error("Nothing is real but I can't quit...", exc_info=True)

PHP/MySQL Insert null values

I think you need quotes around your {$row['null_field']}, so '{$row['null_field']}'

If you don't have the quotes, you'll occasionally end up with an insert statement that looks like this: insert into table2 (f1, f2) values ('val1',) which is a syntax error.

If that is a numeric field, you will have to do some testing above it, and if there is no value in null_field, explicitly set it to null..

Converting Decimal to Binary Java

Binary to Decimal without using Integer.ParseInt():

import java.util.Scanner;

//convert binary to decimal number in java without using Integer.parseInt() method.

public class BinaryToDecimalWithOutParseInt {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner input = new Scanner( );
        System.out.println("Enter a binary number: ");

        int  binarynum =input.nextInt();
        int binary=binarynum;

        int decimal = 0;
        int power = 0;


            if(binary == 0){


            } else {

                int temp = binary%10;
                decimal += temp*Math.pow(2, power);
                binary = binary/10;

        System.out.println("Binary="+binarynum+" Decimal="+decimal); ;



Enter a binary number:


Binary=1010 Decimal=10

Binary to Decimal using Integer.parseInt():

import java.util.Scanner;

//convert binary to decimal number in java using Integer.parseInt() method.
public class BinaryToDecimalWithParseInt {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner input = new Scanner( );

        System.out.println("Enter a binary number: ");
        String binaryString =input.nextLine();

        System.out.println("Result: "+Integer.parseInt(binaryString,2));




Enter a binary number:


Result: 10

Reloading/refreshing Kendo Grid

In my case I had a custom url to go to each time; though the schema of the result would remain the same.
I used the following:

var searchResults = null;
        url: http://myhost/context/resource,
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (result, textStatus, jqXHR) {
            //massage results and store in searchResults
            searchResults = massageData(result);
    }).done(function() {
        //Kendo grid stuff
        var dataSource = new{ data: searchResults });
        var grid = $('#doc-list-grid').data('kendoGrid');;

unique object identifier in javascript

I faced the same problem and here's the solution I implemented with ES6

let id = 0; // This is a kind of global variable accessible for every instance 

class Animal {
constructor(name){ = name; = id++; 

 // Executes some cool stuff

cat = new Animal("Catty");

console.log( // 1 

Double value to round up in Java

You can use format like here,

  public static double getDoubleValue(String value,int digit){
    double i=0;
     try {
         DecimalFormat digitformat = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
        return Double.valueOf(digitformat.format(Double.parseDouble(value)));

    } catch (NumberFormatException numberFormatExp) {
        return i;   

How do I remove a key from a JavaScript object?

It's as easy as:

delete object.keyname;


delete object["keyname"];

Deny access to one specific folder in .htaccess

You can also put this IndexIgnore * at your root .htaccess file to disable file listing of all of your website directories including sub-dir

How do I detach objects in Entity Framework Code First?

If you want to detach existing object follow @Slauma's advice. If you want to load objects without tracking changes use:

var data = context.MyEntities.AsNoTracking().Where(...).ToList();

As mentioned in comment this will not completely detach entities. They are still attached and lazy loading works but entities are not tracked. This should be used for example if you want to load entity only to read data and you don't plan to modify them.

How to return value from an asynchronous callback function?

It makes no sense to return values from a callback. Instead, do the "foo()" work you want to do inside your callback.

Asynchronous callbacks are invoked by the browser or by some framework like the Google geocoding library when events happen. There's no place for returned values to go. A callback function can return a value, in other words, but the code that calls the function won't pay attention to the return value.

C# Passing Function as Argument

There are a couple generic types in .Net (v2 and later) that make passing functions around as delegates very easy.

For functions with return types, there is Func<> and for functions without return types there is Action<>.

Both Func and Action can be declared to take from 0 to 4 parameters. For example, Func < double, int > takes one double as a parameter and returns an int. Action < double, double, double > takes three doubles as parameters and returns nothing (void).

So you can declare your Diff function to take a Func:

public double Diff(double x, Func<double, double> f) {
    double h = 0.0000001;

    return (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h;

And then you call it as so, simply giving it the name of the function that fits the signature of your Func or Action:

double result = Diff(myValue, Function);

You can even write the function in-line with lambda syntax:

double result = Diff(myValue, d => Math.Sqrt(d * 3.14));

In Git, how do I figure out what my current revision is?

There are many ways git log -1 is the easiest and most common, I think

Difference between java.exe and javaw.exe

The difference is in the subsystem that each executable targets.

  • java.exe targets the CONSOLE subsystem.
  • javaw.exe targets the WINDOWS subsystem.

How do I send a file as an email attachment using Linux command line?

If the file is text, you can send it easiest in the body as:

sendmail [email protected] < message.txt

How to ignore a property in class if null, using

As can be seen in this link on their site ( I support using [Default()] to specify default values

Taken from the link

   public class Invoice
  public string Company { get; set; }
  public decimal Amount { get; set; }

  // false is default value of bool
  public bool Paid { get; set; }
  // null is default value of nullable
  public DateTime? PaidDate { get; set; }

  // customize default values
  public int FollowUpDays { get; set; }
  public string FollowUpEmailAddress { get; set; }

Invoice invoice = new Invoice
  Company = "Acme Ltd.",
  Amount = 50.0m,
  Paid = false,
  FollowUpDays = 30,
  FollowUpEmailAddress = string.Empty,
  PaidDate = null

string included = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invoice,
  new JsonSerializerSettings { });

// {
//   "Company": "Acme Ltd.",
//   "Amount": 50.0,
//   "Paid": false,
//   "PaidDate": null,
//   "FollowUpDays": 30,
//   "FollowUpEmailAddress": ""
// }

string ignored = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invoice,
  new JsonSerializerSettings { DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore });

// {
//   "Company": "Acme Ltd.",
//   "Amount": 50.0
// }

How do I do pagination in ASP.NET MVC?

I had the same problem and found a very elegant solution for a Pager Class from

In your controller the call looks like:

return View(partnerList.ToPagedList(currentPageIndex, pageSize));

and in your view:

<div class="pager">
    Seite: <%= Html.Pager(ViewData.Model.PageSize, 

Row count with PDO

This is an old post, but getting frustrated looking for alternatives. It is super unfortunate that PDO lacks this feature, especially as PHP and MySQL tend to go hand in hand.

There is an unfortunate flaw in using fetchColumn() as you can no longer use that result set (effectively) as the fetchColumn() moves the needle to the next row. So for example, if you have a result similar to

  1. Fruit->Banana
  2. Fruit->Apple
  3. Fruit->Orange

If you use fetchColumn() you can find out that there are 3 fruits returned, but if you now loop through the result, you only have two columns, The price of fetchColumn() is the loss of the first column of results just to find out how many rows were returned. That leads to sloppy coding, and totally error ridden results if implemented.

So now, using fetchColumn() you have to implement and entirely new call and MySQL query just to get a fresh working result set. (which hopefully hasn't changed since your last query), I know, unlikely, but it can happen. Also, the overhead of dual queries on all row count validation. Which for this example is small, but parsing 2 million rows on a joined query, not a pleasant price to pay.

I love PHP and support everyone involved in its development as well as the community at large using PHP on a daily basis, but really hope this is addressed in future releases. This is 'really' my only complaint with PHP PDO, which otherwise is a great class.

nuget 'packages' element is not declared warning

This happens because VS doesn't know the schema of this file. Note that this file is more of an implementation detail, and not something you normally need to open directly. Instead, you can use the NuGet dialog to manage the packages installed in a project.

Make xargs handle filenames that contain spaces

Alternative solutions can be helpful...

You can also add a null character to the end of your lines using Perl, then use the -0 option in xargs. Unlike the xargs -d '\n' (in approved answer) - this works everywhere, including OS X.

For example, to recursively list (execute, move, etc.) MPEG3 files which may contain spaces or other funny characters - I'd use:

find . | grep \.mp3 | perl -ne 'chop; print "$_\0"' | xargs -0  ls

(Note: For filtering, I prefer the easier-to-remember "| grep" syntax to "find's" --name arguments.)

Read specific columns with pandas or other python module

Got a solution to above problem in a different way where in although i would read entire csv file, but would tweek the display part to show only the content which is desired.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', skipinitialspace=True)
print df[['star_name', 'ra']]

This one could help in some of the scenario's in learning basics and filtering data on the basis of columns in dataframe.

Spark Kill Running Application

This might not be an ethical and preferred solution but it helps in environments where you can't access the console to kill the job using yarn application command.

Steps are

Go to application master page of spark job. Click on the jobs section. Click on the active job's active stage. You will see "kill" button right next to the active stage.

This works if the succeeding stages are dependent on the currently running stage. Though it marks job as " Killed By User"

window.onbeforeunload and window.onunload is not working in Firefox, Safari, Opera?

The onunload event is not called in all browsers. Worse, you cannot check the return value of onbeforeunload event. That prevents us from actually preforming a logout function.

However, you can hack around this.

Call logout first thing in the onbeforeunload event. then prompt the user. If the user cancels their logout, automatically login them back in, by using the onfocus event. Kinda backwards, but I think it should work.

'use strict';

var reconnect = false;

window.onfocus = function () {
  if (reconnect) {
    reconnect = false;
    alert("Perform an auto-login here!");

window.onbeforeunload = function () {
  var msg = "Are you sure you want to leave?";
  reconnect = true;
  return msg;

How to find the length of an array in shell?

Assuming bash:

~> declare -a foo
~> foo[0]="foo"
~> foo[1]="bar"
~> foo[2]="baz"
~> echo ${#foo[*]}

So, ${#ARRAY[*]} expands to the length of the array ARRAY.

Do I really need to encode '&' as '&amp;'?

A couple of years ago, we got a report that one of our web apps wasn't displaying correctly in Firefox. It turned out that the page contained a tag that looked like

<div style="..." ... style="...">

When faced with a repeated style attribute, IE combines both of the styles, while Firefox only uses one of them, hence the different behavior. I changed the tag to

<div style="...; ..." ...>

and sure enough, it fixed the problem! The moral of the story is that browsers have more consistent handling of valid HTML than of invalid HTML. So, fix your damn markup already! (Or use HTML Tidy to fix it.)

Can not deserialize instance of java.lang.String out of START_OBJECT token

Resolved the problem using Jackson library. Prints are called out of Main class and all POJO classes are created. Here is the code snippets.

public class MainClass {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws JsonParseException, 
       JsonMappingException, IOException {

String jsonStr = "{\r\n" + "    \"id\": 2,\r\n" + " \"socket\": \"0c317829-69bf- 
            + " \"type\": \"getDashboard\",\r\n" + "    \"data\": {\r\n"
            + "     \"workstationUuid\": \"ddec1caa-a97f-4922-833f- 
            632da07ffc11\"\r\n" + " },\r\n"
            + " \"reply\": true\r\n" + "}";

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    MyPojo details = mapper.readValue(jsonStr, MyPojo.class);

    System.out.println("Value for getFirstName is: " + details.getId());
    System.out.println("Value for getLastName  is: " + details.getSocket());
    System.out.println("Value for getChildren is: " + 
    System.out.println("Value for getChildren is: " + details.getReply());


public class MyPojo {
    private String id;

    private Data data;

    private String reply;

    private String socket;

    private String type;

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(String id) { = id;

    public Data getData() {
        return data;

    public void setData(Data data) { = data;

    public String getReply() {
        return reply;

    public void setReply(String reply) {
        this.reply = reply;

    public String getSocket() {
        return socket;

    public void setSocket(String socket) {
        this.socket = socket;

    public String getType() {
        return type;

    public void setType(String type) {
        this.type = type;

public class Data {
    private String workstationUuid;

    public String getWorkstationUuid() {
        return workstationUuid;

    public void setWorkstationUuid(String workstationUuid) {
        this.workstationUuid = workstationUuid;


Value for getFirstName is: 2
Value for getLastName  is: 0c317829-69bf-43d6-b598-7c0c550635bb
Value for getChildren is: ddec1caa-a97f-4922-833f-632da07ffc11
Value for getChildren is: true

Maintain the aspect ratio of a div with CSS

I'd like to share this as it has been a journey of a couple frustrating days to find a solution that worked for me. I was using these padding techniques (mentioned above about using some variation of padding and absolute positioning) to achieve 1:1 aspect ratio for a button like element that was inside of a grid/flex layout. The layout was set to be 100vh high so that it would always display as a single non-scrolling page.

The padding technique does work very well but it can easily break your grid layout and cause blowout/nasty scroll bars. The people who say that an absolute div can't affect layout are wrong in this case because the parent grows in both height and or width, that parent can mess with your layouts even if the child doesn't directly.

Normally this isn't an issue but the caveat comes when using grid. Grid is a 2D layout and it has the possibility to consider sizing and layout on both axises. I'm still trying to understand the exact nature of this but so far it seems like at the very least if you use this technique within a grid area that is constrained by fr units on both axises you will almost certainly experience blowout when the aspect-ratio item grows or otherwise changes the layout (display:none toggling and swapping grid areas with css were also layout changing issues that caused the blowout for me).

In my case it was that I constrained the height of a column that didn't need to be. Changing it to "auto" instead of "1fr" kept all my other layout the same and prevented blowout while still letting me keep my nice square buttons!

I don't know if this is the source of frustration for everyone here but it is an easy mistake to make and even using dev-tools won't give you an accurate idea of of where the blowout is coming from in many cases since it isn't really a case of an individual element blowing it out but rather the grid layout enlarging itself to keep those fr units accurate vertically and horizontally.

How to send a POST request in Go?

You have mostly the right idea, it's just the sending of the form that is wrong. The form belongs in the body of the request.

req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", url, strings.NewReader(form.Encode()))

Can I force pip to reinstall the current version?

In the case you need to force the reinstallation of pip itself you can do:

python -m pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall pip

sql like operator to get the numbers only

what might get you where you want in plain SQL92:

select * from tbl where lower(answer) = upper(answer)

or, if you also want to be robust for leading/trailing spaces:

select * from tbl where lower(answer) = trim(upper(answer))

getting the reason why websockets closed with close code 1006

This may be your websocket URL you are using in device are not same(You are hitting different websocket URL from android/iphonedevice )

How to remove selected commit log entries from a Git repository while keeping their changes?

You can use git cherry-pick for this. 'cherry-pick' will apply a commit onto the branch your on now.

then do

git rebase --hard <SHA1 of A>

then apply the D and E commits.

git cherry-pick <SHA1 of D>
git cherry-pick <SHA1 of E>

This will skip out the B and C commit. Having said that it might be impossible to apply the D commit to the branch without B, so YMMV.

Why is HttpClient BaseAddress not working?

Ran into a issue with the HTTPClient, even with the suggestions still could not get it to authenticate. Turns out I needed a trailing '/' in my relative path.


var result = await _client.GetStringAsync(_awxUrl + "api/v2/inventories/?name=" + inventoryName);
var result = await _client.PostAsJsonAsync(_awxUrl + "api/v2/job_templates/" + templateId+"/launch/" , new {
                inventory = inventoryId

How to change sa password in SQL Server 2008 express?

I didn't know the existing sa password so this is what I did:

  1. Open Services in Control Panel

  2. Find the "SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)" entry and select properties

  3. Stop the service

  4. Enter "-m" at the beginning of the "Start parameters" fields. If there are other parameters there already add a semi-colon after -m;

  5. Start the service

  6. Open a Command Prompt

Enter the command:

osql -S YourPcName\SQLEXPRESS -E

(change YourPcName to whatever your PC is called).

  1. At the prompt type the following commands:
alter login sa enable
sp_password NULL,'new_password','sa'
  1. Stop the "SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)" service

  2. Remove the "-m" from the Start parameters field

  3. Start the service

How to filter Pandas dataframe using 'in' and 'not in' like in SQL

How to implement 'in' and 'not in' for a pandas DataFrame?

Pandas offers two methods: Series.isin and DataFrame.isin for Series and DataFrames, respectively.

Filter DataFrame Based on ONE Column (also applies to Series)

The most common scenario is applying an isin condition on a specific column to filter rows in a DataFrame.

df = pd.DataFrame({'countries': ['US', 'UK', 'Germany', np.nan, 'China']})
0        US
1        UK
2   Germany
3     China

c1 = ['UK', 'China']             # list
c2 = {'Germany'}                 # set
c3 = pd.Series(['China', 'US'])  # Series
c4 = np.array(['US', 'UK'])      # array

Series.isin accepts various types as inputs. The following are all valid ways of getting what you want:


0    False
1     True
2    False
3    False
4     True
Name: countries, dtype: bool

# `in` operation

1        UK
4     China

# `not in` operation

0        US
2   Germany
3       NaN

# Filter with `set` (tuples work too)

2   Germany

# Filter with another Series

0        US
4     China

# Filter with array

0        US
1        UK

Filter on MANY Columns

Sometimes, you will want to apply an 'in' membership check with some search terms over multiple columns,

df2 = pd.DataFrame({
    'A': ['x', 'y', 'z', 'q'], 'B': ['w', 'a', np.nan, 'x'], 'C': np.arange(4)})

   A    B  C
0  x    w  0
1  y    a  1
2  z  NaN  2
3  q    x  3

c1 = ['x', 'w', 'p']

To apply the isin condition to both columns "A" and "B", use DataFrame.isin:

df2[['A', 'B']].isin(c1)

      A      B
0   True   True
1  False  False
2  False  False
3  False   True

From this, to retain rows where at least one column is True, we can use any along the first axis:

df2[['A', 'B']].isin(c1).any(axis=1)

0     True
1    False
2    False
3     True
dtype: bool

df2[df2[['A', 'B']].isin(c1).any(axis=1)]

   A  B  C
0  x  w  0
3  q  x  3

Note that if you want to search every column, you'd just omit the column selection step and do


Similarly, to retain rows where ALL columns are True, use all in the same manner as before.

df2[df2[['A', 'B']].isin(c1).all(axis=1)]

   A  B  C
0  x  w  0

Notable Mentions: numpy.isin, query, list comprehensions (string data)

In addition to the methods described above, you can also use the numpy equivalent: numpy.isin.

# `in` operation
df[np.isin(df['countries'], c1)]

1        UK
4     China

# `not in` operation
df[np.isin(df['countries'], c1, invert=True)]

0        US
2   Germany
3       NaN

Why is it worth considering? NumPy functions are usually a bit faster than their pandas equivalents because of lower overhead. Since this is an elementwise operation that does not depend on index alignment, there are very few situations where this method is not an appropriate replacement for pandas' isin.

Pandas routines are usually iterative when working with strings, because string operations are hard to vectorise. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that list comprehensions will be faster here.. We resort to an in check now.

c1_set = set(c1) # Using `in` with `sets` is a constant time operation... 
                 # This doesn't matter for pandas because the implementation differs.
# `in` operation
df[[x in c1_set for x in df['countries']]]

1        UK
4     China

# `not in` operation
df[[x not in c1_set for x in df['countries']]]

0        US
2   Germany
3       NaN

It is a lot more unwieldy to specify, however, so don't use it unless you know what you're doing.

Lastly, there's also DataFrame.query which has been covered in this answer. numexpr FTW!

NSArray + remove item from array

NSArray is not mutable, that is, you cannot modify it. You should take a look at NSMutableArray. Check out the "Removing Objects" section, you'll find there many functions that allow you to remove items:

[anArray removeObjectAtIndex: index];
[anArray removeObject: item];
[anArray removeLastObject];

How to list files in an android directory?

In addition to all the answers above:

If you are on Android 6.0+ (API Level 23+) you have to explicitly ask for permission to access external storage. Simply having

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

in your manifest won't be enough. You also have actively request the permission in your activity:

//check for permission
            Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED){
    //ask for permission
    requestPermissions(new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE_PERMISSION_CODE);

I recommend reading this:

JAX-WS and BASIC authentication, when user names and passwords are in a database

I think you are looking for JAX-WS authentication in application level, not HTTP basic in server level. See following complete example :

Application Authentication with JAX-WS

On the web service client site, just put your “username” and “password” into request header.

Map<String, Object> req_ctx = ((BindingProvider)port).getRequestContext();
req_ctx.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, WS_URL);

Map<String, List<String>> headers = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
headers.put("Username", Collections.singletonList("someUser"));
headers.put("Password", Collections.singletonList("somePass"));
req_ctx.put(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS, headers);

On the web service server site, get the request header parameters via WebServiceContext.

WebServiceContext wsctx;

public String method() {
    MessageContext mctx = wsctx.getMessageContext();

    Map http_headers = (Map) mctx.get(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS);
    List userList = (List) http_headers.get("Username");
    List passList = (List) http_headers.get("Password");

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token with JSON.parse

I found the same issue with JSON.parse(inputString).

In my case the input string is coming from my server page [return of a page method].

I printed the typeof(inputString) - it was string, still the error occurs.

I also tried JSON.stringify(inputString), but it did not help.

Later I found this to be an issue with the new line operator [\n], inside a field value.

I did a replace [with some other character, put the new line back after parse] and everything is working fine.

What is the difference between '/' and '//' when used for division?

The double slash, //, is floor division:

>>> 7//3

How do you run JavaScript script through the Terminal?

You would need a JavaScript engine (such as Mozilla's Rhino) in order to evaluate the script - exactly as you do for Python, though the latter ships with the standard distribution.

If you have Rhino (or alternative) installed and on your path, then running JS can indeed be as simple as

> rhino filename.js

It's worth noting though that while JavaScript is simply a language in its own right, a lot of particular scripts assume that they'll be executing in a browser-like environment - and so try to access global variables such as location.href, and create output by appending DOM objects rather than calling print.

If you've got hold of a script which was written for a web page, you may need to wrap or modify it somewhat to allow it to accept arguments from stdin and write to stdout. (I believe Rhino has a mode to emulate standard browser global vars which helps a lot, though I can't find the docs for this now.)

Comparing two java.util.Dates to see if they are in the same day


You can use DateUtils.isToday(dateMilliseconds) to check whether the given date is current day or not.

API reference:

How to replace NA values in a table for selected columns

We can solve it in data.table way with tidyr::repalce_na function and lapply

df[,c("a","b","c"):=lapply(.SD,function(x) replace_na(x,0)),.SDcols=c("a","b","c")]

In this way, we can also solve paste columns with NA string. First, we replace_na(x,""),then we can use stringr::str_c to combine columns!

A long bigger than Long.MAX_VALUE

If triangle.lborderA is indeed a long then the test in the original code is trivially true, and there is no way to test it. It is also useless.

However, if triangle.lborderA is a double, the comparison is useful and can be tested. isBiggerThanMaxLong(1e300) does return true.

  public static boolean isBiggerThanMaxLong(double in){
    return in > Long.MAX_VALUE;

Horizontal scroll on overflow of table

I think your overflow should be on the outer container. You can also explicitly set a min width for the columns. Like this:

.search-table-outter { overflow-x: scroll; }
th, td { min-width: 200px; }


How do I format {{$timestamp}} as MM/DD/YYYY in Postman?

In PostMan we have ->Pre-request Script. Paste the Below snippet.

const dateNow = new Date();
postman.setGlobalVariable("todayDate", dateNow.toLocaleDateString());

And now we are ready to use.

"firstName": "SANKAR",
"lastName": "B",
"email": "[email protected]",
"creationDate": "{{todayDate}}"

If you are using JPA Entity classes then use the below snippet

    @Column(name = "creation_date")
    private Date creationDate;

enter image description here enter image description here

Reading and writing value from a textfile by using vbscript code

This script will read lines from large file and write to new small files. Will duplicate the header of the first line (Header) to all child files

Dim strLine
lCounter = 1
fCounter = 1
cPosition = 1
MaxLine = 1000
splitAt = MaxLine
Dim fHeader
sFile = "inputFile.txt"
dFile = LEFT(sFile, (LEN(sFile)-4))& "_0" & fCounter & ".txt"
Set objFileToRead = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(sFile,1)
Set objFileToWrite = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(dFile,2,true)
do while not objFileToRead.AtEndOfStream
        strLine = objFileToRead.ReadLine()
        If cPosition = 1 Then
            fHeader = strLine
        End If
        If cPosition = splitAt Then
            fCounter = fCounter + 1
            splitAt = splitAt + MaxLine
            Set objFileToWrite = Nothing
            If fCounter < 10 Then
                dFile=LEFT(dFile, (LEN(dFile)-5))& fCounter & ".txt"
                Set objFileToWrite = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(dFile,2,true)
            ElseIf fCounter <100 Or fCounter = 100 Then
                dFile=LEFT(dFile, (LEN(dFile)-6))& fCounter & ".txt"
                Set objFileToWrite = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(dFile,2,true)
                dFile=LEFT(dFile, (LEN(dFile)-7)) & fCounter & ".txt"
                Set objFileToWrite = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(dFile,2,true)
            End If
        End If
        lCounter=lCounter + 1
        cPosition=cPosition + 1
Set objFileToWrite = Nothing
Set objFileToRead = Nothing

Mark error in form using Bootstrap

For Bootstrap v4 use:
has-danger for form-group wrapper,
form-control-danger for input to show icon (will display ? at the end of input),
form-control-feedback to message wrapper


<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-rwoIResjU2yc3z8GV/NPeZWAv56rSmLldC3R/AZzGRnGxQQKnKkoFVhFQhNUwEyJ" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<div class="form-group has-danger">_x000D_
  <input type="text" class="form-control form-control-danger">_x000D_
  <div class="form-control-feedback">Not valid :(</div>_x000D_

How to set socket timeout in C when making multiple connections?

am not sure if I fully understand the issue, but guess it's related to the one I had, am using Qt with TCP socket communication, all non-blocking, both Windows and Linux..

wanted to get a quick notification when an already connected client failed or completely disappeared, and not waiting the default 900+ seconds until the disconnect signal got raised. The trick to get this working was to set the TCP_USER_TIMEOUT socket option of the SOL_TCP layer to the required value, given in milliseconds.

this is a comparably new option, pls see, but apparently it's working fine, tried it with WinXP, Win7/x64 and Kubuntu 12.04/x64, my choice of 10 s turned out to be a bit longer, but much better than anything else I've tried before ;-)

the only issue I came across was to find the proper includes, as apparently this isn't added to the standard socket includes (yet..), so finally I defined them myself as follows:

#ifdef WIN32
    #include <winsock2.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>

#ifndef SOL_TCP
    #define SOL_TCP 6  // socket options TCP level
    #define TCP_USER_TIMEOUT 18  // how long for loss retry before timeout [ms]

setting this socket option only works when the client is already connected, the lines of code look like:

int timeout = 10000;  // user timeout in milliseconds [ms]
setsockopt (fd, SOL_TCP, TCP_USER_TIMEOUT, (char*) &timeout, sizeof (timeout));

and the failure of an initial connect is caught by a timer started when calling connect(), as there will be no signal of Qt for this, the connect signal will no be raised, as there will be no connection, and the disconnect signal will also not be raised, as there hasn't been a connection yet..

Convert list or numpy array of single element to float in python

np.asscalar(a) is deprecated since NumPy v1.16, use a.item() instead.

For example:

a = np.array([[0.6813]])



How do I add a border to an image in HTML?

as said above simple line of code will fix your problems

border: 1px solid #000;

There is another option to add border to your image and that with photoshop you can see how it's done with this tutorial below:

Evaluate expression given as a string

Alternatively, you can use evals from my pander package to capture output and all warnings, errors and other messages along with the raw results:

> pander::evals("5+5")
[1] "5 + 5"

[1] 10

[1] "[1] 10"

[1] "numeric"





[1] "evals"

CSS :not(:last-child):after selector

An example using CSS

  ul li:not(:last-child){
        border-right: 1px solid rgba(153, 151, 151, 0.75);

Check if Cell value exists in Column, and then get the value of the NEXT Cell

After t.thielemans' answer, I worked that just


works fine and does what I wanted, except that it returns #N/A for non-matches; so it is suitable for the case where it is known that the value definitely exists in the look-up column.

Edit (based on t.thielemans' comment):

To avoid #N/A for non-matches, do:

=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A1, B:C, 2, FALSE), "No Match")

cursor.fetchall() vs list(cursor) in Python

list(cursor) works because a cursor is an iterable; you can also use cursor in a loop:

for row in cursor:
    # ...

A good database adapter implementation will fetch rows in batches from the server, saving on the memory footprint required as it will not need to hold the full result set in memory. cursor.fetchall() has to return the full list instead.

There is little point in using list(cursor) over cursor.fetchall(); the end effect is then indeed the same, but you wasted an opportunity to stream results instead.

print variable and a string in python


If the python version you installed is 3.6.1, you can print strings and a variable through
a single line of code.
For example the first string is "I have", the second string is "US
Dollars" and the variable, **card.price** is equal to 300, we can write
the code this way:


print("I have", card.price, "US Dollars")

#The print() function outputs strings to the screen.  
#The comma lets you concatenate and print strings and variables together in a single line of code.

Is there a way to view past mysql queries with phpmyadmin?

OK so I know I'm a little late and some of the above answers are great stuff.

As little extra though, while in any PHPMyAdmin page:

  1. Click SQL tab
  2. Click 'Get auto saved query'

this will then show your last entered query.

Disable XML validation in Eclipse

You have two options:

  1. Configure Workspace Settings (disable the validation for the current workspace): Go to Window > Preferences > Validation and uncheck the manual and build for: XML Schema Validator, XML Validator

  2. Check enable project specific settings (disable the validation for this project): Right-click on the project, select Properties > Validation and uncheck the manual and build for: XML Schema Validator, XML Validator

Right-click on the project and select Validate to make the errors disappear.

How to get a microtime in Node.js?

I'm not so proud about this solution but you can have timestamp in microsecond or nanosecond in this way:

const microsecond = () => Number( + String(process.hrtime()[1]).slice(3,6))
const nanosecond = () => Number( + String(process.hrtime()[1]).slice(3))

// usage
microsecond() // return 1586878008997591
nanosecond()  // return 1586878009000645600

// Benchmark with 100 000 iterations
// 7.758ms
// microsecond: 33.382ms
// nanosecond: 31.252ms

Know that:

  • This solution works exclusively with node.js,
  • This is about 3 to 10 times slower than
  • Weirdly, it seems very accurate, hrTime seems to follow exactly js timestamp ticks.
  • You can replace by Number(new Date()) to get timestamp in milliseconds


Here a solution to have microsecond with comma, however, the number version will be rounded natively by javascript. So if you want the same format every time, you should use the String version of it.

const microsecondWithCommaString = () => ( + '.' + String(process.hrtime()[1]).slice(3,7))
const microsecondWithComma = () => Number( + '.' + String(process.hrtime()[1]).slice(3,7))

microsecondWithCommaString() // return "1586883629984.8997"
microsecondWithComma() // return 1586883629985.966

What's is the difference between include and extend in use case diagram?

This is great resource with great explanation: What is include at use case? What is Extend at use case?

Extending use case typically defines optional behavior. It is independent of the extending use case

Include used to extract common parts of the behaviors of two or more use cases

Getting data from selected datagridview row and which event?

Simple solution would be as below. This is improvement of solution from vale.

private void dgMapTable_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    int active_map=0;
        active_map = dgMapTable.SelectedRows[0].Index;
    // User code if required Process_ROW(active_map);

Note for other reader, for above code to work FullRowSelect selection mode for datagridview should be used. You may extend this to give message if more than two rows selected.

How do I convert an integer to binary in JavaScript?

A solution i'd go with that's fine for 32-bits, is the code the end of this answer, which is from, but with some lines added for A)formatting and B)checking that the number is in range.

Some suggested x.toString(2) which doesn't work for negatives, it just sticks a minus sign in there for them, which is no good.

Fernando mentioned a simple solution of (x>>>0).toString(2); which is fine for negatives, but has a slight issue when x is positive. It has the output starting with 1, which for positive numbers isn't proper 2s complement.

Anybody that doesn't understand the fact of positive numbers starting with 0 and negative numbers with 1, in 2s complement, could check this SO QnA on 2s complement. What is “2's Complement”?

A solution could involve prepending a 0 for positive numbers, which I did in an earlier revision of this answer. And one could accept sometimes having a 33bit number, or one could make sure that the number to convert is within range -(2^31)<=x<2^31-1. So the number is always 32bits. But rather than do that, you can go with this solution on

Patrick's answer and code is long and apparently works for 64-bit, but had a bug that a commenter found, and the commenter fixed patrick's bug, but patrick has some "magic number" in his code that he didn't comment about and has forgotten about and patrick no longer fully understands his own code / why it works.

Annan had some incorrect and unclear terminology but mentioned a solution by This works for 32-bit numbers.

The code is pretty compact, a function of three lines.

But I have added a regex to format the output in groups of 8 bits. Based on How to print a number with commas as thousands separators in JavaScript (I just amended it from grouping it in 3s right to left and adding commas, to grouping in 8s right to left, and adding spaces)

And, while mozilla made a comment about the size of nMask(the number fed in)..that it has to be in range, they didn't test for or throw an error when the number is out of range, so i've added that.

I'm not sure why they named their parameter 'nMask' but i'll leave that as is.


function createBinaryString(nMask) {_x000D_
  // nMask must be between -2147483648 and 2147483647_x000D_
  if (nMask > 2**31-1) _x000D_
     throw "number too large. number shouldn't be > 2**31-1"; //added_x000D_
  if (nMask < -1*(2**31))_x000D_
     throw "number too far negative, number shouldn't be < 2**31" //added_x000D_
  for (var nFlag = 0, nShifted = nMask, sMask = ''; nFlag < 32;_x000D_
       nFlag++, sMask += String(nShifted >>> 31), nShifted <<= 1);_x000D_
  sMask=sMask.replace(/\B(?=(.{8})+(?!.))/g, " ") // added_x000D_
  return sMask;_x000D_
console.log(createBinaryString(-1))    // "11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111"_x000D_
console.log(createBinaryString(1024))  // "00000000 00000000 00000100 00000000"_x000D_
console.log(createBinaryString(-2))    // "11111111 11111111 11111111 11111110"_x000D_
console.log(createBinaryString(-1024)) // "11111111 11111111 11111100 00000000"

How to normalize a 2-dimensional numpy array in python less verbose?

You could use built-in numpy function: np.linalg.norm(a, axis = 1, keepdims = True)

Connect to mysql in a docker container from the host

I was able to connect my sql server5.7 running on my host using the below command : mysql -h -P 3307 --protocol=tcp -u root -p where the ip given is my host ip and 3307 is the port forwaded in mysql docker .After entering the command type the password for myql.that is it.Now you are connected the mysql docker container from the you hostmachine

Converting a factor to numeric without losing information R (as.numeric() doesn't seem to work)

First, factor consists of indices and levels. This fact is very very important when you are struggling with factor.

For example,

> z <- factor(letters[c(3, 2, 3, 4)])

# human-friendly display, but internal structure is invisible
> z
[1] c b c d
Levels: b c d

# internal structure of factor
> unclass(z)
[1] 2 1 2 3
[1] "b" "c" "d"

here, z has 4 elements.
The index is 2, 1, 2, 3 in that order.
The level is associated with each index: 1 -> b, 2 -> c, 3 -> d.

Then, as.numeric converts simply the index part of factor into numeric.
as.character handles the index and levels, and generates character vector expressed by its level.

?as.numeric says that Factors are handled by the default method.

How does paintComponent work?

The (very) short answer to your question is that paintComponent is called "when it needs to be." Sometimes it's easier to think of the Java Swing GUI system as a "black-box," where much of the internals are handled without too much visibility.

There are a number of factors that determine when a component needs to be re-painted, ranging from moving, re-sizing, changing focus, being hidden by other frames, and so on and so forth. Many of these events are detected auto-magically, and paintComponent is called internally when it is determined that that operation is necessary.

I've worked with Swing for many years, and I don't think I've ever called paintComponent directly, or even seen it called directly from something else. The closest I've come is using the repaint() methods to programmatically trigger a repaint of certain components (which I assume calls the correct paintComponent methods downstream.

In my experience, paintComponent is rarely directly overridden. I admit that there are custom rendering tasks that require such granularity, but Java Swing does offer a (fairly) robust set of JComponents and Layouts that can be used to do much of the heavy lifting without having to directly override paintComponent. I guess my point here is to make sure that you can't do something with native JComponents and Layouts before you go off trying to roll your own custom-rendered components.

Copy file or directories recursively in Python

To add on Tzot's and gns answers, here's an alternative way of copying files and folders recursively. (Python 3.X)

import os, shutil

root_src_dir = r'C:\MyMusic'    #Path/Location of the source directory
root_dst_dir = 'D:MusicBackUp'  #Path to the destination folder

for src_dir, dirs, files in os.walk(root_src_dir):
    dst_dir = src_dir.replace(root_src_dir, root_dst_dir, 1)
    if not os.path.exists(dst_dir):
    for file_ in files:
        src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, file_)
        dst_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, file_)
        if os.path.exists(dst_file):
        shutil.copy(src_file, dst_dir)

Should it be your first time and you have no idea how to copy files and folders recursively, I hope this helps.

How to quickly drop a user with existing privileges

There is no REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL VIEWS, so I ended with:

do $$
DECLARE r record;
  for r in select * from pg_views where schemaname = 'myschem'
    execute 'revoke all on ' || quote_ident(r.schemaname) ||'.'|| quote_ident(r.viewname) || ' from "XUSER"';
  end loop;
end $$;

and usual:


for the following to succeed:

drop role "XUSER";