Programs & Examples On #Audit trail

How can I get the current PowerShell executing file?

I would argue that there is a better method, by setting the scope of the variable $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path:

ex> $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

This method works in all circumstances of invocation:

EX: Somescript.ps1

function printme () {
    "In function:"
    ( "MyInvocation.ScriptName: " + [string]($MyInvocation.ScriptName) )
    ( "script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: " + [string]($script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) )
    ( "MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: " + [string]($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) )
( "MyInvocation.ScriptName: " + [string]($MyInvocation.ScriptName) )
( "script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: " + [string]($script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) )
( "MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: " + [string]($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) )
" "


PS> powershell C:\temp\test.ps1
script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: test.ps1
MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: test.ps1

In function:
MyInvocation.ScriptName: C:\temp\test.ps1
script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: test.ps1
MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name: printme

Notice how the above accepted answer does NOT return a value when called from Main. Also, note that the above accepted answer returns the full path when the question requested the script name only. The scoped variable works in all places.

Also, if you did want the full path, then you would just call:


ImportError: no module named win32api

I had an identical problem, which I solved by restarting my Python editor and shell. I had installed pywin32 but the new modules were not picked up until the restarts.

If you've already done that, do a search in your Python installation for win32api and you should find win32api.pyd under ${PYTHON_HOME}\Lib\site-packages\win32.

How do I install opencv using pip?

Everybody struggles initially while installing opencv. Opencv requires lot of dependencies in back-end. The best way to start with opencv is, install it in virtual environment. I suggest you to first install python anaconda distribution and create virtual environment using it. Then inside virtual environment using conda install command you can easily install opencv. I feel this is the most safe and easy approach to install opencv. The following command work for me, you can try the same.

conda install -c menpo opencv3 

Why does ASP.NET webforms need the Runat="Server" attribute?

If you use it on normal html tags, it means that you can programatically manipulate them in event handlers etc, eg change the href or class of an anchor tag on page load... only do that if you have to, because vanilla html tags go faster.

As far as user controls and server controls, no, they just wont work without them, without having delved into the innards of the aspx preprocessor, couldn't say exactly why, but would take a guess that for probably good reasons, they just wrote the parser that way, looking for things explicitly marked as "do something".

If @JonSkeet is around anywhere, he will probably be able to provide a much better answer.

WordPress query single post by slug

How about?

   $queried_post = get_page_by_path('my_slug',OBJECT,'post');

In Perl, what is the difference between a .pm (Perl module) and .pl (Perl script) file?

At the very core, the file extension you use makes no difference as to how perl interprets those files.

However, putting modules in .pm files following a certain directory structure that follows the package name provides a convenience. So, if you have a module Example::Plot::FourD and you put it in a directory Example/Plot/ in a path in your @INC, then use and require will do the right thing when given the package name as in use Example::Plot::FourD.

The file must return true as the last statement to indicate successful execution of any initialization code, so it's customary to end such a file with 1; unless you're sure it'll return true otherwise. But it's better just to put the 1;, in case you add more statements.

If EXPR is a bareword, the require assumes a ".pm" extension and replaces "::" with "/" in the filename for you, to make it easy to load standard modules. This form of loading of modules does not risk altering your namespace.

All use does is to figure out the filename from the package name provided, require it in a BEGIN block and invoke import on the package. There is nothing preventing you from not using use but taking those steps manually.

For example, below I put the Example::Plot::FourD package in a file called, loaded it in a script in file

C:\Temp> cat
package Example::Plot::FourD;

use strict; use warnings;

sub new { bless {} => shift }

sub something { print "something\n" }


C:\Temp> cat
use strict; use warnings;

    require '';

my $p = Example::Plot::FourD->new;

C:\Temp> s

This example shows that module files do not have to end in 1, any true value will do.

How do I append a node to an existing XML file in java

To append a new data element,just do this...

Document doc = docBuilder.parse(is);        
Node root=doc.getFirstChild();
Element newserver=doc.createElement("new_server");

easy.... 'is' is an InputStream object. rest is similar to your code....tried it just now...

How does lock work exactly?

The lock statement is translated to calls to the Enter and Exit methods of Monitor.

The lock statement will wait indefinitely for the locking object to be released.

How to start activity in another application?

If both application have the same signature (meaning that both APPS are yours and signed with the same key), you can call your other app activity as follows:

Intent LaunchIntent = getActivity().getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(CALC_PACKAGE_NAME);

Hope it helps.

How should I tackle --secure-file-priv in MySQL?

Here is what worked for me in Windows 7 to disable secure-file-priv (Option #2 from vhu's answer):

  1. Stop the MySQL server service by going into services.msc.
  2. Go to C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6 (ProgramData was a hidden folder in my case).
  3. Open the my.ini file in Notepad.
  4. Search for 'secure-file-priv'.
  5. Comment the line out by adding '#' at the start of the line. For MySQL Server 5.7.16 and above, commenting won't work. You have to set it to an empty string like this one - secure-file-priv=""
  6. Save the file.
  7. Start the MySQL server service by going into services.msc.

Set Page Title using PHP

Move the data retrieval at the top of the script, and after that use:

<title> - <?php echo htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?></title>

How to set up a cron job to run an executable every hour?

You can also use @hourly instant of 0 * * * *

How to check all checkboxes using jQuery?

i know there are lot of answer posted here but i would like to post this for optimization of code and we can use it globally.

i tried my best

 *  Check and uncheck checkbox which will global
 *  Params : chk_all_id=id of main checkbox which use for check all dependant, chk_child_pattern=start pattern of the remain checkboxes 
 *  Developer Guidline : For to implement this function Developer need to just add this line inside checkbox {{ class="check_all" dependant-prefix-id="PATTERN_WHATEVER_U_WANT" }}
function checkUncheckAll(chk_all_cls,chiled_patter_key){
    if($("."+chk_all_cls).prop('checked') == true){
        $('input:checkbox[id^="'+chiled_patter_key+'"]').prop('checked', 'checked');
        $('input:checkbox[id^="'+chiled_patter_key+'"]').removeProp('checked', 'checked');

    var chiled_patter_key = $(".check_all").attr('dependant-prefix-id');


     * this will remain checkbox checked if already checked before ajax call! :)
    $(document).ajaxComplete(function() {

I hope this will help!

How to render an array of objects in React?

You can pass any JavaScript expression as children, by enclosing it within {}. For example, these expressions are equivalent:



This is often useful for rendering a list of JSX expressions of arbitrary length. For example, this renders an HTML list:

function Item(props) {
  return <li>{props.message}</li>;

function TodoList() {
  const todos = ['finish doc', 'submit pr', 'nag dan to review'];
  return (
      { => <Item key={message} message={message} />)}

class First extends React.Component {_x000D_
  constructor(props) {_x000D_
    this.state = {_x000D_
      data: [{name: 'bob'}, {name: 'chris'}],_x000D_
  render() {_x000D_
    return (_x000D_
        { => <li key={}>{}</li>)}_x000D_
  <First />,_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="root"></div>

This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP protocol

My problem was too many items were being passed between client and server. I had to change this settings in the behavior on both sides.

<dataContractSerializer maxItemsInObjectGraph="2147483646"/>

How do I import a pre-existing Java project into Eclipse and get up and running?

  1. Create a new Java project in Eclipse. This will create a src folder (to contain your source files).

  2. Also create a lib folder (the name isn't that important, but it follows standard conventions).

  3. Copy the ./com/* folders into the /src folder (you can just do this using the OS, no need to do any fancy importing or anything from the Eclipse GUI).

  4. Copy any dependencies (jar files that your project itself depends on) into /lib (note that this should NOT include the TGGL jar - thanks to commenter Mike Deck for pointing out my misinterpretation of the OPs post!)

  5. Copy the other TGGL stuff into the root project folder (or some other folder dedicated to licenses that you need to distribute in your final app)

  6. Back in Eclipse, select the project you created in step 1, then hit the F5 key (this refreshes Eclipse's view of the folder tree with the actual contents.

  7. The content of the /src folder will get compiled automatically (with class files placed in the /bin file that Eclipse generated for you when you created the project). If you have dependencies (which you don't in your current project, but I'll include this here for completeness), the compile will fail initially because you are missing the dependency jar files from the project classpath.

  8. Finally, open the /lib folder in Eclipse, right click on each required jar file and choose Build Path->Add to build path.

That will add that particular jar to the classpath for the project. Eclipse will detect the change and automatically compile the classes that failed earlier, and you should now have an Eclipse project with your app in it.

Macro to Auto Fill Down to last adjacent cell

Untested....but should work.

Dim lastrow as long

lastrow = range("D65000").end(xlup).Row

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
        "=IF(MONTH(RC[-1])>3,"" ""&YEAR(RC[-1])&""-""&RIGHT(YEAR(RC[-1])+1,2),"" ""&YEAR(RC[-1])-1&""-""&RIGHT(YEAR(RC[-1]),2))"
    Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("E2:E" & lastrow)
    'Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("E2:E"& lastrow)

Only exception being are you sure your Autofill code is perfect...

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding()

For fedora/centos/redhat:

yum install php-mbstring

Then restart apache

React.js: onChange event for contentEditable

Edit: See Sebastien Lorber's answer which fixes a bug in my implementation.

Use the onInput event, and optionally onBlur as a fallback. You might want to save the previous contents to prevent sending extra events.

I'd personally have this as my render function.

var handleChange = function(event){

return (<ContentEditable html={this.state.html} onChange={handleChange} />);


Which uses this simple wrapper around contentEditable.

var ContentEditable = React.createClass({
    render: function(){
        return <div 
            dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: this.props.html}}></div>;
    shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps){
        return nextProps.html !== this.getDOMNode().innerHTML;
    emitChange: function(){
        var html = this.getDOMNode().innerHTML;
        if (this.props.onChange && html !== this.lastHtml) {

                target: {
                    value: html
        this.lastHtml = html;

How to remove trailing whitespaces with sed?

var1="\t\t Test String trimming   "
echo $var1
Var2=$(echo "${var1}" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//')
echo $Var2

How can I unstage my files again after making a local commit?

git reset --soft HEAD~1 should do what you want. After this, you'll have the first changes in the index (visible with git diff --cached), and your newest changes not staged. git status will then look like this:

# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#       modified:
# Changes not staged for commit:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#       modified:

You can then do git add and commit both changes at once.

MD5 hashing in Android

i have used below method to give me md5 by passing string for which you want to get md5

public static String getMd5Key(String password) {

//        String password = "12131123984335";

        try {
            MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");

            byte byteData[] = md.digest();

            //convert the byte to hex format method 1
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            for (int i = 0; i < byteData.length; i++) {
                sb.append(Integer.toString((byteData[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1));

            System.out.println("Digest(in hex format):: " + sb.toString());

            //convert the byte to hex format method 2
            StringBuffer hexString = new StringBuffer();
            for (int i = 0; i < byteData.length; i++) {
                String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xff & byteData[i]);
                if (hex.length() == 1) hexString.append('0');
            System.out.println("Digest(in hex format):: " + hexString.toString());

            return hexString.toString();

        } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO: handle exception

        return "";

Java Reflection Performance

Yes, it is significantly slower. We were running some code that did that, and while I don't have the metrics available at the moment, the end result was that we had to refactor that code to not use reflection. If you know what the class is, just call the constructor directly.

How to Get a Sublist in C#

Reverse the items in a sub-list

int[] l = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
var res = new List<int>();
res.AddRange(l.Where((n, i) => i < 2));
res.AddRange(l.Where((n, i) => i >= 2 && i <= 4).Reverse());
res.AddRange(l.Where((n, i) => i > 4));

Gives 0,1,4,3,2,5,6

Javascript get the text value of a column from a particular row of an html table


Should be:


But I get the distinct impression that the row/cell you need is the one clicked by the user. If so, the simplest way to achieve this would be attaching an event to the cells in your table:

function alertInnerHTML(e)
    e = e || window.event;//IE

var theTbl = document.getElementById('tblBlah');
for(var i=0;i<theTbl.length;i++)
    for(var j=0;j<theTbl.rows[i].cells.length;j++)
        theTbl.rows[i].cells[j].onclick = alertInnerHTML;

That makes all table cells clickable, and alert it's innerHTML. The event object will be passed to the alertInnerHTML function, in which the this object will be a reference to the cell that was clicked. The event object offers you tons of neat tricks on how you want the click event to behave if, say, there's a link in the cell that was clicked, but I suggest checking the MDN and MSDN (for the window.event object)

JavaScript - get the first day of the week from current date

CMS's answer is correct but assumes that Monday is the first day of the week.
Chandler Zwolle's answer is correct but fiddles with the Date prototype.
Other answers that play with hour/minutes/seconds/milliseconds are wrong.

The function below is correct and takes a date as first parameter and the desired first day of the week as second parameter (0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.). Note: the hour, minutes and seconds are set to 0 to have the beginning of the day.

function firstDayOfWeek(dateObject, firstDayOfWeekIndex) {_x000D_
    const dayOfWeek = dateObject.getDay(),_x000D_
        firstDayOfWeek = new Date(dateObject),_x000D_
        diff = dayOfWeek >= firstDayOfWeekIndex ?_x000D_
            dayOfWeek - firstDayOfWeekIndex :_x000D_
            6 - dayOfWeek_x000D_
    firstDayOfWeek.setDate(dateObject.getDate() - diff)_x000D_
    return firstDayOfWeek_x000D_
// August 18th was a Saturday_x000D_
let lastMonday = firstDayOfWeek(new Date('August 18, 2018 03:24:00'), 1)_x000D_
// outputs something like "Mon Aug 13 2018 00:00:00 GMT+0200"_x000D_
// (may vary according to your time zone)_x000D_

How do I get a string format of the current date time, in python?


import datetime
    '1: test-{date:%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S}.txt'.format( )

d =
print( "2a: {:%B %d, %Y}".format(d))

# see the f" to tell python this is a f string, no .format
print(f"2b: {d:%B %d, %Y}")

print(f"3: Today is {} yay")

1: test-2018-02-14_16:40:52.txt

2a: March 04, 2018

2b: March 04, 2018

3: Today is 2018-11-11 yay


Using the new string format to inject value into a string at placeholder {}, value is the current time.

Then rather than just displaying the raw value as {}, use formatting to obtain the correct date format.

laravel foreach loop in controller

Is sku just a property of the Product model? If so:

$products = Product::whereOwnerAndStatus($owner, 0)->take($count)->get();

foreach ($products as $product ) {
  // Access $product->sku here...

Or is sku a relationship to another model? If that is the case, then, as long as your relationship is setup properly, you code should work.

What's the difference between identifying and non-identifying relationships?

Non-identifying relationship

A non-identifying relationship means that a child is related to parent but it can be identified by its own.

======    =======
pk(id)    pk(id)
name      fk(person_id)

The relationship between ACCOUNT and PERSON is non-identifying.

Identifying relationship

An identifying relationship means that the parent is needed to give identity to child. The child solely exists because of parent.

This means that foreign key is a primary key too.

====      ========    =========
pk(id)    pk(id)      pk(fk(item_id))
name      name        pk(fk(lang_id))

The relationship between ITEM_LANG and ITEM is identifying. And between ITEM_LANG and LANGUAGE too.

how to change attribute "hidden" in jquery

You can use jquery attr method


How, in general, does Node.js handle 10,000 concurrent requests?

Single Threaded Event Loop Model Processing Steps:

  • Clients Send request to Web Server.

  • Node JS Web Server internally maintains a Limited Thread pool to provide services to the Client Requests.

  • Node JS Web Server receives those requests and places them into a Queue. It is known as “Event Queue”.

  • Node JS Web Server internally has a Component, known as “Event Loop”. Why it got this name is that it uses indefinite loop to receive requests and process them.

  • Event Loop uses Single Thread only. It is main heart of Node JS Platform Processing Model.

  • Event Loop checks any Client Request is placed in Event Queue. If not then wait for incoming requests for indefinitely.

  • If yes, then pick up one Client Request from Event Queue

    1. Starts process that Client Request
    2. If that Client Request Does Not requires any Blocking IO Operations, then process everything, prepare response and send it back to client.
    3. If that Client Request requires some Blocking IO Operations like interacting with Database, File System, External Services then it will follow different approach
  • Checks Threads availability from Internal Thread Pool
  • Picks up one Thread and assign this Client Request to that thread.
  • That Thread is responsible for taking that request, process it, perform Blocking IO operations, prepare response and send it back to the Event Loop

    very nicely explained by @Rambabu Posa for more explanation go throw this Link

Javascript array value is undefined ... how do I test for that

This code works very well

function isUndefined(array, index) {
    return ((String(array[index]) == "undefined") ? "Yes" : "No");

How to parse this string in Java?

String str = "bla!/bla/bla/"

String parts[] = str.split("/");

//To get fist "bla!"
String dir1 = parts[0];

How to Compare a long value is equal to Long value

long a = 1111;
Long b = new Long(1113);

System.out.println(b.equals(a) ? "equal" : "different");
System.out.println((long) b == a ? "equal" : "different");

How to change content on hover

<span class="label"></span>

How to get a list of user accounts using the command line in MySQL?

SELECT User FROM mysql.user;

use above query to get Mysql Users

How to write JUnit test with Spring Autowire?

A JUnit4 test with Autowired and bean mocking (Mockito):

// JUnit starts spring context
// spring load context configuration from AppConfig class
@ContextConfiguration(classes = AppConfig.class)
// overriding some properties with test values if you need
@TestPropertySource(properties = {
public class PersonServiceTest {

    private PersonRepository repository;

    private PersonService personService; // uses PersonRepository    

    public void testSomething() {
        // using Mockito
        Person person = new Person();

        // when
        boolean found = personService.checkSomething(person);

        // then
        assertTrue(found, "Something is wrong");

import android packages cannot be resolved

This import android packages cannot be resolved is also occurs when your using some library and that library is not in the same path where your application is there, or if you are importing the library and not coping library to the workspace

Finding element's position relative to the document

For those that want to get the x and y coordinates of various positions of an element, relative to the document.

const getCoords = (element, position) => {
  const { top, left, width, height } = element.getBoundingClientRect();
  let point;
  switch (position) {
    case "top left":
      point = {
        x: left + window.pageXOffset,
        y: top + window.pageYOffset
    case "top center":
      point = {
        x: left + width / 2 + window.pageXOffset,
        y: top + window.pageYOffset
    case "top right":
      point = {
        x: left + width + window.pageXOffset,
        y: top + window.pageYOffset
    case "center left":
      point = {
        x: left + window.pageXOffset,
        y: top + height / 2 + window.pageYOffset
    case "center":
      point = {
        x: left + width / 2 + window.pageXOffset,
        y: top + height / 2 + window.pageYOffset
    case "center right":
      point = {
        x: left + width + window.pageXOffset,
        y: top + height / 2 + window.pageYOffset
    case "bottom left":
      point = {
        x: left + window.pageXOffset,
        y: top + height + window.pageYOffset
    case "bottom center":
      point = {
        x: left + width / 2 + window.pageXOffset,
        y: top + height + window.pageYOffset
    case "bottom right":
      point = {
        x: left + width + window.pageXOffset,
        y: top + height + window.pageYOffset
  return point;


  • getCoords(document.querySelector('selector'), 'center')

  • getCoords(document.querySelector('selector'), 'bottom right')

  • getCoords(document.querySelector('selector'), 'top center')

Find first and last day for previous calendar month in SQL Server Reporting Services (VB.Net)

These functions have been very helpful to me - especially in setting up subscription reports; however, I noticed when using the Last Day of Current Month function posted above, it works as long as the proceeding month has the same number of days as the current month. I have worked through and tested these modifications and hope they help other developers in the future:

Date Formulas: Find the First Day of Previous Month:

DateAdd("m", -1, DateSerial(Year(Today()), Month(Today()), 1))

Find Last Day of Previous Month:

DateSerial(Year(Today()), Month(Today()), 0)

Find First Day of Current Month:


Find Last Day of Current Month:

DateSerial(Year(Today()),Month(DateAdd("m", 1, Today())),0)

Query-string encoding of a Javascript Object

You can also achieve this by using simple JavaScript.

const stringData = '?name=Nikhil&surname=Mahirrao&age=30';_x000D_
const newData= {};_x000D_
stringData.replace('?', '').split('&').map((value) => {_x000D_
  const temp = value.split('=');_x000D_
  newData[temp[0]] = temp[1];_x000D_
console.log('stringData: '+stringData);_x000D_
console.log('newData: ');_x000D_

Google OAuth 2 authorization - Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

I have frontend app and backend api.

From my backend server I was testing by hitting google api and was facing this error. During my whole time I was wondering of why should I need to give redirect_uri as this is just the backend, for frontend it makes sense.

What I was doing was giving different redirect_uri (though valid) from server (assuming this is just placeholder, it just has only to be registered to google) but my frontend url that created token code was different. So when I was passing this code in my server side testing(for which redirect-uri was different), I was facing this error.

So don't do this mistake. Make sure your frontend redirect_uri is same as your server's as google use it to validate the authenticity.

Best way to compare 2 XML documents in Java

skaffman seems to be giving a good answer.

another way is probably to format the XML using a commmand line utility like xmlstarlet( and then format both the strings and then use any diff utility(library) to diff the resulting output files. I don't know if this is a good solution when issues are with namespaces.

Apply CSS to jQuery Dialog Buttons

I think there are two ways you can handle that:

  1. Check using something like firebug if there is a difference (in class, id, etc.) between the two buttons and use that to address the specific button
  2. Use something like :first-child to select for example the first button and style that one differently

When I look at the source with firebug for one of my dialogs, it turns up something like:

<div class="ui-dialog-buttonpane ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix">
    <button class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-state-focus" type="button">Send</button>
    <button class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all" type="button">Cancel</button>

So I could for example address the Send button by adding some styles to .ui-state-focus (with perhaps some additional selectors to make sure I override jquery's styles).

By the way, I´d go for the second option in this case to avoid problems when the focus changes...

Oracle find a constraint

To get a more detailed description (which table/column references which table/column) you can run the following query:

SELECT   uc.constraint_name||CHR(10)
   ||      '('||ucc1.TABLE_NAME||'.'||ucc1.column_name||')' constraint_source
   ,       'REFERENCES'||CHR(10)
   ||      '('||ucc2.TABLE_NAME||'.'||ucc2.column_name||')' references_column
FROM user_constraints uc ,
  user_cons_columns ucc1 ,
  user_cons_columns ucc2
WHERE uc.constraint_name = ucc1.constraint_name
AND uc.r_constraint_name = ucc2.constraint_name
AND ucc1.POSITION        = ucc2.POSITION -- Correction for multiple column primary keys.
AND uc.constraint_type   = 'R'
AND uc.constraint_name   = 'SYS_C00381400'

From here.

Telling Python to save a .txt file to a certain directory on Windows and Mac

If you want to save a file to a particular DIRECTORY and FILENAME here is some simple example. It also checks to see if the directory has or has not been created.

import os.path
directory = './html/'
filename = "file.html"
file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
if not os.path.isdir(directory):
file = open(file_path, "w")

Hope this helps you!

How to create a temporary directory/folder in Java?

As you can see in the other answers, no standard approach has arisen. Hence you already mentioned Apache Commons, I propose the following approach using FileUtils from Apache Commons IO:

 * Creates a temporary subdirectory in the standard temporary directory.
 * This will be automatically deleted upon exit.
 * @param prefix
 *            the prefix used to create the directory, completed by a
 *            current timestamp. Use for instance your application's name
 * @return the directory
public static File createTempDirectory(String prefix) {

    final File tmp = new File(FileUtils.getTempDirectory().getAbsolutePath()
            + "/" + prefix + System.currentTimeMillis());
    Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {

        public void run() {

            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
    return tmp;


This is preferred since apache commons the library that comes as closest to the asked "standard" and works with both JDK 7 and older versions. This also returns an "old" File instance (which is stream based) and not a "new" Path instance (which is buffer based and would be the result of JDK7's getTemporaryDirectory() method) -> Therefore it returns what most people need when they want to create a temporary directory.

How to Call VBA Function from Excel Cells?

A Function will not work, nor is it necessary:

Sub OpenWorkbook()
    Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range, o As Workbook
    Set r1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
    Set o = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="C:\TestFolder\ABC.xlsx")
    Set r2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2")
    [r1] = [r2]
End Sub

Multiple values in single-value context

How about this way?

package main

import (

type Item struct {
    Value int
    Name string

var items []Item = []Item{{Value:0, Name:"zero"}, 
                        {Value:1, Name:"one"}, 
                        {Value:2, Name:"two"}}

func main() {
    var err error
    v := Get(3, &err).Value
    if err != nil {


func Get(value int, err *error) Item {
    if value > (len(items) - 1) {
        *err = errors.New("error")
        return Item{}
    } else {
        return items[value]

Catch paste input

This code is working for me either paste from right click or direct copy paste

   $('.textbox').on('paste input propertychange', function (e) {
        $(this).val( $(this).val().replace(/[^0-9.]/g, '') );

When i paste Section 1: Labour Cost it becomes 1 in text box.

To allow only float value i use this code

 //only decimal
    $('.textbox').keypress(function(e) {
        if(e.which == 46 && $(this).val().indexOf('.') != -1) {
       if (e.which == 8 || e.which == 46) {
            return true;
       } else if ( e.which < 48 || e.which > 57) {

Trying to retrieve first 5 characters from string in bash error?

Substrings with ${variablename:0:5} are a bash feature, not available in basic shells. Are you sure you're running this under bash? Check the shebang line (at the beginning of the script), and make sure it's #!/bin/bash, not #!/bin/sh. And make sure you don't run it with the sh command (i.e. sh scriptname), since that overrides the shebang.

Any way to exit bash script, but not quitting the terminal

I think that this happens because you are running it on source mode with the dot


You should run that in a subshell:



How do I show my global Git configuration?

To find all configurations, you just write this command:

git config --list

In my local i run this command .

$ git config --list
http.sslcainfo=C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
filter.lfs.clean=git-lfs clean -- %f
filter.lfs.smudge=git-lfs smudge -- %f
filter.lfs.process=git-lfs filter-process
[email protected]
filter.lfs.smudge=git-lfs smudge -- %f
filter.lfs.process=git-lfs filter-process
filter.lfs.clean=git-lfs clean -- %f

How do I install TensorFlow's tensorboard?

If you installed TensorFlow using pip, then the location of TensorBoard can be retrieved by issuing the command which tensorboard on the terminal. You can then edit the TensorBoard file, if necessary.

What does the "~" (tilde/squiggle/twiddle) CSS selector mean?

Note that in an attribute selector (e.g., [attr~=value]), the tilde

Represents an element with an attribute name of attr whose value is a whitespace-separated list of words, one of which is exactly value.

Chart.js v2 - hiding grid lines

If you want to hide gridlines but want to show yAxes, you can set:

yAxes: [{...
         gridLines: {
                        drawBorder: true,
                        display: false

How can I print using JQuery

There is a jquery print area. I've been using it for some time now.

   $("#outprint").printArea({ mode: 'popup', popClose: true });

Copying files into the application folder at compile time

You can also put the files or links into the root of the solution explorer and then set the files properties:

Build action = Content


Copy to Output Directory = Copy if newer (for example)

For a link drag the file from the windows explorer into the solution explorer holding down the shift and control keys.

enter image description here

Oracle : how to subtract two dates and get minutes of the result

When you subtract two dates in Oracle, you get the number of days between the two values. So you just have to multiply to get the result in minutes instead:

SELECT (date2 - date1) * 24 * 60 AS minutesBetween
FROM ...

How to get all values from python enum class?

You can do the following:

[e.value for e in Color]

Android custom Row Item for ListView

Use a custom Listview.

You can also customize how row looks by having a custom background. activity_main.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
 android:background="#0095FF"> //background color

<ListView android:id="@+id/list"


Define populateString() in MainActivity

 public class MainActivity extends Activity {

   String data_array[];
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            data_array = populateString(); 
    ListView ll = (ListView) findViewById(;
    CustomAdapter cus = new CustomAdapter();

class CustomAdapter extends BaseAdapter
    LayoutInflater mInflater;

    public CustomAdapter()
        mInflater = (LayoutInflater) MainActivity.this.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
    public int getCount() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return data_array.length;//listview item count. 

    public Object getItem(int position) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return position; 

    public long getItemId(int position) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return 0;

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        final ViewHolder vh;
        vh= new ViewHolder();

        if(convertView==null )
            convertView=mInflater.inflate(R.layout.row, parent,false);
                    //inflate custom layour
            vh.tv2= (TextView)convertView.findViewById(;

               //vh.tv2.setText("Position = "+position);
                           //set text of second textview based on position

        return convertView;

 class ViewHolder
    TextView tv1,tv2;


row.xml. Custom layout for each row.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
 android:orientation="vertical" >

    android:text="Header" />

    android:text="TextView" />


Inflate a custom layout. Use a view holder for smooth scrolling and performance. The talk is about listview performance by android developers.

enter image description here

Double decimal formatting in Java

With Java 8, you can use format method..: -

System.out.format("%.2f", 4.0); // OR

System.out.printf("%.2f", 4.0); 
  • f is used for floating point value..
  • 2 after decimal denotes, number of decimal places after .

For most Java versions, you can use DecimalFormat: -

    DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
    double d = 4.0;

How to return a resultset / cursor from a Oracle PL/SQL anonymous block that executes Dynamic SQL?

in SQL*Plus you could also use a REFCURSOR variable:

  2   V_Sqlstatement Varchar2(2000);
  3  BEGIN
  4   V_Sqlstatement := 'SELECT * FROM DUAL';
  5   OPEN :x for v_Sqlstatement;
  6  End;
  7  /

ProcÚdure PL/SQL terminÚe avec succÞs.

SQL> print x;


How can I view a git log of just one user's commits?

cat | git log --author="authorName" > author_commits_details.txt

This gives your commits in text format.

error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 on CentOS

yum install gcc-c++

on aws ec2 (aws linux),it works


Systrace for Windows

API Monitor looks very useful for this purpose.

VBA Object doesn't support this property or method

Object doesn't support this property or method.

Think of it like if anything after the dot is called on an object. It's like a chain.

An object is a class instance. A class instance supports some properties defined in that class type definition. It exposes whatever intelli-sense in VBE tells you (there are some hidden members but it's not related to this). So after each dot . you get intelli-sense (that white dropdown) trying to help you pick the correct action.

(you can start either way - front to back or back to front, once you understand how this works you'll be able to identify where the problem occurs)

Type this much anywhere in your code area

Dim a As Worksheets

you get help from VBE, it's a little dropdown called Intelli-sense

enter image description here

It lists all available actions that particular object exposes to any user. You can't see the .Selection member of the Worksheets() class. That's what the error tells you exactly.

Object doesn't support this property or method.

If you look at the example on MSDN

iAreaCount = Selection.Areas.Count

It activates the sheet first then calls the Selection... it's not connected together because Selection is not a member of Worksheets() class. Simply, you can't prefix the Selection

What about

Sub DisplayColumnCount()
    Dim iAreaCount As Integer
    Dim i As Integer

    iAreaCount = Selection.Areas.Count

    If iAreaCount <= 1 Then
        MsgBox "The selection contains " & Selection.Columns.Count & " columns."
        For i = 1 To iAreaCount
        MsgBox "Area " & i & " of the selection contains " & _
        Selection.Areas(i).Columns.Count & " columns."
        Next i
    End If
End Sub

from HERE

How to convert a pandas DataFrame subset of columns AND rows into a numpy array?

Perhaps something like this for the first problem, you can simply access the columns by their names:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(4,5), columns = list('abcde'))
>>> df[df['c']>.5][['b','e']]
          b         e
1  0.071146  0.132145
2  0.495152  0.420219

For the second problem:

>>> df[df['c']>.5][['b','e']].values
array([[ 0.07114556,  0.13214495],
       [ 0.49515157,  0.42021946]])

Joining Spark dataframes on the key

Apart from my above answer I tried to demonstrate all the spark joins with same case classes using spark 2.x here is my linked in article with full examples and explanation .

All join types : Default inner. Must be one of: inner, cross, outer, full, full_outer, left, left_outer, right, right_outer, left_semi, left_anti.

import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

  * @author : Ram Ghadiyaram
object SparkJoinTypesDemo extends App {
  private[this] implicit val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local[*]").getOrCreate()
  case class Person(name: String, age: Int, personid: Int)
  case class Profile(profileName: String, personid: Int, profileDescription: String)
    * * @param joinType Type of join to perform. Default `inner`. Must be one of:
    * *                 `inner`, `cross`, `outer`, `full`, `full_outer`, `left`, `left_outer`,
    * *                 `right`, `right_outer`, `left_semi`, `left_anti`.
  val joinTypes = Seq(
    , "outer"
    , "full"
    , "full_outer"
    , "left"
    , "left_outer"
    , "right"
    , "right_outer"
    , "left_semi"
    , "left_anti"
    //, "cross"
  val df1 = spark.sqlContext.createDataFrame(
    Person("Nataraj", 45, 2)
      :: Person("Srinivas", 45, 5)
      :: Person("Ashik", 22, 9)
      :: Person("Deekshita", 22, 8)
      :: Person("Siddhika", 22, 4)
      :: Person("Madhu", 22, 3)
      :: Person("Meghna", 22, 2)
      :: Person("Snigdha", 22, 2)
      :: Person("Harshita", 22, 6)
      :: Person("Ravi", 42, 0)
      :: Person("Ram", 42, 9)
      :: Person("Chidananda Raju", 35, 9)
      :: Person("Sreekanth Doddy", 29, 9)
      :: Nil)
  val df2 = spark.sqlContext.createDataFrame(
    Profile("Spark", 2, "SparkSQLMaster")
      :: Profile("Spark", 5, "SparkGuru")
      :: Profile("Spark", 9, "DevHunter")
      :: Profile("Spark", 3, "Evangelist")
      :: Profile("Spark", 0, "Committer")
      :: Profile("Spark", 1, "All Rounder")
      :: Nil
  val df_asPerson ="dfperson")
  val df_asProfile ="dfprofile")
  val joined_df = df_asPerson.join(
    , col("dfperson.personid") === col("dfprofile.personid")
    , "inner")

  println("First example inner join  ")

  // you can do alias to refer column name with aliases to  increase readability
    , col("dfperson.age")
    , col("dfprofile.profileName")
    , col("dfprofile.profileDescription"))
  println("all joins in a loop")
  joinTypes foreach { joinType =>
    println(s"${joinType.toUpperCase()} JOIN")
    df_asPerson.join(right = df_asProfile, usingColumns = Seq("personid"), joinType = joinType)
      |Till 1.x  cross join is :  df_asPerson.join(df_asProfile)
      | Explicit Cross Join in 2.x :
      | Cartesian joins are very expensive without an extra filter that can be pushed down.
      | cross join or cartesian product

  val crossJoinDf = df_asPerson.crossJoin(right = df_asProfile), false)

  println("createOrReplaceTempView example ")
      |Creates a local temporary view using the given name. The lifetime of this
      |   temporary view is tied to the [[SparkSession]] that was used to create this Dataset.

  val sql =
       |, dfperson.age
       |, dfprofile.profileDescription
       |  FROM  dfperson JOIN  dfprofile
       | ON dfperson.personid == dfprofile.personid
  println(s"createOrReplaceTempView  sql $sql")
  val sqldf = spark.sql(sql)

      |**** EXCEPT DEMO ***
  println(" df_asPerson.except(df_asProfile) Except demo")

  println(" df_asProfile.except(df_asPerson) Except demo")

Result :

First example inner join  
|           name|age|profileName|profileDescription|
|        Nataraj| 45|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       Srinivas| 45|      Spark|         SparkGuru|
|          Ashik| 22|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|          Madhu| 22|      Spark|        Evangelist|
|         Meghna| 22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|        Snigdha| 22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|           Ravi| 42|      Spark|         Committer|
|            Ram| 42|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|Chidananda Raju| 35|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|Sreekanth Doddy| 29|      Spark|         DevHunter|

all joins in a loop
|personid|           name|age|profileName|profileDescription|
|       0|           Ravi| 42|      Spark|         Committer|
|       2|        Snigdha| 22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|         Meghna| 22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|        Nataraj| 45|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       3|          Madhu| 22|      Spark|        Evangelist|
|       5|       Srinivas| 45|      Spark|         SparkGuru|
|       9|            Ram| 42|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|          Ashik| 22|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|Chidananda Raju| 35|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|Sreekanth Doddy| 29|      Spark|         DevHunter|

|personid|           name| age|profileName|profileDescription|
|       0|           Ravi|  42|      Spark|         Committer|
|       1|           null|null|      Spark|       All Rounder|
|       2|        Nataraj|  45|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|        Snigdha|  22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|         Meghna|  22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       3|          Madhu|  22|      Spark|        Evangelist|
|       4|       Siddhika|  22|       null|              null|
|       5|       Srinivas|  45|      Spark|         SparkGuru|
|       6|       Harshita|  22|       null|              null|
|       8|      Deekshita|  22|       null|              null|
|       9|          Ashik|  22|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|            Ram|  42|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|Chidananda Raju|  35|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|Sreekanth Doddy|  29|      Spark|         DevHunter|

|personid|           name| age|profileName|profileDescription|
|       0|           Ravi|  42|      Spark|         Committer|
|       1|           null|null|      Spark|       All Rounder|
|       2|        Nataraj|  45|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|         Meghna|  22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|        Snigdha|  22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       3|          Madhu|  22|      Spark|        Evangelist|
|       4|       Siddhika|  22|       null|              null|
|       5|       Srinivas|  45|      Spark|         SparkGuru|
|       6|       Harshita|  22|       null|              null|
|       8|      Deekshita|  22|       null|              null|
|       9|          Ashik|  22|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|            Ram|  42|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|Sreekanth Doddy|  29|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|Chidananda Raju|  35|      Spark|         DevHunter|

|personid|           name| age|profileName|profileDescription|
|       0|           Ravi|  42|      Spark|         Committer|
|       1|           null|null|      Spark|       All Rounder|
|       2|        Nataraj|  45|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|         Meghna|  22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|        Snigdha|  22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       3|          Madhu|  22|      Spark|        Evangelist|
|       4|       Siddhika|  22|       null|              null|
|       5|       Srinivas|  45|      Spark|         SparkGuru|
|       6|       Harshita|  22|       null|              null|
|       8|      Deekshita|  22|       null|              null|
|       9|          Ashik|  22|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|            Ram|  42|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|Chidananda Raju|  35|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|Sreekanth Doddy|  29|      Spark|         DevHunter|

|personid|           name|age|profileName|profileDescription|
|       0|           Ravi| 42|      Spark|         Committer|
|       2|        Snigdha| 22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|         Meghna| 22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|        Nataraj| 45|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       3|          Madhu| 22|      Spark|        Evangelist|
|       4|       Siddhika| 22|       null|              null|
|       5|       Srinivas| 45|      Spark|         SparkGuru|
|       6|       Harshita| 22|       null|              null|
|       8|      Deekshita| 22|       null|              null|
|       9|            Ram| 42|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|          Ashik| 22|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|Chidananda Raju| 35|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|Sreekanth Doddy| 29|      Spark|         DevHunter|

|personid|           name|age|profileName|profileDescription|
|       0|           Ravi| 42|      Spark|         Committer|
|       2|        Nataraj| 45|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|         Meghna| 22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|        Snigdha| 22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       3|          Madhu| 22|      Spark|        Evangelist|
|       4|       Siddhika| 22|       null|              null|
|       5|       Srinivas| 45|      Spark|         SparkGuru|
|       6|       Harshita| 22|       null|              null|
|       8|      Deekshita| 22|       null|              null|
|       9|Chidananda Raju| 35|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|Sreekanth Doddy| 29|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|          Ashik| 22|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|            Ram| 42|      Spark|         DevHunter|

|personid|           name| age|profileName|profileDescription|
|       0|           Ravi|  42|      Spark|         Committer|
|       1|           null|null|      Spark|       All Rounder|
|       2|        Snigdha|  22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|         Meghna|  22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|        Nataraj|  45|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       3|          Madhu|  22|      Spark|        Evangelist|
|       5|       Srinivas|  45|      Spark|         SparkGuru|
|       9|Sreekanth Doddy|  29|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|Chidananda Raju|  35|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|            Ram|  42|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|          Ashik|  22|      Spark|         DevHunter|

|personid|           name| age|profileName|profileDescription|
|       0|           Ravi|  42|      Spark|         Committer|
|       1|           null|null|      Spark|       All Rounder|
|       2|         Meghna|  22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|        Snigdha|  22|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       2|        Nataraj|  45|      Spark|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       3|          Madhu|  22|      Spark|        Evangelist|
|       5|       Srinivas|  45|      Spark|         SparkGuru|
|       9|Sreekanth Doddy|  29|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|          Ashik|  22|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|Chidananda Raju|  35|      Spark|         DevHunter|
|       9|            Ram|  42|      Spark|         DevHunter|

|personid|           name|age|
|       0|           Ravi| 42|
|       2|        Nataraj| 45|
|       2|         Meghna| 22|
|       2|        Snigdha| 22|
|       3|          Madhu| 22|
|       5|       Srinivas| 45|
|       9|Chidananda Raju| 35|
|       9|Sreekanth Doddy| 29|
|       9|            Ram| 42|
|       9|          Ashik| 22|

|personid|     name|age|
|       4| Siddhika| 22|
|       6| Harshita| 22|
|       8|Deekshita| 22|

Till 1.x  Cross join is :  `df_asPerson.join(df_asProfile)`

 Explicit Cross Join in 2.x :
 Cartesian joins are very expensive without an extra filter that can be pushed down.

 Cross join or Cartesian product

|name           |age|personid|profileName|personid|profileDescription|
|Nataraj        |45 |2       |Spark      |2       |SparkSQLMaster    |
|Nataraj        |45 |2       |Spark      |5       |SparkGuru         |
|Nataraj        |45 |2       |Spark      |9       |DevHunter         |
|Nataraj        |45 |2       |Spark      |3       |Evangelist        |
|Nataraj        |45 |2       |Spark      |0       |Committer         |
|Nataraj        |45 |2       |Spark      |1       |All Rounder       |
|Srinivas       |45 |5       |Spark      |2       |SparkSQLMaster    |
|Srinivas       |45 |5       |Spark      |5       |SparkGuru         |
|Srinivas       |45 |5       |Spark      |9       |DevHunter         |
|Srinivas       |45 |5       |Spark      |3       |Evangelist        |
|Srinivas       |45 |5       |Spark      |0       |Committer         |
|Srinivas       |45 |5       |Spark      |1       |All Rounder       |
|Ashik          |22 |9       |Spark      |2       |SparkSQLMaster    |
|Ashik          |22 |9       |Spark      |5       |SparkGuru         |
|Ashik          |22 |9       |Spark      |9       |DevHunter         |
|Ashik          |22 |9       |Spark      |3       |Evangelist        |
|Ashik          |22 |9       |Spark      |0       |Committer         |
|Ashik          |22 |9       |Spark      |1       |All Rounder       |
|Deekshita      |22 |8       |Spark      |2       |SparkSQLMaster    |
|Deekshita      |22 |8       |Spark      |5       |SparkGuru         |
|Deekshita      |22 |8       |Spark      |9       |DevHunter         |
|Deekshita      |22 |8       |Spark      |3       |Evangelist        |
|Deekshita      |22 |8       |Spark      |0       |Committer         |
|Deekshita      |22 |8       |Spark      |1       |All Rounder       |
|Siddhika       |22 |4       |Spark      |2       |SparkSQLMaster    |
|Siddhika       |22 |4       |Spark      |5       |SparkGuru         |
|Siddhika       |22 |4       |Spark      |9       |DevHunter         |
|Siddhika       |22 |4       |Spark      |3       |Evangelist        |
|Siddhika       |22 |4       |Spark      |0       |Committer         |
|Siddhika       |22 |4       |Spark      |1       |All Rounder       |
|Madhu          |22 |3       |Spark      |2       |SparkSQLMaster    |
|Madhu          |22 |3       |Spark      |5       |SparkGuru         |
|Madhu          |22 |3       |Spark      |9       |DevHunter         |
|Madhu          |22 |3       |Spark      |3       |Evangelist        |
|Madhu          |22 |3       |Spark      |0       |Committer         |
|Madhu          |22 |3       |Spark      |1       |All Rounder       |
|Meghna         |22 |2       |Spark      |2       |SparkSQLMaster    |
|Meghna         |22 |2       |Spark      |5       |SparkGuru         |
|Meghna         |22 |2       |Spark      |9       |DevHunter         |
|Meghna         |22 |2       |Spark      |3       |Evangelist        |
|Meghna         |22 |2       |Spark      |0       |Committer         |
|Meghna         |22 |2       |Spark      |1       |All Rounder       |
|Snigdha        |22 |2       |Spark      |2       |SparkSQLMaster    |
|Snigdha        |22 |2       |Spark      |5       |SparkGuru         |
|Snigdha        |22 |2       |Spark      |9       |DevHunter         |
|Snigdha        |22 |2       |Spark      |3       |Evangelist        |
|Snigdha        |22 |2       |Spark      |0       |Committer         |
|Snigdha        |22 |2       |Spark      |1       |All Rounder       |
|Harshita       |22 |6       |Spark      |2       |SparkSQLMaster    |
|Harshita       |22 |6       |Spark      |5       |SparkGuru         |
|Harshita       |22 |6       |Spark      |9       |DevHunter         |
|Harshita       |22 |6       |Spark      |3       |Evangelist        |
|Harshita       |22 |6       |Spark      |0       |Committer         |
|Harshita       |22 |6       |Spark      |1       |All Rounder       |
|Ravi           |42 |0       |Spark      |2       |SparkSQLMaster    |
|Ravi           |42 |0       |Spark      |5       |SparkGuru         |
|Ravi           |42 |0       |Spark      |9       |DevHunter         |
|Ravi           |42 |0       |Spark      |3       |Evangelist        |
|Ravi           |42 |0       |Spark      |0       |Committer         |
|Ravi           |42 |0       |Spark      |1       |All Rounder       |
|Ram            |42 |9       |Spark      |2       |SparkSQLMaster    |
|Ram            |42 |9       |Spark      |5       |SparkGuru         |
|Ram            |42 |9       |Spark      |9       |DevHunter         |
|Ram            |42 |9       |Spark      |3       |Evangelist        |
|Ram            |42 |9       |Spark      |0       |Committer         |
|Ram            |42 |9       |Spark      |1       |All Rounder       |
|Chidananda Raju|35 |9       |Spark      |2       |SparkSQLMaster    |
|Chidananda Raju|35 |9       |Spark      |5       |SparkGuru         |
|Chidananda Raju|35 |9       |Spark      |9       |DevHunter         |
|Chidananda Raju|35 |9       |Spark      |3       |Evangelist        |
|Chidananda Raju|35 |9       |Spark      |0       |Committer         |
|Chidananda Raju|35 |9       |Spark      |1       |All Rounder       |
|Sreekanth Doddy|29 |9       |Spark      |2       |SparkSQLMaster    |
|Sreekanth Doddy|29 |9       |Spark      |5       |SparkGuru         |
|Sreekanth Doddy|29 |9       |Spark      |9       |DevHunter         |
|Sreekanth Doddy|29 |9       |Spark      |3       |Evangelist        |
|Sreekanth Doddy|29 |9       |Spark      |0       |Committer         |
|Sreekanth Doddy|29 |9       |Spark      |1       |All Rounder       |

== Physical Plan ==
BroadcastNestedLoopJoin BuildRight, Cross
:- LocalTableScan [name#0, age#1, personid#2]
+- BroadcastExchange IdentityBroadcastMode
   +- LocalTableScan [profileName#7, personid#8, profileDescription#9]
createOrReplaceTempView example 

Creates a local temporary view using the given name. The lifetime of this
   temporary view is tied to the [[SparkSession]] that was used to create this Dataset.

createOrReplaceTempView  sql 
, dfperson.age
, dfprofile.profileDescription
  FROM  dfperson JOIN  dfprofile
 ON dfperson.personid == dfprofile.personid

|           name|age|profileDescription|
|        Nataraj| 45|    SparkSQLMaster|
|       Srinivas| 45|         SparkGuru|
|          Ashik| 22|         DevHunter|
|          Madhu| 22|        Evangelist|
|         Meghna| 22|    SparkSQLMaster|
|        Snigdha| 22|    SparkSQLMaster|
|           Ravi| 42|         Committer|
|            Ram| 42|         DevHunter|
|Chidananda Raju| 35|         DevHunter|
|Sreekanth Doddy| 29|         DevHunter|

**** EXCEPT DEMO ***

 df_asPerson.except(df_asProfile) Except demo
|           name|age|personid|
|          Ashik| 22|       9|
|       Harshita| 22|       6|
|          Madhu| 22|       3|
|            Ram| 42|       9|
|           Ravi| 42|       0|
|Chidananda Raju| 35|       9|
|       Siddhika| 22|       4|
|       Srinivas| 45|       5|
|Sreekanth Doddy| 29|       9|
|      Deekshita| 22|       8|
|         Meghna| 22|       2|
|        Snigdha| 22|       2|
|        Nataraj| 45|       2|

 df_asProfile.except(df_asPerson) Except demo
|      Spark|       5|         SparkGuru|
|      Spark|       9|         DevHunter|
|      Spark|       2|    SparkSQLMaster|
|      Spark|       3|        Evangelist|
|      Spark|       0|         Committer|
|      Spark|       1|       All Rounder|

As discussed above these are the venn diagrams of all the joins. enter image description here

How to connect to remote Oracle DB with PL/SQL Developer?

In the "database" section of the logon dialog box, enter //hostname.domain:port/database, in your case // - this assumes that you don't want to set up a tnsnames.ora file/entry for some reason.

Also make sure the firewall settings on your server are not blocking port 1521.

copy-item With Alternate Credentials

Bringing this back from the dead again. I got around a similar credentials problem by wrapping the .ps1 in a batch file and doing the Win7, Shift + r.Click RunAs. If you wanted to, you can also use PsExec thus:

psexec.exe /accepteula /h /u user /p pwd cmd /c "echo. | powershell.exe -File script.ps1"

Is it possible to get a history of queries made in postgres

If you want to identify slow queries, than the method is to use log_min_duration_statement setting (in postgresql.conf or set per-database with ALTER DATABASE SET).

When you logged the data, you can then use grep or some specialized tools - like pgFouine or my own analyzer - which lacks proper docs, but despite this - runs quite well.

Change the Right Margin of a View Programmatically?

Use This function to set all Type of margins

      public void setViewMargins(Context con, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params,      
       int left, int top , int right, int bottom, View view) {

    final float scale = con.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
    // convert the DP into pixel
    int pixel_left = (int) (left * scale + 0.5f);
    int pixel_top = (int) (top * scale + 0.5f);
    int pixel_right = (int) (right * scale + 0.5f);
    int pixel_bottom = (int) (bottom * scale + 0.5f);

    ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams s = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) params;
    s.setMargins(pixel_left, pixel_top, pixel_right, pixel_bottom);


Move UIView up when the keyboard appears in iOS

Bind a view to keyboard is also an option (see GIF at the bottom of the answer)

Swift 4

Use an extension: (Wasn't fully tested)

extension UIView{
    func bindToKeyboard(){
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(UIView.keyboardWillChange(notification:)), name: Notification.Name.UIKeyboardWillChangeFrame, object: nil)

    func unbindToKeyboard(){
        NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: Notification.Name.UIKeyboardWillChangeFrame, object: nil)
    func keyboardWillChange(notification: Notification) {
        let duration = notification.userInfo![UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as! Double
        let curve = notification.userInfo![UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey] as! UInt
        let curFrame = (notification.userInfo![UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as! NSValue).cgRectValue
        let targetFrame = (notification.userInfo![UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as! NSValue).cgRectValue
        let deltaY = targetFrame.origin.y - curFrame.origin.y

        UIView.animateKeyframes(withDuration: duration, delay: 0.0, options: UIViewKeyframeAnimationOptions(rawValue: curve), animations: {

        },completion: nil)


Swift 2 + 3

Use an extension:

extension UIView{
    func bindToKeyboard(){
        NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(UIView.keyboardWillChange(_:)), name: UIKeyboardWillChangeFrameNotification, object: nil)

    func keyboardWillChange(notification: NSNotification) {

        let duration = notification.userInfo![UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as! Double
        let curve = notification.userInfo![UIKeyboardAnimationCurveUserInfoKey] as! UInt
        let curFrame = (notification.userInfo![UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as! NSValue).CGRectValue()
        let targetFrame = (notification.userInfo![UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as! NSValue).CGRectValue()
        let deltaY = targetFrame.origin.y - curFrame.origin.y

        UIView.animateKeyframesWithDuration(duration, delay: 0.0, options: UIViewKeyframeAnimationOptions(rawValue: curve), animations: {

        },completion: nil)



// view did load...


// view unload

enter image description here

Don't forget to remove the observer when view is unloading

Laravel 5 - How to access image uploaded in storage within View?

If you want to load a small number of Private images You can encode the images to base64 and echo them into <img src="{{$image_data}}"> directly:

$path = image.png
$full_path = Storage::path($path);
$base64 = base64_encode(Storage::get($path));
$image_data = 'data:'.mime_content_type($full_path) . ';base64,' . $base64;

I mentioned private because you should only use these methods if you do not want to store images publicly accessible through url ,instead you Must always use the standard way (link storage/public folder and serve images with HTTP server).

Beware encoding to base64() have two important down sides:

  1. This will increase image size by ~30%.
  2. You combine all of the images sizes in one request, instead of loading them in parallel, this should not be a problem for some small thumbnails but for many images avoid using this method.

How to sort dates from Oldest to Newest in Excel?

I had the same problem and tried all the suggestions above. My dates were formatted mm/dd/yyyy. In desperation I tried the following:

  1. Highlighted the entire column with the dates.
  2. Searched for 2017
  3. Replace All with 2017
  4. The problem was solved (for dates in 2017, repeat for other years).

I hope this helps.

Bootstrap alert in a fixed floating div at the top of page

You can use this class : class="sticky-top alert alert-dismissible"

jQuery UI Datepicker - Multiple Date Selections

The plugin developed by @dubrox is very lightweight and works almost identical to jQuery UI. My requirement was to have the ability to restrict the number of dates selected.

Intuitively, the maxPicks property seems to have been provided for this purpose, but it doesn't work unfortunately.

For those of you looking for this fix, here it is:

  1. First up, you need to patch jquery.ui.multidatespicker.js. I have submitted a pull request on github. You can use that until dubrox merges it with the master or comes up with a fix of his own.

  2. Usage is really straightforward. The below code causes the date picker to not select any dates once the specified number of dates (maxPicks) has been already selected. If you unselect any previously selected date, it will let you select again until you reach the limit once again.

    $("#mydatefield").multiDatesPicker({maxPicks: 3});

Proper way to use AJAX Post in jquery to pass model from strongly typed MVC3 view

I found 3 ways to implement this:

C# class:

public class AddressInfo {
    public string Address1 { get; set; }
    public string Address2 { get; set; }
    public string City { get; set; }
    public string State { get; set; }
    public string ZipCode { get; set; }
    public string Country { get; set; }


public ActionResult Check(AddressInfo addressInfo)
    return Json(new { success = true });

JavaScript you can do it three ways:

1) Query String:

    url: '/en/Home/Check',
    data: $('#form').serialize(),
    type: 'POST',

Data here is a string.


2) Object Array:

    url: '/en/Home/Check',
    data: $('#form').serializeArray(),
    type: 'POST',

Data here is an array of key/value pairs :

=[{name: 'Address1', value: 'blah'}, {name: 'Address2', value: 'blah'}, {name: 'City', value: 'blah'}, {name: 'State', value: 'blah'}, {name: 'ZipCode', value: 'blah'}, {name: 'Country', value: 'blah'}]

3) JSON:

      url: '/en/Home/Check',
      data: JSON.stringify({ addressInfo:{//missing brackets
          Address1: $('#address1').val(),
          Address2: $('#address2').val(),
          City: $('#City').val(),
          State: $('#State').val(),
          ZipCode: $('#ZipCode').val()}}),
      type: 'POST',
      contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

Data here is a serialized JSON string. Note that the name has to match the parameter name in the server!!

='{"addressInfo":{"Address1":"blah","Address2":"blah","City":"blah","State":"blah", "ZipCode", "blah", "Country", "blah"}}'

How to use in jQuery :not and hasClass() to get a specific element without a class

It's much easier to do like this:

if(!$('#foo').hasClass('bar')) { 

The ! in front of the criteria means false, works in most programming languages.

html text input onchange event

Use the oninput event

<input type="text" oninput="myFunction();" />

How to include header files in GCC search path?

Using environment variable is sometimes more convenient when you do not control the build scripts / process.

For C includes use C_INCLUDE_PATH.

For C++ includes use CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH.

See this link for other gcc environment variables.

Example usage in MacOS / Linux

# `pip install` will automatically run `gcc` using parameters
# specified in the `asyncpg` package (that I do not control)

C_INCLUDE_PATH=/home/scott/.pyenv/versions/3.7.9/include/python3.7m pip install asyncpg

Example usage in Windows

set C_INCLUDE_PATH="C:\Users\Scott\.pyenv\versions\3.7.9\include\python3.7m"

pip install asyncpg

# clear the environment variable so it doesn't affect other builds

Javascript objects: get parent

when I load in a json object I usually setup the relationships by iterating through the object arrays like this:

    for (var i = 0; i < some.json.objectarray.length; i++) {
        var p = some.json.objectarray[i];
        for (var j = 0; j < p.somechildarray.length; j++) {
            p.somechildarray[j].parent = p;

then you can access the parent object of some object in the somechildarray by using .parent

How to Detect Browser Window /Tab Close Event?

You can't detect it with javascript.

Only events that do detect page unloading/closing are window.onbeforeunload and window.unload. Neither of these events can tell you the way that you closed the page.

Running powershell script within python script, how to make python print the powershell output while it is running

  1. Make sure you can run powershell scripts (it is disabled by default). Likely you have already done this.

    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  2. Run this python script on your powershell script

    # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
    import subprocess, sys
    p = subprocess.Popen(["powershell.exe", 

This code is based on python3.4 (or any 3.x series interpreter), though it should work on python2.x series as well.

Hello World

How to access POST form fields

Post Parameters can be retrieved as follows:'/api/v1/test',Testfunction);
http.createServer(app).listen(port, function(){
    console.log("Express server listening on port " + port)

function Testfunction(request,response,next) {

Iterating over arrays in Python 3

You can use


Here I calculated no. of positive and negative coefficients in a logistic regression:

for i in np.nditer(b):
    if i>0:
print("no. of positive coefficients is : {}".format(pos_coef))
print("no. of negative coefficients is : {}".format(neg_coef))


no. of positive coefficients is : 85035
no. of negative coefficients is : 36199

How do I select last 5 rows in a table without sorting?

select * from table limit 5 offset (select count(*) from table) - 5;

How can I check if a MySQL table exists with PHP?

$connection = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","php_sample_login_register"); 

if ($connection){
        echo "DB is Connected <br>";
        $sql = "CREATE TABLE user(
            name VARCHAR(255)NOT NULL,
            email VARCHAR(255)NOT NULL,
            password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
        if(mysqli_query($connection,$sql)) {
            echo "Created user table";
        } else{
            echo "User table already exists";
    } else {
        echo "error : DB isnot connected";
    } ?>

How to echo with different colors in the Windows command line

I looked at this because I wanted to introduce some simple text colors to a Win7 Batch file. This is what I came up with. Thanks for your help.

@echo off
cls && color 08

rem .... the following line creates a [DEL] [ASCII 8] [Backspace] character to use later
rem .... All this to remove [:]
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do (set "DEL=%%a")


<nul set /p="("
call :PainText 09 "BLUE is cold"    && <nul set /p=")  ("
call :PainText 02 "GREEN is earth"  && <nul set /p=")  ("
call :PainText F0 "BLACK is night"  && <nul set /p=")"
<nul set /p="("
call :PainText 04 "RED is blood"    && <nul set /p=")  ("
call :PainText 0e "YELLOW is pee"   && <nul set /p=")  ("
call :PainText 0F "WHITE all colors"&& <nul set /p=")"

goto :end

<nul set /p "=%DEL%" > "%~2"
findstr /v /a:%1 /R "+" "%~2" nul
del "%~2" > nul
goto :eof


Printing tuple with string formatting in Python

Note that the % syntax is obsolete. Use str.format, which is simpler and more readable:

t = 1,2,3
print 'This is a tuple {0}'.format(t)

Why is pydot unable to find GraphViz's executables in Windows 8?

install Graphviz here and add its bin path solved my problem

pip install Graphviz itself seems inadequate

Creating SolidColorBrush from hex color value

using System.Windows.Media;

byte R = Convert.ToByte(color.Substring(1, 2), 16);
byte G = Convert.ToByte(color.Substring(3, 2), 16);
byte B = Convert.ToByte(color.Substring(5, 2), 16);
SolidColorBrush scb = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(R, G, B));
//applying the brush to the background of the existing Button btn:
btn.Background = scb;

Error 1046 No database Selected, how to resolve?

quoting ivan n : "If importing a database, you need to create one first with the same name, then select it and then IMPORT the existing database to it. Hope it works for you!"

These are the steps: Create a Database, for instance my_db1, utf8_general_ci. Then click to go inside this database. Then click "import", and select the database: my_db1.sql

That should be all.

How to find whether a number belongs to a particular range in Python?

I would use the numpy library, which would allow you to do this for a list of numbers as well:

from numpy import array
a = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,])
a[a < 2]

Safe String to BigDecimal conversion

I needed a solution to convert a String to a BigDecimal without knowing the locale and being locale-independent. I couldn't find any standard solution for this problem so i wrote my own helper method. May be it helps anybody else too:

Update: Warning! This helper method works only for decimal numbers, so numbers which always have a decimal point! Otherwise the helper method could deliver a wrong result for numbers between 1000 and 999999 (plus/minus). Thanks to bezmax for his great input!

static final String EMPTY = "";
static final String POINT = '.';
static final String COMMA = ',';
static final String POINT_AS_STRING = ".";
static final String COMMA_AS_STRING = ",";

     * Converts a String to a BigDecimal.
     *     if there is more than 1 '.', the points are interpreted as thousand-separator and will be removed for conversion
     *     if there is more than 1 ',', the commas are interpreted as thousand-separator and will be removed for conversion
     *  the last '.' or ',' will be interpreted as the separator for the decimal places
     *  () or - in front or in the end will be interpreted as negative number
     * @param value
     * @return The BigDecimal expression of the given string
    public static BigDecimal toBigDecimal(final String value) {
        if (value != null){
            boolean negativeNumber = false;

            if (value.containts("(") && value.contains(")"))
               negativeNumber = true;
            if (value.endsWith("-") || value.startsWith("-"))
               negativeNumber = true;

            String parsedValue = value.replaceAll("[^0-9\\,\\.]", EMPTY);

            if (negativeNumber)
               parsedValue = "-" + parsedValue;

            int lastPointPosition = parsedValue.lastIndexOf(POINT);
            int lastCommaPosition = parsedValue.lastIndexOf(COMMA);

            //handle '1423' case, just a simple number
            if (lastPointPosition == -1 && lastCommaPosition == -1)
                return new BigDecimal(parsedValue);
            //handle '45.3' and '4.550.000' case, only points are in the given String
            if (lastPointPosition > -1 && lastCommaPosition == -1){
                int firstPointPosition = parsedValue.indexOf(POINT);
                if (firstPointPosition != lastPointPosition)
                    return new BigDecimal(parsedValue.replace(POINT_AS_STRING, EMPTY));
                    return new BigDecimal(parsedValue);
            //handle '45,3' and '4,550,000' case, only commas are in the given String
            if (lastPointPosition == -1 && lastCommaPosition > -1){
                int firstCommaPosition = parsedValue.indexOf(COMMA);
                if (firstCommaPosition != lastCommaPosition)
                    return new BigDecimal(parsedValue.replace(COMMA_AS_STRING, EMPTY));
                    return new BigDecimal(parsedValue.replace(COMMA, POINT));
            //handle '2.345,04' case, points are in front of commas
            if (lastPointPosition < lastCommaPosition){
                parsedValue = parsedValue.replace(POINT_AS_STRING, EMPTY);
                return new BigDecimal(parsedValue.replace(COMMA, POINT));
            //handle '2,345.04' case, commas are in front of points
            if (lastCommaPosition < lastPointPosition){
                parsedValue = parsedValue.replace(COMMA_AS_STRING, EMPTY);
                return new BigDecimal(parsedValue);
            throw new NumberFormatException("Unexpected number format. Cannot convert '" + value + "' to BigDecimal.");
        return null;

Of course i've tested the method:

@Test(dataProvider = "testBigDecimals")
    public void toBigDecimal_defaultLocaleTest(String stringValue, BigDecimal bigDecimalValue){
        BigDecimal convertedBigDecimal = DecimalHelper.toBigDecimal(stringValue);
        Assert.assertEquals(convertedBigDecimal, bigDecimalValue);
    @DataProvider(name = "testBigDecimals")
    public static Object[][] bigDecimalConvertionTestValues() {
        return new Object[][] {
                {"5", new BigDecimal(5)},
                {"5,3", new BigDecimal("5.3")},
                {"5.3", new BigDecimal("5.3")},
                {"5.000,3", new BigDecimal("5000.3")},
                {"5.000.000,3", new BigDecimal("5000000.3")},
                {"5.000.000", new BigDecimal("5000000")},
                {"5,000.3", new BigDecimal("5000.3")},
                {"5,000,000.3", new BigDecimal("5000000.3")},
                {"5,000,000", new BigDecimal("5000000")},
                {"+5", new BigDecimal("5")},
                {"+5,3", new BigDecimal("5.3")},
                {"+5.3", new BigDecimal("5.3")},
                {"+5.000,3", new BigDecimal("5000.3")},
                {"+5.000.000,3", new BigDecimal("5000000.3")},
                {"+5.000.000", new BigDecimal("5000000")},
                {"+5,000.3", new BigDecimal("5000.3")},
                {"+5,000,000.3", new BigDecimal("5000000.3")},
                {"+5,000,000", new BigDecimal("5000000")},
                {"-5", new BigDecimal("-5")},
                {"-5,3", new BigDecimal("-5.3")},
                {"-5.3", new BigDecimal("-5.3")},
                {"-5.000,3", new BigDecimal("-5000.3")},
                {"-5.000.000,3", new BigDecimal("-5000000.3")},
                {"-5.000.000", new BigDecimal("-5000000")},
                {"-5,000.3", new BigDecimal("-5000.3")},
                {"-5,000,000.3", new BigDecimal("-5000000.3")},
                {"-5,000,000", new BigDecimal("-5000000")},
                {null, null}

Byte Array in Python

Dietrich's answer is probably just the thing you need for what you describe, sending bytes, but a closer analogue to the code you've provided for example would be using the bytearray type.

>>> key = bytearray([0x13, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00])
>>> bytes(key)

SQL multiple column ordering

The other answers lack a concrete example, so here it goes:

Given the following People table:

 FirstName |  LastName   |  YearOfBirth
  Thomas   | Alva Edison |   1847
  Benjamin | Franklin    |   1706
  Thomas   | More        |   1478
  Thomas   | Jefferson   |   1826

If you execute the query below:

SELECT * FROM People ORDER BY FirstName DESC, YearOfBirth ASC

The result set will look like this:

 FirstName |  LastName   |  YearOfBirth
  Thomas   | More        |   1478
  Thomas   | Jefferson   |   1826
  Thomas   | Alva Edison |   1847
  Benjamin | Franklin    |   1706

HTML Text with tags to formatted text in an Excel cell

Nice! Very slick.

I was disappointed that Excel doesn't let us paste to a merged cell and also pastes results containing a break into successive rows below the "target" cell though, as that meant it simply doesn't work for me. I tried a few tweaks (unmerge/remerge, etc.) but then Excel dropped anything below a break, so that was a dead end.

Ultimately, I came up with a routine that'll handle simple tags and not use the "native" Unicode converter that is causing the issue with merged fields. Hope others find this useful:

Public Sub AddHTMLFormattedText(rngA As Range, strHTML As String, Optional blnShowBadHTMLWarning As Boolean = False)
    ' Adds converts text formatted with basic HTML tags to formatted text in an Excel cell
    ' NOTE: Font Sizes not handled perfectly per HTML standard, but I find this method more useful!

    Dim strActualText As String, intSrcPos As Integer, intDestPos As Integer, intDestSrcEquiv() As Integer
    Dim varyTags As Variant, varTag As Variant, varEndTag As Variant, blnTagMatch As Boolean
    Dim intCtr As Integer
    Dim intStartPos As Integer, intEndPos As Integer, intActualStartPos As Integer, intActualEndPos As Integer
    Dim intFontSizeStartPos As Integer, intFontSizeEndPos As Integer, intFontSize As Integer

    varyTags = Array("<b>", "</b>", "<i>", "</i>", "<u>", "</u>", "<sub>", "</sub>", "<sup>", "</sup>")

    ' Remove unhandled/unneeded tags, convert <br> and <p> tags to line feeds
    strHTML = Trim(strHTML)
    strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "<html>", "")
    strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "</html>", "")
    strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "<p>", "")
    While LCase(Right$(strHTML, 4)) = "</p>" Or LCase(Right$(strHTML, 4)) = "<br>"
        strHTML = Left$(strHTML, Len(strHTML) - 4)
        strHTML = Trim(strHTML)
    strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "<br>", vbLf)
    strHTML = Replace(strHTML, "</p>", vbLf)

    strHTML = Trim(strHTML)

    ReDim intDestSrcEquiv(1 To Len(strHTML))
    strActualText = ""
    intSrcPos = 1
    intDestPos = 1
    Do While intSrcPos <= Len(strHTML)
        blnTagMatch = False
        For Each varTag In varyTags
            If LCase(Mid$(strHTML, intSrcPos, Len(varTag))) = varTag Then
                blnTagMatch = True
                intSrcPos = intSrcPos + Len(varTag)
                If intSrcPos > Len(strHTML) Then Exit Do
                Exit For
            End If
        If blnTagMatch = False Then
            varTag = "<font size"
            If LCase(Mid$(strHTML, intSrcPos, Len(varTag))) = varTag Then
                blnTagMatch = True
                intEndPos = InStr(intSrcPos, strHTML, ">")
                intSrcPos = intEndPos + 1
                If intSrcPos > Len(strHTML) Then Exit Do
                varTag = "</font>"
                If LCase(Mid$(strHTML, intSrcPos, Len(varTag))) = varTag Then
                    blnTagMatch = True
                    intSrcPos = intSrcPos + Len(varTag)
                    If intSrcPos > Len(strHTML) Then Exit Do
                End If
            End If
        End If
        If blnTagMatch = False Then
            strActualText = strActualText & Mid$(strHTML, intSrcPos, 1)
            intDestSrcEquiv(intSrcPos) = intDestPos
            intDestPos = intDestPos + 1
            intSrcPos = intSrcPos + 1
        End If

    ' Clear any bold/underline/italic/superscript/subscript formatting from cell
    rngA.Font.Bold = False
    rngA.Font.Underline = False
    rngA.Font.Italic = False
    rngA.Font.Subscript = False
    rngA.Font.Superscript = False

    rngA.Value = strActualText

    ' Now start applying Formats!"
    ' Start with Font Size first
    intSrcPos = 1
    intDestPos = 1
    Do While intSrcPos <= Len(strHTML)
        varTag = "<font size"
        If LCase(Mid$(strHTML, intSrcPos, Len(varTag))) = varTag Then
            intFontSizeStartPos = InStr(intSrcPos, strHTML, """") + 1
            intFontSizeEndPos = InStr(intFontSizeStartPos, strHTML, """") - 1
            If intFontSizeEndPos - intFontSizeStartPos <= 3 And intFontSizeEndPos - intFontSizeStartPos > 0 Then
                Debug.Print Mid$(strHTML, intFontSizeStartPos, intFontSizeEndPos - intFontSizeStartPos + 1)
                If Mid$(strHTML, intFontSizeStartPos, 1) = "+" Then
                    intFontSizeStartPos = intFontSizeStartPos + 1
                    intFontSize = 11 + 2 * Mid$(strHTML, intFontSizeStartPos, intFontSizeEndPos - intFontSizeStartPos + 1)
                ElseIf Mid$(strHTML, intFontSizeStartPos, 1) = "-" Then
                    intFontSizeStartPos = intFontSizeStartPos + 1
                    intFontSize = 11 - 2 * Mid$(strHTML, intFontSizeStartPos, intFontSizeEndPos - intFontSizeStartPos + 1)
                    intFontSize = Mid$(strHTML, intFontSizeStartPos, intFontSizeEndPos - intFontSizeStartPos + 1)
                End If
                ' Error!
                GoTo HTML_Err
            End If
            intEndPos = InStr(intSrcPos, strHTML, ">")
            intSrcPos = intEndPos + 1
            intStartPos = intSrcPos
            If intSrcPos > Len(strHTML) Then Exit Do
            While intDestSrcEquiv(intStartPos) = 0 And intStartPos < Len(strHTML)
                intStartPos = intStartPos + 1
            If intStartPos >= Len(strHTML) Then GoTo HTML_Err ' HTML is bad!
            varEndTag = "</font>"
            intEndPos = InStr(intSrcPos, LCase(strHTML), varEndTag)
            If intEndPos = 0 Then GoTo HTML_Err ' HTML is bad!
            While intDestSrcEquiv(intEndPos) = 0 And intEndPos > intSrcPos
                intEndPos = intEndPos - 1
            If intEndPos > intSrcPos Then
                intActualStartPos = intDestSrcEquiv(intStartPos)
                intActualEndPos = intDestSrcEquiv(intEndPos)
                rngA.Characters(intActualStartPos, intActualEndPos - intActualStartPos + 1) _
                    .Font.Size = intFontSize
            End If
        End If
        intSrcPos = intSrcPos + 1

    'Now do remaining tags
    intSrcPos = 1
    intDestPos = 1
    Do While intSrcPos <= Len(strHTML)
        If intDestSrcEquiv(intSrcPos) = 0 Then
            ' This must be a Tag!
            For intCtr = 0 To UBound(varyTags) Step 2
                varTag = varyTags(intCtr)
                intStartPos = intSrcPos + Len(varTag)
                While intDestSrcEquiv(intStartPos) = 0 And intStartPos < Len(strHTML)
                    intStartPos = intStartPos + 1
                If intStartPos >= Len(strHTML) Then GoTo HTML_Err ' HTML is bad!
                If LCase(Mid$(strHTML, intSrcPos, Len(varTag))) = varTag Then
                    varEndTag = varyTags(intCtr + 1)
                    intEndPos = InStr(intSrcPos, LCase(strHTML), varEndTag)
                    If intEndPos = 0 Then GoTo HTML_Err ' HTML is bad!
                    While intDestSrcEquiv(intEndPos) = 0 And intEndPos > intSrcPos
                        intEndPos = intEndPos - 1
                    If intEndPos > intSrcPos Then
                        intActualStartPos = intDestSrcEquiv(intStartPos)
                        intActualEndPos = intDestSrcEquiv(intEndPos)
                        With rngA.Characters(intActualStartPos, intActualEndPos - intActualStartPos + 1).Font
                            If varTag = "<b>" Then
                                .Bold = True
                            ElseIf varTag = "<i>" Then
                                .Italic = True
                            ElseIf varTag = "<u>" Then
                                .Underline = True
                            ElseIf varTag = "<sup>" Then
                                .Superscript = True
                            ElseIf varTag = "<sub>" Then
                                .Subscript = True
                            End If
                        End With
                    End If
                    intSrcPos = intSrcPos + Len(varTag) - 1
                    Exit For
                End If
        End If
        intSrcPos = intSrcPos + 1
        intDestPos = intDestPos + 1
    Exit Sub
    ' There was an error with the Tags. Show warning if requested.
    If blnShowBadHTMLWarning Then
        MsgBox "There was an error with the Tags in the HTML file. Could not apply formatting."
    End If
End Sub

Note this doesn't care about tag nesting, instead only requiring a close tag for every open tag, and assuming the close tag nearest the opening tag applies to the opening tag. Properly nested tags will work fine, while improperly nested tags will not be rejected and may or may not work.

In Python, how do I create a string of n characters in one line of code?

Why "one line"? You can fit anything onto one line.

Assuming you want them to start with 'a', and increment by one character each time (with wrapping > 26), here's a line:

>>> mkstring = lambda(x): "".join(map(chr, (ord('a')+(y%26) for y in range(x))))
>>> mkstring(10)
>>> mkstring(30)

Round float to x decimals?

I feel compelled to provide a counterpoint to Ashwini Chaudhary's answer. Despite appearances, the two-argument form of the round function does not round a Python float to a given number of decimal places, and it's often not the solution you want, even when you think it is. Let me explain...

The ability to round a (Python) float to some number of decimal places is something that's frequently requested, but turns out to be rarely what's actually needed. The beguilingly simple answer round(x, number_of_places) is something of an attractive nuisance: it looks as though it does what you want, but thanks to the fact that Python floats are stored internally in binary, it's doing something rather subtler. Consider the following example:

>>> round(52.15, 1)

With a naive understanding of what round does, this looks wrong: surely it should be rounding up to 52.2 rather than down to 52.1? To understand why such behaviours can't be relied upon, you need to appreciate that while this looks like a simple decimal-to-decimal operation, it's far from simple.

So here's what's really happening in the example above. (deep breath) We're displaying a decimal representation of the nearest binary floating-point number to the nearest n-digits-after-the-point decimal number to a binary floating-point approximation of a numeric literal written in decimal. So to get from the original numeric literal to the displayed output, the underlying machinery has made four separate conversions between binary and decimal formats, two in each direction. Breaking it down (and with the usual disclaimers about assuming IEEE 754 binary64 format, round-ties-to-even rounding, and IEEE 754 rules):

  1. First the numeric literal 52.15 gets parsed and converted to a Python float. The actual number stored is 7339460017730355 * 2**-47, or 52.14999999999999857891452847979962825775146484375.

  2. Internally as the first step of the round operation, Python computes the closest 1-digit-after-the-point decimal string to the stored number. Since that stored number is a touch under the original value of 52.15, we end up rounding down and getting a string 52.1. This explains why we're getting 52.1 as the final output instead of 52.2.

  3. Then in the second step of the round operation, Python turns that string back into a float, getting the closest binary floating-point number to 52.1, which is now 7332423143312589 * 2**-47, or 52.10000000000000142108547152020037174224853515625.

  4. Finally, as part of Python's read-eval-print loop (REPL), the floating-point value is displayed (in decimal). That involves converting the binary value back to a decimal string, getting 52.1 as the final output.

In Python 2.7 and later, we have the pleasant situation that the two conversions in step 3 and 4 cancel each other out. That's due to Python's choice of repr implementation, which produces the shortest decimal value guaranteed to round correctly to the actual float. One consequence of that choice is that if you start with any (not too large, not too small) decimal literal with 15 or fewer significant digits then the corresponding float will be displayed showing those exact same digits:

>>> x = 15.34509809234
>>> x

Unfortunately, this furthers the illusion that Python is storing values in decimal. Not so in Python 2.6, though! Here's the original example executed in Python 2.6:

>>> round(52.15, 1)

Not only do we round in the opposite direction, getting 52.2 instead of 52.1, but the displayed value doesn't even print as 52.2! This behaviour has caused numerous reports to the Python bug tracker along the lines of "round is broken!". But it's not round that's broken, it's user expectations. (Okay, okay, round is a little bit broken in Python 2.6, in that it doesn't use correct rounding.)

Short version: if you're using two-argument round, and you're expecting predictable behaviour from a binary approximation to a decimal round of a binary approximation to a decimal halfway case, you're asking for trouble.

So enough with the "two-argument round is bad" argument. What should you be using instead? There are a few possibilities, depending on what you're trying to do.

  • If you're rounding for display purposes, then you don't want a float result at all; you want a string. In that case the answer is to use string formatting:

    >>> format(66.66666666666, '.4f')
    >>> format(1.29578293, '.6f')

    Even then, one has to be aware of the internal binary representation in order not to be surprised by the behaviour of apparent decimal halfway cases.

    >>> format(52.15, '.1f')
  • If you're operating in a context where it matters which direction decimal halfway cases are rounded (for example, in some financial contexts), you might want to represent your numbers using the Decimal type. Doing a decimal round on the Decimal type makes a lot more sense than on a binary type (equally, rounding to a fixed number of binary places makes perfect sense on a binary type). Moreover, the decimal module gives you better control of the rounding mode. In Python 3, round does the job directly. In Python 2, you need the quantize method.

    >>> Decimal('66.66666666666').quantize(Decimal('1e-4'))
    >>> Decimal('1.29578293').quantize(Decimal('1e-6'))
  • In rare cases, the two-argument version of round really is what you want: perhaps you're binning floats into bins of size 0.01, and you don't particularly care which way border cases go. However, these cases are rare, and it's difficult to justify the existence of the two-argument version of the round builtin based on those cases alone.

Python - Convert a bytes array into JSON format

Your bytes object is almost JSON, but it's using single quotes instead of double quotes, and it needs to be a string. So one way to fix it is to decode the bytes to str and replace the quotes. Another option is to use ast.literal_eval; see below for details. If you want to print the result or save it to a file as valid JSON you can load the JSON to a Python list and then dump it out. Eg,

import json

my_bytes_value = b'[{\'Date\': \'2016-05-21T21:35:40Z\', \'CreationDate\': \'2012-05-05\', \'LogoType\': \'png\', \'Ref\': 164611595, \'Classe\': [\'Email addresses\', \'Passwords\'],\'Link\':\'\'}]'

# Decode UTF-8 bytes to Unicode, and convert single quotes 
# to double quotes to make it valid JSON
my_json = my_bytes_value.decode('utf8').replace("'", '"')
print('- ' * 20)

# Load the JSON to a Python list & dump it back out as formatted JSON
data = json.loads(my_json)
s = json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)


[{"Date": "2016-05-21T21:35:40Z", "CreationDate": "2012-05-05", "LogoType": "png", "Ref": 164611595, "Classe": ["Email addresses", "Passwords"],"Link":""}]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
        "Classe": [
            "Email addresses",
        "CreationDate": "2012-05-05",
        "Date": "2016-05-21T21:35:40Z",
        "Link": "",
        "LogoType": "png",
        "Ref": 164611595

As Antti Haapala mentions in the comments, we can use ast.literal_eval to convert my_bytes_value to a Python list, once we've decoded it to a string.

from ast import literal_eval
import json

my_bytes_value = b'[{\'Date\': \'2016-05-21T21:35:40Z\', \'CreationDate\': \'2012-05-05\', \'LogoType\': \'png\', \'Ref\': 164611595, \'Classe\': [\'Email addresses\', \'Passwords\'],\'Link\':\'\'}]'

data = literal_eval(my_bytes_value.decode('utf8'))
print('- ' * 20)

s = json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

Generally, this problem arises because someone has saved data by printing its Python repr instead of using the json module to create proper JSON data. If it's possible, it's better to fix that problem so that proper JSON data is created in the first place.

What is the difference between "Rollback..." and "Back Out Submitted Changelist #####" in Perforce P4V

At its simplest, the difference is one of plurality:

  • Backout backs out of a single changelist (whether the most recent or not). i.e. it undoes a single changelist.
  • Rollback rolls back changes as much as it needs to in order to get to a previous changelist. i.e. it undoes multiple changelists.

I used to forget which one is which and end up having to look it up many times. To fix this problem, imagine rolling back as several rotations then hopefully the fact that rollback is plural will help you (and me!) remember which one is which. Backout sounds 'less plural' than rollback to me. Imagine backing out of a single parking space.

So, the mnemonic is:

  • Rollback → multiple rotations
  • Backout → back out of a single car parking space

I hope this helps!

Is there a better way to refresh WebView?

Why not to try this?

Swift code to call inside class:


or external call


How to get a resource id with a known resource name?

I would suggest you using my method to get a resource ID. It's Much more efficient, than using getIdentidier() method, which is slow.

Here's the code:

 * @author Lonkly
 * @param variableName - name of drawable, e.g R.drawable.<b>image</b>
 * @param ? - class of resource, e.g R.drawable.class or R.raw.class
 * @return integer id of resource
public static int getResId(String variableName, Class<?> ?) {

    Field field = null;
    int resId = 0;
    try {
        field = ?.getField(variableName);
        try {
            resId = field.getInt(null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return resId;


Is there a JavaScript strcmp()?

How about:

String.prototype.strcmp = function(s) {
    if (this < s) return -1;
    if (this > s) return 1;
    return 0;

Then, to compare s1 with 2:


Renaming Columns in an SQL SELECT Statement

You can alias the column names one by one, like so

SELECT col1 as `MyNameForCol1`, col2 as `MyNameForCol2` 
FROM `foobar`

Edit You can access INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS directly to mangle a new alias like so. However, how you fit this into a query is beyond my MySql skills :(

select CONCAT('Foobar_', COLUMN_NAME)
where TABLE_NAME = 'Foobar'

Move view with keyboard using Swift

i've read answers and solved my problem by this lines of code:

class ViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate {

  @IBOutlet weak var titleField: UITextField!
  @IBOutlet weak var priceField: UITextField!
  @IBOutlet weak var detailsField: UTtextField!

  override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do not to forget to set the delegate otherwise the textFieldShouldReturn(_:)
// won't work and the keyboard will never be hidden.
   priceField.delegate = self
   titleField.delegate = self
   detailsField.delegate = self

   NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardWillShow),
 name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillShow, object: nil)

   NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(keyboardWillHide),
 name: NSNotification.Name.UIKeyboardWillHide, object: nil)

   func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
      return false

 func keyboardWillShow(notification: NSNotification) {
   var translation:CGFloat = 0
   if let keyboardSize = (notification.userInfo?[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.cgRectValue {
     if detailsField.isEditing{
       translation = CGFloat(-keyboardSize.height)
     }else if priceField.isEditing{
       translation = CGFloat(-keyboardSize.height / 3.8)
    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2) {
   self.view.transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 0, y: translation)

 func keyboardWillHide(notification: NSNotification) {
    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2) {
     self.view.transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 0, y: 0)

I have a few UITextFields and want the view to move up differently depending on which textField is tapped.

Make just one slide different size in Powerpoint

You can't. You can only have one slide size and one orientation per presentation.

Are you projecting the presentation or delivering it on a laptop? If so, the size is sort of irrelevant.
Regardless of the slide size, the projected/displayed image will never be longer or wider than the projector/display accepts.

calling Jquery function from javascript

Yes you can (this is how I understand the original question). Here is how I did it. Just tie it into outside context. For example:


my_function = null;

 $(function() { 

        function my_fun(){ 
               /.. some operations ../ 
        my_function = my_fun;

 //just js 
 function js_fun () {  
       my_function(); //== call jquery function - just Reference is globally defined not function itself

I encountered this same problem when trying to access methods of the object, that was instantiated on DOM object ready only. Works. My example:

MyControl.prototype = {
   init:   function { 
        // init something
   update: function () {
           // something useful, like updating the list items of control or etc.         

MyCtrl = null;

// create jquery plug-in
$.fn.aControl = function () {
    var control = new MyControl(this);
    MyCtrl = control; // here is the trick
    return control;

now you can use something simple like:

function() = {
   MyCtrl.update(); // yes!

How can I sort a dictionary by key?

This function will sort any dictionary recursively by its key. That is, if any value in the dictionary is also a dictionary, it too will be sorted by its key. If you are running on CPython 3.6 or greater, than a simple change to use a dict rather than an OrderedDict can be made.

from collections import OrderedDict

def sort_dict(d):
    items = [[k, v] for k, v in sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])]
    for item in items:
        if isinstance(item[1], dict):
            item[1] = sort_dict(item[1])
    return OrderedDict(items)
    #return dict(items)

Automatically create requirements.txt

Firstly, your project file must be a py file which is direct python file. If your file is in ipynb format, you can convert it to py type by using the line of code below:

jupyter nbconvert --to=python

Then, you need to install pipreqs library from cmd (terminal for mac).

pip install pipreqs

Now we can create txt file by using the code below. If you are in the same path with your file, you can just write ./ . Otherwise you need to give path of your file.

pipreqs ./


pipreqs /home/project/location

That will create a requirements.txt file for your project.

Angular 2 / 4 / 5 - Set base href dynamically

Here's what we ended up doing.

Add this to index.html. It should be the first thing in the <head> section

<base href="/">
  (function() {
    window['_app_base'] = '/' + window.location.pathname.split('/')[1];

Then in the app.module.ts file, add { provide: APP_BASE_HREF, useValue: window['_app_base'] || '/' } to the list of providers, like so:

import { NgModule, enableProdMode, provide } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { APP_BASE_HREF, Location } from '@angular/common';

import { AppComponent, routing, appRoutingProviders, environment } from './';

if (environment.production) {

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
  providers: [
    { provide: APP_BASE_HREF, useValue: window['_app_base'] || '/' },
export class AppModule { }

Check If array is null or not in php

you can use


to check if the main array is empty or not.

But since you have a SimpleXMLElement object, you need to query the object if it is empty or not. See


if (empty($result) || !isset($result['Tags'])) {
    return false;
if ( !($result['Tags'] instanceof SimpleXMLElement)) {
    return false;
return ($result['Tags']->count());

Difference between Mutable objects and Immutable objects

Immutable objects are simply objects whose state (the object's data) cannot change after construction. Examples of immutable objects from the JDK include String and Integer.

For example:(Point is mutable and string immutable)

     Point myPoint = new Point( 0, 0 );
    System.out.println( myPoint );
    myPoint.setLocation( 1.0, 0.0 );
    System.out.println( myPoint );

    String myString = new String( "old String" );
    System.out.println( myString );
    myString.replaceAll( "old", "new" );
    System.out.println( myString );

The output is:

java.awt.Point[0.0, 0.0]
java.awt.Point[1.0, 0.0]
old String
old String

Relative div height

add this to you CSS:

html, body
    height: 100%;

working Fiddle

when you say to wrap to be 100%, 100% of what? of its parent (body), so his parent has to have some height.

and the same goes for body, his parent his html. html parent his the viewport.. so, by setting them both to 100%, wrap can also have a percentage height.

also: the elements have some default padding/margin, that causes them to span a little more then the height you applied to them. (causing a scroll bar) you can use

    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;

to disable that.

Look at That Fiddle

Ineligible Devices section appeared in Xcode 6.x.x

Changing your deployment target is not a good idea to solve this problem (it will change which iOS versions you support on the app store).

What I did is restart just Xcode and it was fixed.

Centering brand logo in Bootstrap Navbar

Old question, but just for posterity.

I've found the easiest way to do it is to have the image as the background image of the navbar-brand. Just makes sure to put in a custom width.

    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    width: 150px;
    background-image: url('logo.png');

Regular expressions inside SQL Server

Try this

select * from mytable
where p1 not like '%[^0-9]%' and substring(p1,1,1)='5'

Of course, you'll need to adjust the substring value, but the rest should work...

Laravel blade check empty foreach

It's an array, so ==== '' won't work (the === means it has to be an empty string.)

Use count() to identify the array has any elements (count returns a number, 1 or greater will evaluate to true, 0 = false.)

@if (count($status->replies) > 0)
 // your HTML + foreach loop

How to get the string size in bytes?

While sizeof works for this specific type of string:

char str[] = "content";
int charcount = sizeof str - 1; // -1 to exclude terminating '\0'

It does not work if str is pointer (sizeof returns size of pointer, usually 4 or 8) or array with specified length (sizeof will return the byte count matching specified length, which for char type are same).

Just use strlen().

Detect click inside/outside of element with single event handler

If you want to add a click listener in chrome console, use this

document.querySelectorAll("label")[6].parentElement.onclick = () => {console.log('label clicked');}

Substring in excel

Another way you can do this is by using the substitute function. Substitute "(", ")" and "," with spaces. e.g.

 =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1, "(", " "), ")", " "), ",", " ")

How to detect installed version of MS-Office?

A bonus would be if I can detect the specific version(s) of Excel that is(/are) installed.

I know the question has been asked and answered a long time ago, but this same question has kept me busy until I made this observation:

To get the build number (e.g. 15.0.4569.1506), probe HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\[VER]\Common\ProductVersion::LastProduct, where [VER] is the major version number (12.0 for Office 2007, 14.0 for Office 2010, 15.0 for Office 2013).

On a 64-bit Windows, you need to insert Wow6432Node between the SOFTWARE and Microsoft crumbs, irrespective of the bitness of the Office installation.

On my machines, this gives the version information of the originally installed version. For Office 2010 for instance, the numbers match the ones listed here, and they differ from the version reported in File > Help, which reflects patches applied by hotfixes.

How to present popover properly in iOS 8

This is best explained on the iOS8 Day-by-Day blog

In short, once you've set your UIViewController's modalPresentationStyle to .Popover, you can get hold of a UIPopoverPresentationClass (a new iOS8 class) via the controller's popoverPresentationController property.

Force browser to clear cache

Updating the URL to the following works for me:


By adding a unique number after ?id= and incrementing it for new changes, users do not have to press CTRL + F5 to refresh the cache. Alternatively, you can append hash or string version of the current time or Epoch after ?id=

Something like ?id=1520606295

Convert a python UTC datetime to a local datetime using only python standard library?

This is a terrible way to do it but it avoids creating a definition. It fulfills the requirement to stick with the basic Python3 library.

# Adjust from UST to Eastern Standard Time (dynamic)
# df.my_localtime should already be in datetime format, so just in case
df['my_localtime'] = pd.to_datetime.df['my_localtime']

df['my_localtime'] = df['my_localtime'].dt.tz_localize('UTC').dt.tz_convert('America/New_York').astype(str)
df['my_localtime'] = pd.to_datetime(df.my_localtime.str[:-6])

Convert PEM to PPK file format

To SSH connectivity to AWS EC2 instance, You don't need to convert the .PEM file to PPK file even on windows machine, Simple SSH using 'git bash' tool. No need to download and convert these softwares - Hope this will save your time of downloading and converting keys and get you more time on EC2 things.

Does JavaScript have a built in stringbuilder class?

If you have to write code for Internet Explorer make sure you chose an implementation, which uses array joins. Concatenating strings with the + or += operator are extremely slow on IE. This is especially true for IE6. On modern browsers += is usually just as fast as array joins.

When I have to do lots of string concatenations I usually fill an array and don't use a string builder class:

var html = [];
  "bla bla bla",
return html.join("");

Note that the push methods accepts multiple arguments.

How can I check if a background image is loaded?

I've located a solution that worked better for me, and which has the advantage of being usable with several images (case not illustrated in this example).

From @adeneo's answer on this question :

If you have an element with a background image, like this

<div id="test" style="background-image: url(link/to/image.png)"><div>

You can wait for the background to load by getting the image URL and using it for an image object in javascript with an onload handler

var src = $('#test').css('background-image');
var url = src.match(/\((.*?)\)/)[1].replace(/('|")/g,'');

var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
    alert('image loaded');
img.src = url;
if (img.complete) img.onload();

CSV parsing in Java - working example..?

At a minimum you are going to need to know the column delimiter.

List all of the possible goals in Maven 2?

Is it possible to list all of the possible goals (including, say, all the plugins) that it is possible to run?

Maven doesn't have anything built-in for that, although the list of phases is finite (the list of plugin goals isn't since the list of plugins isn't).

But you can make things easier and leverage the power of bash completion (using cygwin if you're under Windows) as described in the Guide to Maven 2.x auto completion using BASH (but before to choose the script from this guide, read further).

To get things working, first follow this guide to setup bash completion on your computer. Then, it's time to get a script for Maven2 and:

  • While you could use the one from the mini guide
  • While you use an improved version attached to MNG-3928
  • While you could use a random scripts found around the net (see the resources if you're curious)
  • I personally use the Bash Completion script from Ludovic Claude's PPA (which is bundled into the packaged version of maven in Ubuntu) that you can download from the HEAD. It's simply the best one.

Below, here is what I get just to illustrate the result:

$ mvn [tab][tab]
Display all 377 possibilities? (y or n)

Of course, I never browse the 377 possibilities, I use completion. But this gives you an idea about the size of "a" list :)


Specifying width and height as percentages without skewing photo proportions in HTML

Here is the difference:

This sets the image to half of its original size.

<img src="#" width="173" height="206.5">

This sets the image to half of its available presentation area.

<img src="#" width="50%" height="50%">

For example, if you put this as the only element on the page, it would attempt to take up 50% of the width of the page, thus making it potentially larger than its original size - not half of its original size as you are expecting.

If it is being presented at larger than original size, the image will appear greatly pixelated.

Converting a Uniform Distribution to a Normal Distribution

This is a Matlab implementation using the polar form of the Box-Muller transformation:

Function randn_box_muller.m:

function [values] = randn_box_muller(n, mean, std_dev)
    if nargin == 1
       mean = 0;
       std_dev = 1;

    r = gaussRandomN(n);
    values = r.*std_dev - mean;

function [values] = gaussRandomN(n)
    [u, v, r] = gaussRandomNValid(n);

    c = sqrt(-2*log(r)./r);
    values = u.*c;

function [u, v, r] = gaussRandomNValid(n)
    r = zeros(n, 1);
    u = zeros(n, 1);
    v = zeros(n, 1);

    filter = r==0 | r>=1;

    % if outside interval [0,1] start over
    while n ~= 0
        u(filter) = 2*rand(n, 1)-1;
        v(filter) = 2*rand(n, 1)-1;
        r(filter) = u(filter).*u(filter) + v(filter).*v(filter);

        filter = r==0 | r>=1;
        n = size(r(filter),1);

And invoking histfit(randn_box_muller(10000000),100); this is the result: Box-Muller Matlab Histfit

Obviously it is really inefficient compared with the Matlab built-in randn.

Priority queue in .Net

I found one by Julian Bucknall on his blog here -

We modified it slightly so that low-priority items on the queue would eventually 'bubble-up' to the top over time, so they wouldn't suffer starvation.

Opening XML page shows "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it."

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

You will get this error in the client side when the client (the webbrowser) for some reason interprets the HTTP response content as text/xml instead of text/html and the parsed XML tree doesn't have any XML-stylesheet. In other words, the webbrowser incorrectly parsed the retrieved HTTP response content as XML instead of as HTML due to the wrong or missing HTTP response content type.

In case of JSF/Facelets files which have the default extension of .xhtml, that can in turn happen if the HTTP request hasn't invoked the FacesServlet and thus it wasn't able to parse the Facelets file and generate the desired HTML output based on the XHTML source code. Firefox is then merely guessing the HTTP response content type based on the .xhtml file extension which is in your Firefox configuration apparently by default interpreted as text/xml.

You need to make sure that the HTTP request URL, as you see in browser's address bar, matches the <url-pattern> of the FacesServlet as registered in webapp's web.xml, so that it will be invoked and be able to generate the desired HTML output based on the XHTML source code. If it's for example *.jsf, then you need to open the page by /some.jsf instead of /some.xhtml. Alternatively, you can also just change the <url-pattern> to *.xhtml. This way you never need to fiddle with virtual URLs.

See also:

Note thus that you don't actually need a XML stylesheet. This all was just misinterpretation by the webbrowser while trying to do its best to make something presentable out of the retrieved HTTP response content. It should actually have retrieved the properly generated HTML output, Firefox surely knows precisely how to deal with HTML content.

Get css top value as number not as string?

A slightly more practical/efficient plugin based on Ivan Castellanos' answer (which was based on M4N's answer). Using || 0 will convert Nan to 0 without the testing step.

I've also provided float and int variations to suit the intended use:

jQuery.fn.cssInt = function (prop) {
    return parseInt(this.css(prop), 10) || 0;

jQuery.fn.cssFloat = function (prop) {
    return parseFloat(this.css(prop)) || 0;


$('#elem').cssInt('top');    // e.g. returns 123 as an int
$('#elem').cssFloat('top');  // e.g. Returns 123.45 as a float

Test fiddle on

Delete last N characters from field in a SQL Server database

I got the answer to my own question, ant this is:

select reverse(stuff(reverse('a,b,c,d,'), 1, N, ''))

Where N is the number of characters to remove. This avoids to write the complex column/string twice

Timestamp to human readable format

getDay() returns the day of the week. To get the date, use date.getDate(). getMonth() retrieves the month, but month is zero based, so using getMonth()+1 should give you the right month. Time value seems to be ok here, albeit the hour is 23 here (GMT+1). If you want universal values, add UTC to the methods (e.g. date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCHours())

var timestamp = 1301090400,
date = new Date(timestamp * 1000),
datevalues = [
alert(datevalues); //=> [2011, 3, 25, 23, 0, 0]

CSS display:inline property with list-style-image: property on <li> tags

If you look at the 'display' property in the CSS spec, you will see that 'list-item' is specifically a display type. When you set an item to "inline", you're replacing the default display type of list-item, and the marker is specifically a part of the list-item type.

The above answer suggests float, but I've tried that and it doesn't work (at least on Chrome). According to the spec, if you set your boxes to float left or right,"The 'display' is ignored, unless it has the value 'none'." I take this to mean that the default display type of 'list-item' is gone (taking the marker with it) as soon as you float the element.

Edit: Yeah, I guess I was wrong. See top entry. :)

create multiple tag docker image

You can't create tags with Dockerfiles but you can create multiple tags on your images via the command line.

Use this to list your image ids:

$ docker images

Then tag away:

$ docker tag 9f676bd305a4 ubuntu:13.10
$ docker tag 9f676bd305a4 ubuntu:saucy
$ docker tag eb601b8965b8 ubuntu:raring

A warning - comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions

The important difference between signed and unsigned ints is the interpretation of the last bit. The last bit in signed types represent the sign of the number, meaning: e.g:

0001 is 1 signed and unsigned 1001 is -1 signed and 9 unsigned

(I avoided the whole complement issue for clarity of explanation! This is not exactly how ints are represented in memory!)

You can imagine that it makes a difference to know if you compare with -1 or with +9. In many cases, programmers are just too lazy to declare counting ints as unsigned (bloating the for loop head f.i.) It is usually not an issue because with ints you have to count to 2^31 until your sign bit bites you. That's why it is only a warning. Because we are too lazy to write 'unsigned' instead of 'int'.

Print Combining Strings and Numbers

In Python 3.6

a, b=1, 2 

print ("Value of variable a is: ", a, "and Value of variable b is :", b)

print(f"Value of a is: {a}")

jquery: change the URL address without redirecting?

NOTE: history.pushState() is now supported - see other answers.

You cannot change the whole url without redirecting, what you can do instead is change the hash.

The hash is the part of the url that goes after the # symbol. That was initially intended to direct you (locally) to sections of your HTML document, but you can read and modify it through javascript to use it somewhat like a global variable.

If applied well, this technique is useful in two ways:

  1. the browser history will remember each different step you took (since the url+hash changed)
  2. you can have an address which links not only to a particular html document, but also gives your javascript a clue about what to do. That means you end up pointing to a state inside your web app.

To change the hash you can do:

document.location.hash = "show_picture";

To watch for hash changes you have to do something like:

window.onhashchange = function(){
    var what_to_do = document.location.hash;    
    if (what_to_do=="#show_picture")

Of course the hash is just a string, so you can do pretty much what you like with it. For example you can put a whole object there if you use JSON to stringify it.

There are very good JQuery libraries to do advanced things with that.

How to convert an XML file to nice pandas dataframe?

You can easily use xml (from the Python standard library) to convert to a pandas.DataFrame. Here's what I would do (when reading from a file replace xml_data with the name of your file or file object):

import pandas as pd
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import io

def iter_docs(author):
    author_attr = author.attrib
    for doc in author.iter('document'):
        doc_dict = author_attr.copy()
        doc_dict['data'] = doc.text
        yield doc_dict

xml_data = io.StringIO(u'''\
<author type="XXX" language="EN" gender="xx" feature="xx" web="">
    <documents count="N">
        <document KEY="e95a9a6c790ecb95e46cf15bee517651" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...]
        <document KEY="bc360cfbafc39970587547215162f0db" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...]
        <document KEY="19e71144c50a8b9160b3f0955e906fce" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...]
        <document KEY="21d4af9021a174f61b884606c74d9e42" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...]
        <document KEY="28a45eb2460899763d709ca00ddbb665" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...]
        <document KEY="a0c0712a6a351f85d9f5757e9fff8946" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...]
        <document KEY="626726ba8d34d15d02b6d043c55fe691" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...]
        <document KEY="2cb473e0f102e2e4a40aa3006e412ae4" web=""><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...] [...]

etree = ET.parse(xml_data) #create an ElementTree object 
doc_df = pd.DataFrame(list(iter_docs(etree.getroot())))

If there are multiple authors in your original document or the root of your XML is not an author, then I would add the following generator:

def iter_author(etree):
    for author in etree.iter('author'):
        for row in iter_docs(author):
            yield row

and change doc_df = pd.DataFrame(list(iter_docs(etree.getroot()))) to doc_df = pd.DataFrame(list(iter_author(etree)))

Have a look at the ElementTree tutorial provided in the xml library documentation.

LINQ Group By into a Dictionary Object

I cannot comment on @Michael Blackburn, but I guess you got the downvote because the GroupBy is not necessary in this case.

Use it like:

var lookupOfCustomObjects = listOfCustomObjects.ToLookup(o=>o.PropertyName);
var listWithAllCustomObjectsWithPropertyName = lookupOfCustomObjects[propertyName]

Additionally, I've seen this perform way better than when using GroupBy().ToDictionary().

What's the use of session.flush() in Hibernate

Calling EntityManager#flush does have side-effects. It is conveniently used for entity types with generated ID values (sequence values): such an ID is available only upon synchronization with underlying persistence layer. If this ID is required before the current transaction ends (for logging purposes for instance), flushing the session is required.

is there any way to force copy? copy without overwrite prompt, using windows?

MOVE /-Y Source Destination

Note:/-y will make the announcement of yes/no for overwrite

Find Nth occurrence of a character in a string

Hi all i have created two overload methods for finding nth occurrence of char and for text with less complexity without navigating through loop ,which increase performance of your application.

public static int NthIndexOf(string text, char searchChar, int nthindex)
   int index = -1;
      var takeCount = text.TakeWhile(x => (nthindex -= (x == searchChar ? 1 : 0)) > 0).Count();
      if (takeCount < text.Length) index = takeCount;
   catch { }
   return index;
public static int NthIndexOf(string text, string searchText, int nthindex)
     int index = -1;
        Match m = Regex.Match(text, "((" + searchText + ").*?){" + nthindex + "}");
        if (m.Success) index = m.Groups[2].Captures[nthindex - 1].Index;
     catch { }
     return index;

How can I read inputs as numbers?

Convert to integers:

my_number = int(input("enter the number"))

Similarly for floating point numbers:

my_decimalnumber = float(input("enter the number"))

How to change UIButton image in Swift

In Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10.1

Add image for selected UIButton

button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.onclickDateCheckMark), for: .touchUpInside)//Target 
button.setImage(UIImage.init(named: "uncheck"), for: UIControl.State.normal)//When selected
button.setImage(UIImage.init(named: "check"), for: UIControl.State.highlighted)//When highlighted
button.setImage(UIImage.init(named: "check"), for: UIControl.State.selected)//When selected

But if you want to change selected button image you need to change it's selected state. Then only selected image will appear in your button.

@objc func onclickDateCheckMark(sender:UIButton) {
    if sender.isSelected == true {
        sender.isSelected = false
        print("not Selected")
    }else {
        sender.isSelected = true


Threads vs Processes in Linux

That depends on a lot of factors. Processes are more heavy-weight than threads, and have a higher startup and shutdown cost. Interprocess communication (IPC) is also harder and slower than interthread communication.

Conversely, processes are safer and more secure than threads, because each process runs in its own virtual address space. If one process crashes or has a buffer overrun, it does not affect any other process at all, whereas if a thread crashes, it takes down all of the other threads in the process, and if a thread has a buffer overrun, it opens up a security hole in all of the threads.

So, if your application's modules can run mostly independently with little communication, you should probably use processes if you can afford the startup and shutdown costs. The performance hit of IPC will be minimal, and you'll be slightly safer against bugs and security holes. If you need every bit of performance you can get or have a lot of shared data (such as complex data structures), go with threads.

Hibernate: in production?

No, it's unsafe.

Despite the best efforts of the Hibernate team, you simply cannot rely on automatic updates in production. Write your own patches, review them with DBA, test them, then apply them manually.

Theoretically, if hbm2ddl update worked in development, it should work in production too. But in reality, it's not always the case.

Even if it worked OK, it may be sub-optimal. DBAs are paid that much for a reason.

OpenCV - Saving images to a particular folder of choice

Thank you everyone. Your ways are perfect. I would like to share another way I used to fix the problem. I used the function os.chdir(path) to change local directory to path. After which I saved image normally.

Is it possible to install another version of Python to Virtualenv?

The usual approach is to download the source and build and install locally (but not directly in virtualenv), and then create a new virtualenv using that local Python install. On some systems, it may be possible to download and install a prebuilt python, rather than building from source.

What is the easiest way to disable/enable buttons and links (jQuery + Bootstrap)

If, like me, you just want to disable a button, don't miss the simple answer subtly hidden in this long thread:

 $("#button").prop('disabled', true);

Add values to app.config and retrieve them

This works:

public static void AddValue(string key, string value)
    Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(Application.ExecutablePath);
    config.AppSettings.Settings.Add(key, value);

How do I add options to a DropDownList using jQuery?

Pease note @Phrogz's solution doesn't work in IE 8 while @nickf's works in all major browsers. Another approach is:

$.each(myOptions, function(val, text) {
    $("#mySelect").append($("&lt;option/&gt;").attr("value", val).text(text));

How do I profile memory usage in Python?


  • Applicable on Linux only
  • Reports memory used by the current process as a whole, not individual functions within

But nice because of its simplicity:

import resource
def using(point=""):
    return '''%s: usertime=%s systime=%s mem=%s mb
                usage[2]/1024.0 )

Just insert using("Label") where you want to see what's going on. For example

wrk = ["wasting mem"] * 1000000

>>> before: usertime=2.117053 systime=1.703466 mem=53.97265625 mb
>>> after: usertime=2.12023 systime=1.70708 mem=60.8828125 mb

Javascript .querySelector find <div> by innerTEXT

You could use this pretty simple solution:

  .find(el => el.textContent === 'SomeText, text continues.');
  1. The Array.from will convert the NodeList to an array (there are multiple methods to do this like the spread operator or slice)

  2. The result now being an array allows for using the Array.find method, you can then put in any predicate. You could also check the textContent with a regex or whatever you like.

Note that Array.from and Array.find are ES2015 features. Te be compatible with older browsers like IE10 without a transpiler:'div'))
  .filter(function (el) {
    return el.textContent === 'SomeText, text continues.'

Convert varchar to float IF ISNUMERIC

You can't cast to float and keep the string in the same column. You can do like this to get null when isnumeric returns 0.


Comparing strings in Java

ou can use String.compareTo(String) that returns an integer that's negative (<), zero(=) or positive(>).

Use it so:

You can use String.compareTo(String) that returns an integer that's negative (<), zero(=) or positive(>).

Use it so:

  String a="myWord";
  if(a.compareTo(another_string) <0){
    //a is strictly < to another_string
  else if (a.compareTo(another_string) == 0){
    //a equals to another_string
  // a is strictly > than another_string

ASP.NET MVC Dropdown List From SelectList

Just try this in razor

    var selectList = new SelectList(
        new List<SelectListItem>
            new SelectListItem {Text = "Google", Value = "Google"},
            new SelectListItem {Text = "Other", Value = "Other"},
        }, "Value", "Text");

and then

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.YourFieldName, selectList, "Default label", new { @class = "css-class" })


@Html.DropDownList("ddlDropDownList", selectList, "Default label", new { @class = "css-class" })

can we use xpath with BeautifulSoup?

when you use lxml all simple:

tree = lxml.html.fromstring(html)
i_need_element = tree.xpath('//a[@class="shared-components"]/@href')

but when use BeautifulSoup BS4 all simple too:

  • first remove "//" and "@"
  • second - add star before "="

try this magic:

soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")
i_need_element = ('a[class*="shared-components"]')

as you see, this does not support sub-tag, so i remove "/@href" part

How to add items into a numpy array

import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1,3,4],[1,2,3],[1,2,1]])
b = np.array([10,20,30])
c = np.hstack((a, np.atleast_2d(b).T))

returns c:

array([[ 1,  3,  4, 10],
       [ 1,  2,  3, 20],
       [ 1,  2,  1, 30]])

Angularjs - ng-cloak/ng-show elements blink

ngBind and ngBindTemplate are alternatives that do not require CSS:

<div ng-show="foo != null" ng-cloak>{{name}}</div>  <!-- requires CSS -->
<div ng-show="foo != null" ng-bind="name"></div>
<div ng-show="foo != null" ng-bind-template="name = {{name}}"></div>

Bootstrap DatePicker, how to set the start date for tomorrow?

1) use for tommorow's date startDate: '+1d'

2) use for yesterday's date startDate: '-1d'

3) use for today's date startDate: new Date()

How can I make all images of different height and width the same via CSS?

For those using Bootstrap and not wanting to lose the responsivness just do not set the width of the container. The following code is based on gillytech post.


<div id="image_preview" class="row">  
    <div class='crop col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 '>
         <img class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6" 
          id="preview0" src='img/preview_default.jpg'/>
    <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6">
         more stuff

</div> <!-- end image preview -->


/*images with the same width*/
.crop {
    height: 300px;
    /*width: 400px;*/
    overflow: hidden;
.crop img {
    height: auto;
    width: 100%;

OR style.css

/*images with the same height*/
.crop {
    height: 300px;
    /*width: 400px;*/
    overflow: hidden;
.crop img {
    height: 100%;
    width: auto;

What is difference between Errors and Exceptions?

In general error is which nobody can control or guess when it occurs.Exception can be guessed and can be handled. In Java Exception and Error are sub class of Throwable.It is differentiated based on the program control.Error such as OutOfMemory Error which no programmer can guess and can handle it.It depends on dynamically based on architectire,OS and server configuration.Where as Exception programmer can handle it and can avoid application's misbehavior.For example if your code is looking for a file which is not available then IOException is thrown.Such instances programmer can guess and can handle it.

Android ImageButton with a selected state?

The best way to do this without more images :

public static void buttonEffect(View button){
    button.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {

        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
            switch (event.getAction()) {
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: {
            return false;

Undefined reference to vtable

What is a vtable?

It might be useful to know what the error message is talking about before trying to fix it. I'll start at a high level, then work down to some more details. That way people can skip ahead once they are comfortable with their understanding of vtables. …and there goes a bunch of people skipping ahead right now. :) For those sticking around:

A vtable is basically the most common implementation of polymorphism in C++. When vtables are used, every polymorphic class has a vtable somewhere in the program; you can think of it as a (hidden) static data member of the class. Every object of a polymorphic class is associated with the vtable for its most-derived class. By checking this association, the program can work its polymorphic magic. Important caveat: a vtable is an implementation detail. It is not mandated by the C++ standard, even though most (all?) C++ compilers use vtables to implement polymorphic behavior. The details I am presenting are either typical or reasonable approaches. Compilers are allowed to deviate from this!

Each polymorphic object has a (hidden) pointer to the vtable for the object's most-derived class (possibly multiple pointers, in the more complex cases). By looking at the pointer, the program can tell what the "real" type of an object is (except during construction, but let's skip that special case). For example, if an object of type A does not point to the vtable of A, then that object is actually a sub-object of something derived from A.

The name "vtable" comes from "virtual function table". It is a table that stores pointers to (virtual) functions. A compiler chooses its convention for how the table is laid out; a simple approach is to go through the virtual functions in the order they are declared within class definitions. When a virtual function is called, the program follows the object's pointer to a vtable, goes to the entry associated with the desired function, then uses the stored function pointer to invoke the correct function. There are various tricks for making this work, but I won't go into those here.

Where/when is a vtable generated?

A vtable is automatically generated (sometimes called "emitted") by the compiler. A compiler could emit a vtable in every translation unit that sees a polymorphic class definition, but that would usually be unnecessary overkill. An alternative (used by gcc, and probably by others) is to pick a single translation unit in which to place the vtable, similar to how you would pick a single source file in which to put a class' static data members. If this selection process fails to pick any translation units, then the vtable becomes an undefined reference. Hence the error, whose message is admittedly not particularly clear.

Similarly, if the selection process does pick a translation unit, but that object file is not provided to the linker, then the vtable becomes an undefined reference. Unfortunately, the error message can be even less clear in this case than in the case where the selection process failed. (Thanks to the answerers who mentioned this possibility. I probably would have forgotten it otherwise.)

The selection process used by gcc makes sense if we start with the tradition of devoting a (single) source file to each class that needs one for its implementation. It would be nice to emit the vtable when compiling that source file. Let's call that our goal. However, the selection process needs to work even if this tradition is not followed. So instead of looking for the implementation of the entire class, let's look for the implementation of a specific member of the class. If tradition is followed – and if that member is in fact implemented – then this achieves the goal.

The member selected by gcc (and potentially by other compilers) is the first non-inline virtual function that is not pure virtual. If you are part of the crowd that declares constructors and destructors before other member functions, then that destructor has a good chance of being selected. (You did remember to make the destructor virtual, right?) There are exceptions; I'd expect that the most common exceptions are when an inline definition is provided for the destructor and when the default destructor is requested (using "= default").

The astute might notice that a polymorphic class is allowed to provide inline definitions for all of its virtual functions. Doesn't that cause the selection process to fail? It does in older compilers. I've read that the latest compilers have addressed this situation, but I do not know relevant version numbers. I could try looking this up, but it's easier to either code around it or wait for the compiler to complain.

In summary, there are three key causes of the "undefined reference to vtable" error:

  1. A member function is missing its definition.
  2. An object file is not being linked.
  3. All virtual functions have inline definitions.

These causes are by themselves insufficient to cause the error on their own. Rather, these are what you would address to resolve the error. Do not expect that intentionally creating one of these situations will definitely produce this error; there are other requirements. Do expect that resolving these situations will resolve this error.

(OK, number 3 might have been sufficient when this question was asked.)

How to fix the error?

Welcome back people skipping ahead! :)

  1. Look at your class definition. Find the first non-inline virtual function that is not pure virtual (not "= 0") and whose definition you provide (not "= default").
    • If there is no such function, try modifying your class so there is one. (Error possibly resolved.)
    • See also the answer by Philip Thomas for a caveat.
  2. Find the definition for that function. If it is missing, add it! (Error possibly resolved.)
  3. Check your link command. If it does not mention the object file with that function's definition, fix that! (Error possibly resolved.)
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each virtual function, then for each non-virtual function, until the error is resolved. If you're still stuck, repeat for each static data member.

The details of what to do can vary, and sometimes branch off into separate questions (like What is an undefined reference/unresolved external symbol error and how do I fix it?). I will, though, provide an example of what to do in a specific case that might befuddle newer programmers.

Step 1 mentions modifying your class so that it has a function of a certain type. If the description of that function went over your head, you might be in the situation I intend to address. Keep in mind that this is a way to accomplish the goal; it is not the only way, and there easily could be better ways in your specific situation. Let's call your class A. Is your destructor declared (in your class definition) as either

virtual ~A() = default;


virtual ~A() {}

? If so, two steps will change your destructor into the type of function we want. First, change that line to

virtual ~A();

Second, put the following line in a source file that is part of your project (preferably the file with the class implementation, if you have one):

A::~A() {}

That makes your (virtual) destructor non-inline and not generated by the compiler. (Feel free to modify things to better match your code formatting style, such as adding a header comment to the function definition.)

iptables block access to port 8000 except from IP address

This question should be on Server Fault. Nevertheless, the following should do the trick, assuming you're talking about TCP and the IP you want to allow is

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8000 -s -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8000 -j DROP

What is 0x10 in decimal?

0x means the number is hexadecimal, or base 16.

0x10 is 16.

Remove quotes from a character vector in R

Easiest way is :

> a = "some string"
> write(a, stdout())  # Can specify stderr() also.
some string

Gives you the option to print to stderr if you're doing some error handling printing.

Why don’t my SVG images scale using the CSS "width" property?

I had to figure it out myself but some svgs your need to match the viewBox & width+height in.

E.g. if it already has width="x" height="y" then =>

add <svg ... viewBox="0 0 [width] [height]">

and the opposite.

After that it will scale with <svg ... style="width: xxx; height: yyy;">

invalid new-expression of abstract class type

invalid new-expression of abstract class type 'box'

There is nothing unclear about the error message. Your class box has at least one member that is not implemented, which means it is abstract. You cannot instantiate an abstract class.

If this is a bug, fix your box class by implementing the missing member(s).

If it's by design, derive from box, implement the missing member(s) and use the derived class.

Importing images from a directory (Python) to list or dictionary

from PIL import Image
import os, os.path

imgs = []
path = "/home/tony/pictures"
valid_images = [".jpg",".gif",".png",".tga"]
for f in os.listdir(path):
    ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1]
    if ext.lower() not in valid_images:

How to copy java.util.list Collection

Use the ArrayList copy constructor, then sort that.

List oldList;
List newList = new ArrayList(oldList);

After making the copy, any changes to newList do not affect oldList.

Note however that only the references are copied, so the two lists share the same objects, so changes made to elements of one list affect the elements of the other.

How to use RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView?

Here is the code that I'm using to avoid scrolling issues:

mRecyclerView = (RecyclerView) view.findViewById(;
mRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(getContext()));

ASP.NET MVC Page Won't Load and says "The resource cannot be found"

The page is not found cause the associated controller doesn't exit. Just create the specific Controller. If you try to show the home page, and use Visual Studio 2015, follow this steps:

  1. Right click on Controller folder, and then select Add > Controller;
  2. Select MVC 5 Controller - Empty;
  3. Click in Add;
  4. Put HomeController for the controller name;
  5. Build the project and after Run your project again

I hope this help

How do I run a node.js app as a background service?

You can use Forever, A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given node script runs continuously (i.e. forever):

SQL Server 2012 column identity increment jumping from 6 to 1000+ on 7th entry

This is all perfectly normal. Microsoft added sequences in SQL Server 2012, finally, i might add and changed the way identity keys are generated. Have a look here for some explanation.

If you want to have the old behaviour, you can:

  1. use trace flag 272 - this will cause a log record to be generated for each generated identity value. The performance of identity generation may be impacted by turning on this trace flag.
  2. use a sequence generator with the NO CACHE setting (

How do I get the entity that represents the current user in Symfony2?


What is the meaning of the word logits in TensorFlow?


The vector of raw (non-normalized) predictions that a classification model generates, which is ordinarily then passed to a normalization function. If the model is solving a multi-class classification problem, logits typically become an input to the softmax function. The softmax function then generates a vector of (normalized) probabilities with one value for each possible class.

In addition, logits sometimes refer to the element-wise inverse of the sigmoid function. For more information, see tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits.

official tensorflow documentation

sudo service mongodb restart gives "unrecognized service error" in ubuntu 14.0.4

Original Source -

If you're on Ubuntu 16.04 and face the unrecognized service error, these instructions will fix it for you:-

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Issue the command sudo apt-key adv —keyserver hkp:// —recv EA312927
  3. Issue the command sudo touch /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org.list
  4. Issue the command sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org.list
  5. Copy and paste one of the following lines from below (depending upon your release) into the open file. For 12.04: deb precise/mongodb-org/3.6 multiverse For 14.04: deb trusty/mongodb-org/3.6 multiverse For 16.04: deb xenial/mongodb-org/3.6 multiverse

Make sure to edit the version number with the appropriate latest version and save the file.

Installation Open a terminal window and issue command sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org

Let the installation complete.

Running MongoDB To start the database, issue the command sudo service mongodb start. You should now be able to issue the command to see that MongoDB is running: systemctl status mongodb

Ubuntu 16.04 solution If you are using Ubuntu 16.04, you may run into an issue where you see the error mongodb: unrecognized service due to the switch from upstart to systemd. To get around this, you have to follow these steps.

  • If you added the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org.list, remove it with the command sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org.list

  • Update apt with the command sudo apt-get update

  • Install the official MongoDB version from the standard repositories with the command sudo apt-get install mongodb in order to get the service set up properly

  • Remove what you just installed with the command sudo apt-get remove mongodb && sudo apt-get autoremove

Now follow steps 1 through 5 listed above to install MongoDB; this should re-install the latest version of MongoDB with the systemd services already in place. When you issue the command systemctl status mongodb you should see that the server is active.

I mostly copy pasted the above (with minor modifications and typo fixes) from here -

How to get a dependency tree for an artifact?

If your artifact is not a dependency of a given project, your best bet is to use a repository search engine. Many of them describes the dependencies of a given artifact.

Passing an array to a query using a WHERE clause

Assuming you properly sanitize your inputs beforehand...

$matches = implode(',', $galleries);

Then just adjust your query:

FROM galleries
WHERE id IN ( $matches ) 

Quote values appropriately depending on your dataset.

Tree view of a directory/folder in Windows?

In the Windows command prompt you can use "tree /F" to view a tree of the current folder and all descending files & folders.

In File Explorer under Windows 8.1:

  • Select folder
  • Press Shift, right-click mouse, and select "Open command window here"
  • Type tree /f > tree.txt and press Enter
  • Use MS Word to open "tree.txt"
  • The dialog box "File Conversion - tree.txt" will open
  • For "Text encoding" tick the "MS-DOS" option

You now have an editable tree structure file.

This works for versions of Windows from Windows XP to Windows 8.1.

.autocomplete is not a function Error

Possibly multiple jquery.js file are added in , and the conflict appeared.

Using grep to search for hex strings in a file

There's also a pretty handy tool called binwalk, written in python, which provides for binary pattern matching (and quite a lot more besides). Here's how you would search for a binary string, which outputs the offset in decimal and hex (from the docs):

$ binwalk -R "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04" firmware.bin
377654      0x5C336     Raw string signature

SQL Server table creation date query

In case you also want Schema:


FROM sys.tables st


GROUP BY ic.TABLE_SCHEMA,, st.create_date, st.modify_date

ORDER BY st.create_date

FontAwesome icons not showing. Why?

I use:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<a class="icon fa-car" aria-hidden="true" style="color:white;" href=""></a>

and style after:

.icon::before {
display: inline-block;
margin-right: .5em;
font: normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome;
font-size: inherit;
text-rendering: auto;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
transform: translate(0, 0);

support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments

You can remove the fragments when destroy the viewpager, in my case, I removed them on onDestroyView() of my fragment:

public void onDestroyView() {

    if (getChildFragmentManager().getFragments() != null) {
        for (Fragment fragment : getChildFragmentManager().getFragments()) {


What does it mean: The serializable class does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field?

The other answers so far have a lot of technical information. I will try to answer, as requested, in simple terms.

Serialization is what you do to an instance of an object if you want to dump it to a raw buffer, save it to disk, transport it in a binary stream (e.g., sending an object over a network socket), or otherwise create a serialized binary representation of an object. (For more info on serialization see Java Serialization on Wikipedia).

If you have no intention of serializing your class, you can add the annotation just above your class @SuppressWarnings("serial").

If you are going to serialize, then you have a host of things to worry about all centered around the proper use of UUID. Basically, the UUID is a way to "version" an object you would serialize so that whatever process is de-serializing knows that it's de-serializing properly. I would look at Ensure proper version control for serialized objects for more information.

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded

I had the same problem and solved it by changing the value for the param max_execution_time in php.ini, like this:

max_execution_time = 360      ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds (I CHANGED THIS VALUE)
max_input_time = 120          ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
;max_input_nesting_level = 64 ; Maximum input variable nesting level
memory_limit = 128M           ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB by default)

I hope this could help you.

Property 'value' does not exist on type EventTarget in TypeScript

you can also create your own interface as well.

    export interface UserEvent {
      target: HTMLInputElement;


    onUpdatingServerName(event: UserEvent) {

How to make a UILabel clickable?

As described in the above solution you should enable the user interaction first and add the tap gesture

this code has been tested using

Swift4 - Xcode 9.2

yourlabel.isUserInteractionEnabled = true

How to read the content of a file to a string in C?

Just modified from the accepted answer above.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

char *readFile(char *filename) {
    FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rt");
    fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
    long length = ftell(f);
    fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
    char *buffer = (char *) malloc(length + 1);
    buffer[length] = '\0';
    fread(buffer, 1, length, f);
    return buffer;

int main() {
    char *content = readFile("../hello.txt");
    printf("%s", content);