Programs & Examples On #Ios3.0

For issues relating to using iOS, version 3.0.

How do I block comment in Jupyter notebook?

Ctrl + / works for me in Chrome browser in MS Windows. On a Mac, use Cmd + / (thanks Anton K).

Please note, if / did not work out of the box, try pressing the / key on the Numpad. Credit: @DreamFlasher in comments to this question.

How is a CRC32 checksum calculated?

In addition to the Wikipedia Cyclic redundancy check and Computation of CRC articles, I found a paper entitled Reversing CRC - Theory and Practice* to be a good reference.

There are essentially three approaches for computing a CRC: an algebraic approach, a bit-oriented approach, and a table-driven approach. In Reversing CRC - Theory and Practice*, each of these three algorithms/approaches is explained in theory accompanied in the APPENDIX by an implementation for the CRC32 in the C programming language.

* PDF Link
Reversing CRC – Theory and Practice.
HU Berlin Public Report
May 2006
Martin Stigge, Henryk Plötz, Wolf Müller, Jens-Peter Redlich

How to understand nil vs. empty vs. blank in Ruby

.nil? can be used on any object and is true if the object is nil.

.empty? can be used on strings, arrays and hashes and returns true if:

  • String length == 0
  • Array length == 0
  • Hash length == 0

Running .empty? on something that is nil will throw a NoMethodError.

That is where .blank? comes in. It is implemented by Rails and will operate on any object as well as work like .empty? on strings, arrays and hashes.

nil.blank? == true
false.blank? == true
[].blank? == true
{}.blank? == true
"".blank? == true
5.blank? == false
0.blank? == false

.blank? also evaluates true on strings which are non-empty but contain only whitespace:

"  ".blank? == true
"  ".empty? == false

Rails also provides .present?, which returns the negation of .blank?.

Array gotcha: blank? will return false even if all elements of an array are blank. To determine blankness in this case, use all? with blank?, for example:

[ nil, '' ].blank? == false
[ nil, '' ].all? &:blank? == true 

How to get the last char of a string in PHP?

You can find last character using php many ways like substr() and mb_substr().

If you’re using multibyte character encodings like UTF-8, use mb_substr instead of substr

Here i can show you both example:

    echo substr("testers", -1);
    echo mb_substr("testers", -1);


Webdriver Screenshot

You can use below function for relative path as absolute path is not a good idea to add in script


import sys, os

Use code as below :

ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
screenshotpath = os.path.join(os.path.sep, ROOT_DIR,'Screenshots'+ os.sep)

make sure you create the folder where the .py file is present.

os.path.join also prevent you to run your script in cross-platform like: UNIX and windows. It will generate path separator as per OS at runtime. os.sep is similar like File.separtor in java

Pass Multiple Parameters to jQuery ajax call

simply add as many properties as you need to the data object.

                    type: "POST",
                    url: "popup.aspx/GetJewellerAssets",
                    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                    data: {jewellerId: filter , foo: "bar", other: "otherValue"},
                    dataType: "json",
                    success: AjaxSucceeded,
                    error: AjaxFailed

How To Define a JPA Repository Query with a Join

You are experiencing this issue for two reasons.

  • The JPQL Query is not valid.
  • You have not created an association between your entities that the underlying JPQL query can utilize.

When performing a join in JPQL you must ensure that an underlying association between the entities attempting to be joined exists. In your example, you are missing an association between the User and Area entities. In order to create this association we must add an Area field within the User class and establish the appropriate JPA Mapping. I have attached the source for User below. (Please note I moved the mappings to the fields)

public class User {

    private Long idUser;

    private String userName;

    private Area area;

    public Long getIdUser() {
        return idUser;

    public void setIdUser(Long idUser) {
        this.idUser = idUser;

    public String getUserName() {
        return userName;

    public void setUserName(String userName) {
        this.userName = userName;

    public Area getArea() {
        return area;

    public void setArea(Area area) {
        this.area = area;

Once this relationship is established you can reference the area object in your @Query declaration. The query specified in your @Query annotation must follow proper syntax, which means you should omit the on clause. See the following:

@Query("select u.userName from User u inner join u.area ar where ar.idArea = :idArea")

While looking over your question I also made the relationship between the User and Area entities bidirectional. Here is the source for the Area entity to establish the bidirectional relationship.

@Table(name = "area")
public class Area {

    private Long idArea;

    private String areaName;

    @OneToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="area")
    private User user;

    public Long getIdArea() {
        return idArea;

    public void setIdArea(Long idArea) {
        this.idArea = idArea;

    public String getAreaName() {
        return areaName;

    public void setAreaName(String areaName) {
        this.areaName = areaName;

    public User getUser() {
        return user;

    public void setUser(User user) {
        this.user = user;

How to force table cell <td> content to wrap?

if you want to wrap the data in td then you can use the below code

    word-break: break-word;

Disable Logback in SpringBoot

Correct way to exclude default logging, and configure log4j for logging.


Refer Spring Logging - How To.

In gradle, I needed to do this with several other dependencies:

configurations {
    all*.exclude module : 'spring-boot-starter-logging'
    all*.exclude module : 'logback-classic'

PHP get dropdown value and text

you can make it using js file and ajax call. while validating data using js file we can read the text of selected dropdown

$("#dropdownid").val();   for value
$("#dropdownid").text(); for selected value

catch these into two variables and take it as inputs to ajax call for a php file

     url:"callingphpfile.php",//url of fetching php  
     method:"POST", //type 
     success:function(data) //return the data     


and in php you can get it as

    if (isset($_POST["val1"])) {
    $val1= $_POST["val1"] ;

if (isset($_POST["val2"])) {
  $selectedtext= $_POST["val1"];

Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error

//Just add 

RewriteBase /
RewriteEngine On

//and you are done....

//so it should be 

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.php [QSA,L]

What exactly does += do in python?

Remember when you used to sum, for example 2 & 3, in your old calculator and every time you hit the = you see 3 added to the total, the += does similar job. Example:

>>> orange = 2
>>> orange += 3
>>> print(orange)
>>> orange +=3
>>> print(orange)

How to set image button backgroundimage for different state?

@ingsaurabh's answer is the way to go if you are using an onClick even. However, if you are using an onTouch event, you can select the different backgrounds (still the same as @ingsaurabh's example) by using view.setPressed().

See the following for more details: "Press and hold" button on Android needs to change states (custom XML selector) using onTouchListener

cleanup php session files

Debian/Ubuntu handles this with a cronjob defined in /etc/cron.d/php5

# /etc/cron.d/php5: crontab fragment for php5
#  This purges session files older than X, where X is defined in seconds
#  as the largest value of session.gc_maxlifetime from all your php.ini
#  files, or 24 minutes if not defined.  See /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime

# Look for and purge old sessions every 30 minutes
09,39 *     * * *     root   [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -print0 | xargs -r -0 rm

The maxlifetime script simply returns the number of minutes a session should be kept alive by checking php.ini, it looks like this

#!/bin/sh -e


for ini in /etc/php5/*/php.ini; do
        cur=$(sed -n -e 's/^[[:space:]]*session.gc_maxlifetime[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\([0-9]\+\).*$/\1/p' $ini 2>/dev/null || true);
        [ -z "$cur" ] && cur=0
        [ "$cur" -gt "$max" ] && max=$cur

echo $(($max/60))

exit 0

How to get URL of current page in PHP

You can use $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] this will give you whole URL for example:

suppose you want to get url of site name then $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] will give you

Paused in debugger in chrome?

Click on the Settings icon and then click on the Restore defaults and reload button. This worked for me whereas the accepted answer didn't. Google Chrome Restore Defaults and Reload

Eclipse error, "The selection cannot be launched, and there are no recent launches"

Follow these steps to run your application on the device connected. 1. Change directories to the root of your Android project and execute: ant debug 2. Make sure the Android SDK platform-tools/ directory is included in your PATH environment variable, then execute: adb install bin/<*your app name*>-debug.apk On your device, locate <*your app name*> and open it.

Refer Running App

How to run ~/.bash_profile in mac terminal

If you change .bash_profile, it only applies to new Terminal sessions.

To apply it to an existing session, run source ~/.bash_profile. You can run any Bash script this way - think of executing source as the same as typing commands in the Terminal window (from the specified script).

More info: How to reload .bash_profile from the command line?

Bonus: You can make environment variables available to OSX applications - not just the current Bash session but apps like Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ - using launchctl setenv GOPATH "${GOPATH:-}"

Oracle: is there a tool to trace queries, like Profiler for sql server?

Try PL/SQL Developer it has a nice user friendly GUI interface to the profiler. It's pretty nice give the trial a try. I swear by this tool when working on Oracle databases.

How to use JavaScript source maps (.map files)?

The .map files are for js and css (and now ts too) files that have been minified. They are called SourceMaps. When you minify a file, like the angular.js file, it takes thousands of lines of pretty code and turns it into only a few lines of ugly code. Hopefully, when you are shipping your code to production, you are using the minified code instead of the full, unminified version. When your app is in production, and has an error, the sourcemap will help take your ugly file, and will allow you to see the original version of the code. If you didn't have the sourcemap, then any error would seem cryptic at best.

Same for CSS files. Once you take a SASS or LESS file and compile it to CSS, it looks nothing like its original form. If you enable sourcemaps, then you can see the original state of the file, instead of the modified state.

So, to answer you questions in order:

  • What is it for? To de-reference uglified code
  • How can a developer use it? You use it for debugging a production app. In development mode you can use the full version of Angular. In production, you would use the minified version.
  • Should I care about creating a file? If you care about being able to debug production code easier, then yes, you should do it.
  • How does it get created? It is created at build time. There are build tools that can build your .map file for you as it does other files.

I hope this makes sense.

Multiple queries executed in java in single statement

I think this is the easiest way for multy selection/update/insert/delete. You can run as many update/insert/delete as u want after select (you have to make a select first(a dummy if needed)) with executeUpdate(str) (just use new int(count1,count2,...)) and if u need a new selection close 'statement' and 'connection' and make new for next select. Like example:

String str1 = "select * from users";
String str9 = "INSERT INTO `port`(device_id, potition, port_type, di_p_pt) VALUE ('"+value1+"', '"+value2+"', '"+value3+"', '"+value4+"')";
String str2 = "Select port_id from port where device_id = '"+value1+"' and potition = '"+value2+"' and port_type = '"+value3+"' ";
    theConnection=(Connection) DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL,dbuser,dbpassword);  
    theStatement = theConnection.prepareStatement(str1);
    ResultSet theResult = theStatement.executeQuery();
    int count8 = theStatement.executeUpdate(str9);
    theStatement = theConnection.prepareStatement(str2);
    theResult = theStatement.executeQuery();

    ArrayList<Port> portList = new ArrayList<Port>();
    while ( {
        Port port = new Port();


I hope it helps

How to show form input fields based on select value?


   var selection = $(this).val();
   if(selection == 'other')


Why does git perform fast-forward merges by default?

Let me expand a bit on a VonC's very comprehensive answer:

First, if I remember it correctly, the fact that Git by default doesn't create merge commits in the fast-forward case has come from considering single-branch "equal repositories", where mutual pull is used to sync those two repositories (a workflow you can find as first example in most user's documentation, including "The Git User's Manual" and "Version Control by Example"). In this case you don't use pull to merge fully realized branch, you use it to keep up with other work. You don't want to have ephemeral and unimportant fact when you happen to do a sync saved and stored in repository, saved for the future.

Note that usefulness of feature branches and of having multiple branches in single repository came only later, with more widespread usage of VCS with good merging support, and with trying various merge-based workflows. That is why for example Mercurial originally supported only one branch per repository (plus anonymous tips for tracking remote branches), as seen in older revisions of "Mercurial: The Definitive Guide".

Second, when following best practices of using feature branches, namely that feature branches should all start from stable version (usually from last release), to be able to cherry-pick and select which features to include by selecting which feature branches to merge, you are usually not in fast-forward situation... which makes this issue moot. You need to worry about creating a true merge and not fast-forward when merging a very first branch (assuming that you don't put single-commit changes directly on 'master'); all other later merges are of course in non fast-forward situation.


How to save/restore serializable object to/from file?

You'll need to serialize to something: that is, pick binary, or xml (for default serializers) or write custom serialization code to serialize to some other text form.

Once you've picked that, your serialization will (normally) call a Stream that is writing to some kind of file.

So, with your code, if I were using XML Serialization:

var path = @"C:\Test\myserializationtest.xml";
using(FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))
    XmlSerializer xSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SomeClass));

    xSer.Serialize(fs, serializableObject);

Then, to deserialize:

using(FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) //double check that...
    XmlSerializer _xSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SomeClass));

    var myObject = _xSer.Deserialize(fs);

NOTE: This code hasn't been compiled, let alone run- there may be some errors. Also, this assumes completely out-of-the-box serialization/deserialization. If you need custom behavior, you'll need to do additional work.

Angular js init ng-model from default values

As others pointed out, it is not good practice to initialize data on views. Initializing data on Controllers, however, is recommended. (see

So you can write

<input name="card[description]" ng-model="card.description">


$scope.card = { description: 'Visa-4242' };

$http.get('/getCardInfo.php', function(data) {
   $scope.card = data;

This way the views do not contain data, and the controller initializes the value while the real values are being loaded.

Jquery: how to sleep or delay?

How about .delay() ?


using jquery $.ajax to call a PHP function

You can't call a PHP function with Javascript, in the same way you can't call arbitrary PHP functions when you load a page (just think of the security implications).

If you need to wrap your code in a function for whatever reason, why don't you either put a function call under the function definition, eg:

function test() {
    // function code


Or, use a PHP include:

include 'functions.php'; // functions.php has the test function

How to calculate time elapsed in bash script?

I can't comment on mcaleaa's answer, hence I post this here. The "diff" variable should be on small case. Here is an example.

[root@test ~]# date1=$(date +"%s"); date
Wed Feb 21 23:00:20 MYT 2018
[root@test ~]# 
[root@test ~]# date2=$(date +"%s"); date
Wed Feb 21 23:00:33 MYT 2018
[root@test ~]# 
[root@test ~]# diff=$(($date2-$date1))
[root@test ~]# 

Previous variable was declared on lower case. This is what happened when upper case is used.

[root@test ~]# echo "Duration: $(($DIFF / 3600 )) hours $((($DIFF % 3600) / 60)) minutes $(($DIFF % 60)) seconds"
-bash: / 3600 : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/ 3600 ")
[root@test ~]# 

So, quick fix would be like this

[root@test ~]# echo "Duration: $(($diff / 3600 )) hours $((($diff % 3600) / 60)) minutes $(($diff % 60)) seconds"
Duration: 0 hours 0 minutes 13 seconds
[root@test ~]# 

How to set maximum height for table-cell?

In css you can't set table-cells max height, and if you white-space nowrap then you can't break it with max width, so the solution is javascript working in all browsers.

So, this can work for you.

For Limiting max-height of all cells or rows in table with Javascript:

This script is good for horizontal overflow tables.

This script increase the table width 300px each time, maximum 4000px until rows shrinks to max-height(160px) , and you can also edit numbers as your need.

var i = 0, row, table = document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0], j = table.offsetWidth;
while (row = table.rows[i++]) {
    while (row.offsetHeight > 160 && j < 4000) {
        j += 300; = j + 'px';

Source: HTML Table Solution Max Height Limit For Rows Or Cells By Increasing Table Width, Javascript

Access XAMPP Localhost from Internet

First, you need to configure your computer to get a static IP from your router. Instructions for how to do this can be found: here

For example, let's say you picked the IP address After the above step is completed, you should be able to get to the website on your local machine by going to both http://localhost and, since your computer will now always have that IP address on your network.

If you look up your IP address (such as, the IP you see is actually the IP of your router. When your friend accesses your website, you'll give him this IP. However, you need to tell your router that when it gets a request for a webpage, forward that request to your server. This is done through port forwarding.

Two examples of how to do this can be found here and here, although the exact screens you see will vary depending on the manufacturer of your router (Google for exact instructions, if needed).

For the Linksys router I have, I enter, enter my username/password, Applications & Gaming tab > Port Range Forward. Enter the application name (whatever you want to call it), start port (80), end port (80), protocol (TCP), ip address (using the above example, you would enter, which is the static IP you assigned your server), and be sure to check to enable the forwarding. Restart your router and the changes should take effect.

Having done all that, your friend should now be able to access your webpage by going to his web browser on his machine and entering (the same one you see when you go here ).

As mentioned earlier, the IP address assigned to you by your ISP will eventually change whether you sign offline or not. I strongly recommend using DynDns, which is absolutely free. You can choose a hostname at their domain (such as and your friend can then always access your website by simply going to in his browser. Here is their site again: DynDns

I hope this helps.

Recover from git reset --hard?

By definition, git reset --hard will throw away uncommitted changes without any way for Git to recover them (your backup system may help, but not Git).

Actually, there are very few cases where git reset --hard is a good idea. In most cases, there's a safer command to do the same thing:

  • If you want to throw away your uncommitted changes, then use git stash. It will keep a backup of these changes, which will expire after some time if you run git gc. If you're 99.9% sure you'll never need these changes back, then git stash is still your friend for the 0.1% case. If you're 100% sure, then git stash is still your friend because these 100% have a measurement error ;-).

  • If you want to move your HEAD and the tip of the current branch in history, then git reset --keep is your friend. It will do the same thing as git reset --hard, but will not discard your local changes.

  • If you want to do both, then git stash && git reset --keep is your friend.

Teach your fingers not to use git reset --hard, it will pay back one day.

What processes are using which ports on unix?

I use this command:

netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN

You can have a clean output that shows process id and ports that's listening on

How do I call an Angular 2 pipe with multiple arguments?

You're missing the actual pipe.

{{ myData | date:'fullDate' }}

Multiple parameters can be separated by a colon (:).

{{ myData | myPipe:'arg1':'arg2':'arg3' }}

Also you can chain pipes, like so:

{{ myData | date:'fullDate' | myPipe:'arg1':'arg2':'arg3' }}

Get the size of a 2D array

Expanding on what Mark Elliot said earlier, the easiest way to get the size of a 2D array given that each array in the array of arrays is of the same size is:

array.length * array[0].length

Set Value of Input Using Javascript Function

The following works in MVC5:

document.getElementById('theID').value = 'new value';

Java Keytool error after importing certificate , "keytool error: & Access Denied"

I had the same problem under Windows and could solve it by running cmd.exe as administrator (right-click in start menu, then "Run as administrator).

Remove trailing comma from comma-separated string

You can use this:

String abc = "kushalhs , mayurvm , narendrabz ,";
String a = abc.substring(0, abc.lastIndexOf(","));

How do I install Python packages in Google's Colab?

Joining the party late, but just as a complement, I ran into some problems with Seaborn not so long ago, because CoLab installed a version with !pip that wasn't updated. In my specific case, I couldn't use Scatterplot, for example. The answer to this is below:

To install the module, all you need is:

!pip install seaborn

To upgrade it to the most updated version:

!pip install --upgrade seaborn

If you want to install a specific version

!pip install seaborn==0.9.0

I believe all the rules common to pip apply normally, so that pretty much should work.

How do I create an array of strings in C?

The string literals are const char *s.

And your use of parenthesis is odd. You probably mean

const char *a[2] = {"blah", "hmm"};

which declares an array of two pointers to constant characters, and initializes them to point at two hardcoded string constants.

Ruby: character to ascii from a string

puts "string".split('').map(&:ord).to_s

How to remove square brackets from list in Python?

You could convert it to a string instead of printing the list directly:

print(", ".join(LIST))

If the elements in the list aren't strings, you can convert them to string using either repr (if you want quotes around strings) or str (if you don't), like so:

LIST = [1, "foo", 3.5, { "hello": "bye" }]
print( ", ".join( repr(e) for e in LIST ) )

Which gives the output:

1, 'foo', 3.5, {'hello': 'bye'}

What is the purpose of XSD files?

An XSD file is an XML Schema Definition and it is used to provide a standard method of checking that a given XML document conforms to what you expect.

How to Validate a DateTime in C#?


This I believe is faster and it means you dont have to use ugly try/catches :)


DateTime temp;
if(DateTime.TryParse(startDateTextBox.Text, out temp))
  // Yay :)
  // Aww.. :(

How set background drawable programmatically in Android

If your backgrounds are in the drawable folder right now try moving the images from drawable to drawable-nodpi folder in your project. This worked for me, seems that else the images are rescaled by them self..

How can I get a list of locally installed Python modules?

If none of the above seem to help, in my environment was broken from a system upgrade and I could not upgrade pip. While it won't give you an accurate list you can get an idea of which libraries were installed simply by looking inside your env>lib>python(version here)>site-packages> . Here you will get a good indication of modules installed.

How do I enable/disable log levels in Android?

For me it is often useful being able to set different log levels for each TAG.

I am using this very simple wrapper class:

public class Log2 {

    public enum LogLevels {
        VERBOSE(android.util.Log.VERBOSE), DEBUG(android.util.Log.DEBUG), INFO(android.util.Log.INFO), WARN(
                android.util.Log.WARN), ERROR(android.util.Log.ERROR);

        int level;

        private LogLevels(int logLevel) {
            level = logLevel;

        public int getLevel() {
            return level;

    static private HashMap<String, Integer> logLevels = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

    public static void setLogLevel(String tag, LogLevels level) {
        logLevels.put(tag, level.getLevel());

    public static int v(String tag, String msg) {
        return Log2.v(tag, msg, null);

    public static int v(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
        if (logLevels.containsKey(tag)) {
            if (logLevels.get(tag) > android.util.Log.VERBOSE) {
                return -1;
        return Log.v(tag, msg, tr);

    public static int d(String tag, String msg) {
        return Log2.d(tag, msg, null);

    public static int d(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
        if (logLevels.containsKey(tag)) {
            if (logLevels.get(tag) > android.util.Log.DEBUG) {
                return -1;
        return Log.d(tag, msg);

    public static int i(String tag, String msg) {
        return Log2.i(tag, msg, null);

    public static int i(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
        if (logLevels.containsKey(tag)) {
            if (logLevels.get(tag) > android.util.Log.INFO) {
                return -1;
        return Log.i(tag, msg);

    public static int w(String tag, String msg) {
        return Log2.w(tag, msg, null);

    public static int w(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
        if (logLevels.containsKey(tag)) {
            if (logLevels.get(tag) > android.util.Log.WARN) {
                return -1;
        return Log.w(tag, msg, tr);

    public static int e(String tag, String msg) {
        return Log2.e(tag, msg, null);

    public static int e(String tag, String msg, Throwable tr) {
        if (logLevels.containsKey(tag)) {
            if (logLevels.get(tag) > android.util.Log.ERROR) {
                return -1;
        return Log.e(tag, msg, tr);


Now just set the log level per TAG at the beginning of each class:

Log2.setLogLevel(TAG, LogLevels.INFO);

Remove items from one list in another

As Except does not modify the list, you can use ForEach on List<T>:

list2.ForEach(item => list1.Remove(item));

It may not be the most efficient way, but it is simple, therefore readable, and it updates the original list (which is my requirement).

PHP/regex: How to get the string value of HTML tag?

this might be old but my answer might help someone

You can simply use

$str = '<textformat leading="2"><p align="left"><font size="10">get me</font></p></textformat>';
echo strip_tags($str);

How to Navigate from one View Controller to another using Swift

let storyBoard: UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let home = storyBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "HOMEVC") as! HOMEVC
navigationController?.pushViewController(home, animated: true);

How to manually set REFERER header in Javascript?

Above solution does not work for me , I have tried following and it is working in all browsers.

simply made a fake ajax call, it will make a entry into referer header.

var request;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari, ...
    request = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE
    try {
        request = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
    } catch (e) {
        try {
            request = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
        } catch (e) {}
}"GET", url, true);

How to change FontSize By JavaScript?

try this:

var span = document.getElementById("span"); = "25px";
span.innerHTML = "String";

How do I force Kubernetes to re-pull an image?

The rolling update command, when given an image argument, assumes that the image is different than what currently exists in the replication controller.

Build a simple HTTP server in C

I'd recommend that you take a look at: A Practical Guide to Writing Clients and Servers

What you have to implement in incremental steps is:

  1. Get your basic TCP sockets layer running (listen on port/ports, accept client connections and send/receive data).
  2. Implement a buffered reader so that you can read requests one line (delimited by CRLF) at a time.
  3. Read the very first line. Parse out the method, the request version and the path.
  4. Implement header parsing for the "Header: value" syntax. Don't forget unfolding folded headers.
  5. Check the request method, content type and content size to determine how/if the body will be read.
  6. Implement decoding of content based on content type.
  7. If you're going to support HTTP 1.1, implement things like "100 Continue", keep-alive, chunked transfer.
  8. Add robustness/security measures like detecting incomplete requests, limiting max number of clients etc.
  9. Shrink wrap your code and open-source it :)

How to send value attribute from radio button in PHP

Should be :


<form method="post" action="">
    <input id="name" name="name" type="text" size="40"/>
    <input type="radio" name="radio" value="test"/>Test
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"/>

PHP Code :


    echo $radio_value = $_POST["radio"];

Manually put files to Android emulator SD card

In Android Studio, open the Device Manager: Tools -> Android -> Android Device Monitor

In Eclipse open the Device Manager: enter image description here

In the device manager you can add files to the SD Card here: enter image description here

Open link in new tab or window

set the target attribute of your <a> element to "_tab"

EDIT: It works, however W3Schools says there is no such target attribute:

EDIT2: From what I've figured out from the comments. setting target to _blank will take you to a new tab or window (depending on your browser settings). Typing anything except one of the ones below will create a new tab group (I'm not sure how these work):

_blank  Opens the linked document in a new window or tab
_self   Opens the linked document in the same frame as it was clicked (this is default)
_parent Opens the linked document in the parent frame
_top    Opens the linked document in the full body of the window
framename   Opens the linked document in a named frame

How to get IntPtr from byte[] in C#

You could use Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement to get a memory pointer to the array (or to a specific element in the array). Keep in mind that the array must be pinned first as per the API documentation:

The array must be pinned using a GCHandle before it is passed to this method. For maximum performance, this method does not validate the array passed to it; this can result in unexpected behavior.

Rails 3 migrations: Adding reference column?

That will do the trick:

rails g migration add_user_to_tester user_id:integer:index

Where can I get a list of Ansible pre-defined variables?

The debug module can be used to analyze variables. Be careful running the following command. In our setup it generates 444709 lines with 16MB:

ansible -m debug -a 'var=hostvars' localhost

I am not sure but it might be necessary to enable facts caching.

If you need just one host use the host name as a key for the hostvars hash:

ansible -m debug -a 'var=hostvars.localhost' localhost

This command will display also group and host variables.

How to redirect on another page and pass parameter in url from table?

Here is a general solution that doesn't rely on JQuery. Simply modify the definition of window.location.

         function loadNewDoc(){ 
            var loc = window.location;
            window.location = loc.hostname + loc.port + loc.pathname +; 
   <body onLoad="loadNewDoc()">

How to add a browser tab icon (favicon) for a website?

I'd recommend you to try to convert your .PNG or .GIF to a .ICO file.

You can create both 16x16 and 32x32 (for new retina display) in one .ICO file.

No issues with IE and Firefox

How can I convert an MDB (Access) file to MySQL (or plain SQL file)?

I modified the script by Nicolay77 to output the database to stdout (the usual way of unix scripts) so that I could output the data to text file or pipe it to any program I want. The resulting script is a bit simpler and works well.

Some examples:

./ database.mdb > data.sql

./ database.mdb | mysql destination-db -u user -p

Here is the modified script (save to

TABLES=$(mdb-tables -1 $1)

for t in $TABLES
    echo "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $t;"

mdb-schema $1 mysql

for t in $TABLES
    mdb-export -D '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' -I mysql $1 $t

PHP - Extracting a property from an array of objects

The solution depends on the PHP version you are using. At least there are 2 solutions:

First (Newer PHP versions)

As @JosepAlsina said before the best and also shortest solution is to use array_column as following:

$catIds = array_column($objects, 'id');

Notice: For iterating an array containing \stdClasses as used in the question it is only possible with PHP versions >= 7.0. But when using an array containing arrays you can do the same since PHP >= 5.5.

Second (Older PHP versions)

@Greg said in older PHP versions it is possible to do following:

$catIds = array_map(create_function('$o', 'return $o->id;'), $objects);

But beware: In newer PHP versions >= 5.3.0 it is better to use Closures, like followed:

$catIds = array_map(function($o) { return $o->id; }, $objects);

The difference

First solution creates a new function and puts it into your RAM. The garbage collector does not delete the already created and already called function instance out of memory for some reason. And that regardless of the fact, that the created function instance can never be called again, because we have no pointer for it. And the next time when this code is called, the same function will be created again. This behavior slowly fills your memory...

Both examples with memory output to compare them:


while (true)
    $objects = array_map(create_function('$o', 'return $o->id;'), $objects);

    echo memory_get_usage() . "\n";


// the output


while (true)
    $objects = array_map(function($o) { return $o->id; }, $objects);

    echo memory_get_usage() . "\n";


// the output

This may also be discussed here

Memory leak?! Is Garbage Collector doing right when using 'create_function' within 'array_map'?

How to reload the current state?

if you want to reload your entire page, like it seems, just inject $window into your controller and then call

$window.location.href = '/';

but if you only want to reload your current view, inject $scope, $state and $stateParams (the latter just in case you need to have some parameters change in this upcoming reload, something like your page number), then call this within any controller method:

$ = 1;

AngularJS v1.3.15 angular-ui-router v0.2.15

Can I pass a JavaScript variable to another browser window?

Yes, scripts can access properties of other windows in the same domain that they have a handle on (typically gained through and window.frames/parent). It is usually more manageable to call functions defined on the other window rather than fiddle with variables directly.

However, windows can die or move on, and browsers deal with it differently when they do. Check that a window (a) is still open (!window.closed) and (b) has the function you expect available, before you try to call it.

Simple values like strings are fine, but generally it isn't a good idea to pass complex objects such as functions, DOM elements and closures between windows. If a child window stores an object from its opener, then the opener closes, that object can become 'dead' (in some browsers such as IE), or cause a memory leak. Weird errors can ensue.

Gaussian fit for Python

sigma = sum(y*(x - mean)**2)

should be

sigma = np.sqrt(sum(y*(x - mean)**2))

Message "Async callback was not invoked within the 5000 ms timeout specified by jest.setTimeout"

Make sure to invoke done(); on callbacks or it simply won't pass the test.

beforeAll((done /* Call it or remove it */ ) => {
  done(); // Calling it

It applies to all other functions that have a done() callback.

Can I force a page break in HTML printing?

Try this link

@media print
h1 {page-break-before:always}

Single vs double quotes in JSON

I recently came up against a very similar problem, and believe my solution would work for you too. I had a text file which contained a list of items in the form:

["first item", 'the "Second" item', "thi'rd", 'some \\"hellish\\" \'quoted" item']

I wanted to parse the above into a python list but was not keen on eval() as I couldn't trust the input. I tried first using JSON but it only accepts double quoted items, so I wrote my own very simple lexer for this specific case (just plug in your own "stringtoparse" and you will get as output list: 'items')

#This lexer takes a JSON-like 'array' string and converts single-quoted array items into escaped double-quoted items,
#then puts the 'array' into a python list
#Issues such as  ["item 1", '","item 2 including those double quotes":"', "item 3"] are resolved with this lexer
items = []      #List of lexed items
item = ""       #Current item container
dq = True       #Double-quotes active (False->single quotes active)
bs = 0          #backslash counter
in_item = False #True if currently lexing an item within the quotes (False if outside the quotes; ie comma and whitespace)
for c in stringtoparse[1:-1]:   #Assuming encasement by brackets
    if c=="\\": #if there are backslashes, count them! Odd numbers escape the quotes...
        bs = bs + 1
    if (dq and c=='"') or (not dq and c=="'"):  #quote matched at start/end of an item
        if bs & 1==1:   #if escaped quote, ignore as it must be part of the item
        else:   #not escaped quote - toggle in_item
            in_item = not in_item
            if item!="":            #if item not empty, we must be at the end
                items += [item]     #so add it to the list of items
                item = ""           #and reset for the next item
    if not in_item: #toggle of single/double quotes to enclose items
        if dq and c=="'":
            dq = False
            in_item = True
        elif not dq and c=='"':
            dq = True
            in_item = True
    if in_item: #character is part of an item, append it to the item
        if not dq and c=='"':           #if we are using single quotes
            item += bs * "\\" + "\""    #escape double quotes for JSON
            item += bs * "\\" + c
        bs = 0

Hopefully it is useful to somebody. Enjoy!

Truststore and Keystore Definitions

In Java, what's the difference between a keystore and a truststore?

Here's the description from the Java docs at Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Reference Guide. I don't think it tells you anything different from what others have said. But it does provide the official reference.


A keystore is a database of key material. Key material is used for a variety of purposes, including authentication and data integrity. Various types of keystores are available, including PKCS12 and Oracle's JKS.

Generally speaking, keystore information can be grouped into two categories: key entries and trusted certificate entries. A key entry consists of an entity's identity and its private key, and can be used for a variety of cryptographic purposes. In contrast, a trusted certificate entry contains only a public key in addition to the entity's identity. Thus, a trusted certificate entry cannot be used where a private key is required, such as in a In the JDK implementation of JKS, a keystore may contain both key entries and trusted certificate entries.

A truststore is a keystore that is used when making decisions about what to trust. If you receive data from an entity that you already trust, and if you can verify that the entity is the one that it claims to be, then you can assume that the data really came from that entity.

An entry should only be added to a truststore if the user trusts that entity. By either generating a key pair or by importing a certificate, the user gives trust to that entry. Any entry in the truststore is considered a trusted entry.

It may be useful to have two different keystore files: one containing just your key entries, and the other containing your trusted certificate entries, including CA certificates. The former contains private information, whereas the latter does not. Using two files instead of a single keystore file provides a cleaner separation of the logical distinction between your own certificates (and corresponding private keys) and others' certificates. To provide more protection for your private keys, store them in a keystore with restricted access, and provide the trusted certificates in a more publicly accessible keystore if needed.

How to loop through all elements of a form jQuery

From the jQuery :input selector page:

Because :input is a jQuery extension and not part of the CSS specification, queries using :input cannot take advantage of the performance boost provided by the native DOM querySelectorAll() method. To achieve the best performance when using :input to select elements, first select the elements using a pure CSS selector, then use .filter(":input").

This is the best choice.

$('#new_user_form *').filter(':input').each(function(){
    //your code here

How to use Git Revert

Use git revert like so:

git revert <insert bad commit hash here>

git revert creates a new commit with the changes that are rolled back. git reset erases your git history instead of making a new commit.

The steps after are the same as any other commit.

How to reload a page using Angularjs?

Be sure to include the $route service into your scope and do this:


See this:

How to reload or re-render the entire page using AngularJS

HTML5 Canvas and Anti-aliasing

If you need pixel level control over canvas you can do using createImageData and putImageData.


<canvas id="qrCode" width="200", height="200">
  QR Code

And JavaScript:

function setPixel(imageData, pixelData) {
  var index = (pixelData.x + pixelData.y * imageData.width) * 4;[index+0] = pixelData.r;[index+1] = pixelData.g;[index+2] = pixelData.b;[index+3] = pixelData.a;

element = document.getElementById("qrCode");
c = element.getContext("2d");

pixcelSize = 4;
width = element.width;
height = element.height;

imageData = c.createImageData(width, height);

for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
  x = Math.random() * width / pixcelSize | 0; // |0 to Int32
  y = Math.random() * height / pixcelSize| 0;

  for(j=0;j < pixcelSize; j++){
    for(k=0;k < pixcelSize; k++){
     setPixel( imageData, {
         x: x * pixcelSize + j,  
         y: y * pixcelSize + k,
         r: 0 | 0,
         g: 0 | 0,
         b: 0 * 256 | 0,
         a: 255 // 255 opaque

c.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);

Working sample here

Excel: Can I create a Conditional Formula based on the Color of a Cell?

Unfortunately, there is not a direct way to do this with a single formula. However, there is a fairly simple workaround that exists.

On the Excel Ribbon, go to "Formulas" and click on "Name Manager". Select "New" and then enter "CellColor" as the "Name". Jump down to the "Refers to" part and enter the following:


Hit OK then close the "Name Manager" window.

Now, in cell A1 enter the following:


This will return FQS for red and SM for yellow. For any other color the cell will remain blank.

***If the value in A1 doesn't update, hit 'F9' on your keyboard to force Excel to update the calculations at any point (or if the color in B2 ever changes).

Below is a reference for a list of cell fill colors (there are 56 available) if you ever want to expand things:



The formula used in Name Manager can be further simplified if it helps your understanding of how it works (the version that I included above is a lot more flexible and is easier to use in checking multiple cell references when copied around as it uses its own cell address as a reference point instead of specifically targeting cell B2).

Either way, if you'd like to simplify things, you can use this formula in Name Manager instead:


Running Jupyter via command line on Windows

Check whether you have given python PATH in environmental variables properly.
If not, then set python path. Then use:

$ python -m notebook

Force flushing of output to a file while bash script is still running

This isn't a function of bash, as all the shell does is open the file in question and then pass the file descriptor as the standard output of the script. What you need to do is make sure output is flushed from your script more frequently than you currently are.

In Perl for example, this could be accomplished by setting:

$| = 1;

See perlvar for more information on this.

Initializing default values in a struct

An explicit default initialization can help:

struct foo {
    bool a {};
    bool b {};
    bool c {};
 } bar;

Behavior bool a {} is same as bool b = bool(); and return false.

How to sum the values of one column of a dataframe in spark/scala

Using spark sql query..just incase if it helps anyone!

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession 
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf 
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ 
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext 

val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[2]").setAppName("test")
val spark = SparkSession.builder.config(conf).getOrCreate()
val df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)).toDF()

val sum = spark.sql("select  sum(steps) as stepsSum from steps").map(row => row.getAs("stepsSum").asInstanceOf[Long]).collect()(0)
println("steps sum = " + sum) //prints 28

How can I pause setInterval() functions?

My simple way:

function Timer (callback, delay) {
  let callbackStartTime
  let remaining = 0

  this.timerId = null
  this.paused = false

  this.pause = () => {
    remaining -= - callbackStartTime
    this.paused = true
  this.resume = () => {
    window.setTimeout(this.setTimeout.bind(this), remaining)
    this.paused = false
  this.setTimeout = () => {
    this.timerId = window.setInterval(() => {
      callbackStartTime =
    }, delay)
  this.clear = () => {


How to use:

let seconds = 0_x000D_
const timer = new Timer(() => {_x000D_
  console.log('seconds', seconds)_x000D_
  if (seconds === 8) {_x000D_
    alert('Game over!')_x000D_
}, 1000)_x000D_
console.log('isPaused: ', timer.paused)_x000D_
setTimeout(() => {_x000D_
  console.log('isPaused: ', timer.paused)_x000D_
}, 2500)_x000D_
function Timer (callback, delay) {_x000D_
  let callbackStartTime_x000D_
  let remaining = 0_x000D_
  this.timerId = null_x000D_
  this.paused = false_x000D_
  this.pause = () => {_x000D_
    remaining -= - callbackStartTime_x000D_
    this.paused = true_x000D_
  this.resume = () => {_x000D_
    window.setTimeout(this.setTimeout.bind(this), remaining)_x000D_
    this.paused = false_x000D_
  this.setTimeout = () => {_x000D_
    this.timerId = window.setInterval(() => {_x000D_
      callbackStartTime =
    }, delay)_x000D_
  this.clear = () => {_x000D_

The code is written quickly and did not refactored, raise the rating of my answer if you want me to improve the code and give ES2015 version (classes).

How to concatenate two strings in SQL Server 2005

Try this:

DECLARE @COMBINED_STRINGS AS VARCHAR(50); -- Allocate just enough length for the two strings.

SET @COMBINED_STRINGS = 'rupesh''s' + 'malviya';
SELECT @COMBINED_STRINGS; -- Print your combined strings.

Or you can put your strings into variables. Such that:

        @STRING1 AS VARCHAR(20),
        @STRING2 AS VARCHAR(20);

SET @STRING1 = 'rupesh''s';
SET @STRING2 = 'malviya';




Just add a space in your string as a separator.

Convert Java Date to UTC String


You asked:

I was looking for a one-liner like:

Ask and ye shall receive. Convert from terrible legacy class Date to its modern replacement, Instant.




In Java 8 and later we have the new java.time package built in (Tutorial). Inspired by Joda-Time, defined by JSR 310, and extended by the ThreeTen-Extra project.

The best solution is to sort your date-time objects rather than strings. But if you must work in strings, read on.

An Instant represents a moment on the timeline, basically in UTC (see class doc for precise details). The toString implementation uses the DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT format by default. This format includes zero, three, six or nine digits digits as needed to display fraction of a second up to nanosecond precision.

String output =; // Example: '2015-12-03T10:15:30.120Z'

If you must interoperate with the old Date class, convert to/from java.time via new methods added to the old classes. Example: Date::toInstant.


You may want to use an alternate formatter if you need a consistent number of digits in the fractional second or if you need no fractional second.

Another route if you want to truncate fractions of a second is to use ZonedDateTime instead of Instant, calling its method to change the fraction to zero.

Note that we must specify a time zone for ZonedDateTime (thus the name). In our case that means UTC. The subclass of ZoneID, ZoneOffset, holds a convenient constant for UTC. If we omit the time zone, the JVM’s current default time zone is implicitly applied.

String output = ZoneOffset.UTC ).withNano( 0 ).toString();  // Example: 2015-08-27T19:28:58Z

Table of date-time types in Java, both modern and legacy

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes. Hibernate 5 & JPA 2.2 support java.time.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?


UPDATE: The Joda -Time project is now in maintenance mode, with the team advising migration to the java.time classes.

I was looking for a one-liner

Easy if using the Joda-Time 2.3 library. ISO 8601 is the default formatting.

Time Zone

In the code example below, note that I am specifying a time zone rather than depending on the default time zone. In this case, I'm specifying UTC per your question. The Z on the end, spoken as "Zulu", means no time zone offset from UTC.

Example Code

// import org.joda.time.*;

String output = new DateTime( DateTimeZone.UTC );



pip installation /usr/local/opt/python/bin/python2.7: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I made the same error using sudo for my installation. (oops)

brew install python
brew linkapps python
brew link --overwrite python 

This brought everything back to normal.

Facebook API - How do I get a Facebook user's profile image through the Facebook API (without requiring the user to "Allow" the application)

Added this as a comment to accepted answer, but felt it deserved a longer explanation. Starting around April 2015 this will probably be raised a few times.

As of V2 of the graph api the accepted answer no longer works using a username. So now you need the userid first, and you can no longer use a username to get this. To further complicate matters, for privacy reasons, Facebook is now changing userid's per app (see and ), so you will have to have some kind of proper authentication to retrieve a userid you can use. Technically the profile pic is still public and available at /userid/picture (see docs at and this example user: however figuring out a user's standard userid seems impossible based just on their profile - your app would need to get them to approve interaction with the app which for my use case (just showing a profile pic next to their FB profile link) is overkill.

If someone has figured out a way to get the profile pic based on username, or alternatively, how to get a userid (even an alternating one) to use to retrieve a profile pic, please share! In the meantime, the old graph url still works until April 2015.

How to make the division of 2 ints produce a float instead of another int?

Just cast one of the two operands to a float first.

v = (float)s / t;

The cast has higher precedence than the division, so happens before the division.

The other operand will be effectively automatically cast to a float by the compiler because the rules say that if either operand is of floating point type then the operation will be a floating point operation, even if the other operand is integral. Java Language Specification, §4.2.4 and §15.17

ASP.NET postback with JavaScript

Here is a complete solution

Entire form tag of the page

<form id="form1" runat="server">
    <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" /> <%-- included to force __doPostBack javascript function to be rendered --%>

    <input type="button" id="Button45" name="Button45" onclick="javascript:__doPostBack('ButtonA','')" value="clicking this will run ButtonA.Click Event Handler" /><br /><br />
    <input type="button" id="Button46" name="Button46" onclick="javascript:__doPostBack('ButtonB','')" value="clicking this will run ButtonB.Click Event Handler" /><br /><br />

    <asp:Button runat="server" ID="ButtonA" ClientIDMode="Static" Text="ButtonA" /><br /><br />
    <asp:Button runat="server" ID="ButtonB" ClientIDMode="Static" Text="ButtonB" />

Entire Contents of the Page's Code-Behind Class

Private Sub ButtonA_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonA.Click
    Response.Write("You ran the ButtonA click event")
End Sub

Private Sub ButtonB_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonB.Click
    Response.Write("You ran the ButtonB click event")
End Sub
  • The LinkButton is included to ensure that the __doPostBack javascript function is rendered to the client. Simply having Button controls will not cause this __doPostBack function to be rendered. This function will be rendered by virtue of having a variety of controls on most ASP.NET pages, so an empty link button is typically not needed

What's going on?

Two input controls are rendered to the client:

<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTTARGET" id="__EVENTTARGET" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTARGUMENT" id="__EVENTARGUMENT" value="" />
  • __EVENTTARGET receives argument 1 of __doPostBack
  • __EVENTARGUMENT receives argument 2 of __doPostBack

The __doPostBack function is rendered out like this:

function __doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) {
    if (!theForm.onsubmit || (theForm.onsubmit() != false)) {
        theForm.__EVENTTARGET.value = eventTarget;
        theForm.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = eventArgument;
  • As you can see, it assigns the values to the hidden inputs.

When the form submits / postback occurs:

  • If you provided the UniqueID of the Server-Control Button whose button-click-handler you want to run (javascript:__doPostBack('ButtonB',''), then the button click handler for that button will be run.

What if I don't want to run a click handler, but want to do something else instead?

You can pass whatever you want as arguments to __doPostBack

You can then analyze the hidden input values and run specific code accordingly:

If Request.Form("__EVENTTARGET") = "DoSomethingElse" Then
    Response.Write("Do Something else") 
End If

Other Notes

  • What if I don't know the ID of the control whose click handler I want to run?
    • If it is not acceptable to set ClientIDMode="Static", then you can do something like this: __doPostBack('<%= myclientid.UniqueID %>', '').
    • Or: __doPostBack('<%= MYBUTTON.UniqueID %>','')
    • This will inject the unique id of the control into the javascript, should you wish it

How to assign Php variable value to Javascript variable?


//somewhere set a value
$var = "a value";

// then echo it into the js/html stream
// and assign to a js variable
spge = '<?php echo $var ;?>';

// then


Can I scale a div's height proportionally to its width using CSS?

Another great way to accomplish this is to use a transparent image with a set aspect ratio. Then set the width of the image to 100% and the height to auto. That unfortunately will push down the original content of the container. So you need to wrap the original content in another div and position it absolutely to the top of the parent div.

<div class="parent">
   <img class="aspect-ratio" src="images/aspect-ratio.png" />
   <div class="content">Content</div>


.parent {
  position: relative;
.aspect-ratio {
  width: 100%;
  height: auto;
.content {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  top: 0; left: 0;

How can I copy a conditional formatting from one document to another?

To copy conditional formatting from google spreadsheet (doc1) to another (doc2) you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the bottom of doc1 and right-click on the sheet name.
  2. Select Copy to
  3. Select doc2 from the options you have (note: doc2 must be on your google drive as well)
  4. Go to doc2 and open the newly "pasted" sheet at the bottom (it should be the far-right one)
  5. Select the cell with the formatting you want to use and copy it.
  6. Go to the sheet in doc2 you would like to modify.
  7. Select the cell you want your formatting to go to.
  8. Right click and choose paste special and then paste conditional formatting only
  9. Delete the pasted sheet if you don't want it there. Done.

R error "sum not meaningful for factors"

The error comes when you try to call sum(x) and x is a factor.

What that means is that one of your columns, though they look like numbers are actually factors (what you are seeing is the text representation)

simple fix, convert to numeric. However, it needs an intermeidate step of converting to character first. Use the following:

family[, 1] <- as.numeric(as.character( family[, 1] ))
family[, 3] <- as.numeric(as.character( family[, 3] ))

For a detailed explanation of why the intermediate as.character step is needed, take a look at this question: How to convert a factor to integer\numeric without loss of information?

where to place CASE WHEN column IS NULL in this query

That looks like it might belong in the select statement:

SELECT id, col1, col2, col3, (CASE WHEN table3.col3 IS NULL THEN table2.col3 AS col4 ELSE table3.col3 as col4 END)
FROM table1
ON =
ON =

Find the nth occurrence of substring in a string

Mark's iterative approach would be the usual way, I think.

Here's an alternative with string-splitting, which can often be useful for finding-related processes:

def findnth(haystack, needle, n):
    parts= haystack.split(needle, n+1)
    if len(parts)<=n+1:
        return -1
    return len(haystack)-len(parts[-1])-len(needle)

And here's a quick (and somewhat dirty, in that you have to choose some chaff that can't match the needle) one-liner:

'foo bar bar bar'.replace('bar', 'XXX', 1).find('bar')

Disable/enable an input with jQuery?

Update for 2018:

Now there's no need for jQuery and it's been a while since document.querySelector or document.querySelectorAll (for multiple elements) do almost exactly same job as $, plus more explicit ones getElementById, getElementsByClassName, getElementsByTagName

Disabling one field of "input-checkbox" class

document.querySelector('.input-checkbox').disabled = true;

or multiple elements

document.querySelectorAll('.input-checkbox').forEach(el => el.disabled = true);

How do I remove the last comma from a string using PHP?


$string = "'name', 'name2', 'name3',";
$string = rtrim($string,',');

How can I make SMTP authenticated in C#

Set the Credentials property before sending the message.

How to split strings into text and number?

without using regex, using isdigit() built-in function, only works if starting part is text and latter part is number

def text_num_split(item):
    for index, letter in enumerate(item, 0):
        if letter.isdigit():
            return [item[:index],item[index:]]



['foobar', '12345']

Managing SSH keys within Jenkins for Git

It looks like the host which jenkins tries to connect to is not listed under the Jenkins user's $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts. Jenkins runs on most distros as the user jenkins and hence has its own .ssh directory to store the list of public keys and known_hosts.

The easiest solution I can think of to fix this problem is:

# Login as the jenkins user and specify shell explicity,
# since the default shell is /bin/false for most
# jenkins installations.
sudo su jenkins -s /bin/bash

# git clone YOUR_GITHUB_URL

# Allow adding the SSH host key to your known_hosts

# Exit from su

How do emulators work and how are they written?

Emulation is a multi-faceted area. Here are the basic ideas and functional components. I'm going to break it into pieces and then fill in the details via edits. Many of the things I'm going to describe will require knowledge of the inner workings of processors -- assembly knowledge is necessary. If I'm a bit too vague on certain things, please ask questions so I can continue to improve this answer.

Basic idea:

Emulation works by handling the behavior of the processor and the individual components. You build each individual piece of the system and then connect the pieces much like wires do in hardware.

Processor emulation:

There are three ways of handling processor emulation:

  • Interpretation
  • Dynamic recompilation
  • Static recompilation

With all of these paths, you have the same overall goal: execute a piece of code to modify processor state and interact with 'hardware'. Processor state is a conglomeration of the processor registers, interrupt handlers, etc for a given processor target. For the 6502, you'd have a number of 8-bit integers representing registers: A, X, Y, P, and S; you'd also have a 16-bit PC register.

With interpretation, you start at the IP (instruction pointer -- also called PC, program counter) and read the instruction from memory. Your code parses this instruction and uses this information to alter processor state as specified by your processor. The core problem with interpretation is that it's very slow; each time you handle a given instruction, you have to decode it and perform the requisite operation.

With dynamic recompilation, you iterate over the code much like interpretation, but instead of just executing opcodes, you build up a list of operations. Once you reach a branch instruction, you compile this list of operations to machine code for your host platform, then you cache this compiled code and execute it. Then when you hit a given instruction group again, you only have to execute the code from the cache. (BTW, most people don't actually make a list of instructions but compile them to machine code on the fly -- this makes it more difficult to optimize, but that's out of the scope of this answer, unless enough people are interested)

With static recompilation, you do the same as in dynamic recompilation, but you follow branches. You end up building a chunk of code that represents all of the code in the program, which can then be executed with no further interference. This would be a great mechanism if it weren't for the following problems:

  • Code that isn't in the program to begin with (e.g. compressed, encrypted, generated/modified at runtime, etc) won't be recompiled, so it won't run
  • It's been proven that finding all the code in a given binary is equivalent to the Halting problem

These combine to make static recompilation completely infeasible in 99% of cases. For more information, Michael Steil has done some great research into static recompilation -- the best I've seen.

The other side to processor emulation is the way in which you interact with hardware. This really has two sides:

  • Processor timing
  • Interrupt handling

Processor timing:

Certain platforms -- especially older consoles like the NES, SNES, etc -- require your emulator to have strict timing to be completely compatible. With the NES, you have the PPU (pixel processing unit) which requires that the CPU put pixels into its memory at precise moments. If you use interpretation, you can easily count cycles and emulate proper timing; with dynamic/static recompilation, things are a /lot/ more complex.

Interrupt handling:

Interrupts are the primary mechanism that the CPU communicates with hardware. Generally, your hardware components will tell the CPU what interrupts it cares about. This is pretty straightforward -- when your code throws a given interrupt, you look at the interrupt handler table and call the proper callback.

Hardware emulation:

There are two sides to emulating a given hardware device:

  • Emulating the functionality of the device
  • Emulating the actual device interfaces

Take the case of a hard-drive. The functionality is emulated by creating the backing storage, read/write/format routines, etc. This part is generally very straightforward.

The actual interface of the device is a bit more complex. This is generally some combination of memory mapped registers (e.g. parts of memory that the device watches for changes to do signaling) and interrupts. For a hard-drive, you may have a memory mapped area where you place read commands, writes, etc, then read this data back.

I'd go into more detail, but there are a million ways you can go with it. If you have any specific questions here, feel free to ask and I'll add the info.


I think I've given a pretty good intro here, but there are a ton of additional areas. I'm more than happy to help with any questions; I've been very vague in most of this simply due to the immense complexity.

Obligatory Wikipedia links:

General emulation resources:

  • Zophar -- This is where I got my start with emulation, first downloading emulators and eventually plundering their immense archives of documentation. This is the absolute best resource you can possibly have.
  • NGEmu -- Not many direct resources, but their forums are unbeatable.
  • -- The documents section contains resources regarding machine architecture for popular consoles

Emulator projects to reference:

  • IronBabel -- This is an emulation platform for .NET, written in Nemerle and recompiles code to C# on the fly. Disclaimer: This is my project, so pardon the shameless plug.
  • BSnes -- An awesome SNES emulator with the goal of cycle-perfect accuracy.
  • MAME -- The arcade emulator. Great reference.
  • -- This is a JavaScript 6502 emulator with a cool little forum.
  • dynarec'd 6502asm -- This is a little hack I did over a day or two. I took the existing emulator from and changed it to dynamically recompile the code to JavaScript for massive speed increases.

Processor recompilation references:

  • The research into static recompilation done by Michael Steil (referenced above) culminated in this paper and you can find source and such here.


It's been well over a year since this answer was submitted and with all the attention it's been getting, I figured it's time to update some things.

Perhaps the most exciting thing in emulation right now is libcpu, started by the aforementioned Michael Steil. It's a library intended to support a large number of CPU cores, which use LLVM for recompilation (static and dynamic!). It's got huge potential, and I think it'll do great things for emulation.

emu-docs has also been brought to my attention, which houses a great repository of system documentation, which is very useful for emulation purposes. I haven't spent much time there, but it looks like they have a lot of great resources.

I'm glad this post has been helpful, and I'm hoping I can get off my arse and finish up my book on the subject by the end of the year/early next year.

Serializing PHP object to JSON

I made a nice helper class which converts an object with get methods to an array. It doesn't rely on properties, just methods.

So i have a the following review object which contain two methods:


  • getAmountReviews : int
  • getReviews : array of comments


  • getSubject
  • getDescription

The script I wrote will transform it into an array with properties what looks like this:

      amount_reviews: 21,
      reviews: [
          subject: "In een woord top 1!",
          description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque laoreet lacus quis eros venenatis, sed tincidunt mi rhoncus. Aliquam ut pharetra diam, nec lobortis dolor."
          subject: "En een zwembad 2!",
          description: "Maecenas et aliquet mi, a interdum mauris. Donec in egestas sem. Sed feugiat commodo maximus. Pellentesque porta consectetur commodo. Duis at finibus urna."
          subject: "In een woord top 3!",
          description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque laoreet lacus quis eros venenatis, sed tincidunt mi rhoncus. Aliquam ut pharetra diam, nec lobortis dolor."
          subject: "En een zwembad 4!",
          description: "Maecenas et aliquet mi, a interdum mauris. Donec in egestas sem. Sed feugiat commodo maximus. Pellentesque porta consectetur commodo. Duis at finibus urna."
          subject: "In een woord top 5!",
          description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque laoreet lacus quis eros venenatis, sed tincidunt mi rhoncus. Aliquam ut pharetra diam, nec lobortis dolor."

Source: PHP Serializer which converts an object to an array that can be encoded to JSON.

All you have to do is wrap json_encode around the output.

Some information about the script:

  • Only methods which starts with get are added
  • Private methods are ignored
  • Constructor is ignored
  • Capital characters in the method name will be replaced with an underscore and lowercased character

Excel VBA Run-time error '13' Type mismatch

Sub HighlightSpecificValue()

'PURPOSE: Highlight all cells containing a specified values

Dim fnd As String, FirstFound As String
Dim FoundCell As Range, rng As Range
Dim myRange As Range, LastCell As Range

'What value do you want to find?
  fnd = InputBox("I want to hightlight cells containing...", "Highlight")

    'End Macro if Cancel Button is Clicked or no Text is Entered
      If fnd = vbNullString Then Exit Sub

Set myRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Set LastCell = myRange.Cells(myRange.Cells.Count)

enter code here
Set FoundCell = myRange.Find(what:=fnd, after:=LastCell)

'Test to see if anything was found
  If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then
    FirstFound = FoundCell.Address

    GoTo NothingFound
  End If

Set rng = FoundCell

'Loop until cycled through all unique finds
  Do Until FoundCell Is Nothing
    'Find next cell with fnd value
      Set FoundCell = myRange.FindNext(after:=FoundCell)

    'Add found cell to rng range variable
      Set rng = Union(rng, FoundCell)

    'Test to see if cycled through to first found cell
      If FoundCell.Address = FirstFound Then Exit Do


'Highlight Found cells yellow

  rng.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)

  Dim fnd1 As String
  fnd1 = "Rah"
  'Condition highlighting

  Set FoundCell = myRange.FindNext(after:=FoundCell)

  If FoundCell.Value("rah") Then
      rng.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)

  ElseIf FoundCell.Value("Nav") Then

    rng.Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255)

    End If

'Report Out Message
  MsgBox rng.Cells.Count & " cell(s) were found containing: " & fnd

Exit Sub

'Error Handler
  MsgBox "No cells containing: " & fnd & " were found in this worksheet"

End Sub

Bootstrap - dropdown menu not working?

If you are using electron or other chromium frame, you have to include jquery within window explicitly by:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="local_path/jquery.js" onload="window.$ = window.jQuery = module.exports;"></script>

How to change DatePicker dialog color for Android 5.0

You don't have create theme just write it in your dialog creation object

DatePickerDialog datePicker = new DatePickerDialog(getActivity(), AlertDialog.THEME_HOLO_LIGHT,this, mYear, mMonth, mDay);

follow this it will give you all type date picker style it's really work

Correct format specifier to print pointer or address?

p is the conversion specifier to print pointers. Use this.

int a = 42;

printf("%p\n", (void *) &a);

Remember that omitting the cast is undefined behavior and that printing with p conversion specifier is done in an implementation-defined manner.

Getting values from query string in an url using AngularJS $location

Not sure if it has changed since the accepted answer was accepted, but it is possible.

$ will return an object of key-value pairs, the same pairs as the query string. A key that has no value is just stored in the object as true. In this case, the object would be:

{"test_user_bLzgB": true}

You could access this value directly with $

Example (with larger query string):

Note: Due to hashes (as it will go to, which would create a new fiddle), this fiddle will not work in browsers that do not support js history (will not work in IE <10)

As pointed out in the comments by @Naresh and @DavidTchepak, the $locationProvider also needs to be configured properly:$location#-location-service-configuration

How to export data with Oracle SQL Developer?

To export data you need to right click on your results and select export data, after which you will be asked for a specific file format such as insert, loader, or text etc. After selecting this browse your directory and select the export destination.

How to upgrade all Python packages with pip

for in a bat script

call pip freeze > requirements.txt
call powershell "(Get-Content requirements.txt) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '==', '>=' } | Set-Content requirements.txt"
call pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade

C++11 introduced a standardized memory model. What does it mean? And how is it going to affect C++ programming?

This is now a multiple-year old question, but being very popular, it's worth mentioning a fantastic resource for learning about the C++11 memory model. I see no point in summing up his talk in order to make this yet another full answer, but given this is the guy who actually wrote the standard, I think it's well worth watching the talk.

Herb Sutter has a three hour long talk about the C++11 memory model titled "atomic<> Weapons", available on the Channel9 site - part 1 and part 2. The talk is pretty technical, and covers the following topics:

  1. Optimizations, Races, and the Memory Model
  2. Ordering – What: Acquire and Release
  3. Ordering – How: Mutexes, Atomics, and/or Fences
  4. Other Restrictions on Compilers and Hardware
  5. Code Gen & Performance: x86/x64, IA64, POWER, ARM
  6. Relaxed Atomics

The talk doesn't elaborate on the API, but rather on the reasoning, background, under the hood and behind the scenes (did you know relaxed semantics were added to the standard only because POWER and ARM do not support synchronized load efficiently?).

C# Change A Button's Background Color


private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   button2.BackColor = Color.Red;


private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
   button2.Background = Brushes.Blue;

Add a column in a table in HIVE QL

You cannot add a column with a default value in Hive. You have the right syntax for adding the column ALTER TABLE test1 ADD COLUMNS (access_count1 int);, you just need to get rid of default sum(max_count). No changes to that files backing your table will happen as a result of adding the column. Hive handles the "missing" data by interpreting NULL as the value for every cell in that column.

So now your have the problem of needing to populate the column. Unfortunately in Hive you essentially need to rewrite the whole table, this time with the column populated. It may be easier to rerun your original query with the new column. Or you could add the column to the table you have now, then select all of its columns plus value for the new column.

You also have the option to always COALESCE the column to your desired default and leave it NULL for now. This option fails when you want NULL to have a meaning distinct from your desired default. It also requires you to depend on always remembering to COALESCE.

If you are very confident in your abilities to deal with the files backing Hive, you could also directly alter them to add your default. In general I would recommend against this because most of the time it will be slower and more dangerous. There might be some case where it makes sense though, so I've included this option for completeness.

Round number to nearest integer

If you need (for example) a two digit approximation for A, then int(A*100+0.5)/100.0 will do what you are looking for.

If you need three digit approximation multiply and divide by 1000 and so on.

How to find my realm file?

The correct lldb command for Xcode 7, Swift 2.2+ is po Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.path!

how to use font awesome in own css?

The spirit of Web font is to use cache as much as possible, therefore you should use CDN version between <head></head> instead of hosting yourself:

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">

Also, make sure you loaded your CSS AFTER the above line, or your custom font CSS won't work.

Reference: Font Awesome Get Started

How to use a switch case 'or' in PHP

I suggest you to go through switch (manual).

switch ($your_variable)
    case 1:
    case 2:
        echo "the value is either 1 or 2.";


Like for the value you want to execute a single statement for, you can put it without a break as as until or unless break is found. It will go on executing the code and if a break found, it will come out of the switch case.

Get a resource using getResource()

Instead of explicitly writing the class name you could use


Sending a mail from a linux shell script

Admitting you want to use some smtp server, you can do:

export SUBJECT=some_subject
export smtp=somehost:someport
export EMAIL=someaccount@somedomain
echo "some message" | mailx -s "$SUBJECT" "$EMAIL"

Change somehost, someport, and someaccount@somedomain to actual values that you would use. No encryption and no authentication is performed in this example.

Pipe subprocess standard output to a variable

To get the output of ls, use stdout=subprocess.PIPE.

>>> proc = subprocess.Popen('ls', stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> output =
>>> print output

The command cdrecord --help outputs to stderr, so you need to pipe that indstead. You should also break up the command into a list of tokens as I've done below, or the alternative is to pass the shell=True argument but this fires up a fully-blown shell which can be dangerous if you don't control the contents of the command string.

>>> proc = subprocess.Popen(['cdrecord', '--help'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> output =
>>> print output
Usage: wodim [options] track1...trackn
    -version    print version information and exit
    dev=target  SCSI target to use as CD/DVD-Recorder
    gracetime=# set the grace time before starting to write to #.

If you have a command that outputs to both stdout and stderr and you want to merge them, you can do that by piping stderr to stdout and then catching stdout.

subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

As mentioned by Chris Morgan, you should be using proc.communicate() instead of

>>> proc = subprocess.Popen(['cdrecord', '--help'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
>>> out, err = proc.communicate()
>>> print 'stdout:', out
>>> print 'stderr:', err
stderr:Usage: wodim [options] track1...trackn
    -version    print version information and exit
    dev=target  SCSI target to use as CD/DVD-Recorder
    gracetime=# set the grace time before starting to write to #.

Check if key exists in JSON object using jQuery

No need of JQuery simply you can do

 // what if this property exists.

as with any value for email will return you true, if there is no such property or that property value is null or undefined will result to false

Python: AttributeError: '_io.TextIOWrapper' object has no attribute 'split'

Try this:

 >>> f = open('goodlines.txt')
 >>> mylist = f.readlines()

open() function returns a file object. And for file object, there is no method like splitlines() or split(). You could use dir(f) to see all the methods of file object.

Understanding Spring @Autowired usage


The @Autowired annotation spares you the need to do the wiring by yourself in the XML file (or any other way) and just finds for you what needs to be injected where and does that for you.

Full explanation

The @Autowired annotation allows you to skip configurations elsewhere of what to inject and just does it for you. Assuming your package is com.mycompany.movies you have to put this tag in your XML (application context file):

<context:component-scan base-package="com.mycompany.movies" />

This tag will do an auto-scanning. Assuming each class that has to become a bean is annotated with a correct annotation like @Component (for simple bean) or @Controller (for a servlet control) or @Repository (for DAO classes) and these classes are somewhere under the package com.mycompany.movies, Spring will find all of these and create a bean for each one. This is done in 2 scans of the classes - the first time it just searches for classes that need to become a bean and maps the injections it needs to be doing, and on the second scan it injects the beans. Of course, you can define your beans in the more traditional XML file or with an @Configuration class (or any combination of the three).

The @Autowired annotation tells Spring where an injection needs to occur. If you put it on a method setMovieFinder it understands (by the prefix set + the @Autowired annotation) that a bean needs to be injected. In the second scan, Spring searches for a bean of type MovieFinder, and if it finds such bean, it injects it to this method. If it finds two such beans you will get an Exception. To avoid the Exception, you can use the @Qualifier annotation and tell it which of the two beans to inject in the following manner:

class Red implements Color {
   // Class code here

class Blue implements Color {
   // Class code here

Or if you prefer to declare the beans in your XML, it would look something like this:

<bean id="redBean" class="com.mycompany.movies.Red"/>

<bean id="blueBean" class="com.mycompany.movies.Blue"/>

In the @Autowired declaration, you need to also add the @Qualifier to tell which of the two color beans to inject:

public void setColor(Color color) {
  this.color = color;

If you don't want to use two annotations (the @Autowired and @Qualifier) you can use @Resource to combine these two:

public void setColor(Color color) {
  this.color = color;

The @Resource (you can read some extra data about it in the first comment on this answer) spares you the use of two annotations and instead, you only use one.

I'll just add two more comments:

  1. Good practice would be to use @Inject instead of @Autowired because it is not Spring-specific and is part of the JSR-330 standard.
  2. Another good practice would be to put the @Inject / @Autowired on a constructor instead of a method. If you put it on a constructor, you can validate that the injected beans are not null and fail fast when you try to start the application and avoid a NullPointerException when you need to actually use the bean.

Update: To complete the picture, I created a new question about the @Configuration class.

Checking if date is weekend PHP

The working version of your code (from the errors pointed out by BoltClock):

$date = '2011-01-01';
$timestamp = strtotime($date);
$weekday= date("l", $timestamp );
$normalized_weekday = strtolower($weekday);
echo $normalized_weekday ;
if (($normalized_weekday == "saturday") || ($normalized_weekday == "sunday")) {
    echo "true";
} else {
    echo "false";


The stray "{" is difficult to see, especially without a decent PHP editor (in my case). So I post the corrected version here.

How to use GROUP_CONCAT in a CONCAT in MySQL

select id, group_concat(`Name` separator ',') as `ColumnName`
    concat(`Name`, ':', group_concat(`Value` separator ',')) as `Name`
  from mytbl
  group by 
) tbl
group by id;

You can see it implemented here : Sql Fiddle Demo. Exactly what you need.

Update Splitting in two steps. First we get a table having all values(comma separated) against a unique[Name,id]. Then from obtained table we get all names and values as a single value against each unique id See this explained here SQL Fiddle Demo (scroll down as it has two result sets)

Edit There was a mistake in reading question, I had grouped only by id. But two group_contacts are needed if (Values are to be concatenated grouped by Name and id and then over all by id). Previous answer was

id,group_concat(concat(`name`,':',`value`) separator ',')
as Result from mytbl group by id

You can see it implemented here : SQL Fiddle Demo

Adding System.Web.Script reference in class library

You need to add a reference to System.Web.Extensions.dll in project for System.Web.Script.Serialization error.

Translating touch events from Javascript to jQuery

$(window).on("touchstart", function(ev) {
    var e = ev.originalEvent;

I know it been asked a long time ago, but I thought a concrete example might help.

Visual Studio Code - Convert spaces to tabs

  "editor.insertSpaces": true

True works for me.

About the Full Screen And No Titlebar from manifest

Another way: add windowNoTitle and windowFullscreen attributes directly to the theme (you can find styles.xml file in res/values/ directory):

<!-- Application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="AppBaseTheme">
    <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
    <item name="android:windowFullscreen">true</item>

in the manifest file, in application specify your theme

    android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >

How to clear the canvas for redrawing

If you use clearRect only, if you have it in a form to submit your drawing, you'll get a submit instead the clearing, or maybe it can be cleared first and then upload a void drawing, so you'll need to add a preventDefault at the beggining of the function:

   function clearCanvas(canvas,ctx) {
        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

<input type="button" value="Clear Sketchpad" id="clearbutton" onclick="clearCanvas(canvas,ctx);">

Hope it helps someone.

javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property 'foo' not found on type com.example.Bean

I believe the id accessors don't match the bean naming conventions and that's why the exception is thrown. They should be as follows:

public Integer getId() { return id; }    
public void setId(Integer i){ id= i; }

How do I publish a UDP Port on Docker?

Use the -p flag and add /udp suffix to the port number.

-p 53160:53160/udp

Full command

sudo docker run -p 53160:53160 \
    -p 53160:53160/udp -p 58846:58846 \ 
    -p 8112:8112 -t -i aostanin/deluge /

If you're running boot2docker on Mac, be sure to forward the same ports on boot2docker to your local machine.

You can also document that your container needs to receive UDP using EXPOSE in The Dockerfile (EXPOSE does not publish the port):

EXPOSE 8285/udp

Here is a link with more Docker Networking info covered in the container docs: (Courtesy of Old Pro in the comments)

How to resize superview to fit all subviews with autolayout?

You can do this by creating a constraint and connecting it via interface builder

See explanation: Auto_Layout_Constraints_in_Interface_Builder

raywenderlich beginning-auto-layout

AutolayoutPG Articles constraint Fundamentals

@interface ViewController : UIViewController {
    IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint *leadingSpaceConstraint;
    IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint *topSpaceConstraint;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint *leadingSpaceConstraint;

connect this Constraint outlet with your sub views Constraint or connect super views Constraint too and set it according to your requirements like this

 self.leadingSpaceConstraint.constant = 10.0;//whatever you want to assign

I hope this clarifies it.

Access all Environment properties as a Map or Properties object

Spring won't allow to decouple via java.util.Properties from Spring Environment.

But Properties.load() still works in a Spring boot application:

Properties p = new Properties();
try (InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/")) {

Best C/C++ Network Library

Aggregated List of Libraries

Opening new window in HTML for target="_blank"

To open in a new windows with dimensions and everything, you will need to call a JavaScript function, as target="_blank" won't let you adjust sizes. An example would be:

<a href="" onclick=", 'mywin',
'left=20,top=20,width=500,height=500,toolbar=1,resizable=0'); return false;" >Share this</a>

Hope this helps you.

MySQL Event Scheduler on a specific time everyday

CREATE EVENT test_event_03
   INSERT INTO messages(message,created_at)
   VALUES('Test MySQL recurring Event',NOW());

Get counts of all tables in a schema

This should do it:

    v_count integer;

    for r in (select table_name, owner from all_tables
              where owner = 'SCHEMA_NAME') 
        execute immediate 'select count(*) from ' || r.table_name 
            into v_count;
        VALUES (r.table_name,r.owner,v_count,SYSDATE);
    end loop;


I removed various bugs from your code.

Note: For the benefit of other readers, Oracle does not provide a table called STATS_TABLE, you would need to create it.

How to add multiple files to Git at the same time

Use the git add command, followed by a list of space-separated filenames. Include paths if in other directories, e.g. directory-name/file-name.

git add file-1 file-2 file-3

How to make a gui in python

If you're more into gaming you can use PyGame for GUIs.

Login to website, via C#

You can continue using WebClient to POST (instead of GET, which is the HTTP verb you're currently using with DownloadString), but I think you'll find it easier to work with the (slightly) lower-level classes WebRequest and WebResponse.

There are two parts to this - the first is to post the login form, the second is recovering the "Set-cookie" header and sending that back to the server as "Cookie" along with your GET request. The server will use this cookie to identify you from now on (assuming it's using cookie-based authentication which I'm fairly confident it is as that page returns a Set-cookie header which includes "PHPSESSID").

POSTing to the login form

Form posts are easy to simulate, it's just a case of formatting your post data as follows:


Using WebRequest and code I adapted from Scott Hanselman, here's how you'd POST form data to your login form:

string formUrl = ""; // NOTE: This is the URL the form POSTs to, not the URL of the form (you can find this in the "action" attribute of the HTML's form tag
string formParams = string.Format("email_address={0}&password={1}", "your email", "your password");
string cookieHeader;
WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(formUrl);
req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
req.Method = "POST";
byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(formParams);
req.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
using (Stream os = req.GetRequestStream())
    os.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
cookieHeader = resp.Headers["Set-cookie"];

Here's an example of what you should see in the Set-cookie header for your login form:

PHPSESSID=c4812cffcf2c45e0357a5a93c137642e; path=/;,wowmine_referer=directenter; path=/;,lang=en; path=/;,adt_usertype=other,adt_host=-

GETting the page behind the login form

Now you can perform your GET request to a page that you need to be logged in for.

string pageSource;
string getUrl = "the url of the page behind the login";
WebRequest getRequest = WebRequest.Create(getUrl);
getRequest.Headers.Add("Cookie", cookieHeader);
WebResponse getResponse = getRequest.GetResponse();
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(getResponse.GetResponseStream()))
    pageSource = sr.ReadToEnd();


If you need to view the results of the first POST, you can recover the HTML it returned with:

using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream()))
    pageSource = sr.ReadToEnd();

Place this directly below cookieHeader = resp.Headers["Set-cookie"]; and then inspect the string held in pageSource.

Limit String Length

In another way to limit a string in php and add on readmore text or like '...' using below code

if (strlen(preg_replace('#^https?://#', '', $string)) > 30) { 
    echo substr(preg_replace('#^https?://#', '', $string), 0, 35).'&hellip;'; 

Why am I getting "IndentationError: expected an indented block"?

This is just an indentation problem since Python is very strict when it comes to it.

If you are using Sublime, you can select all, click on the lower right beside 'Python' and make sure you check 'Indent using spaces' and choose your Tab Width to be consistent, then Convert Indentation to Spaces to convert all tabs to spaces.

Creating a Custom Event

You need to declare your event in the class from myObject :

public event EventHandler<EventArgs> myMethod; //you should name it as an event, like ObjectChanged.

then myNameEvent is the callback to handle the event, and it can be in any other class

How can I beautify JSON programmatically?

Programmatic formatting solution:

The JSON.stringify method supported by many modern browsers (including IE8) can output a beautified JSON string:

JSON.stringify(jsObj, null, "\t"); // stringify with tabs inserted at each level
JSON.stringify(jsObj, null, 4);    // stringify with 4 spaces at each level

This method is also included with json2.js, for supporting older browsers.

Manual formatting solution

If you don't need to do it programmatically, Try JSON Lint. Not only will it prettify your JSON, it will validate it at the same time.

How to replace NA values in a table for selected columns

For a specific column, there is an alternative with sapply

DF <- data.frame(A = letters[1:5],
             B = letters[6:10],
             C = c(2, 5, NA, 8, NA))

DF_NEW <- sapply(seq(1, nrow(DF)),
                    function(i) ifelse([i,3]) ==

DF[,3] <- DF_NEW
DF target _self v window.location.href?

window.location.href = "webpage.htm";

GridView VS GridLayout in Android Apps

A GridView is a ViewGroup that displays items in two-dimensional scrolling grid. The items in the grid come from the ListAdapter associated with this view.

This is what you'd want to use (keep using). Because a GridView gets its data from a ListAdapter, the only data loaded in memory will be the one displayed on screen. GridViews, much like ListViews reuse and recycle their views for better performance.

Whereas a GridLayout is a layout that places its children in a rectangular grid.

It was introduced in API level 14, and was recently backported in the Support Library. Its main purpose is to solve alignment and performance problems in other layouts. Check out this tutorial if you want to learn more about GridLayout.

How to hide the title bar for an Activity in XML with existing custom theme

Add this style to your style.xml file

 <style name="AppTheme.NoActionBar">
     <item name="windowActionBar">false</item>
     <item name="windowNoTitle">true</item>

After that reference this style name into your androidManifest.xml in perticular activity in which you don't want to see titlebar, as like below.

<activity android:name=".youractivityname"

Finding elements not in a list

>>> item = set([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
>>> z = set([2,3,4])
>>> print item - z
set([0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])

nginx: send all requests to a single html page

This worked for me:

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /base.html;

Better way to cast object to int

I am listing the difference in each of the casting ways. What a particular type of casting handles and it doesn't?

    // object to int
    // does not handle null
    // does not handle NAN ("102art54")
    // convert value to integar
    int intObj = (int)obj;

    // handles only null or number
    int? nullableIntObj = (int?)obj; // null
    Nullable<int> nullableIntObj1 = (Nullable<int>)obj; // null

   // best way for casting from object to nullable int
   // handles null 
   // handles other datatypes gives null("sadfsdf") // result null
    int? nullableIntObj2 = obj as int?; 

    // string to int 
    // does not handle null( throws exception)
    // does not string NAN ("102art54") (throws exception)
    // converts string to int ("26236")
    // accepts string value
    int iVal3 = int.Parse("10120"); // throws exception value cannot be null;

    // handles null converts null to 0
    // does not handle NAN ("102art54") (throws exception)
    // converts obj to int ("26236")
    int val4 = Convert.ToInt32("10120"); 

    // handle null converts null to 0
    // handle NAN ("101art54") converts null to 0
    // convert string to int ("26236")
    int number;

    bool result = int.TryParse(value, out number);

    if (result)
        // converted value
        // number o/p = 0

Escape curly brace '{' in String.Format

Use double braces {{ or }} so your code becomes:

sb.AppendLine(String.Format("public {0} {1} {{ get; private set; }}", 
prop.Type, prop.Name));

// For prop.Type of "Foo" and prop.Name of "Bar", the result would be:
// public Foo Bar { get; private set; }

What is the difference between a process and a thread?

While building an algorithm in Python (interpreted language) that incorporated multi-threading I was surprised to see that execution time was not any better when compared to the sequential algorithm I had previously built. In an effort to understand the reason for this result I did some reading, and believe what I learned offers an interesting context from which to better understand the differences between multi-threading and multi-processes.

Multi-core systems may exercise multiple threads of execution, and so Python should support multi-threading. But Python is not a compiled language and instead is an interpreted language1. This means that the program must be interpreted in order to run, and the interpreter is not aware of the program before it begins execution. What it does know, however, are the rules of Python and it then dynamically applies those rules. Optimizations in Python must then be principally optimizations of the interpreter itself, and not the code that is to be run. This is in contrast to compiled languages such as C++, and has consequences for multi-threading in Python. Specifically, Python uses the Global Interpreter Lock to manage multi-threading.

On the other hand a compiled language is, well, compiled. The program is processed "entirely", where first it is interpreted according to its syntactical definitions, then mapped to a language agnostic intermediate representation, and finally linked into an executable code. This process allows the code to be highly optimized because it is all available at the time of compilation. The various program interactions and relationships are defined at the time the executable is created and robust decisions about optimization can be made.

In modern environments Python's interpreter must permit multi-threading, and this must both be safe and efficient. This is where the difference between being an interpreted language versus a compiled language enters the picture. The interpreter must not to disturb internally shared data from different threads, while at the same time optimizing the use of processors for computations.

As has been noted in the previous posts both a process and a thread are independent sequential executions with the primary difference being that memory is shared across multiple threads of a process, while processes isolate their memory spaces.

In Python data is protected from simultaneous access by different threads by the Global Interpreter Lock. It requires that in any Python program only one thread can be executed at any time. On the other hand it is possible to run multiple processes since the memory for each process is isolated from any other process, and processes can run on multiple cores.

1 Donald Knuth has a good explanation of interpretive routines in The Art of Computer Programming: Fundamental Algorithms.

How to make scipy.interpolate give an extrapolated result beyond the input range?

The below code gives you the simple extrapolation module. k is the value to which the data set y has to be extrapolated based on the data set x. The numpy module is required.

 def extrapol(k,x,y):
        for i in range(0,length):


How to activate the Bootstrap modal-backdrop?

Just append a div with that class to body, then remove it when you're done:

// Show the backdrop
$('<div class="modal-backdrop"></div>').appendTo(document.body);

// Remove it (later)

Live Example:

$("input").click(function() {_x000D_
  var bd = $('<div class="modal-backdrop"></div>');_x000D_
  setTimeout(function() {_x000D_
  }, 2000);_x000D_
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />_x000D_
<script src="//"></script>_x000D_
<script src="//"></script>_x000D_
<p>Click the button to get the backdrop for two seconds.</p>_x000D_
<input type="button" value="Click Me">

determine DB2 text string length

Mostly we write below statement select * from table where length(ltrim(rtrim(field)))=10;

Remove HTML Tags in Javascript with Regex

<script type="text/javascript">
function striptag(){
var html = /(<([^>]+)>)/gi;
for (i=0; i < arguments.length; i++)
arguments[i].value=arguments[i].value.replace(html, "")
       <form name="myform">
<textarea class="comment" title="comment" name=comment rows=4 cols=40></textarea><br>
<input type="button" value="Remove HTML Tags" onClick="striptag(this.form.comment)">

jQuery: Load Modal Dialog Contents via Ajax

Check out this blog post from Nemikor, which should do what you want.

Basically, before calling 'open', you 'load' the content from the other page first.

jQuery('#dialog').load('path to my page').dialog('open'); 

Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview

Thank you so much for that class, Cristian.

I made a minor tweak to it so that the custom loading view is optional, like so:

    public View getVideoLoadingProgressView() // Video will start loading, only called in the case of VideoView (typically API level 10-)
        if (loadingView == null)
            return super.getVideoLoadingProgressView();
            return loadingView;

I also added a new constructor that just takes two parameters. Anyway, just a minor simplification if you don't need the loading view. Thanks again for providing this.

PHP: Inserting Values from the Form into MySQL

When you click the Button

        $sql = "INSERT INTO `members`(`id`, `membership_id`, `email`, `first_name`)
        VALUES ('".$_POST["id"]."','".$_POST["membership_id"]."','".$_POST["email"]."','".$_POST["firstname"]."')";
    **if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
        echo "New record created successfully";
    } else {
        echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;

This will execute the Query in the variable $sql

    if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
        echo "New record created successfully";
    } else {
        echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;

How to set username and password for SmtpClient object in .NET?

Since not all of my clients use authenticated SMTP accounts, I resorted to using the SMTP account only if app key values are supplied in web.config file.

Here is the VB code:

sSMTPUser = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("SMTPUser")
sSMTPPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("SMTPPassword")

If sSMTPUser.Trim.Length > 0 AndAlso sSMTPPassword.Trim.Length > 0 Then
    NetClient.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(sSMTPUser, sSMTPPassword)

    sUsingCredentialMesg = "(Using Authenticated Account) " 'used for logging purposes
End If


Converting an integer to binary in C

Result in string

The following function converts an integer to binary in a string (n is the number of bits):

// Convert an integer to binary (in a string)
void int2bin(unsigned integer, char* binary, int n=8)
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++)   
    binary[i] = (integer & (int)1<<(n-i-1)) ? '1' : '0';

Test online on

Source : AnsWiki.

Result in string with memory allocation

The following function converts an integer to binary in a string and allocate memory for the string (n is the number of bits):

// Convert an integer to binary (in a string)
char* int2bin(unsigned integer, int n=8)
  char* binary = (char*)malloc(n+1);
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++)   
    binary[i] = (integer & (int)1<<(n-i-1)) ? '1' : '0';
  return binary;

This option allows you to write something like printf ("%s", int2bin(78)); but be careful, memory allocated for the string must be free later.

Test online on

Source : AnsWiki.

Result in unsigned int

The following function converts an integer to binary in another integer (8 bits maximum):

// Convert an integer to binary (in an unsigned)
unsigned int int_to_int(unsigned int k) {
    return (k == 0 || k == 1 ? k : ((k % 2) + 10 * int_to_int(k / 2)));

Test online on

Display result

The following function displays the binary conversion

// Convert an integer to binary and display the result
void int2bin(unsigned integer, int n=8)
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++)   
    putchar ( (integer & (int)1<<(n-i-1)) ? '1' : '0' );

Test online on

Source : AnsWiki.

How can I disable mod_security in .htaccess file?

Just to update this question for mod_security 2.7.0+ - they turned off the ability to mitigate modsec via htaccess unless you compile it with the --enable-htaccess-config flag. Most hosts do not use this compiler option since it allows too lax security. Instead, vhosts in httpd.conf are your go-to option for controlling modsec.

Even if you do compile modsec with htaccess mitigation, there are less directives available. SecRuleEngine can no longer be used there for example. Here is a list that is available to use by default in htaccess if allowed (keep in mind a host may further limit this list with AllowOverride):

    - SecAction
    - SecRule

    - SecRuleRemoveByMsg
    - SecRuleRemoveByTag
    - SecRuleRemoveById

    - SecRuleUpdateActionById
    - SecRuleUpdateTargetById
    - SecRuleUpdateTargetByTag
    - SecRuleUpdateTargetByMsg

More info on the official modsec wiki

As an additional note for 2.x users: the IfModule should now look for mod_security2.c instead of the older mod_security.c

Is it ok to use `any?` to check if an array is not empty?

I don't think it's bad to use any? at all. I use it a lot. It's clear and concise.

However if you are concerned about all nil values throwing it off, then you are really asking if the array has size > 0. In that case, this dead simple extension (NOT optimized, monkey-style) would get you close.

Object.class_eval do

  def size?
    respond_to?(:size) && size > 0


> "foo".size?
 => true
> "".size?
 => false
> " ".size?
 => true
> [].size?
 => false
> [11,22].size?
 => true
> [nil].size?
 => true

This is fairly descriptive, logically asking "does this object have a size?". And it's concise, and it doesn't require ActiveSupport. And it's easy to build on.

Some extras to think about:

  1. This is not the same as present? from ActiveSupport.
  2. You might want a custom version for String, that ignores whitespace (like present? does).
  3. You might want the name length? for String or other types where it might be more descriptive.
  4. You might want it custom for Integer and other Numeric types, so that a logical zero returns false.

How to select all elements with a particular ID in jQuery?

Try this for selecting div by first id


Retrofit 2 - URL Query Parameter

 public interface IService { 

  String BASE_URL = "";

  @GET("Login") //i.e 
  Call<Products> getUserDetails(@Query("email") String emailID, @Query("password") String password)


It will be called this way. Considering you did the rest of the code already.

Call<Results> call = service.getUserDetails("[email protected]", "Password@123");

For example when a query is returned, it will look like this.[email protected]&password=Password@123

What is fastest children() or find() in jQuery?

None of the other answers dealt with the case of using .children() or .find(">") to only search for immediate children of a parent element. So, I created a jsPerf test to find out, using three different ways to distinguish children.

As it happens, even when using the extra ">" selector, .find() is still a lot faster than .children(); on my system, 10x so.

So, from my perspective, there does not appear to be much reason to use the filtering mechanism of .children() at all.

MySQL delete multiple rows in one query conditions unique to each row

A slight extension to the answer given, so, hopefully useful to the asker and anyone else looking.

You can also SELECT the values you want to delete. But watch out for the Error 1093 - You can't specify the target table for update in FROM clause.

    (branchID, action) IN (
        GROUP BY
            COUNT(*) > 10000
        ) a

I wanted to delete all history records where the number of history records for a single action/branch exceed 10,000. And thanks to this question and chosen answer, I can.

Hope this is of use.


Best way to represent a fraction in Java?

  • It's kinda pointless without arithmetic methods like add() and multiply(), etc.
  • You should definitely override equals() and hashCode().
  • You should either add a method to normalize the fraction, or do it automatically. Think about whether you want 1/2 and 2/4 to be considered the same or not - this has implications for the equals(), hashCode() and compareTo() methods.

FB OpenGraph og:image not pulling images (possibly https?)

In my case, it seems that the crawler is just having a bug. I've tried:

  • Changing links to http only
  • Removing end white space
  • Switching back to http completely
  • Reinstalling the website
  • Installing a bunch of OG plugins (I use WordPress)
  • Suspecting the server has a weird misconfiguration that blocks the bots (because all the OG checkers are unable to fetch tags, and other requests to my sites are unstable)

None of these works. This costed me a week. And suddenly out of nowhere it seems to work again.

Here are my research, if someone meets this problem again:

Also, there are more checkers other than the Facebook's Object Debugger for you to check:, Abhinay Rathore's Open Graph Tester, Iframely's Embed Codes, Card Validator | Twitter Developers.

WordPress asking for my FTP credentials to install plugins

I changed the ownership of the wordpress folder to www-data recursively and restarted apache.

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data <folderpath>

It worked like a charm!

Tesseract OCR simple example

In my case I had all these worked except for the correct character recognition.

But you need to consider these few things:

  • Use correct tessnet2 library
  • use correct tessdata language version
  • tessdata should be somewhere out of your application folder where you can put in full path in the init parameter. use ocr.Init(@"c:\tessdata", "eng", true);
  • Debugging will cause you headache. Then you need to update your app.config use this. (I can't put the xml code here. give me your email i will email it to you)

hope that this helps

Running stages in parallel with Jenkins workflow / pipeline

As @Quartz mentioned, you can do something like

stage('Tests') {
        'Unit Tests': {
            container('node') {
                sh("npm test --cat=unit")
        'API Tests': {
            container('node') {
                sh("npm test --cat=acceptance")

How to connect to a remote Windows machine to execute commands using python?

For connection

c=wmi.WMI('machine name',user='username',password='password')

#this connects to remote system. c is wmi object

for commands

process_id, return_value = c.Win32_Process.Create(CommandLine="cmd.exe /c  <your command>")

#this will execute commands

Find the IP address of the client in an SSH session

 who | cut -d"(" -f2 |cut -d")" -f1

Only on Firefox "Loading failed for the <script> with source"

I've just had the same issue - for me Privacy Badger on Firefox was the issue - not adblocker. Posting for posterity

How to detect IE11?

Use !(window.ActiveXObject) && "ActiveXObject" in window to detect IE11 explicitly.

To detect any IE (pre-Edge, "Trident") version, use "ActiveXObject" in window instead.

Convert command line arguments into an array in Bash

Here is another usage :

array=( "$@" )
for (( i=0; i<${arraylength}; i++ ));
   echo "${array[$i]}"

Generating statistics from Git repository

I tried, starts are very interesting.

Once git clone git:// is done, go to that folder and say gitstats <git repo location> <report output folder> (create a new folder for report as this generates lots of files)

Here is a quick list of stats from this:

  • activity
    • hour of the day
    • day of week
  • authors
    • List of Authors
    • Author of Month
    • Author of Year
  • files
    • File count by date
    • Extensions
  • lines
    • Lines of Code
  • tags

Output array to CSV in Ruby

Building on @boulder_ruby's answer, this is what I'm looking for, assuming us_eco contains the CSV table as from my gist.'outfile.txt','wb', col_sep: "\t") do |csvfile|
  csvfile << us_eco.first.keys
  us_eco.each do |row|
    csvfile << row.values

Updated the gist at

Convert integer to string Jinja

I found the answer.

Cast integer to string:


Cast string to integer:


How do I create a new branch?

Branches in SVN are essentially directories; you don't name the branch so much as choose the name of the directory to branch into.

The common way of 'naming' a branch is to place it under a directory called branches in your repository. In the "To URL:" portion of TortoiseSVN's Branch dialog, you would therefore enter something like:


The main branch of a project is referred to as the trunk, and is usually located in:


Creating a chart in Excel that ignores #N/A or blank cells

While this is an old post, I recently came across it when I was looking for a solution to the same issue. While the above solutions do prevent charts from plotting data (when source cells are #N/A or made to look blank), it doesn't resolve the issue of the chart data labels themselves still showing a zero label.

I had searched and searched and almost given up, when I came across the solution posted online @

It worked liked a charm. Attached is an image showing an example of how the data (labels) displayed before, Chart#1, and how it displays using this tip chart#2.

enter image description here

How do I calculate the date in JavaScript three months prior to today?

To make things really simple you can use DateJS, a date library for JavaScript:

Example code for you:{ months: -1 });

How to programmatically modify WCF app.config endpoint address setting?

see if you are placing the client section in the correct web.config file. SharePoint has around 6 to 7 config files. (

Post this you can simply try

ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient("ServiceSOAP");

Setting the zoom level for a MKMapView

Here, I put my answer and its working for swift 4.2.

MKMapView center and zoom in

System.Drawing.Image to stream C#

public static Stream ToStream(this Image image)
     var stream = new MemoryStream();

     image.Save(stream, image.RawFormat);
     stream.Position = 0;

     return stream;

How to sort an array of integers correctly

TypeScript variant

const compareNumbers = (a: number, b: number): number => a - b


How to merge two arrays in JavaScript and de-duplicate items

If you're purely using underscore.js, it doesn't have unionWith, unionBy

you can try out : _.uniq(_.union(arr1, arr2), (obj) => obj.key) ( key is the key param of each object ) this should help to get unique after union of both arrays.

Delete all data rows from an Excel table (apart from the first)

I wanted to keep the formulas in place, which the above code did not do.

Here's what I've been doing, note that this leaves one empty row in the table.

Sub DeleteTableRows(ByRef Table As ListObject, KeepFormulas as boolean)

On Error Resume Next

if not KeepFormulas then
end if


On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

(PS don't ask me why!)

How to update PATH variable permanently from Windows command line?

In a corporate network, where the user has only limited access and uses portable apps, there are these command line tricks:

  1. Query the user env variables: reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment". Use "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" for LOCAL_MACHINE.
  2. Add new user env variable: reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment" /v shared_dir /d "c:\shared" /t REG_SZ. Use REG_EXPAND_SZ for paths containing other %% variables.
  3. Delete existing env variable: reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment" /v shared_dir.

Authenticating in PHP using LDAP through Active Directory

I do this simply by passing the user credentials to ldap_bind().

If the account can bind to LDAP, it's valid; if it can't, it's not. If all you're doing is authentication (not account management), I don't see the need for a library.

MySQL error #1054 - Unknown column in 'Field List'

I had this error aswell.

I am working in mysql workbench. When giving the values they have to be inside "". That solved it for me.

Change package name for Android in React Native

Follow the simple steps to rename your app name and Package name in case you have not made any custom changes in android folder(ie. scenario where u just initialized the project)

  1. Simply change the name in the package.json file as you need and save it.
  2. Remove the folder named android
  3. run the command react-native upgrade

Note:As ivoteje50 mentioned in comment,Don't remove the android folder if you have already followed the official instructions to generate a keystore, since it will remove the keystore and you cannot sign a new app again.

What's the difference between StaticResource and DynamicResource in WPF?

StaticResource will be resolved on object construction.
DynamicResource will be evaluated and resolved every time control needs the resource.

What is IPV6 for localhost and

The ipv6 localhost is ::1. The unspecified address is ::. This is defined in RFC 4291 section 2.5.

Returning IEnumerable<T> vs. IQueryable<T>

There is a blog post with brief source code sample about how misuse of IEnumerable<T> can dramatically impact LINQ query performance: Entity Framework: IQueryable vs. IEnumerable.

If we dig deeper and look into the sources, we can see that there are obviously different extension methods are perfomed for IEnumerable<T>:

// Type: System.Linq.Enumerable
// Assembly: System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
// Assembly location: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\System.Core.dll
public static class Enumerable
    public static IEnumerable<TSource> Where<TSource>(
        this IEnumerable<TSource> source, 
        Func<TSource, bool> predicate)
        return (IEnumerable<TSource>) 
            new Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator<TSource>(source, predicate);

and IQueryable<T>:

// Type: System.Linq.Queryable
// Assembly: System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
// Assembly location: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\System.Core.dll
public static class Queryable
    public static IQueryable<TSource> Where<TSource>(
        this IQueryable<TSource> source, 
        Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate)
        return source.Provider.CreateQuery<TSource>(
                ((MethodInfo) MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod()).MakeGenericMethod(
                    new Type[] { typeof(TSource) }), 
                    new Expression[] 
                        { source.Expression, Expression.Quote(predicate) }));

The first one returns enumerable iterator, and the second one creates query through the query provider, specified in IQueryable source.

Using ng-click vs bind within link function of Angular Directive

You may use a controller in directive:

angular.module('app', [])
  .directive('appClick', function(){
     return {
       restrict: 'A',
       scope: true,
       template: '<button ng-click="click()">Click me</button> Clicked {{clicked}} times',
       controller: function($scope, $element){
         $scope.clicked = 0;
         $ = function(){

Demo on plunkr

More about directives in Angular guide. And very helpfull for me was videos from official Angular blog post About those directives.

Append String in Swift

According to Swift 4 Documentation, String values can be added together (or concatenated) with the addition operator (+) to create a new String value:

let string1 = "hello"
let string2 = " there"
var welcome = string1 + string2
// welcome now equals "hello there"

You can also append a String value to an existing String variable with the addition assignment operator (+=):

var instruction = "look over"
instruction += string2
// instruction now equals "look over there"

You can append a Character value to a String variable with the String type’s append() method:

let exclamationMark: Character = "!"
// welcome now equals "hello there!"

String MinLength and MaxLength validation don't work ( mvc)

MaxLength is used for the Entity Framework to decide how large to make a string value field when it creates the database.

From MSDN:

Specifies the maximum length of array or string data allowed in a property.

StringLength is a data annotation that will be used for validation of user input.

From MSDN:

Specifies the minimum and maximum length of characters that are allowed in a data field.

Non Customized

Use [String Length]

[RegularExpression(@"^.{3,}$", ErrorMessage = "Minimum 3 characters required")]
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Required")]
[StringLength(30, MinimumLength = 3, ErrorMessage = "Maximum 30 characters")]

30 is the Max Length
Minimum length = 3

Customized StringLengthAttribute Class

public class MyStringLengthAttribute : StringLengthAttribute
    public MyStringLengthAttribute(int maximumLength)
        : base(maximumLength)

    public override bool IsValid(object value)
        string val = Convert.ToString(value);
        if (val.Length < base.MinimumLength)
            base.ErrorMessage = "Minimum length should be 3";
        if (val.Length > base.MaximumLength)
            base.ErrorMessage = "Maximum length should be 6";
        return base.IsValid(value);

public class MyViewModel
    [MyStringLength(6, MinimumLength = 3)]
    public String MyProperty { get; set; }

Bundle ID Suffix? What is it?

The bundle identifier is an ID for your application used by the system as a domain for which it can store settings and reference your application uniquely.

It is represented in reverse DNS notation and it is recommended that you use your company name and application name to create it.

An example bundle ID for an App called The Best App by a company called Awesome Apps would look like:


In this case the suffix is thebestapp.

How do I line up 3 divs on the same row?

2019 answer:

Using CSS grid:

.parent {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
  grid-template-rows: 1fr;