[javascript] if statement in ng-click

Is there a way to put a condition inside an ng-click? Here, I want that the form is not submitted if there are any form errors, but then I got a parse exception.

 <input  ng-click="{{if(profileForm.$valid) updateMyProfile()}}" name="submit" id="submit" value="Save" class="submit" type="submit">

I tried to use ng-disabled but then my validation plugin does not work cause form is never submitted at all, so it is not triggered.

This question is related to javascript angularjs

The answer is

Don't put any Condition Expression in Template.

Do it at the Controller.


<input ng-click="check(profileForm.$valid)" name="submit" 
       id="submit" value="Save" class="submit" type="submit">


$scope.check = function(value) {
    if (value) {

You can put conditionals inside tags. Try:


This maybe irrelevant and of no use, but as it's javascript, you don't have to use the ternary as suggested above in the ng-click statement. You should also be able to use the lazy evaluation ("or die") syntax as well. So for your example above:

<input  ng-click="{{if(profileForm.$valid) updateMyProfile()}}" name="submit" id="submit" value="Save" class="submit" type="submit">

would become:

<input  ng-click="profileForm.$valid && updateMyProfile()" name="submit" id="submit" value="Save" class="submit" type="submit">

In this case, if the profile is not valid then nothing happens, otherwise, updateMyProfile() is called. Like in the link @falinsky provides above.

Here's a hack I discovered that might work for you, although its not pretty and I'd personally be embarrassed to use such a line of code:

ng-click="profileForm.$valid ? updateMyProfile() : alert('failed')"

Now, you must be thinking 'but I don't want it to alert("failed") if my profileForm isn't valid. Well that's the ugly part. For me, no matter what I put in the else clause of this ternary statement doesn't get executed ever.

Yet if its removed an error is thrown. So you can just stuff it with a pointless alert.
I told you it was ugly... but I don't even get any errors when I do something like this.
The proper way to do this is as Chen-Tsu mentioned, but to each their own.

We can add ng-click event conditionally without using disabled class.


  <input ng-click="profileForm.$valid && updateMyProfile()" name="submit" id="submit" value="Save" class="submit" type="submit">

If you do have to do it this way, here's a few ways of doing it:

Disabling the button with ng-disabled

By far the easiest solution.

<input ng-disabled="!profileForm.$valid" ng-click="updateMyProfile()" ... >

Hiding the button (and showing something else) with ng-if

Might be OK if you're showing/hiding some complex markup.

<div ng-if="profileForm.$valid">
    <input ng-click="updateMyProfile()" ... >
<div ng-if="!profileForm.$valid">
    Sorry! We need all form fields properly filled out to continue.

(remember, there's no ng-else ...)

A mix of both

Communicating to the user where the button is (he won't look for it any longer), but explain why it can't be clicked.

<input ng-disabled="!profileForm.$valid" ng-click="updateMyProfile()" ... >
<div ng-if="!profileForm.$valid">
    Sorry! We need all form fields properly filled out to continue.

Write as

<input type="submit" ng-click="profileForm.$valid==true?updateMyProfile():''" name="submit" value="Save" class="submit" id="submit">

From http://php.quicoto.com/inline-ifelse-statement-ngclick-angularjs/, this is how you do it, if you really have to:

ng-click="variable = (condition=='X' ? 'Y' : 'X')"