Programs & Examples On #Listcollectionview

A ListCollectionView is a specialized data view that the WPF internals create whenever a collection is used as a binding source and the collection itself inherits from the IList interface.

Access parent DataContext from DataTemplate

Yes, you can solve it using the ElementName=Something as suggested by Juve.


If a child element (on which you use this kind of binding) is a user control which uses the same element name as you specify in the parent control, then the binding goes to the wrong object!!

I know this post is not a solution but I thought everyone who uses the ElementName in the binding should know this, since it's a possible runtime bug.

<UserControl x:Class="MyNiceControl"
   the content ...

<UserControl x:Class="AnotherUserControl">
        <ListView x:Name="TheSameName">
                    <MyNiceControl Width="{Binding DataContext.Width, ElementName=TheSameName}" />

Correct way of using log4net (logger naming)

Regarding how you log messages within code, I would opt for the second approach:

ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Bar));

Where messages sent to the log above will be 'named' using the fully-qualifed type Bar, e.g.

MyNamespace.Foo.Bar [INFO] message

The advantage of this approach is that it is the de-facto standard for organising logging, it also allows you to filter your log messages by namespace. For example, you can specify that you want to log INFO level message, but raise the logging level for Bar specifically to DEBUG:

    <!-- appenders go here -->
        <level value="INFO" />
        <appender-ref ref="myLogAppender" />

    <logger name="MyNamespace.Foo.Bar">
        <level value="DEBUG" />

The ability to filter your logging via name is a powerful feature of log4net, if you simply log all your messages to "myLog", you loose much of this power!

Regarding the EPiServer CMS, you should be able to use the above approach to specify a different logging level for the CMS and your own code.

For further reading, here is a codeproject article I wrote on logging:

How to scroll UITableView to specific position

it should work using - (void)scrollToRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath atScrollPosition:(UITableViewScrollPosition)scrollPosition animated:(BOOL)animated using it this way:

NSIndexPath *indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0];
[yourTableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath 

atScrollPosition could take any of these values:

typedef enum {
} UITableViewScrollPosition;

I hope this helps you


What Ruby IDE do you prefer?

On Mac OS X, TextMate is a godsend.

How to integrate Dart into a Rails app

If you run pub build --mode=debug the build directory contains the application without symlinks. The Dart code should be retained when --mode=debug is used.

Here is some discussion going on about this topic too Dart and it's place in Rails Assets Pipeline

How do I compare two strings in python?

If you just need to check if the two strings are exactly same,

text1 = 'apple'

text2 = 'apple'

text1 == text2

The result will be


If you need the matching percentage,

import difflib

text1 = 'Since 1958.'

text2 = 'Since 1958'

output = str(int(difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, text1, text2).ratio()*100))

Matching percentage output will be,


Why would one mark local variables and method parameters as "final" in Java?

Making a parameter final guarantees that the value used at any location in the method refers to the value passed. Otherwise you have to parse mentally all the code above a given location to know what value the parameter has at that point.

Hence, not using final makes your code less readable, and maintainable, all by itself :)

Final local variables depend on intent, and is less important in my point of view. Depends on what goes on.

How to execute multiple commands in a single line

Googling gives me this:

Command A & Command B

Execute Command A, then execute Command B (no evaluation of anything)

Command A | Command B

Execute Command A, and redirect all its output into the input of Command B

Command A && Command B

Execute Command A, evaluate the errorlevel after running and if the exit code (errorlevel) is 0, only then execute Command B

Command A || Command B

Execute Command A, evaluate the exit code of this command and if it's anything but 0, only then execute Command B

Disable EditText blinking cursor

Perfect Solution that goes further to the goal

Goal: Disable the blinking curser when EditText is not in focus, and enable the blinking curser when EditText is in focus. Below also opens keyboard when EditText is clicked, and hides it when you press done in the keyboard.

1) Set in your xml under your EditText:


2) Set onClickListener:


OnClickListener editTextClickListener = new OnClickListener() 


    public void onClick(View v) 
         if (v.getId() == iEditText.getId()) 


3) then onCreate, capture the event when done is pressed using OnEditorActionListener to your EditText, and then setCursorVisible(false).


iEditText.setOnEditorActionListener(new OnEditorActionListener() {

            public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId,
                    KeyEvent event) {
                if (event != null&& (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER)) {
                    InputMethodManager in = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
                return false;

1114 (HY000): The table is full

You will also get the same error ERROR 1114 (HY000): The table '#sql-310a_8867d7f' is full

if you try to add an index to a table that is using the storage engine MEMORY.

How to make Bootstrap carousel slider use mobile left/right swipe

Checked solution is not accurate, sometimes mouse-right-click triggers right-swipe. after trying different plugins for swipe i found an almost perfect one.


i said "almost" because this plugin does not support future elements. so we would have to reinitialize the swipe call when the swipe content is changed by ajax or something. this plugin have lots of options to play with touch events like multi-finger-touch,pinch etc.

solution 1 :

$("#myCarousel").swipe( {
            swipe:function(event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount, fingerData) {

                }else if(direction=='right'){


solution 2:(for future element case)

function addSwipeTo(selector){
            $(selector).swipe( {
                swipe:function(event, direction, distance, duration, fingerCount, fingerData) {
                    }else if(direction=='right'){

How do I tell if a variable has a numeric value in Perl?

rexep not perfect... this is:

use Try::Tiny;

sub is_numeric {
  my ($x) = @_;
  my $numeric = 1;
  try {
    use warnings FATAL => qw/numeric/;
    0 + $x;
  catch {
    $numeric = 0;
  return $numeric;

ipython notebook clear cell output in code

You can use IPython.display.clear_output to clear the output of a cell.

from IPython.display import clear_output

for i in range(10):
    print("Hello World!")

At the end of this loop you will only see one Hello World!.

Without a code example it's not easy to give you working code. Probably buffering the latest n events is a good strategy. Whenever the buffer changes you can clear the cell's output and print the buffer again.

Insert the same fixed value into multiple rows

The SQL you need is:

Update table set table_column = "test";

The SQL you posted creates a new row rather than updating existing rows.

Is there a constraint that restricts my generic method to numeric types?

If you are using .NET 4.0 and later then you can just use dynamic as method argument and check in runtime that the passed dynamic argument type is numeric/integer type.

If the type of the passed dynamic is not numeric/integer type then throw exception.

An example short code that implements the idea is something like:

using System;
public class InvalidArgumentException : Exception
    public InvalidArgumentException(string message) : base(message) {}
public class InvalidArgumentTypeException : InvalidArgumentException
    public InvalidArgumentTypeException(string message) : base(message) {}
public class ArgumentTypeNotIntegerException : InvalidArgumentTypeException
    public ArgumentTypeNotIntegerException(string message) : base(message) {}
public static class Program
    private static bool IntegerFunction(dynamic n)
        if (n.GetType() != typeof(Int16) &&
            n.GetType() != typeof(Int32) &&
            n.GetType() != typeof(Int64) &&
            n.GetType() != typeof(UInt16) &&
            n.GetType() != typeof(UInt32) &&
            n.GetType() != typeof(UInt64))
            throw new ArgumentTypeNotIntegerException("argument type is not integer type");
        //code that implements IntegerFunction goes here
    private static void Main()
         Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction(0)); //Compiles, no run time error and first line of output buffer is either "True" or "False" depends on the code that implements "Program.IntegerFunction" static method.
         Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction("string")); //Also compiles but it is run time error and exception of type "ArgumentTypeNotIntegerException" is thrown here.
         Console.WriteLine("This is the last Console.WriteLine output"); //Never reached and executed due the run time error and the exception thrown on the second line of Program.Main static method.

Of course that this solution works in run time only but never in compile time.

If you want a solution that always works in compile time and never in run time then you will have to wrap the dynamic with a public struct/class whose overloaded public constructors accept arguments of the desired types only and give the struct/class appropriate name.

It makes sense that the wrapped dynamic is always private member of the class/struct and it is the only member of the struct/class and the name of the only member of the struct/class is "value".

You will also have to define and implement public methods and/or operators that work with the desired types for the private dynamic member of the class/struct if necessary.

It also makes sense that the struct/class has special/unique constructor that accepts dynamic as argument that initializes it's only private dynamic member called "value" but the modifier of this constructor is private of course.

Once the class/struct is ready define the argument's type of IntegerFunction to be that class/struct that has been defined.

An example long code that implements the idea is something like:

using System;
public struct Integer
    private dynamic value;
    private Integer(dynamic n) { this.value = n; }
    public Integer(Int16 n) { this.value = n; }
    public Integer(Int32 n) { this.value = n; }
    public Integer(Int64 n) { this.value = n; }
    public Integer(UInt16 n) { this.value = n; }
    public Integer(UInt32 n) { this.value = n; }
    public Integer(UInt64 n) { this.value = n; }
    public Integer(Integer n) { this.value = n.value; }
    public static implicit operator Int16(Integer n) { return n.value; }
    public static implicit operator Int32(Integer n) { return n.value; }
    public static implicit operator Int64(Integer n) { return n.value; }
    public static implicit operator UInt16(Integer n) { return n.value; }
    public static implicit operator UInt32(Integer n) { return n.value; }
    public static implicit operator UInt64(Integer n) { return n.value; }
    public static Integer operator +(Integer x, Int16 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); }
    public static Integer operator +(Integer x, Int32 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); }
    public static Integer operator +(Integer x, Int64 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); }
    public static Integer operator +(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); }
    public static Integer operator +(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); }
    public static Integer operator +(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return new Integer(x.value + y); }
    public static Integer operator -(Integer x, Int16 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); }
    public static Integer operator -(Integer x, Int32 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); }
    public static Integer operator -(Integer x, Int64 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); }
    public static Integer operator -(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); }
    public static Integer operator -(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); }
    public static Integer operator -(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return new Integer(x.value - y); }
    public static Integer operator *(Integer x, Int16 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); }
    public static Integer operator *(Integer x, Int32 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); }
    public static Integer operator *(Integer x, Int64 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); }
    public static Integer operator *(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); }
    public static Integer operator *(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); }
    public static Integer operator *(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return new Integer(x.value * y); }
    public static Integer operator /(Integer x, Int16 y) { return new Integer(x.value / y); }
    public static Integer operator /(Integer x, Int32 y) { return new Integer(x.value / y); }
    public static Integer operator /(Integer x, Int64 y) { return new Integer(x.value / y); }
    public static Integer operator /(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return new Integer(x.value / y); }
    public static Integer operator /(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return new Integer(x.value / y); }
    public static Integer operator /(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return new Integer(x.value / y); }
    public static Integer operator %(Integer x, Int16 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); }
    public static Integer operator %(Integer x, Int32 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); }
    public static Integer operator %(Integer x, Int64 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); }
    public static Integer operator %(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); }
    public static Integer operator %(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); }
    public static Integer operator %(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return new Integer(x.value % y); }
    public static Integer operator +(Integer x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x.value + y.value); }
    public static Integer operator -(Integer x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x.value - y.value); }
    public static Integer operator *(Integer x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x.value * y.value); }
    public static Integer operator /(Integer x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x.value / y.value); }
    public static Integer operator %(Integer x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x.value % y.value); }
    public static bool operator ==(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value == y; }
    public static bool operator !=(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value != y; }
    public static bool operator ==(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value == y; }
    public static bool operator !=(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value != y; }
    public static bool operator ==(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value == y; }
    public static bool operator !=(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value != y; }
    public static bool operator ==(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value == y; }
    public static bool operator !=(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value != y; }
    public static bool operator ==(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value == y; }
    public static bool operator !=(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value != y; }
    public static bool operator ==(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value == y; }
    public static bool operator !=(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value != y; }
    public static bool operator ==(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value == y.value; }
    public static bool operator !=(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value != y.value; }
    public override bool Equals(object obj) { return this == (Integer)obj; }
    public override int GetHashCode() { return this.value.GetHashCode(); }
    public override string ToString() { return this.value.ToString(); }
    public static bool operator >(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value > y; }
    public static bool operator <(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value < y; }
    public static bool operator >(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value > y; }
    public static bool operator <(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value < y; }
    public static bool operator >(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value > y; }
    public static bool operator <(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value < y; }
    public static bool operator >(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value > y; }
    public static bool operator <(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value < y; }
    public static bool operator >(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value > y; }
    public static bool operator <(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value < y; }
    public static bool operator >(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value > y; }
    public static bool operator <(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value < y; }
    public static bool operator >(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value > y.value; }
    public static bool operator <(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value < y.value; }
    public static bool operator >=(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value >= y; }
    public static bool operator <=(Integer x, Int16 y) { return x.value <= y; }
    public static bool operator >=(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value >= y; }
    public static bool operator <=(Integer x, Int32 y) { return x.value <= y; }
    public static bool operator >=(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value >= y; }
    public static bool operator <=(Integer x, Int64 y) { return x.value <= y; }
    public static bool operator >=(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value >= y; }
    public static bool operator <=(Integer x, UInt16 y) { return x.value <= y; }
    public static bool operator >=(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value >= y; }
    public static bool operator <=(Integer x, UInt32 y) { return x.value <= y; }
    public static bool operator >=(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value >= y; }
    public static bool operator <=(Integer x, UInt64 y) { return x.value <= y; }
    public static bool operator >=(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value >= y.value; }
    public static bool operator <=(Integer x, Integer y) { return x.value <= y.value; }
    public static Integer operator +(Int16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); }
    public static Integer operator +(Int32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); }
    public static Integer operator +(Int64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); }
    public static Integer operator +(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); }
    public static Integer operator +(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); }
    public static Integer operator +(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x + y.value); }
    public static Integer operator -(Int16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); }
    public static Integer operator -(Int32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); }
    public static Integer operator -(Int64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); }
    public static Integer operator -(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); }
    public static Integer operator -(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); }
    public static Integer operator -(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x - y.value); }
    public static Integer operator *(Int16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); }
    public static Integer operator *(Int32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); }
    public static Integer operator *(Int64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); }
    public static Integer operator *(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); }
    public static Integer operator *(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); }
    public static Integer operator *(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x * y.value); }
    public static Integer operator /(Int16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x / y.value); }
    public static Integer operator /(Int32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x / y.value); }
    public static Integer operator /(Int64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x / y.value); }
    public static Integer operator /(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x / y.value); }
    public static Integer operator /(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x / y.value); }
    public static Integer operator /(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x / y.value); }
    public static Integer operator %(Int16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); }
    public static Integer operator %(Int32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); }
    public static Integer operator %(Int64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); }
    public static Integer operator %(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); }
    public static Integer operator %(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); }
    public static Integer operator %(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return new Integer(x % y.value); }
    public static bool operator ==(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; }
    public static bool operator !=(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; }
    public static bool operator ==(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; }
    public static bool operator !=(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; }
    public static bool operator ==(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; }
    public static bool operator !=(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; }
    public static bool operator ==(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; }
    public static bool operator !=(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; }
    public static bool operator ==(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; }
    public static bool operator !=(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; }
    public static bool operator ==(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x == y.value; }
    public static bool operator !=(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x != y.value; }
    public static bool operator >(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; }
    public static bool operator <(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; }
    public static bool operator >(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; }
    public static bool operator <(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; }
    public static bool operator >(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; }
    public static bool operator <(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; }
    public static bool operator >(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; }
    public static bool operator <(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; }
    public static bool operator >(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; }
    public static bool operator <(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; }
    public static bool operator >(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x > y.value; }
    public static bool operator <(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x < y.value; }
    public static bool operator >=(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; }
    public static bool operator <=(Int16 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; }
    public static bool operator >=(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; }
    public static bool operator <=(Int32 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; }
    public static bool operator >=(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; }
    public static bool operator <=(Int64 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; }
    public static bool operator >=(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; }
    public static bool operator <=(UInt16 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; }
    public static bool operator >=(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; }
    public static bool operator <=(UInt32 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; }
    public static bool operator >=(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x >= y.value; }
    public static bool operator <=(UInt64 x, Integer y) { return x <= y.value; }
public static class Program
    private static bool IntegerFunction(Integer n)
        //code that implements IntegerFunction goes here
        //note that there is NO code that checks the type of n in rum time, because it is NOT needed anymore 
    private static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction(0)); //compile error: there is no overloaded METHOD for objects of type "int" and no implicit conversion from any object, including "int", to "Integer" is known.
        Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction(new Integer(0))); //both compiles and no run time error
        Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction("string")); //compile error: there is no overloaded METHOD for objects of type "string" and no implicit conversion from any object, including "string", to "Integer" is known.
        Console.WriteLine("{0}",IntegerFunction(new Integer("string"))); //compile error: there is no overloaded CONSTRUCTOR for objects of type "string"

Note that in order to use dynamic in your code you must Add Reference to Microsoft.CSharp

If the version of the .NET framework is below/under/lesser than 4.0 and dynamic is undefined in that version then you will have to use object instead and do casting to the integer type, which is trouble, so I recommend that you use at least .NET 4.0 or newer if you can so you can use dynamic instead of object.

How can I trigger the click event of another element in ng-click using angularjs?

I took the answer posted by Osiloke (Which was the easiest and most complete imho) and I added a change event listener. Works great! Thanks Osiloke. See below if you are interested:


  <div file-button>
        <button class='btn btn-success btn-large'>Select your awesome file</button>


app.directive('fileButton', function() {
  return {
    link: function(scope, element, attributes) {

      var el = angular.element(element)
      var button = el.children()[0]

        position: 'relative',
        overflow: 'hidden',
        width: button.offsetWidth,
        height: button.offsetHeight

      var fileInput = angular.element('<input id='+scope.file_button_id+' type="file" multiple />')
        position: 'absolute',
        top: 0,
        left: 0,
        'z-index': '2',
        width: '100%',
        height: '100%',
        opacity: '0',
        cursor: 'pointer'

      document.getElementById(scope.file_button_id).addEventListener('change', scope.file_button_open, false); 


$scope.file_button_id = "wo_files";    
$scope.file_button_open = function() 
  alert("Files are ready!");

Line Break in XML?

In the XML: use literal line-breaks, nothing else needed there.

The newlines will be preserved for Javascript to read them [1]. Note that any indentation-spaces and preceding or trailing line-breaks are preserved too (the reason you weren't seeing them is that HTML/CSS collapses whitespace into single space-characters by default).

Then the easiest way is: In the HTML: do nothing, just use CSS to preserve the line-breaks

.msg_body {
    white-space: pre-line;

But this also preserves your extra lines from the XML document, and doesn't work in IE 6 or 7 [2].

So clean up the whitespace yourself; this is one way to do it (linebreaks for clarity - Javascript is happy with or without them [3]) [4]

[get lyric...].nodeValue
    .replace(/^[\r\n\t ]+|[\r\n\t ]+$/g, '')
    .replace(/[ \t]+/g, ' ')
    .replace(/ ?([\r\n]) ?/g, '$1')

and then preserve those line-breaks with

.msg_body {
    white-space: pre; // for IE 6 and 7
    white-space: pre-wrap; // or pre-line

or, instead of that CSS, add a .replace(/\r?\n/g, '<br />') after the other JavaScript .replaces.

(Side note: Using document.write() like that is also not ideal and sometimes vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks, but that's another subject. In relation to this answer, if you wanted to use the variation that replaces with <br>, you'd have to escape <,&(,>,",') before generating the <br>s.)


[1] reference: sections "Element White Space Handling" and "XML Schema White Space Control"


[3] except for a few places in Javascript's syntax where its semicolon insertion is particularly annoying.

[4] I wrote it and tested these regexps in Linux Node.js (which uses the same Javascript engine as Chrome, "V8"). There's a small risk some browser executes regexps differently. (My test string (in javascript syntax) "\n\nfoo bar baz\n\n\tmore lyrics \nare good\n\n")

PHP: if !empty & empty

For several cases, or even just a few cases involving a lot of criteria, consider using a switch.

switch( true ){

    case ( !empty($youtube) && !empty($link) ):{
        // Nothing is empty...

    case ( !empty($youtube) && empty($link) ):{
        // One is empty...

    case ( empty($youtube) && !empty($link) ):{
        // The other is empty...

    case ( empty($youtube) && empty($link) ):{
        // Everything is empty

        // Even if you don't expect ever to use it, it's a good idea to ALWAYS have a default.
        // That way if you change it, or miss a case, you have some default handler.


If you have multiple cases that require the same action, you can stack them and omit the break; to flowthrough. Just maybe put a comment like /*Flowing through*/ so you're explicit about doing it on purpose.

Note that the { } around the cases aren't required, but they are nice for readability and code folding.

More about switch:

JQuery .each() backwards

I think u need


Add error bars to show standard deviation on a plot in R

A Problem with csgillespie solution appears, when You have an logarithmic X axis. The you will have a different length of the small bars on the right an the left side (the epsilon follows the x-values).

You should better use the errbar function from the Hmisc package:

d = data.frame(
  x  = c(1:5)
  , y  = c(1.1, 1.5, 2.9, 3.8, 5.2)
  , sd = c(0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.0, 0.4)

##install.packages("Hmisc", dependencies=T)

# add error bars (without adjusting yrange)
plot(d$x, d$y, type="n")
with (
  data = d
  , expr = errbar(x, y, y+sd, y-sd, add=T, pch=1, cap=.1)

# new plot (adjusts Yrange automatically)
with (
  data = d
  , expr = errbar(x, y, y+sd, y-sd, add=F, pch=1, cap=.015, log="x")

What is the difference between ( for... in ) and ( for... of ) statements?

for in loops over enumerable property names of an object.

for of (new in ES6) does use an object-specific iterator and loops over the values generated by that.

In your example, the array iterator does yield all the values in the array (ignoring non-index properties).

How to import an existing project from GitHub into Android Studio

In Github click the "Clone or download" button of the project you want to import --> download the ZIP file and unzip it. In Android Studio Go to File -> New Project -> Import Project and select the newly unzipped folder -> press OK. It will build the Gradle automatically.

Good Luck with your project

Expanding a parent <div> to the height of its children

For those who can not figure out this in instructions from this answer there:

Try to set padding value more then 0, if child divs have margin-top or margin-bottom you can replace it with padding

For example if you have

    margin-top: 30px;
    margin-bottom: 20px;

it'll be better to replace it with:

    padding: 30px 0px 20px 0px;

Synchronous Requests in Node.js

You can do something exactly similar with the request library, but this is sync using const https = require('https'); or const http = require('http');, which should come with node.

Here is an example,

const https = require('https');

const http_get1 = {
    host : '',
    port : '443',
    path : '/youtube/v3/search?arg=1',
    method : 'GET',
    headers : {
        'Content-Type' : 'application/json'

const http_get2 = {
host : '',
    port : '443',
    path : '/youtube/v3/search?arg=2',
    method : 'GET',
    headers : {
        'Content-Type' : 'application/json'

let data1 = '';
let data2 = '';

function master() {





const req1 = https.request(http_get1, (res) => {

    res.on('data', (chunk) => {
        data1 += chunk;

    res.on('end', () => {

const req2 = https.request(http_get2, (res) => {

    res.on('data', (chunk) => {
        data2 += chunk;

    res.on('end', () => {


How to compile and run C in sublime text 3?

We can compile the code of C in Sublime Text and can print some value or strings but it does not accept input from the user. (Till I know... I am sure about compiling but not about output from given input.) If you are using Windows you have to set the environment variables for Sublime Text and GCC compiler.

StringStream in C#

You can use tandem of MemoryStream and StreamReader classes:

void Main()
    string myString;

    using (var stream = new MemoryStream())

        stream.Position = 0;
        using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
            myString = reader.ReadToEnd();

What is the use of static synchronized method in java?

In simple words a static synchronized method will lock the class instead of the object, and it will lock the class because the keyword static means: "class instead of instance".

The keyword synchronized means that only one thread can access the method at a time.
And static synchronized mean:

Only one thread can access the class at one time.

Bash script error [: !=: unary operator expected


if [ "$1" != -v ]; then

Otherwise, when $1 is completely empty, your test becomes:

[ != -v ]

instead of

[ "" != -v ]

...and != is not a unary operator (that is, one capable of taking only a single argument).

Jquery click event not working after append method

Use on :

$('#registered_participants').on('click', '.new_participant_form', function() {

So that the click is delegated to any element in #registered_participants having the class new_participant_form, even if it's added after you bound the event handler.

Getting list of lists into pandas DataFrame

Call the pd.DataFrame constructor directly:

df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=headers)

   Heading1  Heading2
0         1         2
1         3         4

How to get value by class name in JavaScript or jquery?

Without jQuery:


var text = document.querySelector('.someClassname').textContent;


var text = document.querySelector('.someClassname').innerHTML;

Markup including the matched element:

var text = document.querySelector('.someClassname').outerHTML;

though outerHTML may not be supported by all browsers of interest and document.querySelector requires IE 8 or higher.

iPhone app signing: A valid signing identity matching this profile could not be found in your keychain

If you have new mac you can go to IOS developer center --> Provisioning Portal --> Certificates --> Development --> Revoke and create new certificate. My problem solved. My error is "Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid, non-expired certificate/private key pair in your keychains"

Disable submit button on form submit

How to disable submit button

just call a function on onclick event and... return true to submit and false to disable submit. OR call a function on window.onload like :

window.onload = init();

and in init() do something like this :

var theForm = document.getElementById(‘theForm’);
theForm.onsubmit =  // what ever you want to do 

Enabling the OpenSSL in XAMPP

Yes, you must open php.ini and remove the semicolon to:


If you don't have that line, check that you have the file (In my PC is on D:\xampp\php\ext) and add this to php.ini in the "Dynamic Extensions" section:


Things have changed for PHP > 7. This is what i had to do for PHP 7.2.

Step: 1: Uncomment extension=openssl

Step: 2: Uncomment extension_dir = "ext"

Step: 3: Restart xampp.


Explanation: ( From php.ini )

If you wish to have an extension loaded automatically, use the following syntax:


Note : The syntax used in previous PHP versions (extension=<ext>.so and extension='php_<ext>.dll) is supported for legacy reasons and may be deprecated in a future PHP major version. So, when it is possible, please move to the new (extension=<ext>) syntax.

Special Note: Be sure to appropriately set the extension_dir directive.

Java Read Large Text File With 70million line of text

In Java 8, for anyone looking now to read file large files line by line,

Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(Paths.get("c:\myfile.txt"));
lines.forEach(l -> {
  // Do anything line by line   

What is the difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT in a Dockerfile?


  • CMD ["executable","param1","param2"]: ["executable","param1","param2"] is the first process.
  • CMD command param1 param2: /bin/sh -c CMD command param1 param2 is the first process. CMD command param1 param2 is forked from the first process.
  • CMD ["param1","param2"]: This form is used to provide default arguments for ENTRYPOINT.

ENTRYPOINT (The following list does not consider the case where CMD and ENTRYPOINT are used together):

  • ENTRYPOINT ["executable", "param1", "param2"]: ["executable", "param1", "param2"] is the first process.
  • ENTRYPOINT command param1 param2: /bin/sh -c command param1 param2 is the first process. command param1 param2 is forked from the first process.

As creack said, CMD was developed first. Then ENTRYPOINT was developed for more customization. Since they are not designed together, there are some functionality overlaps between CMD and ENTRYPOINT, which often confuse people.

IIS7 Permissions Overview - ApplicationPoolIdentity

Part A: Configuring your Application Pool

Suppose the Application Pool is named 'MyPool' Go to 'Advanced Settings' of the Application Pool from the IIS Manager

  1. Scroll down to 'Identity'. Trying to edit the value will bring up a dialog box. Select 'Built-In account' and under it, select 'ApplicationPoolIdentity'.

  2. A few lines below 'Identity', you should find 'Load User Profile'. This value should be set to 'True'.

Part B: Configuring your website

  1. Website Name: SiteName (just an example)
  2. Physical Path: C:\Whatever (just an example)
  3. Connect as... : Application User (pass-through authentication) (The above settings can be found in 'Basic Settings' of the site in the IIS Manager)
  4. After configuring the basic settings, look for the 'Authentication' configuration under 'IIS' in the main console of the site. Open it. You should see an option for 'Anonymous Authentication'. Make sure it is enabled. Then right click and 'Edit...' it. Select 'Application Pool Identity'.

Part C: Configuring your folder

The folder in question is C:\Whatever

  1. Go to Properties - Sharing - Advanced Sharing - Permissions, and tick 'Share this folder'
  2. In the same dialog box, you will find a button 'Permissions'. Click it.
  3. A new dialog box will open. Click 'Add'.
  4. A new dialog box 'Select Users or Groups' will open. Under 'From this location' make sure the name is the same as your local host computer. Then, under 'Enter the object names', type 'IIS AppPool\MyPool' and click 'Check Names' and then 'Ok'
  5. Give full sharing permissions for 'MyPool' user. Apply it and close the folder properties
  6. Open folder properties again. This time, go to Security - Advanced - Permission, and click Add. There will be an option 'Select a Principal' at the top, or some other option to choose a user. Click it.
  7. The 'Select Users or Groups' dialog box will open again. Repeat step 4.
  8. Give all or as many permissions you need to the 'MyPool' user.
  9. Check 'Replace all child object permissions..." and Apply and close.

You should now be able to use the browse the website

Storing a Key Value Array into a compact JSON string

For use key/value pair in json use an object and don't use array

Find name/value in array is hard but in object is easy


var exObj = {_x000D_
  "mainData": {_x000D_
    "slide0001.html": "Looking Ahead",_x000D_
    "slide0008.html": "Forecast",_x000D_
    "slide0021.html": "Summary",_x000D_
    // another THOUSANDS KEY VALUE PAIRS_x000D_
    // ..._x000D_
  "otherdata" : { "one": "1", "two": "2", "three": "3" }_x000D_
var mainData = exObj.mainData;_x000D_
// for use:_x000D_
  var v = mainData[n];_x000D_
  console.log('name' + i + ': ' + n + ', value' + i + ': ' + v);_x000D_
// and string length is minimum_x000D_

Sorting an Array of int using BubbleSort

java code

public void bubbleSort(int[] arr){   

    boolean isSwapped = true;

    for(int i = arr.length - 1; isSwapped; i--){

        isSwapped = false;

        for(int j = 0; j < i; j++){

            if(arr[j] > arr[j+1]}{
                int temp = arr[j];
                arr[j] = arr[j+1];
                arr[j+1] = temp;
                isSwapped = true;



Remove quotes from a character vector in R

There are no quotes in the return value, only in the default output from print() when you display the value. Try

> print(char[1], quote=FALSE)
[1] one


> cat(char[1], "\n")

to see the value without quotes.

how to use font awesome in own css?

Instructions for Drupal 8 / FontAwesome 5

Create a YOUR_THEME_NAME_HERE.THEME file and place it in your themes directory (ie. your_site_name/themes/your_theme_name)

Paste this into the file, it is PHP code to find the Search Block and change the value to the UNICODE for the FontAwesome icon. You can find other characters at this link

function YOUR_THEME_NAME_HERE_form_search_block_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $form['keys']['#attributes']['placeholder'][] = t('Search');
  $form['actions']['submit']['#value'] = html_entity_decode('&#xf002;');

Open the CSS file of your theme (ie. your_site_name/themes/your_theme_name/css/styles.css) and then paste this in which will change all input submit text to FontAwesome. Not sure if this will work if you also want to add text in the input button though for just an icon it is fine.

Make sure you import FontAwesome, add this at the top of the CSS file

@import url('');

then add this in the CSS

input#edit-submit {
    font-family: 'Font Awesome\ 5 Free';
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0;  


Add Google Font Effects

If you are using Google Web Fonts as well you can add also add effects to the icon (see more here You need to import a Google Web Font including the effect(s) you would like to use first in the CSS so it will be

@import url(',800&effect=3d-float');
@import url('');

Then go back to your .THEME file and add the class for the 3D Float Effect so the code will now add a class to the input. There are different effects available. So just choose the effect you like, change the CSS for the font import and the change the value FONT-EFFECT-3D-FLOAT int the code below to font-effect-WHATEVER_EFFECT_HERE. Note effects are still in Beta and don't work in all browsers so read here before you try it

function YOUR_THEME_NAME_HERE_form_search_block_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $form['keys']['#attributes']['placeholder'][] = t('Search');
  $form['actions']['submit']['#value'] = html_entity_decode('&#xf002;');
  $form['actions']['submit']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'font-effect-3d-float';

Defining a variable with or without export

It has been said that it's not necessary to export in bash when spawning subshells, while others said the exact opposite. It is important to note the difference between subshells (those that are created by (), ``, $() or loops) and subprocesses (processes that are invoked by name, for example a literal bash appearing in your script).

  • Subshells will have access to all variables from the parent, regardless of their exported state.
  • Subprocesses will only see the exported variables.

What is common in these two constructs is that neither can pass variables back to the parent shell.

$ noexport=noexport; export export=export; (echo subshell: $noexport $export; subshell=subshell); bash -c 'echo subprocess: $noexport $export; subprocess=subprocess'; echo parent: $subshell $subprocess
subshell: noexport export
subprocess: export

There is one more source of confusion: some think that 'forked' subprocesses are the ones that don't see non-exported variables. Usually fork()s are immediately followed by exec()s, and that's why it would seem that the fork() is the thing to look for, while in fact it's the exec(). You can run commands without fork()ing first with the exec command, and processes started by this method will also have no access to unexported variables:

$ noexport=noexport; export export=export; exec bash -c 'echo execd process: $noexport $export; execd=execd'; echo parent: $execd
execd process: export

Note that we don't see the parent: line this time, because we have replaced the parent shell with the exec command, so there's nothing left to execute that command.

Find the line number where a specific word appears with "grep"

Use grep -n to get the line number of a match.

I don't think there's a way to get grep to start on a certain line number. For that, use sed. For example, to start at line 10 and print the line number and line for matching lines, use:

sed -n '10,$ { /regex/ { =; p; } }' file

To get only the line numbers, you could use

grep -n 'regex' | sed 's/^\([0-9]\+\):.*$/\1/'

Or you could simply use sed:

sed -n '/regex/=' file

Combining the two sed commands, you get:

sed -n '10,$ { /regex/= }' file

JavaFX 2.1 TableView refresh items

I had the same problem and after some search this is my workaround. I found that if the columns are removed and then re-added the table is updated.

public static <T,U> void refreshTableView(final TableView<T> tableView, final List<TableColumn<T,U>> columns, final List<T> rows) {


    ObservableList<T> list = FXCollections.observableArrayList(rows);

Example of usage:

refreshTableView(myTableView, Arrays.asList(col1, col2, col3), rows);

How to display the value of the bar on each bar with pyplot.barh()?

Use plt.text() to put text in the plot.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
N = 5
menMeans = (20, 35, 30, 35, 27)
ind = np.arange(N)

#Creating a figure with some fig size
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,5)),menMeans,width=0.4)
#Now the trick is here.
#plt.text() , you need to give (x,y) location , where you want to put the numbers,
#So here index will give you x pos and data+1 will provide a little gap in y axis.
for index,data in enumerate(menMeans):
    plt.text(x=index , y =data+1 , s=f"{data}" , fontdict=dict(fontsize=20))

This will show the figure as:

bar chart with values at the top

Fatal error: Class 'Illuminate\Foundation\Application' not found

I had accidentally commented out:

require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';

in /public/index.php

When pasting in some debugging statements.

how to File.listFiles in alphabetical order?

This is my code:

        try {_x000D_
            String folderPath = "../" + filePath.trim() + "/";_x000D_
  "Path: " + folderPath);_x000D_
            File folder = new File(folderPath);_x000D_
            File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();_x000D_
            int length = listOfFiles.length;_x000D_
  "So luong files: " + length);_x000D_
            ArrayList<CdrFileBO> lstFile = new ArrayList< CdrFileBO>();_x000D_
            if (listOfFiles != null && length > 0) {_x000D_
                int count = 0;_x000D_
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {_x000D_
                    if (listOfFiles[i].isFile()) {_x000D_
                        lstFile.add(new CdrFileBO(listOfFiles[i]));_x000D_
                for (CdrFileBO bo : lstFile) {_x000D_
                    //String newName = START_NAME + "_" + getSeq(SEQ_START) + "_" + DateSTR + ".s";_x000D_
                    String newName = START_NAME + DateSTR + getSeq(SEQ_START) + ".DAT";_x000D_
                    SEQ_START = SEQ_START + 1;_x000D_
                    bo.getFile().renameTo(new File(folderPath + newName));_x000D_
          "newName: " + newName);_x000D_
          "Next file: " + getSeq(SEQ_START));_x000D_
        } catch (Exception ex) {_x000D_

How to send email to multiple recipients with addresses stored in Excel?

You have to loop through every cell in the range "D3:D6" and construct your To string. Simply assigning it to a variant will not solve the purpose. EmailTo becomes an array if you assign the range directly to it. You can do this as well but then you will have to loop through the array to create your To string

Is this what you are trying? (TRIED AND TESTED)

Option Explicit

Sub Mail_workbook_Outlook_1()
     'Working in 2000-2010
     'This example send the last saved version of the Activeworkbook
    Dim OutApp As Object
    Dim OutMail As Object
    Dim emailRng As Range, cl As Range
    Dim sTo As String

    Set emailRng = Worksheets("Selections").Range("D3:D6")

    For Each cl In emailRng 
        sTo = sTo & ";" & cl.Value

    sTo = Mid(sTo, 2)

    Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)

    On Error Resume Next
    With OutMail
        .To = sTo
        .CC = "[email protected];[email protected]"
        .BCC = ""
        .Subject = "RMA #" & Worksheets("RMA").Range("E1")
        .Body = "Attached to this email is RMA #" & _
        Worksheets("RMA").Range("E1") & _
        ". Please follow the instructions for your department included in this form."
        .Attachments.Add ActiveWorkbook.FullName
         'You can add other files also like this
         '.Attachments.Add ("C:\test.txt")

    End With
    On Error GoTo 0

    Set OutMail = Nothing
    Set OutApp = Nothing
End Sub

check if variable empty

here i have explained how the empty function and isset works please use the one that is appropriate also you can use is_null function also

    $val = 0;
    //evaluates to true because $var is empty
    if (empty($val)) {
        echo '$val is either 0, empty, or not set at all';
    //evaluates to true because $VAR IS SET
    if (isset($val)) {
        echo '$val is set even though it is empty';

Android Studio - Failed to notify project evaluation listener error

In my case I had to update all the Firebase libraries to the latest versions.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

I had the same problem but was able to fix it by doing the following:

Right-click on the project -> Properties, then add the JAR (odjbc6 or 14) file in the deployment assembly.

Submit form using a button outside the <form> tag

<form method="get" id="form1" action="something.php">


<!-- External button-->
<button type="submit" form="form1">Click me!</button>

This worked for me, to have a remote submit button for a form.

Getting "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction" even though I'm not using a transaction

Can you update any other record within this table, or is this table heavily used? What I am thinking is that while it is attempting to acquire a lock that it needs to update this record the timeout that was set has timed out. You may be able to increase the time which may help.

How do you say not equal to in Ruby?

Yes. In Ruby the not equal to operator is:


You can get a full list of ruby operators here:

Python date string to date object

If you are lazy and don't want to fight with string literals, you can just go with the parser module.

from dateutil import parser
dt = parser.parse("Jun 1 2005  1:33PM")
print(dt.year, dt.month,,dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second)
>2005 6 1 13 33 0

Just a side note, as we are trying to match any string representation, it is 10x slower than strptime

GnuPG: "decryption failed: secret key not available" error from gpg on Windows

Yes, your secret key appears to be missing. Without it, you will not be able to decrypt the files.

Do you have the key backed up somewhere?

Re-creating the keys, whether you use the same passphrase or not, will not work. Each key pair is unique.

Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons CDN

An alternative would be to use Font-Awesome for icons:

Including Font-Awesome

Open Font-Awesome on CDNJS and copy the CSS url of the latest version:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<url>">

Or in CSS

@import url("<url>");

For example (note, the version will change):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


<i class="fa fa-bed"></i>

It contains a lot of icons!

Why are Python's 'private' methods not actually private?


Strictly speaking, private methods are accessible outside their class, just not easily accessible. Nothing in Python is truly private; internally, the names of private methods and attributes are mangled and unmangled on the fly to make them seem inaccessible by their given names. You can access the __parse method of the MP3FileInfo class by the name _MP3FileInfo__parse. Acknowledge that this is interesting, then promise to never, ever do it in real code. Private methods are private for a reason, but like many other things in Python, their privateness is ultimately a matter of convention, not force.

Going through a text file line by line in C

In addition to the other answers, on a recent C library (Posix 2008 compliant), you could use getline. See this answer (to a related question).

unary operator expected in shell script when comparing null value with string

Since the value of $var is the empty string, this:

if [ $var == $var1 ]; then

expands to this:

if [ == abcd ]; then

which is a syntax error.

You need to quote the arguments:

if [ "$var" == "$var1" ]; then

You can also use = rather than ==; that's the original syntax, and it's a bit more portable.

If you're using bash, you can use the [[ syntax, which doesn't require the quotes:

if [[ $var = $var1 ]]; then

Even then, it doesn't hurt to quote the variable reference, and adding quotes:

if [[ "$var" = "$var1" ]]; then

might save a future reader a moment trying to remember whether [[ ... ]] requires them.

WARNING: Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt

  1. To closed ideas,
  2. To remove all folder and file C:/Users/UserName/.m2/org/*,
  3. Open ideas and update Maven project,(right click on project -> maven->update maven project)
  4. After that update the project.

How to ignore a property in class if null, using

You can write: [JsonProperty("property_name",DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Ignore)]

It also takes care of not serializing properties with default values (not only null). It can be useful for enums for example.

Convert a List<T> into an ObservableCollection<T>

The Observable Collection constructor will take an IList or an IEnumerable.

If you find that you are going to do this a lot you can make a simple extension method:

    public static ObservableCollection<T> ToObservableCollection<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable)
        return new ObservableCollection<T>(enumerable);

Unicode via CSS :before

At first link fontwaesome CSS file in your HTML file then create an after or before pseudo class like "font-family: "FontAwesome"; content: "\f101";" then save. I hope this work good.

How to Merge Two Eloquent Collections?

The merge method returns the merged collection, it doesn't mutate the original collection, thus you need to do the following

$original = new Collection(['foo']);

$latest = new Collection(['bar']);

$merged = $original->merge($latest); // Contains foo and bar.

Applying the example to your code

$related = new Collection();

foreach ($question->tags as $tag)
    $related = $related->merge($tag->questions);

Update rows in one table with data from another table based on one column in each being equal

merge into t2 t2 
using (select * from t1) t1
on (t2.user_id = t1.user_id)
when matched then update
   t2.c1 = t1.c1
,  t2.c2 = t1.c2

How do I find the difference between two values without knowing which is larger?

If you don't need a signed integer, this is an alternative that uses a slightly different approach, is easy to read and doesn't require an import:

def distance(a, b):
  if a > 0 and b > 0:
    return max(a, b) - min(a, b)
  elif a < 0 and b < 0:
    return abs(a - b)
  elif a == b:
    return 0
  return abs(a - 0) + abs(b - 0)

Compiling C++11 with g++

Flags (or compiler options) are nothing but ordinary command line arguments passed to the compiler executable.

Assuming you are invoking g++ from the command line (terminal):

$ g++ -std=c++11 your_file.cpp -o your_program


$ g++ -std=c++0x your_file.cpp -o your_program

if the above doesn't work.

logout and redirecting session in php

The simplest way to log out and redirect back to the login or index:

    if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); }
    $_SESSION = array(); 
    header("Location: login.php"); // Or wherever you want to redirect

Requery a subform from another form?

Just a comment on the method of accomplishing this:

You're making your EntryForm permanently tied to the form you're calling it from. I think it's better to not have forms tied to context like that. I'd remove the requery from the Save/Close routine and instead open the EntryForm modally, using the acDialog switch:

  DoCmd.OpenForm "EntryForm", , ,"[ID]=" & Me!SubForm.Form!ID, , acDialog

That way, EntryForm is not tied down to use in one context. The alternative is to complicate EntryForm with something that is knowledgable of which form opened it and what needs to requeried. I think it's better to keep that kind of thing as close to the context in which it's used, and keep the called form's code as simple as possible.

Perhaps a principle here is that any time you are requerying a form using the Forms collection from another form, it's a good indication something's not right about your architecture -- that should happen seldom, in my opinion.

How to call a mysql stored procedure, with arguments, from command line?

With quotes around the date:

mysql> CALL insertEvent('2012.01.01 12:12:12');

(Excel) Conditional Formatting based on Adjacent Cell Value

You need to take out the $ signs before the row numbers in the formula....and the row number used in the formula should correspond to the first row of data, so if you are applying this to the ("applies to") range $B$2:$B$5 it must be this formula


by using that "relative" version rather than your "absolute" one Excel (implicitly) adjusts the formula for each row in the range, as if you were copying the formula down

CSS transition shorthand with multiple properties?

By having the .5s delay on transitioning the opacity property, the element will be completely transparent (and thus invisible) the whole time its height is transitioning. So the only thing you will actually see is the opacity changing. So you will get the same effect as leaving the height property out of the transition :

"transition: opacity .5s .5s;"

Is that what you're wanting? If not, and you're wanting to see the height transition, you can't have an opacity of zero during the whole time that it's transitioning.

How to initialize a list of strings (List<string>) with many string values

List<string> mylist = new List<string>(new string[] { "element1", "element2", "element3" });

List of tables, db schema, dump etc using the Python sqlite3 API

Check out here for dump. It seems there is a dump function in the library sqlite3.

HTML5 video won't play in Chrome only

With some help from another person, we figured out it was an issue of ordering the source files within the HTML file. I learned that browsers accept the first usable format, and their seems to be an issue with the .m4v file, so I started with the .mp4, then .webm. Here's the order that works in Safari (even on my iPhone 5), Firefox, and Chrome:

<video width="100%" height="400" poster="assets/img/myVideo.jpg" controls="controls" preload="none">
      <!-- MP4 for Safari, IE9, iPhone, iPad, Android, and Windows Phone 7 -->
      <source type="video/mp4" src="assets/vid/PhysicsEtoys.mp4" />
      <!-- WebM/VP8 for Firefox4, Opera, and Chrome -->
      <source type="video/webm" src="assets/vid/PhysicsEtoys.webm" />
       <!-- M4V for Apple -->
      <source type="video/mp4" src="assets/vid/PhysicsEtoys.m4v" />
      <!-- Ogg/Vorbis for older Firefox and Opera versions -->
      <source type="video/ogg" src="assets/vid/PhysicsEtoys.ogv" />
      <!-- Subtitles -->
      <track kind="subtitles" src="assets/vid/" srclang="en" />
      <track kind="subtitles" src="assets/vid/subtitles.vtt" srclang="en" />
      <!-- Flash fallback for non-HTML5 browsers without JavaScript -->
      <object width="100%" height="400" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="flashmediaelement.swf">
          <param name="movie" value="flashmediaelement.swf" />
          <param name="flashvars" value="controls=true&file=assets/vid/PhysicsEtoys.mp4" />
          <!-- Image as a last resort -->
          <img src="assets/img/myVideo.jpg" width="320" height="240" title="No video playback capabilities" />

Now, I'll have to re-check the encoding on the m4v file (perhaps an issue of Baseline vs Main, High, etc.).

How can I remove file extension from a website address?

The problem with creating a directory and keeping index.php in it is that

  1. your links with menu will stop functioning
  2. There will be way too many directories. For eg, there will be a seperate directory for each and every question here on stackoverflow

The solutions are 1. MOD REWRITE (as suggested above) 2. use a php code to dynamically include other files in index file. Read a bit more abt it here

100% width Twitter Bootstrap 3 template

You're right using div.container-fluid and you also need a div.row child. Then, the content must be placed inside without any grid columns. If you have a look at the docs you can find this text:

  • Rows must be placed within a .container (fixed-width) or .container-fluid (full-width) for proper alignment and padding.
  • Use rows to create horizontal groups of columns.

Not using grid columns it's ok as stated here:

  • Content should be placed within columns, and only columns may be immediate children of rows.

And looking at this example, you can read this text:

Full width, single column: No grid classes are necessary for full-width elements.

Here's a live example showing some elements using the correct layout. This way you don't need any custom CSS or hack.

pandas how to check dtype for all columns in a dataframe?

The singular form dtype is used to check the data type for a single column. And the plural form dtypes is for data frame which returns data types for all columns. Essentially:

For a single column:


For all columns:



import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1,2,3], 'B': [True, False, False], 'C': ['a', 'b', 'c']})

# dtype('int64')
# dtype('bool')
# dtype('O')

#A     int64
#B      bool
#C    object
#dtype: object

Format date and Subtract days using Moment.js

You have multiple oddities happening. The first has been edited in your post, but it had to do with the order that the methods were being called.

.format returns a string. String does not have a subtract method.

The second issue is that you are subtracting the day, but not actually saving that as a variable.

Your code, then, should look like:

var startdate = moment();
startdate = startdate.subtract(1, "days");
startdate = startdate.format("DD-MM-YYYY");

However, you can chain this together; this would look like:

var startdate = moment().subtract(1, "days").format("DD-MM-YYYY");

The difference is that we're setting startdate to the changes that you're doing on startdate, because moment is destructive.

Android Location Manager, Get GPS location ,if no GPS then get to Network Provider location

The recommended way to do this is to use LocationClient:

First, define location update interval values. Adjust this to your needs.

private static final int MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND = 1000;
private static final int FASTEST_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS = 1;

Have your Activity implement GooglePlayServicesClient.ConnectionCallbacks, GooglePlayServicesClient.OnConnectionFailedListener, and LocationListener.

public class LocationActivity extends Activity implements 
GooglePlayServicesClient.ConnectionCallbacks, GooglePlayServicesClient.OnConnectionFailedListener, LocationListener {}

Then, set up a LocationClientin the onCreate() method of your Activity:

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    mLocationClient = new LocationClient(this, this, this);

    mLocationRequest = LocationRequest.create();

Add the required methods to your Activity; onConnected() is the method that is called when the LocationClientconnects. onLocationChanged() is where you'll retrieve the most up-to-date location.

public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult connectionResult) {
    Log.w(TAG, "Location client connection failed");

public void onConnected(Bundle dataBundle) {
    Log.d(TAG, "Location client connected");
    mLocationClient.requestLocationUpdates(mLocationRequest, this); 

public void onDisconnected() {
    Log.d(TAG, "Location client disconnected");

public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
    if (location != null) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Updated Location: " + Double.toString(location.getLatitude()) + "," + Double.toString(location.getLongitude()));
    } else {
        Log.d(TAG, "Updated location NULL");

Be sure to connect/disconnect the LocationClient so it's only using extra battery when absolutely necessary and so the GPS doesn't run indefinitely. The LocationClient must be connected in order to get data from it.

public void onResume() {

public void onStop() {
    if (mLocationClient.isConnected()) {

Get the user's location. First try using the LocationClient; if that fails, fall back to the LocationManager.

public Location getLocation() {
    if (mLocationClient != null && mLocationClient.isConnected()) {
        return mLocationClient.getLastLocation();
    } else {
        LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) this.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
        if (locationManager != null) {
            Location lastKnownLocationGPS = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
            if (lastKnownLocationGPS != null) {
                return lastKnownLocationGPS;
            } else {
                return locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);
        } else {
            return null;

C++ error 'Undefined reference to Class::Function()'

Specify the Class Card for the constructor-:

void Card::Card(Card::Rank rank, Card::Suit suit) {

And also define the default constructor and destructor.

How to draw circle in html page?

Here's a circle that I used for a CS 1.6 stats website. A beautiful four colors circle.

#circle {
      border-top: 8px ridge #d11967;
      border-right: 8px ridge #d32997;
      border-bottom: 8px ridge #5246eb;
      border-left: 8px ridge #fc2938;
      border-radius: 50%; width: 440px; height: 440px;
<div id="circle"></div>
_x000D_ Adjust the circle diameter by chaging the width and height.

You can also rotate and skew by using skewY(), skewX() and rotate():

  transform: rotate(60deg);
  transform: skewY(-5deg);
  transform: skewX(-15deg);

Converting Stream to String and back...what are we missing?

When you testing try with UTF8 Encode stream like below

var stream = new MemoryStream();
var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
Serializer.Serialize<SuperExample>(streamWriter, test);

Scroll RecyclerView to show selected item on top


None of the answers explain how to show last item(s) at the top. So, the answers work only for items that still have enough items above or below them to fill the remaining RecyclerView. For instance, if there are 59 elements and a 56-th element is selected it should be at the top as in the picture below:


So, let's see how to implement this in the next paragraph.


We could handle those cases by using linearLayoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(pos, 0) and additional logic in the Adapter of RecyclerView - by adding a custom margin below the last item (if the last item is not visible then it means there's enough space fill the RecyclerView). The custom margin could be a difference between the root view height and the item height. So, your Adapter for RecyclerView would look as follows:

public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder, final int position) {

    int bottomHeight = 0;
    int itemHeight = holder.itemView.getMeasuredHeight();
    // if it's the last item then add a bottom margin that is enough to bring it to the top
    if (position == mDataSet.length - 1) {
        bottomHeight = Math.max(0, mRootView.getMeasuredHeight() - itemHeight);
    RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams)holder.itemView.getLayoutParams();
    params.setMargins(0, 0, params.rightMargin, bottomHeight);


rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production not working as required

I had this problem today. I fixed it being being explict about my require

gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3', require: 'uglifier'

I had mine still in the assets group.

django admin - add custom form fields that are not part of the model

It it possible to do in the admin, but there is not a very straightforward way to it. Also, I would like to advice to keep most business logic in your models, so you won't be dependent on the Django Admin.

Maybe it would be easier (and maybe even better) if you have the two seperate fields on your model. Then add a method on your model that combines them.

For example:

class MyModel(models.model):

    field1 = models.CharField(max_length=10)
    field2 = models.CharField(max_length=10)

    def combined_fields(self):
        return '{} {}'.format(self.field1, self.field2)

Then in the admin you can add the combined_fields() as a readonly field:

class MyModelAdmin(models.ModelAdmin):

    list_display = ('field1', 'field2', 'combined_fields')
    readonly_fields = ('combined_fields',)

    def combined_fields(self, obj):
        return obj.combined_fields()

If you want to store the combined_fields in the database you could also save it when you save the model:

def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
    self.field3 = self.combined_fields()
    super(MyModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

Why do I need 'b' to encode a string with Base64?

base64 encoding takes 8-bit binary byte data and encodes it uses only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /* so it can be transmitted over channels that do not preserve all 8-bits of data, such as email.

Hence, it wants a string of 8-bit bytes. You create those in Python 3 with the b'' syntax.

If you remove the b, it becomes a string. A string is a sequence of Unicode characters. base64 has no idea what to do with Unicode data, it's not 8-bit. It's not really any bits, in fact. :-)

In your second example:

>>> encoded = base64.b64encode('data to be encoded')

All the characters fit neatly into the ASCII character set, and base64 encoding is therefore actually a bit pointless. You can convert it to ascii instead, with

>>> encoded = 'data to be encoded'.encode('ascii')

Or simpler:

>>> encoded = b'data to be encoded'

Which would be the same thing in this case.

* Most base64 flavours may also include a = at the end as padding. In addition, some base64 variants may use characters other than + and /. See the Variants summary table at Wikipedia for an overview.

Does Spring @Transactional attribute work on a private method?

If you need to wrap a private method inside a transaction and don't want to use aspectj, you can use TransactionTemplate.

public class MyService {

    private TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate;

    private void process(){
        transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() {
            protected void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) {


    private void processInTransaction(){


How to get the sizes of the tables of a MySQL database?

Try the following shell command (replace DB_NAME with your database name):

mysql -uroot <<<"SELECT table_name AS 'Tables', round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) 'Size in MB' FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = \"DB_NAME\" ORDER BY (data_length + index_length) DESC;" | head

For Drupal/drush solution, check the following example script which will display the biggest tables in use:

DB_NAME=$(drush status --fields=db-name --field-labels=0 | tr -d '\r\n ')
drush sqlq "SELECT table_name AS 'Tables', round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) 'Size in MB' FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = \"${DB_NAME}\" ORDER BY (data_length + index_length) DESC;" | head -n20

Python 'list indices must be integers, not tuple"

To create list of lists, you need to separate them with commas, like this

coin_args = [
    ["pennies", '2.5', '50.0', '.01'],
    ["nickles", '5.0', '40.0', '.05'],
    ["dimes", '2.268', '50.0', '.1'],
    ["quarters", '5.67', '40.0', '.25']

htaccess - How to force the client's browser to clear the cache?

The most straight forward is to add filetime to the request. eg


versioning by date.

Getting all request parameters in Symfony 2

With Recent Symfony 2.6+ versions as a best practice Request is passed as an argument with action in that case you won't need to explicitly call $this->getRequest(), but rather call $request->request->all()

use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotAcceptableHttpException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;

    class SampleController extends Controller

        public function indexAction(Request $request) {



text-align:center won't work with form <label> tag (?)

This is because label is an inline element, and is therefore only as big as the text it contains.

The possible is to display your label as a block element like this:

#formItem label {
    display: block;
    text-align: center;
    line-height: 150%;
    font-size: .85em;

However, if you want to use the label on the same line with other elements, you either need to set display: inline-block; and give it an explicit width (which doesn't work on most browsers), or you need to wrap it inside a div and do the alignment in the div.

GIT fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree

I had same issue and I solved it by "pod setup" after installing cocoapods.

querying WHERE condition to character length?

   FROM   my_table
   WHERE  substr(my_field,1,5) = "abcde";

How can I send a Firebase Cloud Messaging notification without use the Firebase Console?

As mentioned by Frank, you can use Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) HTTP API to trigger push notification from your own back-end. But you won't be able to

  1. send notifications to a Firebase User Identifier (UID) and
  2. send notifications to user segments (targeting properties & events like you can on the user console).

Meaning: you'll have to store FCM/GCM registration ids (push tokens) yourself or use FCM topics to subscribe users. Keep also in mind that FCM is not an API for Firebase Notifications, it's a lower-level API without scheduling or open-rate analytics. Firebase Notifications is build on top on FCM.

How do you launch the JavaScript debugger in Google Chrome?

Shift + Control + I opens the Developer tool window. From bottom-left second image (that looks like the following) will open/hide the console for you:

Show Console

Get root password for Google Cloud Engine VM

I tried "ManiIOT"'s solution and it worked surprisingly. I've added another role (Compute Admin Role) for my google user account from IAM admin. Then stopped and restarted the VM. Afterwards 'sudo passwd' let me to generate a new password for the user.

So here are steps.

  1. Go to IAM & Admin
  2. Select IAM
  3. Find your user name service account (basically your google account) and click Edit-member
  4. Add another role --> select 'Compute Engine' - 'Compute Admin'
  5. Restart your Compute VM
  6. open SSH shell and run the command 'sudo passwd'
  7. enter a brand new password. Voilà!

Windows 7, 64 bit, DLL problems

This solved the issue for me:

Uninstall the Visual Studio 2010 redistributable package if you have it installed already, and then install Microsoft Windows 7 SDK.

Loaded nib but the 'view' outlet was not set

The previous answers almost solved the problem for me, but the last step was missing.

  1. Create a xib and swift file with the same name.

Add View and Swift File

  1. Set the file owner to be the UIView subclass.

enter image description here

  1. Drag an outlet from the View to the UIView subclass, name it "contentView"

add the contentview

  1. Add this custom initializer so when the xib loads it attaches the contentView

add the contentview as a subview

required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)
        Bundle(for: self.classForCoder).loadNibNamed("SampleView", owner: self, options: nil)
        contentView.frame = self.bounds
        contentView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleHeight, .flexibleWidth]

Now any @IBOutlets you add will be attached.

Cheers, Richard

How do I make an input field accept only letters in javaScript?

Try this:

var alphaExp = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/;
                //Your logice will be here.
                alert("Please enter only alphabets");


How to convert a String to CharSequence?

CharSequence is an interface and String is its one of the implementations other than StringBuilder, StringBuffer and many other.

So, just as you use InterfaceName i = new ItsImplementation(), you can use CharSequence cs = new String("string") or simply CharSequence cs = "string";

Detecting value change of input[type=text] in jQuery

Try this:

Basically, just account for each event:


<input id = "textbox" type = "text">


$("#textbox").keyup(function() { 

$("#textbox").change(function() { 

What is the difference between rb and r+b modes in file objects

My understanding is that adding r+ opens for both read and write (just like w+, though as pointed out in the comment, will truncate the file). The b just opens it in binary mode, which is supposed to be less aware of things like line separators (at least in C++).

Remove plot axis values

@Richie Cotton has a pretty good answer above. I can only add that this page provides some examples. Try the following:

x <- 1:20
y <- runif(20)
plot(x,y,xaxt = "n")
axis(side = 1, at = x, labels = FALSE, tck = -0.01)

How to send a JSON object using html form data

You can try something like:


    <form id="formElem">
        <input type="text" name="firstname" value="Karam">
        <input type="text" name="lastname" value="Yousef">
        <input type="submit">
    <div id="decoded"></div>
    <button id="encode">Encode</button>
    <div id="encoded"></div>
    encode.onclick = async (e) => {
        let response = await fetch('http://localhost:8482/encode', {
                method: 'GET',
                headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

        let text = await response.text(); // read response body as text
        data = JSON.parse(text);
        document.querySelector("#encoded").innerHTML = text;
      //  document.querySelector("#encoded").innerHTML = `First name = ${data.firstname} <br/> 
      //                                                  Last name = ${data.lastname} <br/>
      //                                                  Age    = ${data.age}`

    formElem.onsubmit = async (e) => {
      var form = document.querySelector("#formElem");
     // var form = document.forms[0];

        data = {
          firstname : form.querySelector('input[name="firstname"]').value,
          lastname : form.querySelector('input[name="lastname"]').value,
          age : 5

        let response = await fetch('http://localhost:8482/decode', {
                method: 'POST', // or 'PUT'
                headers: {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
                body: JSON.stringify(data),

        let text = await response.text(); // read response body as text
        document.querySelector("#decoded").innerHTML = text;

Capitalize words in string

function capitalize(s){
    return s.toLowerCase().replace( /\b./g, function(a){ return a.toUpperCase(); } );

capitalize('this IS THE wOrst string eVeR');

output: "This Is The Worst String Ever"


It appears this solution supersedes mine:

using setTimeout on promise chain

In node.js you can also do the following:

const { promisify } = require('util')
const delay = promisify(setTimeout)

delay(1000).then(() => console.log('hello'))

How do we determine the number of days for a given month in python

Just for the sake of academic interest, I did it this way...

(dt.replace(month = dt.month % 12 +1, day = 1)-timedelta(days=1)).day

How to use @Nullable and @Nonnull annotations more effectively?

In Java I'd use Guava's Optional type. Being an actual type you get compiler guarantees about its use. It's easy to bypass it and obtain a NullPointerException, but at least the signature of the method clearly communicates what it expects as an argument or what it might return.

mysql_fetch_array()/mysql_fetch_assoc()/mysql_fetch_row()/mysql_num_rows etc... expects parameter 1 to be resource

$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserName LIKE '%$username%'") or die(mysql_error());

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    echo $row['FirstName'];

Sometimes suppressing the query as @mysql_query(your query);

Using a string variable as a variable name

You will be much happier using a dictionary instead:

my_data = {}
foo = "hello"
my_data[foo] = "goodbye"
assert my_data["hello"] == "goodbye"

How can I write a heredoc to a file in Bash script?

For future people who may have this issue the following format worked:

(cat <<- _EOF_
        LogFile /var/log/clamd.log
        LogTime yes
        DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav
        LocalSocket /tmp/clamd.socket
        SelfCheck 1020
        ScanPDF yes
) > /etc/clamd.conf

Python - Locating the position of a regex match in a string?

re.Match objects have a number of methods to help you with this:

>>> m ="is", String)
>>> m.span()
(2, 4)
>>> m.start()
>>> m.end()

Ruby: Easiest Way to Filter Hash Keys?

In Ruby, the Hash#select is a right option. If you work with Rails, you can use Hash#slice and Hash#slice!. e.g. (rails 3.2.13)

h1 = {:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3, :d => 4}

h1.slice(:a, :b)         # return {:a=>1, :b=>2}, but h1 is not changed

h2 = h1.slice!(:a, :b)   # h1 = {:a=>1, :b=>2}, h2 = {:c => 3, :d => 4}

How to download Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition for offline installation?

I have used the exact steps from here and it worked flawlessly :

In 3 simple steps:

Step 1 : Download the respective Visual Studio 2017 version from the download page (

Step 2: Open your command prompt as Administarator, point to where your Visual studio download exe is and execute the following command (this command is specifically for Web & Desktop development) :

vs_community.exe --layout c:\vs2017layout --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.ManagedDesktop --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetWeb --add Component.GitHub.VisualStudio --includeOptional --lang en-US

Step 3 : Traverse to the path c:\vs2017layout in your command prompt and then run the following command (this command is specifically for Web & Desktop development)

vs_community.exe --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.ManagedDesktop --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NetWeb --add Component.GitHub.VisualStudio --includeOptional

PostgreSQL Exception Handling

Just want to add my two cents on this old post:

In my opinion, almost all of relational database engines include a commit transaction execution automatically after execute a DDL command even when you have autocommit=false, So you don't need to start a transaction to avoid a potential truncated object creation because It is completely unnecessary.

Visual Studio keyboard shortcut to automatically add the needed 'using' statement

In Visual Studio 2010 you will find the keyboard command to resolve namespaces in a command called View.ShowSmartTag. Mine was also mapped to Shift + Alt + F10 which is a lot of hassle - so I usually remap that promptly.

On Pete commenting on ReSharper - yes, for anyone with the budget, ReSharper makes life an absolute pleasure. The fact that it is intelligent enough to resolve dependencies outside the current references, and add them both as usings and references will not only save you countless hours, but also make you forget where all framework classes reside ;-) That is how easy it makes development life... Then we have not even started on ReSharper refactorings yet.

DevExpress' CodeRush offers no assistance on this regard; or nothing that is obvious to me - and DevExpress under non-expert mode is quite forthcoming in what it wants to do for you :-)

Last comment - this IDE feature of resolving dependencies is so mature and refined in the Java IDE world that the bulk of the Internet samples don't even show the imports (using) any more.

This said, Microsoft now finally has something to offer on this regard, but it is also clear to me that Microsoft development (for many of us) has now come full circle - the focus went from source, to visual designers right back to focus being on source again - meaning that the time you spend in a source code view / whether it is C#, VB or XAML is on the up and the amount of dragging and dropping onto 'forms' is on the down. With this basic assumption, it is simple to say that Microsoft should start concentrating on making the editor smarter, keyboard shortcuts easier, and code/error checking and evaluation better - the days of a dumb editor leaving you to google a class to find out in which library it resides are gone (or should be in any case) for most of us.

Difference between fprintf, printf and sprintf?

printf(...) is equivalent to fprintf(stdout,...).

fprintf is used to output to stream.

sprintf(buffer,...) is used to format a string to a buffer.

Note there is also vsprintf, vfprintf and vprintf

Cannot change version of project facet Dynamic Web Module to 3.0?

I had the same issue ,deleting the .settings folder resolved the issue

How do I sort a list of datetime or date objects?

You're getting None because list.sort() it operates in-place, meaning that it doesn't return anything, but modifies the list itself. You only need to call a.sort() without assigning it to a again.

There is a built in function sorted(), which returns a sorted version of the list - a = sorted(a) will do what you want as well.

How to edit default.aspx on SharePoint site without SharePoint Designer

Go to view all content of the site (http://yourdmain.sharepoint/sitename/_layouts/viewlsts.aspx). Select the document library "Pages" (the "Pages" library are named based on the language you created the site in. I.E. in norwegian the library is named "Sider"). Download the default.aspx to you computer and fix it (remove the web part and the <%Register tag). Save it and upload it back to the library (remember to check in the file).


ahh.. you are not using a publishing site template. Go to site action -> site settings. Under "site administration" select the menu "content and structure" you should now see your default.aspx page. But you cant do much with it...(delete, copy or move)

workaround: Enable publishing feature to the root web. Add the fixed default.aspx file to the Pages library and change the welcome page to this. Disable the publishing feature (this will delete all other list create from this feature but not the Pages library since one page is in use.). You will now have a new default.aspx page for the root web but the url is changed from sitename/default.aspx to sitename/Pages/default.aspx.

workaround II Use a feature to change the default.aspx file. The solution is explained here:

How can I align text directly beneath an image?

In order to be able to justify the text, you need to know the width of the image. You can just use the normal width of the image, or use a different width, but IE 6 might get cranky at you and not scale.

Here's what you need:

<style type="text/css">
#container { width: 100px; //whatever width you want }

#image {width: 100%; //fill up whole div }

#text { text-align: justify; }    

 <div id="container"> 
     <img src="" id="image" /> 
     <p id="text">oooh look! text!</p> 

Check if two unordered lists are equal

Python has a built-in datatype for an unordered collection of (hashable) things, called a set. If you convert both lists to sets, the comparison will be unordered.

set(x) == set(y)

Documentation on set

EDIT: @mdwhatcott points out that you want to check for duplicates. set ignores these, so you need a similar data structure that also keeps track of the number of items in each list. This is called a multiset; the best approximation in the standard library is a collections.Counter:

>>> import collections
>>> compare = lambda x, y: collections.Counter(x) == collections.Counter(y)
>>> compare([1,2,3], [1,2,3,3])
>>> compare([1,2,3], [1,2,3])
>>> compare([1,2,3,3], [1,2,2,3])

How can I combine two HashMap objects containing the same types?

you can use HashMap<String, List<Integer>> to merge both hashmaps and avoid losing elements paired with the same key.

HashMap<String, Integer> map1 = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<String, Integer> map2 = new HashMap<>();
map1.put("key1", 1);
map1.put("key2", 2);
map1.put("key3", 3);
map2.put("key1", 4);
map2.put("key2", 5);
map2.put("key3", 6);
HashMap<String, List<Integer>> map3 = new HashMap<>();
map1.forEach((str, num) -> map3.put(str, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(num))));
//checking for each key if its already in the map, and if so, you just add the integer to the list paired with this key
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : map2.entrySet()) {
    Integer value = entry.getValue();
    String key = entry.getKey();
    if (map3.containsKey(key)) {
    } else {
        map3.put(key, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(value)));
map3.forEach((str, list) -> System.out.println("{" + str + ": " + list + "}"));


{key1: [1, 4]}
{key2: [2, 5]}
{key3: [3, 6]}

How to search for a file in the CentOS command line

Try this command:

find / -name file.look

How to read file with space separated values in pandas

add delim_whitespace=True argument, it's faster than regex.

WCF ServiceHost access rights

Open a command prompt as the administrator and you write below command to add your URL:

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8000/YourServiceLibrary/YourService user=Everyone

How to indent HTML tags in Notepad++

The answers on this question are not only wrong, but dangerous. CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+B will not indent HTML but XML. Consider the following HTML code:

<span class="myClass"></span>

The function 'Notepad++ -> Plugins -> XmlTools -> Pretty print (Xml only with line breaks)' (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+B) will transform this to:

<span class="myClass"/>

which will not be displayed correctly anymore by your browser! I strongly advice against using this function to indent HTML.

Instead use the plugin Tidy2. This will indent the HTML correctly without bad side-effects (but it will also create <html>, <head>, <body>, ... elements around your code, if these are not there).

Getting a timestamp for today at midnight?

$midnight = strtotime('midnight'); is valid
You can also try out strtotime('12am') or strtotime('[input any time you wish to here. e.g noon, 6pm, 3pm, 8pm, etc]'). I skipped adding today before midnight because the default is today.

Should import statements always be at the top of a module?

I wouldn't worry about the efficiency of loading the module up front too much. The memory taken up by the module won't be very big (assuming it's modular enough) and the startup cost will be negligible.

In most cases you want to load the modules at the top of the source file. For somebody reading your code, it makes it much easier to tell what function or object came from what module.

One good reason to import a module elsewhere in the code is if it's used in a debugging statement.

For example:


I could debug this with:

from pprint import pprint

Of course, the other reason to import modules elsewhere in the code is if you need to dynamically import them. This is because you pretty much don't have any choice.

I wouldn't worry about the efficiency of loading the module up front too much. The memory taken up by the module won't be very big (assuming it's modular enough) and the startup cost will be negligible.

login to remote using "mstsc /admin" with password

It became a popular question and I got a notification. I am sorry, I forgot to answer before which I should have done. I solved it long back.

net use \\\C$ MyPassword /user:domain\username /persistent:Yes

Run it in a batch file and you should get what you are looking for.

What's the PowerShell syntax for multiple values in a switch statement?

After searching a solution for the same problem like you, I've found this small topic here. In advance I got a much smoother solution for this switch, case statement

switch($someString) #switch is caseINsensitive, so you don't need to lower
    { 'y' -or 'yes' } { "You entered Yes." }
    default { "You entered No." }

align textbox and text/labels in html?

I like to set the 'line-height' in the css for the divs to get them to line up properly. Here is an example of how I do it using asp and css:


<div id="profileRow1">
    <div id="profileRow1Col1" class="righty">
        <asp:Label ID="lblCreatedDateLabel" runat="server" Text="Date Created:"></asp:Label><br />
        <asp:Label ID="lblLastLoginDateLabel" runat="server" Text="Last Login Date:"></asp:Label><br />
        <asp:Label ID="lblUserIdLabel" runat="server" Text="User ID:"></asp:Label><br />
        <asp:Label ID="lblUserNameLabel" runat="server" Text="Username:"></asp:Label><br />
        <asp:Label ID="lblFirstNameLabel" runat="server" Text="First Name:"></asp:Label><br />
        <asp:Label ID="lblLastNameLabel" runat="server" Text="Last Name:"></asp:Label><br />
    <div id="profileRow1Col2">
        <asp:Label ID="lblCreatedDate" runat="server" Text="00/00/00 00:00:00"></asp:Label><br />
        <asp:Label ID="lblLastLoginDate" runat="server" Text="00/00/00 00:00:00"></asp:Label><br />
        <asp:Label ID="lblUserId" runat="server" Text="UserId"></asp:Label><br />
        <asp:TextBox ID="txtUserName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
        <asp:TextBox ID="txtFirstName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
        <asp:TextBox ID="txtLastName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />

And here is the code in the CSS file to make all of the above fields look nice and neat:

#profileRow1Col1{float:left; width:25%; margin-right:20px;}
#profileRow1Col2{float:left; width:25%;}

you can basically pull everything but the DIV tags and replace with your own content.

Trust me when I say it looks aligned the way the image in the original post does!

I would post a screenshot but Stack wont let me: Oops! Your edit couldn't be submitted because: We're sorry, but as a spam prevention mechanism, new users aren't allowed to post images. Earn more than 10 reputation to post images.


Change UITableView height dynamically

create your cell by xib or storyboard. give it's outlet's contents. now call it in CellForRowAtIndexPath. eg. if you want to set cell height according to Comment's label text. enter image description here

so set you commentsLbl.numberOfLine=0;enter image description here

so set you commentsLbl.numberOfLine=0;

then in ViewDidLoad

 self.table.estimatedRowHeight = 44.0 ;
self.table.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension;

and now

-(float)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
return UITableViewAutomaticDimension;}

Eclipse memory settings when getting "Java Heap Space" and "Out of Memory"

There's a couple of different memory settings for good reason.

The eclipse memory setting is because Eclipse is a large java program. if you are going to have a huge amount of files open in a couple of projects, then you're going to want to give Eclipse more ram. This is an issue only on "enterprise" systems normally personal projects wont use that many file handles or interfaces.

The JRE setting is how much ram to allow the java runtime when you run your project. This is probably the one you want when you are running some memory hogging application. I've run mathematical projects that needed a few gigs of ram and had to really tell the JRE it was okay, the JVM kept assuming my program was in some leaky runaway state, but I was doing it on purpose, and had to tell JVM specifically what it was allowed to use.

Then Catalina's memory setting is for the application server Tomcat. That server needs memory for each application and concurrent users. This blends with the JRE number because your project might be a web application and I'm not sure which one needs the memory.

How to append output to the end of a text file

For example your file contains :

 1.  mangesh@001:~$ cat output.txt

if u want to append at end of file then ---->remember spaces between 'text' >> 'filename'

  2. mangesh@001:~$ echo somthing to append >> output.txt|cat output.txt 
    somthing to append

And to overwrite contents of file :

  3.  mangesh@001:~$ echo 'somthing new to write' > output.tx|cat output.tx
    somthing new to write as modal popup?

A pop-up is a child of the parent window, but it is not a child of the parent DOCUMENT. It is its own independent browser window and is not contained by the parent.

Use an absolutely-positioned DIV and a translucent overlay instead.

EDIT - example

You need jQuery for this:

html, body {

#overlay { 


.dialog {
    border:2px solid #3366CC;

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() { init() })

function init() {
    $('#overlay').click(function() { closeDialog(); })

function openDialog(element) {
    //this is the general dialog handler.
    //pass the element name and this will copy
    //the contents of the element to the dialog box

    $('#overlay').css('height', $(document.body).height() + 'px')

function closeDialog() {

function centerMe(element) {
    //pass element name to be centered on screen
    var pWidth = $(window).width();
    var pTop = $(window).scrollTop()
    var eWidth = $(element).width()
    var height = $(element).height()
    $(element).css('top', '130px')
    $(element).css('left', parseInt((pWidth / 2) - (eWidth / 2)) + 'px')


<a href="javascript:;//close me" onclick="openDialog($('#content'))">show dialog A</a>

<a href="javascript:;//close me" onclick="openDialog($('#contentB'))">show dialog B</a>

<div id="dialog" class="dialog" style="display:none"></div>
<div id="overlay" style="display:none"></div>
<div id="content" style="display:none">
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin nisl felis, placerat in sollicitudin quis, hendrerit vitae diam. Nunc ornare iaculis urna. 

<div id="contentB" style="display:none">
    Moooo mooo moo moo moo!!! 

What do I use on linux to make a python program executable

Another way to do it could be by creating an alias. For example in terminal write:

alias printhello='python /home/'

Writing printhello will run, but this is only temporary. To make aliases permanent, you have to add them to bashrc, you can edit it by writing this in the terminal:

gedit ~/.bashrc

python: how to check if a line is an empty line

You should open text files using rU so newlines are properly transformed, see This way there's no need to check for \r\n.

Node.js spawn child process and get terminal output live

I'm still getting my feet wet with Node.js, but I have a few ideas. first, I believe you need to use execFile instead of spawn; execFile is for when you have the path to a script, whereas spawn is for executing a well-known command that Node.js can resolve against your system path.

1. Provide a callback to process the buffered output:

var child = require('child_process').execFile('path/to/script', [ 
    'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3', 
], function(err, stdout, stderr) { 
    // Node.js will invoke this callback when process terminates.

2. Add a listener to the child process' stdout stream (

var child = require('child_process').execFile('path/to/script', [ 
    'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3' ]); 
// use event hooks to provide a callback to execute when data are available: 
child.stdout.on('data', function(data) {

Further, there appear to be options whereby you can detach the spawned process from Node's controlling terminal, which would allow it to run asynchronously. I haven't tested this yet, but there are examples in the API docs that go something like this:

child = require('child_process').execFile('path/to/script', [ 
    'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3', 
], { 
    // detachment and ignored stdin are the key here: 
    detached: true, 
    stdio: [ 'ignore', 1, 2 ]
// and unref() somehow disentangles the child's event loop from the parent's: 
child.stdout.on('data', function(data) {

How to Retrieve value from JTextField in Java Swing?

* First we declare JTextField like this

 JTextField  testField = new JTextField(10);

* We can get textfield value in String like this on any button click event.

button.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
      String getValue = testField.getText()


How to sort a Pandas DataFrame by index?

Slightly more compact:

df = pd.DataFrame([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], index=[100, 29, 234, 1, 150], columns=['A'])
df = df.sort_index()


Manually map column names with class properties

An easy way to achieve this is to just use aliases on the columns in your query.

If your database column is PERSON_ID and your object's property is ID, you can just do

select PERSON_ID as Id ...

in your query and Dapper will pick it up as expected.

Breadth First Vs Depth First

Given this binary tree:

enter image description here

Breadth First Traversal:
Traverse across each level from left to right.

"I'm G, my kids are D and I, my grandkids are B, E, H and K, their grandkids are A, C, F"

- Level 1: G 
- Level 2: D, I 
- Level 3: B, E, H, K 
- Level 4: A, C, F

Order Searched: G, D, I, B, E, H, K, A, C, F

Depth First Traversal:
Traversal is not done ACROSS entire levels at a time. Instead, traversal dives into the DEPTH (from root to leaf) of the tree first. However, it's a bit more complex than simply up and down.

There are three methods:

You need to think of this as a recursive process:  
Grab the Root. (G)  
Then Check the Left. (It's a tree)  
Grab the Root of the Left. (D)  
Then Check the Left of D. (It's a tree)  
Grab the Root of the Left (B)  
Then Check the Left of B. (A)  
Check the Right of B. (C, and it's a leaf node. Finish B tree. Continue D tree)  
Check the Right of D. (It's a tree)  
Grab the Root. (E)  
Check the Left of E. (Nothing)  
Check the Right of E. (F, Finish D Tree. Move back to G Tree)  
Check the Right of G. (It's a tree)  
Grab the Root of I Tree. (I)  
Check the Left. (H, it's a leaf.)  
Check the Right. (K, it's a leaf. Finish G tree)  
DONE: G, D, B, A, C, E, F, I, H, K  

Where the root is "in" or between the left and right child node.  
Check the Left of the G Tree. (It's a D Tree)  
Check the Left of the D Tree. (It's a B Tree)  
Check the Left of the B Tree. (A)  
Check the Root of the B Tree (B)  
Check the Right of the B Tree (C, finished B Tree!)  
Check the Right of the D Tree (It's a E Tree)  
Check the Left of the E Tree. (Nothing)  
Check the Right of the E Tree. (F, it's a leaf. Finish E Tree. Finish D Tree)...  
Onwards until...   
DONE: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K  

DONE: A, C, B, F, E, D, H, K, I, G

Usage (aka, why do we care):
I really enjoyed this simple Quora explanation of the Depth First Traversal methods and how they are commonly used:
"In-Order Traversal will print values [in order for the BST (binary search tree)]"
"Pre-order traversal is used to create a copy of the [binary search tree]."
"Postorder traversal is used to delete the [binary search tree]."

Why can't I change my input value in React even with the onChange listener

You can do shortcut via inline function if you want to simply change the state variable without declaring a new function at top:

<input type="text" onChange={e => this.setState({ text: })}/>

Android Studio Gradle DSL method not found: 'android()' -- Error(17,0)

Actually i tried many combinations nothing worked

but when i modified my application gradle file with following

 buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false

By removing the Line

proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'

it worked Normally :)) cheers

Bootstrap: How to center align content inside column?

Want to center an image? Very easy, Bootstrap comes with two classes, .center-block and text-center.

Use the former in the case of your image being a BLOCK element, for example, adding img-responsive class to your img makes the img a block element. You should know this if you know how to navigate in the web console and see applied styles to an element.

Don't want to use a class? No problem, here is the CSS bootstrap uses. You can make a custom class or write a CSS rule for the element to match the Bootstrap class.

 // In case you're dealing with a block element apply this to the element itself 
.center-block {

// In case you're dealing with a inline element apply this to the parent 
.text-center {

PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 with array when reading data


$data[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];


if ( ! isset($parts[1])) {
   $parts[1] = null;

$data[$parts[0]] = $parts[1];

or simply:

$data[$parts[0]] = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : null;

Not every line of your file has a colon in it and therefore explode on it returns an array of size 1.

According to possible return values from explode:

Returns an array of strings created by splitting the string parameter on boundaries formed by the delimiter.

If delimiter is an empty string (""), explode() will return FALSE. If delimiter contains a value that is not contained in string and a negative limit is used, then an empty array will be returned, otherwise an array containing string will be returned.

SQL Server 2012 Install or add Full-text search

You can add full text to an existing instance by changing the SQL Server program in Programs and Features. Follow the steps below. You might need the original disk or ISO for the installation to complete. (Per HotN's comment: If you have SQL Server Express, make sure it is SQL Server Express With Advanced Services.)


  1. Open the Programs and Features control panel.
  2. Select Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and click Change.
  3. When prompted to Add/Repair/Remove, select Add.
  4. Advance through the wizard until the Feature Selection screen. Then select Full-Text Search.

Step 1 Step 2

enter image description here

  1. On the Installation Type screen, select the appropriate SQL Server instance.

  2. Advance through the rest of the wizard.

Source (with screenshots):

Printing chars and their ASCII-code in C

Nothing can be more simple than this

#include <stdio.h>  

int main()  
    int i;  

    for( i=0 ; i<=255 ; i++ ) /*ASCII values ranges from 0-255*/  
        printf("ASCII value of character %c = %d\n", i, i);  

    return 0;  

Source: program to print ASCII value of all characters

If you can decode JWT, how are they secure?

JWTs can be either signed, encrypted or both. If a token is signed, but not encrypted, everyone can read its contents, but when you don't know the private key, you can't change it. Otherwise, the receiver will notice that the signature won't match anymore.

Answer to your comment: I'm not sure if I understand your comment the right way. Just to be sure: do you know and understand digital signatures? I'll just briefly explain one variant (HMAC, which is symmetrical, but there are many others).

Let's assume Alice wants to send a JWT to Bob. They both know some shared secret. Mallory doesn't know that secret, but wants to interfere and change the JWT. To prevent that, Alice calculates Hash(payload + secret) and appends this as signature.

When receiving the message, Bob can also calculate Hash(payload + secret) to check whether the signature matches. If however, Mallory changes something in the content, she isn't able to calculate the matching signature (which would be Hash(newContent + secret)). She doesn't know the secret and has no way of finding it out. This means if she changes something, the signature won't match anymore, and Bob will simply not accept the JWT anymore.

Let's suppose, I send another person the message {"id":1} and sign it with Hash(content + secret). (+ is just concatenation here). I use the SHA256 Hash function, and the signature I get is: 330e7b0775561c6e95797d4dd306a150046e239986f0a1373230fda0235bda8c. Now it's your turn: play the role of Mallory and try to sign the message {"id":2}. You can't because you don't know which secret I used. If I suppose that the recipient knows the secret, he CAN calculate the signature of any message and check if it's correct.

How to programmatically open the Permission Screen for a specific app on Android Marshmallow?

If you want to write less code in Kotlin you can do this:

fun Context.openAppSystemSettings() {
    startActivity(Intent().apply {
        data = Uri.fromParts("package", packageName, null)

Based on Martin Konecny answer

How do I correct the character encoding of a file?

When you see character sequences like ç and é, it's usually an indication that a UTF-8 file has been opened by a program that reads it in as ANSI (or similar). Unicode characters such as these:

U+00C2 Latin capital letter A with circumflex
U+00C3 Latin capital letter A with tilde
U+0082 Break permitted here
U+0083 No break here

tend to show up in ANSI text because of the variable-byte strategy that UTF-8 uses. This strategy is explained very well here.

The advantage for you is that the appearance of these odd characters makes it relatively easy to find, and thus replace, instances of incorrect conversion.

I believe that, since ANSI always uses 1 byte per character, you can handle this situation with a simple search-and-replace operation. Or more conveniently, with a program that includes a table mapping between the offending sequences and the desired characters, like these:

“ -> “ # should be an opening double curly quote
â€? -> ” # should be a closing double curly quote

Any given text, assuming it's in English, will have a relatively small number of different types of substitutions.

Hope that helps.

What's the difference between unit, functional, acceptance, and integration tests?

Unit Testing - As the name suggests, this method tests at the object level. Individual software components are tested for any errors. Knowledge of the program is needed for this test and the test codes are created to check if the software behaves as it is intended to.

Functional Testing - Is carried out without any knowledge of the internal working of the system. The tester will try to use the system by just following requirements, by providing different inputs and testing the generated outputs. This test is also known as closed-box testing or black-box.

Acceptance Testing - This is the last test that is conducted before the software is handed over to the client. It is carried out to ensure that the developed software meets all the customer requirements. There are two types of acceptance testing - one that is carried out by the members of the development team, known as internal acceptance testing (Alpha testing), and the other that is carried out by the customer or end user known as (Beta testing)

Integration Testing - Individual modules that are already subjected to unit testing are integrated with one another. Generally the two approachs are followed :

1) Top-Down
2) Bottom-Up

Remove duplicates from a dataframe in PySpark

It is not an import problem. You simply call .dropDuplicates() on a wrong object. While class of sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd1, ...) is pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame, after you apply .collect() it is a plain Python list, and lists don't provide dropDuplicates method. What you want is something like this:

 (df1 = sqlContext
     .createDataFrame(rdd1, ['column1', 'column2', 'column3', 'column4'])


Redirecting to a relative URL in JavaScript

<a href="..">no JS needed</a>

.. means parent directory.

How do I find a particular value in an array and return its index?

the fancy answer. Use std::vector and search with std::find

the simple answer

use a for loop

Decoding a Base64 string in Java

The following should work with the latest version of Apache common codec

byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode("YWJjZGVmZw==");
System.out.println(new String(decodedBytes));

and for encoding

byte[] encodedBytes = Base64.getEncoder().encode(decodedBytes);
System.out.println(new String(encodedBytes));

Is there a way to ignore a single FindBugs warning?

As others Mentioned, you can use the @SuppressFBWarnings Annotation. If you don't want or can't add another Dependency to your code, you can add the Annotation to your Code yourself, Findbugs dosn't care in which Package the Annotation is.

public @interface SuppressFBWarnings {
     * The set of FindBugs warnings that are to be suppressed in
     * annotated element. The value can be a bug category, kind or pattern.
    String[] value() default {};

     * Optional documentation of the reason why the warning is suppressed
    String justification() default "";


Binding ConverterParameter

There is also an alternative way to use MarkupExtension in order to use Binding for a ConverterParameter. With this solution you can still use the default IValueConverter instead of the IMultiValueConverter because the ConverterParameter is passed into the IValueConverter just like you expected in your first sample.

Here is my reusable MarkupExtension:

/// <summary>
///     <example>
///         <TextBox>
///             <TextBox.Text>
///                 <wpfAdditions:ConverterBindableParameter Binding="{Binding FirstName}"
///                     Converter="{StaticResource TestValueConverter}"
///                     ConverterParameterBinding="{Binding ConcatSign}" />
///             </TextBox.Text>
///         </TextBox>
///     </example>
/// </summary>
public class ConverterBindableParameter : MarkupExtension
    #region Public Properties

    public Binding Binding { get; set; }
    public BindingMode Mode { get; set; }
    public IValueConverter Converter { get; set; }
    public Binding ConverterParameter { get; set; }


    public ConverterBindableParameter()
    { }

    public ConverterBindableParameter(string path)
        Binding = new Binding(path);

    public ConverterBindableParameter(Binding binding)
        Binding = binding;

    #region Overridden Methods

    public override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        var multiBinding = new MultiBinding();
        Binding.Mode = Mode;
        if (ConverterParameter != null)
            ConverterParameter.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
        var adapter = new MultiValueConverterAdapter
            Converter = Converter
        multiBinding.Converter = adapter;
        return multiBinding.ProvideValue(serviceProvider);


    private class MultiValueConverterAdapter : IMultiValueConverter
        public IValueConverter Converter { get; set; }

        private object lastParameter;

        public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            if (Converter == null) return values[0]; // Required for VS design-time
            if (values.Length > 1) lastParameter = values[1];
            return Converter.Convert(values[0], targetType, lastParameter, culture);

        public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            if (Converter == null) return new object[] { value }; // Required for VS design-time

            return new object[] { Converter.ConvertBack(value, targetTypes[0], lastParameter, culture) };

With this MarkupExtension in your code base you can simply bind the ConverterParameter the following way:

<Style TargetType="FrameworkElement">
<Setter Property="Visibility">
     <wpfAdditions:ConverterBindableParameter Binding="{Binding Tag, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}"
                 Converter="{StaticResource AccessLevelToVisibilityConverter}"
                 ConverterParameterBinding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=Self}, Path=Tag}" />          

Which looks almost like your initial proposal.

How to insert spaces/tabs in text using HTML/CSS

White space? Couldn't you just use padding? That is an idea. That is how you can add some "blank area" around your element. So you can use the following CSS tags:

padding: 5px;
padding-top: 5px;
padding-bottom: 5px;
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;

Is there a Newline constant defined in Java like Environment.Newline in C#?

As of Java 7 (and Android API level 19):


Documentation: Java Platform SE 7

For older versions of Java, use:


See for other properties.

What is getattr() exactly and how do I use it?

Quite frequently when I am creating an XML file from data stored in a class I would frequently receive errors if the attribute didn't exist or was of type None. In this case, my issue wasn't not knowing what the attribute name was, as stated in your question, but rather was data ever stored in that attribute.

class Pet:
    def __init__(self): = None
        self.color = None

If I used hasattr to do this, it would return True even if the attribute value was of type None and this would cause my ElementTree set command to fail.

hasattr(temp, 'hair')

If the attribute value was of type None, getattr would also return it which would cause my ElementTree set command to fail.

c = getattr(temp, 'hair')
>> NoneType

I use the following method to take care of these cases now:

def getRealAttr(class_obj, class_attr, default = ''):
    temp = getattr(class_obj, class_attr, default)
    if temp is None:
        temp = default
    elif type(temp) != str:
        temp = str(temp)
    return temp

This is when and how I use getattr.

Convert an array to string

You can join your array using the following:

string.Join(",", Client);

Then you can output anyway you want. You can change the comma to what ever you want, a space, a pipe, or whatever.

VBA array sort function?

@Prasand Kumar, here's a complete sort routine based on Prasand's concepts:

Public Sub ArrayListSort(ByRef SortArray As Variant)
    'Uses the sort capabilities of a System.Collections.ArrayList object to sort an array of values of any simple
    'AUTHOR: Peter Straton
    'CREDIT: Derived from Prasand Kumar's post at:

    Static ArrayListObj As Object
    Dim i As Long
    Dim LBnd As Long
    Dim UBnd As Long

    LBnd = LBound(SortArray)
    UBnd = UBound(SortArray)

    'If necessary, create the ArrayList object, to be used to sort the specified array's values

    If ArrayListObj Is Nothing Then
        Set ArrayListObj = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
        ArrayListObj.Clear  'Already allocated so just clear any old contents
    End If

    'Add the ArrayList elements from the array of values to be sorted. (There appears to be no way to do this
    'using a single assignment statement.)

    For i = LBnd To UBnd
        ArrayListObj.Add SortArray(i)
    Next i

    ArrayListObj.Sort   'Do the sort

    'Transfer the sorted ArrayList values back to the original array, which can be done with a single assignment
    'statement.  But the result is always zero-based so then, if necessary, adjust the resulting array to match
    'its original index base.

    SortArray = ArrayListObj.ToArray
    If LBnd <> 0 Then ReDim Preserve SortArray(LBnd To UBnd)
End Sub

How do you run your own code alongside Tkinter's event loop?

The solution posted by Bjorn results in a "RuntimeError: Calling Tcl from different appartment" message on my computer (RedHat Enterprise 5, python 2.6.1). Bjorn might not have gotten this message, since, according to one place I checked, mishandling threading with Tkinter is unpredictable and platform-dependent.

The problem seems to be that app.start() counts as a reference to Tk, since app contains Tk elements. I fixed this by replacing app.start() with a self.start() inside __init__. I also made it so that all Tk references are either inside the function that calls mainloop() or are inside functions that are called by the function that calls mainloop() (this is apparently critical to avoid the "different apartment" error).

Finally, I added a protocol handler with a callback, since without this the program exits with an error when the Tk window is closed by the user.

The revised code is as follows:

# Run tkinter code in another thread

import tkinter as tk
import threading

class App(threading.Thread):

    def __init__(self):

    def callback(self):

    def run(self):
        self.root = tk.Tk()
        self.root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.callback)

        label = tk.Label(self.root, text="Hello World")


app = App()
print('Now we can continue running code while mainloop runs!')

for i in range(100000):

Show and hide divs at a specific time interval using jQuery

here is a jQuery plugin I came up with:

$.fn.cycle = function(timeout){
    var $all_elem = $(this)

    show_cycle_elem = function(index){
        if(index == $all_elem.length) return; //you can make it start-over, if you want
        setTimeout(function(){show_cycle_elem(++index)}, timeout);

You need to have a common classname for all the divs you wan to cycle, use it like this:


Specific Time Range Query in SQL Server

select * from table where 
(dtColumn between #3/1/2009# and #3/31/2009#) and 
(hour(dtColumn) between 6 and 22) and 
(weekday(dtColumn, 1) between 2 and 4) 

Why are Python lambdas useful?

lambdas are extremely useful in GUI programming. For example, lets say you're creating a group of buttons and you want to use a single paramaterized callback rather than a unique callback per button. Lambda lets you accomplish that with ease:

for value in ["one","two","three"]:
    b = tk.Button(label=value, command=lambda arg=value: my_callback(arg))

(Note: although this question is specifically asking about lambda, you can also use functools.partial to get the same type of result)

The alternative is to create a separate callback for each button which can lead to duplicated code.

Foreign key constraints: When to use ON UPDATE and ON DELETE

Do not hesitate to put constraints on the database. You'll be sure to have a consistent database, and that's one of the good reasons to use a database. Especially if you have several applications requesting it (or just one application but with a direct mode and a batch mode using different sources).

With MySQL you do not have advanced constraints like you would have in postgreSQL but at least the foreign key constraints are quite advanced.

We'll take an example, a company table with a user table containing people from theses company

     company_id INT NOT NULL,
     company_name VARCHAR(50),
     PRIMARY KEY (company_id)

     user_id INT, 
     user_name VARCHAR(50), 
     company_id INT,
     INDEX company_id_idx (company_id),
     FOREIGN KEY (company_id) REFERENCES COMPANY (company_id) ON...

Let's look at the ON UPDATE clause:

  • ON UPDATE RESTRICT : the default : if you try to update a company_id in table COMPANY the engine will reject the operation if one USER at least links on this company.
  • ON UPDATE CASCADE : the best one usually : if you update a company_id in a row of table COMPANY the engine will update it accordingly on all USER rows referencing this COMPANY (but no triggers activated on USER table, warning). The engine will track the changes for you, it's good.
  • ON UPDATE SET NULL : if you update a company_id in a row of table COMPANY the engine will set related USERs company_id to NULL (should be available in USER company_id field). I cannot see any interesting thing to do with that on an update, but I may be wrong.

And now on the ON DELETE side:

  • ON DELETE RESTRICT : the default : if you try to delete a company_id Id in table COMPANY the engine will reject the operation if one USER at least links on this company, can save your life.
  • ON DELETE CASCADE : dangerous : if you delete a company row in table COMPANY the engine will delete as well the related USERs. This is dangerous but can be used to make automatic cleanups on secondary tables (so it can be something you want, but quite certainly not for a COMPANY<->USER example)
  • ON DELETE SET NULL : handful : if you delete a COMPANY row the related USERs will automatically have the relationship to NULL. If Null is your value for users with no company this can be a good behavior, for example maybe you need to keep the users in your application, as authors of some content, but removing the company is not a problem for you.

usually my default is: ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE. with some ON DELETE CASCADE for track tables (logs--not all logs--, things like that) and ON DELETE SET NULL when the master table is a 'simple attribute' for the table containing the foreign key, like a JOB table for the USER table.


It's been a long time since I wrote that. Now I think I should add one important warning. MySQL has one big documented limitation with cascades. Cascades are not firing triggers. So if you were over confident enough in that engine to use triggers you should avoid cascades constraints.

MySQL triggers activate only for changes made to tables by SQL statements. They do not activate for changes in views, nor by changes to tables made by APIs that do not transmit SQL statements to the MySQL Server

==> See below the last edit, things are moving on this domain

Triggers are not activated by foreign key actions.

And I do not think this will get fixed one day. Foreign key constraints are managed by the InnoDb storage and Triggers are managed by the MySQL SQL engine. Both are separated. Innodb is the only storage with constraint management, maybe they'll add triggers directly in the storage engine one day, maybe not.

But I have my own opinion on which element you should choose between the poor trigger implementation and the very useful foreign keys constraints support. And once you'll get used to database consistency you'll love PostgreSQL.

12/2017-Updating this Edit about MySQL:

as stated by @IstiaqueAhmed in the comments, the situation has changed on this subject. So follow the link and check the real up-to-date situation (which may change again in the future).

Spring RestTemplate GET with parameters

The uriVariables are also expanded in the query string. For example, the following call will expand values for both, account and name:"{account}?name={name}",

so the actual request url will be

Look at HierarchicalUriComponents.expandInternal(UriTemplateVariables) for more details. Version of Spring is 3.1.3.

Create random list of integers in Python

Firstly, you should use randrange(0,1000) or randint(0,999), not randint(0,1000). The upper limit of randint is inclusive.

For efficiently, randint is simply a wrapper of randrange which calls random, so you should just use random. Also, use xrange as the argument to sample, not range.

You could use

[a for a in sample(xrange(1000),1000) for _ in range(10000/1000)]

to generate 10,000 numbers in the range using sample 10 times.

(Of course this won't beat NumPy.)

$ python2.7 -m timeit -s 'from random import randrange' '[randrange(1000) for _ in xrange(10000)]'
10 loops, best of 3: 26.1 msec per loop

$ python2.7 -m timeit -s 'from random import sample' '[a%1000 for a in sample(xrange(10000),10000)]'
100 loops, best of 3: 18.4 msec per loop

$ python2.7 -m timeit -s 'from random import random' '[int(1000*random()) for _ in xrange(10000)]' 
100 loops, best of 3: 9.24 msec per loop

$ python2.7 -m timeit -s 'from random import sample' '[a for a in sample(xrange(1000),1000) for _ in range(10000/1000)]'
100 loops, best of 3: 3.79 msec per loop

$ python2.7 -m timeit -s 'from random import shuffle
> def samplefull(x):
>   a = range(x)
>   shuffle(a)
>   return a' '[a for a in samplefull(1000) for _ in xrange(10000/1000)]'
100 loops, best of 3: 3.16 msec per loop

$ python2.7 -m timeit -s 'from numpy.random import randint' 'randint(1000, size=10000)'
1000 loops, best of 3: 363 usec per loop

But since you don't care about the distribution of numbers, why not just use:



Rewrite all requests to index.php with nginx

Flat and simple config without rewrite, can work in some cases:

location / {
    fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
    include fastcgi_params;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /home/webuser/site/index.php;

Static method in a generic class?

It is possible to do what you want by using the syntax for generic methods when declaring your doIt() method (notice the addition of <T> between static and void in the method signature of doIt()):

class Clazz<T> {
  static <T> void doIt(T object) {
    // shake that booty

I got Eclipse editor to accept the above code without the Cannot make a static reference to the non-static type T error and then expanded it to the following working program (complete with somewhat age-appropriate cultural reference):

public class Clazz<T> {
  static <T> void doIt(T object) {
    System.out.println("shake that booty '" + object.getClass().toString()
                       + "' !!!");

  private static class KC {

  private static class SunshineBand {

  public static void main(String args[]) {
    KC kc = new KC();
    SunshineBand sunshineBand = new SunshineBand();

Which prints these lines to the console when I run it:

shake that booty 'class com.eclipseoptions.datamanager.Clazz$KC' !!!
shake that booty 'class com.eclipseoptions.datamanager.Clazz$SunshineBand' !!!

java.util.Date format SSSSSS: if not microseconds what are the last 3 digits?

From the documentation of SimpleDateFormat:

Letter     Date or Time Component     Presentation     Examples  
S          Millisecond                Number           978 

So it is milliseconds, or 1/1000th of a second. You just format it with on 6 digits, so you add 3 extra leading zeroes...

You can check it this way:

    Date d =new Date();
    System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S").format(d));
    System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SS").format(d));
    System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").format(d));
    System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSS").format(d));
    System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSS").format(d));
    System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS").format(d));


2013-10-07 12:13:27.132
2013-10-07 12:13:27.132
2013-10-07 12:13:27.132
2013-10-07 12:13:27.0132
2013-10-07 12:13:27.00132
2013-10-07 12:13:27.000132

(Ideone fiddle)

How to set-up a favicon?

Below given some information about fav Icon

What Is FavIcon? ? FavIcon is nothing but small image which appears top left along with the application address bar title.Standard size specification for favicon.ico is 16 by 16 pixel. Please see below attached figure.

enter image description here

How It Works ? ? Usually we add our FavIcon.ico image in the route solution folder and automatically application picks it while running. But most of the time we might have to use below both link reference.

               <link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/ico"/>
               <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"/>

Some browser expect one (rel="icon") Some other browser expect other rel="shortcut icon"

? Type=”image/x-icon” OR Type=”image/ico”: once expect exact ico image and one expect any image even formatted from .jpg or .pn ..etc.

? We have to use above two tags to the common pages like – Master page , Main frame which is getting used in all the pages

Substitute multiple whitespace with single whitespace in Python

For completeness, you can also use:

mystring = mystring.strip()  # the while loop will leave a trailing space, 
                  # so the trailing whitespace must be dealt with
                  # before or after the while loop
while '  ' in mystring:
    mystring = mystring.replace('  ', ' ')

which will work quickly on strings with relatively few spaces (faster than re in these situations).

In any scenario, Alex Martelli's split/join solution performs at least as quickly (usually significantly more so).

In your example, using the default values of timeit.Timer.repeat(), I get the following times:

str.replace: [1.4317800167340238, 1.4174888149192384, 1.4163512401715934]
re.sub:      [3.741931446594549,  3.8389395858970374, 3.973777672860706]
split/join:  [0.6530919432498195, 0.6252146571700905, 0.6346594329726258]


Just came across this post which provides a rather long comparison of the speeds of these methods.

Base64: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character

Just use the below code to resolve this:

JsonObject obj = Json.createReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64.getDecoder().decode(accessToken.split("\\.")[1].
                        replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/')))).readObject();

In the above code replace('-', '+').replace('_', '/') did the job. For more details see the I understood the problem from the part of the code got from that link:

function url_base64_decode(str) {
  var output = str.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
  switch (output.length % 4) {
    case 0:
    case 2:
      output += '==';
    case 3:
      output += '=';
      throw 'Illegal base64url string!';
  var result = window.atob(output); //polifyll
    return decodeURIComponent(escape(result));
  } catch (err) {
    return result;

How do I correctly upgrade angular 2 (npm) to the latest version?

Alternative approach using npm-upgrade:

  1. npm i -g npm-upgrade

Go to your project folder

  1. npm-upgrade check

It will ask you if you wish to upgrade the package, select Yes

That's simple

How to modify existing, unpushed commit messages?

To amend the previous commit, make the changes you want and stage those changes, and then run

git commit --amend

This will open a file in your text editor representing your new commit message. It starts out populated with the text from your old commit message. Change the commit message as you want, then save the file and quit your editor to finish.

To amend the previous commit and keep the same log message, run

git commit --amend -C HEAD

To fix the previous commit by removing it entirely, run

git reset --hard HEAD^

If you want to edit more than one commit message, run

git rebase -i HEAD~commit_count

(Replace commit_count with number of commits that you want to edit.) This command launches your editor. Mark the first commit (the one that you want to change) as “edit” instead of “pick”, then save and exit your editor. Make the change you want to commit and then run

git commit --amend
git rebase --continue

Note: You can also "Make the change you want" from the editor opened by git commit --amend

How can I tell jackson to ignore a property for which I don't have control over the source code?

I had a similar issue, but it was related to Hibernate's bi-directional relationships. I wanted to show one side of the relationship and programmatically ignore the other, depending on what view I was dealing with. If you can't do that, you end up with nasty StackOverflowExceptions. For instance, if I had these objects

public class A{
  Long id;
  String name;
  List<B> children;

public class B{
  Long id;
  A parent;

I would want to programmatically ignore the parent field in B if I were looking at A, and ignore the children field in A if I were looking at B.

I started off using mixins to do this, but that very quickly becomes horrible; you have so many useless classes laying around that exist solely to format data. I ended up writing my own serializer to handle this in a cleaner way:

It allows you programmatically specify what fields to ignore:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
module.addSerializer(JsonView.class, new JsonViewSerializer());

List<A> list = getListOfA();
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(JsonView.with(list)
    .onClass(B.class, match()

It also lets you easily specify very simplified views through wildcard matchers:

String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(JsonView.with(list)
    .onClass(A.class, match()
         .include("id", "name")));

In my original case, the need for simple views like this was to show the bare minimum about the parent/child, but it also became useful for our role-based security. Less privileged views of objects needed to return less information about the object.

All of this comes from the serializer, but I was using Spring MVC in my app. To get it to properly handle these cases, I wrote an integration that you can drop in to existing Spring controller classes:

public class JsonController {
  private JsonResult json = JsonResult.instance();
  private TestObjectService service;

  @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/bean")
  public List<TestObject> getTestObject() {
    List<TestObject> list = service.list();

    return json.use(JsonView.with(list)
        .onClass(TestObject.class, Match.match()

Both are available on Maven Central. I hope it helps someone else out there, this is a particularly ugly problem with Jackson that didn't have a good solution for my case.

Maven: add a folder or jar file into current classpath

The classpath setting of the compiler plugin are two args. Changed it like this and it worked for me:


I used the gmavenplus-plugin to read the path and create the property 'cp':

      Use Groovy to read classpath and store into
      file named value of property <cpfile>

      In second step use Groovy to read the contents of
      the file into a new property named <cp>

      In the compiler plugin this is used to create a
      valid classpath
        <!-- any version of Groovy \>= 1.5.0 should work here -->

                def file = new File(
                /* create a new property named 'cp'*/
       = file.getText()
                println '<<< Retrieving classpath into new property named <cp> >>>'
                println 'cp = ' +

Unable to install Maven on Windows: "JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory"

using windows 10

I was facing issue .. then I removed JAVA_HOME variable completly and just added %JAVA_HOME%\bin in PATH then it worked!!! for mee

HTML tag inside JavaScript

  <input type="checkbox" id="number1" onclick="number1();">Number 1</br>
  <p id="h1"></p>
   <script type="text/javascript">
    function number1() {
    if(document.getElementById('number1').checked) {

      document.getElementById("h1").innerHTML = "<h1>Hello member</h1>";

How to tell whether a point is to the right or left side of a line

equation of line is y-y1 = m(x-x1)

here m is y2-y1 / x2-x1

now put m in equation and put condition on y < m(x-x1) + y1 then it is left side point


for i in rows:

  for j in cols:

    if j>m(i-a)+b:


how to configure lombok in eclipse luna

It began to work only after

eclipse -clean.

And I have to launch it so each time. -clean in eclipse.ini doesn't help.

Other solutions weren't helpful too.

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed

I added the control to the Triggers tag in the update panel:

        <asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="exportLinkButton" />

This way the exportLinkButton will trigger the UpdatePanel to update.
More info here.

/bin/sh: apt-get: not found

If you are looking inside dockerfile while creating image, add this line:

RUN apk add --update yourPackageName

How do you push just a single Git branch (and no other branches)?

Minor update on top of Karthik Bose's answer - you can configure git globally, to affect all of your workspaces to behave that way:

git config --global push.default upstream

How can I get useful error messages in PHP?

It is possible to register an hook to make the last error or warning visible.

function shutdown(){


adding this code to the beginning of you index.php will help you debug the problems.

Using SED with wildcard

So, the concept of a "wildcard" in Regular Expressions works a bit differently. In order to match "any character" you would use "." The "*" modifier means, match any number of times.

ImportError: No Module named simplejson

Sometimes there is permission errors. Try:

sudo pip install simplejson

Hope it helps.

How to filter data in dataview

DataView view = new DataView();
view.Table = DataSet1.Tables["Suppliers"];
view.RowFilter = "City = 'Berlin'";
view.RowStateFilter = DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent;
view.Sort = "CompanyName DESC";

// Simple-bind to a TextBox control
Text1.DataBindings.Add("Text", view, "CompanyName");


How exactly to use Notification.Builder

In case it helps anyone... I was having a lot of trouble with setting up notifications using the support package when testing against newer an older API's. I was able to get them to work on the newer device but would get an error testing on the old device. What finally got it working for me was to delete all the imports related to the notification functions. In particular the NotificationCompat and the TaskStackBuilder. It seems that while setting up my code in the beginning the imports where added from the newer build and not from the support package. Then when I wanted to implement these items later in eclipse, I wasn't prompted to import them again. Hope that makes sense, and that it helps someone else out :)

Why do people say that Ruby is slow?

Performance is almost always about good design and optimized database interactions. Ruby does what most web sites need quite fast, especially more recent versions; and the speed of development and ease of maintenance provides a large payoff in costs and in keeping customers happy. I find JAVA to have slow execution performance for some tasks, and given the difficulty of developing in JAVA, many developers create slow applications regardless of the theoretical speed capability as demonstrated in benchmarks (benchmarks are generally contrived to show a specific and narrow capability). When I need intensive processing that isn't well suited to my database's capabilities, I choose C or Objective-C or some other truly high performance compiled language for those tasks depending on the platform. If I need to create a databased web application, I use RoR or sometimes C# ASP.NET depending on other requirements; because all platforms have strengths and weaknesses. Execution speed of the things your application does is important, but after all, if execution performance of one narrow aspect of a language is all that counts; then I might still be using Assembler language for everything.

How can I remove Nan from list Python/NumPy

Using your example where...

countries= [nan, 'USA', 'UK', 'France']

Since nan is not equal to nan (nan != nan) and countries[0] = nan, you should observe the following:

countries[0] == countries[0]


countries[1] == countries[1]
countries[2] == countries[2]
countries[3] == countries[3]

Therefore, the following should work:

cleanedList = [x for x in countries if x == x]

PHP using Gettext inside <<<EOF string

As far as I can see in the manual, it is not possible to call functions inside HEREDOC strings. A cumbersome way would be to prepare the words beforehand:


    $world = _("World");

    $str = <<<EOF
    echo $str;

a workaround idea that comes to mind is building a class with a magic getter method.

You would declare a class like this:

class Translator
 public function __get($name) {
  return _($name); // Does the gettext lookup

Initialize an object of the class at some point:

  $translate = new Translator();

You can then use the following syntax to do a gettext lookup inside a HEREDOC block:

    $str = <<<EOF
    echo $str;

$translate->World will automatically be translated to the gettext lookup thanks to the magic getter method.

To use this method for words with spaces or special characters (e.g. a gettext entry named Hello World!!!!!!, you will have to use the following notation:

 $translate->{"Hello World!!!!!!"}

This is all untested but should work.

Update: As @mario found out, it is possible to call functions from HEREDOC strings after all. I think using getters like this is a sleek solution, but using a direct function call may be easier. See the comments on how to do this.

How can I open a Shell inside a Vim Window?

You can use tmux or screen (second is able to do only horizontal splits without a patch) to split your terminal. But I do not know the way to have one instance of Vim in both panes.

How do I configure IIS for URL Rewriting an AngularJS application in HTML5 mode?

The IIS inbound rules as shown in the question DO work. I had to clear the browser cache and add the following line in the top of my <head> section of the index.html page:

<base href="/myApplication/app/" />

This is because I have more than one application in localhost and so requests to other partials were being taken to localhost/app/view1 instead of localhost/myApplication/app/view1

Hopefully this helps someone!