[arrays] VBA array sort function?

Explanation in German but the code is a well-tested in-place implementation:

Private Sub QuickSort(ByRef Field() As String, ByVal LB As Long, ByVal UB As Long)
    Dim P1 As Long, P2 As Long, Ref As String, TEMP As String

    P1 = LB
    P2 = UB
    Ref = Field((P1 + P2) / 2)

        Do While (Field(P1) < Ref)
            P1 = P1 + 1

        Do While (Field(P2) > Ref)
            P2 = P2 - 1

        If P1 <= P2 Then
            TEMP = Field(P1)
            Field(P1) = Field(P2)
            Field(P2) = TEMP

            P1 = P1 + 1
            P2 = P2 - 1
        End If
    Loop Until (P1 > P2)

    If LB < P2 Then Call QuickSort(Field, LB, P2)
    If P1 < UB Then Call QuickSort(Field, P1, UB)
End Sub

Invoked like this:

Call QuickSort(MyArray, LBound(MyArray), UBound(MyArray))

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VBA array sort function?