Programs & Examples On #Jquery ui button

The Button widget that forms part of the jQuery.UI library

How to use radio buttons in ReactJS?

Just an idea here: when it comes to radio inputs in React, I usually render all of them in a different way that was mentionned in the previous answers.

If this could help anyone who needs to render plenty of radio buttons:

import React from "react"_x000D_
import ReactDOM from "react-dom"_x000D_
// This Component should obviously be a class if you want it to work ;)_x000D_
const RadioInputs = (props) => {_x000D_
    [[Label, associated value], ...]_x000D_
  const inputs = [["Male", "M"], ["Female", "F"], ["Other", "O"]]_x000D_
  return (_x000D_
      {_x000D_[text, value], i) => (_x000D_
   <div key={ i }>_x000D_
     <input type="radio"_x000D_
              checked={ this.state.gender === value } _x000D_
       onChange={ /* You'll need an event function here */ } _x000D_
       value={ value } /> _x000D_
         { text }_x000D_
  <RadioInputs />,_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="root"></div>

Can Selenium WebDriver open browser windows silently in the background?

On Windows you can use win32gui:

import win32gui
import win32con
import subprocess

class HideFox:
    def __init__(self, exe='firefox.exe'):
        self.exe = exe

    def get_hwnd(self):
      win_name = get_win_name(self.exe)
      self.hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(0,win_name)

    def hide(self):
        win32gui.ShowWindow(self.hwnd, win32con.SW_MINIMIZE)
        win32gui.ShowWindow(self.hwnd, win32con.SW_HIDE)

    def show(self):
        win32gui.ShowWindow(self.hwnd, win32con.SW_SHOW)
        win32gui.ShowWindow(self.hwnd, win32con.SW_MAXIMIZE)

def get_win_name(exe):
    ''' Simple function that gets the window name of the process with the given name'''
    info = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
    info.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
    raw = subprocess.check_output('tasklist /v /fo csv', startupinfo=info).split('\n')[1:-1]
    for proc in raw:
            proc = eval('[' + proc + ']')
            if proc[0] == exe:
                return proc[8]
    raise ValueError('Could not find a process with name ' + exe)


hider = HideFox('firefox.exe') # Can be anything, e.q., phantomjs.exe, notepad.exe, etc.
# To hide the window
# To show again

However, there is one problem with this solution - using send_keys method makes the window show up. You can deal with it by using JavaScript which does not show a window:

def send_keys_without_opening_window(id_of_the_element, keys)
    YourWebdriver.execute_script("document.getElementById('" + id_of_the_element + "').value = '" + keys + "';")

Is there a "do ... until" in Python?

No there isn't. Instead use a while loop such as:

while 1:
  if cond:

How to execute Ant build in command line

Go to the Ant website and download. This way, you have a copy of Ant outside of Eclipse. I recommend to put it under the C:\ant directory. This way, it doesn't have any spaces in the directory names. In your System Control Panel, set the Environment Variable ANT_HOME to this directory, then pre-pend to the System PATHvariable, %ANT_HOME%\bin. This way, you don't have to put in the whole directory name.

Assuming you did the above, try this:

C:\> cd \Silk4J\Automation\iControlSilk4J
C:\Silk4J\Automation\iControlSilk4J> ant -d build

This will do several things:

  • It will eliminate the possibility that the problem is with Eclipe's version of Ant.
  • It is way easier to type
  • Since you're executing the build.xml in the directory where it exists, you don't end up with the possibility that your Ant build can't locate a particular directory.

The -d will print out a lot of output, so you might want to capture it, or set your terminal buffer to something like 99999, and run cls first to clear out the buffer. This way, you'll capture all of the output from the beginning in the terminal buffer.

Let's see how Ant should be executing. You didn't specify any targets to execute, so Ant should be taking the default build target. Here it is:

<target depends="build-subprojects,build-project" name="build"/>

The build target does nothing itself. However, it depends upon two other targets, so these will be called first:

The first target is build-subprojects:

<target name="build-subprojects"/>

This does nothing at all. It doesn't even have a dependency.

The next target specified is build-project does have code:

<target depends="init" name="build-project">

This target does contain tasks, and some dependent targets. Before build-project executes, it will first run the init target:

<target name="init">
    <mkdir dir="bin"/>
    <copy includeemptydirs="false" todir="bin">
        <fileset dir="src">
            <exclude name="**/*.java"/>

This target creates a directory called bin, then copies all files under the src tree with the suffix *.java over to the bin directory. The includeemptydirs mean that directories without non-java code will not be created.

Ant uses a scheme to do minimal work. For example, if the bin directory is created, the <mkdir/> task is not executed. Also, if a file was previously copied, or there are no non-Java files in your src directory tree, the <copy/> task won't run. However, the init target will still be executed.

Next, we go back to our previous build-project target:

<target depends="init" name="build-project">
    <echo message="${}: ${ant.file}"/>
    <javac debug="true" debuglevel="${debuglevel}" destdir="bin" source="${source}" target="${target}">
        <src path="src"/>
        <classpath refid="iControlSilk4J.classpath"/>

Look at this line:

<echo message="${}: ${ant.file}"/>

That should have always executed. Did your output print:

[echo] iControlSilk4J: C:\Silk4J\Automation\iControlSilk4J\build.xml

Maybe you didn't realize that was from your build.

After that, it runs the <javac/> task. That is, if there's any files to actually compile. Again, Ant tries to avoid work it doesn't have to do. If all of the *.java files have previously been compiled, the <javac/> task won't execute.

And, that's the end of the build. Your build might not have done anything simply because there was nothing to do. You can try running the clean task, and then build:

C:\Silk4J\Automation\iControlSilk4J> ant -d clean build

However, Ant usually prints the target being executed. You should have seen this:




    [echo] iControlSilk4J: C:\Silk4J\Automation\iControlSilk4J\build.xml


Build Successful

Note that the targets are all printed out in order they're executed, and the tasks are printed out as they are executed. However, if there's nothing to compile, or nothing to copy, then you won't see these tasks being executed. Does this look like your output? If so, it could be there's nothing to do.

  • If the bin directory already exists, <mkdir/> isn't going to execute.
  • If there are no non-Java files in src, or they have already been copied into bin, the <copy/> task won't execute.
  • If there are no Java file in your src directory, or they have already been compiled, the <java/> task won't run.

If you look at the output from the -d debug, you'll see Ant looking at a task, then explaining why a particular task wasn't executed. Plus, the debug option will explain how Ant decides what tasks to execute.

See if that helps.

Inserting into Oracle and retrieving the generated sequence ID

You can use the below statement to get the inserted Id to a variable-like thing.

INSERT INTO  YOUR_TABLE(ID) VALUES ('10') returning ID into :Inserted_Value;

Now you can retrieve the value using the below statement

SELECT :Inserted_Value FROM DUAL;

What and When to use Tuple?

This is the most important thing to know about the Tuple type. Tuple is a class, not a struct. It thus will be allocated upon the managed heap. Each class instance that is allocated adds to the burden of garbage collection.

Note: The properties Item1, Item2, and further do not have setters. You cannot assign them. The Tuple is immutable once created in memory.

Order a MySQL table by two columns

This maybe help somebody who is looking for the way to sort table by two columns, but in paralel way. This means to combine two sorts using aggregate sorting function. It's very useful when for example retrieving articles using fulltext search and also concerning the article publish date.

This is only example, but if you catch the idea you can find a lot of aggregate functions to use. You can even weight the columns to prefer one over second. The function of mine takes extremes from both sorts, thus the most valued rows are on the top.

Sorry if there exists simplier solutions to do this job, but I haven't found any.

     @row := @row + 1 as `date_order_id`
         @row := @row + 1 as `match_order_id`
             `art_id` AS `id`,
             `text`   AS `text`,
             `date`   AS `date`,
             MATCH (`text`) AGAINST (:string) AS `match`
             FROM int_art_fulltext
             WHERE MATCH (`text`) AGAINST (:string IN BOOLEAN MODE)
             LIMIT 0,101
         ) t,
           SELECT @row := 0
         ) r
         ORDER BY `match` DESC
     ) k,
       SELECT @row := 0
     ) l
     ORDER BY k.`date` DESC
   ) s
 ORDER BY (1/`match_order_id`+1/`date_order_id`) DESC

How to reload page every 5 seconds?

To reload the same page you don't need the 2nd argument. You can just use:

 <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30" />

This triggers a reload every 30 seconds.

Replace one substring for another string in shell script

Since I can't add a comment. @ruaka To make the example more readable write it like this

full_string="I love Suzy and Mary"

Create list of object from another using Java 8 Streams

I prefer to solve this in the classic way, creating a new array of my desired data type:

List<MyNewType> newArray = new ArrayList<>();
myOldArray.forEach(info -> newArray.add(objectMapper.convertValue(info, MyNewType.class)));

Window.Open with PDF stream instead of PDF location

Note: I have verified this in the latest version of IE, and other browsers like Mozilla and Chrome and this works for me. Hope it works for others as well.

if (data == "" || data == undefined) {
    alert("Falied to open PDF.");
} else { //For IE using atob convert base64 encoded data to byte array
    if (window.navigator && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
        var byteCharacters = atob(data);
        var byteNumbers = new Array(byteCharacters.length);
        for (var i = 0; i < byteCharacters.length; i++) {
            byteNumbers[i] = byteCharacters.charCodeAt(i);
        var byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers);
        var blob = new Blob([byteArray], {
            type: 'application/pdf'
        window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, fileName);
    } else { // Directly use base 64 encoded data for rest browsers (not IE)
        var base64EncodedPDF = data;
        var dataURI = "data:application/pdf;base64," + base64EncodedPDF;, '_blank');


How do I dump the data of some SQLite3 tables?

You could do a select on the tables inserting commas after each field to produce a csv, or use a GUI tool to return all the data and save it to a csv.

What is JavaScript garbage collection?

"In computer science, garbage collection (GC) is a form of automatic memory management. The garbage collector, or just collector, attempts to reclaim garbage, or memory used by objects that will never be accessed or mutated again by the application."

All JavaScript engines have their own garbage collectors, and they may differ. Most time you do not have to deal with them because they just do what they supposed to do.

Writing better code mostly depends of how good do you know programming principles, language and particular implementation.

How do you check if a selector matches something in jQuery?

I think most of the people replying here didn't quite understand the question, or else I might be mistaken.

The question is "how to check whether or not a selector exists in jQuery."

Most people have taken this for "how to check whether an element exists in the DOM using jQuery." Hardly interchangeable.

jQuery allows you to create custom selectors, but see here what happens when you try to use on e before initializing it;

"Syntax error, unrecognized expression: YEAH"

After running into this, I realized it was simply a matter of checking

if ($.expr[':']['YEAH']) {
    // Query for your :YEAH selector with ease of mind.


Creating an empty bitmap and drawing though canvas in Android

Do not use Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888

Instead use int w = WIDTH_PX, h = HEIGHT_PX;

Bitmap.Config conf = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444; // see other conf types
Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, conf); // this creates a MUTABLE bitmap
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bmp);

// ready to draw on that bitmap through that canvas

ARGB_8888 can land you in OutOfMemory issues when dealing with more bitmaps or large bitmaps. Or better yet, try avoiding usage of ARGB option itself.

The executable gets signed with invalid entitlements in Xcode

In my case: I need enable Inter-App Audio in

Capabilities -> Inter-App Audio

I think because I use Notification, it need link to AudioToolbox.framework

IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'juliodantas2015.json'

tells you everything you need to know: though you successfully made your python program executable with your chmod, python can't open that juliodantas2015.json' file for writing. You probably don't have the rights to create new files in the folder you're currently in.

JavaScript: Class.method vs. Class.prototype.method

When you create more than one instance of MyClass , you will still only have only one instance of publicMethod in memory but in case of privilegedMethod you will end up creating lots of instances and staticMethod has no relationship with an object instance.

That's why prototypes save memory.

Also, if you change the parent object's properties, is the child's corresponding property hasn't been changed, it'll be updated.

How to initialize all members of an array to the same value?

I know that user Tarski answered this question in a similar manner, but I added a few more details. Forgive some of my C for I'm a bit rusty at it since I'm more inclined to want to use C++, but here it goes.

If you know the size of the array ahead of time...

#include <stdio.h>

typedef const unsigned int cUINT;
typedef unsigned int UINT;

cUINT size = 10;
cUINT initVal = 5;

void arrayInitializer( UINT* myArray, cUINT size, cUINT initVal );
void printArray( UINT* myArray ); 

int main() {        
    UINT myArray[size]; 
    /* Not initialized during declaration but can be
    initialized using a function for the appropriate TYPE*/
    arrayInitializer( myArray, size, initVal );

    printArray( myArray );

    return 0;

void arrayInitializer( UINT* myArray, cUINT size, cUINT initVal ) {
    for ( UINT n = 0; n < size; n++ ) {
        myArray[n] = initVal;

void printArray( UINT* myArray ) {
    printf( "myArray = { " );
    for ( UINT n = 0; n < size; n++ ) {
        printf( "%u", myArray[n] );

        if ( n < size-1 )
            printf( ", " );
    printf( " }\n" );

There are a few caveats above; one is that UINT myArray[size]; is not directly initialized upon declaration, however the very next code block or function call does initialize each element of the array to the same value you want. The other caveat is, you would have to write an initializing function for each type you will support and you would also have to modify the printArray() function to support those types.

You can try this code with an online complier found here.

How to remove title bar from the android activity?

you just add this style in your style.xml file which is in your values folder

<style name="AppTheme.NoActionBar" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <item name="windowActionBar">false</item>
    <item name="windowNoTitle">true</item>
    <item name="android:windowFullscreen">true</item>

After that set this style to your activity class in your AndroidManifest.xml file


Edit:- If you are going with programmatic way to hide ActionBar then use below code in your activity onCreate() method.


and if you want to hide ActionBar from Fragment then


AppCompat v7:- Use following theme in your Activities where you don't want actiobBar Theme.AppComat.NoActionBar or Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar or if you want to hide in whole app then set this theme in your <application... /> in your AndroidManifest.

In Kotlin:

add this line of code in your onCreate() method or you can use above theme.

if (supportActionBar != null)

i hope this will help you more.

Creating a constant Dictionary in C#

This is the closest thing you can get to a "CONST Dictionary":

public static int GetValueByName(string name)
    switch (name)
        case "bob": return 1;
        case "billy": return 2;
        default: return -1;

The compiler will be smart enough to build the code as clean as possible.

How to check if an object implements an interface?

In general for AnInterface and anInstance of any class:


Shuffle DataFrame rows

What is also useful, if you use it for Machine_learning and want to seperate always the same data, you could use:

df.sample(n=len(df), random_state=42)

this makes sure, that you keep your random choice always replicatable

How to use confirm using sweet alert?

document.querySelector('#from1').onsubmit = function(e){_x000D_
    title: "Are you sure?",_x000D_
    text: "You will not be able to recover this imaginary file!",_x000D_
    type: "warning",_x000D_
    showCancelButton: true,_x000D_
    confirmButtonColor: '#DD6B55',_x000D_
    confirmButtonText: 'Yes, I am sure!',_x000D_
    cancelButtonText: "No, cancel it!",_x000D_
    closeOnConfirm: false,_x000D_
    closeOnCancel: false_x000D_
   if (isConfirm.value){_x000D_
     swal("Shortlisted!", "Candidates are successfully shortlisted!", "success");_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
      swal("Cancelled", "Your imaginary file is safe :)", "error");_x000D_

Bootstrap 3: Text overlay on image

Set the position to absolute; to move the caption area in the correct position


.post-content {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;
    opacity: 0.5;
    margin: -54px 20px 12px; 
    position: absolute;


Generating random whole numbers in JavaScript in a specific range?

To get a random number say between 1 and 6, first do:

    0.5 + (Math.random() * ((6 - 1) + 1))

This multiplies a random number by 6 and then adds 0.5 to it. Next round the number to a positive integer by doing:

    Math.round(0.5 + (Math.random() * ((6 - 1) + 1))

This round the number to the nearest whole number.

Or to make it more understandable do this:

    var value = 0.5 + (Math.random() * ((6 - 1) + 1))
    var roll = Math.round(value);
    return roll;

In general the code for doing this using variables is:

    var value = (Min - 0.5) + (Math.random() * ((Max - Min) + 1))
    var roll = Math.round(value);
    return roll;

The reason for taking away 0.5 from the minimum value is because using the minimum value alone would allow you to get an integer that was one more than your maximum value. By taking away 0.5 from the minimum value you are essentially preventing the maximum value from being rounded up.

Hope that helps.

What is the difference between Python and IPython?

From my experience I've found that some commands which run in IPython do not run in base Python. For example, pwd and ls don't work alone in base Python. However they will work if prefaced with a % such as: %pwd and %ls.

Also, in IPython, you can run the cd command like: cd C:\Users\... This doesn't seem to work in base python, even when prefaced with a % however.

Finding the second highest number in array

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("\n number of input sets::");
int value=sc.nextInt();
System.out.println("\n input sets::");
int[] inputset; 

inputset = new int[value];
for(int i=0;i<value;i++)
int maxvalue=inputset[0];
int secondval=inputset[0];
for(int i=1;i<value;i++)
for(int i=1;i<value;i++)
    if(inputset[i]>secondval && inputset[i]<maxvalue)
System.out.println("\n maxvalue"+ maxvalue);
System.out.println("\n secondmaxvalue"+ secondval);

Force browser to refresh css, javascript, etc

Check this: How Do I Force the Browser to Use the Newest Version of my Stylesheet?

Assumming your css file is foo.css, you can force the client to use the latest version by appending a query string as shown below.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="foo.css?v=1.1">

sscanf in Python

If the separators are ':', you can split on ':', and then use x.strip() on the strings to get rid of any leading or trailing whitespace. int() will ignore the spaces.

What does "javax.naming.NoInitialContextException" mean?

Just read the docs:

This exception is thrown when no initial context implementation can be created. The policy of how an initial context implementation is selected is described in the documentation of the InitialContext class.

This exception can be thrown during any interaction with the InitialContext, not only when the InitialContext is constructed. For example, the implementation of the initial context might lazily retrieve the context only when actual methods are invoked on it. The application should not have any dependency on when the existence of an initial context is determined.

But this is explained much better in the docs for InitialContext

Hide Utility Class Constructor : Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor

SonarQube documentation recommends adding static keyword to the class declaration.

That is, change public class FilePathHelper to public static class FilePathHelper.

Alternatively you can add a private or protected constructor.

public class FilePathHelper
    // private or protected constructor
    // because all public fields and methods are static
    private FilePathHelper() {

What is aria-label and how should I use it?

As a side answer it's worth to note that:

  • ARIA is commonly used to improve the accessibility for screen readers. (not only but mostly atm.)
  • Using ARIA does not necessarily make things better! Easily ARIA can lead to significantly worse accessibility if not implemented and tested properly. Don't use ARIA just to have some "cool things in the code" which you don't fully understand. Sadly too often ARIA implementations introduce more issues than solutions in terms of accessibility. This is rather common since sighted users and developers are less likely to put extra effort in extensive testing with screen readers while on the other hand ARIA specs and validators are currently far from perfect and even confusing in some cases. On top of that each browser and screen reader implement the ARIA support non-uniformly causing the major inconsistencies in the behavior. Often it's better idea to avoid ARIA completely when it's not clear exactly what it does, how it behaves and it won't be tested intensively with all screen readers and browsers (or at least the most common combinations). Disclaimer: My intention is not to disgrace ARIA but rather its bad ARIA implementations. In fact it's not so uncommon that HTML5 don't offer any other alternatives where implementing ARIA would bring significant benefits for the accessibility e.g. aria-hidden or aria-expanded. But only if implemented and tested properly!

Setting PHP tmp dir - PHP upload not working

In my case, it was the open_basedir which was defined. I commented it out (default) and my issue was resolved. I can now set the upload directory anywhere.

Force index use in Oracle

If you think the performance of the query will be better using the index, how could you force the query to use the index?

First you would of course verify that the index gave a better result for returning the complete data set, right?

The index hint is the key here, but the more up to date way of specifying it is with the column naming method rather than the index naming method. In your case you would use:

select /*+ index(table_name (column_having_index)) */ *
from   table_name
where  column_having_index="some value"; 

In more complex cases you might ...

select /*+ index(t (t.column_having_index)) */ *
from   my_owner.table_name t,
where  t.column_having_index="some value"; 

With regard to composite indexes, I'm not sure that you need to specify all columns, but it seems like a good idea. See the docs here on multiple index_specs and use of index_combine for multiple indexes, and here for the specification of multiple columns in the index_spec.

Get attribute name value of <input>

If you're dealing with a single element preferably you should use the id selector as stated on GenericTypeTea answer and get the name like $("#id").attr("name");.

But if you want, as I did when I found this question, a list with all the input names of a specific class (in my example a list with the names of all unchecked checkboxes with .selectable-checkbox class) you could do something like:

var listOfUnchecked = $('.selectable-checkbox:unchecked').toArray().map(x=>;


var listOfUnchecked = [];
$('.selectable-checkbox:unchecked').each(function () {

./configure : /bin/sh^M : bad interpreter

To fix, open your script with vi or vim and enter in vi command mode (key Esc), then type this:

:set fileformat=unix

Finally save it

:x! or :wq!

API Gateway CORS: no 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header

After Change your Function or Code Follow these two steps.

First Enable CORS Then Deploy API every time.

How to print a list in Python "nicely"

you can also loop trough your list:

def fun():
  for i in x:

x = ["1",1,"a",8]

How to remove carriage returns and new lines in Postgresql?

In the case you need to remove line breaks from the begin or end of the string, you may use this:

UPDATE table 
SET field = regexp_replace(field, E'(^[\\n\\r]+)|([\\n\\r]+$)', '', 'g' );

Have in mind that the hat ^ means the begin of the string and the dollar sign $ means the end of the string.

Hope it help someone.


The preceding answers don't insist enough on the main problem: even in very simple queries like


a temporary table can be required, and if a VARCHAR field is involved, it is converted to a CHAR field in the temporary table. So if you have in your table say 500 000 lines with a VARCHAR(65000) field, this column alone will use 6.5*5*10^9 byte. Such temp tables can't be handled in memory and are written to disk. The impact can be expected to be catastrophic.

Source (with metrics): (This refers to the handling of TEXT vs VARCHAR in "standard"(?) MyISAM storage engine. It may be different in others, e.g., InnoDB.)

JQuery show and hide div on mouse click (animate)

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
.demo-container {
    margin:0 auto;
    width: 600px;
.click-header {
    padding: 5px 10px 5px 60px;
    background: url(images/arrow-down.png) no-repeat 50% 50%;
.expanded-header {
    padding: 5px 10px 5px 60px;
    background: url(images/arrow-up.png) no-repeat 50% 50%;
.hidden-content {
    border: 1px solid #d7dbd8;
    padding: 20px;
    text-align: center;
<div class="demo-container">
    <div class="click-header">&nbsp;</div>
    <div class="hidden-content">Lorem Ipsum.</div>

C# : Out of Memory exception

I know this is an old question but since none of the answers mentioned the large object heap, this might be of use to others who find this question ...

Any memory allocation in .NET that is over 85,000 bytes comes from the large object heap (LOH) not the normal small object heap. Why does this matter? Because the large object heap is not compacted. Which means that the large object heap gets fragmented and in my experience this inevitably leads to out of memory errors.

In the original question the list has 50,000 items in it. Internally a list uses an array, and assuming 32 bit that requires 50,000 x 4bytes = 200,000 bytes (or double that if 64 bit). So that memory allocation is coming from the large object heap.

So what can you do about it?

If you are using a .net version prior to 4.5.1 then about all you can do about it is to be aware of the problem and try to avoid it. So, in this instance, instead of having a list of vehicles you could have a list of lists of vehicles, provided no list ever had more than about 18,000 elements in it. That can lead to some ugly code, but it is viable work around.

If you are using .net 4.5.1 or later then the behaviour of the garbage collector has changed subtly. If you add the following line where you are about to make large memory allocations:

System.Runtime.GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = System.Runtime.GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce;

it will force the garbage collector to compact the large object heap - next time only.

It might not be the best solution but the following has worked for me:

int tries = 0;
while (tries++ < 2)
    . . some large allocation . .
  catch (System.OutOfMemoryException)
    System.Runtime.GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = System.Runtime.GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce;

of course this only helps if you have the physical (or virtual) memory available.

android: how to use getApplication and getApplicationContext from non activity / service class

The getApplication() method is located in the Activity class, so whenever you want getApplication() in a non activity class you have to pass an Activity instance to the constructor of that non activity class.

assume that test is my non activity class:

Test test = new Test(this);

In that class i have created one constructor:

 public Class Test
    public Activity activity;
    public Test (Activity act)
         this.activity = act;
         // Now here you can get getApplication()

Convert php array to Javascript

I had the same problem and this is how i done it.



$data = file_get_contents('');
$data = simplexml_load_string($data);

$articles = array();

foreach($data->channel->item as $item){

    $articles[] = array(

        'title' => (string)$item->title,
        'description' => (string)$item ->description,
        'link' => (string)$item ->link, 
        'guid' => (string)$item ->guid,
        'pubdate' => (string)$item ->pubDate,
        'category' => (string)$item ->category,




for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($articles); $i++){

    //# Items
    //| Attributes 

    if($i != 0) $output.="#"; /// IF NOT THE FIRST



echo $output;

/* php file */


$(document).ready(function(e) {


var prodlist= [];
var attrlist= [];

      type: "get",  
      url: "php/fromupnorthrss.php",  
      data: {feeding: "feedstest"},
      }).done(function(data) {

        prodlist= data.split('#');

        for(var i = 0; i < prodlist.length; i++){

            attrlist= prodlist[i].split('|');

            alert(attrlist[0]); /// NOW I CAN REACH EACH ELEMENT HOW I WANT TO. 

I hope it helps.

What is the use of "assert"?

If you ever want to know exactly what a reserved function does in python, type in help(enter_keyword)

Make sure if you are entering a reserved keyword that you enter it as a string.

Resource from src/main/resources not found after building with maven

You can replace the src/main/resources/ directly by classpath:

So for your example you will replace this line:

new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("src/main/resources/config.txt")));

By this line:

new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("classpath:config.txt")));

Check if cookie exists else set cookie to Expire in 10 days

You need to read and write document.cookie

if (document.cookie.indexOf("visited=") >= 0) {
  // They've been here before.
  alert("hello again");
else {
  // set a new cookie
  expiry = new Date();
  expiry.setTime(expiry.getTime()+(10*60*1000)); // Ten minutes

  // Date()'s toGMTSting() method will format the date correctly for a cookie
  document.cookie = "visited=yes; expires=" + expiry.toGMTString();
  alert("this is your first time");

drop down list value in

You can add an empty value such as:

ddlmonths.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Month", ""))

And just add a validation to prevent chosing empty option such as asp:RequiredFieldValidator.

Disable double-tap "zoom" option in browser on touch devices

Simple prevent the default behavior of click, dblclick or touchend events will disable the zoom functionality.

If you have already a callback on one of this events just call a event.preventDefault().

Making a UITableView scroll when text field is selected

Here is my solution inspired by "Event edit" screen from iOS7 Calendar app.

One of key points of this solution is that keyboard is dismissed when user scrolls table.


1) Add property that will store selected textfield:

@property (strong) UITextField *currentTextField;

and BOOL variable that we will use to check if we need to hide keyboard when user scrolls table.

BOOL hideKeyboardOnScroll;

2) Handle UITextField delegate callbacks:

#pragma mark - UITextFieldDelegate

- (void) textFieldDidBeginEditing: (UITextField *) textField {
    self.currentTextField = textField;

- (void) textFieldDidEndEditing: (UITextField *) textField {
    self.currentTextField = nil;

- (BOOL) textFieldShouldReturn: (UITextField *) textField {
   [textField resignFirstResponder];

    CGPoint newContentOffset = CGPointZero;
    if (tableView.contentSize.height > tableView.frame.size.height) {
        newContentOffset.y = MIN(tableView.contentOffset.y, tableView.contentSize.height - tableView.frame.size.height);
    [tableView setContentOffset: newContentOffset animated: YES];

    return YES;

3) Handle UIScrollViewDelegate method to check that user scroll view.

#pragma mark - UIScrollViewDelegate

- (void) scrollViewDidScroll: (UIScrollView *) scrollView {
    if (hideKeyboardOnScroll == YES) {
        [self.currentTextField resignFirstResponder];

4) Subscribe to keyboard notifications in viewcontroller's [viewWillAppear] method and unsubscribe in [viewWillDisappear] method.

- (void) viewWillAppear: (BOOL) animated {
    [super viewWillAppear: animated];

    [ [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(keyboardWillShow:)
                                                  name: UIKeyboardWillShowNotification object: nil];
    [ [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(keyboardWillHide:)
                                                  name: UIKeyboardWillHideNotification object: nil];

- (void) viewWillDisappear: (BOOL) animated {
    [super viewWillDisappear: animated];

    [ [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self name: UIKeyboardDidShowNotification object: nil];
    [ [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self name: UIKeyboardWillHideNotification object: nil];    

5) Handle keyboard notifications:

- (void) keyboardWillShow: (NSNotification *) notification {
    CGRect keyboardFrame = [ [ [notification userInfo] objectForKey: UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] CGRectValue];

    // Find cell with textfield.
    CGRect textFieldFrame = [tableView convertRect: self.currentTextField.frame fromView: self.currentTextField];
    NSIndexPath *indexPath = [tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint: textFieldFrame.origin];
    UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: indexPath];

    // Shrink tableView size.
    CGRect tableViewFrame = tableView.frame;
    tableView.frame = CGRectMake(tableView.frame.origin.x, tableView.frame.origin.y, tableView.frame.size.width,
                             self.view.frame.size.height - tableView.frame.origin.y - keyboardFrame.size.height);

    // Check if cell is visible in shrinked table size.
    BOOL cellIsFullyVisible = YES;
    if ( cell.frame.origin.y < tableView.contentOffset.y ||
        (cell.frame.origin.y + cell.frame.size.height) > (tableView.contentOffset.y + tableView.frame.size.height) ) {
        cellIsFullyVisible = NO;

    // If cell is not fully visible when scroll table to show cell;
    if (cellIsFullyVisible == NO) {
        CGPoint contentOffset = CGPointMake(tableView.contentOffset.x, CGRectGetMaxY(cell.frame) - tableView.frame.size.height);
        if (cell.frame.origin.y < tableView.contentOffset.y) {
            contentOffset.y = cell.frame.origin.y;
        contentOffset.y = MAX(0, contentOffset.y);

        // For some reason [setContentOffset] is called without delay then
        // this code may not work for some cells. That why we call it with brief delay.
        dispatch_time_t popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(0.1 * NSEC_PER_SEC));
        dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){
            [UIView animateWithDuration: 0.5 animations:^{
                [tableView setContentOffset: contentOffset animated: NO];
            } completion: ^(BOOL finished) {
                hideKeyboardOnScroll = YES;
    } else {
        hideKeyboardOnScroll = YES;

    // Finally restore original table frame.
    tableView.frame = tableViewFrame;

- (void) keyboardWillHide: (NSNotification *) notification {
    [super keyboardWillHide: notification];

    hideKeyboardOnScroll = NO;

Moment.js: Date between dates

Good news everyone, there's an isBetween function! Update your library ;)

How to remove Firefox's dotted outline on BUTTONS as well as links?

The below worked for me in case of LINKS, thought of sharing - in case someone is interested.

a, a:visited, a:focus, a:active, a:hover{
    outline:0 none !important;


How to create a GUID in Excel?

As of modern version of Excel, there's the syntax with commas, not semicolons. I'm posting this answer for convenience of others so they don't have to replace the strings- We're all lazy... hrmp... human, right?


Or, if you like me dislike when a guid screams and shouts and you, we can go lower-cased like this.


How to list physical disks?


wmic is a very complete tool

wmic diskdrive list

provide a (too much) detailed list, for instance

for less info

wmic diskdrive list brief 


Sebastian Godelet mentions in the comments:

In C:

system("wmic diskdrive list");

As commented, you can also call the WinAPI, but... as shown in "How to obtain data from WMI using a C Application?", this is quite complex (and generally done with C++, not C).


Or with PowerShell:

Get-WmiObject Win32_DiskDrive

Regex to get string between curly braces


/        - delimiter
\{       - opening literal brace escaped because it is a special character used for quantifiers eg {2,3}
(        - start capturing
[^}]     - character class consisting of
    ^    - not
    }    - a closing brace (no escaping necessary because special characters in a character class are different)
+        - one or more of the character class
)        - end capturing
\}       - the closing literal brace
/        - delimiter

XmlWriter to Write to a String Instead of to a File

Well I think the simplest and fastest solution here would be just to:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(sb, settings))
    ... // Whatever code you have/need :)

    sb = sb.Replace("encoding=\"utf-16\"", "encoding=\"utf-8\""); //Or whatever uft you want/use.
    //Before you finally save it:
    File.WriteAllText("path\\dataName.xml", sb.ToString());

Invalid date in safari

The pattern yyyy-MM-dd isn't an officially supported format for Date constructor. Firefox seems to support it, but don't count on other browsers doing the same.

Here are some supported strings:

  • MM-dd-yyyy
  • yyyy/MM/dd
  • MM/dd/yyyy
  • MMMM dd, yyyy
  • MMM dd, yyyy

DateJS seems like a good library for parsing non standard date formats.

Edit: just checked ECMA-262 standard. Quoting from section

Date Time String Format

ECMAScript defines a string interchange format for date-times based upon a simplification of the ISO 8601 Extended Format. The format is as follows: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ Where the fields are as follows:

  • YYYY is the decimal digits of the year in the Gregorian calendar.
  • "-" (hyphon) appears literally twice in the string.
  • MM is the month of the year from 01 (January) to 12 (December).
  • DD is the day of the month from 01 to 31.
  • "T" appears literally in the string, to indicate the beginning of the time element.
  • HH is the number of complete hours that have passed since midnight as two decimal digits.
  • ":" (colon) appears literally twice in the string.
  • mm is the number of complete minutes since the start of the hour as two decimal digits.
  • ss is the number of complete seconds since the start of the minute as two decimal digits.
  • "." (dot) appears literally in the string.
  • sss is the number of complete milliseconds since the start of the second as three decimal digits. Both the "." and the milliseconds field may be omitted.
  • Z is the time zone offset specified as "Z" (for UTC) or either "+" or "-" followed by a time expression hh:mm

This format includes date-only forms:

  • YYYY

It also includes time-only forms with an optional time zone offset appended:

  • THH:mm
  • THH:mm:ss
  • THH:mm:ss.sss

Also included are "date-times" which may be any combination of the above.

So, it seems that YYYY-MM-DD is included in the standard, but for some reason, Safari doesn't support it.

Update: after looking at datejs documentation, using it, your problem should be solved using code like this:

var myDate1 = Date.parseExact("29-11-2010", "dd-MM-yyyy");
var myDate2 = Date.parseExact("11-29-2010", "MM-dd-yyyy");
var myDate3 = Date.parseExact("2010-11-29", "yyyy-MM-dd");
var myDate4 = Date.parseExact("2010-29-11", "yyyy-dd-MM");

How can I switch word wrap on and off in Visual Studio Code?

  • Mac: Code -> Preferences -> Settings -> Type wordwrap in Search settings -> Change Editor: Word Wrap from off to on.

  • Windows: File -> Preferences -> Settings -> Type wordwrap in Search settings -> Change Editor: Word Wrap from off to on.

Removing Data From ElasticSearch

curl -X DELETE 'https://localhost:9200/_all'

Change http to https if you are using SSL certificate in you application

How to implement the Java comparable interface?

Here's the code to implement java comparable interface,

// adding implements comparable to class declaration
public class Animal implements Comparable<Animal>
    public String name;
    public int yearDiscovered;
    public String population;

    public Animal(String name, int yearDiscovered, String population)
    { = name;
        this.yearDiscovered = yearDiscovered;
        this.population = population; 

    public String toString()
        String s = "Animal name : " + name + "\nYear Discovered : " + yearDiscovered + "\nPopulation: " + population;
        return s;

    public int compareTo(Animal other)  // compareTo method performs the comparisons 
        return, other.year_discovered);

AngularJS accessing DOM elements inside directive template

I don't think there is a more "angular way" to select an element. See, for instance, the way they are achieving this goal in the last example of this old documentation page:

     template: '<div>' +
    '<div class="title">{{title}}</div>' +
    '<div class="body" ng-transclude></div>' +

    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
        // Title element
        var title = angular.element(element.children()[0]),
        // ...

How to retrieve a recursive directory and file list from PowerShell excluding some files and folders?

A bit late, but try this one.

function Set-Files($Path) {
    if(Test-Path $Path -PathType Leaf) {
        # Do any logic on file
        Write-Host $Path

    if(Test-Path $path -PathType Container) {
        # Do any logic on folder use exclude on get-childitem
        # cycle again
        Get-ChildItem -Path $path | foreach { Set-Files -Path $_.FullName }

# call
Set-Files -Path 'D:\myFolder'

jquery get all form elements: input, textarea & select

For the record: The following snippet can help you to get details about input, textarea, select, button, a tags through a temp title when hover them.

enter image description here

$( 'body' ).on( 'mouseover', 'input, textarea, select, button, a', function() {
    var $tag = $( this );
    var $form = $tag.closest( 'form' );
    var title = this.title;
    var id =;
    var name =;
    var value = this.value;
    var type = this.type;
    var cls = this.className;
    var tagName = this.tagName;
    var options = [];
    var hidden = [];
    var formDetails = '';

    if ( $form.length ) {
        $form.find( ':input[type="hidden"]' ).each( function( index, el ) {
            hidden.push( "\t" + + ' = ' + el.value );
        } );

        var formName = $form.prop( 'name' );
        var formTitle = $form.prop( 'title' );
        var formId = $form.prop( 'id' );
        var formClass = $form.prop( 'class' );

        formDetails +=
            "\n\nFORM NAME: " + formName +
            "\nFORM TITLE: " + formTitle +
            "\nFORM ID: " + formId +
            "\nFORM CLASS: " + formClass +
            "\nFORM HIDDEN INPUT:\n" + hidden.join( "\n" );

    var tempTitle =
        "TAG: " + tagName +
        "\nTITLE: " + title +
        "\nID: " + id +
        "\nCLASS: " + cls;

    if ( 'SELECT' === tagName ) {
        $tag.find( 'option' ).each( function( index, el ) {
            options.push( el.value );
        } );

        tempTitle +=
            "\nNAME: " + name +
            "\nVALUE: " + value +
            "\nTYPE: " + type +
            "\nSELECT OPTIONS:\n\t" + options;

    } else if ( 'A' === tagName ) {
        tempTitle +=
            "\nHTML: " + $tag.html();

    } else {
        tempTitle +=
            "\nNAME: " + name +
            "\nVALUE: " + value +
            "\nTYPE: " + type;

    tempTitle += formDetails;

    $tag.prop( 'title', tempTitle );
    $tag.on( 'mouseout', function() {
        $tag.prop( 'title', title );
    } )
} );

What's the best way to identify hidden characters in the result of a query in SQL Server (Query Analyzer)?

I have faced the same problem with a character that I never managed to match with a where query - CHARINDEX, LIKE, REPLACE, etc. did not work. Then I have used a brute force solution which is awful, heavy but works:

Step 1: make a copy of the complete data set - keep track of the original names with an source_id referencing the pk of the source table (and keep this source id in all the subsequent tables). Step 2: LTRIM RTRIM the data, and replace all double spaces, tab, etc (basically all the CHAR(1) to CHAR(32) by one space. Lowercase the whole set as well. Step 3: replace all the special characters that you know (get the list of all the quotes, double quotes, etc.) by something from a-z (I suggest z). Basically replace everything that is not standard English characters by a z (using nested REPLACE of REPLACE in a loop). Step 4: split by word into a second copy, where each word is in a separate row - the split is a SUBSTRING based on the position of the space characters - at this point, we should miss the ones where there's a hidden space that we did not catche earlier. Step 5: split each word into a third copy, where each letter is in a separate row (I know it makes a very large table) - keep track of the charindex of each letter in a separate column. Step 6: Select everything in the above table which is not LIKE [a-z]. This is the list of the unidentified characters we want to exclude.

From the output of step 6 we have enough data to make a series of substring of the source to select everything but the unknown character we want to exclude.

Note 1: there are smart ways to optimize this, depending on the size of the original expression (steps 4, 5 and 6 can be made in one go).

Note 2: this is not very fast, but the fastest way to get this done for a large data set, because the split of lines into words and words into letters is made by substring, which slices all the table into one character slices. However, this is quite heavy to build. With a smaller set, it may be enough to parse each record one by one and search for character which is not in a list of all English characters plus all special characters.

Laravel blank white screen

Try this, in the public/index.php page

ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set("display_errors", 1);

Combining a class selector and an attribute selector with jQuery

This will also work:

$(".myclass[reference='12345']").css('border', '#000 solid 1px');

Clearing content of text file using php

This would truncate the file:

$fh = fopen( 'filelist.txt', 'w' );

In clear.php, redirect to the caller page by making use of $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] value.

Call a function on click event in Angular 2

Exact transfer to Angular2+ is as below:

<button (click)="myFunc()"></button>

also in your component file:

import { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core";

  templateUrl:"button.html" //this is the component which has the above button html

export class App implements OnInit{



    console.log("function called");

What is the difference between a var and val definition in Scala?

Though many have already answered the difference between Val and var. But one point to notice is that val is not exactly like final keyword.

We can change the value of val using recursion but we can never change value of final. Final is more constant than Val.

def factorial(num: Int): Int = {
 if(num == 0) 1
 else factorial(num - 1) * num

Method parameters are by default val and at every call value is being changed.

TypeError: Object of type 'bytes' is not JSON serializable

I was dealing with this issue today, and I knew that I had something encoded as a bytes object that I was trying to serialize as json with json.dump(my_json_object, write_to_file.json). my_json_object in this case was a very large json object that I had created, so I had several dicts, lists, and strings to look at to find what was still in bytes format.

The way I ended up solving it: the write_to_file.json will have everything up to the bytes object that is causing the issue.

In my particular case this was a line obtained through

for line in text:
    json_object['line'] = line.strip()

I solved by first finding this error with the help of the write_to_file.json, then by correcting it to:

for line in text:
    json_object['line'] = line.strip().decode()

Select the first row by group

A base R option is the split()-lapply() idiom:

>, lapply(split(test, test$id), head, 1))
  id string
1  1      A
2  2      B
3  3      C
4  4      D
5  5      E

A more direct option is to lapply() the [ function:

>, lapply(split(test, test$id), `[`, 1, ))
  id string
1  1      A
2  2      B
3  3      C
4  4      D
5  5      E

The comma-space 1, ) at the end of the lapply() call is essential as this is equivalent of calling [1, ] to select first row and all columns.

Equivalent to AssemblyInfo in dotnet core/csproj

I do the following for my .NET Standard 2.0 projects.

Create a Directory.Build.props file (e.g. in the root of your repo) and move the properties to be shared from the .csproj file to this file.

MSBuild will pick it up automatically and apply them to the autogenerated AssemblyInfo.cs.

They also get applied to the nuget package when building one with dotnet pack or via the UI in Visual Studio 2017.



        <Company>Some company</Company>
        <Copyright>Copyright © 2020</Copyright>
        <!-- ... -->

css background image in a different folder from css

You are using cache system.. you can modify the original file and clear cache to show updates

Excel Formula which places date/time in cell when data is entered in another cell in the same row

I'm afraid there is not such a function. You'll need a macro to acomplish this task.

You could do something like this in column E(remember to set custom format "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm"):


But it will change value everytime file opens.

You'll need save the value via macro.

xls to csv converter

xlsx2csv is faster than pandas and xlrd.

xlsx2csv -s 0 crunchbase_monthly_.xlsx cruchbase

excel file usually comes with n sheetname.

-s is sheetname index.

then, cruchbase folder will be created, each sheet belongs to xlsx will be converted to a single csv.

p.s. csvkit is awesome too.

org.json.simple cannot be resolved

Try importing this in build.gradle dependencies

compile group: 'com.googlecode.json-simple', name: 'json-simple', version: '1.1'

Splitting String with delimiter

dependencies {
   compile ('org.springframework.kafka:spring-kafka-test:2.2.7.RELEASE') { dep ->
     ['org.apache.kafka:kafka_2.11','org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients'].each { i ->
       def (g, m) = i.tokenize( ':' )
       dep.exclude group: g  , module: m

Wait until all jQuery Ajax requests are done?

This is working for me It's very simple

return $.ajax({
  type: 'POST',
  url: urlBaseUrl
  data: {someData:someData},
  dataType: "json",
  success: function(resultData) { 

Setting an environment variable before a command in Bash is not working for the second command in a pipe

Use a shell script:

# myscript
somecommand someargs | somecommand2

> ./myscript

Warning: mysqli_query() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given. What?

The issue is that you're not saving the mysqli connection. Change your connect to:

$aVar = mysqli_connect('localhost','tdoylex1_dork','dorkk','tdoylex1_dork');

And then include it in your query:

$query1 = mysqli_query($aVar, "SELECT name1 FROM users
    LIMIT 1");
$aName1 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query1);
$name1 = $aName1['name1'];

Also don't forget to enclose your connections variables as strings as I have above. This is what's causing the error but you're using the function wrong, mysqli_query returns a query object but to get the data out of this you need to use something like mysqli_fetch_assoc to actually get the data out into a variable as I have above.

Spool Command: Do not output SQL statement to file

set echo off
spool c:\test.csv 
select /*csv*/ username, user_id, created from all_users;
spool off; Broken pipe

Error message suggests that the client has closed the connection while the server is still trying to write out a response.

Refer to this link for more details:

Forcing a postback

A postback is triggered after a form submission, so it's related to a client action... take a look here for an explanation: ASP.NET - Is it possible to trigger a postback from server code?

and here for a solution:

Set max-height on inner div so scroll bars appear, but not on parent div

set this :

#inner-right {
    height: 100%;
    max-height: 96%;//change here
    overflow: auto;
    background: ivory;

this will solve your problem.

Showing data values on stacked bar chart in ggplot2

From ggplot 2.2.0 labels can easily be stacked by using position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5) in geom_text.

ggplot(Data, aes(x = Year, y = Frequency, fill = Category, label = Frequency)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  geom_text(size = 3, position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5))

enter image description here

Also note that "position_stack() and position_fill() now stack values in the reverse order of the grouping, which makes the default stack order match the legend."

Answer valid for older versions of ggplot:

Here is one approach, which calculates the midpoints of the bars.


# calculate midpoints of bars (simplified using comment by @DWin)
Data <- ddply(Data, .(Year), 
   transform, pos = cumsum(Frequency) - (0.5 * Frequency)

# library(dplyr) ## If using dplyr... 
# Data <- group_by(Data,Year) %>%
#    mutate(pos = cumsum(Frequency) - (0.5 * Frequency))

# plot bars and add text
p <- ggplot(Data, aes(x = Year, y = Frequency)) +
     geom_bar(aes(fill = Category), stat="identity") +
     geom_text(aes(label = Frequency, y = pos), size = 3)

Resultant chart

What does IFormatProvider do?

Passing null as the IFormatProvider is not the correct way to do this. If the user has a custom date/time format on their PC you'll have issues in parsing and converting to string. I've just fixed a bug where somebody had passed null as the IFormatProvider when converting to string.

Instead you should be using CultureInfo.InvariantCulture


string output = theDate.ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss.fff", null);


string output = theDate.ToString("dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

Reference - What does this error mean in PHP?

Warning: Illegal string offset 'XXX'

This happens when you try to access an array element with the square bracket syntax, but you're doing this on a string, and not on an array, so the operation clearly doesn't make sense.


$var = "test";
echo $var["a_key"];

If you think the variable should be an array, see where it comes from and fix the problem there.

scrollTop animation without jquery


<button onclick="scrollToTop(1000);"></button>

1# JavaScript (linear):

function scrollToTop (duration) {
    // cancel if already on top
    if (document.scrollingElement.scrollTop === 0) return;

    const totalScrollDistance = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop;
    let scrollY = totalScrollDistance, oldTimestamp = null;

    function step (newTimestamp) {
        if (oldTimestamp !== null) {
            // if duration is 0 scrollY will be -Infinity
            scrollY -= totalScrollDistance * (newTimestamp - oldTimestamp) / duration;
            if (scrollY <= 0) return document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = 0;
            document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = scrollY;
        oldTimestamp = newTimestamp;

2# JavaScript (ease in and out):

function scrollToTop (duration) {
    // cancel if already on top
    if (document.scrollingElement.scrollTop === 0) return;

    const cosParameter = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop / 2;
    let scrollCount = 0, oldTimestamp = null;

    function step (newTimestamp) {
        if (oldTimestamp !== null) {
            // if duration is 0 scrollCount will be Infinity
            scrollCount += Math.PI * (newTimestamp - oldTimestamp) / duration;
            if (scrollCount >= Math.PI) return document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = 0;
            document.scrollingElement.scrollTop = cosParameter + cosParameter * Math.cos(scrollCount);
        oldTimestamp = newTimestamp;
  - pi is the length/end point of the cosinus intervall (see below)
  - newTimestamp indicates the current time when callbacks queued by requestAnimationFrame begin to fire.
    (for more information see
  - newTimestamp - oldTimestamp equals the delta time

    a * cos (bx + c) + d                        | c translates along the x axis = 0
  = a * cos (bx) + d                            | d translates along the y axis = 1 -> only positive y values
  = a * cos (bx) + 1                            | a stretches along the y axis = cosParameter = window.scrollY / 2
  = cosParameter + cosParameter * (cos bx)  | b stretches along the x axis = scrollCount = Math.PI / (scrollDuration / (newTimestamp - oldTimestamp))
  = cosParameter + cosParameter * (cos scrollCount * x)


  • Duration in milliseconds (1000ms = 1s)
  • Second script uses the cos function. Example curve:

enter image description here

3# Simple scrolling library on Github

How do I merge a specific commit from one branch into another in Git?

If BranchA has not been pushed to a remote then you can reorder the commits using rebase and then simply merge. It's preferable to use merge over rebase when possible because it doesn't create duplicate commits.

git checkout BranchA
git rebase -i HEAD~113
... reorder the commits so the 10 you want are first ...
git checkout BranchB
git merge [the 10th commit]

int to unsigned int conversion

i=-62 . If you want to convert it to a unsigned representation. It would be 4294967234 for a 32 bit integer. A simple way would be to

unsigned int n;
n = num


How can I deploy an iPhone application from Xcode to a real iPhone device?

There is a way to deploy iPhone apps without paying to apple You'll have to jailbreak your device and follow the instructions in

XAMPP PORT 80 is Busy / EasyPHP error in Apache configuration file:

Just do one thing

open skype > tools > advance or advance settings Change port 80 to something else 7395

Restart your system then start Apache

Restore the mysql database from .frm files

create a new database with same name copy the .frm .ibd files into xampp/mysql/data/[databasename]/

you will need ibdata file as well which is found inside

xampp/mysql/data/ copy the previous ibdata1 file paste in the paste the file and replace it with the existing ibdata file

[caution: you may loose the contents of the database which are newly created in the new ibdata file]

Where is the documentation for the values() method of Enum?

The method is implicitly defined (i.e. generated by the compiler).

From the JLS:

In addition, if E is the name of an enum type, then that type has the following implicitly declared static methods:

* Returns an array containing the constants of this enum 
* type, in the order they're declared.  This method may be
* used to iterate over the constants as follows:
*    for(E c : E.values())
*        System.out.println(c);
* @return an array containing the constants of this enum 
* type, in the order they're declared
public static E[] values();

* Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified
* name.
* The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare
* an enum constant in this type.  (Extraneous whitespace 
* characters are not permitted.)
* @return the enum constant with the specified name
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if this enum type has no
* constant with the specified name
public static E valueOf(String name);

What is the difference between field, variable, attribute, and property in Java POJOs?

My understanding is as below, and I am not saying that this is 100% correct, I might as well be mistaken..

A variable is something that you declare, which can by default change and have different values, but that can also be explicitly said to be final. In Java that would be:

public class Variables {

    List<Object> listVariable; // declared but not assigned
    final int aFinalVariableExample = 5; // declared, assigned and said to be final!

    Integer foo(List<Object> someOtherObjectListVariable) {
        // declare..
        Object iAmAlsoAVariable;

        // assign a value..
        iAmAlsoAVariable = 5;

        // change its value..
        iAmAlsoAVariable = 8;


        return new Integer();

So basically, a variable is anything that is declared and can hold values. Method foo above returns a variable for example.. It returns a variable of type Integer which holds the memory address of the new Integer(); Everything else you see above are also variables, listVariable, aFinalVariableExample and explained here:

A field is a variable where scope is more clear (or concrete). The variable returning from method foo 's scope is not clear in the example above, so I would not call it a field. On the other hand, iAmAlsoVariable is a "local" field, limited by the scope of the method foo, and listVariable is an "instance" field where the scope of the field (variable) is limited by the objects scope.

A property is a field that can be accessed / mutated. Any field that exposes a getter / setter is a property.

I do not know about attribute and I would also like to repeat that this is my understanding of what variables, fields and properties are.

How to set button click effect in Android?

It is simpler when you have a lot of image buttons, and you don't want to write xml-s for every button.

Kotlin Version:

fun buttonEffect(button: View) {
    button.setOnTouchListener { v, event ->
        when (event.action) {
            MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> {
                v.background.setColorFilter(-0x1f0b8adf, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP)
            MotionEvent.ACTION_UP -> {

Java Version:

public static void buttonEffect(View button){
    button.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {

        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
            switch (event.getAction()) {
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
                case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: {
            return false;

In SQL Server, what does "SET ANSI_NULLS ON" mean?

It means that no rows will be returned if @region is NULL, when used in your first example, even if there are rows in the table where Region is NULL.

When ANSI_NULLS is on (which you should always set on anyway, since the option to not have it on is going to be removed in the future), any comparison operation where (at least) one of the operands is NULL produces the third logic value - UNKNOWN (as opposed to TRUE and FALSE).

UNKNOWN values propagate through any combining boolean operators if they're not already decided (e.g. AND with a FALSE operand or OR with a TRUE operand) or negations (NOT).

The WHERE clause is used to filter the result set produced by the FROM clause, such that the overall value of the WHERE clause must be TRUE for the row to not be filtered out. So, if an UNKNOWN is produced by any comparison, it will cause the row to be filtered out.

@user1227804's answer includes this quote:

If both sides of the comparison are columns or compound expressions, the setting does not affect the comparison.


However, I'm not sure what point it's trying to make, since if two NULL columns are compared (e.g. in a JOIN), the comparison still fails:

create table #T1 (
    ID int not null,
    Val1 varchar(10) null
insert into #T1(ID,Val1) select 1,null

create table #T2 (
    ID int not null,
    Val1 varchar(10) null
insert into #T2(ID,Val1) select 1,null

select * from #T1 t1 inner join #T2 t2 on t1.ID = t2.ID and t1.Val1 = t2.Val1

The above query returns 0 rows, whereas:

select * from #T1 t1 inner join #T2 t2 on t1.ID = t2.ID and (t1.Val1 = t2.Val1 or t1.Val1 is null and t2.Val1 is null)

Returns one row. So even when both operands are columns, NULL does not equal NULL. And the documentation for = doesn't have anything to say about the operands:

When you compare two NULL expressions, the result depends on the ANSI_NULLS setting:

If ANSI_NULLS is set to ON, the result is NULL1, following the ANSI convention that a NULL (or unknown) value is not equal to another NULL or unknown value.

If ANSI_NULLS is set to OFF, the result of NULL compared to NULL is TRUE.

Comparing NULL to a non-NULL value always results in FALSE2.

However, both 1 and 2 are incorrect - the result of both comparisons is UNKNOWN.

*The cryptic meaning of this text was finally discovered years later. What it actually means is that, for those comparisons, the setting has no effect and it always acts as if the setting were ON. Would have been clearer if it had stated that SET ANSI_NULLS OFF was the setting that had no affect.

#if DEBUG vs. Conditional("DEBUG")

This one can be useful as well:

if (Debugger.IsAttached)

Using Jquery Ajax to retrieve data from Mysql

This answer was for @
Neha Gandhi but I modified it for  people who use pdo and mysqli sing mysql functions are not supported. Here is the new answer 

<!--Save this as index.php-->
      <script src="//"></script>
        <script src="//"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">
     $(document).ready(function() {
        $("#display").click(function() {                
          $.ajax({    //create an ajax request to display.php
            type: "GET",
            url: "display.php",             
            dataType: "html",   //expect html to be returned                
            success: function(response){                    
    <h3 align="center">Manage Student Details</h3>
    <table border="1" align="center">
           <td> <input type="button" id="display" value="Display All Data" /> </td>
    <div id="responsecontainer" align="center">

// save this as display.php

    // show errors 
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
    //errors ends here 
// call the page for connecting to the db
$get_member =" SELECT 
empid, lastName, firstName, email, usercode, companyid, userid, jobTitle, cell, employeetype, address ,initials   FROM employees";
$user_coder1 = $con->prepare($get_member);
$user_coder1 ->execute();

echo "<table border='1' >
<td align=center> <b>Roll No</b></td>
<td align=center><b>Name</b></td>
<td align=center><b>Address</b></td>
<td align=center><b>Stream</b></td></td>
<td align=center><b>Status</b></td>";

while($row =$user_coder1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
$firstName = $row['firstName'];
$empid = $row['empid'];
$lastName =    $row['lastName'];
$cell =    $row['cell'];

    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td align=center>$firstName</td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$empid</td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$lastName </td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$cell</td>";
    echo "<td align=center>$cell</td>";
    echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";

// save this as dbconnector.php
function connected_Db(){

    $dsn  = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydb;charset=utf8';
    $opt  = array(
    #echo "Yes we are connected";
    return new PDO($dsn,'username','password', $opt);
$con = connected_Db();
//echo "me  is connected ";
else {
//echo "Connection faid ";

What is the difference between primary, unique and foreign key constraints, and indexes?

Primary key mainly prevent duplication and shows the uniqueness of columns Foreign key mainly shows relationship on two tables

rejected master -> master (non-fast-forward)

NOTICE: This is never a recommended use of git. This will overwrite changes on the remote. Only do this if you know 100% that your local changes should be pushed to the remote master.

Try this: git push -f origin master

PDOException SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory

Check your port carefully . In my case it was 8889 and i am using 8888. change "DB_HOST" from "localhost" to "" and vice versa

What is the most elegant way to check if all values in a boolean array are true?

This is probably not faster, and definitely not very readable. So, for the sake of colorful solutions...

int i = array.length()-1;
for(; i > -1 && array[i]; i--);
return i==-1

JavaScript get window X/Y position for scroll

function FastScrollUp()

function FastScrollDown()
     $i = document.documentElement.scrollHeight ; 
 var step = 20;
 var h,t;
 var y = 0;
function SmoothScrollUp()
     h = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
     y += step;
     window.scrollBy(0, -step)
     if(y >= h )
       {clearTimeout(t); y = 0; return;}
     t = setTimeout(function(){SmoothScrollUp()},20);


function SmoothScrollDown()
     h = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
     y += step;
     window.scrollBy(0, step)
     if(y >= h )
       {clearTimeout(t); y = 0; return;}
     t = setTimeout(function(){SmoothScrollDown()},20);


Why can a function modify some arguments as perceived by the caller, but not others?

I had modified my answer tons of times and realized i don't have to say anything, python had explained itself already.

a = 'string'
a.replace('t', '_')
>>> 'string'

a = a.replace('t', '_')
>>> 's_ring'

b = 100
b + 1
>>> 100

b = b + 1
>>> 101

def test_id(arg):
    c = id(arg)
    arg = 123
    d = id(arg)

a = 'test ids'
b = id(a)
e = id(a)

# b = c  = e != d
# this function do change original value
del change_like_mutable(arg):
    arg.insert(0, 9)

test_1 = [1, 2, 3]

# this function doesn't 
def wont_change_like_str(arg):
     arg = [1, 2, 3]

test_2 = [1, 1, 1]
print("Doesn't change like a imutable", test_2)

This devil is not the reference / value / mutable or not / instance, name space or variable / list or str, IT IS THE SYNTAX, EQUAL SIGN.

Best way of invoking getter by reflection

I think this should point you towards the right direction:

import java.beans.*

for (PropertyDescriptor pd : Introspector.getBeanInfo(Foo.class).getPropertyDescriptors()) {
  if (pd.getReadMethod() != null && !"class".equals(pd.getName()))

Note that you could create BeanInfo or PropertyDescriptor instances yourself, i.e. without using Introspector. However, Introspector does some caching internally which is normally a Good Thing (tm). If you're happy without a cache, you can even go for

// TODO check for non-existing readMethod
Object value = new PropertyDescriptor("name", Person.class).getReadMethod().invoke(person);

However, there are a lot of libraries that extend and simplify the java.beans API. Commons BeanUtils is a well known example. There, you'd simply do:

Object value = PropertyUtils.getProperty(person, "name");

BeanUtils comes with other handy stuff. i.e. on-the-fly value conversion (object to string, string to object) to simplify setting properties from user input.

How does Tomcat find the HOME PAGE of my Web App?

I already had index.html in the WebContent folder but it was not showing up , finally i added the following piece of code in my projects web.xml and it started showing up


Calling a function when ng-repeat has finished

The other solutions will work fine on initial page load, but calling $timeout from the controller is the only way to ensure that your function is called when the model changes. Here is a working fiddle that uses $timeout. For your example it would be:

.controller('myC', function ($scope, $timeout) {
$scope.$watch("ta", function (newValue, oldValue) {
    $timeout(function () {

ngRepeat will only evaluate a directive when the row content is new, so if you remove items from your list, onFinishRender will not fire. For example, try entering filter values in these fiddles emit.

why numpy.ndarray is object is not callable in my simple for python loop

The error TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable means that you tried to call a numpy array as a function.



Instead of


HTTP test server accepting GET/POST requests

You might don't need any web site for that, only open up the browser, press F12 to get access to developer tools > console, then in console write some JavaScript Code to do that.

Here I share some ways to accomplish that:

For GET request: *.Using jQuery:

$.get("http://someurl/status/?messageid=597574445", function(data, status){
    console.log(data, status);

For POST request: 1. Using jQuery $.ajax:

var url= "http://someurl/",
        api_key = "6136-bc16-49fb-bacb-802358",
        token1 = "Just for test",
          url: url,
          type: "POST",
          data: {
            api_key: api_key,
            token1: token1
        }).done(function(result) {
                console.log("done successfuly", result);
        }).fail(function(error) {

          console.log(error.responseText, error);

  1. Using jQuery, append and submit

     var merchantId = "AA86E",
            token = "4107120133142729",
            url = "";
        var form = `<form id="send-by-post" method="post" action="${url}">
                                    <input id="token" type="hidden" name="token" value="${merchantId}"/>
                                    <input id="merchantId" name="merchantId" type="hidden" value="${token}"/>
                                    <button type="submit" >Pay</button>
                    </form> `; 
        $("#send-by-post").submit();//Or $(form).appendTo("body").submit();
    1. Using Pure JavaScript:

    var api_key = "73736-bc16-49fb-bacb-643e58", recipient = "095552565", token1 = "4458", url = '';

var form = `<form id="send-by-post" method="post" action="${url}"> <input id="api_key" type="hidden" name="api_key" value="${api_key}"/> <input id="recipient" type="hidden" name="recipient" value="${recipient}"/> <input id="token1" name="token1" type="hidden" value="${token1}"/> <button type="submit" >Send</button> </div> </form>`;

  1. Or even using ASP.Net:

    var url = ""; Response.Clear(); var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

    sb.Append(""); sb.AppendFormat(""); sb.AppendFormat("", url); sb.AppendFormat("", "C668"); sb.AppendFormat("", "22720281459"); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); sb.Append(""); Response.Write(sb.ToString()); Response.End();

(Note: Since I have backtick character (`) in my code the code format ruined, I have no idea how to correct it)

How do I show multiple recaptchas on a single page?

With the current version of Recaptcha (reCAPTCHA API version 2.0), you can have multiple recaptchas on one page.

There is no need to clone the recaptcha nor try to workaround the problem. You just have to put multiple div elements for the recaptchas and render the recaptchas inside them explicitly.

This is easy with the google recaptcha api:

Here is the example html code:

    <h1>Form 1</h1>
    <div><input type="text" name="field1" placeholder="field1"></div>
    <div><input type="text" name="field2" placeholder="field2"></div>
    <div id="RecaptchaField1"></div>
    <div><input type="submit"></div>

    <h1>Form 2</h1>
    <div><input type="text" name="field3" placeholder="field3"></div>
    <div><input type="text" name="field4" placeholder="field4"></div>
    <div id="RecaptchaField2"></div>
    <div><input type="submit"></div>

In your javascript code, you have to define a callback function for recaptcha:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var CaptchaCallback = function() {
        grecaptcha.render('RecaptchaField1', {'sitekey' : '6Lc_your_site_key'});
        grecaptcha.render('RecaptchaField2', {'sitekey' : '6Lc_your_site_key'});

After this, your recaptcha script url should look like this:

<script src="" async defer></script>

Or instead of giving IDs to your recaptcha fields, you can give a class name and loop these elements with your class selector and call .render()

AngularJs ReferenceError: $http is not defined

Probably you haven't injected $http service to your controller. There are several ways of doing that.

Please read this reference about DI. Then it gets very simple:

function MyController($scope, $http) {
   // ... your code

How to get the last five characters of a string using Substring() in C#?

One way is to use the Length property of the string as part of the input to Substring:

string sub = input.Substring(input.Length - 5); // Retrieves the last 5 characters of input

Changing Underline color

There's now a new css3 property for this: text-decoration-color

So you can now have text in one color and a text-decoration underline - in a different color... without needing an extra 'wrap' element

p {_x000D_
  text-decoration: underline;_x000D_
  -webkit-text-decoration-color: red; /* safari still uses vendor prefix */_x000D_
  text-decoration-color: red;_x000D_
<p>black text with red underline in one element - no wrapper elements here!</p>



1) Browser Support is limited at the moment to Firefox and Chrome (fully supported as of V57) and Safari

2) You could also use the text-decoration shorthand property which looks like this:

<text-decoration-line> || <text-decoration-style> || <text-decoration-color> using the text-decoration shorthand - the example above would simply be:

p {
  text-decoration: underline red;

p {_x000D_
  text-decoration: underline red;_x000D_
<p>black text with red underline in one element - no wrapper elements here!</p>

file path Windows format to java format

String path = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Manoj\\Desktop";
path = path.replace("\\", "/");
// or
path = path.replaceAll("\\\\", "/");

Find more details in the Docs

Opening A Specific File With A Batch File?

If you are trying to open a file in the same directory it would be:


Or, if trying to backtrack from the same directory it would be:


Else, if you need a straight one from start, it would be:

(ex) C:\Users\ajste\Desktop\Henlo.cmd

Re-doing a reverted merge in Git

Instead of using git-revert you could have used this command in the devel branch to throw away (undo) the wrong merge commit (instead of just reverting it).

git checkout devel

This will also adjust the contents of the working directory accordingly. Be careful:

  • Save your changes in the develop branch (since the wrong merge) because they too will be erased by the git-reset. All commits after the one you specify as the git reset argument will be gone!
  • Also, don't do this if your changes were already pulled from other repositories because the reset will rewrite history.

I recommend to study the git-reset man-page carefully before trying this.

Now, after the reset you can re-apply your changes in devel and then do

git checkout devel
git merge 28s

This will be a real merge from 28s into devel like the initial one (which is now erased from git's history).

Get filename in batch for loop

or Just %~F will give you the full path and full file name.

For example, if you want to register all *.ax files in the current directory....

FOR /R C:. %F in (*.ax) do regsvr32 "%~F"

This works quite nicely in Win7 (64bit) :-)

How can I override the OnBeforeUnload dialog and replace it with my own?

What worked for me, using jQuery and tested in IE8, Chrome and Firefox, is:

$(window).bind("beforeunload",function(event) {
    if(hasChanged) return "You have unsaved changes";

It is important not to return anything if no prompt is required as there are differences between IE and other browser behaviours here.

Server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in

If you do not have the ability to modify your php.ini file, use cURL: PHP Curl And Cookies

Here is an example function I created:

function get_web_page( $url, $cookiesIn = '' ){
        $options = array(
            CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,     // return web page
            CURLOPT_HEADER         => true,     //return headers in addition to content
            CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true,     // follow redirects
            CURLOPT_ENCODING       => "",       // handle all encodings
            CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER    => true,     // set referer on redirect
            CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 120,      // timeout on connect
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT        => 120,      // timeout on response
            CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS      => 10,       // stop after 10 redirects
            CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT    => true,
            CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true,     // Validate SSL Cert
            CURLOPT_COOKIE         => $cookiesIn

        $ch      = curl_init( $url );
        curl_setopt_array( $ch, $options );
        $rough_content = curl_exec( $ch );
        $err     = curl_errno( $ch );
        $errmsg  = curl_error( $ch );
        $header  = curl_getinfo( $ch );
        curl_close( $ch );

        $header_content = substr($rough_content, 0, $header['header_size']);
        $body_content = trim(str_replace($header_content, '', $rough_content));
        $pattern = "#Set-Cookie:\\s+(?<cookie>[^=]+=[^;]+)#m"; 
        preg_match_all($pattern, $header_content, $matches); 
        $cookiesOut = implode("; ", $matches['cookie']);

        $header['errno']   = $err;
        $header['errmsg']  = $errmsg;
        $header['headers']  = $header_content;
        $header['content'] = $body_content;
        $header['cookies'] = $cookiesOut;
    return $header;

NOTE: In revisiting this function I noticed that I had disabled SSL checks in this code. That is generally a BAD thing even though in my particular case the site I was using it on was local and was safe. As a result I've modified this code to have SSL checks on by default. If for some reason you need to change that, you can simply update the value for CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, but I wanted the code to be secure by default if someone uses this.

Closing Excel Application Process in C# after Data Access


Avoid using double-dot-calling expressions, such as this:

var workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(/*params*/)

...because in this way you create RCW objects not only for workbook, but for Workbooks, and you should release it too (which is not possible if a reference to the object is not maintained).

This resolved the issue for me. Your code becomes:

public Excel.Application excelApp = new Excel.Application();
public Excel.Workbooks workbooks;
public Excel.Workbook excelBook;
workbooks = excelApp.Workbooks;
excelBook = workbooks.Add(@"C:/pape.xltx");


Excel.Sheets sheets = excelBook.Worksheets;
Excel.Worksheet excelSheet = (Worksheet)(sheets[1]);
excelSheet.DisplayRightToLeft = true;
Range rng;
rng = excelSheet.get_Range("C2");
rng.Value2 = txtName.Text;

And then release all those objects:

excelBook .Save();
excelBook .Close(true);

I wrap this in a try {} finally {} to ensure everything gets released even if something goes wrong (what could possibly go wrong?) e.g.

public Excel.Application excelApp = null;
public Excel.Workbooks workbooks = null;
    excelApp = new Excel.Application();
    workbooks = excelApp.Workbooks;
    if (workbooks != null) System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workbooks);

IIS AppPoolIdentity and file system write access permissions

I tried this to fix access issues to an IIS website, which manifested as something like the following in the Event Logs ? Windows ? Application:

Log Name:      Application
Source:        ASP.NET 4.0.30319.0
Date:          1/5/2012 4:12:33 PM
Event ID:      1314
Task Category: Web Event
Level:         Information
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      SALTIIS01

Event code: 4008 
Event message: File authorization failed for the request. 
Event time: 1/5/2012 4:12:33 PM 
Event time (UTC): 1/6/2012 12:12:33 AM 
Event ID: 349fcb2ec3c24b16a862f6eb9b23dd6c 
Event sequence: 7 
Event occurrence: 3 
Event detail code: 0 

Application information: 
    Application domain: /LM/W3SVC/2/ROOT/Application/SNCDW-19-129702818025409890 
    Trust level: Full 
    Application Virtual Path: /Application/SNCDW 
    Application Path: D:\Sites\WCF\Application\SNCDW\ 
    Machine name: SALTIIS01 

Process information: 
    Process ID: 1896 
    Process name: w3wp.exe 
    Account name: iisservice 

Request information: 
    Request URL: http://webservicestest/Application/SNCDW/PC.svc 
    Request path: /Application/SNCDW/PC.svc 
    User host address: 
    User: js3228 
    Is authenticated: True 
    Authentication Type: Negotiate 
    Thread account name: iisservice 

In the end I had to give the Windows Everyone group read access to that folder to get it to work properly.

When to use dynamic vs. static libraries

A lib is a unit of code that is bundled within your application executable.

A dll is a standalone unit of executable code. It is loaded in the process only when a call is made into that code. A dll can be used by multiple applications and loaded in multiple processes, while still having only one copy of the code on the hard drive.

Dll pros: can be used to reuse/share code between several products; load in the process memory on demand and can be unloaded when not needed; can be upgraded independently of the rest of the program.

Dll cons: performance impact of the dll loading and code rebasing; versioning problems ("dll hell")

Lib pros: no performance impact as code is always loaded in the process and is not rebased; no versioning problems.

Lib cons: executable/process "bloat" - all the code is in your executable and is loaded upon process start; no reuse/sharing - each product has its own copy of the code.

How do I reverse a commit in git?

Unable to comment on others answers, I'll provide a bit of extra information.

If you want to revert the last commit, you can use git revert head. head refers to the most recent commit in your branch.

The reason you use head~1 when using reset is that you are telling Git to "remove all changes in the commits after" (reset --hard) "the commit one before head" (head~1).

reset is to a commit, revert is on a commit.

As AmpT pointed out, you can also use the commit SHA to identify it, rather than counting how far away from head it is. The SHA can be found in the logs (git log) and a variety of other ways.

You can also always use any other pointers in Git. e.g. a tag or branch. And can also use all of these fun other ways to reference commits

HTML checkbox onclick called in Javascript

How about putting the checkbox into the label, making the label automatically "click sensitive" for the check box, and giving the checkbox a onchange event?

<label ..... ><input type="checkbox" onchange="toggleCheckbox(this)" .....> 

function toggleCheckbox(element)
   element.checked = !element.checked;

This will additionally catch users using a keyboard to toggle the check box, something onclick would not.

How to use type: "POST" in jsonp ajax call

If you just want to do a form POST to your own site using $.ajax() (for example, to emulate an AJAX experience), then you can use the jQuery Form Plugin. However, if you need to do a form POST to a different domain, or to your own domain but using a different protocol (a non-secure http: page posting to a secure https: page), then you'll come upon cross-domain scripting restrictions that you won't be able to resolve with jQuery alone (more info). In such cases, you'll need to bring out the big guns: YQL. Put plainly, YQL is a web scraping language with a SQL-like syntax that allows you to query the entire internet as one large table. As it stands now, in my humble opinion YQL is the only [easy] way to go if you want to do cross-domain form POSTing using client-side JavaScript.

More specifically, you'll need to use YQL's Open Data Table containing an Execute block to make this happen. For a good summary on how to do this, you can read the article "Scraping HTML documents that require POST data with YQL". Luckily for us, YQL guru Christian Heilmann has already created an Open Data Table that handles POST data. You can play around with Christian's "htmlpost" table on the YQL Console. Here's a breakdown of the YQL syntax:

  • select * - select all columns, similar to SQL, but in this case the columns are XML elements or JSON objects returned by the query. In the context of scraping web pages, these "columns" generally correspond to HTML elements, so if want to retrieve only the page title, then you would use select head.title.
  • from htmlpost - what table to query; in this case, use the "htmlpost" Open Data Table (you can use your own custom table if this one doesn't suit your needs).
  • url="..." - the form's action URI.
  • postdata="..." - the serialized form data.
  • xpath="..." - the XPath of the nodes you want to include in the response. This acts as the filtering mechanism, so if you want to include only <p> tags then you would use xpath="//p"; to include everything you would use xpath="//*".

Click 'Test' to execute the YQL query. Once you are happy with the results, be sure to (1) click 'JSON' to set the response format to JSON, and (2) uncheck "Diagnostics" to minimize the size of the JSON payload by removing extraneous diagnostics information. The most important bit is the URL at the bottom of the page -- this is the URL you would use in a $.ajax() statement.

Here, I'm going to show you the exact steps to do a cross-domain form POST via a YQL query using this sample form:

<form id="form-post" action="" method="post">
  <input type="text" name="firstname">
  <input type="text" name="lastname">
  <button type="button" onclick="doSubmit()">Add Member</button>

Your JavaScript would look like this:

function doSubmit() {
    url: '//*%20from%20htmlpost%20where%0Aurl%3D%22' +
         encodeURIComponent($('#form-post').attr('action')) + '%22%20%0Aand%20postdata%3D%22' +
         encodeURIComponent($('#form-post').serialize()) +
    dataType: 'json', /* Optional - jQuery autodetects this by default */
    success: function(response) {

The url string is the query URL copied from the YQL Console, except with the form's encoded action URI and serialized input data dynamically inserted.

NOTE: Please be aware of security implications when passing sensitive information over the internet. Ensure the page you are submitting sensitive information from is secure (https:) and using TLS 1.x instead of SSL 3.0.

How do I find which rpm package supplies a file I'm looking for?

You can do this alike here but with your package. In my case, it was lsb_release

Run: yum whatprovides lsb_release


redhat-lsb-core-4.1-24.el7.i686 : LSB Core module support
Repo        : rhel-7-server-rpms
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/lsb_release

redhat-lsb-core-4.1-24.el7.x86_64 : LSB Core module support
Repo        : rhel-7-server-rpms
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/lsb_release

redhat-lsb-core-4.1-27.el7.i686 : LSB Core module support
Repo        : rhel-7-server-rpms
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/lsb_release

redhat-lsb-core-4.1-27.el7.x86_64 : LSB Core module support
Repo        : rhel-7-server-rpms
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/lsb_release`

Run to install: yum install redhat-lsb-core

The package name SHOULD be without number and system type so yum packager can choose what is best for him.

How do you get a timestamp in JavaScript?

I like this, because it is small:

+new Date

I also like this, because it is just as short and is compatible with modern browsers, and over 500 people voted that it is better:

How to get distinct values from an array of objects in JavaScript?

In case you need unique of whole object

const _ = require('lodash');

var objects = [
  { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 },
  { 'y': 1, 'x': 2 },
  { 'x': 2, 'y': 1 },
  { 'x': 1, 'y': 2 }

_.uniqWith(objects, _.isEqual);

[Object {x: 1, y: 2}, Object {x: 2, y: 1}]

how to change php version in htaccess in server

To switch to PHP 4.4:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php4 .php .php4 .php3

To switch to PHP 5.0:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php .php5 .php4 .php3

To switch to PHP 5.1:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php51 .php .php5 .php4 .php3

To switch to PHP 5.2:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php52 .php .php5 .php4 .php3

To switch to PHP 5.3:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php53 .php .php5 .php4 .php3

To switch to PHP 5.4:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php54 .php .php5 .php4 .php3

To switch to PHP 5.5:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php55 .php .php5 .php4 .php3

To switch to the secure PHP 5.2 with Suhosin patch:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php52s .php .php5 .php4 .php3

How can I reverse a NSArray in Objective-C?

To update this, in Swift it can be done easily with:


INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED : android studio using redmi 4 device


The same trouble with the same device has been here.

So, it's Xiaomi trouble, and here is a solution to this problem:

  • Go to the "Security" application and tap "Options" at top right corner

  • Scroll down to "Feature Settings" group, and look for "Permissions"

  • At there switch off "Install via USB" option, which manages the installation of the apps via USB and doesn't allow it.

On Latest Redmi Device:

Settings > Additional Settings > Developer Options > Developer options: Check the Install via USB option.

enter image description here

"The system cannot find the file C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe"

I got the same after installing java8 from a non-permissioned account. To fix I simply reinstalled from admin user account. This created the quoted directory with file links to java exes.

Can git undo a checkout of unstaged files

Maybe your changes are not lost. Check "git reflog"

I quote the article below:

"Basically every action you perform inside of Git where data is stored, you can find it inside of the reflog. Git tries really hard not to lose your data, so if for some reason you think it has, chances are you can dig it out using git reflog"

See details:

How to parse JSON array in jQuery?

Do NOT eval. use a real parser, i.e., from

Getting cursor position in Python


This retrieves the cursor's position, in screen coordinates - point = (x,y)

flags, hcursor, (x,y) = win32gui.GetCursorInfo()

Retrieves information about the global cursor.


I am assuming that you would be using python win32 API bindings or pywin32.

Parsing XML in Python using ElementTree example

If I understand your question correctly:

for elem in doc.findall('timeSeries/values/value'):
    print elem.get('dateTime'), elem.text

or if you prefer (and if there is only one occurrence of timeSeries/values:

values = doc.find('timeSeries/values')
for value in values:
    print value.get('dateTime'), elem.text

The findall() method returns a list of all matching elements, whereas find() returns only the first matching element. The first example loops over all the found elements, the second loops over the child elements of the values element, in this case leading to the same result.

I don't see where the problem with not finding timeSeries comes from however. Maybe you just forgot the getroot() call? (note that you don't really need it because you can work from the elementtree itself too, if you change the path expression to for example /timeSeriesResponse/timeSeries/values or //timeSeries/values)


This worked for me but only after forcing the specific verbs to be handled by the default handler.

    <add path="*" verb="OPTIONS" type="System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler" validate="true"/>
    <add path="*" verb="TRACE" type="System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler" validate="true"/>
    <add path="*" verb="HEAD" type="System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler" validate="true"/>

You still use the same configuration as you have above, but also force the verbs to be handled with the default handler and validated. Source:

An easy way to test is just to deny GET and see if your site loads.

Python: "TypeError: __str__ returned non-string" but still prints to output?

Just Try this:

def __str__(self):
    return f'Memo={self.memo}, Tag={self.tags}'

How to calculate distance between two locations using their longitude and latitude value

Here getting distance in miles (mi)

private double distance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2) {
    double theta = lon1 - lon2;
    double dist = Math.sin(deg2rad(lat1)) 
                    * Math.sin(deg2rad(lat2))
                    + Math.cos(deg2rad(lat1))
                    * Math.cos(deg2rad(lat2))
                    * Math.cos(deg2rad(theta));
    dist = Math.acos(dist);
    dist = rad2deg(dist);
    dist = dist * 60 * 1.1515;
    return (dist);

private double deg2rad(double deg) {
    return (deg * Math.PI / 180.0);

private double rad2deg(double rad) {
    return (rad * 180.0 / Math.PI);

How to import a module given the full path?

I have come up with a slightly modified version of @SebastianRittau's wonderful answer (for Python > 3.4 I think), which will allow you to load a file with any extension as a module using spec_from_loader instead of spec_from_file_location:

from importlib.util import spec_from_loader, module_from_spec
from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader 

spec = spec_from_loader("", SourceFileLoader("", "/path/to/"))
mod = module_from_spec(spec)

The advantage of encoding the path in an explicit SourceFileLoader is that the machinery will not try to figure out the type of the file from the extension. This means that you can load something like a .txt file using this method, but you could not do it with spec_from_file_location without specifying the loader because .txt is not in importlib.machinery.SOURCE_SUFFIXES.

How to enable scrolling of content inside a modal?

.modal-body {
    max-height: 80vh;
    overflow-y: scroll;

it's works for me

PHPExcel How to apply styles and set cell width and cell height to cell generated dynamically

Try this:


Java Keytool error after importing certificate , "keytool error: & Access Denied"


  1. Just run CMD as an administrator.
  2. Make sure your using the correct truststore password

What are good ways to prevent SQL injection?

My answer is quite easy:

Use Entity Framework for communication between C# and your SQL database. That will make parameterized SQL strings that isn't vulnerable to SQL injection.

As a bonus, it's very easy to work with as well.

PHP find difference between two datetimes

I'm not sure what format you're looking for in your difference but here's how to do it using DateTime

$datetime1 = new DateTime();
$datetime2 = new DateTime('2011-01-03 17:13:00');
$interval = $datetime1->diff($datetime2);
$elapsed = $interval->format('%y years %m months %a days %h hours %i minutes %s seconds');
echo $elapsed;

How to get started with Windows 7 gadgets

Here's an excellent article by Scott Allen: Developing Gadgets for the Windows Sidebar

This site, Windows 7/Vista Sidebar Gadgets, has links to many gadget resources.

Android: failed to convert @drawable/picture into a drawable

In Android Studio your resource(images) file name cannot start with NUMERIC and It cannot contain any BIG character. To solve your problem, do as Aliyah said. Just restart your IDE. This solved my problem too.

How to set seekbar min and max value

If you are using the AndroidX libraries (import androidx.preference.*), this functionality exists without any hacky workarounds!

    val seekbar = findPreference("your_seekbar") as SeekBarPreference
    seekbar.min = 1
    seekbar.max = 10
    seekbar.seekBarIncrement = 1

react hooks useEffect() cleanup for only componentWillUnmount?

useEffect are isolated within its own scope and gets rendered accordingly. Image from

enter image description here

How to bind WPF button to a command in ViewModelBase?

 <Grid >
        <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
    <Button Command="{Binding ClickCommand}" Width="100" Height="100" Content="wefwfwef"/>

the code behind for the window:

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()
        DataContext = new ViewModelBase();

The ViewModel:

public class ViewModelBase
    private ICommand _clickCommand;
    public ICommand ClickCommand
            return _clickCommand ?? (_clickCommand = new CommandHandler(() => MyAction(), ()=> CanExecute));
     public bool CanExecute
            // check if executing is allowed, i.e., validate, check if a process is running, etc. 
            return true/false;

    public void MyAction()


Command Handler:

 public class CommandHandler : ICommand
    private Action _action;
    private Func<bool> _canExecute;

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates instance of the command handler
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="action">Action to be executed by the command</param>
    /// <param name="canExecute">A bolean property to containing current permissions to execute the command</param>
    public CommandHandler(Action action, Func<bool> canExecute)
        _action = action;
        _canExecute = canExecute;

    /// <summary>
    /// Wires CanExecuteChanged event 
    /// </summary>
    public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged
        add { CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value; }
        remove { CommandManager.RequerySuggested -= value; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Forcess checking if execute is allowed
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parameter"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
        return _canExecute.Invoke();

    public void Execute(object parameter)

I hope this will give you the idea.

Regular expression - starting and ending with a character string

Example: ajshdjashdjashdlasdlhdlSTARTasdasdsdaasdENDaknsdklansdlknaldknaaklsdn

1) START\w*END return: STARTasdasdsdaasdEND - will give you words between START and END

2) START\d*END return: START12121212END - will give you numbers between START and END

3) START\d*_\d*END return: START1212_1212END - will give you numbers between START and END having _

In Perl, how can I concisely check if a $variable is defined and contains a non zero length string?

if ($name )
    #since undef and '' both evaluate to false 
    #this should work only when string is defined and non-empty...
    #unless you're expecting someting like $name="0" which is false.
    #notice though that $name="00" is not false

How to make android listview scrollable?

I know this question is 4-5 years old, but still, this might be useful:

Sometimes, if you have only a few elements that "exit the screen", the list might not scroll. That's because the operating system doesn't view it as actually exceeding the screen.

I'm saying this because I ran into this problem today - I only had 2 or 3 elements that were exceeding the screen limits, and my list wasn't scrollable. And it was a real mystery. As soon as I added a few more, it started to scroll.

So you have to make sure it's not a design problem at first, like the list appearing to go beyond the borders of the screen but in reality, "it doesn't", and adjust its dimensions and margin values and see if it's starting to "become scrollable". It did, for me.

In Jinja2, how do you test if a variable is undefined?

You could also define a variable in a jinja2 template like this:

{% if step is not defined %}
{% set step = 1 %}
{% endif %}

And then You can use it like this:

{% if step == 1 %}
<div class="col-xs-3 bs-wizard-step active">
{% elif step > 1 %}
<div class="col-xs-3 bs-wizard-step complete">
{% else %}
<div class="col-xs-3 bs-wizard-step disabled">
{% endif %}

Otherwise (if You wouldn't use {% set step = 1 %}) the upper code would throw:

UndefinedError: 'step' is undefined

How does "make" app know default target to build if no target is specified?

GNU Make also allows you to specify the default make target using a special variable called .DEFAULT_GOAL. You can even unset this variable in the middle of the Makefile, causing the next target in the file to become the default target.

Ref: The Gnu Make manual - Special Variables

Converting double to string

double total = 44;
String total2= new Double(total).toString();

this code works

An item with the same key has already been added

Here is what I did to find out the key that was being added twice. I downloaded the source code from and setup VS to debug framework source. Opened up Dictionary.cs in VS ran the project, once page loads, added a debug at the line ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource.Argument_AddingDuplicate); and was able to see the 'key' value. I realized that in the JSON one letter of a variable was in upper case but in my model it was lowercase. I fixed the model and now the same code works.

Login credentials not working with Gmail SMTP

I ran into a similar problem and stumbled on this question. I got an SMTP Authentication Error but my user name / pass was correct. Here is what fixed it. I read this:

In a nutshell, google is not allowing you to log in via smtplib because it has flagged this sort of login as "less secure", so what you have to do is go to this link while you're logged in to your google account, and allow the access:

Once that is set (see my screenshot below), it should work.

Less Secure Apps

Login now works:

smtpserver = smtplib.SMTP("", 587)
smtpserver.login('[email protected]', 'me_pass')

Response after change:

(235, '2.7.0 Accepted')

Response prior:

smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: (535, '5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at\n5.7.8 g66sm2224117qgf.37 - gsmtp')

Still not working? If you still get the SMTPAuthenticationError but now the code is 534, its because the location is unknown. Follow this link:

Click continue and this should give you 10 minutes for registering your new app. So proceed to doing another login attempt now and it should work.

This doesn't seem to work right away you may be stuck for a while getting this error in smptlib:

235 == 'Authentication successful'
503 == 'Error: already authenticated'

The message says to use the browser to sign in:

SMTPAuthenticationError: (534, '5.7.9 Please log in with your web browser and then try again. Learn more at\n5.7.9 qo11sm4014232igb.17 - gsmtp')

After enabling 'lesssecureapps', go for a coffee, come back, and try the 'DisplayUnlockCaptcha' link again. From user experience, it may take up to an hour for the change to kick in. Then try the sign-in process again.

UPDATE:: See my answer here: How to send an email with Gmail as provider using Python?

How to set the matplotlib figure default size in ipython notebook?

In iPython 3.0.0, the inline backend needs to be configured in You need to manually add the c.InlineBackend.rc... line (as mentioned in Greg's answer). This will affect both the inline backend in the Qt console and the notebook.

Split comma separated column data into additional columns

If the number of fields in the CSV is constant then you could do something like this:

select a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]
from (
    select regexp_split_to_array('a,b,c,d', ',')
) as dt(a)

For example:

=> select a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4] from (select regexp_split_to_array('a,b,c,d', ',')) as dt(a);
 a | a | a | a 
 a | b | c | d
(1 row)

If the number of fields in the CSV is not constant then you could get the maximum number of fields with something like this:

select max(array_length(regexp_split_to_array(csv, ','), 1))
from your_table

and then build the appropriate a[1], a[2], ..., a[M] column list for your query. So if the above gave you a max of 6, you'd use this:

select a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6]
from (
    select regexp_split_to_array(csv, ',')
    from your_table
) as dt(a)

You could combine those two queries into a function if you wanted.

For example, give this data (that's a NULL in the last row):

=> select * from csvs;

(4 rows)

=> select max(array_length(regexp_split_to_array(csv, ','), 1)) from csvs;
(1 row)

=> select a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6] from (select regexp_split_to_array(csv, ',') from csvs) as dt(a);
 a | a | a | a | a | a 
 1 | 2 | 3 |   |   | 
 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |   | 
 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
   |   |   |   |   | 
(4 rows)

Since your delimiter is a simple fixed string, you could also use string_to_array instead of regexp_split_to_array:

select ...
from (
    select string_to_array(csv, ',')
    from csvs
) as dt(a);

Thanks to Michael for the reminder about this function.

You really should redesign your database schema to avoid the CSV column if at all possible. You should be using an array column or a separate table instead.

Java socket API: How to tell if a connection has been closed?

Thats how I handle it

 while(true) {
        if((receiveMessage = receiveRead.readLine()) != null ) {  

        System.out.println("first message same :"+receiveMessage);

        else if(receiveRead.readLine()==null)

        System.out.println("Client has disconected: "+sock.isClosed()); 
         }    } 

if the result.code == null


Hai sridhar, I found an answer for your prob

ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(GetType(), "sas", "<script> alert('Inserted successfully');</script>", true);

change false to true

or try this

ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(ursavebuttonID, typeof(LinkButton or button), "sas", "<script> alert('Inserted successfully');</script>", true);

Facebook key hash does not match any stored key hashes

After hours of trying I've finally found a solution.

  1. Delete any app on the website of Facebook (
  2. Delete the file debug.keystore under C:\Users\yourUserName\.android
  3. Generate a new key (by running your app again)
  4. Create a new app on and add the new hash key
  5. Re-run your app
  6. Succes!

Laravel 5.4 create model, controller and migration in single artisan command

Instead of using long command like

php artisan make:model <Model Name> --migration --controller --resource

for make migration, model and controller, you may use even shorter as -mcr.

php artisan make:model <Model Name> -mcr


This could be due to the service endpoint binding not using the HTTP protocol

In my instance, the error was generated because one of my complex types had a property with no set method.

The serializer threw an exception because of that fact. Added internal set methods and it all worked fine.

Best way to find out why this is happening (in my opinion) is to enable trace logging.

I achieved this by adding the following section to my web.config:

    <source name="System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging" switchValue="Warning,ActivityTracing">
        <add name="traceListener"
              initializeData= "c:\log\Traces.svclog" />
        <add type="System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener" name="Default" />
    <source propagateActivity="true" name="System.ServiceModel" switchValue="Verbose,ActivityTracing">
        <add name="traceListener"
              initializeData= "c:\log\Traces.svclog" />
        <add type="System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener" name="Default" />
  <trace autoflush="true" />

Once set, I ran my client, got exception and checked the 'Traces.svclog' file. From there, I only needed to find the exception.

Shell script not running, command not found

Try chmod u+x

'router-outlet' is not a known element

It works for me, when i add following code in app.module.ts

   imports: [

Python FileNotFound

try block should be around open. Not around prompt.

while True:
    prompt = input("\n Hello to Sudoku valitator,"
    "\n \n Please type in the path to your file and press 'Enter': ")
        sudoku = open(prompt, 'r').readlines()
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("Wrong file or file path")

Dropping connected users in Oracle database

Here's how I "automate" Dropping connected users in Oracle database:

# A shell script to Drop a Database Schema, forcing off any Connected Sessions (for example, before an Import) 
# Warning! With great power comes great responsibility.
# It is often advisable to take an Export before Dropping a Schema

if [ "$1" = "" ] 
    echo "Which Schema?"
    read schema
    echo "Are you sure? (y/n)"
    read reply
    [ ! $reply = y ] && return 1

sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF
set echo on
alter user $schema account lock;
-- Exterminate all sessions!
  for x in ( select sid, serial# from v\$session where username=upper('$schema') )
   execute immediate ( 'alter system kill session '''|| x.Sid || ',' || x.Serial# || ''' immediate' );  
  end loop;  
  dbms_lock.sleep( seconds => 2 ); -- Prevent ORA-01940: cannot drop a user that is currently connected
drop user $schema cascade;

What is the '.well' equivalent class in Bootstrap 4

Wells are dropped from Bootstrap with the version 4.

You can use Cards instead of Wells.

Here is a quick example for how to use new Cards feature:

<div class="card card-inverse" style="background-color: #333; border-color: #333;">
  <div class="card-block">
    <h3 class="card-title">Card Title</h3>
    <p class="card-text">This text will be written on a grey background inside a Card.</p>
    <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">This is a Button</a>

Calculate relative time in C#

In PHP, I do it this way:

function timesince($original) {
    // array of time period chunks
    $chunks = array(
        array(60 * 60 * 24 * 365 , 'year'),
        array(60 * 60 * 24 * 30 , 'month'),
        array(60 * 60 * 24 * 7, 'week'),
        array(60 * 60 * 24 , 'day'),
        array(60 * 60 , 'hour'),
        array(60 , 'minute'),

    $today = time(); /* Current unix time  */
    $since = $today - $original;

    if($since > 604800) {
    $print = date("M jS", $original);

    if($since > 31536000) {
        $print .= ", " . date("Y", $original);

    return $print;

// $j saves performing the count function each time around the loop
for ($i = 0, $j = count($chunks); $i < $j; $i++) {

    $seconds = $chunks[$i][0];
    $name = $chunks[$i][1];

    // finding the biggest chunk (if the chunk fits, break)
    if (($count = floor($since / $seconds)) != 0) {

$print = ($count == 1) ? '1 '.$name : "$count {$name}s";

return $print . " ago";

} ?>

how to specify local modules as npm package dependencies

After struggling much with the npm link command (suggested solution for developing local modules without publishing them to a registry or maintaining a separate copy in the node_modules folder), I built a small npm module to help with this issue.

The fix requires two easy steps.


npm install lib-manager --save-dev

Second, add this to your package.json:

  "name": "yourModuleName",  
  // ...
  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "./node_modules/.bin/local-link"

More details at Hope it helps someone.


I've been told that COALESCE is less costly than ISNULL, but research doesn't indicate that. ISNULL takes only two parameters, the field being evaluated for NULL, and the result you want if it is evaluated as NULL. COALESCE will take any number of parameters, and return the first value encountered that isn't NULL.

There's a much more thorough description of the details here

Excel VBA Copy a Range into a New Workbook

Modify to suit your specifics, or make more generic as needed:

Private Sub CopyItOver()
  Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add
  NewBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
  NewBook.SaveAs FileName:=NewBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("E3").Value
End Sub

how to use substr() function in jquery?

Extract characters from a string:

var str = "Hello world!";
var res = str.substring(1,4);

The result of res will be:


    if($(this).text().length > 30) {

Prevent cell numbers from incrementing in a formula in Excel

In Excel 2013 and resent versions, you can use F2 and F4 to speed things up when you want to toggle the lock.

About the keys:

  • F2 - With a cell selected, it places the cell in formula edit mode.
  • F4 - Toggles the cell reference lock (the $ signs).

  • Example scenario with 'A4'.

    • Pressing F4 will convert 'A4' into '$A$4'
    • Pressing F4 again converts '$A$4' into 'A$4'
    • Pressing F4 again converts 'A$4' into '$A4'
    • Pressing F4 again converts '$A4' back to the original 'A4'

How To:

  • In Excel, select a cell with a formula and hit F2 to enter formula edit mode. You can also perform these next steps directly in the Formula bar. (Issue with F2 ? Double check that 'F Lock' is on)

    • If the formula has one cell reference;
      • Hit F4 as needed and the single cell reference will toggle.
    • If the forumla has more than one cell reference, hitting F4 (without highlighting anything) will toggle the last cell reference in the formula.
    • If the formula has more than one cell reference and you want to change them all;
      • You can use your mouse to highlight the entire formula or you can use the following keyboard shortcuts;
      • Hit End key (If needed. Cursor is at end by default)
      • Hit Ctrl + Shift + Home keys to highlight the entire formula
      • Hit F4 as needed
    • If the formula has more than one cell reference and you only want to edit specific ones;
      • Highlight the specific values with your mouse or keyboard ( Shift and arrow keys) and then hit F4 as needed.


  • These notes are based on my observations while I was looking into this for one of my own projects.
  • It only works on one cell formula at a time.
  • Hitting F4 without selecting anything will update the locking on the last cell reference in the formula.
  • Hitting F4 when you have mixed locking in the formula will convert everything to the same thing. Example two different cell references like '$A4' and 'A$4' will both become 'A4'. This is nice because it can prevent a lot of second guessing and cleanup.
  • Ctrl+A does not work in the formula editor but you can hit the End key and then Ctrl + Shift + Home to highlight the entire formula. Hitting Home and then Ctrl + Shift + End.
  • OS and Hardware manufactures have many different keyboard bindings for the Function (F Lock) keys so F2 and F4 may do different things. As an example, some users may have to hold down you 'F Lock' key on some laptops.
  • 'DrStrangepork' commented about F4 actually closes Excel which can be true but it depends on what you last selected. Excel changes the behavior of F4 depending on the current state of Excel. If you have the cell selected and are in formula edit mode (F2), F4 will toggle cell reference locking as Alexandre had originally suggested. While playing with this, I've had F4 do at least 5 different things. I view F4 in Excel as an all purpose function key that behaves something like this; "As an Excel user, given my last action, automate or repeat logical next step for me".

UIScrollView not scrolling

Something that wasn't mentioned before!

Make sure your outlet was correctly connected to the scrollView! It should have a filled circle, but even if you have filled circle, scrollView may not been connected - so double check! Hover over the circle and see if the actual scrollview gets highlighted! (This was a case for me)

//Connect below well to the scrollView in the storyBoard
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIScrollView *scrollView;

How to convert (transliterate) a string from utf8 to ASCII (single byte) in c#?

I was able to figure it out. In case someone wants to know below the code that worked for me:

ASCIIEncoding ascii = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sOriginal);
byte[] asciiArray = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.ASCII, byteArray);
string finalString = ascii.GetString(asciiArray);

Let me know if there is a simpler way o doing it.

Adding Access-Control-Allow-Origin header response in Laravel 5.3 Passport

Few steps to add Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to localhost or *.

Step 1: Create Cors middleware :

php artisan make:middleware Cors

Step 2: Set header in Cors middleware like this

public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        $response = $next($request);
        $response->headers->set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin' , '*');
        $response->headers->set('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE');
        $response->headers->set('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type, Accept, Authorization, X-Requested-With, Application');

        return $response;

Step 3: We need to add Cors class in app/Http/Kernel.php

 protected $middleware = [

Here no needed to check any middleware because we add Cors class in $middleware in app/Http/Kernel.php

Is returning out of a switch statement considered a better practice than using break?

Neither, because both are quite verbose for a very simple task. You can just do:

let result = ({
  1: 'One',
  2: 'Two',
  3: 'Three'
})[opt] ?? 'Default'    // opt can be 1, 2, 3 or anything (default)

This, of course, also works with strings, a mix of both or without a default case:

let result = ({
  'first': 'One',
  'second': 'Two',
  3: 'Three'
})[opt]                // opt can be 'first', 'second' or 3


It works by creating an object where the options/cases are the keys and the results are the values. By putting the option into the brackets you access the value of the key that matches the expression via the bracket notation.

This returns undefined if the expression inside the brackets is not a valid key. We can detect this undefined-case by using the nullish coalescing operator ?? and return a default value.


console.log('Using a valid case:', ({
  1: 'One',
  2: 'Two',
  3: 'Three'
})[1] ?? 'Default')

console.log('Using an invalid case/defaulting:', ({
  1: 'One',
  2: 'Two',
  3: 'Three'
})[7] ?? 'Default')
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important;top: 0;}

Difference between Node object and Element object?

Best source of information for all of your DOM woes

"Objects implementing the Document, DocumentFragment, DocumentType, Element, Text, ProcessingInstruction, or Comment interface (simply called nodes) participate in a tree."

"Element nodes are simply known as elements."

get launchable activity name of package from adb

You don't need root to pull the apk files from /data/app. Sure, you might not have permissions to list the contents of that directory, but you can find the file locations of APKs with:

adb shell pm list packages -f

Then you can use adb pull:

adb pull <APK path from previous command>

and then aapt to get the information you want:

aapt dump badging <pulledfile.apk>

Sourcetree - undo unpushed commits

If you want to delete a commit you can do it as part of an interactive rebase. But do it with caution, so you don't end up messing up your repo.

In Sourcetree:

  1. Right click a commit that's older than the one you want to delete, and choose "Rebase children of xxxx interactively...". The one you click will be your "base" and you can make changes to every commit made after that one.


  1. In the new window, select the commit you want gone, and press the "Delete"-button at the bottom, or right click the commit and click "Delete commit".
  2. List item
  3. Click "OK" (or "Cancel" if you want to abort).

Check out this Atlassian blog post for more on interactive rebasing in Sourcetree.

IF EXISTS condition not working with PLSQL

IF EXISTS() is semantically incorrect. EXISTS condition can be used only inside a SQL statement. So you might rewrite your pl/sql block as follows:

  l_exst number(1);
  select case 
           when exists(select ce.s_regno 
                         from courseoffering co
                         join co_enrolment ce
                           on ce.co_id = co.co_id
                        where ce.s_regno=403 
                          and ce.coe_completionstatus = 'C' 
                          and ce.c_id = 803
                          and rownum = 1
           then 1
           else 0
         end  into l_exst
  from dual;

  if l_exst = 1 
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YES YOU CAN');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YOU CANNOT'); 
  end if;

Or you can simply use count function do determine the number of rows returned by the query, and rownum=1 predicate - you only need to know if a record exists:

  l_exst number;
   select count(*) 
     into l_exst
     from courseoffering co
          join co_enrolment ce
            on ce.co_id = co.co_id
    where ce.s_regno=403 
      and ce.coe_completionstatus = 'C' 
      and ce.c_id = 803
      and rownum = 1;

  if l_exst = 0
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YOU CANNOT');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('YES YOU CAN');
  end if;

Difference between h:button and h:commandButton

h:commandButton must be enclosed in a h:form and has the two ways of navigation i.e. static by setting the action attribute and dynamic by setting the actionListener attribute hence it is more advanced as follows:

    <h:commandButton action="page.xhtml" value="cmdButton"/>

this code generates the follwing html:

<form id="j_idt7" name="j_idt7" method="post" action="/jsf/faces/index.xhtml" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">

whereas the h:button is simpler and just used for static or rule based navigation as follows

<h:button outcome="page.xhtml" value="button"/>

the generated html is

 <title>Facelet Title</title></head><body><input type="button" onclick="window.location.href='/jsf/faces/page.xhtml'; return false;" value="button" />

Getting a "This application is modifying the autolayout engine from a background thread" error?

Main problem with "This application is modifying the autolayout engine from a background thread" is that it seem to be logged a long time after the actual problem occurs, this can make it very hard to troubleshoot.

I managed to solve the issue by creating three symbolic breakpoints.

Debug > Breakpoints > Create Symbolic Breakpoint...

Breakpoint 1:

  • Symbol: -[UIView setNeedsLayout]

  • Condition: !(BOOL)[NSThread isMainThread]

Breakpoint 2:

  • Symbol: -[UIView layoutIfNeeded]

  • Condition: !(BOOL)[NSThread isMainThread]

Breakpoint 3:

  • Symbol: -[UIView updateConstraintsIfNeeded]

  • Condition: !(BOOL)[NSThread isMainThread]

With these breakpoints, you can easily get a break on the actual line where you incorrectly call UI methods on non-main thread.

How to convert an integer (time) to HH:MM:SS::00 in SQL Server 2008?

This will work:

DECLARE @MS INT = 235216
select cast(dateadd(ms, @MS, '00:00:00') AS TIME(3))

(where ms is just a number of seconds not a timeformat)

Proper way of checking if row exists in table in PL/SQL block

IMO code with a stand-alone SELECT used to check to see if a row exists in a table is not taking proper advantage of the database. In your example you've got a hard-coded ID value but that's not how apps work in "the real world" (at least not in my world - yours may be different :-). In a typical app you're going to use a cursor to find data - so let's say you've got an app that's looking at invoice data, and needs to know if the customer exists. The main body of the app might be something like

  -- do something here

and in the -- do something here you want to find if the customer exists, and if not print an error message.

One way to do this would be to put in some kind of singleton SELECT, as in

-- Check to see if the customer exists in PERSON

    INTO strCustomer_exists
    strCustomer_exists := 'FALSE';

IF strCustomer_exists = 'FALSE' THEN
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Customer does not exist!');

but IMO this is relatively slow and error-prone. IMO a Better Way (tm) to do this is to incorporate it in the main cursor:

               FROM INVOICES i
               LEFT OUTER JOIN PERSON p
                 ON (p.ID = i.CUSTOMER_PERSON_ID)
               WHERE DUE_DATA < TRUNC(SYSDATE)-60)
  -- Check to see if the customer exists in PERSON

    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Customer does not exist!');

This code counts on PERSON.ID being declared as the PRIMARY KEY on PERSON (or at least as being NOT NULL); the logic is that if the PERSON table is outer-joined to the query, and the PERSON_ID comes up as NULL, it means no row was found in PERSON for the given CUSTOMER_ID because PERSON.ID must have a value (i.e. is at least NOT NULL).

Share and enjoy.

How to use concerns in Rails 4

This post helped me understand concerns.

# app/models/trader.rb
class Trader
  include Shared::Schedule

# app/models/concerns/shared/schedule.rb
module Shared::Schedule
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

How to write a PHP ternary operator

In addition to all the other answers, you could use switch. But it does seem a bit long.

switch ($result->vocation) {
case 1:
    echo 'Sorcerer';

case 2:
    echo 'Druid';

case 3:
    echo 'Paladin';

case 4:
    echo 'Knight';

case 5:
    echo 'Master Sorcerer';

case 6:
    echo 'Elder Druid';

case 7:
    echo 'Royal Paladin';

    echo 'Elite Knight';

Executable directory where application is running from?

Dim strPath As String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( _

Taken from HOW TO: Determine the Executing Application's Path (MSDN)

jQuery convert line breaks to br (nl2br equivalent)

In the spirit of changing the rendering instead of changing the content, the following CSS makes each newline behave like a <br>:

white-space: pre;
white-space: pre-line;

Why two rules: pre-line only affects newlines (thanks for the clue, @KevinPauli). IE6-7 and other old browsers fall back to the more extreme pre which also includes nowrap and renders multiple spaces. Details on these and other settings (pre-wrap) at mozilla and css-tricks (thanks @Sablefoste).

While I'm generally averse to the S.O. predilection for second-guessing the question rather than answering it, in this case replacing newlines with <br> markup may increase vulnerability to injection attack with unwashed user input. You're crossing a bright red line whenever you find yourself changing .text() calls to .html() which the literal question implies would have to be done. (Thanks @AlexS for highlighting this point.) Even if you rule out a security risk at the time, future changes could unwittingly introduce it. Instead, this CSS allows you to get hard line breaks without markup using the safer .text().

Explicit vs implicit SQL joins

@lomaxx: Just to clarify, I'm pretty certain that both above syntax are supported by SQL Serv 2005. The syntax below is NOT supported however

select a.*, b.*  
from table a, table b  
where *=;

Specifically, the outer join (*=) is not supported.

How to fix '.' is not an internal or external command error

This error comes when using the following command in Windows. You can simply run the following command by removing the dot '.' and the slash '/'.

Instead of writing:

D:\Gesture Recognition\Gesture Recognition\Debug>./"Gesture Recognition.exe"


D:\Gesture Recognition\Gesture Recognition\Debug>"Gesture Recognition.exe"

Usage of MySQL's "IF EXISTS"

I found the example RichardTheKiwi quite informative.

Just to offer another approach if you're looking for something like IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 ..) THEN ...

-- what I might write in MSSQL

    SELECT TableID FROM Table WHERE FieldValue=''

-- rewritten for MySQL

IF (SELECT 1 = 1 FROM Table WHERE FieldValue='') THEN
    SELECT TableID FROM Table WHERE FieldValue='';
    INSERT INTO Table (FieldValue) VALUES('');

Set NA to 0 in R

To add to James's example, it seems you always have to create an intermediate when performing calculations on NA-containing data frames.

For instance, adding two columns (A and B) together from a data frame dfr:

temp.df <- data.frame(dfr) # copy the original
temp.df[] <- 0
dfr$C <- temp.df$A + temp.df$B # or any other calculation

When I do this I throw away the intermediate afterwards with remove/rm.

How can I run a windows batch file but hide the command window?

For any executable file, you can run your program using cmd with "c" parameter:

cmd /c "your program address"\"YourFileName".bat  

(->if it's a batch file!) As a final solution, I suggest that you create a .cmd file and put this command in it:

cmd /c "your program address"\"YourFileName".bat

Now just run this .cmd file.