[model-view-controller] What is the difference between MVC and MVVM?

I used to think that MVC and MVVM are the same. Now because of the existence of Flux I can tell the difference:

In MVC, for each view in your app, you have a model and a controller, so I would call it view, view model, view controller. The pattern does not tell you how one view can communicate with another. Therefore, in different frameworks there are different implementations for that. For example there are implementations where controllers talk to each other whereas in other implementations there's another component that mediates between them. There are even implementations in which the view models communicate with each other, which is a break of the MVC pattern because the view model should only be accessed by the view controller.

In MVVM, you also have a view model for each component. The pattern does not specify how the heck the view should influence the view model, so usually most frameworks just include controller's functionality in the view model. However, MVVM does tell you that your view model's data should come from the model, which is the entire model that's not aware or custom to a specific view.

To demonstrate the difference, let's take Flux pattern. Flux pattern tells how different views in the app should communicate. Each view listens to a store and fires actions using the dispatcher. The dispatcher in turn tells all the stores about the action that was just made, and the stores update themselves. A store in Flux corresponds to the (general) model in MVVM. it's not custom to any specific view. So usually when people use React and Flux, each React component actually implements the MVVM pattern. When an action occurs, the view model calls the dispatcher, and finally it's getting updated according to the changes in the store, which is the model. You can't say that each component implements MVC because in MVC only the controller can update the view model. So MVVM can work with Flux together (MVVM handles the communication between the view and the view model, and Flux handles the communication between different views), whereas MVC can't work with Flux without breaking a key principle.

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