[c#] How do I check if a property exists on a dynamic anonymous type in c#?

I have an anonymous type object that I receive as a dynamic from a method I would like to check in a property exists on that object.

var settings = new {

function void Settings(dynamic settings) {
var exists = IsSettingExist(settings,"Filename")

How would I implement IsSettingExist ?

This question is related to c# c#-4.0 dynamic reflection .net-4.0

The answer is

In case someone need to handle a dynamic object come from Json, I has modified Seth Reno answer to handle dynamic object deserialized from NewtonSoft.Json.JObjcet.

public static bool PropertyExists(dynamic obj, string name)
        if (obj == null) return false;
        if (obj is ExpandoObject)
            return ((IDictionary<string, object>)obj).ContainsKey(name);
        if (obj is IDictionary<string, object> dict1)
            return dict1.ContainsKey(name);
        if (obj is IDictionary<string, JToken> dict2)
            return dict2.ContainsKey(name);
        return obj.GetType().GetProperty(name) != null;

This works for anonymous types, ExpandoObject, Nancy.DynamicDictionary or anything else that can be cast to IDictionary<string, object>.

    public static bool PropertyExists(dynamic obj, string name) {
        if (obj == null) return false;
        if (obj is IDictionary<string, object> dict) {
            return dict.ContainsKey(name);
        return obj.GetType().GetProperty(name) != null;

    public static void Test()
        int LOOP_LENGTH = 100000000;
            long first_memory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();


            dynamic testdo = new { A = 1, B = (string)null, C = "A" };
            for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_LENGTH; i++)
                if (!TestDynamic.doesPropertyExist(testdo, "A"))
                    Console.WriteLine("throw find");

                if (TestDynamic.doesPropertyExist(testdo, "ABC"))
                    Console.WriteLine("throw not find");
            var last_memory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            Console.WriteLine($" Time:{stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}s\t Memory:{last_memory - first_memory}");

            long first_memory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();


            dynamic testdo = new { A = 1, B = (string)null, C = "A" };
            for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_LENGTH; i++)
                if (!TestDynamic.HasProperty(testdo, "A"))
                    Console.WriteLine("throw find");

                if (TestDynamic.HasProperty(testdo, "ABC"))
                    Console.WriteLine("throw not find");
            var last_memory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            Console.WriteLine($" Time:{stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}s\t Memory:{last_memory - first_memory}");

            long first_memory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();


            dynamic testdo = new { A = 1, B = (string)null, C = "A" };
            for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_LENGTH; i++)
                if (!TestDynamic.IsPropertyExist(testdo, "A"))
                    Console.WriteLine("throw find");

                if (TestDynamic.IsPropertyExist(testdo, "ABC"))
                    Console.WriteLine("throw not find");
            var last_memory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            Console.WriteLine($" Time:{stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}s\t Memory:{last_memory - first_memory}");

            long first_memory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();


            dynamic testdo = new { A = 1, B = (string)null, C = "A" };
            for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_LENGTH; i++)
                if (!TestDynamic.IsPropertyExistBinderException(testdo, "A"))
                    Console.WriteLine("throw find");

                if (TestDynamic.IsPropertyExistBinderException(testdo, "ABC"))
                    Console.WriteLine("throw not find");
            var last_memory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            Console.WriteLine($" Time:{stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}s\t Memory:{last_memory - first_memory}");

            long first_memory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();


            dynamic testdo = new { A = 1, B = (string)null, C = "A" };
            for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_LENGTH; i++)
                if (!TestDynamic.PropertyExists(testdo, "A"))
                    Console.WriteLine("throw find");

                if (TestDynamic.PropertyExists(testdo, "ABC"))
                    Console.WriteLine("throw not find");
            var last_memory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            Console.WriteLine($" Time:{stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}s\t Memory:{last_memory - first_memory}");

            long first_memory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();


            dynamic testdo = new { A = 1, B = (string)null, C = "A" };
            for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_LENGTH; i++)
                if (!TestDynamic.PropertyExistsJToken(testdo, "A"))
                    Console.WriteLine("throw find");

                if (TestDynamic.PropertyExistsJToken(testdo, "ABC"))
                    Console.WriteLine("throw not find");
            var last_memory = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            Console.WriteLine($" Time:{stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds}s\t Memory:{last_memory - first_memory}");


    public static bool IsPropertyExist(dynamic settings, string name)
        if (settings is ExpandoObject)
            return ((IDictionary<string, object>)settings).ContainsKey(name);

        return settings.GetType().GetProperty(name) != null;

    public static bool HasProperty(dynamic obj, string name)
        Type objType = obj.GetType();

        if (objType == typeof(ExpandoObject))
            return ((IDictionary<string, object>)obj).ContainsKey(name);

        return objType.GetProperty(name) != null;

    public static bool PropertyExists(dynamic obj, string name)
        if (obj == null) return false;
        if (obj is IDictionary<string, object> dict)
            return dict.ContainsKey(name);
        return obj.GetType().GetProperty(name) != null;

    // public static bool HasPropertyExist(dynamic settings, string name)
    // {
    //     if (settings is System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject)
    //         return ((IDictionary<string, object>)settings).ContainsKey(name);
    //     if (settings is DynamicJsonObject)
    //         try
    //         {
    //             return settings[name] != null;
    //         }
    //         catch (KeyNotFoundException)
    //         {
    //             return false;
    //         }
    //     return settings.GetType().GetProperty(name) != null;
    // }

    public static bool IsPropertyExistBinderException(dynamic dynamicObj, string property)
            var value = dynamicObj[property].Value;
            return true;
        catch (RuntimeBinderException)

            return false;


    public static bool HasPropertyFoundException(dynamic obj, string name)
            var value = obj[name];
            return true;
        catch (KeyNotFoundException)
            return false;

    public static bool doesPropertyExist(dynamic obj, string property)
        return ((Type)obj.GetType()).GetProperties().Where(p => p.Name.Equals(property)).Any();

    public static bool PropertyExistsJToken(dynamic obj, string name)
        if (obj == null) return false;
        if (obj is ExpandoObject)
            return ((IDictionary<string, object>)obj).ContainsKey(name);
        if (obj is IDictionary<string, object> dict1)
            return dict1.ContainsKey(name);
        if (obj is IDictionary<string, JToken> dict2)
            return dict2.ContainsKey(name);
        return obj.GetType().GetProperty(name) != null;

    // public static bool PropertyExistsJsonObject(dynamic settings, string name)
    // {
    //     if (settings is ExpandoObject)
    //         return ((IDictionary<string, object>)settings).ContainsKey(name);
    //     else if (settings is DynamicJsonObject)
    //         return ((DynamicJsonObject)settings).GetDynamicMemberNames().Contains(name);

    //     return settings.GetType().GetProperty(name) != null;
    // }


Time:59.5907507s Memory:403680


Time:30.8231781s Memory:14968


Time:39.6179575s Memory:97000

IsPropertyExistBinderException throw find


Time:56.009761s Memory:13464


Time:61.6146953s Memory:15952

This works also for DynamicJsonObject:

  public static bool PropertyExists(dynamic settings, string name)
    if (settings is ExpandoObject)
      return ((IDictionary<string, object>)settings).ContainsKey(name);
    else if (settings is DynamicJsonObject)
      return ((DynamicJsonObject)settings).GetDynamicMemberNames().Contains(name);

    return settings.GetType().GetProperty(name) != null;

public static bool HasProperty(dynamic obj, string name)
    Type objType = obj.GetType();

    if (objType == typeof(ExpandoObject))
        return ((IDictionary<string, object>)obj).ContainsKey(name);

    return objType.GetProperty(name) != null;

if you can control creating/passing the settings object, i'd recommend using an ExpandoObject instead.

dynamic settings = new ExpandoObject();
settings.Filename = "asdf.txt";
settings.Size = 10;

function void Settings(dynamic settings)
    if ( ((IDictionary<string, object>)settings).ContainsKey("Filename") )
        .... do something ....

This is working for me-:

  public static bool IsPropertyExist(dynamic dynamicObj, string property)
               var value=dynamicObj[property].Value;
               return true;
           catch (RuntimeBinderException)

               return false;


None of the solutions above worked for dynamic that comes from Json, I however managed to transform one with Try catch (by @user3359453) by changing exception type thrown (KeyNotFoundException instead of RuntimeBinderException) into something that actually works...

public static bool HasProperty(dynamic obj, string name)
            var value = obj[name];
            return true;
        catch (KeyNotFoundException)
            return false;

enter image description here

Hope this saves you some time.

I'm not sure why these answer are so complex, try:

dynamic settings = new
                Filename = "temp.txt",
                Size = 10

string fileName = settings.Filename;

var fileNameExists = fileName != null;

To extend the answer from @Kuroro, if you need to test if the property is empty, below should work.

public static bool PropertyExistsAndIsNotNull(dynamic obj, string name)
    if (obj == null) return false;
    if (obj is ExpandoObject)
        if (((IDictionary<string, object>)obj).ContainsKey(name))
            return ((IDictionary<string, object>)obj)[name] != null;
        return false;
    if (obj is IDictionary<string, object> dict1)
        if (dict1.ContainsKey(name))
            return dict1[name] != null;
        return false;
    if (obj is IDictionary<string, JToken> dict2)
        if (dict2.ContainsKey(name))
            return (dict2[name].Type != JTokenType.Null && dict2[name].Type != JTokenType.Undefined);
        return false;
    if (obj.GetType().GetProperty(name) != null)
        return obj.GetType().GetProperty(name).GetValue(obj) != null;
    return false;

Using reflection, this is the function i use :

public static bool doesPropertyExist(dynamic obj, string property)
    return ((Type)obj.GetType()).GetProperties().Where(p => p.Name.Equals(property)).Any();


if (doesPropertyExist(myDynamicObject, "myProperty")){
    // ...

Merging and fixing answers from Serj-TM and user3359453 so that it works with both ExpandoObject and DynamicJsonObject. This works for me.

public static bool HasPropertyExist(dynamic settings, string name)
    if (settings is System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject)
        return ((IDictionary<string, object>)settings).ContainsKey(name);

    if (settings is System.Web.Helpers.DynamicJsonObject)
        return settings[name] != null;
    catch (KeyNotFoundException)
        return false;

    return settings.GetType().GetProperty(name) != null;

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